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Integrated Circuits Course

Assignment #4
MOS Differential Amplifier Design
For the MOS differential amplifier shown in the figure below with VT = 1V, kn = 50
A/V , (W/L) = 8, RD1 = 20 k, RD2 = 21 k, RSS = 7.5 k , VDD = +5V and VSS = -5V. The input

voltages are v1 = 104 mV and v2 = 110 mV

a) Determine vo1, vo2, vod= vo2- vo1.

b) Calculate the common-mode gain Ac.
c) Calculate the differential-mode gain Ad.
d) Find the CMRR for this amplifier.
e) If we keep RD1 = RD2 = 20 k, what is the mismatch in gm to have the same CMRR
obtained in (d).
f) If we keep kn = 50 A/V2, what is the mismatch in W/L to have the same CMRR
obtained in (d).

(Show the detail of all your work)

Due date: Saturday 18th May, 2024.

Dr. Mohamed Yakout

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