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Auto Click – Mouse Macro Script


By Bakart Games
For technical support and requests write to:

Version: 1.05



1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 ADD/EDIT ACTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 SCRIPT RUN........................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 LIST OF ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 OPERATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 PERFORM SPECIFIC ACTIONS BY SHORTCUT ........................................................................................................... 5

2.2 RUN THE FULL ACTION LIST................................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 RUN THE SCRIPT .................................................................................................................................................... 7

3 SAVE AND IMPORT SCRIPT.............................................................................................................................. 8

4 OTHER DETAILS ................................................................................................................................................ 10

5 HOW TO DO ACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 10


First of all thanks for downloading this program!

Auto Click can be used for various purposes, from games to work tasks, its main goal is to automate
tasks performed with the mouse.

You can use an Android simulator on your computer to play mobile games automatically. It can also
be used in computer games.

All intervals and times are in milliseconds, 1000 milliseconds is equivalent to 1 second.

The program interface comes down to 3 parts:

• Add/Edit Actions
• Script Run
• List of Actions
1.1 Add/Edit Actions

1.2 Script Run

1.3 List of Actions


There are 3 modes of operation of the program:

• Perform specific actions by shortcut

• Run the full action list
• Run the script

2.1 Perform specific actions by shortcut

This type of execution will perform all actions with the shortcut that was pressed, in the order of the
ID in the list of actions, for example:

1. Press A: Performs only the action of ID = 0 → Moves the mouse to position 221, 581
2. Press B: Performs only the action of ID = 1 → Moves the mouse to position 100,100 and
performs a left click
3. Press C: Performs the action of ID = 2 and then the action of ID = 3 → Move the mouse to
the position 200,200 starts the drag, equivalent to pressing the left mouse button, waits 100
milliseconds, drags to the position 400,400 and ends the drag, equivalent to pressing the left
mouse button
4. Press D: Performs only the action of ID = 4 → Moves mouse to position 70, 70 and performs
a left double click

For shortcuts to work, Enable Keyboard Shortcut must be enabled!

2.2 Run the full action list

In this case, you should click the Start Action button or press the chosen shortcut, which in this case
is the letter Q.

This mode performs all actions in the action list.

• ID = 0 → Move mouse to position 961, 343

• Wait 800 milliseconds
• ID = 1 → Moves the mouse to position 397, 492 and performs a left click, then returns to the
initial position of the mouse 961, 343

• Wait 1200 milliseconds
• ID = 2 → Move the mouse to position 261, 767 and perform a double left click, repeat this
operation 10 times in total with an interval of 100 milliseconds between operations
• Wait 100 milliseconds
• ID = 3 → Press the left mouse at the current mouse position (note that in this case Move is
• Wait 1000 milliseconds
• ID = 4 → Unpress left mouse at current mouse position
• Wait 800 milliseconds
• ID = 5 → Useful script snippet for games, right click on position 163, 607 and return mouse
to starting position
• Wait 100 milliseconds
• ID = 6 → Click with the left mouse button on position 69, 593 and return with the mouse to
the starting position
• Wait 100 milliseconds
• ID = 7 → Right-click at position 333, 580 and return the mouse to the starting position,
perform this action a total of 4 times, with an interval of 106 milliseconds between actions
• Wait 106 milliseconds
• ID = 8 → Performs a double left click at position 1197, 218, performs this action 2 times, with
an interval of 106 milliseconds between actions

It should be noted that the two sentences are the same:

• Moves the mouse to position x, y and performs a click
• Performs a click on the x, y

2.3 Run the script

In this case, you should click the Start Script button or press the shortcut you choose, which in this
case is the letter E.

The procedure will be similar to that of the action list, but there are some differences:

The action list will be executed in full 4 times

The interval between rounds of the action list will be 11 milliseconds

The script speed is like 1.5, so all ranges will be divided by 1.5 and the script will be faster! For
example, the id = 0 range is 800 milliseconds, but running through the script this range will be 533


You will be able to save your script on your computer, for this, just click Save Script, this process
will save your script in a file of type TSV (Tab Separated Values), this type of file can be edited by
any text editor and also by Excel.

By opening the TSV file through Excel, you can easily edit your script.

To import a script already saved, just click the Import Script button, a window will open asking you
to choose a TSV file, when selecting the file, the entire script will be loaded into the program.


• The X and Y position of the mouse depends on the current resolution of the monitor
(1920x1080, 1600x900, etc.)
• The total duration of script completion may vary depending on the performance of the
computer at the time of execution


• I need to left click on position (X, Y), after 10 seconds right click on position (X2, Y2), after
25 seconds give 5 double left clicks on position (X3, Y3) with interval of 5 seconds, repeat
this after 15 seconds for 100 times

I need a macro to use spells and items in a game.

• With the shortcut F1 use the mana flask on my character, which will be in the center of the
screen (X1, Y1), the mana flask is in position (X2, Y2), to use it I need to right-click on the
mana flask and left-click on my character, then return with the mouse to the starting position.
• With the shortcut F2 to use a spell on the enemy, which will be in the current position of my
mouse, the spell is in the position (X3, Y3), to use the spell, I need to left click on the spell
and left click on the enemy (which will be where my mouse is positioned).

• With the shortcut F3 I need to collect coins that appeared in the position (X4, Y4), to collect
these coins, I just need to hover the mouse over them and return the mouse to its old position.

It is important to note that for ID = 3, you can place any position in X and Y, as mouse movement is


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