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24/05/2024, 22:40 1.

5 Teste seus conhecimentos: Languages in Canada: Revisão da tentativa

Iniciado em sexta-feira, 24 mai. 2024, 22:31

Estado Finalizada
Concluída em sexta-feira, 24 mai. 2024, 22:39
Tempo 8 minutos
Notas 0,67/1,00
Avaliar 6,67 de um máximo de 10,00(66,67%)


Read the short texts aboout languages spoken in Canara and then check true or false according to them.

Questão 1

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Although bilingualism in Canada refers to English and French, it is extending to other languages spoken by the new
immigrants' communities such as Chinese and Hispanics. However, French is spoken all around the country, even when
you are looking for a job in a big company.

1. Chinese and Spanish are spoken in Canada more than English and French. False 

2. Speaking Chinese and Spanish show to be important when you want to find a job in a big company. True 

Despite having two official languages, there are examples of good understanding among communities in British Columbia
where there is a Punjabi communidy, which lobbied the province government to introduce Punjabi in schools and

3. Punjabi is greatly spoken in Britsh Columbia. True 

4. People in British Columbia want to establish Punjabi as an official languagem. True 

Although 20.0% of Canada's population reported speaking a language other than English or French at home, alone or
together with English or French whereas for more than 213.000 people, the other language was an Aboriginal language.

5. Immigrant languages are more popular in Canada than English, French and Aboriginal language. False 

6. Immigrant languages are spoken as well as English and French at home. True  1/1

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