Efc 232 (RLV)

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● Is demonstrated by a head or a leader who only decides on what to do on issues

within the spheres of authority without consulting anybody working with him.
a) Laissez faire style
b) Autocratic style
c) Democratic style
d) Identical element style
Ans : Autocratic style
● Is demonstrated by a leader who believes in participation, interaction and possibly
treatment of all members as equal.
a) Democratic style
b) Laissez faire style
c) Autocratic style
d) Identical element style
Ans : democratic style
● Happens when a learner does not use or recall what has been learnt for a long time.


● Mention 3 factors for the theories of forgetting. , ,

Ans: 1.inadequate original learning 2.inadequate stimulation 3 Emotional factors

● Mention the four theories of leaning. , , ,

Ans: 1. Identical element 2. Theories of generalization 3. Theories of transportation 4.

Theories of leaning to learn
● Is define as the learned desire for a specific goal state for example love and
a) Drives
b) Needs
c) Motive
d) Attitude
Ans: C
● Is define as the desires, wages, and interest necessary to satisfy a specific purpose
or want
a) Needs
b) Want
c) Drives
d) Motive
Ans: A
● is experience of success, the nature of the task and the individual personality
factors affect motivation.
a) Personality factors
b) Present success
c) Expectation of further success
d) Perception of success
Ans: D
● All these are types of Goal except:
a) Intermediate
b) Remote
c) Drives
d) Immediate
Ans: C
● The difference between what the child was able to do today and what he aims at doing
tomorrow that is spending a little minutes is called
● Motivation Is defined as a state in which an individual want to do, achieve or learn
something for its own sake.
Ans: intrinsic
● Motivation is a situation in which the thing to be learned is heartily disliked and
thus becomes a frustrating barrier to a desired end since it makes use of remote goals as a
reason for present activity.
Ans: extrinsic
● Is define as what can be observed and described of the activities of an organism,
and the cause of behavior are motives of various kinds and strengths
a) motivation
b) learning
c) psychology
d) forgetting
ans: A
● is a valuabe teaching tool both for the planning of instructional materials and for
diagnosing probable causes of students learning difficulties
a) Remembering
b) Motivation
c) Signal learning
d) Task analysis
Ans: D
● Is the acquisition of new meaning.
a) Meaningful learning set
b) Meaningful verbal learning
c) Meaningful learning
d) Reception
Ans: C
● The situation where the content of the learning task is presented to rather than independently
discovered by the learner is
a) Retention
b) Reception
c) Meaningful learning
d) Extrinsic
Ans: B
● Is refers the process of maintaining the availability of a replica of the acquired new
a) Intrinsic
b) Reception
c) Motive
d) Retention
Ans: D
● What consists of all the objects, persons, and symbols in the learner’s experience.
a) Action
b) Goal
c) Situation
d) Reponses
Ans: C
● Involves directing one’s attention to part of the situation and the past.
a) responses
b) interpretation
c) goal
d) consequence
ans: B
● is a confirmation or disconfirmation of the events.
a) Goal
b) Consequence
c) Situation
d) Personal characteristics
Ans: B
● The gestaltists or cognitive theorists developed along the line of the century
th th
Ans: 17 and 18 century
● Who was the founder of experimentalism.
a) John locke
b) Wertheimer
c) Koffka
d) Kohler
Ans: A
● Who was the co founder of cognitive psychology.
a) John locke
b) Wertheimer
c) Koffka
d) Kohler
Ans: D
● One of the experiment carried out by kohler is
a) Dog
b) Rat
c) Chimpanzee
d) Chicken
Ans: C
● Is acquired through the use of praise, word like good, fine, excellent.
a) Leaning
b) Primary reinforcement
c) Negative reinforcement
d) Secondary reinforcement
Ans: D
● Reinforcement is done in raising of eye brow to show disproval and smile to show
a) negative reinforcement
b) positive reinforcement
c) casual reinforcement
d) deliberate reinforcement
ans: C
● The principle that argues that the learner will be able to discriminate btw one element and the
other forming the features of a given problem.
a) Principle of set
b) Principle of multiple response
c) Principle of response by analogy
d) Principle of pre potency of element
Ans: D
● The principle explains response as arising from previously acquired learning and experience, as
well as from innate tendencies to respond.
a) Principle of set
b) Principle of multiple response
c) Principle of response by analogy
d) Principle of pre potency of element
Ans: C

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