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C. S. Lewis

Shasta, a young orphan of Calormen, finds out his real identity and sets off to Narnia with
Bree, a Narnian Talking Horse who had been taken prisoner in a former battle. On their
way, a Tarkheena girl, Aravis, and her talking mare, Hwin, join them for the journey. In the
city of Tashbaan, the travelers come in contact with the Narnian Nobles and learn about the
plans the Calormen Prince, Rabadash, has to submit Narnia. Encouraged and helped by the
Great Lion Aslan, these travelers are able to cross the desert and warn about imminent
attacks and dangers to King Luke of Archenland. After a cruel battle, Shasta´s true identity
is revealed: He is the King of Archenland´s son and becomes his legitimate heir to the
throne. The horses also return to Narnia, their homeland.

Task 1. Analyze the following items while you read the tale.

1. Do some research on The Chronicles of Narnia

2. Speak about Shasta, in particular, a detailed description of his personal growth (The
ennoblement of the hero).
3. Speak about Aravis, in particular, a detailed analysis of her personal growth (the
ennoblement of the heroine).
4. Analyze the two talking horses. What is the relationship between the horses and the
children? Explain the title.
5. Aslan: appearance, attributes, his function in the novel.
6. King Lune. Conception of a ruler.
7. Differences between Calormen/Tashbaan and Narnia (landscape, people, activities,
human relationships) What do these differences symbolize?
8. Explain the following symbols: the forest, the water, the desert, the fog, Narnia,
Tashbaan, the scratches.
9. Identify the main themes.
10. The Ascent. The rite of Initiation. The search for freedom (To be discussed in class)
11. Evasion, Recuperation, Eucatastrophe (To be discussed in class/zoom meeting)
12. Select two sentences and/or scenes from the text that are of your preference. Justify
your choice.
13. Choose one of the adventures Shasta and/or Aravis have to experience and retell it
as if you were retelling it to your class.
14. Choose five new words and define them.

Task 2. Writing Task

Essay Question:
1. According to the methodological contents you have studied about literature for
children, would you include The Horse and His Boy (ora n adapted versión) in your
English classroom? Give two/three reasons why/why not.

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