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School: THPT Nguyễn Công Trứ Student’s name: Lê Hoàng Vy

Trường: Họ & tên thí sinh:
Class: 11A13 Tel. Điện thoại học sinh: 01232419601
Lớp: Alternative Tel. Điện thoại ba/mẹ: 0918911493
Topic No. 1 Email:
Chọn đề tài số:
 I agree to participate in “Brighten your future” contest and I acknowledge that I have to follow all
terms and conditions of the contest.
Tôi đồng ý tham dự cuộc thi “Tỏa sáng tương lai” và tôi hiểu rằng tôi phải tuân thủ mọi quy định của cuộc thi.

Chủ đề: Tương lai – Bạn cần chuẩn bị gì?
Chủ đề 1: Nhiều học sinh có quan điểm chỉ cần học giỏi, đạt điểm cao trong các môn học là
đủ. Một số học sinh lại chú trọng tham gia các câu lạc bộ và hoạt động ngoại khóa. Theo bạn,
quan điểm nào phù hợp nghề nghiệp hiện tại?
Chủ đề 2: Để trở thành “ Công dân Hiện đại” – Bạn trẻ cần trang bị những gì?
Chủ đề 3: Học ở nước ngoài là con đường tốt nhất để thành công trong tương lai. Em nghỉ thế
nào về quan điểm trên.

MÃ BÀI DỰ THI: ……………………..

(do Hội đồng chấm ghi)

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MÃ BÀI DỰ THI: ……………………..
(do Hội đồng chấm ghi)


A Russian writer used to say: “The demands of internal growth are incomparably more important
to us than the need for any external expansion of our power”. Everyone needs to improve themselves day
by day. Some students suppose that we have to study well, get great marks so as to make the progresses
in career, while others find important to take part in social clubs. As far as I am considered, I agree with
the two viewpoints.
To begin with, I suppose the idea that further knowledge is suitable for future profession.
Becoming a high school student, possessing deep knowledge and always getting high marks in many
subjects, are purposes that any students tend to. Not only do the students make their parents take pride in,
but they also form skills to manage many issues in life – maybe start from their keen intelligence when
realizing and learning new items. If you, basically, have enough those qualifications, absolutely you are a
good student. Fortunately you may be monumentally successful in future, base on available foundations
of understanding. You will be potential with advanced studying such as master’s or doctorate degrees,
which is beneficial for yourselves to get well-paid occupations. Besides that further knowledge, being
good students and staying in high rank of class also facilitate you to know how to obey teachers and
parents; listen and comprehend friends; help people around you; etc. In a word, learning well forms moral
and personality for a person. From that way, the society will have more experts in any fields and easily
develop to the high level. To anyone, we cannot deny that studying is original, also a basic for us to
discover major, then develop individual more and more in career.
On the other hand, I desire to argue that just studying at school like a machine is not enough for
becoming a perfect one. Some students concept that it is not necessary to participate in outdoor activities
like voluntary jobs, social clubs… because they think that studying is better. However, as far as I am
considered, taking part in such interesting activities makes us more active. You have a chance to
approach real life, meet something you have never met before. For instance, in Vietnamese education,
students hardly stand in front of the crowd, attract everyone attention and present what they are thinking.
Gradually they become shy, do not have enough confidence to express their emotions to others. Hence,
why don’t we change our mind and become more extroverted? Do not retreat into your shell! Studying
for a better future, everyone has to do. Thus, knowledge is the same to any students. The integral thing is
to affirm yourself by the differences. My teacher used to say: “The first qualification to meet admissions
criteria in a bank is not about how you solve the Math problems or about how deep your knowledge is,
but how many soft skills you have, called EQ”. Moreover, maybe you’ll take to being confident, reliable,
active, helpful, soon mature etc. There is something that just experience about life can help you to
analyze. I also believe if you possess high emotional quotient, even you get stuck in a hard issue, you are

still able of self-dependence and enough talent to get on your feet. The way to the success absolutely will
be easier, shorter and not far from you.
To conclude, I personally think that we ought to enhance practicing in real life besides studying
too much nowadays. Applying theory, moreover, is a perfect combination. Any route has destination,
called success. Giving more goals, more challenges for yourself, more achievements you will obtain.

Người viết

Lê Hoàng Vy

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