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Nursing Care Plan

Princess Noleal Nuyda

BSN-II Immaculate Conception College
2nd Sen, S/Y 2023-2024

Subjective Data: Imbalanced Nutrition, Client demonstrates a 1. Assess the Nutritional Pattern Assessment aids in Client maintained a normal
 Excessive eating/ more than body change in eating of the client. diagnosis and planning Nutritional pattern as
hunger. 2. Monitor the weight BMI interventions To identify evidenced by gradual
requirements related patterns &maintains an
 Increase in weight. &vital signs daily. the Nutritional Status of decrease in weight &
to excessive food ideal body weight by 3. Advice the client to take the client. control of blood pressure
 Sedentary life style
intake in relation to the following regular healthy foods like fruits To reduce the blood and modifying lifestyle
Eating junk & fast
foods. metabolic needs & Exercise Program. vegtables Green leaves & pressure & decrease the habits.
 Non-vegetarian sedentary lifestyle increase fibre in diet. risk of heart diseases.
Diet. causing obesity leading 4. Advice the client to take To decrease Obesity.
 Lack of Exercise. foods containing Vitamin D &
to compression &
 Lack of control Omega 3 fatty acids like fish To decrease weight &
pressure in the blood oils. Blood Pressure.
over eating habits
vessels. 5. Advice the client to avoid To decrease Blood
thick sputum.
cholesterol containing diet Pressure.
Objective Data:
like fast foods & deep fried To maintain a balanced
 Weight Gain.
oily foods. diet.
 BMI-Overweight.
 Triceps skin fold increased.
6. Advice the client to limit To maintain hydration &
 Obesity. sodium intake to 2-4gm. Per prevent obesity.
 Disorganised Eating day and avoid foods packaged To decrease building up of
pattern. & processed foods. unwanted fats in the blood
 Increased. Abdominal 7. Advice the client to avoid vessels & prevent the risk
Girth binge eating but eat small of blood pressure.
 Blood Pressure and Frequent meals. To control body weight.
Nursing Care Plan
Princess Noleal Nuyda
BSN-II Immaculate Conception College
2nd Sen, S/Y 2023-2024
 Total Cholesterol Levels-
Increased. 8. Advice the client to drink To promote relaxation &
 Triglycerides- Increased. around 1200-1500 ml of decrease body weight.
 VLDL &LDL- Increased fluids per day. To decrease Cholesterol
HDL- Decreased. 9. Advice the client regarding levels in the blood.
cessation of tobacco chewing Aids in home monitoring of
& cigarette smoking and limit weight & BP and taking
alcohol Intake. measures to control them.
10. Instruct the client to perform
regular Aerobic Exercise like
brisk walking atleast 30
minutes per day.
11. Advice the client to follow
moderately Intense activity
like jogging & swimming.
12. Administer Anti-Lipidemic
Agents like Statins before
sleep as prescribed.
13. Demonstrate measuring
weight & BP monitoring
procedure & advice the client
to regularly monitor them.
Nursing Care Plan
Princess Noleal Nuyda
BSN-II Immaculate Conception College
2nd Sen, S/Y 2023-2024

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