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climate cha nge

Climate cha nge is when the Ea rth's tem peratu re becomes hotter because of hu ma n activities like
bu rning fossil fuels a nd cutting down trees. This causes problems like rising sea levels a nd extreme
weather. It's im porta nt to cha nge ou r actions to protect the pla net.

Climate cha nge ha ppens when the Ea rth's average tem peratu re goes u p because of things like
bu rning fossil fuels (like coa l, oil, a nd gas), cutting down forests, a nd other hu ma n activities.
These actions release g reen house gases into the air, which tra p heat a nd ma ke the pla net
wa rmer. As a resu lt, g laciers a nd ice sheets melt, causing sea levels to rise a nd putting coasta l
a reas at risk of flooding.
The wa rming pla net a lso leads to more extreme weather events. H u rrica nes, d roug hts, heavy
rains, a nd heatwaves become more frequent a nd severe. These cha nges ca n ha rm com mu nities,
da mage infrastructu re, a nd disru pt ecosystems. Anima ls a nd pla nts strugg le to ada pt to these
ra pid shifts in their environ ments.
To tackle climate cha nge, it's im porta nt for cou ntries a nd individ ua ls to red uce their ca rbon
footprint. This mea ns using renewa ble energy sou rces like sola r a nd wind power instead of fossil
fuels. Conserving water a nd using it wisely is crucia l too. Protecting a nd restoring forests hel ps
a bsorb ca rbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Govern ments, orga nizations, a nd people working
together ca n ma ke a sig nifica nt im pact in slowing down a nd mitigating the effects of climate
cha nge.

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