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Solid Friction:
Solid Friction Viscosity
Friction exist between two surfaces which are Internal Resistance of fluid to flow as a result
not lubricated (solid). of the friction of two layers of fluid.
Independent of area of contact Proportional to area of contact (Layers)
Independent of relative velocity Proportional to relative velocity
Ratio shear stress to shear rate
Shear stress : the pressure that cause
Shear rate : relative velocity between layers
Is function of solid contents in fluid , The more
solid the higher viscosity
Q2. What is the basic material of cement?
Calcareous (Calcium & Magnesium) Argillaceous (Silica SiO2 22%, Alumina
(65%) Al2O3 5% & Iron Oxide Fe2O3 4%)
Ex: Limestone CaCO3 (65%) & Chalk. Ex: Clay (Al2O3 2SiO2. 2H2O), Shale and
Dry Process: *Blending Dry Material *Common & Cheap *Less Clinker Quality.
Wet Process:*Blending Slurry materials *Less Used & Expensive (Fuel to evaporate water).
GD Fluid End Serva Fluid
3 ¾ “  WP  10000 PSI (5.8 BPM) 3 ½ “  WP  10000 PSI
5”  WP  5500 PSI (10.8 BPM) 4 ½ “  WP  6000 PSI
1502  Treating Iron OD = 2” , ID = 1.875” , MWP = 15000 PSI

Items Max Rate (bpm) Max Pressure (psi)

1502 Treating Iron & 2x2 8.5 15000
Hammer Valve
2x1 Hammer Valve 2.5 15000
Suction Hose ( Hard ) 15 ft 7 NA
Discharge Hose ( Soft ) Water ( 8 – 10 ) Heavy Slurry 100 -125
Weco Blind Caps NA 2000
Butterfly Valve 20 175
RA 5x6 C-pump 20 Water (55-65) Slurry (≥120 )
RA 4x5 C-pump 12 45
RB 2x3x11 C-pump 6.5 150
Low Pressure Ball Valve NA 2000
 Silos  Use 2 Piece Blanking Caps NOT Blind Caps.
 Swivels  2-Way & 3-Way  24 balls (3/8 “) per raceway  3 raceways per 1-Way have
72 balls.
 All Treating Iron: Wing to the Well  Based on erosion studies on chicksan.

Items Operating Temperature F

Diesel Engine ( coolant ) 180 – 190
Transmission 180 - 200
Solid Volume Fraction SVF Porosity
Definition % Of Blend in the slurry % Of Mixing Water in the
Volume_Blend slurry
SVF = Volume_Slurry
P= Volume_Slurry

 Solid Fraction Monitor SFM: Should Maintain SVF Between 52% - 60%.
 SFM mandatory for slurries ≤ 10.5 PPG.
 NRD has trouble seeing the difference between low density slurry & Water.
 Level Tub Sensor + Mixing Water Rate + Slurry Rate  DCU gives SFM.
Additive Type Slurry Properties Cement Set Properties
Accelerator CaCl2 * ⬇ wait on cement time
* ⬇ temperature jobs
Retarders * ⬆ thickening time
* ⬆ temperature and depth jobs
* Long pumping time
Extenders : * ⬇ Slurry density
 Water absorbing or * ⬆ Slurry yield
light weight inert # Bentonite :
* ⬇ Compressive Strength.
 Add more water to
slurry without making * ⬆ Permeability
excess free fluid. # Sodium-Silicate:
 Low density solid: * ⬆ Compressive Strength.
Adding materials with * ⬇ Permeability.
specific gravity lower
# Aging Effect ( ⬇thickening
than G cement.
time) --» add before mixing
Weighting Agents * High density slurry
* Materials with ⬆ Specific
gravity more than G cement.
Dispersants * Allow to mix High density
slurry ( Mixibility ).
* ⬇ Viscosity.
* ⬇ Friction Pressure.
* Improve Efficiency of FLAC.
FLAC *⬇ Free Water
*⬇ Settling
*⬇ Thickening Time
*⬆ Slurry density
*⬆ Viscosity
*⬆ Compressive Strength
Anti-Foam Agents * Prevent Foam & Gelation.
Anti-Settling Agents *⬇ Free fluid. *⬇ Sedimentation.
Silica * Add Silica to cement (blend): * Above 230 F temperature :
SF blend To overcome high *⬇ Cement Strength
*⬆ Permeability
GASBLOK * Prevent Gas Channeling &
Objectives Of Primary Cementing
 Provide Complete Isolation Of Zones.
 To Support The Borehole & Casing.
 Protect Casing String.
Indication For Successful Cement Job
Before Cement Job During Cement Job After Cement Job
o Hole Cleaning. o Follow Lab Report. o Spacer&Cement
o Conditioning the mud. o Slurry Properties. Return On Surface.
o Displacing the mud o Density. o Cement
from annulus. o Rheology. Compressive
o Centralizing o T.T Strength at Shoe
The o Compatibility Track while drill out
casing(75%) o FLAC o Good Shoe Bond
Standoff. o Monitor_Rate_Pressure. Test ( FIT )
o Casing o Plug Drop Indication o Minimum 500 psi
Movement. o Displacement as per job Compressive
o Wiper Plugs. order & program. Strength To Tag /
o Spacer. o Bump_plug Indication. Pressure Test Plug.
o Scratchers. o Bleed off pressure, o 5000 psi for KOP.
o Water Salinity for mix check float equipment
water ≤ 500 ppm part holding.
per million.
o Check Cement Head
o Chemical Lot No.
o Check Blend Quantity.
o Equipment Readiness.
No Indication For Bump Plug
 Surface Casing
o Pump ½ Shoe Track Volume.
o Bleed Off & Check the return.
 If Return Stop or No Return Float Equipment Hold  R/D Cement
 If Continuous Return  Close Valve & Pump Back to Well  Repeat
3 Times  Non Stop Return  Close Cement Head Valves  WOC
 Liner Casing
o Pump ½ Shoe Track Volume.
o Bleed Off & Check the return.
 If Return Stop or No Return Float Equipment Hold  Set Liner Top
Packer  Release Running Tools  POOH Above TOC Record U-
Tube  Reverse Out 1.5 DP Volume  Check Cement Return.
o If Continuous Return  Close Valve & Pump Back to Well  Repeat 3 Times
 Non Stop Return  Immediately Set Liner Top Packer  Release Running
Tools  POOH Above TOC Record U-Tube  Reverse Out 1.5 DP
Volume  Check Cement Return.
Balance Plug
 Commonly Used for KOP / Plug & Abundant.
 Not Used in Horizontal Sections & low fluid density (between spacer, cement and
 Competent Base required ( ex: Viscous Pill )  avoid plug sinking.
 Under-displace  Avoid Wet Pull
 Open Bleed-off Valve Or Dump Valve  Allow the plug reach hydrostatic balance.

Slurry Yield ( 𝐟𝐭𝟑/𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐤)

 The ratio of the volume of slurry produced to an equivalent sack when cement and
additives are mixed with water.
 LWC 75,85and95 PCF :
o Surface Volume  Surface Yield.
 More Than Downhole  Use in Job Calculation  Surface Condition
Not Exposed To Temperature Or Pressure.
o Downhole Volume  Downhole Yield.
 Less Than Surface  Not Used in Job Calculation Exposed To
Downhole Temperature Or Pressure.

Thickening Time
 The Duration that cement slurry remains in fluid state and its pumpable before its
 Measured using pressurized consistometer.
o Consider 70 Bc point  slurry will gelled  Not pumpable.
 Bearden Unit of Consistency (Bc).

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