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Question 1. They keep changing the decoration of the shop _____ they can attract more young people.
A. so that
B. because
C. although
D. when
Question 2. _____ there are modern knitting machines, the artisans in my village like using traditional
A. Because
B. Although
C. In spite of
D. So
Question 3. Sinh paintings are special _______ they are burned after worship.
A. since
B. while
B. before
D. so that
Question 4. I couldn’t sleep last night ____ the bar nearby played music so loudly.
A. although
B. so that
C. while
D. because
Question 5. I am going to the cinema with my friends this weekend ______ we can see the latest 6D
Ocean Explore film.
A. in order that
B. in order to
C. as soon as
D. until
Question 6. Three villages were chosen for the pilot project ______ the Asia Foundation had worked with
local authorities.
A. until
B. while
C. after
D. when
Question 7. _______ Viet Nam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago,
production in craft villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and
A. Whenever
B. While
C. When
D. Before
Question 8. Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft _______
there isn't enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills.
A. because
B. although
C. as soon as
D. so that
Question 9. Nam didn’t know _____ to find more information about the course.
A. what
B. why
C. where
D. while
Question 10. Minh was so tired _______he will be absent for school tomorrow.
A. before
B. when
C. so
D. because
Put the verb into the blank.
if so that because after who when
Question 11. ____ they keep cutting down trees, the city will lose its beauty.
Question 12. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren, ______ they
will preserve this ancient craft.
Question 13. Ngoc is stressful _______ she’s sitting an important exam tomorrow.
Question 14. _____ the workers had taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves, they sew together the
leaves and the rings.
Question 15. Lan couldn’t decide _____ to work with on the project.

Question 1. Some years ago, my uncle and aunt ________ the business from my grandparents because
they are very old.
A. looked after
B. took care
C. set up
D. took over
Question 2. Have you ever _____ to Ho Tay Village in Hue? It’s the place where people make the famous
Bai tho conical hats.
A. go
B. went
C. gone
D. been
Question 3. This company has gone bankrupt. Do you know who will ______ ?
A. take care of it
B. look after it
C. take it over
D. turn it up
Question 4. The people in my village cannot earn enough money for their daily life. They can’t _____ this
traditional craft. They have to find other jobs.
A. help out
B. live on
C. work on
D. set up
Question 5. The crew have been living ______ space for over three months.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
Question 6. You can look _____ a word in a dictionary if you don’t know what it means.
A. into
B. for
C. up
D. over
Question 7. Do you think that the various crafts remind people _____ a specific region?
A. about
B. of
C. for
D. in
Question 8. Conical hat making in the village has been passed _____ from generation to generation.
A. on
B. down
C. up
D. in
Question 9. I have been trying to _________ smoking but I simply can’t do it.
A. give up
B. get on
C. give out
D. put down
Question 10. Everyone says that I look like my father.
A. look after
B. look up
C. take after
D. take up
Question 12. “Please _______ the radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”.
Question 13 Quickly! _________ the bus. It’s ready to leave.
Question 14. I don’t know where my book is. I have to _______ it.
Question 15. It’s dark inside. Can you ________ the light, please?



S + V + as + adv + as
S + be + as + adj + as

2.1. Tính từ và trạng từ ngắn

- Tính từ ngắn gồm:
Tính từ có một âm tiết. bad, short, good,….
Tính từ có hai âm tiết kết thúc bằng –y, –le,–ow, –er, et. sweet, clever,…

S + be + adj_er + than + N
S + V + adv_er + than + N
Today is colder than yesterday.
My girlfriend came later than me.
2.2. Tính từ và trạng từ dài

S + be + more adj + than + N

S + V + more adv + than + N
This hat is more expensive than this one
My father drives more carefully than me

So sánh hơn nhất được dùng để so sánh giữa ba đối tượng trở lên

3.1. Tính từ và trạng từ ngắn

S + be + the adj_est
S + V + the adv _est
My brother is the tallest in our family.
Sunday is the coldest day of the month
He runs the fastest in my city.

3.2. Tính từ và trạng từ dài

S + be + the most adj
S + V + the most adv
Of all the students, she does the most quickly.
Linda is the most intelligent student in my class.

1. You're not a safe driver! You should drive _________.

A. careful
B. careless
C. more carefully
D. most carefully
2. The building looks much _____ in green than the previous white.
A. more nice
B. the nicest
C. nicest
D. nicer
3. I was disappointed as the film was_________ than I had expected.
A. as entertaining
B. less entertaining
C. more entertaining
D. few entertaining
4. The last exhibition was not ______ this one.
A. as interesting
B. so interesting than
C. so interesting as
D. more interesting
5. Your city is developing _________ my city.
A. so fast
B. as fast as
C. fast than
D. the fastest
6. Let's take this road. It is ______way to the city.
A. the shortest
B. a shortest
C. the shorter
D. both A & B
7. I think it is _____ part of the city.
A. the noisiest
B. the most noisy
C. noisier
D. noisiest
8. Japan is the _________ developed country in the world.
A. most two
B. two most
C. second most
D. second in most
9. This computer is much more user-friendly, but it costs _______ the other one.
A. as many as
B. as much as
C. twice as much as
D. twice as many
10. When you want to relax, you'll have one of the world's _________ cities at your feet, with more than
40% green space and open water to enjoy.
A. greener
B. greenest
C. mostly green
D. green mostly
1. Lùi thì (lùi về thì tương ứng trong quá khứ)
Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp
Hiện tại đơn Quá khứ đơn
Hiện tại tiếp diễn Quá khứ tiếp diên
Hiện tại hoàn thành
Quá khứ hoàn thành
Quá khứ đơn
Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Quá khứ tiếp diễn
(had been V_ing)
Quá khứ hoàn thành Giữ nguyên
Tương lai đơn (will + V) Tương lai đơn trong quá khứ (would + V)
Tương lai tiếp diễn Tương lai tiếp diên trong quá khứ
(will be V-ing) (would be V-ing)
can/ may could/might
should/ could/ might/ would Giữ nguyên
Lưu ý:
 Không lùi thì khi:
- Tường thuật về một sự thật hiển nhiên
“The sun rises in the east”, the teacher said.
→ The teacher said that sun rises in the east.
- Sử dụng động từ tường thuật “say” và “tell” ở thì hiện tại.
Lan tells me: “I buy this dress”.
→ Lan told me that she buys that dress.
2. Đổi trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn

Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp

here there
this that
these those
now then, at that time
today that day
ago before
yesterday the day before
the day before yesterday two days before
tomorrow the next day/ the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days’ time
next week/ next month/ next year the following week/ month/ year
last week/ last month the previous week/ month
3. Thay đổi đại từ nhân xưng và tính từ/ đại từ sở hữu
Sau khi đã tiến hành lùi thì, bước tiếp theo chính là đổi các đại từ nhân xưng, đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở
hữu sao cho phù hợp với ngữ cảnh (tùy thuộc vào người hỏi và người được hỏi là ai)

4. Các động từ được dùng trong câu gián tiếp

- Trong câu tường thuật: ta thường dùng say, tell smb
"I won't watch the film on TV tonight." he told me
→ He told me that he wouldn't watch the film on TV that night.
- Trong câu hỏi: ta dùng ask sb, want to know, wonder
"Did you attend the meeting yesterday?" she asked me
→ She wanted to know if/ whether I had attended the meeting the day before.


1. Tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh: “V + O”, “Can + V + O”, “Don’t + V”....

S + asked/ told/ got + O + (not) to + Vo

“Come in and have some tea, ” he said to me.

→ He asked me to come in and have some tea.

2. Tường thuật câu hỏi

Khi tường thuật câu hỏi, đưa động từ/ trợ động từ đứng trước chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi trực tiếp về sau chủ
ngữ, sử dụng từ để hỏi (cho câu hỏi Wh - ) hoặc thêm if/ whether (cho câu hỏi Yes - No, Or - question).

S + asked + O + Wh + S + V + O

“ What do you often do on Sunday?” he asked me.

→ He asked me what I often did on Sunday.
“ What is your name?” I asked her
→ I asked her what her name was
S + asked + O + if / whether + S + V + O

“ Are you in class 9a, Lan?”, Hung asked.

→ Hung asked Lan if/ whether she was in class 9a
1. Julia said that she ________ there at noon.
A. is going to be B. was going to be C. will be D. can be
2. They asked me when _________ .
A. did I arrive B. will I arrive C. I had arrived D. I can arrive
3. The farmer said, “ I didn’t see her.”
→ The farmer said ____ her.
A. he had seen B. I hadn’t seen C. she didn’t see D. he hadn’t seen
4. Mr Brown said, “I watched TV last night.”
→ Mr Brown said that he _______ TV the night before.
A. was watching B. watched C. had watched D. has watched
5. The teacher said Columbus ________ America in 1492.
A. discovered B. had discovered C. was discovering D. would discover
6. Mary said, “ I want to give up my job.” -> Mary said that ...........................
A. she wants to give up her job. C. she wanted to give up my job.
B. I wanted to give up her job. D. she wanted to give up
7.Mary said ,”I have not seen Peter since last month .”
A. Mary said she has not seen Peter since the previous month.
B. Mary said she had not seen Peter since the previous month .
C. Mary said she was not seen Peter since the previous month.
D. Mary said she doesn’t see Peter since the previous month
8. “ I want to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go.” → Tom said that …
A. he wanted to go on holiday but he doesn’t know where to go.
B. he wants to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go.
C. he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go.
D. I wanted to go on holiday but I didn’t know where to go.
9. Mary said : “ What will you do this evening, John ?”
A. Mary asked John what would he do that evening.
B. Mary asked John what John did that evening.
C. Mary wanted to know what she and John would do that evening.
D. Mary wanted to know what John would do that evening.
10. He said to them, “Don't tell me such a nonsense!”
A. He told them not to tell him such a nonsense.
B. He told them to tell him such a nonsense.
C. He told them not to tell them such a nonsense.
D. He told them to tell them such a nonsense
11. “I don't know what Fred is doing," said my sister.
A. My sister said that she didn't know what Fred was doing.
B. My sister said she doesn't know what Fred is doing.
C. My sister said that I don't know what Fred is doing.
D. My sister said that she hasn't known what Fred was doing
12 . “I’ve been playing tennis a lot lately," John said.
A. John said that I have been playing tennis a lot lately.
B. John said that he has been playing tennis a lot lately.
C. John said that he had been playing tennis a lot lately.
D. John said that she had been playing tennis a lot lately.
13. The mother asked her son _______.
A. where he has been B. where he had been C. where has he been D. where had he been
1. Mr Hawk told me that he would give me his answer the………
a. previous b. following c. before d. last
2. She…………him whether he liked the steak she cooked
a. asks b. wondered c. wanted to know d. asked
3. His neighbours sometimes wondered……….he did for a living
a. why b. when c. where d. what
4. Could you please tell me……………?
a. It is how far to the nearest bus stop b. how far is it to the nearest bus stop
c. how far to the nearest bus stop is it d. how far it is to the nearest bus stop
5. Marigold wondered………..Kevin and Ruth would be at the party
a. that b. whether c. if d. b& c
6. He asked me…………….
a. How long you have studied English b. How long had you studied English
c. How long you had study English d. How long you had studied English
7. The passenger asked…………….we landed
a. what b. when c. if d. why
8. “I’ll tell you about this tomorrow, Mary.” said Tom.
a. Tom said to Mary that he will tell her about that the next day.
b. Tom told Mary that I would tell you about that the next day.
c. Tom told Mary that he would tell her about that the next day.
d. Tom told Mary that she would tell him about that the next day.
9. “I have something to tell you” Kerry said to Cheryl.
a. Kerry told Cheryl I had something to tell her.
b. Kerry told Chery he had something to tell her.
c. Kerry told Cheryl she had had something to tell him.
d. Kerry told Cheryl he had had something to tell her.
10. He said, “My wife has just bought a diamond ring.”
a. He said that his wife had just bought a diamond ring.
b. He said that my wife had just bought a diamond ring.
c. He said that his wife has just bought a diamond ring.
d. he said that his wife just bought a diamond ring.
11. “I will come with you as soon as I am ready”, she said to Philip.
a. She said to Philip he will come to see you as soon as he I am ready.
b. She told Philip she will come to see her as soon as she was ready.
c. She told Philip she would come to see you as soon as she was ready.
d. She told Philip she would come to see him as soon as she was ready.
12. “I wrote to him yesterday”
a. She said to me I wrote to him the day before.
b. She told me she wrote to him yesterday.
c. She told me she had written to him yesterday.
d. She told me she had written to him the day before.

1. I _______________ (not like) flying, but I love it now.
2. We _______________ (be) friends, but we don’t get on now
3. _______________ (John/ work) for IBM before he came here?
4. Winters _______________(not/ be) as cold as they are now.
5. She _______________ (live) with her mother, but now she lives with her father.
6. He _______________ (not fish) every weekend, but now does
7. He _______________ (play) with his toys every day when he was a kid
8. When he was a famous director, he _______________ (shoot) threee movies
9. He _______________(not fall) in love so often when he was younger, but now he falls in love every
10. When he was famous, he _______________ (play) the guitar in our club every Saturday night.
11. I don’t know what has happened to him. He sleeps at classes every day and he _______________ (be)
such a brilliant student.

Thể hiện mong ước một điều gì đó không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc giả định một điều trái ngược so
với thực tế
S + wish + (that) + S + V-ed
Tom wishes that he had a big house
I wish that we didn’t need to work today
Lưu ý: was -> were
I wish I were a boy.


Thể hiện sự nuối tiếc về một việc không có thật ở quá khứ hoặc giả định điều gì đó trái ngược
với quá khứ. Cách dùng này giống với câu điều kiện loại III.
S + wish + (that) + S + had + V3
I wish that I had studied harder at school. (I didn’t study hard at school, and now I’m sorry about


Thể hiện mong ước một việc nào đó xảy ra trong tương lai.
S + wish + (that) + S + would/could + V
I wish that John wouldn’t busy tomorrow

Question 1. Lan wishes there________ a smart board in her classroom.

A. was
B. were
C. is
D. had been
Question 2. We all______ it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think
B. hope
C. wish
D. want
Question 3. Minh wishes he _______ English perfectly well.
A. spoke
B. speaks
C. is speaking
D. has spoken
Question 4. “He has to work 12 hours every day.” “_______”
A. sure
B. How cool!
C. I wish I could go back home
D. I can’t imagine that
Question 5. I wish I ________ near my shcool.
A. lived
B. live
C. will live
D. am living
Question 6. She wishes she ______ a longer summer vacation.
A. can have
B. could have
C. is having
D. has
Question 7. They are building a new airport in my area. I wish they______.
A. were
B. will not be
C. weren’t
D. aren’t
Question 8. “How cool!” is used to express ________
A. an agreement
B. a wish
C. a surprise
D. an appreciation
Question 9. I wish this LCD projector ______ still expensive.
A. will not be
B. was not
C. were
D. is not
Choose the underlined word/ phrase which is INCORRECT.
Question 10. They wished that time will be turned back so that they could go kite-flying with other kids.
A. wished
B. will be turned
C. could go
D. kite-flying
Question 11. I have a lot of work to do. I wish I have more time.
A. have
B. a lot
C. to
D. have
Question 12. I wish I could make a 20000 miles-undersea trip in a nuclear submarine.
A. could
B. 20000 miles
C. in
D. nuclear
Question 13. I wish the school authorities can set holidays based on local weather conditions.
A. authorities
B. can
C. based on
D. conditions
Question 14. I wish graduates from college have enough skills to meet the requirements of their jobs.
A. graduates
B. have
C. to meet
D. requirements
Question 15. I wish many schools in Vietnam were not overcrowded so that there are many students.
A. were
B. not
C. so that
D. are


Question 1. It ______ that learning English is easy.
A. are said
B. is said
C. said
D. says
Question 2. _______ that the temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century.
A. It is think
B. It was thought
C. They thought
D. It thought
Question 3. It is hoped that any defensive measures _______ to protect and preserve our man-made
A. is taken
B. will take
C. will be taken
D. are taken
Question 4. _______ the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April
A. It is believed
B. It believes
C. It was believed
D. It believed
Question 5. It is ________ that many people are homeless after the floods.
A. was reported
B. reports
C. reported
D. reporting
Question 6. ________ that many of our man-made wonders have been damaged.
A. They said
B. It is reported
C. They reported
D. It reported
Question 7. _______ that two people had been injured in the accident.
A. It reports
B. It reported
C. It was reported
D. It is reported
Question 8. There is a general _______ that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the natural, or man-
made, wonders of Vietnam.
A. accepting
B. saying
C. recognition
D. undertaking
Question 9. ______ that Ha Long Bay was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994.
A. It known
B. It knew
C. It was known
D. It knows
Question 10. It _______ that 70 tons of dead fish washed ashore along more than 200 kilometres of
Vietnam’s central coastline in early April.
A. had been reported
B. were reported
C. was reported
D. had reported
Question 11. I doubt that you can’t understand her situation and help her feel better.
A. believe
B. suspect
C. compete
D. advice
Question 12. It _____ by the company yesterday that the new shopping complex would be open after 2
A. was announced
B. announced
C. is announed
D. announces
Question 13. Some film stars _______ difficult to work with.
A. are said to be
B. say to be
C. are said be
D. said to be
Question 14. He was said _____ this building.
A. designing
B. to have designed
C. to design
D. designed
Question 15. It ______ that some foreigners had collected rubbish in Cat Ba Beach.
A. reported
B. was reported
C. could report
D. had been reported


Question 1. He suggested that we ______ to the theatre instead of staying at home.
A. should go
B. going
C. went
D. to go
Question 2. I suggest the government should ______ the number of visitors to Son Doong everyday.
A. limiting
B. limit
C. limited
D. limits
Question 3. The teacher suggested that the students _____ all their homework before going to bed.
A. must finish
B. finishing
C. finished
D. should finish
Question 4. I suggest _______ these valuable things in high-security places.
A. be put
B. to put
C. put
D. putting
Question 5. She suggested ______ money to restore the aging man-made wonders.
A. raised
B. raising
C. to raise
D. be raised
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
Question 6. Mary suggested _______ (visit) Po Nagar Cham Towers after lunch.
Question 7. He suggested ________ (go) to the cinema that night.
Question 8. My father suggested that I _________ (not/ should/ borrow) money from friends.
Question 9. Nick suggested that the stranger _______ (not/should /write) anything on the walls of the
Question 10. I suggested_________ (watch) her performance again.


Question 1. Nowadays it is easy _______ to the suburban areas by train.
A. get
B. getting
C. gets
D. to get
Question 2. It is not ______ for a particular vehicle to exist and to be loved for generations.
A. fun
B. easy
C. glad
D. relieved
Question 3. It is not _______ to cook a lot of food for Tet because we can have good food all year round.
A. necessary
B. necessarily
C. necessity
D. necessaries
Question 4. It was stupid of you __________ the road without looking left and right.
A. to crossing
B. crossing
C. to cross
D. cross
Question 5. It is important that we _______ the instructions carefully before taking medicince.
A. to follow
B. follow
C. followed
D. following
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
Question 6. It is ________ (convenience) to ride a bicycle under the rain.
Question 7. I was _________ (surprise) to get the scholarships.
Question 8. Her father was ________ (polite) to criticize her in front of her friends.
Question 9. He was _______ (confide) to present his ideas to the committee.
Question 10. It was ________ (surprise) that he spoke English fluently after only 3 months studying.

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