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Nama : Frizy denura lienggar k

NIM : 877318269

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

I. Write the words for the number (1-5) and the time (6-10)
1. 150 (one hundred fifty)
2. 1.675 (one thousand six hundred seventy-five)
3. 200.005 (two hundred thousand five)
4. 325 (three hundred twenty-five)
5. 1.020.500 (five million twenty thousand five hundred)
6. 12.55 (it is five to one)
7. 07.30 (it is half past seven)
8. 10.45 (it is a quarter to eleven)
9. 08.15 (it is a quarter past eight)
10. 03.28 (it is twenty-eight past three)

II. Put the word in brackets in the correct form

1. I have lived in Sidoarjo since 2000.
2. No, thank you. I have just had lunch.
3. How long you have been in the town?
4. The sun rises in the east.
5. Mark bought a banana three days ago.
6. Mr. Martin is fatter than Mr. Tanuwijaya. 7. Nani is the most diligent student in class.
8. Lia is a cute child.
9. Mr. Hadi will leave for Jakarta tomorrow.
10. There are some children playing in the playground.

1. You are going to prepare lunch for six people. You prepare fried rice and mixed
fruit ice. What ingredient or substances do you need to prepare the meal beverage?
Use countable and uncountable nouns in your ten (10) answers.
The substances for fried-rice are: (1) an ounce of red chili, (2) six cups of cooked rice,
(3) four tablespoons of vegetable oil, (4) four tablespoons of soy sauce, (5) ¼ kilo leaf
mustard, (6) ¼ kilo beaten eggs, (7) four minced garlic cloves, (8) a chopped onion, (9)
two teaspoons of salt, (10) ½ teaspoon flavoring.

The substances for mixed-fruit ice are: (1) a cup of steamed green bean, (2) ½ teaspoon
vanilla extract, (3) 4 cups of ice cubes, (4) ½ cup of lemon juice, (5) a cup of water, (6) a
cup of strawberries, (7) a cup of mangoes, (8) three tablespoons of sugar, (9) a cup of
jelly, (10) a cup of blueberries.

2. Complete with suitable word in restaurant (G-guests; W-waiter).

G : Do…
W : Yes… by…
G : Can… see…
W : …would … like
G : …juice.

3. Antoni and Linda are going to celebrate their first wedding anniversary at Pizza
First, they order two roast beef pizzas.
Second, they also would order two plates of spaghetti and meatballs.
Third, they would like to drink two glasses of coca-cola and two cups of coffee. They
are very happy because they love each other.

4. Let’s go to the market and buy vegetables: carrots, potatoes, and cucumber. We will
buy spices (bumbu) too: garlic, ginger, and turmeric.

No. Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning
1. Long Longer The longest Panjang
2. Busy Busier The busiest Sibuk
3. Cheap Cheaper The cheapest Murah
4. Delicious More delicious The most delicious Lezat
5. Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful Bagus

6. Telephone call.
A : …one five six nine double two seven.
B : Who…
A : … speak…
B : … wait for…

7. Put the verbs into the correct form:

a. She taught English two years ago.
b. They have been here for an hour.
c. We are tired because we have been studying since six o’clock this morning.
d. Now the students are playing chess.
e. We all pray five times a day every day.
f. Tomorrow jack and I will visit the museum.
8. Use Comparative and Superlative Degrees in ten (10) sentences to compare these
three objects: a canary, an eagle, a plane.
• Comparative
1. A canary is smaller than an eagle.
2. An eagle is bigger than a canary.
3. A plane is faster than an eagle.
4. A canary is slower than a plane.
5. A canary is less powerful than an eagle.
• Superlative
6. A canary is the smallest of the three.
7. A plane is the biggest of the three.
8. A canary is the slowest of the three.
9. An eagle is the most powerful of the three.
10. A plane is the fastest of the three.

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