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so it was 2015 in russia and valentina nikolova

olanova lived on dimitrov street in saint petersburg

she was a 79 year old woman who was living there
peacefully before being found at a nearby pond on
july 26th she was found by a couple who were taking
their dog on a walk and the couple noticed that their
dog was going crazy around this large plastic bag
many people in the area really didn't mess with
things that weren't there so this bag had been there
a few days but when their dog started going crazy
they decided to check it out that is when they found
a body valentina was in pieces wrapped in what
appeared to be a bathroom curtain she was missing
her head her hands and her internal organs
especially her lungs it was easy to identify her due
to her being so close to her actual home but
investigators did go door to door questioning
everyone and meanwhile an autopsy was being
done that showed that valentina was actually
dismembered by a hacksaw and it had been done
while she was still alive it turned out valentina had
already been reported missing as well because a
social worker who had gone to her house to just
check on the fact that she was an elderly woman
who most of the time lived alone she found out that
valentina was not home and she was refused entry
by a woman she didn't know now the next day
investigators decided to go to this apartment see
who this woman was and see if they could find
anything inside and that is when they found a
woman named tamara samsonova and after looking
deeper they realized that this woman was actually a
caretaker for valentina tamera was a friend of a
friend who had offered to take care of valentina and
her old age while her own apartment was being
renovated she lived like down the street not too far
away and so she said she would be more than
willing to come over and help and they had a really
good system of living together of just you know
cleaning up things making dinner and tamara said
she would help valentina with anything she needed
tamara was 11 years younger than valentina at only
68 years old and she was this sweet polite old lady
who was very concerned about her friend's
whereabouts and what had happened to her so
investigators had gone inside this apartment they
began looking around to see if they could find any
clues as to who valentina had been in contact with
who could have done this if there was horse entry
into the apartment and that is when they found in
the bathroom a missing shower curtain they could
tell it was missing and had once been there due to
the fastenings at the top of the curtain or the shower
rod they also found blood in the bathroom and that is
when they began to focus their attention on the
sweet elderly lady in the other room who no one
could believe was involved with this gruesome
murder yet when sniffer dogs were brought in they
found more of valentina in fact this was her hips and
her legs nearby the apartment as well cctv footage
was looked into around the apartment and that is
when they found tamara herself carrying out large
trash bags multiple different times a few days prior
to valentina's body being found they appeared to be
very heavy and in fact one of the trash bags was so
heavy she was dragging it along the floor leaving
what appeared to be a trail when investigators went
back to the spot they found that it was in fact a trail
of blood tamera was brought in for questioning at
the franzai district court on july 29th and she claimed
that she was an actress and a graduate of the
russian ballet and this was a prestigious school that
most people couldn't get into yet she did then on the
other hand she would say that wasn't true she was
actually an attendant at a russian hotel her stories
continued to change and so after a psychiatric
exam they knew that something was going on with
her and she was actually then deemed a danger to
herself and society and placed into a psychiatric
institute before they went to trial since they had the
cctv footage that they believed most likely was her
disposing of a body they knew they could keep her
in custody so they did talk to her a little bit before
sending her to the psychiatric institution and she
was more than willing to talk she claimed that she
had lived with valentina for a while after being
asked to care for her and then that's when valentina
started asking her to move out they had been
fighting over little things like dirty dishes and
valentina was just you know not wanting anybody to
tell her what to do and wanted to take care of
herself but tamara said that she was scared to go
live alone at her home and so she panicked it's
unknown why she was scared to live alone whether
it was just for her own safety or possibly you know
thoughts in her head but either way she did not want
to go home to this place that was being renovated it
was just down the street and so she said that the
next time valentina tried to kick her out she hatched
a plan she then went to a pharmacist in pushkin and
she basically manipulated him into giving her
medication she did not have a prescription for this
and so she had to get him to give it to her without
one and she did walk out of that very store with
finazepam in her hand and this wasn't just one pill
this was 50 of them next tamara went and got
valentina's favorite aloe vera salad and mixed both
of her purchases together to hand to valentina she
ate them that night even commenting that she liked
them very much not knowing that that was her last
meal the next morning which was around 2 a.m
because tamara had gone to sleep that night
knowing what she had just done valentina she went
to sleep she woke back up at 2 a.m to find her on
the kitchen floor and this is when she began the
process of getting rid of her body she said she used
two knives and a hack saw that she borrowed from
her neighbor and then this elderly woman began
sawing off the other elderly woman's head and then
her arms her legs and her hands now tamara
claimed that she then placed valentina's head and
hands into a pot and boiled it with water tamara said
it was very hard to actually dismember her she was
going to take her to the bathroom and do it but she
was too fat that's what she said and so she couldn't
carry her to the bathroom so she did it right in the
kitchen she said afterwards she knew that she
would be safe in that apartment until valentina's
family relatives or neighbors showed up to ask
where she was so she theorized she had about five
more months but in fact she only had about two
days now all of their neighbors were shocked that
this had happened and this was an elderly woman
who was so sweet who borrowed their items talked
to them often and was responsible of taking care of
valentina however they did know that tamara had
been to a psychiatric institution several different
times some neighbors told the media that this was
worse than a horror movie but this wasn't even the
worst part you see when investigators had gone into
this apartment and had looked through everything
they found tamara's diary this was when they found
writings of you know a normal woman who was
saying her everyday routine daily tasks and
anxieties but then it would switch and she would
write about death murder and it was writings from a
serial killer one who consumed their victims you see
tamara had been born on april 25th of 1947 in the
soviet union she then went on to study linguistics
during college not much else is known about her
childhood or where she came from but after she
graduated college she moved to saint petersburg
where she met her husband alexi now they moved
to this dimitrov street on house number four and
they were you know in love as far as anyone could
tell tamara appeared to be a very normal woman
who had different jobs she worked at a travel agency
at an inn hotel and that is when she would kind of
switch jobs often she didn't really keep them for
more than a few years but she was able to get
enough work time to retire at least partially however
the strange disappearances surrounding it tamara
happened long before valentina in fact in the year
2000 her own husband alexi vanished she went to
the police and she reported him missing but she
said that she feared he had run away with another
woman now police could not find any trace of him or
where he had gone and soon enough the case went
cold after this though tamara had no second form of
income so she needed a way to make money and
that's when she started inviting borders into her
apartment where they had an extra room for them
to stay in she was also taking work as a carer for
other elderly individuals because she was sick and
thought to be unable to work a normal job i was
never specified what kind of sick she was you know
if she was struggling with mental health if she was
actually physically sick if she was getting too old to
do the jobs she had once done but when her
neighbors were asking where her husband was she
told them that he had just left and disappeared and
she was basically content with it but when she
began bringing borders in the neighbors would
notice that they wouldn't ever stay for very long
they'd be there a little while and then they would
vanish as well never saying goodbye but they just
figured that you know nobody really liked living with
tamara and so they would just up and leave and
didn't care to say goodbye to the neighbors but the
truth was much more sinister you see on september
6th of 2003 a 44 year old man named volodaya or
vladimir vanished and tamara had actually written in
her diary that she had killed him cut him up and
disposed of his body and this had actually
happened in the bathroom now there was allegedly
a fight between the two of them that broke out that
caused this just like valentina the strange thing
about this was that his body had been found those
12 years prior when he was killed but because his
head was gone his limbs were gone they didn't have
any way to identify him besides a tattoo on his body
but tamara had written about a tattoo so they
identified this man who had been a john doe for so
long as vladimir who was killed by tamara but at his
crime scene they had also found pages scattered
about his body these were not from the diary they
were actually from a book a book that had a
significance they had no understanding of until this
point we will get more into that in a little bit yet even
though those two murders were now solved tamara
had a lot of borders throughout the years and one of
them was a man named sergey pottinin whose blood
was also found inside of the apartment there was
also another man named alexander barchev who
only stayed for one week and was then gone but
with alexander's murder tamara actually confessed
to this but then took it back saying she was just
kidding now the other names of the borders written
down in tamera's diary have not been released as
far as i could tell to the public possibly due to the
fact that this is an ongoing investigation as far as
figuring out the different disappearances connected
and the murders connected yet one of these lodgers
did survive to tell his own story this was another
vladimir so the second vladimir were talking about
and he said he actually was in more of a
relationship with tamara while living there and he'd
broken it off at this point he also found himself in the
hospital where they told him he had been poisoned
he knew exactly what was happening he
immediately pointed fingers at tamara but instead of
confronting her at all he got his stuff and got out and
that's how he survived most of these victims were
said to be drugged and sedated before being cut up
and scattered about town but while tamara was
being held at this psychiatric institute reporters
would come and try to see her and she absolutely
loved the attention she would blow kisses at them
she would want to talk to them she was saying that
she knew they would come but at the same time
she was saying that you know it was a disgrace that
her city would know what she had done you see this
woman was now being dubbed either the granny
ripper or baba yaga now baba yaga was actually a
supernatural being first talked about in slavic folklore
this was a woman who appeared to be a ferocious
looking grandmother or old woman who was
sometimes described as a witch with cannibalistic
tendencies now that may make no sense yet but it
will investigators suspected up to 12 victims from
tamara who had written in her diary about each one
but most of whom she would eat the lungs of and
also possibly the head and the hands after boiling
them a psychic came forward to say tamara could
possibly have been eating the lungs because she
feared having weak lungs herself prior to this trial
tamara did agree to take investigators back to the
apartment where these murders had occurred and
reenact them for them especially valentinas so they
took a dummy and gave her a fake knife and she
then proceeded to show them how she beheaded
valentina now she also placed her head into a large
saucepan and some claim that maybe this isn't a
cannibalistic urge that made her do that maybe she
was trying to get rid of the dna or anything that could
identify her yet they were still able to do so without
that and since we have never found her head we
can't be sure exactly what she did with it but then
she was taken to a courtroom and a judge asked
her to address the courtroom tamara then
proceeded to say it was stuffy and there and she
wanted to go out she didn't say anything more they
thought this was odd but then she was asked if she
should be arrested because that's what they were
there to do and she said that she was guilty and she
should be punished so the judge then announced
she would be held in custody and tamara began
clapping and smiling investigators believe that she
was either much more stupid than they believed or
much smarter than they even knew but the other
theory was could it possibly have been magic you
see tamara was said to be involved with black
magic astrology and all of that and they actually
found a book right next to her diary that was a book
about black magic this is the book that the pages
were ripped out of and thrown across of vladimir's
vladimir number one's body who had been found in
the streets try was even more insane if you can
believe it the courtroom was packed when she
entered the courtroom she immediately began
blowing kisses at the reporters again saying that
she did it to be known as a serial killer she said
she'd been preparing for this trial for 10 years and it
was all deliberate she also said that she was an old
person with nowhere to live now and so the prison
was going to be her home and they were probably
going to bury her yet then she switched and she
began saying that she was not guilty that it was
actually her neighbors who were doing all of the
killing but then she said that she was haunted by
the maniac upstairs who forced her to do it she
never clarified whether this was an actual neighbor
upstairs or if she meant possibly her mind it was the
maniac or the voices she possibly heard but the
entire time tamara appeared to be very confused at
what was happening she would switch back and
forth between being proud of her killings and kind of
embarrassed that they were even there ultimately
tamara was deemed mentally incompetent to stand
trial and it was also found that she had suffered from
paranoid schizophrenia this whole time it's unknown
if she was ever diagnosed with this beforehand if
anybody ever knew or tried to treat her or help her
even though she had been hospitalized multiple
times but by december of 2017 it was decided that
she would permanently stay in a psychiatric hospital
which was actually a high security prison hospital in
kazan without a trial and she said i will die there and
the state will probably bury me but it appeared as
though she was more content than anything flowers
were placed at the door the apartment that
valentina had lived in and many said that she was a
kind old woman and they were shocked that this
that happened and a friend of valentine's who was
named natalya said that tamara was always very
strange very tricky very suspicious and she had
actually gone to her asking where valentina was
during those days she was missing and tamara
grabbed her arm and threatened her if she went to
the police when natalya told the police this later on
they told her she was lucky to be alive when tamara
was finally caught an old friend from high school
came forward saying that tamira had always kind of
been this full of anger and hatred even during her
early years this was a woman named anna bettelina
who said that once she missed a meeting with
tamara and tamara called her and flew into a rage
saying that she would kill her cut her into pieces and
feed her to dogs if she ever did that again and
threatened her saying not to make her angry after
this she was almost scared of tamara and she
would listen to tamara saying things like she was
going to be famous for the things she was writing in
her diary it was going to be a book and she had also
even mentioned something about killing her mother-
in-law her husband's mother but anna did nothing
because she was terrified so investigators got to
work looking through the unsolved case files for
about 20 years prior or more of tamara's victims still
today no one knows exactly what that number is
some say it's 11 some say it's close to 21 but we
have no idea and she still refuses to disclose the
location of their bodies some believe that most of
her victims have been built on top of now around this
area where they could have been buried they had a
lot of ongoing construction projects and a lot of
apartments have since been built so it is a
possibility we may never find their bodies it was also
found from one of her neighbors who had talked to
her before all of this that tamara was possibly
obsessed with or inspired by another russian serial
killer named andrei chicatilo now he was also a
cannibal whose reign of terror went from 1978 to
1990 and who killed around 55 people he was an
infamous man known as the rustop ripper and that is
not the only case that is similar to his case you see
there was a ton of copycats after andrei chikatiglo
because of how gruesome he was and how insane
he really was and so it wasn't just tamara but some
people believe that possibly her looking into this
case is what led her to being this killer there was
also another man called alexander pachitsky who
was also known as the chessboard killer who
wanted to cover every square inch of a chessboard
with a victim he didn't succeed he got about 62 kills
but this was just because he wanted to beat the
number of chicatilo's victims there was also a killer
named mikhail popcove who was known as the
siberian werewolf because of how gruesome his
kills were he had once been a cop but then killed
approximately 50 people he even went so far to
compare himself to andre later on but that's not all
because there was also alexander baichov who cut
out stories of chicotilo's murders when he was
younger and then before the age of 23 had killed 11
people then sir hai choch had actually been an ex-
detective who went on to kill 29 people but he says
it's more like 200 and he said the same thing as
chikitilo saying he is not a man but a beast just like
chicateelo now i have covered the rustop rippers as
well as the chessboard killers and if you want to
watch them they will be linked down below they're
very interesting and although they're copycats they
definitely have their own flair i don't want to call it
flare because it's disgusting but their own mo to
them their own characteristics that made the case
even more disturbing we'll say disturbing over
interesting always so if you'd like to watch those
those will be linked down below but if you would like
me to cover the other copycats that were the
siberian werewolf as well as the beast then i would
love to because i think anyone who gets inspiration
and is obsessed with these kind of men these kind
of killers or any killers at all have to be horrifying
themselves i think there's a difference between
being interested in the psychology of the killer and
being obsessed with how they do things and you
know cutting out pictures and wanting to one-up
them and just you know you guys know the
difference but i feel like some people don't obviously
the copycats didn't either but i think that these are a
huge reason why and all copycats are a huge
reason why we have to be very careful with how we
speak about killers because you give them too much
recognition and it can be really bad for the people
with addictive obsessive personalities who can find
themselves really interested in them for the very
wrong reasons so yeah i hope i did an okay job of
focusing more on the victims there wasn't a ton
about them that i could tell you unfortunately but
and the case is in russian so i couldn't find many
articles at all i think that copycats of serial killers is
one of the most disturbing you know they always
talk about them in shows and i guess there are
some but we really don't think about how many of
these killers were possibly read or possibly created
under the influence or just the obsession with
another but please let me know what you think about
this entire case if you think that there are more
victims out there from the granny ripper or you think
she had help in any of these do you think her
husband had anything to do with it did he get
murdered by her or did he just vanish that's
something i'd really love to know but yeah i really
hope you learned from this one and don't ever forget
to speak up your voice is powerful enough and i
love you to absolute pieces don't ever forget that
this is my last video if you want to click here and
watch it this is a playlist of all of my videos if you
want to watch those this is where you subscribe to
this channel and this is where you subscribe to my
vlog channel okay bye

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