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Instructor : Dr. Faradila Masuara, M.Ed TESOL Int’l
Time: 75 minutes


Read the following questions carefully and respond them based on the intructions provided.

1. There are some ways to paraphrase ideas, arguments, or concepts of authors. Elaborate them as
clear as possible!

2. What are similarities and differences between summarizing and paraphrasing? Explain them
clearly based on your comprehension!

3. Read the following paragraph and then paraphrase it in a well-written construction based
on your understanding of a great paraphrased paragraph!
Previous research has investigated reading across mediums to determine its
effectiveness in supporting students' reading abilities. Engaging the students in reading texts is necessary
for acquiring input and producing meaningful output (Indrayadi, 2021). As one of the most crucial
information processing skills which depends on cognitive and linguistic processes (Nation, 2019), reading
can influence students' academic success (Mulatu & Regassa, 2022). Jeong and Gweon (2021) discovered
difference in readers' visual preferences, reading skills, and attitudes when reading articles in print vs.
digital formats. They found that readers preferred printed texts for reading, although the performance gap
between print and screen reading is closing. Research reported by Singer and Alexander (2017) revealed
that the students preferred digital texts and often predicted better understandings when reading digitally.
In contrast, the students remembered essential details related to the significant idea and other pertinent
material more clearly with printed texts.

4. Please reconstruct the following items into a good paraphrased paragraph. You are required to
provide an indirect quotation by using an appropriate signal phrase to make the paraphrase more
- Name of the authors: Masuara, Basthomi, Suci, and Anggraini
- Year: 2022
- Ideas to be paraphrased: This current research witnesses that although argumentative
writing is more challenging than other genres of writing, collaborative writing in the
current research is witnessed to have a significant impact on the quality ofstudents'
argumentative texts.


Nama : Junita Susanti

Class : 4-A

Subject : Academic Writing (MIDTEST)

NPM : 06212111006


 Read the original source carefully. It is essential that you understand it fully.
 Identify the main point(s) and key words.
 Cover the original text and rewrite it in your own words: Included the main
points and essential information.
 keep the original meaning and maintain the same relationship between main
ideas and supporting points
 Use synonyms (words or expression which have a similar meaning) where
 Key words that are specialised subject vocabulary do not need to be
 Write the paraphrase in your own style. Consider each point; how could you
rephrase it?
 If you want to retain unique or specialist phrases, use quotation marks (“ “).
 Change the grammar and sentence structure
 Break up a long sentence into two shorter ones or combine two short
sentences into one. You can change the voice (active/passive) or change
word forms (e.g. nouns, adjectives
 Change the order in which information/ideas are presented,
 Identify the attitude of the authors to their subject (i.e. certain, uncertain,
critical etc)
 Make sure your paraphrase reflects this. Use the appropriate reporting word
or phrase
 Review your paraphrase, to check it accurately reflects the original text but
is in your words and style
 Record the original source, including the page number, so that you can
provide a reference.
2. Pharaphrase merupakan cara mengulang pernyataan menjadi lebih detail dan
tetap menggunakan text atau kalimat yang sama sedangkan meringkas
adalah menulis kembali poin-poin yang ada dalam text tersebut secara
3. Previous survey has find out reading across mediums to specify its effectiveness in supporting
students reading abilities nice looking the students in reading texts is needful acquiring input and
producing useful output (Indravadi, 2021). One of the highly crucial information processing
skills which depends on conceptual and linguistic processes (Nation, 2019), reading can effect
student’s academic success (Mulatu & Regassa, 20220). Jeong and Gweon (2021) discovered
difference in reader’s visual prefences, reading skills, and attitudes when reading articles in print
vs digital formats. They found that readers preferential printed texts for reading, even the
performance cleft amongst print and screen reading is closing. Survey reported by singer and
Alexander (2017) revealed that the students preferential digital texts and often forecast preferable
understanding when reading digitally. In contrast, the students remembered essential details
related to the significant idea and other pertinent material more clearly with printed texts.
4. – Junita,
- According to Gross it is "not only the vocabulary of a language that determines how
and what we think and perceive, but also the grammar.
- (1996)

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