Marvel Illustrated Odyssey 2 Comic - Compress

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gay Taree Greg Tocchini IS ET i ees ey ‘ only great Achaean (Greek) warrior-hero not to have reached home—or to have perisl along the way. He was being held on an island by the lovestruck goddess Calypso. Meanwhile, his faithful wit Penelope had been holding at bay rapacious suit- ors such as Antinous who wished her to marry B one of them. The gods of Olympus having decided that Odysseus 4 should at last continue his voyage homeward, Athena ad- ~ vised the hero’s son Telemachus to go in search of him. Telemachus secretly set sail to ask old king Nestor of Pylos and King Menelaus and Queen Helen of — Sparta if they knew his father’s whereabouts... — if but they did not. Meanwhile, the suitors, discovering Telemachus’ absence, hoped to ambush him at sea on his journey back to Tthaca.... ee Mal Thanks = Special Thanks y ; © "All, Suter, Nausedas, Ginter! Writer Rey Thomas - Production ~ Tom Van Cise Peneiler ~ Greg, Tocchini “a a Assistant F ditors - jikers Roland Paris ~ Lauren Sankovitch & Lauren Henry Gigs Aetin Fu ita (ro ~ Ralph Macchio itorin Chef-Jou Quesada —_Leveer-WCi's ec Coramagna >» -Publishe—~ Dan Buckley Cover Arist Greg, Tocchini Peas ‘N ‘You cannot really be mear to send me home, When you bid me: put toseaon ar Nothing WY obut awell- J made chip could venture on euch a distant, vouage anxious you may be to see this wife oF the waters until the third Dawn. hen Odysseus neared asain the land of the Phacacians... =a hurricane may carry me out to sea again against my two minds, caught hin “or Poseidon may send some monster While he was thus 1e wave BB} carricd him back mashed hin 4 7 with it, far into hs agaist the racks ; the sea. Ua Lene ee. Gu aely Li) ie pee carven Horse: etl elke ee oan eee Cae Fs ee Rear eeg se dite town: IS WEY [elit AEDES Tene CY a peace lp dl i ete dce Toa ns SM a ee ee fusceeelaTe (Brat ere ene Ua oe eer — victorious. The Od iy es: Begrime - to smear or soil with dirt Bluster - to roar and be tumultuous Calamity ~ grievous affiction; adversity; misery Cormorant ~ any of several large, widely distributed marine diving birds having dark plumage, webbed feet, a slender hooked bill, and a distensible pouch Decree ~ the giving of a formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law Dishonorable ~ showing lack of honor or integrity; disgraceful; shameful Distress ~ a state of extreme necessity or misfortune Garment — an article of clothing Henceforth — from now on; from this point forward Hospitable - receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously Implore ~ to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat Insolent - boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting Lamentation ~ the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief Lineage ~ the line of descendants of a particular ancestor; family; race Luring - anything that attracts, entices, or allures Nymph ~ one of a numerous class of lesser deities of mythology, conceived of as beautiful maidens inhabiting the sea, rivers, ‘woods, trees, mountains, meadows, etc. Perilous ~ involving or full of grave risk or peril; hazardous: \ dangerous Pitiable ~ evoking or deserving contemptuous pity; contemptible Poise ~a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing: composure; self-possession Sceptered ~ ruling power or authority; sovereignty Scurrying - to go or move quickly or in haste Solemnly ~ grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood ‘Subtlety - delicacy or nicety of character or meaning Suifor one who courts a woman seeking to marry her Suppliant - one who humbly beseeches Timber wood used as a building mater “Tyident - a three-pronged spear used in gladiatorial combats { Uitkeinp= uncared-for or neglected; disheveled js lumber

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