24-26274 - PDFForm Soumission-Submission

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Air Travel Complaint #24-26274 2024-05-17 06:22 PM -04:00

Document checklist
I have all my information and documents ready to enter or upload throughout this form.: Yes
I have read, understood and consent to the Personal Information Collection Statement: Yes


Your complaint is about:

Compensation for a flight delay, cancellation or tarmac delay: Yes

I have read and understand what I need to provide in this form for flight disruptions: Yes
Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses (accommodation, transportation, food/drink): Yes
I have read and understand what I need to provide in this form for reimbursement of expenses: Yes

Communication with airline

Have you contacted the airline “in writing” about your complaint? Yes
Is your complaint about just one airline? Yes
Which airline are you filing a complaint against? Air Canada (AC)
If you have a case number with an airline, please provide it (e.g. CAS-XXXXX-XXXXXX): CAS-7721990-
Upload your airline ticket(s):
TANDON P - AKPVAU - 12May24 - a563bdac6c26468c.pdf (113 KB)
Did you receive a reply from the airline in writing? Yes
Upload the proof of contact with the airline:
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 5.55.26 PM.png (349 KB)
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 5.53.54 PM.png (225 KB)


Flight delays, cancellations and tarmac delays

Type of flight disruption: Cancellation

Reason the airline gave for the flight disruption: Earlier Flight Disruption

Flight details

Airline: Air Canada (AC)

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Air Travel Complaint #24-26274 2024-05-17 06:22 PM -04:00

Airline booking number or reservation code: 3G4DKX

Flight number: AC126
Flight date: 2024-05-12
Ticket number (if there is no ticket number, leave this blank): 0142029698758
From (departure airport): CA - Vancouver - Vancouver International Airport (YVR)
To (arrival airport): CA - Toronto - Lester B. Pearson International Airport (YYZ)
Final destination (last airport on ticket itinerary): CA - Quebec - Quebec Jean Lesage International Airport
Flight type: Connecting

Did you miss a connecting flight because of the flight disruption? Yes
Were you offered alternative arrangements (rebooking or refund)? Yes
Did you accept the alternative arrangements? No
Did you buy another ticket to complete your trip? No
Were you given food or drink (actual or voucher)? No
How far in advance were you notified of the delay or cancellation? I was not notified
How late did you arrive at your final destination airport? more than 9 hours late
Do you agree with the reason the airline gave for the incident? No
Please provide details about why you disagree. (1000 character limit): I was told about cancellation when i was
dropping my bags.
No prior message or email was sent informing about cancellation
If it was a technical issue of the flight prior to mine they should have informed me well in advance.I had to
pay peak surcharge for my uber/taxi from and to airport.
Also the alternate flight provided next morning was also delayed by more than 5 hrs connecting from
calgary AC324.
This made me reach well beyond 9 hrs to my destination and I was supposed to join a ship for work which I
had to miss because of this.Neither was i provided any food or accommodation and there was no
communication from the service agent
I want compensation for inconvenience: Yes
Taxi, rideshare (Uber, Lyft etc.), or ground transportation expenses: Yes
How much did you pay for taxi, rideshare (Uber, Lyft etc.) or ground transportation? (total, including taxes):
Please upload your taxi, rideshare or ground transportation receipts:
receipt taxi.jpeg (662 KB)
Receipt_13May2024_041506.pdf (22 KB)
Receipt_13May2024_124533.pdf (23 KB)
Food and drink expenses: Yes
How much did you pay for food and drink? (total, including taxes): $51.98
Please upload your food and drink receipts:
IMG_3553.jpg (129 KB)
Did the airline provide you with clear and consistent communication about the flight delay, cancellation or tarmac
delay? No
Did the airline tell you about the flight delay, cancellation or tarmac delay by email, text message or an update in
the app? No
Did the airline tell you about the flight delay, cancellation or tarmac delay verbally (by airline staff, an
announcement over the PA system or a phone call)? Yes

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Air Travel Complaint #24-26274 2024-05-17 06:22 PM -04:00

Your contact information

Are you filling out this form for yourself, or yourself and children or adults travelling with you? Yes
Who is filing this form? I am filling it out for myself only

Primary applicant contact information

Pronouns: he/him/his
First name: Pritish
Last name: Tandon
Email address: pritisht@gmail.com
Daytime telephone: 6047853569

Confirm Details
Do you have additional details or information you would like to include? This is your last chance to provide them.
If you have selected reimbursement earlier in the form, please include the details of the expenses here.: Yes
Please type your additional details (2000 character limit): The staff could only provide me flight next day
morning altough there was a flight to quebec city connecting via Ottawa.But the staff said its just 1 hr
left.Then they told me they will give me a directly flight to Montreal but in 2 mins said its over sold and they
cant book that..Then they gave a a connecting flight to Montreal via Calgary.I had no choice but to take that
I was never given any food voucher or any Hotel accommodation neither any mode of travel.When i came
back to the airport in the morning I was told my connecting flight to Calgary is also delayed by more than 4
hrs again I had to wait and find a earlier flight.It was a harrowing experience and to top it all the airline
conveniently come up with technical issues as cause of delay and nobody bothered to inform me about the
delay i came to know when i was about to drop my bag.Even then there was no clear communication from
staff they just told me to line in a very long queue with any sort of communication from them.
Do you have additional documents to upload? This is your last chance to provide them.: No
Would you like to report any quality of service issues? These may not change the result of your case, but will be
tracked for enforcement purposes and to improve air travel service.: Yes
Airline staff's poor attitude: Yes
Long line-ups at the airport: Yes

I have provided/uploaded:

My ticket or confirmation number for proof of a contract between me and the airline: Yes
My written communication between myself and the airline for proof that I attempted to resolve my issue directly
with the airline: Yes
My booking/reservation/confirmation number for proof that a reservation was made in the airline’s system: Yes
My receipt(s) for proof of out-of-pocket expenses, if I want a reimbursement: Yes

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Air Travel Complaint #24-26274 2024-05-17 06:22 PM -04:00

I confirm that I have provided all the documents and information related to my complaint. I understand that I will
not be able to provide any additional information or documents after I submit my complaint.: Yes

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