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The Wicked House

by Irsa Saad

here once was a girl whose

name was Lily Clark. She was
sweet and understanding. She
had long wavy hair and she had pretty
blue eyes. She was tall for a girl in grade
six. When she was told she was moving
she was devastated. Her home was the
only home she ever knew. She lived
there her whole entire life. She loved her
home, friends and school. But now she
had to move because of a letter her
grandfather sent before he died. ‘’I really
don’t want to move’’. Lily said to herself. But she knew it was too late because they were
moving in a week.

A week later…
‘’Wow mom this house is so, um, black’’. Lily said sarcastically. ‘’ Well this house is your
great grandfather’s old house.’’ Said dad. ‘’We will have to take care of it’’, said mom.
Lily’s mom also said that it would be renovated. When they arrived at the house Lily
noticed the house was old but very nice. It had huge windows and dazzling chandeliers.
But none of the lights would turn on. ‘’hmm, I better check the light bulbs.’’ Said dad.
‘’I’m starting to like this house mom.’’ Said Lily. ‘’Well why don’t you check your room
upstairs’’. Said mom excitedly. Lily skipped upstairs and saw a tannish ghost swiftly flying.
‘’Huh.’’ Lily said. But it disappeared. Lily opened her room and her mouth dropped it was
humongous! Lily actually thought it was the master bedroom so she checked the other
room and it was a lot bigger than hers so it was probably the master bedroom. Lily was
relived because she liked her room better. Lily’s room was real nice it had a big massive
window and a walk-in closet. A while later her dad made all the beds.
‘’Well I better take a shower I’m sweating.’’, said dad. So, he went upstairs and to
bathe. When he turned on the water but it was not working. So, dad called
everybody upstairs. ‘’The water is not working the light aren’t turning on’’. Said
dad sadly. Mom said the water in the well was clean so we could use that and when
the sun goes down we can use the camping flashlights while mom and dad were
talking and complaining Lily saw a beeping light. When she walked towards it was
a… ELEVATOR lily showed the elevator to everyone. Dad said that nobody could
ride it until he asked somebody. Lily was hearing screams echoing through the
walls every night. The next day lily went outside and noticed there were no cars or
any people. When she went on the side walk she someone jumped in front of her.
Lily screamed. But there was only a nice girl standing. The random girl had a pale
face with black eyes and a shirt which had ruffled sleeves. She wore a red skirt and
white tights.’’ Hi, my name is Dawn.’’ Said the girl. ‘’my name is Lily.’’ Soon
when Lily asked why there was not any people here Dawn’s eyes were all red she
was warning Lily. Dawn left and was not looking back. When lily got home her
parents were not there she called and called but she only heard a tiny voice from
the elevator when she opened it her parents came out. Soon they told her that the
repairer came and told them to test the elevator the elevator then it was broken and
he ran away. When lily fell asleep her door slammed. “What!”, screamed Lily. Lily
banged the door but it didn’t open. She turned back and saw a ghost. “Aaaah”, Lily
screamed but the ghost vanished. Couple of minutes later, the door opened
“whew”, Lily sighed. She went back to sleep.

The next day, she went to her parents and told them the frightening story last night.
Her mom said “Lily, the door must have opened from the wind and got a bit
jammed’’. After her dad nodded. “Okay, Okay”, Lily said. After she got dressed
and ate breakfast, she got ready for the park. “Still no cars, huh!”, Lily said to
herself while standing on the doorstep. When she walked, she stepped on
something squishy. It was a doll. She decided to stay home so she could see the
doll. “Hmm, looks weird”, thought Lily. But she noticed a tiny tag hanging on the
dolls dress which read “from DAWN!”. She got very scared and gasped. She got
scared and ran upstairs to her mom and dad. She explained the doll’s story to her
parents. Her parents just laughed. “Red eyes!”, they said. She just sighed and left.
Lily had a strong imagination so she got a thought it was her mind showing her
these things. She got calm and was fine. She knew her imagination was doing this;
except she was still curious about the doll. That evening, her old friend from her
previous neighborhood came to visit. “I am so happy you are here Luna”, said Lily.
“Same here”, Luna replied. There were painting posters for Lily’s new room. “Oh
gosh!”, said Lily. “What happened?”, Luna said. “My paint got finished”, cried
Lily. They had to go to the attic upstairs for more. They were about to climb the
stairs when they saw Lily’s dad with a guy. “Hi kids. The stairs are getting new
wood.” said dad excitedly. Mom came in with some more pieces of dark brown
wood. “Hello!”, said mom. “Why didn’t you tell me you are fixing the stairs?”,
Lily said. “Oh! Sorry sweetie! We called the builder last min”, mom said. “Guess
what! We also fixed the lights and sinks”, said dad. “Ok! We were actually going
upstairs to get more paint”, Luna said. But dad told them they could not use the
stairs right now because they were uneven.

When Luna saw the elevator, she got an idea. “Why don’t we use that elevator
instead?”, Luna said. Lily told her what happened to her parents with the elevator.
“Come on! Its probably safe to ride and we will be super quick to come back”.
“Fine”, said Lily reluctantly. They went inside the elevator. Lily was sweating as
soon as the door of the elevator closed because there was no turning back now!
“What’s wrong, Lily?”, said Luna. “Nnnnothing!”, she said, shivering. Lily has
always been afraid of everything. On the other hand, Luna wasn’t afraid of many
things. When Luna was about to press the elevator button, she found there were
none! Lily got a panic attack suddenly. So, they tried to bust the elevator open but
the door wouldn’t budge. Finally, after fifteen minutes of trying, Lily’s parents
opened the elevator and they got out.

Luna was getting ready to leave for her house. After she left, Lily’s parents got
very upset with her for using the broken elevator. She had been lucky she got out.
She went in her room and saw the mysterious doll Dawn gave her. She thought
“Why would Dawn give it to me?”. So, she planned to find a way to get Dawn to
tell her about this weird neighborhood.

The next day, she saw a huge ghost in her room. Soon she realized it was gone like
it was never there. Lily just thought it was her active imagination again getting the
best of her. She put her clothes on to go outside. She was so surprised that there
was no one in the neighborhood. Then she saw Dawn walking towards her. “You
got the doll I gave you?”, asked Dawn. “Duh!”, Lily said. Lily asked her
everything and this time Dawn replied mysteriously “Well most people, uh, don’t
come out, uh, because there is so much, uh, wind, uh, and it is, uh, very chilly”.
“Oh! Okay!”, said Lily.

Today she was going with Dawn to an old park in the middle of the neighborhood.
Next to it was a graveyard. When Lily and Dawn arrived, there were five other
kids in the park, two girls and three boys. “Hey! Dawn”, everyone said. They
asked Dawn who Lily was and Lily introduced herself. They played a long game of
soccer. Soon she got their numbers and made a group chat with them. Later that
night, when Lily was asleep, Dawn called her on her phone. Dawn told Lily to
meet them at the graveyard right away. Lily was hoping to make friends with them
better, so she got packed and sneaked outside while her parents were sleeping.
“What is going on?”, asked Lily. But she was way too late to get answers. They
told her it was a set up. Her house, her new friends, her school, her neighborhood
was all to get her here. Lily gasped in disbelief. When she looked at the grave next
to her, it said “Dawn Lana, 2008 – 2018”. That means Dawn died last year when
she was ten years old. And besides it, the graves had all the other kids’ names as
well. But next to them was a open grave marked “Lily Clark, 2008 - 2019”. The
doll Dawn gave her was sitting on the ground next to the grave and it moved it
arm. Then Lily saw a shadow. It was from her mom and dad. Lily quickly told
them the story and they ran to the car, but before they could drive away, Dawn had
broken their car with a huge rock. So, Lily got out of the car with her flashlight as
it was too dark. She accidently shined it at Dawn and Dawn melted. She learned
this was their weakness so she used her flashlight to melt all the other kids. Finally,
with all of them gone, Lily walked home with her parents, while holding their

Next day, Lily woke up with noise from the street of children playing and
laughing. She came outside to see. It was a very beautiful sunny day and everyone
looked very happy. Lily felt everything is back to normal, however, she still carries
her flashlight everywhere she goes!

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