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A modular approach in teaching


LEAN ON: The first step of the Learning Design will OPTIMIZE KNOWLEDGE: At this stage, the learners
point the learner to the TRUE SOURCE of knowledge. are introduced to the content of the lesson. Necessary
Grounded with the Word of God, the most essential routine practices such as drills and reviews are also
and enabling competencies that the learners must given at this step. Lesson exercises are also emphasized
master are introduced here. after each content is discussed.

VALIDATE LEARNING: At this stage, the learners EMPOWER SELF: Empowering the learner for
are assessed through summative and necessary transfer of learning is one of the main goals of this
performance tasks in real-life situations. learning design. He must learn how to reflect, connect
his learning to other fields of knowledge, values and
must demonstrate his love for learning.

Prepared by:
Drocelyn B. Gentapanan, LPT
For Quarter 2: Week 1

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." In communicating, we need to express with
love, for love is the language of heaven- it is God's character. In reaching different cultures and
colors, love can transform prejudice; it paves the way for better understanding and develops lasting
relationships. The essence of this learning design lies in the most profound need of humans these
days- LOVE. And now abideth faith, hope, and love, the greatest of these is LOVE. The good news is
embedded in God's love. We LOVE Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Grade:
Date Starts: _____________________________________ Date Ends: ____________________________

Module Topic: Types of Text Structures Page | 1


The Two Builders

Greetings, fellow Pathfinders! Today we are going to recall the parable of Jesus about the two builders. Are
you ready? If so, we will begin this with a prayer.

Dear Lord, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to earth to die for my sins and to teach me.
Help me to trust you and build my life on the rock. Bless me with wisdom today and always. In Jesus'
name, I pray, Amen.

The first builder built his house upon a rock. Think about what a rock is and what it feels like. It is solid
and sturdy. Jesus is like a rock. When we have Jesus in our lives, it is like we are standing on a rock. We are
not going to fall when Jesus is holding us up. We have to rely on Jesus with every part of our lives. If we do
rely on Jesus, He will not let us fall.
The second builder built his house on the sand. What is sand like? It is squishy, and it moves when you
walk on it. The world is like sand. When we build our lives on whatever we want, but not Jesus, it is like
standing on the sand. When life is challenging the foundation, we are standing on gets squishy, and we will fall.
Without Jesus, we lose. The foolish man's house fell when the storm came.
When Jesus taught this lesson, many people were amazed because they knew that He had the authority of
God to teach them. They understood that Jesus was right, and they needed to believe in Him and trust Him.
Matthew 7:24 says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a
wise man who built his house on the rock.”

What about you? Do you want to build your life upon the rock like Jesus? Or on the sand?
Why is it important to trust Jesus, especially during trials or difficulties you encounter every day?

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

The pupil must have:
…identified the types of text structure.

Enabling Competencies
My fellow Pathfinders, here are our Page | 2
learning targets. These are the skills
that we need to master as we go along
The pupil must have: and finish our different tasks. May
God bless us!
a. defined the types of text structure.
b. identified each text structure as defined.
c. identified the text structure of each paragraph.

Warming Up

Can you help me solve this trivia? Here are the clues:

a. It is a bell tower in Pisa, Italy.

b. It became a world famous for its prominent tilt to one side.
c. It weighs 14, 500 tons.
What is it? _____________________________________________


Types of Text Structures

What is the purpose of informational/ factual texts?

Informational/factual texts endeavor to inform, instruct, or persuade using facts and information.

In this module, you will be informed about the purpose, key structural, and language features of various
informational/factual text types.
You know, much like buildings, texts, mainly informational and
nonfictional texts, have to be structurally sound. , or else they'll fall over – just
like what had happened to the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Let's find out why this tower stands but leaning, and at the same time,
let's learn the Five Types of Text Structure.

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1. Description
The author provides several details of something to give the reader a mental picture. The clues you can
find here are the many adjectives, characteristics, or examples.
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The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in Italy. It
stands over 180 feet tall, tilted four degrees like it’s starting to

What are the characteristics of the tower given here?

 stands over 180 feet tall,
 tilted four degrees
The author described the tower, so you have the image in your mind. That's a description!

2. Sequence
It gives events way back to the most recent. The author provides readers with chronological events or a list of
steps in a procedure.


Construction began in 1173, but it was halted when war

was decreed. The building stopped for a while, then resumed
many years later in 1272.

The sequence
contains dates and the words NEXT, THEN, BEFORE, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD
Can you see the sequence here? Let’s try to use the word clues.
 First, construction began in 1173.
 Next, it was halted when war was decreed.
 Then, it resumed in 1272.

3. Cause and Effect

This is another way to organize. Cause tells the reason for an action, event, or decision while effect tells
what happened as a result of the cause.

Soft soil made the tower settle unevenly. As a result, it
leaned increasingly. Builders tried to balance it with more floors,
but it leaned even more due to extra weight.

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

Words like BECAUSE, SINCE, IF, THEN, DUE TO means cause and effect are coming to you.
More signal words are: as a result of, by, consequently, due to, so, thanks to, therefore, and which means.
Looking at the clues, can you identify the cause and the effect? Let’s try.
My turn:
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Cause: Soft soil made the tower settle unevenly.
Effect: As a result, it leaned increasingly.
Your turn: (Do the next two sentences)

Cause: _____________________________________________________________________

Effect: _____________________________________________________________________

4. Problem and Solution

an author Problem: introduces
a problem The tower leaned more with each passing century. The tilt and then
explains how
somebody increased to more than five degrees. The people feared it would solved it.
collapse into ruins.

Now we know the problem. What is the solution?

Earth was removed from under the monument, and
weights were added to balance out its top. They corrected the
lean – at least a little bit.

Look out for the words involved: SINCE, QUESTION, PROBLEM, SOLUTION, SOLVE

5. Compare and Contrast

It explains how things are different and the same.

Both the tower of Pisa's construction and the Washington

Monument's saw disruption. The Washington Monument, named
after George, had construction paused for the Civil War. Like the
Leaning Tower, it took years to finish, but the buildings' purpose
was different. One was erected as a church bell's tower, while the
other honored a founder.

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

See their similarities and differences:

Similarities: Both are towers, both took years to finish their construction
Differences: One was erected as a church bell’s tower, while the other honored a Founding Page | 5

Task 1: Try it!

Let’s sum up what you have learned in this lesson.

Identify the 5 Types of Text Structures. Choose your answer from the box.
Description Sequence Problem and Solution
Cause and Effect Compare and Contrast

_____________________1. The author gives information about a problem and explains one or
more solutions.
_____________________2. The author discusses similarities and differences between people,
things, concepts, or ideas.
_____________________3. The author provides several details of something to give the reader a
mental picture.
_____________________4. The author provides readers with chronological events or list of steps
in a procedure.
_____________________5. The author describes the reason for an action, event, or decision and tells what
happened as a result for the cause.

Task 2: Try More!

Follow each direction given.

1. Read the information in the box then describe a starfish by filling-in the diagram below with more details.

Starfish, also known as sea stars, get their name from their shape. They have five arms and
live in the water. Whether they are red, orange, blue, or brown, most are spiny. Even if they
lose an arm, they can regrow another!
Starfish have a unique but pretty look. Oddly, they have a mouth at the center of the lower
surface. But they are so appealing that many people collect them just for their beauty.
Starfish are quite interesting friends from the sea!

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

five arms

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Starfish spiny


2. Compare and contrast apples and oranges. What are their similarities and differences? Fill the diagram with
these details:
 Both are fruits Apples and Oranges
 Have skin
 Healthy
 Oranges have more acid Similarities Differences
 Apples have thin skin

3. Put into correct order the procedure on how to make a peanut butter sandwich. Place your answer in the

 Next, you need to get the peanut butter and a bread knife.
 After that, put the two pieces of bread together.
 First, you need to take out two slices of bread.
 Finally, enjoy the delicious sandwich!
 Then, you spread the peanut butter on both slices of bread.

This is how to make a peanut butter sandwich:

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4. Identify the problem-solution in this text structure. Place it in the diagram.

Lea Jane wants to join her local community service volunteer group, but her Mom thinks her
grades are too low. Lea Jane decides she will work hard to bring her grades up so that her Mom
will allow her to join the group.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

Problem Solution

5. Identify the cause and effect relationship from this structure then place it in the diagram

During the experiment, Henry poured the liquid bromine into the saline solution. His hypothesis
was proven correct when the solution changed colors.

______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
_____________________ _____________________

Cause Effect

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department
A. Read the texts below then identify its structure. Encircle the letter next to the right answer.
1. Gum is a distraction. It makes messes in the classroom. As a result, pupils are not allowed to chew gum.
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a. description b. cause and effect c. sequence

2. Geologists classify kinds of rocks by closely examining specific characteristics. They often begin by looking
at the rock through a magnifying lens to check for crystal structures, luster, and color. Breaking the rock shows
the specimen’s fracture or cleavage.
a. sequence b. compare and contrast c. description

3. The thirteen colonies were very unprepared for the American Revolution. They did not have their armed
force, uniforms, weapons, or training. To help fix these issues, the thirteen colonies received help and supplies
from other countries, including formal military training from Friedrich von Steuben, a German soldier.
a. problem-solution b. description c. sequence

4. Here are the steps in cooking oats:

First, Add 1 ½ cup of water to every half-cup of quick-cooking oats. Next, please bring it to a boil. Then, cook
for 3-5 minutes, constantly stirring to prevent oats from sticking to pot's base. Finally, when cooked to taste,
serve, and enjoy. You may add milk or sweetener, or top with fruits.
a. description b. cause and effect c. sequence

5. Butterflies and bees have many things in common. They are both insects that live all over the world. Another
similarity is that they both have four wings which are very different. Butterflies have brightly colored wings
while bee's wings are transparent. Bees live in large groups called colonies. Butterflies do not. They often travel
by themselves. Butterflies and bees are also similar because they both feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.
a. cause and effect b. compare and contrast c. problem and solution

Integration of Values and Other Fields in the Curriculum
What do you do during your free time at home? Most children like you are not really tasked to do the
cooking, especially when parents or older ones are around. But this time, think of a simple yet healthful
recipe, prepare it, and serve it to them.
Use the SEQUENCE text structure in sharing your recipe here.

MY HOMEMADE ___________________

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___________________________________________ Page | 9


Reflect: Color the column under each number. Number 1 means I can do little about it, 2 means I
can do it but needs more practice, 3 means, I can do it but needs a little guidance, 4 means I can do it

Competencies for this module 1 2 3 4

I can define the types of text structure.
I can identify each text structure as defined.
I can identify the text structure of each paragraph.
I can prepare a simple yet healthy recipe using the sequence text

Which part of the module is easiest for you?


Which part of the lesson do you think you need help with? How did you finish it?

Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

Our Loving Heavenly Father, I praise You for the lesson that I have Page |
learned in this module. Young as I am, please help me to build my life 10
always in you! In Jesus' name, Amen!

Answer Key:

Task I: Try it!

1. problem and solution

2. compare and contrast
3. description
4. sequence
5. cause and effect

Task II: Try it!

1. more details:
live in the water
red, orange, blue, or brown
pretty look
2. Similarities: Differences:
both fruits oranges have more acid
have skin apples have thin skin
3. Correct order of making a peanut butter sandwich:
1. First, you need to take out two pieces of bread.
2. Next, you need to get the peanut butter and a knife.
3. Then, you spread the peanut butter on both slices of bread.
4. After that, put the two pieces of bread together.
5. Finally, enjoy the delicious sandwich!
4. problem:
Lea Jane wants to join her local community service volunteer group, but her Mom thinks her grades are too low.
Lea Jane decides she will work hard to bring her grades up so that her Mom will allow her to join the group.
5. Cause: Henry poured the liquid bromine into the saline solution.
Effect: His hypothesis was proven correct when the solution changed colors.

Validate Learning
1. b
Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. b
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Central Philippine Union Conference of SDA – Education Department

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