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Borito, Justine L.

May 22, 2024

AB Psychology 1-B Developmental Psychology

The interviews conducted with participants provided profound insights into the
application of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Bronfenbrenner's Ecological
Theory within Filipino society. As participants shared their life journeys and experiences, it
became evident that intelligence and skills evolve over time, shaped by cultural influences and
environmental factors. For instance, one participant, an Office of Student Affairs Coordinator,
recounted how her social and emotional intelligence evolved significantly during her current
stage at adulthood. She shared, “Yes, mahalaga ang social connections and emotional
intelligence, lalo na at nandito na kami sa age na midlife crisis. So kinakailangan mo talaga ng
social connections, kailangan mo ng someone na makakaintindi sa’yo.”

The elder participants shed light on the significance of recognizing and nurturing diverse
forms of intelligence for the development of younger generations. They emphasized the
importance of social connections, emotional intelligence, and environmental awareness in
improving resilience and fulfillment. In addition to recognizing the evolving nature of
intelligence and the importance of nurturing diverse abilities, the interviews underscored the
deep-rooted cultural values that shape the developmental journey of Filipino citizens. These
cultural factors not only contribute to personal growth but also establish a sense of identity and
belonging within the community. As one participant, a College Department Head Professor,
remarked, “We have to be very open-minded and we have to adapt to different things, since we
have different perceptions in life.”

Moreover, the participants' stories serve as illustrations of how Gardner's Theory of

Multiple Intelligences and Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory apply to real-life experiences in
the Philippines. Their stories highlight the practical applications of these theories in
understanding and supporting lifelong learning and development. By appreciating the diverse
intelligences and the impact of environmental factors, we can foster a more inclusive and
supportive environment for all individuals, encouraging continuous growth and fulfillment
throughout life.

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