CCA Preparation

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1. Greetings
2. Introduction of the Assessment Center and yourself
3. Acknowledgement of TESDA Representative
4. Check the attendance of candidates and let them sign the attendance
5. Collect admission slip and ID (check the admission slip along with their ID while the candidate sign the
6. Distribute and let the candidate have time to read the Specific Insructions and that you will elaborate
the Specific Instruction on the orientation
7. Ask how the candidate are doing (building rapport with the candidate)
8. Present the Application Form, SAG and consent form
9. Provide overview of the Qualification to be assessed ( national Assessment and Certification
10. Orients the candidates on the following:
- Context & purpose of assessment
- Qualification and units of competency to be assessed
- Outline of task /procedures to be undertaken and time limits
- How the evidence will be collected
- Allowable adjustments, if applicable
- DOs and DON’T during the assessment
- Possible results of assessment
- Competent include the issuance of NC/COC
- Not yet competent include re-assessment procedures and rights to appeal system
Evidence Gathering
1. Designate candidate to the assessment area and separate the candidate
2. Administer the following if applicable (written, demo, demo w/ oral questioning, interview)
- while administering the task read the instructions to the candidates and also indicate the use of
PPE and time limits (if applicable)
- observed the candidates using the rating sheets and you can ask question if applicable
- instruct the candidate to return to the Orientation area and call one-by-one for interview (if
3. Feedbacking
- give direct feeback to the competent candidate after the interview and include the issuance of NC
(issuance of NC is directly e-mailed to the candidate 3-5 working days after the assessment)
- ask for suggestions and comments for the improvement of the Assessment Center
- tell the candidate to sign the rating sheets
- collect back the specific instruction
- tell the candidate to return to the orientation area or the holding area
- give direct feeback using the Sandwich Method to candidate after the interview and include the
re-assessment process (re-assessment process is only 3 consecutive assessment is allow and that
- tell the candidate on the rights to appeal but include that they have to have a valid reason for
their appeal as they are covered by CCTV footage on the entire duration of assessment.
- tell the candidate to sign the rating sheets
- collect back the specific instruction
- tell the candidate to return to the orientation area or the holding area
4. Closing
- tell the candidates that the Competency Assessment Result Summary will be release by the
Assessment Center Manager and that the CARS should not be lost as it will be their evidence that
they have undergone assessment if ever they have not received their certificate on their e-mail.
- instruct the candidates before going to perform 5'S and then "Thank you"
- compile documents then submit to the TESDA representative

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