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ia Pury fo The velocity-time (0-f) graph of a bo fe 3-ani is shove in the Figure. The average spect dating the | 50 eal a swimmer in still water fs 4 » (m/s) 20 10 » 0 a swimmer | Lethe wee 2.5 kre nears Oris yo + 20 3.2 ive 1 A = 6G =/0 | 4.6kmihe 3.15mis % 4.20 ms Been wireismeasured by: 4, 26 ‘The determination of the value of acceleration due to", Screw Eee 2: Spherometer eravity (g) by simple pendulum method employs the Formula, ‘Spectrometer a4 4¢- Aly 24t 4, Nenturimeter gaara a E | “he exreson forte lve grein the value of gis uo vectored and B ave ating stan angle on an eS) Be Object. If the magnitude of their vector product is VB times b +2] [P= 4 - 2() their scalar produet, the angle @ between them is: "| r ot Lg 1,30" = . 12.45" B The velocity of projection of an ‘oblique projectile is \ 560° t= (eG +23) mst, The speed of the projectile at the 4.90 a b highest point of the trajectory is: | une Lams) = | RB eT oo & 2.2ms! i a 3.1mst ’ | one sour P 4, zero 7 (© scanned wih nen Same he he BEGIN ys 6 . 7 etree trunk, 4 km in a direog ant pulls @ ‘An elepha the components of the el Fis apie wo the string 90th Bik do nt mst th Mosk mes itl retin cae and nam Treawsernnartc ake Hk seg = 10m") GR = 0.766 cod =P [173.06 km east ane 7 Horizontal St erimeastand $.06 km north # £ smooth | F—fg.o4rkm east and 0.09 km north a I “s ee Match List- Lwith List- I , 0. List ener 5, eT) Rae |(vteasured values) |(Significant figures) akg” 3ab rr jooorzi9 Ik Lue ® [oper x 10™ in peut of Ic 3.70 meh sme cet GS Ce nmr Fem he olin eea lo 3.1.5 m/s? ge 7. [A-til, Bell, C-I, DAV. 412ms 2. A-Hl, B-I, Cll, DV B. [a-I, B-Il, C-IV, D-III Calculate the maximum acceleration of a moving car $0" fy [actV, B-L C-ll, DAlll that 2 body lying on the floor of the car remains stationary. ‘The coefficient of static friction between the body and the floor is 0.15. (take g = 10 ms) ft. _|s0ms? bf B.__[a50ms? A particle continuously moves in a circular path at constant speed in a counterclockwise dirsction, Consider a time interval during which the particle movesealong this circular path from, point P 10 poim Q. Point @ is exactly halfway around the eire from point P. 112 fa 2kg block slides down a 30° incline, as shown below, with an acceleration of 2 m/s”. 2kg wt 30° ‘The magnitude of the frictional force along the plane is: (take teh 10 mis?) ra | 1.25N eo" | 2.5N ‘o Ln ig = 2x? 2 4.20 % “ps4 eb weer’ FEA 2 kc object strikes a wat! with velocity 1 ms“ at an angle of 60° with the wall and reflects at the same angle. I it Femains in contact with the wall for O.1 s, then the force exerted on the wall is: 6 ‘What is the direction of the average velocity during this time . men interval? aa, 1 3.10V3N ee 4. 20V3N 3.1 448 = Osment iota anne FE] Toe forces of magninide A and 4 cach other. The imensional track. The mass of cart A he mass of the cart B is 2 kg. Initially catt A js the right 0.2 mf and ear Bs moving tic ek imis (see figure). After they collide, they stick together, B x ee 2 ‘on a level road takes a sharp circular turn of radius m without tilting and reducing the speed, What should be the minimum value of the coefficient Of slatic frietion between the tyres and the road so that the cyclist will not slip while king the turn? (take g = 10 ms") 1.0.50 2.025 3.0.20 4.0.15 [Given below are two statements: IWecan get daplacement Tom the heeleratonsime graph, fe can get acceleration om he aol time raph, {statement t: {statement 11; What i the magitude of the total momentum ofthe 5 before the collision? a 3.1.6 kg-m/s curvature of the path is 2m. The centripetal acceleration or 3: the paicle at = 2 willbe: Na [Both Statement I and Stalement Mare correct. 2 [Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect. B,|Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect. [Statement I is incorrect and Statement IT is correct. ‘Two bodies projected with initial speed of 4 m/s at two ferent angles 8; and @, cover equel range, then: 1. sind; = sins » 2.sin, = cos: go 3.sind, = tanls 0, = sin 28 mist \ Let (recom tet tn mo tame Pe unit of time is 1 min, then in this system the unit of tod : posse: 1 [Naw pe: below are two statements: 5 so I [The relative velocity berveen any two bodies lAssertion (A)s|may be equal tothe sum ofthe speeds ofthe The weloiy » of 8 parila a Gime ts en by lwo boaes. ISometimes, te relative velooly between wo att ae Fez: The dimensions of a, band e ate respectively: lReason (R): [bodies may be equal tothe difference in the | stir 112) ‘ 4 [speeds of the two. 2. (2), iF), (Lr ut 3. [E7*) (7), (2 [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct 4,[£), [ZT], [77] 2 lexplanation of (A). Met [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot the correct | e “explanation of (A). EEJ(A) is True but (R) is False [éfBoth (A) and (R) are Fase. , ste as, ue »vw OS -_— ae 1 wee So © scanned with onEn Samer 21082 por. © 2% Hes ; “caw tw jie SKI A vise tne oe a hsm 6 Miho stoyins HC the tp takes 1 in 8 tate verge eis 8 Ato Band A batsmai takes the fiest run by moving fiom econd nun, When he reaches 20 yards (rom, 1 run oui, The net displacement of then goes for th Bo D (see figure), be the batsman is My 975 2. 20 yards tpi Partie FF A block of mass 15 kg is suspended using two spring balances of negligible mass, as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements is correct? 15 kg [Both seales will ead 15 kg. . [Both Seales will read 10 kg. [The upper scale will read 15 kg and the lower one zero. [Phe lower scale will read 15 kg and the upper one zero. 7 7 ‘ero 0 5 stretches SPFiNg that has 4 gp ce of 10 rete SPN HE Nas ‘The potential ENeEY Ore in he yi A spring has @ force constant of 100'N/m and ay es Iength of 0.07 m. One end is attached to a unstretched Tenet sin the centre of @ Smooth table, 2s sho Top view ‘What is the work done on the disc by the spring during one full circle? 1.0) 2.045 3.1865 4.314) jons are equal Ina vemier callipers, 20 vernier scale divi to 16 main scale divisions. If one main scale division is equal to 2mm, then what is the least count of the instrument? 1.0.2 mm 2.0.1 mm 3.0.4 mm 14.0.5 mm | BB] 4 bat of mass 5 grams is thrown downward from point | Acwith certain initia Velocity up towards a hard floor. Without any loss of energy, it rebounds from the floor 10 4 Point 10 m above the original I initial velocity ~ 1% of the ball is, igi level. Thus, the initial 1.10 mis 2.50 m/s 3.14 mis 4.28 mis (© seamed with onEn Samer OF 6 Kents suspended by a rope ot neptigtse mass sib oF 2am fhm the ee he evilims. A foes oF 6H N a the bevigontal tection is applied atthe mid-point P atthe fone (ee fixate? The angle the rape make an "with the vertical in 10 ny (uke poe 6kg, 60 115° puto IN panicle is displaced through (3% +43) m by force 24 N. The work done is: . hadl eee 283 wes" 5 8 Say gay to), jon (Ayitis difficult wo movea bieyele along a road [Assertion (AY: ih its brakes on.“ When a bicycle moves with is brakes on, i skids and sliding friction is greater than rolling friction. [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct lexplanation of (A). HBoth (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot the correct [explanation of (A). "(AY is Trae but (R) is False [Both (A) and (R) are False. [Reason (R): fa’ man is standing in a lift that goes up and down with the same constant acceleration. Ifthe ratio ofthe apparent weights in two cases is 2:1, then the acceleration of the lift is (oearly): _. 1.1.67 ms* “Oe, 2.2.50 ms? 3.8.33 ms 4.5ms7 BEGIN will hed to an unstretched spring, A bilock of mnass ne is ata ce on a smooth horizontal table nto zy, and then spring. cons The block is no. Wh pl polled to a displacem | released The maximum specd it wil atin will h. b. Ip. [eam I. Ea’ projectile is thrown with an initial velocity vp from the ‘ground at an angle 8 with the horizontal direction. Which of the following statements is correct during its entire journey? (ignoring air resistance) |Horizontal component ofthe linear momentum of the projectile is constant during its motion [Velocity ofthe projectile is 2er0 at the maximura he [Acceleration of the projectile is zero at the maximum Incight : Displacement of the projectile in a horizontal direct leero. ¥ — Puysics - SECTION B Pq Three balls, cach of mass 1 kg, are attached to three Jight | strings, each of length 1m, as shown in the figure. They are | rowted in a horizontal circle with an angular velocity = 4 radis, Which of the following options is correct? 32N, T)=16N 80N, T= 48N Ty = 48N (© scanned wih nen Same = smal block the motion, is gest point ain H is de espe Ti and IV is Ema to pois AV, as shove nthe ig 10.8 m abow TE Air etc epi “ D, | IN i | moval _ If PS - moval bez | BF pe At point I Pek with velocity te. When bullet travels 24 em through ihe [At some point berween Wand | eet slong ts Tenath horizontally, velocity of bullet becomes B. [Atpoine 2/3. Then it further penetrates into the block in the same [é. [At some point between Hand IV. direction before coming to rest exactly atthe other tnd ofthe y block. The total length of the block is: we? (BR Me work done on a block by fietion as it slides 0m @ 1.59 cm Tough surface is: 2.3m [negative and direcly proportional 0 3.24.em " pp ncaatve and inversely proportional our» |) *28°™ P< fpositive and directly proportional tp | BBpA ctita grabs the strap on his pack and pulls it for 1.6m « [postive and inversely proportional ax 7 across the ground. The tension in the strap is 25N afd’is * directed at an angle of 30° above the ground. What work does i Bock of 1 kis elesed from he top ofa smooth his da pling his pork? urve AB, and then it encounters « rough surface BC, coming | 1. 12.5 J to restat C. The work done by friction is 2.188) (take g = 10 mis) | 3.92.53 4.375) 1,25) 05 3-255 Lo 4.~60J (© scanned wih onEW came BBs eer soins a eh af peed wa ftom time # for an object, Which of the following bi following: graph fiw options given, best represents the magnitie F of the net force exerted on the object asa function of time f vot pak fiom the | which the motion of two persons A and hom Whiel of the following is eorect ee Bis shown from their 1 to their office? (Home of A is taken as origin, & isthe position and £ time), O70 12 14 16 1819 t(s) Be [A moves faster than Bw [B stars carlierthan AL 7 [Both meet at 150 m from the house of A.7 [Both mest a 50 m from the house of Bu ~~ ° Choose the correct option From the (A), (B), and (©) only (A) and (B) only (B) and (Dy only (A). @).©.) Identify the correct statements: > t > t o ° PE] A osky ball traveling at 10mn/s collides with a Gim’s. What is true, from the options given below, for the speed of the 2.0 kg ball after collision? SESionary 2.0 kg ball and rebounds in the opposite direction at | er kal ‘ery force encountered in mechanies has an associated potential energy. : (e)| FThe work done by all the forces 1s equal to the change in kinetic enenay._¥ ko The work done by all the forces is equal to the change in potential energy. 7 [The total mechanical energy of @ system is conserved if 1, [ie 2.0 tall moves at Om [he rorces. doing work on it, are conservative B._[he 2.0 Ke ball moves 16 ms | Choose the correct option from the options given below 7 ]The 2.0 ke ball moves at mis aa iy 4 [The 2.0 kg ball moves at 2.6 mis. bead on | ]O oniy ? [x eB) and (D) only \3 eh Gy energy (ignoring air resistance) When a body fills freely toward the earth, its total L Fncreases 2. [decreases | [first increases and then decreases, remains constant t 7 (© scanned wih ont Same too ¥ Peak \ meman pastes drunk on a alway pt if ian whe OE Ht Theveate the Ree PO ied Te eds lal wi dane 06 ta the trunk has been moved is 20 m. The love fee applet by the woman and the tions Fre vers caplacepent is give bl, Work done ressively tired and her i (0 N, The total m @(m) ce. She applies # force of 100 N over distance | i BEGIN CHEMISTRY - SECTION A. CHEMISTRY ~ SECTION A’ ‘arrange te first ionization enthalpies of Na, Me, 44 ending order Siin ase 1, Na Al < Si 2 Na>Mg>Al? Si 3.Na Mg? ALsieGa - non-metallic characte 2' p20>C1>N- oxidising property 3, CeSi>PON - electron affinity value. 4.All ofthe above. | represents a su Which of the following electronic configuration idden large gap between the values of second (0 Fand — 10007, ang third ionsation energies ofan element? BZ [itso and 10007 = fp fishias'ant 3. [—1750Jand 10007 - P. fis’ 26%pt, 3893p ls. [-1750Tand — 10007 5. [is?, 2s?2p%, 3s%3p! Is Which of the following motions of an_object always results in zero acceleration? Met bee fL[Any motion in a straight Tine > [Projectile motion. y [Any motion ina circle.» PNione of the motions above guarantees zero acceleration, EB] 4 80% of mass m is suspended by a thread of length Z At the lowest point A (sce figure) of its position, a horizontal velocity vp is imparted such that it completes a semicircular trajectory in the vertical plane. The minimum velocity imparted should be: fis? 25? 2p%, 35* EZ] Which of the following molecules has the maximum sipole moment? 1.0, CH 3.NHy 4B ‘The number of significant figures in 1.0001 is/are : 11 2:2 3.4 Us Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation stales because they rel 1. ns and np orbits 2.(n-1)d and ns orbits « 3. (t-1)d orbits | 4.ns orbits se electrons from the following orbits: ‘Which among the following are isoelectronic species? L.Na*, K*, Ca’, Mg? 2.Ca?, Mg? g2 yc 3.Ca?*, Ar, SK 4. None of the above (© scanned wih ont Same BEGIN [Eu \hish of the following orders of ionic radii is corn PES sented? so dana? a. NPoMMg? Sars FE) | SS OPN ts combines with 3 fens of liters of NH as under identical conditions. Which ciple does this reaction illustrate? [Law of constant composition zn of multiple proportions 3, Law of reciprocal proportions 4. GayeLussac’s law of gaseous volumes Which of the following statements accurately describes the electron affinity trend among halogens? > F PA] What is the angular momentum value associated with the ‘To How many moles of magnesium phosphate, Mg (POs); ‘will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms? Bee ¢ Ooh ad PAY Arrange the following elements in increasing order of metallic character: Si, Be, Mg, Na. P 1. P BeSi>Be>Mg>Na 4.P © scanned with onen Samer BEGIN {j she term(s), that does net have © ait sony 3 Pfrowing, fare * erences (omental) 7 fe) faniazation enthalpy 7 Match List 1 (hy brilization) with Ls [A. sd Ib. dsp ietallic character Ic. «pha fu, (PrClal Choose the ‘correct option: a (a). () Ib. sp lv. [Co(NH3)al 2. (b),(€) 7 — ow |) Choose the correct answer from the options given bel \fo@ 1, A= (B= (li); C-(V}:D =O - tip pcanseath. Which of the following oxides is not expected to reac 2 A-(iib; B- (ID; C-();D- IV) 3. Asm; B =(ipeC “QV D=(0 oxide? 4.4 (1; Bl): C- sD =) wi sium “ ) > wihich group does the element named ununtrium (Uut) |, 50; fong according tothe IUPAC naming convention? 3. As I. s-block element 5 4.Si0., sepa sone Us J Mperocarbon has a mass ratio of carbon to hydrogen of 4 Actinoids What is the empirical formula of this hydrocarbon? 1e following contai jghest number of | 1+ CH - ich of the following contains the highest aumber of > C7 wv % ¢e ee 6 helium atoms? 4a 3.CHs sae 1-4uof helium X we yon Oy 24g ofhelium yo" 3, 2.27 Lof helium at STP G2 ‘A. mixture of NH NOs and (NHj)sHPO, contains ‘mol of helium gan 30.40% mass percent of nitrogen. What is the mass ratio of the two components in the mixture? @™ of Ig and 142 2 of Cly are made to react ietely to yield a mixture of ICI and ICI. Caleulate mole pit 2. fl 2 of ICI and ICI; formed: /B. [4 acd (Given, Molecular mass of Ip -254, Cly- 71 . rag Oo See ee a Te Oe ) FE Levis Srcture of Osi 1, 0.1 | oe ‘ Sains 5 4.033, 0.4 pf 3. J \ 2 ‘What is the volume of CO: produced from the complete | 19 decomposition of 20 g of CaCOs at STP? | Correct formal charges on oxygen atoms 1, 2, and 3. ie, litre Aas litre ; 3. 20 titre ee are: 4.224 lite : aed 2 3.41,-1,0 4.0.51, 21 y22. (an § 20" "8 y- eh an Ye, (© scanned wih FEW Same BEG v + Moiatity * } Mole fraction » 2. the above 2 {LAllof the above? : }What is the number of iron atoms present in each order of their ist 1 Lic Bec Cc Ben IN ] me the following | ame the elements Li, Be, B, C, and N in increasing nization enthalpies: MEO> AIO > CxO Boh (A) and (R) are True and (RD isthe cont Feo eo eo ak ay ad (so TG) abe wameer || $A” MeO > CuO > NngO = iS notthe core a0; > MeO» Cu0> Nag explanation of), 4. Cu > Na,0 > MgO>AI,03 [3. |(A) is True but (R) is False, Ea IBoth A) end re Pele compound. Ifthe ground-state electron configuration h Calcium reacts with clement X to form an ionic [J Wri or te towing expan why oxygen atoms are OF is 1028%2p%, what fs the simplest formula for this compound? paramagnetic in their ground sate? 1.GaX [Paul's exclusion principle 2. CaXe 2. Electron shielding Scat: 3. Hund’ rule 4. Cane 4, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle . 197] Among the following transformations, the hybridization Which of the following elements is an unreactive metal? of the central atom remains unchanged i [Chlorine ~ [Gold 1. CO + HCOOH . 5. [Sodium ls. [Radon |2. BPs + BF; . NHy + NHZ Which of the following substances does not exhibit | 4, Ply > PCI jaramagnetism? eNO Which of the following are isostructural species? : 1. CH; and CHS 3. co * 2, CO, and NH; 4.05 3, SnOl, and C10; 4, AlCls and SO, EP] The only substancé listed below that contains and 7 bonds . po at see“! wh ye ERO ay we BC owe Ne ? ic, @ FAENAOM solution a9 slowly added ai Pol S378 impure Hy fr jo) was obvained he of the 4 NO» ‘let (L} [s0%, [None of these sample of a pure compound was found to contain fn, hydrogen, and chlorine. ts elemental analysis is given below: 19 the eoerect statement? vernal and leafy stage| In uymnosperms, female yametonhyte in free-living, [Antheridiophores and protonema are pi ‘and protonema ar pteridophytes, [Origin of seed habit can be raced in pleridophytes FEB) ier oF the tttowing metbotism is unique to archacbacteria? Atethanogenesis 2. Diazoigophy 3. Photosynthesis 4. Methylotrophy Al of the folowing organisms move with help of flagella, except 1 Euglena ‘onyaulax SParameciun 4. Trypanosoma [Element [Composition/ Weight inpiendirty ies: [Carbon 1.201 grams; [he main plant body isa gametophyte_ Hydrogen body is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves [Chlorine 7.090 grams organs possess well-diferentiated vascular tissues ‘What is the empirical formula for the compound? [CHCl y [CHCl fy [CHCl Brovoey I - Section A PED] Which oF te following statements is ie about zoospores and gametes in brown algae? [Both zoospores and gametes in brown algae are motile and “Ihave equal sized flagella [Zoospores are non-motile while gametes are mi “lacking flagella tile, both 1 Only Tand I are correct 2. Only Hand TH are correct, ly Hand 111 are correct 4.1, 1 and II are correct, | fa Given below are two statements: [The leaves in gymnosperms are welladapted ko withstand extremes of temperature, humidity and wind [Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes. im leymnosperms, the male and female lgamectophytes do not have an independent, fre-living existence lAssertion (A); [Reason (R): [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct IZoospores are motile with two Nagella, while gametes are [pon-motile, lexplanation of (A). [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct | Zoospores and gametes are both motile and similar in the umber of flag [explanation of (AD. f(a is Troe but (R) is False ]Both (A) and (RY are False. (© scanned wih nen Same og with List tit [iid _[Preridophyte. at i) [Some dinoflagellates such as Gonyaulax uases red tide sre photosynthetic protists | liv) _[Gymmesperm 2 the options given below: Ti + Fron (Ay and (R) are True and (R) is the correct [explanation of (AD bl “Tne bar) wnorthe correct | ‘Choose the comet ansne ° nm jth (A) ane (RD) a oO Ke) Kc) ey lesan of (A). ray lo oo tie Exleay is Tive but (R) 8 False. D we) cid i) + [4.|Both (A) and (R) are False. Bhi kin i (0 Ek lai fo ki Consider the to statements Which ofthe following statements is correct? yens do not grow in polluted areas. - component of lichens is called mycobiont 3. Fungal component of lichens is called phycobiont 4. Lichens are not good pollution indicators. {stomata [The first gamelophyte stage is protonema, that i ereeping fan green [|The second stage is the Tealy stage, which develops from the secondary protonema asa lateral bud. enify he incomes statement regarding esses: Leaves are one ell thick except at he midrib and Tack [Classification for flowering plants given by IGcorge Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker is | Istatement I: D kr natural system of classification. | [classification for lowering plants given By - [statement 1:JLinnaeus is an artificial system of Jassification. ement I is correct; Statement IT is correct 2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement Il is correct 3. Statement I is correct; Statement I1 is incorrect 4, Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect | FE] Recarding taxonomy and systematies, which one is exclusive to systematics? [aJRhizoids are elongated and unicellular FETT) Given are the following five statements (I - V) for your, ‘consideration: in Equiseram, the female gametophyte is retained on the H* Iparemt sporophyte In kn Ginkgo, male gamelophyte fs not independent Ian {Te sporophyte in Marchanta is more developed than ‘lthat in Patvérichum [Sexual reproduction in Volvox is sogamous [The spores of slime moulds lack cell walls How many of the above statements is/are correct? i FMhree pour B. [One ‘ [4 [Two | 1 intemal strueturer | 2. Development process” ‘olutionary relationships between organisms |. Ecological information of organisms Identify the incorrect statement regarding body | ‘organization in fungi: 1 JWith the exception of yeast, fungi are filamentous. , [Their bodies consist of Tong, slender hyphae that may be lcocnocytic or septate, [The network of hyphae is known as the mycelium. | EAP cell walls of fungi Tack chitin and polysachharides. | 7 Which of the following statements is incorrect about gymnosperms? 1, They are heterosporous 2. Male and female gametophytes are free-living | 3. Most of them have narrow igaves with thick cuticles 4, Their seeds are not covered i!" a + we oy wy : (© scanned wih oft Same BEGIN cuenta 0 sateen ia atmos he mals ad Toa Mitch the terms in Column 1 with theit conrect Arsfeametophytes do nat ha aaa wale deseription in Column I and select the correct match from the en arcancnnadnat vender, | seen ee mona] (tame feat on (Rb main ln “1 ‘ fe spvanssaetaned on the spaphyies | [4 fotonemaf i at ag or develonmens of he Arad iy we Tae nd Ry te Sa I: [Prohatts fof The phonenymhete yametophyte i forms wot(Ab fa feb i a ate ‘ay aid (R) are Tre bat (R) is not the correet capsule. if present Sate of (AD leaps fits te pa oft ao Bw wit (R) is False. Cod jaleae such as kelp _ trteth (A) and (R) are False. Match each item in Column I with one in Column Il and 117) ine correct match from the codes given: [Group of protozoans [Example ia [Amocboid P._[Emamocba [B._[Flagellated I. [Paramecium FI All the following will be correct for bryophytes in ic. [Ciiated IR. [Tpanasoma eneral, except: ip. [Sporezoan [S._[Piasmodium |The sex organs are multcelilar. Codes: [, [The female sex organ called archegonium is lask-shaped lA B Ic D land produces a single ege. fr I s IP Ik E[They produce biflagellate antherozoids. b. is Ik P Fe [Zyeotes undergo reduction division immediately. b Pr Ik ‘a Is- f iz P iS io JWhich of the following taxonomic categories are Find the incorrect statement: [Bacteria mainly divide by binary fission |Under unfavorable conditions, bacteria produce spores [Bacteria can reproduce by a sort of sexual reproduction by adopting a primitive type of DNA transfer from one loacterium to the other Facterial cell wall may be cellulosic the mode of reproduction of organisms belonging to different asses of the Kmgdom fungi? Which of the following statements is not true refidrding Ztly matched to their standard termination of names with ‘respect to biological classification of plants? Division: phyta_ In __|Class: | opsida fit [Order: [ates liv, |Family: [idee RiLIV =~ 2.1, 11,1» 3.1, 1, 1V. *. 4,1, 11,1, IV Floridean starch is a form of: [Large number of members of deutéromyceles are [stored food in red algae that resembles the structure of ‘onidiophores. jecomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling amylopectin and elyeogen ‘organs are absent in basidiomycetes but plasmogamy] |") req food in brown algae that resembles the structure of Is brought about by fusion of the nuclei of the gametes »_| >, arose and agaropectin a spores petacn Seem ee Jcarbohydrate found in cell wall of brown algae that exogenously on the spt yt |3.Jresembles the structure of amylopectin and glycogen lin ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, an intervening} Jearbohydrate found in cell wall of red algae that resembles yon stage exists before the fusion of parental nuclei lathe |structure of agarose and agaropectin (© scanned wih ont Same [ER veh cote to ly Jentify the character that snot found in euslenolds, ct option using the codes! Nu frigpy have two Mazel, given below. Bey are exclusively marine — amily | [, [Tie pigments of euglenids are Tdentical to those found in [D._[Phytum—— ltiv) [Insecta g BAC) DA BAG C-(iv) DD) 3. Ain) B Ati) Be Which of the following is not tue for fungi belonging to the class phycomycetes 1 JAseptate and coenoeytic mycelium produced in sporangium [2Spores endogenot Tn basidiomyectes, basidiospores are 'Tproduced endogenously in the basidium in ascomycetes, ascospores are produced Jexozenously in ascus > [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)- [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). Lacexual reproduction by nonm faplanospores [Found in aquatie habitats, parasites on plants zoospores oF m0 ‘decaying wood or as obligate FETA Which of the following will not be true for members of | cchlorophyceae? (A is Truc but (R) is Fale. [Both (A) and (R) are False, {atch each item in Column | with one in Column Il and, select your answer from the codes given below: [Column 11 [Colima t 5 ——— |i Jbistoms [Protein rich layer pellicle It tenia Wipes ae lsated ain Sef [B. [Dinoflagellates|b |Chier producers in oceans [ {cbloropass are discoid in shape In allmembersof 7 | [C-Ewslenoids [e[Spores wit ive walls P felorophyecae. Io stime mouas fafT™*2 Hagel, one ransverse and ons INost ofthe menbar ave one or ore sorsge bodies longitudinal b fated pyrenoids, which contain proteins besides starch, | liocated in the chloroplast: Codes: 7 [, [Some green algae may store food in the form of oil A 8 Ic ID oropes. n lb be fe i le fg ol : PEipconierterisentvosatemens: i —t E E [Statement [Taxa can indiate categories at very dferem | b ke I: evel 7 arr Istatemons |T=xOvomicproupstatepores are not distinct @ ‘of the following is incorectly matched? a biological entities bu are merely morphological | T'Tofver- Starch asoregates. Statement Tis correct and Statement ITs also correct [Statement 8 is incorrect and Statement ITs correct [Statement I is incorrect and Statement Il is also incorrect [2{Statement 1 is correct and Statement Il isincomect | FE] Viruses are not considered truly ‘living’, if we understand living as those organisms that: {have an inert crystalline structure outside the living cell. Jonce infect a cell, take over the machinery of the host cell “ho replicate themselves, {have a cell structure, [4.Jhave double stranded DNA as their genetic material. » ‘O scamnt wi OREN Same wa? BEGIN Bar inca totowa sents @ io | BBR 2 et cio fe ers ww some simTaes ] regarding the chasers Peunia and Datura ate placed in the the characteris of cern organisms Taesom i ts naete MS Msetin ts sane —) [J ebanges rains proce mean a TST Sa oi Tae aT TATOS rai of (AD. fess rio nwionoh()_ | chomosyatheie autrophi bacteria synthesize celisone 2S a Tawar RD ae (Merrett :Petnaion of (A), fem gtweese planation f(A), __ | ||} Myeopiasma Tack a cell wall and ean survive without [ia is True bur (R) is False, sven Teck cal wall and those J } fi 0 a Fae “The correct ONS wo 1. [o> E(w, @and @) | nifcal systems of classification give equal weightage [5la: (by Fe [toyand © Fe ccive and sexual characteristics which is. not Socebetseane: Bp Aidit deeds | ful characters are not genetically determined Tra misfolded protein cave characters are more exsily affected by | 2.gmucleocapsié 7 [vironment 374 low molecular weight RNA ) fifesualcharasters are not easy observable fn living beings 4, an inen virus outside host cell 7 | seetve reproductions gully common 5 sexta ve evisi a close association bevween the alga and 7 fepeoducion — "Be ingus withing lien, The Fungus: FRG Study the Assertion statement followed by the Reason [r]Prpvides food forthe ala bb4frovides protection, anchorage, and absorption for the alga | Bi|Fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the alga [a |Releases oxygen for the alga yy statement given below [Higher the taxonomic category, greater is the |assertion (A)sdifficulty of determining the relationship to Jother taxa at the same level. cower are acteristios Freason (R): LONE He NA, More ars the Cra id Dit sifer fom all othe rotnoans in? that the members within the taxon share. ‘fcfsine Hlagela for lozomotion [Lapis True and (R) is False. b-Jnaving a contractile vacuole for removing excess water [Beh ca and (R) are Tre and (R) ia corroot explanation | using pseudopodia fox caprrin prey (fortay.. Ig Jravine two types of nuclei [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot a correct " ; fexplanation of (A). | ‘Maximum nutritional diversity is found in which of the [:J(a)is False and (R) is True. following group? 1, Funel B._[Animatia BroLocy I - Section B (BZ [Monera ls. [Prantae [Bg vticr one of the following matches is correct? «Aiternaria [Sexual reproduction absent [Deateromycetes| « Vicor [Reproduction by lascomycetes || Conjugation Blagaricus [Parasivic fungus Basidiomycetes lPhrtophiiora) Asepiate mycelium [Basidiomycetes (© scanned wih nen Same romenclature is governed by certain universal rules, [Reason (RV: Fndestructible N atone Tea Did fa 7 vee af the flowing # contrary to the rules of ee a arlene ofyeat Sy fond the names are to he underlined Sitieious cel walls in diatoms are Pciogicat mimes ean be writen in any nwa " : ical name represents the genus The first word in a biological nan Jname, and the second is a specific epithet [Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct “en in Latin and are italicized fg Phe names are writ “LJesptanation of (A). sacteria are also found [, [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct Besides paddy fields, cyano! F-Jexplanation of (A). inside vegetative part of. [5 J(A) is True but (R) is False. 1. [orcas ._[Eguiserum [2 JBomh (A) and (R) are False. ._[Psitonen [a [Pinus snaracteristics. fore weightage is given to reproductive characters and all bother characters are given equal importance in numerical taxonomy. “ [Cytotaxonomy is based on cytological information like [chromosome number, structure, behaviour In the taxonomic hierarchy, ranks immediately foKows ‘Order’ | [as one ascends from species to higher categories]? “mily 2. Genus, ass 4, Phylum [Chemotaxonomy uses the chemical constituents ofthe plant FFP] Read the following statements. which taxonomic category in animals? Lyefaytum ‘ower the taxon, more are the characteristics that the 7 lmembers within the taxon share. ay JOr2e is he assomblage of genera which exhibit Tew 7 (0? |simitar characters. FRB) Which one of the following is considered important the development of seed habit? ye [(i|Cat and dog are included in the same family Felidae. 1.[Dependent sporophyte __[2.|Heterospory which of the following Taxonomic category division in plants corresponds to in [3.[Halplontic life cycle _|4. |Free-living gametophyte y[Binomiat Nomenclature was introduced by Carolus of Linnaeus. ‘Which of the following statements are not correct? a fa. [i ity and Gv) Broxoey II - Section A [a [ity and In red algae 1. Fucoxanthin is main photosynthetic pigment * 2. Stored food is Lantinarin II wall is absent pre flagella insertions are seen ° b digestive system of frog are correct? How many of the given statements regarding the |The alimentary canal is short because frogs are carnivores i [2 |Liver secretes bile that is stored in the gallbladder. [3 Food is captured by the bi-lobed tongue. @ |The duodenum receives bile from gallbladder and Jpancreatic juice from pancreas through a common bile (fuss undigested solid waste moves into the rectum and passes through cloaca. sere rRwd (© seamed wih one Same Fresh water sponge oth sponge o cE (ed Re I. 2 IP P Rk lo B + f: le P Ike FE Male foes can be distinguished from the female fro bythe presence of Bi: [A copulatory pad on the first digit of the forelimbs Tonly Ais correct Only Bis correct 53th A and B are correct 4¢.Both A and B are incorrect [Collagen and Elastin fibres are secreted by cells ofall connective tissues Marx (ground substance) is predominantly polysaccharides Jay Connective tissues Tink or support other tissues! orpanso ‘Ione body In: 1. Only T and Oply T and 111 3Gnly Wand 1H 41.1 and IE cockroach: plasma and |The haemolymph is composed of colourless * hiaemocytes. | he heart fies along mid ventral line of thorax and JAFnly band |éemtify the correct statements regarding connective. 9/4 Hey he incon tater reading mama: Mesa ats ae scat A ech aro the same pe ¥ UWL They ate Hometherm 2. Only Hand It 3.Only Hand ant 4.1 Mand 1 [Eg ats incorrect rezarding cyctostrmes? [They ae ectoparasites on some fishes [They have a circular mouth without jaws Jexfculation is of open type. They are marine but migrate to fresh water for spawningy Z})iJow many of the given statements regarding sponges ost sponges are asymmetrical” tr exits from a sponge through ye ost. entlization is internal in sponges. "fp Sponges acquire food by filtering water. D: 1. 2s 3. What is the mode of ferlization in frogs and how do Tey typically lay their ezas? xtemal fenilizaton: eggs are laid in water Internal fertilization: eggs are laid on leaves 3, Extemal fertilization; eggs are Inid on damp soil 4. Internal fenilization; eggs are laid in water Fasciola is Tgyematode Aver fluke 3, blood sucking leech “4, a model organism to study genetics Consider the given two statements: [The fore limbs in frogs end in five digits and they are larger and muscular than hind limbs that lend in four digits. |Statement lt: Spbdomen, Tis correct 2. Only I is correct, 3.Both I and IT are correct 4. Both I and If are incorrect, [Statement |Feet in frogs have webbed digits that help in {, Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct 2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect * tement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct pemttement Lis incorrect: Statement 1] is incorrect » (© scanned wih nen Same 2. Chiara S-Grenopora 4: Patyhetminthes AII vertebrates are chordates but all chordates lare not vertebrates. T, Statement Tis correct: Statement IT is correct 2-Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect 3. Statement [is incorrect; Statement Il is correct, 4. Statement Lis incorrect; Statement I] is incorrect BY What is *X” in the given diagram? 1. Collateral Gland 2. Phallic Gland 3. Mushroom Gland 4, Corpora Allata eral pstere Gr aestvation and hibernation, gaseous exchange in ron Stakes place: 1. across alveoli in the lungs. 7 2, through the moist buccal mucosa. * “< 3.ipeills. ? ough skin, #9 Which of the following are not used in respiration in arthropoda? 1. Gills 2. Book lungs 3. Tracheal system 4. Malpighian tubules | 1168} Balanoglossus and saccoglossus are: |. Urochordates 2. Cephalochordates . SAlemichordates 4. Vertebrate chordates - Which group of animals is characterized by a three- ~ 'bered heart and ectothermic metabolism? imphibians Crocodiles 3. Birds 4. Mammals © scanned with onen Samer —_ peor —______BEGIn ,, > stement followed by the Rens oo NEN Won FRR Wh tt ue emi ow yee \ Nunca ett bt ww | Sorpicmt ses a name [SS-TBMenal Ses osc | Ol hemichordaeca ee] 1 Metamorphos Towdates and navochond hi, \ ——, ir \Tuon ander phy tim Chord les ate homologous st | sro ate homologous srustres. yo | (EBZS)Match ne towing: Ascaris {P___[Filaria worm, ' Wucherera JO [Rowndworm -_larevlsioms IR. [Heokworm 4 path False but (RD 8 Te | we |p pes Frsniral, teeth are modified ctenoid scales and p. ia T ese es F Tonia, toh ave odi fied plasoid scales and Pores awa al BPzIo/ FO : LL No arinelid is 2 Aout is dovsal. tecth are modified ctenoid scales and. I: Parasitic " i forwards, . TI: Diploblastie- ‘oath is dorsal, teeth are modified placoid scales and oan Oo red tachvarss 3. Both I and I Regarding the respiratory system of cockroach: sencihes Tees : invntvorne: [consists of @ network of trachea that open through 12 irs of spiracles present on ventral side of the body. [Males are diploblastic; females are | [Statement Iripiobastic | ffie opening of spiracles is regulated by sphincters. xd K | [State - ju schaee of gases takes place at the tracheoles by fistement [oc rates re longer an females FOnly Tand Hare correct . | | [[ Statement I is correct and Statement 11 is incorrect 2 Only I and II are correct | 3.Only I and IMT are correct “ 4.A 1 and III are correct . i . \Staternent I is incorrect and Statement I1 is correct [Both Statement I and Statement Il arc correct, oth Statement I and Statement Il are incorrect B) Which of the following is not an annelid? PY 1S | Consider the two statements: 2 Pheretima 3.Hinudinaria | {Statement Iz|[Echinoderms are spiny skinned animals —~ sSAfeylostoma | [Statement [They have an endoskeleton made of calcareous \ |: lossicles Y How many pairs are correctly matched? 7. Statement Tis correct and Statement 11 is incorrect f2.|Statement Tis incorrect and Statement II is correct fyfBoth Statement I and Statement Il are correct | fz. Both Statement I and Statement Il are incorrect us-Flying fish pi et-Fightng fish 1H Pevophyllum : Angel fish 24 22 JT (© scaned wih oft Same [Bi conser ine ven mo steric [Assertion (4) fhe boy 158 ewe iva serial repetition of atleast $0 me organs E their surroundings. [Reason (R):_|TThey are poikilothermous animals, 7 [AD Trae tae (RD I Fae Beth (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly explain (AD | 5]Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (AY | | (CA) is False but Ris True 3 In cockroach: \Gasiric or hepatic cacca are 6 10 8 in number and present ae the junetion of mid gut and hind gut in C 3 Fig civ |assertion (A) “A, Both 1 and HT are incorrect [Reason (RY: Oly is correct Only His correct Doth f and I are correct Bronoey II - Section B fen below are two statements: Praiyhelminthes are commonly called fat vorms. FThey have dorso-ventrally fattened body. | fi,|Malpighian tubules are 100 10 150 in number and present, To the junction of fore gut and mid ut. T Only Tis correct Only His correct 3. Both I and Il are correct 4. Both I and 11 are incorrect & [Ep Reverting the neurat system tote I: |lt is Tocated on the ventral side ofthe boda” | Tet re ire thoraci genlin and ix abdominal TOnly Tis correct 2. Only IV is correct 3. Both I and TI are correct 4, Both I and II are incorrect. ‘The type of epithelium which forms the inner linings of the trachea and bronchi is: 1. Squamous epithelium 2. Cuboidal epithelium 3. Columnar ciliated epithelium 4. Transitional epithelium FEY] Which of the following will be true for Periplanera americana? iz_JNocturnal omnivores serious pests and vectors of several diseases 1 Only - Only It Both I and 1 Neither I nor 11 Fh (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct lexplanation of (A). [Both (A) ancl (R) are True but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A). [(A) is True but (R) is False. @ animal with the following body wall organization pot have ACephalization PM complete uigerve racy [Both (A) and (R) are False. 2. Three germ layers * 3, Bilateral symmetry Match the following columns and select the correct ‘option. column T [Column It 1 la. 6-15 pairs of ell sins ®_ [Taxon [b.|Heterocercal caudal fin Cai) _[Cyclostomes [air Blade ii) [Chondrichthyes™ li. Poison sting fev) [Osteichthyes {a \(d) Ki) (ci) on cia i) low a= (© scamad wih FEW Same BEGIN ec pune! epithelia has a Tite Sta la dl P| eas TST lon [Compound epinetion Tava ie — i “wel pili emt amsTaa | secretion ana absorption, cao (RY: [ne tayer (nuli-layered of etl tn] [Reason [Their main function i to provide protection re aver s provide pro L— (Re lagainst chemical and mechanical stresses. W (xy 8) ave Tas and (0 corey exp Tay fon (AD ave (RD re bat (R) does not coreeey rising Bath CA an Rare Tre and Ry exp oth (A) and (R) are True and (R) does not explain (A) ETc ase anal (R) are False ‘The dingram given below shows the germs layer, The Fels having structures shown in the figures A and B are respectively called Mesoglea Ectoderm. | ndoderm. Mesoderm. (CA) is True but (R) is False (A) is False but (R) ie True | Mate te flowing calms and sect the comet option: clam T [Gonmn la) _laprenodines (| Flyine fox. (b)__|Pieropus: ii) {Angel fish_* (©) _[Peropiytiom (id) —feamrey (4) |Petramyzon (iv) [Penguin Options: \(b) l(c) (d) i a CO lo Io [a @ ae [ai — l(a), iv) iii) A B FEY Sclect the option which shows the correct matching of JaDrploblastic, Triploblastic [2.[Triploblastic, Diploblastic_] | sbimal with excretory organs and excretory product: [3 Diploblastic, Diploblastic _[4.|Triploblastic, Triploblastie [Animal [Excretory organs _JExcretory product : _[E]eeteo (Ramu) _|Nephridial tubes [Ammonia FFI) which one of the following, the genus name, its two [2.|Sslamander [Kidney |Urea cles and its phylum are not correctly matched, whereas [&-|Peacock Kidney [Urea the remaining three are correct —— [E|Housey [Renal wbules [Uric acid |Genus Name [Two Characters [Phylum Yee a lisse ee Eee ean [aon 7 | Glial cells, in neural tissue, function in: ~ Conducting nerve impulses LEP Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of micro found in ; |. Ducs of salivary glands z Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron Eustachian tube + Lining of intestine | Providing structural support 3. Transmitting sensory information 4, Initiating muscle contractions mm the correct match from the given options: [Animal [Level of Organisation [f_ [Taenia | fFissue level 7 Pheretima —_|- [Organ system level Bs. [Sycon__———1-|Acellular level bela | [Organ ievel_y | (© scanned wih ont Same A 1002110000 TR is observed in Helminths. Ka) (Echinoderms are triploblastic and coclomate animals. V7 Jcy| Round worm lorganization. have organ-sysiem level of body (q@)[Comb plates present in ctenophores help in digestion. x |e) [Water vascular system is characteristic of Echinoderms. 4] Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. (a), (d) and (e) are correct \ 246), (0) and (e) are correct 3. (c), (d) and (e) are correct» 4, (a), (b) and (¢) are correct What is the number of animals, amongst the animals given below, that have both a four-chambered heart and endothermy? ® Crocodilts, Apteraytes, cxfis, Cages, Sw%thio, Delfhinus, ¥ Testudo, Iehthyophis 1. 3 2. ly eZ 5 ls. (6? The structure labelled as A in the given figure: allow the cells to contract as a unit, i., when one cell I: freceives a signal to contract, its neighbours are also [stimulated to contract. \11.{S'°P the passage of impulse from one cell to another in the tissue, T. Only Tis correct 2. Only I is correct 3. Both I and I are correct 4. Both I and I are incorrect (© scanned wih OnE Same

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