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Congratulations! You have been selected to register with HEINEKEN as a potential vendor by your key
Procurement contact. The following notes will guide you on how to successfully register the first time
and not cause any delays for you. This document is a very detailed version of what is said in the
invitation letter you received from us.
Any information missing in your request will cause a delay and could result in unnecessary pressure
to resolve. So please read over these notes to ensure a first time right application.

Creating your profile is done by completing five key stages as shown below:

Creating an
account with Complete your ZSN Creating your Complete your
Save & Submit
ZYCUS Supplier Account HEINEKEN Profile HEINEKEN Profile
Network (ZSN)

Each stage has many steps to complete. If you are stuck on any step, click the hyperlink below to take
you directly to the step for guidance:

1) Where do I start?
2) Creating an account with ZYCUS Supplier Network (ZSN)
3) Completing your ZYCUS Supplier Network profile
4) Creating your HEINEKEN profile in ZYCUS – Company Details
5) Completing your HEINEKEN profile in ZYCUS – Full vendor profile
a. Company tab – Company Details – Company Details
b. Company tab – Company Details – Additional Address Data
c. Company tab – Company Details – Reference Data
d. Company tab – Company Details - Supporting Documents For Company Information
e. Company Tab – Company Details – Supplier Risk Questions
f. Company Tab – Company Details - Product & Services Category Confirmation
g. Company Tab – Tax Information – VAT and Tax Information
h. Address Tab – All Locations – Associated Address(es)
i. Address Tab – Contact Details – Showing Contact Details for All Locations
j. Product & Services – Selected Product & Services
6) Save & Submit your Request
7) HEINEKEN Approving / Rejecting your request
8) Checking your registration status
9) Logging on to ZSN when you already have an account
1) Where do I start?

Firstly, you will have received an invitation letter from Heineken. This letter details the key actions
you need to take but also has an important link that you should click. The link is:

2) Creating an account with ZYCUS Supplier Network (ZSN)

1. Click on the link and you will be taken to the initial registration portal. You can tell you are
landed on the correct page as the portal will indicate for you to Register on the ZYCUS Supplier
Network (ZSN) and connect with HEINEKEN (if you don’t see HEINEKEN, check the link you were

You can change the

preferred language

2. When you have entered your details and clicked on ‘Register’, you will then be presented with
the below screen confirming that you have been successful. ZYCUS will have sent an e-mail to
the e-mail you registered with. Please go and check your inbox, but also your SPAM folder as
your security policy might affect this.

1) The screen on the left is the

confirmation that the 1st step
of your registration is
completed and you need to
paste the OTP (One Time
Password) from the e-mail you

2) The OTP is valid for 10

minutes, so activate your
account immediately after
Example of the e-mail notification: receiving the email.
3. When you have opened the e-mail, you will be shown the OTP, One Time Password, which
you need to use in order to fully activate your account. You will need to copy the OTP and
then paste it into ZSN.

1) ZYCUS activation e-mail sent for you to


2) Copy the OTP

The next section will detail what you need to do in order to be fully set-up on the HEINEKEN / ZYCUS
Supplier Network portal.

3) Completing your ZYCUS Supplier Network Profile

1. When you have logged in to the portal, you will be asked for key account details and settings.
These are needed to ensure that your profile is complete on ZYCUS Supplier Network.

1) Populate all fields indicated

NOTE: All fields that are mandatory are

indicated with a *, if you miss any of
these fields then the system will not
allow you to save and progress

NOTE: If you are not clear on what is

being asked, hover your mouse over
the blue icon to be given further

Enter your designation here

2. When you have entered all details and submitted, you will be presented with a success screen
indicating your profile has been updated. You have not finished yet, you have only created your
profile to use the ZYCUS Supplier Network (ZSN). In order to now be fully set-up for HEINEKEN
you need to click the ‘LET’S GET STARTED’ button

1) Indication that your ZSN

profile is updated successfully

2) Key button to continue and set

your account fully up with

NOTE: Whilst the option to ‘Do

this later’ is available. We
strongly advise you not to do this,
but continue to register

The follow pages will now support you in what information is needed to set yourself up to connect
4) Creating your HEINEKEN profile in ZYCUS – Company Details

1. You now need to capture data that HEINEKEN needs for you to be set-up fully in our key systems.
The following steps will take you through what is needed and it is important to ensure that you
complete all steps. Failure to do so will delay you in being set-up and could result in you missing
key events.

1) Enter your registered company name

2) Leave the entry as HQ, OA, RT

3.1) Only enter the full street address text in Address 1

3.2) Only enter your house number / house number

supplement in Address 2
3.3) Only enter additional street information, if
4) Enter your registered PO box. If you don’t have one,
leave this field blank
5) Select the country from the drop down list
6) Select the applicable state (this will update based
on the Country)
7) Please enter the City your company is registered
8) Please enter your ZIP / Post Code – if this is not
applicable then put N/A
9) Please put your phone number with country code:
for example +31123456789
10) Business fax is optional, but please put the full
number in as per step 8
 Check you details are correct for all fields, if
so then click on ‘Create’ button

2. Once all initial details are entered, you will now have created a core profile for HEINEKEN. We
now need you to agree to some simple T&C’s. Please read over the statement and confirm you
have read it by ticking the box. If you do not agree, please contact your Procurement Contact to
discuss further. Click on continue if you agree and have ticked the box.

3. You will then be asked to complete your full profile and also attach supporting documents, like
signed supplier code, to help HEINEKEN create your vendor account.
5) Completing your HEINEKEN profile in ZYCUS – Full vendor profile

With your company details completed, this data will transfer into your main HEINEKEN vendor
account held in ZYCUS. You now need you to complete other key data that will allow you to be
set-up in full in our vendor database. So please ensure to follow the steps and provide all data /
supporting documents. Without any of the information, your request might be rejected and will
cause delays in you being set-up for events
1) Company Tab – This is where your key data is, supporting documents and Supplier Risk Assessment

2) Address Tab – The address details & initial contact information is held here. You can edit / add additional
users in this tab

3) Product & Services – This is where you will confirm the description of what goods / service you will

4) Tax Information Tab – This is where you need to capture your VAT / Tax details

5) Save & Submit – When you know that all data and files have been captured, you can submit for
HEINEKEN to approve

6) Save as Draft – If you need to pause your submission, you can use this option and return back to
complete later

The following pages will now detail each key section and tabs to ensure you know what data is
needed to complete your vendor profile, first time right.
a) Company Tab – Company Details - Company Details

1) Legal Name: This will already be populated – no action

2) Legal Supplier Name: ZYCUS will convert your legal name into 4) Former Company Name: Only populate if you had
full capitals in the ‘Legal Name’ field. We need to ensure we a previously recorded Legal name.
capture your legally registered name, so please capture this as
detailed. For example: ‘Heineken LTD’ 5) Tax ID: leave empty

3) D-U-N-S Number: All vendors must have a Dun and

Bradstreet number. If you don’t have one, capture 000000000
in the field. In parallel request for a D-U-N-S number to be
created through When
this is confirmed, go into your portal and update the D-U-N-S

b) Company Tab – Company Details - Additional Address Data

1) PO Box Zip/Postal Code: Re-confirm your PO Box / Post Code 2) District: If applicable, please confirm this data

c) Company Tab – Company Details - Reference Data

1) There are no actions for you in the Global Supplier Identifier, Supplier Overall Status, Global ID or Account Group
Heineken fields. Please ignore and ensure completion of the Legal Entity and Heineken Contact person’s name

2) Legal Entity: It is very important you change this. Please 3) Heineken Contact person’s name: Capture the full
ensure to select the operating country who is inviting you. name of the HEINEKEN Procurement key contact who
invited you to register.
If you are not clear, contact your HEINEKEN Procurement
contact. This will allow the support team to follow-up with any
questions to support your registration.

Note: don’t fill in the name of the person who sent the
invitation letter in case this was sent from address: or supplier-self- These are our support partners.
d) Company Tab - Company Details - Supporting Documents for Company Information

2) Supporting Document (Supplier Code): Please

1) Have you uploaded your signed supplier code confirmation? upload the signed Supplier code signing sheet in this
Please ensure that you put yes to this field if you uploaded your field only – this form was sent together with the
signed acceptance form invitation letter.

If you cannot upload a signed code, put No and then add Optional: upload a proof of identify (blank invoice)
comments into the Comments field indicating why for verification checks, this is needed once you will
become a contracted supplier.

3) Document Received Date: Please capture the date that you 4) Please add comments detailing anything you did
uploaded the documents that we requested from you that will help your registration be approved and

e) Company Tab – Company Details – Supplier Risk Questions

2) Country Question: Please mention the country
where you will produce the goods or deliver the
services for HEINEKEN. Please use button for help
1) Current Supplier Code Version: v3.0 text

3) Govt. Interactions Question: Please use button for 4) Sanction Question: Please use button for help
additional help text, and capture the answer if you need to work text, and capture the answer with Yes or No. Do
with Govt for HEINEKEN. Do NOT select “Heineken_Internal”. NOT select “Heineken_Internal”.

In case of any queries, please reach out to your Heineken In case of any queries, please reach out to your
contact Heineken contact

f) Company Tab – Company Details - Product & Services Category Confirmation

1) Please confirm that you have added the category of the goods / services you have been asked to supply HEINEKEN.

Please refer to section j titled ‘Product & Services – Selected Product & Services’ later in this guide. If you have not been
advised what category to select, please contact your Key HEINEKEN Procurement contact.
g) Company Tab – Tax Information – VAT and Tax Information
1) Please capture your registered VAT / Tax numbers that applies to your company. This is to ensure that we can successfully
set you up in our vendor database

h) Address Tab – All Locations – Associated Address(es)

1) Your address and key contact details will already be populated from when you first registered. You do not need to
capture any other addresses, so please ignore

i) Address Tab – Contact Details – Showing Contact Details for All Locations
1) You will see the contact details you had added when you registered. If you need to add further contacts, please click the
‘Add New’ button and then populate the requested fields. If you do not need to add any further contacts, you can ignore
this section.

NOTE: Whilst all fields are not mandatory strongly advise you to populate the profile as best possible and ensure to confirm
all settings.

If you are only adding one contact, it is important you mark this as Contact Type: Procurement. If you are adding more, then
clearly indicate the Contact Type: Procurement contacts, involved with Sourcing / Contracting activities. If you are adding
any other contact type, like Finance / Risk, then put the contact type as ‘Other’.

Example of vendor profile with all fields populated

j) Product & Services – Selected Product & Services
1) You need to confirm the primary goods or service you will be supplying to HEINEKEN. Click on ‘Add New’ to search and
confirm the category to apply.

2) On the pop-up window, you can search by:

 Name: The classification entries name

 Number: The CMG* code

If you have had the code confirmed on the invitation

letter, change the search to ‘Number’ and put in the
full code (it should start CMG****)

If you have not had the code confirmed, then you can
search by name. Per the example, hop is use and
then the ‘Search’ button clicked. This then presents
all codes where ‘hop’ is found

When you have found the category, select it and click

on ‘Add’ to save the entry. You can repeat this as
many times as needed, but do ensure that you
capture the primary goods / service you will supply
6) Save & Submit your request

When you have followed all the requested steps, you will now be able to ‘Save & Submit’ your
submission to be added to HEINEKEN ZYCUS platform.

1) Click on the ‘Save & Submit’ button to send your request to HEINEKEN for review. The screen will change and you will be
advised of the Request ID and also that your

2) The screen will change and you will be advised of your Request Number and that your request has been sent to HEINEKEN.
You will also be given the status of ‘Pending Approval’
7) HEINEKEN Approving / Rejecting your request
HEINEKEN will review your request and check all details are correct. Depending on the completeness
of the request, HEINEKEN will either approve / reject within the ZYCUS system and a notification is
sent to you by ZYCUS (

1. Notification in case your request is approved:

If all details are correct then HEINEKEN will approve and your will be given a status of ‘Potential’. This
means you can then take part in Sourcing events.

The system notification you will receive is shown as below:

2. Notification in case your request is rejected:

If any data is incorrect / missing, HEINEKEN will reject your request and then confirm what actions
you need to perform to allow HEINEKEN to approve your request.

The system notification you will receive is shown as below. It is important that you refer to the added
comments (dashed red box), as this is HEINEKEN advising what actions you need to take:
8) Checking your registration status
Once you have submitted a request to connect with HEINEKEN, then you can check the status in the
ZYCUS portal.

Log into the portal using your credentials and you will be presented your main dashboard. Look for
the ‘Supplier Requests’ window and you will see where you request is currently

 Pending Approval: Your request is still with HEINEKEN for review and will be processed
 Awaiting Response: HEINEKEN has sent your request back and needs your action to resolve
(so please refer to the e-mail sent for actions to resolve)
 Approved: Your request was approved and you are now a potential vendor

It is important that you click on the right entry. If you do not, then the below error message is shown:

If you see this error, click ‘Ok’ and click on ‘View More’ to see exactly where your status is (confirmed
below by red dashed box):
My Requests: You will see your request here if your request still has to be processed by HEINEKEN or
if you have to complete an action

 If this tab is empty, please check ‘Completed Requests’ tab

My Companies: This is where you will find your main account with HEINEKEN. If you need to edit
your account, you can click on ‘Edit’ and then submit changes. You will also find your GSID number.

Completed Requests: You will see every request that you made and was completed. If the ‘My
Requests’ tab is empty, and this section has requests, then it will mean your account is set-up and
you have ‘Potential’ status with HEINEKEN.

Should you continue to have any issues to register with HEINEKEN / ZYCUS Supplier Portal, please e-
mail for further support.

9) Log-in after registration

There are 2 options to log-in to ZSN after registration:

1. Login with your e-mail and password

2. Login with your e-mail and One Time Password (OTP)
a. When you forgot your password but need to logon quickly you can press the ‘Login
with OTP option.
b. In the next screen you will be asked to enter your e-mail address and press ‘Submit’:

c. You will receive an e-mail notification from Zycus again (Same as during account
creation) with an OTP.
d. Copy the code and paste it in the field and press ‘Verify OTP’

You can now continue to complete your registration.

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