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1. does one general idea seem to tie the whole work together? Sometimes, rebellion
is necessary. Despite the strict rules at Hogwarts, the main character (Harry)
often finds himself breaking the rules or not following them perfectly to pursue
his goals, especially when saving lives.

2. did the work make people see something different? people's understanding of
bravery, bravery is just not physical courage but standing up for what is right
even if its not the popular thing to do, bravery/courage is not being fearless, it
is standing up despite the fear in you.

1. favorite and least favorite characters, why? favorite character is the main
girl-lead, hermione granger as she is the smart one out of the main trio, and is
often the serious one.
least favorite character is draco Malfoy, spoiled, antagonistic, and petty.

2. which character do you understand the most thoroughly? how does the work help
you learn about this character? harry potter, the book provides a strong
understanding as he is the main character. he's an orphan raised by abusive
relatives that shaped his humble nature instead of growing to be a villain and how
his bravery was evident in his actions and even words.

3. does the main character undergo any change during the story? yes, at the
beginning, harry is almost invisible and ignored by every relative he's had,
throughout the book he evolves from a timid, shy and unsure child to a brave,
resourceful hero.

1. does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that character thinks
and feels, if so, how?
the dialogue in the book is written in a way that reflects the characters
personalities, for example, hermione's dialogue involves alot of factual
information and logical reasoning reflecting her intelligience.

2. does a characters way of speaking change in different situations or with

different people, if so, how and why?
yes, harry speaks different with his friends where he is more open and casual
compared to teachers like Dumbledore, where he is formal and respectful

1. is the conflict within one character or between a character and some outside
force, such as nature, society, or another character? the conflict in the work is
external, between the main villain (Voldemort) and harry, the former whom had
killed harry's parents.

2. what happens in the story to bring this conflict to a head? the conflict stops
when harry discovers Voldemort, and confronts him on a battle.

3. is the conflict resolved at the end of the story? if so, how is it resolved? if
not, why do you think the author left it hanging?
the conflict is resolved, but only in the book, as there are sequels in the series.
the author may have had the plans to make a series.

1. what is the high point of the story? why is this incident more important than
the others?
the high point of the story is when harry confronts Voldemort, who is possessing
his own teacher and conspiring with him against Hogwarts. it is more important than
the other events ass it is the culmination and mysteries that have been building

2. what does the author do to keep you interested in the story until the end of the
the author creates a rich and detailed world with magic which is fascinating to
explore, mysteries and twists to hook the readers, and developed characters.

3. does the end of the story seem to follow naturally from what has come before?
why or why not? yes, it builds the story up until to the main point of the story
with the confrontation.

1. where and when does the story take place? how would the story be different if it
took place in a different setting?
it is set in the 90's in UK and takes place in the Hogwarts castle school of
witchcraft and wizardry.

2. does the setting change significantly? yes, it happens in the very beginning
where Harry starts in the mundane world of normal humans, where he then suddenly
enters the magical world.

point of view
1. who is telling the story?
the book is told from a third person point of view with a narrator.

2. how would the story be different if it were told from a different point of view?

If it were told from an antagonist’s perspective, like Draco Malfoy, we would've

had more of an understanding with him and how his antagonistic personality came
into place.

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