Written Assigment Unit 5

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SWOT Analysis for Athlete's warehouse (A),

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, University of the People.

BUS 1101 - Principal of Business Management

BUS 1101-01 - AY2024-T3

Written Assignment

Dr. M. Himabindu
Swot analysis is a tool for identifying and analyzing an organization's strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats. These words make up the SWOT acronym.(Bigelow,Pratt,Tucci 2023 ).

It is very important for a business to analyze the factors that affect it in order for it to be able to achieve its

goals and objectives.

Athlete's Warehouse (A) is no different from the others business.As we are going to see from our case


● The two brothers were both sports men,meaning that they understood very well the needs of

athletes.This is an advantage compared to their competitors.

● In the case study the brothers mention how they will produce quality products and the offering of

professional advice on athletic issues set their business apart from the others.

● The marketing strategy the brothers used of organizing a local track club whose main participant

was young people set them up high in the market as these were their main customers.

● Colin was well knowledgeable on the matters of marketing and sales and this helped when it

came to running and managing the business.

● The brother had a different personality which came up as a weakness to the business.One was

confident and enthusiastic about the operations of the business while the other was already

planning retirement and feared that his retirement money was being put at risk.

● In January 1986 Colin was not available to offer management skills to the business.Lack of

Colin's commitment to the business led to the closure of one of the branches of the company.

● The existence of other major competitors to the business contributed to major competition since

the other business paused arrival and had already established a major customer base.

The business had a slow cash

● The knowledge that Colin had was of great importance and value as he used it to find a location

that was very suitable for their business by the discoveries that he made from Statistics Canada.

The location was going to attract at least 50,000 customers

● With the rivals of the business not having products of high quality this gave an advantage to the

brothers whose produce were of standard quality thus met the needs of their customers well,

creating enough market for them

● The business has experienced personnel who advised and attended to the needs of the

customers compared to the other competitors.

● The brothers faced stiff competition from the other competitors who were already existing in the

market before they established their business.

● The suppliers to the business could not give out their products on credit to the first timers

customer and this paused as a threat towards the brother’s business.

● Colin's lack of commitment to the business saw the business lacking some full time management

skills that brought about the closure of some of the business.

In conclusion the above SWOT analysis shows clearly how the business could have identified

opportunities for growth and expansion, how to mitigate the risks and threats and how it could have

worked to make the weakness be beneficial to the business.

The brothers had a very good market base only that they did not use a strategy that could have ensured

that they remained on top of the rivals.

Bigelow,S., Pratt,M., Tucci,L. (February 2023). Definition of SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats analysis) https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/SWOT-analysis-


Howse, B. (1992). Athlete's warehouse (A). Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute.

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