Morgan Stanley RFP - Final

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Proposal for Morgan Stanley

Facilities Management Services in

Australia, China and Hong Kong
January 2011

A proven partner
Richard Myers
Head of IFM, Hong Kong
+852 9160 7522

MS-A4cover.indd 2 1/13/11 3:56:25 PM

Table of Contents

Cover Letter
Part 1 Declaration
Part 2 Format of Response
Part 3 General Requirement
Part 4 Alternative Proposal
Appendix A Company Information
Appendix B Terms and Conditions Compliance
Appendix C Price Schedule

Supporting Documents
Attachment A Service Requirement & Service Level.
Attachment B Savings & Innovation.xls
Attachment C Gantt Chart
Attachment C2 Gantt Chart for Alternative Proposal
Attachment D Certificate of Verification of JLL Global general liability.pdf
Attachment E Annual Reports

Table of Contents
Cover Letter
Part 1 – Declaration
Part 2 – Format of Response
Executive Summary

A partner to achieve your vision

In selecting the right Facilities Management Services partner, Morgan Stanley
needs to be assured that the culture, shared vision and operating model of the
service provider is a good fit with its own. Jones Lang LaSalle understands the
objectives, direction and philosophy Morgan Stanley has around its outsourcing
model and where it sees this moving forward.
Our proposed delivery model leverages the depth and geographic spread of our
regional platform and our ability to attract and retain the best talent in our industry.
Combined with our key delivery elements, such as Engineering and Operations,
soft services, technology and sourcing, Morgan Stanley can be assured of a
holistic, portfolio wide approach that delivers on the key requirements of Morgan
Stanley by the team, including ownership, leadership, and accountability, enabling
Morgan Stanley management to be freed from the day to day operational activities,
but still ensuring Morgan Stanley is kept informed, able to make the necessary
strategic decisions and retains ultimate control.
We remain committed to high standards of service delivery for Morgan Stanley in
Australia and Hong Kong and will take a unified approach with the management of
your China facilities. We will build on our experience with you, where we manage
other locations of yours, to create a consistent approach that is led by Jones Lang
LaSalle and controlled by Morgan Stanley.
In addition, Morgan Stanley will continue to benefit from our solid banking
industry experience, and will continue to engage with you in setting and
maintaining your own high standards of excellence. We currently manage in
excess of 51 million sq ft for 24 other financial institutions across the region.
For these reasons and those identified in other parts of this proposal, we believe we
have the right team, understanding and motivation to partner with you to deliver on
the objectives outlined in the RfP and MSA.

Regional  Unmatched regional coverage – Leveraging our regional infrastructure, our
& Local team is able to provide consistent quality services as one firm, one culture,
sharing the common goals and objectives of Morgan Stanley. The regional
Infrastructure –
scale will allow Jones Lang LaSalle to provide benefits like partial funding of a
Integrated regional account director and full absorption of OneView Financials platform,
Operations JD Edwards, to support your business. This is an investment by Jones Lang
LaSalle to demonstrate that we are working in partnership.
 Operational infrastructure - Taking comfort in Jones Lang LaSalle’s robust
operational and support services infrastructure including HR, Finance and I.T.,
Morgan Stanley can leverage our extensive facilities infrastructure and teams,
both on the ground and in our head offices, to deliver on key goals and
regional consistency.
 Performance management culture – We have complete familiarity with KPI /
SLA driven contracts, meaning for Morgan Stanley that our teams’
compensation is directly tied to the results we deliver through our unique
IPMP performance system. Our success is your success.
 Thought leadership – Our teams actively participate and present at industry
forums, generate research White Papers, benchmarking studies and more -
our senior leadership team is widely acknowledged in facilities management
forums such as IFMA (HK Chapter) where the current President and Vice
President are Jones Lang LaSalle colleagues, and in Australia where Chris
Hunt is a serving member of the FMAA Board of Directors.

Accountable  Empowered single point of contact – If Morgan Stanley accepts our

Regional alternate proposal of upgrading the Account Manager (AM) to Regional
Account Director (RAD), to demonstrate our commitment to partnering with
Morgan Stanley, we will fund the additional ‘up-grade’ cost of this role from
AM. The benefit of the RAD, at no additional cost to Morgan Stanley, will be a
seasoned expert in regional account management, bringing key knowledge of
Jones Lang LaSalle and the banking industry, able to draw upon Jones Lang
LaSalle’s resources to ensure commitment and delivery of your facilities
management requirements across the region. This will be an investment of
over US$75,000 per year by us.
 Driving control and governance – Led by senior management, including Ian
Bottrell and Richard Myers, we will establish a joint governance committee
made up of Morgan Stanley and Jones Lang LaSalle to focus on setting the
strategies, providing support to the on-site teams, issue resolutions,
collaboration and transformational change.

Ability to drive  Commitment to cost efficiency – In consultation with Morgan Stanley,

Cost Efficiency Jones Lang LaSalle will continue to develop and implement creative facilities
management solutions aimed at reducing operating costs, mitigating risk and
delivering operational efficiencies
 Benchmark costs against our other banking and financials clients to
identify savings opportunities – Morgan Stanley can utilize our
benchmarking program across our banking accounts for savings’ potential in
areas such as cleaning, repair and maintenance, workplace services, etc., as
we migrate contracts from Morgan Stanley to Jones Lang LaSalle.
 Strategic Sourcing – As part of the transition to being principal, we will
bundle similar services, reduce the number of downstream suppliers and with
our US$2 billlion leveraged spend, we will generate discounts and preferential
pricing for Morgan Stanley as we take over control. We are challenging
ourselves to a potential minimum save of 5% on controllable costs with fee at

risk for non-performance under a three-country award and our alternate

Continuous  A culture that promotes innovation – Our established internal innovation

Innovation programs drive the flow of new ideas and cost savings initiatives across the
region. Morgan Stanley will continue to be a participant of our local
Continuous Improvement Work Group (CIWG) program that have been
rolled out in Australia and Hong Kong, as well as utilize our global shared
learnings through our ATLAS Program - leveraging knowledge transfer of
best practices and innovations of other accounts around the world.

Benefit from a  Our integrated technology platform - OneView by Jones Lang LaSalle for
truly integrated all aspects of service delivery
technology  Better asset and maintenance platform – We have taken feedback from
platform Morgan Stanley and we would like to introduce 360Facility to replace Maximo
as the Morgan Stanley’s regional asset and maintenance platform. We will
also transition the Australian operations from Maximo to 360Facility at no cost
to Morgan Stanley.
 Centralised 24/7 helpdesk - Morgan Stanley can leverage our existing
regional helpdesk centres based in India and China with English, Mandarin,
Cantonese, and Hindi language support, as an alternate to it being based in
Hong Kong. This potentially results in a potential gross save of some
 Effectively manage budgets through OneView Financials – Through the
implementation of JD Edwards, a standard accounting approach allows teams
to accurately benchmark costs to a high level of detail. We will introduce JD
Edwards with no cost to Morgan Stanley as part of the exercise of moving
from agent to principal.
 Integrated data reporting solution - the full benefit of synthesizing a
complete, harmonious view of multi-countries’ data at a portfolio,
geographical, site or business unit level. This package will be added to our
proposed alternate technology solution at minimal cost to Morgan Stanley.

High Performance Culture

Morgan Stanley requires a partner who has the ability to attract and retain the best
operational and management talent available in the facilities management industry.
We have been able to comply to the SLA of no more than 2 staff turnover per
quarter in Australia and Hong Kong and will continue to maintain and strive to
exceed this expectation. This is key to supporting Morgan Stanley’s strategy to be
a “best in class” service delivery platform.
Jones Lang LaSalle invests considerably in its staff to ensure that our clients
receive the highest of services delivered through the on-site team, supported by
head office, a key requirement of Morgan Stanley. We appreciate the need to get
the right people in, either through internal promotion or hiring externally, as it is
incumbent on Jones Lang LaSalle to replace staff that do not meet the mark.

Training and Development

Jones Lang LaSalle’s ‘Real Estate Management Academy’ provides
accredited specific training programs related to facilities and
property management services. Staff are provided with compulsory

training that is tailored to our clients’ needs to ensure that every employee has the
skills needed to deliver the level of service required by Jones Lang LaSalle and
expected of Morgan Stanley. Many of our senior employees on the Morgan Stanley
account have gone through many of these accredited courses.

High Standards of Performance

Serving our clients, supporting our people and aspiring to leadership are values
imbedded in our firm. These values drive our culture as we build our organization
from within, allowing us to provide high-quality services worldwide.
We have achieved an average score of at least 90% on monthly KPI scorecard
which measures Account Management Services, Property Services, User Services
in both Australia and Hong Kong for the last 12 months. The ultimate target of
100% is desired.
Jones Lang LaSalle has the desire and drive to deliver to Morgan Stanley on its
expectations and our promises through established teams, management support,
technology platforms and regional reach, where we are the leading facilities service
provider throughout Asia Pacific and in-countries.

“For the past 8 years Jones Lang LaSalle has invested to build a facilities
management capability unrivalled across Asia Pacific. Today, we have a
platform built and operating across the region that can service the needs of
Morgan Stanley today and into the future. My personal commitment to Morgan
Stanley is to allow you to leverage our facilities platform to drive down costs
whilst maintaining best-in-class facilities at standards commensurate with your
business expectations.”

Jordi Martin
Managing Director, Integrated Facilities Management
Asia Pacific

Section 1 -
This is not an isolated assignment for Jones Lang LaSalle – it is an opportunity for
us to further build on our long-term commitment to Morgan Stanley across Asia
Pacific. Morgan Stanley and Jones Lang LaSalle enjoy a successful relationship in
parts of the Asia Pacific region and we look forward to leveraging this knowledge
to include China, bringing in a platform and understanding that creates value and
reduces risk to Morgan Stanley. For our existing markets of Australia and Hong
Kong, we have proposed changes to our account management structure as well as
technology platform to take on board the feedback we have received from Morgan
Stanley as part of our existing partnership.
As the only wholly-owned, global integrated real estate firm, Jones Lang LaSalle
provides a unique proven platform to Morgan Stanley that is difficult for our
competitors to match.

Seamless delivery across Asia Pacific

Section 1- 1
Jones Lang LaSalle clearly understands the intent of this request for proposal.
Morgan Stanley is looking at the service provider to take ownership, demonstrate
leadership, standardize service levels and achieve cost efficiencies.
Through our existing partnership in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan and recent new partnership in India, our
learnings’ gained in these countries will help to ensure standardized and consistent
service levels are provided across the region. If we are awarded China, we would
transfer knowledge and learnings from other locations and Morgan Stanley can
leverage on our banking experience of 6.7 million square feet in China.
This standardization and consistency will manifest itself in the provision of
services that allows Morgan Stanley to step away from the day-to-day operational
activities, enabling its management team to focus on the supervision of the service
provider and setting the longer term strategies to address the changing business
needs of Morgan Stanley. In our delivery model, this will be the primary
responsibility of our Account Manager or Regional Account Director.

A Measure of Success
Morgan Stanley will measure the success of our relationship by our ability to meet
or exceed expectations, through regular formal meetings, results from agreed
SLA’s and KPI’s, ensuring we are held accountable through the provisions in the
MSA and Task Orders at all times.
Jones Lang LaSalle will comply with the new service levels and key performance
indicators to meet or exceed the required benchmark of acceptance, stated in the
MSA as 85%. We understand fully that failure to meet these levels will have
financial ramifications through the Fee at Risk element.
Whilst the KPI’s will be reported monthly, an evaluation of our services will also
be reviewed on a quarterly basis (Quartely Business Reviews - QBRs) and annual
basis (Annual Contract Survey - ACS) as they are in Hong Kong and Australia
Management staff involved in delivery to Morgan Stanley will be measured on the
level of satisfaction and KPIs as driven by the contract and formally documented
through their Individual Performance Management Plans (IPMP). Key account
requirements, objectives or initiatives are brought in to the individuals IPMP, so
they can be measured against the success of meeting them. The teams in Hong
Kong and Australia today are focused on key Morgan Stanley objectives, which sit
in their IPMP, so there is an alignment of account needs’ and financial reward.
These results have been shared in the past and this practice is set to continue. One
such key objective that will fall in to staffs’ IPMP for 2011 will be the successful
implementation of the Morgan Stanley Account Plan, a regional initiative to
drive further value in to the account.

Achievements with Morgan Stanley

Jones Lang LaSalle has worked with Morgan Stanley over the years to achieve
success. Some of these are listed below:

Section 1- 2
 Through listening to Morgan Stanley’s needs and sharing practices learnt from
other locations we manage for Morgan Stanley, we were awarded the contract
for India.
 Successful re-award of the contracts for Singapore and Taiwan.
 Australia - we have successfully integrated the Jones Lang LaSalle and
Morgan Stanley business continuity plans ensuring a seamless coordinated
approach. We intend to improve upon this by further integration of Jones Lang
LaSalle procedures such as Tenancy reopening check list (Created by JLL) to
be incorporated into Morgan Stanley regional BCP.
 Hong Kong - In 2008 we successfully migrated the Morgan Stanley offices
from Central to your new premises at the International Commerce Centre. As
part of this we also took the lead in closing over the many snagging issues.
 In addition, as part of Morgan Stanley’s Environmental Programme, we have
managed the implementation of several initiatives in the region to assist the
Asia offices in achieving the firm’s global energy reduction targets. Initiatives
were put in place realizing annual reductions of almost 1.3 million kWh.
 Singapore - Through the review of vendor contracts and operational processes
in, we have realised a savings of some US$65,000 in the last 24 months.
 Taiwan – We have implemented a few initiatives which have resulted in
energy savings from lighting and service levels improvement. Take for
instance, improved indoor air quality by free installation of UV ray sterilizer on
the AHU at the occupied floors by BMO per request. The improvement of air
quality was certified by the examination before and after installation

The Right Team Working in Partnership

Jones Lang LaSalle understands the importance of having the right team in place
to deliver effectively to Morgan Stanley the services they expect and wish to
provide to their internal and external customers. An integral part of our mission
and performance standards is our goal to attract, retain and develop the best people.
Like Morgan Stanley, we understand that the quality of the training, on an on-
going basis, makes a significant difference.
We propose to retain the incumbent teams for Hong Kong and Australia, ensuring
that knowledge is retained and transfer risk alleviated. There may be attrition, but
we have been successful in keeping this to a minimum, and have been careful in
managing any internal transfers, allowing growth of those staff within Jones Lang
LaSalle to take place, whilst managing the change smoothly. We are also acutely
aware that should any new comers not perform it falls on us to make replacements
at no cost to Morgan Stanley. We remain committed to providing not only the
necessary number of staff to fulfill the scope, but the right caliber.
For China, we would look at bringing in key staff from our existing business. We
are also open to any transfer of staff from the incumbent service provider to our
organization, and last of all, if required, we would look at hiring from external
sources through our existing warm benches.

Section 1- 3
In addition to the current management team we have today in Hong Kong and
Australia and have proposed for China, we have also identified an experienced and
capable Account Manager. Your Account Manager, Louie Liu, a seasoned
professional, will be supported by the existing core teams in Hong Kong and
Australia and the new team in China to deliver consistency and standardization
across the three locations.
Louie would take the responsibility for initiating and facilitating review meetings
on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis, looking outside the account to bring in
good practices from other similar accounts managed by Jones Lang LaSalle and be
ultimately accountable for the overall performance of the contract with Morgan
Stanley, whilst taking on a hands-on approach to understanding your strategy and
overall direction.
In our alternate proposal, we propose to upgrade the three-Country Account
Manager role to a much more senior (Regional Account Director) role with similar
experience of managing regional operations for a financial institution, if Morgan
Stanley see the benefits. We have identified the senior candidate, Alex Perkins and
presented his credentials under Part 4 Alternate Proposal. We propose this at no
additional cost to Morgan Stanley.
The proposed alternate model will ensure greater ownership which will result in
deeper partnership with us, greater regionalization which in effect will lead to
further consistency, quicker issue resolution and ownership and delivery of
programs at a regional level and commitment on savings from third party vendor
contracts which will be owned and managed by the Regional Account Director.

Implementing and Sharing Best Practices

Jones Lang LaSalle shares best practices in services delivery and innovation from
around the world for the benefit of all our clients. Our global and regional
structure and account management model was established for this purpose.
Most recently in 2009 /2010 we launched Project Harmonize for Morgan Stanley
aiming to achieve greater consistency in the areas of service delivery, procedure,
performance and communication across countries we manages in the region.

Project “Harmonize

The Tools Objectives

Regional Account Management Plan Set the scene and outline how we expect to deliver
services to clients by providing specific actions and

Quarterly Business Review A forum to be set with clients to collect feedback on

contract performance

Monthly Management Report To ensure consistent and timely submission of

reports by the on-site teams

Monthly Meetings (with Client and Vendors) To ensure consistent format is followed
Annual FM Planner A working plan incorporating site specific critical

Section 1- 4
The Tools Objectives
dates (eg key contracts renewals, major events)
Savings Tracker Standard template established for tracking cost
reduction initiatives and results
Management Dashboard Tracker to record key operating issues, innovations
and initiatives
Critical Environment Management review Audit discipline to ensure critical space and
equipment are supported by rigorous management

Below are some highlights of the results of Project Harmonize we launched in

 We have implemented a new management report format which is consistently
used in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.. The new report format
enables Morgan Stanley management access to more details on the FM data
hence they can achieve better decision making through these FM data.
 We have standardized the KPI format in the region. Morgan Stanley can
compare how well the team has achieved across countries.
 Sharing of best practices and initiatives through monthly calls hold by the the
FMs in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan
All the above benefits can be extended to China as well if we are awarded. The
detailed outcome from Project Harmonize is illustrated below.

Country Australia Hong Kong Singapore Taiwan

JLL Contact Person Deborah Rough Phoebe Shum Han Huat Lim Lisa Lu
Account Plan
Monthly Report



We will continue the work under Project Harmonize in 2011 and beyond. This
marries well with the initiatives in the Morgan Stanley Account Plan. In the past
we have rolled out a consistent Monthly Management Report and held regular
QBR’s. These can be in future be managed, monitored and reported by the
proposed Regional Account Director.

Section 1- 5
Moving from Agent to Principal
We appreciate the requirement of Morgan Stanley to go from Jones Lang LaSalle
serving as an ‘agent’ to principal for key contracts. We are well placed to manage
this through our Supply Chain Management (SCM) team which sits as part of our
best practice group – Engineering & Operations Solutions. We are some way
down the track with this exercise in Singapore, and are commencing a similar
exercise in Taiwan.
Our vendor assessment process gives adequate importance to the vendor’s
reputation in providing quality resources and contract agreements are based on
extensive works carried out in the area of procurement by Jones Lang LaSalle with
documents covering key clauses to ensure good conduct of the contractors. These
are reviewed periodically to ensure contracts we use keep up with market practices
to ensure that clients and Jones Lang LaSalle’s interest are aligned.
We will agree with Morgan Stanley on the contracts that are to transfer to principal
and the timing of this exercise, agreeing and meeting expectations. These efforts
in migrating will be driven from head office and regional resources so as not to
impact the on-site teams’ daily operations.

Section 1- 6
Section 2 -
Delivery Approach

2.1 Understanding of the Scope of Services

Jones Lang LaSalle completely understands the scope of work provided in the RFP
and is confident to deliver as per Morgan Stanley’s expectation and provided

2.2 General

Standardization and Consistency in Service Levels

Consistency in service delivery is assured through the following process:

Transition. Set the right foundation to disseminate policies, processes, tools and
reporting requirements across the region. We will work with you during transition
for China and also leverage on our existing knowledge of Morgan Stanley in
Australia and Hong Kong

On an on-going basis, consistency is ensured through

• Regional policies and procedures with centralised change control
• Regional Critical Environment guidelines marrying people, policies and
Performance Reporting. To establish routine reporting of our performance
against the Service Level Agreements, we will continuously post available data on
an agreed basis. Whilst the KPIs will be reported monthly, an evaluation of our
services will also be reviewed on a quarterly basis (Quarterly Business Reviews -
QBRs) and annual basis (Annual Contract Survey - ACS) as they are in Hong
Kong and Australia today.

Formal quarterly reports will be accompanied by an Action Plan to sustain

favourable performance and to correct any performance falling short of the target
Service Level values. The quarterly process concludes with a meeting with key
Morgan Stanley personnel to review the data and collaborate on a successful action

Compliance program: Ops-Aide (Audit, Induction, Direction and Education).

A key element of our approach to best practices relates to using our Ops AIDE
Program. Jones Lang LaSalle places great emphasis on a consistent and
professional approach to the delivery of engineering and operations. Integral to this
is our best practice delivered through knowledge intranet, our training and our
people. Ops-AIDE has been developed to bring this all together at a site level to
assess compliance, provide induction of staff to our platform and provide site
specific and team based instruction and education.

Section 2 - 1
This program is designed to audit accounts and solicit best practices that can be
applied elsewhere. Teams of senior-level practice leaders conduct reviews each
year in order to identify innovations, capture issues applicable across our client
base and accelerate sharing of new ideas and practices. The program will allow
Morgan Stanley to reap the benefits of other corporate clients such as Procter &
Gamble, IBM, Nortel, ANZ, Sun, Deutsche Bank, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs and
Intel. In 2010, we have performed this audit for all the Morgan Stanley locations in
Australia and Hong Kong

Technology: By using and implementing similar technology tools, our teams

ensure consistent reporting formats and information.

Consistency in managing critical system. Globally Jones Lang LaSalle manages

in excess of 20 million square feet of critical environment across 66 countries and
in Asia Pacific alone, we manage in excess of 3.9 million square feet of critical
environment. With this experience we have developed a program which focuses
specifically on the people, processes and equipment required to manage critical
environments. The program has been developed to help ensure that all activities
within critical environments have comprehensive method statements and risk
assessments in place, and that all key stakeholders are fully aware of any risk
associated with any property activity. We have been conducting annual audits with
peer reviews over the years of providing services to Morgan Stanley.

CEM Program – People, Process, Equipment

Quarterly Review and Planning Sessions. We will implement quarterly review

and planning sessions to gauge the performance of our account team, document
lessons learned and revisit and/or establish new objectives. At these sessions we
will also facilitate the exchange of best practice information. To assist in the
quarterly review and planning sessions, we plan to implement a Balanced
Scorecard approach. This is an efficient system employed by many of our client
organizations to ensure fair and equitable measurement of service provider
performance. Our experience suggests the use of simple and measurable outcomes
weighted for their impact / importance for Morgan Stanley and, if necessary, to be
weighted from country to country based on local contributing factors.

Section 2 - 2
2.3 Compliance to Service Requirement
Through our close understanding of your operations and having undertaken a
detailed study of your requirements, especially in terms of the technical
documentation, in addition to feedback from you, we have included a dedicated
regional engineer within our structure who will focus on service delivery as
defined in the scope document provided to us. There will also be focus on
consistent service levels and best practices at all sites.

For details on compliance matrix, please refer to Attachment A - Service

Requirement & Service Level.xls

2.4 Compliance to Service Level

We will comply with all the service requirement either through direct Jones Lang
LaSalle staff or through quality sub vendors who will be selected based on the
right experience of similar facilities. Although Morgan Stanley has indicated an
85% over all level of service as acceptable, Jones Lang LaSalle would work to
exceed these service levels.

For details on compliance matrix, please refer to Attachment A - Service

Requirement & Service Level.xls

2.5 Account Management

Our Approach to Delivering Value

Our approach in delivering the services to Morgan Stanley will be captured as part
of our Account Management Plan as outlined below:

Account Management Plan

Section 2 - 3
Guiding Principles
It is important for a successful partnership that both Morgan Stanley and Jones
Lang LaSalle objectives are fully aligned.
Morgan Stanley’s business and outsourcing objectives for the portfolio need to be
communicated to the Jones Lang LaSalle team so that we are clear as to the key
drivers and what objectives Morgan Stanley need to achieve. These objectives are
then translated into goals for the account based team and become part of the
Account Plan for the facilities management team.
The use of Key Performance Indicators is key to driving the focus and behaviour
of the team. The key indicators will also be transferred to the 3rd party vendors
working on the account through their service contracts.

Management Tools & Support

A key management tool, the Account Plan, now reviewed with Morgan Stanley,
will outline initiatives for our people working on the account, the processes that
they will follow and the tools that they will utilize in delivering the services to
Morgan Stanley .
We will work with you during transition for China and also leverage on our
existing knowledge of Morgan Stanley in Australia and Hong Kong to gain a
further understanding of your goals and objectives for the portfolio, which will
then be translated into an annual account plan for the delivery of facilities
management - driving the facilities management teams in each country.

Morgan Stanley will continue to benefit from access to facilities management staff
who are up to date on the latest developments and best practice within their area of
expertise. We maintain an extensive curriculum of training and development
courses, which includes modules from our Back to Basics, Real Estate
Management Academy and Engineering Fundamentals programs designed
specifically to meet the business and critical needs of our clients. They are
designed to provide our employees with the tools and skills necessary to achieve
your goals. These programs are currently provided to our onsite staff at Morgan
Stanley’s sites. A typical training schedule is shown below (Training Program for
Hong Kong 2011):

Section 2 - 4
Training Program for Hong Kong
MAIN HEADING Tentative Date Course Duration Attendees Trainer
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT ACEDAMY 21-Jan-11 CEM 1 4 Hrs (1400-1800) Engineer / Operation staff Mr. Bill Wong
Contractor SoW 45 Mins (1500-1545)
BACK TO BASICS 18-Feb-11 IT Disaster Recovery Plan 45 Mins (1545-1630) Facility Manager Mr. Bill Wong
Vendor Meetings 45 Mins (1630-1715)
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT ACEDAMY Risk Assessment 2 Hrs (1400-1600)
25-Mar-11 Facility Manager, Engineer Mr. Nathan Lau
ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS BMS Fundamentals 2 Hrs (1600 -1800)
ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS 15-Apr-11 CEM Basic / Vendor Inductions 3 Hrs (1500-1800) Operation Staff Mr. Nathan Lau
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT ACEDAMY 20-May-11 Fire System Fundamentals 2.5 Hrs (1530-1800) Facility Manager, Engineer Mr. Samson Pang
ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS AC Fundamentals 1.5 Hrs (1500-1630)
17-Jun-11 Risk Reporting 30 Mins (1630-1700) Facility Manager, Engineer Mr. Samuel Ma
Maintenance Plan 30 Mins (1700-1730)
ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS 22-Jul-11 UPS Fundamentals 2.5 Hrs (1530-1800) SIC / TIC Mr. David Yiu
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT ACEDAMY 19-Aug-11 Generator Fundamentals 2 Hrs (1500-1700) Operation Staff Mr. Bill Wong
Premises Inspection 45 Mins (1500-1545)
BACK TO BASICS 23-Sep-11 Risk Reporting 45 Mins (1545-1630) Facility Manager, Engineer Mr. Jarvis Wong
House Rule 45 Mins (1630-1715)
ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS 21-Oct-11 BMS Fundamentals 2 Hrs (1530-1730) Facility Manager, Engineer Mr. Nathan Lau
REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT ACEDAMY 18-Nov-11 CEM 1 4 Hrs (1400-1800) Operation Staff Mr. Bill Wong
Safe Work Method Statement
Employee Risk Review
BACK TO BASICS 16-Dec-11 3 Hrs (1500-1800) Operation Staff Mr. Jeffrey Yung
Lockout Tagout

Section 2 - 5
Resources and Succession Planning
We engage in active succession planning from on-site mid-management levels
upwards to the Account Manager level. Our dedicated human resource teams
working closely with the managers and individual country leads will map out the
succession plans and submit these for management review on a periodic basis. We
also establish Personal Development Plans (PDPs) for our staff. This is an existing
practice on the account now in both Australia and Hong Kong.

Performance Measurement
Our performance management process includes the development of an Individual
Performance Management Plan (IPMP) for each of our staff working on the
account. Our IPMP, which are performance contracts for our staff, sets
performance goals which will be aligned to the objectives of Morgan Stanley to
drive superior business results.

Standard Operations Manual

From our current operations of the Morgan Stanley facilities, we will continue to
develop, review and update a suite of policies and procedures for the account. This
will be the suite of procedures that will be implemented for the portfolio which
will allow us to standardize the service levels across your portfolio.

Access to Best Practices

The account team for Morgan Stanley will participate in, contribute to and gain
access to best practices at 3 levels:
• Globally through our best practice ATLAS Program
• Regionally through the regional best practices platform, EOS group
• Locally through country specific initiatives such as Continuous
Improvement Work Groups
We have outlined in more detail under Section 2.8 – Improvement and Best
Practices framework our approach to maintaining and developing best practices.

Section 2 - 6
Deliverables and Measurement
Performance measurement and management are fundamental elements of meeting
and exceeding Morgan Stanley’s expectations in delivering real estate services.
Jones Lang LaSalle will implement our standard regional programs (which are
already in place for the countries under our management) such as our Ops-Aide
and CEM Audit.
Jones Lang LaSalle currently provide Facilities Management Services to Morgan
Stanley in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and recently India. We also
provide remote management to Morgan Stanley sites in Indonesia and Philippines.
We will continue to collaboratively establish measures with Morgan Stanley that
link the goals and objectives of our team directly to your goals and objectives and
set these as part of the account team’s IPMP objectives.

Effective Governance – Key to Success

The model depicted below provides a proposed framework for common objectives,
management of desired outcomes, effective communications and strong
relationships. It provides a consistent approach that maintains the strategic and
operational alignment with goals and objectives.
Our Morgan Stanley Account Management team will take responsibility for
initiating and facilitating meetings on a monthly, semi-annual and annual basis.
Our proposed Regional Account Manager will be present at all meetings and is
ultimately accountable for the overall performance of the contract with Morgan
Stanley, and will take a hands-on approach to your strategy and overall direction.
This formal structured process of governance and reporting is driven by metrics.
Effective communication is the key to making the organization work. To ensure
effective communication throughout the team and across the portfolio, our program
promotes interpersonal interactions on three levels.

Governance Board – Roles and Responsibilities

Section 2 - 7
The regional and local teams will interact with the various stakeholders in Morgan
Stanley through these forums. The structure comprises of 3 levels:
 Strategic - In the form of a Quarterly/Semi-Annual Business Review. There
will be discussion on the overall contract delivery, strategic direction of the
account, as well as the overall performance metrics.
 Operational – A monthly and more formal communication between the Jones
Lang LaSalle team and the Morgan Stanley team. There will be discussion on
operational initiatives, progress against action plans, financial update and
performance measurement.
 Tactical - Daily informal discussions between the local Jones Lang LaSalle
team and the Morgan Stanley team. In addition, there will be weekly meetings,
focus on any tactical operational issues - day to day issues and actions.
We will work with Morgan Stanley in creating a Governance dashboard which can
be accessed via OneView Portal. An example is provided below. It will give the
senior team a snapshot on the overall health of the relationship and operations and
will be a key tool for the Governance forums.

Governance Dashboard

2.6 On-Site Services

All on site services will be provided as per the industry benchmark standards of
Jones Lang LaSalle to the Morgan Stanley properties. The team will be trained to
handle the specific requirement of each business operation within Morgan
Stanley’s premises and support the end users as required.

2.7 Off-Site Management/Support Services

We propose Louie Lui, Account Manager as the central relationship manager for
Morgan Stanley if all 3 locations are awarded to Jones Lang LaSalle.
Customer service is extremely important to us. Preventing failures and correcting
small problems before they become major problems is built into our management

Section 2 - 8
approach. Through our strategic planning, performance management and reporting
systems we continuously monitor our performance against mutually established
metrics developed at contract commencement.
Our account management structure provides several levels at which Morgan
Stanley can address performance issues. Jones Lang LaSalle has processes in place
for both preventing and resolving problems, even at off-site.

Hong Kong Current Escalation Process Hong Kong Escalation Process (3 locations award)

Currently, Richard Myers, Head of IFM, Hong Kong has oversight of and regular
updates on activities from the onsite team. Should any problems arise, Stephen
Marr (Chief Engineer) / Phoebe Shum (Facilities Manager) and Morgan Stanley
will escalate issues to Richard Myers (FM lead), and, if required, Richard will
escalate the issue to Bruce Farquharson, EOS Operations Director of North Asia,
for resolution and feedback to Morgan Stanley. And if required the issue will be
further escalated to Ian Bottrell, our Facilities Management Hub lead for North
Asia. We currently do have a similar process in Australia as well.

Section 2 - 9
In the event we are awarded 3 locations, using Hong Kong as an illustration, we
seek to prevent problems by ensuring that the proposed Account Manager, Louie
Lui has oversight of and regular updates on activities from the onsite team. Should
any problems arise, the level and direction of escalation will vary depending on the
scale and impact of the problem. In Hong Kong, Stephen Marr (Chief Engineer) /
Phoebe Shum (Facilities Manager) and Morgan Stanley will escalate issues to
Richard Myers (FM lead), and, if required, Richard will escalate the issue to Bruce
Farquharson, EOS Operations Director of North Asia, for resolution and feedback
to Morgan Stanley. And if required the issue will be further escalated to Ian
Bottrell, our Facilities Management Hub lead for North Asia.

2.8 Vendor can add other sections

Improvement and Best Practices framework

Our culture, organization and professional compensation encourages and drives
continuous improvement, best practices and operational excellence.
 We start with a collaborative environment where cross discipline teams support
fresh ideas and approaches
 We add professionals with deep expertise in their chosen areas, which supports
their ability to push to the edge
 We then overlay a compensation system that is highly levered toward
achieving and exceeding your expectations, encouraging creativity and seeking
innovative solutions to benefit out clients
Sharing, maintaining and advancing of best practices for our other regional
accounts occur at 3 broad levels.
 Globally through our best practice ATLAS Program

 Regionally through the regional best practices platform, EOS

 Locally through country specific initiatives such as Continuous Improvement

Work Groups

Global Level: ATLAS – Your Gateway to Best Practices

Atlas Peer Reviews exposes the team to innovation and best practices by their
peers in other accounts at a regional and as well at a global level, which they can
then adopt and implement within their own account. This process drives the
generation of new ideas, exchanges of learning from peer groups and the
implementation of initiatives that drive efficiencies and customer satisfaction.
Two client accounts are nominated for a Peer Review session periodically
throughout the year. The clients are engaged and interviewed at the outset to gain
an understanding of their expectations of innovation within the account. In an open
workshop environment, the two teams have the opportunity to share their
innovations and/or best practices, challenge and assess for applicability to their
respective accounts.

Section 2 - 10
A formal action plan of the ideas learnt and to be adopted is then formalised and
shared with the client at the end of the Peer Review session. We have recently
conducted Peer Reviews for clients like Accenture, ANZ Bank, DBS Bank
amongst other large clients in the region.

Regional Level: Engineering & Operations Solutions

A best practice in Facilities Management is “good" FM practice that we identify
from working to meet diverse client needs across multiple sites, facility types,
geographies and cultures. The custodian and repository of FM best practices
within Jones Lang LaSalle is the Engineering and Operations Solutions (EOS).
EOS combines their subject matter expertise with delivery experience in the field
to create best practice processes and procedures which are then made available to
all existing and future client delivery teams to apply (and modify as needed) to
meet client requirements.
EOS establishes an integrated framework for the delivery of services in terms of
standard policies and procedures that can be tailored for use for specific clients.

Our best practices platform (EOS) at work

Our subject matter experts in Training, Engineering, Critical Environment

Management, Vendor Performance Management, Call Centre Operations,
Environment, Health and Safety, Energy, Occupancy Management, Strategic
Sourcing and Finance will provide on-site managers with tools, processes and
training to ensure they can confidently achieve their objectives. We also encourage
staff to contact and work with their colleagues on other accounts through our
Regional Account Management Group, which Marina Krishnan leads for the
region. In this way we can share best practices, provide new staff with mentors and
ensure our on-account teams are fully supported both locally and regionally.

Local level: Approach to Continuous Improvement

The Continuous Improvement Work Group (CIWG) process was started as part of
our ‘Regional Innovations and Initiatives’ program to encourage onsite teams to
come up with the best innovations/continuous improvements.

Section 2 - 11
The concept is to divide site teams into small functionally-related work groups for
Workplace Services, Engineering and Operations and to encourage each team to
contribute towards continuous improvement. This process is linked with a
quarterly Rewards & Recognition (R&R) program, where the best CIWG teams
are rewarded based on their projects.
CIWG conferences are conducted on a country/city level, on a quarterly basis.
Teams need to present their innovation/improvement project in a presentation
format. All innovation/improvement projects are fully evaluated by a judging
panel, comprising of senior members of the Facilities Management business along
with invited client guests or guests from other Jones Lang LaSalle business units.

Snapshot of CIWG Chapter for Morgan Stanley in Australia in July 2010

Identification of Issue Information flow between day team and 24/7 team
Fragmented Information – Large amount of information in different locations
Contractor Performance – Very hard to monitor contractor performance
Paper trail and waste – Confidentiality and corporate responsibility
Filling Space Shortage – No space required
Access Issues – Easy to establish all access documentation
Possible Solutions 1. Folder with all information – Too fragmented
2. Email with all information – Risk of over communicating
3. Handover at beginning of shift – Too lengthy/Information loss
Solution Implemented Place all relevant information at one location accessible to all
Briefcase to contain:
- All quotes for agreed works to take place
- All risk Assessments for agreed work
- All method statements for agreed work
- Critical emails relating to agreed works
- Access to base building if required for works
- Work summary for agreed works
- Permit to work
Outcomes All work recorded and documented
Better traceability when past information is required
Enhanced CEM scores by providing extensive documentation

We remain committed to Morgan Stanley in providing best-in-class facilities at

standards commensurate with your business expectations and will continue to
share and implement best practices / initiative at a local level. We have included
below examples of some of the initiatives we have implemented in Hong Kong.

Section 2 - 12
Initiative / Date
Description Value Creation
Innovation/ Implemented

Client Services Facilities team created a cost / Feb 2010 Standardize charging cost and
- enhancement manpower setup menu for events easy reference for Catering
of policies and / meeting room setup Team to explain the charging
procedures cost to BUs.
Engineering Take the initiatives to establish Q3 2009 to Provision of standardize
operations guidelines i.e. cleaning Q1 2010 operation guidelines to MSHK
/ handymen / technicians and and information shared among
create a handbook for material all CS teams for the use of
specifications other countries in the region

For full details of initiatives and savings program we have put in placed for
Australia and Hong Kong, please refer to Attachment B - Savings &

Section 2 - 13
Section 3 -
Implementation Timeline

This should show transition program, key milestone and deliverables.

Our established transition program will set the tone for the long-term success of
our relationship. We are able to leverage our understanding of your needs and
expectations to identify key requirements of transition and transformation for
China and some of the new activities for Australia and Hong Kong. Moreover, we
have recently transitioned Morgan Stanley in India. This will enable you to
capitalise on our experience and best practices to secure a seamless transfer of
responsibilities to Jones Lang LaSalle.
We currently employ a dedicated transition team for the region. The team has
successfully navigated through the complex transitions of Standard Chartered
Bank, Morgan Stanley – India (current), RBS, ANZ Singapore, Unisys, JP
Morgan, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs and Telstra Corporation in the past 12 months.
We transitioned more than 1,360 employees into our firm in 2010 through
outsourcing initiatives. This comprised of more than 26 million square feet for over
60 clients across 14 countries, and achieving an average Transition Satisfaction
Survey result of 86%.
The Morgan Stanley transition will be a combination of taking what we have learnt
as incumbent in Hong Kong and Australia and applying our transition process to
incorporate China. With a dedicated transition manager, it allows the Account team
to continue to focus on the delivery of service to Morgan Stanley.

Our Transition Approach

Our specific implementation plan for Morgan Stanley will include the following
core elements:
 We will employ a dedicated transition team to ensure that the transition
workload for the on-going account management staff is minimised which will
reduce risk for Morgan Stanley. We will provide a single of contact who is
based in China to Morgan Stanley.
 We will focus on human resource efforts where we are not incumbent. We
will collaborate with Morgan Stanley on strategy, meet with all transitioning
employees in person as soon as possible after the outsourcing is announced, and
communicate regularly with transitioning employees throughout the process.
 We will create and follow a detailed transition plan/tracker. The level of
detail in our tracker ensures that we thoroughly cover every possible aspect of
the transition. It is a working document and will be further customised and
modified as the transition progresses.

Section 3 - 1
 We will schedule and implement a process for regular, effective
communication. We will hold regular, weekly transition status update calls,
provide minutes and action items for any team members that are not able to
attend, and create a dedicated extranet site to keep all team members and
transitioning employees informed of all transition activity.
 Implementation of both reactive and planned maintenance requirements
for all countries (including the incumbent countries). We will ensure the
implementation and the roll out of both planned and reactive maintenance
systems and provide guidance on end-user communication and training.

Innovative Tools to Monitor and report Transition Progress

Jones Lang LaSalle has developed a series of tools to execute, monitor and report
 Transition Dashboard – features an executive summary of progress against
key milestones and a risk matrix
 Transition Gantt Chart – facilitates timeline planning and agreement

 Transition Tracking Plan – monitors detailed delivery steps

 Transition Satisfaction Surveys – tracks satisfaction with overall performance

To simplify the complexity of transition reporting we have designed a Dashboard

that is proven to address all of the complex management tasks encountered during
transition. This dashboard is the reporting platform of our transition process.
It describes each functional area of the transition (Operations, Finance, Help Desk,
Planned Maintenance, HR) by detailed tasks (mostly listed in chronological
sequence). Each task is weighted, assigned an end date and mapped back to a
transition deliverable. Progress is indicated against each task and updated
regularly by each functional lead.
We will ensure that our communication is effective by keeping the information
consistent, clear and simple, and by using a number of communication channels
and forums to suit the target audience.

Section 3 - 2
The Transition tracker covers all critical aspects of the transition from Mobilisation
through to Help Desk and Financial Management Establishment. Typically, the
implementation is completed when all milestones have been accepted by Morgan
Stanley and the transition survey has been issued.

The Transition Tracker

The transition tracker identifies and manages the following:

 Weekly Reporting on all the key tasks

 Percentage completions to determine status of progress against agreed

implementation timelines
 General report on overall progress

 Risk Register and Key Issues to be monitored

 Human resources tracker – status of all recruitment activity

 Number of outstanding tasks

 Whether or not the tasks are going to be completed on time

 Identification of tasks which have been delayed.

Typically, the transition team will continue to at least 1 month after the full service
date to close out all remaining transition items, a process Morgan Stanley should
have experienced in India recently.

Transition-In Tasks to be completed for both new countries and countries where we are incumbent
Transition Team

 Transition Kick Off Meeting (Workshop) upon notification of commencement date

 Confirm Transition Milestones
 Outline Transition Responsibilities – Morgan Stanley and Jones Lang LaSalle

Section 3 - 3
Transition-In Tasks to be completed for both new countries and countries where we are incumbent
Relationship/ Contract Governance

 Monitor issues through the Transition Tracker

 Formulate a Governance Team during transition and meet at least twice to review Transition progress
and any issues
 Establish ongoing Governance Framework
 Ensure the development of necessary ongoing procedures
 Formalise Performance Management Framework
Help Desk Implementation

 Confirm commencement/ full service dates

 Agree on service request protocols including response times and escalation procedures
 Data request period and data uploading
 Confirmation of agreed workflows including requirements for VIP’s
 Development of Communication process for End Users and Key Stakeholders
 Notify Landlords/ Vendors as required of any changes
 Testing Period (validation)
 Roll out of Help Desk and training (as required)
 Commencement of Help Desk

Planned Maintenance

 Determine in-scope properties

 Confirm monthly reporting requirements
 Development of schedules based on historical data provided including equipment lists
 Agree to the workflow process
 Confirmation of hierarchy and coding conventions
 Commencement of Planned Maintenance

Facilities Management

 Implement communication channels/ Ongoing Management Meetings

 Determine Vendors and ongoing Vendor Management Strategy
 Confirm ongoing Management Reporting Requirements
 Obtain current site information including Operations Manuals/ Hazardous/ Asset Registers
 Implement Jones Lang LaSalle Critical Environment Program
Subcontractor Management

 Confirm all existing suppliers and status of current arrangements with Morgan Stanley
 Agree with the Morgan Stanley on which vendor contracts can be novated and to move from agency
to principal.
 Our proposed transition period of the agency model contracts to the principle model will be 4 months
for the selected number of contracts agreed with Morgan Stanley.
 Ensure all vendors comply with Jones Lang LaSalle requirements (e.g. Insurance)
 Notify vendors on change to Jones Lang LaSalle
 Arrange and conduct (will be a transformation requirement) Induction training for critical vendors
 Maintain register of vendors

Section 3 - 4
Transition-In Tasks to be completed for both new countries and countries where we are incumbent
Financial Management

 Understand changes as Agent for existing countries

 Determine Reporting Requirements and timeline for delivery of reports
 Understand payment processes and requirements for China
 Confirm invoice approval and management fee requirements
Human Resources

 Finalise Team Structures (may include a further review of existing teams)

 Commence recruitment process for China
 Finalise Position Descriptions
 Agree HR communication protocols with the Morgan Stanley
 Conduct Interviews with existing staff/ recruit for vacant positions
 Conduct specific Induction training (including the introduction of new systems etc)

Transition Risk Register

A critical success factor of any transition is to facilitate the proper establishment
and handover of service delivery and the effective management of risk. We will
implement a risk management approach corresponding to AS4360 which will
identify and appropriately treat risk before, during and after transition. The
Transition Tracker Risk Register will monitor each of the risks (and any additional
risks identified at the commencement of the transition) to ensure they are within
the limits set.

Take Control – Transition Tracker Risk Register

The following transition-in contingency arrangements have been identified. The

transition tracker will monitor each of the risks (and any additional identified at
commencement of the transition) to ensure they are within the limits set. The

Section 3 - 5
Transition Kick Off Workshop will address all potential risks and ensure
contingencies as agreed between both parties.

Likelihood of
Identified Risk Severity Contingency Strategy

Impact on “normal” business Medium Low Communicate, communicate

operations especially resulting and communicate
from transition and
Formalise responsibilities and
changeover of staffing
handover procedures
As the new team is transitioning
Re-engineer service delivery
in, there could be ambiguities in only where necessary during
terms of responsibilities during the initial phase to minimise
this period. Also, service users confusion of service users.
and contractors have to co- Train staff and apply change
ordinate with different service management process i.e.
provider/ management staff. ownership of goals, roles and

Phase transition to make it

more manageable
Unrealistic transition Medium Low Phasing transition over a
timeframes period of 4 months,
particularly from an agency
Transition for a property services contract model to principal
role the size and scope and model. This will ensure that
geographic spread of Morgan resources are not stretched
Stanley’s real estate requires and invaluable lessons learnt
from the first Transition stage
additional time for recruitment,
benefit the next
management of transition, and
logistics. Ensure Morgan Stanley and
Jones Lang LaSalle agree on
the time required for each
transition task, the critical
path and importantly, the
contingency arrangements
that may be required

Understand the key drivers

for each transition deadline
(e.g. financial year start/end)

Analyse potential risks in

Partnership Workshops to be
carried out during the
Transition Phase
Lead time in hiring staff, Medium Medium
particularly in key positions in Identify and transfer as many
China suitable existing staff as
Unclear roles and processes for
Devise a recruitment
new employees. campaign/strategy for any
unfilled roles

Section 3 - 6
Likelihood of
Identified Risk Severity Contingency Strategy

Finalise job descriptions and

advertise as soon as

Liaise with Morgan Stanley to

identify suitable candidates
that may be transferred to the
account or seconded for an
initial period
Lack of client staff Low Low Ensure buy-in by Morgan
available/dedicated to the Stanley executives during the
Transition effort early transition stage

Encourage Morgan Stanley to

dedicate the staff involved
full-time to the transition effort
Contractor Management High Medium Clear communication plan to
Process in China be produced jointly by
Morgan Stanley and Jones
Lack of communication during Lang LaSalle and the same to
the handover / transition from the be communicated to the
existing service providers to service providers
Jones Lang LaSalle. Unsatisfied
service provider expectation
resulting in long-term harm to the
Morgan Stanley relationship with
key vendors in the market.

Lessons learnt
We will leverage our understanding of your needs and lessons learnt from our
recent transition in India.
 Set the expectation of Morgan Stanley before commencement of transition. We
will explain our roles & responsibilities and the time that will be spent by the
transition manager on site.
 Focus on our deliverables while ensuring that Morgan Stanley is kept informed
of the steps we undertake.

Our Transition Team

The benefits you will gain working with Jones Lang LaSalle’s dedicated transition
team are numerous:
 Enabling the implementation of the new operating model to rapidly drive
savings and achieve operating goals, without burdening the dedicated account
 Immediate identification and capture of cost saving opportunities

Section 3 - 7
 Immediate implementation of leading practices, improvements and innovations

 Maintain operational stability

 Supply chain stability throughout the change process

 Ability to apply “lessons learned” from previous Morgan Stanley and other
transitions and avoid the “pitfalls” inherent in a transition.

Your Transition-in Team

Transition Program

Transition Communication
Our communication plans ensure that we communicate relevant information to the
correct people at appropriate stages/times within the transition process. They also
contain a schedule of communication events to ensure that key stakeholders are
always kept properly informed, ensuring their continued buy-in and support.

Established communication plans are embedded within the transition and

transformation programs themselves, thereby allowing us to monitor and report
through the project plans with key milestones and agreed output. The activities are
detailed per task and listed in chronological sequence; ensuring effective and
robust communications are maintained throughout the programs.

Typically, our communication plans include the following deliverables:

 Establishment of meeting schedules and agendas

 Formation of job descriptions, roles and responsibilities for China

 Understanding of agreed priorities and objectives

Section 3 - 8
In addition, we propose to optimise our communication and performance
monitoring with Morgan Stanley using the following means:

Workshop (Kick Off Meeting)

Attendees: Morgan Stanley Nominated Key Stakeholders

Jones Lang LaSalle Transition Team

Morgan Stanley and Jones Lang LaSalle Functional and Country Specialists

Incumbent Service Provider Representatives (if required and agreed for


Frequency: Prior to Transition Commencement

Purpose: This session will ensure that the Transition Plan can be fine tuned if necessary
and that all Jones Lang LaSalle staff are fully conversant with Morgan Stanley
requirements. This ensures that from day one both of the actual transition
teams are familiar with each other and ready to hit the ground running, thereby
maximising productivity and reducing the risk of miscommunication.

Format: Face to Face or via Conference Call (as applicable)

Weekly Transition Meetings

Attendees: Morgan Stanley Nominated Transition Leads (both regional and in-country)

Jones Lang LaSalle Transition Managers

Jones Lang LaSalle Functional Transition Leads (as required)

Incumbent Service Provider Representatives (as required)

Frequency: Weekly (during Transition and 1 month during commencement of ongoing

service delivery)

Purpose: Review the Transition status, direction and future service delivery activities

Functional Meetings (as required)

Attendees: Jones Lang LaSalle Functional Transition Leads (as required)

Morgan Stanley Nominated Functional Transition Leads (both regional and in-

Frequency: As required

Purpose: Review specific issues relating to functional area of expertise

Section 3 - 9
Internal Jones Lang LaSalle Meetings
Attendees: Jones Lang LaSalle Transition Team

Jones Lang LaSalle Functional Transition Leads (as required)

In Country Service Delivery Teams

Frequency: Weekly (during Transition) or as required

Purpose: Dissemination of information (e.g. portfolio planning information, etc) as

required, to minimise Morgan Stanley repetition of information to different
functional leads

Roll Out of Help Desk to Key Stakeholders

Audience: All Morgan Stanley employees impacted on the change to Jones Lang LaSalle

All Key Stakeholders

Mediums: Development of a Communication Strategy for Key Stakeholders

Agreement with Morgan Stanley on formats, timing and any system training

Purpose: To ensure all employees and key stakeholders of Morgan Stanley are fully
engaged in relation to the changeover to Jones Lang LaSalle and the
implications it may have to their working environment (e.g. Help Desk).

Training and education

Training and education are part of everything we do at Jones Lang LaSalle. We
recognize that the current and future success of the business is dependent upon the
skills, abilities and competence of its employees and we endeavor to take action to
train and develop individuals at the time of transfer or recruitment and throughout
their employment. This also requires the development of a company culture,
which enables the day-to-day functions to operate effectively in a commercially
orientated environment. For Australia and Hong Kong, these training programs
will serve as reinforcement.

Typical types of training completed during Transition and Transformation.

Training Completed During Transition Training Completed During Transformation

Introduction to Jones Lang LaSalle

(vision, coverage, culture and values)
Introduction to IFM Operations
(operational platform, team, portfolio and priorities)
HR Briefing Travel and Expense Authorization Processes
Overview of the client contract Client Reporting and Communication Training
General overview of financial management Update on additional training on JDE as required
Overview of procurement strategy Vendor Management and Measurement Training

Section 3 - 10
Training Completed During Transition Training Completed During Transformation

Overview of the IT solution OneView Extranet Training (maintaining,

contributing and approving documents)
OneView Financials User Training Advanced OneView Financials User Training
Overview of OneView Help Desk System OneView Help Desk User Training, Processes and
Overview of OneView Work Orders Detailed OneView Compliance Training, Processes
and Reporting
Overview of health and safety management OneView Risk Management Training
including roles and responsibilities Accident / Incident Reporting
Overview of Ops-AIDE Self Audits/Inspections, Permit to Work
Emergency procedures/Business Continuity Energy Management Strategy and Tools
Escalation Process

Milestone Measurements for a Successful Transition

The key to ensuring successful transition is the agreement on the key milestones
and deliverables from the process. The table below outlines the key milestones we
have to measure performance in order to ensure a successful transition
The Transition Manager will report to Morgan Stanley’s nominated transition lead
for the transition on progress and completion of all key milestones as part of the
weekly transition update meetings. The close out of the transition is subject to
Morgan Stanley’s agreement that the milestones have been achieved.

Acceptance Test (min) by the

Milestone Milestone Identification and Measures
Morgan Stanley Transition Lead

Confirmation of team members Accepted by Morgan Stanley

transition team Confirmation of team member’s availability for
the duration of transition

Development and Confirmation of all agreed Morgan Stanley review and sign off
workflows and processes on agreed workflows
Help Desk
Effective Communications roll out of the Help Pilot test as required

Migrate information to new system and Agreement on Reports and coding

processes convention
Maintenance Establishment of Reporting protocols (not Agreement on first set of work orders
necessarily commenced) to be issued

Recuritment of all agreed key positions Acceptance that all key roles have
Human been filled and there is no impact to
Staff on site and ready to operate on Day 1
service delivery on day 1

Completion of Completion of all transition tasks as per the Acceptanace by Morgan Stanley on
transition Transition Tracker the completion of the transition

Section 3 - 11
Acceptance Test (min) by the
Milestone Milestone Identification and Measures
Morgan Stanley Transition Lead

Issue of the Transition Survey and conduct

Transition close out meeting

Transition Tasks and Deliverables

A Gantt chart has been included under Attachment C – Gantt Chart. Pdf
highlighting all tasks and activities to be undertaken to deliver, implement test and
trial all processes, systems, deliverables and services in order to meet Morgan
Stanley requirements and ensure a successful mobilisation and transition period.
We have included the Gantt chart for the alternative proposal under Attachment C2
– Gantt Chart for Alternative Proposal.pdf
We are happy to discuss this transition plan with you to modify it as necessary to
meet your objectives.

Section 3 - 12
Section 4 -
Project Team

4.1 Organisation Chart

Account Team for Morgan Stanley

Strong leadership is the key to our competent account management team. We have
many years of experience within our team of functional specialists who have
undertaken complex facility projects. The wide range of skills required to ensure
each aspect of the project runs smoothly is covered by the team proposed to
Morgan Stanley
The Jones Lang LaSalle account delivery support infrastructure to Morgan Stanley
is currently at 4 levels.
• Level 1: Dedicated on-site resources comprising of Jones Lang LaSalle and
Vendor resources working on the Morgan Stanley account.
• Level 2: Jones Lang LaSalle in-country IFM Operations and Management team
(Country head, Operation leads, Critical Systems, Health & Safety,
• Level 3: JLL Best Practices Platform i.e. the Engineering and Operations
Solutions (EOS) group, a central team of 91 functional specialist resources
across the region. Specialisations include Transition, Health & Safety, Energy
& Sustainability, Engineering & Operations, Supply Chain, Technology, Risk
Management & Compliance and Critical Environment Management
• Level 4: Jones Lang LaSalle Country Infrastructure Resources which includes
HR, IT, and Finance

Proposed Delivery Team – Overview (3 locations award)

Section 4 - 1
The Account team will comprise of the following:
Account Manager (1 FTE) – The Account Manager will be responsible for all
aspects of contract service delivery. We have proposed Louie Lui who has 15 years
in real estate industry – with his last 6 years dealing with banking and financial
clients. Louie will have responsibility for ensuring:
 Quality of Facilities Management Services delivered including management of
the overall team in Australia, China and Hong Kong
 Senior leadership interaction and ownership of account strategy
 Reporting into the governance board on delivery of Morgan Stanley’s
Regional Engineer (1 FTE) - As part of the account team, we have proposed a
Regional Engineer who will be responsible for all aspect of engineering service
delivery for the 3 locations. He/She will be responsible for the complete rollout of
the CEM program, taking complete responsibility for managing and implementing
best practices and acting as the regional point of escalation for any engineering
issue for the 3 locations. This person will also be involved in energy conservation
management and green environment management.
Regional Finance Team –Admin & Finance Manager (1 FTE) will be
responsible for all aspects of financial management, including budgeting,
reporting, accounts payable processing, capital planning, invoice issue resolution
and compliance matters. The Finance Manager is supported by 1 JDE Finance
Officer and will work closely with in country Finance Managers/ Accounts
Payable Specialists.
At the country level, the Facilities Manager/Chief Engineer will head up the
proposed on-site team. Besides the dedicated Jones Lang LaSalle resources and
vendor partners on-site, he/she will be able to tap onto the Jones Lang LaSalle in-
country head office and IFM infrastructure for operations, human resources and
finance support.

Delivery team for Australia

Whilst Australia have considered the current delivery team, we have proposed a
team to provide the services to Morgan Stanley as directed in the RFP. Although
there is currently a full time, dedicated Account Director, in this proposal we have
only provided for half day per week of account support. The site teams will be led
by the Senior Facilities Manager, Dean Stokes, supported by Kenta Plaxton,
Facilities Manager and Aileen Tiddon, Facilities Coordinator / Receptionist, the
latter being based at The Bond.
The Senior Facilities Manager is a credited Critical Environment specialist who
can provide engineering support across the Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney portfolio.
In addition, we have included the existing team of seven Critical Environment
Officers who support 24/7 delivery across the two Sydney sites – The Bond and
Chifley Tower. For the remote sites, we have Adam Carey, Facilities Manager,
supporting both Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney locations in
Melbourne and 3 other Facility Managers providing part time /ad hoc support on

Section 4 - 2
site in Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth. Finally, we have David Mitchinson, Project
Manager, currently based at The Bond supporting the Morgan Stanley projects
We have not included pricing for an on-site Handyman at any location as we
propose the 24/7 Critical Environment Officers provide this support out of hours.
It should be further clarified that remote sites will have a different management
model and we will utilise our sub-contractors to provide handyman duties.
We have also excluded the Administration Manager as discussed during the
Clarifications as the services currently being provided, this is out of the existing
RFP scope.

Proposed Delivery Team – Australia

Delivery team for China

Our delivery model in China will be separated in two phases due to Morgan
Stanley move from Bund Center Shanghai to SWFC and Kerry Parkside in
Shanghai, China. Our proposed dedicated team for Morgan Stanley during the two
phases can be found below.
We have proposed Teresa Liang as the Facilities Manager. In each of Morgan
Stanley locations we will have dedicated on-site team to support Teresa while she
focus on Pan China and account issues in relationship to the delivery of facilities
management service to Morgan Stanley.
Each office will have a dedicated Assist Facilities Manager/ Senior Facilities
Officer to lead and manage the onsite team. The facilities officer on each site will
manage all the Finance/Admin/Compliance aspects of the services as well as

Section 4 - 3
oversee the soft services vendor staff consisting of housekeeping, receptionist and
In addition, we have dedicated team of technical resources based to look after
Morgan Stanley’s operations and maintenance requirements. Our network of OEM
vendor partners will provide ad hoc or scheduled maintenance as applicable.
The team will have strong leadership and senior management oversight from
Natina Wong. Natina will ensure that the team receives all the support (from
training, advice, resourcing, admin, HR, etc) from the head office. She will also be
the point of contact for any major escalations and will be participating in monthly
and quarterly reviews with the management team of Morgan Stanley.

Proposed Delivery Team – China (Phase 1)

Proposed Delivery Team – China (Phase 2 – Office move from Bund Center to SWFC and Kerry

Section 4 - 4
Delivery team for Hong Kong
We propose the Hong Kong delivery team to remain as per the existing Jones Lang
LaSalle team delivering the services currently to Morgan Stanley. It will be
headed by the Chief Engineer, Stephen Marr, supporting Property Operations
function and the Facilities Manager supporting Facilities function. Phoebe Shum,
being our Facilities Manager at present, will be relocating to Shanghai Jones Lang
LaSalle IFM business, we are having a candidate interviewing with Morgan
Stanley. The two team leaders are supported by Christina Wong, Administration
Manager for Finance/Admin/Compliance who is primarily responsible for
invoicing, billing and petty cash claims. Anna Lung is the Assistant Facilities
Manager in charge of the Soft Services and Eric Ng is another Assistant Facilities
Manager to manage our vendor partner for housekeeping.
Min Thura Aung, our Comms Manager, will be responsible for all Morgan Stanley
Comms Area Engineering services, supported by a dedicated team of in house
engineer and technical staff.
The helpdesk function will be supported by 2 full-time helpdesk officer 2 part-time
helpdesk officer which is the existing arrangement we have for Morgan Stanley.
In addition, we have introduced a MAC Engineer who will report to the Chief
Engineer to manage all MAC requirements. The MAC Engineer will be
responsible for:
 daily liaison works with the BUs
 works scheduling
 works budget and forecast
 space planning and furniture management
 records maintenance
Part-time Technical Support will be provided for weekend moves works and
the scope of services will include supervision of MAC vendors, escorting of
MAC vendors and coordination with BUs and Building Management during the
move. We will be charging a daily rate of HK$2,340 for each technical support
during the weekend and the overnight shift will be HK$3,510.
In our proposed MAC team structure, we have not put in any IT MAC position
as we plan to absorb all the IT MAC works within our existing Hong Kong
team by ensuring all the technicians and handymen are trained adequately to
provide IT MAC services.

Section 4 - 5
Proposed Delivery Team – Hong Kong (Standalone country award)

Section 4 - 6
Proposed Delivery Team – Hong Kong (2 or 3 locations ward)

Section 4 - 7
In the event we are awarded 2 or more countries, we would be adding 2 full time
helpdesk officer.

4.2 Key Roles (a short bio on the key individuals in the project)
The proposed Account Manager, Louie Lui will be responsible for strategizing a
road map with Morgan Stanley for long term sustainable service delivery. As
Morgan Stanley single point of contact for facilities in Australia, China and Hong
Kong, He will be supported by the Facility Managers in each of the locations. Our
model envisages local delivery with support in the form of best practices,
technology and training from the regional team.
The Facility Managers will drive operations by translating strategies and agreed
deliverables into actions, and overseeing their execution by the dedicated, on-site
team located in Morgan Stanley’s premises. Following are the profiles of key team
members who will be working on the Morgan Stanley Account.

Contract Delivery Team

Name and designation Credentials
Louie Lui  Over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry
Proposed Account  Currently responsible for the overall commercial and operations aspects
Manager (Based in of one of our banking clients
Hong Kong)
 Areas of specialization include facilities management, lease management
and financial analysis.
 MBA from University of Strathclyde

Dean Stokes  Over 17 years’ experience in Construction & Facilities Management.

Senior Facility Manager  Areas of specialization include Electrical Engineering, Data
(Australia) communications, Facilities Management and Construction.
 Past experiences include asset management for portfolios in Australia,
United Kingdom and Europe supporting Global Switch and Merrill Lynch
 Accredited Member of Australian Electrical Trades Association
 Accredited Member of the ACMA
 Accredited High Voltage Certification Operator Energy Australia

Section 4 - 8
Name and designation Credentials
David Mitchinson  Over 20 years’ experience in project management and architectural
Project Manager
(Australia)  Responsible for management and delivery of multiple projects within
Morgan Stanley environment throughout Australia
 Past PM experiences include clients such as The Royal Bank of Scotland
and Goldman Sachs in London.
 David was also Director of Architectural Design and Project Management
for Fisheye Architecture Limited

Kenta Plaxton  Over 8 years’ experience in the construction and real estate industry
Facilities Manager  Completed a B. Building (Construction Management) and training in Risk
(Australia) Management, Contractor Management, and Critical Environment
 Areas of specialisation include facilities services, critical environments,
project work, planned preventative maintenance
 Past experiences include construction management on large construction
projects, facilities management at a national and regional level on a global
account (CA).

Stephen Marr  Over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry

Chief Engineer (Hong  Currently taking on role of Chief Engineer for Morgan Stanley Property
Kong) Operations
 Responsible for the development and dissemination of operational best
 Areas of specialization include including risk management, procurement,
engineering and training.
 Past experiences include Facilities Management of Exhibition Centre in
HK and Country Manager for Testing & Commissioning
Consultant specializing in serving the Finance Industry.
Phoebe Shum  Over 14 years of experience in the real estate industry
Proposed Facilities  Currently taking on role of Account Manager / Facilities Manager at
Manager (Hong Kong) Morgan Stanley
 Responsible for the team overall administration management and facilities
(soft services) operations and the development and dissemination of
facilities (soft services) best practices
 Areas of specialization include including procurement, project
management and finance / people management
 Past experiences include Facilities Management of clients from Airline
Industry and Banking Industry

Section 4 - 9
Name and designation Credentials
Teresa Liang  Over 11 years relevant work experience in integrated facilities
management and project management
Proposed Facilities
Manager (Beijing,  Expertise includes Account Management, Engineering, Environmental
China) Health & Safety Management, HVAC and General Workplace
 Good communication and coordination skill, excellent interpersonal skills
and good team management skills
 Skilled in project management, ISO 9000/14000/18000 system, local
health and safety regulations.
 Mechanical Engineering Degree
 Fluent in English and Mandarin, Basis Japanese

Morgan Stanley will benefit in drawing support from our in-country and specialist
teams. Our in-country and specialist infrastructure teams include our operations
group, Subject Matter Experts, IT, HR & finance which are all critical elements of
any service delivery platform.
We have provided their brief bio below.
Specialist Support Team
Name and designation Credentials
Greg Wallace  20 years of engineering expertise, with 9 years in real estate industry
Critical Environment  Chairman of the Australasian Critical Environment Management Board
Management (Australia) and is also a member of the Regional Board.
 Responsible for ensuring that Jones Lang LaSalle’s Engineering and
Operations service delivery is maintained at the highest level and
continues to exceed the expectations of our clients.
 Current role provides Engineering & Operations Management at a
national level for our Retail and IFM business lines.

Jon Lockhart  More than 22 years of experience in Facilities Management across the
Commercial & Industrial sectors
Health & Safety
(Australia)  Areas of focus include Risk Management, Occupational Health and
Safety and Incident Management.
 Past experiences include Regional facilities management roles with
American Express and Australian Mutual Provident.
 Tertiary qualifications in Electrical Engineering, and Business

Section 4 - 10
Name and designation Credentials
Chris Wallbank  30 Years experience in sustainable developments
Energy & Sustainability  15 years focused on building performance improvements with new and
(Australia) existing property
 Current responsibilities include to champion sustainable programs and to
demonstrate the tangible benefits of a well documented and cost effective
sustainability program for new and existing clients
 Projects include design of numerous landmark commercial, retail, hotel,
education and health care developments throughout Australia.

Bruce Farquharson  40 years of experience in professional property management, engineering

and administrative duties for commercial high rise buildings, hotels and
Health & Safety (North
computer/data centres.
 Over 26 years of experience in building and commissioning new
commercial high rise buildings and computer/data centres.
 Extensive experience in US, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dubai and Taipei
 Project include: Shanghai Centre, Government Dubai, Taipei 101, Global
Center/Exodus Communication
 Unlimited Steam Engineer & Turbine Endorsed Certified Operating
Engineer Local 501, EPA Type 2 & 3 Certification, ADA Facilities
Compliance Certification, Certified California Guard Registration.
Stephen Woollard  Over 30 years of experience in the real estate industry
Critical Environment  Currently taking on CEM lead for North Asia
Management (North
Asia)  Responsible for the development and dissemination of operational best
 Areas of specialisation include critical environment management,
engineering, energy efficiency and training
 Past experiences include projects and facilities management with
Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Bloomberg, Reuters, Morgan Stanley,
BAA Heathrow Airport and Goldman Sachs
 Stephen is currently actively involved in delivering FM services for clients
like UBS, JP Morgan, Cathay Pacific and Citibank

Allen Liang  With over 18 years experience in all aspects of electrical engineering,
facilities and project management
Energy & Sustainability
(North Asia)  Over 10 years of experience in energy and sustainability.
 Areas of specialization include electrical distribution, building automation
and energy management system for commercial, industrial, and mission
critical facilities.
 Certified by the US Green Building Council as a Leadership in Energy &
Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP) and Six Sigma
Green Belt Certified.

Section 4 - 11
In-Country Support Team
Name and designation Credentials
Chris Hunt  Responsible for Integrated Facilities Management throughout Australia
Regional Director, and New Zealand for Jones Lang LaSalle
Australasia Hub Lead
 Holds formal qualifications in Engineering and Business Management and
is currently completing an MBA with the University of South Australia.
 Over 10 years experience at Jones Lang LaSalle including two year
assignment in India, where he established Jones Lang LaSalle IFM
business as market leader.
 Founding member and shareholder in the UK based Procord FM
Company which was formed as a result of an MBO from IBM.
 Specific interest in leading and developing new talent within the Real
Estate services industry and also retains a keen interest in the business
continuity aspects of managing Mission Critical Environments.
Sheryl Matthews  Brings 25 years experience in the property industry and holds a bachelor
of business from the University of Southern Queensland.
Director of Operation,
Australasia  In her 12 years with the firm she has worked in the Property Management
business and also spent an extended period leading the IFM business in
South East Asia.
 Has played a valuable role in the transition of Telstra and her drive, wit,
skill and personality were vital to this successful transition.

Caroline Fitzwater  More than 25 year’s of international experience in HR, Operations,

Property, Project, Lease, Transactions and Facilities management in
Commercial Account
corporate commercial environments across Europe and Australasia and
Directors (Australia)
almost 7 years’ experience with Jones Lang LaSalle.
 Currently providing strategic account direction to more than 20 accounts
and managing 85 team members across Australasia
 Strong track record of client deliverables including improved client
satisfaction, client initiatives and vendor and team performance.
 Experienced in client requirements from an internal perspective having
worked on client site for over 3½ years at Microsoft and Visa in the UK,
setting up and further developing and enhancing best practice operational
processes and teams.
Ian Bottrell  Responsible for all the facilities management businesses in mainland
China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
International Director,
North Asia Hub Lead  Holds formal qualifications in Engineering and is also a Chartered
Professional Engineer.
 Area of expertise covers integrated facilities management, property &
asset management and customer service
 Master of Business Administration from Australian Graduate School of

Section 4 - 12
Name and designation Credentials
Julius Lau  Over 16 years work experience in China based in Beijing, including 10
years with Jones Lang LaSalle
Head of IFM (China)
 Oversees the IFM business in China taking on a strategic capacity for
more than 30 accounts covering more than 18.5 million sf
 Experience in project management, Facilities management and
Transactions management
 Also acted as the Regional Account Director for NCR for the Asia Pacific
region working out of the Beijing and Sydney hubs for over 4 years

Natina Wong  Over 17 years experience in facilities operations and corporate real estate
Head of IFM -  More than 10 years senior management experience with strong customer
Commercial Hub (China and service delivery focus, strong results orientation and track record of
 Broad FM experience with MNC like Nortel, Sun Microsystems and JP
 Certified Facility Manager
 Member of the International Facility Management Association
 External Moderator, DFM, City University SCOPE, Hong Kong
 Former Director, IFMA Hong Kong Chapter
Richard Myers  Over 20 years experience in corporate real estate involved in design,
project management and facility management
Head of IFM (Hong
Kong)  Oversees the IFM business in Hong Kong taking on a strategic capacity
for more than 35 accounts
 Ensures contract deliverability and client satisfaction
 Extensive experience in managing large and complex facilities
 Ability to identify key business issues and apply appropriate real estate
strategies and tactical planning expertise
 Able to draw on the full regional resources and expertise of Jones Lang
LaSalle as required
 Masters Degree in Facility Management, CFM, MRICS
Samuel Ma  20 years of Corporate services and facilities management experience,
Operations Director and, including 10 years of experience in the banking industry
(Hong Kong)  Current role include assisting the FM head in driving Operations
Compliance, Engineering & Operations Solutions
 Past experiences include setting up on-site facilities management team
and necessary management process, managing multiple MNC accounts,
launching best practice for operational efficiencies, and compliance for
Facility and Engineering Management
 Professional interest: Engineering services management, Technology
adoption in technical service industry and Maintenance Management
 University of Warwick, Master of Science (Engineering Management)

Section 4 - 13
4.3 Resource Plan (in the format as per Appendix)
The resource plan has been determined keeping in mind the various services
required at all Morgan Stanley sites. The approach to service delivery is through an
account management structure. As already indicated within the section ‘2.5
Account Management’ of ‘Delivery Approach’ we have identified Louie Lui, as
the Account Manager for the contract who will be responsible for all client
management and be responsible for delivery of services on a day to day basis.
Louie will be supported by a dedicated onsite team. He will act as Single Point of
Contact for Australia, China and Hong Kong and will be present at all meetings
and is ultimately accountable for the overall performance of the contract with
Morgan Stanley, and will take a hands-on approach to your strategy and overall
He will ensure that the SLAs, along with standards and processes, are developed,
implemented and maintained throughout the course of the contract term. He has the
full responsibility to support Morgan Stanley and provide consistent, high quality
real estate services to your portfolio and ensure your complete satisfaction with our
The proposed teams have been configured to meet the requirements of service
delivery across the 3 locations while keeping in mind the cost of doing business for
the Morgan Stanley.
Depending on the number of the sites, the size and complexity of the facilities in
each country, the Facilities lead/Chief Engineer at a county level will either
manage the team directly to deliver these services or be assisted by a Facilities
Coordinator, Assistant Facilities Manager or Engineer.
Each site will have a site lead that will be responsible for monitoring attendance
and delivery of on ground services to Morgan Stanley. The site leads will all
report to the facilities lead at a country level and who in turn reports to the Account
Manager who will monitor their performance based on the standards agreed in the
contract. The approach taken while deciding on the site team deployment is that
the team should work as an independent unit for all day to day operational
requirements. They will be supported by the core team and the respective Jones
Lang LaSalle corporate team as required.

Resource Plan for Regional Team (3 locations award)

Position Hong Kong
Account Manager 1
Regional Engineer 1
Regional Admin & Finance Manager 1
Regional JDE Finance Officer 1
Total 4

Section 4 - 14
Resource Plan for Australia


The JLL 101 120 Grenfe
Position Chifley Bond HQ Collins Collins RP EP ll St Total

Senior FM / Engineer 1 1
Facilities Manager 0.6 0.4 0.25 1.25
Office Administrator 1 1
Project Manager 1 1
24/7 Critical Environment 3.5 3.5 7
Account Director 0.1 0.1
FM (MS & MSSB) - Mel 0.25 0.25
FM (MS & MSSB) - Bne 0.2 0.2
FM (MS & MSSB) - Adl 0.2 0.2
FM (MS & MSSB) - Per 0.2 0.2
Total 5.1 5.9 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.2 12.2

Resource Plan for China

Beijing Shanghai Zhuhai
Fortune Bund Kerry
Position Resource Center* SWFC ** Parkside** ZH Yuecai
Facilities Manager 1
Asst. FM 1 1
Senior Facilities Officer 1
Facilities Officer 1 2 1 1
Snr Technician 1 1 1 1
Technician 3 3 3
Receptionist 1
Total 7 7 2 4 3

* Phase 1 / ** Phase 2

Our delivery model in China will be separated in two phases due to Morgan
Stanley move from Bund Center Shanghai to SWFC and Kerry Parkside in
Shanghai, China.

Section 4 - 15
Resource Plan for Hong Kong
Position Commerce Centre
Chief Engineer 1
Comms Manager 1
Engineers 4
Technical / MAC Officer 3
Senior Technicians / Technicians 12
Facilities Manager 1
Assistant Facilities Manager 2
Senior Facilities Officer / Facilities Officer 2
Handymen 5
Administration Manager 1
Finance Office 1
Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) 2
Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) 2
Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or more locations are awarded) 2
Total 37 (39)

All the best practices rolled out at the country level will be percolated to the sites
through the Account Manager via the facilities leads. They will in turn be
encouraged to generate recommendations that deliver improvement through our
CIWG program. Where possible these best practices will be implemented at all
Morgan Stanley sites.

4.4 Vendor can add other sections

Value Added Services

By partnering with Jones Lang LaSalle, Morgan Stanley will continue to benefit
from the industry’s leading service delivery platform. Our success as a business
has allowed us to invest significantly in this platform, including our Technology
platform, our national and global Strategic Sourcing capabilities, the services
available within our Technical Operations group, and our industry-leading
OneView technology applications. Each of these capabilities is described in detail
in our response as part of our base proposal to Morgan Stanley. Described below
are additional services that we can bring to add significant value to Morgan Stanley

Value Added #1 - Process Improvement: Six Sigma Methodology

We are the first and only firm to implement Six Sigma throughout its global
operations, and we are the only one qualified to train clients in this important
business improvement process. Through our Six Sigma Real Estate Solutions
services, we can help you refine your service delivery processes for optimal
efficiency and financial benefit. This methodology instills collaboration on

Section 4 - 16
improvement initiatives and introduces performance measures that drive
continuous improvement.
Together, we can identify certain areas of service delivery where Six Sigma
methodology is needed and implement process improvements that reduce cycle
time and cost, provide increased response time to internal clients and increase the
stature of the shared services organization in the view of senior management.

Value Added #2 - Benchmarking

Another value-add that Jones Lang LaSalle can provide to Morgan Stanley is
benchmarking of operating expenses against other financial institution, something
we understand Morgan Stanley is very keen to receive. From our management of
other client accounts across the region, we are provided with access to our clients
operating budgets. We have compiled this information using our standard chart of
accounts and this data is analyzed to determine areas for savings and process
improvement opportunities. Client confidentiality is respected at all times.
Our benchmarks are compiled by country and categorized into various industry
sectors. The benchmarking covers spend such as electricity which is one of the
major areas for opportunities, cleaning, maintenance (air conditioning and
electrical), fire systems, pantry supplies and others.
These benchmarks will provide us with information to ensure that Morgan Stanley
local pricing is in line with the market parameters and highlights areas which need
further focus to make the spend more competitive.

Value Added #3 - Broad Strategic Capabilities

Our Strategic Group aligns an organization’s Integrated Facility Management with
its overall objectives to drive maximum value and efficiency. We anticipate
tapping our firm’s strategic capabilities each year to address issues and
opportunities within your portfolio. These include development and asset strategy,
portfolio strategy, financial optimization, locational analysis, labour-based
portfolio strategy, and organization design.

Value Added #4 Workplace Strategies (WS)

Our WS team creates and implements innovative solutions that maximize
workspace efficiency and utilization, while reducing costs. These solutions may
include increased mobility, telecommuting, hoteling and more collaborative and
open work environments. Our WS solutions enable greater flexibility around
where, when and how employees conduct business, ultimately leading to improved
employee recruitment and retention.

Section 4 - 17
Section 5 -
Commercial Offer

5.1 Fee
Management fee – this is worked out as a percentage (%) mark-up of staff costs.
Our management fee comprises of two key components:
- Local Facilities Management infrastructure: This is the team at a local
level which will be supporting the on site resources with best practices,
tools and procedures, operational and management support
- Regional best practices group: This team will be interacting with the
Morgan Stanley Corporate Services to ensure the on site team is fully
conversant with Morgan Stanley’s internal practices and or any joint
practices the two teams will produce. This team will also be part of various
training programs and compliance reviews from time to time
- Regional Management: This is the regional management team which
supports the overall performance of the account, acts as a point of
escalation and runs the governance process together with senior level
engagement from the Morgan Stanley Corporate Services team.
With the size of our business across the region, the overheads cost represent only a
small % loading to each account. The overhead cost component is allocated out to
each account on the basis of the account portfolio size keeping in mind the existing
client base and future capacity of this team.

Management Fee

Combination Australia China Hong Kong

a) Australia, China and Hong Kong 10% 15% 9%
b) Australia and China 12% 20%
c) Australia and Hong Kong 12% 9%
d) China and Hong Kong 20% 9%
e) Australia 12%
f) China 20%
g) Hong Kong 9%

Fee at Risk (Linked to performance) – We have provided 15% of our

management fee at risk linked to performance, per the existing arrangement in

Section 5 - 1
Singapore and Taiwan. We will be entitled to 85% of the proposed management
fee as a base management fee for managing Morgan Stanley’s portfolio financially
and administratively. The 15% management fee under the risk and reward program
has to be earned by Jones Lang LaSalle through achievement of pre-agreed key
performance indicators (KPIs). We are challenging ourselves to a potential
minimum save of 5% on controllable costs with fee at risk for non-performance.
The measurement of KPIs will be evaluated on a country by country basis and
totaled up to a regional score in the event we are awarded all 3 locations –
Australia, China and Hong Kong. Key countries may carry a heavier weighting
compared to others. We can mutually agree on the final model.
Share of Saves: 20% of any saves achieved above an agreed threshold.
Administration Fee: this fee is worked out as a percentage (%) mark-up of the
total managed spend for taking on principal role. If Morgan Stanley awards all the
locations to Jones Lang LaSalle, we are happy to reduce the percentage to 2.5%
(our existing arrangement with Singapore and Taiwan is 3%) and provide financial
management and reporting through OneView Financials powered by JD Edwards
to Morgan Stanley at no additional cost. One of the benefits of OneView
Financials include standard accounting approach which allows teams to accurately
benchmark costs to a high level of detail. This in turn used to help Morgan Stanley
drive best practice, in terms of both service delivery and cost.
Administration Fee

Combination Australia China Hong Kong

a) Australia, China and Hong Kong 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
b) Australia and China 2.5% 5%
c) Australia and Hong Kong 2.5% 3%
d) China and Hong Kong 5% 3%
e) Australia 2.5%
f) China 5%
g) Hong Kong 3%

Implementation and Transition Fee - One time cost which would be charged
during the transition phase, prior to going live with the operations. This would
include travel expenses for China only.

Combination Australia China Hong Kong

a) Australia, China and Hong Kong $0 US$5,000 $0
- OneView Financials, Satellite Helpdesk,
b) Australia and China $0 US$5,000
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre
c) Australia and Hong Kong $0 $0
- 360Facility, Satellite Helpdesk
d) China and Hong Kong US$5,000 $0

Section 5 - 2
Combination Australia China Hong Kong
- 360Facility, Satellite Helpdesk
e) Australia $0
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre
f) China US$5,000
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre
g) Hong Kong $0
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre

5.2 Expenses, if any

This section is not applicable.

5.3 Payment Schedule

We accept the payment term of 60 days as specified in clause 9.4 of the MSA.

5.4 Terms and Conditions Compliance Matrix (Appendix B)

Please refer to our response under Appendix B - Terms and Conditions
Compliance Matrix.doc.
5.5 Insurances certificates
Please refer to Attachment D - Certificate of Verification of JLL Global general

Section 5 - 3
Appendix 1 -


Company name

Contact person Linda Mooney

Regional Head Facilities Management, Asia Pacific, Location

Contact position Manager Australia & NZ
Corporate Real Estate

Our clients are happy to act as referees should Morgan Stanley wish
to talk to them and the preferred mode of contact is through Richard
Contact tel / email Myers, our point of contact for this RFP. We would be happy to
arrange a call if you wish to contact our client.

Length of relationship Since Jan 2010

Australia, China, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Indonesia, Philippines,
Number of countries
Singapore, Taiwan & Thailand
Scope of services  Account Management

 Facility Management,

 Building Maintenance,

 Project Management,

 Management of Office Churn,

 Landlord liaison,

 Preventive Maintenance

 Energy Management

Note: The scope of services may vary from country to country.


Company name
(Hong Kong)

Contact person Nigel Owen

Head of CRES, North Asia and Hong Kong
Contact position

Our clients are happy to act as referees should Morgan Stanley wish
to talk to them and the preferred mode of contact is through Richard
Contact tel / email Myers, our point of contact for this RFP. We would be happy to
arrange a call if you wish to contact our client.

Length of relationship Since 2003

Australia, China, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Malaysia, Singapore,
Number of countries
Scope of services  Account Management

 Facility Management,

 Client Hospitality

 Security Services

 Transport - Provision of drivers

 Critical Environment Management

 Catering Management

 Project Management,

 Management of Office Churn,

 Landlord liaison,

 Preventive Maintenance

 Energy Management

Note: The scope of services may vary from country to country.


Company name

Contact person Jenny Gui

Contact position Head of Property Service, China

Our clients are happy to act as referees should Morgan Stanley wish
to talk to them and the preferred mode of contact is through Richard
Contact tel / email Myers, our point of contact for this RFP. We would be happy to
arrange a call if you wish to contact our client.

Length of relationship Since 2005

China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Singapore,
Number of countries
Taiwan, and Thailand
Scope of services  Account Management

 Facility Management,

 Financial & Asset Management

 Building Maintenance,


 Management of Office Churn,

 Landlord liaison,

 Preventive Maintenance

 Energy Management

Note: The scope of services may vary from country to country.

Appendix 2 -
On-Site Team CVs
Please refer to the Part 2 section 4.2 Key Roles for the CV’s of our proposed On-
Site team.

Part 3 – General Requirement
Part 3 -
General Requirement

(i) Company History

Give a brief description of company history concentrating on those developments / areas
relevant to this proposal. Give details on future strategic direction of company and related

Expansion into New Service Areas and Market Segments

Whilst we continually invest in strengthening our core competencies, a number of
new services and market segments have been identified for expansion.
Business Process Outsourcing – to drive cost reduction and capacity, we have
established a centralized facility ‘Maximo Centre’ in India and are also looking
into setting up 360Facility as the regional asset and maintenance platform for one
of our banking clients. Centres of excellence are being further developed for:
i) Lease Administration – we currently administer in excess of 18,000
corporate leases across Asia Pacific. Driven by a number of factors,
including Sarbanes-Oxley and outsourcing we expect this business volume
to double. We are also actively off-shoring these functions to India in order
to increase service quality and reduce costs for clients
ii) Call Centres – we currently handle over 300,000 work orders per annum
for clients across Asia Pacific. This capability is being consolidated and
off-shored in Bangalore, India and Dalian, China to drive cost efficiencies
and increase capacity.
The Dalian PSC not only complements our Sydney and Bangalore property
service centers, it also enables us to offer a true multilingual regional
helpdesk solution that will be the envy of our competitors. This gives us the
immediate capability to offer helpdesk voice services in Mandarin and
Cantonese, and in the near future, in Japanese and Korean as well.
iii) Transport Management – specifically focused on India where public
transport infrastructure is limited, and employers are often required to
supply transport services to attract quality labour.
iv) Global Accounts Payable – centralizing financial administration of
Accounts Payable in Dalian and Prague, thereby facilitating increased
efficiencies and accuracy which will lead to reduced client costs
 Industrial Sector – geographic expansion focused in China, Hong Kong,
Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, India and Australia. Essentially all
relevant services, specifically business location analysis, site search, land
acquisition and disposition, transaction management, incentives negotiation,
project and development management, facilities management and sale and

leaseback. Our existing industrial agency businesses are undergoing training
and development programs to increase occupier related skill levels.

Global Strategy for Growth

To continue to create new value for our clients, shareholders, and employees in
early 2005 we identified five strategic priorities for continued growth. We refer to
them as the Global Five Priorities, or the “G5.” We have initiated a five-year
program designed to invest capital and resources that will maintain and extend our
global leadership positions in the G5. The ones relevant to this proposal are
defined below:
G1: Build our leading local and regional service operations. Our strength in
local and regional markets determines the strength of our global service
capabilities. Our financial performance also depends, in great part, on the business
we source and execute locally from approximately 180 wholly owned offices
around the world. We believe that we can leverage our established business
presence in the world’s principal real estate markets to provide expanded local and
regional services without a proportionate increase in infrastructure costs. We
believe that these capabilities will continue to set us apart and make us more
attractive to clients and prospective clients.
G2: Strengthen our leading position in corporate solutions. The accelerating
trends of globalization, cost cutting, energy management and the outsourcing of
real estate services by corporate occupiers support our decision to emphasize a
truly global Corporate Solutions business to serve their needs comprehensively.
This service delivery capability helps us create new client relationships,
particularly as companies turn to the outsourcing of their real estate as a way to
manage expenses and enhance sustainability. These services are also proving to be
counter-cyclical as we have seen demand for them strengthen as the economy has
weakened. In addition, current corporate clients are demanding multi-regional
G5: Connections — differentiate by connecting across the firm and with
clients. To create real value and new opportunities for our clients, shareholders and
people, we are working to strengthen the links between our people, service lines
and geographies worldwide to better connect with our clients and put the firm’s
global expertise and experience to work for them.
We have continued to commit resources to all G5 priorities since their
identification in 2005. By continuing to invest in our future based on our view of
how our strengths can support the needs of our clients, we intend to further grow
our business and to maintain and expand our position as an industry leader in the

(ii) Financial Information
Copies of audited accounts for the last 2 years.

2007 – 2009 Revenue

2007 2008 2009

USD 2.7 Billion USD 2.7 billion USD 2.5 billion

Further finance information including debt rating and annual report of the firm are
available on our global website –
Last 2 years Annual reports enclosed as Attachment E for reference.

(iii) Organisation Structure

(1) Provide an overview of the company

Jones Lang LaSalle was formed in 1999 by the merger of LaSalle Partners and
Jones Lang Wootton. Jones Lang Wootton, established in 1783, was a global
leader in strategic advisory, consulting, asset management and transactional
services. LaSalle Partners, founded in 1968, was a fully integrated real estate
services firm offering management services, corporate and financial services and
investment management.
Building on Jones Lang Wootton’s international strengths in Europe and Asia
Pacific and LaSalle’s depth in North America, Jones Lang LaSalle is a blend of
two companies with rich histories of service to clients. Together we bring Morgan
Stanley a comprehensive facilities services partner that will continue to evolve to
your benefit.

Snapshot of Jones Lang LaSalle history – development of a global platform

Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE:JLL) is a financial and professional services firm
specializing in real estate. The firm offers integrated services delivered by expert
teams worldwide to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying or
investing in real estate. With 2008 global revenue of $2.7 billion, Jones Lang
LaSalle serves clients in 60 countries from 750 locations worldwide, including 180
corporate offices. The firm is an industry leader in property and corporate facility
management services, with a portfolio of approximately 1.4 billion square feet
worldwide. LaSalle Investment Management, the company’s investment
management business, is one of the world’s largest and most diverse in real estate
with more than $46 billion of assets under management.
Jones Lang LaSalle has over 50 years of experience in Asia Pacific, with over
17,200 employees operating in 74 offices in 14 countries across the region.
Jones Lang LaSalle’s Mission & Value which is followed at every site in every
country where we operate is as follows:

Mission Statement
To deliver exceptional strategic, fully integrated services and solutions for real estate
owners, occupiers and investors worldwide.

To be the chosen real estate expert and strategic advisor to the leading owners,
occupiers and investors around the world.

Our firm’s three core values are: Serve our Clients, Support our People and Aspire to
Leadership. These values drive our culture and are the main key components of our
quality assurance program.
For further information, please visit our Web site,

(2) Provide a copy of the present overall company organisation structure

Jones Lang LaSalle operates parallel organizational structures and operating
platforms in each geographical region. Our Asia Pacific organizational structure is
depicted below.
On average, each of our key management team members has 15-20 years
experience in Asia Pacific.

Asia Pacific Organizational Chart

(3) Provide a copy of the organisation structure for the division which will carry out this

Regional Facilities Management in Asia Pacific

In our more than 50 years of operations in Asia Pacific, Jones Lang LaSalle has
developed the technical know-how, proven capabilities and suitable organization
structure to deliver facilities management services to Morgan Stanley. We have
over 750 million square feet of property and facilities under management.
We understand a full-time account manager is required if all three locations are
awarded. The account lead will report into a senior director of Jones Lang LaSalle.
As part of the account set-up, we would typically set up a governance group which
comprises of senior management from both Morgan Stanley and Jones Lang
LaSalle. This group would meet on a quarterly basis to discuss forward looking
plans for the account and ensure any issues are dealt with in an amicable manner.
The structure and details below explain the delivery hierarchy within Jones Lang

Regional Facilities Management Structure

Divided into four regional hubs – North Asia, South Asia, West Asia and
Australasia, our regional facilities management business is led by Jordi Martin.
Of the four hubs – North Asia is managed from Shanghai by Ian Bottrell, South
Asia from Singapore by Marina Krishnan, West Asia from India by Yash Kapila
and Australasia from Sydney by Chris Hunt. Jones Lang LaSalle’s regional

management team has worked together for multiple years and is one of the most
experienced and stable leadership group in the region.
Jones Lang LaSalle's Engineering & Operations Solutions team (EOS) is a
professional support team acting as a knowledge and skills centre for the
delivery of international best practices to all Jones Lang LaSalle client and
services teams across Asia Pacific. EOS is a US$6 million investment by the
firm in ensuring accounts like Morgan Stanley receive full acess to global and
regional practices, technology, etc. Composed of subject matter specialists from
key areas such as Critical Enivronment Management (CEM), Energy
Management, Risk Managament, and EOS ensures the infusion of our global
experience and best-practices across the Management Solutions services –
Asset, Property and Integrated Facilities Management – and into local markets
so our clients can have the competitive edge in a rapidly evolving business
environment. With representation in all four hubs and support from in-country
operational resources Morgan Stanley can be assured of quicker and direct
implementation of initiatives.

Jones Lang LaSalle’s Asia Pacific Delivery Structure

Engineering & Operations Solutions Group – Jones Lang LaSalle’s centralized

Corporate Resources
The Engineering & Operations Solutions team (EOS) provides best practices
support to business delivery on specialized functions such as critical environment
management, procurement, energy/sustainability, risk management and transition.

Key to the success of the EOS team’s delivery is its geographic spread across the
Asia Pacific region for quicker and direct implementation of initiatives.

Specialists supporting delivery of best practices

We have provided the FM country support infrastructure for Australia, China and
Hong Kong below.
Australia IFM Country Team
The Australia team is led by Chris Hunt, who is also the Australasia Hub lead. The
team manages more than 39 million sq ft of space for banks, logistics firms,
industrial and institutional clients.

China IFM Country Team
The China team is led by Julius Lau who is currently based in Beijing. The China
team is divided into 3 hubs – Northern, Central and Southern to support the diverse
geographical spread of our client portfolios in China. The team currently manages
more than 18 million sq ft of space, including 6.7 million sq ft of banking and
financial space. Some of our key banking clients include Citi, HSBC, JP Morgan,
Royal Bank of Scotland, and Standard Chartered Bank.

With a long and extensive track record in providing facility management services
both in the region and China, we have developed a series of tools, technologies,
processes, governance and procedures. Below is a snapshot of what we have
accomplished in China in 2010:
 We have successfully completed transition for 14 clients. The portfolio
involved exceeds 3.5 million square feet.
 We have developed a Relocation Guideline and supported the office relocation
for our clients. The biggest office move projects involved more than 1,500
employees. We are aware that Morgan Stanley is planning a major move in
Shanghai in Q3 2011. Our past experiences in supporting our clients in this
area would definitely help Morgan Stanley.
 We have implemented an Integrated testing, otherwise known as “Pull the
Plug” or “End to End” testing cross the board for key accounts in China. This
testing allows us to verify that all critical systems installed for a data centre can
be confirmed as working correctly and interactively in the event of a power
outage or other failure.
 We have established training material for occupational risks and continued to
drive and lead environmental programs for our clients.

 We have achieved a realised savings of over RMB 4 million for our
commercial clients in 2010 alone.

Hong Kong IFM Country Team

The Hong Kong team is led by Richard Myers. The team manages close to 9
million sq ft of space.

(4) Provide an organisation chart for the project team(s) proposed to fulfill the Statements of
Requirement and show clearly their relationship with main management structure in the

As mentioned earlier in Part 2 Section 4 Project Team , the Jones Lang LaSalle
account delivery support infrastructure to Morgan Stanley is currently at 4 levels.
• Level 1: Dedicated on-site resources comprising of Jones Lang LaSalle and
Vendor resources working on the Morgan Stanley account.
• Level 2: Jones Lang LaSalle in-country IFM Operations and Management team
(Country head, Operation leads, Critical Systems, Health & Safety,
• Level 3: JLL Best Practices Platform i.e. the Engineering and Operations
Solutions (EOS) group, a central team of 91 functional specialist resources
across the region. Specialisations include Transition, Health & Safety, Energy
& Sustainability, Engineering & Operations, Supply Chain, Technology, Risk
Management & Compliance and Critical Environment Management
• Level 4: Jones Lang LaSalle Country Infrastructure Resources which includes
HR, IT, and Finance
The main management structure is level 2 which we have provided the details

Proposed Delivery Team – Overview (3 locations award)

Our proposed Account Manager, Louie Lui would be charged with the
responsibility of ensuring consistent quality in our service delivery. The Account
Manager will be additionally supported by Nathan Taylor – Graduate Regional
Account Director, who will have the responsibility for providing operational
support regionally and will be the point of escalation.
The Account Manager will direct strategy development and key initiatives
affecting service delivery, and will have full accountability for achieving Morgan
Stanley’s financial and operational goals. We have detailed the on-site team’s
relationship with our management team in the earlier part of our proposal under 2.5
Account Management and 2.7 Off-Site Management/Support Services.

Proposed Delivery Team – Australia

Proposed Delivery Team – China (Phase 1)

Proposed Delivery Team – China (Phase 2 – Office move from Bund Center to SWFC and Kerry

Proposed Delivery Team – Hong Kong (Standalone country award)

Proposed Delivery Team – Hong Kong (2 or 3 locations ward)

(iv) Experience / Track Record
Describe track record for carrying out projects similar to that proposed. Include details of
resources and skill-sets used. State if these resources were in-house or contract staff
We provide comprehensive facilities management services to corporations and
institutions that outsource the management of the real estate they occupy.
Properties under management range from corporate headquarters to industrial
complexes. In Asia Pacific, we manage more 130 corporate accounts with over
155 million square feet under management.
Some of our key regional clients in the Asia Pacific region with similar scope of
work have been shown below:

Our Client Experiences

Service(s) Provided

Workplace Services
Budget & Financial

Portfolio Planning

Operational Risk

Procurement &

Capital Works









Project &




Client Countries
Client Supported
ANZ Bank AUS, HK, SG, NZ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2002
Citi KR, MSIA, SG, TWN, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2002
Computer Associates
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2005

DBS HK, IND, IDN, SG, TWN ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2001

Deutsche Bank
NZ, SG, TWN, THA, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2002
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2003
KR, MSAI, NZ, PHL, SG, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2008
Procter & Gamble
IDN, JP, KR, MSIA, PHL, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2005
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2009
IDN, JP, KR, MSIA, NZ, ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2009

Appended below are Our key client statistics with similar complexity of operations
as Morgan Stanley at a country level

Type of Details of resources and skill- Self-performed /

Client Sq Ft facilities sets used. Subcontracted *

JP Morgan 214,608 Commercial 4.6 FTEs Self-performed
office space FM (1 FTE)
FC (1 FTE) *all the downstream
FA (1 FTE) services are
AFM (1 FTE) subcontracted - JLL is
Security Admin (Part Time 3 Agent.
days per week)

Citi 512,671 Commercial 4.2 FTEs Self-performed

office space SFM (1 FTE)
FM (0.2 EFT) Melbourne *all the downstream
Financial Analyst (1 FTE) services are
AFM (1 FTE) subcontracted - JLL is
Real Estate Leasing Officer (1 Agent.

CGU 210,778 Commercial 1 FTE Self-performed

office space FM (1 FTE)
and Critical *all downstream FM
Environment services are contracted
- JLL as Agent

ANZ 3,310,125 Commercial 87 FTEs Self-performed

Office Space Retail (36 FTEs) including
transactions, lease admin, *all downstream FM
paralegals, facilities managers services are contracted
Finance (10 FTEs) - JLL as Principle.
Commercial (37 FTEs) including
property managers, facilities * Projects are managed
managers, engineers as Agent
Risk and compliance (6 FTEs)

CBA 611,082 Commercial 2 FTEs Self-performed

office space Building Services Supervisor (2
and Critical FTEs) *all downstream FM
Environment services are contracted
- JLL as Agent.


HSBC 663,544 Office, 60 FTEs Self-performed for all

Branch, ATM management, front
FM / AFM (8 FTEs) – Degree desk, MAC and mail
with at least 5 years of room roles

Type of Details of resources and skill- Self-performed /
Client Sq Ft facilities sets used. Subcontracted *

Facilities Admin (3 FTEs) –

Diploma with financial and accts
payable experience

Branches Operation Manager (2

FTEs) - Degree with at least 5
years of experience

SCB 821,293 Office, 25 FTEs Self-performed for all

Branch, ATM management, front
FM / AFM (9 FTEs) – Degree desk, MAC and mail
with at least 5 years of room roles

Facilities Admin (5 FTEs) –

Diploma with financial and accts
payable experience
Citi 760,349 Office, 12 FTEs Self-performed for all
Branch, ATM FM / AFM (5 FTEs) – Degree management, front
with at least 5 years of desk, MAC and mail
experience room roles
Engineer (1 FTE) – at least 3
years Engineering Degree with
technical background
Facilities Admin (4 FTEs) –
Diploma with financial and accts
payable experience
Branches Operation Manager (1
FTE) - Degree with at least 5
years of experience
Bank of East 96,983 Office 3 FTEs Self-performed for all
Asia FM / AFM (1 FTE) – Degree management and tea
with at least 5 years of ladies.

Goldman 160,158 Office 9 FTEs Self-performed for all

Sachs FM / AFM (2 FTE) – Degree management,
with at least 5 years of reception/helpdesk,
experience MAC and mail room

Hong Kong

Goldman 294,000 Office / Data 23 FTEs Self-performed for all

Sachs center management roles.
Key Staff:

Engineer (4 FTE) – Engineering

Degree with 3 years of

Type of Details of resources and skill- Self-performed /
Client Sq Ft facilities sets used. Subcontracted *
engineering exp

SFM/FM (2 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 5 years of exp

Standard 880,000 Office/Retail 17 FTEs Self-performed for all

Chartered Branch/Data management and front
Bank Centre Key Staff: desk roles
Engineer (1 FTE) – Engineering
Degree with 3 years of
engineering exp

AFM/SFO (4 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 2 years of exp

SFM/FM (2 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 5 years of exp

JP Morgan 400,000 Office/Data 9 FTEs Self-performed for all

Centre management roles
Key Staff:

Engineer (1 FTE) – Engineering

Degree with 3 years of
engineering exp

AFM/SFO (2 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 2 years of exp

SFM/FM (1 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 5 years of exp

Citi 815,000 Office/Retail 6 FTEs Self-performed for all

Branch/Data management roles
Centre Key Staff:

Engineer (1 FTE) – Engineering

Degree with 3 years of
engineering exp

AFM/SFO (2 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 2 years of exp

SFM/FM (1 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 5 years of exp

DB 420,000 Office/Data 41 FTEs Self-performed for all

Centre management,
Key Staff: engineering/technician,
and guest services
Engineer (7 FTE) – Engineering roles
Degree with 3 years of
engineering exp

SFM/FM (10 FTEs) – Degree

with at least 5 years of exp

Banking and Finance Experience in Facilities Management
We manage facilities for 24 other financial institutions across the Asia Pacific
region. We are confident that the best practices learnt from the management of
such accounts will be transferred to Morgan Stanley’s portfolio.

Our Experience in Banking and Finance Industry

(v) References
Provide references in three organizations (preferably in the Financial Services Industry) of
similar size and geographic spread where projects of similar nature have been carried out
with values of those contracts. Referees must be accessible for Morgan Stanley to contact
and get direct feedback.
Please refer to our response in Appendix 1 - References

(vi) Personnel
Provide list of key personnel to be involved in the project including their CV’s. It should be
noted that following the award of the contract, personnel nominated at that time cannot be
changed without the prior written consent of Morgan Stanley. Likewise, Contractor’s
personnel deemed unsuitable by Morgan Stanley will be removed from the project team.
Please refer to our response for Section 4.2 Key Roles for short bio of our
proposed team.

(vii) Sub-Contractor
It is intended that no element of this service should be sub-contracted without the prior
written consent of Morgan Stanley unless otherwise stated in this RFP. If you are proposing
sub-contracting / letting or assigning any element of the service, please state your reasons.
In addition, please detail who will perform these services and complete every section in the
Request for Proposal with specific reference to each sub-contracted service.

Jones Lang LaSalle self performs the complete management of the contract, which
is the existing arrangement we have in Australia and China. This model has proven
to be effective and we would continue using this approach. In the new model as a
“principal” party to the contract we would be liable for all deliverables to Morgan
Stanley. We have developed partners through a careful tender process for services
such as housekeeping, mechanical, & electrical services amongst others. Over the
years, Jones Lang LaSalle has worked with the management of many of the vendor
organizations to raise their expertise, through training and corporate processes and
We are committed to strengthening and developing its supplier relationships in
order to provide value to our clients,. Our Supply Chain Management (SCM) team,
led out of Singapore, facilitates the delivery of procurement activity across the
region for all clients.
Initially the SCM team will determine whether to self perform or work with
strategic partners. To determine self delivery against alliance strategy, the SCM
team undertakes a decision process designed to enhance best value for our client

Determining Self Delivery vs Alliance Strategy

We adopt a transparent approach with our clients in partnering with the sub
vendor. We employ a structured process which will enable us to shortlist the most
appropriate sub vendor for Morgan Stanley, which is a core task of transition
process. In consultation with Morgan Stanley we will establish the process for
determining the vendors who would partner with us for service delivery at your
facility. We can do a formal RFP process for the same or advise our inputs which
will enable you to decide our sub-vendors. In the event Morgan Stanley would like
us to finalize and deploy a vendor based on our experience, we would be glad to do
so. We would like to state that irrespective of the sub-vendor, we would have full
(100%) accountability for our services.
All the key management Staff at site will be under Jones Lang LaSalle’s payroll
and the rest of the services like Housekeeping, M&E, Engineering Operations and
Maintenance Staff, Pest Control, Landscaping, Concierge Services, Security, etc
are outsourced/sub-contracted. For details on who will perform these services,
please refer to Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xls

(viii) Value Added Services: [TECHNOLOGY for FACILITY MANAGEMENT]
It is intended to utilize the facility management technology tools for the services to be carried
out under this contract. The vendor is to submit with their tender details of the tools available
and that would be used for this contract along with sample documentation of what can be
achieved with this tool.

Leading-edge Integrated Facilities Management Technology

We will leverage our investment in leading-edge facilities management software to
continue to deliver real value for your portfolio. Currently, we are already
providing our helpdesk system – MyFacility in Australia and Hong Kong and our
preventive maintenance system – Maximo in Australia.
The 3-tier structure present in the graphics below provides a good overview of our
technology solution for Morgan Stanley

Tier 1 – Morgan Stanley’s OneView Portal

Jones Lang LaSalle’s secure extranet portal will provide Morgan Stanley with a
single point of access to all OneView components via the Internet.
Apart from enabling access to other OneView components, OneView Portal also
enables Jones Lang LaSalle and Morgan Stanley staff to publish, share, discuss and
collaborate on documents such as best practices, templates, and lessons learned.

Tier 2 - OneView Analytics (Alternative Proposal only)

The second tier works in the background to analyze and churn out data suitable for
end users.
OneView Analytics is also able to integrate data from Morgan Stanley owned
systems, such as Ariba, Omega, and Clarity.

Tier 3 - OneView Service Delivery Tools

The bottom tier is the base functional tools which we use for Morgan Stanley to
collect data and track information. Included in our price and proposal are:

My Facility Property
Satellite Service OneView
System Helpdesk (HK)* Centre** 360 Facility Financials

a) Australia, China and Hong Kong ● ● ●

b) Australia and China ● ●
c) Australia and Hong Kong ● ●
d) China and Hong Kong ● ●
e) Australia ● ●
f) China ● ●
g) Hong Kong ● ●
Alternate Proposal – Australia, ● ● ●
China, Hong Kong and including
countries where Jones Lang
LaSalle is currently incumbent –
India, Indonesia, Philippines,
Singapore and Taiwan
*Our proposed helpdesk solution will be an enhanced version from the current MyFacility in Australia and
Hong Kong.
** Property Service Centre is our centralized Helpdesk which is based in Sydney, Dalian and Bangalore.

Under the alternate proposal, we will have OneView Financials, OneView

Helpdesk, and 360Facility as the service delivery tools for the 3 locations as well
as the countries Jones Lang LaSalle is currently managing.

OneView service delivery tools

360 Facility
We regularly evaluate software solutions against functional needs of our delivery
teams. As part of our ongoing improvements and feedback from Morgan Stanley,
we would like to introduce 360Facility to replace Maximo as the Morgan Stanley’s
regional asset and maintenance platform. 360Facility would be able to provide
Morgan Stanley with the functionality of forecasting and budgeting. We will also
transition the Australian operations from Maximo to 360Facility at no cost to
Morgan Stanley.

360Facility, one of our CMMS system provides an integrated set of modules that
when deployed together provide a complete solution for maintenance, service
delivery, equipment and warranty tracking. It is web-based and includes on-board
mobile capabilities as part of the core software.
The system provides quick and ready access to work orders and preventive
maintenance routines. 360Facility also provides an essential foundation for our
team and its subcontractor partners to manage all work within a single work order
Fully customizable reports include: request/work order summary, request/work
order detail, daily schedule of activities, full schedule of activities, labor
utilization, work order summary by account, work order review, invoice back up,
work order labor and materials summary, service level tracking, asset listing,
schedule listing, company listing, inspection summary and inspection detail.

Snapshot of the 360Facility screen

360 Work Order: Link

records directly to the
manufacturer’s web
site, track expiration
dates, contract
information and
purchasing and
warranty information.

360Logbook: Action
items created and
assigned as
inspection data is
being recorded, with
defined responsibility
and tracking of correct
action items.

The 360 platform gives us the ability to:
 Improve customer service: Improves response time through real-time dispatch
of work and communication of progress back to the site team: the right
information is delivered to the right person at the right time
 Improve service level management: Record service times and response
intervals to manage specific service level agreement objectives
 Increase customer satisfaction: Provide a consistent, standard and high-quality
customer experience
 Increase employee satisfaction: Require less paperwork (when using wireless
technology) and provide an intuitive system to operate
 Increase control over preventive maintenance: More control of tasks and
labor hours associated with preventative maintenance and reactive maintenance
leads to opportunities to reduce labor costs
 Improve management awareness: Improve visibility of the performance of
employees, contractors and facilities
 Universal access to information: Since the system was built for the Internet
from the ground up, anyone with access to the Internet can be given access the
 Reduce equipment failures: Timely inspection programs can uncover
problems while they are still minor and before they cause major equipment
failures. As a result, routine adjustments and minor repairs take the place of
catastrophic failures. Unplanned breakdowns can typically be reduced by up to
50 percent.
 Increase planned work: Inspections and preventive maintenance work orders
are planned and become a key part of a proactive planned maintenance
operation. Sufficient lead-time from early detection allows for effective
planning of parts, crafts, and special equipment.
 Decrease emergency repairs: An effective CMMS program allows the
maintenance staff to be alert for situations that cause problems. As a result, the
need for emergency repairs lessens.

OneView Help Desk

My Facility Satellite Helpdesk
Our conforming proposal is to setup a centrally based 24 x 7 helpdesk based in
Hong Kong to manage service requests if we are awarded all the 2 or 3 locations.
However, in the event we are only awarded Australia and China, we will
implement Jones Lang LaSalle Property Service Centre. We will install 2 full
Clarify licenses in the Hong Kong helpdesk operations to facilitate the logging and
tracking of the services requests. The proposed full Clarify licenses will provide
enhanced call logging functionality that is not available under the existing
standalone web based MyFacility solution.
Some of the enhanced functionalities that will be available are:
 Quote and approval workflow
 Capture costs per work order

 Capture charge type breakdown
 Assigning business unit or charge code to work orders
 Ability to choose from selection of vendors for a given work type
 Insurance and warranty contract tracking
 Helpdesk operator prompts, flashes, service notes during call logging
 Track and record response times (separate to completion time)

Property Service Centre

The Jones Lang LaSalle helpdesk for reactive maintenance, incidents,
accommodation change and alarm monitoring service requests is called the
Property Service Centre (PSC). The PSC is located in North Sydney - Australia,
Bangalore – India; Dalian – China; and Pittsburg – USA.
Under this option, Morgan Stanley will leverage our existing regional helpdesk
centres based in India and China with Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hindi language
support. In this option, Morgan Stanley will be able to drive their operating costs
down by freeing up dedicated in-country helpdesk officers. The potential gross
saves from Hong Kong and India alone could be up to US$130K.
In PSC operation, work orders are assigned and owned by individual Service Desk
Coordinators. A work order remains in an "open" status until the work order is
managed to resolution and "closed" by the contractor or on-site staff at which time
the requestor is advised to contact the Service Desk if they are not satisfied with
the work carried out.
Every Service Desk operator is measured, and rewarded on making sure the work
orders assigned to them are completed in the required time frame and at any time
Service Desk operators can view the work orders they have assigned in their queue.
In the event that a Service Desk operator is away, their work order is "yanked" by
the supervisor and assigned to another operator to take over the management of
those work orders.
The on-site personnel such as our Facilities Managers can be notified of each
action one very work order by automatic email notification.
Every time an action is completed all parties involved are automatically notified
voicemail of the action undertaken. All work orders are time stamped with every
action taken from open to close and hence response and completion times can be
monitored and reported on.
Repetitive work orders are identified by the Service Desk operators and are
escalated to the Facilities Managers for further investigation and action.
The PSC work process is comprised of eight primary steps from initiation to
completion. Details of these steps, associated controls and the interaction with
Morgan Stanley employees, the account team and contractors are described

Workflow Management

Step 1. Service Request Received

Service requests can be received via any communications method (e.g. telephone,
fax, e-mail, web). Each service request has a unique reference number so that caller
history is easily accessed and each request is prioritised according to pre
determined response time categories.

Step 2. Service Request Analysed and Scrutinised

Requests are scrutinised using the system tools which display site specific
technical and financial information. As the PSC coordinator reviews the service
request, the system will relay all warranty-related and other specific information.
(The system will only allow service requests to be dispatched to contractors who
hold current public liability and workers compensation insurance). The PSC
system also provides a list of preferred vendors and the negotiated contract terms.
(The system provides call history for the location by work type allowing the PSC
to communicate specific job requirements to contractors/landlords, identify any
call duplication and identify any negative trends that require escalation).

Step 3. Work Order Dispatched

The exact nature of the fault is captured so specific job requirements can be
communicated to contractors / landlords also so that data can be analysed via work
type per site. For every hour that a service request has been received and not
dispatched a reminder pops up in front of the Service Desk Operator advising there
is an open service request waiting to be actioned.
Customised work orders are dispatched to specific contractors by whatever pre-
selected method best suits their internal processes (e.g. telephone, fax, e-mail,
Internet, SMS).

Step 4. Notification Dispatched to Requestor
As soon as a work order is dispatched, the initial notification is automatically sent
to the requester via email. The notification advises the requester what action has
been taken as a result of their request. Notifications can also be automatically sent
to anyone who wishes to track all activity within any building, tenancy or the entire

Step 5. Contractor Notifies PSC Job Completed

The contractor undertakes the work and advises the PSC of completion or status of
the job, including if the limit of authority will be met (the limit of authority amount
and instructions are on the work order form advising the contractor to contact the
PSC prior to commencing any work if the limit will be exceeded). Contractors also
enter completion notes with a brief description of the job for future reference and
analysis. As with requests, any change to the work order status is automatically
notified to the operators who will action any issues that need attention or manual
callbacks if required.

Step 6. Reminders / Final Notifications Dispatched

Notices of job completion are automatically emailed to the requester as soon as the
job is closed off. The requester has the opportunity to reply with any comments
about the job to ensure that it was completed to their satisfaction. If the contractor
has not completed the job in the required timeframe (as stated on the work order),
automatic notifications are sent to the contractor and to the PSC to prompt
investigation or action. These email prompts continue until appropriate action is

Step 7. Invoices Received and Entered

Upon invoice receipt, the PSC coordinator matches the invoices to the work orders
and confirms satisfactory completion and compliance with service parameters. If
the invoice does not match the work request, the PSC coordinator will analyze the
discrepancy. Appropriate action will be taken to bring the requested service to a
satisfactory close.

Step 8. PSC Data Available for Analysis

All data is available for Telstra to review on a secure client extranet site, OneView.

Helpdesk Analytics
Our helpdesk performance-benchmarking tool enables interactive analysis for a
variety of dimensions and measures across the entire service request database. The
tool enables analysis on various key performance indicators such as:
 Completion performance of work orders by month and by work type category
 Contractor performance
 Number of complaints
 Cost of unscheduled services
 Trend of service requests over time

 Benchmarking service and cost
 Customer satisfaction.
 Portfolio Reports.

This is a powerful tool in ensuring that the tenants are being serviced well and are
satisfied with the responses that they get from the management team and the
building contractors.

Work order volumes by month

Helpdesk Queries
This filter based reporting tool enables customised service request queries to be
generated. It can display detailed information about each service request, from the
initial service requestdescription to the ongoing history notes, allowing review of
unresolved issues and targeting these to ensure caller satisfaction.

Example work order query

OneView Financials
Our proposed solution to Morgan Stanley to more effectively manage their vendors
payments and facility costs would be to leverage on our OneView Financial
Platform. We have also previously presented to Morgan Stanley’s Australia team
to streamline the financial processes and reporting via this system which is
powered by JD Edwards.
OneView Financials is our globally deployed accounting and sourcing platform
used for all significant global, regional and national clients. The system is managed
by a global/regional management structure, ensuring that process and control
standards are maintained globally and benefit from our global investments for
continual improvements to the platform. Recent examples of this are Jones Lang
LaSalle’s SAS70 type II audit of the internal controls and processes employed for
the Accounts Payable process employed on OneView Financials. This audit is
performed by KPMG and has a global scope, meaning that Jones Lang LaSalle
must ensure the processes and control environments are robust and uniformly
executed in order to deliver this standard.

Process example: Management, Development, Control & Support of OneView Financials & Sourcing

In addition, we have recently undergone customisation of the OneView Financials

platform in order to deliver Budgeting and Forecasting functionality that is not
delivered as standard JDE functionality. The enhanced solution would provide an
alternative, more robust, process to spreadsheet based budgeting. The module has
also been integrated into the standard OneView Financials Training Program for all
newly transitioned client accounts.

Process example: Accounts Payable
Our standard processes – or Global Enterprise Models – determine how
transactions are process on OneView Financials. Compliance requirements within
Sarbanes-Oxley have heightened the focus placed on understanding financial
reporting controls and identified a SAS70 Type II report as the only acceptable
method for a third party to assure a service organisation’s controls.
In order to declare sound internal controls, SAS70 is the way to measure them to a
standard. This is done via the Integrated Facilities Management global audit, and
this relies on a number of key internal controls being in place globally. The control
objectives highlighted below are supported by the security environment on
OneView Financials. Access to OneView Financials (Enterprise 1) is limited to
authorised individuals for an account and access is granted based on assigned job
function and must be approved by a Regional Global Platform Finance Manager or
Director. This ensures that for each process step, necessary segregation of duties
can be applied.

Accounts Payable flowchart

The process illustration below represents our Global Enterprise Model for general
Facility Management Expenses.

Integrated data reporting solution
For regional reporting we will use our One View Analytics platform as the
business intelligence platform to provide Morgan Stanley with fact driven
operational insight from one single system. We understand that Morgan Stanley
has a number of internal technology applications in the areas of procurement,
financials, and budgeting. We recognise that some of these applications will still
play a vital part in Morgan Stanley’s corporate real estate operation.
We have proposed to use OneView Analytics in our alternate proposal only in
order to reap the full benefit of synthesizing a complete, harmonious view of multi-
countries’ data at a portfolio, geographical, site or business unit level.
We will provide a secured portal for the monthly upload of data from the Morgan
Stanley systems. These data will then be consolidated into our reporting database
along with the Morgan Stanley data from our Jones Lang LaSalle systems to
populate the necessary reports and dashboards.

Proposed System Data Flow Details - Utilising data from both Jones Lang LaSalle and Morgan Stanley

Examples of dashboards display via OneView

Depending on the number of countries Jones Lang LaSalle will be awarded and the
systems Morgan Stanley would like us to implement, the one-off implementation
cost and on-going cost will vary. Appended below is an overview in US dollars:
Combination Implement Cost On-Going Cost p.a.
a) Australia, China and Hong Kong
- OneView Financials, Satellite Helpdesk, 360Facility 20,000 17,392 *
b) Australia and China
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre 16,000 19,527
c) Australia and Hong Kong
- 360Facility, Satellite Helpdesk 12,000 15,961*
d) China and Hong Kong
- 360Facility, Satellite Helpdesk 19,500 16,384*
e) Australia
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre 4,500 8,811
f) China
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre 12,000 10,716
g) Hong Kong
- 360Facility, Property Service Centre 7,500 27,864
*Exclude the salary cost of the helpdesk officers which is included under Facilities Management Services

Part 4 – Alternative Proposal
Part 4 -
Alternative Proposal

Delivery Team
Through different client experiences, we have learnt how to establish client-
specific, regional Account Team structures that strike the right balance between
coordination/control on a regional level and flexibility/customization for differing
client business unit needs and accommodate regional to local level variations.
We have had discussions with Morgan Stanley in the past on various account
management models and to some extent there was a broad agreement that while
delivery will happen at the country level, there will always be programs, processes
and controls that will need to be delivered consistently and hence the need for a
regional account management structure.
We follow a ‘lite’ touch regional program management model for clients like JP
Morgan , Goldman Sachs, Citi etc whereas for other financial institutions like
Barclays, Deutsche Bank, ANZ, RBS, we follow a deeper regional model with
direction and management of the account from the regional team. With a regional
model covering all countries under our management, we would seek to upgrade the
role of an Account Manager (AM) to Regional Account Director (RAD) if Jones
Lang LaSalle is given a 3-country award. As a demonstration of our commitment
to Morgan Stanley, we will be funding a large proportion of the RAD costs.
Our alternate account team will be headed up by the proposed RAD, Alex Perkins
who will be accountable for the facilities management service delivery, driving
consistency, risk management and the savings initiatives in all the countries Jones
Lang LaSalle is currently managing as well as China. Alex will be supported by
country leads in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Philippines,
Singapore and Taiwan.

Alternate Structure

Similarly, in the alternate proposal, the Account team (level 1) for Morgan Stanley
will be able to draw on support from the Governance Board, level 2 – local IFM
management, level 3 – Best Practices group (EOS) and level 4 – local country
management as outlined in the earlier section under Part 2 Section 4 Project Team.

Short bio of the proposed regional account director

Name and Credentials

Alex Perkins  Over 18 years of experience in facilities management and real estate
industry including account management for financial institutions and
Proposed Regional
technology firms.
Account Director
 Responsible for overall commercial and operations aspects of one of our
existing clients
 Past experiences include involvement in regional CRE strategy; property
feasibility studies; financial analysis; operational process advice and
implementation; regional design and project management; disaster
recovery planning and project implementation.
 BEng (Hons) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Brunel University
 Registered Professional Engineer (Hong Kong)

Alex will have budget and delivery ownership and will act as a single point of
contact for Jones Lang LaSalle. We are challenging ourselves to a potential
minimum save of 5% on controllable costs with fee at risk for non-performance.
The role will additionally need to manage key strategic vendor relationships
focusing on quality of talent available on the account, quick escalation and
resolution of major issues, ownership of the savings commitment and roadmap and
any other regional programs that will need to be implemented from time to time.
In summary, we believe the proposed alternate model will ensure the following for
Morgan Stanley:
• Greater ownership which will result in deeper partnership with a provider like
Jones Lang LaSalle
• Greater regionalization which in effect will lead to consistency, quicker issue
resolution and ownership and delivery of programs at a regional level
• Commitment on savings from third party vendor contracts which will be
owned and managed by the Regional Account Director.

From our previous experience with Morgan Stanley in many countries, the model
has been a basic outsourcing model with Jones Lang LaSalle earning its
management fee as a mark up on the staff costs. While there is nothing wrong with
the model, we believe some refinement of the model will be beneficial for both
Morgan Stanley as well as Jones Lang LaSalle. The refinement could be in the risk
and reward mechanism such that

• If Jones Lang LaSalle beats the target KPIs, there should be potential upside
which can go up to 25% of the base management fee
• If Jones Lang LaSalle underperforms on the KPIs, JLL to forfeit 25% part of
the management fee

We have worked on the feedback received from Morgan Stanley in the past around
financial reporting capabilities of Maximo as well as financial reports in general.
We are making significant changes to our existing platform to address the existing
concerns. We have provided the details of all our technology systems in Part 3
General Requirement.
In summary, below is our proposed technology solution to Morgan Stanley under
the alternate proposal.

Jones Lang LaSalle System Benefits

OneView Team Portal  Integrated data reporting solution
- Communications  Central repository tool for reporting, processes,
standards and best practices
- Analytics/Dashboard
OneView Financials  Consolidated, consistent financial reporting
- JDE  Jones Lang LaSalle accountability and improved
OneView Helpdesk  Enhanced service delivery
- 24/7 Property Service Centre  Automated routing
 Data management and troubleshooting
 Improved labour productivity
OneView Work Orders  Consistent preventive maintenance program
- 360Facility
 Visibility to work order data to assist in forecasting and

Jones Lang LaSalle System Benefits

Appendix A –
Company Information
Appendix A -
Company Information

1. Please provide contact information for your company in respect of this Tender and any
subsequent communication.

Details Response
Company Name Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd
Company Address 28th Floor, One Pacific Place
88 Queensway, Hong Kong.
Company website

Name of Principal contact Richard Myers

Title of Principal contact Head of Integrated Facilities Management, Hong Kong
Contact office telephone number +852 2846 5013
Contact mobile telephone number +852 9160 7522
Contact fax number + 852 2968 1213
Contact email address

Name of Director contact Richard Myers

Title of Director Head of Integrated Facilities Management, Hong Kong
Office telephone number +852 2846 5013
Mobile telephone number +852 9160 7522
Fax number + 852 2968 1213
Email address

Pre-existing Business

2. Please provide details of any pre-existing business with any member of the Morgan Stanley
group of companies by product, service and spend, and identify any cost savings or benefits
that may be associated with any consolidation or amalgamation of such contracts with the
services that are the subject of this Tender.

2009 Revenue in US Dollars

Business Line APAC EMEA Americas
Integrated Facilities Management 429,881
Research 1,227
Capital Markets 272,222

Business Line APAC EMEA Americas
Valuations & Advisory 69,628 224,495
Hotels 15,542 62,500
PDS 162,423 312,479
Leasing 90,393 48,091 3,101,457
Property, Asset Management - 76,041
Grand Total 769,095 348,626 3,748,658

Most of our revenues with Morgan Stanley are standalone transactions across the
globe. However, if we are awarded the full RFP scope, we will be happy to
discount our existing management fee by 5% across all countries. Our proposed fee
for the 3 countries is on the lower side of our existing benchmarks for similar
financial organizations. We are happy to receive feedback and further our

Reciprocal Trading

3. Please provide details of any current or past (last 2 years) trading relationship (sales and
purchases) between your company and Morgan Stanley on either a group or individual
company basis.
Jones Lang LaSalle does not have any Reciprocal Business relationship with
Morgan Stanley in Asia Pacific.

Please confirm whether or not Morgan Stanley is your banker: Y/N

Yes, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney administers Jones Lang LaSalle’s stock


4. Please provide details of insurance policies held including copies of cover notes / policies
with your response. Details of the following should be provided as a minimum:

For Australia
Type of Insurance Level of Cover Provided (AUD)
Employers Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Public Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Product Liability USD I mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Coverage provided is for Product and operations Liability as the scope
requirements require us to provide services rather than products

For China
Type of Insurance Level of Cover Provided (RMB)
Employers Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)

Type of Insurance Level of Cover Provided (RMB)
Public Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Product Liability USD I mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Coverage provided is for Product and operations Liability as the scope
requirements require us to provide services rather than products

For Hong Kong

Type of Insurance Level of Cover Provided (HKD)
Employers Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Public Liability USD 1 mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Product Liability USD I mil per occurrence and USD 2 mil in aggregate (per annum)
Coverage provided is for Product and operations Liability as the scope
requirements require us to provide services rather than products

For a copy of our policy, please refer to Attachment D – Certificate of Verification

of JLL Global general liability.

Professional Conduct, Health Safety and the Environment

5. It is important to Morgan Stanley that we conduct business in a manner that safeguards our
employees, third parties and the public - as well as the environment.

Professional Conduct/Code of Ethics

Please give details of the policies your company has governing professional conduct and ethics.
If you have a policy booklet, please provide this with your response.

Corporate Governance
We are proud of the rigor and quality of our firm’s corporate governance and the
benefits these policies produce for our stakeholders. We comply with the laws of
the world’s most stringent regulatory authorities. These include the New York
Stock Exchange, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.K. Royal
Institute of Chartered Surveyors, and financial services authorities in the U.K.,
Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and other countries.
Our Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for the management of our
business. The Board elects our Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Operating and Financial Officer, as well as other senior officers. The management
team, with the Board’s oversight, is responsible for conducting the Company’s
business to enhance our company’s long-term value. The Board performs many of
its functions through three Committees comprised of non-executive, independent
directors: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating
and Governance Committee. We publish key information about our corporate
governance guidelines on our public Web site.

The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee monitors the integrity of the Company’s financial
statements, the quality of its internal disclosure controls, its enterprise risk
management processes, compliance with the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley statute, the
performance of the Company’s internal audit function and its independent
registered public accounting firm and the Company’s compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements.

The Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee reviews the performance and determines the
compensation of our Chief Executive Officer and the other officers who serve on
our Global Executive Committee, and it also oversees various aspects of our
compensation and equity incentive programs for our employees generally.

The Nominating and Governance Committee

The Nominating and Governance Committee identifies and recommends qualified
candidates to serve as members of the Board, recommends directors for
membership on Board committees, develops our corporate governance guidelines
and leads the Board in its annual review of its own performance (which includes
soliciting feedback from members of senior management on how to enhance the
effectiveness of the Board).

“World’s Most Ethical Companies” List

For the third consecutive year, Jones Lang LaSalle has been named
to the Ethisphere Institute’s World’s Most Ethical Companies list,
which recognizes companies for their commitment to ethical business
practices that are linked to performance and profitability. The list is
comprised of 100 companies in more than 100 countries and 36
industries, which were selected from a record number of nominations
from thousands of companies. Jones Lang LaSalle is the only firm in
the real estate category to be included in the list.
Jones Lang LaSalle Honored with Ethics Inside 2010
Certification from the Ethisphere Institute
Jones Lang LaSalle has been named among the leaders in corporate
ethics for having a superior employee and leadership culture that
promotes ethical business practices.
Ethisphere recently selected Mark Ohringer, our Global General
Counsel, as a top Ethics and Compliance Officer. Mark was also
named to the organization’s “Attorneys Who Matter” list, 100
lawyers from leading law firms, corporations and public agencies who
have made exceptional contributions in the field of corporate
compliance and ethics.

Jones Lang LaSalle Property Consultants Pty. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Jones Lang
LaSalle Incorporated, a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and as
such is subject to the rules and regulations of the SEC. Full details of our
Corporate Governance protocols and initiatives including the governance structure
can be found on the following page of our corporate website - Board of Governors
& Corporate Governance. In addition Jones Lang LaSalle strictly enforces

compliance with its Code of Business Ethics a copy of which can be downloaded
from our website –

Health and Safety

Please give details of the policies your company has governing health and safety. If you have a
policy booklet, please provide this with your response.

Jones Lang LaSalle management and staff are fully dedicated to ensuring all
aspects of Health and Safety (H&S) management are addressed to the highest
standard for the benefit and welfare of our clients, employees, sub-contractors and
the public.
As a business, we are committed to:
 Promoting a culture in which each Jones Lang LaSalle employee acts
proactively to improve the safety, health and well-being of their colleagues as
well as others that work or visit the properties where we operate
 Targeting zero harm to people through our business activities
 Meeting or exceeding occupational safety regulations and legal requirements
that relate to our operation and occupancy of properties
 Complying with our clients’ safety policies and programs
 Achieving continuous improvement to our safety, health and well-being
 Fostering a culture that encourages the reporting, analysis and elimination of
health and safety issues
To fulfill these commitments we have developed and implement health and safety
management systems and processes that enable us to:
• Set, achieve and report against objectives to demonstrate continual
performance improvement.
• Identify, assess and manage hazards, consequences and risks from our
• Train and deploy competent people and allocate responsibilities and tasks
commensurate with their individual skills
• Review the safety implications of our activities.
• Learn and benefit from our experiences and the experiences of others.

Health and Safety Quality Management System

Modeled after International Standards Organization 14001, our environmental
health and safety management system is built on rigorous, real estate-specific
policies that reflect the best practices in our industry.
Our program is led by corporate staff that assures the quality of all our client
programs are maintained through ongoing oversight, including a national audit
process and regular conferences for field personnel. While our programs are
consistent, they are flexible enough to embrace specific client initiatives and
business objectives.

We are committed to complying with and staying current with environmental,
safety and health regulations that are relevant to our industry. In addition, we are
dedicated to the safety of our employees, our client’s employees and the people
located in and visiting the properties and projects we manage.

Health & Safety Updates and Training

The management and distribution of health & safety information to all levels of
Morgan Stanley account stakeholders will be achieved by a suite of information
and communication tools including:
 Contractor H&S Training Video - Contractor inductions are conducted to
communicate Jones Lang LaSalle policies and
procedures, house rules, H&S and what is required
of contractors when working on the Morgan
Stanley portfolio.
 Jones Lang LaSalle ‘Real Estate Management
Academy’ courses in Risk Management - Our
comprehensive in-house Risk Management course
provides Jones Lang LaSalle staff with the
knowledge, ability and skill sets necessary to
identify and effectively manage H&S risks with
their working environment.
 Regular Staff Training to highlight H&S policies
and procedures, house rules, and contract
documentation to be used.

Employee and Vendor Risk Assessment and Management

While being fully aware of the need to ensure the physical fitness and the
capability of our staff to perform routine facility management tasks required of
them we take a broader view of "fitness to work" for our facility team members. In
our view their fitness includes physical, mental, temperament, educational and
experiential fitness and competence to perform their required activities.
In this regard we require that our facilities complete a broad health and safety risk
assessment as part of routine staff reviews. A self-assessment tool has been
designed and implemented to assist staff in developing their personal H&S plan.
Our staff are asked over separate 40 questions related to their ability, qualification
and competence to perform various work tasks and based upon their responses
action plans are developed with them to ensure that no unacceptable personal or
operational risks are present for their allocated work.
Employees must complete this plan every three years or on any substantial change
to their role, responsibilities or portfolio under management. The assessment tool is
our means of ensuring personnel have relevant competence in identifying and
managing HSE risks in their diverse work environments. Our Employee Risk
Review process forms the basis for our assessment of each individuals fitness and
competence to perform work.

Vendor inductions are also undertaken to communicate Jones Lang LaSalle and
Morgan Stanley H&S policies and procedures, house rules and what is required of
any contractors when working on your sites. Our vendor induction provides clarity
and understanding of general, work specific and site specific safety obligations
related to new and existing sites. For each new site, before the commencement of
facility management activities, or for non-operational sites upon their de-
commissioning, site risk assessments are undertaken to identify risk components
and to permit development and communication of ongoing risk control processes.
We have created a DVD-based Contractor Safety
Induction Programme that is mandatory viewing for all
contractors before site works begin. Similarly an
Employee Workplace Safety Induction DVD has been
created and is used as part of our own staff induction and
training process.
Our health and safety management process fully takes
into account our client environmental, health and safety
management policies and requirements. Therefore a fundamental element of our
programme is to ensure total understanding of any such requirements and their
integration into our organisational arrangements.
Responsibility for environmental, health and safety management cascades through
Jones Lang LaSalle from the Chief Executive through to each individual.
Responsibilities are allocated based on the principle that you are responsible for the
work under your control, for those working under your control and for the people
who could be affected by your work. It is therefore the responsibility of all
managers to ensure the health and safety of staff and others who may be affected
by those activities under their control.

In addition to the above, we have carried out the following activities to assist
Morgan Stanley in reinforcing the importance of H&S:
 Provided regular updates to H&S Gap Analysis for all buildings
 Participated in regular meetings to review Morgan Stanley’s Emergency
 Assisted in roll out of AED Programme for Region

Please give details of the policies your company has governing the Environment. If you have a
policy booklet, please provide this with your response.

Our commitment to environmental sustainability within our own

Understanding that our clients increasingly want to do business with service
providers that share their commitment to socially and environmentally responsible
practices, we are applying best practices across our own operations. Jones Lang
LaSalle is committed to the reduction of our own environmental impact and the

implementation of those initiatives required to optimise our own sustainable

Illustrating the depth of our commitment to sustainability, Jones Lang LaSalle

Global CEO Colin Dyer in 2006 announced the formation of our Environmental
Sustainability Board and the creation of an Environmental Sustainability Policy for
our Firm globally.

The Environmental Sustainability Board has been operating since this time and has
outlined our Environmental Policy, which is a high-level statement of our beliefs
about environmental sustainability and how we intend to act on these beliefs.
Subsequently endorsed by our Global Executive Committee and the Jones Lang
LaSalle Board of Directors, the policy is built around the following five goals:
 Reduce the environmental impacts of our business operations
 Deliver the best possible solutions to our clients
 Drive thought leadership and innovation on industry issues
 Train employees to deliver improvement internally and for our clients
 Meet or exceed the requirements of environmental laws and regulations
A key initiative is the auditing of our carbon footprint – a measure of human
activities on the environment in terms of the volume of greenhouse gases
produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide – for our corporate offices and of
our staff travel across the globe. Equipped with this knowledge, we can work
together to neutralise our impact.
Our internal goal is to reduce our own carbon footprint while continuing to focus
on the bigger impact that we can have with our clients such that we consistently
achieve a total savings for our clients that exceeds ten times our internal footprint.
We have met this goal each of the last two years through the results that we have
delivered to our clients and through the actions that we have taken in our own
portfolio through our A Cleaner Tomorrow (ACT) programme described below.
Our ACT: A Cleaner Tomorrow programme focuses on energy conservation, water
conservation, emissions reduction, solid waste reduction, recycling and recycled
materials use with the following goals:
• Measure our carbon footprint and continue to reduce our impact
• Occupy sustainable certified space (LEED, BREEAM, Energy Star, etc.)
where possible
• Reduce the CO2 impact of corporate travel by investing in communication
and technology tools, and flexible work practices
• Engage and educate our people to create permanent sustainable behavioural
This programme is managed through assigned site champions in all of our office
locations who then drive implementation through a series of activities such as
recycling programmes, employee training and awareness, office equipment
surveys, kitchen waste management, reduction of disposable materials etc

As part of Morgan Stanley’s Environmental Programme, we have managed the
implementation of several initiatives in the region to assist the Asia offices in
achieving the firm’s global energy reduction targets. In HK alone, initiatives were
put in place realizing annual reductions of almost 1.3 million kWh with related
savings in excess of US$100,000 per year. We also participated in a waste audit in
Hong Kong which provided valuable data on current recyclable potential.
Meanwhile, the Facilities team are ensuring all cleaning and touch up works is
carried out with environmentally friendly products.

Appendix B – Terms
and Conditions Compliance
Appendix B -
Terms and Conditions
Bidder is required confirm compliance to MS’ standard terms and conditions of contract and
provide details explanation for where you are not able to comply with.

We comply to MS’ standard terms and conditions of contract.

Appendix C – Price Schedule
Appendix C -
Price Schedule
A. Australia, China and Hong Kong

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model
The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as
described below: -
Australia Fee China Fee Hong Kong Fee
Contract Component Details (AUD p.a or %) (RMB p.a or %) (HKD p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 1,370,909 2,695,627 14,605,144
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.
Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 10% 15% 9%
include Contractor’s Profit
Fee at Risk (Part 1) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15% 15% 15%
satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)
Fee at Risk (Part 2) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 10% 10% 10%
completion of agreed milestone for implementation of
regional best practices (milestones to be agreed and
reviewed in the management meetings)
Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 2.5% of the managed spend 2.5% of the managed spend 2.5% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor
Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only 20% for a 1 year period only 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been after the savings have been after the savings have been
proven. proven. proven.

b) Implementation Fee
Description Australia Amount (AUD) China Amount (RMB) Hong Kong Amount (HKD)
Implementation and Transition Fee 0 34,000 0

B. Australia and China

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as
described below:
Australia Fee China Fee
Contract Component Details (AUD p.a or %) (RMB p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 1,379,579 2,758,765
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.
Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 12% 20%
include Contractor’s Profit
Fee at Risk (Part 1) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15% 15%
satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)
Fee at Risk (Part 2) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 5% 5%
completion of agreed milestone for implementation of
regional best practices (milestones to be agreed and
reviewed in the management meetings)
Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 2.5% of the managed spend 5% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor
Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been after the savings have been
proven. proven.

b) Implementation Fee
Description Australia Amount (AUD) China Amount (RMB)
Implementation and Transition Fee 0 34,000

C. Australia and Hong Kong

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as
described below: -
Australia Fee Hong Kong Fee
Contract Component Details (AUD p.a or %) (HKD p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 1,370,909 11,729,464
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.
Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 12% 9%
include Contractor’s Profit
Fee at Risk (Part 1) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15% 15%
satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)
Fee at Risk (Part 2) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 5% 5%
completion of agreed milestone for implementation of
regional best practices (milestones to be agreed and
reviewed in the management meetings)

Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 2.5% of the managed spend 3% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor
Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% of for a 1 year period 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley only after the savings have after the savings have been
been proven. proven.

b) Implementation Fee
Description Australia Amount (AUD) Hong Kong Amount (HKD)
Implementation and Transition Fee 0 0

D. China and Hong Kong

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as
described below: -
China Fee Hong Kong Fee
Contract Component Details (RMB p.a or %) (HKD p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 2,695,627 11,729,464
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.
Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 20% 9%
include Contractor’s Profit

Fee at Risk (Part 1) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15% 15%
satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)
Fee at Risk (Part 2) A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 5% 5%
completion of agreed milestone for implementation of
regional best practices (milestones to be agreed and
reviewed in the management meetings)
Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 5% of the managed spend 3% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor
Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been after the savings have been
proven. proven.

b) Implementation Fee
Description China Amount (RMB) Hong Kong Amount (HKD)
Implementation and Transition Fee 34,000 0

E. Australia only

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost
Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as described below: -
Australia Fee
Contract Component Details (AUD p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 1,379,579
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.
Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 12%
include Contractor’s Profit
Fee at Risk A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15%
satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)
Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 2.5% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor

Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been

b) Implementation Fee

Description Australia Amount (AUD)

Implementation and Transition Fee 0

F. China only

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost
Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as described below: -
China Fee
Contract Component Details (RMB p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 2,758,765
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.

Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 20%

include Contractor’s Profit

Fee at Risk A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15%

satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)

Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 5% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor

Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been

b) Implementation Fee

Description China Amount (RMB)

Implementation and Transition Fee 34,000

G. Hong Kong only

a) Facilities Management Services

Overall Price Model

The fee shall be staff cost based. The preferred pricing model is a hybrid of “Cost
Plus” and “Pass-through” with fee at risk and incentives as described below: -
Hong Kong Fee
Contract Component Details (HKD p.a or %)
Contractor’s Staffing Cost According to the level of resources agreed for the 11,300,270
defined scope of services at the commencement of
the Services for the Buildings, this includes insurance
and any statutory requirements.

Management Fee A percentage of Contractor’s Staffing Cost. This shall 9%

include Contractor’s Profit

Fee at Risk A percentage of Management Fee at risk subject to 15%

satisfactory performance of the services (refer to
Service Level Agreement of the Agreement)

Administration Fee for x% of the managed spend will be charged for acting 3% of the managed spend
Principal Contract as principal contractor

Shared Saving Ratio Contractor’s share of savings recognized by cost 20% for a 1 year period only
saving initiatives approved by Morgan Stanley after the savings have been

b) Implementation Fee
Description Hong Kong Amount (HKD)
Implementation and Transition Fee 0

H. Assumption Schedule
1. All costs proposed in our response include the applicable statutory provident
fund rates, e.g. CPF, Superannuation, etc. In the event that the local rates
change due to local regulation, the cost difference will be passed on to Morgan
2. All costs proposed in our response are before any local taxes, such as GST,
VAT, China Business Tax, etc.
3. Deployment of resources is based on the scope of work and service levels
specified in the RFP. For example in Australia,
a. The requirement for a Jones Lang LaSalle Office Administrator to be
accountable for the staff inductions, processing of Amex, Blackberry,
Vodafone and cab charges, demands at least one full time position has

not been covered in this RFP. Hence we have not included in the
proposed resourcing model.
b. The consolidation project for MSSB and The Bond personnel
relocating to additional floors being leased from Chifley has not been
taken into consideration in the deployment of manpower for the
proposed delivery team.
4. We have retained the incumbent teams in Australia and Hong Kong and have
provided the current salary as year 1 staff cost. The next staff salary review is
in Mar/Apr 2011 and we have assumed that we will be conducting the review
on a joint effort basis with Morgan Stanley.
5. All pricing presented in Part 2 section 5 and Part 3 have been converted to US
dollars using the following exchange rate.
a. Australia - 1.1111
b. China - 6.8
c. Hong Kong - 7.8

Attachment to Appendix C (Price Schedule) [Bidder Name: Jones Lang LaSalle]

Part A - Facilities Management Services PER annum PER FTE

1) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 1 (All costs shown are in AUD) 9% 6% 6% 1.67%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs / Week No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Payroll tax Annual /Sick Long Service Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Staff Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) Cost

1 TBA Senior Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 100,360 9,032 6,022 6,022 13,147 1,676 8,000 144,258.77 - Not Applicable - 8,360
2 TBA Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 75,400 6,786 4,524 4,524 9,877 1,259 8,000 110,370.58 - Not Applicable - 6,281
3 TBA Office Administrator TBA 37.5 1.0 55,000 4,950 3,300 3,300 7,205 919 8,000 82,673.50 - Not Applicable - 4,582
4 TBA Project Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 109,720 9,875 6,583 6,583 14,373 1,832 8,000 156,966.84 160 9,140
5 TBA 24/7 Critical Environment Officers TBA 39.0 7.0 62,400 5,616 3,744 3,744 10,218 1,042 8,000 663,348.56 - Not Applicable - 36,385
6 TBA Account Director TBA 3.8 0.1 150,000 13,500 9,000 9,000 2,505 8,000 19,200.50 - Not Applicable - 1,250
7 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Mel TBA 20.0 0.5 83,500 7,515 5,010 5,010 10,939 1,394 8,000 60,683.98 - Not Applicable - 3,478
8 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Bne TBA 8.0 0.2 83,500 7,515 5,010 5,010 10,939 1,394 8,000 24,273.59 - Not Applicable - 1,391
9 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Adl TBA 8.0 0.2 83,500 7,515 5,010 5,010 10,939 1,394 8,000 24,273.59 - Not Applicable - 1,391
10 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Per TBA 8.0 0.2 83,500 7,515 5,010 5,010 10,939 1,394 8,000 24,273.59 - Not Applicable - 1,391

12.2 1,310,324 73,648

Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 1,383,972
2) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 2 (All costs shown are in AUD) 4%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs / Week No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Payroll tax Annual /Sick Long Service Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Staff Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) Cost

1 TBA Senior Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 104,374 9,394 6,262 6,262 13,673 1,743 8,320 150,029.12 - Not Applicable - 8,694
2 TBA Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 78,416 7,057 4,705 4,705 10,272 1,310 8,320 114,785.40 - Not Applicable - 6,532
3 TBA Office Administrator TBA 37.5 1.0 57,200 5,148 3,432 3,432 7,493 955 8,320 85,980.44 - Not Applicable - 4,765
4 TBA Project Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 114,109 10,270 6,847 6,847 14,948 1,906 8,320 163,245.52 166 9,505
5 TBA 24/7 Critical Environment Officers TBA 39.0 7.0 64,896 5,841 3,894 3,894 10,627 1,084 8,320 689,882.50 - Not Applicable - 37,841
6 TBA Account Director TBA 3.8 0.1 156,000 14,040 9,360 9,360 0 2,605 8,320 19,968.52 - Not Applicable - 1,299
7 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Mel TBA 20.0 0.5 86,840 7,816 5,210 5,210 11,376 1,450 8,320 63,111.33 - Not Applicable - 3,617
8 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Bne TBA 8.0 0.2 86,840 7,816 5,210 5,210 11,376 1,450 8,320 25,244.53 - Not Applicable - 1,447
9 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Adl TBA 8.0 0.2 86,840 7,816 5,210 5,210 11,376 1,450 8,320 25,244.53 - Not Applicable - 1,447
10 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Per TBA 8.0 0.2 86,840 7,816 5,210 5,210 11,376 1,450 8,320 25,244.53 - Not Applicable - 1,447

12.2 1,362,736 76,594

Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 1,439,330
3) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 3 (All costs shown are in AUD)
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs / Week No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Payroll tax Annual /Sick Long Service Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Staff Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) Cost

1 TBA Senior Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 108,549 9,769 6,513 6,513 14,220 1,813 8,653 156,030.29 - Not Applicable - 9,042
2 TBA Facilities Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 81,553 7,340 4,893 4,893 10,683 1,362 8,653 119,376.82 - Not Applicable - 6,793
3 TBA Office Administrator TBA 37.5 1.0 59,488 5,354 3,569 3,569 7,793 993 8,653 89,419.66 - Not Applicable - 4,955
4 TBA Project Manager TBA 37.5 1.0 118,673 10,681 7,120 7,120 15,546 1,982 8,653 169,775.34 173 9,885
5 TBA 24/7 Critical Environment Officers TBA 39.0 7.0 67,492 6,074 4,050 4,050 11,052 1,127 8,653 717,477.80 - Not Applicable - 39,354
6 TBA Account Director TBA 3.8 0.1 162,240 14,602 9,734 9,734 0 2,709 8,653 20,767.26 - Not Applicable - 1,351
7 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Mel TBA 20.0 0.5 90,314 8,128 5,419 5,419 11,831 1,508 8,653 65,635.79 - Not Applicable - 3,762
8 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Bne TBA 8.0 0.2 90,314 8,128 5,419 5,419 11,831 1,508 8,653 26,254.31 - Not Applicable - 1,505
9 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Adl TBA 8.0 0.2 90,314 8,128 5,419 5,419 11,831 1,508 8,653 26,254.31 - Not Applicable - 1,505
10 TBA Facilities Manager (MS & MSSB) - Per TBA 8.0 0.2 90,314 8,128 5,419 5,419 11,831 1,508 8,653 26,254.31 - Not Applicable - 1,505

12.2 1,417,246 79,658

4) Operating Expense (pls specify) Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 1,496,904
Operating / Administrative & Other Unit Cost Quantity Annual Total

Mobile Phone Allowance 800 12.2 9,760

Travel 1,070 12.2 13,050
Other (pls specify)

1 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsAustralia

Training and Professional Subs 670 12.2 8,174
Recruitment 2,335 12.2 28,481

Helpdesk - Property Satellite Centre 8,670 1.0 8,670 A) Australia, China and Hong Kong 60,585
Helpdesk - MyFacility Satellite Helpdesk n.a. B) Australia and China 69,255
360Facility 1,120 1.0 1,120 C) Australia and Hong Kong 60,585
E) Australia only 69,255

TOTAL 69,255

Part B - Management Fee (Staffing)

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the Total Staff Cost as management fee and profit for the Services

Staff Level Below 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 40 and above

Total Floor Area 11.80% 12.00% 12.20% 12.40% 12.60%

Part C - Management Fee for Principal Contracting

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the total Managed Spend of contracts that the Contractor has entered into as the principal contractor for the delivery of the Services

Managed Spend (AUD) <100,000 <250,000 <500,000 <750,000 <1,000,000

Management Fee 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%

2 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsAustralia

Attachment to Appendix C (Price Schedule) [Bidder Name: Jones Lang LaSalle]

Part A - Facilities Management Services PER annum PER FTE

1) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 1 (All costs shown are in RMB)
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Pls specify (%) Annual /Sick Pls specify Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus (per
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) (%) Cost Annum for total
Staff based) number of FTEs)

1 TBA Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 264,000 59,424 7,316 0 4,550 335,290.00 - Not Applicable - 44,000
2 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 216,000 59,424 6,484 0 4,550 286,458.00 - Not Applicable - 36,000
3 TBA Facilities Officer BJ TBA 40.0 1 96,000 42,528 4,404 0 4,550 147,482.00 85 16,000
4 TBA Senior Technician BJ TBA 40.0 1 72,000 31,896 3,988 5,815 4,550 118,249.38 68 12,000
5 TBA Technician BJ TBA 40.0 3 42,000 18,612 3,468 3,392 4,550 216,066.92 41 21,000
6 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager SH TBA 40.0 1 216,000 55,788 6,484 0 4,418 282,690.05 - Not Applicable - 36,000
7 TBA Senior Facilities Officer ZH TBA 40.0 1 132,000 55,788 5,028 0 4,418 197,234.05 - Not Applicable - 22,000
8 TBA Facilities Officer SH TBA 40.0 2 96,000 42,240 4,404 0 4,418 294,124.09 85 32,000
9 TBA Senior Techcian SH TBA 40.0 2 72,000 31,680 3,988 0 4,418 224,172.09 65 24,000
10 TBA Technician SH TBA 40.0 2 42,000 18,492 3,468 3,392 4,418 143,540.71 41 14,000
11 TBA Receptionist ZH TBA 40.0 1 42,000 18,492 3,468 3,392 4,418 71,770.35 41 7,000
12 TBA Senior Techcian ZH TBA 40.0 1 72,000 31,680 3,988 5,815 4,418 117,901.43 68 12,000

17 2,434,979 276,000
Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 2,710,979

2) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 2 (All costs shown are in RMB) 8%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Pls specify (%) Annual /Sick Pls specify Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus (per
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) (%) Cost Annum for total
Staff based) number of FTEs)

1 TBA Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 285,120 64,178 7,901 0 4,914 362,113.20 - Not Applicable - 47,520
2 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 233,280 64,178 7,003 0 4,914 309,374.64 - Not Applicable - 38,880
3 TBA Facilities Officer BJ TBA 40.0 1 103,680 45,930 4,756 0 4,914 159,280.56 92 17,280
4 TBA Senior Technician BJ TBA 40.0 1 77,760 34,448 4,307 6,281 4,914 127,709.34 73 12,960
5 TBA Technician BJ TBA 40.0 3 45,360 20,101 3,745 3,664 4,914 233,352.28 44 22,680
6 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager SH TBA 40.0 1 233,280 60,251 7,003 0 4,771 305,305.25 - Not Applicable - 38,880
7 TBA Senior Facilities Officer ZH TBA 40.0 1 142,560 60,251 5,430 0 4,771 213,012.77 - Not Applicable - 23,760
8 TBA Facilities Officer SH TBA 40.0 2 103,680 45,619 4,756 0 4,771 317,654.02 92 34,560
9 TBA Senior Techcian SH TBA 40.0 2 77,760 34,214 4,307 0 4,771 242,105.86 70 25,920
10 TBA Technician SH TBA 40.0 2 45,360 19,971 3,745 3,664 4,771 155,023.96 44 15,120
11 TBA Receptionist ZH TBA 40.0 1 45,360 19,971 3,745 3,664 4,771 77,511.98 44 7,560
12 TBA Senior Techcian ZH TBA 40.0 1 77,760 34,214 4,307 6,281 4,771 127,333.54 73 12,960

17 2,629,777 298,080
Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 2,927,857
3) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 3 (All costs shown are in RMB)
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Pls specify (%) Annual /Sick Pls specify Admin OH Total Staff Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus (per
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Leave (Backfill) (%) Cost Annum for total
Staff based) number of FTEs)

1 TBA Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 307,930 69,312 8,533 0 5,307 391,082.26 - Not Applicable - 51,322
2 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager BJ TBA 40.0 1 251,942 69,312 7,563 0 5,307 334,124.61 - Not Applicable - 41,990
3 TBA Facilities Officer BJ TBA 40.0 1 111,974 49,605 5,137 0 5,307 172,023.00 99 18,662
4 TBA Senior Technician BJ TBA 40.0 1 83,981 37,203 4,652 6,783 5,307 137,926.08 79 13,997
5 TBA Technician BJ TBA 40.0 3 48,989 21,709 4,045 3,957 5,307 252,020.46 48 24,494
6 TBA Assistant Facilities Manager SH TBA 40.0 1 251,942 65,071 7,563 0 5,153 329,729.67 - Not Applicable - 41,990
7 TBA Senior Facilities Officer ZH TBA 40.0 1 153,965 65,071 5,865 0 5,153 230,053.79 - Not Applicable - 25,661
8 TBA Facilities Officer SH TBA 40.0 2 111,974 49,269 5,137 0 5,153 343,066.34 99 37,325
9 TBA Senior Techcian SH TBA 40.0 2 83,981 36,952 4,652 0 5,153 261,474.33 75 27,994
10 TBA Technician SH TBA 40.0 2 48,989 21,569 4,045 3,957 5,153 167,425.88 48 16,330
11 TBA Receptionist ZH TBA 40.0 1 48,989 21,569 4,045 3,957 5,153 83,712.94 48 8,165
12 TBA Senior Techcian ZH TBA 40.0 1 83,981 36,952 4,652 6,783 5,153 137,520.23 79 13,997

17 2,840,160 321,926

3 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsChina

4) Operating Expense (pls specify) Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 3,162,086
Operating / Administrative & Other Unit Cost Quantity Annual Total

Mobile Phone Allowance 17,400

Equipment 42,109
Travel 55,686
Recruitment (Charge based on actual for 3 key

Helpdesk - Property Satellite Centre 63,138 1.0 63,138 A) Australia, China and Hong Kong 260,648
Helpdesk - MyFacility Satellite Helpdesk n.a. B) Australia and China 323,786
360Facility 9,733 1.0 9,733 D) China and Hong Kong 260,648
F) China only 323,786

TOTAL 323,786

Part B - Management Fee (Staffing)

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the Total Staff Cost as management fee and profit for the Services

Staff Level Below 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 40 and above

Total Floor Area 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Part C - Management Fee for Principal Contracting

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the total Managed Spend of contracts that the Contractor has entered into as the principal contractor for the delivery of the Services

Managed Spend (AUD) <100,000 <250,000 <500,000 <750,000 <1,000,000

Management Fee 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

4 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsChina

Attachment to Appendix C (Price Schedule) [Bidder Name: Jones Lang LaSalle]

Part A - Facilities Management Services PER annum PER FTE

1) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 1 (All costs shown are in HKD) 5% 1.5% 1.5% 2% 2.0%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates 7%
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,008,000 12,000 15,120 15,120 20,160 20,160 1,090,560.00 - Not Applicable - 94,500
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 840,000 12,000 12,600 12,600 16,800 16,800 910,800.00 - Not Applicable - 74,900
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 420,000 12,000 6,300 6,300 8,400 8,400 461,400.00 - Not Applicable - 37,450
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 300,000 12,000 4,500 4,500 6,000 6,000 333,000.00 - Not Applicable - 26,750
Hong Kong Team -
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,060,800 12,000 15,912 15,912 21,216 21,216 1,147,056.00 - Not Applicable - 94,588
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 660,000 12,000 9,900 9,900 13,200 13,200 718,200.00 - Not Applicable - 58,850
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 447,600 12,000 6,714 6,714 8,952 8,952 490,932.00 - Not Applicable - 39,911
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 420,000 12,000 6,300 6,300 8,400 8,400 461,400.00 - Not Applicable - 37,450
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 423,600 12,000 6,354 6,354 8,472 8,472 465,252.00 - Not Applicable - 37,771
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 374,400 12,000 5,616 5,616 7,488 7,488 412,608.00 - Not Applicable - 33,384
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 218,400 11,830 3,276 3,276 4,368 4,368 491,036.00 293 38,948
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 175,200 9,490 2,628 2,628 3,504 3,504 196,954.00 293 15,622
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 193,800 10,498 2,907 2,907 3,876 3,876 435,727.00 235 34,561
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 163,560 8,860 2,453 2,453 3,271 3,271 1,838,687.00 235 145,841
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 744,000 12,000 11,160 11,160 14,880 14,880 808,080.00 - Not Applicable - 66,340
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 360,000 12,000 5,400 5,400 7,200 7,200 397,200.00 - Not Applicable - 32,100
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 6,552 6,552 8,736 8,736 479,376.00 - Not Applicable - 38,948
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 304,800 12,000 4,572 4,572 6,096 6,096 338,136.00 - Not Applicable - 27,178
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 276,000 12,000 4,140 4,140 5,520 5,520 307,320.00 293 24,610
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 310,800 12,000 4,662 4,662 6,216 6,216 344,556.00 293 27,713
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 163,200 8,840 2,448 2,448 3,264 3,264 183,464.00 293 14,552
22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 123,840 6,708 1,858 1,858 2,477 2,477 696,084.00 235 55,212
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 2 236,400 12,000 3,546 3,546 4,728 4,728 529,896.00 293 42,158
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 2 236,400 12,000 3,546 3,546 4,728 4,728 529,896.00 293 42,158
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 2 78,000 4,225 1,170 1,170 1,560 1,560 175,370.00 80 13,910

43 14,242,990.00 1,155,405
Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 15,398,395

Combination Staff Cost Operating Exp Staffing Ccost
A) Australia, China and Hong Kong 14,242,990 362,154 14,605,144
C) Australia and Hong Kong 11,447,230 282,234 11,729,464
D) China and Hong Kong 11,447,230 282,234 11,729,464
G) Hong Kong only 10,917,334 382,936 11,300,270

2) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 2 (All costs shown are in HKD) 4%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,048,320 12,000 15,725 15,725 20,966 20,966 1,133,702.40 - Not Applicable - 93,475
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 873,600 12,000 13,104 13,104 17,472 17,472 946,752.00 - Not Applicable - 77,896
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 6,552 6,552 8,736 8,736 479,376.00 - Not Applicable - 38,948
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 312,000 12,000 4,680 4,680 6,240 6,240 345,840.00 - Not Applicable - 27,820
Hong Kong Team 0 -
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,103,232 12,000 16,548 16,548 22,065 22,065 1,192,458.24 - Not Applicable - 98,372
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 686,400 12,000 10,296 10,296 13,728 13,728 746,448.00 - Not Applicable - 61,204
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 465,504 12,000 6,983 6,983 9,310 9,310 510,089.28 - Not Applicable - 41,507
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 6,552 6,552 8,736 8,736 479,376.00 - Not Applicable - 38,948
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 440,544 12,000 6,608 6,608 8,811 8,811 483,382.08 - Not Applicable - 39,282
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 389,376 12,000 5,841 5,841 7,788 7,788 428,632.32 - Not Applicable - 34,719
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 227,136 12,000 3,407 3,407 4,543 4,543 510,071.04 304 40,506
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 182,208 9,870 2,733 2,733 3,644 3,644 204,832.16 304 16,247
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 201,552 10,917 3,023 3,023 4,031 4,031 453,156.08 244 35,943
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 170,102 9,214 2,552 2,552 3,402 3,402 1,912,234.48 244 151,675
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 773,760 12,000 11,606 11,606 15,475 15,475 839,923.20 - Not Applicable - 68,994
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 374,400 12,000 5,616 5,616 7,488 7,488 412,608.00 - Not Applicable - 33,384
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 6,814 6,814 9,085 9,085 498,071.04 - Not Applicable - 40,506
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 316,992 12,000 4,755 4,755 6,340 6,340 351,181.44 - Not Applicable - 28,265
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 287,040 12,000 4,306 4,306 5,741 5,741 319,132.80 304 25,594
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 323,232 12,000 4,848 4,848 6,465 6,465 357,858.24 304 28,822
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 169,728 9,194 2,546 2,546 3,395 3,395 190,802.56 304 15,134

5 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsHongkong

22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 128,794 6,976 1,932 1,932 2,576 2,576 723,927.36 244 57,420
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 2 245,856 12,000 3,688 3,688 4,917 4,917 550,131.84 304 43,844
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 2 245,856 12,000 3,688 3,688 4,917 4,917 550,131.84 304 43,844
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 2 81,120 4,394 1,217 1,217 1,622 1,622 182,384.80 83 14,466

43 14,802,503.20 1,196,816


3) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 3 (All costs shown are in HKD)
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,090,253 12,000 16,354 16,354 21,805 21,805 1,178,570.50 - Not Applicable - 97,214
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 908,544 12,000 13,628 13,628 18,171 18,171 984,142.08 - Not Applicable - 81,012
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 6,814 6,814 9,085 9,085 498,071.04 - Not Applicable - 40,506
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 324,480 12,000 4,867 4,867 6,490 6,490 359,193.60 - Not Applicable - 28,933
Hong Kong Team 0 -
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,147,361 12,000 17,210 17,210 22,947 22,947 1,239,676.57 - Not Applicable - 102,306
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 713,856 12,000 10,708 10,708 14,277 14,277 775,825.92 - Not Applicable - 63,652
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 484,124 12,000 7,262 7,262 9,682 9,682 530,012.85 - Not Applicable - 43,168
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 6,814 6,814 9,085 9,085 498,071.04 - Not Applicable - 40,506
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 458,166 12,000 6,872 6,872 9,163 9,163 502,237.36 - Not Applicable - 40,853
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 404,951 12,000 6,074 6,074 8,099 8,099 445,297.61 - Not Applicable - 36,108
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 236,221 12,000 3,543 3,543 4,724 4,724 529,513.88 316 42,126
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 189,496 10,264 2,842 2,842 3,790 3,790 213,025.45 316 16,897
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 209,614 11,354 3,144 3,144 4,192 4,192 471,282.32 254 37,381
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 176,906 9,582 2,654 2,654 3,538 3,538 1,988,723.86 254 157,742
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 804,710 12,000 12,071 12,071 16,094 16,094 873,040.13 - Not Applicable - 71,753
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 389,376 12,000 5,841 5,841 7,788 7,788 428,632.32 - Not Applicable - 34,719
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 472,443 12,000 7,087 7,087 9,449 9,449 517,513.88 - Not Applicable - 42,126
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 329,672 12,000 4,945 4,945 6,593 6,593 364,748.70 - Not Applicable - 29,396
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 298,522 12,000 4,478 4,478 5,970 5,970 331,418.11 316 26,618
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 336,161 12,000 5,042 5,042 6,723 6,723 371,692.57 316 29,974
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 176,517 9,561 2,648 2,648 3,530 3,530 198,434.66 316 15,739
22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 133,945 7,255 2,009 2,009 2,679 2,679 752,884.45 254 59,717
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 2 255,690 12,000 3,835 3,835 5,114 5,114 571,177.11 316 45,598
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 2 255,690 12,000 3,835 3,835 5,114 5,114 571,177.11 316 45,598
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 2 84,365 4,570 1,265 1,265 1,687 1,687 189,680.19 87 15,045

43 15,384,043.33 1,244,689
4) Operating Expense (pls specify) 16,628,732
Operating / Administrative & Other Unit Cost Quantity Annual Total

Mobile Phone Allowance 100 12 14,400 Below Officer level

300 13 46,800 Officer and above Reg - 4
Duty Phone at ICC 500 1 6,000
Equipment 8,000 12 96,000
Travel (taxi claims, within country) 600 12 7,200
Travel (International) 10,920 6 65,520 Acct Mgr - twice a year to China / Aus + Reg Eng - Once a year to China / Aus
Recruitment (General position, key role involves
800 12 9,600
agency fee subject to MS approval)

Helpdesk - Property Satellite Centre 182,696 1 182,696 A) Australia, China and Hong Kong 362,154
Helpdesk - MyFacility Satellite Helpdesk 40,997 2 81,994 C) Australia and Hong Kong 282,234
360Facility 34,640 1 34,640 D) China and Hong Kong 282,234
G) Hong Kong only 382,936

TOTAL 544,849

Part B - Management Fee (Staffing)

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the Total Staff Cost as management fee and profit for the Services

Staff Level Below 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 40 and above

Total Floor Area 25.0% 18.0% 13.0% 11.0% 9.0%

Part C - Management Fee for Principal Contracting

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the total Managed Spend of contracts that the Contractor has entered into as the principal contractor for the delivery of the Services

Managed Spend (AUD) <100,000 <250,000 <500,000 <750,000 <1,000,000

Management Fee 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

6 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsHongkong

Attachment to Appendix C (Price Schedule) [Bidder Name: Jones Lang LaSalle]

Part A - Facilities Management Services PER annum PER FTE

1) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 1 (All costs shown are in HKD) 5% 1% 1% 2% 2.0%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates 7%
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,336,734 12,000 13,367 13,367 26,735 26,735 1,428,938 - Not Applicable - 432,600
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 840,000 12,000 8,400 8,400 16,800 16,800 902,400 - Not Applicable - 74,900
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 420,000 12,000 4,200 4,200 8,400 8,400 457,200 - Not Applicable - 37,450
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 300,000 12,000 3,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 330,000 - Not Applicable - 26,750
Hong Kong Team
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,060,800 12,000 10,608 10,608 21,216 21,216 1,136,448 - Not Applicable - 94,588
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 660,000 12,000 6,600 6,600 13,200 13,200 711,600 - Not Applicable - 58,850
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 447,600 12,000 4,476 4,476 8,952 8,952 486,456 - Not Applicable - 39,911
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 420,000 12,000 4,200 4,200 8,400 8,400 457,200 - Not Applicable - 37,450
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 423,600 12,000 4,236 4,236 8,472 8,472 461,016 - Not Applicable - 37,771
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 374,400 12,000 3,744 3,744 7,488 7,488 408,864 - Not Applicable - 33,384
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 218,400 11,830 2,184 2,184 4,368 4,368 486,668 293 38,948
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 175,200 9,490 1,752 1,752 3,504 3,504 195,202 293 15,622
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 193,800 10,498 1,938 1,938 3,876 3,876 431,851 235 34,561
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 163,560 8,860 1,636 1,636 3,271 3,271 1,822,331 235 145,841
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 744,000 12,000 7,440 7,440 14,880 14,880 800,640 - Not Applicable - 66,340
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 360,000 12,000 3,600 3,600 7,200 7,200 393,600 - Not Applicable - 32,100
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 4,368 4,368 8,736 8,736 475,008 - Not Applicable - 38,948
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 304,800 12,000 3,048 3,048 6,096 6,096 335,088 - Not Applicable - 27,178
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 276,000 12,000 2,760 2,760 5,520 5,520 304,560 293 24,610
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 310,800 12,000 3,108 3,108 6,216 6,216 341,448 293 27,713
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 163,200 8,840 1,632 1,632 3,264 3,264 181,832 293 14,552
22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 123,840 6,708 1,238 1,238 2,477 2,477 689,892 235 55,212
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 0 0 -
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 0 0 -
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 0 0 -

37 13,238,242 1,395,279
Total iinvoiced amt exclude mgt fee 14,633,521

2) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 2 (All costs shown are in HKD) 4%
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,390,203 12,000 13,902 13,902 27,804 27,804 1,485,616 - Not Applicable - 123,960
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 873,600 12,000 8,736 8,736 17,472 17,472 938,016 - Not Applicable - 77,896
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 4,368 4,368 8,736 8,736 475,008 - Not Applicable - 38,948
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 312,000 12,000 3,120 3,120 6,240 6,240 342,720 - Not Applicable - 27,820
Hong Kong Team 0 -
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,103,232 12,000 11,032 11,032 22,065 22,065 1,181,426 - Not Applicable - 98,372
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 686,400 12,000 6,864 6,864 13,728 13,728 739,584 - Not Applicable - 61,204
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 465,504 12,000 4,655 4,655 9,310 9,310 505,434 - Not Applicable - 41,507
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 436,800 12,000 4,368 4,368 8,736 8,736 475,008 - Not Applicable - 38,948
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 440,544 12,000 4,405 4,405 8,811 8,811 478,977 - Not Applicable - 39,282
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 389,376 12,000 3,894 3,894 7,788 7,788 424,739 - Not Applicable - 34,719
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 227,136 12,000 2,271 2,271 4,543 4,543 505,528 304 40,506
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 182,208 9,870 1,822 1,822 3,644 3,644 203,010 304 16,247
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 201,552 10,917 2,016 2,016 4,031 4,031 449,125 244 35,943
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 170,102 9,214 1,701 1,701 3,402 3,402 1,895,224 244 151,675
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 773,760 12,000 7,738 7,738 15,475 15,475 832,186 - Not Applicable - 68,994
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 374,400 12,000 3,744 3,744 7,488 7,488 408,864 - Not Applicable - 33,384
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 4,543 4,543 9,085 9,085 493,528 - Not Applicable - 40,506
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 316,992 12,000 3,170 3,170 6,340 6,340 348,012 - Not Applicable - 28,265
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 287,040 12,000 2,870 2,870 5,741 5,741 316,262 304 25,594
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 323,232 12,000 3,232 3,232 6,465 6,465 354,626 304 28,822
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 169,728 9,194 1,697 1,697 3,395 3,395 189,105 304 15,134
22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 128,794 6,976 1,288 1,288 2,576 2,576 717,488 244 57,420
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 0
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 0
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 0

37 13,759,485 1,125,146

7 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsHongkong (Alternate)


3) Facilities Management Services Cost - Year 3 (All costs shown are in HKD)
Staffing Level Direct Benefit Indirect Benefit Overhead Hourly Rates
Item Staff Name Job Title Start Date Basic Hrs No. of Staff Annual Base Superannuation / Health Plan Employee Annual /Sick Severance Admin OH Total Staff Cost Standard Hourly Rate Year End Bonus
/ Week / Proposed Salary (12 month Provident Fund Compensation Leave (Backfill) payment (8.33% of basic +
Staff based) Insurance MPF + LP charges)

Regional Team
1 Account Manager TBA 45.0 1 1,445,811 12,000 14,458 14,458 28,916 28,916 1,544,560 - Not Applicable - 128,918
2 Regional Engineer TBA 45.0 1 908,544 12,000 9,085 9,085 18,171 18,171 975,057 - Not Applicable - 81,012
3 Regional Admin & Finance Manager TBA 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 4,543 4,543 9,085 9,085 493,528 - Not Applicable - 40,506
4 Regional JDE Finance Officer TBA 45.0 1 324,480 12,000 3,245 3,245 6,490 6,490 355,949 - Not Applicable - 28,933
Hong Kong Team 0 -
5 Chief Engineer on board 45.0 1 1,147,361 12,000 11,474 11,474 22,947 22,947 1,228,203 - Not Applicable - 102,306
6 Comms Manager on board 45.0 1 713,856 12,000 7,139 7,139 14,277 14,277 768,687 - Not Applicable - 63,652
7 Comms Engineer on board 45.0 1 484,124 12,000 4,841 4,841 9,682 9,682 525,172 - Not Applicable - 43,168
8 MAC Engineer on board 45.0 1 454,272 12,000 4,543 4,543 9,085 9,085 493,528 - Not Applicable - 40,506
9 General Office Engineer on board 45.0 1 458,166 12,000 4,582 4,582 9,163 9,163 497,656 - Not Applicable - 40,853
10 Landlord Engineer on board 45.0 1 404,951 12,000 4,050 4,050 8,099 8,099 441,248 - Not Applicable - 36,108
11 Technical Officer on board 54.0 2 236,221 12,000 2,362 2,362 4,724 4,724 524,789 316 42,126
12 Assistant Technical Officer on board 54.0 1 189,496 10,264 1,895 1,895 3,790 3,790 211,130 316 16,897
13 Senior Techincians on board 54.0 2 209,614 11,354 2,096 2,096 4,192 4,192 467,090 254 37,381
14 Technicians on board 54.0 10 176,906 9,582 1,769 1,769 3,538 3,538 1,971,033 254 157,742
15 Facilities Manager on board 45.0 1 804,710 12,000 8,047 8,047 16,094 16,094 864,993 - Not Applicable - 71,753
16 Asst. Facilities Manager (Admin) on board 45.0 1 389,376 12,000 3,894 3,894 7,788 7,788 424,739 - Not Applicable - 34,719
17 Asst. Facilities Manager (Facilities) on board 45.0 1 472,443 12,000 4,724 4,724 9,449 9,449 512,789 - Not Applicable - 42,126
18 Asst. Facilities Manager (Hsekeeping) on board 45.0 1 329,672 12,000 3,297 3,297 6,593 6,593 361,452 - Not Applicable - 29,396
19 Senior Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 298,522 12,000 2,985 2,985 5,970 5,970 328,433 316 26,618
20 Finance Officer on board 45.0 1 336,161 12,000 3,362 3,362 6,723 6,723 368,331 316 29,974
21 Facilities Officer on board 45.0 1 176,517 9,561 1,765 1,765 3,530 3,530 196,669 316 15,739
22 Handymen on board 45.0 5 133,945 7,255 1,339 1,339 2,679 2,679 746,187 254 59,717
23 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) (only if 2 or moreon
board are awarded)
45.0 0
24 Helpdesk Officer (Full-Time) on board 45.0 0
25 Helpdesk Officer (Part-Time) on board 45.0 0

37 14,301,225 1,170,152
4) Operating Expense (pls specify) 15,471,377
Operating / Administrative & Other Unit Cost Quantity Annual Total

Mobile Phone Allowance 100 12 14,400 Below Officer level

300 13 46,800 Officer and above Reg - 4
Duty Phone at ICC 500 1 6,000
Equipment 8,000 12 96,000
Travel (taxi claims, within country) 600 12 7,200
Travel (International) 10,920 9 98,280 RAD - twice a year to key countries China / Aus / India + Reg Eng - Once a year to China / Aus / India
Recruitment (General position, key role involves
800 12 9,600
agency fee subject to MS approval)

Helpdesk - Property Satellite Centre 182,696 1 182,696

Helpdesk - MyFacility Satellite Helpdesk n.a. n.a.
360Facility 34,640 1 34,640

TOTAL 495,616

Part B - Management Fee (Staffing)

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the Total Staff Cost as management fee and profit for the Services

Staff Level Below 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 40 and above

Total Floor Area

Part C - Management Fee for Principal Contracting

Contractor shall charge Morgan Stanley the following percentage of the total Managed Spend of contracts that the Contractor has entered into as the principal contractor for the delivery of the Services

Managed Spend (AUD) <100,000 <250,000 <500,000 <750,000 <1,000,000

Management Fee 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

8 of 8 JLL 110118 Attachment to Appendix C - Staffing Cost Table R1.xlsHongkong (Alternate)

Please complete the following table by providing the indicative price [per annum in local currency]
for the principal contracts which are highlighted in orange.

HK AUS China China China HK AUS China China China

Shanghai Beijing Zhuhai Comments/Estimate cost (for China only) Shanghai Beijing Zhuhai Comments/Estimate cost (for China only)

Service Type Task Description Service Type Task Description

Critical Environment Mgmt $3.5M 349,224 CEM cost will depend on the size of data center and client Cleaning A 327,500 A Cleaning cost will depend on MS cleaning requirements.
We provide e.g. number
energy annual
tracking shutdown,
on utility spendservice level etc.
but additional Benchmark cleaning
Pest Control cost cost across our
will depend existing
on MS accounts
cleaning is averaging
$264K consultancy on LEED certification, energy saving project will A 2,540 A Benchmark cleaning cost across our existing accounts is averaging
Energy Mgmt need to be review on a case by case basis Pest Control 3.12 RMB/sqm/Annum
Diesel Generators O O O O O Tea Lady Services O 40,002 A This will depend on number of tea ladies required by MS
The indicative cost will be for HVAC system will be based on
model type, quantity, model etc. For a typical PPM on a chiller Cost for catering can range from RMB 8 per meal to RMB 25 per
A A on site it will be 1 day with a team of 4 doing oil/gas filter, gasket O O O A O meal. This will largely depend on MS catering requirements e.g.
change will be RMB 2080 with materials and labour included. number of dishes, drinks, fruits offered
HVAC (this exclude tax and sub contractor fee) Catering (Coordination)
The indicative cost for maintenance on Electrical system
Largely based on the the number of calls expected and if MS wants
depends on what electrical system it is. Call out rate range from
A A $841K O A a dedicated helpdesk service or leverage out centralise helpdesk
RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the level and experience of
service in Dalian
Electrical technician required Helpdesk Services
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
Fire & Life Safety
A A level and experience of technician required Event Coordination / Meeting Room Mgmt
O O O Need further clarification on requirements
Call our rate for PPM service on UPS range from RMB 80 to
A A A A RMB 150. Typical maintenance on UPS will be one day work O O O O Need further clarification on requirements
UPS Maintenance with a team of two technicians. Office supplies (Pantry) & equipment
For mail room service if volumn is significant we can negotiation for
DHL/EMS to dedicate a parcel manager free of charge for MS. If
volumn is not significant additon fee will be required. If there
additional requriements, such as personal delivery of package
additional aiyi (cleaning staff) are required to dispatch mail &

Workplace Services
CCTV & Access Control Mailroom package to MS employee
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
Hard Services

Audio Visual equipment / PA System

A A level and experience of technician required Minor Moves, Adds & Changes
A O Cost will depend on number of MAC
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the Need further clarification on requirements, but can follow call our
Cabling and Comms Room Maintenance
A A level and experience of technician required Furniture & Fittings Minor Repair
A O rate quoted for M&E
CellWatch Maintenance A A A A O Off Site Storage & Archive Mgmt A O Cost will depend on size of storage required.
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
CRAC Maintenance
A A A A level and experience of technician required Budgeting / Finances
$371K This should be included as part of our management service.
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance
A A A level and experience of technician required Flower & Plant
A 3,175 A Cost will depend on type and quantities of flowers required

Cost will depend on type and quantities of water required. Typically

A A Need further clarification on requirements A 25,200 it cost 25RMB per barrel including delivery and setup fees
Fire marshal bags Water Dispenser Maintenances
Cost will depend on type and level of support requried to merge MS
A A Need further clarification on requirements A and JLL EHS policy. This will be carried out as part of my transition
Fit-out maintenance Environmental Health & Safety activities
Air quality check are charge on per test point (will check for
A A fungi, microbies, dust and mould) RMB 1100 per check point.
Indoor Air Quality Test Discount will be offer for more check points
Off-site Furniture Storage Service A 22,000 Cost will depend on size of storage required.
TMS Maintenance A A A Cost will depend on TMS system
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
Reactive Maintenance
$618K 47,622 level and experience of technician required
Call out rate range from RMB 80 to RMB 150 depending on the
Chillers, Cooling Towers etc
O A O O O level and experience of technician required
Civil A A Need further clarification on requirements

Out of Scope


1 of 1 JLL_110118_Outsourced FM Strategy A,C,HK R1 - Indicative Price.xlsToday

Support Documents
Attachment A -
Service Requirement &
Serivce Level
Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level
Question Part 2. Part 3 vii
2.1 Understanding of the Scope of please detail who will perform these services and complete every section in
Services the Request for Proposal with specific reference to each sub-contracted
2.3 Compliance to Service service.

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify

Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
B.4.1 Staff Management
Staff Management Y SP
Staffing Level Management Y SP
Staff Performance Y SP
Standard of Conduct Y SP
HR issues Y SP
Timesheets Y SP
B.4.2 Team Management
Team Meeting Y SP
Management Reports Y SP
Metric Reports Y SP
B.4.3 Clients/Customers Management
Property Service Center Y SP
Customer Service Request Y SP
Management Meeting Y SP
User Feedback Y SP
B.4.4 Financial Management
Operating Budget Planning Y SP
Petty cash Y SP
Payment process Y SP
B.4.5 Documentation Management
Filing System Y SP
Contact Lists Y SP
Business Cards Register Y SP
Operational & Maintenance Manual & Building drawings Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
Maintaining Records Y SP
Operational Standards & Building Operations Procedure Y SP

1 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsAustralia

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Working Practices Y SP
Work Standards and Tenants Manual Y SP
Safety Program Y SP
B.5.0 Property Management
B.5.1 Preventive Maintenance
Daily Site Walk Y SP Execution may be sub-contracted on some sites
Weekly visual check Y SP
Repair and modification work Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
B.5.2 Maintenance Contract Management
Maintenance Contract Register Y SP
Contractor Selection Process Y SP
Regular Preventve Maintenance Work Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Administration Y SP
Performance Reporting Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Operational & Maintenance Manual Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
B.5.3 Emergency Call Out and Rectification Services
Emergency Register Y SP
Emergency Coverage Y SP
Emergency Recovery Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
B.5.4 Minor Work - Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs) Project
MAC Management Y SP
Move Coordination Services Y SP
Move Administration / Maintain Records Y SP

General Office Environment Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted

Inventories Records and Storage Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
Signage Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
General Tenant Services Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
Keys and Locks Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
Monthly Site Walk Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted

2 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsAustralia

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Pantry Services Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
Office Plants Arrangement Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
Office Event Coordination Y Managemenht - SP Execution sub-contracted
B.5.6 Building Operations
Operational Staff and Contractors Staff Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Building Systems Operations Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Systems Operational Tests Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Tools and Equipment Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Equipment by Morgan Stanley Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Site Access Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Site Clean Up Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Emergency Response Planning Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
First Aid Responsibilities: Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Emergency and Emergency evacuation support Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Safety Code Compliance Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Energy Conservation and Utilities Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
B.5.9 General Cleaning
Office Cleaning Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Tools and Equipment Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Waste Management / Recycling Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Purchasing Y SP
Price Negotiation Y SP
Contract Management Y SP
Provide operations and management of Morgan Stanley’s security Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Access Card Process Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Access Right Management Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Security Incident Management Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Electronic Security Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted
Security Guard Service Y Management - SP Execution sub-contracted

3 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsAustralia

Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level
Question Part 2. Part 3 vii
2.1 Understanding of the Scope of please detail who will perform these services and complete every section in
Services the Request for Proposal with specific reference to each sub-contracted
2.3 Compliance to Service service.

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify

Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
C.3.1 Staff Management
Staff Management Y SP
Staffing Level Management Y SP
Staff Performance Y SP
Standard of Conduct Y SP
HR issues Y SP
C.3.2 Team Management
Management Meeting Y SP
Team Meeting Y SP
Management Reports Y SP
Metric Reports Y SP
User Feedback Y SP
Operating Budget Planning Y SP
C.3.3 Administration
Filing System Y SP
C.3.3 Administration
Contact Lists Y SP
Business Cards Register Y SP
Work Standards Y SP
Payment process Y SP
Timesheets Y SP
Petty cash Y SP
C.4.1 Routine Maintenance
Daily Site Walk Y SP
Weekly visual check Y SP
Repair and modification work Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Reporting Y SP

4 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsChina

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Documentation Format Y SP
C.4.2 Maintenance Contract Management
Maintenance Contract Register Y SP
Contractor Selection Process Y SP
Regular Preventative Maintenance Work Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Administration Y SP
Performance Reporting Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Operational & Maintenance Manual Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
C.4.3 Emergency Call Out and Rectification Services
Emergency Register Y SP/SC Emerson, FIS, BAC
Emergency Coverage Y SP/SC Emerson, FIS, BAC
Emergency Recovery Y SP/SC Emerson, FIS, BAC
Maintain Records Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
C.4.4 Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC’s)
MAC Management Y SP
Move Administration Y SP
Move Logistics Coordination Y SP
MAC Records Y SP
Inventories Records Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
C.4.5 Property Services
General Office Environment Y SP
Office Assets Management Y SP
Inventories Records and Storage Y SP
Keys and Locks Y SP
C.4.5 Property Services
Office Cleaning Y SC ISS, Chigi, Ottec, Diploma
Fire Safety Y SP
Energy and Environmental Safety Y SP
Car Parking Y SP
C.4.6 Building Operations
Operational Staff and Contractors Staff N NA
Building Systems Operations N NA
Operational & Maintenance Manual N NA
C.4.6 Building Operations

5 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsChina

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Maintaining Records N NA
Operational Standards N NA
Working Practices N NA
Systems Operational Tests N NA
Business Continuity Planning N NA
Tools and Equipment N NA
Equipment by Morgan Stanley N NA
Site Access N NA
Site Clean Up N NA
Documentation Format N NA
C.5.0 RECEPTION (for Zhuhai)
Hours of Service Follow MS requirement SP
Full Reception Coverage Y SP
Switchboard Coverage Y SP
User Services Y SP
Video Conference Y SP
Security Y SP
Hours of Service Follow MS requirement SP
Mail Rounds Y SP
C.6.1 Administration (for Zhuhai)
Corporate Directory Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Security Y SP
C.6.2 Incoming Mail (for Zhuhai)
Receipt of incoming mail Y SP
Logging Volumes Y SP
Sorting incoming mail Y SP
Mail for terminated employees (personal mail only) Y SP
C.6.3 Outgoing Mail (for Zhuhai)
Collection Y SP
Sorting Y SP
Franking Y SP
C.6.4 Courier Services Incoming (for Zhuhai)
Acknowledgement and Records Y SP
Distribution Y SP
C.6.5 Courier Services Outgoing (for Zhuhai)
Collection by Courier Vendors Y SP
Documentation Y SP

6 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsChina

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
POD (proof of delivery) Y SP
C.6.6 Internal Mail Distribution (for Zhuhai)
Collection Y SP
Delivery of sorted mail. Y SP
Incorrectly addressed items (look up mail) Y SP
Desk drops Y SP
C.6.7 Offsite Document Archiving (for Zhuhai)
Management Y SP
Collection Y SP
Retrieval Y SP
Retention Policy Y SP
C.6.8 Stock Control And Purchasing (for Zhuhai)
Stock-control Y SP
Purchasing of stock items Y SP
C.6.9 Security Policy On Incoming Items (for Zhuhai)
Morgan Stanley Security Policy Y SP
Security Clearance (if policy is imposed) Y SP
Handling suspect packages Y SP
C.6.10 Confidential Document Disposal (For Zhuhai)
Confidential document disposal Y SP
C.7.0 REPROGRAPHICS (for Zhuhai)
Convenient Copiers and Fax Equipment Y SP
Off-site Color Coping Service Y SP
Office Equipment Management Y SP
Office Equipment Duties Y SP
Pantry Services Protect Clean cleaning company
Campaign WIS Complete Solutions
Y SP/SC Co.,Ltd.
Office Cleaning Protect Clean cleaning company
Campaign WIS Complete Solutions
Y SP/SC Co.,Ltd.
Office Plants Arrangement Protect Clean cleaning company
Campaign WIS Complete Solutions
Y SP/SC Co.,Ltd.
Translation Service N N/A
Office Event Coordination Y SP
Purchasing Y SP

7 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsChina

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Price Negotiation Y SP
Contract Management Y SP
Subscriptions Y SP
Club Membership Y SP
Vendor Management Y SP
Travel Policy and Procedure Y SP
Escalation Y SP
Corporate Card Y SP
Travel Bookings Y SP
Payment Process Y SP
Access Card Process Y SP
Access Right Management Y SP
Security Incident Management Y SP
CCTV Operation Y SP
Security Guard Service Y SP
Video Call Set Up Y SP
Vendor Management Y SP
Handling Call Problems Y SP
User Training Y SP
Presentation Y SP
Global and Regional Coordination Y SP

8 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsChina

Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level
Hong Kong
Question Part 2. Part 3 vii
2.1 Understanding of the Scope of please detail who will perform these services and complete every section in
Services the Request for Proposal with specific reference to each sub-contracted
2.3 Compliance to Service service.
2.4 Compliance to Service Level
We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
D.4.1 Staff Management
Staff Management Y SP
Staffing Level Management Y SP
Staff Performance Y SP
Code of Conduct Y SP
HR issues Y SP
D.4.2 Team Management
Management Meeting Y SP
Team Meeting Y SP
Management Reports Y SP
Metric Reports Y SP
Communication Y SP
User Feedback Y SP
Operating Budget Planning Y SP
D.4.3 Administration
Filing System Y SP
Contact Lists Y SP
Work Standards Y SP
Payment process Y SP
Timesheets Y SP
Petty cash Y SP
D.5.1 FM back up coverage
Staffing Level Management Y SP
D.5.2 Routine Maintenance
Daily Site Walk Y SP
Weekly visual check Y SP
Repair and modification work Y SP

9 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsHong Kong

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Maintain Records Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
D.5.3 Maintenance Contract Management
Maintenance Contract Register Y SP
Contractor Selection Process Y SP
Regular Preventative Maintenance Work Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Administration Y SP
Performance Reporting Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Operational & Maintenance Manual Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
D.5.4 Emergency Call Out and Rectification Services
Emergency Register Y SP
Emergency Coverage Y SP
Emergency Recovery Y SP
Maintain Records Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
D.5.5 Facilities Services
General Office Environment Y SP
Office Assets Management Y SP
Inventories Records and Storage Y SP
Keys and Locks Y SP
Office Cleaning Y SP
Fire Safety Y SP
Health and Safety Y SP
Energy and Environmental Safety Y SP
Car Parking Y SP
D.5.6 Building Operations
Operational Staff and Contractors Staff Y SP
Building Systems Operations Y SP
Operational & Maintenance Manual Y SP
Maintaining Records Y SP
Operational Standards Y SP
Working Practices Y SP
Business Continuity Planning Y SP
Tools and Equipment Y SP
Equipment by Morgan Stanley Y SP

10 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsHong Kong

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
Site Access Y SP
Site Clean Up Y SP
Documentation Format Y SP
Hours of Facilities Helpdesk Y SP
Facilities Hotline Coverage Y SP
Cafeteria, Dining and Pantry Services Y SP JLL can provide the service but it is
Gymnasium Operations Y SP Sodexho having a direct contract with
Various Amenities Functions Y SP MS at present
Office Plants Arrangement Y SP
Office Cleaning and Pest Control Y SP
Office Event Coordination Y SP
D.8.1 Routine Site Inspection (E&M Facilities and Mission Critical
Daily Site Walk Y SP
Weekly visual check Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Setting up and reviewing the Operation Procedure Y SP
D.8.2 Preventive and Ad-hoc Maintenance Management (Morgan
Stanley’s E&M and Mission Critical Facilities)
Regular Preventative and Ad-hoc Maintenance Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Operations and Maintenance Y SP
Documents Management Y SP
D.8.3 Emergency Call Out and Rectification Services (E&M
Facilities and Mission Critical Facilities)
Emergency Register Y SP
Emergency Coverage Y SP
Emergency Recovery Y SP
D.8.4 Building Operations (Landlord)
Operational Standards NA NA
Working Practices NA NA
Tools and Equipment NA NA MS is tenant at ICC
Site Access NA NA
Regular Preventative and Ad-hoc Maintenance NA NA
D.8.5 Testing & Commissioning and Handover Support
Assist in Testing and Commissioning Y SP

11 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsHong Kong

We Confirm to deliver as per Self-perform (SP) / Sub-contracted If subcontracting, please specify
Service Description Scope (Y-yes / N-No) (SC) vendor name(s)
D.9.1 Routine Site Inspection (Mission Critical Facilities)
Daily Site Walk Y SP
Weekly visual check Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Setting up Operation Procedure Y SP
D.9.2 Preventive and Ad-hoc Maintenance Management (E&M
and Mission Critical Facilities)
Regular Preventative and Ad-hoc Maintenance Y SP
Reporting Y SP
Operations and Maintenance Y SP
Documents Management Y SP
D.9.3 Emergency Call Out and Rectification Services (E&M and
Mission Critical Facilities)
Emergency Register Y SP
Emergency Coverage Y SP
Emergency Recovery Y SP
D.10 Comms Room (or Data Center) Operations
Operational Standards Y SP
Working Practices Y SP
Tools and Equipment Y SP
Site Access Y SP
Assessment of IT equipment Y SP
Notice Updating Y SP
D.11 Minor Work - Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs) Project Management
MAC Management Y SP
Move Coordination Services Y SP
Move Administration / Maintain Records Y SP

12 of 12 Attachment A - Service Requirement & Service Level.xlsHong Kong

Attachment B -
Savings & Innovations
Attachment B
Savings Achieved / Initiatives implemented for Morgan Stanley in the last 18 months in Australia and Hong Kong

Date implemented
Initiative Description Results / $ Saves (in Local Currency) Value Creation (Where applicable) Location
(Month / Year)
Reconfiguring the support of Introduction of a new Australian Legislation increasing Q1 2010 AUD10,000 . A new roster was developed providing 24x7 coverage by Australia
24x7 technicians to manage rostered employees holidays from 4 weeks leave to 5 weeks 7 JLL technicians across 2 sites whilst offering support
critical environment effective on 1 January 2010: JLL took the opportunity to on after-hours vendor site access and performance
support and procatively launch an initiative to reduce the management.
requirement to employ security guards to cover out of hours . Provided more pro-active management for the
work. monitoring of site alarms, critical environment
maintenance, after hours project works, IT cabling and
patching management
. Improved risk management and provided a more
efficient, cost effective means of managing critical
. Improved the management of Permits to Work for all
. Developed a "Weekend Work Briefcase" to improve
handover of tasks and weekend project works for all
sites, ensuring all relevant documentation and
communications are stored in one easy to access

Sourcing Strategy The objective was to put more services under contract as Jul-10 Too early to assess as tender process . Savings are anticipated on Data Cabling and Australia
traditionally 80% of the maintenance work was being not complete for all services. Handyman. Due to increased, more comprehensive
undertaken on ad hoc basis. The main drivers for the scope of works and the additional MSSB sites savings
strategy were cost, rolling in the Morgan Stanley Smith not anticipated for Electrical. Similarly for Fire Services.
Barney (MSSB) sites and risk minimization. Major contracts . Improved risk management
include Fire Services, Electrical, Data Cabling, Handyman

Energy Cost Optimization Visit and investigate the usage pattern of air-conditioning Jan-Sep 2010 $55K annually - siwtched off all copy room extract fans Hong Kong
systems for all functional area - switch off indesk cooling
- switch off pantry FCUs
- reduce the pump speed for half of L39 indesk cooling
Modification of Chiller System May-10 $240K annually Added interconnection pipework and switched off B Hong Kong
Reduce the lighting level in general office area in progress $55K annually Delamping in office areas Hong Kong
UPS rationalization Sep-10 $118K annually Hong Kong - DCB
Visit and investigate the condition of Data Centre and adjust Jun-Dec 2010 $334K annually - increase room temperature of comms room Hong Kong
the room temperature - increase chilled water termperature
Hong Kong
Operating Cost Optimization Pantry wooden floor polishing work Sep-10 $84K annually - having in house cleaning & handymen team to perform Hong Kong
the polishing work
Carpet Spot Clean Apr-10 $300K annually - getting overnight cleaner (free of charge) to provide Hong Kong
carpet spot cleaning

1 of 4 Attachment B - Savings & Innovations.xlsSavings

Date implemented
Initiative Description Results / $ Saves (in Local Currency) Value Creation (Where applicable) Location
(Month / Year)
Manpower Saving during Xanadu project handover and Jul 2009 to Jan 2010 HK$180K for 6 months Provision of inhouse team to manage project handover Hong Kong
manage defects rectification works and carry out rectification works

2 of 4 Attachment B - Savings & Innovations.xlsSavings

Attachment B
Innovation / Improvement Initiatives implemented for Morgan Stanley in the last 18 months in Australia and Hong Kong

Initiative / Innovation/ ISO Date implemented

Description Value Creation Morgan Stanley's participation Location
Certification (Month / Year)
Client service To improve client service across local and regional accounts Improved staff engagement, focus and motivation Morgan Stanley receive quarterly client Australia
and to improve staff networking and information exchange Improved client focus and visibility of JLL teams and summary newsletters
the Account Director has introduced a range of capabilities Quarterly combined staff meetings have
communication and service delivery initiatives including: Better knowledge of site based teams of JLL services been held at Morgan Stanley offices
. Quarterly FM client newsletter Opportunities for client-based teams to visit other client Morgan Stanley have identified focus areas
. Combined account team meetings held at different client Nov 2010 sites Consolidation for IPMPs
sites each time Q2 2009 of information in succinct formats
. Staff newsletter to keep staff appraised of events, Regular Opportunities to introduce key JLL contacts to
announcements and Q2 2009 site teams and clients
. Employee of the month
. Consultation with clients on client focus objectives to be Jan 2010
included in staff individual performance plans (IPMPs). Jan 2010

Continuous Improvement Work CIWG is a program that is run by FM management in each Q1 2010 Morgan Stanley JLL team have participated in CIWG Appreciating the value of the CIWG Australia
Groups (CIWG) country. The objective of the program is to encourage all along with other accounts. The Morgan Stanley team sessions, Morgan Stanley has agreed to
accounts to identify initiatives that will improve processes presented their solution for the "weekend briefcase" host the session scheduled for April 2011
and efficiencies or reduce costs. which was an improved handover of tasks and weekend
project works which also included ensuring the storage of
all relevant documentation and easy to access, central
communications. The team had the benefit of exposure to
the intiatives identified on other client accounts; they are
then able to consider whether these can be implememted
at Morgan Stanley.

New roster implemented for As well as producing costs savings the new roster meant Q2 2010 Utility shift enabled us to upskill these members of staff Provided approval to use a roster specialist Australia
24x7 team. that the team were rostered on to do a day shift (utility shift) so we are now able to use them to complete more tasks. to work through complicated requirements.
every 6 weeks. It also meant that security guards were not Reduction of reliance of security guards meant that we
required. use staff trained in risk management and other duties for
a more productive shift.
Weekend Works Briefcase and As all works in the critical environment are done after hours Q2 2010 Strengthens Critical Environment Management for Buy-in obtained from MS IT for new Australia
Permit to Work System it is important that the technicians managing contractors are Morgan Stanley and therefore risk management. This has procedures.
fully informed. The briefcase allows smooth communication also encompassed IT contractors that are managed by
between day and shift staff. The Permit to work system is the JLL Team (this process filled a gap that we had
JLL best practice in managing method statements and tasks recognised with this).
that are being performed onsite. No contractor is allowed
onsite without fillling in a permit to work form.

3 of 4 Attachment B - Savings & Innovations.xls Innovations

Initiative / Innovation/ ISO Date implemented
Description Value Creation Morgan Stanley's participation Location
Certification (Month / Year)
Restructure of management of Demands of the maintenance workbook became larger at Q3 2010 Management of the maintenance workbook has improved Agreed to business case for accountancy Australia
Maintenance workbook the beginning of 2010 and we were not resourced significantly with accuracy and timeliness no longer an support to assist with new strategy.
including alternate resourcing appropriately. JLL proposed to hire a resource who had issue and Hong Kong more confident with the figures Support from Hong Kong with training for
strategy previous accounting experience so could handle the being reported. new resource.
demands. Workflows amongst the team were also worked
through to create efficiencies. Included the presentation of
JDE1 to Morgan Stanley as an alternative way to manage
financials (this was not accepted).
Establish sourcing procedures & guidelines within JLL team Provision of good practice and present tidy and clear
Sourcing Strategy on going Guidelines from MS sourcing team Hong Kong
which follows ISO procedures. record to MS FCG and CS finance controllers.
Tidy up bad logs / modifying maintenance workbook &
Propose to recruit a finance team, including a Finance establish policies & procedures within Prop Ops,
Client Services - Team With support from client reprentative Tony
Manager and 2 Accouting Officer to assist MS Property Q2-2009 Amenitie & Facilitie teams in the region. Act as the Hong Kong
Reconfiguarate James and co-work with MS CS controllers
Operations and Amenities & Facilities Team. single point of contact for Prop Ops, A&F teams with MS
FCG and CS finance controllers.
Provision of market knowledge and benchmarking
Propose to recuit a civil work supervisor to assist Amenities information within civil works area and enhance the With support from client representative
Q2-2009 Hong Kong
& Facilities team to upkeep the facilities to 5-star standard. supervision standard. Knowledge has been passed to Mehdi Zaidi
other team members.
Reconfigure the working hours of the civil works team to
provide covering from 0730 to 1900 Monday to Friday and Q3-2009 Strengthen civil works management. Hong Kong
0800 to 1800 on every Saturday and Sunday
Provision of defects rectification works management
- VAV rectification
Client Services - Xanadu Achieve MS saving in defects management. Ensurance Co-management with MS Property
- ceiling works rectificaiton
project defects rectificaiton Q2-2009 to Q4-2010 of providing a safe and pleasant working envirionment to Operations and Amenities & Facilities Hong Kong
- double glaze partitions rectification
works management MS. Teams
- VAC trip conniection
- installation of addition fire fighting equipment
Client Services - enhancement Facilities team created a cost / manpower setup menu for Standardize charging cost and easy reference for
Feb, 10 Hong Kong
of policies and procedures events / meeting room setup Catering Team to explain the charging cost to BUs.
Take the initiatives to establish operations guidelines i.e. Provision of standardize operation guidelines to MSHK
cleaning / handymen / technicians and create a handbook Q3-09 to Q1-10 and information shared among all CS teams for the use Hong Kong
for material specifications of other countries in the region
Carry out investigation and trial runs to arrange inhouse
Client Services - workplace
cleaning and handymen teams to carry out wooden floor Q4-09 Achieve saving Hong Kong
polishing work
- Replacement of paper typed wallpaper into vinyl typed
Easy maintenance with provision of a better working
- Replacement of pantry mat floor finish into vinyl tiles 2010 Co-work with MS Project team Hong Kong
- Provision of acoustic enchancement solution
Client Services - service Roll out in the region and become the measuring
Modification of service scoring measuring mechanism Q4-09 Hong Kong
measurement mechanism listed in the MSA between MS & JLL
UPS Rationalization - Carry out investigation at all Morgan Achieve energy saving plus mitigate the risk of capacitors Co-management with MS Property
Energy Conservation Q3-09 to Q1-10 Hong Kong
Stanley critical environment in Hong Kong manufacturer defect Operations team
Carry out investigation of the reduction in terms of numbers Co-management with MS Property
Q1-Q3, 09 Achieve saving Hong Kong
and usage of CRAC units Operations team
Providing an instanct input and electronic helpdesk
Technology Implementation of JLL Helpdesk system, MyFacility Q4-10 Hong Kong
system, which data is saved remotely from MS' server

4 of 4 Attachment B - Savings & Innovations.xls Innovations

Attachment C -
Gantt Chart
Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
2 Transition Management Plan
3 Confirm Appointment MS
4 Confirm and Mobilise Transition Team JLL
5 Arrange and Conduct "Kick Off Meeting and Workshop" JLL
6 Develop Communications Protocol (Meetings etc) MS/ JLL
7 Conduct Weekly Transition Meetings
8 Management Agreement
9 Draft and Amendments Period MS
10 JLL Signatories to Master Agreement JLL
11 MS Signatories to Master Agreement MS
12 Agreement on Change Process Mechanism (Transition and ongoing) MS/ JLL
14 Human Resources
15 Confirmation of Ongoing Management Team JLL
16 Recruitment of Personnel
17 Establish HR activity schedule JLL
18 Brief HR on Requirements JLL
19 Appointment Period for JLL Management Team JLL
20 Conduct Local HR Induction programme as per guidelines JLL
21 Performance Management
22 Performance Management and KPI Brainstorming Session MS/ JLL
23 Development and Agreement on Performance Management Framework MS/ JLL
24 Sign Off on Process by all parties MS/ JLL
25 Test Period (if required) MS/ JLL
26 Vendor Management (all Services Provision)
27 Understand MS Scope Requirement

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 1 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
28 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
29 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
30 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
31 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
32 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
33 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
34 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
35 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
36 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
37 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
38 Operational Processes
39 Establish emergency call list (all service providers, JLL/ MS) MS/ JLL
40 Obtain copies of all current Policies and Procedures MS/ JLL
41 Develop Account Specific Operating Workflows (as required) MS/ JLL
42 Instruction to Management Team on Operations JLL
43 Determine Critical Enviroment requirements
44 Understand MS existing EHS requirements
45 Financial Management
46 Determine actual cut-over dates from previous processes MS/ JLL
47 Request property numbers for MS from Corporate Accounting JLL
48 Obtain property listing spreadsheet with entities as required MS
49 Define monthly financial reporting requirements MS/ JLL
50 Document accounting processes & procedures MS/ JLL
51 Understand MS Approval Limits MS/ JLL
52 Develop current/proposed budget MS/ JLL
53 Obtain MS's requirements for invoice payment MS
54 Understand MS's current procurement to payment structure MS/ JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 2 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
55 Obtain purchase order approval levels JLL
56 Set up training for new staff JLL
57 Reporting Process commencement
58 Help Desk
59 Workflows and Processes
60 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
61 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
62 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
63 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
64 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
65 Telephony Requirements
66 Confirm if number is required MS
67 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
68 Order any new numbers as required JLL
69 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
70 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
71 Data Collection and Loading
72 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
73 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
74 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
75 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
76 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
77 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
78 Vendor Communication
79 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
80 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
81 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 3 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
82 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
83 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
84 Data Uploaded into System JLL
85 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
86 MS End User Communication
87 Define Requirements JLL/MS
88 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
89 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
90 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
91 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
92 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
93 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
94 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
95 Conduct Satellite HelpDesk Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
96 Commence Help Desk Operations
97 Planned Maintenance Requirements
98 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
99 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
100 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
101 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
102 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
103 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
104 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
105 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
106 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
107 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
108 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 4 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
109 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
110 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
111 Issue first set of work orders JLL
112 First set of Reporting Outputs
113 OneView Extranet Site
114 Determine interim site requirements for Transition
115 Build OneView Site for Transition
116 Develop Specific ongoing Account Management requirements
117 Handover Site to Ongoing JLL Management Team
118 Contract Management Database
119 Finalise Requirements
120 Establishment Period
121 Data Collection and Loading
122 Testing and Training Period
123 Operational Commencement
125 Vendor Management (move from agent to principal model)
126 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
127 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
128 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
129 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
130 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
131 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
132 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
133 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
134 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
135 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 5 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
136 Help Desk (change of technology)
137 Workflows and Processes
138 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
139 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
140 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
141 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
142 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
143 Telephony Requirements
144 Confirm if number is required MS
145 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
146 Order any new numbers as required JLL
147 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
148 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
149 Data Collection and Loading
150 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
151 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
152 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
153 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
154 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
155 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
156 Vendor Communication
157 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
158 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
159 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS
160 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
161 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
162 Data Uploaded into System JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 6 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
163 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
164 MS End User Communication
165 Define Requirements JLL/MS
166 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
167 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
168 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
169 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
170 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
171 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
172 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
173 Conduct Satellite HelpDesk Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
174 Decommission MyFacility JLL
175 Commence Help Desk Operations
176 Planned Maintenance Requirements
177 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
178 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
179 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
180 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
181 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
182 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
183 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
184 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
185 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
186 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
187 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS
188 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
189 Verify Uploaded Data JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 7 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
190 Issue first set of work orders JLL
191 First set of Reporting Outputs
193 Vendor Management (move from agent to principal model)
194 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
195 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
196 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
197 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
198 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
199 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
200 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
201 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
202 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
203 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
204 Help Desk
205 Workflows and Processes
206 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
207 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
208 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
209 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
210 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
211 Telephony Requirements
212 Confirm if number is required MS
213 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
214 Order any new numbers as required JLL
215 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
216 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 8 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
217 Data Collection and Loading
218 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
219 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
220 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
221 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
222 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
223 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
224 Vendor Communication
225 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
226 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
227 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS
228 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
229 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
230 Data Uploaded into System JLL
231 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
232 MS End User Communication
233 Define Requirements JLL/MS
234 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
235 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
236 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
237 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
238 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
239 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
240 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
241 Conduct Satellite HelpDesk Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
242 Decommission MyFacility JLL
243 Commence Help Desk Operations

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 9 of 10

Draft Transition Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
244 Planned Maintenance Requirements
245 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
246 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
247 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
248 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
249 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
250 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
251 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
252 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
253 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
254 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
255 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS
256 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
257 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
258 Issue first set of work orders JLL
259 Decommission Maximo JLL
260 First set of Reporting Outputs

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 10 of 10

Attachment C2 -
Gantt Chart for
Alternative Proposal
Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
2 Transition Management Plan
3 Confirm Appointment MS
4 Confirm and Mobilise Transition Team JLL
5 Arrange and Conduct "Kick Off Meeting and Workshop" JLL
6 Develop Communications Protocol (Meetings etc) MS/ JLL
7 Conduct Weekly Transition Meetings
8 Management Agreement
9 Draft and Amendments Period MS
10 JLL Signatories to Master Agreement JLL
11 MS Signatories to Master Agreement MS
12 Agreement on Change Process Mechanism (Transition and ongoing) MS/ JLL
14 Human Resources
15 Confirmation of Ongoing Management Team JLL
16 Recruitment of Personnel
17 Establish HR activity schedule JLL
18 Brief HR on Requirements JLL
19 Appointment Period for JLL Management Team JLL
20 Conduct Local HR Induction programme as per guidelines JLL
21 Performance Management
22 Performance Management and KPI Brainstorming Session MS/ JLL
23 Development and Agreement on Performance Management Framework MS/ JLL
24 Sign Off on Process by all parties MS/ JLL
25 Test Period (if required) MS/ JLL
26 Vendor Management (all Services Provision)
27 Understand MS Scope Requirement

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 1 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
28 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
29 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
30 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
31 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
32 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
33 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
34 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
35 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
36 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
37 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
38 Operational Processes
39 Establish emergency call list (all service providers, JLL/ MS) MS/ JLL
40 Obtain copies of all current Policies and Procedures MS/ JLL
41 Develop Account Specific Operating Workflows (as required) MS/ JLL
42 Instruction to Management Team on Operations JLL
43 Determine Critical Enviroment requirements
44 Understand MS existing EHS requirements
45 Financial Management
46 Determine actual cut-over dates from previous processes MS/ JLL
47 Request property numbers for MS from Corporate Accounting JLL
48 Obtain property listing spreadsheet with entities as required MS
49 Define monthly financial reporting requirements MS/ JLL
50 Document accounting processes & procedures MS/ JLL
51 Understand MS Approval Limits MS/ JLL
52 Develop current/proposed budget MS/ JLL
53 Obtain MS's requirements for invoice payment MS
54 Understand MS's current procurement to payment structure MS/ JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 2 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
55 Obtain purchase order approval levels JLL
56 Set up training for new staff JLL
57 Reporting Process commencement
58 Help Desk
59 Workflows and Processes
60 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
61 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
62 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
63 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
64 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
65 Telephony Requirements
66 Confirm if number is required MS
67 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
68 Order any new numbers as required JLL
69 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
70 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
71 Data Collection and Loading
72 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
73 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
74 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
75 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
76 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
77 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
78 Vendor Communication
79 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
80 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
81 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 3 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
82 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
83 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
84 Data Uploaded into System JLL
85 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
86 MS End User Communication
87 Define Requirements JLL/MS
88 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
89 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
90 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
91 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
92 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
93 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
94 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
95 Conduct PSC Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
96 Commence Help Desk Operations
97 Planned Maintenance Requirements
98 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
99 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
100 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
101 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
102 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
103 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
104 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
105 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
106 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
107 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
108 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 4 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
109 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
110 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
111 Issue first set of work orders JLL
112 First set of Reporting Outputs
113 OneView Extranet Site
114 Determine interim site requirements for Transition
115 Build OneView Site for Transition
116 Develop Specific ongoing Account Management requirements
117 Handover Site to Ongoing JLL Management Team
118 Contract Management Database
119 Finalise Requirements
120 Establishment Period
121 Data Collection and Loading
122 Testing and Training Period
123 Operational Commencement
125 Vendor Management (move from agent to principal model)
126 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
127 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
128 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
129 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
130 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
131 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
132 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
133 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
134 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
135 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 5 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
136 Help Desk (change of technology)
137 Workflows and Processes
138 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
139 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
140 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
141 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
142 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
143 Telephony Requirements
144 Confirm if number is required MS
145 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
146 Order any new numbers as required JLL
147 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
148 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
149 Data Collection and Loading
150 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
151 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
152 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
153 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
154 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
155 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
156 Vendor Communication
157 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
158 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
159 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS
160 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
161 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
162 Data Uploaded into System JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 6 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
163 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
164 MS End User Communication
165 Define Requirements JLL/MS
166 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
167 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
168 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
169 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
170 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
171 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
172 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
173 Conduct PSC Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
174 Decommission MyFacility JLL
175 Commence Help Desk Operations
176 Planned Maintenance Requirements
177 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
178 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
179 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
180 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
181 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
182 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
183 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
184 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
185 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
186 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
187 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS
188 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
189 Verify Uploaded Data JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 7 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
190 Issue first set of work orders JLL
191 First set of Reporting Outputs
193 Vendor Management (move from agent to principal model)
194 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
195 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
196 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
197 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
198 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
199 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
200 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
201 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
202 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
203 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
204 Help Desk
205 Workflows and Processes
206 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
207 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
208 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
209 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
210 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
211 Telephony Requirements
212 Confirm if number is required MS
213 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
214 Order any new numbers as required JLL
215 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
216 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 8 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
217 Data Collection and Loading
218 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
219 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
220 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
221 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
222 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
223 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
224 Vendor Communication
225 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
226 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
227 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS
228 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
229 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
230 Data Uploaded into System JLL
231 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
232 MS End User Communication
233 Define Requirements JLL/MS
234 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
235 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
236 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
237 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
238 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
239 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
240 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
241 Conduct PSC Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
242 Decommission MyFacility JLL
243 Commence Help Desk Operations

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 9 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
244 Planned Maintenance Requirements
245 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
246 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
247 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
248 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
249 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
250 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
251 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
252 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
253 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
254 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
255 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS
256 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
257 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
258 Issue first set of work orders JLL
259 Decommission Maximo JLL
260 First set of Reporting Outputs
262 Vendor Management (all Services Provision)
263 Understand MS Scope Requirement
264 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
265 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
266 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
267 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
268 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
269 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
270 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 10 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
271 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
272 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
273 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
274 Help Desk
275 Workflows and Processes
276 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
277 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
278 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
279 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS
280 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
281 Telephony Requirements
282 Confirm if number is required MS
283 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
284 Order any new numbers as required JLL
285 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
286 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
287 Data Collection and Loading
288 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
289 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
290 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
291 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
292 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
293 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
294 Vendor Communication
295 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
296 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
297 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 11 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
298 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
299 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
300 Data Uploaded into System JLL
301 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
302 MS End User Communication
303 Define Requirements JLL/MS
304 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
305 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
306 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS
307 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
308 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
309 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
310 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
311 Conduct PSC Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
312 Commence Help Desk Operations
313 Planned Maintenance Requirements
314 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
315 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
316 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
317 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
318 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
319 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
320 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
321 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
322 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
323 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
324 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 12 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
325 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
326 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
327 Issue first set of work orders JLL
328 First set of Reporting Outputs
329 OneView Extranet Site
330 Determine interim site requirements for Transition
331 Build OneView Site for Transition
332 Develop Specific ongoing Account Management requirements
333 Handover Site to Ongoing JLL Management Team
335 Vendor Management (move from agent to principal model)
336 Vendor Information Data Gathering/ Validation Period MS/ JLL
337 Distribute vendor notification packages to MS for review/approval JLL
338 Send out Vendors notification packages JLL
339 Send out Landlord/ Managing Agent Notices (as applicable) JLL
340 Receipt of Vendor requested items JLL
341 Negotiation Period with New Vendors (as required) JLL
342 Appointment Period for New Vendors JLL
343 Contact critical vendors who have not returned required items JLL
344 Develop the standard contract templates JLL
345 All Contracts under the operational control and direction of JLL
346 Help Desk
347 Workflows and Processes
348 Issue MS with standard Process Workflows for review JLL
349 MS Review Period of Workflows MS
350 Revision period to match Workflows with MS requirements JLL
351 MS sign off on Process Workflows MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 13 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
352 Help Desk Team Training on agreed processes and requirements
353 Telephony Requirements
354 Confirm if number is required MS
355 Determine process requirements MS/JLL
356 Order any new numbers as required JLL
357 Determine After Hours Process and Flow JLL/MS
358 Agree on Escalation Process JLL/MS
359 Data Collection and Loading
360 Issue MS with PSC Data Loaders & explain requirements JLL
361 MS Data Loader collection period JLL/MS
362 Data upload into Clarify and confirm gaps with MS JLL/MS
363 Agreement on Service/ Work Types JLL/MS
364 Update Clarify to reflect agreed Service/ Work Types JLL
365 Final Data Validation Period JLL/MS
366 Vendor Communication
367 Determine use of JLL Vendors or MS (or both) JLL/MS
368 Provide Draft Vendor letter to MS for review JLL
369 MS Approval of Vendor Letter MS
370 MS Issues Letter to Vendors on the appointment of JLL MS
371 Return Period for Vendor information JLL/MS
372 Data Uploaded into System JLL
373 Follow up on outstanding information JLL
374 MS End User Communication
375 Define Requirements JLL/MS
376 Establish Hosting requirements (e.g. MS Extranet/ OneView etc) JLL/MS
377 Define Communications Strategy with MS JLL/MS
378 Development of Communication Documentation (Flyer/ Notifications etc) JLL/MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 14 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
379 MS Sign Off on Communication Documentation JLL/MS
380 Determine MS end user Training requirements JLL/MS
381 Issue Communication to MS end users JLL/MS
382 Issue Training Schedule for MS end users JLL/MS
383 Conduct PSC Training (via phone and web) JLL/MS
384 Decommission MyFacility JLL
385 Commence Help Desk Operations
386 Planned Maintenance Requirements
387 Confirm In Scope Properties MS/ JLL
388 Obtain copy of current vendor and PPM databases JLL/MS
389 Issue Data Capture Templates to FM Leads (verification process) JLL
390 Prepare Operational Environment (high level process) JLL
391 Develop Guiding Principles JLL
392 Establish Site Coding Convention JLL/MS
393 Establish Status of MS ID Codes JLL/MS
394 Establish Coding and Hierarchy Structure JLL/MS
395 Agree Mandatory Equipment and Service Type Fields JLL/MS
396 Present to MS Reporting Outputs (OneView) JLL
397 MS Signs Off on Reporting Outputs MS
398 Load Agreed Data Configuration Templates into System JLL
399 Verify Uploaded Data JLL
400 Issue first set of work orders JLL
401 Decommission Maximo JLL
402 First set of Reporting Outputs
403 OneView Extranet Site
404 Determine interim site requirements for Transition
405 Integrate Oneview Site with All Countries Site

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 15 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
406 Develop Specific ongoing Account Management requirements
407 Handover Site to Ongoing JLL Management Team
408 ACCOUNTING & FINANCE (All Countries)
409 General Information
410 Determine actual cut-over dates JLL/MS
411 Request property numbers for MS from Corporate Accounting JLL/MS
412 Obtain property listing spreadsheet with associated cost centre JLL/MS
413 Obtain MS's chart of accounts JLL/MS
414 Map JDE chart of accounts to MS chart accounts JLL/MS
415 Confirm final chart of accounts with MS and Account Manager JLL/MS
416 Define monthly financial reporting package with MS and Account Manager JLL/MS
417 Finalize Funding Process JLL/MS
418 Submit bank account setup JLL
419 Provide MS with bank account and routing information JLL
420 Budget Activities
421 Obtain Electronic copies of Operating & Capital budgets from MS JLL/MS
422 Obtain Jones Lang LaSalle reimbursable expenses for budget inclusion JLL
423 Review MS's current budgeting process JLL/MS
424 Convert budget to JDE standard Chart of Accounts JLL/MS
425 Provide budgets to Account Manager (for approval) JLL/MS
426 Upload Budgets into JDE JLL
427 Accounts Payable
428 Obtain MS's requirements for invoice payment JLL/MS
429 Understand MS's current procurement to payment structure JLL/MS
430 Document accounting processes & procedures JLL
431 Implement OneView Financial System
432 Determine functions that JDE will provide JLL/MS

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 16 of 17

Draft Transition Alternate Proposal Milestone Plan
ID Task Name th -1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
W-4 W-2 W1 W3 W5 W7 W9 W11 W13 W15 W17 W19
433 Complete & distribute JDE set-up documents JLL/MS
434 Develop accrual report format JLL/MS
435 Obtain JDE User List
436 Obtain purchase order approval levels for JDE User Setup
437 Complete & Submit the Segregation of Duties JLL/MS
438 Set up JDE training for new staff JLL
439 Start processing invoices JLL
441 Requirements Definition
442 Present Standard Help Desk Reports to Morgan Stanley JLL
443 Present Standard Planned Maintenance Reports to Morgan Stanley JLL
444 Morgan Stanley Review Period of Standard Reports MS
445 Morgan Stanley confirms Acceptance of OneView Reports MS
446 Agreement reached if variations/additions to reports are required JLL/MS
447 Agree new timeline for variations/additions to reports JLL/MS
448 Testing of Help Desk Reports (post go-live) JLL
449 First set of Help Desk Reports available online JLL
450 First set of Planned Maintenance Reports available online JLL

Task Milestone External Tasks

Morgan Stanley
Transition Plan Split Summary External Milestone
Jan 2011 - Draft
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Jones Lang LaSalle 17 of 17

Attachment D -
Certificate of Verification of
JLL Global General Liability
Helen Kavanagh
Vice President

Marsh USA Inc.

99 High Street
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: (617) 385-0218
Fax: (617) 385-0344

November 19, 2010


RE: Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. etal

IFM / PDS Insurance Program

Marsh USA is the appointed insurance broker on behalf of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. (“JLL”) with
respect to the IFM/PDS insurance program.

Marsh has placed the following insurance policy for JLL effective November 15, 2010.

Foreign Commercial General Liability / Automobile Liability

• Policy Period: November 15, 2010 to November 15, 2011
• Policy Number: 80-0270004
• Insurer: The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania (AIG)
A.M. Best’s Rating: A, XV
Standard & Poor’s Rating: A+
• Limits of Insurance
o Master Control Program Aggregate US$7,000,000
o General Aggregate US$5,000,000
o Products/Completed Operations Aggregate US$2,000,000
o Personal & Advertising Injury US$1,000,000
o Employee Benefits US$1,000,000
o Each Occurrence US$1,000,000
o Owned, Hired, & Non-Owned Auto Liability US$1,000,000
o Medical Expenses – per person US$ 30,000

The Foreign Commercial General Liability policy provides coverage for third party claims alleging
bodily injury and/or property damage arising from the insured’s operations. Coverage is written on
an “occurrence basis”. The “occurrence” form provides coverage for injury and damage that occurs
during the policy period. Automobile liability is provided for owned, hired and non-owned
automobile liability Excess/DIC of statutory coverage. Local liability policies are issued as part of
the AIU program where statutorily required. The insurer has the right and duty to defend any claim
that is reported under the policy. The coverage territory is anywhere in the world excluding The
United States of America (including its territories and possessions) and Canada and Puerto Rico and
those countries against which the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the
Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions. Primary Employers Liability is
included on the locally placed admitted general liability policy where required.
Foreign Voluntary Compensation/Employers Liability
• Policy Period: November 15, 2010 to November 15, 2011
• Policy Number: 83-55133
• Insurer: The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania (AIG)
A.M. Best’s Rating: A p, XV
Standard & Poor’s Rating: A+
• Limits of Insurance
o Worker’s Compensation: Statutory Benefits
o Employer’s Liability: US$1,000,000 Bodily Injury by accident or disease;
each employee / policy limit
o Excess Repatriation Expenses: US$250,000 Per Person

The Foreign Worker’s Compensation policy provides coverage anywhere in the world, including
international waters or airspace, but excluding (a) the United States of America (including its
territories and possessions), (b) Puerto Rico, and (c) Canada and those countries against which the
Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury administers and enforces
economic and trade sanctions. No coverage is afforded under Coverage B-Employers’ Liability for
claims made, suits brought, judgments rendered or payments made in the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Turkey. Primary Employers Liability is
included on the locally placed admitted general liability policy where customary.

Umbrella Liability
• Policy Period: November 15, 2010 to November 15, 2011
• Policy Number: AUC 59944289-02
• Insurer: Steadfast Insurance Company (Zurich)
A.M. Best’s Rating: A g, XV
Standard & Poor’s Rating: AA-
• Limits of Insurance
o US$10,000,000 Each Occurrence
o US$10,000,000 Aggregate (per location)

The Umbrella is excess over the Foreign Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability
insurance. The coverage territory is the same as the primary coverage except this insurance will not
apply to loss, injury, damage, claim or suit arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection
with Terrorism that occurs in the following countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba,
Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, North Korea, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya,
Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Somali, Sudan,
Thailand, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen or Zimbabwe.

The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania is a Chartis Company. Chartis is the marketing
name for the worldwide property-casualty and general insurance operations of Chartis Inc. For
additional information, please visit the Chartis website at All
products are written by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of Chartis Inc. Chartis is the
world’s leading international insurance and financial services organization, with operations in more
than 130 countries and jurisdictions. Chartis’ common stock is listed on the New York Stock
Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in London, Paris, Switzerland and Tokyo.

Steadfast Insurance Company is a member company of Zurich.


Helen Kavanagh

Helen Kavanagh
Vice President
Marsh USA
Telephone: (617) 385-0218
Attachment E -
Annual Reports

Last 2 years Annual reports enclosed as Attachment E for reference.

All information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable, however no
representation or warranty is made to the accuracy thereof.

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