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need of BE in corresponding'under
TVM specialization) process Al
Engineering The Instrumentation,Engineering
AM study
IMST, meeting.
Hyderabad the
30 of
09 Tirunal and regulationtheir
COIMBATORE Madurai with
at the degree and Biomedical
//meet.google.com/nsz-rdve-xpu) IIT
of and
agenda verticals
STMicroelectronics BE (Minor) 2023Physics
Sree CT
CT MadrasNanospace PSG CT CT
regulations. the and
TECHNOLOGY:on Wing. of PSG BE Medical for
in mode PSG Colege CT PSG presented 2019 Management.
meeting CT BME,
PSGCT CT and Electives
BME, I|T Technology PSG PSG BME, CT PSG offering to were
Group, Plasmonic BME, PSG CT specialization)
online CSRC Thiagaraja of CT 2023 common B'
Engineer., Dept.BME.of PSGPSG BME, Professional
Dept. of
Dept. BME. and approved Annexure
through Engg. Dept. for for
& Biomedical of of (SI.Gr), of BME,
BME, of Verticaisassessment members Healthcare
https CNCE Prof, ECE, Dept.
Dept. Dept.
), of verticals Medical
OF Head, Biomedical SI.GrGr), Dept. Dept.
Design of with verticals and Course
COLLEGE Assoc. of
of conducted
& IRD, Prof, Prof., Prof
Prof., ), (Sr
Prof.( Dept.
Dept. Gr). Elective presented. following of
Board ProfessorG,
SI.Gr Prof. the (Hons 4 and A'
Prof. Internet
Dean, Rengan,Analog Asst. Prof.
theProf.(SI internal welcomed creating Annexure
ScientistAssoc. Assoc.
Professor, Assoc. Prof.(
Asst. Asst. Prof. matter. Board: The
Asst. attend Professional BE
the Gopalakrishnan, degree. was Engineering. the
PSG was Kandaswamy, Kumar,
Raja, Asst.
Sreepadmini, of BE(Hons),
Vidhyapriya, Kumar Rekha,Asst.Sangeetha,
Padmapriya, Asst. academic suggested
of Meeting Joseph,
not scheme theVidhyapriya formulation in approved
Sujatha, Alagu Priyanka,
Shrinithi, Brindha, (Minor) listed
Minutes Hemasai Umesh, of 2019
Banu could
present: Aravind Points
of Recommnendations are
Roy RA in other offering board Healthcare,
Biomedical board
BoS M.S. Creation
BE Change 19D027
R. A. N B. B. S. N. R. R. Ms.S. whoD. elective electives
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. and Any R.
The Dr. Dr. Ms. Ms. Ms.
11. Dr.
Members The The
Dr. for
10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
1 2 3 8. 1. 2. 3.
19D030 Blockchain Technology
Brain Computer Interface
190032 Microbiology and Pathology
19D033 Biosensors
19D034 Mechanobi ology
19D036 Biomedical Entrepreneurship
Medical Ethics
Quality Healthcare and Patient
19D038 Safety
Medical Device Regulatory Standards &
19D039 Safety
Clinical Engineering
4. The board
approved the following Professional Electives for BE
2023 regulations. Biomedical Engineering under
Course Code Course Title
Internet of Medical Things
Neural Networks and Deep
23D027 Learning
Blockchain Technology
Body Area Networks
Microbiology and Pathology
23D049 Mechanobiology
Hospital Waste Management
Biomedical Entrepreneurship
Medical Ethics
23D065 Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety
Medical Device Regulatory Standards &
23D068 Safety
Clinical Engineering
5. Dr. N. Sujatha & Dr. Roy Joseph suggested changing the title
of 19D032/23D063
6. Dr. N Sujatha
course to 'Biomedical Entrepreneurship'.
suggested to name a vertical as "Medical Physics and
7. Dr. Aravind Kumar
Rengan suggested to name a Instrumentation
Healthcare' vertical as 'Artificial Intelligence (Al) in
8. Dr. RA Alagu Raja
suggested ordering the verticals as I: Medical Physics and
Al in Healthcare', Ill:
Bioengineering and IV: Healthcare Instrumentation,
9. Dr. Roy Joseph
insisted on imparting the knowledge Management.
about CDSCO guidelines in the
19D033/23D064 'Medical Ethics' course. He also
suggested the course title Quality
and Patient Safety' to replace the Heaithcare
title 19D034/23D065 'Health Quality and Patient Safety
10 Dr N
Sujatha recommended
Quality includ1ng Requlation Standards
Healthcare and Patient Safety in the
students on the choice of She spoke on the need
electives through a mentor. to gve 19D034/23D065
proper counseling to the
11. Dr
Aravind Kumar Rengan
suggested the inclusion
19D030/23D047 Biosensors' course
12. Dr.
of Lateral Flow Assays in the
RAAlagu Rajasuggested introducing advanced concepts in the
Networks' course. He also suggested to 19D028/23D028 Body Area
23D025 Neural Networks and Deep include topics on pre-trained Deep Learning models in the
13 The committee Learning course.
14 Finally. HoD
suggested grouping the Biomaterials course
under the 'Bioengineering' vertical.
thanked the committee members and the
meeting was formally concluded.

Chairman - BoS

Please Sign
Name Sign Name Sign Name Sign Name Sign Name Sign



VerticalL: Medical Physics and
19D00 1
19D002 Electromagnetic
Medical Optics
Fields in Biology and
19D003 Ultrasound in Medic1ne
19D005 Magnetic Resonance Imag1ng
19D006 Embedded System Design
19D012 Advanced Medical Equipments
19D02 1 Modeling of Physiolog1cal Systems
19D014 Advanced Dig1tal Signal Processing
19D017 Wearabie Technologies
Medical Robotics
19D019 Rehabilitation
Occupational Engineeing
Biomechanics and Ergonomics
Vertical I: Alin Healthcare
Mobile Application Development
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
Artificial Inteligence
Advanced Machine Learning
19D025 Security for Medical Devices
Internet of Medical Things
190028 Body Area Networks
Blockchain Technology
Brain Computer Interface

Vertical ll: Bioengineering

19D008 Engineering of Nanomatenais
19D009 Drug Delivery Systems
Bioanalytical Techniques and Characterization
CellBiology and Tissue
19D013 Eng1neering
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computer Aided Drug Design
Microbiology and Pathoiogy
19D034 Mechanobiology
Vertical IV: Healthcare Management
19D007 Hospital Systems Management
19D015 Telemedicine and Healthcare Delvery
19D022 Database Management Systems
19D035 Biomedical Entrepreneurship
19D036 Medical Ethics
19D037 Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety
19D038 Medicai Device Regulatory Standards & Safety
19D039 Clinical Eng1neering
Vertical|: Medical Physics And
23D002 Medical Optics
23D003 Ultrasound in Medicine
23D004 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
23D005 Advanced Medical Equipments
23D006 Modeling of Physiological Systems
23D008 Wearable Technologies
Medical Robotics
23D010 Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics
Rehabilitation Engineering
Vertical ll: Al in Healthcare
23D021 Artificial Intelligence
23D022 Advanced Machine Learning
23D023 Internet of Medical Things
23D024 Brain Computer Interface
23D025 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
23D026 Mobile Application Development
23D027 Blockchain Technology
23D028 Body Area Networks

Vertical ll: Bioengineering

23D041 Engineering of Nanomaterials
23D042 Drug Delivery Systems
23D043 Bioanalytical Techniques
23D044 Biofluidics and Thermodynamics
Computational Biology
Microbiology and Pathology
23D049 Mechanobiology
Computer Aided Drug Design
23D050 Biomaterials
Vertical V: Healthcare Management
23D061 Hospital Management Systems
23D062 Hospital Waste Management
23D063 Biomedical Entrepreneurship
23D064 Medical Ethics
23D065 Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety
23D066 Medical Device Regulatory Standards & Safety
23D067 Database Management Sytems
23D068 Clinical Engineering
67rh ACM


BEHAvlouR: lntrodudion to the physics and chemisrry.or
creen and dimare reipons,J]$rtil",iil"tnanical
properties, phase t.rii-,I"ii'".,, #ersy
in buiti,irE
mareriars, Focusing on
(1 1) "na
srRUcruRAL MATERIALS: criteria for selec{ion
reinforced polymers, Fire proofing materiats, of struciur€l materiars:ceramics andcrass,Metars, porymers,
eitr;r];irr;"r"riai., fvpi""iariio *11i"'"no other Fibre
btomass resource!. (11)
NoN'srRUcruRAL MATERIALS: criteria for
selection of non conslrudion malerials: pvc,
Acoustics' Thermal and sound. inrrr.irn'r.Lrili!, '6?"n Epoxy, Thermocole, Geotextile,
chemicats -
oriroins ;;ffi;, .i;H, painrs for Road markins. consrrucrion
seatanrs, ensineerins
sdi;;;;;;;,';i;;;r", and idhesives. (1i)
sPEclAL GoNCRETE: High strength and hlgh-performan@
@ncrete - vacuum @ncrete concrele - FRp - Fibre relnforced p_olymer
composlte - Lightweight
'-silica fume - r""i"ament andEno concrete - concrete for off shore struclure, Bac{eriar
concrele' self curins and self healing con*eie:
"on-""'[.r.ron'-Jeiiruc'tive rElurg ,"-rh;Jii,
vs'ruu'yo t"rfing c0
rnernoos ror in"r.t". scope, type and appricarion
smart and lntelligenl materiats in uulioinls. (12)

Totat L:45
2' Mamlouk M's' ZaniewskiJ.p "na'.iirtiirl'i"-r birl-rinic-.trucrion Engineers,,,
' Frentice Halr rnc., 1099.
? Aitkens,.HighperformanceConcrete,,, M"Crr*ififi.iess.
i!ty1?i13f:$l;a:U:ntJa***j,:"tl,Ulrille"sna u"rc,i"rs",,ndian
concrere rnsr*ure,1ee7
EdwaNawv E G., rconcrete constructLn Eil;;il Handbook,,, cRC press, New york, 1997.


REMoTE sENslNG sYSTEM: Elements
of EMR - wavelength regions - erergy inreraction in atrnosphere - scattering -
aLnospheric windorars tenestrial lnteraaion
- --rp""rrr'iiln""tin"" iurr"s - Fi"n",i,r'ur""kbody raw - dispracement raw and
emissivitv effecls - n""' *o1t{I:,llu]flFo",i;ii;bi""t. - Radar interarriJn'iri'r, eanr, surfac€ and vegerailon,
scallering theory - active an'd passive remoie surfaoe
sensing - plitforms.
s"niorr-us"a in ,"mote sensing - types of relorutions (1 .r
interpretation' Radar principles an't apptications--'siiiil oF.sATELLlrE IMAGERIES: Thermal sensors - thermar image
,r,o.il. -rvp-"i'o?aa, produc{ - sotware and hardware
Processins - edrirents oiri.r.iiras" "ppri""ri* riiiirrir-."s" processins
inrerilhau;;'- rechniques, Landuse /
cHAMcrERlsrlcs oF sArELllrEs AND rHEtRAPPffg4It-9!-s,GoES, NoM, MErEosAr, ,J3ll - Land observauon
iXB['E:^f]?Tl;?[3"1,ff;ili3l,3"i; ftffi,'durcxarno, - seeser, 'sinn,'srns,'-Ei;s, JERS,

REMoTE sENslNG APPLIcAT-loNs-: Urban

land use planning urban sprawl - cadastrar
- resource manasement - rrp'p,ns oiinnasrruaii"']L.iririlI'"ro mapping - site sereclion for various
ll[itJft:Ht"i;"jects prannins - inresrarion or sarer*e
(1 1)

Total L:4s
1' Lillisand r' Kiefer R' w and chipman J., "Remole sensing and lmage lnterpretation,,, John
wiley & sons, New york, 201s.
' j:R}'r'rt# R', 'Remote seniins otiile'i-nirii,i"ljr'n-n errrn nEioriJ""ir*iri*',, 2nd Ed., prenrice Har, New
3. Sabins F F, "Remore sensino.- prin.jpres
and rnterpretarion',, waverand
3-,c Edition,
rnc., 2007. press
ieryi, S;;ffi1;;;or & Francis, London,
James B. Campbe,, "tntrodulionlo.
Manuar ot nimotetensins", zni EJir*,'e,"ii"rn
nlf S;ffi:ffiH,:::13;'r:'""'try, Sociery or phoiosrammerry,




30th JULY 2022

Volume II


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 – 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 – 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Appendix. No Department Name Programmes Page. No
Metallurgical Engineering 275
Production Engineering 304
Robotics and Automation 367
I Biotechnology 396
Fashion Technology 426
Information Technology 456
Textile Technology 484
BE (Sandwich) Regulations, Courses of Study, Scheme of
Assessment and Syllabi
II Electrical and Electronics Engineering 531
Mechanical Engineering 542
Production Engineering 554
Language Electives 565
III (a) & (b) Biomedical Engineering Open Elective Courses 568
IV Civil Engineering Professional Elective Course 570
V (a) Electrical and Electronics Engineering Open Elective Courses 571
VI (a) 572
Metallurgical Engineering Open Elective Course
VI (b) 574
VII (a) Open Elective Courses 575
Production Engineering
VII (b) Professional Elective Course 576
VIII (a) Open Elective Courses 577
Robotics and Automation Engineering
VIII (b) One Credit Course 579
IX Information Technology Open Elective Course 580
X Management Sciences Audit Course 581
XI Mandatory Professional Elective Course 582
XII Members of the Academic Council for the Period 2021-2022 585
List of External Members of Various Boards of Studies for the Period
XIII 2021-2022 589
67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23Y102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23Y103 Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
4 23Y104 Applied Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
6 23Y110 Basic Science Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS
7 23Y111 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
8 23IP15 Induction Programme** 0 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 26 hrs 15 3 8 22 320 380 700

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Complex Variables and
1 23Y201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23Y202 Material Science 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Chemistry of Engineering
3 23Y203 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Basics of Electrical Electronics
4 23Y204 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 ES
& Instrumentation
5 23Y205 Design of Machine elements 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
6 23G__ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS
Electrical Engineering &
7 23Y210 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Instrumentation Laboratory
8 23Y211 Engineering Practices 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
9 23Y215 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC
10 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

Total 31 hrs 16 1 14 23 440 460 900

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Matrix Theory and Numerical
1 23Y301 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23Y302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
3 23Y303 Programming in C 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
4 23Y304 Elements of Physical Metallurgy 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Thermodynamics in Material
5 23Y305 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
6 23Y310 C Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23Y311 Metallography Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23K314 Environmental Science** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC
10 23Y315 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 31 hrs 17 4 10 24 380 420 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y401 Probability and Statistics 2 1 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Nonferrous Extractive
2 23Y402 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Mechanical Behaviour and
3 23Y403 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Testing of Materials
Phase Transformations and
4 23Y404 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Heat Treatment
Fluid Mechanics and Heat
5 23Y405 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
6 23Y410 Materials Testing Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23Y411 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
8 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23Q414 Indian Constitution** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC
10 23Y415 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 30 hrs 17 3 10 23 380 420 800

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC -
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y501 Iron and Steel Making 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23Y502 Metal Casting 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23Y503 Metal Joining 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Powder Metallurgy and Additive
4 23Y504 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
5 23Y_ Professional Elective -1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Foundry and Heat Treatment
6 23Y510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Welding and Powder Metallurgy
7 23Y511 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23Y515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 27 hrs 16 1 10 22 380 420 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y601 Metal Forming 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23Y602 Materials Characterisation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23Y__ Professional Elective -2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
4 23YO Open Elective -1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
Forming and Materials
5 23Y610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
characterisation Laboratory
Metallurgical Computational
6 23Y611 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23Y620 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code
9 23Y615 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 25 hrs 12 1 12 19 400 400 800

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC -
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y701 Nondestructive Evaluation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Corrosion and Surface
2 23Y702 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23Y__ Professional Elective -3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
4 23Y__ Professional Elective -4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
5 23YO__ Open Elective -2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
Nondestructive Testing and
6 23Y711 Surface Engineering 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Metallurgical Data Analysis
7 23Y712 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
8 23Y720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Total 27 hrs 15 0 12 21 380 420 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23Y__ Professional Elective -5 3 0 0 3 60 40 100 PE
2 23Y__ Professional Elective -6 3 0 0 3 60 40 100 PE
3 23Y820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 40 60 100 EEC

Total 14 hrs 6 0 8 10 160 140 300

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC -
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022



Course Credits Per Semester
S. No Credits
1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10
2 BS 12 10 4 3 0 0 0 0 29
3 ES 6 11 5 4 0 0 0 0 26
4 PC 0 0 10 13 18 11 8 0 60
5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6 18
6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6
7 EEC 0 0 1 3 1 2 4 4 15
8 MC - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 22 23 24 23 22 19 21 10 164

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.


CRYSTAL STRUCTURE: Solids: Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. Types of Bonds. Ionic Bond. Covalent Bond. Vander
Waals Bond. Lattice Translation Vectors. Lattice with a Basis – Central and Non-central Elements. Unit Cell. Reciprocal Lattice.
Atomic Packing factor- Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Bragg’s Law. Powder diffraction method. Rotating crystal method. (9)

LASERS: Principles of laser radiation and their significance-wavelength, power, monochromaticity, coherence. Types of lasers-
working media and their radiation characteristics-Power, wavelength and operational modes of He-Ne, Nd-YAG, Carbon-
dioxide,diode lasers. Physical principles of Laser beam delivery systems. Applications in material processing (9)

QUANTUM MECHANICS: Wave particle duality, de Broglie waves- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Wave function-
normalization. The wave equation. Schrodinger’s equation of motion: Time dependent form, steady-state form. Particle in a box.
Quantum Tunneling and applications to Scanning Tunneling Microscope. (9)

PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS AND FLUIDS: Surface tension: molecular forces-intermolecular range. Excess pressure,
capillarity. Viscosity -viscous force-coefficient of viscosity. Equation of continuity. Adhesion, cohesion, wettability. Fluid Motion-
Newtonian and non newtonian fluids - Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuille’s Equation for flow of a Liquid through a capillary
tube. (9)

HEAT: Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity. Temperature rise. Coefficient of linear thermal expansion. Thermal stresses in
composite structures due to non-homogeneous thermal expansion. Thermal conductivity: differential equation of heat flow.
Lee’s disc apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity. Thermal Insulation. Convection and radiation. Applications to
refrigeration and power electronic devices. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Richard Wolfson, Essential University Physics, Vol.2, Pearson 2021.
2. Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, 7th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2017.
3. Donald R Askeland, Wendelin J Wright, “Essentials of Materials Science and Engineering”, Cengage Learning, 2013.
4. Fundamentals of Laser Systems and Applications, Prof. A. K. Katiyar, Dr. C. K. Pandey, Dr. Manisha Bajpai, 1st Edition,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker,Fundamentals of Physics,10th Edition,Wiley, 2012
2. Raghavan V., “Materials Science and Engineering, A First Course”, 6th edition PHI, 2015.
3. Richard Turton, “The Physics of Solids”, Oxford University Press, 2000


THERMODYNAMICS: Review of first law, variation of heat of reaction with temperature, adiabatic flame temperature. Joule
Thomson effect and its significance- inversion temperature-liquefaction of gases. Second law-statements- entropy and
spontaneity-free energy and spontaneity. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. Concept of chemical potential-variation of chemical
potential with T and P, Gibbs-Duhem equation- Clausius Clapeyron equation-concept of fugacity and activity. (9)

PHASE EQUILIBRIA: Definitions–one component system (water), two component systems-Cu-Ni and Pb-Ag systems- lever
rule. Solubility of gas in liquids. Distribution law-principle of extraction–applications. Binary liquid systems-fractional distillation–
azeotropic mixtures. (9)

KINETICS: Review of Integrated rate laws. Complex reactions- opposing, parallel and consecutive reactions-steady state
approximation- branched chain reactions-mechanism and kinetics of combustion of hydrogen and hydrocarbons. (9)

SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption - Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, application of BET isotherm (Derivation
not required). Applications of adsorption- abatement of air and water pollution- automobile catalytic convertors. Surface active
agents-surfactants, detergents, emulsifiers, properties- critical miceller concentration, contact angle, wetting and water
repellency. Superhydrophobic surfaces. (9)

ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Electrode potential- emf series- standard and reference electrodes – SHE, calomel, Ag/AgCl. Nernst
equation-galvanic and concentration cells-Ion selective electrodes- glass electrode-applications. Potentiometric and
conductometric titrations. Applied Electrochemistry: electroplating, electropolishing, electrochemical machining, electrophoretic
painting, anodization of aluminium. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Peter Atkins,Julio de Paula "Elements of Physical Chemistry", Oxford university press., 2013.
2. B.R. Puri,L.R. Sharma,M.S. Pathania "Principles of Physical Chemistry", Vishal Publishing Company., 2017.

1. Donald A. McQuarrie,John D. Simon "Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach", University Science Books., 1997.
2. Derek Pletcher,Frank C. Walsh "Industrial Electrochemistry", Chapman and Hall., 1990.
3. J. Rajaram,J. C. Kuriakose "Thermodynamics for Students of Chemistry", Shobanlal Nagin Chand Company., 1986.


INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES: Introduction to Engineering Mechanics - Laws of force-
System of Forces-Resolution of a Force-Free body diagram-Problems involving the equilibrium of forces and free body

STATICS OF RIGID BODIES IN TWO DIMENSIONS: Rigid bodies - moment of force about an axis - Varignon’s Principle of
Moments-classification of parallel forces - moment of a couple - equivalent systems of coplanar forces - Rigid body in
equilibrium - Types of load-beams and supports - Problems involving equilibrium of rigid body. (9 +3)

ANALYSIS OF FRAMES: Types of Frames - Stresses in frames - Analytical Methods for the Forces: Method of joints, Method
of sections- Problems involving force in trusses.
MOMENT OF INERTIA AND FRICTION: Centroid of areas, composite areas. Theory of parallel and perpendicular axis -
Determination of moment of inertia of plane figures, polar moment of inertia - Introduction to Friction - Laws of friction - Ladder
friction - Wedge friction - Rope and screw friction. (9 +3)

AXIAL STRESS AND STRAINS: Types of stress - Stress and strain due to axial force - elastic limit - Hooke's law -
Relationship between Modulus of Elasticity - shear modulus and poisson’s ratio - Factor of safety, Stepped bars - Analysis of
bars of varying sections - stress in composite bar due to axial force-Thermal stress in bars. (9 +3)

SHEAR FORCE & BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAMS: Introduction to shear force and bending moment diagrams - sign
conventions - Shear force and bending moment diagrams in simply supported, overhanging and cantilevers subjected to
concentrated, uniformly distributed loads and uniformly varying loads. Relation between load, shear force and bending moment.
(9 +3)
BENDING STRESSES IN BEAMS: Theory of simple bending and assumptions - Neutral axis - Moment of resistance - Bending
equation. Section modulus - Problems in section modulus of beam sections.
TORSION: Concept of torsion - shear stress in shafts subjected to torsion - torsion formula- Power transmitted by a shaft.
(9 +3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, “Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, Third edition 2011.
2. Bansal R K, “A Textbook of Strength of Materials” , Laxmi Publications; Sixth edition 2022.

1. Hibbeler R C, “Mechanics of Materials”, Pearson Education, Tenth edition 2017.
2. Khurmi R S, “A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics” , S Chand, Twenty Second edition 2019.
3. Andrew Pytel and Ferdinand L Singer, “Strength of Materials”, Harper Collins International, Fourth edition, 1990.



VOCABULARY: Etymology- prefixes and suffixes – synonyms – antonyms – guessing meanings from context – word
formation - single-word substitutes - different forms of a word– phrasal verbs – collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others – seeking and
sharing information– description - conversation skills – extempore speaking . (9+3)

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions –Yes/no questions – parts of speech – articles – prepositions – gerunds – degrees of comparison –
tenses – modal verbs – direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting – reading comprehension: techniques. (9+3)

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing - writing
compare & contrast paragraphs. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen, “Communicative English”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021.
2. Raymond Murphy, “Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press., New Delhi, 2020.


1.Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press., New Delhi, 2020.
2.Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3.Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan., Hyderabad, 2011.
4.Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.


Physics (Any eight experiments)
1. Determination of Young’s Modulus of a wooden bar – Cantilever method
2. Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water – Poiseuille’s method
3. Determination of surface tension of water – Capillary rise method
4. Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor using Lee’s Disc method
5. Determination of Hysteresis loss of a ferromagnetic material
6. Study of I-V characteristics of solar cell and determination of its efficiency
7. Hall effect set up - Determination of Hall coefficient
8. Determination of thermal conductivity of good conductor – Forbe’s method
9. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
10 Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.

1. Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method.
2. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law – apparatus
3. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
4. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
5. Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
6. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
7. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
8. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
9. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.

Total P: 30

1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.

Chemistry (Any eight experiments)

1. Metal finishing by electroplating.
2. Anodizing of aluminium, determination of thickness of anodic film.
3. Measurement of pH, conductivity, TDS of a water sample and determination of its hardness by EDTA method.
4. Estimation of iron in an industrial effluent using potentiometry.
5. Conductometric estimation of an acid strength of an electroplating pickling bath.
6. Construction of eutectic phase diagram.
7. Determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of ester.
8.a) Examination of different forms of corrosion using Ferroxyl indicator.
b) Determination of corrosion rate of a metal in acid media and inhibitor efficiency by weight loss method.
9. Determination of kinematic viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer.
10. Proximate analysis of coal.

Demonstration Experiment:
1. Determination of calorific value by bomb calorimeter: Demonstration.

Total P: 60 hours

1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department.


1. Introduction to Engineering Drawing. BIS .Principles of dimensioning, Basic dimensioning methods
2. Projection of points and lines
3. Projection of planes
4. Projection of solids
5. Section of solids
6. Development of surfaces
7. Orthographic views
8. Isometric views and perspective views

Total P:60

1. Venugopal K Prabhu Raja V, "Engineering Graphics II", New Age International Publishers,2010.

1. Bhatt N.D, "Engineering Drawing",53rd Edition, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2014.
2. Luzadder Duff ,"Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2009.



COMPLEX DIFFERENTIATION: Derivative, analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laplace’s equation, linear fractional
transformations. (9+3)

COMPLEX INTEGRATION: Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions, Laurent
series, singularities and zeros, residue integration method (Residue integration of complex integrals only). (9+3)

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, linearity, first shifting theorem, transforms of derivatives and integrals, unit step
function, second shifting theorem, Dirac’s delta function, periodic functions, differentiation and integration of transforms, solving
ODEs with constant coefficients and initial value problems. (9+3)

FOURIER ANALYSIS: Fourier series – arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half range expansions. Fourier transforms,
Fourier cosine and sine transforms. (9+3)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts of PDEs, wave equation, heat equation, steady state two-dimensional
heat problems, solution by Fourier series. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T:15 = 60

1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Dennis G. Z, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Dennis G. Z and Patrick D S, “A first course in Complex Analysis with applications”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Wylie C R and Barret L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Peter V.O Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Dean G. D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB”, CRC Press, USA, 2017.


SEMICONDUCTORS: Formation of energy and - Band theory of solids: metals, semiconductors and insulators-intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors- Fermi energy levels for doped, undoped semiconductors. Physics of PN junction, solar cell and LED.
Hall effect- Hall sensors- Hall effect switches and commutators. (9)

MAGNETIC MATERIALS: Concepts of magnetic dipole, moment. Magnetic quantities -types of magnetic materials: Dia, Para,
ferro, antiferro and ferrimagnetic materials. Domain and Heisenberg exchange interaction theory-Hysteresis-hard and soft
materials.Magnetic multilayers- Magnetoresistance, Eddy current brakes. (9)

SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Concepts and quantities of superconductivity -Meissner Effect, Type I and Type II Superconductors,
BCS theory (Qualitative only), London’s equation, properties of superconductors & applications-Magnetic levitation-
SQUID. (9)

DIELECTRIC MATERIALS: Electrical susceptibility – dielectric constant – electronic, ionic, orientational and space charge
polarization – frequency and temperature dependence of polarization – dielectric loss – dielectric breakdown – uses of
dielectric materials (capacitor and transformer)–ferro electricity and applications. (8)

ADVANCED MATERIALS: Shape memory Alloys ,Pseudo elastic materials-Self assembly mechanism of material-ferroelastic
materials, Bio mimetic materials. Composites- physical properties and applications. Introduction to nanophase materials. (10)

Total L: 45

1. William D Callister Jr, “Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction”,8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
New York, 2018.
2. Charles Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Son’s Inc, 2012.
3. Donald R Askeland, Wendelin J Wright , “ Essentials of Materials Science and Engineering ”, Cengage Learning, 4th
Edition, 2018.

1. Arthur Beiser “Concepts of Modern Physics” 7th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2017
2. Van Vleck, “Elements of Material Science and Engineering”, Pearson Education India, 2008.


FUELS & LUBRICANTS: Petroleum - refining, Cracked and polymer gasoline. Knocking in petrol and diesel engines – octane
and cetane rating of fuels - reforming. Coal- coke manufacturing. Calorific value - calculation. Lubricants: Characteristics and
Mechanism of lubricants - properties of lubricants. Semi - solid and solid lubricants (9)

MACROMOLECULES: Classification, molecular weight of polymer, mechanism of free radical polymerization. Structure
property relationship. Glass transition (Tg) temperature - factors affecting (Tg). Compounding of plastics - polymer processing
by compression, injection, extrusion and blow moulding techniques. Composite Materials: classification and constitutions of
composites. Fibre and particle reinforced Composites - Particulate and structural composites. (9)

BATTERIES AND FUEL CELLS: Construction and working of lechlanche cell, lead-acid battery, nickel-cadmium battery,
lithium ion battery. Outline of batteries for special application. Fuel cells - principles-proton exchange membrane and direct
methanol fuel cell, super capacitors. (9)

CORROSION AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS: Chemistry of corrosion, Forms of corrosion - galvanic, differential aeration,
stress corrosion cracking, Corrosion rate - factors influencing corrosion. Metallic coatings – Cu, Ni, Cr. Anodizing of aluminium.
Organic coatings – paints – constituents and functions – surface conversion coatings, phosphating, chromating, vitrious
enamel coatings, nature inspired coatings. Hot dipping calendaring, laminating, plastic lining concrete lining. (9)

CERAMIC AND REFRACTORY MATERIALS: Ceramics : Classification of ceramic materials, composition and application
based materials. Abrasives: Characteristics- preparation, properties and applications. Refractories: General characteristics,
properties and measurements. SiC, high alumina and magnesite refractories- preparation, properties and applications. Glasses
– types, composition, applications. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Sharma B. K. "Engineering Chemistry", Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 2005.
2. Jain P. C,Monica Jain "Engineering Chemistry", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd, 2013.

1. Derek Pletcher,Frank C. Walsh "Industrial Electrochemistry", Chapman and Hall., 1993.
2. Shashi Chawla "A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry", Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2005.
3. Samir S "Fuels and Combustion", University Press., 1996.
4. Singer F and Singer S "Industrial Ceramics", Oxford and IBH publishing Co., 1991.


ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: Ohm‟s law, Kirchhoff‟s Laws, solving simple DC Circuits-single phase AC circuit fundamentals-Power,
Power factor-solving simple AC circuits- Introduction to three-phase AC circuits (12)

ELECTRICAL MACHINES: DC MOTORS: Principle of Operation-types-torque equation - speed-torque characteristics - speed

control of DC motors-Electric Braking AC MACHINES: Single phase Transformers -Construction and working principle, 3 phase
Induction Motor-construction–Principle of operation- types-torque equation-speed -torque characteristics-1 phase Induction
Motor-Principle of operation-types Industrial Applications. (14)

ELECTRONIC DEVICES : Operation of PN junction diodes, VI characteristics, zener diode, BJT, types-CB, CE, C C
configurations, input and output characteristics,.MOSFET-types, principle of operation and characteristics Comparison of BJT
and MOSFET, Opto Electronic Devices - Introduction, types, photo conductive cells, photo diode, phototransistor, Light emitting
diode-Principles and Applications. (10)

ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS : (Qualitative analysis only) Half wave and full wave rectifier, capacitive filters, zener voltage
regulator. (5)

DIGITAL ELECTRONICS : Number systems-representation of signed numbers: 1‟s complement and 2‟s complement, logic
gates, Half, full adder/subtractor, (6)

INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS : Elements of Instrumentation systems – Transducers - Classifications, Principle of operation

of Resistance potentiometer, Strain Gauge, Inductive and capacitive transducers, LVDT, Piezo-electric transducers, Hall effect
sensors and its applications. Measurement of Pressure: High Pressure and low pressure measurement. Measurement of
Temperature - Resistance thermometers, pyrometers and thermocouples - Block diagram of DMM. (12)

Total L: 60
1. Mehta V K and Rohit Mehta "Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics", S.Chand and Co.., New Delhi, 2014 ,
2. Muthusubramanian R, and Salivahanan S "Basic Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering",Tata McGraw Hill.,

1. Bhattacharya S K "Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering", Pearson., 2012
2. Sawhney A K , "A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation", Dhanpat Rai & Sons,
New Delhi, 2011.
3. Gupta B R and Singhal Vandana "Electrical and Electronics Engineering", S. Chand and Co., 2010
4. Theraja B L "Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering", S. Chand and Co.,2006


INTRODUCTION AND DESIGN OF SPRINGS: Introduction to machine elements and design - standards and codes - fatigue
theory - design against fluctuating loads. Springs: Types of springs-Material for helical Springs - Terms used in compression
springs - stresses in helical springs-deflection in helical springs-buckling of compression springs. (9)

DESIGN OF JOINTS: Introduction to bolted and riveted joints-Welded joints: types of welded joints - weld symbols - strength of
transverse fillet welded joints-strength of parallel fillet welded joints - Special cases of fillet welded joints - strength of butt joints.
DESIGN OF SHAFTS: Types of Shafts - stresses in Shafts - shafts subjected to twisting moment, bending moment and
Combined Twisting Moment & Bending Moment - Shafts Subjected to fluctuating loads - Design of Shafts. (9)

DESIGN OF BEARINGS: Classification of Bearings - Sliding contact bearings: Hydrodynamic Lubricated Bearings, Sommerfeld
Number - Design Procedure for Journal Bearings. Rolling Contact Bearings: Types of Rolling Contact Bearings. Static and
Dynamic Load Rating, Reliability of Bearings - Materials and manufacture of Ball and Roller Bearings. (9)

DESIGN OF GEARS AND FLYWHEELS :Gear fundamentals - Terms used in Gears - Law of Gearing-Introduction to spur
gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm and worm wheel. Causes of Gear Tooth Failure. Introduction to flywheels, Coefficient of
Fluctuation of Speed, Energy Stored in a Flywheel, Stresses in a Flywheel Rim and Flywheel Arms. Selection and treatment of
materials for gears and Flywheels. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45, T:15 = 60

1. Khurmi R S, Gupta J K, "Machine Design", Eurasia Publishing House, 2005.
2. Robert L Mott, "Machine Elements in Mechanical Design", Pearson Prentice Hall, 2017.

1. Bhandari V B, "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi,2017.
2. Shigley, Mischke, "Mechanical Engineering Design", Tata McGrawHill, NewDelhi, 2008.
3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, "Design Data Book", PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,2010.
4. Allen S Hall, Alfred R Holowenko, Herman G Laugblin, "Schaum's Outlines of Theory and Problems of Machine Design",
Tata Mc GrawHill, 2006.


1. Verification of Ohm's law and Kirchoff's laws.
2. Measurement of power and power factor in single phase RLC Circuit
3. Mechanical Characteristics of DC Shunt Motor
4. Load test on Three phase Induction Motor
5. Electric Braking of Three Phase Inductor Motor (Dynamic Braking / Plugging)
6. Study of Halfwave and Fullwave rectifiers with and without filters
7. Study of logic gates and implementation of binary adder/subtractor
8. Characteristics of temperature sensors (thermocouple/ RTD)
9. Study of optoelectronic devices (LDR, photodiode,phototransistor)
10.Measurement of linear displacement using LVDT and measurement of strain using strain gauge

Total P: 30

1. EEE Department , "Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory Manual", EEE Department, PSGCT, Coimbatore,


1. Foundry: Study of tools; Preparation of molding sand using different types of patterns.
2. Welding: Study of arc welding tools and equipment; Exercises: Arc welding and MIG welding method.
3. Fitting: Study of tools and operations; Exercises : Making of “L” Joint and “V” Joint.
4. Carpentry: Study of tools and operations; Exercises: Making of “L” Joint and “T” Joint.
5. Plumbing: Study of tools and operations; Exercises: External thread cutting and joining of PVC pipes.
6. Sheet metal work and Soldering: Study of tools and operations; Exercises: Making a rectangular tray.

Total P: 30

1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, "Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual", PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 2019.
2. Chapman WAJ , "Workshop Technology", Edward Arnold,2001.


1. Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essentials
Total P: 30

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix – characteristic equation, properties -
diagonalization - quadratic forms, reduction to canonical form by orthogonal reduction - Errors and approximations in numerical
methods, power method for dominant eigenvalue. (10+3)

elimination method, Crouts method, Gauss Seidal iterative method, Roots of equations - false-position method, Newton-
Raphson method, Graeffe’s root squaring method. (8+3)

INTERPOLATION, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials,
Lagrange and Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomials. Numerical differentiation, numerical integration - Newton-
Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s 1/3 rule. (12+4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method, multi-step
method – Milne’s method. (6+2)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference: elliptic equations – Laplace equation, Poisson equation – Liebmann
method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating string.

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. David C Lay, Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rizwan B, “Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB”, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2010.
3. Richard L B and Douglas J F, “Numerical Analysis”, Thomas Learning, NewYork, 2017.
4. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.


FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an
Economy – Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)

COST AND INVENTORY CONTROL: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship -
Make or Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without
Shortages- Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)

PRICING, REVENUE AND VALUE ENGINEERING: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis-
Problems in Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project
Appraisal – Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT –
CPM Models – Case Analysis. (10+5)

ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control
Measures - Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable
Development Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60

1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING: Analyzing and Defining the Problem - Algorithm - Flow Chart – Program
development steps -Types of programming language. C: The C character set - Identifiers and keywords - Data types –
Constants - Variables - Declarations -input and output functions-preprocessor directives. (6)

OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS: Arithmetic operators - Unary operators - Relational operators - logical operators -
Assignment operators - Conditional operators -bitwise operators- comma operator – sizeof operator -precedence and
associativity- Library functions. CONTROL STATEMENTS:simple if, if..else, nested if .. else ,elseifladder , switch case - while -
do while - for - nested loops - break – continue – goto statements. (12)

ARRAYS: Defining an array - Processing an array - Multi dimensional arrays–strings--string operations. (10)

FUNCTIONS: Function prototype - Defining a function – function call - Passing arguments to a function –nested function –
recursive function- Storage classes - auto - static - extern and register variables. (7)

STRUCTURES: Definitions - Processing a structure – Array and structures – Nested structures - Structures and
functions.POINTERS: Definition - Pointer Arithmetic – types of pointer - const pointer, pointer to a constant, void pointer, null
pointer. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, “C How to Program: With an Introduction to C++”, Eighth edition, Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Ajay Mittal, ”Programming in C - A Practical approach”.Pearson,New Delhi, 2010

1. Gottfried B., “Programming with C”, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Herbert Schildt, “C: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Kernighan B. W. and Ritchie D. M., “C Programming Language (ANSI C)”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013


CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND CRYSTAL DEFECTS: Revision of Crystalline, nano crystalline and amorphous structures.
Crystal systems and Bravais lattices - symmetry elements and operations - principal metallic crystal systems - BCC, FCC and
HCP - atomic planes and directions in cubic unit cells - Miller's and Miller - Bravais indices for planes in cubic and HCP unit
cells - planar and linear densities. Crystal Imperfections - point defects – temperature dependence of vacancies, line defects -
edge, screw and mixed dislocations, Burger's vector - planar defects - grain boundaries, volume defects. (9+3)

CONSTITUTION OF ALLOYS AND SOLIDIFICATION: Solid solutions - types - formation of substitutional and interstitial solid
solution. Hume - Rothery rules for substitutional solid solution formation - Formation of intermetallic, electron compounds and
Laves phases. Solidification behavior of pure metals and alloys - formation of grain structure, dendrite formation.
Solidification defects: coring, hot tear. Shrinkage - factors affecting solidification. (9+3)

PHASE DIAGRAMS: Gibb's phase rule and condensed phase rule - techniques for determination of binary phase diagrams -
invariant reactions - discussion of binary isomorphous eutectic and peritectic systems - phase diagrams with intermediate
phases and compounds - Fe - C equilibrium diagram – basic concepts of ternary phase diagrams. (10+3)

ATOMIC DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS: Diffusion mechanisms, steady state diffusion and non - steady state diffusion, Fick's
first law and second law – modes of diffusion- Interdiffusion - Kirkendal effect. Darken's equations. Factors influencing diffusion,
Industrial applications of diffusion processes: carburizing, sintering of powders and diffusion bonding. (8+3)

COLD WORKING, ANNEALING AND HOT WORKING: Cold working - structure and properties of cold worked metals.
Annealing of cold worked metals and alloys - stages- recovery, recrystallization and grain growth - structure and property
changes during annealing - secondary recrystallization (exaggerated grain growth). Driving forces for recrystallization and grain
growth - recrystallization temperature – factors influencing recrystallization temperature - comparison of cold working and hot
working - concept of warm working. (9+3)

Total L:45 + T:15 = 60

1. William D Callister, David G Rethwisch, Balasubramaniam R, "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering", Wiley India
Pvt Ltd,New Delhi, 2019.
2. Avner S H, "Introduction to Physical Metallurgy", McGrawHill, New York 2017.

1. Vernon B John, "Introduction to Engineering Materials", Fourth, Palgrave, Mac Milan. NewYork,2003.
2. William F Smith, Javad Hashemi, Ravi Prakash, "Materials Science and Engineering", Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi,
3. Askeland D R, Wright W J, "Science and Engineering of Materials", Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION: Basic terminologies, state functions and path functions - zeroth law of thermodynamics - first law of
thermodynamics: Heat and work, thermo chemistry-Hess's law and Kirchoff's law - second law of thermodynamics: statistical
interpretation of entropy - Free energy, combined statement of first and second laws - Thermodynamic functions. (9+3)

PHASE EQUILIBRIUM: Concept of thermodynamic equilibrium - criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium - stoichiometry. Free
energy and its significance in metallurgical reactions; Free energy change as a function of temperature - Maxwell's relations -
Gibbs - Helmholtz equation - effect of temperature on the thermodynamic properties. Third law of thermodynamics and its
applications. (9+3)

THERMODYNAMIC POTENTIALS: Gibbs phase rule-phase stability of unary and binary systems. Clausius - Clayperon
equation - effect of pressure on the equilibrium temperatures for metallurgical systems - concepts of fugacity, activity, activity
coefficient and equilibrium constant - Vant - Hoff's equation and Le Chatelier's principle - Ellingham diagram (ΔG-T diagram)
and its significance. (9+3)

THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS: Gibbs - Duhem equation - partial and integral molar quantities, ideal solutions -
Raoult's law real - solutions, activity coefficient - Henry's law, alternative standard states, Sievert's law, mixing functions and
excess functions, regular solutions - applications of Gibbs - Duhem equation, Gibbs free energy-composition diagrams -
construction of binary phase diagrams. (9+3)

KINETICS OF MATERIALS: Basic kinetic laws - order of reactions - rate constants and rate limiting steps, Arrhenius rate
equation and determination of activation energy - homogenous and heterogeneous reactions. Fick’s laws of diffusion and their
applications - temperature dependence of diffusivity - diffusion in ideal and real solid solutions - driving force for phase
transformation - nucleation and growth rates of phase transformation. (9+3)

Total L:45 + T:15 = 60

1. David R Gaskell, "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials", Taylor and Francis, Sixth edition, 2017.
2. Ghosh A, “Textbook of Materials and Metallurgical Thermodynamics”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004.

1. Upadhyaya G S and Dube R K, "Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics", Pergamon, 1977.
2. Dutta S K and Avinash B Lele, “Metallurgical Thermodynamics Kinetics and Numericals” S.Chand & Co, New Delhi 2014.
3. David V Ragone, "Thermodynamics of Materials”, Vol. I and Vol. II, John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
4. Swalin R A, “Thermodynamics of Solids", John Wiley Sons, 1966.


Implementation in the following Topics:
1. Working with RAPTOR Tool – Flow chart Interpreter
2. Operators
3. Decision making Statements
4. Loops : while , do..while, for
5. One dimensional array
6. Two dimensional array
7. Strings
8. Functions
9. Recursive functions
10. Structures
11. Structures and arrays.
12. Nested Structures.
13. Pointers

Note: Separate Problem Sheets will be provided during the course

Total P: 60

1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, “C How to Program: With an Introduction to C++”, Eighth edition, Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Ajay Mittal, ”Programming in C - A Practical approach”.Pearson,New Delhi, 2010
3. Gottfried B., “Programming with C”, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Herbert Schildt, “C: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
5. Kernighan B. W. and Ritchie D. M., “C Programming Language (ANSI C)”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Study of Metallurgical microscope, sample preparation and etching practices for metallic specimens.
2. Microstructural study of grey cast iron, S.G.iron and malleable iron in unetched condition.
3. Microstructural study of grey iron, S.G.iron, white cast iron and malleable iron in etched condition.
4. Microstructural study of plain carbon steels.
5. Microstructural study of quenched and tempered steel and tool steels.
6. Microstructural study of cast and wrought stainless steels.
7. Microstructural study of dual phase steels and bainitic steels.
8. Microstructural study of Al and Cu alloys.
9. Inclusion rating and grain size measurement.
10. Microstructure of Ni and Ti alloys.

Total P: 60

1. "Metallography Laboratory Manual", Department of Metallurgical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, 2022.
2. Kehl G L , "Metallographic Laboratory Practice", McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.


1. Introduction to Workplace Communication
2. Profile Building for Internships
3. English in the Workplace (Grammar & Vocabulary)
4. Professional Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Workplace Communication Tools
6. Career Exploration
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30

1. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.


INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Environment-Definition, scope and importance. Types and composition of
atmosphere - particles, ions and radicals. Ozone layer - significance, formation and depletion. Ecosystems-
Structureandfunctions,components,energyflow,foodchains,foodweb,Biodiversity-levels,values and threats - India as a
mega - diversity nation - hotspots of biodiversity - endangered and endemic species of India conservation of
biodiversity. (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES : Introduction - National and International status - exploitation - sustainable strategies - Fossil
fuels - classification, composition, physic - chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas;
solar energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion
systems, site characteristics, and types of wind turbines. Supporting renewable energy resources - tidal - geothermal hydro
electric. (6)

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION :Definition - Sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b)
Water pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards (h) RF
hazards Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and land slides – Case studies, consequences and rescue
measures. (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT: Wastewater - Characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater - COD and BOD -
Various stages of treatment - primary, secondary, tertiary treatment - Biological and advanced oxidation processes.
Solid waste management - Characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes
and their management - landfills, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting. Steel plant - slag and
effluents management. (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmentally Sustainable work practices - Rain water harvesting - Role of
non - governmental organizations. Human ethics and rights- impact on environment and human health - role of
information technology on environment and human kind. Green IT policies, Process of EIA - ISO 14000. Legislation -
Environment protection act - Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act - Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

act - Wild life protection act - Forest conservation act. (6)

Total L: 30

1. Gilbert M Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. De A K , "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Benny Joseph , "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2006.
2. Koteswara Rao M V R , "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non - Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Deswal Sand Deswal A,"A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co,New Delhi,2004.



PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axiomatic approach to probability, Baye’s theorem,
discrete random variables, probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, mean and variance, binomial, Poisson
and geometric distributions. (6+3)

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Continuous random variables, probability density functions, cumulative distribution
functions, mean and variance, uniform, exponential, and normal distributions. (6+3)

JOINT PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independence, covariance, correlation. (6+3)

STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Point estimation - interval estimation – hypotheses concerning means – large, small samples and
matched pairs – hypotheses concerning proportions, chi square test for goodness of fit. (6+3)

VARIANCE TESTS AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: Hypotheses concerning variances - analysis of variance - completely
randomized design, randomized block design. (6+3)

Total L: 30 + T:15 = 45

1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India,
New Delhi, 2018.
2. Richard A. Johnson, “Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Ronald E. W, Raymond H. M, Sharon L. M and Keying Ye, “Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists”,Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2016
2. Robert V. H, Elliot T and Dale Z, “Probability and Statistical Inference”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021
3. Jay L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, Cengage Learning, Delhi 2020.
4. Sheldon M Ross, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Academic press, USA, 2020.


MINERAL PROCESSING: Ores and minerals - examples. Sources of metals. Unit operations and unit processes in metals
extraction. Comminution methods - Primary and secondary crushers. Laws of crushing. Concentration techniques - settling -
classification: gravity concentration, heavy media separation, jigging and tabling, froth floatation, magnetic separation and
electrostatic separation (9)

PYROMETALLURGY: Principles, advantages and limitations. Principles of drying, calcination and sintering. Roasting - roasting
techniques - Predominance Area diagrams. Principles of smelting- reduction smelting and matte smelting. Ellingham diagram -
carbothermic, hydrothermic and metallothermic reductions. (9)

HYDROMETALLURGY: Principles, advantages and limitations. Solution reactions kinetics. Pourbaix diagram. Preparation of
ores for leaching - leaching methods. Recovery of metals from leach liquor - solvent extraction, ion exchange, gaseous
reduction and cementation. Bio leaching and recycling of leach liquor. (9)

ELECTROMETALLURGY AND PURIFICATION OF BULK METALS: Aqueous and fused salt electrolysis. Principles of electro
winning and electro refining. Purification methods- Distillation, liquation, liquid-liquid extraction, fire refining, electrolytic refining,
zone refining, VAR and ESR processes. (9)

EXTRACTION AND REFINING OF METALS WITH FLOW SHEETS: Extraction of Aluminum, nickel, copper, zinc, titanium and
uranium. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45
1. Wills B A, “Mineral processing technology”, Butterworth-Heineman, 2006
2. Ray H S, Sridhar R, Abrham K P, “Extraction of Non ferrous Metals”, East-West press, New Delhi, 2008.

1. Gilchrist J D, “Extraction Metallurgy”, Pergamon Press, London, 1989.
2. Raghavan R, “Extractive Metallurgy of Non Ferrous Metals”, Vijay Nicole Imprints pvt Ltd, Chennai, 2017.


DEFORMATION FUNDAMENTALS: Strength of materials-Basic assumptions - elastic and plastic behavior - concept of
stress strain - types of stresses and strains- Average stress and strain - DISLOCATION THEORY: Theoretical cohesive
strength, dislocation types, Burgers Vector and dislocation loop, dislocations in FCC, BCC and HCP - Stress fields and
energies of dislocations - forces on dislocations, between dislocation - dislocation intersection, dislocation multiplication
and dislocation pileups, critical resolved shear stress for slip. Deformation of single crystals and polycrystalline
materials, Deformation by twinning. (9+3)

STRENGTHENING MECHANISMS: Strain hardening - Grain size strengthening - solid solution strengthening - factors
affecting solid solution strengthening. Precipitation hardening-conditions for precipitation hardening - aging - formation of
precipitates - coarsening of precipitates, mechanism of strengthening. Dispersion strengthening - factors for effective
dispersion hardening - martensitic strengthening. (9+3)

FRACTURE MECHANICS: Types of fracture, Griffith Theory and modified Griffith - Orowan theory. Metallographic aspects
of fracture - crack propagation - concept of fracture curve - Concept of fracture curve - fracture toughness - KIC Testing. R -
curve- J- integral. (9+3)

FATIGUE: Fatigue testing. S-N-curve, Low cycle fatigue - Coffin - Manson law - High cycle fatigue - Basquin's law. Fatigue
crack growth. Fracture mechanics approach - Paris - Erdogan law, Methods to improve fatigue life of steels. CREEP: Creep
testing. Creep curve - stages Creep mechanisms, Deformation mechanism maps, Larson Miller parameter. (9+3)

MECHANICALTESTING: HARDNESS TESTING: Brinell hardness testing, Rockwell hardness testing, Vickers hardness
testing and knoop hardness testing, Nano indentation. TENSION TESTING: ASTM Standards and specification, Engineering
stress - strain and True stress strain curves, Holloman - Ludwig equation, Plastic Instability (Necking).
IMPACT TESTING: Principle, Izod and Charpy Impacts tests, ASTM Standards and specification. Ductile to Brittle Transition
Temperature (DBTT), Factors affecting DBTT, determination of DBTT. Torsion testing & Shear testing: ASTM Standards and
specifications - testing machines and procedures. (9+3)

Total L: 45, T:15=60

1. Dieter G E , "Mechanical Metallurgy", Third edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Meyers M A, Chawla K K , "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials", Prentice Hall Inc, NY,2017.

1. Hull D, Bacon D J, "Introduction to Dislocations", Fourth Edition, Butterworth, 2001.
2. Courtney T H , "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials", Waveland Press Inc, 2005.
3. Ed Kuhn H, Ed Medlin D , “ASM Handbook, Volume 8 Mechanical Testing and Evaluation", Second printing, ASM
International, 2017.


FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction - types of nucleation - free energy changes during solidification, solid state transformations,
thermodynamics of homogeneous nucleation, driving force - activation barrier - critical nucleus size and critical free energy
change - extension to heterogeneous nucleation - growth considerations-overall transformation rate - example problems.
Planar, cellular, equiaxed and dentritic solidification. Stability - criteria for phase equilibria in single and multi - component
systems. Order of transformations – examples - glass transition. (12)

DIFFUSIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS: Classification, Eutectic and Peritectic transformations, types of solid state
transformations, Nucleation, interface and diffusion controlled growth kinetics - transformation with short range and long range
diffusion, Moving boundary transformations: recrystallization, grain growth - eutectoid transformation- isothermal
transformations - continuous and discontinuous precipitations - Precipitate growth under different conditions, precipitate
coarsening, Spinodal decomposition, order-disorder transformations. (12)

DIFFUSIONLESS TRANSFORMATIONS: Characteristics and components of diffusionless transformation - classification -

massive transformations - supersatured solid solutions, Martensitic transformations - morphological characteristics and
crystallography, types - athermal, isothermal and burst. Kinetics, characteristics of nonferrous martensite - shape memory
phenomena - types, examples, applications. (12)

HEAT TREATMENT: Heat treatment furnaces and furnace atmosphere, Transformations on heating and cooling. TTT & CCT
diagrams. Influence of alloying elements. Principles of heat treatment of steels. Annealing - types - Normalising - hardening &

67th ACM 30.07.2022

tempering. Hollomon Jaffe parameter, retained austenite - measurement and methods of its elimination. Hardenability studies-
Jominy end quench test - austempering and martempering - thermo mechanical treatments, Heat treatment defects, causes
and remedies. (12)

HEAT TREATMENT OF SPECIFIC ALLOYS: Heat treatment of: cast irons, low, alloy steels, tool steels, stainless steels,
maraging steels; Case hardening treatments, Heat treatment of Al alloys, heat treatment of Ti and Ni base superalloys. (12)

Total L: 60
1. Porter D A and Easterling K E “Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys", Chapman and Hall, London, 2016.
2. Rajan TV, Sharma CP and Ashok Sharma “Heat Treatment: Principles and Techniques”, Prentice Hall, India, 2004.

1. Raghavan V, “Solid State Phase Transformations”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Smallman R E and Bishop R J, “Metals and Materials", Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
3. Reed Hill R E, Reza Abbaschian University of Florida, "Physical Metallurgy Principles", Thomson Asia, Singapore 2003.
4. Vijendra Singh, “Heat Treatment of Metals”, Standard Publishers, Delhi, 1998.
5. Karl-Erik Thelning, “Steel and its heat Treatment”, Butterworths, London, 1984.


viscosity and specific weight- Fluid statics - Pressure at a point - Pressure variations in horizontal and vertical directions -
Concept of gauge and absolute pressure - Use of manometer for pressure measurements-Forces on plates- Horizontal and
ENERGY BALANCE IN FLUID FLOW: Types of flow - continuity equation- Application to one dimensional problems.
Derivation of Bernoulli's equation and Euler's equation-Examples illustrating the use of energy equation in metallurgical
processes. (9+3)

flow - Reynolds number- Laminar flow between parallel plates and circular pipes- Simple problems. PRESSURE IN FLUID
FLOW: Head loss due to friction-Darcy - Weisbach equation - flow through pipes- use of Moody diagram - Minor losses -
Simple problems. (9+3)

STEADY HEAT CONDUCTION: Steady state heat conduction in plane wall, cylinder and sphere-simple examples, Composite
Systems. (9+3)

CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER: Forced Heat transfer from flat plate, laminar and turbulent flow, cylinders and
spheres, flow through tubes. Free convection, heat transfer from vertical and horizontal surfaces. Boundary layer
concept - Simple problems on velocity and thermal boundary layers (no derivation) - problems on laminar and
turbulent boundary layers (no derivation) (9+3)

RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER: Emissive power, grey body. Radiation heat transfer between surfaces, shape factor. Simple
problems on Radiation heat transfer. (9+3)

Total L:45+T:15=60

1. Kothandaraman C P, Rudramoorthy R, "Basic Fluid Mechanics", Second Edition, New Age International Publishers,
2. Frank M White, "Fluid Mechanics", 8thEdition, The Mc Graw Hill Companies, USA, 2015.

1. Byron Bird R, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N.Lightfoot, "Transport Phenomena", John Wiley & Sons,2006.
2. Kumar D S, "Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering", Kataria S K and Sons, New Delhi,2013.
3. Robert W Fox, Alan T McDonald, Philip J Pritchard,"Introduction to Fluid Mechanics", Eight Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, USA, 2011.
4. Sachdeva R C," Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer", Fifth Edition, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 2017.


1. Tension test on metals: Stress-strain characteristics- determination of tensile properties.
2. Hardness test on metals: Brinell, Vicker's, Rockwell and micro-hardness tests.
3. Cupping test on Sheet metal : Load deformation characteristics, cupping load and cupping number.
4. Impact test on rod: Charpy and Izod impact tests at room temperature and Sub-zero temperature.
5. Tests on helical springs: Compression and tension springs: load deformation characteristics, stiffness, shear stress, modulus
of rigidity and energy.
6. Torsion test on beams: Torque and angle of twist characteristics, shear stress and modulus of rigidity.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

7. Shear test on metals: Direct shear strength, single shear and double shear.
8. High cycle fatigue testing.
Total P : 60


1. Constraint based sketches.
2. Solid modeling of mechanical components.
3. Extraction of 2D views from 3D models and sections of soilds.
4. Assembly of mechanical components and creation of bill of materials.
5. NC code generation for prismatic components.
6. NC code generation for cylindrical components.
7. Structural analysis using CAE package.
Total P: 60


Problem solving
1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition problems
2. Logical Reasoning – Linear & Circular Arrangements & Multi dimensional Arrangements
3. Coding and Decoding
4. Solving problems based on various senses, using analogy and funding the odd man out
5. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives and Syllogisms
6. Solving problems on pipes and Cisterns and work equivalence
7. Problems based on trains, boats, streams and races
8. Date Interpretation, Tables, Pie chart bar graph, clocks and calendars

Total P :30

1. Agarwal R S,”Quantitative Aptitude for competitive Examinations”, S.Chand Publishing, New Delhi 2017



INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy. (4)

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy

UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)

Total L:30

1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. Praveenkumar Mellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,

1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



INTRODUCTION: Early history of iron & steel - evolution of iron making technology - steel making processes - present status
of world steel industry: world production of steel. Iron making and steel making in India - overview of blast furnace iron making -
overview of modern steel making - physical chemistry of blast furnace reactions - stoichiometric equations : carbon - oxygen
reaction at tuyere - gas - solid reaction equilibria, reactions in the stack, bosh and hearth - thermal and chemical features of the
blast furnace - physical chemistry of primary steel making: steel making slags - steel making reactions- pretreatment of hot
metal prior to steel making. (12)

BLAST FURNACE AND ITS RAW MATERIALS PREPARATION: Plant layout - constructional features of the blast furnace -
distribution of burden. Charging equipment, bell type and belless type. Blast furnace gas cleaning and utilization - hot blast
stoves. Raw Materials Preparation : Characteristics of coal for coke making - coal reserves in India - processes used for coke
making: by - product coke ovens, non - recovery ovens - iron ores, iron ore reserves in India, beneficiation of iron ore,
agglomeration methods: principle and mechanism of sintering, Dwight - Lloyd sintering technology - pelletisation: disc and drum
pelletisers - assessment of coke quality - physical, chemical characterization and metallurgical tests of lump ore / sinter / pellets
- fluxes used in iron making. (12)

BLAST FURNACE OPERATION AND ALTERNATE IRON MAKING: Thermal and chemical features of blast furnace: RAFT
calculations, Reichardt’s diagram, Rist diagrams - internal zones and gas flow in blast furnaces - blast furnace operation and
process control - operational irregularities - Blast furnace products and their utilization - hot metal, slag & blast furnace gas.
blast furnace productivity, fuel efficiency, modern developments - high top pressure, pulverized coal injection and humidification
of blast. Alternate iron making processes: Mini-blast furnace - sponge iron making: coal - based and gas - based processes -
smelting reduction processes: fundamentals, catagorisation, salient features of Corex, Hismelt, Finex, Fastmet, ITmk3
processes - HYBRIT process. (12)

BOF STEEL MAKING: BOF plant layout and converter components - major charge materials - Metallurgical features:
interaction of oxygen jet with the surroundings and the bath - change in temperature and composition during the blow - carbon -
oxygen reaction - slag - metal - gas interaction, bath agitated processes - oxygen bottom blown processes - comparison of
different basic oxygen processes in terms of composition control - EOF process. (12)

SECONDARY STEEL MAKING AND CASTING of STEEL : ladle furnace - inert gas purging - deoxidation - thermodynamics
and kinetics – decarburization. AOD, VOD methods, degassing - thermodynamics and kinetics of degassing reactions, -
desulphurization - thermodynamics and kinetics - injection metallurgy, ESR and VAR process - Clean steel technology-
cleanliness control, tundish metallurgy - recent trends in making stainless steels and ultra - low carbon steels - different slag
practices in EAF steel making - CONARC process. Ingot casting of steel: Various mould designs - killed, semi-killed, rimming
steels - ingot defects and their remedies. Continuous casting of steel: Heat transfer and solidification in continuous casting -
continuous casting machines - current state of continuous casting technology - metallurgical defects and their remedies - round
casters. (12)

Total L : 60

1. Ahindra Ghosh and Amit Chatterjee, “Iron Making and Steel Making - Theory and Practice”, PHI Learning Private Ltd.,
New Delhi 2011.
2. Tupkary R H, Tupkary V R, “An Introduction to Modern Iron Making", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Tupkary R H, Tupkary V R, “An Introduction to Modern Steel Making", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2010

1. Wakelin D H, “The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel: Iron Making", The AISE Steel Foundation,1999.
2. Fruehan R J “The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel: Steel Making and Refining", The AISE SteelFoundation, 1999.
3. Bashforth G R, “Manufacture of Iron and Steel Making: Vol 1: Iron production”, BI publications, 1973.
4. Bashforth G R, “Manufacture of Iron and Steel Making: Vol 2 : Steel production”, BI publications, 1973
5. Dipak Mazumdar, “A First Course in Iron and Steel Making”, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2015.
6. Peacey J G, Davenport W.G, “The Iron Blast Furnace: Theory and Practice” Pergamon Press, 1979.


PATTERNS AND MOULDS: Introduction to foundry processes - types of foundries- types of patterns- pattern materials -
Pattern allowances - pattern layout, pattern making. Mould materials: Ingredients - properties. Testing of moulding sand-
strength, permeability, moisture content, shatter Index, mouldability, compactability, loss on ignition, clay content and AFS grain
fineness number. (9)

MOULDING PROCESSES: Introduction, Green sand moulding, dry sand moulding, CO2moulding, no bake moulding, shell
moulding, investment casting, permanent moulding, die casting and centrifugal casting. Modern moulding methods -
rheocasting, Thixo casting, Squeeze casting, magnetic moulding, Impulse moulding and high-pressure moulding. Core and
core making. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

GATING AND RISERING: Gating systems - functions of gating system - types. Principles and design of gating system.
Risering system - functions, principles, types of risers, methods to improve the riser efficiency, riser design for ferrous and
nonferrous alloys. Simple problems in riser and gating design. (9)

MELTING: Construction and operation of crucible furnaces - cupola, rotary furnace-core type and coreless type Induction
furnaces-arc furnace (direct and indirect arc furnaces), resistance furnaces. Quality control - composition control and
temperature control. Simple problems in composition control for steels and cast irons. Solidification of metals and alloys. Simple
calculations in solidification of alloys (9)

FETTLING AND AUTOMATION: Knock out and finishing operations, checking the suitability and salvaging of castings. Sand
reclamation, moulding machines, foundry layout, mechanization and automation, Use of softwares for foundry applications -
Functional design considerations - simplification of foundry practices - metallurgical design. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Heine R W, Loper C R Rosenthal, P C "Principles of Metal Casting", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Jain P L, “Principles of Foundry Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Ramana Rao T V , "Metal Casting: Principles and Practice", New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Ed Moosbrugger, Ed De Guire E , "ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting", Third Printing, ASM International, 2013.
3. Beeley P R , "Foundry Technology", Butterworths, London, 2001.


FUNDAMENTALS: Classification of joining processes. Energy Sources: Welding power sources - Arc Characteristics - Weld
solidification - Slag - metal and gas - metal reactions. Heat flow in welding - Quantitative calculation of heat transfer in fusion
welding - Calculation of HAZ width. Residual stresses and Distortion - Nature and causes of residual stress - Effects of
residual stresses, residual stress distribution patterns - Effects of welding sequence. Weld Distortion-Reduction / control
of residual stresses and distortion. (9+3)

ARC WELDING PROCESSES: Arc Power Sources - Principles of Operation - Volt - Ampere Characteristics, Duty Cycle and
Open- Circuit Voltage. Fusion Welding Processes: Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Gas Metal Arc
Welding, Flux Cored Arc Welding, Submerged Arc Welding, Stud Arc Welding: Plasma Arc welding Fundamentals – Equipment
- filler metals and its classifications. Materials weldable, Applications, welding variables - Weld Quality, process variations.
OTHER WELDING PROCESSES : Electro Slag Welding, Gas Welding, Thermit Welding, Electron Beam Welding, Laser
Welding and Resistance Welding Processes: Fundamentals and Equipment – Materials weldable, Applications. Welding
Variables - Weld Quality - Process Variations. Solid State Processes: Ultrasonic welding, Explosive welding, Diffusion welding,
Friction welding and Friction Stir Welding: fundamentals, equipment and applications. (9+3)

WELDING METALLURGY: Welding of carbon steels, low alloy steels, Stainless steels, Cast irons, Aluminum and Aluminum
alloys, Nickel and Nickel alloys, Titanium and Titanium alloys: Metallurgical difficulties - Process selection: filler
metal selection – safe welding procedures. (9+3)

TESTS, QUALIFICATIONS AND SAFETY: Overview of welding defects - testing of weldments and Weldability testing -
Mechanical tests. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), Sample WPSs for welding of carbon steels, low alloy steels
and stainless steels, Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) and Welder Performance Qualifications (WPQ). Safety in welding:
personal protective equipment, protection against fumes and gases, safe handling of compressed gases, protection against
electromagnetic radiation, electrical safety, fire prevention and explosion prevention. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T:15 = 60
1. Cary H B , "Modern Welding Technology", Prentice Hall, 2011.
2. Sindo Kou, "Welding Metallurgy", John Wiley and Sons, 2003.

1. AWS , “Welding hand books, Volume 1 to Volume 5", 9thEdition, American Welding Society, 2013.
2. Lancaster J F, "Metallurgy of welding", Woodhead Publishing Series, Elsevier,1999.
3. Ed Zorc B T, "ASM Handbook, Volume 6 - Welding, Brazing and Soldering", Tenth printing ASM International, 2013


PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION: Basic operations in Powder Metallurgy. Classification of powder production
methods- production of metal, alloy, ceramic, intermetallic and nano crystalline powders. Rapid Solidification Processing (RSP)
techniques; Powder Conditioning- powder annealing, calcinations, powder mixing and blending - principle, mechanisms-
equipment. Individual powder characteristics-morphology, topography surface area; bulk powder characteristics - density, flow
rate, size distributions, angle of repose, compressibility-Powder handling, safety - pyrophoricity, toxicity and environmental

67th ACM 30.07.2022

issues. (9)

SHAPING AND CONSOLIDATION: Fundamentals of powder compaction - Pressureless shaping techniques - additives,
processing steps, baking: Pressure compaction techniques: stages and densification mechanisms, Powder forming: rolling,
forging, injection moulding, extrusion and explosive forming. Powder coatings; Sintering - mechanisms, effect of process
variables- sintering furnaces.Types of sintering - solid state and liquid phase sintering, reactive, activated and super solidus
sintering. Hot compaction techniques – principle, mechanisms; advanced compaction techniques: Isostatic Pressing (cold and
hot), Spark Plasma Sintering. Defects in sintered parts – blow out, blisters, slumping, lamination crack and surface roughness.
TESTING AND FINISHING OPERATIONS: Determination of strength of green compacts and sintered parts, hardness and
stability factors, abrasion resistance, permeability of powder compacts - standards. Additional processes: machining, grinding /
treatments of sintered materials to enhance dimensional accuracy, strength, wear and corrosion resistance. (9)

DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND SPECIFIC P/M PRODUCTS: Design aspects in powder metallurgy parts and dies - process
variables - comparison with conventional manufacturing techniques; Production, properties and applications of self lubricating
bearings, Oxide Dispersion Strengthened alloys, friction materials, tungsten filaments, cermets, cemented carbide tool tips,
magnets, contact materials and porous materials. (9)

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Basic concept, classification, liquid based, solid based and powder based additive
manufacturing systems: Selective Laser Sintering, Selective Laser Melting, Fused Bed Process, wire additive manufacturing
and rapid prototyping. Softwares for additive manufacturing – tooling, standards and trends - defects in 3D printing -
advantages, limitations. Applications: medical and bioengineering, automotive/aerospace industry, jewelry making. (9)

Total L :45

1. Angelo P C and Subramanian R, “Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology and Applications”, PHI, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong, “3D printing and Additive Manufacturing: Principles and Applications, 2017.

1. Metals Handbook, Vol.7,"Powder Metallurgy", Metals Park, USA, 1990.
2. Sinha A K, "Powder Metallurgy", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1982.
3. Fritz V Lenel, “Powder Metallurgy Principles and Applications”, Princeton, USA, 1980.
4. Randall M German, “Powder Metallurgy Science”, Metal Powder Industries Federation, 1994.
5. Anish Upadhyaya, “Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology and materials”, Universities Press, 2013.


1. AFS grain fineness of base sand by sieve analysis.
2. Strength and hardness of moulding sand.
3. Charge calculation and melting of low melting alloys in crucible melting furnace.
4. Fluidity of low melting alloy by spiral fluidity test.
5. Study of solidification behaviour of cast alloys in metallic and sand moulds.


1. Heat Treatment practices for carbon steels: Annealing, Normalising and Hardening.
2. Heat Treatment practices for low alloy steels, tool steels and stainless steels.
3. Heat Treatment Practices for malleable, Grey and SG cast irons.
4. Heat Treatment practice for aluminium alloys.
5. Hardenability testing: Jominy end quench method.
Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, 2022.
2. Rajan T V, Sharma C P and Ashok Sharma “Heat Treatment: Principles and Techniques”, Prentice Hall, India, 2004.


1. Welding practice on SMAW, GMAW and GTAW processes.
2. Implant test to determine cold cracking susceptibility.
3. Varestraint test to determine hot cracking susceptibility.
4. HAZ simulation using thermo-mechanical simulator
5. Strain Induced Crack Opening (SICO) test using thermo-mechanical simulator

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Powder production by Top-down and Bottom-up approaches.
2. Determination of individual particle and bulk powder characteristics.
3. Cold compaction of powders and sintering of green compacts.
4. Determination of density, compact strength, hardness and microstructure of sintered parts.
5. Demonstration of Additive Manufacturing process.

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, 2023.
2. Angelo P C and Subramanian R, “Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology and Applications”, PHI, New Delhi, 2013.


1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
4. Critical reasoning
5. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
6. Permutation, Combination and Probability
7. Time, Speed and Distance
8. Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1. Aggarwal R S, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Wren P C and Martin H, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.



BASIC CONCEPTS OF YIELDING: Components of stress, principal stresses in 2D and 3D state of stress, hydrostatic and
deviatoric components of stress, Mohrs circle. Von Mises and Tresca yield criteria, comparison of different yield criteria.
FUNDMENTALS OF METAL FORMING : Mechanics of metal forming, forming analysis - slab method, Flow stress
determination - temperature in metal forming, recrystallization, strain rate effects, metallurgical structures, effect of friction in
forming analysis, deformation zone geometry, workability, forming limit diagrams, deformation mechanism maps - concept of
softening. (9+3)

FORGING, ROLLING AND EXTRUSION : Forging - classification, open die forging - closed die forging - die design,
calculation of forging loads - friction hill diagram - Forging defects, causes and remedies - applications. Rolling: types of
rolling mills, forces and geometrical relationship in rolling, analysis of rolling load, rolling defects and applications. Extrusion:
direct and indirect extrusion, extrusion dies, hydrostatic extrusion, Analysis of extrusion. Tube extrusion - extrusion defects.
DRAWING OF RODS, WIRES AND TUBES : Rod and wire drawing process, die and die materials, Simple analysis of wire
drawing, Tube drawing processes - types, analysis of tube drawing, seamless pipe and tube, defects in tube drawing -
residual stresses. SHEET METAL FORMING: shearing, bending, spinning, stretch forming, deep drawing and redrawing.
Drawability - practical considerations affecting drawability - forming limit diagram - defects and applications. (9+3)

HIGH ENERGY RATE FORMING PROCESSES: High velocity forming - comparison with conventional forming - Explosive
forming - types, explosives used - application of explosive forming. Electro hydraulic forming, electromagnetic forming -
methods and applications. SUPER PLASTIC FORMING: Super plasticity - definition - materials - mechanism of super plastic
deformation -diffusion bonding – Applications of super plastic forming and diffusion bonding. (9+3)

SEVERE PLASTIC DEFORMATION PROCESSES: Metallurgical characteristics and structural changes during severe plastic
deformation processes, ECAP, Cryo, Accumulative roll bonding, Repetitive corrugation and straightening, Asymmetric rolling -
methods and applications. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 =60

1. Dieter G E , "Mechanical Metallurgy", Third Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Avitzur B , "Metal Forming - Processes and Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill,2005.

1. Hertzberg R W , "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", John Wiley &Sons,1994.
2. Semiatin S L , "ASM Metals Handbook: Forming and Forging (Volume 14)", Ninth Edition, ASM International,1989.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Rowe G W,"Principles Industrial Metal working Processes", CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, NewDelhi,2005.
4. Hosford W F, Caddell R.M , "Metal Forming - Mechanics and Metallurgy", Cambridge University Press,2011.


OPTICAL MICROSCOPY : Macro - examination and micro - examination. Optical microscope - metallographic specimen
preparation - theory of line aroptics-magnification, numerical aperture, resolving power, depth of field and depth of focus.
Aberrations in lenses. Bright field, dark field, phase-contrast and polarized light illuminations. Interference microscopy - Con
focal microscopy, hot stage microscopy and color metallography - quantitative metallography and its applications. (9)

X-RAY DIFFRACTION : Nature and absorption of X-rays, Characteristic X-ray spectrum, Bragg's law, diffraction methods -
Laue, rotating crystal and powder methods - concept of reciprocal lattice - diffraction by crystals. X-ray diffractometers, X-ray
filters and detectors - Structure Factor calculation for cubic systems. Introduction of point groups and space groups, symmetry-
crystallography, applications of X-ray diffraction: determination of crystal structure, lattice parameter, measurement of stress.
Introduction to wide - angle and small - angle x -ray diffraction - fundamentals of preferred orientation and macro-textures -
basics of stereographic projection - Laue patterns and pole figures. (10)

ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Overview of electron optical instruments - electron - specimen interactions, signals used in
electron optical instruments. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) - electro-optics, aberration correction, imaging modes,
mass-density contrast, phase contrast, amplitude contrast, Selected Area Diffraction. Specimen preparation techniques -
Applications of TEM and HRTEM, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) - principle, construction and working, operating modes,
contrast formations, applications, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy(STEM) - principle and interpretations, Electron
Microprobe Analysis - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy - Wave Length Dispersive Spectroscopy. Qualitative and quantitative
analysis: coating thickness measurement. Principle and application of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) technique. (10)

ELECTRON SPECTROMETRY: Principle - instrumentation, working and applications of Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry
(EELS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Surface analysis methods -Secondary
Ion Mass Spectroscopy Scanning Probe Microscopy, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Field Ion
Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography – principles - instrumentation and applications. (8)

OTHER SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUES: Optical Emission spectroscopy, X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy - principle, construction, working and applications. Thermal and Other
Miscellaneous Methods: Principles and instrumentation of Differential Thermal Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and
Thermo - Gravimetric Analysis - interpretation of results. Dilatometry. Electrical resistivity and magnetic measurements,
Anelasticity and electrochemical measurements. (8)

Total L:45
1. Angelo P C," Materials Characterization",Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2016.
2. Yang Leng, "Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods", John Wiley & Sons,

1. Cullity B D, Stock S R, "Elements of X-ray Diffraction",Pearson education Ltd, 2013.
2. Ramakanth Hebbar K R , "Basics of X-Ray Diffraction and Its Applications" , I.K. International Publishing House Pvt, Ltd.,
3. Whan R E,"ASM Handbook,Volume 10, “Materials Characterization”, ASM international, USA, 1992.
4. Khangaonkar P R, "An Introduction to Materials Characterization", Penram International Publishing (India) Pvt Ltd, 2010


00 42
1. Determination of n and K values from tension test.
2. Determination of friction co-efficient using ring compression test.
3. Cold working of low and high stacking fault energy materials.
4. Determination of plastic strain ratio in sheet metals.
5. Determination of flow properties in forgings using simulation software.


1. Determination of phase fraction and grain size using image analyser.
2. Composition analysis of steels and cast irons using spectrometer (Demonstration).

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. X-ray diffraction analysis of bulk and powder metal samples.

4. Determination of crystal structure, lattice parameter and crystallite size using XRD.
5. Fractography and composition analysis using SEM / SEM- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy.
6. Study of TEM imaging, SAED patterns and EBSD patterns.

Total P :60


1. Introduction to CALPHAD approach and Free energy calculations.
2. Construction of free energy vs composition curves for ideal and regular solution models using MATLAB/Python.
3. Construction of phase diagrams from free energy curves for spinodal decomposition alloys.
4. Study of sub-regular solution models using Redlich Kiseter polynomial.
5. Phase equilibrium calculations using Thermocalc software.
6. Study of precipitation kinetics in alloy steels using TC- PRISMA.
7. Construction of isothermal and non- isothermal cooling curves for various ferrous alloys using TC-PRISMA.
8. Simulation of Scheil Solidification of ferrous and non ferrous alloys using Thermo Calc software.
9. Numerical solutions (by finite difference and discrete Fourier transformations) of diffusion equations using MATLAB/Python.
10. Study of diffusion behavior of carbon in steels and homogenization of a binary Fe-Ni alloy using DICTRA.

Total P: 60


Students have to design and make a innovative Metallurgical / Materials Science project. It includes
1. Requirement analysis and Problem formulation
2. Conceptual design
3. Methodology
4. Optimization of the design, material selection and process (if applicable)
5. Model / Prototype development / Implementation
6. Testing and Validation
7. Report Submission
Total P: 30




1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1. Gayle Laakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



FUNDAMENTALS OF NDE: Definition, NDT Versus DT, Various energy forms used in NDE. Classifications of Non
Destructive Evaluations - Merits, demerits and applications of NDE. Introduction to defects and defect orientations in
engineering components. Codes and standards for NDT

SURFACE EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Visual Inspection: aided and unaided techniques. Direct and remote visual
inspection. Visual aids : optical and mechanical instruments. Dye Penetrant Inspection: principle, applications, advantages and
limitations. Types of dyes and developers and cleaners. Fluorescent Penetrant Test (FPT). (9)

SURFACE AND SUB- SURFACE EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI): Principles, applications,
magnetization methods, magnetic particles, dry technique and wet technique, demagnetization - advantages and limitations.
Eddy Current Testing (ET): Principle, instrumentation and procedure - applications of eddy current testing. (9)

ULTRASONIC TESTING (UT): Principle, types of ultrasonic waves, characteristics of ultrasonic waves, attenuation, couplants,
probes. Inspection methods - normal beam, angle beam inspection. Pulse echo, Transmission and Immersion testing. Types of
scanning and displays (A-scan, B-scan and C-scan). Phased array techniques and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique.
UT of steel pipes, Calibration: ASTM Test blocks and IIW-reference blocks. (10)

RADIOGRAPHY TESTING: Principle - electromagnetic radiation source: types and their characteristics. Significance filters and
screens, geometric factors, inverse square law, exposure chart and radiographic equivalence. Imaging and inspection
techniques - film radiography and digital radiography (Computed, Direct, Real Time and CT scan). Problems in film radiography
- shadow formation and Image Quality Indicators (IQI) .Advantages, disadvantages and applications. safety in radiography. (10)

SPECIAL TECHNIQUES: Principle - instrumentation and applications of Acoustic Emission Testing, Infra Red Thermography,
Magnetic flux leakage testing and LASER shearography. Comparison and selection of NDT methods: defects in welding,
casting, forging, rolling and other process. (7)

Total L:45

1 Barry Hull, Vernon John, "Nondestructive Testing", Revised, Springer, 2012.
2. Louis Cartz , "Nondestructive Testing", ASM International, USA, 1995.

1. Chuck Hellier , "Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation", Mc Graw Hill, 2013.
2. Davis R J, "ASM Handbook, Volume 17 - Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control", ASM International, 2001.


BASICS OF CORROSION: Introduction to corrosion - expressions for corrosion rate. EMF and galvanic series – merits
and demerits - Pourbaix diagram. Exchange current density, polarization: concentration, activation and resistance
polarization. Tafel equation; - passivity, electrochemical behaviour of active/passive metals - Flade potential- theories of
passivity – Effect of oxidizing agents. (9)

FORMS OF CORROSION: Uniform, pitting, intergranular, stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue. dezincification.
erosion corrosion and crevice corrosion - causes and remedial measures - High temperature oxidation - Pilling
Bedworth ratio- Hydrogen embrittlement-causes and remedial measures. (9)

CORROSION PROTECTION AND TESTING: Organic, inorganic and metallic coatings, electro and electroless
plating and anodizing - cathodic protection, corrosion inhibitors-principles and practice-inhibitors for acidic, neutral
and other media. Corrosion testing - Purpose - Classification: susceptibility tests for intergranular corrosion - stress
corrosion test. salt spray test, humidity and porosity tests, accelerated weathering tests - ASTM standards for
corrosion testing . (9)

TRIBOLOGY: Introduction to wear, types of wear: adhesive, abrasive, oxidative, corrosive, erosive and fretting wear - roles of
friction and lubrication–Various methods of wear testing - ASTM standards for wear testing. (9)

SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES: Definition of surface modification - classification - Introduction to surface

preparation - Diffusion techniques: Carburizing, nitriding, carbinitriding and cyaniding. Selective surface hardening methods
such as flame hardening and induction hardening. Introduction to various types of coating methods. Electro forming:
specimen preparation- electrolyte preparation- stages of operation and application. Friction stir processing: Definition,
process variables, surface preparation, post FSP operations and applications. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L:45
1. Mars G Fontana, "Corrosion Engineering", Third, McGrawHill, 2005.
2. Kenneth G Budinski, "Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance", Prentice Hall,1988.

1. Denny A Jones,"Principles and Prevention of Corrosion", Second, Prentice Hall of India, 2013.
2. Uhlig H H, "Corrosion and Corrosion Control", Fifth, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
3. Raj Narayan," An Introduction to Metallic Corrosion and its Prevention",Oxford Press, New Delhi, 1983.
4. Ed Cramer D S, Ed Covino S B , "ASM Handbook,Volume13A- Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection", Sixth
Printing, ASM International, 2013


1. Visual inspection - Unaided and aided techniques- weld inspection.
2. Liquid penetrant testing.
3. Dry Magnetic particle testing.
4. Ultrasonic inspection - Thickness measurement and flaw detection.
5. Radiography testing - Film interpretation.


1. Estimation of corrosion rate of carbon steel by weight loss method and determination of inhibitor efficiency in acid and neutral
2. Oxalic acid etch test for intergranular corrosion (Stretcher test) ATM A262-practice A.
3. Study of passivation characteristics of MS and SS steels in acid media by potentiostatic/ galvanostatic polarization
4. Adhesive wear testing using pin - on - disc wear tester.
5. a) Abrasive wear testing in dry and wet conditions b) Erosive wear testing using slurry erosion.

Total P :60


1. Introduction to Data Analytics - R and Python - basics.
2. Data Visualization of metallurgical processes using R/python.
3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using R / Python (data preprocessing, dealing with outliers, null values, standardization
and scaling of data) for metallurgical processes.
4. Correlation, Multi collinearity diagnostics, Multi collinearity detection, Processes treatment, Dimension Reduction, and factor
Analysis of metallurgical process using R/python.
5. Introduction to machine learning and data preprocessing techniques for machine learning applications (spilt the data into
test and train, model performance measuring techniques)
6. Unsupervised machine learning algorithms (Association Rule Mining and Clustering) analysis using R / python.
7. Linear and logistic regression methods using R / python for metallurgical process data.
8. Supervised Machine Learning algorithms (Decision tree, KNN, Naive Bayes, Linear discriminant analysis) using R / python.
9. Supervised Machine Learning algorithms (Support vector mechanics and Artificial Neural Network) using R/python.
10. Ensemble Machine Learning methods (Random forest, random bagging, SMOTE and XG Boosting)

Total P :60


1. Identification of a real life problem in thrust areas.
2. Developing a mathematical model for solving the above problem.
3. Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey.
4. Future trends in providing alternate solutions.
5. Experimental work done to validate.
6. Characterization and testing of the samples.
7. Discussion and finalisation of system requirements and specification.
8. Consolidated report preparation of the above.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



ꞏ Detailed literature survey / review
ꞏ Problem identification in the existing system.
ꞏ Need for current study and its feasibility.


ꞏ Formulation of methodology / time line to carry out the project work.
ꞏ Designing / planning / execution of experiments and file maintenance for progress monitoring.
ꞏ Testing and characterization of samples as per the project objectives.
ꞏ Validation of the developed system/model.


ꞏ Introduction to the problem.
ꞏ Literature review and Identification of objectives.
ꞏ Experimental work and analysis / interpretation / consolidation of results.
ꞏ Summary of results.
ꞏ Presentation as an individual / team.

Total P: 120

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum Credits to be earned: 164)
S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks
Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23P102 Physics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

Chemistry of Engineering
3 23P103 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Engineering Materials and
4 23P104 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23P110 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS

Engineering Practices
7 23P111 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

8 23IP15 Induction Programme** 0 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 25 periods 15 4 6 22 320 380 700

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

Complex Variables and
1 23P201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23P202 Casting Technology 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23P203 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

Basics of Electrical and
4 23P204 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
Electronics Engineering

5 23G___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS

6 23P210 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
7 23P211 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Engineering Laboratory

8 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

9 23P215 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 27 periods 12 3 12 20 400 400 800

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
€ This course will be conducted prior to the commencement of the third semester for a period of 3 weeks
£ For internship, one credit is equivalent to minimum 40 hours of work as per norms
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

Matrix Theory and Numerical
1 23P301 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23P302 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

3 23P303 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

4 23P304 Welding Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

5 23O___ Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23P310 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Metallurgy and Strength of
7 23P311 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Materials Laboratory
8 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

9 23K312 Environmental Science** 2 0 0 0 - - -

10 23P315 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 29 periods 17 4 8 23 380 420 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P401 Probability and Statistical Methods 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23P402 Thermal Engineering 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

3 23P403 Mechanics of Machines 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23P404 Design of Machine Elements 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23P405 Machining Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Thermal Engineering and Fluid
6 23P410 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Machinery Laboratory
Manufacturing Processes
7 23P411 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
Laboratory - I
8 23P412 Python Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

9 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23O412 Indian Constitution** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23P415 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 31 periods 17 4 10 24 440 460 900

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P501 CNC Machines and Robotics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Process Planning and Cost
2 23P502 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23P503 Metrology and Quality Control 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23P504 Production Tooling 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23P505 Fluid Power Automation 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Manufacturing Processes
6 23P510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Laboratory - II
7 23P511 Metrology Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

8 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23P515 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 28 periods 15 3 10 23 380 420 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

Quantitative Methods in
1 23P601 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23P602 Metal Forming Processes 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Design for Manufacture and
3 23P603 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
4 23P____ Professional Elective - 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23PO__ Open Elective - 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Fluid Power Automation
6 23P610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23P611 CAD, CAM, CAE Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code

9 23P615 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 27 periods 15 2 10 22 380 420 800

At the end of 6th semester, the students are required to earn the minimum number of activity points from the AICTE mandated
ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME to qualify for the award of BE/BTech degree (Refer Section 4 (vii) (c) of 2019

* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

Production and Operations
1 23P701 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
2 23P____ Professional Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23P____ Professional Elective - 3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23P____ Professional Elective - 4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23PO___ Open Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE


6 23P710 Industrial Engineering Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23P711 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

8 23P720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Total 25 periods 15 0 10 20 380 420 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P___ Professional Elective - 5 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 23P____ Professional Elective - 6 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


3 23P820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 14 periods 6 0 8 10 140 160 300

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution

Credits Per Semester

Course Total
S. No.
Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10

2 BS 14 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 26

3 ES 4 10 9 7 0 0 0 0 30

4 PC 0 4 5 12 22 13 5 0 61

5 PE 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 6 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6

7 EEC 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 4 13

8 MC - - - - - - - - 0

TOTAL 22 20 23 24 23 22 20 10 164

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC -
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. J Hass, C Heil, Maurice D W, “Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017

MECHANICS AND FLUID MOTION: Introduction to vectors - velocity and acceleration vectors in two dimensions, relative
motion, uniform circular motion - rotational motion - radial and tangential acceleration, torque, rotational inertia, rotational
energy, conservation of angular momentum, gyroscopes and precession - fluid statics - density and pressure, hydrostatic
equilibrium, measurement of pressure, compressible and incompressible flow - applying Pascal‟s law - a hydraulic lift -
Archimedes principle and buoyancy - finding the buoyancy force - working underwater, floating objects - fluid dynamics - stream
lines, conservation of mass - continuity equation - conservation of energy - Bernoulli‟s Equation. (9+3)

OSCILLATORY MOTION AND WAVE MOTION: Simple harmonic motion, spring mass system, torsional oscillator, vibration of
a spring and mass system - free, damped and forced oscillations and resonance - wave motion - definition of a plane
progressive wave - attenuation of waves - differential equation and solution of a plane progressive wave - phase velocity -
superposition of waves, group velocity - the doppler effect and shock waves. (9+3)

OPTICS: Review of formation of images by lenses, combination of thin and thick lenses, chromatic and spherical aberrations,
methods to reduce aberrations – interference - superposition principle, intensity distribution, condition for interference, coherent
and non coherent source, classification of fringes, system for observing the interference phenomna and engineering application
- interferometric displacement measurement – diffraction - Fraunhoffer diffraction for single slit and double slit, diffraction
grating, resolving power of a grating, image forming system - optical microscope. (9+3)

LASER PROCESSING OF MATERIALS: Introduction to laser - functional requirements for material processing - wavelength,
spatial and temporal coherence, spot size, spectral power density, spatial power distribution, beam profile - properties and
industrial applications of carbon-di-oxide, Nd:YAG, laser, Q-switching - interaction of laser with matter - absorption spectra of
target material, surface reflection, heat affected zone, enhancing thermal outputs by oxidation or pretreatment of the surface,
laser machining, marking, drilling, welding and heat treatment. (9+3)

TESTING OF MATERIALS: Ultrasonic inspection - properties of ultrasonic waves, acoustic impedance, pulse-echo method,
through transmission, phase-array radiators, ultrasonic detectors - microscopic inspection - electron microscopy, electron
waves, STEM, AFM and applications - principles of acoustic emission for health monitoring of engineering structures. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. John C Ion, “Laser Processing of Engineering Materials: Principles, Procedure and Industrial Applications”, Elsevier
(Oxford), 2005.
2. Osef Krautkramer, Herbert Krautkramer, “Ultrasonic Testing of Materials”, Springer, 2008.
3. Richard Wolfson, "Essential University Physics", Pearson Education, 4th Edition, Singapore, 2021,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Halliday D, Resnick R and Walker J, "Fundamentals of Physics", Wiley Publications, 4th Edition, 2021.
2. Paul M Fishbane, Stephen Gasiorowicz, Stephan T Thompton, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Addison Wesley,
3. Raymond A Serway, John W Jewett, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Cengage Learning, 2017.


FUELS AND COMBUSTION: Petroleum - refining, cracking and polymerisation - petrol and diesel knocking - octane and
cetane rating of fuels - reforming of gasoline - liquefaction of coal - Bergius process - alternate fuels - methanol, ethanol, CNG,
biodiesel - calorific value - determination by bomb calorimeter - calculation of heat of combustion – calorific intensity -
calculation of theoretical flame temperature - combustion of fuels - theoretical air calculations for solid and gaseous fuels –
emission tests, catalytic convertors - principles, Euro and Bharath emission standards - propellants – requisites – examples -
explosives – lead azides - applications. (9+3)

BATTERIES and FUEL CELLS: Electrode potential, nernst equation - performance characteristics of batteries - construction,
reactions, characteristics of Zn-Carbon, lithium primary cells - lead - acid battery and lithium-ion secondary batteries -
supercapacitors – EDLC – fundamentals, electrode materials, electrolytes, pseudocapacitors - fuel cell-working principles of
proton exchange membrane and direct methanol fuel cells - speciality batteries for satellites and torpedoes. (9+3)

CORROSION AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS: Forms of corrosion - uniform, pitting, crevice, intergranular and stress corrosion
- corrosion protection by design, anodic and cathodic protection, corrosion inhibitors - mention of types and applications -
protective coatings - anodizing, electroplating of Cu, Ni and Cr - galvanizing and tinning - paints - constituents and functions -
electrophoretic painting, superhydrophobic and self healing coatings. (9+3)

POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES: Polymers: Classification, degree of polymerization molecular weight - Mn and Mw -
structure related to thermal and mechanical properties of polymers - degradation of polymers - thermal and mechanical,
additives - protective additives - thermal stabilizers, UV stabilizers, antioxidants, functional additives - metal deactivators, flame
retardants, vulcanization. COMPOSITES: Classification, role of matrix and reinforcements, polymer matrix - thermoplastic and
thermoset, reinforcements – glass, carbon, aramids, nanomaterials. (9+3)

MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: Lubricants - classification - properties, mechanisms of lubrication - additives and improvers –
solid lubricants (graphite and MoS2). ABRASIVES: Natural abrasives (diamond and corundum) - synthetic abrasives (silicon
carbide and boron carbide) - refractories - characteristics – classification – alumina, magnesite and zirconia bricks –
applications - adhesives - pressure sensitive, epoxy, acrylic and plastics based - boiler feed water - requisites - estimation of
hardness - demineralization process. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Shashi Chawla, “A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2005.
2. Shikha Agarwal, “Engineering Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications”, Cambridge University Press, 2015.

1. Samir S, “Fuels and Combustion”, India Universities Press, 2009.
2. Vladimir S Bagotsky, Alexander M Skundin, Yurij VM Volfkovich, “Electrochemical Power Sources : Batteries, Fuel Cells
and Supercapacitors”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
3. Gowarikar V R, Viswanathan N V and Jayadev Sreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2011.


STRUCTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Crystalline and amorphous structures, metals - crystal systems and crystal
structures -SC,FCC, BCC, HCP, crystallographic directions and planes, crystal imperfections, polymers - structures of
thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, ceramic crystal structures. (9)

ALLOYS AND PHASE DIAGRAMS: Alloys and alloy system - constitution of alloys – compounds and solid solutions,
substitutional and interstitial – binary phase diagrams, isomorphous and eutectic systems - interpretation of phase diagrams,
iron – iron carbide equilibrium diagram - classification of steels and cast-iron. (9)

HEAT TREATMENT: Heat treatment - definition and classification – annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering of steel -
Time Temperature Transformation (TTT) diagram – cooling curves superimposed on TTT diagram – austempering and
martempering - critical cooling rate, hardenability, jominy end quench test – surface heat treatment – chemical, thermal and
mechanical methods. (9)


plastic deformation, slip and twinning – types of fracture – testing of mechanical properties - tensile test, hardness tests
(brinell, vickers and rockwell), impact test, fatigue and creep testing – strengthening mechanisms. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Classification of engineering materials, ferrous alloys – composition, properties and applications,
effect of alloying additions in steel, non ferrous alloys - copper, aluminium, magnesium, titanium, lead and tin alloys -
composition, properties and applications, polymers, ceramics and composites – properties and applications. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Sidney H Avner, "Introduction to Physical Metallurgy", Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, 2017.
2. William D Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering", John Wiley and Sons, 2019.

1. Dieter G E, "Mechanical Metallurgy", Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Kenneth G Budinski, Michael K Budinski, "Engineering Materials", Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2013.
3. Lawrence H Van Vlack, “Elements of Materials Science and Engineering”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 1998.
4. Raghavan V, "Materials Science and Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2018.


VOCABULARY: Etymology - prefixes and suffixes - synonyms - antonyms - guessing meanings from context - word formation -
single - word substitutes - different forms of a word - phrasal verbs - collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening - listening techniques - introducing oneself and others - seeking and
sharing information - description - conversation skills - extempore speaking - speech practice in varied formal contexts. (9+3)

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions - Yes/no questions - parts of speech - articles - prepositions - gerunds - conjunctions - degrees of
comparison - tenses - modal verbs - adverbs - direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting - reading comprehension: Techniques - practice reading.
WRITING: Discourse markers - dialogue writing - completing sentences - jumbled sentences - paragraph writing - writing
compare and contrast paragraphs - Letter writing. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + 15 = 60
1. Shoba K N and Lourdes Joavani Rayen, “Communicative English”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021.
2. Raymond Murphy, “Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi,2020.

1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press., New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad ,2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.



1. Determination of Young’s modulus of a wooden bar – cantilever method

2. Determination of rigidity modulus of a given material using torsion pendulum
3. Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water – Poiseuille’s method
4. Determination of fibre thickness – air wedge method
5. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum using transmission grating
6. Measurement of vibration frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork using Melde’s apparatus
7. Determination of velocity of sound – Helmholtz resonator
8. Determination of hysteresis loss of a ferromagnetic material
9. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
10. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson interferometer.


1. Determine the excitation potential of argon using the Franck Hertz method.
2. Determine the number of turns and radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s law –
3. Find the hall voltage, hall coefficient, mobility and charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using hall apparatus.
4. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
5. Determine the Planck’s constant using photo electric method.
6. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder interferometer.
7. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the etalon.
8. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.
9. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus
Total P: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Department of Physics,” Physics Laboratory Observation”, 2022.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics Laboratory Experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.


1. Proximate analysis of coal.

2. Study of a galvanic cell.
3. Examination of different forms of corrosion using Ferroxyl indicator and determination of corrosion rate by current
4. Anodizing of aluminium and determination of thickness of anodized film
5. Electroplating of nickel /copper and determination of coulombic efficiency
6. Determination of molecular weight of polymer by Ostwald / Ubbelohde Viscometer.
7. Potentiometric estimation of ferrous ion in an effluent.
8. Determination of kinematic viscosity of lubricating a oil using Redwood viscometer.
9. Determination of flash point and fire points of lubricating oils.
10. Determination of hardness, TDS, pH and conductivity of a water sample.
Total P: 60
1. Lab Manual prepared by Physics department.
2. Lab Manual prepared by Chemistry department.



1. Foundry - tools, preparation of molding sand, patterns, cores, foundry exercises.

2. Welding - metal arc welding tools and equipment, exercises by arc welding and TIG welding processes.
3. Fitting - tools, operations, exercises make “T” Joint and “L” Joint, types of joints.
4. Carpentry - tools, carpentry process, carpentry exercises, types of joints.
5. Plumbing - exercises - external thread cutting and joining.
6. Sheet metal work and soldering - tools, operations, exercises on making a rectangular tray in Galvanized Iron sheet
7. Power tools - demonstration of tools and operations.
8. Subtractive rapid prototyping - demonstration of prototype development process.

Total P: 30
1. Chapman WAJ, “Workshop Technology”, Edward Arnold, 2001
2. Laboratory manual prepared by Mechanical Department, 2010.



COMPLEX DIFFERENTIATION: Derivative, analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laplace’s equation, linear fractional
transformations. (9+3)

COMPLEX INTEGRATION: Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions, Laurent
series, singularities and zeros, residue integration method (Residue integration of complex integrals only). (9+3)

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, linearity, first shifting theorem, transforms of derivatives and integrals, unit step
function, second shifting theorem, Dirac’s delta function, periodic functions, differentiation and integration of transforms, solving
ODEs with constant coefficients and initial value problems. (9+3)

FOURIER ANALYSIS: Fourier series – arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half range expansions - Fourier transforms,
Fourier cosine and sine transforms. (9+3)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts of PDEs, wave equation, heat equation, steady state two-dimensional
heat problems, solution by Fourier series. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Dennis G Z, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2017.

1. Dennis G Z and Patrick D S, “A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2015.
2. Wylie C R and Barret L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2019.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Peter V O Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage, New Delhi, 2018.

4. Dean G D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB”, CRC Press, USA, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to manufacturing processes, casting - definition, major cast metals, components produced by
casting process, steps involved in sand casting, advantages and limitations of casting process, overview of the foundry -
solidification of pure metal and alloys - nucleation and growth, dendritic growth and segregation, shrinkage in alloys, pattern
design. (9+3)

GATING SYSTEM: Elements of a gating system, types of gates – advantages and limitations, applications, classification of
gating systems, hydraulics and design of gating systems, influence of gating design on casting quality. (9+3)

RISERING OF CASTINGS: Solidification of actual castings, progressive and directional solidification, centerline feeding
resistance, rate of solidification, Chvorinov’s rule, need and functions of a riser, design of risering systems – Caine, NRL and
modulus approaches, risering aids. (9+3)

SPECIAL CASTING PROCESSES AND FOUNDRY PRACTICES: Permanent mold casting, die-casting, centrifugal casting,
shell molding, investment casting and miscellaneous casting processes - characteristics, capabilities, advantages and
limitations - defects in casting, design for castability - introduction to casting simulation. (9+3)

MELTING AND INSPECTION: Furnaces – types, description, advantages and limitations, selection of furnace for a melting
application, types of pouring equipment, melting and pouring practices, material and conversion cost estimation - various
finishing and inspection operations on castings. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Heine R W, Loper C R and Rosenthal P C, “Principles of Metal Casting”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rao P N, “Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding – Volume 1”, McGraw Hill, Chennai, 2019.

1. John Campbell, “Complete Casting Handbook, 2nd Edition: Metal Casting Processes, Metallurgy, Techniques and Design”,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2015.
2. Peter Beeley, “Foundry Technology”, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2012.
3. Ravi B, “Metal Casting: Computer Aided Design and Analysis”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Taylor H F, Flemings M C and Wulff J, “Foundry Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.


STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES: Forces - systems of forces - resultant of concurrent force
system in plane and space, free body diagram, equilibrium of particle in plane and space. rigid bodies - moment of force about
a point and an axis, moment of couple - equivalent force-couple system, equilibrium of rigid bodies - types of supports -
reactions on beams and frames. (11+4)

FRICTION: Static and kinetic friction, co-efficient of friction, laws of dry friction, friction in wedges, ladder, ropes and belts. (6+2)

ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES: Types of structures, simple truss - assumptions, roof trusses - method of joints and method of
sections. (6+2)

CENTROID AND MOMENT OF INERTIA: Centre of gravity - location of centroid of composite areas and composite solids,
moment of inertia - determination of area moment of inertia of composite plane areas, polar moment of inertia, mass moment of
inertia of solids, radius of gyration. (8+3)

DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES: Kinematics - motion characteristics, uniformly accelerated motion, rectilinear motion - projectile
motion, circular motion, oscillatory motion – free vibration of single degree of freedom system, kinetics - applications of
Newton’s II law and D’Alembert’s principle, work done by a force - work energy theorem, conservation of mechanical energy,
Impulse and momentum: Conservation of momentum, impact of elastic bodies - direct central impact - oblique central impact.

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Beer F P and Johnston E R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics (SIE)”, McGraw Hill Education, 11th
Edition, 2019.
2. J L Meriam, L G Kraige, “Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 9th Edition, 2021.

1. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, “Principles of Physics”, Wiley Publications, 11th Edition, 2020.
2. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics”, Vikas Publishing House
Private Limited, 2011.
3. Russel C Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics”, Pearson Education, 14th Edition, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Timoshenko S, D H Young, J V Rao, “Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw Hill Education, 5th Edition, 2017.


INTRODUCTION TO AC AND DC CIRCUITS: Charge and current, voltage, energy and power - sinusoidal voltage and current
- average value - RMS value - power factor - phasor representation - circuit elements and symbols - Ohm’s law - Kirchhoff’s law
- mesh and nodal analysis - Thevenin’s theorem - Norton’s theorem - superposition theorem - maximum power transfer
theorem. (11)

DC MACHINES: Types of DC motors, construction and principle of operation - shunt motor - series motor - compound motor,
speed-torque characteristics, starting, speed control, braking. (7)

AC AND SPECIAL MACHINES: Types of AC motors - signal phase induction motor - three phase induction motor -
synchronous motor – starting – single phase transformers – construction, EMF equation - variable reluctance stepper motor-
brushless DC motor - servo motors. (7)

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: PN junction diode - Zener diode - LED – BJT - biasing, amplifier and switch, frequency response
characteristics – MOSFET - types, biasing, current-voltage characteristics, amplifier, high frequency model, junction field -
effect transistor (JFET) - comparison of BJT and FET - optocouplers – SCR - TRIAC - DIAC. (10)

ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS: Half wave and full wave rectifiers - analysis, ripple factor, filtering – clippers and clampers – zener
voltage regulator - series voltage regulators – RC coupled amplifier - RC phase shift oscillator. (10)

Total L: 45
1. William Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, Jaime Phillips, Steven Durbin “Engineering Circuit Analysis” , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2014.

1. Charles Alexander, Mathew Sadiku, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Mittle V N, Aravind Mittal, “Basics of Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Warsame Hassan Ali, Samir Ibrahim Abood, Matthew N O Sadiku “Fundamentals of Electric Machines”, CRC press, New
York, 2019.
4. Robert l Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2013.




INTRODUCTION AND PLANE CURVES: Importance of graphics in engineering applications - Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) - drawing instruments, types of lines and lettering, methods of dimensioning - basic geometrical constructions – conics -
construction of cycloids - construction of involutes, drawing of tangents and normal to the curves - scales. (12)

PROJECTION OF POINTS, LINES AND PLANES: Orthographic projection - principal planes - first angle projection – third
angle projection - projection of points - projection of lines - determination of true lengths and true inclination by rotating line
method - projection of planes. (12)

PROJECTION OF SOLIDS: Types of regular solids, solids in simple positions - projection of solids like prisms, pyramids,
cylinder, cone and sphere - free hand sketching. (12)

regular solids - development of lateral surfaces of simple and sectioned solids - development of lateral surfaces of solids with
cut-outs and holes. (12)

PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS: Isometric projection/ view - isometric scale, isometric projections of lines, planes, solids and
sectioned solids - perspective projection of solids – visual ray method - 2D and 3D part modeling - extraction of 2D views using
CAD package. (12)

Total P: 60
1. John K C, “Engineering Graphics for Degree”, PHI Learning, 2009.
2. Natarajan K V, “A Text Book of Engineering Graphics”, Dhanalakshmi Publisher, Chennai, 2018.
3. Venugopal K and Prabhuraja V, “Engineering Graphics”, New Age International, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



1. Verification of Ohm's law and Kirchoff's laws.

2. Measurement of power and power factor in single phase RLC Circuit
3. Mechanical characteristics of DC shunt motor
4. Load test on three phase induction motor
5. Electric braking of three phase inductor motor (dynamic braking / plugging)
6. Study of halfwave and fullwave rectifiers with and without filters
7. Study of logic gates and implementation of binary adder/subtractor
8. Characteristics of temperature sensors (thermocouple/ RTD)
9. Study of optoelectronic devices (LDR, photodiode, phototransistor)
10. Measurement of linear displacement using LVDT and measurement of strain using strain gauge
Total P: 30
1. EEE Department, "Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory Manual", EEE Department, PSGCT, Coimbatore, 2023.



1. Speed mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)

2. Speed mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with numbers
5. Problem solving with visual information
6. Words puzzles
7. Resume writing essentials
Total P: 30
1. R S Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigen values and eigenvectors of a real matrix – characteristic equation, properties -
diagonalization - quadratic forms, reduction to canonical form by orthogonal reduction - errors and approximations in numerical
methods, power method for dominant eigen value. (10 + 3)

elimination method, Crouts method, Gauss Seidal iterative method, roots of equations – false-position method, Newton -
Raphson method, Graeffe’s root squaring method. (8 + 3)

INTERPOLATION, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials,
Lagrange and Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomials - numerical differentiation, numerical integration – Newton
- Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s 1/3 rule. (12 + 4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, 4th order Runge - Kutta method, multi-step
method – Milne’s method. (6 + 2)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference - elliptic equations – Laplace equation, Poisson equation –
Liebmann method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating
string. (9 + 3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. David C Lay, Judi J McDonald, Steven R Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rizwan B, “Introduction to Numerical Analysis using MATLAB”, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2010.
3. Richard L B and Douglas J F, “Numerical Analysis”, Thomas Learning, New York, 2017.
4. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul, “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


STRESSES AND STRAINS IN AXIALLY LOADED MEMBERS: Normal stress and strain, stress - strain diagram of ductile and
brittle materials - Hooke's law - Poisson's ratio - shear stress and strain - proof resilience - factor of safety - thermal stress -
volumetric strain - relationship between elastic constants - Hoop and longitudinal stresses in thin cylindrical and spherical shells
under internal pressure. (14+3)

PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND PLANES: (Two dimensional only) State of stress at a point - normal and tangential stresses on
a given plane, principal stresses and their planes, plane of maximum shear stress - analytical method - Mohr's circle method,
application to simple problems. (6+3)

SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT: Relationship between load, shear force and bending moment, shear force and
bending moment diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams under concentrated loads and uniformly
distributed loads - maximum bending moment and point of contra flexure. (7+3)

FLEXURE IN BEAMS AND TORSION: Theory of simple bending and assumptions, flexure equation, section modulus, normal
stresses due to flexure - theory of torsion and assumptions, torsion equation, polar modulus, stresses in solid and hollow
circular shafts, power transmitted by a shaft. (9+3)

DETERMINATE BEAMS AND COLUMNS: Governing differential equation, determination of deflection of beams by double
integration method and Macaulay's method, application to simple problems (cantilever beams and simply supported beams
only) – buckling of columns. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. James Gere, Barry Goodno, “Mechanics of Materials”, Cengage Learning, 2020.
2. Russell C Hibbeler, “Mechanics of Materials”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018.

1. Beer F P and Johnson E R, “Mechanics of Materials”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Egor G Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 2015.
3. Hearn E J, "Mechanics of Materials", Volume I, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.
4. Ramamrutham S and Narayan R, “Strength of Materials”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Limited, 2020.


FLUID STATICS AND KINEMATICS: Properties of fluids - statics- fluid pressure and its measurement - velocity field -
acceleration field - types of flow - flow visualization - fluid deformation - control volume and system representations - Reynolds
transport theorem. (9 + 3)

FLUID DYNAMICS: Forces influencing motion of fluid - continuity equation - momentum equation - Euler's equation of motion -
Bernoulli’s equation - applications - Navier stroke's equation – energy equation. (9 + 3)

EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FLOW: Characteristics of a boundary layer - velocity profile - flow over a flat plate - concepts of
lift and drag – integral momentum equation - boundary layer separation and its control - flow through pipes – Darcy - Weisbach
equation - friction loss calculation - use of Moody diagram - minor energy losses. (9 + 3)

SIMILARITY STUDIES: Physical similarity and dimensional analysis - Buckingham’s π theorem - Reynolds number, Froude
number, Mach number, Euler number and Weber number and their application in model testing. (9 + 3)

FLUID MACHINERY: Energy transfer between fluid and rotor - Euler's energy transfer equation - components of energy
transfer - classification and performance characteristics of fluid machines - selection and testing of pumps, turbines, fans and
blowers. (9 + 3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Bruce Munson, "Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics", John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
2. Yunus Cengel, John Cimbala, "Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2019.

1. Irwing H Shames, "Mechanics of Fluids", McGraw Hill Inc, New York, 2013.
2. Robert W Fox, "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics", John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2018.
3. Streeter Wylie, Bedford, "Fluid Mechanics", McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New York, 2008.
4. White FM, "Fluid Mechanics", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


BASIC WELDING PROCESSES: Comparison between casting and welding processes, definition and classification of welding
as per AWS, advantages and disadvantages - basic welding positions, types of joints and weld, fundamental principles - gas
welding, arc welding - power sources, consumables, safety in welding - principles of allied welding process. (9)

SPECIAL WELDING PROCESSES: FUSION: TIG and MIG, submerged arc welding, plasma arc welding, electro-slag welding
- equipment and operations, laser beam welding, electron beam welding, resistance welding, thermit welding - applications and
selection. NON-FUSION: Friction and friction stir welding, ultrasonic welding, diffusion welding, explosive welding - process
selection and applications. (9)

WELDING METALLURGY AND WELDABILITY OF METALS: Heat flow and temperature distribution in welding, Heat Affected
Zone (HAZ), calculation of heat affected zone width and cooling rate, preheat and post weld heat treatment, weld decay,
weldability - ferrous and non - ferrous materials. (9)

WELDING CODES, DEFECTS AND TESTING OF WELDMENTS: Weld symbols, welding codes and standards, Welding
Procedure Specification (WPS), Procedure Qualification record (PQR), cost estimation in welding, welding defects - causes and
remedies, residual stresses and distortion, testing of weldments - destructive and non-destructive methods. (9)

AUTOMATION and CAE in WELDING: Automation - sequence, elements, coordinate system, programming language, CAE -
modeling and temperature distributions of welded joints. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Little R L, “Welding and Welding Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Parmer R S, “Welding Processes and Technology”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2015.

1. “AWS Welding Handbooks”, AWS New York, 2011.
2. Davies A C, “Welding”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005.
3. Howard B Cary and Scott C Hezler, “Modern Welding Technology”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Larry Jeffus, “Welding Principles and Applications”, Delmar Publishers, New York, 2017.


FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Introduction – scope of engineering economics – circular flow in an economy –
demand and supply – types of efficiency. (7+2)

COST AND INVENTORY CONTROL: Cost concepts – types of cost – short-run and long-run - cost-output relationship - make
or buy decision – criteria – approaches - inventory models – purchase model – manufacturing model - with or without shortages
- depreciation methods – problems in straight line and diminishing balance method. (9+4)

PRICING, REVENUE AND VALUE ENGINEERING: Pricing practices and strategies - revenue concepts – CVP analysis -
problems in break - even analysis – value analysis - value engineering. (9+2)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Capital budgeting – decisions – steps involved in capital budgeting – methods of project appraisal
– pay-back period – net present value and internal rate of return - project management - techniques – PERT – CPM models –
case analysis. (10+5)

ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Concepts of macro economics – national income – inflation – control measures
- monetary policy – fiscal policy – technological innovation in banking and economic development - sustainable development
goals – circular economy. (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60
1. Panneerselvam R, “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A Khan, Arshad N Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney R L and K L Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira, “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


SECTIONAL VIEWS: Basics of machine drawing, types, and importance of sectional views, solid modeling and sectioning
using CAD package. (12)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

CONVENTIONS: Conventional representation of drilled, tapped, countersunk, and counter-bored holes, internal and external
threads, and thread forms, conventions to represent standard components - bolt, nuts, washers, screws, rivets, keys, bearings,
gears, and springs, practice session. (12)

LIMITS, FITS, AND TOLERANCES: Limits, fits, and tolerances - need, types, representation of tolerances on drawing,
calculation of minimum and maximum clearances and allowances. GEOMETRIC TOLERANCE: Uses, types of form and
position tolerances, symbols, methods of indicating geometric tolerances on part drawings. (12)

ASSEMBLY USING CAD PACKAGE: Introduction – methods, and concepts of assemblies, constraints used in the assembly
of parts, the importance of the bill of materials, commands used for modeling and assembly of components, creation of bill of
materials and balloons, extraction of 2D views and sections from 3D CAD models, modeling the assembly of knuckle joint,
screw jack, universal coupling, plummer block, and lathe tailstock using a CAD package. (24)

Total P: 60
1. Gopalakrishna K R, "Machine Drawing", Subhas Stores, Bangalore, 2017.
2. “Practice of Machine Drawing using Creo”, Prepared by CAD/CAM Centre, PSG College of Technology, 2021.

1. Bhatt N D and Panchal V M, “Machine Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House, 2016.
2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "Design Data Book", M/s. DPV Printers, Coimbatore,
3. Hart K R, “Engineering Drawing with Problems and Solutions”, English University Press, London, 1975
4. John K C, “Text Book of Machine Drawing”, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2013.




1. a) Study of metallurgical microscope

b) Preparation of specimen for metallographic examination
2. Identification and study of microstructure of white cast iron, grey cast iron, SG iron and malleable cast iron
3. Identification and study of microstructure of low, medium and high carbon steels
4. Identification and study of microstructure of stainless steels and tool steel
5. Identification and study of microstructure of aluminium alloy and copper alloy


1. a) Tension test on metals: stress strain characteristics – ductility – resilience – toughness.

b) Shear test on metals: shear strength - single shear and double shear.
2. Hardness test on metals: brinell, vicker and rockwell hardness tests.
3. a) Deflection test on beams: load deformation characteristics, young’s modulus, maxwell’s reciprocal law verification.
b) Impact test on metals: charpy impact toughness test.
4. Test on helical springs: compression, tension springs - load deformation characteristics, stiffness, shear stress, modulus of
rigidity - strain energy.
5. Torsion test on beams: torque and angle of twist characteristics, shear stress, modulus of rigidity – strain energy.

Total P: 30
1. George E Dieter, “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill Education, 3 Edition, 2017.
2. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Metallurgical Engineering.
3. Vander Voort G F, “Metallography : Principles and Practice”, ASM International,1999.



1. Introduction to workplace communication

2. Profile building for internships
3. English in the workplace (grammar and vocabulary)
4. Professional communication (speaking and writing)
5. Workplace communication tools
6. Career exploration
7. Resume update
Total P: 30
1. P C Wren and H Martin, "High School English Grammar and Composition", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Environment - definition, scope and importance - types and composition of atmosphere
- particles, ions and radicals - ozone layer- significance, formation and depletion - ecosystems - structure and functions,
components, energy flow, food chains, food web, biodiversity-levels, values and threats - India as a mega diversity nation -
hotspots of biodiversity - endangered and endemic species of India - conservation of biodiversity. (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES: Introduction - national and international status - exploitation - sustainable strategies - fossil fuels
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies - wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion systems,
site characteristics, and types of wind turbines - supporting renewable energy resources - tidal – geothermal - hydroelectric. (6)

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Definition - sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) air pollution (b) water
pollution (c) soil pollution (d) marine pollution (e) noise pollution (f) thermal pollution (g) nuclear hazards (h) RF hazards - role of
an individual in prevention of pollution. DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides - case studies,
consequences and rescue measures. (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT: Wastewater - characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater - COD and BOD - various stages
of treatment - primary, secondary, tertiary treatment - biological and advanced oxidation processes - solid waste management -
characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes and their management – landfills,
incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting. (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmentally sustainable work practices - rain water harvesting - role of non-
governmental organizations - human ethics and rights - impact on environment and human health - role of information
technology on environment and human kind - green IT policies, process of EIA - ISO 14000 - legislation - environment
protection act - air (prevention and control of pollution) act - water (prevention and control of pollution) act - wildlife protection
act - forest conservation act. (6)

Total L: 30
1. Gilbert M Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. De A K, "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.

1. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Koteswara Rao MVR, "Energy Resources: Conventional and Non-Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Deswal S and Deswal A, "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 2004.



PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axiomatic approach to probability, Baye’s theorem,
discrete random variables, probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, mean and variance, discrete uniform,
binomial, Poisson and geometric distributions. (8+3)

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Continuous random variables, probability density functions, cumulative distribution
functions, mean and variance, uniform, exponential, Weibull and normal distributions. (8+3)

JOINT PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independence, covariance, correlation and linear regression. (9+3)

STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Point estimation – maximum likelihood estimation - interval estimation – hypotheses concerning
means – large, small samples and matched pairs - hypotheses concerning variances – hypotheses concerning proportions, chi
square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes, (9+3)

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: Analysis of variance - completely randomized designs,
randomized block designs - process capability - control charts for measurements – , R charts - control charts for attributes -
p, np, c charts. (11+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Douglas C Montgomery and George C Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India, New Delhi,
2. Richard A Johnson, “Miller and Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Ronald E W, Raymond H M, Sharon L M and Keying Ye, “Probability and Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Robert V H, Elliot T and Dale Z, “Probability and Statistical Inference”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Jay L Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi 2020.
4. Sheldon M Ross, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Academic press, USA, 2020.


BASIC CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS: Introduction to thermal systems - properties, state, equilibrium, processes and
cycles - forms of energy - temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics - properties of pure substances - property diagrams -
energy transfer by heat and work interactions - applications. (8 + 3)

FIRST AND SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: First law - internal energy, enthalpy - first law applied to non-flow
systems and flow processes - applications - second law - refrigerators and heat pumps - Carnot cycle, entropy and
irreversibility - applications. (10 + 3)

POWER CYCLES: Rankine cycle - superheat, reheat and regenerative cycle - steam power plant - boilers - air standard cycles
- Otto cycle and Diesel cycle - IC engines - principle of operation - petrol and diesel engines - ignition systems - fuel injection
systems, cooling and lubrication systems - calculation of mechanical and thermal efficiencies - heat balance and performances
characteristics. (10 + 3)

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING: Refrigeration terminology - vapor compression refrigeration cycle - multistage
compression refrigeration and cryogenic systems - psychrometric chart - human comfort - summer and winter air conditioning
systems - cooling load calculations. (8 + 3)

HEAT TRANSFER: Modes of heat transfer - heat conduction through planes - cylinder and spherical geometries - critical
thickness of insulation - natural and forced convection - radiation heat transfer - Stefan-Boltzmann law - empirical relations for
heat transfer coefficients - case studies of manufacturing processes involving application of thermal concepts. (9 + 3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Frank P Incropera, "Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer", Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.
2. Yunus A Cengel, "Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach", McGraw Hill Education, New York, 2019.

1. Claus Borgnakke, "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics", Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Mark W Zemansky, "Heat and Thermodynamics", McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Michael J Moran, "Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics", Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Nag P K, "Engineering Thermodynamics", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2017.


BASICS OF MECHANISMS: Terminology and definitions, degrees of freedom, Grashof’s law. kinematic inversions - four bar
chain, single slider crank chain, double slider crank chain, mechanisms for societal applications - velocity and acceleration
analysis of simple mechanisms using graphical method. (11+3)

KINEMATICS OF CAM: Classifications, displacement diagrams – parabolic, uniform velocity, simple harmonic paths - layout of
plate cam profiles for different types of followers - knife edged and roller. (7+3)

STATIC FORCE ANALYSIS: Free body diagram – conditions of equilibrium, two, three and four force members, force analysis
of simple mechanisms. (5+3)

FLYWHEEL AND GOVERNORS: Need of flywheel, turning moment diagram – fluctuation of energy and speed, weight of
flywheel required – governors - centrifugal governors, Inertia governers – characteristics – effect of friction – controlling force
curves. (10+3)

GEARS and BALANCING: Spur gear terminology and definitions, types of gears. – fundamental law of toothed gearing and
tooth forms - interchangeable gears, gear tooth action – interference, pressure angle, undercutting and contact ratio -
balancing of rotating masses in single plane and several planes – balancing of reciprocating masses - primary and secondary
forces and couples, balancing of multi–cylinder inline engine. (12+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. John Joseph Uicker, Pennock G R and Joseph Edward Shigley, “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”, Oxford University
Press, 2011.
2. Robert L Norton, “Design of Machinery”, McGraw Hill, 2012.

1. Ballaney P L, “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”, Khanna Publishers, 2008.
2. David H Myszka, “Machines and Mechanisms – Applied Kinematic Analysis”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009.
3. Rattan S S, “Theory of Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Thomas Bevan, “Theory of Machines”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2005.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


DESIGN AGAINST STATIC LOAD: Mechanical properties of engineering materials - types of stresses – modes of failure –
factor of safety – design of eccentrically loaded members and curved beams – principal stresses – theories of elastic failure -
maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum strain theory, maximum strain energy theory and
distortion energy theory. (9+3)

DESIGN AGAINST FLUCTUATING LOAD: Stress concentration – fluctuating stresses – endurance limit – low cycle and high
cycle fatigue - notch sensitivity – design for finite and infinite life - Soderberg and Goodman lines, modified Goodmann
diagrams, Gerber equation – fatigue design under combined stresses. (6+3)

DETACHABLE AND PERMANENT JOINTS: Design of bolted joints under static and fluctuating load - design of riveted joints –
design of welded joints - types of welded joints, strength of welds - transverse and parallel fillet welds, design of axially loaded
unsymmetrical sections and eccentrically loaded joints. (10+3)

SHAFTS, KEYS AND COUPLINGS: Shaft design based on rigidity and strength - forces on shafts due to gears and belts,
estimation of shaft size – stresses and failures in keys - types and applications of couplings - design of muff coupling, clamp
coupling, rigid flange couplings and flexible flange couplings. (10+3)

SPRINGS AND BEARINGS: Design of helical coil springs under static and fatigue loading – design of rolling contact bearings -
static and dynamic load carrying capacity, cubic mean load, probability of survival, selection of deep groove ball bearings -
sliding contact bearings - Sommerfield number, dimensionless parameters, design of hydrodynamic bearings. (10+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Richard G Budynas, J Keith Nisbett, "Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design", 11th Edition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2020.
2. V B Bhandari, "Design of Machine Elements", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2020.

1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "Design Data Book", Kalaikathir Achchagam, 2020.
2. M F Spotts, T E Shoup, L E, Hornberg, “Design of Machine Elements”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2019.
3. Robert C Juvinall, Kurt M Marshek, "Machine Component Design", 7th Edition, Wiley, 2016.
4. Robert L Norton, "Machine Design - An Integrated Approach", 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2020.


THEORY OF METAL MACHINING: Overview of manufacturing - theory of chip formation in metal machining - concept of
orthogonal and oblique cutting - force relationship and the merchant equation - power and energy relationship in machining -
cutting temperature. (9)

MACHINING OPERATIONS AND MACHINE TOOLS: Turning and related operations - drilling and related operations - milling,
machining centres and turning centres - other machining operations - shaping, planing, broaching, high speed machining, smart
machining. (11)

CUTTING TOOL TECHNOLOGY: Tool wear - tool life and Taylor tool life equation - tool materials - HSS, cemented carbides,
coated carbides, cermets, ceramics, diamond, cubic boron nitride - manufacturing of cutting tools - tool geometry - cutting
fluids. (9)

SELECTION OF CUTTING CONDITIONS: Machinability - tolerance and surface finish - selecting feed and depth of cut -
optimizing cutting speed - product design considerations in machining. (8)

GRINDING AND OTHER ABRASIVE PROCESSES: Grinding – cylindrical, surface, profile - grinding wheel - analysis of
grinding process - related abrasive processes – honing, lapping, superfinishing, polishing and buffing. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Mikell P Groover, "Principles of Modern Manufacturing", John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Serop Kalpakjian and Steven Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 8th Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2020.

1. Chapman W A J, “Workshop Technology”, Volume I, II, ELBS, London, 2000.
2. HMT, "Production Technology", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Milton C Shaw, “Metal Cutting Principles”, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999.
4. P N Rao, "Manufacturing Technology - Machining and Machine Tools", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Experimental study on valve timing diagram in 4-stroke engine cut model and experimental study on port timing diagram in
2-stroke engine cut model.
2. Performance test and determination of air fuel mixture on a variable speed diesel engine.
3. Heat balance test on 4-stroke diesel engine.
4. Performance test on reciprocating air compressor.
5. Performance test on refrigeration tutor.
6. Performance study on axial flow fan.
7. Calibration of flow meters. venturimeter, orifice meter.
8. Performance test on Pelton and Francis turbines.
9. Determination of drag and lift co-efficient using wind tunnel.
10. Performance test on centrifugal and reciprocating pump.

Total P: 30
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by Department of Production Engineering, 2022.
2. Yunus A Cengel, “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”, McGraw Hill Education, New York, 2019.
3. Yunus A Cengel and John M Cimbala, "Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, 2019.



1. Study of construction features of lathe – headstock, tailstock, carriage, apron gear box.
2. Exercise in lathe - facing, chamfering and step turning
3. Exercise in lathe - taper turning
4. Exercise in lathe - knurling and drilling
5. Exercise in lathe - grooving, thread cutting
6. Drilling, counter boring, countersinking and tapping exercise
7. Exercise in milling machine
8. Gear cutting exercise using gear hobbing machine
9. Keyway slotting exercise
10. Exercise in shaping machine
Total P: 30
1. Department of Production Engineering, “Laboratory Practice Manual", PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2022.
2. HMT, "Production Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.


0 042

Problem solving related to the following topics:

1. Computational thinking using flowcharts and pseudocode
2. Programs related to simple data types: Integers, float, complex, boolean in the shell
3. Input/output and conditional statements in scripts
4. Different operators and conversion functions
5. Loops: for and while
6. String data type: creation, operations, methods
7. List data type: creation, operations, methods
8. Tuple data type: creation, operations, methods
9. Set and frozen set data types: creation, operations, methods
10. Dictionary data type: creation, operations, methods
11. Functions: definitions, parameter passing, returning data types
12. Lambda and recursive functions
13. Creating modules and packages
14. Using numpy and matplotlib packages
15. Handling exceptions
16. File handling

Note: Problem sheets will be given during the course

Total P: 60
1. Mark Summerfield. “Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language”, Addison Wesley
Professional, 2009.
2. Martin C Brown, “PYTHON: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, 2018.
3. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming : Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford University Press 2017.
4. Wesley J Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2012.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Algorithmic thinking, branching and repetition problems
2. Logical reasoning - data arrangements and relations
3. Solving problems based on coding and decoding, series, analogy, odd man out and visual reasoning
4. Problems based on ages, logical connectives, syllogisms, data interpretation and data sufficiency
5. Solving problems on clocks calendars, direction sense and cubes
6. Problems based on number system, percentages, simple and compound interest
7. Resume update

Total P: 30
1. R S Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy. (4)

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights - Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)

Total L: 30
1. Subash C Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. Praveenkumar Mellalli E, “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,

1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D D, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain M C, “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla V N, “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.



CONSTRUCTION: Types of CNC machines - turning centre, machining centre, multitask machines, special purpose machines
– structures - guide/slide ways - LM guideway - ball screws – spindle – bearings - hydraulic power pack – actuators, pumps,
valves - automatic tool changer - tool magazine – turret - automatic pallet changer - servo motor - drives, feedback devices –
encoder, control system, block processing, interpolation. (10)

PART PROGRAMMING: ISO and EIA standards, G and M codes, absolute, incremental positioning, work datum, tool offset,
process plan, work positioning, clamping procedures, lathe programming, step turning, programming simple components
machining centre programming, compensations, drilling, profile milling, pocket milling (10)

CUTTING TOOLS AND TESTING: Inserts - tool holders - ISO designation - cutting fluids - accuracy – repeatability - ISO
standards - geometrical alignment test – calibration - laser interferometer - ball bar test - machine tool vibration - test for
thermal stability - process capability - remote diagnosis – IIoT. (9)

ROBOT ANATOMY: Types and classification - co-ordinate systems - work envelope - robot specifications - drive systems - end
effectors - types of grippers gripper mechanisms - selection and design considerations. (8)

TRANSFORMATION AND KINEMATICS: Homogeneous transformations - forward solution - inverse solution - motion
generation - jacobian control - trajectory and path planning. (8)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Joshi P H, “Machine Tool Hand Book, Design and Operation”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Richaerd D Klafter, Thomas Achmielewski and Mickael Negin, “Robotic Engineering – An Integral Approach”, Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi, 2001.

1. HMT, “Mechatronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Mikell P Groover, “Industrial Robotics – Technology, Programming and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Peter Smid, “CNC Programming Hand Book”, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 2007.
4. Radhakrishnan P, “Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines”, New Central Book Agency, Kolkatta, 2007.


PROCESS PLANNING: Production drawing – process plan – information required – production equipment and tooling
selection - selection of process parameters – process sheet - contents, preparation of process sheet - standardisation -
simplification - group technology and automated process planning - part family, methods of forming part families, classification
and coding systems, rank order clustering technique - composite part - cellular manufacturing - automated process planning –
variant and generative approaches. (9)

ESTIMATION, COSTING AND LABOUR COST: Estimation – costing - differences – qualifications of an estimator – estimation
types – costing - classification of costs – cost grid – preparation of cost sheet - labour cost - estimation of labour cost –
introduction to time study and labour norms - job evaluation - merit rating – variable pay - learning curves. (9)

MATERIAL, OVERHEAD COST: Material cost, estimation – make or buy decision - overhead cost - elements in overhead cost
– factory, administrative, sales and distribution expenses – methods of absorbing overheads – direct labour, direct material,
direct labour hour, machine hour rate methods - activity based costing - depreciation – purpose, various methods. (9)

COST ESTIMATION OF COMPONENTS: Cost estimation of machined components - optimum machining conditions - Taylor’s
equation, optimum cutting speed for minimum cost, model for maximum production - cost estimation of welded components,
forged components and castings. (9)

COST MANAGEMENT: Cost control – standard costing, variance analysis - labour, material cost variances - value engineering
– steps – value engineering job plan, different phases, Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) - target costing -
benefit/cost analysis - break even analysis – linear, non-linear models, different areas of applications, multi product break even
analysis. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Peter Scallan, “Process Planning”, Butterworth Heinemann, 2004.
2. T R Banga and S C Sharma, “Mechanical Estimating and Costing”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.

1. Chang T C and Wysk R A, “An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems”, Prentice Hall Inc., 1985.
2. Iyer S S, “Value Engineering: A How to Manual”, New Age International, 2019.
3. Jay Heizer and Barry Render, “Operations Management”, Pearson Paper Pack, 2017.
4. Ronald W Hilton, Michael W Maher and Frank H Selto, “Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions”, McGraw
Hill Education, 2012.


BASIC DIMENSIONAL METROLOGY: Terminologies, classification of errors, evaluation of uncertainty, ISO and BIS standards
for basic measuring instruments - linear measurement - line and end standard, slip gauges, micrometers, vernier caliper, dial
gauges and comparators - types, principle and applications - angular measurement - sine bar, angle gauges, autocollimator,
angle dekkor and Tool maker’s microscope. (9+3)

SURFACE AND FORM METROLOGY: Surface roughness – causes, need to control surface roughness, functional
significance of surfaces, elements of surface texture and surface integrity, surface roughness parameters and their
measurement - measurement of form errors-straightness, flatness, circularity and cylindricity. (9+3)

DESIGN OF LIMIT GAUGES: Types, Taylor’s principle of gauge design, principles of limit system, design of limit gauges.
SCREW THREAD AND GEAR METROLOGY: Standard thread profiles, best wire size, measurement of major, minor and
effective diameter by two and three wire methods - gear tooth profile measurement, gear pitch measurement, run out and
composite error measurement. (9+3)

ADVANCES IN METROLOGY: Laser metrology - interference of light rays, applications of laser interferometer, flatness
interferometer, calibration of gauges using interferometer - co-ordinate metrology - co-ordinate measuring machine, types,
configurations, construction and applications - machine vision system - construction, working and applications in metrology –
nano -measurements. (9+3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

QUALITY CONTROL: Production systems and quality assurance, quality control charts for variables and attributes and their
interpretation, acceptance sampling, operating characteristic (OC) curve, design of single and double sampling plans. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Connie L Dotson, Ronger L Harlow and Richard L Thompson “Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology”, Cengage
Learning (I) Private Limited, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Gupta I C, “Text Book of Engineering Metrology”, Dhanpat Rai Publishers, New Delhi, 2018.

1. Anand K Bewoor and Vinay A Kulkarni, “Metrology and Measurement”, McGraw Hill Education (I) Private Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Douglas Montgomery, “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
3. Francis T Farago and Mark A Curtis, “Hand Book of Dimensional Measurements”, Industrial Press, New York, 2013.
4. Raghavendra N V and Krishnamurthy L, “Engineering Metrology and Measurements”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,


LOCATION AND CLAMPING: Principles of location - planes of movement - location from flat surface, internal diameter,
external diameter and profile - spring stop buttons - ejectors and indexing devices - principles of clamping - types of clamps -
analysis of clamping force. (9+3)

JIGS AND FIXTURES: Types of drill bushes - bushing and burr clearance - types of jigs - plate, latch, channel, box, angle
plate, angular post, turnover, pot, trunnion, pump, rack and pinion operated jig, air operated jig - types of fixtures - milling, lathe,
boring, broaching, grinding, welding, modular fixtures - design of jig / fixture for a given component. (9+3)

BLANKING AND PIERCING DIE: Power presses - press working terminologies - press operations - computation of press
capacity - centre of pressure - fundamentals of cutting action in punch and die operations - die clearance - elements of press
tool die - strip layout - types of die construction – progressive die, compound die, combination die, transfer die - design of press
tool cutting die for a given component. (9+3)

BENDING AND DRAWING DIE: Theory of bending - spring back - bending force - bend allowance - blank development of
simple bent components - types of bending dies - minimum bend radius - press brake – sheet metal drawing operations -
variables affecting metal flow during drawing – draw beads - blank size - drawing force - drawing defects - design of bending /
drawing die for a given component. (9+3)

DESIGN OF PLASTIC INJECTION MOULDS: Mould elements and construction - types of mould - two plate and three plate
moulds – feed system – ejection system - cooling systems - mould materials and manufacturing - design of an injection mould
for a given plastic part. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Cyril Donaldson, George H Lecain, Goold V C and George H LeCain, "Tool Design", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Education,
2. Joshi P H, "Jigs and Fixtures", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2017.

1. Edwrd G Hoffman, "Jigs and Fixtures Design", 5th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2010.
2. Joshi P H, "Press Tools - Design and Construction", 1st Edition, S Chand, 2010.
3. Pye R G W, “Injection Mould Design”, 3rd Edition, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2018.
4. Sanjay K Nayak, Pratap Chandra Padhi, Y Hidayathullah, "Fundamentals of Plastics Mould Design", 1st Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2012.


ELEMENTS OF FLUID POWER SYSTEM: Introduction to fluid power – properties of hydraulic fluids and air - selection of
hydraulic fluids - comparison between hydraulics and pneumatics –classification of fluid power elements and their symbols –
compressors, pumps and motors: types and characteristics – cylinders: types and typical construction details – valves for
control of direction, flow and pressure: types and typical construction details – servo and proportional valves. (9+3)

FLUID POWER SYSTEM DESIGN: Selection criteria for cylinders, valves, accumulators and pipes – power pack elements and
their design – maintenance and troubleshooting of fluid power systems – losses in fluid power systems. (9+3)

SEQUENCE CONTROL CIRCUITS: General approach – cycle diagram - travel step diagram – sequence control: cascade
method, step counter method and karnaugh-veitch (K.V) mapping method for minimization of the logic equation – design of
sequence control circuits for real-time applications. (9+3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

FRINGE CONDITION MODULES: Sequential control circuits with manual cycle, automatic cycle and cycle selection modules -
sequential control circuits with emergency stop modules - circuits for deceleration, regenerative circuits, differential circuits,
feed circuits, sequencing circuits, pressure-based synchronizing circuits and fail-safe circuits – fringe condition modules in the
real-time applications. (9+3)

FLUID POWER CONTROLS: Electro pneumatics - ladder diagram – programmable logic controller (PLC): construction, types,
operation, and programming - application with timers and counters. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T:15 = 60
1. Anthony Esposito, "Fluid Power with Application", Pearson Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2018.
2. John Watton, “Fundamentals of Fluid Power Control”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

1. Frank D Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2017.
2. Galal Rabie M, “Fluid Power Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2009.
3. James Sullivan, "Fluid Power: Theory and Applications", Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
4. Peter Rohner, "Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design - Analysis, Design Method and Worked Examples", The Macmillan Press
Limited, London, 1979.


1. Simple facing and turning exercises in CNC Lathe.
2. Exercise on canned cycles, namely G71, G72, G73 and G70, in CNC Lathe.
3. Face and end milling exercises using linear and circular interpolation in vertical machining centre.
4. Canned cycles exercise in vertical machining centre.
5. Product development using Subtractive Rapid Prototyping (SRP) / 3D Printing.
6. Improvement of dimensional and geometrical accuracies using surface grinding and lapping processes.
7. Prepare a single point cutting tool, using tool and cutter grinder, and verify its performance using dynamometer.
8. Reduction of circularity and cylindricity error by honing process.
9. Study of weld lines influence on tensile strength of plastic molded specimen.
10.Determination of load-deformation, stress-strain relationship in deep drawing process using hydraulic press.
11.Demonstration of welding processes – Ultrasonic, TIG.
Total P: 60
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by Department of Production Engineering, 2022.
2. Serop Kalpakjian and Steven Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 8th Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2020.



1. Calibration of micrometer and dial gauge and preparation of uncertainty report.

2. Evaluation of repeatability and reproducibility of comparators.
3. Measurement of angle of taper piece using sine bar and bevel protractor.
4. a) Optical profile projector - Measurement of gear tooth parameters and screw thread parameters.
b) Tool maker's microscope – Measurement of cutting tool geometry and screw threads parameters.
5. a) Gear metrology- Base tangent measurement and gear composite error measurement.
b) Thread inspection - Measurement of major and effective diameter of external screw thread using floating carriage
6. a) Surface finish measurement using electronic surface roughness tester.
b) Form measurements: Measurement of straightness, flatness, circularity and cylindricity.
7. Straightness measurement using autocollimator.
8. Measurement of part dimensions using machine vision system.
9. Measurement of part dimensions using electronic height gauge and coordinate measuring machine.
10. a) Displacement measurement using Michelson interferometer.
b) Statistical quality control using Bluetooth based measuring instruments.

Total P: 60
1. Hume K J, Sharp G H, “Practical Metrology”, Macmillan Company, New York, 1958.
2. Kennedy, Hoffman and Bond, “Inspection and Gauging”, Industrial Press, New York, 1987.
3. Laboratory Manual Prepared by Department of Production Engineering, 2018.


1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Critical reasoning
5. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
6. Permutation, Combination and Probability
7. Time, Speed and Distance
8. Resume progress check

Total P: 30
1. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.
2. P C Wren and H Martin, "High School English Grammar and Composition", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. R S Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Modeling with linear programming - graphical method - simplex method, two phase simplex
method. Primal-dual relations, dual simplex method, transportation problem – solution by modified distribution method,
assignment problem – solution by Hungarian method. (9+3)

GAME THEORY: Two person zero sum game, pure and mixed strategies, dominance principle, graphical solution, linear
programming solution. (9+3)

DECISION ANALYSIS: Decision making under certainty – analytical hierarchy process, determination of the weights,
consistency of the comparison matrix, decision making under risk, decision tree-based expected value criterion, variations of
the expected value criterion, utility functions, decision under certainty. (9+3)

QUEUEING THEORY: Elements of queueing model, relationship between exponential and Poisson queueing models, (M/M/1),
(M/M/1/N), (M/M/C), (M/M/C/N) and self-service model. (9+3)

REPLACEMENT THEORY: Types of replacement problem, replacement of items that deteriorate with time, determination of
economic life of an asset, replacement of items that fail, group replacement. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T : 15 = 60
1. Hamdy A Taha, “Operations Research – An Introduction”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Maurice Sasieni and Arthur Yaspan, “Operations Research: Methods and Problems”, Literary Licensing, LLC, United
States, 2013.

1. Donald Gross, John F Shortle and James M Thompson, “Fundamentals of Queueing Theory”, Wiley India, New Delhi,
2. Hillier F and Lieberman G J, “Introduction to Operations Research”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Kambo N S, “Mathematical Programming Techniques”, East West Press, New Delhi, 2012.
4. Singiresu S Rao, “Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice”, Wiley 2019.


METAL FORMING: Classifications of metal forming- hot, cold and warm working process - flow curve - true stress and true
strain - hydrostatic and deviator stress components, spring back, elastic hysteresis and Bauschinger effect - failure theories -
Tresca and von-Mises yield criterion - effect of strain rate, friction, temperature and residual stresses - concept of formability-
formability limit diagram. (10)

FORGING: Classifications of forging process - forging equipments - types of presses and hammers - forging operations -
analysis of plane strain and axisymmetric compression with slab method, forging load calculations - forging defects, causes and
remedies - applications. (8)

ROLLING: Terminology of rolling process - classifications of rolling mills - hot and cold rolling - forces and geometrical
relationship in rolling, analysis of strip rolling process - special rolling processes - rolling defects, causes and remedies -
applications. (8)

EXTRUSION AND DRAWING: Classifications of extrusion process and equipments - analysis of extrusion process - production
of seamless pipes - extrusion defects, causes and remedies - methods of drawing, drawing dies, preparation of metals for
drawing process - analysis of wire and rod drawing processes, force and power calculations. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

SHEET METAL FORMING AND POWDER METALLURGY: Laser assisted deep drawing and bending - calculations of
bending allowance and force - shearing, stretch forming and metal spinning - special forming methods - High Energy Rate
Forming (HERF) - explosive forming, electromagnetic forming, electro hydraulic forming; High Velocity Forming (HVF)
processes - petro forge hammer and dynapak process, super plastic forming-powder metallurgy (PM)-production of metal
powders, powder characteristics- process fundamentals - powder blending, compacting, sintering and secondary operations -
PM product design, recent trends and special PM processes - applications. (10)

Total L: 45
1. George E Dieter, "Mechanical Metallurgy", McGraw Hill Education (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2017.
2. Sharma P C, "Text Book of Production Technology (Manufacturing Processes)", S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi,

1. Mikell P Groover, "Principles of Modern Manufacturing (SI Version)", Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.
2. Nagpal G R, "Metal Forming Processes", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2016.
3. Rao P N, "Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding – Volume 1", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Sadhu Singh, "Theory of Plasticity and Metal Forming Processes", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2018.


TOLERANCE STACKUP AND ANALYSIS: Introduction to DFX,DFM and DFA guidelines, DFA Index, cumulative effect of
tolerances, sure fit law, normal law and truncated normal law, tolerance synthesis, process capability, process capability
metrics, Cp, Cpk, cost aspects, feature tolerances, review of relationship between attainable tolerance grades and different
machining process. (9+3)

SELECTIVE ASSEMBLY: Interchangeable and selective assembly, deciding the number of groups-model-I, group tolerances
of mating parts equal, model-II, total and group tolerances of shaft, model-III, control of axial play - introducing secondary
machining operations, laminated shims, examples - degrees of freedom, grouped datum system. (9+3)

GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING: Introduction to GD&T, ASME Y 14.5 standard - application of geometric
tolerances – rule 1 and rule 2 in GD&T – modifiers - form tolerances – orientation tolerances – location tolerances - profile
tolerances - true position theory - comparison between coordinate and convention method of feature location tolerancing and
true position tolerancing, virtual size concept, floating and fixed fasteners, compound assembly. (9+3)

DESIGN OF FEATURES IN VARIOUS MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Design of castings based on parting line
considerations, minimizing core requirements, designing cast members using weldments, design of weldments, design of sheet
metal components, design of injection molding parts, design features to facilitate machining. (9+2)

TOLERANCE CHARTING TECHNIQUE: Operation sequence for typical shaft type of components, preparation of process
drawings for different operations, tolerance worksheets and centrality analysis, examples. (9+4)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Bryan R Fischer, "Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis", CRC Press, 2011.
2. Stefano Tornincasa, “Technical Drawing for Product Design”, Springer, 2021.

1. Creveling C M, "Tolerance Design - A Hand Book for Developing Optimal Specifications", Pearson Education Limited,
2. Harry Peck, "Designing for Manufacture", Pitman Publications, 1983.
3. Oliver R Wade, "Tolerance Control in Design and Manufacturing", Industrial Press Inc., 1967.
4. Spotts M F, "Dimensioning and Tolerance for Quantity Production", Prentice Hall Inc., 1983.






1. Study of construction and working fluid power elements and their symbols.
2. Design and simulation of pneumatic systems using a linear actuator and a rotary actuator.
3. Design and simulation of hydraulic systems using a linear actuator and a rotary actuator.
4. Design and simulation of pneumatic systems with multiple actuators. (sequential circuits – without signal conflict)
5. Design and simulation of pneumatic systems with multiple actuators. (sequential circuits – with signal conflict)
6. Design and simulation of pneumatic systems with fringe condition modules.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

7. Design and simulation of fluid power systems using electrical control.

8. Design and simulation of fluid power systems using PLC.
9. Design and simulation of pneumatic systems using the simulation software.
10. Design and simulation of hydraulic systems using the simulation software.

Total P: 60
1. Department of Production Engineering, "Fluid Power Laboratory Manual", PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2022.
2. Peter Rohner, "Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design - Analysis, Design Method and Worked Examples", The Macmillan Press
Limited, London, 1979.


1. Constraint based modeling and generation of production drawings.
2. Top-down modeling of mechanical assemblies.
3. NC code generation for prismatic components
4. NC code generation for cylindrical components
5. Static analysis of a beam.
6. Static analysis of a machine tool component.
7. Modal analysis of a machine tool component.
8. Analysis of metal casting.
9. Analysis of sheet metal forming.
10. Analysis of welding

Total P: 60
1. Department of Production Engineering, “CAD/CAE/CAM Laboratory Manual”, PSG College of Technology, 2022.
2. Saeed Moaveni, “Finite Element Analysis”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2011.


1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check
Total P: 30
1. Gayle Laakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S
Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.



FORECASTING AND PLANT DESIGN: Demand forecasting - techniques of forecasting, forecast errors, forecast control - long
range capacity planning - decision tree analysis - plant location factors - location evaluation methods - plant layout – types,
characteristics, layout design techniques – SLP, CRAFT. (9)

AGGREGATE PLANNING AND MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULING: Approaches to aggregate planning- graphical,
empirical and optimization - development of master production schedule - Material Requirement Planning (MRP) - lot sizing,
introduction to MRP – II and ERP – logistics, distribution and supply chain management. (9)

INVENTORY MODELS AND SEQUENCING / SCHEDULING: Classification of fixed order quantity models - deterministic
demand models - types, inventory models with probabilistic demand, price breaks, quantity discount, safety stocks, selective
inventory control techniques – ABC inventory system, vendor managed inventories - scheduling process - priority despatching

67th ACM 30.07.2022

rules, n jobs one machine - mean flow time, tardiness, order sequencing - Johnson’s algorithm n jobs through 2 machines,
extended Johnson’s algorithm, n jobs through m machines. (9)

WORK SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND LEAN TOOLS: Method study - recording tools and techniques, principles of motion
economy - work measurement - standard time, stopwatch time study, rating systems, work sampling - predetermined motion
time systems – therbligs - value stream mapping - as-is diagram, future state map - seven wastes of lean manufacturing, 5S,
kaizen, kanban, line balancing. (9)

MAINTENANCE AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Types of maintenance - replacement problems - bath-tub curve – TPM - six
big losses - pillars of TPM, OEE, OOE, TEEP, PERT / CPM / GERT analysis - principles, applications; time-cost trade-off –
crashing. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Gaither N and Frazier G, “Operations Management”, Cengage Learning, 2015.
2. Jay Heizer and Barry Render, “Production and Operations Management”, 12th Edition, Pearson Paperback, 2017.

1. Askin R G and Goldberg J B, “Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems”, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
2. Hamdy A Taha, “Operations Research”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2017.
3. ILO, “Introduction to Work Study”, 4th Edition, International Labour Organization, Indian Adaptation, 2015.
4. Panneerselvam R, “Production and Operations Management”, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Paperback, 2012.










1. Solving linear programming problem,
2. Solving transportation and assignment problems.
3. Project management using PERT/CPM.
4. Quality assurance using variable and attribute control charts.
5. Planning and analysis of experiments.
6. Line balancing
7. Exercise on Value Stream Mapping using lean simulation kit.
8. Exercise on Kanban using lean simulation kit.
9. Exercise on Single Minute Exchange of Dies using lean simulation kit.
10. Exercise on Cell layout using lean simulation kit.
Total P: 60
1. Department of Production Engineering, "Industrial Engineering and Lean Practices Laboratory Manual", PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore, 2023.
2. Gupta P K and Hira D S, “Introduction to Operations Research”, S Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Mantel S J, Meredith J R, “Project Management: a Managerial Approach”, Wiley India Limited, New Delhi, 2011
4. Wilson L, “How to Implement Lean Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi, 2015


In Innovation Practices Laboratory, students will identify a consumer product as needed by the market and make a physical
prototype by following the product development methodology given below:

1. Design thinking process, idea generation and concept design: i) Market survey, concept generation and selection.
ii) Patent search for foolproof concept selection. iii) Timeline of activities.
2. Simulation and optimization of the design: i) CAD model development. ii) Simulation in CAE environment. iii) Design
optimization. iv) Approximate cost estimation.
3. Model / prototype development, verification and validation
4. Preparation of a detailed report.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

5. In order to enrich the product innovation process, this course will be provided with demonstration of the following:
i) Reverse engineering hardware, software and the procedure. ii) 3D scanning. iii) Rapid prototyping techniques like
fused deposition modelling, selective laser sintering, and vacuum casting. iv) Virtual reality hardware, software and their
applications in virtual prototyping. v) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach.

Total P: 30
1. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, Maria C Yang, "Product Design and Development", 7th Edition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2020.
2. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design", 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2013.


1. Review of Patents / Design Registration /Trademarks
2. Identification of a problem domain
3. Need for the current study
4. Literature survey and patent search
5. Problem formulation based on literature survey
6. Objectives and feasibility study
7. Timeline of activities for project work I
8. Progress of the work based on the methodology
9. Conclusions from the project work
10. Report preparation
Total P: 60
1. www.ipinida.nic.in - Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks.







1. Review of patents / design registration /trademarks
2. Identification of a problem domain
3. Need for the current study
4. Literature survey and patent search
5. Problem formulation and proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey
6. Objectives and feasibility study
7. Timeline of activities for project work ii
8. Progress of the work based on the methodology
9. Detailed analysis and interpretation of results
10. Validation of results
11. Conclusions
12. Report preparation.
Total P: 120
1. www.ipinida.nic.in - Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks.



BASICS AND CLASSIFICATION OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Fundamentals of additive manufacturing (AM) - historical
development of additive manufacturing - classifications of additive manufacturing systems - information workflow in additive
manufacturing - impact of additive manufacturing on product development - reverse engineering - digitization techniques, model
construction. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

DATA PROCESSING FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Additive manufacturing data formats - STL format, STL file
problems, consequences of building a valid and Invalid tessellated model, STL file repair - other translators, newly proposed
formats - standard for representing layered manufacturing objects. (9)

SOLID AND LIQUID BASED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Principle, details of processes, process variables,
types, products, materials, advantages and applications - fused deposition modeling - laminated object manufacturing -
stereolithography - solid ground curing - shape deposition manufacturing - JP-System 5 - polyjet printing. (9)

POWDER BASED AND OTHER ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Principle, details of processes, process variables,
types, products, materials, advantages and applications - selective laser sintering - selective laser melting - electron beam
melting - powder based beam deposition processes - printing processes - three dimensional printing – droplet formation
technology, printing process modeling. (9)

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING APPLICATIONS AND RAPID TOOLING: Applications of additive manufacturing in aerospace
industry, automotive manufacturing industry, biomedical field – magics software rapid tooling – direct and indirect tooling, soft
tooling vs hard tooling - process optimization - factors influencing accuracy- data preparation errors, part building errors, errors
in finishing, influence of part build orientation. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Frank W Liou, “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A Tool Box for Prototype Development”, CRC Press,
2. Gibson I, Rosen D W and Stucker B, “Additive Manufacturing Methodologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital
Manufacturing”, Springer, 2015.

1. Chua C K, Leong K F and Lim C S, “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications”, 2nd Edition, World Scientific
Publishers, 2010.
2. Hilton P D and Jacobs P F, “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications”, CRC Press, 2011.
3. Majumdar J D and I Manna I, “Laser-Assisted Fabrication of Materials”, Springer Series in Material Science, 2013.
4. Pham D T and Dimov S S, “Rapid Manufacturing”, Verlag, 2011.


AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY: Assembly process - historical perspective - why and when automated assembly - choice of
assembly method - parts of the automated assembly system. (5)

PART FEEDING AND ORIENTING: Vibratory and mechanical feeder – mechanics and design parameters - feed rate
considerations - design of orientor - performance analysis of the orienting system. (12)

FEED TRACK, ESCAPEMENT AND PLACEMENT: Selection and design analysis of feed tracks - types of escapements and
placing mechanisms - robots in assembly. (8)

PERFORMANCE ANDECONOMICS OF ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS: Quantitative analysis of assembly systems with synchronous
transfer and free transfer - the economics of automated assembly. (10)

DESIGN FOR ASSEMBLY: Manual assembly design for part handling, insertion and fastening - handling time considerations -
automated assembly design for feeding, orienting, insertion and fastening - design rules for automated assembly - design rules
for robot assembly - a feasibility study. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, "Assembly Automation and Product Design", CRC Press, 2005.
2. Mikell P Groover, "Automation, Production Systems and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing", Prentice-Hall, New Delhi,

1. Edwin H Zimmerman, "Getting Factory Automation Right (the First Time)", Manufacturing Engineers, 2001.
2. Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst, Winston A Knight, "Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly", CRC Press,
3. James A Rehg, "Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems", Prentice-Hall of India, 2002.


POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES: Need for composite development, classification of composite materials, green and
biocompatible composites, advantages - types and role of reinforcement, natural and synthetic fibres - characteristics of PMC,
matrix materials, rule of mixtures - manual lay-up, automated lay-up using tape laying machines and fibre placement machines,
vacuum bag moulding, spray-up, filament winding, pultrusion and resin transfer moulding. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MECHANICS OF POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES: Evaluation of elastic moduli, strength of unidirectional lamina and
strength of unidirectional laminate. (10)

METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES: Characteristics of MMC, matrix materials, processing methods – solid state, liquid state,
vapour deposition, applications - introduction to metal matrix nanocomposites - introduction to strengthening mechanism of
MMCs. (9)

CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES: Characteristics of CMC, matrix materials, processing methods – solid, liquid and vapour
deposition methods, applications (8)

SECONDARY OPERATIONS - COMPOSITE FABRICATION AND JOINING: Cutting, machining and drilling to fabricate
composite parts, adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening methods - challenges involved in secondary joining of
composites. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Autar K Kaw, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, 2 Edition, CRC Press, New York, 2012
2. Sanjay K Mazumdar, “Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Product and Process Engineering”, CRC Press, New York,

1. Deborah D L Chung, “Composite Materials: Science and Applications Functional Materials for Modern Technologies”,
Springer Verlag, London, 2010.
2. D Hull and T W Clyne, “An Introduction to Composite Materials”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012.
3. Kishan K Chawla, “Composite Materials Science and Engineering”, Springer, New Delhi, 2014.
4. Pawan Kumar Rakesh and Inderdeep Singh, “Processing of Green Composites”, Springer, Singapore, 2019.


BASICS OF FLUID FLOW: Derivation of fluid flow governing equations - conservation of mass, momentum and energy -
relationship between mathematical terms and characteristics of fluid flow, mathematical classification of flow, hyperbolic,
parabolic, elliptic and mixed flow types. (9)

DISCRETISATION: Choice of grid - finite difference method - finite volume method- forward, backward and central difference
schemes, explicit and implicit methods - properties of numerical solution methods, stability analysis, error estimation. (9)

NEED FOR CFD TECHNIQUES: Impact of non-conservation terms over the solution, artificial viscosity, upwind schemes,
CellReynolds number, Courant number- Lax - Wendroff technique, MacCormack‟s technique, relaxation technique, ADI
technique. (9)

CFD TECHNIQUE FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW: Checker board distribution, staggered grid – pressure correction
technique, SIMPLE algorithm. (9)

APPLICATIONS: In heat transfer and fluid flow problems. (9)

Total L: 45
1. John D Anderson, "Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Basics with Applications", McGraw Hill, New York, 2010.
2. Versteeg H K, Malalasekara W, "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite Volume Method", 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education India, 2011.

1. Chung T J, "Computational Fluid Dynamics", 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
2. Joel H Ferziger, Milovan Peric, Robert L Street, "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics", 4thEdition, Cham,
Switzerland Springer, 2020.
3. Muralidhar K, Sundararajan T, "Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", 2nd Edition, Alpha Science International,
Oxford, U.K, 2003.


INTRODUCTION: Product cycle - design process - sequential and concurrent engineering - computer aided design – CAD
system architecture - computer graphics – co-ordinate systems - 2D and 3D transformations - homogeneous coordinates - Line
drawing – clipping - viewing transformation. (9)

GEOMETRIC MODELING 9: Representation of curves - Hermite cubic spline curve, Bezier curve, B-spline curves, surface
modeling – surface entities, representation of surface, Bezier surface, B-spline surface and Coons surface - solid modeling -
solid entities, solid representation, Boundary Representation (BRep), sweeps representation, Constructive Solid Geometry
(CSG). (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

BASIC PROCEDURE OF FEM: Discretization of the domain, basic element shapes, discretization process, node numbering
scheme, assemblage of element equations and incorporation of boundary conditions - polynomial form of interpolation
functions, selection of the order of the interpolation polynomial, simplex, complex and multiplex elements, interpolation
polynomial in terms of nodal degrees of freedom, convergence requirements, linear interpolation polynomials in terms of global
coordinates and for vector quantities, coordinate transformation. (9)

STATIC ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS: Analysis of bar, space truss, beam, plates - triangular membrane, rectangular,
isoparametric formulation and axisymmetric formulation - case studies. (9)

DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS: Dynamic equations of motion, consistent and lumped mass matrices, free vibration
analysis, dynamic response using finite element method, case studies. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Ibrahim Zeid, “Mastering CAD CAM”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2007.
2. Rao S S, “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 6th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 2018.

1. David Hutton, “Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
2. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Prentice Hall, Inc, 1992.
3. Reddy J N, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2018.
4. Seshu P, “Text Book of Finite Element Analysis”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.


INTRODUCTION: An overview of a manufacturing enterprise – design and manufacturing: a historical perspective – systems
approach to computer-integrated design and manufacturing – computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) definitions, concepts
and implementation issues - components and their functions – architecture and enterprise modelling methods - general
implementation methods - applications of CIM – benefits gained from CIM implementations - development trends for CIM. (7)

MANUFACTURING SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Product design, CAD, CAM, CAD/CAM, CIM, quality function deployment in the
production system - computer-aided process planning (CAPP) - concurrent engineering - design for manufacturing - advanced
manufacturing planning - production planning and control systems - aggregate production planning, master production
schedule, material requirements planning, capacity planning, shop floor control, inventory control, manufacturing resource
planning (MRP II), enterprise resource planning (ERP). (10)

GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND CELLULAR MANUFACTURING: Introduction to group technology - part families and machine
groups - part family, intuitive grouping, parts classification and coding, production flow analysis - cellular manufacturing -
introduction, composite part concept, machine cell design - applications of group technology in manufacturing and product
design- analysis of cellular manufacturing - rank-order clustering, arranging machines in a group technology cell, performance
metrics in cell operations. (10)

FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING CELLS (FMC) AND SYSTEMS: Introduction to a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) -
flexibility and types of FMS - FMC/FMS components - FMS applications, planning and implementation issues and benefits -
analysis of flexible manufacturing systems - bottleneck model, extended bottleneck model and sizing the FMS - alternative
approaches to flexible manufacturing. (10)

ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION: Introduction to enterprise-wide integration - network communications – selection, network

architectures and protocols, network interconnection and devices, network performance analysis - database management
systems –data models, designing a system using the object-oriented paradigm, database size calculation - levels of database
linkages - the framework for enterprise-wide integration - illustration of integration concepts - case studies of CIM. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Mikell P Groover, “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Pearson India Education
Services, 2016.
2. Nanua Singh, “Systems Approach to Computer - Integrated Design and Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York,

1. Chris McMahon, Jimmie Browne, “CAD/CAM: Principles, Practice and Manufacturing Management”, Pearson India
Education Services, 2005.
2. Kant Vajpayee S, “Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, PHI Learning, 2011.
3. P N Rao, “CAD/CAM Principles and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2018.
4. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyan S, Raju V, “CAD/CAM/CIM”, New Age International Publishers, 2016.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION TO GEARS: Types of gears, classification, application of gears, gear boxes, gear drawing - review of gear
fundamentals - law of gearing, nomenclature, interference, minimum number of teeth, gear correction - So - and S; gear tooth
forces. (8+3)

GEAR DESIGN: Design of spur gears, design of helical gears, design of worm and worm wheel, design of bevel gears. (10+6)

GEAR MATERIAL SELECTION AND HARDENING METHODS: Properties of gear materials, non-metallic, non ferrous and
plastic gears, selection of material for power transmission, high speed application, hardening by through hardening, case
hardening, induction hardening, flame hardening, nitriding and tuftriding, hardening defects. (7+2)

quality in hobbing and gear shaping - cutter selection and work holding methods, setting calculations - rack type gear shaping
machine description and application - internal gear cutting methods. CNC gear hobbing and gear shaping machines -
production of straight bevel gears by bevel gear generator, duplex rotary cutter method – Gleason Reva cycle method - spiral
and hybrid bevel gear generation, Gleason Tri-AC, description of machine. Gear finishing - advantages, finishing of gears by
grinding, shaving, lapping and honing methods, cold rolling of gears - description of process, machine, cutters and process
parameters setting. (10+2)

OTHER PRODUCTION METHODS AND GEAR INSPECTION: Gear production by stamping, die casting, powder metallurgical
process, injection and compression moulding of plastic gears, cold and hot rolling - mass production methods, shear speed
shaping, gear broaching. Type of gear errors, gear quality standards and allowable limits, tooth thickness, base tangent length
measurement, pitch error, radial run out, involute profile error measurements methods and analysis - composite error
measurement, computerized gear inspection – CNC gear CMM, gear failure reasons and remedies. (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. HMT, “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi, 2004.
2. Maitra G M, “Handbook of Gear Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.

1. Chawathe D D, “Hand Book of Gear Technology”, New Age International, 2011.
2. Darle W Dudley, “Handbook of Practical Gear Design”, CRC Press, Washington D.C., 2009.
3. Dennis P Townsend, “Dudleys Gear Handbook: The Design, Manufacture, and Application of Gears - Ed 2”, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Design Data Book”, PSG College of Technology, M/s. DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2012.


INTRODUCTION: An overview of enterprise – business processes - introduction to enterprise resource planning (ERP) - basic
ERP concepts - justifying ERP investments - risks of ERP - benefits of ERP - business modules of an ERP package - functional
modules of ERP software - ERP marketplace and marketplace dynamics - ERP vendors. (7)

ERP AND TECHNOLOGY: ERP and related technologies - business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA) - e-
commerce and e-business - business process reengineering (BPR) - data warehousing and data mining - on-line analytical
processing (OLAP) - product life cycle management (PLM) - supply chain management (SCM) - customer relationship
management (CRM) - geographic information system (GIS) - advanced technology and ERP security - integration of ERP,
supply chain and customer relationship applications. (10)

ERP IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation challenges - ERP implementation (transition) strategies - ERP implementation life
cycle - pre-implementation tasks - requirements - implementation methodologies - ERP deployment methods - ERP package
selection - ERP project teams - process definition - vendors and consultants - employees and employee resistance - contracts
with vendors, consultants, and employees - training and education - data migration - project management and monitoring -
post-implementation activities - success and failure factors of an ERP implementation. (10)

ERP IN ACTION: After ERP implementation - operation and maintenance of the ERP system - measuring the performance of
the ERP system - maximizing the ERP system - turbo charge the ERP system - enterprise application integration (EAI) - ERP
and e-business - ERP, internet, and www - ERP II - ERP and total quality management - future directions and trends in ERP.(8)

ERP FOR INDUSTRIES: ERPs for different manufacturing industries - petroleum, oil and gas companies, auto industry,
pharma, consumer product goods (CPG), mining industry - ERPs for different service industries – retail, healthcare, educational
institutions, telecom, banks, insurance companies, utility companies - case studies of ERP and enterprise application. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Alexis Leon, “Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) DEMYSTIFIED”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2018.
2. Rajesh Ray, “Enterprise Resource Planning – Text & Cases”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2011.

1. Carol A Ptak, “ERP: Tools, Techniques, and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain”, CRC Press, 2003.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Chuck C H Law, “Managing Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption and Business Processes: A Holistic Approach”,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.
3. Vinod Kumar Garg, Venkitakrishnan N K, “Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts and Practice”, PHI Learning, 2014.
4. Rahul V Altekar, “Enterprisewide Resource Planning: Theory and Practice”, PHI Learning, 2013.


ENVIRONMENT: The human population and the environment, the human population‘s effects on the earth, the ecosystem,
global warming, greenhouse effect and major greenhouse gases. (9)

MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Levels of manufacturing systems, environmentally conscious manufacturing- components,

system effects. examples. (9)

WATER POLLUTION AND THEIR PREVENTION: Metalworking fluids- environmental and health impact, Heavy metals in
water, MWF pollution prevention through process planning, process modification and in process recycling, water footprint
analysis. (9)

AIR AND SOLID POLLUTION AND THEIR PREVENTION: Origin of airborne particles in manufacturing, traditional and
modern particulates mitigation/elimination techniques. Industrial solid and hazardous waste management, Carbon footprint
analysis. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Ecolabeling - Design for the Environment, Life cycle assessment, steps.
Design for Environment guidelines. ISO 14001- concepts and implementation steps in ISO 14001 – benefits-case studies. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Daniel B Botkin and Edward A Keller, “Environmental Science - ‖”, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2010.
2. Madu C N, “Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing - ‖”, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001

1. Davim J P, “Sustainable Manufacturing - ‖”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
2. Kutz, M, “Environmentally Conscious Mechanical Design - ‖”, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.


MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION: Introduction to CIM - components of CIM and process design for CIM - fundamental
concepts in manufacturing and automation - production systems, automation in production systems, manual labour in
production systems, automation principles and strategies, types and levels of automation - manufacturing operations -
manufacturing industries and products, manufacturing operations, production facilities, product/production relationships -
production performance metrics and manufacturing costs. (9+3)

AUTOMATED PRODUCTION LINES: Fundamentals of automated production lines - system configurations, methods of work
transport systems, storage buffers, control of the production line – quantitative analysis of automated production lines - with and
without storage buffers, upper bound and lower bound approach of workstation breakdown analysis - applications. (9+3)

AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS: Fundamentals of automated assembly systems -system configurations, elements of
the parts delivery system and applications – quantitative analysis of automated assembly systems - parts delivery system at
workstations, multi-station assembly machines, single-station assembly machines and partial automation. (9+3)

AUTOMATED MATERIALS HANDLING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS: Materials handling - principles and types of equipment -
automated guided vehicle systems (AGVs) - components, types, guidance systems, steering control, routing, control systems,
interface with other subsystems, load transfer and design features - automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) -
functions, components, terminology, types and design of an AS/RS - interfacing handling and storage for manufacturing
system. (9+3)

AUTOMATED INSPECTION AND MODULAR PRODUCTION SYSTEMS: Automated inspection - online and offline inspection,
sensor technology for manufacturing process monitoring and inspection, case studies – modular production systems -
introduction, elements, need, benefits and case studies. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Mikell P Groover, “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Pearson India Education
Services, 2016.
2. Nanua Singh, “Systems Approach to Computer - Integrated Design and Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York,

1. Boucher T O, “Computer Automation in Manufacturing: An Introduction”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1996.
2. James A Rehg and Henry K W, “Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Raju V, Subramanyam S and Radhakrishnan P, “CAD/CAM/CIM”, New Age International, New Delhi, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.


BASIC CONCEPTS: Background study on Finite Element Method (FEM), need for application of FEM in various engineering
domains, transforming physical model in to mathematical model, strong and weak form of 1D physical problems, approximation
using interpolation or trial functions, solving 1D structural and thermal problem, approach to solve 2D and 3D models. (9+3)

DISCRETIZATION: Introduction, concept of elements, 1D, 2D and 3D elements, plane stress and plane strain models, shape
functions, direct stiffness approach, stiffness matrix, element assembly, solving for unknowns, global and natural coordinate
systems and Jacobian for transformations. (9+3)

GOVERNING EQUATIONS: Mathematical modeling of manufacturing processes - metal casting, metal cutting, metal forming,
welding, heat treatment and injection molding, use of partial differential equations, interpretation of boundary conditions and
initial conditions. (9+3)

FEA OF METAL FORMING PROCESSES: Review of theory of plasticity applied to metal forming processes, flow curve,
models for friction and heat transfer, modeling of simple forging operations, plane strain upsetting, computer implementation,
modeling of rolling and extrusion processes. (9+3)

FEA OF METAL CASTING AND WELDING PROCESSES: Overview of transport phenomena in metal casting, simple case
studies on sand mold casting using CAE software, introduction to computer aided design and analysis of injection molded
components using CAE software, model for manual metal arc welding, FEA analysis of welding distortion and residual stress
using CAE software. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. J Fish, “A First Course in Finite Elements”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., England, 2007.
2. Prakash M Dixit, Uday S Dixit, “Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes”, Springer - Verlag London Limited,
UK, 2008.

1. Dantzig J A, Rappez M, “Solidification”, EPFL Press, Laussane, Switzerland, 2009.
2. Reddy J N, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Sindo Kou, “Transport Phenomena and Materials Processing”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1996.
4. Shiro Kobayashi, Soo Ikoh and Taylan Altan, “Metal Forming and the Finite Element Method”, Oxford and IBH Publishing,
New Delhi, 1989.


INPUT MODALITIES: Ergonomics for productivity, safety, health and comfort, history of ergonomics, multi-disciplinary
engineering, human machine system - characteristics, information theory, coding, compatibility, memory, decision making,
attention, text, graphics, symbols, selection of display modality - visual and auditory display, representational display, tactual
and olfactory display, design of controls. (9)

ANTHROPOMETRY: Need for anthropometry, sources of human variability, data collection methodology, measuring
procedures and tools, statistical analysis of measured data - percentile calculation, principles of applied anthropometry,
ergonomic design guidelines for products, equipment and accessories, applications of anthropometry. (9)

WORK ERGONOMICS: Work station design for standing and seated workers, manual material handling, design of hand tools,
muscles, structure, function and capacity, physical work capacity, measurement of physiological work, stress and fatigue, work
related musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic interventions to prevent injuries, human thermoregulation, measurement,
protection and thermal comfort. (9)

ILLUMINATION, NOISE AND VIBRATION: Vision and the eye, measurement of light, lighting design, visual fatigue, eyestrain,
psychological aspects of indoor lighting, the ear, measurement of sound, ear protection, design of acoustic environment,
industrial noise control, auditory environment outdoors, effects of noise on task performance and health, vibration, human error,
safety and equipment design. (9)

VIRTUAL ERGONOMICS: Digital Human Modeling (DHM), anthropometric models, models for production design,
biomechanical and anatomical models, DHM packages – selection strategies and functionalities, virtual ergonomics evaluation
techniques – Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), field of vision, reach envelopes, accessibility and clearance analysis,
discomfort analysis, Applications of DHM. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Bridger R S, “Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
2. Martin Helander, “A Guide to Human Factors and Ergonomics”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2005.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Christopher Nemeth, “Human Factors Methods for Design”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2004.
2. D Chakrabarti, “Indian Anthropometric Dimensions for Ergonomic Design Practice”, National Institute of Design,
Ahmedabad, 1997.
3. Duffy V G, “Hand Book of Digital Human Modeling: Research for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factor Engineering”,
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
4. Mark S Sanders, “Human Factors in Engineering and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.


ORIGIN AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAN PRODUCTION: Craft production – mass production – Ford system – growing
dysfunction – origin and history of lean production - necessity of lean production – systems and systems thinking – construction
of lean production - lean image and lean activities – Muda and its types – Mura – Muri. (8)

STABILITY AND STANDARDIZED WORK: Standards in lean system – visual management – 5S – Total Productive
Maintenance - key measures - six big losses - hidden losses - machine loss pyramid - small group activity - comparison of
methods engineering and lean thinking – elements to be managed - necessity and prerequisites of standardized work –
elements of standardized work - charts - production capacity chart - standardized combination table - standardized work
analysis chart – manpower reduction – comparison of overall efficiency with individual efficiency – kaizen – common layouts.
JUST IN TIME (JIT): Definition - principles of JIT - continuous flow - pull – JIT system – kanban – six kanban rules - expanded
role of conveyance – production levelling – three types of pull systems – value stream mapping - symbols - current state VSM
and future state VSM. (10)

JIDOKA: Development and necessity – poke yoke - common errors – inspection system and zone control – using poke jokes –
jidoka implementation. (7)

LEAN INVOLVEMENT AND CULTURE: Necessity of involvement - waste of humanity - activities supporting
involvement - kaizen circle activity - practical kaizen training - key factors in practical Kaizen training - lean culture - „Five Why‟
analysis. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Dennis P, "Lean Production Simplified: A Plain Language Guide to the World's Most Powerful Production System",
Productivity Press, 2007.
2. Devadasan S R, Mohan Sivakumar V, Murugesh R, Shalij P R, "Lean and Agile Manufacturing: Theoretical, Practical and
Research Futurities", Prentice Hall of India Learning Limited, 2012.

1. Bill Carreira, "Lean Manufacturing that Works: Powerful Tools for Dramatically Reducing Wastes and Maximizing Profits",
Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Limited, 2007.
2. Don Tapping, Tom Luyster, Tom Shuker, "Value Stream Management: Eight Steps to Planning, Mapping and Sustaining
Lean Improvements", Productivity Press, 2002.
3. Gopalakrishnan N, "Simplified Lean Manufacture: Elements, Rules, Tools and Implementation", Prentice Hall of India
Learning Private Limited, 2010.
4. James P Womack, Daniel T Jones, Daniel Roos, "The Machine That Changed the World", 1st Edition, Free Press, New
York, 2007.


MAINTENANCE: Types of maintenance – run-to-failure, preventive, corrective, predictive - condition based and statistical
based, maintenance prevention, reliability centered maintenance - MTBF, MTTR - elements of preventive maintenance -
checklist, schedule, procedure. (9)

TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE: Principles – eight pillars of TPM - stages of TPM implementation - TPM organization
structure, TPM policies and goals, master plan, overall equipment effectiveness, small group activities, autonomous
maintenance, planned maintenance, education and training, early equipment management, office TPM. (10)

SAFETY SYSTEMS ANALYSIS: Introduction of safety systems, industrial safety engineering, job safety analysis, OSHA
regulations, design for safety, lock out / tag out system, work permit system, safety in foundry, forging, welding, hot and cold
working, power press, cranes, and boiler operations. (10)

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: Chemistry of fire – classes of fire - water sprinkler - fire hydrant - alarm and detection system -
fire suppression system – CO2 system, foam system, dry chemical powder system, halon system, portable extinguisher. (8)

SAFETY AND LAW: Provisions in factory act for safety - explosive act - workmen compensation act – compensation
calculations -boiler act and pollution control act. (8)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45
1. Charles J Robinson, Andrew P Ginder, "Implementing TPM: The North American Experience", Productivity Press,
Portland, Oregon, 2007.
2. John Ridley, John Channing, "Safety at Work", 7th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, UK, 2008.

1. Dhillon B S, "Maintainability, Maintenance and Reliability for Engineers", Taylor and Francis, London, 2006.
2. Gary R Krieger, John F Montgomery, "Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations", 11th Edition, National Safety
Council, Chicago, 1997.
3. Heinrich H W, "Industrial Accident Prevention", National Safety Council, Chicago, 1998.
4. Patrick A Michaud, "Accident Prevention and OSHA Compliance", CRC Press, USA, 1995.


ENGINE PARTS: Casting of engine block - conventional and expendable pattern, machining of engine blocks - casting of
cylinder heads, forging of crankshaft, connecting rod and gudgeon pins, machining and heat treatment, casting of piston by
gravity casting, squeeze casting, forging of valves, heat treatment and surface improvement, cylinder liners and piston ring
manufacturing. (9)

POWER TRASMISSION COMPONENTS: Principles and types of transmission, friction lining materials, requirements and its
manufacturing - casting of gear box casing, precision forging of gears, gear hobbing, shaping, powder metallurgy, orbital
forming of gears, heat treatment and finishing - propeller shaft - casting of propeller shaft, extrusion of propeller shaft, extrusion
dies and its materials, heat treatment and surface hardening of propeller shaft. (9)

AXLES AND SPRINGS: Forging of front and rear axles, casting of rear axle casing - leaf spring materials and its requirements,
manufacturing of leaf springs. (9)

AUTOMOTIVE BODY: Forming of body panels, principles of hydroforming, welding of body panels, resistance welding and
other welding processes - principle of injection moulding, injection moulding of instrument panel, moulding of bumpers, tooling
and tooling requirements and manufacture of metal panels – painting, painting booth. (9)

TYRE AND TUBE MANUFACTURING: Classification of tyres, specifications, materials and its requirements, manufacturing
process, tyre retreading. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Heldt P M, “High Speed Combustion Engines”, Oxford IBH Publishing Company, Calcutta, 1996.
2. Phillip F Ostwald, Jairo and Munoz, “Manufacturing Processes and Systems”, Wiley India Private Limited, New Delhi,

1. Kalpakjian, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Addison Wesly Publishing Company, New York, 2014.
2. Kirpal Singh, “Automobile Engineering”, Volume I & II, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Sanjay K Mazumdar, “Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Product and Process Engineering”, CRC Press, LLC
Publisher, New York, 2002.
4. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R Schmid, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials”, Pearson Education
Publications, New Delhi, 2007.


INTRODUCTION: Definition and scope of materials handling - the importance of materials handling - systems concept -
characteristics and classification of materials - principles of materials handling – unit load concept: definition, advantages and
disadvantages, load utilization processes and handling methods, pallets, skids and containers - alternative methods of handling
- packaging for materials handling - classification of materials handling equipment. (12)

TRUCKS AND CONVEYORS: Classification of industrial trucks/vehicles: hand trucks, power trucks, forklift trucks and tractors -
different classes of conveyors: definition, general characteristics, types, parts and design aspects - pneumatic conveyors:
definition, advantages and disadvantages, types, selection and parts - hydraulic conveyors: definition and uses, advantages
and disadvantages ,design considerations. (12)

HOIST AND WINCHES: Parts of hoisting equipment: chain and chain sprockets, steel wire ropes and drums, pulleys and
pulley systems, arresting gears and breaks, load handling attachments - hoists: definition, characteristics, uses, constructional
features and specifications - winches: definition, uses and constructional features. (9)

ELEVATORS: Bucket elevators: definition, specification and uses - types of bucket elevators - selection of bucket elevators -
design of buckets for bucket elevators - skip hoists - freight elevators/lifts. (6)

CRANES: Definition - basic principle - classification of cranes - definition, descriptive specifications, characteristics, features,
uses and design variations of the different types of cranes - derricks. (6)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45
1. Charles D Reese, "Materials Handling Systems", Taylor and Francis, New York, 2000.
2. Siddhartha Ray, "Introduction to Materials Handling", New Age International Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Alexandrov M, "Materials Handling Equipments", MIR Publishers, 1981.
2. Chowdary R B, Tagore G R N, "Materials Handling Equipment", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Rudenko N, "Materials Handling Equipment", MIR Publishers, 1969.
4. Spivakovsky A O, Dyachkov V K, "Conveying Machines Volume I & II", MIR Publishers, 1985.
PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT: Measurement systems: need and applications - generalized configuration and functional
descriptions of measuring instruments with examples - generalized performance characteristics of instruments: static and
dynamic performance characteristics, sources of error, classification and elimination of error. (6+ 3)

MOTION MEASUREMENT: Introduction - fundamental standards - resistive potentiometers - resistance strain gauge - linear
variable differential transformer - variable inductance and variable reluctance pickups - capacitance pickups-eddy current non
contacting transducers - piezoelectric transducers - ultrasonic transducers - linear and rotary encoders - linear and rotary
encoders - linear and angular velocity measurements - seismic motion transducers - seismic instrument for vibrational
displacement and velocity - seismic accelerometer - piezoelectric accelerometers. (12+ 3)

FORCE AND TORQUE MEASUREMENT: Measuring methods - elastic transducers - strain gauge load cells - differential-
transformer transducers - piezoelectric load cells - hydraulic and pneumatic systems - torque measurement by mechanical,
hydraulic and electric dynamometers - transmission dynamometers. (9+3)

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT: Liquid-in-glass thermometers - bi-metal temperature sensing elements - thermistors - RTD
and thermopiles - thermocouples - pyrometry - optical and total radiation pyrometer - infrared thermography - calibration of
temperature measuring devices. (8+3)

FLOW AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENT: Variable area meter - turbine type meter - magnetic flow meter - pulse producing
methods - pressure probes – anemometry - static and dynamic pressures - elastic transducers - secondary transducers used
with elastic transducers - strain gauge pressure cells - high-pressure measurement gauges - low-pressure measurement.

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Beckwith T G, Marangoni and Lienhard, “Mechanical Measurements”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Ernest O Doebelin, “Measurement Systems: Applications and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Holmen J P, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications Company Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
2. John G Webster, “Mechanical Variables Measurements”, CRC Press, New York, 2000.
3. Nakra B C and Choudhry K K, “Instrumentation, Measurements and Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Richard S Figliola and Donald E Beasley, “Theory and Design of Mechanical Measurements”, Wiley India, New Delhi,


INTRODUCTION: Relevance of and need for vibrational analysis - mathematical modelling of vibrating systems – discrete and
continuous systems – single degree of freedom systems – free and forced vibrations – longitudinal, transverse and torsional
vibrating systems, various damping models. (11+4)

TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Generalized co-ordinates, principal co-ordinates, derivation of equation of motion,
co-ordinate coupling, Lagrange’s equation, dynamic vibration absorbers. (9+3)

MULTI DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Derivation of equations of motion, influence coefficients, orthogonality principle,
calculation of natural frequencies by matrix, Rayleigh, Stodala, Dunkerley and Holzer methods. (10+4)

TRANSIENT VIBRATION: Impulse and arbitrary excitation, base excitation, Laplace transform formulation, response spectrum.
VIBRATION MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL: Tests and measurements of vibration, modal analysis - FFT analyzer,
vibration measuring sensors and exciters, methods of vibration control – excitation reduction at source, balancing of rigid,
flexible and variable mass rotors - viscoelastic polymers - condition monitoring of machines. (9+1)

Total L:45 + T:15 = 60

1. Rao S S, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Thomson W T, “Theory of Vibration with Applications”, 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Ashok Kumar Mallik, “Principles of Vibration Control”, Affiliated East-West Press Private Limited, New Delhi, 1990.
2. Grover G K, Mechanical Vibrations”, New Chand and Brothers, Roorkey, 2009.
3. Raveesh Pratap and V P Singh, “Mechanical Vibrations", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
4. Seto, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Schaum Outline Series, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1990.

INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS SYSTEM: Key elements – mechatronics design process – types of design – traditional
and mechatronics designs – advanced approaches in mechatronics - man-machine interface, industrial design and ergonomics
- safety. (9)

REAL-TIME INTERFACING: Introduction - elements of data acquisition and control - overview of i/o process: analog signals,
discrete signals and frequency signals – over framing. (9)

CASE STUDIES ON DATA ACQUISITION: Introduction – cantilever beam force measurement system - testing of
transportation bridge surface materials - transducer calibration system for automotive applications - strain gauge weighing
system - solenoid force - displacement calibration system - rotary optical encoder - controlling temperature of a hot/cold
reservoir - pick and place robot. (9)

CASE STUDIES ON DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL: Introduction – thermal cycle fatigue of a ceramic plate – PH
control system – dicing temperature control system – skip control of a CD player – autofocus camera: exposure control - case
studies of design of mechatronic products – motion control using D.C motor and solenoids – car engine management systems.
ADVANCED APPLICATIONS IN MECHATRONICS: Sensors for condition monitoring - mechatronic control in automated
manufacturing - artificial intelligence in mechatronics - fuzzy logic in mechatronics - microsensors in mechatronics. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Devdas Shetty, Richard A Kolk, “Mechatronics System Design”, 2 Edition, Cengage Learning, 2010.
2. W Bolton, “Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering”, 6th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.

1. D A Bradley, D Dawson, N C Burd and A J Loader, “Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes”, Chapman and
Hall, London, 1993.
2. Richard C Dorf, Robert H Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, 12th Edition, Pearson, 2010.
3. S Brian Morriss, “Automated Manufacturing Systems - Actuators, Controls, Sensors and Robotics”, McGraw Hill
International Edition, 1995.


INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEMS: Introduction - need for control systems. Open-loop and closed-loop systems -
Components of feedback control systems - effect of feedback control - types of feedback control systems. Transfer function:
Block diagram reduction - Signal flow graphs. (8)

MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: Mechanical translational and rotational systems - Fluid and Thermal
systems - D.C. generator and motor; Transportation Lag Systems. (8)

TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Typical inputs - Time domain specifications - First and second order systems - steady state errors.
STABILITY: Concept of stability - necessary and sufficient conditions of stability - Routh Hurwitz Criterion. Lead - Lag - Lag-
Lead Compensation using time domain analysis. (11)

FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Bode Plot - Polar Plot - Nyquist stability criterion - Stability analysis - Control system design using
Frequency domain analysis - Lead - Lag - Lag-Lead Compensation. (12)

CASE STUDIES: Servo motor - Mathematical Modelling of Servo Motor - Analysis of Servo motor system using Routh Hurwitz
criterion - Root locus - Bode Plot - Polar Plot and stability analysis - Implementation of P - PI – PD and PID controllers for servo
motor and analysis. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Ogata K, "Modern Control Engineering", Pearson Education, 2015.
2. Benjamin C Kuo, "Automatic Control Systems", 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2018.

1. J Nagrath, M Gopal, "Control System Engineering", New Age International Publishers, 2018.
2. M Nakamura, S Goto and N Kyura, "Mechatronic Servo System Control", Springer, 2009.
3. Norman S Nise, "Control Systems Engineering", Wiley, United Kingdom, 6th Edition, 2018.
4. Richard C Dorf, Robert H Bishop, "Modern Control Systems", Addison - Wesley, 2015.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


MECHANICAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Need, types of non-traditional machining processes, hybrid processes, applications.
Ultrasonic Machining (USM): Process description, equipments, mechanics of cutting-hammering and throwing model, typical
problems, factors affecting material removal rate, dimensional accuracy and surface quality and applications. (9)

ABRASIVE MACHINING PROCESSES: Introduction, description, equipment, nozzles, modeling of material removal,
problems, parametric analysis, process capabilities and applications of Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining and
Abrasive Water Jet Machining, typical problems. (9)

THERMAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Electron Beam Machining (EBM): Principle, equipments, vacuum system, process
parameters, characteristics and applications. Laser Beam Machining (LBM): Types of lasers, characteristics, material removal
mechanism, process characteristics, applications, three dimensional machining and advantages. Plasma Arc Machining (PAM):
Generation of plasma, elements, torch design types and its characteristics, effect of process parameters, applications. (9)

ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING: Introduction, mechanism of material removal, description, electrodes, dielectric
fluids, different types of flushing, material removal rate, process characteristics and applications. Wire - Electric Discharge
Machining (Wire-EDM): Equipments, process variables, process capabilities and applications in die making. (9)

CHEMICAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Electro Chemical Machining (ECM): Principle of electrolysis, theory of ECM, description
of the equipment, electrolytes, modeling of material removal rate, accuracy and surface finish, advantages and limitations.
Various applications - Electro Chemical Grinding, Electro Chemical Deburring, Chemical etching process and its applications.

Total L: 45
1. Hassan A, El-Hofy, “Advanced Machining Process: Non Traditional and Hybrid Machining Process”, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2005.
2. Gary F Benedict, “Non Traditional Manufacturing Process, Routledge”, London, 2017.

1. Jain V K, “Advanced Machining Processes”, 2nd Edition, Allied Publications, New Delhi, 2016.
2. James Brown, “Advanced Machining Technology Handbook”, McGraw Hill, New York,1998
3. McGeough J A, “Advanced Methods of Machining”, 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall, New York, 2011.
4. Pandey P C, Shan H S, “Modern Machining Processes”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,1981.


PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (PLCs): Introduction - principles of operation - parts of PLC - hardware
components, I/O sections, CPU, memory module, programming devices - PLC sizes - internal architecture – JIC and IEC
standards – serial and parallel communications - standards and protocols – distributed control – network standards. (10)

I/O COMPONENTS AND PLC PROGRAMMING: Switches and sensors - manually operated, mechanically operated, proximity
and other types - output control devices - electromagnetic control relays, motor starters, latching relays - relay ladder diagram -
simple instructions - programming EXAMINE ON and EXAMINE OFF instructions - PLC ladder diagram - converting simple
relay ladder diagram in to PLC relay ladder diagram. (10)

TIMER AND COUNTER INSTRUCTIONS: Timer instructions - on-delay and off-delay timers, retentive timer - counter
instructions – up counter, down counter and up/down counter - applications - program control instructions - data manipulating
instructions - math instructions. (9)

DESIGNING PLC SYSTEMS: Program development – safety systems – commissioning – fault detection – documentation. (7)

APPLICATIONS OF PLC: Material handling applications - automatic control of warehouse door - automatic lubricating oil
supplier - conveyor belt motor control - bottle label detection - process control application – industrial case studies. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Frank D Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2019.
2. W Bolton, Programmable Logic Controllers, 6th Edition, Elsevier, 2015.

1. Charles H Roth Jr, “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Jaico Publishing House, 2007.
2. John W Webb and Ronald A Reis, “Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications”, Prentice Hall India,
3. William I Fletcher, “An Engineering Approach to Digital Design”, Prentice Hall of India Limited, 1999.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


PRECISION ENGINEERING: Introduction, accuracy and precision, need for precision, general concept of machine tool
accuracy, four classes of achievable machining accuracy-examples, spindle rotation accuracy, influence of geometric accuracy
of machine tools, applications, case study examples. (9)

PRECISION MACHINING AND CUTTING TOOL MATERIALS: Introduction, concepts of precision machining – micro turning,
micro drilling, micro milling, honing and lapping, examples. Cutting tool materials: classification, carbides, ceramic, cubic boron
nitride and diamond, unique characteristics, applications, examples. (9)

PRECISION MACHINE ELEMENTS: Introduction – Guide ways, types, requirements, drive systems, classification-linear motor
drive, spindle drive, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic bearings, pneumatic bearings, characteristics, examples. (9)

MICRO-MANUFACTURING: Bulk micro machining, surface micro machining, LIGA process, advances in lithography, thin film
technology-CVD and PVD techniques, diamond turning, case study examples. (9)

PRECISION MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: classification of measuring system, laser based system, interference methods,
surface profilers, scanning tunneling microscope, Atomic force microscope and on line measurement of dimensional features,
examples. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Murthy R L, “Precision Engineering in Manufacturing”, New Age International Publications, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Venkatesh V C, Izman S, “Precision Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2007.

1. Jain V K, “Introduction to Micromachining”, 2nd Edition, Varosha Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Joseph McGeough, “Micromachining of Engineering Materials”, CRC Press, New York, 2001.
3. Mark J M, “Fundamentals of Micro Fabrication”, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, New York. 2011.
4. Nakazawa H, “Principles of Precision Engineering”, Oxford University Press,1994.


ESTABLISHING PRODUCT FUNCTION: Introduction to product design - modern product development process - product
development planning - S-curve - business case analysis – understanding customer needs - establishing product function -
functional analysis and system technique, creating function structure and black box - quality function deployment - product tear
down and experimentation - tear down process and methods - post tear down reporting, applications of product tear down. (9)

CONCEPT AND EMBODIMENT DESIGN: Product architecture types and examples - product modularity - types of modularity
- concept generation process - information gathering and brainstorming - advanced methods - morphological analysis - concept
selection process - basic and advanced methods - concept embodiment design - general process of product embodiment,
FMEA, fault tree analysis. (9)

DESIGN FOR ENVIRONMENT: Environmental objectives - global issues - regional and local issues - design for environment
guidelines - life cycle assessment - weighted sum assessment method, life cycle assessment method - techniques to reduce
environmental impact - design to minimise material usage, design for disassembly, design for recyclability, design for
remanufacturing, design for high-impact material reduction, design for energy efficiency, design to regulation and standards. (9)

PROTOTYPING AND EXPERIMENTATION: Physical prototypes - prototyping essentials, types of prototypes, uses of
prototypes, prototyping processes, rapid prototyping techniques - dimensional analysis and similitude - testing of prototypes -
design of experiments - basics of designed experiments, two factorial experiments, fractional experiments - statistical analysis
of experiments - product applications of physical modeling. (9)

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: Visual aesthetics in industrial design - visual effects of
line, form and color, aesthetic concepts - styling and design studio - human factors design - human physical effort, sensory
input, anthropometric data - intellectual property rights - patent search and application, patent ownership and transfer, patent
infringement - new developments and international patent law. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, Maria C Yang, "Product Design and Development", 7th Edition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2020.
2. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design", 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2013.

1. A K Chitale, R C Gupta, "Product Design and Manufacturing", 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2014.
2. Clive L Dym, Patrick Little, “Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
3. David Ulman, “Mechanical Design Process”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
4. George E Dieter, Linda C Schmidt, "Engineering Design", 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


THE INTERNET AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Data driven product development process, present market constraints,
collaborative product development - advancements in the internet technology and data transfer technologies - End of Life
(EOL) management - General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). (9)

PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT (PLM) ARCHITECTURE: Steps in implementing PLM - customizing PLM application,
application workflow - applications of PLM in the aerospace, automobile, Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) and
research facilities. (9)

CONSTITUENTS OF PLM: PDM functions, document management tools - system administration - access control and security
- Model Based Definition (MBD) - middleware - product structure, product configuration, bill of material management and
change management. (9)

VISUALIZATION TOOLS IN PLM: CAD, data standards - digital mockups - Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and
Mixed Reality (MR), virtual design validation and testing. (9)

FUTURE OF PLM: Building PLM on digital twin, 5G, cloud, edge computing, metaverse - data analytics and Artificial
Intelligence. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Antti Saaksvuori, Anseli Immonen, “Product Lifecycle Management”, 3rd Edition, Springer, 2008.
2. Michael Grieves, “Product Lifecycle Management: Driving the Next Generation of Lean Thinking”, 1st Edition, McGraw Hill,

1. Engelbert Westkämper, Jörg Niemann and Serge Tichkiewitch, “Design of Sustainable Product Life Cycles”, 1st Edition,
Springer, 2009.
2. John Stark, “Global Product: Strategy, Product Lifecycle Management and the Billion Customer Question”, 1st Edition,
Springer, 2007.
3. John Stark, “Product Lifecycle Management: 21st Century Paradigm for Product Realization (Volume 1 and 2)”, 3rd Edition,
Springer, 2015.
4. John Stark, “Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 4): The Case Studies”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2019.


SENSORS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS: Classification of control processes - photoelectric sensors - proximity sensors -
inductive proximity sensors, capacitive proximity sensors, limit switches, inductive and capacitive sensors in manufacturing –
microwave sensing applications - the infrared spectrum - laser sensors - fiber optics in sensors and control systems. (9)

INDUSTRIAL SENSORS AND CONTROL: Introduction - sensors in manufacturing - temperature sensors in process control -
pressure sensors - fiber-optic pressure sensors - displacement sensors for robotic applications - process control sensors
measuring and monitoring liquid flow - crack detection sensors - control of input/output speed of continuous web fabrication
using laser Doppler velocity sensor - ultrasonic/laser non-destructive evaluation sensor - process control sensor for
acceleration - image transmission sensor - sensor network architecture in manufacturing - power line fault-detection system for
power generation and distribution industry. (9)


flexible system - sensors tracking the meantime between operator interventions - sensors tracking the meantime of intervention
- sensors tracking yield - sensors tracking the mean processing time - the network of sensors detecting machinery faults -
computer communications and sensors’ role - networks in manufacturing - manufacturing automation protocol - multiple-ring
digital communication network - AbNET- universal memory network. (9)

ADVANCED SENSOR TECHNOLOGY IN PRECISION MANUFACTURING: Identification of manufactured components -

digital encoders - fuzzy logic for optoelectronic colour sensors - detecting faults in dynamic machine parts - vibration
measurement of a structure - tracking targets on a structure - optoelectronic feedback signals for servomotors through fiber
optics - the use of optoelectronic/vision associative memory for high-precision image display and measurement - sensors for
hand-eye coordination of micro-robotic motion utilizing vision technology - force and optical sensors controlling robotic gripper -
ultrasonic stress sensor measuring dynamic changes in materials - predictive monitoring sensors serving CIM strategy -
reflective strip imaging camera sensor for measuring a wide-angle - optical sensor quantifying acidity of solutions - sensors for
biomedical technology. (11)

SENSORS AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY IN CIM: Introduction - CIM plan - manufacturing enterprise model - design of CIM
with sensors and control systems - decision support system for CIM with sensors and control systems - analysis and design of
CIM with sensors and control systems - data acquisition for sensors and control systems in CIM environment - developing CIM
strategy with an emphasis on sensors’ role in manufacturing. (7)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. HK Tönshoff and I Inasaki, “Sensors Applications-Volume 1: Sensors in Manufacturing”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001.
2. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing,” The McGraw Hill Companies, 2010.

1. Gavin Lawrence, “Handbook of Sensors and Transducers”, Oxford Book Company, 2019.
2. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors Handbook,” The McGraw Hill Companies, 2010.
3. Sinclair IR, “Sensors and Transducers”, Elsevier India Private Limited, 2001.
4. Stoyan Nihtianov and Antonio Luque, “Smart Sensors and Mems: Intelligent Sensing Devices and Microsystems for
Industrial Applications”, Elsevier, 2018.


FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction to sensors, basic classification and types - roles of sensors in manufacturing and condition
monitoring systems - signal processing and decision making - objectives of sensing - requirements for sensors and sensing
systems - communication and transmission techniques - human-machine interfaces. (7)

SENSORS FOR WORKPIECE MONITORING: Measuring methods - mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, optoelectronic,
optical and pneumatic - sensors for physical properties - sensors for tools - sensors for work pieces – eddy current and micro
magnetic sensors. (11)

SENSORS FOR MACHINE TOOLS AND ROBOTS: Position measurement - sensors for orientation - calibration of machine
tools and robots - collision detection - machine tool monitoring and diagnosis. (7)

SENSORS FOR PROCESS MONITORING: Sensors for casting and powder metallurgy, punching process, sheet metal
forming process, forging process, cutting processes, abrasive processes, laser processing, electrical discharge machining,
welding, coating processes and heat treatment-sensors for peripheral systems - adaptive control system - intelligent systems
for machining processes. (13)

ADVANCED SENSORS: Optical and machine vision sensors - smart and intelligent sensors - integrated sensors - robot
sensors – micro sensors – nano sensors - applications and case studies. (7)

Total L: 45
1. HK Tönshoff and I Inasaki, “Sensors Applications-Volume 1: Sensors in Manufacturing”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001.
2. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing,” The McGraw Hill Companies, 2010.

1. Gavin Lawrence, “Handbook of Sensors and Transducers”, Oxford Book Company, 2019.
2. Lihui Wang and Robert X Gao, “Condition Monitoring and Control for Intelligent Manufacturing”, Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 2006.
3. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors Handbook,” The McGraw Hill Companies, 2010.
4. Stoyan Nihtianov and Antonio Luque, “Smart Sensors and Mems: Intelligent Sensing Devices and Microsystems for
Industrial Applications”, Elsevier, 2018.


INTRODUCTION: Six sigma definition - DMAIC and DMADV deployment models - success stories - the sigma Level - six
Sigma Framework - project reporting - project records - six sigma teams - team membership - stages in group development -
six Sigma member roles and responsibilities - facilitation technique - voice of the Customer. (9)

DEFINE PHASE: Project charter - project decomposition - work breakdown structure - pareto analysis - deliverables - critical to
quality metrics - critical to schedule metrics - critical to cost metrics - financial evaluation - project scheduling - Gantt charts -
PERT - CPM. (9)

MEASURE AND ANALSE PHASES: Process definition - flowcharts - SIPOC - metric definition - capability analysis – SPC
techniques - control chart selection - control chart interpretation - distributions – measurement system analysis - Gage R&R -
analysing the source of variation - cause and effect diagram - box plots – statistical interference - regression - correlation -
Design of Experiments (DOE). (9)

IMPROVE: Improvement decisions - category importance weights - optimization using simulation - risk assessment tools -
design review - fault - tree analysis - safety analysis - benchmarking - brainstorming - error-proofing - FMEA. (9)

CONTROL PHASES AND DESIGN FOR SIX SIGMA (DFSS): Business process control planning - maintaining gains - tools
and techniques useful for control planning - preparing the process control plan - process control planning for short and small
runs - process audits – selecting process control elements - design for six sigma quality - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) -
TRIZ. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Antony, Jiju, Chad Laux and Elizabeth Cudney, “The Ten Commandments of Lean Six Sigma: A Guide for Practitioners”,
Emerald Group Publishing, 2019.
2. Thomas Pyzdek, Paul Keller, "Six Sigma Handbook: Complete Guide for Greenbelts, Blackbelts and Managers at All
Levels", Tata McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 2014.

1. Brook, Quentin, "Lean Six Sigma & Minitab: The Complete Toolbox Guide for Business Improvement," (2017), OPEX
Resources Limited, 2020.
2. Joseph De Feo, William Barnard, Juran Institute, "Juran Institute’s Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond", The McGraw Hill
Companies, 2004.
3. Kai Yang, Basem El-Haik, "Design for Six Sigma", McGraw Hill, New York, 2004.
4. Kubiak, Thomas M and Donald W Benbow, “The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook”, Quality Press, 2016.


BASIC STATISTICS FOR QUALITY CONTROL: Introduction to quality - definition of quality - basic and modern - seven
quality tools, measures of location and dispersion, statistics and parameters, causes of variation and their characteristics,
constant and variable system of chance causes, patterns of variation. (9 +3)

CONTROL CHART FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS: Variables and attributes - defects and defectives - statistical
basis of the control chart - purpose of control charting, anatomy of a control chart, two types of errors, rational sub grouping,
sensitizing rules, guidelines for implementing control charts, control chart for mass production - X Bar and R, X Bar and s, X-
MR chart, control chart for short production runs, control chart for tool wear monitoring, control chart for attributes, effect of
variable sample size. (9 + 3)

ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING: Single sampling - double sampling - multiple sampling - sequential sampling - use of Dodge-
Romig tables in sampling inspection. (9 +3)

REGRESSION: Definition - need for regression - simple linear probabilistic model for regression, assumptions, method of least
squares, estimation of constants - ANOVA for linear regression - testing the usefulness of the model, coefficient of
determination, checking the assumptions - multiple regression – general linear model and assumptions, ANOVA for multiple
regression, interpretation of results - polynomial regression - limitations of regression. (9 + 3)

DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS: Classical design of experiments – single factor experiment - multiple factor
experiment - randomized block design, latin square design, analysis of experimental results - Taguchi design of experiments -
planning, analysis and conducting phases, analysis and interpretation of experimental results. (9 +3)

Total L : 45 + T : 15 = 60
1. D C, “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Grant E M and Leavenworth R L, “Statistical Quality Control”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Krishnaiah K, “Applied Statistical Quality Control and Improvement”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
2. Mahajan M, “Statistical Quality Control”, Dhanpat Rai & Co Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.
3. Montgomery D C, “Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2012.
4. Ross P J, “Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.


SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND INVENTORY CONTROL: Meaning and definition - development chain - key issues in
supply chain management - introduction to inventory control - single stage inventory control, single period models, initial
inventory, multiple order opportunities - risk pooling - centralized and decentralized systems - managing inventory in the supply
chain - forecasting. (9)

VALUE OF INFORMATION: Introduction - bullwhip effect - information sharing and incentives, information for coordination of
systems, information and supply chain trade-offs - supply chain integration - push, pull and push-pull systems - demand-driven
strategies - impact of internet on supply chain strategies - benefits and risks of outsourcing – supply chain analytics. (9)

LOGISTICS AND INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Logistics related business function - framework for
strategic alliances - third-party logistics – retailer - supplier partnerships – distributor - integration - procurement and out
servicing strategies - e-procurement - global market forces - managing global risks, requirements for global strategy
implementation, issues in international supply chain management. (9)

COORDINATED PRODUCT AND SUPPLY CHAIN DESIGN: General framework - design for logistics, supplier integration into
new product development, mass customization - dimensions of customer value – supply chain strategy and digitalization –
sustainable supply chains. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR SCM: Goals of supply chain information technology - information technology standards,
information technology infrastructure - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - point-of-sale data – benefits - supply chain
efficiency. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Chopra S and Meindl P, “Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning and Operation”, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall India
Private Limited, 2016.
2. Simchi-Levi David, Kaminsky Philip and Simchi-Levi Edith, “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain : Concepts,
Strategies and Case Studies”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2019.

1. Bolstorff, Peter, “Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model”, Repro Books-
on-Demand, April 2018.
2. David Blanchard, “Supply Chain Management Best Practices”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2021.
3. Michael H Hugos, “Essentials of Supply Chain Management”, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2018.
4. Robert Jacobs F, William Berry and Clay Whybark D, “Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain
Management”, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.


SURFACE ENGINEERING: Fundamentals of surface engineering -significance of surfaces - nature of surfaces contact -
surface energy - surface topography - surface texture evaluation techniques - surface integrity - instruments and techniques for
surface analysis - scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy - surface zone layers - structure of superficial
layers - characteristics of superficial layer obtained by manufacturing processes - strength properties - tribological properties -
classification of surface modification techniques. (9)

SURFACE COATINGS: Structure of coatings - classification of coatings - need for technical and technological coatings -
techniques for producing surface layers - thermal spraying techniques - electron beam technology – laser-based technology –
electroplating and electroless plating - ion implantation techniques - CVD methods and PVD techniques. (9)

SURFACE HARDENING: Surface hardening by flame and induction hardening, carburizing and nitriding - plasma carburizing
and plasma nitriding - laser and electron beam hardening - selection and applications - surface diffusion process -
carbonitriding - aluminizing - siliconizing - chromizing - sursulf - selection of diffusion process. (9)

TRIBOLOGY: Scope of Tribology - tribology in metal working - surface effects on tribology - liquid lubricants and lubrication -
lubrication by solids - mechanism and effects of lubrication - film parameter - selection criteria for lubricants - basics of
hydrodynamic - elasto-hydrodynamic - boundary and extreme pressure lubrication - tribological components - bearings - gears
and piston rings - Introduction to Nano tribology. (9)

FRICTION AND WEAR: Laws of dry friction - mechanism of friction - sliding friction of metals and polymers - stick slips in
machine tool slides - frictional heating and contact temperature - wear mechanisms – adhesive, abrasive, erosive and
cavitation wear - effects of adhesion between wearing surfaces - seizure and scuffing - corrosive wear and fatigue wear - wear
analysis and measurement. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Bharat Bhushan, "Principles and Applications of Tribology", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2013.
2. Tadeusz Burakowski, Tadeusz W, " Surface Engineering of Metals: Principles, Equipment, Technologies", 1st Edition CRC
Press, 1998

1. Bharat Bhushan, "Nano-Tribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction", 4th Edition, Springer, 2018.
2. Ernest Rabinowicz, "Friction and Wear of Materials", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2008.
3. Rajan, Sharma, "Heat Treatment Principals and Techniques", 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
4. Sengupta S N, Ahuja D B, Basu S K, "Fundamentals of Tribology", 1st Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.


EVOLUTION OF MOBILITY AND LOGISTICS: Need for sustainability in mobility and logistics, multidisciplinary approach -
traffic and transport system, accessibility - travel behavior and travel resistance, evolution of Indian road and rail network,
significance of metro and mono rails in mobility, role of ship, rail and air cargo in logistics, loading and unloading of goods, E-
commerce: authenticity and related policies. (9)

MOBILITY DETERMINANTS: Travel needs and demands, demographical, spatial and economic factors, Brever law, growth
rate of sustainable mobility, calibration of green technologies, ECO score, model choice determinants, traffic simulation models.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

LOGISTICS AND TRENDS: Requirement, general framework - trends, determinants, indicators, pre and post liberalization in
India, globalization and interdependency of economy, centralization and rationalization of production and distribution, changes
in consumption patterns, technological innovations (9)
INDICATORS: Link between GDP and transport, competition between traffic modes, growth rate of sustainable logistics,
transported weight, transport performance, vehicle kilometer. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Environmental impacts, contribution of vehicles to environmental stresses, external costs,
importance of vehicle emission norms, alternate vehicle technologies, life cycle assessment of vehicles (9)

Total L: 45
1. Anbalagan P, “Urban Development and Sustainable Transport”, Bookwell Publications, 2012.
2. Cathy Macharis, Joeri Van Mierlo, “Sustainable Mobility and Logistics”, VUB Press, Brussels, 2013.

1. Erling Holden, “Achieving Sustainable Mobility-Everyday and Leisure-Time Travel in the EU”, Ashgate Publishing, United
Kingdom, 2007.
2. Ian J Kerr, “27 Down: New Departures in Indian Railway Studies”, Orient Blackswan Publications, 2007.
3. Jo van Nunen, Paul Huijbregts, Piet Rietveld, “Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: New Solutions and Approaches for
Sustainable Transport Systems”, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
4. Werner Brilon, Felix Huber, Micheal Schreckenberg, “Traffic and Mobility: Simulation - Economics - Environment”,
Springer, New York, 1999.


PRODUCTIVITY: Concept and importance of productivity – work-study and productivity - Taylor’s scientific management -
Gilbreths’s contributions to work measurement – Types - measurement of productivity – models of productivity – scope of
motion and time study – working conditions – OSHA - occupational safety – accidents – work methods design. (10)

METHOD STUDY: Steps in method study - movement of workers and material - string diagram, flow process chart, multiple
activity chart, travel chart - principles of motion economy - classification of movements - two-handed process chart, micromotion
study, THERBLIGS, cyclegraph and chronocyclegraph, SIMO chart. (10)

WORK MEASUREMENT I: Purpose - uses - basic procedure - techniques of work measurement - steps involved in time study
- time study equipments - stop watch time study - performance rating - allowances - computation of standard time - case
studies. (10)

WORK MEASUREMENT II: Work sampling and group timing technique, predetermined motion time system (PMTS), methods
time measurements (MTM), Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST). (7)

ERGONOMICS: Industrial ergonomics – anthropometry – man-machine system – layout of equipment – organization and
methods – work analysis - job evaluation – merit rating – incentive schemes and wage administration. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Barnes R M, “Motion and Time Study, Design and Measurement of Work”, John Wiley sons (Asia), 7 Edition, 2009.
2. International Labour Organisation (ILO), “Introduction to Work Study”, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. India, 2015.

1. Benjamin W Niebel and Andris Freivalds, “Methods, Standards and Work Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. Bridger R S, “Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics”, CRC Press, 2017.
3. Kjell B Zandin, “Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Hand Book”, McGraw Hill Education, 2001.
4. Martand Telsang, “Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, S Chand and Company Ltd., 2006.



INTRODUCTION: Introduction to digital marketing (DM) and its significance - Traditional marketing versus digital marketing -
Marketing principles: AIDA, Purchase cycle, moments of truth - 4Ps in web marketing - Need for DM - Need for framing DM
strategies - Foundations of an effective DM strategy - Fundamental strategies in DM - Aligning of internet with business
objectives - The case of FK distribution - User behaviour and navigation - Developing a digital plan. (9)

WEBSITE PLANNING AND CREATION: Types of websites - Understanding domain and webhosting – Content Management
System (CMS) - Choosing a niche for website - Choosing a domain name for business - Hosting setup - Word Press
applications - Creating posts and pages - SEO plugins, use and installation - Website speed Optimization techniques. Graphic
designing for business - Graphic design principles. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: Introduction to search engine optimization - How search engines works - Basics of SEO -
On-page SEO techniques - Off – Page SEO techniques - Meta tags creation - Content optimization - Header tags - Image
optimization - Urloptimization - Robots.txt - Sitemap.html - Sitemap.xml - Off-Page SEO - Link building strategies - Google
business listing - Blogging: setup, design and marketing - Open source resources. (9)

SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING: Understand and create customer journey - Keyword research - Keyword planner tools -
Email marketing - Introduction and importance of email marketing - effective content writing for customer emails - Designing e-
mail marketing campaigns - Building E-mail list and signup Forms 18:Email marketing strategy and monitoring email –
Atomization - Online reputation management - Freelancing career. (9)

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: Introduction and significance - need for social media marketing - Understanding social media
audience - Social media content creation - ROI for content programs - Content promotion - Facebook marketing: Introduction
types of various Ad formats - Working with Facebook pixel - Designing Facebook advertising campaigns - Twitter marketing:
Basics - Introduction to Linked in marketing - Pinterest marketing, mobile marketing: Responsive website creation - Mobile Ads
- SMS marketing – Whatsapp marketing - Introduction to pay per click advertising - Google Adword - Google analytics -
Understanding goals and conversions. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Ian Dodson, “The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted and Measurable Online
Campaigns”, Wiley; 1st Edition, 2016.
2. Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry, “Digital Marketing for Dummies”, Wiley; 2nd Edition, 2020.

1. Bhatia Puneet, “Fundamentals of Digital Marketing”, Pearson, 2019.
2. Clay Bruce and Susan Esparza, “Search Engine Optimization All-In-One for Dummies”, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
3. Kotler Philip, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan, “Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital”, John Wiley &
Sons, 2016.
4. Martin Gail, “The Essential Social Media Marketing Handbook: A New Roadmap for Maximizing Your Brand, Influence and
Credibility”, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2017.
5. Scott David Meerman, “The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile
Applications, Blogs, News Releases and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly”, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Meaning, scope, objective, functions of finance manager and importance of financial
management - basic concepts of industrial finance - time value of money – compounding techniques, annual compounding
techniques - present value of cash flow techniques. (9)

FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS: Types and techniques of financial statement analysis – comparative statement
analysis, profit and loss account analysis, balance sheet analysis, trend analysis, common size analysis - fund flow statement,
cash flow statement, ratio analysis – liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, activity ratio, profitability ratio, DuPont analysis - case
studies involving annual reports. (9)

CAPITAL BUDGETING: Capital budgeting process and evaluation – pay-back method, average rate of return, net present
value method, internal rate of return method, profitability index method – case studies – using built-in financial functions in basic
office software packages. (9)

ENGINEERING ECONOMY AND COSTING: Sources of finance for an organization – factors determining working capital
requirements – techniques for evaluation of capital investments – case studies – types of costing – preparing cost sheets –
product / process costing. (9)

WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND STOCK MARKET: Sources of finance - financial and operational aspects of
inventory management – operating cycle analysis - safety stock, economic order quantity, selective inventory control - Indian
stock market – share market terminology and new issues in the stock exchange – Indian finance model and regulatory bodies -
international aspects of financial management. (9)

Total L: 45
1. M Y Khan and P K Jain, “Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. Pandey I M, “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishing House, 2016.

1. Bhalla V K, “Financial Management and Policy”, Paperback Edition, Anmol Publications, 2009.
2. Eugene F Brigham and Michael C Ehrhardt, “Financial Management: Theory and Practice”, Cengage Publications, 2015.
3. Prasanna Chandra, “Financial Management Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. Singh Preeti, “Fundamentals of Financial Management, Ane’s Student Edition, 3rd Edition, Ane Books, 2016.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INDUSTRIAL INTERNET: Industrial revolutions - IoT vs IIoT - Key IIoT technologies - the need for industrial internet - catalysts
and precursors of the IIoT - innovation and the IIoT - intelligent devices - key opportunities and benefits – industrial internet
use-cases – technical and business innovators of the industrial internet – miniaturization, cyber-physical systems (CPS),
wireless technology, IP mobility, network functionality virtualization (NFV), network virtualization, smart phones, the cloud and
fog, big data and analytics, M2M learning and artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 3D printing, people versus automation -
IIoT reference architecture – IIC and IIAF. (10)

DESIGNING INDUSTRIAL INTERNET SYSTEMS: The concept of the IIoT - the proximity network - WSN edge node - legacy
industrial protocols - modern communication protocols - wireless communication technologies - proximity network
communication protocols - IPv6 subnets - gateways - the access network - ethernet, VLANs, IP routing - access networks
connecting remote edge networks. (10)

IIOT MIDDLEWARE: Examining the middleware transport protocols - TCP/IP, UDP, reliable transport protocol (RTP), the
constrained application protocol (CoAP) – middleware software patterns - publish/subscribe pattern - MQTT, XMPP, AMQP,
DDS- delay tolerant networks (DTN) - software design concepts - API (application programming interface) - application,
programming, interface, technical perspective and web services – middleware platforms - need of IIoT middleware, middleware
architecture and functions. (10)

IIoT WAN TECHNOLOGIES AND PROTOCOLS: Requirements - WAN technology for industrial internet connectivity – ISDN,
frame relay, ATM, xDSL, SDH/Sonnet, MPLS-IP/MPLS, 3G/4G/LTE, DWDM, FTTx, cable modem, free-space optics, WiMax,
VSAT - IIoT device low-power WAN optimized technologies for M2M – SigFox, LoRaWAN, nWave, Dash7, Ingénue RPMA,
Low Power Wi-Fi, LTE Category-M, Weightless, Millimeter Radio - Securing the Industrial Internet. (8)

INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SMART FACTORIES: Defining industry 4.0 – the need for industry 4.0 - four main characteristics of
industry 4.0 - the value chain - design principles - building blocks of industry 4.0 - smart manufacturing - smart factories in
action - the importance of smart manufacturing - case studies of real-world smart factories - a roadmap for digital
transformation. (7)

Total L: 45
1. Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2018.
2. Alasdair Gilchrist, “Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things”, Apress, 2019.

1. David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi and Olivierhersent, “M2M Communications: A Systems Approach”, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, 2012.
2. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison and Florian Michahelles, “Architecting the Internet of Things”, Springer, 2011.
3. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick and Omar Elloumi, “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols”, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2012.
4. Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecer and Houbing Song, “Industrial Internet of Things: Cyber Manufacturing Systems”,
Springer, 2017.


INNOVATION: Invention and innovation - need for innovation - sustainable innovation - frugal innovation - New Product
Development (NPD) - Additive Manufacturing - Virtual Reality - Artificial Intelligence - technology lifecycle. (9)

LEADERSHIP: Ancient literatures and leadership styles, traits of leader - integrity, communication, conflict resolution,
transparency, clarity, emotional intelligence and behaviour. (9)

MOLDING LEADERS: Critical leadership competencies - decision making - change management - role of followers - team
building - quality management - ethics. (9)

STRATEGY: Strategic management - strategic alliances and partnership - intellectual property - negotiation - strategic
acquisitions - strategic pricing - game theory - free trade. (9)

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - capacity building - value creation - circular economy -
sustainable trade policies - United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). (9)

Total L: 45
1. David G Gliddon, William J Rothwel, “Innovation Leadership”, 1 Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
2. Margaret A White and Garry D Bruton, “The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach”, 1st
Edition, Thomson South-Western, 2007.

1. Frances Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith, “The Leader of the Future 2”, 1st Edition, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2011.
2. Michael Baye and Jeff Prince, “Managerial Economics and Business Strategy”, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2022.
3. Peter G Northouse, “Leadership: Theory and Practice”, 8th Edition, Sage Publications, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Vinnie Jauhari and Sudhanshu Bhushan, “Innovation Management”, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014.


CONCEPT OF VALUES AND ETHICS: Meaning and significance – sources of individual values – value crisis in the
contemporary Indian Society – types of moral and ethical values, integrity, courage, value-based decision making. (9)

APPLICATION OF VALUES: Personal values and social values – role of codes – relevance of values in profession – formation
and application of values for engineers – industry and corporate values and their application – case studies. (9)

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: Professional ethics, need, issues, challenges – ethical leadership – ethical dilemma – case study –
application of personal core values in professional ethics – consensus and controversy – gender-based ethics - Gilligan’s
Theory on ethics for care and ethics for justice. (9)

SHARED VALUES IN THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS IMPACT: Need to identify and construct shared values – promotion of
shared values and challenges – impact of shared values in organization – code of conduct and legal framework. (9)

SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION AND GLOBAL ISSUES: Engineers as managers –impact of culture and learning from the past
– consultant and leaders - multinational corporations – environmental ethics – computer and Information technology based
ethics – corporate social responsibility. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Kiran D R, “Professional Ethics and Human Values” Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Murthy C S V, “Business Ethics”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010.

1. Danguy, Douglas R Carmichael, Linda A Lach, “The CPA’s Guide to Professional Ethics”, Wiley 2001.
2. Harris, Pritchand, Rabins, “Engineering Ethics”, Cengage Learning, 2013.
3. Subramaniam R, “Professional Ethics”, Oxford Publishers, 2013.
4. Terence M Kelly, “Professional Ethics – A Trust Based Approach”, The Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group, 2018.


ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: The Paris agreement, carbon tax, energy life cycle - energy cost analysis, financial and
environmental, energy audit - small modular nuclear reactors and energy storage technologies. (9)

REINVENTING WORK: Principles of United Nations Global Compact - employment, rights at work - social security, social
dialogue - decent work performance indicators and patterns. (9)

GENDER EQUALITY AT WORKPLACE: Systems of inequality, policy framework, political strategies - sexual harassment laws
- lack of women in leadership. (9)

PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Introduction to Public-Private Partnership (PPP), global

implementation practices - factors contributing to the success of PPP projects - management of unsolicited PPP Projects - risk
assessment and conflict management. (9)

INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SUSTAINABILITY: Guidelines, design for sustainability - sustainable waste management - circular
economy, sustainable manufacturing and environmental performance indicators. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Robert Osei-Kyei and Albert P C Chan, “International Best Practices of Public-Private Partnership: Insights from
Developed and Developing Economies”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2021.
2. Trevor M Letcher, “Future Energy: Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for Our Planet”, 3rd Edition, Elsevier Science
Limited, 2020.

1. Dharam Ghai, “Decent Work: Objectives and Strategies”, International Labour Organization, 1st Edition, 2006.
2. K Jayakrishna, K E K Vimal, S Aravind Raj, Asela K Kulatunga and M T H Sultan, J Paulo Davim, “Sustainable
Manufacturing for Industry 4.0: An Augmented Approach”, 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2020.
3. Melissa Leach, “Gender Equality and Sustainable Development”, 1st Edition, Routledge, 2015.
4. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, “SEAI Energy Audit Handbook”, 1st Edition, 2021.
5. Tanja Herklotz and Siddharth Peter de Souza, “Mutinies for Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in
India”, 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2021.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF VIRTUAL REALITY (VR): Advancements in graphics, data transfer and real-time
computing technologies - display devices - interaction devices - tracking devices - immersion and 3D User Interfaces (UI). (9)

DEVELOPING VR APPLICATIONS: Storyboard technique - virtual objects - Level of Detail (LOD) management, collision
detection, lights, VR Application Programming Interface (API). (9)

VR IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Virtual Prototyping, design, assembly and validation - virtual ergonomic - VR flight
simulator. (9)

VR IN HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION INDUSTRY: Virtual learning and training - disability studies and virtual rehabilitations
- VR in military training. (9)

VR IN TOURISM AND ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY: Immersive movies - VR games - virtual tours. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Alan B Craig, William R Sherman and Jeffrey D Will, “Developing Virtual Reality Applications: Foundations of Effective
Design”, 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009.
2. Grigore C Burdea and Philippe Coiffet, “Virtual Reality Technology”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2003.

1. Doug A Bowman, Ernest Kuijff, Joseph J LaViola Jr and Ivan Poupyrev, “3D User Interfaces, Theory and Practice”, 2nd
Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2017.
2. Gerard Jounghyun Kim, “Designing Virtual Systems: The Structured Approach”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2005.
3. John Vince, “Introduction to Virtual Reality”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2004.
4. William R Sherman and Alan B Craig, “Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application and Design”, 2nd Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Periods / Week Maximum Marks
S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23R101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23R102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

3 23R103 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

4 23R104 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23R110 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

7 23R111 Basic Science Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS


8 23IP15 Induction Programme** - - - Grade - - MC

Total 26 periods 15 3 8 22 320 380 700

Periods / Week Maximum Marks

S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


Complex Variables and
1 23R201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23R202 Basics of Electronics 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 BS

3 23R203 Electrical Circuit Theory 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

4 23R204 Strength of Materials 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

5 23R205 Manufacturing Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
6 23R210 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23G___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS


8 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

9 23R215 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 28 periods 16 2 10 22 380 420 800

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not Completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Sciences; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks

S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total

1 23R301 Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

Electrical Machines and
2 23R302 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Power Systems
Kinematics and Dynamics of
3 23R303 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Microprocessors and
4 23R304 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
5 23O305 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23R310 C Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Mechanics and Electrical
7 23R311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Machines Laboratory
Microprocessors and
8 23R312 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
Microcontrollers Laboratory
9 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23K312 Environmental Science ** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23R315 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 32 periods 17 3 12 24 440 460 900

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks

Course Title Credits CAT
S.No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Probability and Statistical
1 23R401 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23R402 Control Systems 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23R403 Basics of Robotics 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23R404 Object Oriented Programming 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

5 23R405 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Python Programming
6 23R410 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
7 23R411 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
Digital and Control Systems
8 23R412 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
9 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23O414 Indian Constitution ** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23R415 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 30 periods 18 2 10 23 440 460 900

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not Completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Sciences; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks
S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Dynamics and Control of
1 23R501 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Design of Mechanical
2 23R502 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Transmission Systems
3 23R503 PLC and SCADA 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23R504 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

5 23R Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


6 23R510 PLC and CAD Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23R511 Robotics Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

8 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23R515 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 28 periods 15 3 10 23 380 420 800

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks

S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total

1 23R601 Power Electronics and Drives 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23R602 Machine Learning for Robotics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23R603 Autonomous Wheeled Robots 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23R604 Sensors and Vision Systems 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23R___ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

6 23R610 Intelligent Robotics Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

7 23R611 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

Enhancing Problem Solving

8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code


9 23R615 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 25 periods 16 1 8 21 380 420 800

At the end of 6th semester, the students are required to earn the minimum number of activity points from the AICTE mandated
ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME to qualify for the award of BE/B Tech degree (Refer Section 4 (vii) (c) of 2019 Regulations)

* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not Completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Sciences; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks
S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23R701 CNC Machines 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23RO___ Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

3 23R____ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23R____ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23R____ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


6 23R710 CNC and Drives Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23R720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Total 23 periods 15 0 8 19 320 380 700

Course Periods / Week Maximum Marks

S.No. Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23RO___ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

2 23R____ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


3 23R820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 14 periods 6 0 8 10 140 160 300

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Sciences; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Course Credits Per Semester
S. No Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10

2 BS 12 8 4 4 0 0 0 0 28

3 ES 6 12 0 5 3 0 0 0 26

4 PC 0 0 13 13 16 14 5 0 61

5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 9 3 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6

7 EEC 0 0 3 1 1 4 2 4 15

8 MC - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 22 22 24 23 23 21 19 10 164

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Sciences; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form.

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.


MECHANICS: Review of Vector quantities Inertial mass, Newton’s third law and Free Body diagrams, Rigid body dynamics:
Centre of mass, Moment of inertia. Torque, angular momentum and angular acceleration, Work, power and energy,
Conservation of momentum, Conservation of energy, Elastic and inelastic collisions, Kinetic energy considerations, Circular
motion: Radial and tangential forces, Centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. (10)

OSCILLATORY MOTION: Simple harmonic motion, Velocity damping, Damping coefficient, Differential equation of SHM,
Velocity and acceleration, Restoring force, Vibration of a spring and mass system, Frequency response, phase response and
resonance, Analogy with LCR circuits, Energy and energy loss, Vibration and vibration isolation. (8)

WAVE MOTION: Definition of a plane progressive wave, Attenuation of waves, Representation of waves using complex
numbers, Differential equation of a plane progressive wave, Phase velocity, Phase and phase difference, Solution of the
differential equation of a plane progressive wave, Differential equation of 2-dimensional wave motion, Introduction to numerical
methods for solution of wave equation. (8)

OPTICS: Image formation using lenses and mirrors, Spherical and chromatic aberration, Methods of reducing aberrations,
Aspherical components, aperture control, multiple elements, Adaptive optics, Definition of depth of field. Fresnel mirrors,
Fresnel mirrors for solar energy, Tracking of Fresnel mirrors, Illumination, Principles of photometry and definition of
fundamental photometric quantities, Interference and diffraction, Single and double slits, Interpretation of the energy
distribution equation in single and double slit patterns (no derivations), Principle of Fabry - Perot interferometer, Principle of
Michelson's interferometer, Applications, Spectral distribution: emission, transmission and absorption spectra, Examples. (9)

ELECTROMAGNETISM: Magnetic effects of electric current, Magnetic fields, Definition of fundamental terms, Permeability,
Forces due to currents, Uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields, Static and time-varying magnetic fields, Electromagnetic
induction, Expression for induced emf, Electric fields; definition of fundamental terms, Dielectric polarization, Dielectric
constant, Permittivity, Gauss theorem, Electromagnetic waves, Propagation of electromagnetic waves through isotropic media,
Maxwell's equations and interpretation of Maxwell's equations. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Richard Wolfson "Essential University Physics", Pearson, 2020.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Ghatak, A., “Optics” Tata McGraw-Hill India, 6th Edition 2017.

1. Avadhanulu M. N., “Engineering Physics”, S. Chand & Co., 2017.
2. Purcell E. M., “Electricity and Magnetism – Berkeley Physics Course”, Vol. 2, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 2013.
3. 3. Crawford Jr Waves, F.S. – Berkeley Physics Course Vol. 3. 2008.
4. 4.Paul A. Tipler and Gene Mosca, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, W.H. Freeman and Company New York, 2022.


METALS AND ALLOYS: Phase rule-influence of alloying on properties-Pb/Ag and Cu/Ni systems-applications, Fe-C system,
Applications of aluminium and titanium alloys, Modification of metallic surfaces-electroplating of copper, nickel and chromium,
electroless plating of nickel and copper, electropolishing and electrochemical machining. (9)

POLYMERS: Polymers -classification, degree of polymerisation, mechanisms- chain and condensation polymerization,
average molecular weights, polydispersity, Properties - amorphous and crystalline states – structural features influencing
crystallinity, thermal properties - glass transition temperature(Tg) – factors affecting Tg, mechanical properties, electrical
properties, Polymer composites – matrix materials, fibres - carbon, glass, aramid, properties and applications, Conducting
polymers-mechanism of charge transport, applications in LED's, photovoltaics. (9)

CORROSION AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS: Chemistry of corrosion – Electrochemical cells– electrode potential, Nernst
equation, emf and galvanic series, Forms of corrosion - galvanic, differential aeration, stress corrosion cracking, erosion,
fretting, corrosion fatigue, tribocorrosion, Corrosion rate - factors influencing corrosion,Protective coatings- conversion coatings-
anodizing, phosphating, chromating, organic coatings-paints-types and applications, superhydrophobic and self healing
coatings. (9)

ELECTROCHEMICAL POWER SOURCES: Batteries- characteristics-construction and working of lechlanche, lead-acid,

nickel-cadmium and lithium ion batteries, Advanced batteries and supercapacitors, Fuel cells- working principle and
applications of proton exchange membrane, direct methanol and solid oxide fuel cells, Hydrogen as a fuel-production and
storage. (9)

MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: Water- quality parameters, methods of determination of hardness, TDS, conductivity,
purification-ion exchange,membrane filtration, sensors for water quality monitoring- pH, flamephotometry, photocolorimeter,
ICP-MS. Lubricants-classification, properties, mechanism of lubrication- additives and improvers. High temperature materials:
refractories-types,uses, ceramics-electroceramics and uses, Adhesives and sealants. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Shashi Chawla "A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry", Dhanpat Rai& Co., 2005.
2. SS Dara,SS Umare "A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry", S Chand & Co., 2010.

1. Sharma B. K "Engineering Chemistry", Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 2005.
2. Mary Jane Shultz "Engineering Chemistry", Cengage learning, 2009.
3. Jain P C,Jain M "Engineering Chemistry", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, 2005.


STATICS OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES: Introduction – Units and dimensions – Laws of mechanics – Force -
Characteristics - System of forces – Principle of transmissibility - Parallelogram and triangular Law of forces - Statics of
particles in two dimensions – Resultant force – Statics of rigid bodies in two dimensions - Varignon’s theorem - Force couple
system (9+3)

EQUILIBRIUM OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES: Equilibrium and equilibrant – Conditions of equilibrium – Principles of
equilibrium - Lami’s theorem - Free body diagram – Action and reaction - Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions –Types
of supports – Types of loads - Support reactions of beams (7+2)

PROPERTIES OF SURFACES AND SOLIDS: Centroid and centre of gravity – Centroid of plane and composite figures –
Centre of gravity of solid figures - Area moment of inertia of plane and composite figures – Parallel axis theorem and
perpendicular axis theorem - Mass moment of inertia – Comparison of mass moment of inertia and area moment of inertia

FRICTION: Frictional force – Role of frictional force – Types of friction – Limiting friction – Coefficient of friction and angle of
friction - Laws of friction – Angle of repose – Cone of friction – Body on rough inclined plane – Simple contact friction: Screw
friction and belt friction - Rolling resistance (7+2)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES: Displacement, velocity, acceleration and their relationship – Rectilinear motion with uniform
acceleration – Motion of a particle under gravity – Relative motion - Curvilinear motion - Newton’s laws of motion – Work
energy equation - Impulse and momentum (12+4)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Beer, F.P and Johnston Jr. E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics”, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill
Education, 2019.
2. Bhavikatti, S S, “Engineering Mechanics”, 7th edition, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2019.

1. Hibbeller, R.C and Ashok Gupta, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics”, 11th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G., “Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics”, 3rd Edition, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., (2005).
3. Timoshenko S, Young D. H, Rao J. V, Sukumar Pati, “Engineering Mechanics”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education,
4. Vela Murali, “Engineering Mechanics”, Oxford University Press, 2010.



VOCABULARY: Etymology-prefixes and suffixes–synonyms–antonyms–guessing meanings from context–word formation-

single-word substitutes-different forms of a word–phrasal verbs–collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts. (9+3)

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions–Yes/no questions–parts of speech–articles–prepositions–gerunds–conjunctions-degrees of

comparison–tenses– modal verbs– adverbs - direct and indirect questions (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques – practice reading

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +15 = 60

1. Shoba K N and Lourdes Joavani Rayen, “Communicative English”, Cambridge University press, Cambridge, 2021.
2. Raymond Murphy, “Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.

1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.


1. Introduction to Engineering Drawing, BIS, Principles of dimensioning
2. Geometric constructions
3. Basic Curves


1. Principles of Orthographic Projection-Projection of Points
2. Projection of Straight Lines
3. Projection of Planes and Solids
4. Orthographic Projection of simple engineering components


1. Introduction to Sections of Solids – Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder and Cone
2. Introduction to Development of Surfaces - Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder and Cone


1. Principles of Pictorial Views, Isometric View of simple components
2. Orthographic Views from given Isometric View
3. Isometric View from given Orthographic Views

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Introduction to CAD tools
2. Drawing Orthographic Views from Isometric Views using CAD tools

Total P: 60

1. Venugopal K, Prabhu Raja V, "Engineering Graphics", New Age International Publishers, 2017.
2. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Engineering Graphics Manual", 2023.



Physics (Any eight experiments)

1. Determination of Young’s Modulus of a wooden bar – Cantilever method
2. Determination of fibre thickness – air wedge method
3. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum using transmission grating
4. Measurement of vibration frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork using Melde’s apparatus
5. Determination of Hysteresis loss of a ferromagnetic material
6. Determination of thermal conductivity of a metallic material using Wiedemann – Franz law
7. Study of reverse bias characteristics of Germanium diode and determination of its band gap
8. Thermistor: Measurement of temperature and band gap
9. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
10. Determine the excitation potential of argon using the Franck Hertz method

1. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law –
2. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
3. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
4. Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
5. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
6. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
7. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
8. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.
9. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.

Total P: 30

1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.

Chemistry (Any eight experiments)

1. Electroplating of nickel & copper and determination of cathode efficiency
2. Anodizing of aluminium and determination of thickness of anodized film
3. Determination of molecular weight of polymers by Ostwald Viscometer
4. Examination of different forms of corrosion using Ferroxyl indicator and determination of corrosion rate by current
5. Conductometric estimation of acid strength of a pickling bath
6. Preparation of chloride ion sensor by anodizing silver and calibration
7. Determination of hardness,TDS, pH and conductivity of a water sample
8. Potentiometric estimation of ferrous ion in an effluent
9. Estimation of ferric ion in a water sample by photocolorimetry
10. Determination of kinematic viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood/ Saybolt viscometer

Total P: 30
1. Lab Manual prepared by Chemistry department.



As per AICTE guidelines

67th ACM 30.07.2022



COMPLEX DIFFERENTIATION: Derivative, analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laplace’s equation, linear fractional
transformations. (9+3)

COMPLEX INTEGRATION: Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions, Laurent
series, singularities and zeros, residue integration method (Residue integration of complex integrals only). (9+3)

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, linearity, first shifting theorem, transforms of derivatives and integrals, unit step
function, second shifting theorem, Dirac’s delta function, periodic functions, differentiation and integration of transforms, solving
ODEs with constant coefficients and initial value problems. (9+3)

FOURIER ANALYSIS: Fourier series – arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half range expansions. Fourier transforms,
Fourier cosine and sine transforms. (9+3)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts of PDEs, wave equation, heat equation, steady state two-dimensional
heat problems, solution by Fourier series. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T:15 = 60

1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Dennis G. Z, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Dennis G. Z and Patrick D S, “A first course in Complex Analysis with applications”, Jones and Bartlett Pvt Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Wylie C R and Barret L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Peter V.O Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Dean G. D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB”, CRC Press, USA, 2017.


SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS AND DIODE THEORY: Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors – Doping a semiconductor - Ideal
diode - PN Junction Diode -Forward bias - Reverse Bias – Breakdown - Barrier potential and temperature – DC resistance of a
diode – Applications of PN Junction Diode - Zener diode as a voltage regulator - Datasheet interpretation of diode (11)

BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR: Unbiased and biased NPN and PNP transistor – Configurations of BJT - Transistor
Currents - Base curve – Collector curve – Load line – Operating point - Transistor as switch – Emitter Bias - Voltage divider
bias: Load line and Q-point - Datasheet interpretation of transistor (12)

AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS: Introduction - Class A, Class B - Class C, Class D operation - Push-pull Emitter Follower -
Theory of sinusoidal oscillation – Barkhausen Criteria– Wien-bridge oscillator - RC oscillator –Colpitts oscillator- LC oscillator

OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER: The 741 Op-Amp – Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier - Characteristics and applications of
Op-Amp - Differential amplifier – Instrumentation amplifier - Current Boosters - Low pass filter - High pass filter – Band stop
filter – All-pass filter - Comparators with zero reference, non-zero reference, hysteresis - Window comparator - Integrator -
Differentiator – Waveform generation - Datasheet interpretation of Op-Amp (13)

VOLTAGE REGULATORS: Fixed and adjustable three terminal regulators -555 Timer- Monostable and Astable operation of
555 timer - 555 timer applications - Phase-locked loop – Function generator ICs - Supply characteristics – Shunt regulator –
Series Regulator –Current boosters (12)

Total L: 60

1. Albert Malvino, David J. Bates, Patrick E. Hoppe, "Electronic Principles", 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Gayakwad A R, "Op-Amps and Linear Integrated circuits",4thEdition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Roy Choudhury, Shail Jain, "Linear Integrated Circuits", 6th Edition, New Age International Limited, 2021.
2. Millman J, Halkias C C, Satyabrata J, "Electronic Devices and Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Boylestead L R, Nashelsky L, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory'', Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 2017.
4. Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey H.Lang , "Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits", 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufmann,

67th ACM 30.07.2022


BASIC CIRCUIT CONCEPTS: Ohm’s law - Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors - Series and Parallel Combination circuit -
Sources - Introduction to Dependent Sources - Kirchhoff’s Laws - Source Transformation - Magnetically coupled circuit -
Illustration of dot conventions (8 + 3)

NETWORK THEOREMS: Star Delta Transformation - Mesh Analysis - Nodal Analysis - Superposition theorem - Thevenin’s
theorem - Norton’s theorem - Maximum power transfer theorem (12 + 4)

SINGLE PHASE AC CIRCUITS: Introduction to Alternating Quantities - Average and RMS values - Phasor Representation of
Alternating Quantities - Mathematical representation of Phasor - Behavior of Pure Resistor, Pure Inductor and Pure Capacitor
in an AC circuit - Series RL circuit - Series RC circuit - Series RLC circuit – Parallel RC circuit - Parallel RL circuit - Real power,
Reactive power, Apparent power - Series resonance and parallel resonance (10 + 3)

THREE PHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS: Introduction - Advantages of Three Phase System - Interconnection of three phases
Star and Delta connection - Voltage, Current and Power Relations in Balanced Star and Delta connected Load - Comparison
between Star and Delta connection - Introduction to Three Phase circuit analysis with star and delta unbalanced loads -
Measurement of Three Phase Power (10 + 3)

equations, Initial conditions, Evaluation of RL and RC circuits - Transient and steady state response of RL and RC Circuits to
various functions (5 + 2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

1. Ravish R Singh, “Electrical Networks”, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
2. Charles K Alexander and Mathew N O Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.

1. Joseph A Edminister and Mahmood Nahvi, “Electric Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Richad C Dorf and James A Svoboda, “Introduction to Electric Circuits”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2013.
3. David A Bell, “Electric Circuits”, PHI Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
4. William H. Hayt, Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.


STRESSES AND STRAINS: Stress and strain due to axial force – Types of stresses and strains – Stress-strain curve for
ferrous and non-ferrous materials - Material properties - Hooke's law - Factor of safety – Analysis of stepped bar, uniformly
varying bar, composite bar – Thermal stresses – Thermal stresses in composite bar (9)

CHANGES IN DIMENSIONS AND VOLUME: Longitudinal strain - Lateral strain - Poisson's ratio - Volumetric strain - Changes
in dimensions and volume - Shear stress, shear strain - Relationship between elastic constants (7)

PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS: State of stress in two dimensions - Principal Stresses and principal planes - Stresses
on inclined planes - Normal, tangential, and resultant stresses on a given plane - Maximum shear stress -Mohr’s circle method

TORSION: Theory of torsion and assumptions - Torsion equation - Polar moment of inertia - Polar modulus - Stresses in solid
and hollow circular shafts - Power transmitted by a shaft - Strength of shaft and torsional rigidity (8)

BEAMS: Relationship between load, shear force and bending moment - Shear force and bending moment diagrams for
cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams under concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying
loads, concentrated moments - Maximum bending moment and point of contra flexure - Theory of simple bending and
assumptions - Bending equation – Area moment of inertia - Section modulus - Normal stresses due to flexure (15)

Total L: 45

1. Punmia B C., Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, "Mechanics of Materials", Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Hibbeler R. C., "Mechanics of Materials", 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2017.

1. Ramamrutham S and Narayan R., "Strength of Materials", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Egor P Popov, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
3. Gere & Timoshenko, “Strength of Materials”, 2nd Edition, CBS Publisher, 2006.
4. William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges, Don H. Morris, “Mechanics of Materials”, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2010.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


METAL CASTING: Importance and Classification of manufacturing processes - Foundry –Patterns – Parting lines – Mould and
core making – Melting: Types of furnaces - Casting - Principles and applications - Sand casting - Shell moulding - Investment
casting – Pressure die casting – Centrifugal casting. (9)

METAL FORMING AND WELDING: Forming - Construction, principles, process parameters and applications - Forging –
Extrusion - Sheet metal forming - Injection moulding - Compression moulding – Welding - Construction, principles, process
parameters and applications - Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) - Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding - Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)
Welding - Robotic Welding. (9)

METAL CUTTING FOR CYLINDRICAL COMPONENTS: Theory of metal cutting – Cutting tools - Types of lathes –
Specifications - Lathe operations: Facing – Turning – Taper turning – Grooving – Boring – Drilling – Cutting off/Parting off –
Threading – Knurling – Profiling - Work holding devices (9)

METAL CUTTING FOR PRISMATIC COMPONENTS: Introduction to special machines – Construction, principles, process
parameters and applications - Shaping machine - Slotting machine – Milling machine – Drilling machine – Boring machine -
Grinding machine. (9)

NON-CONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES: Principles - process parameters and applications - Electrical Discharge
Machining (EDM) – Wire cut EDM – Laser beam machining – Plasma arc machining - Water jet machining - Electron beam
machining. (9)

Total L: 45

1. P. N. Rao, "Manufacturing Technology Vol I and II", Tata-McGraw-Hill Publishing Limited, 2018.
2. HMT, "Production Technology", McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.

1. Ghosh A, Mallik A.K, "Manufacturing Science", Affiliated East West Press Ltd., 2010.
2. SeropeKalpakjian, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 8th Edition, Pearson India., 2020.
3. Hajra Choudhury, "Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol. I & II", Media Promotors Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
4. Radhakrishnan, "Manufacturing Technology I", SciTech Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2010.


1. Measurements and operations using CRO, DSO, Function Generator and RPS
2. Soldering, de-soldering and crimping practices
3. Experimental verifications using Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors: Series - Parallel combination of resistors, inductors
and capacitors; Usage of resistors in Current limiting and Voltage division circuits
4. Verification of Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem
5. Measurement of Power factor in RL and RC Circuit and Series & Parallel resonance circuits
6. AC and DC circuit analysis, Transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuit using PSPICE
7. Characteristics of PN Junction Diode, Zener Diode and BJT- CE configuration
8. Characteristics and linear Applications of Op-Amp: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier; Slew rate and CMRR;
Comparator, Level Detector; Summing and Difference Amplifier
9. Generation of waveform using Op-Amp and Pulse Width Modulation: Square, Triangle, and Sine waveform
10. Performance characteristics of Voltage Regulator ICs: 7805, 7812, 723

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, “Electrical and Electronics Laboratory Manual” 2023.


1. Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essentials
Total P: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



VECTOR SPACES: General vector spaces - real vector spaces - Euclidean n-space - subspaces – linear independence-
coordinates and basis - dimension – change of basis - row space, column space and null space – consistency of linear systems
- rank and nullity. (9+3)

LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS: General linear transformation - matrix transformations- geometry of linear operators on R2-
matrices for general linear transformations – similarity. (9+3)

INNER PRODUCT SPACES: Inner products - angle and orthogonality in inner product spaces, Gram - Schmidt process: QR
decomposition, best approximation: least squares - least squares fitting to data. (9+3)

EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization - orthogonal diagonalization -

quadratic forms. (9+3)

MATRIX DECOMPOSITION AND OPTIMIZATION: Spectral decomposition - singular value decomposition - reduced singular
value decomposition - optimization using quadratic forms. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T:15 =60

1. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.
2. David C Lay,Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Gareth Williams, “Linear Algebra with Applications”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Gilbert Strang, “Linear Algebra and Learning from Data”, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, USA, 2019.
3. Friedberg, Insel and Spence, “Linear Algebra”, Pearson Education, USA, 2015.
4. Steven J Leon, “Linear Algebra with Applications”, Pearson Education, USA, 2015.


DC MACHINES : Electromechanical energy conversion - Rotating machines - Driving and opposing torque - Faradays law -
Generator mode and Motor mode - Constructional details of DC Machines - EMF equation - Methods of excitation – Self and
separately excited Shunt generator - Principle of operation of DC Motor – back emf and torque equation - Characteristics of
DC series and shunt motors - Starting of DC Motors, Need for Starters - Speed control and Braking of DC motors (Voltage
Control & Dynamic Braking Only) - Principle and types of PMDC motors (10)

TRANSFORMERS: Constructional Details – Principle of Operation – EMF Equation – Transformation ratio - Transformer on no
load – Parameters referred to HV/LV windings – Equivalent circuit - Dot Convention - Transformer on load- Regulation - Losses
and efficiency - Load test - Three phase transformer connections - Introduction to Current and Potential Transformers and its
classes - Applications of Transformer in Robotics and Automation (10)

INDUCTION MOTORS: Construction – Types – Principle of operation of three phase induction motor - Speed Torque
characteristics - Equivalent circuit - Starting and Speed control - Single-phase induction motors (only qualitative analysis) -
Introduction to Linear induction motor - PMSIM – Applications (9)

SYNCHRONOUS AND SPECIAL MACHINES: Construction of Synchronous machines - Types – Induced emf - Working
principles of: Brushless alternators and Universal motor- working principles, types and control of stepper motor and servomotor
- Applications – rating and duty cycle (9)

INTRODUCTION TO POWER SYSTEMS: Structure of electric power systems - Generation, transmission, sub- transmission
and distribution systems - EHVAC and EHVDC transmission systems - Substation layout-Study of typical power system and
developing single line diagram (Concepts only) (7)

Total L: 45
1. K Murugesh Kumar, "DC Machines and Transformers", 2nd Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2004.
2. K Murugesh Kumar, "Induction and Synchronous Machines", 1st Edition, Vikash Publication Pvt Ltd, 2000.

1. V K Mehta, Rohit Mehta, "Principles of Power System", S Chand and Company Ltd, 2005.
2. B S Guru, H R Hiziroglu, “Electrical Machinery and Transformers”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2001.
3. AE Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen.D.Umans, "Electric Machinery", 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill publishing

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Company Ltd, 2003.

4. D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, “Electric Machines”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.


BASICS OF MECHANISMS: Definitions: Link, Kinematic pair, Kinematic chain, Mechanism and Machine - Degree of freedom
– Kutzbach criterion – Grashof’s law - Kinematic inversions: Four bar and slider crank mechanism - Mechanical advantage -
Transmission angle - Description of common mechanisms, Mechanisms for robotic gripper (9+3)

KINEMATIC ANALYSIS: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis in simple mechanisms using graphical method -
Introduction tosynthesis of mechanism (9+3)

BALANCING AND FORCE ANALYSIS: Balancing of rotating masses - Single mass rotating in same plane, two masses
rotating in different planes, several masses rotating in same and different planes – Balancing of reciprocating masses – Force
analysis - Free body diagrams, Inertia forces and moments (10+3)

CAMS: Introduction to cams - Classifications -Law of cam design - Cam function and follower motion schemes: uniform
velocity, simple harmonic motion, uniform acceleration and retardation motion -Introduction to high-speed cams - Layout of cam
profiles for knife-edge follower and rollerfollower (9+3)

GEARS: Spur gear terminology - Fundamental law of toothed gearing -Tooth forms - Helical, bevel, worm, rack and pinion
gears (basics only) - Gear trains -Epicyclic gear trains, differentials and harmonic drives (8+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Rattan S S, "Theory of Machines", Tata McGraw -Hill Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Norton L, "Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery", 5th Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishers, 2016.

1. Myszka, DH, "Machines and Mechanisms: Applied kinematic analysis", 4th Edition, 2012.
2. Shigley J E, Uicker J J, "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", McGraw -Hill Inc., New Delhi, 2003.
3. Bevan.T, "Theory of Machines", CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Ghosh, Mallick.A K, "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", Affiliated East West Private Limited, New Delhi, 1988.


NUMBER SYSTEMS AND DIGITAL LOGIC FAMILIES : Review of Number Systems - Number representation: Signed,
Unsigned, Fixed point, Floating point - Computer codes-BCD, Gray code, Excess 3 code, Error detection and correction codes:
Parity, Hamming codes - Logic Gates - Boolean Algebra - Basic Postulates and Theorems - Switching Functions- Canonical
Forms - Standard representation of Logic Functions - Simplification of Logic Functions through K-maps and Quine – McClusky
Method - Implementation using Logic Gates (9)

COMBINATIONAL AND SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS: Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers - Binary
/BCD adders and subtractors - Magnitude comparator - General model of sequential circuits - Latches - Flip Flops - Counters -
Shift registers - Concept of State - State Diagram - Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits – Updown / Modulo counters
MICROCONTROLLER ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING: Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor - Architecture of 8051
Microcontroller - Memory organization - Register Banks - Bit addressable area - SFR area – Addressing modes - Instruction Set
- Programming Examples - Interrupt structure – Timer Modules - Serial Features – PortStructure – Power Saving Modes (9)

ARM PROCESSORS: ARM Programmer’s Model – Registers - Processor Modes –State of the processor - Condition Flags –
ARM Pipelines - Exception Vector Table – ARM Processor Families - Typical 3 stage pipeline ARM organization - ARM
Addressing Modes - ARM Instruction Set Overview – Thumb Instruction Set Overview – Embedded C programming examples -
Development boards based on ARM (9)

ON-CHIP AND OFF-CHIP PERIPHERAL INTERFACING: Parallel Ports - Timer / Counter - Capture / Compare - RTC - WDT -
PWM - QEI - EEPROM - ADC - Seven Segment LED - Switch - Matrix Keyboard - DC Motor - Servo Motor - Stepper Motor -
Communication Protocols (9)
Total L: 45
1. Alan B Marcovitz, “Introduction to Logic Design”, 2nd Edition, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Muhammed Ali Mazidi, J G Mazidi, Rolin D Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly
and C”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2014.

1. Muhammad Tahir and KashifJaved, “ARM Microprocessor Systems Cortex®-M Architecture, Programming, and
Interfacing”, CRC Press, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Jochen Steve Furber, “ARM System-on-Chip Architecture”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley Trade Computer Publications,
3. Tocci R J, Widmer N and Moss G., “Digital Systems: Principles and Applications”, New Delhi: Pearson, 2013.
4. Floyd T L, “Digital Fundamentals”, New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2009.


FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an
Economy – Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency (7+2)

COST AND INVENTORY CONTROL: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship -
Make or Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without
Shortages- Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)

PRICING, REVENUE AND VALUE ENGINEERING: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis-
Problems in Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering (9+2)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project
Appraisal – Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT –
CPM Models – Case Analysis (10+5)

ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control
Measures - Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable
Development Goals – Circular Economy (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60

1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.
1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


1. Algorithms and flowchart
2. Input and Output Statements, Operators and expressions
3. Control Statements - Branching (simple if, if else, nested if .. else, else if ladder, switch- case)
4. Control Statements - Looping (while, do..while, for)
5. Functions- call by value, call by reference
6. Recursive functions
7. Arrays: One-dimensional array
8. Arrays: Two-dimensional array
9. Pointers – operations, Arrays and Pointers
10. String Operations
11. Structures - Arrays and Structures, Nested Structures, Functions and structures
12. File Operations

Total P: 60

1. Deitel.H.M, Deitel.P.J, "C: How to Program", 8th Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Herbert Schildt, "C: The Complete Reference", McGraw Hill., New Delhi, 2017.
3. Gottfried B "Programming with C", McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2018.
4. PradipDey, ManasGhosh, "Programming in C", 1st Edition, Oxford University, New Delhi, 2018.
5. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, "Let Us C", 6th Edition, BPB Publications, 2017.



67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Determination of transmission angle and kinematic quantities of a four-bar mechanism and slider crank mechanism
2. Preparation of cam displacement curve and determination of jump speed of the cam
3. Static and dynamic balancing using a dynamic balancing machine
4. Kinematic analysis for slider crank mechanism using simulation software
6. Kinematic analysis for four bar mechanisms using simulation software
1. Load characteristics of DC series and shunt motor
2. Speed control of dc shunt motor by armature and field control
3. Load test on single-phase transformer
4. O.C and S.C test on single-phase transformer
5. Load test on three-phase Induction motor
6. Draw a Single Line Diagram for the Electrical Power System
7. Characteristics of VR and Hybrid Stepper motor

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Mechanics and Electrical Machines Laboratory Manual", 2023.


1. ALP for Arithmetic Operations
2. ALP for Logical Operations
3. Interfacing Matrix Keypad
4. Interfacing LED & LCD Display
5. Blink LEDs using Timers
6. Generate an Alarm at desired time using Real Time Clock
7. PWM based Speed Control of DC Motor
8. Serial Communication Protocols
9. Interfacing Stepper Motor
10. Interfacing Analog Sensors

Total P: 30

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory Manual", 2023.


1. Introduction to Workplace Communication
2. Profile Building for Internships
3. English in the Workplace (Grammar & Vocabulary)
4. Professional Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Workplace Communication Tools
6. Career Exploration
7. Resume Update
Total P: 30
1. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.


INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Environment - Definition, scope and importance. Types and composition of atmosphere
- particles, ions and radicals - Ozone layer - significance, formation and depletion - Ecosystems- Structure and functions,
components, energy flow, food chains, food web, Biodiversity-levels, values and threats - India as a mega - diversity nation -
hotspots of biodiversity - endangered and endemic species of India - conservation of biodiversity (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES: Introduction - National and International status- exploitation -sustainable strategies- Fossil fuels-
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion systems,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

site characteristics, and types of wind turbines. Supporting renewable energy resources - tidal – geothermal – hydroelectric (6)

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Definition-Sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b) Water
pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards (h) RF hazards -
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Disaster Management: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides-Case
studies, consequences and rescue measures (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT: Waste water – Characteristics of domestic and industrial waste water – COD and BOD
various stages of treatment - primary, secondary, tertiary treatment – Biological and advanced oxidation processes.
Solid waste management – Characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes
and their management –landfills, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmentally Sustainable work practices – Rain water harvesting –Role
of non-governmental organizations – Human ethics and rights – impact on environment and human health - role of
information technology on environment and human kind - Green IT policies, Process of EIA - ISO14000 - Legislation-
Environment protection act - Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act -Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)
act - Wildlife protection act - Forest conservation act (6)

Total L: 30

1. Gilbert M Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. De A K, "Environmental Chemistry", 7th Edition, New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Science and Engineering", 1st Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Koteswara Rao MVR, "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional", 2nd Edition, BSP Publications, New Delhi,
3. Deswal S and Deswal A, "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 2016.




PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axiomatic approach to probability, Baye’s theorem,
discrete random variables, probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, mean and variance, discrete uniform,
binomial, Poisson and geometric distributions. (8+3)

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Continuous random variables, probability density functions, cumulative distribution
functions, mean and variance, uniform, exponential, Weibull and normal distributions. (8+3)

JOINT PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independence, covariance, correlation and linear regression. (9+3)

STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Point estimation – maximum likelihood estimation - interval estimation – hypotheses concerning
means – large, small samples and matched pairs - hypotheses concerning variances – hypotheses concerning proportions, chi
square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes. (9+3)

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE ANDSTATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: Analysis of variance - completely randomized designs,
randomized block designs - process capability - control charts for measurements – 𝑋, R charts - control charts for attributes - p,
np, c charts. (11+3)

Total L: 45 + T:15 = 60

1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India, New Delhi,
2. Richard A. Johnson, “Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Ronald E. W, Raymond H. M, Sharon L. M and Keying Ye, “Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Robert V. H, Elliot T and Dale Z, “Probability and Statistical Inference”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
3. Jay L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi 2020.
4. Sheldon M Ross, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Academic press, USA, 2020.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION: Components of Automatic control systems- Open loop and closed loop systems - Examples - Transfer
function - Modeling of physical systems - Mechanical Systems - Translational and Rotational systems - Electrical Systems -
Block diagram - reduction techniques - Signal flow graph - Mason’s gain formula. (10 + 3)

TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Continuous time signals - Standard Test signals - Classification of continuous time systems -
Linear- Nonlinear - Time variant - Time invariant - Static - Dynamic - Time response of second order system - Time domain
specifications - Types of systems - Steady state error constants -Generalized error series - Introduction to P, PI and PID modes
of feedback control. - Introduction to lead, lag and lead-lag compensators (10 + 3)

FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Frequency domain specifications - Estimation for second order systems- Correlation
between time and frequency domain specifications for second order systems. Bode plot – Determination of Transfer Function
from Bode plot - All pass minimum phase and non-minimum phase systems - Polar plot - Determination of gain and phase
Margins from the plots. (7 + 3)

STATE SPACE ANALYSIS: Limitations of conventional control theory - Concepts of state, state variables and state model -
state model for linear time invariant systems - Introduction to state space representation using physical - Phase and canonical
variables - State equations - Transfer function from the State model - Solutions of the state equations -State Transition Matrix -
Concepts of controllability and observability (9 + 3)

SYSTEM STABILITY: Concept of stability - stability and location of the poles in S-plane - Characteristic equation - Routh-
Hurwitz stability criterion - Root Locus concepts- Construction of root locus – Root contours - Absolute and Relative stability -
Nyquist stability - Nyquist stability criterion - Assessment of relative stability - Gain and Phase Margin. (9 + 3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Norman S Nise, "Control System Engineering", 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2020.
2. Nagrath I J, Gopal M, "Control Systems Engineering", 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Richard C Dorf, Robert H Bishop, "Modern Control Systems", 14th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2022.
2. Smarajit Ghosh, "Control Systems Theory and Applications", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Ogata K, "Modern Control Engineering", 5th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2015.
4. B S Manke, “Control System Design an Introduction”, 1st Edition, Mercury Learning and Information, 2017.



INTRODUCTION : Classification of Robots based on Geometry, Workspace, Actuation, Control and Application - Advantages
and Disadvantages of Robots - Robot Components: Manipulator, Wrist, End-effectors , Actuator , Sensor, Controller -
Processor, Software - Degrees of Freedom - Robot Joints - Coordinates - Reference frames - Robot Specifications: Number of
Axes - Major, Minor, Redundant - Payload Capacity and Speed- Reach and Stroke - Tool Orientation (RPY) - Repeatability -
Precision and Accuracy – Workspace (9)

HOMOGENEOUS TRANSFORMATIONS: Matrix Representation: Representation of a point and vector in space, Global and
Local Coordinate axes - Homogeneous Transformation Matrices: Representation of Pure Translation, Pure Rotation and
Combined Transformations - Inverse of Transformation Matrices - Forward and Inverse Kinematic Equation: Position and
Orientation. (12)

FORWARD KINEMATICS: Denavit - Hartenberg Notation - Transformation between two Adjacent Coordinate Frames -
Forward Kinematics of Two, Three, Four, Five and Six axis Robots (15)

INVERSE KINEMATICS: Decoupling Technique - Inverse Transformation Technique - Inverse position: Geometric Approach –
Inverse Orientation - Inverse Kinematics of Two, Three, Four, Five and Six axis Robots (12)

VELOCITY KINEMATICS: Angular Velocity – Linear Velocity - Jacobian representation of Linear and Angular Velocity -
Calculation of Jacobian for Two, Three and Four axis Robots - Inverse Jacobian - Singularities: Wrist and Arm Singularities -
Manipulability - Induced joint torques and forces. (12)

Total L: 60

1. Niku S B, "Introduction to Robotics, Analysis, Control, Applications", John-Wiley & Sons Inc, 2011.
2. Robert J. Schilling, "Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control", PHI Learning, 2009

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Reza N Jazar, "Theory of Applied Robotics", Springer, 2010.
2. Saha S K, "Introduction to Robotics", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2010.
3. R K Mittal and I J Nagrath, “Robotics and Control”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2003
4. Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar, "Robot Modeling and Control", Wiley, 2012.


PRINCIPLES OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Software crisis Software Evolution - Procedure Oriented
Programming - Object Oriented Programming Paradigm - Basic Concepts and Benefits of OOP - Object Oriented
Programming Language - Application of OOP - Structure of C++ - Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures -
Operators in C++ - Manipulators - Classes and Objects: Class specification - Member function definition -Access qualifiers (9)

FUNCTIONS IN C++: Function Prototyping - Call by Reference - Return by reference - Inline functions - Default, const
arguments - Function - Overloading - Friend and Virtual Functions - Memory allocation for Objects - Static data
members - Static Member Functions - Arrays of Objects - Objects as Function Arguments - Returning Objects -Constructors
and destructors: Parameterized constructor - Overloaded constructors - Copy constructor – Dynamic constructors-Destructors
OPERATOR OVERLOADING, INHERITANCE and POLYMORPHISM: Overloading Unary and Binary Operators - Operator
overloading using Friend functions –Type conversion, Inheritance: Defining derived classes- Types ofinheritance- Constructors
in derived class - Virtual Base Classes, Polymorphism:Compile and Run Time Polymorphism - Abstract Classes - Virtual
function- Dynamic binding (11)

STREAMS: Basic concepts- Stream classes- Stream Input and Output -Formatted and unformatted data, Stream Manipulators
- Files and Streams – Sequential and random file access (7)

TEMPLATES AND EXCEPTION HANDLING: Introduction to Templates, Generic Functions and Generic Classes – Exception
Handling – Multiple catch - Nested try - Re-throwing exception -.Introduction to Standard Template Library(STL) and its
components (9)

Total L: 45

1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, “C++ How to program”, Pearson, 10th Edition, Pearson, 2016.
2. Herbert Schildt, “C++ - The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.

1. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Stanley B Lippman, JoseLajoie and Barbara E Moo, “The C++ Primer”, Pearson Education, 2013.
3. YashwantKanetkar, “Object Oriented Programming with C++”, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Scott Meyers “Effective C++” , Addison – Wesley, 2005


INTRODUCTION TO FLUID POWER: Introduction to fluid mechanics: Pascal’s Law, Bernoulli’s equation, Properties - hydraulic
fluids, air, Selection of hydraulic fluids, comparison between hydraulics and pneumatics, Symbols of hydraulic and pneumatic
elements - Introduction to bionics. (9)

ELEMENTS OF PNEUMATIC SYSTEM: Compressors-types, constructional details of filter, regulator, lubricator, dryer -
constructional features - types of actuators, control valves for direction, pressure and flow, air motors, air hydraulic equipment -
Vacuum Technology – Selection criteria - Applications (9)

PNEUMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN: General approach to circuit design, schematic layout, travel step diagram, control
modes, program control, sequence control, cascade method, Karnaugh-Veitch mapping, Electro pneumatics, ladder diagram
and PLC programming for specific hydraulic and pneumatic applications, Pneumatic system design for robotic applications
ELEMENTS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS: Pumps - types - characteristics - Valves for control of direction, flow and pressure -
types, typical construction details - Actuators – types and constructional details, Accumulators – types and application circuits,
Intensifiers, Servo and Proportional valves – types and operation (9)

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESIGN: Industrial Circuits - Deceleration circuit, regenerative circuits, feed circuits, sequencing
circuits, synchronizing circuits, fail-safe circuits, Power pack–elements - design - Pipes- material, pipe fittings, Maintenance of
hydraulic systems, Selection criteria for cylinders and valves - hydraulic system design for robotic applications (9)

Total L: 45
1. Anthony Esposito, "Fluid Power with Application", Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Srinivasan R, "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls", McGraw –Hill education Pvt. Ltd, 2011.

1. Majumdar S R, "Pneumatic Systems: Principles and Maintenance", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Majumdar S R, "Oil Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Maintenance", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. James Sullivan, "Fluid Power: Theory and Applications", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
4. Peter Rohner, "Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design - Analysis, Design Method and Worked Examples", The Macmillan Press
Limited, London, 1979.


1. Basic programs - Data types, assignments, expressions.
2. Branching statements
3. Looping statements
4. Functions and Lambda Functions
5. Lists and Tuples
6. Set and Dictionary
7. Classes and inheritance
8. File Handling
9. Exception Handling
10. Packages & Modules

Total P: 60

1. Mark Summerfield, “Programming in Python 3: A Complete introduction to the Python Language”, Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2009
2. Allen Downey, “Think Python”, 1st Edition, Green Tea Press, 2016


1. Design of simple pneumatic and hydraulic circuits using basic components
2. Construction and testing of multiple pneumatic actuator circuits using Cascade/ KV map method
3. Testing of multiple pneumatic actuator circuits with time delay valve and pneumatic counter
4. Co-ordinated motion of actuators using electro – pneumatic elements
5. Construction and testing of a hydraulic actuator application circuit
6. Co-ordinated motion of actuators using electro – hydraulic elements
7. Design and Simulation of hydraulic circuits using simulation software
8. Design and Simulation of pneumatic circuits using simulation software
9. Design and Testing of two hand safety circuits in a hydraulic punching machine
10. Pneumatic circuit design and testing of robotic grippers
11. Pneumatic circuit design and testing of suction grippers
12. Simulation and testing of MPS modules

Total P: 30

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Hydraulics and Pneumatics Laboratory Manual", 2023



1. Study of Logic Gates and realization of SOP and POS Expressions
2. Implementation of Adders and Subtractors
3. Design and Implementation of Code Converters
4. Implementation Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
5. Realization of Flip Flops using AND Gates
6. Design and Implementation of Counters and Shift Registers
1. Determination of transfer function of AC servomotor
2. PID tuning in temperature control applications
3. Inverted pendulum control using PID
4. Aero Pendulum control using PID

67th ACM 30.07.2022

5. Time domain Response of Quadcopter

6. Frequency Response of 2 DoF Robot Arm (15)

Total P: 30

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Digital and Control Systems Laboratory Manual", 2023.


1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy(4)

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India (6)

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)

Total L: 30

1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. PraveenkumarMellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,

1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.



ACCELERATION AND MOTION DYNAMICS: Angular Acceleration Vector and Matrix - Rigid Body Acceleration - Forward
Acceleration Kinematics - Inverse Acceleration Kinematics - Force and Moment - Rigid Body Translational and Rotational
Kinetics - Mass Moment of Inertia Matrix – Lagrange’s form of Newton Equations - Lagrangian Mechanics (15)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

ROBOT DYNAMICS: Robot Dynamics - Forward Dynamics, Inverse Dynamics - Rigid-link Newton Euler Dynamics - Robot
Lagrange Dynamics - Lagrange Equations and Link Transformation Matrices (11)

PATH PLANNING: Cubic Path - Polynomial Path - Manipulator motion by Joint Path - Cartesian path - Rotational Path -
Manipulator motion by End-Effector Path (10)

LINEAR CONTROL: Control Techniques - Dynamic Systems - Transfer Function and State Space Representation - A Robotic
Joint - Performance and Stability of Feedback Control - PID Control of a Moving Block - Selection of PID Controller Gains -
State-Feedback Control - Joint Controllers (12)

NONLINEAR AND FORCE CONTROLS: Robot Control Algorithms - Control of a Moving Block - Multivariable Robot Control -
Stability of Multi-DOF Robot - Linearized Control - Proportional-Derivative Position Control - Computed-Torque Control –
Feedforward Control - Force Control - Hybrid Control (12)

Total L: 60

1. Reza N Jazar, "Theory of Applied Robotics", Springer, 2010.
2. Saha S K, "Introduction to Robotics", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2010.

1. Robert J. Schilling, "Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control", PHI Learning, 2009.
2. Niku S B, "Introduction to Robotics, Analysis, Control, Applications", John-Wiley & Sons Inc, 2011.
3. Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar, "Robot Modeling and Control", Wiley, 2012.
4. R K Mittal and I J Nagrath, “Robotics and Control”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2003.


DESIGN OF SHAFTS, KEYS AND COUPLINGS: Shafts - Types and application - Forces on shafts due to gears and belts -
Design of shafts based on strength and rigidity - Keys, types and applications - Design of keys - Couplings, types and
applications, design of rigid couplings (9+3)

DESIGN OF GEARS: Gears – Gear materials – Gear tooth failures - Design of spur gear and helical gears – Introduction to
gearbox - Selection of gear boxes (9+4)

SELECTION OF BELTS AND CHAINS: Belts -Types and application - Selection of flat belt and timing belt for given power and
velocity ratio - Chains -Types and application - Selection of roller chain for specific applications (9+3)

SELECTION OF BEARINGS: Bearings – Types and application - Rolling contact bearings - Static and dynamic load capacity,
Equivalent bearing load, probability of survival, Bearing life -Selection of deep groove ball bearings (8+2)

SELECTION OF MOTION COMPONENTS: Selection of servomotor for automation system - Inertia force calculation - LM
Guideways - Selection of LM guideways for specific applications - Ball screws - Selection of ball screws for specific applications

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Robert L Norton, "Machine Design - An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education", New Delhi, 2013.
2. Bandari V B, "Design of Machine Elements", 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education India, 2016.

1. Shigley and Mische , "Mechanical Engineering Design", McGraw Hill Education India, 2003.
2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, "PSG Design Data Book", KalaikathirAchchagam, 2015.
3. Robert L Mott, "Machine Elements in Mechanical Design", Pearson Prentice Hall, 2014.
4. Wilfried Voss, "A Comprehensible Guide to Servo Motor Sizing", Copperhill Technologies Corporation, Massachusetts,



INTRODUCTION: History and developments in Industrial Automation - Vertical Integration of Industrial Automation - Control
elements in Industrial Automation – Safety standards - PLC Introduction - Basics of PLC - Advantages - Capabilities of PLC -
Architecture of PLC - Scan cycle - Types of PLC - Types of I/O modules - Configuring a PLC - PLC wiring (5+6)

PROGRAMMING OF PLC: Introduction to state machine theory -Types of Programming - Process Control Programs using
Relay Ladder Logic - PLC arithmetic functions - Timers and counters - data transfer, compare and manipulation instructions -
PID instructions - PTO / PWM generation (8+8)

NETWORKING OF PLCs: Industrial Networking Buses (Flow Diagram Only) - Comparison of Industrial Buses - Protocols -

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Field bus - Process bus - Modbus - ProfiNet - ControlNet – DeviceNet - Ethernet - EtherCAT - BACnet - CAN bus protocol -
Networking using Modbus and Profibus (5+4)

SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) : SCADA overview - Developer and runtime packages -
Architecture - Tools - Tag - Internal & External graphics - Alarm logging - Tag logging - Trends - History - Report generation.
Communication Protocols of SCADA - Proprietary and Open Protocols - OLE/OPC - DDE - Server/Client - Interfacing of
SCADA with PLC and other field devices (7+8)

HMI SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: Need and Role of HMI in Industrial Automation - Types of HMI panels: Text display -
operator panels - Touch panels - Panel PCs - Integrated displays - HMI Programming - Interfacing PLC to HMI - UX Design -
Case studies - Machine automation - Industrial automation - Process Automation (5+4)

Total L: 30 +T: 30 = 60

1. John W Webb & Ronald A Reis, “Programmable logic controllers: Principles and Applications”, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
India, 2013.
2. Frank D Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.

1. W. Bolton, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 5th Edition, Newnes Publication, 2009.
2. Kelvin T Erikson, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 3rd Edition, Dogwood Valley Press, 2016.
3. David Bailey, Edwin Bright, “Practical SCADA for industry”,1st Edition, Newnes, Burlington, 2003.
4. Siemens, “S7-1200 Easy Book Manual”, 2015.


INTRODUCTION: Data Structures- Need for Data Structures -Types of Data Structures- Abstract Data Types - Algorithms:
Properties - Complexity Analysis- Best case and worst case complexities - Recurrence Relations- Asymptotic Notations (6)

ARRAYS AND LISTS: Representation of linear and multidimensional arrays - Operations – Applications - Representation of
linked list-Operations on singly linked list: Traversal–Search –Insertion –Deletion -Doubly linked list - Circularly linked list -
Applications: Addition of Polynomials; Sparse Matrix representation (10)

STACK AND QUEUE: Stack Representation and operations – Applications: Recursion Handling- Infix to postfix conversion -
Evaluation of postfix expression - Queue: Representation and Operations - Types: Circular Queue - Deque – Priority Queue –
Applications (10)

TREES AND GRAPHS: Tree Terminologies - Binary Trees - Representation - Traversals - Expression Trees - Threaded Binary
Tree - Binary Search Tree (BST): Representation and Operations – Applications, Graph: Terminologies - Types of Graphs -
Representation - Traversal: Breadth first search- Depth first search – Applications (10)

SORTING AND SEARCHING: Insertion sort - Selection sort - Bubble sort - Heap sort - Quick sort - Merge sort - Linear search
– Binary search - Hashing: Hash functions-Collision resolution techniques –Searching using Hashing (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Seymour Lipschutz, VijayalakshmiPai G.A, "Data Structures", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni and Susan Anderson Freed, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C", 2nd Edition, Universities
Press, Hyderabad, 2018.
2. YedidayahLangsam, Moshe J Augenstein, Aaron M Tannenbaum, "Data Structures using C and C++", PHI Learning,
NewDelhi, 2013.
3. Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia and Michael H Goldwasser, "Data Structures and Algorithms in Python”, Wiley
India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G Sorenson, "Introduction to Data Structures with Applications", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,


1. PLC wiring for three phase Induction motor direction control
2. Developing RLL using Bit logic, Timer, Counter, Compare and Math instructions
3. PLC based water level management using HMI/SCADA
4. PLC based AC servomotor control using HMI/SCADA

67th ACM 30.07.2022

5. Implementation of PC based EtherCAT networking protocols

6. PLC based motion control using TwinCAT
1. Modeling of engineering components
2. Creation of sectional views and annotation of solid models
3. Creation of assembly from part models
4. Extraction of production drawing from solid model
5. Modeling and prototyping of engineering components using 3D printer
6. Design of control panel wiring using Electrical CAD


Total P: 60
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "PLC and CAD Laboratory Manual", 2023.


1. Forward kinematics of two axis planar articulated robot using analytical and DH algorithm
2. Inverse kinematics of two axis planar articulated robot using geometric approach and DH algorithm
3. Forward dynamics of one link and two link robot arm
4. Inverse dynamics of one link and two link robot arm
5. Implementation of trajectory planning algorithm for straight line motion of two axis planar articulated robot
6. Implementation of trajectory planning algorithm for curved path of two axis planar articulated robot
7. Programming of Four-axis Systemantics and Five-axis TAL Brabo industrial robots
8. Programming of Six-axis Universal industrial robots
9. Simulation and real time Programming of Fanuc robot
10. Programming of Kinova Robotic Arm

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, “Robotics Laboratory Manual” 2023.


1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
5. Critical reasoning
6. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
7. Permutation, Combination and Probability
8. Time, Speed and Distance
9. Resume progress check

Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.



POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Power diodes – Power transistors –Characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, Power MOSFET,
IGBT– Thyristor protection circuits –Thyristor triggering circuits- Selection of devices - Overview of Harmonics – Introduction to
Power quality (9)

CONVERTERS: Single phase and Three phase –Fully controlled rectifiers –Effect of source and load inductance –Single
phase AC voltage controller - Control Circuits for AC to DC and AC to AC converters (9)

INVERTERS: Introduction, Classification, single phase half and full bridge Voltage Source Inverters, 120 and 180-degree

67th ACM 30.07.2022

conduction mode- Performance Parameters of Inverter - Pulse Width Modulation – Single and Multiple PWM - SPWM –
Generation of pulses for SPWM (9)

CHOPPERS: Control strategies- Chopper configurations, step down/step up (buck/boost) converters - Introduction to flyback
converter topologies - Uninterrupted power supplies - Switched Mode Power Supply - Basics of Magnetic design for power
electronics (8)

DRIVES FOR ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION: Basic Elements of Drive –Load characteristics –Selection of Drive - Operating
modes –quadrant operation of chopper –Closed loop control of DC drives. Stator and rotor voltage control, frequency, and
voltage control –Current Control – Basics of vector control - Block diagram - Stepper Motor Drive - BLDC Motor Drive – PMSM
Drive (10)

Total L: 45

1. Rashid M H, "Power Electronics –Circuits, Devices and Applications", PHI, 2014.
2. Ramu Krishnan, "Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, and Control", 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.

1. Bimal K Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education, 2015.
2. Roger C Dugan, Surya Santoso, Mark F Mc Granaghan, "Electrical Power Systems Quality",3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012.
3. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, "Power Electronics: Converters Applications and Design ", John Wiley
and sons, 3rd Edition, 2007.
4. Vedam Subramaniam, "Thyristor control of Electrical Drives", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Types of Learning - Designing a learning system- Training vs testing - Bias and Variance, Learning curves,
Under-fitting and over-fitting - Validation Techniques (Cross-validations) - Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra-
Probability Theory - Calculus - Probabilistic sensor and motion models - Introduction to Python packages for Machine learning
LINEAR MODELS: Linear Regression - Maximum likelihood and least squares - Multivariate regression - Classification:
Logistic Regression – Multiclass logistic regression - Linear Discriminant Analysis - Naïve Bayes - Regularization – Estimate
future positions of the robot for the captured data set (10)

GENERAL LEARNING MACHINES: Perceptron – Neural networks: Network Representation - Feed-forward Networks- Back
propagation - Introduction to Convolutional Networks- Object detection using neural network – Introduction to RNN - Support
Vector Machine: Nonlinear Margin classifier - Kernel functions – Build a Neural Network for an obstacle avoidance system (9)

UNSUPERVISED LEARNING: Curse of dimensionality –- Dimensionality Reduction - Feature selection- Principal Component
Analysis - K-means Clustering - Mixture of Gaussians - Expectation Maximization Algorithm - Restricted Boltzmann Machine -
Building an Anomaly Detection System (9)

REINFORCEMENT LEARNING: Elements of Reinforcement Learning- Markov Decision Process: Introduction to Markov
decision process (MDP), state and action value functions, Bellman expectation equations, optimality of value functions and
policies, Bellman optimality equations - Prediction and Control by Dynamic Programing - Monte Carlo Methods - Temporal
Difference Learning - TD Control methods - Function Approximation (10)

Total L: 45
1. Kevin P. Murphy, "Machine Learning – A Probabilistic Perspective", The MIT Press, 2010.
2. R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto, “Reinforcement Learning - An Introduction”, MIT Press, 2nd Edition, 2018.

1. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, "The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and
Prediction", Springer, 2010.
2. Christopher M Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning ", Springer, 2011
3. Tom M Mitchell, "Machine Learning", McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. EthemAlpaydin , "Introduction to Machine Learning", 3rd Edition, PHI Learning, 2015


INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE ROBOTS: History of mobile robots – Present status and future trends – Need for mobile robots
– Applications - Examples and Specifications of Autonomous Wheeled Mobile Robots – Locomotion - Key issues of locomotion
- Legged and wheeled mobile robots- configuration and stability (6+1)

KINEMATICS: Kinematic Models and Constraints - Robot Position - Forward and Inverse Kinematic Models - Maneuverability -

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Workspace of Differential Drive and Omni drive (9+3)

LOCALIZATION: Introduction - Uncertainty and need of Probability Theory - Recursive State Estimation- Bayes filters -
Gaussian Filters: Kalman Filter, EKF, UKF, Information Filter - Nonparametric Filters - Particle Filters - Probabilistic Kinematics:
Velocity Motion Model and Odometry Motion Model (10+3)

MAPPING: Topological maps - Metric maps - Grid maps - Sector maps – Hybrid Map - Occupancy Grid Mapping - Dempster-
Shafer Theory – HIMM – SLAM - EKF with known and Unknown Correspondence –The Graph SLAM – Fast SLAM (10+4)

PLANNING AND MOTION CONTROL: Introduction-Path planning overview - Global path planning - A* Algorithm - local path
planning - Road map path planning - Cell decomposition path planning-Potential field path planning - Obstacle avoidance–Path
control (10+4)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Roland Siegwart, Illah Reza Nourbakhsh, DavideScaramuzza, "Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots", Bradford
Company Scituate, USA, 2011.
2. Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, "Probabilistic Robotics", MIT Press, 2005.

1. Riadh Siaer, "The future of Humanoid Robots- Research and applications", Intech Publications, 2012.
2. Karsten Berns, Ewald Von Puttkamer, "Autonomous Land Vehicles Steps towards Service Robots", Vieweg Teubner
Springer, 2009.
3. Howie Choset, Kevin Lynch Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor, Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki, Sebastian Thrun,
"Principles of Robot Motion-Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation", MIT Press, Cambridge, 2005.
4. Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib, "Springer Hand Book of Robotics", Springer, 2008.


MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND SENSORS: Functional elements of an instrument - Measurement Errors - I/O
Configuration of Measuring Instruments - Static and Dynamic characteristics – Sensor Systems – Classification of Sensors -
Calibration Techniques – Environmental Parameters – Sensors: Tactile Sensors – Position and Motion Sensors - Force and
Torque Sensors - LIDAR Sensor Technology and Systems – Ultrasonic Sensors - Stereo Depth Cameras - Inertial Navigation
Sensors - Smart Sensors - Sensor Suite (12)

SINGLE IMAGE VISION: Image Formation -Geometric Camera Models - Camera Parameters - Calibration - Perspective
Projection - Color Spaces - Image Processing: Point Operators - Linear Filtering - Neighborhood Operators - Fourier Transform
– Pyramids and Wavelets - Feature Detection and Matching: Points and Patches - Edges - Lines - Segmentation - Active
Contours - Split and Merge (12)

MULTIPLE IMAGE VISION: Feature Based Alignment - Camera Calibration for Stereo Cameras - Structure From Motion:
Triangulation - Two Frame Structure From Motion - Factorization - Bundle Adjustment - Constrained Structure From Motion -
Optical Flow - Layered Motion - Image Stitching (12)

HIGH LEVEL VISION: Stereo correspondence: Epipolar Geometry - Sparse Correspondence - Dense Correspondence - Multi
View Stereo - 3D Reconstruction: Shape from X - 3D Scanning - Surface Representation - Volumetric Representations - Image
Based Rendering (12)

RECENT TRENDS: Introduction to Deep Learning - Recognition - Image Classification - Object Detection - Semantic
Segmentation - SLAM - Pose Estimation - Computational Photography - Super Resolution - Denoising - Texture Analysis and
Synthesis (12)

Total L: 60

1. A K Sawhney, "A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation", Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2010.
2. Richard Szeliski, "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications", Springer, London, 2021.

1. David.A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, "Computer Vision a Modern Approach", Pearson, Upper Saddle River, 2010.
2. Kenneth Dawson-Howe, "A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV", Wiley, Singapore, 2014.
3. Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2012
4. Patranabis D, "Sensors and Transducers", Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003.


1. Introduction to ROS and OpenCV
2. Interfacing IMU with Embedded Development board
3. Basics of Image Processing, Linear Filtering and Morphological Processing

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Image Analysis with Edge Detection, Contouring, Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Matching
5. Object Detection
6. Face Recognition
7. Human Pose Estimation
8. 3D Reconstruction
9. Path Planning and Navigation
10. Autonomous Navigation using Computer Vision with ROS

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Intelligent Robotics Laboratory Manual", 2023.



Students have to design and make a Mechatronics product based on the given topic. It includes
1. Requirement analysis and Problem formulation
2. Conceptual design
3. Methodology
4. Optimization of the design and process (if applicable)
5. Model / Prototype development / Implementation
6. Testing and Validation
7. Report Submission
Total P: 30




1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1.GayleLaakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.



INTRODUCTION: History - Advantages and disadvantages of CNC, block diagram of CNC - Features available in CNC
systems, Types- Turning centres, machining centres, grinding machines, EDMs, turret punch press, laser and water jet cutting
machines. Constructional details of Turning centres, and machining centres, Machine accessories, Axis representations,
Operator panel. Various modes of operation, Feed selection and MPG (8)

CNC PART PROGRAMMING PROCESS: Basic G and M codes, Structure of part program - Absolute and Incremental
systems - Tooling concepts: compensation and offsets, part geometry and tool motion statements - Development of simple
manual part programs for turning operations - Simple part programming for milling - CNC turning and milling part programming
using canned cycles - Post processors – Introduction to CAM (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

CONTROL AND FEEDBACK DEVICES: Electrical cabinet and control panel wiring, Electrical standards. MCCB, MCB, control
relays, contactors, overload relays, cables & terminations, Applications of feedback devices in CNC machines- Absolute and
incremental encoders, resolvers, linear scales, Proximity switches, limit switches – Thermal sensors, pressure and float
switches. Hydraulic systems of a CNC lathe (7)

CNC SYSTEMS: Functions of CNC, system hardware, CPU, PLC, Servo control, Interfacing with keyboard, monitor, field
inputs, outputs, Contouring control - interpolation, Parameters and diagnosis, compensation for machine accuracies, Open
architecture systems and PC based controllers (6)

DRIVE COMPONENTS: Axis drive arrangements, guide ways, ball screw and nut, bearing arrangements, timing belts and
couplings, sizing of servomotors for axis drives, DC&AC servo drives and servomotors, servo tuning. Stepper motors and
drives, Selection criteria, drive optimization and protection. Spindle motors & drives- DC &AC (8)

ECONOMICS AND MAINTENANCE: Factors influencing selection of CNC Machines Cost of operation of CNC Machines,
Testing of CNC Machines, Safety considerations- software and hardware interlocks, Maintenance of CNC Machines,
Preventive Maintenance, TPM, Earthing standards for CNC machines. Networking of CNC machines – Ethernet (7)

Total L: 45

1. Suk-Hwan Suh, Seong Kyoon Kang, Dae-Hyuk Chung, and Ian Stroud,” Theory and Design of CNC Systems”, Springer-
Verlag London Limited, 2008.
2. Radhakrishnan P., “Computer Numerical Control Machines”, New Central Book Agency, 2011.

1. Yorem Koren, “Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems”, Pitman, London, 1987.
2. HMT Limited, “Mechatronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998.
3. Autodesk, ”Fundamentals of CNC Machining”, Autodesk, Inc. 2014.


1. Basic part programming and machining in a CNC turning centre
2. Part programming and machining with canned cycles in a CNC turning centre
4. Basic part programming and machining in a CNC machining centre
5. Generation of part programming for CNC turning and machining centre
6. Material loading and unloading in a CNC machine using robot.

1. Programming of Stepper motor Drive
2. Single Phase Fully Controlled Thyristor converter with R and RL Load
3. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller and DC Chopper with R and RL Load
4. Performance comparison of IM and PMSM drive
5. Design and testing of MOSFET driver circuit for single phase H bridge inverter
6. Drive programming for Master Slave operation in Syn RM Drive

Total P: 60
1. Department of Robotics & Automation Engineering, "CNC and Drives Laboratory Manual", 1st Edition, PSG CT,
Coimbatore, 2023.


1. Identification of a real-time problem in thrust areas
2. Review of literature and identification of gaps
3. Identification of system requirements and specification
4. Formulation of solution for the problem
5. Implementation and Testing
6. Scope for future work
7. Report Preparation

Total P: 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022



1. Problem Identification
2. Scope of the Project
3. Literature survey and patent/design registration /trademarks search
4. Objectives and feasibility study
5. Methodology and Timeline of activities
6. Development of software / Hardware Model
7. Testing & Validation of the proposed work
8. Report Preparation
Total P: 120

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

B Tech Biotechnology (2023 REGULATIONS)
(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23B101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23B102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23B103 Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
English Language
4 23G105 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
Problem Solving and C
5 23B104 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 ES
6 23B110 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23B111 Physics Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 BS
8 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 - - - MC
Total 24 hrs 14 4 6 21 320 380 700

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Matrix Theory and
1 23B201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Numerical Methods
2 23B202 Applied Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23B203 Organic Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Material and Energy
4 23B204 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
5 23____ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS
Material and Energy
6 23B210 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Balances Laboratory
7 23B211 Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 BS
8 23B215 Activity Point Programme -1 - - - - - - - MC
Foundations of Problem
9 23Q213 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC
Total 26 hrs 12 2 12 19 400 400 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional
Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23B301 Biostatistics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23B302 Biochemical Metabolism 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
3 23B303 Bioanalytical Techniques 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Chemical and Biochemical
4 23B304 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
5 23B Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
6 23B310 Bioanalytical Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Python Programming
7 23B311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Building Communication
8 23Q313 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 MC
10 23B315 Activity Point Programme MC
Total 31 hrs 18 3 10 24 380 420 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23B401 Optimization Techniques 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Principles of Mass,
2 23B402 Momentum and Heat 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
Applied Microbiology and
3 23B403 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
4 23B404 Cell and Molecular Biology 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
5 23B405 Cell Culture Techniques 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Applied Microbiology
6 23B410 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Basic Data Analytics
7 23B411 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
8 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC
10 23B415 Activity Point Programme MC
Total 31 hrs 18 3 10 24 380 420 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional
Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23B501 Genetic Engineering 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Transport Phenomena in
2 23B502 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
Biological Systems
3 23B503 Cell Mechanics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
4 23B504 Bioprocess Engineering 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
5 23B505 Immunology 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Genetic Engineering
6 23B510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23B511 Bioprocess Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23B515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade MC
Total 29hrs 17 2 10 24 380 420 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Genomics and
1 23B601 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23B602 Downstream Processing 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
IPR, Biosafety and
3 23B603 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
4 23B Professional Elective 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
5 23B Professional Elective 2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Downstream Processing
6 23B610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23B620 Innovation Practices 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem
8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Solving Ability with Code
9 23B615 Activity Point Programme MC
Total 27 hrs 15 2 10 22 380 420 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional
Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Bioprocess Design and
1 23B701 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23B Open Elective 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
3 23B Open Elective 2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
4 23B Professional Elective 3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
5 23B Professional Elective 4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Computational Biology
6 23B710 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
7 23B720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
Total 24 hrs 15 1 8 20 320 380 700

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23B Professional Elective 5 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
2 23B Professional Elective 6 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
3 23B820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC
Total 14 hrs 6 8 10 140 160 300

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional
Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022


Credits Per Semester Total
Course Work
S. No Credit
subject Area I II III IV V VI VII VIII
1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10
2 BS 11 11 4 4 0 0 0 0 30
3 ES 6 6 6 4 4 0 0 0 26
4 PC 0 0 9 13 19 13 4 0 58
5 PE 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 18
6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6
7 EEC 0 0 1 3 1 3 4 4 16
Total 21 19 24 24 24 22 20 10 164

BS- Basic Sciences, HS- Humanities & Social Sciences, ES- Engineering Sciences, PC – Professional Core, PE –

Professional Elective, OE- Open Elective, EEC- Employment Enhancement Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form.

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.



OSCILLATORY MOTION & WAVE MOTION: Review of simple harmonic motion- Differential equation of SHM- Velocity and
acceleration- Restoring force- Vibration of a spring and mass system. Frequency response, phase response and resonance-
Damped oscillations- Definition of a plane progressive wave- Attenuation of waves- Differential equation of a plane progressive
wave- Phase velocity- Phase and phase difference. (9)

QUANTUM MECHANICS: Wave particle duality, de Broglie waves- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Wave function -
normalization. The wave equation. Schrodinger’s equation of motion: Time dependent form, steady-state form. Particle in a box.
Quantum Tunneling and applications to Scanning Tunneling Microscope. (9)

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECTROSCOPY: Measurement of Transmittance and Absorbance, Beer’s Law, Instrumentation,

components and applications of UV-Visible, Infrared, Fluorescence and photoluminescence spectrometry. Applications -
Qualitative analysis of organic solvents– Theory of Raman spectroscopy - Instrumentation and applications – organic material
analysis. (9)

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Lattice parameters. Crystal systems. Packing factors of cubic and
HCP crystal systems. Miller indices. Linear and planar density of atoms. Debye-Scherrer method of crystal structure
determination, Crystal imperfections - point, line and surface defects and their role in electrical, mechanical and optical
properties of materials, Growth of crystal of biological molecules. Factors affecting crystallization of organic molecules. XRD of
molecules and proteins. (9)

SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS & DEVICES: Elemental and compound semiconductors. Intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors. P-N junction - VI Characteristics of PN junction diode and zener diode. Hall Effect - Rectifiers- Half wave and
Full wave. Bipolar junction transistors. Field Effect Transistors – FET amplifier. UJT- RC coupled amplifier - Concept of Positive
and Negative feedback – Wien Bridge Oscillator. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Richard Wolfson, “Essential University Physics”, Vols. 1 and 2. Pearson Education, Singapore, 2020.
2. Gaur R K, Gupta S L, “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2017.
3. Mehta V. K, Rohit Mehta "Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics", S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2015.

1. Halliday D., Resnick R. and Walker J., “Fundamentals of Physics”, Wiley Publications, 2018.
2. Avadhanulu M. N., “Engineering Physics”, S. Chand & Co., 2018.
3. Purcell E. M., “Electricity and Magnetism – Berkeley Physics Course”, Vol. 2, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013.
4. Paul A. Tipler and Geene Mosca, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2021.
5. Ian R Sinclair, “Sensors and Transducers”, Newnes publishers, 2011.


THERMODYNAMICS AND BIOENERGETICS: Review of first law, flow of energy in living organisms, bond enthalpy -
thermochemical properties of biological fuels, Kirchoff’s equation. Entropy and second law, Free energy and spontaneity,
bioenergetics - energy coupling links and activation energy of reactions, assembly of proteins and biomembranes. The ATP
cycle. (9)

KINETICS AND CATALYSIS: Integrated rate laws-review, mention of complex reactions: application of steady state
approximation.Catalysis - general characteristics, types of catalysis, acid-base catalysis, enzyme catalysis, Michaelis -
Menton equation and its characteristic features. Burk - Weaver plot significances, kinetics of enzyme inhibition. (9)

SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption - types. Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms. Langmuir- Hinshelwood
mechanism for heterogeneous catalysis, applications of adsorption.Surface active agents – surfactants, detergents,
emulsifiers, critical micellar concentration, bio-colloids, properties –contactangle and wetting, water repellency,super
hydrophobicity. (9)

SOLUTION CHEMISTRY: Ionic equilibrium - weak and strong electrolytes, ionization of electrolytes, ionization of water, pH
scale, hydrolysis ofsalts,common ion effect, solubilityofsparinglysolublesaltsandsolubilityproductprinciples, ionization of
water, pH scale, buffersolutions. Distribution law - principle of extraction.
Water chemistry: Estimation of Hardness, alkalinity and TDS of water. Softening - demineralization, Phase rule – water
system and ethanol – water system. (9)

ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Electrode potential, emf series, Nernst equation, galvanic and concentrationcells. Glass electrode-
applications. Potentiometric and conductometric titrations. Electrokinetics: Butler-Volmer equation, Activation polarization,
concentration polarization. Electroanalytical techniques; Two and three electrode configurations - potentiostat. Components
of sensors, bioreceptors, types of sensors – amperometric and potentiometric transducers. Glucosebiosensor.

Total L:45


1. Puri, Sharma and, Pathania "Principles of Physical Chemistry", Vishal Publishing Co., 2020 .
2. Cox M. M. and Nelson D. L "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry", W H Freeman and Co.,2011.

1. Shaw D "Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Colloid & Surface Engineering S)"), Butterworth- Heinemann.,
2. Atkins P and, de Paula J. D "Elements of Physical Chemistry", Oxford UniversityPress, 2017.
3. Benjamin M. M"Water Chemistry", Waveland Press., 2015.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


VOCABULARY: Etymology-prefixes and suffixes–synonyms–antonyms–guessing meanings from context–word formation-
single-word substitutes-different forms of a word–phrasal verbs–collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts. (9+3)

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions–Yes/no questions–parts of speech–articles–prepositions–gerunds–conjunctions-degrees of

comparison–tenses– modal verbs– adverbs - direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques – practice reading.

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +15 = 60

1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen,“Communicative English”, Cambridge University press,Cambridge,2021.
2. Raymond Murphy,“Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi,2020.

1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.



INTRODUCTION: Analyzing and Defining the Problem - Algorithm - Flow Chart -Types of programming language. C: The C
character set - Identifiers and keywords - Data types – Constants - Variables - Declarations -input and output functions-
preprocessor directives. (3+3)

OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS: Arithmetic operators - Unary operators - Relational operators - logical operators -
Assignment operators - Conditional operators – bitwise operators- comma operator – size of operator -precedence and
associativity- Library functions. CONTROL STATEMENTS: simple if, if.else, nested if . else,elseif ladder, switch case - while -
do while - for - nested loops - break – continue. (9+9)

ARRAYS: Defining an array - Processing an array - Multi dimensional arrays -strings. (6+6)

FUNCTIONS: Function prototype - Defining a function – function call - Passing arguments to a function –nested function –
recursive function- Storage classes - auto - static - extern and register variables. (4+4)

STRUCTURES: Definitions - Processing a structure – Array and structures – Nested structures - Structures and
functions.POINTERS: Definition - Pointer Arithmetic – types of pointer - const pointer, pointer to a constant, void pointer, null
pointer (8+8)

Total L+T: 30+30:60

1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, “C How to Program: With an Introduction to C++”, Eighth edition, Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Ajay Mittal,” Programming in C - A Practical approach”.Pearson,New Delhi, 2010

1. Gottfried B., “Programming with C”, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Herbert Schildt, “C: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Kernighan B. W. and Ritchie D. M., “C Programming Language (ANSI C)”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Introduction to Engineering Drawing;
2. BIS
3. Principles of dimensioning (12)

1. Principles of orthographic projection-projection of points, straight lines, planes and solids
2. Orthographic projection of simple engineering components, missing view exercises
3. Drawing orthographic projections of computer components (16)

1. Principles of pictorial views, isometric view of simple engineering components
2. Orthographic views from given pictorial views
3. Isometric views from given two or three views
4. Drawing isometric views of typical electronic components (16)


1. Section of regular solids, types of sections, selection of section views
2. Sectional views of simple engineering components
3. Drawing sectional views of assemblies like electric motor, mobile phone
4. Development of lateral surfaces of regular solids and truncated solids (16)

Total P: 60

1. Natarajan K. V "Engineering Drawing and Graphics", Dhanalakshmi Publishers., Chennai, 2007 2. Venugopal K. and
Prabhu Raja V. "Engineering Graphics", New Age International Publishers. 2007

1. Luzadder and Duff "Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009 2. Bureau of
Indian Standards "Engineering Drawing Practices for Schools and Colleges SP 46-2003", BIS., New Delhi, 2004



List of Experiments (Any Eight):

1. Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor using Lee’s Disc method
2. Determination of fibre thickness – air wedge method
3. Measurement of vibration frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork using Melde’s apparatus
4. Determination of velocity of sound – Helmholtz resonator
5. Study of reverse bias characteristics of Germanium diode and determination of its band gap
6. Hall effect - Determination of Hall coefficient
7. Measurement of temperature using LM35
8. Phototransistor – Characteristics
9. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.
10. Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method


1. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law – apparatus
2. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
3. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
4. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
5. Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
6. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
7. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
8. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
9. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.


1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.

2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.

Total P: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022



As per AICTE guidelines



EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigen values and eigenvectors of a real matrix – characteristic equation, properties -
diagonalization - quadratic forms, reduction to canonical form by orthogonal reduction - Errors and approximations in numerical
methods, power method for dominant eigenvalue. (10+3)

elimination method, Crouts method, Gauss Seidal iterative method, Roots of equations - false-position method, Newton-
Raphson method, Graeffe’s root squaring method. (8+3)

INTERPOLATION, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials,
Lagrange and Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomials. Numerical differentiation, numerical integration - Newton-
Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s 1/3 rule. (12+4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method, multi-step
method – Milne’s method. (6+2)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference: elliptic equations – Laplace equation, Poisson equation – Liebmann
method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating string.

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. David C Lay, Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rizwan B, “Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB”, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2010.
3. Richard L B and Douglas J F, “Numerical Analysis”, Thomas Learning, NewYork, 2017.
4. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.


HEAT: Review of thermal properties: Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity and coefficient of linear thermal expansion-
Methods of measurement of thermal expansion- Thermal stresses in composite structures due to non-homogeneous thermal
expansion- Applications -The bimetallic strip- Differential equation of one-dimensional heat flow- Searle's apparatus and Lee's
disc apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity- Thermal Insulation- Convection and radiation- Heat dissipation and
heat sinking of electronic devices. (9)

OPTICS: Review of image formation in lenses and mirrors- Spherical and chromatic aberration- Methods of reducing
aberrations (no derivations)- aspherical components, aperture control, multiple elements- Principle of adaptive optics- Role of
actuators in adaptive optics- Monochromators –Prism and grating systems. Interference and diffraction: Principle of Fabry-
Perot interferometer- Diffraction due to circular apertures- Applications- Spectral distribution: emission, transmission and
absorption spectra- Examples. (9)

SENSORS & TRANSDUCERS: Basic electrode theory in biological membranes. Accuracy, repeatability, sensitivity, resolution,
stability, errors and output Impedance of sensors. Static and Dynamic characteristics of sensors - Proximity detectors – Strain
and pressure sensors. Active and Passive Transducers. Electrical signal detection in biological systems: Silicon, glass and
metal electrodes, Micro electrode-skin surface electrode; Electrode materials – Blood gas electrode. (9)

LIGHT & THERMAL SENSORS: Color temperature, light flux, photo sensors, photomultiplier, photo resistor and
photoconductors, photodiodes, phototransistors, photovoltaic devices, fiber-optic applications, light transducer, solid-state,
transducers liquid crystal devices. Bimetallic strip, Bourdon temperature gauge, Thermocouples, Resistance thermometers,
thermistors, PTC thermistors, bolometer, Pyroelectric detector (9)

ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS & DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law-simple problems in DC circuits. Introduction
to AC circuits-RMS Value, Power and Power factor. Block diagram of LM741 Operational Amplifier, Application as Adder,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Subtractor, Integrator, and Differentiator. Digital Electronics: Binary number system and conversion – Basic gates – Boolean
algebra – Adder, Subtractor. Flip Flops – Universal Shift Register – Counters. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Gaur R K and Gupta S L, “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Richard Wolfson, “Essential University Physics”, Vols. 1 and 2. Pearson Education, Singapore, 2021.
3. Mehta V. K, Rohit Mehta "Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics", S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2015.

1. Willard H H, Meritt L L Dean J A and Settle F A, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, CBS Publishers and Distributions, New
Delhi, 2001.
2. Vasantha Pattabi and Gautham N, “Biophysics”, Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi 2013.
3. Ian R Sinclair, “Sensors and Transducers”, Newnes publishers, 2011.


STEREOCHEMISTRY: Structural and stereoisomerisms- conformational isomerism. Fischer, Sawhorse and Newmann
projection, Geometrical isomerism - E and Z nomenclature. Chiral carbon, optical isomerism, enantiomers and
diastereomers. Asymmetric molecule - absolute and relative configuration, D-L and R-S notations, specific rotation,
determination of optical activity. Chiral resolution,asymmetric synthesis. (9)

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF CARBOHYDRATES: Monosaccharides- mutarotation, reactions of monosaccharides;

reagents for- oxidation, reduction and derivatization of carbohydrates. glycosidic bond- di, oligo and polysaccharides, starch,
glycogen, cellulose and chitin, Peptidoglycans, glucosaminoglycans, proteoglycans. (9)

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF LIPIDS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS : Lipids : fatty acids, triacyl glycerol, phospholipids, glycolipids,
sphingolipids, cholesterol and steroids. Biological membrane – structure, transport processes and potential. Nucleic acids: Purines and
pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides. Structures of DNA and RNA. (9)

STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF PROTEINS: Amino acids - properties and reactions due to amino and carboxyl groups.
Hierarchy of protein structures, glycoproteins and lipoproteins, synthesis of peptides, reagents for protection and de-protection,
end group analysis, solid phase synthesis - oligonucleotide synthesis. (9)

ROLE OF METAL IONS IN BIOMOLECULES : Heme and non-heme iron, porphyrins, structure of hemoglobin and
myoglobin,role of iron in oxygen transport, Bohr’s effect, electron transport and in catalysis, structural role of calcium,
magnesium in biochemistry-chlrophyll,. Role of cobalt; cyanocobalamin, role of zinc in carbonic anhydrase and in carboxy
peptidase, Nitrogenase-molybdenum in biology. (9)

Total L:45

1. Morrison R. T and Boyd R. N "Organic Chemistry", Pearson Education, 2012 .

2. Bahl B.S and ArunBahl "A Textbook of Organic Chemistry", S. Chand., 2016.

1. Chatwal G. R "Organic Chemistry of Natural products, Vol. I &II", Himalaya Publishing House. 2011.
2. Finar I. L "Organic Chemistry, Vol I & II.",Pearson, 2009.
3. Cotton F. A, Wilkinson Geoffrey, Gaus P. L. Basic Inorganic Chemistry (Indian Adaption), Wiley, 2010.



UNITS AND DIMENSIONS:Systems of Units- SI, CGS, FPS, Conversionbetween different metric systems. – Dimensional
homogeneity,dimensionless numbers and application. Dimensional analysis: Buckingham Pi method and Rayleigh method for
model/equation development for different processes. (7+2)
STOICHIOMETRY:Stoichiometry principles: composition relations, density,
specific gravity and basis of calculation (5+2)
FLOW DIAGRAMS: Symbols, P&I diagrams. - Process flow sheets for different processes: Organic acid production, Enzyme
production processes. (5+1)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MATERIAL BALANCES:Material Balance without Chemical Reaction – Material Balance with Chemical Reaction, Limiting and
excess reactants – Material balance for Single and Multiple chemical and biochemical reactions. Yield and selectivity
calculations. (15+5)
ENERGY BALANCES:Steady state concept, Concept of latent heat, internalenergy, and enthalpy. - Energy balance for
systems with and without chemical reaction: Distillation, Extraction, Metabolic reactions. (13+5)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. B I Bhatt, S B Thakore ‘Stoichiometry’, Tata McGraw Hill., New Delhi, 2010, 5th edition
2. David M Himmelblau, James B Riggs ‘Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering’, Prentice Hall of India
Ltd., New Delhi, 2012 ,8th edition

1. Richard M Felder, Ronald W Rousseau ‘Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes’, Wiley. New Delhi, 2008, 3rd edition
2. Warren L McCabe, Julian C Smith, Peter Harriot ‘Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering’,McGraw Hill., New Delhi,
2017,7th edition.
3. Warren L McCabe, Julian C Smith, Peter Harriot “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering‟, McGraw Hill., New Delhi,
2017, 7th edition.
4. Geankoplis C.J, A. Allen Hersel, Daniel H.Lepek, "Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles", 5th Edition,
PrenticeHall, International Series, 2018.

Language Electives



COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS: Process of Communication – Inter and Intrapersonal Communication – Essentials for

ORAL COMMUNICATION: Oral presentations with visual aids and Group discussions.
FOCUS ON SOFT SKILLS: Etiquette – Work Place etiquette – Telephone etiquette- Body Language – Critical Reasoning and
Conflict Management based on Case Studies – Group Communication- Meetings -Interview Techniques

TECHNICAL WRITING: Technical Writing Principles - Style and Mechanics - Technical Definitions – Physical, Functional and
Process Descriptions -– Technical Report Writing – Preparing Instructions – Interpretation of Technical Data

BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: Writing Emails, Preparing Resumes.


Total: 60

Text book:
Course materials prepared by the Faculty, Department of English.

1.Jeff Butterfield, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2020.
2.Sabina Pillai and Agna Fernandez, “Soft skills and Employability Skills”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.
3.Prashant Sharma, “Soft Skills Personality Development for Life Success”, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 2021.
4.Shoba K N and Praveen Sam D, “Technical English”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2020



Guten Tag! - Learning: To greet, learn numbers till 20, practice telephone numbers & e mail address, learn alphabet, speak
about countries & languages ; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: W – Questions, Verbs & Personal pronouns I.

Freunde, Kollegen und ich - Learning: To speak about hobbies, jobs, learn numbers from 20; Vocabulary: related to the
topic; Grammar: Articles, Verbs & Personal pronouns II, sein & haben verbs, ja/nein Frage, singular/plural.
(10 )

In der Stadt – Learning: To know places, buildings, question, know transport systems, understand international words;
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Definite & indefinite articles, Negotiation, Imperative with Sie.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Guten Appetit! – Learning: To speak about food, shop, converse; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Sentence
position, Accusative, Accusative with verbs.

Tag fϋr Tag & Zeit mit Freunden – Learning: To learn time related expressions, speak about family, ask excuse, fix
appointments on phone, birthdays, understand & write invitations, converse in the restaurant ; Vocabulary: related to the topic;
Grammar: Preposition – am, im, um, von…bis, Possessive articles, Modalverbs.

Total : (60)

Text Book: Dengler, Stefanie et al.,, Netzwerk A1.1, Klett-Langenscheidt Gmbh, München, 2013.

1. Dengler, Stefanie et al., Netzwerk A1,Klett-Langenscheidt Gmbh, München, 2013.
2. Sandra Evans,Angela Pude, Franz Specht-Menschen A1–Hueber Verlag ,2012.
3. Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke Demme, Studio d A1 , Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd ,2009.
4. Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Eduard von Jan, Til Schönherr, Tangram Aktuell 1 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) , Max
Hueber Verlag ,2004.



Unité 1: inviter et répondre à une invitation, Pronoms sujets, L'article définis, l'article indéfinis, Conjugation : présent, adjectifs
possessifs, interrogation, décrire les personnes. La vie de quatre parisiens de profession différentes (15 )

Unité 2: Exprimer l'ordre et l'obligation demander et commander, l'adjectif possessifs, l'articles partitif, l'article démonstratif,
négation ne....pas, l'article contracté, verbe pronominaux, prépositions. (15 )

Unité 3: Raconter et reporter-donner son avis, Futur simple, pronom complètement d'objet direct, passé composé, plusieurs
région de France, imparfait, pronom y/en, imparfait (15 )
Unité 4: Demander l'autorisation-passé récent, futur proche,La vie administrativé et régionale, Pluriel des noms, moyens de
transport (15 )

Total : 60
Text book :
1.Christine Andant étal, À propos (livre de l'élève), LANGER, NEW DELHI, 2012.

1. Dondo Modern French Course ---Mathurin Dondo
2. Modern French Grammar---Margaret Lang and Isabelle Perez.


Course contents :

Orientation Session, Geographic & Socio, economic perspective to Japan, Japanese people and culture and Basic greetings
and responses
Basic script, Method of writing hiragana and katakana, and Combination sounds and simple words
Topic marker “wa”, Desu / dewa arimasen cupolas, Interrogative particle “ka”, Grammar particles “mo”, “no”, ‘’
Introducing some one: “Kochira wa ~“ and Self introductions: Hajimemashite”
Demonstratives “Kore”, “Sore”, “Are”, Demonstrative “Kono”, “Sono”, “Ano” , Possessive noun particle “no” and
Japanese apartments: Greeting your neighbour
Place marakers “Koko”, “Soko”, “Asoko”, Direction markers “Kochira”, “Sochira”, “Achira” and Japanese department
stores: Asking for and buying something
Asking for and telling the time, Paticle “ni (at)” for time, kara (from) ~ made (until), Particle “to (and)”, Time periods:
Days of the week, months, time of day, Verbs (Present / future and past tense) and Telephone enquiry: Asking for a
phone no. And business hours
Destination particle “e”, Particles “de (mode of transportation)” and “to (with) and Japanese train station: Asking for

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Fare and track no. / types of trains

Direct object particle “o”, Particle “de (place of action)” , Verbs (“~masen ka”, “~mashou”) and “Ohanami” Cherry
blossom viewing
Particle “de (by means of)” , Particle “ni (to)”, ,Aaemasu (give) and Moraimasu (receive) and Visiting a Japanese
Adjectives (“i” and “na” type), Adjectives (Positive and negative useage), Particle “ga (however, but), “Dore which?)” and
Leaving a room, thanking someone for hospitality
Likes and dislikes, Potential verbs (wakarimasu and dekimasu), “Kara ( ~ because)”, Adverbs and Asking someone out over
the phone
Verbs denoting presence: “Imasu” and “arimasu”, Particle “ni (in)”, “Dare (who?)” , Adverbs (“Chikaku ni ~“),
Particle “dare mo (negative ~ no one)” , Dare ka (anyone), dare ga (who) , Nani ka (anything) , nani ga (what) - ~ya
(and) ~ nado (etc.) and Asking for directions
Counters and Counting suffixes
Introduction to Adjectives (na and ii type), Different usages of adjectives, Comparison, Likes and dislikes and Going to a trip
Need and desire (ga hoshii), Wanting to … (Tabeti desu), Going for a certain purpose (mi –ni ikimasu) and Choosing from a
Verb groups, I, II and III and Exercises to group verbs
Please do (te kudasai), Present continuous tenses (te imasu), Shall I? ( ~ mashou ka) and Describing a natural
phenomenon (It is raining)
To grant permission (~te mo ii desu), Asking for permission ( ~ te mo ii desu ka) and Should not do ( ~ te wa ikemasen)
Describing a continuing state and Describing a habitual action
Roleplays in Japanese
A demonstration on usage of chopsticks and Japanese tea party
Total: 60
Minna no nohongo – Romaji ban (first 10 lessons of this book)

Minna no Nihongo I Honsatsu Roma – ji ban (Main Textbook Romanized Version). International publisher – 3A Corporation,
Tokyo, Indian distributor – Goyal Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.



1. Flow measurement through pipes: Venturimeter, orifice meter and rotameter

2. Determination of power requirement for the operation of different equipment
3. Material/Mass balance for various processes: Filtration, Solvent extraction,Bio-transformation reactions
4. Mass and energy balance analysis for different unit operations: a. SimpleDistillation b. Drying
c. Transesterification process d. Soxhlet extraction
5. Process flow sheet preparation for different processes using software
Total P: 60


1) Determination of the Fe2+bypotentiometry
2) Determination of isoelectric point of anaminoacid by pH metry
3) Estimation of acids in a mixture by conductometry.
4) Determination of rate constant of acid hydrolysis ofester.
5) Determination of total, temporary, and permanent, hardness of water by EDTA method.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

6) Estimation of aminoacid by formal titration method

7) Determination of saponification and iodine value of lipids.
8) Extraction of chlorophyll, from leaves and thin layer chromatography.
9) Determination of distribution coefficient (I2in water / CCl4system)
10) Adsorption of oxalic acid on carbon – verification of Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
Determination of rate constant for acid catalyzed inversion of sucrose by polarimetry

Total P:30
1. Department of Chemistry "Chemistry Laboratory Manual", 2019


1.Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essentials

Total P: 30

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.




DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY: Measures of location, measures of spread, coefficient of variation, grouped
data, graphic methods, probability - conditional probability, Baye’s rule and screening tests, prevalence and incidence -
Bayesian Inference. (9+3)

PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Random variables, probability mass function, probability density function - expected value,
variance, and cumulative distribution function, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution. (9+3)

estimation- estimation of the mean of a distribution, estimation of the variance of a distribution, one-sample inference: test for
mean of a normal distribution - one sided and two sided alternatives, the power of a test, sample size determination, one
sample chi-square test for variance of a normal distribution. (9+3)

HYPOTHESIS TESTING: TWO-SAMPLE INFERENCE: The paired t- test, testing for equality of two variances, t-test for two
independent samples for mean with equal and unequal variances, categorical data - r x c contingency table, Chi-square
goodness of fit. (9+3)

CORRELATION AND REGRESSION METHODS: Fitting regression lines - method of least squares, inferences about
parameters from regression lines, goodness of fit of regression lines - the correlation coefficient, statistical inference for
correlation coefficient- multiple regression – Multisample inference - One way ANOVA - Fixed Effects Models. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

1. Bernard Rosner, “Fundamental of Biostatistics”, Duxbury Thomson Learning, New York, 2016.
2. Ronald N Forthofer, Eun Sul Lee, “Introduction to Biostatistics – A Guide to Design”, Analysis and Discovery, Academic
Press, USA, 2016.

1. David B, “Medical Statistics from Scratch, An introduction for Health Professionals”, Wiley and Sons, USA, 2019.
2. Wayne W D and Chad L C, “Biostatistics: Basic concepts and methodology for Health Sciences”, Wiley and Sons, USA,
3. Vijay V. R, A.K.Md. Ehsanes Salel, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics” Wiley and Sons, USA, 2015.
4. Chap.T.Le, ”Introductory Biostatistics”, Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION: Structure of proteins - Peptide bond formation, Ramachandran plot, Primary, secondary, tertiary &
quaternary structure, Introduction to enzymes as biocatalysts, apo and holo enzymes, coenzymes and cofactors, allosteric
enzymes, MM kinetics and enzyme inhibition, Bioenergetics - High energy compounds, electronegative potential of compounds,
ATP cycle. (8)

CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM: Glycolysis, TCA cycle, Gluconeogenesis, Pentose phosphate pathway, electron transport
chain and Oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis, regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, Disorder/ diseases of
carbohydrate metabolism. (12)

AMINO ACID METABOLISM: Deamination, transamination and decarboxylation, urea cycle and its Regulation, amino acid
biosynthesis - overview with an example of branched chain amino acids, Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism with an
example of aromatic amino acids. (12)

FATTY ACID METABOLISM: Fatty acid synthesis, origin of acetyl-Co A for fat synthesis, Elongation & desaturation of Fatty
Acids. Activation & transport of fatty acid from cytosol to mitochondria for oxidation. Oxidation of saturated & unsaturatedfatty
acids. β, α, ω oxidation. Formation and utilization of ketone bodies.TAG and phospholipid metabolism (12)

NUCLEOTIDE METABOLISM: Degradation of nucleic acids, salvage and denovo synthesis of purines and pyrimidines and
their regulation. INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM: Interdependence of metabolic pathways and their significance, metabolic
organs in human body and their interrelationships, hormones in metabolic regulation. (16)

Total L : 60

1. Nelson J R and Cox M M., “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry”, W H Freeman & Co., 8th edition,2021.
2. McKee, JR and McKee T, “Biochemistry-The Molecular Basis of Life” Oxford University Press,7th Edition, 2020

1. Lubert Stryer., Berg J. M., Tymoczko J. L. and Gatto G, "Biochemistry", 9th Edition, W H Freeman and
Company, New York, 2019.
2. Voet D., Voet J. G. and Pratt C. W., "Fundamentals of Biochemistry- Life at the Molecularlevel", 5th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2016.
3. Rodwell V.W, Bender D. A, Botham K.M, Kennelly P.J. and Anthony Weil. P, "Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry",
31th Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill publishers, Iowa, 2018.
4. John L Tymoczko ; Jeremy M Berg; Gregory J Gatto, Jr.; Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry: a short course, 4th Edition, W
H Freeman and Company, New York, 2018.


CELL BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES- Microscopy- Light, dark field, phase contrast, Fluorescence - Confocal Laser Scanning
Microscopy, Electron Microscopy - Scanning electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force
Microscopy (9)

BIOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES–Identification and characterization of Biomolecules bySpectroscopic methods, Concepts of

chromophores, auxochromes, Fluorophores;Working Principle, Instrumentation and Applications - Mass Spectrometry- Tandem
MS, Mass Spec for Proteomics. Theory and Application of SPR, ITC, DSC, Fluorescence and Isotope Labelling, CO-IP, ELISA

SEPARATION TECHNIQUES- Centrifugation Centrifugal Field, Density GradientCentrifugation, Differential Centrifugation,

Types of Centrifuges, Types of Rotors.Concept of Analytical Centrifugation. Electrophoresis - Concept and Application -
Agarose, SDS and Native PAGE, Isoelectric Focusing, Isotachophoresis, Pulsed FieldGel Electrophoresis, Capillary
Electrophoresis; Case studies on qualitative detection ofanalytes in human serum. (9)

CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES- Classification of chromatographic methods, Concepts-Partition Ratio, Theoretical Plate

Number, Plate Height - Van Deemter Parameters,Working Principle, Instrumentation and Applications - Ion Exchange, Size
Exclusion,Adsorption, Reverse Phase, Affinity, HPLC, TLC and Gas Chromatography (9)

BIOPHYSICAL TECHNIQUES- history, principle and applications of X- Ray Crystallography -Crystal growth - Diffraction - Data
collection and processing, CryoEM - Instrumentation and applications - Sample preparation - Data collection, NMR - Principle
and Instrumentation - Sample preparation- Concept of Chemical shift and scalar coupling, 2D and 3D NMR. (9)

Total L: 45

1. R.S. Khandpur. Handbook of Analytical Instruments, Third EditionTata McGraw-Hill Education, 2015
2. John M Walker. Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry. United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Srivastava, A. K., and Ghoshal, Sabari. Fundamentals of Bioanalytical Techniques and Instrumentation. India, Prentice-
Hallof India Pvt. Limited, 2010.
2. Vasudevan Ramesh. Biomolecular and Bioanalytical Techniques: Theory, Methodology and Applications.United Kingdom,
Wiley, 2019.
3. Kingsley C. Patrick-Iwuanyanwu, Muhammad Ajmal Shah, Azhar Rasul, Chukwuebuka Egbuna, Jonathan C. Ifemeje.
Analytical Techniques in Biosciences: From Basics to Applications. Netherlands, Elsevier Science, 2021.
4. Mikkelsen, Susan R., and Corton, E., Bioanalytical Chemistry, Wiley, United Kingdom, 2016.


BASIC CONCEPTS: Concepts of system, surrounding, boundary, process, equilibrium and energy. - Laws
of Thermodynamics. Hess's law. - Concept of Entropy, Spontaneity and Irreversibility. - Thermodynamic properties of ideal
fluids. Equation of state: Ideal and real fluids. Phase rule, phase diagram. Refrigeration cycles and Calorimeter. (10+3)

PROPERTIES OF SOLUTION: Ideal and non-ideal solutions, - Thermodynamic properties of solutions - Gibbs energy,
Chemical potential, activity and activity coefficient.-Partial molar properties, Gibbs-Duhem equation. Raoults law and Henry
law. Phase equilibria concepts. (9+3)

CHEMICAL REACTION EQUILIBRIA: Criteria for equilibrium, equilibrium constants; Effect of temperature and pressure,
evaluation of equilibrium constants. -Equilibrium conversion -single and multiple reactions. (8+4)

BIOLOGICAL THERMODYNAMICS: Thermodynamics of open system - biological system. Energy coupling reactions:
Thermodynamics and feasibility. Thermodynamic analysis of metabolic pathways: Glucose metabolism, Photosynthesis. -
Thermodynamics of Protein folding and unfolding: Gibbs energy, entropy and melting temperature. - Thermodynamic analysis
of fermentation process: Degree of reduction, Feasibility analysis of process. Thermodynamics of affinity based process:
Ligand-substrate binding, Hemoglobin and oxygen binding, Affinity chromatography Gibbs Donnan equilibrium: Membrane
transport. (10+3)
STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS: Macrostates, Microstates, Thermodynamic probability, Boltzmann Distribution Law,
Gibbs paradox, Partition function and thermodynamic properties. (8+2)

Total L: 45+T: 15 = 60

1. Smith JM, Van Ness HC, Abbott MM, "Introduction to chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", 7th Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Stanley I Sandler, "Chemical Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics", 4th Edition, Wiley, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Donald T Hayne, "Biological Thermodynamics", 2nd Edition, Cambridge University press,2013.
2. Robert T Balmer, "Modern Engineering Thermodynamics", 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2011.
3. Andrew Leach, “Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications 2nd Edition”Prentice Hall, 2001.
4. Robert T Balmer, "Modern Engineering Thermodynamics", 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2011.



Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an Economy –
Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)
Cost and Inventory Control: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship - Make or
Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without Shortages-
Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)
Pricing, Revenue and Value Engineering: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis- Problems in
Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)
Project Management: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project Appraisal –
Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT – CPM Models –
Case Analysis. (10+5)
Economic Growth and Development: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control Measures -
Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable Development
Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)
Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60
Text Books
1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


Principles of UV/Vis Spectrometer - Beer’s law verification, Concept of Molar absorptivity
Flame Photometry - Elemental Analysis
Sugars - Qualitative and Quantitative analysis.
Proteins - Qualitative and Quantitative analysis
Nucleic acids - DNA analysis
Chromatography - TLC, Column Chromatography
ELECTROPHORESIS -Molecular Weight Determination using SDS PAGE, Native PAGE.
Immunological Techniques - Agglutination assay and ELISA
Total P: 60

1. B. Sashidhar Rao and Vijay M. Deshpande, "Experimental Biochemistry: A student companion", 2007.

1. David T Plummer, "An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009.


1. Computational thinking using flowcharts and Pseudocode
2. Programs related to simple data types: integers, float, complex, Boolean in the shell
3. Input/output and conditional statements in scripts
4. Different operators and conversion functions
5. Loops: for and while
6. String datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
7. List datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
8. Tuple data type: Creation, Operations, Methods
9. Set and frozenset datatypes: Creation, Operations, Methods
10. Dictionary datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
11. Functions: definitions, parameter passing, returning datatypes
12. Lambda and recursive functions
13. Creating modules and packages
14. Using numpy and matplotlib packages
15. Handling exceptions
16. File handling

Note: Problem sheets will be given during the course Total P: 60

1. Mark Summerfield. “Programming in Python 3: A Complete introduction to the Python Language”, Addison-
Wesley Professional, 2009.
2. Reema Thareja,” Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford university Press 2017
3. Wesley J Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2012.
4. Martin C. Brown, “PYTHON: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill, 2018.


1. Introduction to Workplace Communication
2. Profile Building for Internships
3. English in the Workplace (Grammar & Vocabulary)
4. Professional Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Workplace Communication Tools
6. Career Exploration
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi,
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.


INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Environment - Definition, scope and importance. Types and composition
of atmospheres – particles, ions and radicals. Ozonelayer- significance, formation and depletion. Ecosystems- Structure and
functions, components, energy flow, food chains, food web, Biodiversity-levels, values and threats - India as a mega-diversity
nation - hotspots of biodiversity - endangered and endemic species of India - conservation of biodiversity. (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES : Introduction -National and International status- exploitation - sustainable strategies - Fossil fuels
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion systems,
site characteristics, and types of wind turbines. Supporting renewable energy resources - tidal –geothermal - hydroelectric.

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION:Definition -Sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b) Water
pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards (h) RF hazards -
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides -Case
studies, consequences and rescue measures (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT :Wastewater - Characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater - COD and BOD -Various
stages of treatment - primary, secondary, tertiary treatment- Biological and advanced oxidation processes.Solid waste
management - Characteristics of municipal solid waste(MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes and their management -
landfills, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting. (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmentally Sustainable work practices- Rain water harvesting - Role of
non-governmental organizations. Human ethics and rights- impact on environment and human health - role of formation
technology on environment and human kind. Green IT policies Process of EIA - ISO14000. Legislation Environment protection
act - Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act - Water (Prevention and controlofPollution) act-Wildlifeprotectionact-Forest
conservation act. (6)

Total L: 30

1. Gilbert M.Masters,"Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science",Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2004. 2.De A K , "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. KoteswaraRao MVR, "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi,
3. Deswal S and Deswal A, "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi,



LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Modeling with linear programming, graphical method, simplex method, two phase simplex method,
Primal-dual relations. (9+3)

TRANSPORTATION AND ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS: Transportation model, determination of the starting solution -
northwest corner method, least cost method, Vogel approximation method, iterative computations of the transportation
algorithm, assignment model, Hungarian method. (9+3)

NETWORK MODEL: Definition, minimal spanning tree algorithm, shortest route problem, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd’s
algorithm, maximal flow model, maximal flow algorithm, CPM and PERT. (9+3)

GAME THEORY: Two person zero sum game, pure and mixed strategies, dominance principle, graphical solution, linear
programming solution. (9+3)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Genetic Algorithm – working principle, fitness function, GA operators – differences and
similarities between GA and traditional method – GA for constrained optimization. Simulated Annealing – algorithm and
examples. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T: 15=60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Hamdy A Taha, “Operations Research – An Introduction”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Kalyanmoy D, Optimization for Engineering Design, Algorithms and Examples, PHI learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Maurice S, Arthur Y , “Operations Research: Methods and Problems”, Literary Licensing, LLC, United states, 2013.
2. Hillier F and Lieberman G J, “Introduction to Operations Research”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Singiresu S R, “Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice”, New Age International, New Delhi, 2016.
4. David E G, GA: In search optimization and machine learning, Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.


FLUID FLOW DYNAMICS: Introduction- Properties of fluids, Newton’s law of viscosity, Newtonian andNon-Newtonian fluids,
Types of flow–laminar, turbulent, Steady, unsteady, non-uniform and uniformflows, Compressible and incompressible fluids.
Dynamics- Continuity equation, Momentum equation Bernoulli’s equation,boundary layer condition, Concepts of shear, drag
and friction factor. Fluid flow measurements (10+5)

FLUID FLOW IN REACTORS: Types of agitators, Mechanism of mixing, Cavity formation and types of cavityformation in
impeller, flow patterns and power consumption in agitated vessels for gassed and ungassed system. (8+2)

FLUID FLOW IN PACKED BEDS: Packed bedsand fluidised beds: Ergun equation, Kozeny- Carman equation, Burke-Plummer
equation and itsapplications, Types of fluidisation, Minimum fluidization velocity determination, Classification of pumps. (7+3)

MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS: Fick’s law, Molecular and eddy diffusion, Theories of mass transfer, Diffusion in gaseous
mixtures, liquid mixtures and solids, Pseudo steady state diffusion, measurementand calculation of diffusivities, Individual and
overall mass transfer coefficient. Examples – adsorption,absorption, distillation, extraction and leaching (13+2)

HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS: Basics of conductive, convective and radiation heat transfer, Heattransfer coefficients,
LMTD, Fouling factor. Application of heat exchangers in process industries (7+3)

Total L: 45+T: 15=60

1. Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott, „Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering‟; 7th Edition, McGraw- Hill
company, 2017.
2. Geankoplis C.J, A. Allen Hersel, Daniel H.Lepek, Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles‟, 5th Edition,
Prentice Hall, International Series, 2018.

1. R. E. Treybal,‟Mass Transfer Operations‟, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York,2012.
2. G.K. Suraishkumar, Continuum Analysis of Biological Systems Conserved Quantities, Fluxes and forces (Biosystem and
Biorobotics), Springer, 2014.
3. R.K. Bansal, “A textbook for fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines”, Laxmi publicatons, 9th edition, 2010.
4. J.M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson J. R. Backhurst and J.H.Harker, "Chemical Engineering, Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and
Mass Transfer", 6th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.


MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY, AND REVIEW OF METABOLISM:Structure and function of cellular Components of bacteria,
virus, fungi and Yeast. Nutritional types, Bacterial metabolism- Respiration, anaerobic respiration – fermentation and bacterial
photosynthesis, methylotrophic metabolism. Primary & secondary metabolites (12)

FUNDAMENTALS OF KINETICS:Rate laws; Order; Molecularity; Limiting reactant; Basic ideal reactor types (PFR. CSTR) and
operation modes (batch, continuous, fed-batch); Batch reactor- Data analysis RTD- C curve, E curve & F curve (7+5)

ENZYME KINETICS AND THEIR IMMOBILIZATION:Kinetic equations - Michaelis –Menten, LB and ED plots; Factors affecting
enzymatic reactions; Enzyme inhibition types: irreversible, reversible (competitive, uncompetitive, and noncompetitive
inhibition); Substrate and Product inhibition; Deactivation Kinetics. Enzyme immobilization – types, methods, applications;
Thiele modulus and effectiveness factor; Effect of mass transfer resistance (7+5)

BIOPROCESS MODELS: Growth and product kinetic models: unstructured models –Monod model, multiple substrate models,
Luedeking-Piret model. Structured models –compartment models, cellular energetics, and metabolism models. Segregation
models– age distribution model, single-cell models. Models for gene expression and regulation,models for plasmid expression
and replication. (10+5)

67th ACM 30.07.2022


acids, Industrial alcohols: Microbial Source, strain selection & improvement overview of upstream & downstream processing

L: 45; T: 15; Total L: 60

1. Cruegar W and Cruegar A, "Biotechnology: A textbook of Industrial Microbiology", Panima Publications, 2005 York, 2019.
2. P.M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press,2012
3. James E. Bailey and David F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1986

1. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley, 2004.
2. Blanch HW and Clark DS: Biochemical Engineering, CRC Press, 1997.
3. H Scott Fogler, Elements of Chemical reaction engineering. PHI Learning Private Limited, India, 2016.
4. Shijie Liu, Bioprocess Engineering Kinetics, Sustainability, and Reactor Design, Elsevier, 2020
5. K. Schiigerl K.-H. Bellgardt (Eds.), Bioreaction Engineering: Modeling and Control, Springer, 2000
6. Le Casida J R, "Industrial Microbiology" 2nd Ed, New Age International publication, 2016


CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANELLES: Cell types, sub cellular structures, cell junctions; extracellular matrix, cell
movement. (12)

CELL CYCLE CONTROLS AND CELL SIGNALING: Mitosis - meiosis - cell cycle regulation - checkpoints - mitosis promoting
factors - cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases. Cell signaling types, types of cell membrane receptors - GPCR - RTKs and
voltage gated ion channel receptors as specific examples. Significance and implications in various physiological processes.
Signal transduction - Cellular response mechanisms to primary messengers; secondary signaling molecules –
adenylatecyclase - calcium flux - phospholipases - protein kinases (15)

GENETIC MATERIAL AND MECHANISM OF REPLICATION: Evidence of DNA as genetic material, chromatin organization,
epigenetics. DNA replication - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication mechanism and machinery (11)

TRANSCRIPTION AND REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION: In Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - Inhibitors of Transcription -
Processing of mRNA - rRNA and tRNA - splicing and post transcriptional modification - miRNA - SiRNA- ncRNA. Negative
control (Lac operon) - Positive control (arabinose operon) - attenuation - (12)

TRANSLATION AND GENETIC MODIFICATIONS:Genetic code - Initiation - elongation and termination - Inhibitors of
translation - Post translational modification - targeting. Recombination and repair - Transposable elements – mutation. (10)

Total L: 60

1. Lodish, Harvey, "Molecular Cell Biology", 6th Edition, W.H.Freeman, US, 2008.
2. Jocelyn E Krebs Elliots S Goldstein Stephen T Kilpatrick, "Lewin's Genes XII", Jones & Bartlett, Burlington, 2018.

1. Cooper, "The Cell: A Molecular Approach", 4th Edition, ASM Press, US, 2007.
2. Alberts, Bruce, "Essential Cell Biology", 2nd Edition, Garland science, Oxford, 2004.
3. George M Malacinski, "Freifelder's Essentials of Molecular Biology", 4th Edition, Narosa Book Distributors (P) Ltd, New Delhi,
4. De Robertis, E D P, Cell and Molecular Biology, 8th Edition, CCH Publishers, 2017.


MICROBIAL CULTURE: Fungal, algal, bacterial culture media,viral culture, Phage culture. Sterilization and Disinfection,
storage of cells, Factors affecting growth. Methods of enumeration of microorganisms. (8)

ANIMAL CELL CULTURE: Types of mammalian cells, cell lineages,Cell culture - Cell lines –Primary- Continuous culture
Characterization and preservation of animal cells - chemically defined and serum free media for cell culture - scaling up of
animal cell cultures - organ culture - insect cell lines. Characterization and quantification (10)

STEM CELLS: Definition, properties, types, proliferation, culture of stem cells, medical applications of stem cells, ethical
and legal issues in use of stem cells. (10)

PLANT TISSUE CULTURE: Principles, Methods - Media Preparation & Optimization, Callus induction, Micro propagation,
Suspension cultures, hairy root induction, Somatic embryogenesis, Synthetic seeds, Direct and indirect organogenesis. (10)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

QUALITY CONTROL: Commercially viable products, - safety for cell culture based products. Laboratory Safety Risk
Assessment, Standard Operating Procedures, Safety Regulations (9)

Total:L: 45

1. Michael J Pelczar, Chan, E C S and Kreig, N R, “Microbiology”, Ed. 4, McGraw Hill Education, 2001.
2. Michael Butler, “Animal Cell Culture and Technology” – Ed. 2, Biotol Series, 2008.
3. Robert Lanza, “Essentials of Stem Cell Biology”, Ed. 4, Elsevier, 2014.
4. Roberta H Smith, “Plant Tissue Culture: Techniques and Experiments”, Ed. 2, 2005.

1. Ian R Freshney, “Culture of animal cells: A manual of basic technique and specialized applications”, 6th Edition, Wiley
Blackwell, 2010.
2. Ann A Kiessling, Scott Anderson, “Human embryonic stem cells: An introduction to the science and therapeutic”, Ones and
Bartlett Publisher, 2003.
3. Kaushik D Deb, Satish M Totey, “Stem cells: Basics and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Gamborg O I, Phillip G C, “Plant cell tissue and organ culture: Fundamental Methods”, Narosa Publisher, , New Delhi,


1. Sterilization Techniques; Preparation of Culture Media
2. Culturing of Microorganism-Streak & spread plate
3. Identification of Microorganisms- Staining, Motility,
4. Bacterial Growth Curve
5. Wine Preparation
5. Bacterial Enzyme isolation and assay
6. Enzyme kinetics
Total P: 60

1. James G Cappuccino and Natalie Sherman, "Microbiology - A Laboratory Manual", 6th Edition, Pearson, India, 2014.


Data exploration - Summary statistics.
Data Visualization: Data Visualization using 2D and 3D plots
Basic statistical operations: Mathematical operations with arrays, matrices, vectors and strings
Creating simple programming scripts such as scalars, variable
interpolation, operators (mathematics, conditional, logical), file input/output, printing, loops (if-then-else, for, while), list
operations, functions/subroutines, hash arrays and regular expressions; and function files
Data Manipulation - Model building for a given database, Cluster analysis for a multivariate data.
Introduction to data analytics in the Cloud environment.

Total P: 60

1. Mark Gardener, Beginning R – The Statistical programming language, Wiley Publishers, 2018, 1st edition.

2. Sinha PP. Bioinformatics with R cookbook. Birmingham: Packt Publishing; 2014.



1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy.

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy

UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)
Total L:30


1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.

2. PraveenkumarMellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,

1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
5. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.



TOOLS OF GENETIC ENGINEERING: DNA Exonucleases and Endonucleases- Restriction Enzymes - Type I - II - III -
Restriction analysis of DNA - RNAses - Ligase - Polymerases - DNA Modifying enzymes. DNA - RNA - and Protein blotting
techniques - CRISPR CAS, TALEN, ZNF (15)

VECTORS FOR CLONING AND EXPRESSION: Plasmids - lambda phage - Ti plasmids - Bacterial expression vectors -
Yeast vectors - Baculoviruses - Plant - animal viral vectors. (11)

DNA MANIPULATIONS : Tailing - cohesive end - use of linkers - blunt end methods; Labeling and detection techniques PCR
and its application - DNA Synthesis and Sequencing - site directed Mutagenesis – protein engineering. - Ligation independent
cloning (15)

EXPRESSION OF TRANSGENES : In vitro transcription and translation systems - Reporters for various expression systems -
Preparation of cDNA - cDNA and genomic libraries - Transformation methods - Fusion proteins - Protein targeting and
secretion. (12)

APPLICATIONS OF TRANSGENICS : Transgenic plants - animals and gene therapy - Si RNA - Targeted drug delivery -
Ethics - biosafety regulations - and GMOs status in India. - Genome engineering Applications (7)

Total L:60

1. Glick B, Pasternak JJ, "Molecular Biotechnology principles and applications of Recombinant DNA", ASM Press, 2001.
2. Desmont St, Nicholl, "Introduction to Genetic Engineering", 3rd Edition, Cambridge University, 2010.

1. Bernard R Glick, Cheryl L Patten, "Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA", 5th Edition,
ASM Press, Washington, 2018.
2. Brown T A, "Gene Cloning And DNA Analysis: An Introduction", 6th Edition, Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2010.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Desmond S T Nicholl, "Introduction to Genetic Engineering", Cambridge University Press , U K, 2016

4. Sandy Primrose and Richard Twyman, Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics, 7th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.


INTRODUCTION:Conservation of Mass; Application of Mass Conservation to a Biological Cell: Metabolic Flux Analysis;
Application of Mass Conservation to Macroscopic Systems; Useful Forms of Mass Conservation in Fluid Systems; Primary
Driving Force for Mass Flux; A Constitutive Equation; Solution Approaches; Steady-State Diffusion; Unsteady State Diffusion;
Pseudo Steady State Approximation (PSSA) for Unsteady State Diffusion (8+4)

MOMENTUM & ENERGY CONSERVATION:Rheology; Types of Flows; Shell Momentum Balances; Equation of Motion;
Unsteady State Flow; Pulsatile Flow; Solutions to Equations; Turbulent Flow; Macroscopic Aspects: The Engineering Bernoulli
Equation Modes of Heat Flux; Equation of Energy (10+4)

CHARGE CONSERVATIONS:Lorentz Force Law; Charge Density and Flux; Maxwell’s Relations; An Expression for Charge
Conservation; Maxwell’s Equations in Differential Form; Constitutive Equation; Ions in Solutions. (7+3)

MULTIPLE CONSERVATIONS:Simultaneous Concentration Gradient and Electrical Potential Gradient; Simultaneous

Concentration Gradient and Velocity Gradient: Blood Oxygenators; Simultaneous Temperature Gradient and Velocity Gradient:
Heat Transfer to Fluid Flowing in a Long Circular Tube under Laminar Flow Conditions (8+4)

APPLICATIONS OF MASS TRANSPORT IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS:Fluid flow in circulation and tissues; transport of gases
between blood and tissues; Drug transport in solid tumors. (12)

L: 45; T: 15; Total L: 60

1. G.K. Suraishkumar; Continuum Analysis of Biological Systems: Conserved Quantities, Fluxes and Forces; Springer
Heidelberg New York; 2014
2. G. A Truskey, Fan Yuan, D. F Katz; Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems; Prentice Hall; 2004

1. R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot; Transport Phenomena; John Wiley & Sons, 2002
2. Fournier, Ronald L - Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering, Fourth Edition-Taylor and Francis; 2017
3. Vassilis Gekas; Transport Phenomena of Foods and Biological Materials; CRC Press; 1992
4. Sid M. Becker and Andrey V. Kuznetsov; Transport in Biological Media; Elsevier; 2013
5. Prof. Malay K. Das, Prof. Partha P. Mukherjee, Prof. K. Muralidhar; Modeling Transport Phenomena in Porous Media with
Applications; Springer International Publishing; 2018, Editors: Sid Becker, Andrey Kuznetsov; Heat Transfer and Fluid
Flow in Biological Processes; Elsevier; 2014


BASICS OF CLASSICAL MECHANICS: mechanics of solids and fluids, with examples from biology. Introduction to
viscoelasticity and surface tension and how do they operate at cellular and tissue level. Concept of scaling in biology (6)

CELL AS A CHEMICAL MACHINE: Thermodynamics, rate-kinetics, and mechanics. Effect of intercellular and intra-cellular
forces at molecular- and meso-scale. Concept of forced induced unfolding of proteins and DNA. Force-dependent reaction
kinetics of slip and catch bonds. Forces during cell division. (9)

MOLECULAR AND MESO-SCALE PERSPECTIVE: Acto-myosin network,Microtubules, Intermediate filaments, Different cell-
cell junctions, Extracellular matrix (ECM), Cell-ECM adhesions. Molecular motors. Signaling mechanism, cellular response to
the signal, types of forces acting at the junction (12)

FORCE MEASUREMENT TOOLS: Traction force microscopy, micropillar assays, monolayer stress microscopy, atomic force
microscopy, optical traps& tweezers, molecular tension sensors. Force measuring techniques at tissue level: current
approaches and limitations (10)

APPLICATIONS: Rheology of blood. Introduction to microfluidics as the blood-vessel mimic, Applications of cell-material
interaction- biomaterials (8)

Total L: 45
1. Boal, D. Mechanics of the cell. Cambridge University Press, 2012
2. Mofrad, M., and R. Kamm. Cytoskeletal Mechanics: Models and Measurements in Cell Mechanics. Cambridge University
Press 2011.

1. Howard, J. Mechanics of motor proteins and the cytoskeleton. Sinauer Associates, 2001

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Jackson, M. B. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. Cambridge University Press, 2006

3. Mofrad, M, and Kamm R., Cytoskeletal Mechanics: Models and Measurements in Cell Mechanics, Cambridge University
Press, U K, 2011.
4. Roland K and Zemel A, Cell and Matrix Mechanics, CRC Press, 2015.



MEDIA DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION: Criteria for medium design for growthand production process.OFAT, Taguchi, PBD,
FFD, CCD and BBD designs.RSM for medium and process optimization. (7+2)

STIR TANK REACTORS: Aseptic operation of reactor: Physical requirements, Aseptic transfer of seed inoculum, medium and
other components. Biomass and Productivity calculations in batch, fed batch, continuous reactors, reactors with recycle
reactors in series. Strategies to improve productivity in reactors. (8+3)

HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER IN BIOPROCESSING: BIOPROCESSING: Mass transfer, oxygen transfer in fermentation
systems; determination of oxygen uptake rates. Transfer coefficients; Factors influencing oxygen transfer in fermentation
medium and strategy to enhance oxygen transfer; Heat transfer in bioprocessing; Design of cooling coils for fermentation
process. - Sterilization operations; Design of batch and continuous sterilizers. (8+4)

NON CONVENTIONAL REACTORS:Design of packed bed (Immobilized cell reactor), Membrane reactors, Air lift reactor and
Bubble column reactor. Single use reactors. Reactor design for animal and plant cells. (12+4)

SCALE UP AND BIOPROCESS MONITORING: Scale up: Fundamental approach, Rule of thumb, Geometric similarity
approach. Scale up using kLa, P/V, Re with case study. - Sensors in bioreactors. Online analysis of biomass, substrate and
product. Control loops; Feedforward and feedback control system, PID controllers. - PAT system: Online monitoring and control
system. (10+2)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Michael L. Shuler, FikretKargi, Matthew DeLisa, "Bioprocess Engineering - Basic Concepts", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall,
2. Pauline M Doran, "Bioprocess Engineering Principles", 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2012.

1. Mukhopadhyay, "Process Biotechnology Fundamentals", Viva Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Bailey JE, Ollis DF, "Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals", 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1986.
3. Shijie Liu, Bioprocess Engineering Kinetics, Sustainability, and Reactor Design, Elsevier, 2020.
4. Blanch HW and Clark DS: Biochemical Engineering, CRC Press, 1997.


INTRODUCTION TO IMMUNOLOGY: Historic aspects; innate immunity, humoral and cell mediated immunity. Primary
and secondary lymphoid organs, production of blood cells, B cell, T cell and macrophages, Antigen and antigenicity,
lymphocyte ontology, (12)

HUMORAL IMMUNITY: Molecular basis of antibody diversity, polyclonal and monoclonal antibody, complement system,
antigen-antibody reaction (12)

CELLULAR IMMUNITY: Antigen processing cells; T cells, killer cells; major histocompatibility complex (MHC):
antigen processing and presentation (12)

IMMUNE RESPONSE AND TOLERANCE: Regulation of immune response, immune tolerance; hyper sensitivity,
autoimmunity; Transplantation (12)

IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS: Antigen - antibody interaction assays, Antisera, Monoclonal antibody- production and its
application; vaccines - types and production. (12)
Total L: 60

1. Coico R, and Sunshine G, "Immunology - a short course", 7th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, New York, 2015.
2. Richard A, Goldsby R A, Kindt T J, Kuby J and Osborne B A , "Immunology", 6th Edition, W.H. Freeman and Company,
New York, 2006.

1. Abbas. A., Lichtman. A.H. and Pillai, "Cellular and Molecular Immunology", 9th Edition, Elsevier, 2017.
2. Sell S, "Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunity", 6th Edition, Wiley Publishers, 2001.
3. Male D, Brostoff, J, Roth D B, Roitt, I M, Immunology, 8th Edition, Elsevier Publications, 2012.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Murphy K, Weaver, C, Janeway’s Immunobiology, 9th Edition, Garland Science Publishers, 2016.


1. DNA extraction &Quantification
2. Restriction digestion and Analysis
3. Ligation in plasmid vector
4. Bacterial transformation and blue white selection.
5. Gene amplification by PCR
6. Protein expression analysis.

Total P: 60

1. Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell, "Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual Vol -1,2 and 3, CSHL Press, 2006.



1. Reactor assembly, sterilization and aseptic transfer of medium components.

2. Growth media optimization by Response Surface methods - PBD, CCD, BBD, FFD.
3. Microbial growth kinetics (Batch culture)-estimation of Monod parameters, Yield coefficients,maintenance
4. Comparison of reaction kinetics in batch reactor, plug flow reactor and packed bed reactor.
5. RTD studies in stir tank and tubular reactors
6. Mass transfer rate determination in bioreactors -dynamic gassing method- KLa determination
7. Substrate/product kinetics in Immobilized microbial cells
8. Mass transfer studies in immobilized system: Influence of agitation on mass
Transfer in immobilized systems.
9. Batch fermentation process – Medium sterilization, aseptic seed transfer and sample collection, process
monitoring and control, product separation from fermentation medium.
10. Fed-batch fermentation process – Medium sterilization, aseptic seed transfer and sample collection, process
monitoring and control, product separation from fermentation medium.

Total P: 60


1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
4. Critical reasoning
5. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
6. Permutation, Combination and Probability
7. Time, Speed and Distance
8. Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



31 0 4
GENOME STRUCTURE AND MAPPING: Importance and strategies, Genetic maps and Physical maps STS, EST, RFLP,
SNP, radiation hybrid mapping. Organization and structure of genomes. (6 +2)

SEQUENCE ALIGNMENTS:Dot Matrix, Dynamic programming, Scoring matrices, BLAST: types of BLAST, interpretation of
BLAST results, FASTA. (9+3)

LARGE SCALE SEQUENCING AND GENOME ASSEMBLY:Genome sequencing strategies. First, second and Next
generation methods, Comparison of NGS methods. Computational tools for NGS analysis. Genome assembly, Genome Data
Visualization (With emphasis on Human Genome) Ensembl, MapViewer (10+3)

GENOME ANNOTATION & PHYLOGENY: ORFs, Gene Structure, Motifs and Coding regions, Functional annotation.
Introduction to phylogeny, alignment algorithms, Models of evolution, distance and character based methods for phylogenetic
analysis, Unweighted Pair Group Method of Arithmetic Averages, neighbor joining trees, maximum likelihood trees,
parsimonious trees, reliability of analysis – Bootstrapping. Structural annotation: Biochemical functions, Gene regulation and
gene interaction, Gene expression. (10+4)

FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS:Transcriptomics: Types of transcriptome studies: Microarray and RNA- seq methods, ChIP-chip
and ChIP seq techniques, Yeast Two hybrid System, Gene Expression Analysis from Gene expression omnibus. Genome
Wide Association analysis (GWAS), Comparative Genome Hybridization. (10+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Jonathan Pevsner, "Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics", 2nd Edition, Wiley Blackwell, New York, 2016.
2. Marketa Zvelebil, Jeremy O. Baum, "Understanding Bioinformatics", 1st Edition, Garland Science, New York, 2008.
3. Primrose Sandy B., Twyman Richard. , "Principles of Gene Manipulation and• Genomics.” 7th Edition, Wiley- Blackwell,
4. Brown, T.A, "Genomes", 4th Edition, Garland Science publishers,2017.

1. Jin Xiong, "Essential Bioinformatics", 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York,2006.
2. Bosu Orpita, Simminder Kaur Thukral, "Bioinformatics: Databases, Tools, Algorithms", 1st Edition, Oxford
UniversityPress, New Delhi, 2007.
3. David Mount, "Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis", 2nd Edition, CBS publishers, New York,2004.
4. Primrose Sandy B., Twyman Richard. ,"Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics”, 6th Edition, Wiley- Blackwell,


BIOMASS SEPARATION AND RECOVERY PROCESSES: Intracellular products - Cell disruption techniques – Principle and
operation: mechanical disruption (High speed homogenizers, French press, and ultrasonication), enzyme disruption, chemical
disruption. Filtration process: Batch filtration, continuous filtration and centrifugal filtration; operation and application.
Centrifugation - Operation and application of tubular, disc stack and basket centrifuges. Pretreatment process: Precipitation,
Flocculation and Coagulation; principle, operation and application. (9+5)

PRODUCT ENRICHMENT PROCESSES: Extraction: Liquid–liquid extraction and solid-liquid extraction, principle and
application. Aqueous two-phase extraction, super critical fluid extraction and reverse micelle extraction – principle, operation
and application. Adsorption: Types of adsorption process and application. High Gradient magnetic Fishing – principle and
application (8+4)

PRODUCT RESOLUTION: Membrane separation techniques: Membrane materials and modules for different purification
applications. Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, Reverse osmosis, Dialysis, Electrodialysis, Pervaporation, Submerged
membranes; operation and application. Preparative Chromatography: Ion exchange, Gel filtration and permeation, Affinity
chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, membrane chromatography – operation, design and application.

PRODUCT FORMULATION: Crystallization: Principles, operation and application. Drying: Drying curve- Bound and unbound
moisture. Types of dryer: Vacuum dryer, spray dryer and freeze dryer; Principle, operation and application. Product
appearance, Product stabilization. (6+2)

PURIFICATION STRATEGY FOR BIOPRODUCTS:Separation strategies to recover and purify bio- products - RIPP scheme.
High volume low value products, Low volume high value products. Case studies on purification of Recombinant proteins,
Monoclonal antibodies, organic acids, antibiotics. (12)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45 + T: 15=60

1. Rydge SR, Harrison RG, Todd P and Demetri Petrides, “Bioseparations Science and Engineering”, Oxford University press,
Newyork, 2nd edition, 2015.
2. Asenjo J, “Separation processes in Biotechnology”, CRC Press, New York, 1993.

1. Seader JD and Henley EJ, “Separation process principles”, Wiley Interscience. New York, 2006.
2. Richardson JF, Harker JH and Backhurst JR, “Chemical Engineering, Volume 2 – Particle Technology and separation
processes”, Butterworth Heinemann, 2002.
3. Van Dam Mieras M C E and Currell B R, “Product recovery in Bioprocess Technology- BIOTOL series”, VCH, Netherlands,
4. Belter PA , Cussler EL, Wei-Shou Hu , “Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for Biotechnology”, Wiley Blackwell,


BIOETHICS : Professional conducts and responsibility, Professional Ethics , Disease prevention Vs right to privacy, genetic
tests in diagnostics and therapy, patentability of DNA, Case Study (9)

PATENTS AND DESIGNS : Patents and Utility models, Industrial designs, Patent search, Patent drafting, Patent Application,
PCT , Indian IPR legislations, Case study (9)

IPR FOR INDIGENOUS RESOURCES: Protection of Plant varieties and Farmer’s rights, Geographical Indicators, Traditional
Knowledge and Folklore (9)

TRADE RELATED IP SAFEGUARDS: Copy rights: Trade secrets, WTO, TRIPS, Trade Barriers (9)

BIOSAFETY: Biodiversity, Bio-piracy, CBD, Cartagena protocol, Release of GMO into environment, safety assessment of
biotechnology products, Case Study (9)

Total L: 45

1. Krishna V, "“Bioethics and Biosafety in Biotechnology", 1st Edition, New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Goel D and Parashar S, "IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics", 1st Edition, Pearson, New Dehi, 2013.

1. Ma M,"Fundamentals of Patenting and Licensing For Scientists and Engineers", 1s Edition, World Scientific, New
Jersey, 2015.
2. Gordon T T et al, "Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers 3rd Edition Canada", CRC Press,Canada, 2012.
3. Phundan Singh and Rajeev Singh, "Intellectual Property Rights at a Glance", Daya Publishing House , New Delhi, 2018.
4. Deborah E Bochoux, Esq, "Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade
Secrets", Cengage Learning India P Ltd,New Delhi, 2015.


1. Isolation of intracellular products from cells using disruption techniques (Ultrasonication, High speed Homogenization,
Bead disruption, solvent methods, Free thaw)
2. Solid liquid separation by filtration process- (i). Separation of biomass and (ii).Separation of proteins based on size
3. Extraction of active components from given source by solvent extraction techniques - Liquid-liquid extraction and solid
liquid extraction
4. Aqueous two-phase extraction of proteins
5. Isolation of desired component from sample using chromatographic technique - Gel filtration chromatography
6. Drying kinetics for given sample
7. Drying of samples using fluidized bed dryer
8. Evaluation of purity of isolated component using HPLC
9. Mini project: Purification process for proteins from microbial or plant source
Total P: 60
1. Simon Roe, "Protein purification techniques –A practical approach", 2ndEdition, Oxford University Press,NewYork, 2001.
2. Forciniti D, "Industrial Bioseparations: Principles and Practice", 1st Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2008.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Problem Identification and Innovative Solutions
2. Preparing a Project Proposal highlighting the Specifications of the Product/Process and Standards
3. Re-Engineering, Development of Biotechnological Products/Process of Commercial Importance
4. Analysis of the Product/Process
5. Consolidated Project Report Preparation

Total P: 60


1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1.GayleLaakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.



PROCESS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: Design database, Process synthesis/creation, Process designs-Types and application,
Flow sheet generation, Equipment selection and sizing, Preliminary design, detailed estimate design. Case study: Detailed
estimate design preparation. (10+4)

OPTIMUM DESIGN AND STRATEGY: Structural and parametric optimization, sub optimization strategy, breakeven chart for
optimal analysis, Application of optimization: optimal production rate, cyclic operation, economic pipe diameter, Cooling water
flow rate. (9+3)

COST ANALYSES: Capital investment-types, components and estimation methods, Interest, Time value of money (Present
and future worth), Taxes, Depreciation Profitability, Alternate investments, and replacements. Cash flow in industries,
Profitability analysis. (9+4)

BIOSAFETY REGULATIONS: Biohazard identification, assessment, control and administration in large scale. Large scale
Biosafety guidelines. Biosafety management practices in large scale-Strategy and design. Biosafety management for
pharmaceutical products and recombinant microorganisms. (5+1)

TECHNO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Case study on techno economic analysis of bioproducts: Biodiesel, Succinic acid, Insulin,
Monoclonal Antibodies. Introduction to sustainability analysis of products (12+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Gavin Towler, Ray Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design-Principle,Practice, Economics of Plant and Process Design”,
3rd Ed, Butterworth-Heinemann Series, UK, 2021

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Diane O. Fleming and Debra L. Hunt, "Biological safety principles andpractices " ASM Press, USA, 2006.

1. Max S Peters, Ronald E West, Klaus O Timmerhaus, "Plant Design andEconomics for Chemical Engineers ",
5th Ed, McGraw-Hill Inc, New York,2003.
2. J.A. Asenyo, "Separation Processes in Biotechnology ", Taylor & Francis,New York, 2008.
3. A.R. Aryasri, V.V.R. Murthy, “Engineering Economics and FinancialAccounting”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Harry Silla, “Chemical process engineering-Design and economics”, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2003.


Linux: Fundamentals of the Linux OS and shell -– filesystem, access and basic commands; navigation of the filesystem and
basic file operations -– reading, writing, merging, copying, moving and setting permissions of files and directories (15)

Protein structure prediction and visualization: Homology modelling of protein structure, validation, visualization software,
Proteomics tools: ProtParam, ProtScale (10)

Molecular docking: Ligand retrieval, file formats & drawing, Molecular docking: AUTODOCK 4.2, virtual screening of ligands

Working with R: Bioconductor R package; Querying databases, Retrieval and Reading Sequence data; DNA sequence analysis
and Gene PredictionDifferential gene expression analysis using R; (25)

TOTAL: P: 60

1. Agostino M. Practical Bioinformatics. Garland Science; 2012 Sep 26.
2. Bujnicki JM, Droogmans L, Grosjean H, Purushothaman SK, Lapeyre B. Practical Bioinformatics. Springer; 2008.
3. Sinha PP. Bioinformatics with R cookbook. Birmingham: Packt Publishing; 2014 Jun


1. Identification of real life problem in thrust areas
2. Developing a mathematical model for solving the above problem Finalisation of system requirements and specification
3. Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey Future trends in providing alternate solutions
4. Consolidated report preparations on the above
Total P:60



The Project involves the following:
1. Preparing a project - Brief proposal including the following
a. Problem Identification
b. A statement of system/process specifications proposed to be developed (Block Diagram/Concept tree)
2. List of possible solutions including alternatives and constraints
3. Cost benefit Analysis
4. Time line of activities
5. A Report highlighting the design finalization (Based on functional requirements and standards (if any)) A
Presentation including the following:
6. Plan implementation and progress made
7. Testing and validation of the developed system/hypothesis
8. Learning from the project
9. Consolidated Report Preparation

Total P:120

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
23H102 Physics

3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
23H103 Chemistry

4 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
23H104 Fibres and Yarns for Apparels

5 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
23G105 English Language Proficiency

6 23H111 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

7 Fashion evolution and 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

illustration lab

8 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MC

Total 26 hrs 15 3 8 22 320 380 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



23H201 Matrix Theory and Numerical 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23H202 Materials Science 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

3 23H203 Polymer and Fibre Chemistry 2 0 0 2 40 60 100 BS

4 23H204 Knitting Technology and design 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Fabric Manufacturing and 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23H205

6 23___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS

7 23H211 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS


8 23H215 Activity Point Programme -1 - - - - - - - MC

9 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

Total 26 hrs 14 2 10 20 380 420 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H301 Business Statistics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
23H302 Fashion Design Concepts

3 Pattern Engineering and 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Garment Construction I
4 Textile Chemical Processing 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
5 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS

6 Fabric Analysis Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC


7 Apparel Production 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

23H311 Laboratory I
8 Textile Chemical Processing 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
23H312 Laboratory
9 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23H315 Activity Point Programme - - - - - - - MC

Total 33 hrs 17 2 14 24 440 460 900

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H401 Optimization Techniques 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23H402 Colour Science for Fashion 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

3 23H403 Mechanics of Apparel Machines 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

Textile Finishing and Garment 40 60
4 23H404 3 0 0 3 100 PC
Pattern Engineering and 40 60
5 23H405 3 0 0 3 100 PC
Garment Construction II

6 23H410 Apparel Production Laboratory II 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23H411 Python Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Fabric and Design simulation
8 23H412 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
9 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23H415 Activity Point Programme - - - - - - - MC

Total 33 hrs 17 2 14 24 440 460 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H501 Apparel Quality Evaluation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 Apparel Marketing 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
23H503 Electronics in Apparel Design

4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
23H504 Industrial Engineering

5 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
23H ----- Professional Elective I


6 Fashion forecasting and 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

portfolio development

7 Apparel Quality 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Evaluation Laboratory
Accessories and
8 23H512 Embellishment 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
9 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23H515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade MC

Total 29 hrs 15 0 14 22 440 460 900

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H601 Apparel Costing 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 Operations Planning 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

and Control
3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
23H603 Fabrics for Fashion

4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
23H__ Professional Elective II

5 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
23H___ Open Elective I


6 Methods Engineering 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Digital pattern design
7 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
23H611 and marker
development Laboratory
Enhancing Problem
8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Solving Ability with Code

9 23H615 Activity Point Programme MC

Total 27 hrs 15 2 10 22 380 420 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H701 Retail Management 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 HS

2 23H702 Science of Clothing Comfort 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

3 23H__ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23H__ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23___ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE


6 23H710 Virtual Garmenting Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Innovation Practices and
7 23H711 Apparel Product development 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
8 23H720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC


9 23H712 Internship Presentation 0 0 2 - - - - MC

Total 27 hrs 15 0 12 20 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23H Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
23H Professional Elective VI

3 23H820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 14 hrs 6 0 8 10 140 160 300

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Credits Per Semester

Course Total
S. No
Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 3 0 13

2 BS 10 11 4 4 0 0 0 0 29

3 ES 2 0 0 11 6 6 3 0 28

4 PC 6 7 15 8 12 9 2 0 59

5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6

7 EEC 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 4 11

8 MC - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 22 20 24 24 22 22 20 10 164

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.



MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Review of vector quantities. Newton's third law and Free Body diagrams. Rigid body dynamics:
Centre of mass. Moment of inertia. Torque, angular momentum and angular acceleration. Work power and energy.
Conservation of momentum. Friction and wear-Static and dynamic friction, limiting friction, Rolling friction. Coefficient of static
friction, coefficient of dynamic friction. Lubrication and lubricants. Surface wear due to friction. Role of friction in textiles. Surface
treatments for reducing friction. Surface treatments for increasing friction. (9)

PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS AND FLUIDS: Surface tension: molecular forces-intermolecular range. Excess pressure,
capillarity. Viscosity -viscous force-coefficient of viscosity. Equation of continuity. Adhesion, cohesion, wettability. Fluid Motion-
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids - Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuille’s Equation for flow of a Liquid through a capillary
tube. Properties of absorbent textiles for industrial applications (9)

GEOMETRICAL OPTICS: Image formation using lenses and mirrors. Spherical and chromatic aberration. Methods of reducing
aberrations. Aspherical components, aperture control, multiple elements. Adaptive optics. Definition of depth of field. Optical
instruments for imaging and inspection of textiles and fibres. Factors affecting magnification and image quality (8)

PHYSICAL OPTICS: Principle of Interferometry. Interferometric techniques for measurement of small thicknesses. Applications
to measurement of fibre thickness and uniformity. Polarized light - appearance of transparent materials in polarized light- fibre
colour due to birefringence. Polarized light microscopes for inspection of textiles and fibres. Use of Bertrand lens and
conoscopy. Spectral distribution: emission, transmission reflection and absorption spectra. Textile colour, colour changing
fabrics. (10)

THERMAL PHYSICS: Review of thermal properties: Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity and coefficient of linear thermal
expansion. Methods of measurement of thermal expansion. Differential equation of one-dimensional heat flow. Searle's
apparatus and Lee's disc apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity. Thermal Insulation. Convection and radiation.
Heat dissipation. Properties of woven and non-woven textiles for thermal functions. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Richard Wolfson "Essential university Physics", Pearson Education, Singapore., 2020
2. D Halliday and R. Resnick "Fundamentals of Physics", John Wiley and Sons., 2017

1. Gaur R K and Gupta S L "Engineering Physics", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, India., 2013

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Hitendra K Malik, Ajay Kumar Singh "Engineering Physics", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, India., 2017 , 2nd
3. Mathur D. S "Elements of Properties of Matter", S Chand and Co., 2013
4. Raymond A Serway, John W. Jewett "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Cengage Learning., 2010



CHEMICAL BONDING: Types of chemical bonds –ionic, covalent, polar covalent bonds- polar and non-polar molecules.
Hydrogen bonding –types and their consequences,Van der Waals forces –origin and significance. Significant organic functional
groups in textilefibres- cotton wool, silk, polyester and nylon. Influence of bonding on the properties of textiles-stretchability,
dyeability,absorbency, crystallinity and strength- cotton wool, silk and polyester. (9)

SURFACE CHEMISTRY :Adsorption -Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. Catalysis- homogenous and heterogenous
catalysis, kinetics of enzyme catalysis–Michaelis-Menton equation. Applications of enzyme catalysis- textile wet processing,
textile effluent treatment. Surface active agents -types, orientation of surfactants on solid and liquid interfaces, adsorbed
mono layers- applications, Critical micelle concentration. Applications of adsorption –detergency, water repellency, wetting -
contact angle, foaming, emulsifiers-zeta potential, hydrophile- lipophile balance, deemulsification, defoamers. (9)

WATER CHEMISTRY: Water quality parameters-determination of hardness (EDTA method), alkalinity, TDS, BOD, COD,
chloride, sulphate, estimation of iron by colorimetry. Boiler troubles and remedies –internal conditioning. Water treatment
methods –zeolite, demineralization, electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. Solution chemistry- Solubility product, common
ion effect-influence on ionization of weak electrolytes. Ionisation of water, pH scale and buffer solutions. (9)

DYES :Theory of colour and constitution–chromophore and auxochromes. Optical brightening agents. Nomenclature of dyes -
commercial naming, colour index. Classification of dyes based on chemical structure and application.Chemistry of dye
Intermediates: nitration,halogenations, sulphonation, Friedel- Crafts reaction, hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction and diazotization.
Intermediates from benzene, naphthalene and anthracene. Synthesis of metanil yellow, congored, malachite green, alizarin
and indigo. (9)

MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS : Oils and fats -chemical constitution, general chemical characteristics –drying,
rancidification, hydrolysis, hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis. Chemical analysis –acid, saponification, iodine values. Soaps
and detergents.Lubricants : Mechanism of lubrication, properties of lubricating oil -viscosity, viscosity index, flash and fire
points, oiliness, cloud and pour points, aniline point, steam emulsion number, oxidation stability. Additives for lubricants.
Greases –types and uses. Solid lubricants. Adhesives- types, adhesive action- physical and chemical factors, development of
strength, applications in textiles. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Puri B. R. Sharma L. R. and Pathania M. S., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”, Vishal Publishing & Co ,2010.
2. Jain P. C. and Monica Jain., “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, 2013.

1. Shaw D. J., “Introduction to Colloids and Surface Chemistry “, Butterworth -Heinemann Ltd., 1998.
2. Chatwal G. R., “Synthetic Organic Chemistry”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2001.
3. Shashi Chawla, “A Text book of Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2005.



NATURAL FIBRES: Definitions of textile fibre, fibre length, fineness, strength, elongation, elasticity, moisture content, moisture
regain, specific density, crimp, fibre modulus, Tm and Tg, staple fibre, mono and multi filaments, crystalline and amorphous
regions- influence on fibre properties. Classification of textile fibres. Essential and desirable properties of textile fibres. Natural
fibres: Types, structure, properties, cost and end uses of cotton, jute, flax, wool, silk and banana fibre. Organic cotton, coloured
cotton and unconventional fibres. (9+3)

SYNTHETIC FIBRES: Principle of fiber formation, types, structure, properties, cost and end uses of polyamide, polyester,
polypropylene and polyacrylonitrile fibres. Regenerated fibres: Principle of fiber formation, regenerated cellulosic fibres- types,
structure, properties, cost and end uses of viscose rayon, lyocell, modal, bamboo and Polynosic fibers. Regenerated protein
fibres: Milk, soybean – structure, properties and end uses. High performance fibres- Types, properties and applications of
elastomers, glass, aramid, carbon fibres. (9+3)

SPECIALITY FIBRES: Principle of production, properties and applications of Bi component fibres, micro fibres, ultra fine
denier fibres, Nano fibres,. Dope dyed fibres, Developments in fibres to enhance comfort properties, sustainable fibres.
Identification of fibres: Feeling Test, Burning test, Microscopic test, Staining Test, Chemical test and Density measurement
Analysis of blend proportion in yarn. Fibre selection: Fibre selection for apparels – casual, formal and party wears. Basic

67th ACM 30.07.2022

properties and fibre selection for Home textiles, Sports wear, intimate garments, medical garments and protective clothing.

SPUN YARNS: Types of yarns - spun and filaments. Yarn numbering system, twist. Short staple system: Yarn manufacturing
process: flow chart, objectives of ginning, blow room, carding, drawing, combing, speed frame, ring spinning. Characteristics of
carded, combed, compact, hosiery and blended yarns. LONG STAPLE SPINNING: objective, application and properties of
woolen, worsted yarn, silk filament and spun silk. UNCONVENTIONAL YARNS: Working principle, yarn properties and
applications of rotor spinning, air - jet spinning, air vortex spinning, self twist spinning, DREF spinning, electrostatic spinning,
wrap spinning POST SPINNING: yarn doubling: objectives, types, yarn properties, cost and application. (9+3)

FANCY YARNS: Types, manufacturing and application of Marl Yarn, Spiral or Corkscrew yarn, Gimp Yarn, Diamond Yarn,
Loop Yarn, Snarl Yarn, Nep yarn, Knop Yarn, Slub Yarn, Fasciated Yarn, Tape Yarn, Chenille Yarn, Ribbon Yarns, Composite
Yarns, Covered Yarns, slub yarns, milange yarns and metallic yarns. SEWING THREADS: Fibres used, essential quality
requirements, package types, ticket number, properties, cost and applications of different types of sewing threads.
EMBROIDERY THREAD: types, properties, cost and applications. Other special yarns: Principle of production and applications
of core spun yarn, metallic yarn and hollow yarn. Texturized yarn-principle of manufacturing, properties and applications. Yarn
selection criteria for woven and knitted garments. (9+3)

Total L 45 + T 15 = 60

1. H.V. Srinivasamoorthy, Introduction to Textile Fibres, Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles, India, 2015.
2. Werner Klein, The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Vol.1- 6, Rieter Holding, Switzerland, 2018.

1. Mishra S. P., “Text book of Fibre Science and Technology”, Newnes-HV Butterworths & Co. Publishers Ltd., Oxford, 2000
2. J. W. S. Hearle, W E Morton, Physical Properties of Textile Fibres (4th Edition), Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2008.
3. Carl A. Lawrence, Fundamentals of Spun Yarn Technology, First edition, CRC Press, New York, 2019.
4. R H Gong and R M Wright, Fancy yarns - Their manufacture and application, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, England, 2002.


VOCABULARY: Etymology-prefixes and suffixes–synonyms–antonyms–guessing meanings from context–word formation-
single-word substitutes-different forms of a word–phrasal verbs–collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts. (9+3)

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions–Yes/no questions–parts of speech–articles–prepositions–gerunds–conjunctions-degrees of

comparison–tenses– modal verbs– adverbs - direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques – practice reading.

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)
Total L: 45 +15 = 60
1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen,“Communicative English”, Cambridge University press,Cambridge,2021.
2. Raymond Murphy,“Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi,2020.

1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.



LETTERING: Lettering practice as per BIS

DIMENSIONING: Dimensioning practice as per BIS

GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS: Geometrical construction of different forms of solid

PROJECTION OF POINTS: Projection of points in different quadrants

PROJECTION OF STRAIGHT LINES: Projection of straight lines to find true length and true inclination

PROJECTION OF PLANE SURFACES: Projection of plane surfaces inclined to both planes

67th ACM 30.07.2022

PROJECTION OF SOLIDS: Projection of solids inclined to both planes

ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS: Drawing of orthographic views from the given isometric views

ISOMETRIC VIEWS: Drawing of isometric views from the given orthographic views

DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES: Development of surfaces of solids using parallel and radial lines and study on section of

Total P: 60


1. Study on human anatomy and skeletal features
2. Illustration of Lines, Strokes, gradation and perspective shading techniques
3. Developing a stick figure into block and flesh figures using head theory
4. Illustration of a garment on the flesh figure of men, women and kids
5. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Egypt, Greece and Rome
6. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of English during middle ages
7. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of America during 18th to 20thcenturies
8. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of France during middle ages
9. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Northern part of India
10. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Eastern part of India
11. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Western part of India
12. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Southern part of India
13. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Africa
14. Analysis of historic motifs, designs, colors and costumes of Other Asian countries
(Thailand, Myanmar, China, Japan, Srilanka, Pakistan)
15. Design Collection of Indian and International Designers

1. Laboratory manual, Department of Fashion Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.


EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix – characteristic equation, properties -
diagonalization - quadratic forms, reduction to canonical form by orthogonal reduction - Errors and approximations in numerical
methods, power method for dominant eigenvalue. (10+3)

elimination method, Crouts method, Gauss Seidal iterative method, Roots of equations - false-position method, Newton-
Raphson method, Graeffe’s root squaring method. (8+3)

INTERPOLATION, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials,
Lagrange and Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomials. Numerical differentiation, numerical integration - Newton-
Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s 1/3 rule. (12+4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method, multi-step
method – Milne’s method. (6+2)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference: elliptic equations – Laplace equation, Poisson equation – Liebmann
method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating string.

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. David C Lay, Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rizwan B, “Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB”, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2010.
3. Richard L B and Douglas J F, “Numerical Analysis”, Thomas Learning, NewYork, 2017.
4. Howard. Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



CRYSTAL STRUCTURE: Solids :- Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. Lattice Translation Vectors. Lattice with a Basis –
Central and Non-Central Elements. Unit Cell. Reciprocal Lattice. Types of Lattices. Brillouin Zones. Types of Bonds. Ionic
Bond. Covalent Bond. Van der Waals Bond. Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Bragg’s Law. Powder diffraction patterns
Determination of crystallinity in textile fibres- Principle of rotating crystal method. (9)

law, three moduli of elasticity and relation among them, Poison’s ratio, factors affecting elastic modulus and tensile strength,
Moment, Couple, Torque – twisting Couple on a wire, expression for Torque per unit twist – Torsional test and Deformation,
bending of beams, bending moment, theory of thin cantilever,determination of young’s modulus by cantilever method, twisting
of a cylinder ,determination of rigidity modulus by torsional pendulum. Elastic and plastic deformation. (10)

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE MATERIALS: Structure-function relationships- role of atomic arrangements and
bonding in fibre properties-Anisotropy of physical properties - mechanical strength, BOPP. coefficient of friction. Electrical
properties and static electricity- textiles for anti-static applications. Hierarchical structures- dry adhesives. self-adhesive non-
woven textiles. Atomic structure of oil/water absorbent or repellent fibres. Surface energy and fibre diameter. Factors affecting
mechanical strength of fibres. (10)

TEXTILES FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Sabine’s formula for reverberation time. Reverberation time and auditory
comfort. Absorption coefficient, Open Window Units. measurement of absorption coefficients- Impedance tube method,
Anechoic chamber method. Materials for modifying surface absorption. Effect of porosity and sound energy dissipation.
Metallised textiles-Faraday cages. Retroreflective fabrics for safety applications. (8)

SMART TEXTILE AND ADVANCED MATERIALS: Definition - function of matrix and reinforcement in composites -
classification of composites based on reinforcement-Glass fibre, aramid fiber carbon fibre. Preparation and properties - Law of
mixtures. Applications Dielectric and semiconducting properties of fibres. smart textiles. Bio- mimetic materials. Metamaterials.
Nanomaterials. (8)

Total L:45

1. William D Callister Jr, “Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction”, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2018.
2. Raghavan V, “Materials Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India,New Delhi, 2015.
3. Gaur R K and Gupta S L “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Morton W E Hearle, J W S, “Physical Properties Of Textile Fibres,” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA, 2008
2. D.S.Kumar, “Mechanical Measurements and Control” Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd ,2015.
3. Holman J P, “Experimental Methods of Engineering”, 8th Edition - Reprint, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2016



INTRODUCTION TO POLYMERS: Classification, polymerization reactions- chain and step mechanism, degree of
polymerization, molecular weight of polymers –polydispersity, number average and weight average molecular weights.
Polymerisation methods: Addition polymerisation -bulk, solution, suspension and emulsion techniques. Condensation
polymerisation -melt, solution and interfacial techniques. (6)

PROPERTIES OF POLYMER: Amorphous and crystalline states–degree of crystallinity –factors affecting crystallizability.
Influence of chemical structure on properties – electrical, solubility, mechanical, thermal - Glass transition temperature –
factors affecting Tg, determination of Tg by DSC and thermal stability by TGA, Requisite for polymers to form fibres, elastomers
and plastics. Polymer reactions -Hydrolysis –acidolysis –aminolysis –hydrogenation –cyclization–crosslinking –grafting.
Degradations – chemical, thermal, mechanical and photo degradations. (6)

METHODS TO MODIFY POLYMER PROPERTIES- polymer processing additives- plasticizers, thermal stabilizers, foaming
agents, antistatic agents. Protective additives- antioxidants, UV stabilizer. Functional additives- flame retardant, antimicrobial.
Polymer blends and alloys. COMPOSITES- classification, constituents, role of interphase, Fibre reinforced composites- carbon,
glass and aramid fibres. Properties and applications (6)

FIBRES:NATURAL FIBRES-Chemical composition, structure and properties of cotton, silk and wool. REGENERATED FIBRE:
viscose rayon-manufacture. SYNTHETIC FIBRES-Manufacture, structure, properties of PET, nylon 6,6, polyethylene,
segmented polyurethane. (6)

SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES FOR TEXTILE MATERIALS: Surface grafting of textiles- methods, application.
Metallisation -Electroless plating of copper on polyester, Chemical vapour deposition, Nanofinishing- nanoparticles, synthesis of
silver nanoparticle, Sol- gel technique-imparting oil repellency. (6)

Total L: 30

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Gowarikar V. R., Viswanathan N. V, Jayadev Sreedhar "Polymer Science", New Age International (P) Ltd., 2011.
2. Mishra S.P "A Textbook of Fibre Science and Technology", New Age International (P) Ltd., 2005.

1. Joel R. Fried "Polymer Science and Technology", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2003.
2. J. M. G. Cowie, Valeria Arrighi "Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of modern Materials", CRC Press., 2007.
3. Q. Wei, “Surface modification of textiles”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2009.



WEFT KNITTING: Principle of knitting, comparison of weaving and knitting process, woven and knitted fabric. Classification of
knitting machines. Needle loop, sinker loop, face loop, reverse loop, course, wale. CIRCULAR WEFT KNITTING: Knitting
elements - needles - types, cam, sinker, jack, feeder, cylinder, dial, yarn storage device, take-up. Passage of material. Single
jersey, rib, interlock – knitting action and fabric properties. (9)

WEFT KNIT DESIGN: Basic stitches – knit, tuck and float – characteristics, representations – structural, symbolic - needle,
graph paper, cam. Single jersey – derivatives, Air tex - production principle, loopknit- production principle. Double jersey
structures – derby rib, swiss rib, eight lock structure, milano rib and single pique. Stripe design – feeder stripe, auto stripe.

FLAT WEFT KNITTING: Passage of material, knitting action, knitting elements – needles, cam, feeder, brush, carriage, cover
plate, take-up. Special technique: loop transfer, racking, shape generation – narrowing and widening. Plated knitting and
spacer fabric knitting. Concept of seamless knitting. (9)

WARP KNITTING AND DESIGN: Weft knitting and warp knitting - comparison. Warp knitting machineries: Tricot, Raschel
machines - passage of material, knitting elements: guide bar, sinker bar, needle bar, latch wire, presser, trick plate, pattern
drum and disc. STRUCTURES: Lapping - over lap & under lap; closed lap & open lap – needle representation. Basic stitches-
pillar, blind lap, tricot, inlay, satin and atlas stitches. Tricot structures - full tricot, locknit and loop raised fabric. Raschel
structures- power nets, curtain net. (9)

PROCESS CONTROL: WEFT KNITTING - Weft knit fabric defects – types, causes and remedies. relaxation and shrinkage,
Spirality: factors responsible for spirality, measurement of spirality and remedies. weft knitting calculation-production, number of
needles, loop length, course length. Fabric weight (GSM) alteration-loop length; positive yarn feeding system -yarn tension;
take up device. WARP KNITTING- run-in, rack, Warp knit Fabric defects - types, causes and remedies. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Sadhan Chandra Ray "Fundamentals and Advances in Knitting Technology", Woodhead Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.,., New
Delhi, India, Second Edition, 2012
2. David J. Spencer "Knitting Technology - A comprehensive handbook and practical guide", Pergamon Bros, Oxford, 2001

1. Anbumani N "Knitting – Fundamentals, Machines Structures and Developments", New age International publishers., India,
2. Ajgaonkar D B "Knitting Technology", Universal publishing corporation., Mumbai, 1998



SHUTTLE WEAVING: Fabrics classification, Process flow for woven fabric development and significance of cone and Pirn
winding, warping, sizing, looming. Working principle of shuttle loom – Primary motions mechanism shedding, picking and beat
up. Secondary motions mechanism let off and take-up and auxiliary motions. Fabrics produced from power loom and auto
loom. Loom production calculation. (9+3)

SHEDDING & SHUTTLELESS WEAVING: Working principle of dobby and jacquard shedding, Limitations of shuttle looms.
Basic principles of weft insertion – projectile, rapier, air jet, water jet. working principle. Passage of warp yarn in shuttle looms.
Selvedge – objectives, plain selvedge, leno, tuck-in, fused, tape selvedge. Merits and demerits of shuttleless looms. Scope of
multiphase loom. Woven fabric defects – root causes and remedies. Production calculation of shuttleless looms. (9+3)

NON-WOVENS: Definition, Classification, raw materials used in non-woven fabrics, Web formation techniques - dry laid, wet
laid, air laid. Bonding techniques – mechanical, thermal and chemical. Production of Spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS).
Properties of nonwoven fabrics, products and its applications. (9+3)

WOVEN DESIGN: Elements of woven design – design, draft, peg plan and denting plan. Design, characteristics, drapability
and visual impact of elementary weaves – plain weave, warp rib, weft rib, basket weave. Twill, warp faced, weft faced, balanced
twill. Pointed twill, herring bone, broken twill, diamond twill, combined twill and elongated twill. sateen and satin. Brighton and
ordinary honey comb. Huck-a-back. Backed fabric – warp and weft backed fabric design. Distorted and perforated mock leno.
Colour and weave combinations. (9+3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

SPECIAL WOVEN DESIGN: Design, characteristics, drapability and its application: Bed ford cord - Plain faced and twill faced
bed ford cord, wadded Bedford cord, welt and pique. Pile fabrics – Velveteen and velvet, Corduroy, weft plush and terry pile. 3
pick and 5 pick terry design. Tapestry structures. Double cloth -Concept and its application, self stitch double cloth design,
thread interchange double cloth design, centre stitched and cloth interchange design. Single and double ply double cloth. Extra
thread figuring – Extra warp and weft figuring with single and two colours. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T 15 = 60

1.Lord P. R. and Mohamed M. H., “Weaving: Conversion of Yarn to Fabric”, Wood Head Publishing Limited, England, 2001.
2.Grosicki Z. J., “Watson’s Textile Design and colour”, Newness-Butterworth and Co., London, 2005.

1.Marks P. and Robinson A. T. C., “Principles of Weaving”, Textile Institute, Manchester, 1998.
2.Hu J., “3 D Fibrous Assemblies: Properties, Applications and Modeling of Three-Dimensional Textile structures”, Woodhead
Publishing, 2008.
3. Russel S., “Handbook of Nonwovens”, Textile Institute, Manchester, 2004.
4.Grosicki Z. J., “Watson’s Advanced Textile Design”, Newness-Butterworth and Co., London, 2005.



Physics (Any eight experiments)

1. Determination of Young’s Modulus of a wooden bar – Cantilever method
2. Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water – Poiseuille’s method
3. Determination of surface tension of water – Capillary rise method
4. Determination of Surface tension – Drop weight method
5. Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor using Lee’s Disc method
6. Determination of Specific Heat of solids – Calorimeter
7. Determination of fibre thickness – air wedge method
8. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum using transmission grating
9. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
10. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer (30)

1. Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method.
2. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law –
3. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
4. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
5. Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
6. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
7. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
8. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.
9. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.

Total P: 30

1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.


1. Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. Determination of pH, alkalinity and COD of water sample.
3. Study of viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer.
4. Determination of Flash and Fire points & Cloud and Pour points of a lubricating oil.
5. Determination of acid value, saponification value and iodine value of a vegetable oil.
6. Determination of CMC of a surfactant by conductometry.
7. Estimation of strength of commercial acid and purity of washing soda.
8. Estimation of strength of hydrogen peroxide solution.
9. Estimation of available chlorine in the hypochlorite solution.
10. Removal of dye from textile effluent using adsorbents.

1. Laboratory manual prepared by department (30)

Total P: 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Grouping and displaying data - tables and graphs - measures of central tendency - mean,
median, mode, dispersion in frequency distributions - range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, linear regression –
method of least squares, coefficient of correlation. (9+3)

PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Probability, axioms of probability, conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, random variable,
Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution and normal distributions. (8+3)

TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS: Tests of hypotheses – hypotheses concerning one mean, two means - large samples and small
samples, matched pairs - hypotheses concerning one and two variances - hypotheses concerning one proportion and several
proportions – analysis of r x c tables – goodness of fit. (12+3)

DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS: Introduction, assumptions of analysis of variance, completely randomized design, randomized
block design, Latin square design, introduction to factorial experiments, two factor analysis of variance, 2K factorial design.(8+3)

STATSTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: Process capability - control charts for measurements – , R charts - control charts for
attributes - p, np, c charts. (8+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

1. Masood Husain Siddiqui, Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, Sanjay Rastogi, “Statistics for Management”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Richard A. Johnson, “Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India, New
Delhi, 2018.
2. Charles Henry Brase, Corrinne Pellillo Brase, “Understandable Statistics, concepts and methods”, Cengage learning,
USA, 2015.
3. Beri G C, “Business Statistics”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
4. Amitava Mitra, “Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement”, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2016


FASHION DESIGN: Fashion – definition, terminologies – high end fashion, ready to wear, street fashion, style, classic, fad,
trend, motif and pattern, silhouettes, fashion cycle. Fashion adoption theories – trickle down, trickle up and trickle across. Fabric
design – traditional, geometrical, abstract, naturalistic and folk. Garment design – structural, decorative and functional. (9+3)

ELEMENTS OF DESIGN: Types of elements. Space - definition, perception and visual effects. Line - definition, aspects and
visual effects. Shape and form - definition, attributes, visual effects and guidelines for choosing in dress. Colour - dimensions,
physical and psychological effects. Texture - definition determinants, aspects and use. Pattern - aspects, introducing pattern 31
and visual effects. Light - physical and psychological aspects. (9+3)

PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: Types of principle. Design, concept and application -harmony , balance - symmetrical, asymmetrical
and radial, proportion, emphasis, rhythm - through repetition, alteration, gradation, radiation and continuous line movement,
parallelism, sequence, alternation, concentricity, contrast, scale, unity. (9+3)

FIGURE ANALYSIS AND FABRIC RENDERING: Identification of suitable type of design details - stout figure, slim figure,
narrow shoulder, broad shoulder, round shoulder, large bust, flat bust, large hip, large abdomen, short waist, long waist, large
neck, short neck, square or broad face, round face. Fabric rendering - colouring mediums - drawing papers, brushes, graphite
pencils, pastels, water soluble coloured pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, inks, gouache, acrylics, rendering texture and
embellishments, 3D garment designing and simulation. (9+3)

PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT: Analysis of market and customer preferences, fashion forecasting, designer boards mood
board, fabric board, colour board and accessory board, types of portfolio, professional portfolio preparation, communication,
practicalities and style of presentation. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

1. Suzanne G Marshall, Hazel O Jackson , "Individuality in Clothing and Personal Appearance", Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
2. Marian L Davis , "Visual Design and Dress", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.


67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Caroline Tatham, Julian Seaman , "Fashion designing and drawing course", Thames and Hudson Publishers, UK, 2003.
2. Harold Carr , "Fashion Design and Product Development", John Wiley and Sons Inc, NewYork, 1992.
3. Angel Fernandez, Gabriel Martin Roig , "Drawing for fashion designers", Anova books company ltd, UK,2007.
4. John Hopkins , "Fashion Design: The Complete Guide", Fairchild Books, USA,2012.


HUMAN ANTHROPOMETRICS AND SIZING SYSTEMS: Garment manufacturing process flow chart, Body Measurements –
types, land mark terms, Sizing system: size categories in men’s wear, women’s and kids wear, International sizing system,
techniques of pattern making - drafting, draping and flat pattern. 3D body scanning, principles, operations and advantages of
body scanning technologies (9)

PATTERN MAKING & CONSTRUCTION TOOLS: Pattern making tools, pattern making terms - basic pattern set, basic block,
blending and trueing, fabric terms, dart, notches, grain line, drill hole marks, ease allowance, seam allowance, style lines,
Pattern details. Garment construction tools: Tools required for garment construction, sewing needles-parts, types, sizes,
designation, and selection criteria, sewing threads – types, selection criteria and thread consumption. Stitches and seams:
British Standard, types, characteristics and application. (9)

GARMENT COMPONENTS: Definition, types, application, selection factors of fullness, yokes, necklines, collars, plackets,
pockets, sleeves, hems and cuff. Assembling of T-Shirt, shirt, skirt and trouser (9)

FLAT PATTERN TECHNIQUES, GRADING & LAYOUT: Dart manipulation methods - pivot, slash & spread and measurement
method. Principles of pattern grading, types – draft grading and track grading, two dimensional and three dimensional. Types
of layouts, laying patterns on different types of fabric, marker planning for different types of garments. (9)

DRAPING: Introduction, equipments, types of dummies, transferring body measurements to dress stand, preparation of dummy
– padding, taping. Muslin – types, preparation, principles of balanced draping. Draping basic patterns - bodice, sleeve, collar,
yoke, fullness, skirt and pant. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Helen Joseph and Armstrong, “Pattern Making for Fashion Designing”, Prentice Hall, Newyork, 2004
2. Harold Carr and Barbara Lathon, “The Technology of Clothing Manufacture”, Blackwell, Sciences, UK,1996.

1. Conne Amaden-Crawford, “Fashion Sewing: Advanced Techniques”, Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc.UK,2015.
2. Laing R M and Webster J, “Stitches and Seams”, Textile Progress, The Textile Institute, Manchester,1998.
3. Ukponmwan J O, Chatterjee K N and Mukhopadhyay A, “Sewing Threads”, Textile Progress, Vol. 30, The Textile Institute,
4. Joseph-Armstrong, Helen. “Draping for Fashion Design”. Fairchild Publications, New York, 2000



CHEMICAL PREPARATORY PROCESSES: Chemical processing sequence followed for cellulosic, protein, synthetic and
blends. Objectives and methods: Singeing, Desizing, Scouring, Bleaching, Mercerisation, Synthetic Fibre heat setting, wool
carbonizing, degumming and weighting of silk. Knit Processing, Process and Quality control measures in wet preparatory
process, quality assessment tools (9)

FABRIC DYEING: Color: concept and utility. Classification of dyes: Direct, Vat, Sulphur, reactive, acid, basic, disperse and
natural dyes- Properties & Application. Fabric dyeing machineries: Working principle of Jigger; Winch, HTHP; Soft flow, Jet,
Padding mangle, Continuous Dyeing Range, Process and Quality control measures in fabric dyeing; Problems in fabric dyeing,
causes and remedial measures, Assessment of dyed fabrics, Metamerism: Illuminant, geometric & observer (9)

FABRIC PRINTING: Identification of prints, preparation of screens; Printing paste constituents, Printing styles: Direct;
Discharge; Resist and Pigment, stencil and spray. Methods of printing: Screen, roller; rotary, transfer and digital-inkjet. Process
and Quality control measures in fabric printing; Problems in fabric printing, causes and remedial measures, Assessment of
printed fabrics (9)

GARMENT DYEING & PRINTING: Classification; Principles of Garment Dyeing Machines; Factors influencing garment
dyeing: Selection of fabrics, sewing thread, accessories & dyes. Advantages and Limitations. Garment Printing Machines:
working concept of Carousal Printing; DTG; Sublimation and Plastisol Prints, Process and Quality control measures in garment
dyeing and printing (9)

ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY PROCESSING: Problems in conventional processing; German Ban & Red listed chemicals used
in processing; Eco-labels; Natural dyes –Properties and Application. Eco friendly processing: desizing scouring, bleaching,
dyeing and printing. Sustainable practices involved in wet processing (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Clark M “Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing: Principles, processes and types of dyes“, Woodhead publications,
England, 2011.
2. Chakraborty J N., “Fundamentals and Practices in coloration of Textiles, Woodhead publications India, New Delhi, 2015.

1. Shenai V A, “Technology of Dyeing”, Sevak Publications, Mumbai, 1995.
2. Richard Aspland J,’ Textile dyeing and coloration, AATCC, 1997.
3. Miles L W C, “Textile Printing”, SDC, England, 1994.
4. Clark M. “Handbook of textile and industrial dyeing”, Vol 1- Principles. Process and types of dyes, Woodhead publishing Ltd,



Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an Economy –
Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)

Cost and Inventory Control: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship - Make or
Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without Shortages-
Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)

Pricing, Revenue and Value Engineering: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis- Problems in
Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)

Project Management: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project Appraisal –
Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT – CPM Models –
Case Analysis. (10+5)

Economic Growth and Development: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control Measures -
Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable Development
Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

Text Books
1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


I. To analyse the following particulars of woven fabrics
Woven structural analysis : Design, draft, pegplan and denting plan
Drapability : Propose the variable to modify drape
Visual Impact : Relative Prominency of fabric in garment design
Warp particulars : Warp thread density, yarn count, crimp percentage, cover factor
Weft particulars : Weft thread density, yarn count, crimp percentage, cover factor
Fabric Particulars : Total cover factor, GSM and thickness
Loom requirements : Heald count and reed count

1.Recognising the various commercially available woven fabrics by visual examination with their applications and commercial
2. Plain weave
3. Twill weave
4. Satin/ Sateen weave
5. Honey comb fabric
6. Jacquard fabric

67th ACM 30.07.2022

7. Corduroy
8. Terry towel

Knitted Fabric Analyses:

To analyse the following fabric with respect to structure and technical parameters.
 Knitted structural analysis : Symbolic representations – Needle, Graph paper and Cam. Thread diagram
 Technical Particulars : Course per unit length, Wales per unit length, stitch density, yarn count, loop length,
tightness factor, GSM
1.Single Jersey
2.Basic Rib
3.Basic Interlock
4.Single Jersey derivative
5.Rib or Interlock derivative
6.To Study the Basic warp knitted fabric lapping diagrame and structural representation – single bar/two bar fabric

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology.



1. Practice on sewing machine, adjustments and threading

2. Study on the basic components of sewing machines (Lock and chain stitch machines)
3. Study of lock stitch sewing machines working mechanism and important settings.
4. Study of chain stitch sewing machines working mechanism and important settings.
5. Study of multithread chain stitch sewing machines working mechanism and important settings.
6. Construction of seams and seam finishes & calculation of number of stitches per inch, needle thread factor, bobbin
thread factor and sewing thread consumption
7. Construction of Fullness – darts, tucks, pleats, godets, ruffles, gathers and development of a basic bodice using the
suitable fullness
8. Construction of plackets with fasteners such as zippers, hooks and eyes, hook and loop fasteners
9. Drafting Construction of set-in-sleeves with suitable hem finishes.
10. Draping, drafting and Construction of sleeves combined with bodice with suitable hem finishes.
11. Drafting and Construction of yokes – partial yoke, midriff yoke, yoke with fullness
12. Draping, drafting and Construction of necklines – binding and facing
13. Drafting and Construction of Collars – peter pan collar, shirt collar, shawl collar, Chinese collar, cowl necklines
14. Drafting and Construction of Pockets – patch pocket, set-in pocket, pocket set into a seam
15. Assembling of kids frock using above components and calculation of fabric consumption and sewing thread
16. Assembling of romper using above components and calculation of fabric consumption and sewing thread

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology.



1. Identification of different fibres using chemical test

2. Identification of fibre blend composition
3. Acid desizing of cotton fabric and determination of weight loss (%)
4. Alkaline scouring of cotton fabric and determination of absorbency
5. Peroxide bleaching of cotton fabric and determination of whiteness index
6. Dyeing of cotton fabrics using natural dyes
7. Dyeing of cotton fabrics using hot brand reactive dyes
8. Dyeing of polyester fabric using disperse dyes
9. Assessment of wash, rubbing and light fastness properties of the dyed samples
10. Analysis of color strength(K/S) and color difference measurement using spectrophotometer
11. Development of print pattern using tie & dye Technique
12. Development of prints on fabric using screens
13. Development of prints on fabric using discharge style
14. Development of prints on fabric using resist style
15. Stiffening & crease resistant finishing of cotton fabric

67th ACM 30.07.2022

16. Peach finishing & Bio-washing of denims

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology.



LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Modeling with linear programming, graphical method, simplex method, two phase simplex method,
Primal-dual relations. (9+3)

TRANSPORTATION AND ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS: Transportation model, determination of the starting solution -
northwest corner method, least cost method, Vogel approximation method, iterative computations of the transportation
algorithm, assignment model, Hungarian method. (9+3)

NETWORK MODEL: Definition, minimal spanning tree algorithm, shortest route problem, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd’s
algorithm, maximal flow model, maximal flow algorithm, CPM and PERT. (9+3)

GAME THEORY: Two person zero sum game, pure and mixed strategies, dominance principle, graphical solution, linear
programming solution. (9+3)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Genetic Algorithm – working principle, fitness function, GA operators – differences and
similarities between GA and traditional method – GA for constrained optimization. Simulated Annealing – algorithm and
examples. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T: 15 = 60

1. Hamdy A Taha, “Operations Research – An Introduction”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Kalyanmoy D, Optimization for Engineering Design, Algorithms and Examples, PHI learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Maurice S, Arthur Y , “Operations Research: Methods and Problems”, Literary Licensing, LLC, United states, 2013.
2. Hillier F and Lieberman G J, “Introduction to Operations Research”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Singiresu S R, “Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice”, New Age International, New Delhi, 2016.
4. David E G, “GA: In search optimization and machine learning”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.



COLOUR KNOWLEDGE: Colour and light, organizing colours, colour and vision, colour illusions – colour constancy,
simultaneous contrast, locality of contrast, assimilation, COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE: emotional effects of
colour perception, colour preferences, colour and subjective feeling of warmth, sex differences in colour preference, age
differences in the development of colour preferences, psychological effects of background and illumination colours: warm vs
cool colours . (9+3)

COLOUR PHYSICS: Light, light sources and light interactions, Nature of colours, types of colorants and observers, illuminants
and sources, measurement of colour, Systems of Standardized Tristimulus Values, Instrumental colour measuring system,
Digital imaging systems, computation of colour coordinates, Colour order systems, colour difference. (9+3)

COLOUR IN DESIGN: colour characteristics, context colour management, colour complexity, colour influence – contrasting
colour characteristics, simultaneous contrast, scale and placement, colour and depth perception – colour strength, advancing
and receding colours, applying colour to a surface – subtractive colour, additive colour, colour definition, alternative colour
rendition . (9+3)

COLOUR TREND FORECASTING: Definition, factors influencing, trends and fads, colour trend research-life cycle of colour
trends, Identification and recognition of colour trends, Colour research process – starting point and finishing line, research into
colour trends, Colour forecasting – definition, necessary tools, assimilation by different cultures, importance, life-cycle, colour
associations (9+3)

COLOUR APPLICATION: Colour in Fashion Design: Colour selction – colour associations, consumer colour preferences, key
issues of colour in fashion design, repetition of colour combinations Colour in interior designing: colour concept creation, colour
psychology, colour language, factors influencing, colour in visual merchandising: colour in public and commercial space, Colour
in websites: effective colours, colour harmony, colours for special users, Colour in art: art and collectables, colour in cars,
limitations in colour application (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T 15 = 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Jose M.Parramon , "Colour Theory", Watson Guptill, New York,2012.
2. David Hornung , "Colour-Workshop for Artists and Designers", Laurence King Publishing, London, 2012. REFERENCES:

1. Kate Scully, Debra Johnson Cobh , "Colour forecasting for fashion", Laurence King Publishing, London, 2010.
2. Tracy Diane, Tom Cassidy , "Colour Forecasting", Blackwell Publishing, US, 2005.
3. Evelyn L. Brannon , "Fashion Forecasting", Fairchild Books, UK,2011.
4. M. L. Gulrajani (Editor) , "Colour Measurement: Principles, Advances and Industrial Applications", Wood head Publishing
Limited, 2.England, 2010.


DRIVES AND BELTS: Belt drives: introduction, types, belt types, velocity ratio, power transmission: effect of slip, creep and
friction. Ratio of driving tensions. Gear trains and cams: Introduction, types, follower types, cam profile. (9)

SPREADING AND CUTTING MACHINES: Spreading requirements, methods, classification of machines. Marker planning:
requirements, efficiency. Cutting: requirements, methods, classification of cutting machines. Working mechanism: straight knife,
round knife, rotary shears, band knife, die cutting, computer controlled cutting machine, laser cutting, end cutter, stripe cutter,
rag cutter. Notches and drills: requirements, types. Automations and advancements. (9)

MECHANICS OF LOCK STITCH MACHINES: Sewing needles: classifications, size, selection, application, selection
procedure. Sewing machine: classification. Single needle lock stitch machine: parts and functions, working mechanism,
gearing, stitch formation mechanism & timing diagram, settings. Double needle lock stitch machine: parts and function, gearing,
working mechanism, settings. Automation and advancements. (9)

MECHANICS OF CHAIN STITCH MACHINES: Edge covering sewing machine: special parts and function. Working and
gearing mechanism, settings, needle to looper settings, timing diagram. Multi thread chain stitch machine: parts and functions,
gearing, working mechanism, critical settings, stitch formation, timing diagram. Automation and advancements. (9)

FEED MECHANISM AND ATTACHMENTS: Feed mechanism: elements, classification – manual feed, drop feed, differential
feed, needle feed, compound feed, unison feed, puller feed, cup feed, wheel feed, clamp feed. Machine speed and rate of feed,
stitch size regulation. Attachments: classification, guide attachments, positioning attachments. Presser foot: types, working
methods and applications. Sewing machine maintenance. Common sewing machine problems and solutions. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rathinamoorthy R, Surjit R , "Apparel Machinery and Equipments", Woodhead Publishing India Pvt Ltd, Delhi, 2015.
2. Ganapathy Nagarajan, "Textile mechanisms in spinning and weaving machines", Woodhead Publishing India Pvt Ltd, 2015.

1. Harold Carr, Barbara Latham , "The Technology of Clothing Manufacture", Blackwell Sciences, UK, 1996.
2. N.Gokerneshan, B.Varadarajan, C.B Senthilkumar , "Mechanics and calculations of Textile machinery", Woodhead
Publishing India Pvt Ltd, Delhi, 2013.
3. Grace I. Kunz, Ruth E. Glock , "Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis.", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall,, USA, 2004.
4. Solinger Jacob , "Apparel Manufacturing Analysis", Columbia Boblin Media, USA,, 1988



FUNCTIONAL & INNOVATIVE FINISHES: Objectives, types, merits and limitations; selection and sensitivity of finishes with
respect to different substrate, methods of application: practices and suitability. Functional finishes: Chemistry, application &
assessment of water repellent, flame retardant, anti-static, soil release, UV protection, anti microbial, heat resistant, wrinkle
free, elastomeric finishes. Innovative finishes: Method of application of plasma finishes, finishing using micro capsules & nano-
particles. (9)

MECHANICAL & DENIM FINISHES: Mechanical finishes: Application of peach finish, zero-zero finishes, raising, calendaring:
swissing, embossing, schreinering, friction calendaring & moiré effect. Denim finishes: Process conditions, machineries,
chemicals used for creating various special effects- pumice stones, acid and enzyme wash, bio-polishing & bio-stoning, sand
blasting, sand blasting, PP spray, grinding, whiskering, ozone and laser fading (9)

GARMENT FINISHING: Pressing machines – functions, pressing process, types of pressing machines – iron, buck/ steam
press, carousel press, trouser pressing, double legger machine, steam air finisher, steam tunnel. Fusing – requirements of
fusing, resins used, methods of application, types of fusing equipments, quality control in fusing. PACKING: Packaging -
function, types, packing materials, merchandising packages, shipment packages, packing machines and equipments. (9)

WASHING AND LAUNDERING OF GARMENTS: Principles of washing: suction washing, washing by kneading and
squeezing. Washing by machine: Process and machine details. Laundering of different fabrics: cotton and linen, woolens,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

colored fabrics, silks, rayon and nylon. Special types of Laundry: water proof coats, silk ties, leather goods, furs, plastics, lace.
Dry cleaning using absorbents and grease solvents, Drying equipments (9)

GARMENT CARE: Application of soaps, detergents, bleaches, optical whiteners, stiffeners, softeners, dry cleaning agents for
different fabrics. Stain removal: Types and characteristics of stains, Identification of stains, selection of stain removers, methods
of stain removal, storage of hold linen and apparel laundries, care labeling of garments, Specific measures to be taken care for
handling silk, wool and synthetic garments (9)


1. Wolfgang D. Schindler, Peter J. Hauser, “Chemical Finishing of Textiles”, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2004.
2. Shishoo R, “Plasma Technologies for Textiles”, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2007.

1. Whittall N S, "Laundering and Dry Cleaning", vol.8, Textile Progress, Manchester, 1996.
2. Heywood D, “Textile Finishing”, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2003.
3. Nayak, R., S. Ratnapandian, “Care and Maintenance of Textile products including apparels & Protective clothing”, CRC
Press. UK, 2018
4. Nomeia D, souza., “Fabric Care”, New Age International (P) Ltd Publisher, Chennai, 1998.



CHILDREN’S WEAR: Measurement required for the construction of children’s wear, Different categories of children’s wear,
selection of thread, colour, material, trimmings and accessories for children’s wear; pattern making and construction procedure
– Baba suit, rompers, tank top jumpsuits, snow suits, a-line dress, pinafore, cardigan jacket (9)

MEN’S WEAR: Measurement required for the construction of men’s wear, Different categories of men’s wear, selection of
thread, colour, material, trimmings and accessories for men’s wear, pattern making and construction procedure – Formal
trouser and its variation, leisure wear, dungarees, shirts, blazers . (9)

WOMEN’S WEAR: Measurement required for the construction of men’s wear, Different categories of women’s wear, selection
of thread, colour, material, trimmings and accessories for women’s wear; pattern making and construction – Skirt types- Tier
skirt, peplum, Godet , Circular, Pleated, Cascade wrap and Uneven circular skirt, Pant types- Culottes, Capri, Palazzo, dress,
Strapless princess torso foundations, Double breasted coat, knit wears- leotard. (9)

METHODS OF FITTING AND EVALUATION: Proportion and disproportion of human figure, Fit- importance, standards,
Methods of testing fit- fit models, fitting futures, measured methods, pinned pattern / tissue methods, trial garment, evaluating
fit using structural line, grain line, wrinkles, pinch test, inside measurement. (9)

PATTERN AND GARMENT FIT: Pattern alterations: Fit- importance, standards, influence of clothing fit, importance of altering
patterns, principles of pattern alterations, common pattern alterations in various garments, alteration of patterns for irregular
figures. Garment fit- evaluation techniques, fitting problem & analysis, Length, back, Shoulder, sleeve, neckline, bust & upper
body. (9)


1. Helen Joseph and Armstrong, “Pattern Making for Fashion Designing”, Prentice Hall, Newyork, 2004.
2. FanJ, Yu W and Hunter L, “Clothing Appearance and Fit”, Textile Institute, Wood head Publishing Limited, England, 2004

1. Connie Amaden Crawford, “A Guide to Fashion Sewing”, Fairchild Publications, New York, 1999.
2. Marie Clayton, “Ultimate Sewing Bible – A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques”, Collins & Brown, London,
3. Sandra Betzina, “Fast fit – Easy pattern alterations for every figure” The Taunton Press, Newtown, USA, 2001



a) Design the following

b) Develop a pattern for the given design and analyse its pattern fit
c) Construct and analyse the garment fit of the design
1. Ladies skirt and top
2. Kameez and salwar
3. Saree blouse
4. Round neck T-shirt
5. Woven full sleeve shirt
6. Woven trouser
7. Blazer

67th ACM 30.07.2022

d) Draping and construction of Women’s Garments

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology.




Problem solving related to the following topics:

1. Computational thinking using flowcharts and Pseudocode

2. Programs related to simple data types: integers, float, complex, Boolean in the shell
3. Input/output and conditional statements in scripts
4. Different operators and conversion functions
5. Loops: for and while
6. String datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
7. List datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
8. Tuple data type: Creation, Operations, Methods
9. Set and frozenset datatypes: Creation, Operations, Methods
10. Dictionary datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
11. Functions: definitions , parameter passing, returning datatypes
12. Lambda and recursive functions
13. Creating modules and packages
14. Using numpy and matplotlib packages
15. Handling exceptions
16. File handling

Note: Problem sheets will be given during the course Total P: 60

1. Mark Summerfield. “Programming in Python 3: A Complete introduction to the Python Language”, Addison-
Wesley Professional, 2009.
2. Reema Thareja ,”Python Programming : Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford university Press 2017
3. Wesley J Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2012.
4. Martin C. Brown, “PYTHON: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill, 2018.




1. Introduction about computer aided fabric simulation software, tools and their applications.
2. Practice on colouring mediums and techniques used for manual fashion designing
3. Creation of multi-colour print designs with technical specification for screen printing.
4. Simulation of technical striped designs and checked designs based on colour and weave combinations.
5. Development of dobby designs and simulation of fabric based on dobby capacity.
6. Development of jacquard designs based on jacquard capacity- Border, Body and Pallu designs for sarees.
7. Development and simulation of ogee and sateen based all over designs for home textiles.
8. Study on drapes and practice on rendering of woven, knits and non-wovens
9. Texture mapping of woven and printed fabrics for apparels and home textiles.
10. Introduction about computer aided fashion designing software, their tools and applications.
11. Illustration and rendering of collars, cuffs and sleeves.
12. Illustration and rendering of yokes, necklines and pockets.
13. Illustration and rendering of accessories with specifications.
14. Illustration and rendering of kids garment with technical details.
15. Illustration and rendering of men’s wear with technical details.
16. Illustration and rendering of women’s wear with technical details.

Total P: 60

1. Department of Fashion Technology, "Computer Aided Fashion Designing laboratory manual", 2023.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy.
RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)
STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)
JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)

Total L:30


1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.

2. Praveenkumar Mellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,


1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.



FABRIC QUALITY EVALUATION: Fabric sampling, Standard atmospheric conditions for apparel testing, Sling hygrometer,
wet and dry bulb hygrometer. Tensile strength, tear strength, bursting strength. Abrasion and pilling resistance. Flammability
regulatory testing: significance, mandatory county regulations, Protocol of vertical flammability, 45º flammability and cigarette
flammability testing, Material compliance for apparel, upholstery and carpets, Country flammability guidelines for adult and
children’s sleepwear. (9)

APPAREL PERFORMANCE TESTING: Apparel Dimensional Stability (Shrinkage) testing, spirality. Print and sequins
durability evaluation, Colour fastness to Washing, light, sublimation, perspiration and crocking. Seam Strength and seam
slippage. Analysis of sewability. Wrinkle recovery assessment Care Labelling: Standards for care label instructions –
Verification of care label, interpretation of care label, Care label recommendations, fibre composition analysis, Interpretation of
test reports. (9)

GARMENT SAFETY: Consumer product safety regulatory. Tension test, Sharp point, Sharp edge, Small parts testing and
Draw string regulation. Restricted substance analysis in apparel. Accessory Testing - Zipper endurance, Button impact testing,
Snap pull strength testing. Comfort and handle evaluation: Air permeability, moisture management tester, water vapour
permeability, Kawabata Evaluation System, fabric touch teste, moisture transport testing, drapability, stiffness, crease recovery
testing method. (9)

FABRIC AND IN-PROCESS INSPECTION: Inspection and its significance. Fabric Inspection – 4 point and 10 point system.
Random checking. Online inspection of production. Different types of defects in fabrics. Quality parameters and their control in
pattern making, cutting, sewing checking and packing. Root cause analysis and remedies for defects. Quality control of trims
and accessories, instrumental shade sorting. (9)

APPAREL QUALITY INSPECTION: Acceptable quality level (AQL) – sampling plan, Single and double sampling plan, Normal,
reduced, tightened level of inspection, Arbitrary sampling. Selection of samples, Production Inspection Categorization of critical,
major and minor defects, measurement tolerances and standard for finished garment. Workmanship and material defects, root
cause analysis.Seven tools of quality control – Pareto analysis, Cause and effect, control chart, Histogram, Check sheet,
stratification, scatter diagram. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Saville,B.P. “Physical Testing of Textiles”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., England,2004.
2. Subrata Das, “Quality Characterisation of Apparel" Woodhead Publishing Ltd., England, 2012.

1. Pradip V Mehta, “An Introduction to Quality Control for Apparel Industry” – ASQC Quality Press, India,1998.
2. Billie J.Collier and Helen H.Epps, ”Textile Testing and Analysis”, Prentice Hall Publishers, India, 1998.



MARKETING: Marketing concepts-Production, product, selling, marketing and societal marketing, marketing management,
strategic marketing process, competitive marketing strategy – market leader, challenger, follower and nicher. Segmentation –
bases and segmentation variables , patterns of segmentation. (9)

MARKETING RESEARCH AND MEASUREMENT: Target marketing – Differentiated, undifferentiated and concentrated.
Market Research -purpose, procedure and applications. Market potential – estimation. Market demand – methods of
forecasting demand. Factors affecting consumer buying behaviour. Buying process. MARKETING ANALYTICS: Types of
Analytics - Marketing Analytics Applications - Summarizing & Reporting Marketing Data using Excel. Visualizing Marketing Data
using Tableau - Visualizations Using Python & R, Positioning Analysis - Data Mining applications. Market Basket Analysis. (9)

MARKETING MIX: Product- hierarchy, line and branding decisions, price - pricing decisions and procedures, promotion mix -
advertising : message and appeal , media selection, measuring effectiveness, publicity, sales promotion and distribution,
marketing channel, functions, various marketing systems. (9)

PRODUCTLIFECYCLE& NEW PRODUCTDEVELOPMENT: Patterns of life cycle, Life cycle of product – introduction, growth,
maturity and decline. Marketing strategy for various stages of life cycle. New product development –Stages of new product
development, challenges in NPD. (9)

DIGITAL MARKETING: B2C, B2B, C2B and C2C, e-marketing objectives, adding digital value to product, QR codes, Search
Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) search marketing, managing pay per click , social media marketing , online
partnerships, interactive advertising, viral marketing. E-business security. Web analytics : Metrics and KPI s-Page views , visits
and visitors, quantitative and qualitative indicators , digital dashboards- stages in building dashboards, constructing and
launching. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, and MithileshwarJha , "Marketing Management A South Asian Perspective",
Pearson Education,, New Delhi,, 2020.
2.Dave Chaffey and PR Smith , "E marketing Excellence - Planning and optimizing your digital marketing", Taylor & Francis,
London,, 2013.

1. Dr.K.Karunakaran , "Marketing management”,", Himalaya Publishing House,, Mumbai,, 2015..
2. Simon Kingsnorth, "Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing", Kogan page ltd,, UK,, 2019.



BASICS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Electric circuits – Ohm‟s law, circuit basics – series and parallel, circuit
construction, simple DC circuits, fundamentals of single phase AC and 3 phase AC circuits, breadboard circuit, protoboard
circuit. DC Motor –principle of operation, types. Single phase and three phase induction motor- types. Synchronous motors,
stepper motor – working principle. multimeter. (9)

ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS: Principles of electronic components- resistance, inductance, capacitance,
electronic circuit, battery, specific requirements and applications of sensors, actuators, microprocessor, micro controller, micro
switches, basic LED‟s lights, electroluminescent materials, data acquisition and processing, wireless technology. fiber
transistors, triboelectric textiles, textiles antenna, textile battery, textile super capacitors, nano generators. (9)

E-TEXTILES AND WEARABLE ELECTRONICS: Electro-textile-principle, concepts and development . Conductive polymers
and fibers, conductive fabric – properties and types. Wearable electronics - introduction, chronology, need and textile fibres
used. Flexible wearable electronics in fabrics, wearable sensors, biomonitoring devices. Interfacing circuits and garments.
Circuits for smart shirt, data processing, storage and communication in intelligent textile assembly. (9)


electronic gadgets like chips, microphones, LED, and low voltage wires in fabrics. Interaction design in smart clothing,
Development of heat-generating circuit for nichrome fabric, communication circuit for copper core conductive fabric, signal
transferring circuit for optical core conductive fabric, bullet wound intimation circuit for tele-intimation fabric. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

DEVELOPMENT OF WEARABLE ELECTRONIC GARMENTS: Integration of electronic gadgets in garments - introduction

and concept. Development of camouflage garments using cotton-wrapped nichrome yarn, Heating garment, Capacitive sensing
garments, smart shoes, smart wrist band, heating gloves. wearable mobile health care system. Smart clothes for ambulatory
remote monitoring, electronic jerkin. musical jacket, smart wear yoga pants, integration of garment and solar panel, clothing-
integrated photovoltaics, illuminated garment. tele-intimation garment, smart shirt. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Xiaoming Tao , "Wearable Electronics and Photonics,", CRC press, UK, 2005.
2. L.Ashok kumar & C.Vigneswaran , "Electronics in Textiles and Clothing – Designs, products and Applications", CRC Press,
Coimbatore, 2015.

1. Sarah Kettley , "Designing with Smart Textiles", 1st Edition, Fairchild books,, 2016.
2. Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman , "Smart Textiles for Designers Inventing the future of fabrics", 2nd Edition, 2016.
3. Tilak dias , "Electronic Textiles - Smart fabrics and wearable technology", 1st Edition, Wood Head publishing, 2015.
4. Tao, Xiaoming , "Handbook of smart textiles", 1st Edition, Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2015.



INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Definition, scope, techniques, roles and functions of industrial engineer and Industrial
engineering department in apparel industry. Productivity - Definition, measurement methods, causes for low productivity in
apparel industry, suggestions for productivity improvement: Industrial engineering and lean manufacturing techniques. Work
study- Definition, techniques, procedure. Basic work content and added work content, reduction of work content and ineffective
time. Work study and productivity. (9)

METHOD STUDY: Definition, procedure, process chart and symbols. Charts indicating process sequence- outline process
chart, flow process charts (man type, material and equipment type); charts using time scale –multiple activity chart; Diagrams
indicating movement – flow diagram, string diagram, cycle graph, chrono cycle graph, travel chart, examples from apparel
industry. Operation analysis, motion analysis, motion economy, two handed process chart, micro motion analysis – SIMO
Chart. Principles for improving operation methods, examples from apparel Industry. (9)

WORK MEASUREMENT: Definition, procedure, techniques - time study: equipments, forms, procedure, rating, allowances and
standard time. Predetermined motion time standards (PMTS), Work sampling, Standard data- General Sewing Data (GSD).
Examples from apparel industry. Standard allowed minute (SAM) range for various styles of garments .Applications- Capacity
study, Operation Bullettin, Incentive calculation. Industry practices. (9)

WORK ENVIRONMENT & TRAINING: Work Environment: Lighting, ventilation, climatic condition – temperature control,
humidity control, noise control, safety and ergonomics. Services- physical plant, production, personnel, administration,
convenience related. Scientific method of training- Methodology, selection test, basic exercise, paper exercise,fabric exercise.

PLANT LAYOUT & MATERIAL HANDLING: Layout: Objectives, Layout planning and development, types of layout – fixed,
process, product, group and combination. Layout for apparel industry, space norms compliance. Material Handling: Objectives,
classifications of material handling equipments, descriptions and characteristics of material handling equipments, specialized
material handling equipments related to apparel industry. (9)

Total L:45

1. George Kanawaty, ILO, “Introduction to Work study”, Universal Publishing Corporation, Mumbai, 2005.
2. Kiell B.Zandin, Maynard‘s “Industrial Engineering Hand Book”, Mc Graw Hill, Inc. New York, 2001.

1. Chuter A J. “Introduction to Clothing Production Management”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2007.
2. Colovic.G. “Management of technology systems in garment industry”. Woodhead publishing India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Rajesh Bheda, “Managing Productivity of Apparel industry”. CBI publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 2002.
4. Ramesh Babu V, “Industrial engineering in apparel production”, Woodhead publishing India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 2011.



1. Introduction about fashion forecasting and trend forecasting services

2. Development of story board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear
3. Development of mood board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear
4. Development of colour board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear
5. Development of fabric board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear

67th ACM 30.07.2022

6. Development of accessory board & silhouette board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s
wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear
7. Development of design board based on trend forecast for the given season for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wear
8. Development of technical specification sheet for men’s wear/women’s wear/kid’s wears
9. Development of Pattern and pattern fit assessment for the developed designs
10. Garment Construction and fit analysis
11. Portfolio Development

Total P: 60

1. Department of Fashion Technology, "Computer Aided Fashion Designing laboratory manual", 2023.



The student has to evaluate the following apparel quality assessments as per ASTM/ISO International standards.
1. Determination of apparel seam strength and seam slippage.
2. Determination and analysis of fabric tensile characteristics.
3. Determination of stretch and recovery of knits and stretch denim.
4. Determination of fabric bursting strength and tearing strength.
5. Determination of flammability of apparel
6. Determination of fabric drape co-efficient
7. Determination of fabric abrasion resistance.
8. Determination of fabric pilling resistance
9. Determination of stiffness and crease recovery
10. Determination of apparel dimensional stability.
11. Determination of button impact, button and snap pull strength
12. Determination of zipper endurance
13. Determination of color fastness properties – perspiration & sublimation fastness
14. Determination of color fastness of fabric to washing
15. Analyse and validate garment safety test – sharp point, sharp edge test & small parts testing.
16. Determination of fabric air permeability

Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology



I Surface embellishment:
1. Practice on Basic hand embroidery stitches:
a) Linear stitches
b) Pattern stitches
c) Filling stitches
d) Textural stitches
e) Threaded stitches
2. Practice on Traditional Indian Embroideries:
a) Kantha
b) Kasuti
c) Kutch
d) Phulkari
e) Chikankari
3. Design development on fabric by embroidery machine
4. Design development on fabric by bead work, mirror work and Zardosi.
5. Appliqué & Patch work
6. Quilting – Cord & Foam
7. Preparation of Tassels, fringes and Pompom
8. Hand Smocking
9. Fabric painting –Dry & Water shading, Filling and Folk art.
10. Demonstration - Machine smocking and computerized embroidery machine

II Accessory development:

• Jewellery making – Chain and Earrings

Total P: 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Fashion Technology.



COST ACCOUNTING: Elements of cost – Material, labour and expenses, direct and indirect costs. Classification of cost.
Determination of factory cost, administration cost, sales cost and manufacturing cost. Cost sheet, cost sheet with inventory.
Methods of costing – Job costing and process costing. Process costing with normal loss, abnormal loss and abnormal gain.

OVERHEADS AND MATERIAL COST: Overheads distribution – primary distribution. Re distribution of overheads – secondary
distribution of overheads, redistribution of overhead, simultaneous equation method and trial and error method. Cost control
measures in apparel industry. MATERIAL COST: Estimation of yarn consumption for knitted and woven fabric, yarn and fabric
cost. Determination of gram per square meter (GSM) - knitted and woven fabric. Estimation of fabric consumption and cost per
garment - woven and knitted. (9+3)

PROCESS COST: Estimation of warping, sizing and weaving and knitting cost – cost calculations per pick, square meter,
kilogram, garment. Preparatory and dyeing cost – influencing factors, labour, material and overhead cost. Processing cost per
meter (woven), kilogram (knitted) and for order quantity. Printing and finishing cost - influencing factors, labour, material and
overhead cost cost, estimation per garment and order quantity. Overall fabric cost calculations. (9+3)

GARMENT COST: Cutting cost – influencing factors – number of components, bundle size. Estimation of labour, material and
overhead cost, cost per garment. Sewing cost – labour, material and overhead cost, cost per garment, trimming and checking
cost, packing cost – machinery rental cost, labour, material and overhead cost, cost per garment. cut make trim (CMT), cut
make and pack (CMP) costs. Costing difference in domestic and export orders. Developing cost sheet for different styles. (9+3)

SHIPMENT COST: Shipment process sequence and procedures, influencing factors. International commercial (INCO) terms -
FOB, EXW, CFR, CIF, CF, FAS, CPT. Importance of INCO terms with shipment and forwarding cost, shipment and forwarding
cost estimation – fright charge, ICD charges, container charges and total shipping and forwarding cost. Total cost estimation for
an order – different garment styles. Goods and service Tax. Break even analysis – breakeven point calculation and chart. Cost
ratio, cost volume profit analysis. Budgeting – principles, types and limitations. Performance and zero base budgeting. (9+3)

Total L:45 +T 15 = 60

1. Jain S.P., Narang K.L., Aggrawal Simmi, Cost Accounting Principles and Practice, 25 edition. Kalyani Publishers; New Delhi,
India, 2016
2. R.Rathinamoorthy, R.Surjit, “Apparel Merchandising”, Woodhead Publication India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India, 2018.

1. M.Krishnakumar, “Apparel costing” Abishek Publications, India, 2008.
2. Michael Jeffrey, Nathalie Evans, “ Costing for the Fashion Industry”, Berg publisher, NY, 2011



OPERATION PLANNING & CONTROL: Definition, objectives and functions of operation planning and control department ,
importance of SAM value on production planning, Overview of pre production functions , purpose and procedure of conducting
pre-production meeting– sampling stages in apparel manufacture, steps from prototype to production model, apparel analysis ,
determination of order quantity for a style. (9+3)

CUT ROOM AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS PLANNING: Cut order Planning - types of spreads, spreading methods, fabric
utilization in cut room. Calculation of size wise cut quantity from size ratio, economic cut quantities. Control measures in cutting
department. Production systems-whole garment , progressive bundle ,unit and multiple flow , modular systems. Guidelines for
choosing suitable production system. Garment breakdown with machine & attachment details - flow process grid construction,
sewing line lay out planning. (9+3)

PLANT LOADING AND CAPACITY PLANNING: Determination of machinery requirements for a new factory, calculation of
labour requirements. Line balancing techniques – line and operator efficiency, balance control. Establishing factory capacity,
planning for multi style production – preparation of planning board. Subcontracting – reasons. (9+3)

OPERATION SCHEDULING: Principles of scheduling, scheduling charts- master schedule , GANTT chart, backlog graph for
WIP control, scheduling control techniques. Network representations - CPM and PERT. Preparation of time and action
calendar. (9+3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

OPERATION CONTROL AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT: Control measures in production department – cutting order,
bundle ticket, stickers, daily and hourly production reports, efficiency and productivity report, manpower and machine utilization,
material inventory report. Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP), Just In Time production system (JIT), Optimised
Production Technology (OPT), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ),inventory control, various inventory modeling, production
planning software for garment manufacture. Case studies related to apparel Industry. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Rajesh Bheda , "Managing Productivity of Apparel industry”", CBI publishers and distributors,, New Delhi, 2002..
2. David J Tyler , "Materials Management in Clothing Production", Prentice Hall,, New Jersey,, 1991.

1. Chuter AJ , "Introduction to clothing production management", Blackwell Publishing, India, 2004.
2. Glock R E and Kunz G I , "Apparel Manufacturing - Sewn Product Analysis", second edition,, Prentice Hall,, 1995.



FASHION FABRICS: Designers terms, fabric orientation – Influence on draper, texture & colour. Fabric cluster in India. Fabric
and apparel sourcing hubs. Cotton khadi, Jamdani, batik, brocade, bagru, Ikkat, Chanderi, Ajrakh, Chikankari, jacquard, kota,
Dabu, Bhagalpur and kantha. Types of natural and synthetic fibres used in fabric designing, properties and application. Yarn
dyed, piece dyed, pre-fibre dyed, fibre dyed, garment dyed - special features and applications. Types of prints in fashion fabric
– Minimum order quantity (MOQ), lead time. Responsible design - materials selection, awareness of the life cycle of a garment,
and the sustainability of fabric production. (9)

STRUCTURAL FABRICS: Design features, drape, weight, Strength, weakness and applications - Oxford, seersucker, Checks
and madras plaids, shantung, tweeds, dobby weaves, taffeta, faille and bengaline, sateen, bridal satin, flannel, flannelette,
linen, sheeting, muslin, canvas, homespun, cavalry twill, hopsacking, denim, gabardine, chino, serge, ripstop, Ottoman,
velveteen, corduroy, brushed fabrics, felt, coated fabrics, melton, leather, suede leather, faux leather, double knits, film fabric,
lawn, calico, high density fabrics, broadcloth, poplin, surface shine Cire, chintz, bonded and fused fabric. (9)

FLUID FABRICS: Design features, drape, weight, movement, Strength, weakness and applications - Chiffon, georgette, voile,
gauze, lining, satin, crepe de chine, crinkled fabric, challis, surah, jersey, interlock, matte jersey, fine gauge jumper knits,
pointelle knits, mesh, tricot, traditional lace, mass market lace, lame, textured knit, satin crepe, textured crepe suiting, designed
knit surfaces, Textured crêpe suiting, Smooth-surface crêpe, Tricot for athletics, Medium-weight sweater knits, Heavyweight
sweater knits, French terry, Fleece, Polar fleece, velour, velvet. (9)

EXPANSION FABRICS: Design features, drape, weight, Strength, weakness and commercial applications - Organza, organdy,
netting, crinoline, buckram, Concept of pleating and its significance in expansion, pleated silk fibre fabrics, pleated cotton fibre
fabrics, polyester plain weave pleated fabrics, crepe and satin crepe pleated fabrics, stitched pleating, Design facts of
Gabardine, poplin, taffeta, tricot knit pleated fabrics, shirring, boucle, chenille, terry cloth, Quilting concept in expansion,
minimum loft quilting, medium loft quilting, high loft quilting, Fur apparel, repurposed fur, faux fur, exotic faux fur. (9)

COMPRESSION FABRICS: Design features, drape, weight, Strength, weakness and commercial applications - Compression
with rigid fabrics, ribbed knits, elastic ribbed knit banding, comfort stretch stretch denim, comfort stretch – top weights, casual
woven, stretch suiting, Comfort stretch double knits, power stretch athletic knits, elastic power mesh, power stretch underwear
knits, narrow elastic bands. Ornamentation: Facts, Performance and care - Contrast fabric shapes, creating lines and outlines
with fabrics, functional tapes, passementerie trim, Fringes, lace edging and appliqués, velvet decorative ribbon, grosgrain
decorative ribbon, jacquard decorative ribbon, narrow novelty trims, narrow closure trim, allover embroidered fabric, garment
specific embroidery, embroidered denim. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Stefanella Sposito , Fabrics in Fashion Design: The Way Successful Fashion Designers Use Fabrics, Promopress, 2017.
2.Clive Hallett, Fabric for Fashion: The Complete Guide: Natural and Man-made Fibers Paperback, Laurence King Publishing,

1.Gail Baugh , The Fashion Designer's Textile Directory: The Creative Use of Fabrics in Design, Thames and Hudson Ltd, 2011
2.Clive Hallett and Amanda Johnston, Fabric for Fashion: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Fibres, Laurence King Publishing,





67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Analysis of sewing operations in the construction of basic t-shirt and development of two handed process chart for existing and
improved operation methods.
2. Analysis of sewing operations in the construction of basic t-shirt and development of simultaneous motion cycle (SIMO) chart
for existing and improved operation methods.
3. Analysis of spreading operation and development of element sheet for the determination of standard allowed minute (SAM)
value and target production using time study technique.
4. Analysis of cutting operation and development of element sheet for the determination of standard allowed minute (SAM) value
and target production using time study technique.
5. Analysis of sewing operation and development of element sheet for the determination of standard allowed minute (SAM) value
and target production using time study technique.
6. Analysis of packing operation and development of element sheet for the determination of standard allowed minute (SAM) value
and target production using time study technique.
7. Engineering operation sequence for men’s wear and calculation of standard allowed minute (SAM) value and target production
using predetermined time standards (PMTS) with software.
8. Engineering operation sequence for a women’s wear and calculation of standard allowed minute (SAM) value and target
production using predetermined time standards (PMTS) with software.
9. Engineering operation sequence for a kids wear and calculation of standard allowed minute (SAM) value and target production
using predetermined time standards (PMTS) with software.
10. Preparation of operation bulletin and development of sewing line layout for a style of garment for the given data.
11. Calculation of sewing thread consumption for garments

Total P: 60

1. Department of Fashion Technology, "Methods engineering laboratory manual", 2023.


1. CAD Drafting of patterns for Men‟s T shirt using specification sheet
2. CAD Drafting of patterns for Men‟s Shirt with yoke using specification sheet
3. CAD Drafting of patterns for Kids wear and Men‟s Trouser using specification sheet
4. CAD Drafting of patterns for Princess line Salwar Kameez with godets
5. Grading the Men‟s T shirt pattern developed for the given sizes
6. Grading the Men‟s shirt pattern developed for the given sizes
7. Grading the Kids wear and Men‟s Trouser pattern developed for the given sizes
8. Grading the Princess line Salwar Kameez pattern developed for the given sizes
9. Developing marker for the graded Men‟s T shirt and Kids wear in solid colour knitted fabric
10. Developing marker for the graded Men‟s Shirt and Trouser in solid colour woven fabric based on size ratio and order
11. Developing marker for the graded Salwar Kameez pattern in striped / checked fabric
12. Demonstration on plotting the drafted pattern

Total P: 60

1. Department of Fashion Technology , "Apparel CAD Laboratory Manual", Coimbatore, 2019.




1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total P: 30

1.GayleLaakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.



RETAILING AND ITS ORGANISATION: Characteristics and functions, trends, types, retailing channels, international fashion
retailer strategy, challenges in retail business. Organisation structures of fashion retailing - single unit specialty store, small
department store, large department store, human resource management in retailing. (9)

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: Types and levels of consumer decision making. Factors affecting consumer decision making-
Consumer demographics, lifestyle, shopping attitude, perception, learning and behaviour. Consumer profiling and ‘Retailment’,
Customer relationship management. (9)

RETAIL LOCATION, DESIGN: Location – types, choice, location and site evaluation. Store layout – type, feature areas. Space
planning – location of departments and merchandise, planograms, retail performance measures. Experiential retailing. (9)

MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT AND ANALYTICS: Components of merchandise management – Merchandise planning -

Inventory turnover, Sales forecasting - Collaborative planning forecasting replenishment (CPFR), Merchandise mix,
Merchandise budget plan for fashion merchandise. Retail analytics – Scope, Ways for optimising marketing, operation and
merchandising decision. Analysing merchandise performance - ABC analysis, sell-through analysis, multi attribute method.

RETAIL PRICING AND LATEST TRENDS IN RETAILING: Retail pricing - Pricing strategies, Pricing on internet. Consumer
responsiveness to prices. Latest trends - Ethics and social responsibility, Consumerism, Subscription retailing, Omnichannel
retailing. E-Tailing - Scope, Online retail categories, pitfalls, successful business models, security problems and solutions.

Total L: 45

1. Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tuli, Nidhi V Srivastava, “Retail Management”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2005.
2. Michael Levy, Barton A Weitx, Dhruv Grewal “Retailing Management”, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Limited,
India, 2013.

1. Ellen Diamond “Fashion Retailing: A Multi-Channel approach”, Pearson Education India, India, 2007.
2. John Fernie, Suzanne Fernie and Christopher Moore, “Principles of Retailing”, Reed Elsevier India Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2007.
3. Margaret Bruce, Christopher M. Moore and Grete Birtwistle, “International Retail Marketing – A Case study approach”, Reed
Elsevier India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Bernadette Tiernan, “e-tailing”, Dearborn financial publishing Inc., Chicago, 2000.



FUNDAMENDALS OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND COMFORT: Clothing science - importance and prospects. Clothing comfort
- introduction, components, wearers attitude, internal and external factors. Comfort properties of textile fibres. Clothing
performance characteristics – comfort, durability, handle and tailorability. (9)

THERMAL COMFORT: Human thermal comfort; physics and physical phenomena. Heat transfer- effect of fabric properties.
Moisture vapour permeability, liquid moisture permeability; absorbency, wettability, waterproof breathable fabrics, contact
angle, moisture management. Air permeability; influencing factors, thermal degradation, thermal conductivity. (9)

HANDLE AND TAILORABILITY: Ideal fabric concept, fabric properties related to tailoring performance. Fabric buckling and
formability. Tactile comfort - fabric handle attributes, influencing fabric parameters. Effects of fibre, yarn and fabric properties,
dyeing and finishing treatments on handle and tailorability. (9)

PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COMFORT: Concepts of physiological clothing comfort- Factors affecting garment
fit and comfort; air gap thickness, garment ventilation, fluctuating microclimate in loose-fit garment, garment fit and pressure
sensation. Psychological comfort - introduction, influencing factors. Effects of colour,surface texture, garment design, sizing and
fit. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

DIMENSIONAL STABILITY: Introduction. Hygral expansion, relaxation shrinkage, swelling shrinkage and felting shrinkage.
Shrinkage in knitted fabrics, stretch and recovery properties of fabrics. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Das A and Alagirusamy R, "Science in clothing comfort", Wood head publishing Limited,, England, 2010.
2. Fan J, Yu W, and Hunter L, "Engineering apparel fabrics and garments", Wood head Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2009.

1. Fan J, Yu W, and Hunter L, "Clothing appearance and fit: Science and technology", Wood head Publishing Limited,
Cambridge, England,2004.
2. Saville B.P, "Physical Testing of Textiles", The Textile Institute, Wood head Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, 1999.
3. Li.Y and Wong A S W, "Clothing biosensory engineering", Wood head publishing Limited, Cambridge, England, 2006.
4. Guowen song, "Improving comfort in clothing", Wood head Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2011



1. Introduction to Software used for 3D simulation.

2. Creating an avatar using body measurement for men, women and children.
3. Development of specification sheet from the parametric mannequin
4. 3D Simulation of leotards
5. 3D Simulation of women's shirt and fit analysis using created avatar.
6. 3D Simulation of trouser, fit analysis and pattern alteration using 2D modification tools.
7. 3D Simulation of women's blouse with darts, fit analysis and pattern alteration using 2D modification tools.
8. 3D Simulation of circular skirt with pleats and pencil fitted skirt with slit, fit analysis and pattern alteration using 2D
modification tools
9. Visual effects simulation , fabric and texture.
10. Visual effects simulation , seams and derived elements, logos, print and embroidery
11. Analyzing the influence of fabric low stress mechanical properties on fit of the garment
12. Development of digital samples for buyer approval : Proto sample, Fit sample , size set sample and gold seal sample

Total P: 60


1. Department of Fashion Technology , "Virtual Garmenting Laboratory Manual", Coimbatore, 2019.


1. Analysis of provided / sourced sample and interpret the information
2. Estimation of fabric properties and construction parameters including machines and sourcing of similar fabric
3. Evaluation of fabric finishes / surface embellishments/ prints/ wash details/ and preparation similar designs

4. Re-Engineer the sample and develop a detailed operation break-up and provide standard minute values for each
Operation along with the detailed machine allocation.
5. Calculate requirements of accessories and trims and source the same
6. Measure actual measurements and develop patter for the same style and development of graded measurement.
7. Development of garment by sewing same seam and stitch as per sample and prepare a layout for the style
8. Analysis of packing method and packing accessories and sourcing / development of the same from the market.
9. Preparation of costing for the garment.
9. Development of complete technical specification details for the developed style.

Total P: 60

1. Harold Carr and Barbara Lathom, “The Technology of Clothing Manufacture”, Blackwell Sciences, Oxford, 1996.
2. Saville,B.P. “Physical Testing of Textiles”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., England,2004
3.R.Rathinamoothy and R.Surjit, Apparel Merchandising, Woodhead Publishing India Pvt Ltd, Delhi, 2018.

1. Helen Joseph and Armstrong, “Pattern Making for Fashion Designing”, Prentice Hall, Newyork, 2004.
2. Booth J.E, “Textile Testing”, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., U.K, 1996
3. Grace I. Kunz , Ruth E. Glock, “Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis”, 4th Edition. Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. Chuter A J “Introduction to Clothing Production Management”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2007

67th ACM 30.07.2022



REPORT PRESENTATION : Reports are to be presented based on the observations of the students after the industry visits
with their personal comments / suggestions.

Total P: 60


1. Identification of a real life problem in thrust areas
2. Finalisation of system requirements and specification
3. Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey
4. Future trends in providing alternate solutions
5. Consolidated report preparation

Total P: 60




 Problem Identification.
 A statement of system / process specifications proposed to be developed (Block Diagram / Concept tree)
 List of possible solutions including alternatives and constraints.
 Cost benefit analysis
 Time Line of activities.


[Based on Functional Requirements & Standards (If Any)]


Implementation phase - (Product / Process / both) Testing & Validation of the developed product Learning in the Project


Total P: 120

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

BTech Information Technology (2023 REGULATIONS)
(No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23I101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

Basics of Electrical and
2 23I102 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Electronics Systems
3 23I103 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

4 23I104 C Programming 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23I110 C Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

7 23I111 Basic Science Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

- - - Grade - - -
8 23IP15 Induction Programme MC

Total 26 hrs 15 3 8 22 320 380 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Transforms and its
1 23I201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Sensors for engineering
2 23I202 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23I203 Communication Systems 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

4 23I204 Digital Logic Design 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 ES

5 23I205 Python Programming 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 ES


6 23I211 Engineering Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

7 23G___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS

- - - Grade - -
8 23I215 Activity Point Programme -1 MC
Foundations of Problem
9 23Q213 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

Total 25 hrs 13 6 6 22 380 420 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total

1 23I301 Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23O302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS

3 23I303 Computer Architecture 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23I304 Data Structures 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

Discrete Mathematics and
5 23I305 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Automata Theory

6 23I310 Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Java Programming
7 23I311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
Building Communication
8 23Q313 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
- - -
9 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 MC
- - - Grade - - -
10 23I315 Activity Point Programme MC

Total 31 hrs 18 3 10 24 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total

Probability, Stochastic
1 23I401 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Processes and Statistics
Database Management
23I402 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
2 Systems
3 23I403 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23I404 Computer Networks 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Database Management
5 23I410 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Systems Laboratory
Computer Networks
6 23I411 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Embedded System Design
7 23I412 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
8 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

- - - Grade - - -
10 23I415 Activity Point Programme MC

Total 30 hrs 14 2 14 21 400 400 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total

Design and Analysis of
1 23I501 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23I502 Software Engineering 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23I503 Internet of Things 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23I504 Artificial Intelligence 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23I ___ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Design and Analysis of
6 23I511 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Algorithms Laboratory
Internet of Things
7 23I512 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Activity Point Programme
9 23I515 - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 27 hrs 15 2 10 22 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23I601 Wireless Networks 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23I602 Web Technologies 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23I603 Analytics and Data Mining 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23I___ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23____ Open Elective 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Analytics and Data Mining
6 23I610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Web Technologies
7 23I611 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23I612 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Arithmetic
9 23Q614 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Problem Solving

- - - Grade - - -
9 23I615 Activity Point Programme MC

Total 28 hrs 15 1 12 22 440 460 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


Cloud and Edge
1 23I701 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Information Security
2 23I702 Principles and 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
3 23I___ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23I___ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

5 23____ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Mobile Application
6 23I710 Development 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
7 23I720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Total 25 hrs 15 2 8 21 320 380 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23I___ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 23I___ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


3 23I820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

140 160 300
Total 14 hrs 6 0 8 10

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Credits Per Semester
Course Total
S. No
Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10

2 BS 11 7 8 4 0 0 0 0 30

3 ES 7 13 5 2 0 0 0 0 27

4 PC 0 0 4 14 18 14 8 0 58

5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6

7 EEC 0 0 3 1 1 2 4 4 15

8 MC - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 22 22 24 21 22 22 21 10 164

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.


DC CIRCUIT: Current-voltage –power-energy, electrical circuit elements: resistors-inductor- capacitor, source of electrical
energy. Ohm’s law- Kirchhoff’s laws, series and parallel circuits, Maxwell’s loop current method, Network theorems:
superposition theorem- Thevenin’s theorem- Norton’s theorem-maximum power transfer theorem (9+3)

AC CIRCUITS: Single phase AC circuits: Average and RMS values of sinusoidal wave form-RLC Circuit-Phasor
representation-active ,reactive apparent power –power factor, analysis of RLC Circuit, three phase circuit: star and delta
connection-phase and line quantities-balance and unbalance systems. (9+3)

ELECTROMAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS: Electromagnetic induction: induced currents, Faraday's law, induction and
energy, motional emf and Lenz's law. Magnetic field-magnetic circuit-inductance and mutual inductance-magnetic
materials – ideal transformers and real transformers. (9+3)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Basic diode concepts-diode circuit: half wave rectifier-full wave rectifier-bridge rectifier-special
purpose diodes-zener diode - transistor fundamentals transistor biasing-bipolar junction transistors-basis
amplifier concept-loading effect-power suppliesandefficiency (9+3)

OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Definition of terms - Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, inverting summing amplifier,
integratorsanddifferentiators. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. John Hiley, Keith Brown, Ian McKenzie Smith, Edward Hughes "Electrical and Electronic Technology", Pearson education.,
New Delhi, 2020
2. Murugesh Kumar K "Basic Electrical Science and Technology", Vikas Publishing House., New Delhi, 2016
3. Theraja B. L. "Basic electronic Solid State", S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2010

1. Leach D P "Digital Principles & Applications", Tata McGraw Hill., 2021
2. Hambley A R "Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications", PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018
3. Boylestad R. L., Nashelsky L "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", Pearson Education., Noida, 2014.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


ELECTRONIC MATERIALS: Inorganic semiconductors – Elemental – Si and Ge - band theory, doping, compound
semiconductors – band gap engineering – applications. Organic semiconductors – conjugated polymers – mechanism of charge
transport, doping, states of aggregation, material properties – thermal, mechanical, electrical, chemical, electrochemical.
Applications – OLED, OPV – working principle. Liquid crystalline materials – display application. (9)

PROCESSES IN ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURE: Microchip fabrication – overview, photoresists – chemistry, types.

Fabrication facilities – clean rooms - maintenance, ultrapure water– specification, production processes – ion exchange, reverse
osmosis, continuous electrodeionisation. PCB fabrication – electroless and electroplating of copper – principle, bath chemistries
and process parameters, formation of copper trackon plastic board. (9)

ELECTRONICS PACKAGING AND PROTECTION: Packaging materials-encapsulants and underfills - adhesives – chemical
types, application methods, factors influencing adhesion, soldering alloys – phase diagrams, lead free alloys, phase change
materials for cooling. Conducting inks for printed electronics - metal and carbon based – graphene, CNT– synthesis, structure,
electrical properties. Corrosion in electronics – types, protection – vapour phase inhibitors. (9)

ELECTROCHEMICAL POWER SOURCES: Electrochemical cells – emf, electrode potential, dependence of emf on electrolyte
concentration – Nernst equation. Batteries–performance characteristics. Materials, construction, reactions, characteristics of
lechlanche cell, primary lithium batteries, lead - acid battery and lithium-ion batteries. Supercapacitors – EDLC – fundamentals,
electrode materials, electrolytes, pseudocapacitors– materials. (9)

CHEMICAL SENSORS:– Sensors – basic components. Electrochemical sensors- potentiometric transducers – principle, ion-
selective electrodes – configurations, response functions and selectivity, applications –potentiometric titrations, water quality
monitoring - pH, Hardness, fluoride ion sensors Amperometric transducers – principle, application - glucose biosensors,
conductivity sensors – principle – application in conductometric titrations. Colorimetric sensors - Beer-Lambert’s law,
components, application - determination of ferric ion in water sample. Chemiresistive sensors - principle, application –
environmental monitoring – CO2 sensor. Microelectrodes for sensors – fabrication. (9)

Total L:45

Text Books:
1. Shashi Chawla, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 2005.
2. Cowie J.M.G,Valeria Arrighi "Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of modern materials", CRC Press., 2007.

1. Bansi D. Malhotra "Handbook of Polymers in Electronics", Rapra Technology Ltd.., 2002.
2. Peter Van Zant "Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing", Mc Graw Hill, 2014.
3. Derek Pletcher and Frank C. Walsh. “Industrial Electrochemistry”, Chapman and Hall , 1993.
4. Florinel-Gabriel Banica, “ Chemical Sensors and Biosensors – Fundamentals and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd,


INTRODUCTION: Evolution of programming languages, Algorithm, Pseudocode and Flowchart, Programming paradigms:
Structured programming - Object Oriented programming - Functional programming, Static and Dynamic type checking,
Strongly and Weekly typed language, Program execution, Embedded C. (9)

C PRELIMINARIES AND CONTROL STATEMENTS: Character set - Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Enumeration,
Declarations, Expressions, Statements, Preprocessor directives and symbolic constants - Operators and Expressions - Input
and Output Statements, Control Constructs: Unconditional Statements - Conditional Statements - Branching and Looping
Statements. (9)

FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS: Library functions and userdefined functions, Call by value, Recursion: Function call – Tail
Recursion – Tree Recursion - Linear recursion, Macros, Storage types, Pointers: Operations on pointers - Pointer arithmetic,
Call by reference, Function Pointer. (9)

ARRAYS: One dimensional and multi-dimensional array, Defining and processing array, Array as function argument, Strings -
Pointer to an Array, Array of pointers, , Command line arguments C99-standards (9)

STRUCTURES, UNION AND DATA FILES: Defining and processing a structure, Nested structures, Passing structure to
functions - Array of Structure, Pointer to Structure - Union - Dynamic Memory Allocation - Files: Streams, Opening and
closing file, Reading and writing a file. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Deitel.H.M, Deitel.P.J "C: How to Program", Pearson, 9th Edition, New Delhi, 2022.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Herbert Schildt, "C: The Complete Reference", McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, Noida, 2017.

1. PradipDey, ManasGhosh "Programming in C", Oxford University, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Mike McGrath, “C Programming”, In Easy Steps Limited, 5th Edition, United Kingdom, 2018.
3. Gottfried B "Programming with C", McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, Noida, 2018.
4. Kernighan B. W., Ritchie D.M. "The C Programming Language", 2nd Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2015.


VOCABULARY: Etymology-prefixes and suffixes–synonyms–antonyms–guessing meanings from context–word formation-
single-word substitutes-different forms of a word–phrasal verbs–collocations.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts.

GRAMMAR: Wh-questions–Yes/no questions–parts of speech–articles–prepositions–gerunds–conjunctions-degrees of

comparison–tenses– modal verbs– adverbs - direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques – practice reading.

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +15 = 60

1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen,“Communicative English”, Cambridge University press, Cambridge, 2021.
2. Raymond Murphy,“Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.


1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.


The experiments will be implemented using C Programming language.

1. Input and output statements
2. Control statements - Branching
3. Control statements - Looping
4. Functions
5. Recursion
6. Pointers
7. Arrays
8. String operations
9. Structures
10. File operations

Total P: 60



Physics (Any eight experiments)

1. Determination of Hysteresis loss of a ferromagnetic material
2. Determination of resistivity of metal and alloy using Carey Foster bridge
3. Determination of capacitance using LCR bridge
4. Study of reverse bias characteristics of Germanium diode and determination of its band gap
5. Study of I-V characteristics of solar cell and determination of its efficiency

67th ACM 30.07.2022

6. Thermistor: Measurement of temperature and band gap

7. Study of characteristics of Photo Diode
8. Operational Amp. (741) – Inverting and non inverting modes
9. Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
10. Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.

1. Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method.
2. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law –
3. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
4. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
5. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
6. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
7. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
8. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
9. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.

(30 Hours)

1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.

CHEMISTRY (Any eight experiments)

1. Determination of total hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. Demineralisation of water using ion-exchange resins and determination of water quality - pH, TDS and conductivity.
3. Electroplating of copper and Nickel and determination of cathode efficiency of electroplating.
4. Construction of phase diagram for a simple eutectic system.
5. Demonstration of different forms of metallic corrosion using ferroxyl indicator test and determination of rate of
galvanic corrosion using zero-resistance ammeter.
6. Designing a battery and determination of its characteristics.
7. Potentiometric estimation of ferrous iron.
8. Preparation of a chloride ion sensor and ascertaining nerstian response by construction of calibration curve.
9. Conductometric estimation of a mixture of strong and weak acids.
10. Photocolorimetric estimation of Ferric ion in a water sample.
(30 Hours)

1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department.
Total P : 30 + P:30 = 60



LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, inverse transform, linearity, s-shifting, transforms of derivatives and integrals,
unit step function, t – shifting, Dirac’s delta function, periodic functions, differentiation and integration of transforms. (9+3)

APPLICATION OF LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Convolution, solving differential equations with constant coefficients and
variable coefficients, integral equations, systems of ODEs by using Laplace transform technique. (9+3)

Z TRANSFORM: Z-transform, the relationship of the Z-transforms to the Laplace transform, some useful properties, inverse Z-
transforms, solution of difference equations. (6+2)

FOURIER SERIES: Fourier series – even and odd functions, half range expansion, convergence of Fourier series, basic
concepts of PDE’s, wave equation, solution of one dimensional heat equation and steady state two dimensional heat equation.

FOURIER TRANSFORMS: Fourier integral, Fourier cosine and sine integrals, Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform,
Fast Fourier transform – DIT algorithm. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Dean G. D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB”, CRC Press, USA, 2017.

1. Peter V.O. Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Wylie C. R. and Barrett L. C., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Jain. R. K. and Iyenger, S. R. K., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Alexander D Poularikas, “Transforms and applications primer for engineers with examples and MATLAB”, CRC press, USA,


STRAIN AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENT: Resistance strain gauge, piezoelectric pressure sensor, characteristics.
Electronic circuits for strain gauge, load cells. Interferometer, capacitance pressure sensor. (9)

ELECTRONIC SENSORS: Inductive, capacitive and ultrasonic based proximity sensors Reed switch, Hall-effect switching
sensors, capacitive based humidity sensor, liquid level detectors, flow sensors, smoke sensors. (9)

MOTION SENSORS: Capacitor plate sensor, Inductive sensors, LVDT Accelerometer systems, rotation sensors, piezoelectric
devices for motion sensing, Hall effect based speed sensor. (9)

LIGHT Sensors: Color temperature, light flux, photo sensors, photo resistor and photoconductors, photodiodes,
phototransistors, photovoltaic devices, fiber-optic sensors(FOS): Fibre-optic pressure sensor and its applications. (9)

Thermal Sensors: Bimetallic strip, semiconductor based temperature sensor, thermocouples, Resistance thermometers,
thermistors, PTC and NTC thermistors and their applications. Infrared sensors:bolometer, Pyroelectric detector, semiconductor
based IR sensors. (9)

Total L: 45

1.IanR Sinclair, Sensors and Transducers‖, Third Edition, Newnes publishers, 2011.
2.Krzysztof Iniewski, Smart sensors for industrial applications, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, 2019.
3.Doebelin E O, ―Measurement Systems, Application and Design‖ , McGraw Hill, 7th Edition, 2019

1.Jack P Holman, ―Experimental Methods for Engineers‖, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill, USA, 2011.
2.Jacob Fraden, Handbook of modern sensors: Physics,design,and applications, Springer, 5th Edition, 2016


INTRODUCTION: Elements of a communications system, Types of electronic communication, Modulation, Major applications
of electronic communication, Electromagnetic spectrum, Bandwidth. (9+3)

PULSE MODULATION: Sampling, Quantization, Pulse code modulation, Differential pulse code modulation, Delta
modulation, Line codes, Inter symbol interference, Correlative level coding. (9+3)

DIGITAL MODULATION: Information capacity, Bit rate, Baud, M-ary encoding, Amplitude shift keying, Frequency shift keying,
Phase shift keying, Differential phase shift keying, Quadrature phase shift keying, Comparison of digital modulation schemes.

SOURCE CODING: Uncertainty, Information, Entropy, Source coding theorem, Shannon Fano coding, Huffman coding,
Channel coding theorem, Information Capacity Theorem. (9+3)

ERROR CONTROL CODING: Discrete Memoryless Channels, Linear block codes, Cyclic Codes, Convolutional codes,
Maximum Likelihood Decoding of Convolutional Codes. (9+3)

Total L:45 + T : 15 = 60

1. Louis E. Frenzel "Principles of Electronic Communication Systems",4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education., Noida, 2015.
2. Wayne Tomaci "Electronics Communications Systems: Fundamentals through advanced", 5th Edition, Pearson,
Noida, 2011.

1. Simon Haykin "An introduction to Analog & Digital Communication", Wiley India, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Bhagwandas Pannalal Lathi, Zhi Ding "Modern digital and analog communication systems", 5th Edition, Oxford

67th ACM 30.07.2022

University Press, UK, 2019.

3. Leon W. Couch "Digital and Analog Communication Systems", 8th Edition, Pearson Education India., Noida, 2018.
4. Samuel.O.Agbo, Metthew N.O.Sadiku, “Principles of Modern Communication Systems”,Cambridge University Press,
UK, 2017.
4. Singal T L, “Analog and Digital Communications”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2012.


NUMBER SYSTEMS AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRA: Number Systems, Conversions, Signed and unsigned numbers, Binary
coded decimal, Excess-3 Codes, Gray Codes , Error detection and correction codes, Binary addition and subtraction, Boolean
laws, Axioms, Theorems and properties, Boolean functions, Canonical and standard forms of Boolean expression, Digital logic
gates, Digital logic families. (6+6)

SIMPLIFICATION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS: Sum-of-products, Truth table to Karnaugh map, K-map simplification, Product-
of-sums simplification, Don‘t Care Conditions, Hardware implementation, NAND and NOR implementation, two level and multi
level implementation, Hazard and hazard covers, Hardware description language (HDL) (6+6)

COMBINATIONAL LOGIC: Design procedure, Binary adder, Binary subtractor, Binary multiplier, Multiplexers,
Demultiplexers,Decoders, Encoders, Parity generators and checkers, Magnitude comparator, HDL implementation of
combinational circuits (6+6)

EQUENTIAL LOGIC: Latches, Flip flops,Conversion of Flip Flops. various types of shift registers., Asynchronous and
Synchronouscounters, Up/Down counters, Modulo-N counters, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State reduction and
assignment, Design procedure, Excitation tables, Analysis of Asynchronous sequential circuits, Design of Asynchronous
sequential circuits, HDL implementation of registers and counters. (6+6)

MEMORY AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC: Magnetic memory, Optical memory, Memory addressing, Random Access
Memory, Static and dynamic RAMs, Memory decoding, Read Only Memory, Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory,
Programmable Logic Array, Programmable Array Logic, Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog Conversion (6+6)

Total L:30 + T : 30 = 60

1. M. Morris Mano "Digital Logic and Computer Design", Pearson Education., India, 2018
2. Thomas L. Floyd "Digital Fundamentals", Pearson Education, Eleventh edition, USA,2018

1. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti "Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL and System Verilog",
Pearson Education, Sixth Edition, USA, 2018
2. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino, Goutam Saha "Digital Principles and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill., New Delhi, Sixth
edition, 2010.
3. Anand Kumar A "Fundamentals of Digital Circuits", PHI Learning, New Delhi, Fourth Edition, 2016.
4. Roger L Tokheim "Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications", McGraw-Hill Education., USA, Eighth edition, 2013.
5. Donald D. Givone "Digital Principles and Design", McGraw-Hill Education., USA, 2017

List of Experiments:
1. Verification of Logic Gates
2. Implementation of Boolean equations
3. Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Circuits
4. Design of Code Converters
5. Implementation of Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer circuits
6. Implementation of Latches and Flip-Flops
7. Design of Counters
8. Design of Shift Registers
9. Implementation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits using HDL


INTRODUCTION:Features ofPython, Variables and identifiers, Simultaneous assignment, CoreData types and Operators, conditional
and branching statements, looping statements, break and continue statements. (6+6)

STRINGS AND DATA STRUCTURES:Accessing and traversing string, String operators and operations,Data Structures: Lists, Tuple,
Set and Dictionary. (6+6)

FUNTIONSAND MODULES:Function declaration and definition, Parameters and arguments in a function, Variable scope and
lifetime, lambda functions, recursive functions, Modules: OS and SYS modules, User defined modules, Packages. (6+6)

OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Defining classes, self parameter and adding methods to a class, The _init_
Method,Inheritance, Types of inheritance, super(). (6+6)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

FILES AND EXCEPTION: Writing into a file, Reading from a file, File methods,Exception: Errors and exceptions, handling exception,
numpy, pandas. (6+6)

1. Control Statements and Looping
2. String Handling&Lists
3. Tuples, Set & Dictionary
4. Functions and Lambda Functions
5. Class and Inheritance
6. Packages and Modules
7. Files and I/O Handling
8. Exception Handling
9. Data Frames and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
10. Database Connectivity
Total L: 30 + T: 30 = 60


1. Martin C. Brown, Python: The Complete Reference, Mc Graw Hill, Forth edition, 2018.
2. Y. Daniel Liang, Introduction to programming using python,Pearson Edition, Fourth Edition, 2017.


1. John V. Guttag, Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python”, The MIT Press., 2016.
2. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, Robert Dondero "Introduction to Programming in Python: An Inter-disciplinary
Approach", Pearson India., 2016.
3. Reema Thareja, Python programming using problem solving approach, Oxford University Press,2017.
4. Ashok Namdev Kamthane and Amit Ashok Kamthane, Programming and problem solving with python, Mc Graw Hill, 2018.



1. Study of electronic components and instruments
2. Construction of half-wave and full wave rectifier without and with capacitor filter and observation of input and output
3. Assembly Language programming for 8085 microprocessor – write simple assembly language programs, assemble and
execute machine code
4. Study of basic hardware components of a personal computer, disassembly and assembly of PC components
5. Installation of Operating system and drivers for peripheral devices
6. Installation of application software and configuring PC for networking
7. Preventive maintenance and basic troubleshooting
1. Foundry- Tools, preparation of molding sand, patterns, cores, foundry exercises
2. Welding - Metal arc welding tools and equipment, exercises by Arc welding and TIG welding Processes
3. Fitting - Tools, operations, exercises Make “T”-Joint and “L” Joint, types of joints
4. Carpentry- Tools, carpentry process, carpentry exercises, types of joints
5. Power Tools- Demonstration of tools and operations
6. Plumbing-exercises-external thread cutting and joining
7. Sheet metal work & Soldering - Tools, operations, exercises Make a Rectangular Tray in Galvanized Iron sheet

Total P:30

1. Rajaraman V. "Fundamentals of Computers", Prentice Hall of India., New Delhi, 2011
2. Mechanical Department "Laboratory Manual", ., 2010
3. Chapman W.A.J "Workshop Technology", Edward Arnold., 2001

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1.Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essentials
Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



VECTOR SPACES: General vector spaces - real vector spaces - Euclidean n-space - subspaces – linear independence-
coordinates and basis – dimension - change of basis - row space, column space and null space – consistency of linear systems
- rank and nullity. (9+3)

LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS: General linear transformation - matrix transformations- geometry of linear operators on R2-
matrices for general linear transformations – similarity (9+3)

INNER PRODUCT SPACES: Inner products - angle and orthogonality in inner product spaces, Gram - Schmidt process: QR
decomposition, best approximation: least squares - least squares fitting to data. (9+3)

EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization - orthogonal diagonalization -

quadratic forms. (9+3)

MATRIX DECOMPOSITION AND OPTIMIZATION: Spectral decomposition - singular value decomposition - reduced singular
value decomposition - optimization using quadratic forms. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T:15 =60

1. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.
2. David C Lay, Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Gareth Williams, “Linear Algebra with Applications”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Gilbert Strang, “Linear Algebra and Learning from Data”, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, USA, 2019.
3. Friedberg, Insel and Spence, “Linear Algebra”, Pearson Education, USA, 2015.
4. Steven J Leon, “Linear Algebra with Applications”, Pearson Education, USA, 2015.


Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an Economy –
Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)

Cost and Inventory Control: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship - Make or
Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without
Shortages- Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)

Pricing, Revenue and Value Engineering: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis- Problems in
Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)

Project Management: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project Appraisal –
Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT – CPM Models –
Case Analysis. (10+5)

Economic Growth and Development: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control Measures -
Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable Development
Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60

Text Books
1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications”, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Basics of computer architecture - Stored program organization - Register transfer language -Arithmetic -
Logic - Shift micro operations - Instruction code - Timing and control - Instruction cycle – Basic computer design (12)

CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT: CPU Organization: General register organization - Stack organization – Instruction formats -
Addressing modes - Data transfer and manipulation - Program control. (12)

COMPUTER ARITHMETIC AND CONTROL UNIT: Fixed point arithmetic operations: Addition - Subtraction - Multiplication -
Division - Floating point arithmetic operations: Basics - Control unit design: Hardwired control - Micro-programmed control.(12)

MEMORY AND I/O SYSTEMS: Memory hierarchy - Main memory - Auxiliary memory - Associative memory – Cache memory -
Virtual memory - Interleaved memories - I/O SYSTEMS: Asynchronous data transfer - Modes of data transfer: Programmed I/O
- Interrupt initiated I/O - Direct Memory Access (DMA) - I/O processor (12)

PARALLEL PROCESSING: Parallel Architectural Classification Schemes - Pipelining - Instruction and arithmetic pipelining –
Principles of designing Pipelined Processors. (12)

Total L : 60

1. Morris Mano M. and Rajib Mall, "Computer System Architecture", Pearson Education, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2019.
2. Kai Hwang and Briggs F.A, "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Second edition,

1. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing for Performance", Pearson Education, Hyderabad,
Eleventh Edition, 2022.
2. John P Hayes, "Computer Organization and Architecture", McGraw Hill International Edition, New Delhi, Third Edition,
3. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson and Krste Asanović, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach", Elsevier,
New Delhi, Fifth Edition, 2019.
4. Heuring V.P., Jordan H.F. and Venkatesh T.G., "Computer Systems Design and Architecture", Pearson Education, New
Delhi, Second Edition, 2013.


ARRAYS AND LINKED LISTS: Data structures, Types of data structures, Abstract Data Types (ADT), Operations, Analysis of
algorithms: Complexity of algorithms - Time and Space complexity, Asymptotic notation, Linear arrays - Representation and
operations, Linked lists - Representation of linked list in memory, Operations on linked list: Traversal - Search - Insertion -
Deletion, Types: Singly linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Applications: Execution of matrices and vectors,
Representation of sparse matrices. (9)

STACKS AND QUEUES: Array representation of stack, Linked representation of stack, Primitive operations on stack,
Recursion, Infix to postfix conversion, Evaluation of postfix expression, Queues: Basic operations on queues, Array and linked
representation, Types: Deque, Circular queue, Priority queues, Applications: Expression evaluation, Resource sharing. (9)

TREES: Tree terminologies, Types of trees, Binary tree - Representations of tree in memory, Tree traversals: Preorder - Inorder
- Postorder, Binary Search Tree (BST), Operations on BST: Search - Insertion - Deletion, Height balanced tree: AVL search
tree, Application: Hierarchical Filesystem (9)

GRAPHS: Graph theory terminologies, Representations of graph, Traversals: Breadth first search - Depth first search, Shortest
Path Algorithms - Dijkstra's Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson's algorithm, Application:
Social graphs. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

SORTING AND SEARCHING: Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Radix sort, Shell sort,
Counting sort, Linear search, Binary search, Applications: Words search in dictionaries, Case insensitive comparison. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia and Michael H Goldwasser, “Data Structures and Algorithms in Python”, Wiley India
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, Pearson Education, Chennai, Second Edition, 2018.

1. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures”, McGraw Hill Education, Chennai, 2019.
2. Venkatesan R and Lovelyn Rose S, “Data Structures” Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2019.
3. Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein and Aaron M Tanenbaum, “Data Structures using C and C++”, Pearson
Education, Chennai, Second Edition, 2020.
4. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Susan Anderson Freed, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, Universities Press,
Hyderabad, Second Edition, 2020.


MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES: Statements and Notation – Connectives – Normal Forms –
Inference Theory – Set Theory – Representation of Discrete Structures – Relations and ordering – Functions – recursion -
Algebraic Structures: Algebraic systems – Semi groups and monoids – Groups – Subgroups – Homomorphism‘s - Rings and
Fields. (9+3)


principle - Generating permutations and combinations in lexicographic order. Recurrence relations: Models – Solving linear
homogeneous recurrence relations and linear non-homogeneous recurrence relations - Countable and Uncountable sets,
Cantor's diagonalization, Mathematical Induction - weak and strong induction. (9+3)

FINITE AUTOMATA AND REGULAR LANGUAGES: Central Concepts of Automata Theory, Alphabets, Strings, Languages,
Chomsky Hierarchy- Finite Automata: Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA), Non Determinism Finite Automata (NDFA) – NDFA
with epsilon - Equivalence of DFA, NDFA and NDFA with epsilon. Regular Expression: Finite Automata and Regular Expression
- Closure Properties of Regular Language, Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages. (9+3)

Ambiguity, Left factoring and Left Recursive Grammar, Chomsky and Greibach Normal Form - Pumping Lemma for Context
Free Languages - Push Down Automata (PDA):PDA Definition, Languages of PDA - Equivalence of PDA and CFG. (9+3)

TURING MACHINES AND UNDECIDABILITY: Definitions, Models, Turing machine constructions, Universal Turing Machine,
undecidable Problems, Reductions and the Halting Problem, Post’s Correspondence Problem, Primitive Recursive Functions,
Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages. (9+3)

Total L: 45 T: 15 = 60

1. Kenneth H Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and its Application”, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. John E Hopcrof, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2014.

1. R. Dube, A Pandey, Ritu Gupta, “Discrete Structures and Automata Theory”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Jean-Paul Tremblay, R Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structures with application to Computer Science”, McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2011.
3. John C Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2014.


1. Arrays
2. Singly Linked List
3. Doubly Linked List
4. Stacks
5. Queues
6. Binary Tree Traversals
7. Binary Search Trees
8. Graph Traversals

67th ACM 30.07.2022

9. Shortest Path Algorithms

10. Sorting and Searching Techniques

Total P:60


1. Classes and Methods
2. Inheritance, Abstract class and Interface
3. Package and String manipulation
4. Exception handling
5. Multithreading
6. Event handling
7. Swing Components
8. Collection and Utility classes
9. File and Stream
10. Database connectivity
Total P:60


1. Introduction to Workplace Communication
2. Profile Building for Internships
3. English in the Workplace (Grammar & Vocabulary)
4. Professional Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Workplace Communication Tools
6. Career Exploration
7. Resume Update
Total P: 30
1. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.


200 0

INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Environment - Definition, scope and importance. Types and composition of
atmosphere - particles, ions and radicals. Ozone layer - significance, formation and depletion. Ecosystems- Structure
and functions, components, energy flow, food chains, food web, Biodiversity-levels, values and threats - India as a
mega - diversity nation - hotspots of biodiversity - endangered and endemic species of India - conservation of
biodiversity. (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES: Introduction - National and International status- exploitation - sustainable strategies- Fossil fuels-
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion systems,
site characteristics, and types of wind turbines. Supporting renewable energy resources - tidal – geothermal - hydroelectric.

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Definition - Sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b) Water
pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards (h) RF hazards
- Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Disaster Management: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides -
Case studies, consequences and rescue measures. (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT: Wastewater - Characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater - COD and BOD - Various
stages of treatment - primary, secondary, tertiary treatment- Biological and advanced oxidation processes. Solid waste
management - Characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes and their
management -landfills, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting. (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmentally Sustainable work practices - Rain water harvesting - Role of
non-governmental organizations. Human ethics and rights - impact on environment and human health - role of
information technology on environment and human kind. Green IT policies, Process of EIA - ISO 14000. Legislation-
Environment protection act - Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act - Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)
act -Wildlife protection act -Forest conservation act. (6)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 30
1. Gilbert M.Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. De A K , "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. KoteswaraRao MVR, "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Deswal S and Deswal A, "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 2004.



PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axioms, conditional probability, law of total probability,
Baye’s theorem, discrete random variables, probability mass function, cumulative distribution function, binomial, Poisson and
geometric random variables, expected values. (9+3)

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Cumulative distribution function, probability density function, uniform, exponential and
Gaussian random variables, expected values. (9+3)

PAIRS OF RANDOM VARIABLES: Joint cumulative distribution function, joint probability mass function, marginal probability
mass function, joint probability density function, marginal probability density function, independent random variables, expected
values, covariance, correlation and independence, central limit theorem, weak law of large numbers. (9+3)

STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Types of stochastic processes, Bernoulli process, Poisson process, discrete time Markov chains,
classification of states, limiting state probabilities. (9+3)

STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Point estimation, Bayesian estimation, interval estimation. Hypothesis testing: one and two tailed
tests, tests concerning mean, proportion, and variance, single and two samples, tests for goodness of fit and independence of
attributes. (9+3)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60

1. Roy D Yates and David J Goodman, “Probability and Stochastic Processes”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Ronald E. W, Raymond H M, Sharon L M and Keying Ye, “Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2016.
1. Saeed Ghahramani, “Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes”, CRC Press, USA, 2018.
2. Dougles C Montgomery and George C Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India, New Delhi,
3. Athanasios P and Unnikrishna P S, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2017.
4. D. Bertsekas and J. Tsitsiklis, “Introduction to Probability”, Athena Scientific, USA, 2008.



DATA MODELS: Databases and database users, Database system concepts and architecture, Data models: Entity
relationship model - Enhanced entity relationship model - Relational Model, Relational database constraints, Relational
algebra,Conceptual to relational mapping, SQL, DB Vault (11)

DATABASE DESIGN THEORY AND METHODOLOGY: Functional dependencies, Axioms, Normal Forms: First normal form -
Second normal form - Third normal form - Boyce Codd normal form, Multi-valued dependency, Join dependency.

DATA STORAGE AND INDEXING: Overview, Record storage, Primary file organization, Caching, Index structures for files:
Single level Indexing - Multilevel Indexing, B-Trees. (7)

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES: Query processing, Query optimization, Transaction management: Transaction -
Concurrency control - Recovery system. (9)

NON RELATIONAL DATABASES: Need for NOSQL Databases, Types, MongoDB - Data types, Creating, Updating and
Deleting Documents, Querying the database. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45

1.Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2017.
2.Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth and Sudharshan S , "Database System Concepts", Seventh Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2021.

1. Atul Kahate, "Introduction to Database Management Systems", Third Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
2.Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3.Kristina Chodorow and Michael Dirolf, "MONGODB: The Definitive Guide, Powerful and Scalable Storage", Third Edition,
Shroff Publishers, Mumbai, 2019.
4.Thomas M Connolly Z Carolyn E, "Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management", Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2019.


INTRODUCTION: Functions and Characteristics of Operating System,Evolution – Types, RTOS, Operating System
components - Kernel, Operating System Structures, System Calls – Types, System Programs, Operating System Design and
Implementation – Design Issues, Case study: Linux Commands Execution, Shell Programming. (9+3)

PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Process Concepts - Creation - Termination - Hierarchies - States – Operations on Process –
Scheduling Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms - Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithms, Threads: Multithreading Models - Thread
Libraries - Threading Issues, Case Study: Linux System Calls for Process Management, Process Scheduling in Linux (9+3)

PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION: Interprocess Communication – Shared Memory – Message Passing, Critical Section
Problem, Peterson's Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors,
Deadlocks: Characterization - Prevention - Avoidance - Detection and Recovery, Case Study: Linux Kernel concurrency
Mechanisms (9+3)

MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Logical Versus Physical Address Space, Basics of linking and loading, Swapping, Contiguous
Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Virtual Memory Management: Demand Paging, Page
Replacement algorithms, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing- Working set, Case study: Memory management and Page
replacement algorithms in Linux. (9+3)

FILE AND DISK MANAGEMENT: Files: Attributes - Operations – Types – Structure – Access Methods, Directories, File
System Implementation, Mass Storage: Disk Structure – Disk Scheduling Algorithms – Swap Space Management–RAID
Levels, Case Study: Disk scheduling in Linux, Implementation of Mini File manager. (9+3)

Total L : 45 +T:15=60

1. Silberschatz A, Galvin P and Gagne G, "Operating Systems Concepts", John Wiley and Sons, Singapore,10th edition,
2. William Stallings, "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 9th edition, 2018.

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Modern Operating System", Forth Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Achyut Godbole and Atul Kahate, "Operating Systems", Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Dhamdhere, "Operating Systems: A Concept Based approach", Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2015.
4. Harvey M Deitel, Paul J Deitel and David R Choffnes, "Operating Systems", Third Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,


PHYSICAL LAYER: Transmission media, Data communications, Switching techniques, Network topologies, OSI and TCP/IP
models, Protocols and Standards, Network components: Hubs - Switches - Routers - Gateways. (9)

DATA LINK LAYER: MAC addressing, MAC Protocols: Ethernet - Token ring, Error detection and correction techniques:
Checksum - Cyclic Redundancy Check - Hamming code, Sliding Window Routing Protocol, Design issues. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

INTERNET LAYER: IP addressing: Classful- Classless addressing, Sub-netting, Routing algorithms: Distance vector - Link
state routing, Protocols:IP- ARP- RARP, Software Defined Network, Design issues. (9)

TRANSPORT LAYER: Port and Socket addressing, Protocols: UDP – TCP - SCTP, Flow, Error and Congestion control
techniques, TCP connections, Quality of service, Load Balancer, Design Issues. (9)

APPLICATION LAYER: Application layer services: DNS – WWW - Webmail, VoIP, Protocols: HTTPS - SMTP – TFTP –

Total L 45

1. James F. Kurose, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet", 7th Edition, Addison Wesley, Delhi,
2. William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communications", 10th Edition, Pearson Education, USA, 2017.

1. Douglas E. Comer, "Computer Networks and Internets", Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, USA, 2016.
2. Shashi Banzal, "Data and Computer Network Communication", Second Edition, Firewall Media, Delhi, 2016.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan, "Data Communication and Networking", Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi, 2017.
4. Larry Peterson, Bruce Davie, "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach", Fifth Edition, Elsevier, USA, 2015.


1. Simple SQL Queries, Constraints, Aggregation and Set operations
2. Joins, sub-queries, Embedded SQL
3. Creation of Views, Synonyms, Sequence, Indexes and Save point
4. Creation of Database Triggers , Procedures, Functions
5. Creation of a PL/SQL block to handle Exceptions
6. Database Creation and Manipulation using MongoDB
7. Mini Project

Total P: 60



1. Traffic Analysis using Wireshark.
2. Configure switches and routers.
3. VLAN and NAT
4. Client Server Communication using Putty
5. Port blocking.
6. Socket Programming
7. E-mail Server and Client
8. FTP (file download and upload using Socket Program).
9. SNMP for monitoring the network devices
10. RIP and OSPF
Total P: 60


1. 8051 microcontroller kit and simulator.
2. Basic Assembly Level Programming using 8051 microcontroller.
3. Interfacing experiments using microcontroller - Peripheral devices / IO, Motor speed control.
4. PyBoard with Micro Python
5. Sensing with peripherals using Micro Python: Sound, Light, Temperature, Gestures.
6. Mini Project

Total P: 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.



INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy.

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy

UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)

Total L:30
1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. Praveenkumar Mellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,

1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.




INTRODUCTION: Role of algorithm in computing, Growth of functions, Asymptotic notations, Permutations and Combinations,
Recurrences, Substitution method, Recursion tree method, Master method, Basics of Problem Classes: P, NP, NP-Hard and
NP-Complete. (9)

DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Analysis of sorting algorithms: Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap Sort, Selection sort, Binary search,
Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication, Finding the Closest Pair of Points. (9)

GREEDY METHOD: Coin change problem, Interval scheduling, Job sequencing, Fractional knapsack problem, Minimum
Spanning Trees, Single source shortest path algorithm, Huffman coding, (9)

DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Principles of dynamic programming, Coin change problem, Multistage graphs, Longest common
subsequence problem, Weighted interval scheduling, Knapsack problem, Matrix chain multiplication. (9)

EXHAUSTIVE SEARCH: Solution space and tree organization, Backtracking, N-queens problem, Sum of subset problem,
Graph coloring, Knapsack problem, Sudoku solving problem, Branch and bound: 0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling salesman
problem, Job assignment problem, 8 puzzle problem. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L : 45

1. Anany Levitin, "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms", Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2021.
2. Thomas H.Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ron Rivest and Cliff Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, Third
Edition, 2021.

1. Narasimha Karumanchi, “Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java: Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles”,
Careermonk Publications, 2020.
2. Udit Agarwal, "Algorithms Design and Analysis", Sixth Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2017.
3. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", Second Edition,
Universities Press, 2019.
4. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, "Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples", Wiley
Publications, 2014.


SOFTWARE PROCESS AND LIFE CYCLE MODEL: Need for Software Engineering, Software Characteristics, Software
Engineering Tasks, Software Process Models: Waterfall Model - Prototyping Model - RAD Model - Incremental model - Spiral
model, Agile Manifesto Principles, Agile process Model. (9+3)

REQUIREMENT ENGINEERING AND COST ESTIMATION: Requirements Engineering: Elicitation, Analysis andNegotiation,
Validation, Requirements Traceability, Software Requirement Specification (SRS), Cost estimation: Function Point - COCOMO
Models, Agile Requirements: User Stories - Backlog Management, Agile opensource SCRUM tools. (9+3)

DESIGN MODELING: Design concepts: Abstraction – Architecture patterns - Separation of Concerns – Modularity - Information
Hiding - Functional Independence - Cohesion – Coupling - Refinement and Refactoring, Modeling with UML: Use Case
Diagrams - Class Diagrams - Interaction Diagrams - Sequence Diagrams - Activity Diagrams - Component Diagrams -
Deployment Diagrams, Agile Architecture: Feature Driven Development. (9+3)

SOFTWARE TESTING: Coding standards, Software testing fundamentals - White box testing - Basis path testing - Control
structure testing - Black box testing - Unit Testing – Integration Testing - Validation Testing - System Testing and Debugging,
Agile Testing: Agile Testing Techniques - Test-Driven Development. (9+3)

SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT: Software Maintenance and Configuration Management, Types of
Software Maintenance, Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering, Version Control and Change Control, Metrics for software
maintenance. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Roger S. Pressman, "Software Engineering – A Practitioner‘s Approach",Eigth Edition, McGraw Hill, USA, 2019.
2. Ronald J. Leach, “Introduction to Software Engineering”, Second Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York, 2018

1. Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering", Tenth Edition, Addison Wesley, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Paul C. Jorgensen and Byron DeVries, “Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach”, Fifth Edition, CRC Press, NW, 2021.
3. Mark C. Layton, Steven J. Ostermiller and Dean J. Kynaston, “Agile Project Management”, Third Edition, NJ, 2020.
4. Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene,”Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban”,O'Reilly Media,


IOT CONCEPTS : Definition, Architecture of IoT , Enabling technologies: Sensors - Actuators - WSN - Embedded Systems -
Cloud computing - Big data analytics, IoT Prototyping platforms: Arduino - Raspberry Pi - Nodemcu, Applications of IoT. (9)

COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS AND MODULES: Communication models: Push-pull, REST API, Publish-subscribe pattern,
Communication Protocols:Wifi – Bluetooth – BLE - Zigbee - AMQP - MQTT – CoAP - Z wave - Near Field Communication –
LoRaWAN – SigFox, Hardware Interfaces: SPI - I2C – USART - UART, Modules: GSM, RF Module, M2M communications. (9)

CLOUD - IOT SERVICES: Cloud Service types: IaaS – PaaS – SaaS, Edge computing and Fog computing, Key features of
IoT-Cloud services, IoT cloud Platforms: Amazon web services – IBM Watson IoT platform – Microsoft Azure – Google cloud –
Salesforce IoT, Software defined networking. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

IOT DATA ANALYTICS: Role of Data analytics in IoT, Challenges, Data retrieval and visualization, Tools: Thingspeak –
Datadog, Case Studies: Smart Cities, Smart Logistics and retail, Agriculture, Pollution Control, Health and Lifestyle, Home
Automation System. (9)

SECURITY & IIOT: Security: Threats - Vulnerability – Risks - IoT Attacks and Countermeasures - Attack trees - Fault trees -
CPS attacks, Industrial IoT: Essentials of IIoT - Industry 4.0 - Security considerations and challenges – Risks – Applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", Universities Press (India), Hyderabad,
2. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases", CRC
Press, United States, 2017.

1. Giacomo Veneri and Antonio Capasso , "Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things, Build a Strong and Efficient IoT
Infrastructure at Industrial and Enterprise Level by Mastering Industrial IoT Network", Packt, United Kingdom, 2018.
2. Chintan Patel and Nishant Doshi, "Internet of Things Security: Challenges, Advances, and Analytics", CRC Press, United
States, 2018.
3. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick and Omar Elloumi, "The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols", John Wiley
and Sons Ltd, UK, 2015.
4. Russell, Brian and Drew Van Duren, "Practical Internet of Things Security", Packt Publishing, United Kingdom, 2016.


INTRODUCTION TO AI AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS: Foundations, History, Intelligent agents, Relationship between AI and
Internet of Things, Agents, Nature of Environments, Structure of agents, Problem solving by Intelligent Search, Problem
Formulation, State space, Search space, Problem reduction, Application: Navigational planning for mobile robots. (9+3)

HEURISTIC AND ADVERSARY SEARCH: Informed search strategies, Local search algorithms, Online search agents,
Constraint satisfaction problems, Game Playing: Minimax, Alpha-beta pruning, Application: Solving chess by search. (9+3)

KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION: Knowledge representation, Knowledge based agents, Logic, Proposition, Inference, First
order logic, Inference in FOL, Resolution, Application: Wumpus world through knowledge representation. (9+3)

PLANNING AND PROBABILISTIC AGENTS: Planning problem, Partial order planning, Multi agent planning, Uncertainty and
probabilistic reasoning, Application: Robotic automation via planning. (9+3)

LEARNING AGENTS: Different forms of learning, Neural networks, Reinforcement learning : Model-free reinforcement
learning: Q Learning, Algorithm for learning Q, Case Study: Realization of Cognition for Mobile Robots (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach", Forth Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. Kevin Knight, Elaine Richand, Shivashankar B Nair, "Artificial Intelligence", Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

1. Amit Konar, "Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Behavioral And Cognitive Modeling of The Human Brain",
Computational Intelligence: Logical Approach", Oxford Publishing, New York, 2020.
2. Mishra R B, "Artificial Intelligence", PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Dan W Patterson, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems", PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2015.
4. David Poole and Alan Mackworth, "Computational Intelligence: Logical Approach", Oxford Publishing, New York, 2010.
5. Mishra R B, "Artificial Intelligence", PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.


1. Analysis of Algorithms
2. Searching and Sorting Techniques
3. Divide and Conquer Algorithms
4. Greedy Algorithms
5. Priority Queues
6. Graph Problems

67th ACM 30.07.2022

7. Dynamic Programming
8. Dynamic Programming with Strings and Trees
9. Backtracking
10. Branch and Bound

Total L : 60


1. Fire alarm system using temperature sensor, smoke sensor and Arduino
2. Watering system for houseplants using Raspberry Pi
3. Gyro sensor interfacing with NodeMCU
4. Design, Build and Control a Robot car using Bo Robo Motors
5. Home Automation System using Node-Red, MQTT and Raspberry Pi
6. Mini Project

Total P: 60



1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
4. Critical reasoning
5. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
6. Permutation, Combination and Probability
7. Time, Speed and Distance
8. Resume progress check

Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022



WIRELESS BAN, PAN, LAN AND WAN: Wireless Media: Frequency spectrum - Characteristics - Path loss – Impairments,
IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN, 802.15.1 Bluetooth, 802.15.4 ZigBee, IEEE 802.11 WLAN, IEEE 802.16 WiMax: Protocol and Network
Architecture - Characteristics - Applications (10+3)

ADHOC WIRELESS NETWORKS: Single hop and Multi-hops Ad-hoc networks: Characteristics - Challenges, Proactive and
Reactive protocols: Count-to-infinity Problem of DV - DSDV protocol – Characteristics –– Case studies, DSR protocol –
Characteristics – Case Studies, AODV protocol– Characteristics – Case Studies, MANET and WSN Applications (10+3)
CELLULAR SYSTEM DESIGN: Cellular system, Frequency reuse and interference issues, Channel assignment strategies,
Handoff strategies, Improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems, GSM system architecture, multiple access techniques
in 2G cellular Networks. (10+3)

CELLULAR 3G-4G-5G NETWORKS: Evolution of 3G, 4G and 5G cellular networks, Data and Control planes of 3G and 4G
networks, Elements of 4G-LTE architecture - Setting up data Service in 4G-LTE - VoLTE using IMS, MIMO and OFDM
Technologies for high speed wireless transmission (10+3)

WIRELESS SECURITY TOOLS: Kismet, Backtrack, Gerix and Aircrack-ng Tools for penetration testing, Net Stumbler and
Wireshark for network scanning and packet/protocol analyzer. (5+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1.Cory Beard, William Stallings, “Wireless Communication Networks and Systems", Pearson Education Ltd., UK, 2016
2. Siva Ram Murthy C and Manoj B S, "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols", Pearson Education, India,

1. ITI Saha Misra, "Wireless Communications and Networks 3G and Beyond", Second Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, 2018.
2. Anwer Al-Dulaimi, Xianbin Wang and Chih-Lin I, "5G Networks: Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and
Operations Management", Wiley-IEEE Press, London, 2018.
3. Martin Sauter, "3G, 4G and Beyond: Bringing Networks, Devices and the Web Together", Second Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, United Kingdom, 2013.
4. James F. Kurose, Keith Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach”, Eigth Edition, Pearson Education Ltd., UK,


INTRODUCTION: Basics of World Wide Web (WWW), Web browser, Web server, Web page: Types - Issues, Concepts of tiers,
Plug-ins, Markup languages: Hypertext markup language 5, Extensible Markup Language (XML): Fundamentals - Schema -
XML path language - XML Query - eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) – Namespaces, Introduction to full
stack. (9)

CLIENT SIDE SCRIPTING: Java Script: Basics - Operations and Expressions - Screen Output - Control statements - Object
creation and modification - Arrays - Functions - Constructors - Events - Form validations, Document Object Model,
JavaScript Object Notation, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(AJAX). (9)

SERVER SIDE SCRIPTING: PHP: Validation - Cookie - Session - File handling - PHP Data Objects, J2EE Framework:
Introduction to Servlets, JSP and Java Bean. (9)

BACKEND FRAMEWORK: Spring: Spring Boot - Java Persistence API handling – MVC – Annotation Based Controllers -
validators. Hibernate: Object-Relational Mapping - Object/Grid Mapper - Java Persistence API - Annotations - Mapping - Log4j-
Hibernate Query Language (10)

FRONTEND FRAMEWORK: ReactJS: Elements - Components, Forms - Events, Redux, Introduction to AngularJS. (8)

Total L : 45

1. Chong Lip Phang , “Mastering Front-End Web Development”, Chong Lip Phang, USA, 2020
2. .Anuradha A and Puntambekar,”Internet Programming”,Technical Publishing, Pune, 2020

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Davis, Adam L..Spring Quick Reference Guide: A Pocket Handbook for Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and More. United
States, Apress, 2020.
2. Linwood, Jeff, et al. Beginning Hibernate 6: Java Persistence from Beginner to Pro. United States, Apress, 2021.
3. John Dean, "Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript", Jones & Bartlett Learning, US, 2018.
4. Bach, John. React Js: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn React Js Programming Step by Step. N.p., Independently
Published, 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Data Mining Functionalities, Confluence of Data Mining: Machine Learning – Deep Learning, Data
Preprocessing: Data Summarization - Data Cleaning - Data Transformation - Data Reduction: Dimensionality Reduction
Techniques. (9)

ASSOCIATION MINING: Basic Concepts, Types of Association Rules, Frequent Itemset Mining Methods. (9)

CLASSIFICATION AND PREDICTION: Introduction, Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Neural Networks:
Architecture - Perceptron - Back propagation, Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbor, Prediction: Linear Regression,
Accuracy measures, Model Evaluation. (9)

CLUSTER ANALYSIS: Similarity and distance measures, Hierarchical Methods, Partitioning Methods, Density Based
Methods.Outlier detection: Statistical Distribution Based Methods, Proximity Based Methods, Density Based Methods, Deviation
Based Methods. (9)

ENSEMBLE LEARNING: Introduction, Bagging, Boosting, Random Forest, Class Imbalance Problem, Multiclass Problem,
Mining Time Series Data. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Elsevier, Third Edition, 2012.
2. Pang Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne and Vipin Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining”, Pearson Education,
Second Edition, 2019.

1. Mohammed J. Zaki and Wagner Meira, "Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms", Cambridge
India, 2014.
2. Rajan Chattamvelli, “Data Mining Methods”, Narosa Publishers, Second Edition, 2016.
3. Gupta G K, “Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies”, PHI Learning, Second Edition, 2014.
4. Mehmed Kantardzic, “Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms”, Wiley- IEEE Press, Third Edition, 2019.


1. Data Preprocessing
2. Association Mining Algorithms
3. Data Classification Algorithms
4. Data Prediction Algorithms
5. Data Clustering Algorithms
6. Mini Project

Total P:60


1. Markup languages
2. XML – XSD,
3. XML-XQuery, XPath, XSLT
4. Java Script
6. PHP with MySQL
7. Servlet - JDBC
9. Spring boot
10. React JS
Total P: 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022


Project based laboratory that encourages students to
 Identify real world problems from Industry.
 Understand and analyze the requirements in solving the problem.
 Design and provide effective and innovative solutions.
 Demonstrate and exhibit the project with documentation.

Total P:30


1. Logarithms, Progressions, Geometry and Quadratic equations
2. Attention to detail&Image Interpretation
3. Voices and Speech
4. Algebraic Expressions
5. Surds, Indices and Simplification
6. Set Theory & Functions
7. Cryptarithmetic& Trigonometry
8. Advance Quantitative
9. Advance Verbal
10. Advance Logical
11. Preparing for Business roles, Case studies, & Guesstimation techniques
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14. Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.
4.Arun Sharma, “How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT”, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2018.



INTRODUCTION: Roots of cloud computing, Cloud characteristics, Deployment models: private – public - hybrid - community,
Service models: SaaS – PaaS – IaaS - PaaS, Challenges of cloud computing, security risks and threats, Microservices, Service
Level Agreement, Private Cloud architecture. (9+3)

VIRTUALIZATION: Basics of Virtualization, Virtual Machine and its applications, Types of virtualizations: Application – Network
– Desktop – Storage – Server and Data, Types of Hypervisors, VM Migration: Cold and Live, Live Migration Techniques and
advantages over WAN, VM Provisioning and manageability, Study on virtualization softwares: XEN – KVM - Hyper-v and
Virtualbox. (9+3)

Edge Cloud Platform: Edge computing role, Hierarchy of Edge Computing, Benefits, Key Techniques: Virtual machine and
Container - Software Defined Network - Content Delivery Networks - Mobile Data centers, Resource management: Kubernetes
- Containers - Dockers, Edge to Cloud Protocols, Edge computing challenges. (9+3)

Edge Analytics: Centralized cloud: Parallel processing - Map Reduce programming paradigm in cloud, Potential of Edge
Analytics, IoT and Edge Architecture, Sensors and Endpoints, Edge Servers, Edge Gateways, Edge Devices and
Management, Edge computing in IIoT. (9+3)

Edge Cloud Services: Amazon AWS, Microsoft Windows Azure, Google App Engine, OpenStack, Azure IoT Edge, iFogSim,
Eclipse ioFog, Data analytics on high potential applications. (9+3)

Total L: 45+T:15=60

1. RajkumarBuyya, James Broberg and AndrzejGoscinski, "Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms", Wiley, USA,2017.
2.Jie Cao, Quan Zhang, WeisongShi, “Edge Computing: a Primer”,Springer, Detroit, USA, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Dac-Nhuong Le, Raghvendra Kumar, Gia Nhu Nguyen, Jyotir Moy Chatterjee, “Cloud Computing and Virtualization”,
Wiley, USA, 2018.
2. K. Anitha Kumari, G. Sudha Sadasivam, D. Dharani, M. Niranjanamurthy, “Edge Computing: Fundamentals, Advances and
Applications”, CRC press, 2021.
3. RajkumarBuyya, SatishNarayanaSrirama, “Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms”, Wiley, USA, 2019.


INTRODUCTION: Euclidean algorithm, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, Security services, Threat model, Security attacks,
Characteristics of good ciphers, Shannon ciphers and perfect secrecy, Substitution ciphers, Transposition ciphers, Symmetric
versus asymmetric techniques, Block versus stream ciphers, Cryptanalysis: Linear and differential cryptanalysis. (9+3)

SYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Symmetric cipher model, Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard,
Block cipher modes of operation, Stream ciphers - RC5, Use of random numbers - Pseudo-random number generators -
True/Real random number generators, Case Study: Secure data storage. (9+3)

ASYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Principles of public key cryptosystems, Encryption, Key exchange, RSA, Diffie-
Hellman, Fields and finite fields, Elliptic curve cryptography. Case Study: Secure network communication. (9+3)

HASH FUNCTIONS AND MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION: Requirements and applications of hash functions, Message Digest,
Secure Hash Algorithm, Authentication requirements, Authentication functions, Message Authentication Codes, Hash based
MAC – Block cipher based MAC: Data Authentication Algorithm and Cipher-based Message Authentication Code, Hashing
Case Study: Bitcoin, MAC/HMAC Case Study: Authenticating data sent by external applications. (9+3)

DIGITAL SIGNATURE: Properties and requirements, Elgamal digital signature scheme, Schnorr digital signature scheme,
Digital Signature Standard, Basics of Post Quantum Cryptography, Case Study: E-filing, E-Tendering. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practices”, Pearson Education, Chennai, Seventh
Edition, 2022.
2. Behrouz A Forouzan and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, “Cryptography and Network Security”, McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd,
Chennai, Third Edition, 2018.

1. Bernard L Menezes and Ravinder Kumar, “Cryptography, Network Security, and Cyber Laws”, Cengage Learning India P Ltd,
New Delhi, 2019.
2. Douglas R Stinson and Maura B Paterson, “Cryptography - Theory and Practice”, Star Educational Books Distributors, New
Delhi, Forth Edition, 2019.
3. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, Third Edition, 2018.
4. Keith M Martin, “Everyday Cryptography: Fundamental Principles and Applications”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,


1. Creation of different layouts with list view and grid view and creation of simple Widget
2.Working with Action Bar, Menu and Swipe view
3.Activate the components such as Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers using the separate methods
4. Creation, modification and deletion of notification channels
5.Creation of Fragment and Navigation graph
6.Mini Project

Total P: 60

1. Android Studio Developers Guide: https://developer.android.com/guide
2.Paul Cardle J, "Android App Development in Android Studio: Java + Android Edition for Beginners", Createspace Independent
Pub, 2017

1.Jeff Mcwherter, Scott Gowell and David Smith , "Professional Mobile Application Development", Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi, 2013.
2. Richard Rodger, "Beginning Mobile application Development in the Cloud", Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3.Leigh willamson and Roland Barcia , "Enterprise Class Mobile Application Development: A Complete Lifecycle Approach for
Producing Mobile Apps", IBM Press, Austin, 2015.
4.Annuzzi Joseph, Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder , "Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials",
5th Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, United Kingtom, 2015.



The project work I involves the following:

 Identification of Real World problems
 System Requirement Analysis and Specification
 Developing a Model and Solution for the identified Problem
 Consolidated Report Preparation and Presentation

Total P:60



The Project work II involves
 Preparing a project - brief proposal including
 Problem Identification
 A statement of system / process specifications proposed to be developed
 List of possible solutions including alternatives and constraints
 Cost benefit analysis
 Time Line of activities
 Presentation highlighting the
 Design based on functional requirements
 Implementation
 Testing and Validation
 Results and future work
 Consolidated report based on standards

Total P:120

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23T102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

3 23T103 Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

4 23T104 Basics of Textile Engineering 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

English Language
5 23G105 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS

6 23T110 Engineering Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

7 23T111 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS


8 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 23 hrs 15 2 6 20 320 380 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


Matrix Theory and Numerical
1 23T201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23T202 Material Science 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

3 23T203 Polymer and Fibre Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS

4 23T204 Theory of Machines 3 2 0 5 40 60 100 ES

Basics of Electrical and
5 23T205 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
Electronics Engineering

6 23T210 Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS

7 23T211 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
8 23T212 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Engineering Laboratory

9 23T215 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

Foundations of Problem
10 23Q213 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC
Total 32 hrs 15 3 14 24 440 460 900
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


Probability and Statistical
1 23T301 3 2 0 5 40 60 100 BS
2 23T302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
Measurements and
3 23T303 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
4 23T304 Spun Yarn Technology I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

5 23T305 Weaving Technology I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Spun Yarn Technology
6 23T310 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Laboratory I
Weaving Technology
7 23T311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

10 23T315 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 30 hrs 17 3 10 23 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T401 Fibre physics 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23T402 Spun Yarn Technology II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23T403 Weaving Technology II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23T404 Knitting Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

5 23T405 Technology of Nonwoven Fabrics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Spun Yarn Technology Laboratory
6 23T410 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Weaving and Knitting Technology
7 23T411 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23T412 Python Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

9 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


10 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

11 23T415 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 32 hrs 18 0 14 23 440 460 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T501 Preparation and Dyeing 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23T502 Textile Quality Evaluation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23T503 Mechanics of Textile Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

Financial Management in
4 23T504 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
Textile industry
5 23T___ Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Preparation and Dyeing
6 23T510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Textile Quality Evaluation
7 23T511 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q512 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23T515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade MC

Total 28 hrs 16 2 10 23 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T601 Printing and Finishing 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Garment Manufacturing
2 23T602 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23T603 Industrial Engineering 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

4 23T___ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

5 23T___ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Printing and Finishing
6 23T610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Garment Manufacturing
7 23T611 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23T612 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
9 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code

10 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade MC

Total 28 hrs 15 1 12 22 440 460 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T701 Technical Textiles 4 0 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23T___ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23T___ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23T___ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Fabric Structure and
5 23T710 product 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
development Laboratory
Quantitative Techniques
6 23T711 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
7 23T720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

Total 25 hrs 13 0 12 19 340 360 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23T___ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 23T___ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


3 23T820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

6 0 8 10 140 160 300

Total 14hrs

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Credits Per Semester
S. No Course Total
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Credits

1 HSMC 4 2 4 - 4 - - - 14

2 BS 12 10 5 - - - - - 27

3 ES 1 12 3 2 4 4 - - 26

4 PC 3 - 10 20 11 10 4 - 58

5 PE - - - - - 3 9 6 18

6 OE - - - - 3 3 - 6

7 EEC - - 1 1 1 2 6 4 15

8 MC - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 20 24 23 23 23 22 19 10 164

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HSMC – Humanities and Social Sciences including Management
courses; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective;
EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)

FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)

SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.

1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D.G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.


MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Review of vector quantities. Newton's third law and Free Body diagrams. Rigid body dynamics:
Centre of mass. Moment of inertia. Torque, angular momentum and angular acceleration. Work power and energy.
Conservation of momentum. Friction and wear-Static and dynamic friction, limiting friction, Rolling friction. Coefficient of static
friction, coefficient of dynamic friction. Lubrication and lubricants. Surface wear due to friction. Role of friction in textiles. Surface
treatments for reducing friction. Surface treatments for increasing friction. (9)

PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS AND FLUIDS: Surface tension: molecular forces-intermolecular range. Excess pressure,
capillarity. Viscosity -viscous force-coefficient of viscosity. Equation of continuity. Adhesion, cohesion, wettability. Fluid Motion-
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids - Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuille’s Equation for flow of a Liquid through a capillary
tube. Properties of absorbent textiles for industrial applications (9)

GEOMETRICAL OPTICS: Image formation using lenses and mirrors. Spherical and chromatic aberration. Methods of reducing
aberrations. Aspherical components, aperture control, multiple elements. Adaptive optics. Definition of depth of field. Optical
instruments for imaging and inspection of textiles and fibres. Factors affecting magnification and image quality (8)

PHYSICAL OPTICS: Principle of Interferometry. Interferometric techniques for measurement of small thicknesses.
Applications to measurement of fibre thickness and uniformity. Polarised light - appearance of transparent materials in polarised
light- fibre colour due to birefringence. Polarised light microscopes for inspection of textiles and fibres. Use of Bertrand lens and
conoscopy. Spectral distribution: emission, transmission reflection and absorption spectra. Textile colour, colour changing
fabrics. (10)

THERMAL PHYSICS: Review of thermal properties: Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity and coefficient of linear thermal
expansion. Methods of measurement of thermal expansion. Differential equation of one-dimensional heat flow. Searle's
apparatus and Lee's disc apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity. Thermal Insulation. Convection and radiation.
Heat dissipation. Properties of woven and non-woven textiles for thermal functions. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Richard Wolfson, “Essential university Physics” Vols 1 and 2. Pearson Education, Singapore, 2021.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

2. Arthur Beiser, “Applied Physics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, India, 7th Edition, 2017.

1. Gaur R K and Gupta S L, “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, India, 2017.
2. Hitendra K Malik, Ajay Kumar Singh, “Engineering Physics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, India, 2nd Edition, 2017.
3. Paul M. Fishbane . Stephen, Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thornton, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers” Extended
Version3rd Edition, 2014.
4. Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Cengage Learning., 2017.

CHEMICAL BONDING: Types of chemical bonds –ionic, covalent, polar covalent bonds- polar and non-polar molecules.
Hydrogen bonding –types and their consequences, Vander Waals forces –origin and significance. Significant organic functional
groups in textile fibres- cotton wool, silk, polyester and nylon. Influence of bonding on the properties of textiles- stretchability,
dyeability,absorbency, crystallinity and strength- cotton wool, silk and polyester. (9)

SURFACE CHEMISTRY :Adsorption -Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. Catalysis- homogenous and heterogenous
catalysis, kinetics of enzyme catalysis–Michaelis-Menton equation. Surface active agents -types, orientation of surfactants on
solid and liquid interfaces, adsorbed mono layers- applications, Critical micelle concentration. Applications of adsorption –
detergency, water repellency, wetting -contact angle, foaming, emulsifiers-zeta potential, hydrophile- lipophile balance,
deemulsification, defoamers. (9)

WATER CHEMISTRY: Water quality parameters-determination of hardness (EDTA method), alkalinity, TDS, BOD, COD,
chloride, sulphate, estimation of iron by colorimetry. Boiler troubles and remedies – internal conditioning. Water treatment
methods –zeolite, demineralization, electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. Solution chemistry - Solubility product, common
ion effect-influence on ionization of weak electrolytes. Ionisation of water, pH scale and buffer solutions. (9)

DYES: Theory of colour and constitution–chromophore and auxochromes. Optical brightening agents. Nomenclature of dyes -
commercial naming, colour index. Classification of dyes based on chemical structure and application.Chemistry of dye
Intermediates: nitration,halogenations, sulphonation, Friedel- Crafts reaction, hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction and diazotization.
Intermediates from benzene, naphthalene and anthracene. Synthesis of metanil yellow, congored, malachite green, alizarin
and indigo. (9)

MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS : Oils and fats - chemical constitution, general chemical characteristics –drying,
rancidification, hydrolysis, hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis. Chemical analysis – acid, saponification, iodine values. Soaps
and detergents. Lubricants : Mechanism of lubrication, properties of lubricating oil -viscosity, viscosity index, flash and fire
points, oiliness, cloud and pour points, aniline point, steam emulsion number, oxidation stability. Additives for lubricants.
Greases –types and uses. Solid lubricants. Adhesives - types, adhesive action- physical and chemical factors, development of
strength, applications in textiles. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Puri B. R. Sharma L. R. and Pathania M. S., “Principles of Physical Chemistry”, Vishal Publishing & Co., 2010.
2. Jain P. C. and Monica Jain., “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, 2013.

1. Shaw D. J., “Introduction to Colloids and Surface Chemistry “, Butterworth -Heinemann Ltd.,1998.
2. Chatwal G. R., “Synthetic Organic Chemistry”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2001.
3. Shashi Chawla, “A Text book of Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2005.


TEXTILES: Apparels, Home Textiles and Technical textiles. Materials, Structure and properties based on end uses. Fabric type
–Woven, Knitted and Nonwovens. Process flow chart. (9)

YARN: Classification of yarns – staple spun, continuous filament, textured yarn, fancy, composite, hybrid and plied. Structure
and properties based on end uses. Process flow chart. Yarn Numbering systems. (9)

FIBRES: Classification of textile fibers. Extraction, structure, properties and end uses of natural fibers – Cotton, Wool, Silk,
Jute, Flax, Hemp Coir, Sisal and Banana. (9)

MANUFACTURED FIBRES: Classification. Raw material, spinning process, process flow chart, structure , properties and end
uses of Viscose, Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic, Polypropylene. (9)

FIBRE IDENTIFICATION AND CURRENT TEXTILE TRENDS: Identification of textile fibres – Feeling Test, Burning test,
Microscopic test, Staining Test. Chemical test and Density measurement. Research and development of textile machineries
and products. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45

1. Mathews Kolanjikombil, “The Substrates - Fibres, Yarn and Fabric”, Woodhead publishing India, 2018.
2. Sreenivasamurthy H. V., “Introduction to Textile Fibres”, The Textile Association India, Mumbai, 1998.

1. Bernard P. Corbman, “Textiles : Fibre to Fabric”, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1983.
2. Mishra S. P., “A Text Book of Fibre Science and Technology,” New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
3. Marjory L. Joseph, “Essentials of Textiles”, CBS College Publishing, New York, 1984.
4. Oxtoby E., “Spun Yarn Technology”, Butterworths, London, 2002.



VOCABULARY: Etymology-prefixes and suffixes–synonyms–antonyms–guessing meanings from context–word formation-

single-word substitutes-different forms of a word–phrasal verbs–collocations. (9+3)

LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts.
GRAMMAR: Wh-questions–Yes/no questions–parts of speech–articles–prepositions–gerunds–conjunctions-degrees of
comparison–tenses– modal verbs– adverbs - direct and indirect questions. (9+3)

READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques –practice reading.(9+3)

WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +15 = 60
1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen,“Communicative English”, Cambridge University press,Cambridge,2021.
2. Raymond Murphy,“Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi,2020.
1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.


1. Welding - metal arc welding tools and Equipment, exercises by arc welding and tig welding processes.
2. Fitting - tools, operations, exercises make “T”-joint and “L” joint, types of joints.
3. Carpentry- tools, carpentry process, carpentry exercises, types of joints.
4. Plumbing-exercises-external thread cutting and joining.
5. Sheet metal work& soldering - tools, operations, exercises make a rectangular tray in galvanized iron sheet.

1.Laboratory manual prepared by department of mechanical engineering, 2023

Total P: 30

Physics (Any eight experiments)

Determination of Young’s Modulus of a wooden bar – Cantilever method
Determination of coefficient of viscosity of water – Poiseuille’s method
Determination of surface tension of water – Capillary rise method
Determination of Surface tension – Drop weight method

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor using Lee’s Disc method

Determination of Specific Heat of solids – Calorimeter
Determination of fibre thickness – air wedge method
Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum using transmission grating
Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method.
Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law – apparatus
Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
Determine the Planck’s constant using Photo Electric method.
Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.
Determine the refractive index of given specimen using Brewster’s angle apparatus.
1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2023.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.

CHEMISTRY (Any eight experiments)

1. Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.

2. Determination of pH, alkalinity and COD of water sample.
3. Study of viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood viscometer.
4. Determination of Flash and Fire points & Cloud and Pour points of a lubricating oil.
5. Determination of acid value, saponification value and iodine value of a vegetable oil.
6. Determination of CMC of a surfactant by conductometry.
7. Estimation of strength of commercial acid and purity of washing soda.
8. Estimation of strength of hydrogen peroxide solution.
9. Estimation of available chlorine in the hypochlorite solution.
10. Removal of dye from textile effluent using adsorbents.

1. Laboratory manual prepared by department, 2023
Total P: 60


As per AICTE guidelines



EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix – characteristic equation, properties -
diagonalization - quadratic forms, reduction to canonical form by orthogonal reduction- Errors and approximations in numerical
methods, power method for dominant eigenvalue. (10 + 3)

elimination method, Crouts method, Gauss Seidal iterative method, Roots of equations - false-position method, Newton -
Raphson method, Graeffe’s root squaring method. (8 + 3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

INTERPOLATION, DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials,
Lagrange and Newton’s divided difference interpolating polynomials. Numerical differentiation, numerical integration - Newton-
Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s 1/3 rule. (12 + 4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method, multi-step
method – Milne’s method. (6 + 2)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference: elliptic equations – Laplace equation, Poisson equation – Liebmann
method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating string.
(9 + 3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60

1. David C Lay, Judi J. McDonald, Steven R. Lay “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Rizwan B, “Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB”, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2010.
3. Richard L B and Douglas J F, “Numerical Analysis”, Thomas Learning, NewYork, 2017.
4. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Anton Haul “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2019.


CRYSTAL STRUCTURE: Solids :- Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. Lattice Translation Vectors. Lattice with a Basis –
Central and Non-Central Elements. Unit Cell. Reciprocal Lattice. Types of Lattices. Brillouin Zones. Types of Bonds. Ionic
Bond. Covalent Bond. Van der Waals Bond. Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Bragg’s Law. Powder diffraction patterns
Determination of crystallinity in textile fibres- Principle of rotating crystal method. (9)

law, three moduli of elasticity and relation among them, Poison’s ratio, factors affecting elastic modulus and tensile strength,
Moment, Couple, Torque – twisting Couple on a wire, expression for Torque per unit twist – Torsional test and Deformation,
bending of beams, bending moment, theory of thin cantilever,determination of young’s modulus by cantilever method, twisting
of a cylinder ,determination of rigidity modulus by torsional pendulum. Elastic and plastic deformation. (10)

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE MATERIALS: Structure-function relationships- role of atomic arrangements and
bonding in fibre properties-Anisotropy of physical properties - mechanical strength, BOPP. coefficient of friction. Electrical
properties and static electricity- textiles for anti-static applications. Hierarchical structures- dry adhesives. self-adhesive non-
woven textiles. Atomic structure of oil/water absorbent or repellent fibres. Surface energy and fibre diameter. Factors affecting
mechanical strength of fibres. (10)

TEXTILES FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Sabine’s formula for reverberation time. Reverberation time and auditory
comfort. Absorption coefficient, Open Window Units. measurement of absorption coefficients- Impedance tube method,
Anechoic chamber method. Materials for modifying surface absorption. Effect of porosity and sound energy dissipation.
Metallised textiles-Faraday cages. Retroreflective fabrics for safety applications. (8)

SMART TEXTILE AND ADVANCED MATERIALS: Definition - function of matrix and reinforcement in composites -
classification of composites based on reinforcement-Glass fibre, aramid fiber carbon fibre. Preparation and properties - Law of
mixtures. Applications Dielectric and semiconducting properties of fibres. smart textiles. Bio- mimetic materials. Metamaterials.
Nanomaterials. (8)

Total L:45

1. William D Callister Jr, “Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction”, John Wiley and Sons Inc , New York, 2018..
2. Raghavan V, “Materials Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2015.

1. Morton W E Hearle, J W S, “Physical Properties of Textile Fibres,” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA, 2008
2. D.S.Kumar, “Mechanical Measurements and Control” S.Chand &Co, New Delhi 2015..
3. Holman J P, “Experimental Methods of Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2016.
4. Gaur R K and Gupta S L “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi, 2016.


INTRODUCTION TO POLYMERS: Classification, polymerization reactions- chain, step and ring opening mechanism, degree of
polymerization, molecular weight of polymers – polydispersity, number average and weight average molecular weights.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Determination of molecular weight by gel permeation chromatography. Polymerisation methods: Addition polymerisation -bulk,
solution, suspension and emulsion techniques. Condensation polymerisation - melt, solution and interfacial techniques. (9)

PROPERTIES OF POLYMER: Amorphous and crystalline states–degree of crystallinity –factors affecting crystallizability.
Influence of chemical structure on properties – electrical, solubility, mechanical, thermal - Glass transition temperature –
factors affecting Tg, determination of Tg by DSC and thermal stability by TGA, Requisite for polymers to form fibres,
elastomers and plastics. Polymer reactions - Hydrolysis – acidolysis – aminolysis –hydrogenation – cyclization – crosslinking –
grafting. Degradations – chemical, thermal, mechanical and photo degradations. (9)

METHODS TO MODIFY POLYMER PROPERTIES- polymer processing additives - plasticizers, thermal stabilizers, foaming
agents, antistatic agents. Protective addives - antioxidants, UV stabilizer. Functional additives- flame retardant, antimicrobial.
Polymer blends and alloys.
COMPOSITES- classification, constituents, role of interphase, Fibre reinforced composites- carbon, glass and aramid fibres.
Properties and applications. (9)

FIBRES: NATURAL FIBRES-Chemical composition, structure and properties of cotton, silk and wool. REGENERATED
FIBRE: viscose rayon-manufacture. SYNTHETIC FIBRES-Manufacture, structure, properties of PET, nylon 6,6, polypropylene,
polyethylene, segmented polyurethane. (9)

SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES FOR TEXTILE MATERIALS: Surface grafting of textiles- methods, application.
Metallisation - Electroless plating of copper on polyester, Chemical vapour deposition, Nano finishing - nanoparticles, synthesis
of silver nanoparticle, Sol- gel technique-imparting oil repellency. Surface modification of textiles for composite- modification of
aramid fibre for composites. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Gowarikar V. R., Viswanathan N. V. and Jayadev Sreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New Age International (P) Ltd, 2011.
2. Mishra S.P., “A Textbook of Fibre Science and Technology”, New Age International (P) Ltd, 2005.

1. Joel R. Fried, “Polymer Science and Technology”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2003.
2. J. M. G. Cowie and Valeria Arrighi, “ Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of modern Materials”, CRC Press, 2007.
3. Q. Wei, “Surface modification of textiles”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2009.


STATICS OF RIGID BODIES AND FRICTION: Forces – systems of forces - concurrent and non-concurrent forces in plane -
resultant - problems involving the equilibrium. Friction - Pivot and collar friction – Uniform pressure, wear assumptions, torque
power loss. Theory of lubrication – Types of bearings and selection of bearings. (9+6)

BASICS OF MECHANISMS AND ITS KINEMATICS: Definitions and basic concepts of link, pair, chain, mechanism, Machine
and structure – degrees of freedom, inversions, applications of mechanisms, Velocity and acceleration analysis for four-bar and
slider-crank mechanisms, KLEIN‟S constructions for single slider-crank mechanism. (9+6)

FORCE ANALYSIS: Static force analysis - Determination of torque in four bar and single slider crank mechanisms using
graphical approach, Introduction to Inertia force analysis and D Alembert’s principle. (9+6)

FLYWHEEL: Torque Vs crank angle diagram – excess energy to be stored in a flywheel, fluctuation of speed within a cycle.
Co-efficient of fluctuations of speed, flywheel weight required for a loom. (9+6)

BALANCING : Principle of balancing – balancing of rotating masses in the same plane and several planes, dynamic balancing
of carding cylinder, spindles, tin roller and split pulleys. Basics of vibration – measurements, reduction techniques. (9+6)

Total L: 45 + T:30 = 75

1. Shrigley J. E. and Vicker J. J., “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Ratan S. S., “Theory of Machines”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pulisher, New Delhi, 2005.

1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, “Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
2. Beer F P and Johnson E R, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics & Dynamics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2011.
3. Ballaney P. L., “Theory of Machines”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Thomas bevan, “Theory of machines”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2000.



67th ACM 30.07.2022

ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, solving simple DC Circuits-single phase AC circuit fundamentals-Power,
Power factor-solving simple AC circuits- Introduction to three-phase AC circuits. (8)

ELECTRICAL MACHINES: DC MOTORS: Principle of Operation-types-torque equation - speed-torque characteristics-speed

control of DC motors-Electric Braking AC MACHINES: Single phase Transformers - Construction and working principle, 3
phase Induction Motor-construction–Principle of operation- types-torque equation-speed -torque characteristics-1 phase
Induction Motor-Principle of operation-types Industrial Applications. (12)

ELECTRONIC DEVICES : Operation of PN junction diodes, VI characteristics, zener diode, BJT, types-CB, CE, CC
configurations, input and output characteristics, JFET - working principle and characteristics - Comparison of BJT and FET.
MOSFET-types, principle of operation and characteristics, Opto Electronic Devices - Introduction, types, photo conductive cells,
photo diode, phototransistor, Light emitting diode-Principles and Applications. (8)

ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS : (Qualitative analysis only) Half wave and full wave rectifier, capacitive filters, zener voltage
regulator, RC- coupled amplifier, frequency response. LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: Operational amplifier, Ideal op-amp
characteristics, Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier, Op-amp applications : Adder, Subtractor, integrator, differentiator. (10)

DIGITAL ELECTRONICS : Number systems-representation of signed numbers: 1’s complement and 2’s complement, logic
gates, Half, full adder/subtractor, Flip flops, RS,JK,JK Master slave, D and T type, counters and shift registers. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Mehta V K and Rohit Mehta, “Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics”, S Chand and Co. New Delhi, 3rd
edition, 2014.
2. Muthusubramanian R, and Salivahanan S, “Basic Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill,

1. Bhattacharya S K, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Pearson, 2012.
2. Rajput R K, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, University Science Press, 2nd Edition, 2012.
3. Gupta B R and Singhal Vandana, “Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, S. Chand and Co., 2010.
4. Theraja B L, “Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, S. Chand and Co., 2006.


1. Lettering practice
2. Dimensioning practice (as per BIS)
3.Geometric constructions (12)

1. Projection of points and lines
2. Projection of planes
3. Projection of solids (20)

1. Development of lateral surfaces of regular solids
2. Projection of truncated solids and simple engineering sheet metal components (12)

1. Orthographic projection of simple engineering components – missing view exercises
2. Orthographic projections of textile machinery parts
3.3D - Modeling of simple engineering components using CAD software (16)

Total P: 60
1.Venugopal K. and Prabhu Raja V., “Engineering Graphics”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, Fifteenth Multi
color edition 2018.
2. P.I Varghese., “Engineering Graphics”, McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2013

1. K C John, “Engineering Graphics for Degree”, PHI Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. 2009
2. Natarajan K. V., “Engineering Drawing and Graphics", M/s Dhanalakshmi N, Chennai, 2007.
3. Bureau of Indian Standards, “Engineering Drawing Practices for Schools and Colleges SP 46-2003”, BIS, New Delhi, 2004.


1. Verification of Ohm's law and Kirchoff's laws.
2. Mechanical Characteristics of DC Shunt and Compound Motor

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Load test on Three phase Induction Motor

4. Study of Half wave and Full wave rectifiers with and without filters
5. Applications of Operational Amplifier: Adder, Subtractor, Integrator and Differentiator
6. Study of logic gates and implementation of binary adder / subtractor
7. Characteristics of temperature sensors (thermocouple/ thermistor)
8. Study of optoelectronic devices (LDR, photodiode, phototransistor)
9. Study of PLC and Basic programming methods
10. Measurement of linear displacement using LVDT and measurement of strain using strain gauge
Total P : 60
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2023.


1.Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essentials
Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.




PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axiomatic approach to probability, Baye’s theorem,
discrete random variables, probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, mean and variance, discrete uniform,
binomial, Poisson and geometric distributions. (8+6)

CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Continuous random variables, probability density functions, cumulative distribution
functions, mean and variance, uniform, exponential, Weibull and normal distributions. (8+6)

JOINT PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independence, covariance, correlation and linear regression. (9+6)

STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Point estimation – maximum likelihood estimation - interval estimation – hypotheses concerning
means – large, small samples and matched pairs - hypotheses concerning variances – hypotheses concerning proportions, chi
square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes, test for randomness and rank-sum test – Wilcoxon test. (9+6)

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: Analysis of variance - completely randomized designs,
randomized block designs, Latin Square design - process capability - control charts for measurements – , R charts - control
charts for attributes - p, np, c charts. (11+6)

Total L: 45 + T:30 = 75
1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, Wiley India, New
Delhi, 2018.
2. Richard A. Johnson, “Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Ronald E. W, Raymond H. M, Sharon L. M and Keying Ye, “Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Robert V. H, Elliot T and Dale Z, “Probability and Statistical Inference”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2021.
3. Jay L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi 2020.
4. Sheldon M Ross, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Academic press, USA, 2020.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an Economy –
Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)

Cost and Inventory Control: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship - Make or
Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without Shortages-
Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)

Pricing, Revenue and Value Engineering: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis- Problems in
Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)

Project Management: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project Appraisal –
Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT – CPM Models –
Case Analysis. (10+5)

Economic Growth and Development: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control Measures -
Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable Development
Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)

Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60
1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.

1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.


INSTRUMENTATION PRINCIPLES: Generalized configuration and functional elements of measuring system - Null and
deflection methods-Static characteristics: error, accuracy, precision, resolution, Hysteresis, modeling and error reduction. (8)


operation of Resistance potentiometer, strain gauge, Linear Variable Differential transformer - Inductive Transducer -
Capacitance and Piezo-electric transducers, Measurement of thickness, temperature measurement using resistance
thermometers, thermocouples and thermistors. (10)

ELECTRONIC AND TEXTILE INSTRUMENTS: Digital voltmeter-Digital multimeter- Digital storage oscilloscope. X-Y recorder,
digital data acquisition systems - Magnetic tape recorders, High volume fibre tester- Evenness tester - Single yarn strength
tester, hairiness meter. (10)

CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Basics of control system – Control system examples - Principle of operation of Stepper
motors - Hydraulic valves - Pneumatic switches, proximity switches and flapper valves - Hydraulic and Pneumatic automation in
textile machines (9)

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (PLC): Block diagram – programming methods – programs – applications -
material handling system. Data acquisition system for spinning preparatory, ring spinning - rotor spinning. (8)

Total L: 45
1.Sawhney A K, "A course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi,
2.Doebelin E O, “Measurement System : Application and Design", Mc.Graw Hill Pub., New York, 2017.

1. Rangan C S, Sharma G R, Mani V S, „Instrumentation Devices and Systems‟, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
2. U A Bakshi S C Goyal,” Principle of control systems”, Technical Publication, Pune, seventh edition, 2008.
3. Frank D Petruzella,” Programmable Logic Controllers”, fourth edition Published by McGraw-Hill, New York, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Berkstresser G A Grady P and Buchanan D R, “Automation in the Textile Industry from Fibres to Apparel”, the Textile
Institute, Manchester, 1995.


GINNING AND BLOWROOM I: Classification of spinning –short and long staple. Objectives, Machines, ginning defects. Fibre
characteristics for yarn production. Blowroom - Objectives, Principles of opening, cleaning, mixing and blending of fibres.
Influence of process parameters on opening and cleaning. (9)

BLOWROOM II: Blow room machinery and operating elements. Automatic Waste Evacuation systems (AWES), auxillary blow
room machines. Effectiveness of opening and cleaning systems. Automation and recent development. Calculations. (9)

CARDING: Principles of carding. revolving flat card, roller and clearer card, card clothing. Machine elements and operations in
card. Sliver formation, carding theory. Automation and recent developments. Calculations. (9)

COMBER : Preparation for combing, lap formers. Comber - Objectives, Machine elements and operations, Factors influencing
noil extraction. Automation and recent developments. Calculations. (9)

DRAWFRAME AND SPEEDFRAME: Objectives, principles and methods of roller drafting. Machine elements and operations.
Autolevellers. Automation and recent developments. Calculations. Speed frame - Objectives, Machine elements and
operations, principle and mechanism of builder motion in speed frame. Automation and recent developments. Calculations.

Total L: 45
1.Werner Klein, "The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Volume.2 – Blowroom & Carding", Rieter Machine Works Limited, Switzerland,
2.Werner Klein, "The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Volume.3 – Spinning Preparation", Rieter Machine Works Limited,
Switzerland, 2008.

1.Werner Klein , "The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Volume.1 – Technology of Short staple Spinning", Rieter Machine Works
Limited, Switzerland, 2008.
2.Lawrence C.A, "Fundamental of spun yarn technology", CRC Press, New York, 2002.
3.Oxtoby E, "Spun Yarn Technology", Butterworths, London, 2002.
4.Peter R Lord, "Hand book of Yarn Production Technology Science and economics”, Wood head publishing Ltd, New York,


WINDING: Winding - objectives, random and precision winders, elements and functions - unwinding accelerator, tension
device, yarn clearer, splicer, waxing, anti-patterning, drum type, link coner, automation. Package types, faults - causes and
remedies, Calculations. Winding synthetic and blended yarns, winding for coloration. Pirn winding – objectives, elements and
functions. (9)

WARPING, SIZING AND DRAWING-IN: Warping - objectives, direct and section warping, elements and functions – creel, stop
motion, tension device, warper reed, automation. Section warping – section building and traverse, leasing. Sizing - objectives,
size recipe, elements and functions – creel, sow box, drying zone, yarn splitting, automation. Single end sizing, Calculations.
Sizing of filament yarns, energy conservation in sizing. Beam gaiting, tyeing-in. (9)

PROCESS CONTROL IN WARPING AND SIZING: Controls – temperature, level, moisture, stretch. Size pick up and end
breaks. process control in warping and sizing – control of end breaks, hard waste and beam defects, combined dyeing and
sizing, dead loss in sizing. (9)

PRIMARY MOTIONS IN SHUTTLE WEAVING: Loom types, timing diagram. Shedding – tappet, dobby and jacquard. Shed
geometry, shed types, reversing motions. Picking – overpick and underpick, shuttle flight and timing, shuttle checking. Beat-up
– sley kinematics and eccentricity. (9)

SECONDARY AND AUXILLARY MOTIONS: Take up, let off, warp stop, weft stop, warp protector, weft feelers and pirn
change motions, drop box motion. Production and efficiency calculations. (9)

Total L: 45
1. P.K.Banerjee, “Principles of Fabric Formation”, CRC Press, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Talukdar M.K., Sriramulu P.K. and Ajgaonkar D.B., “Weaving: Machines, Mechanisms, Management”, Mahajan Publishers,
Ahmedabad, 1998.


67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Lord P.R. and Mohamed M.H., “Weaving: Conversion of Yarn to Fabric”, Merrow, New Delhi, 1992,.
2. Marks R. and Robinson T.C., “Principles of Weaving”, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1989.
3. Booth J.E., “Textile Mathematics Volume 3”, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1977.
4. Mukesh Kumar Singh, “ Industrial Practices in Weaving Preparatory”, WPI Publishers, UK, 2014.



1. Determination of beater speed and intensity of beating of bladed beater and fibre rupture of any one cleaning machine and
study their influence on the quality of yarn.
2. Determination of the cleaning efficiency and openness of tufts and study their influence on the quality of yarn.
3. Determination of speed of the various rotating elements and understanding its working mechanism & functions of blending
4. Running of carding machine and Determination of speed of the various rotating elements and understanding its functions.
5. Analysis of various setting points in carding machine and its effect on sliver quality.
6. Measurement of PPSI of different clothing profiles and study on the types of card wire clothing.
7. Determination of transfer coefficient and cleaning efficiency of a card and its influence on the production and quality.
8. Running of draw frame machine and study on drafting waves and determination of total draft and its distribution in draw
frame drafting system.
9. Determination of CV% of input and output sliver with respect to law of doubling and drafting.
10. Carry out the analysis of roller setting, measurement of top roller pressure and roller eccentricity in draw frame.

Total P: 60
1. Spinning Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023.



1. Determination of Winding parameters in Random / Precision Winding Machine.

2. Determination of Shed Depth in Tappet Shedding Motion.
3. Creation of Dobby design and fabric production in Dobby loom.
4. Creation of Jacquard design and preparation of Punched Card.
5. Determination of Picking angle, Picking Velocity, Picking force and Power in Underpick loom.
6. Determination of Sley Eccentricity in shuttle loom.
7. Dismantling and assembly of Take-up Motion and calculation of loom dividend.
8. Determination of Rate of Let-off at various Beam Diameters in positive and negative let-off systems.
9. Study of Weft feelers, Weft and Warp Stop Motions.
10. Preparation of Pattern Card in Drop box loom.
11. Preparation of Special fabrics in handloom.
12. Understanding of Loom requirements from the given Fabric Sample.
Total P: 60
1. Weaving Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology. 2023


1. Introduction to Workplace Communication
2. Profile Building for Internships
3. English in the Workplace (Grammar & Vocabulary)
4. Professional Communication (Speaking & Writing)
5. Workplace Communication Tools
6. Career Exploration

67th ACM 30.07.2022

7. Resume Update
Total P: 30
1. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.


200 0

INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT : Environment - Definition, scope and importance. Types and composition of
atmosphere – particles, ions and radicals. Ozone layer- significance, formation and depletion. Ecosystems-
Structure and functions, components, energy flow, food chains, food web, Biodiversity-levels, values and threats – India
as a mega-diversity nation – hotspots of biodiversity – endangered and endemic species of India –
conservation of biodiversity. (6)

ENERGY RESOURCES : Introduction – National and International status- exploitation - sustainable strategies- Fossil fuels-
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion
systems, site characteristics, and types of wind turbines. Supporting renewable energy resources - tidal –geothermal -
hydroelectric. (6)

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION : Definition – Sources, causes, impacts and control measures of (a) Air pollution (b)
Water pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards (h) RF
hazards - Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and
landslides – Case studies, consequences and rescue measures. (6)

WASTE MANAGEMENT : Wastewater - Characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater - COD and BOD –
Various stages of treatment – primary, secondary, tertiary treatment- Biological and advanced oxidation processes. Solid
waste management – Characteristics of municipal solid waste(MSW), biomedical, automobile and e-wastes and their
management – landfills, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and composting. (6)

SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT : Environmentally Sustainable work practices- Rain water harvesting – Role
of non-governmental organizations. Human ethics and rights- impact on environment and human health – role of
information technology on environment and human kind. Green IT policies, Process of EIA - ISO 14000. Legislation-
Environment protection act – Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act – Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)
act – Wildlife protection act – Forest conservation act. (6)

Total L: 30
1. Gilbert M.Masters , "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. De A K , "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Benny Joseph , "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. KoteswaraRao MVR , "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Deswal S and Deswal A , "A Basic Course in Environmental Studies", Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 2004.



FIBRE STRUCTURE: Requirements of fibre forming polymers, Analysis of fibre structure models – fringed micelle, fringed
fibrillar and lamellar. Characterization of fibres structure. Crystallinity and orientation. Morphological and chemical structure -
Cotton, wool, silk, viscose rayon, acetate rayon, polyamides, polyester, acrylic fibres. Elucidation of fibre structure.

MOISTURE PROPERTIES: Humidity, moisture regain and content. Relation between regain and relative humidity for various
textile fibres. Equilibrium absorption of moisture- Hygroscopic nature and moisture absorption behavior of textile fibres. Effect of
temperature, hydrophilic groups, crystalline and noncrystalline regions on moisture regain. Conditioning of Fibres. (12)

THERMAL PROPERTIES AND THERMO-MECHANICAL RESPONSES: Theories of thermoplastic and non- thermoplastic
fibres, First order transition, second-order transition, Specific heat - thermal conductivity. Analysis of DSC and TGA. Heat-
setting of fibres. (12)

OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: Refractive index and birefringence - absorption, dichroism, reflection and lustre
of fibres. Electrical Properties: Factors influencing electrical properties of fibres, Static Electricity Problems and elimination in
textile processes. (12)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Tensile strength, Load-Elongation and Stress-Strain Curves. Modulus, Elongation, Elastic
Recovery, Work of Rupture, Work Factor. Effect of parameters on mechanical properties, Mechanical conditioning, Torsional
and flexural rigidity of fibres. Creep and stress relaxation. Frictional Properties: General theory and its applications to fibres,
Directional Frictional Effect of wool. (12)

Total L: 60
1. Morton W E, and Hearle J W S , "Physical Properties of Textile Fibres", 4th Edition, Wood head Publishing Limited, UK, 2008.
2. Eichhorn S J, Hearle J W S, Jaffe M and Kikutani T, Handbook of textile fibre structure, Wood head Publishing, UK, 2009.

1. Marcel Dekar.H B. , "Handbook of Fibre Science & Technology", Textile Institute, Manchester, UK, 1998.
2. Mukhopadhyay , "Advances in Fibre Science", Textile Institute, Manchester, UK, 2000.
3. Gupta V.B and Kothari, V.K, "Manufactured Fibre Technology", Springer science, Netherlands, 1997.
4.. Hearle J W S, High-Performance Fibres, Wood head Publishing, UK, 2001.


RING SPINNING I: Objectives, principle of yarn formation, machine elements and operations in ring spinning. Design aspects
of various elements in ring frame. Builder motion. (9)

RING SPINNINGII: Condensed spinning- Principle, methods of yarn production and comparison of yarn properties with ring
spun yarn. Spinning Geometry. Calculations. Automation and developments (9)

OPEN-END SPINNING : Principle - Rotor Spinning –mechanism of yarn formation, raw material selection, design features of
important elements and yarn quality. Automation and developments. Calculations. Friction spinning – mechanism of yarn
formation, raw material selection and process parameters. Developments. (9)

OTHER SPINNING SYSTEMS : Air-jet and vortex spinning: Principle of yarn production, raw material selection, process
parameters and yarn properties. Principles of Self twist, Wrap, Core and Twist less spinning. Comparison of yarn structure and
yarn properties of different spinning systems. (9)

YARN PLYING : Objectives and principles of plying of yarns; methods for plying - ring doubling, two for-one and three for one
twisting. Selection of twist level for plying. Calculations. Fancy Yarns- Types and production methods. Applications. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Herbert Stalder, The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Vol.4 – Ring spinning, Rieter Machine Works Limited, Switzerland ,2014.
2. Heinz Ernst, The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Vol.5 – Rotor spinning, Rieter Machine Works Limited, Switzerland,2014.

1. Herbert Stalder, The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Vol.6 – Alternative spinning systems, Rieter Machine Works Limited,
Switzerland, 2014.
2. Mahendra Gowda, R V New Spinning systems, NCUTE, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Oxtoby E, “Spun Yarn Technology”, Butterworth Publications, London, 1987.
4. Lawrence, C A, Advances in yarn spinning technology, The Textile Institute, Woodhead Publishing Limited,UK, 2010


FEATURES OF SHUTTLELESS LOOMS : Shedding, Beat-Up, Take-Up, Let-Off, Selvedge motion, yarn feeders and
accumulators, Batching Motion. Production and efficiency Calculations. (9)

PROJECTILE WEAVING: Projectile loom - Weft insertion sequence. Torsion bar picking mechanism, Projectile Circulation,
Projectile Types and Dimensions, Projectile Guides, Projectile Brake. (6)

RAPIER WEAVING : Technological Developments, Classification, principles of Rapier – Rigid / Flexible, Single / Double. Tip /
Loop transfer principles, weft insertion sequence, rapier drives. (9)

JET WEAVING : Principles of Airjet weft insertion. Air and yarn quality requirements. Water jet Looms: Technological
Developments, Principles, characteristic features of water-jet looms. Comparison of various weft insertion Systems. (9)

MULTIPHASE WEAVING: Circular and flat multiphase looms. Shed formation, filling insertion, beatup. 3D Weaving - multi-
layer weaving, loom requirements. Narrow weaving, Braiding – types, classification of braids, braid geometry, applications. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Talukdar M.K., Sriramulu P.K. and Ajgaonkar D.B., “Weaving: Machines, Mechanisms, Management”, Mahajan Publishers,
Ahmedabad, 1998.
2. Sabit Adanur, “Handbook of Weaving”, Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., New Delhi, 2001.

1. Vangheluwe L., “Air- Jet Weft Insertion”, Textile progress, Vol. 29, No. 4, Textile Institute Publication, UK, 1999.
2. Valeriy V. Choogin, Palitha Bandara and Elena V. Chepelyuk, “Mechanisms of Flat Weaving Technology”, Wood Head
Publishing,UK, 2013.
3. Prabir Kumar Banerjee, “Principles of Fabric Formation” CRC Press, New Delhi, 2014.
4. Marks R. and Robinson T.C., “Principles of Weaving”, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1989.


BASICS OF WEFT KNITTING: Comparison of woven, knitted and bonded fabrics. Reasons for the growth of the knitting
industry. Uses of weft knitted fabrics. Yarn quality requirements for knitting. Knitting classification- Weft knit and warp knit.
General definitions and elements of knitted loop structure. Types of knitting needles- Bearded, Latch and Compound Needle.

WEFT KNIT MACHINES AND FABRIC STRUCTURES: Basic weft knitted structures and their production - plain, rib, interlock
and purl. Mechanical elements and operations. Fundamentals of formation of knit, tuck and float stitches. Notations. Double knit
structures and specialty structures. Flat Knitting: Types, Mechanical elements and operations, Weft knit structures using flat
bed. (10)

WEFT KNITTED FABRIC GEOMETRY: Faults in circular knitting, their causes – avoidance. Production calculation in weft
knitting, weft knitted fabric geometry: Loop length, stitch density, tightness fabric, areal density and optimum knitting conditions.
Advancements in weft knitting: Auto stripper, roving to knitting, jacquard knitting, loop transfer, racking. (8)

WARP KNITTING AND STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: Basic principles and loop elements- open loop, closed loop. Mechanical
elements and operations of Tricot, raschel, simplex and 2 needle bar raschel machines. Knitting cycle, lapping diagrams and
notations. Guide bars movement, chain links and threading. Double needle bar patterning. (9)

GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS OF WARP KNITTED FABRICS: Specialty structures of warp knitting, Production
calculation. Warp knit fabric geometry. Applications of warp knit fabrics: Medical textiles, filtration, protective textiles and other
areas of technical textiles. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Anbumani N, “Knitting-Fundamentals, Machines, Structures and Developments”, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Raz E, "Warp Knitting Technology", Coloumbine Press, Buxton, 1992.

1. Spencer D J, “Knitting Technology”, Third Edition, Textile Institute Publication, Manchester, UK, 2001.
2. Brackenbury.T, “Knitted Clothing Technology”, Blackwell Science, London, 1992.
3. Wilkens C, “Warp knit machine elements” Blackwell Science, London, 1997.
4. Aigaonkar D B, “Knitting Technology“, Universal Publication Corpn. Bombay,1998.


RAW MATERIAL AND APPLICATIONS: Nonwoven process, raw materials – web formation – web bonding. Classification of
nonwovens. Applications of nonwovens in Apparels ,Hygiene products, home textiles and technical textiles applications. Raw
materials preparation for the production of nonwovens, binders-requirements, properties. (9)

WEB FORMATION :. Staple fiber and continuous filament webs. Web formation - Classification, Dry lay process, Wet lay
method. Extrusion nonwovens - spun bond and meltblown. Web drafting. (9)

WEB BONDING : Mechanical bonding - Needle punching, Stitch bonding, Spun lacing. Chemical bonding. Thermal bonding.
Process variables and their effect on nonwoven properties. (9)

FINISHING OF NONWOVENS : Mechanical finishing – shrinking, compacting and creping, calendering, pressing, perforating,
slitting, breaking, splitting, suede finishing, shearing, raising, singeing and sewing. Chemical finishing - washing, dyeing,
printing, finishing, softening, special effects, coating, laminating, flocking. (9)

TESTING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF NONWOVENS : Testing of raw materials for nonwovens, testing of nonwovens, test
processes related to end-use. Identification of nonwovens. Nonwoven fabric structure-property relations. (9)

Total L: 45

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Wilhelm Albrecht, "Nonwoven Fabrics", Wiley – VCH, Verlag Gmbh and Company, Germany, 2003.
2. Russel S, "Handbook of Nonwovens", Textile Institute Publication, UK, 2004.

1. Krcma R, "Manual of Nonwovens", Textile Trade Press, USA, 1993.
2. Irsak O, "Nonwoven Textiles", Textile Institute,, UK, 1999.
3. Mrstina V and Feigl F, "Needle Punching Technology", Elsevier Science Publishers, India, 1990.



1. Running of comber machine, understanding its working mechanism & functions of different combing elements and
determination of draft and production.
2. Determination of the Fractionating efficiency of comber and estimation of noil extraction (between head and overall) in a
comber machine.
3. Construction details of nipper assembly and detaching roller drives and determination of timings of various components
with respect to index wheel.
4. Sample development in speed frame machine, understanding its working mechanism & functions of drafting elements and
determination of draft and production.
5. Study of flyers in speed frame &speed frame builder motion and determination of false twist, flyer speed & bobbin speed.
6. Running of ring frame machine, production of samples and change the process parameters like DCW, TCW, roller setting
and spacer and analyze the effect of process parameters on the quality of the yarn produced.
7. Examination of construction and working of a ring frame builder motion and determination of winding: binding coil ratio.
8. Analysis of spinning geometry in existing ring frame and determination of winding angle variation during winding of ring
9. Running of rotor spinning machine and understanding its working mechanism & functions of various spinning elements
and determination of draft and production.
10. Sample development in TFO and Fancy doubler machine, understanding its working mechanism & analysis of TPI and
fancy yarn structure (Knop yarn).
Total P: 60

1. Textile Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023.



1. Production of toweling fabrics in Terry Loom.

2. Design and development of sample in Electronic Jacquard.
3. Design and development of sample in Electronic Dobby.
4. Observation of various operations in function panel and running of Rapier Loom.
5. Observation of various operations in function panel and running of Airjet loom.
6. Production of Tapes in Narrow width loom and study of braiding machine.
7. Working of Single Jersey knitting machine and development of sample using various process parameters.
8. Working of Double Jersey knitting machine and development of sample using various process parameters.
9. Working of flat knitting machine and development of sample using various process parameters.
10. Working of Socks knitting machine and development of sample using various process parameters.
11. Sample production and analysis using Test Knitting machine and development of fabrics using various process
12. Preparation of report on Maintenance and Troubleshooting activities in Rapier & Air jet looms.

Total P: 60
1. Textile Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology. 2023.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Problem solving related to the following topics:
2. Computational thinking using flowcharts and Pseudocode
3. Programs related to simple data types: integers, float, complex, Boolean in the shell
4. Input/output and conditional statements in scripts
5. Different operators and conversion functions
6. Loops: for and while
7. String datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
8. List datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
9. Tuple data type: Creation, Operations, Methods
10. Set and frozensetdatatypes: Creation, Operations, Methods
11. Dictionary datatype: Creation, Operations, Methods
12. Functions: definitions , parameter passing, returning datatypes
13. Lambda and recursive functions
14. Creating modules and packages
15. Using numpy and matplotlib packages
16. Handling exceptions
17. File handling

Note: Problem sheets will be given during the course Total P: 60

1. Mark Summerfield. “Programming in Python 3: A Complete introduction to the Python Language”, Addison-
Professional, 2009.
2. ReemaThareja ,”Python Programming : Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford university Press 2017
3. Wesley J Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, Prentice Hall, 2012.
4. Martin C. Brown, “PYTHON: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill, 2018.


1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update

Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy. (4)

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India. (6)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States. (8)

JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)
Total L: 30
1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. Praveenkumar Mellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,
1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
3. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.



SINGEING AND DESIZING: Objectives and methods. Chemical structure of fibres; action of chemicals on fibres; natural and
added impurities in textiles; singeing and desizing of natural and synthetic fibres and its blends. (12)

SCOURING, BLEACHING AND MERCERISATION: Objectives, methods and machines. Scouring, bleaching and
mercerization of cotton, Continuous and batchwise process. bioscouring of cotton; carbonization, scouring and bleaching of
wool; degumming of silk. Quality assessments. (12)

DYEING: Basic characteristics and classification of dyes and pigments. Theory of dyeing. Affinity and Substantivity of dyes.
Chemistry and technology of application of direct, reactive, vat, disperse, acid and basic dyes. (12)

DYEING PROCESSES: Continuous and batch processes. Dyeing machines for fibre, yarn, woven and knitted fabrics. Post
treatment processes - Washing and Drying. (12)

COLOUR ASSESSMENT: Theories of colour measurement. Spectroscopic Reflectance measurement, Kubelka-Munk theory
and their application in colour assessment and colour matching, whiteness and yellowness indices. Colour fastness. (12)

Total L: 60

1. M Clark M “Handbook of textile and industrial dyeing: Principles, processes and types of dyes” (Volume 1 and 2), Woodhead
Publishing, Cambridge, 2011.
2. Charles Tomasino, “Chemistry & Technology of Fabric Preparation & Finishing, Department of Textile Engineering,
Chemistry and Science”, College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 1992.

1. Chakraborty J N, “Fundamentals and practices in colouration of textiles”, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2009.
2. Karmakar S R, “Chemical Technology in the Pre-Treatment Processes of Textiles”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1999.
3. Shenai V A, “Technology of Bleaching and Mercerizing – Vol III”, Sevak Publications, Chennai, 1991.
4. Trotman E R, “Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres”, Charles Griffin and Co Ltd., London, 1990.


SAMPLING AND CONDITIONING MOISTURE, FIBRE LENGTH AND TRASH: Need for textile testing and sampling. Random
and biased sample. Elements of statistics. Standard RH and temperature. MOISTURE: Significance and measurement. FIBRE
LENGTH: Length characteristics, Importance and measurement. FIBRE TRASH: Importance and measurement. (9)

FIBRE FINENESS AND STRENGTH: Importance and methods for measuring fineness. Maturity- importance, methods for
measuring maturity. Strength - Importance, principles of measurement, bundle and single fibre strength testers. High Volume
Instrument (HVI) and Advance Fibre Information System (AFIS). (9)

YARN QUALITY: Yarn Numbering systems and measurements. Yarn twist –Importance and measurements, twist and
strength. Yarn Strength: Principles of measurement - CRT, CRL and CRE. Single yarn strength testers, lea strength tester,
Impact strength. Yarn Evenness: Definition - classification of variation, methods of measuring evenness and analysis of
spectrogram diagram and V-L curve. Yarn hairiness and measurement. Yarn appearance. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Measurement. Fabric – tensile, tear, bursting strength, abrasion and pilling resistance, flammability-Importance and
measurement. (9)

AESTHETIC AND COMFORT CHARACTERISTICS: Drape, stiffness, crease recovery, permeability (air and water)-
importance and measurement. Subjective and Objective evaluation of fabric handle, measurement of fabric handle - KES-F,
FAST. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Booth J E, “Principles of textile testing", CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 1996.
2.Saville B P, “Physical testing of Textiles”, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK, 1999.

1. Kothari V K, “Progress in Textiles-Volume 1: Testing and Quality Management”, IAFL Publication, New Delhi, 1999.
2.Harisson P W, “Physical Testing and Quality control”, Textile progress, Vol.23, No.1/213 Textile Institute,UK,1993.
3. Cassidy C and Bishop D, “Characteristics and evaluation of Sensory and Mechanical properties of fabrics”, Textile progress,
Vol. 26, No.4,, Textile Institute, UK, 1995.
4. Furter R, “Strength and elongation testing of single and ply yarns: experience with USTER tensile testing installations”,
Manual of textile technology: Quality control and assessment series, Textile Institute, Manchester, UK, 1985.



POWER TRANSMISSION: Selection of drives. Belts - types, analysis of belt tension, applications in textile machinery; Gear
trains – types, nomenclature. Differential and variable speed drives – principles, application in textile machines. (9+3)

DESIGN OF CONE DRUMS AND CAMS: Design of cone drums – piano feed regulation, roving machine builder mechanism.
Servo Drives. (9+3)

MOMENTS, KINETIC / POTENTIAL ENERGY, POWER CONSUMPTION: Linear and circular motion, force, energy, power.
Energy stored in rotating masses, balancing of rotating masses in textile machinery. (9+3)

STRESSES IN TRANSMISSION SHAFTS AND DRAFTING ROLLERS: Design of shedding tappets and ring frame builder
motion cams. Drive shafts - material properties, safety factor, stresses - tensile, compressive, bending and torsion. (9+3)

FRICTION: Clutches and brakes – types, features, application in textile machines; friction, bearings - type, features, application
in textile machinery. Design of winder drums. (9+3)

Total L: 45 +T:15 =60

1. Slater K, "Textile Mechanics, Vol I", 1st Edition, Textile Institute, Manchester, 1975.
2. Slater K, "Textile Mechanics, Vol II", 1st Edition, Textile Institute, Manchester, 1987.

1. Booth J E, "Textile Mathematics, Vol I", Textile Institute, Manchester, 1975.
2. Booth J E, "Textile Mathematics, Vol II", Textile Institute, Manchester, 1975.
3. Rengasamy R S, "Mechanics of Spinning Machines", NCUTE, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Ganapathy Nagarajan, "Textile Mechanism in Spinning and Weaving Machines", 1st Edition, Woodhead Publishing India,



COSTING BASICS : Concepts, classification of costs, preparation of cost sheet, cost apportionment, - cost-volume profit
analysis, break-even analysis, methods of costing. (9+3)

COSTING IN TEXTILE : Costing of yarn and fabric. Garment costing - fabric requirement, cost of garment. (9+3)

DEPRECIATION AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS : Depreciation – method of computing depreciation; techniques of investment
analysis – payback period method, accounting rate of return, Discounted Cash Flow methods - IRR, NPV, PI (9+3)

FINANCE AND WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT : Capital structure; Sources and cost of capital; working capital
management (9+3)

TOOLS FOR FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND CONTROL : Profit and loss account, balance sheet; ratio analysis - illustrations
from textile unit (9+3)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Total L: 45+T:15=60

1. Pandey I M, “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 8th Edition, 1999.
2. Thukaram Rao M E, “Cost and management accounting”, New Age International, Bangalore, Karnataka, 2004.

1.Narayanaswamy, "Accounting – A Managerial Perspective", 5th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2015.
2.Varma H K, "Costing in Textile Industry", Dhanpat Rai publications, New Delhi, 1965.
3.Gupta, Ambrish, "Financial Accounting for Management - An Analytical Perspective", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2012.
4.Khan and Jain, "Basic Financial Management and Practice", 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.


1. Desizing of grey cotton fabric and evaluation of desizing efficiency.
2. Scouring of cotton yarn using alkali and determination of absorbency and yellowness index.
3. Bleaching of cotton yarn using Sodium hypochlorite and Hydrogen peroxide and evaluation of Whiteness Index.
4. Mercerisation of cotton yarn and evaluation of BAN on the fabric.
5. Dyeing of cotton yarn using direct dyes with and without salt.
6. Dyeing of cotton yarn with reactive dyes using space dyeing technique.
7. Dyeing of cotton yarn with vat dyes.
8. Dyeing of Wool and Silk with acid dyes.
9. Dyeing of acrylic with cationic dyes.
10. Dyeing of Polyester fabric with disperse dyes.
11. Determination of Colour parameters (K/S, L*, a*, b*, Chroma and Hue) of any two of the above Dyed Textiles.
12. Evaluation of Fastness properties (Washing, Light, Rubbing, Perspiration and Sublimation) of any two of the above Dyed

Total P: 60
1. Textile Chemical processing Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023.



1. Determination of Fibre Length.

2. Determination of Bundle Fibre Strength.
3. Determination of Fibre Fineness and Maturity.
4. Determination of Linear Density of Sliver, Roving, Yarn and Yarn from fabric.
5. Determination of Single & ply yarn twist.
6. Determination of Single yarn strength & Lea strength.
7. Determination of Fabric Thickness, Stiffness and Crease Recovery.
8. Determination of Fabric Tensile Strength & Bursting Strength.
9. Determination of Fabric Tear Strength and Fabric Drape.
10. Determination of Fabric Abrasion Resistance and Pilling.
11. Determination of Air and Water Permeability.
12. Determination of Seam Strength, Seam Slippage and Button Pull Strength.
Total P: 60
1. Textile Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology. 2023
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.2023


1. Reading comprehension
2. Sentence correction, Sentence completion and Para-jumbles

67th ACM 30.07.2022

3. Vocabulary, Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives

4. Critical reasoning
5. Ratio and Proportion, Profit and loss, Partnerships and averages
6. Permutation, Combination and Probability
7. Time, Speed and Distance
8. Resume progress check
Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.



PRINTING: Manual, Automatic and digital methods of printing. Styles of Printing, specialty prints. Pre treatment of fabrics.
Printing with direct, reactive, vat and pigments. (10)

PRINT PASTE PREPARATION: Constituents of printing paste. Viscosity and Rheology. Methods of fixation of prints. Printed
fabric defects. (8)

MECHANICAL FINISHING: Classification. Calendering. Shrink proofing fabrics. Raising. Shearing. Dimensional stabilization of
knitted goods. Properties and assessment of finished fabrics. (7)

CHEMICAL FINISHING: Easy care and Durable finishing of cellulosics. Starching and softening. Water and Oil repellent, Soil
release and Flame retardant finishes. Coating chemicals and coating & laminating techniques. Finished fabric realization and
Quality Evaluation. (8)

APPAREL AND DENIM PROCESSSING: Preparatory processes. Apparel dyeing, printing and finishing processes. Apparel
dyeing machines. Denim Processing- Dyeing, Fading, Finishing and washing. EFFLUENT TREATMENT: Characteristics and
treatment of Textile processing effluents. Zero liquid discharge processing. Marine discharge. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Parramon, "Textile Printing", B.E.S. Publishing, 2012.
2. Asim Kumar Roy Choudhury, "Principles of Textile Finishing", Woodhead Publishing, 2017.

1. Parmar M S Satsangi S S and Jai Prakash, "Denim – A Fabric for All", Northern India Textile Research Association,
Ghaziabad, 1996.
2. H. Ujii, "Digital Printing of Textiles", Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2006.
3. Himanshu Patel and R.T. Vashi, "Characterization and Treatment of Textile Wastewater", Elsevier Inc, 2015.
4. W D Schindler, P J Hauser, "Chemical Finishing of Textiles", Woodhead Publishing, 2004.



INTRODUCTION: Overview of garment industry, classification of garments, fibre and fabric selection for garment
manufacturing. Process sequence. Pattern making: Body anatomy, Body measurement -measurement chart. Pattern Making –
pattern making terminologies, types of patterns, principles of pattern drafting, pattern making tools basic patterns .Pattern
draping, Flat pattern technique.Pattern grading. Total digital pattern system. (9)

SPREADING & CUTTING: Marker making – marker planning methods, types of markers, duplication of markers, marker
efficiency. Spreading - types of spreading, basic requirements for spreading, spreading machines and equipments. Cutting –
requirements of cutting, manual, semi-operated and computerized cutting machines. Preparation for sewing - Sorting, Bundling
and Labelling. (9)

SEWING: Stitches and seams classifications. Classification of sewing machines – based on application, based on bed type.
Basic stitching machine - principle parts and their functions. Mechanism of stitch formation in lock stitch machine. Sewing
machine feed mechanisms, Sewing machine special attachments, Seam and stitch defects – causes and remedial measures.
Seam engineering. (9)

APPAREL ACCESSORIES, PRESSING, PACKAGING AND FOLDING: Needle – types and selection. Sewing thread–types
and applications. Supporting materials & closures. Pressing - Need for pressing, influence of pressing, pressing equipments,
conditions and types of pressing. Specialized pressing machines. Criteria for packaging, packing and folding, specifications and
standards for packaging, materials, and equipments used for packaging, considerations for packaging and folding. (9)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

INSPECTION: Fabric inspection – requirements, various fabric inspection systems. Final Inspection of garments – 100%
inspection, AQL, spot checking, arbitrary sampling, statistical sampling. MERCHANDISING: Roles and responsibilities of
Merchandiser, Activities of Buying House and Buying Agencies. Standard minute value of various components and garments,
Production, efficiency and capacity calculations. (9)

Total L: 45
1 .David J Tyler, “Carr & Latham’s Technology of Clothing Manufacture” – Fourth Edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 2008.
2. Solinger Jacob, “Apparel Manufacturing Analysis”, Columbia Boblin Media, USA, 2000.

1. Peggal.H, “Introduction to Dress Making”, Marshal Caverdish, London, 2001.
2. Jelka Gersak, “ Design of clothing manufacturing process”, Woodhead publishing Limited, Oxford, 2013.
3. Pradip V Mehta, “ An Introduction to Quality Control for the Apparel Industry”,CRC Press, Newyork,USA,1992.
4. Ruth E Glock, Grace I Kunz, “Apparel manufacturing – sewn product analysis”, Pearson, Newdelhi, 2009.


CONCEPTS: Evolution, pioneers, techniques, role of Industrial Engineer. WORK STUDY: Purpose, techniques and procedure.
METHOD STUDY: Approach, Procedure, Recoding techniques - Left hand & right hand chart, flow diagram, flow chart, string
diagram, process flow chart, multiple activity chart, travel chart, SIMO chart. Principles of motion economy, Motion study –
therblig. (9+3)

WORK MEASUREMENT: Techniques. Time study - equipments, procedure, Rating concepts standard data, Work sampling,
Incentive Wage System. PTMS, MTM. Case studies in textile and apparel industries. SMV / SAM- Calculations, General
Sewing Data (GSD). (9+3)

PRODUCTIVITY AND LINE BALANCING: Productivity - terms and analysis in textile and apparel industry. Line balancing in
apparel industry - Objectives, procedure, techniques, line efficiency, applications. (9+3)

ERGONOMICS: Importance, Principles – Design of Workplace, Working Processes, Working Environment. Layout –Site
Selection, planning and development, Types. Material Handling- Objectives, Principles, Characteristics and Equipments.

Total L: 45+T: 15=60

1. ILO Geneva, “Introduction to Work Study”, Universal Publishing Corporation, Mumbai,2006.
2. Khanna O P, “Industrial Engineering & Management”, Dhanpat Rai & sons, Delhi, 2004.

1. Ruth E Glock and Grace I Kunz, “Apparel Manufacturing – Sewn Product Analysis”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
2. Rajesh Bheda, “Managing Productivity of Apparel industry” CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 2002.
3. Jacob Solinger, “Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book - Analysis, Principles and Practice”, Boblin Media Corp,
4. Dudeja V D,”Management of Textile Industry”, Textile Trade Press, Ahmedabad, 1981


1. Direct style printing of cotton fabric.
2. Resist style and flock printing of cotton fabric.
3. Discharge style printing of cotton fabric.
4. Identification of dyes on textiles.
5. Crease resistant finishing of cotton fabric.
6. Flame retardant finishing of cotton fabric.
7. Water repellent and proof finishing of cotton fabric.
8. Soil release finishing on polyester fabric.
9. Biopolishing of cotton fabric.
10. Calendaring and sanforization of fabrics.
11. Analysis of performance of finished fabrics.
12. Analysis of textile processing effluents.
Total P : 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Textile Chemical Processing Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023.


1. Pattern making for round neck T-shirt for given measurement.
2. Pattern making for skirt for given measurement.
3. Pattern making for Trouser for given measurement.
4. Computerized Pattern Making and Marker planning for Round neck T-shirt for given measurement.
5. Computerized Pattern Making and Marker planning for Skirt for given measurement.
6. Computerized Pattern Making and Marker planning for Trouser for given measurement.
7. Working of basic sewing machines.
8. Stitching of Basic Shapes for practice.
9. Assembling and construction of T-shirt for the constructed pattern.
10. Assembling and construction of Skirt for the constructed pattern.
11. Assembling and construction of Trouser for the constructed pattern.
12. Quality testing of sewing threads.
Total P : 60
1. Garment Manufacturing Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023



1) Understanding of the concepts of innovation, creativity, patenting and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
2 ) Reengineering, development and analysis of yarn, fabric samples and selected textile products using DSTFIST
Textile product development centre, COE Indutech and Textile CAD Laboratory.
3) Preparing a project report and a report highlighting the specifications of the product and standards.
4) Comparison with commercial products
5) Consolidated project report preparation

Total P : 60




1. Compilation, Namespace, Header file, Data types, Variables, Declaration, Scope of variables
2. Input / Output, Type Conversion, Operators
3. For, While, Do-while, break, continue,.
4. Decision Making
5. Problem solving Pattern Programming
6. Arrays
7. Call by value & Call by reference, with and without arguments
8. Functions, Recursion & Strings
9. Structures & Union
10. Command Line Argument
11. Structure using Pointers
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14.Resume progress check

Total P: 30

1.GayleLaakmann McDowell, "Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions", 5th Edition, S Chand
Publishing, New Delhi, 2015.
2. John Mongan, Noah Kindler and Eric Giguère, “Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job", 5th
Edition, Wrox, New Delhi, 2018.

67th ACM 30.07.2022




INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES: Market growth and potential of technical textiles and classifications, Industrial textiles: Ropes, Braids,
Narrow fabrics, Abrasive fabrics. FILTRATION TEXTILES: Fiber, fabric, design requirements, Mechanism of filtration. Filter
properties, Cigarette filters, Case studies. (9)

AUTOMOTIVE AND SPORTS TEXTILES: Requirement and design for Pneumatic tyres, Air bags, seatbelts, Headliner,
Battery separator, Radiator hoses. Thermal and sound insulation. SPORTS TEXTILES: Textiles in sportswear, Design of
sports clothing. (9)

MEDICAL AND PROTECTIVE TEXTILES: Classification of medical textiles. Fibre selection and fabric characteristics required
for healthcare and hygiene applications. PROTECTIVE TEXTILES: Fibre selection. Mechanism and material requirements
for ballistic textiles, cold protective clothing, UV Protection, clean room garments, Functional apparels: welding and splash proof
fabrics. (9)

GEO AND AGROTEXTILES: Functions of geotextiles. Types and application of geosynthetics. Fibres and fabric selection
criteria for geotextile applications. AGROTEXTILES: Material, method of production and areas of applications. (9)

OTHER TECHNICALTEXTILES: Textiles in temporary and permanent civil construction- Tents, Awnings, Scaffolding Nets.
Fibres and Fabrics used for packaging. Textiles used in home textiles. Environmental protection textiles. (9)
Total L: 45

1. Sabit Adanur, "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic publishing company Inc.,USA, 2017.
2. Horrocks A R, Anand S C, "Handbook of Technical Textiles", Woodhead Publishing and Textile Institute, USA, 2016

1. Jarmila S, "Industrial Textiles", Elsevier Science Publishing, Newyork, USA, 1990.
2. David B W, "The Application of Textiles in Rubber", Rapra Technology Limited, UK, 2001.
3. Harrison P W, "The Design of Textiles for Industrial Applications", Textile Institute, Manchester, 1998.
4. Pushpa B, Sengupta A K, "Industrial Application of Textiles for Filtration and Coated fabrics", Textile progress, UK, 1992.


1. Identification of a real life problem in thrust areas
2. Developing a mathematical model for solving the above problem
3. Finalisation of system requirements and specification
4. Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey
5. Future trends in providing alternate solutions
6. Consolidated report preparation of the above
Total P: 60



1. Collection of woven / knitted samples, visualization , analysis and their commercial names based on weave structure
and application areas.
2. Analysis of the given Plain weave samples for fabric design and parameters.
3. Analysis of the given Twill weave samples for fabric design and parameters.
4. Analysis of the given Satin / Sateen Weave samples for fabric design and parameters.
5. Analysis of the given toweling fabric for fabric design and parameters.
6. Analysis of the given terry fabric for fabric design and parameters.
7. Analysis of the given corduroy fabric for fabric design and parameters.
8. Analysis of Knitted fabric samples for fabric design and parameters.
9. Development of art work for Dobby / Jacquard design using CAD.
10. Development of stripe and check designs using CAD woven software .
11. Development of Technical Textiles products based on performance characteristics and related attributes.

Total P : 60

67th ACM 30.07.2022

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023.


Conducting following Experiments using software:
1. Mean Deviation, z-test and t-test for analysis of quality of textile materials
2. ANOVA, chi square and F test for analysis of quality of textile materials
3. Construction of control charts
4. Balancing of Machinery for yarn production
5. Balancing of Machinery for fabric production
6. Calculation of Yarn Realisation and Costing of Yarn
7. Costing of fabrics
8. Costing of Apparels
9. Preparation of Operational bulletin for a style of garment
10. Standard Allowed Minutes value (SAM) value using time study
11. Line Balancing in a sewing Line
12. Efficiency and Production Calculation in Textile
Total P: 60

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Textile Technology, 2023



The project involves the following:

Preparing a project - brief proposal including

Problem Identification
A statement of system / process specifications proposed to be developed (Block Diagram / Concept tree)
List of possible solutions including alternatives and constraints
Cost benefit analysis
Time Line of activities

A report highlighting the design finalization [based on functional requirements & standards (if any) ]

A presentation including the following:

Implementation Phase (Hardware / Software / both)

Testing & Validation of the developed system
Learning in the Project

Consolidated report preparation

Total P: 120


Courses of Study,
Scheme of Assessment and
Syllabi for All Semesters


BE (Sandwich)
Degree Programmes

2023 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


(Autonomous college affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


(for the batches of students admitted in 2023 - 2024 and subsequently, under Choice Based Credit System)*

NOTE: The regulations hereunder are subject to amendments as may be made by the Academic Council
of the College from time to time. Any or all such amendments will be effective from such date and to such
batches of students (including those already undergoing the programme) as may be decided by the
Academic Council.


In the following Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires
i) “Programme” means Degree Programme, that is BE / BTech Degree Programme.
ii) “Branch” means specialization or discipline of BE / BTech Degree Programme, like
Civil Engineering, Textile Technology, etc.

iii) “Course” means a theory or practical course that is normally studied in a semester, like
Mathematics, Physics, etc.

iv) “University” means Anna University.


Students for admission to the BE / BTech degree programme will be required to satisfy the
conditions of admission thereto prescribed by the University and Government of Tamil Nadu.


i) Minimum Duration: The programme will extend over a period of five years* leading to the
Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Sandwich) of the Anna University. The five academic
years will be divided into ten semesters with two semesters per academic year. Each
semester shall normally consist of 90 working days including examination days.
ii) Maximum Duration: The student shall complete all the passing requirements of the BE
Sandwich degree programme within a maximum period of 9 years (8 years for lateral entry);
these periods reckoned from the commencement of the semester to which the student was
first admitted to the programme.


The following are the branches of study under Sandwich BE degree programme.
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

* Provision is made for lateral entry of students in the third semester of the programme in all branches of
study (except part time progarmme) and they will be required to satisfy the conditions of admissions
thereto prescribed by the University and Government of Tamil Nadu.

(i) The course work of the odd semesters will normally be conducted in odd semesters
and that of the even semesters in even semesters.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

(ii) Curriculum: The curriculum will comprise courses of study as given in section 13 infra in
accordance with the prescribed syllabi. The hours / week listed in section 13 infra for each of
the course refer to periods/week. The curriculum consists of (a) Basic Sciences, (b)
Humanities and Social sciences (c) Engineering Sciences (d) Professional cores (e)
Professional electives (f) Open electives (g) Employability Enhancement courses (h)
Mandatory courses (i) Induction programme and (j) Activity point programme as per AICTE

(iii) Electives: Every student shall opt for electives from the list of electives of the respective
degree programme as given in section 13 in consultation with the Tutor, Programme Co-
ordinator and the HoD. A student shall undergo two open elective courses and six
professional elective courses. Professional electives will be offered from5th semester to 10th
semester. Minimum number of credits to be earned for open elective courses is 6.
Minimum number of credits to be earned for professional elective courses is 18. Open
electives are the elective courses offered by a department for students of other branches and
professional electives are courses offered by a department to the students of their own
branches only.
(iv) Project Work: Every student shall be required to undertake a suitable project in industry /
research organization / department in consultation with the Head of the Department and the
faculty guide and submit the project report thereon at the end of the semesters in which the
student registered, on dates announced by the College/Department. A student shall register
for the Project Work I and Project Work II respectively in 9th and 10th semester.
(v) Online Courses (SWAYAM based NPTEL, GIAN, Coursera, Edx): Students can register
and earn credits for online courses approved by department committee consisting of HoD,
Programme Coordinator, Tutor and Subject Expert. Students who complete relevant online
courses (having 3 credits only) successfully to a maximum of 9 credits may obtain exemption
from studying three Professional Electives. Similarly, students who complete relevant online
courses (having 3 credits only) successfully to a maximum of 6 credits may obtain exemption
from studying two Open Electives. The list of online courses is to be approved by Chairman
Academic Council on the recommendation of HoD at the beginning of the semester if
necessary, subject to ratification in the subsequent Academic Council meeting. For earning
credits through online courses, students will be evaluated within the institute and will be
recommended grades based on the scheme of evaluation given in Section 8, vii) m and
grading system given in Section 8, iii) b. Students may do online courses from fifth to seventh
semester for getting exemption from professional electives and from third to seventh
semesters for getting exemption from open electives. Any online course undergone by a
student during break of study period shall not be considered for exempting a professional
elective/open elective course.

(vi) (a)Self Study Courses: A student without current reappearance courses and /or redo
courses can opt for one course as a Self Study course, which may be either an Open Elective
or a Professional Elective by getting prior approval from the HoD who will nominate a faculty
for the periodic monitoring and evaluation of the course.

(b) “Self Directed Learning Courses: These courses are not text book based courses but
are based on various attempts made by researchers to solve a specific problem as available
in quality journals. These courses will not have specific course titles. These courses will have
3 credits.

Individual students who are motivated, aspire to acquire additional knowledge through self
direction and are willing to experience a new way of problem solving are permitted to opt for
these courses. Individual students can opt for self directed courses based on the
recommendation by department committee consisting of HoD, Programme Coordinator, Tutor
and Subject Expert and approval by the Head of the Institution. Students should choose a
67th ACM 30.07.2022

specific problem addressed by an author or authors having good citations and published in a
peer reviewed journals having a good impact factor for this course. Students can solve the
problem using the framework used by the author or by using a new approach. The proposed
work by the student should have adequate scientific content, scope for further exploration
and should involve good mathematical modeling and solution using programming/software.
The adequacy of this proposed work is to be ensured by the department committee before
recommending the same for the approval of the Head of the Institution. The students will be
mentored by a faculty who have successfully guided PhD scholars and have published
papers or completed sponsored projects involving unstructured problems. Students will be
evaluated for evidence of this learning experience as per the scheme of evaluation given in
section 8 (vii) n”

(vii) (a) Induction Programme: All students shall undergo induction program in the first semester
for a duration of three weeks as per the guidelines of All India Council for Technical
Education (AICTE).A student completing the induction programme will be awarded
completed grade and only the students who complete the induction programme shall be
considered as eligible for award of degree subject to satisfying other conditions. A
student who does not complete the induction program in the first semester shall Redo the
same in the subsequent semester.
(b) Internship
Every student has to earn minimum 12credits (Recommended credit range 12-20) of
Internship/ Entrepreneurial activities I Project work/ Seminar and Inter/ Intra
Institutional Training as a part of his BE/BTech degree programme. It should be noted
that for these activities, one credit is equivalent to minimum 40 hours of work. Various
activities as per AICTE guidelines under internship is provided in the scheme under the
category of Employability Enhancement Courses.
BE/BTech Degree
Every student shall have to earn prescribed number of activity points detailed below relating
to entrepreneurial capabilities and societal commitment from 2nd semester to 6th semester.
Level of entry in degree course Total years for points
1st Year 1st to 5th Year 100
2nd to 5th Year 80
2nd Year (3rd Sem.) through lateral
entry or transfer from other University
A student shall earn 20 points in each semester from 2nd semester (3rd semester for later
entry) to 6th semester the activities shall consists of participation of the student in
NSS/NCC/Sports/Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY). These activities will be coordinated
by the student department and 3 hours of participation in activity will be taken as 1 activity
point these points will not be accounted for CGPA calculation.
A student completing the minimum number of activity points in a semester will be awarded
completed grade and only the student who secure completed grade in all specified
semesters shall be considered as eligible for award of degree subject to satisfying other
conditions. A student who fails to secure the specified number of activity points in a semester
shall Redo the same in the subsequent semester
The Details of implementation (semesterwise) is provided. One activity point is considered
equivalent to 3 hours of activity.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Semesters Responsibility Supporting agency / Activity points

2 Respective NSS/NCC/TRAINING & 20

These activities will be coordinated by the respective department with the support of NSS /
NCC / Sports / Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY) Coordinator or Training and Placement
Officer (TPO) of the Institute. The student will be provided with a certificate from the
concerned coordinator and Institutional Head. These points will not be accounted for CGPA
calculation. The student may choose any relevant (techno-economic-societal) activity as per
their liking in order to earn the Activity points.

(viii) One-Credit Courses: Students can also opt for one credit industry oriented courses of 15
hours duration which will be offered by experts from industry / other institution on specialized
topics related to their branches of study. Students can complete such one credit courses
during the semesters 3 to 7 as and when these courses are offered by different departments.
A student will also be permitted to register for the one credit courses offered by other
departments provided the student has fulfilled the necessary pre-requisites of the course
subject to approval by both the Heads of Departments. There is no limit on the number of
one credit courses a student can register and successfully complete during the above period.
If a student wishes to avail exemption of professional electives, he/she can do so by
exercising his/her option in writing to the respective Head of the Department during the
beginning of the prefinal / final semester (i.e., semester 7/8) by following the equivalence
norm that one professional elective is equivalent to three one credit courses completed by the
student. The grades of the students completing the one credit courses will be finalized based
on absolute grading system listed in 8(iii) (b) infra. The grades earned by the students for the
one-credit courses which are not opted for conversion into an elective, will not be included in
the computation of CGPA.
However number of professional electives for which the student seeks exemption in having
studied online courses and/or one credit courses shall not exceed three under any

(ix)Entrepreneurship and Innovation Start-ups:

Student entrepreneurs may earn academic credits for their efforts in working on innovative
prototypes/business models with an intent of setting up a start-up from the beginning of their
6th semester onwards. Students are free to dedicate any time outside their regular academic
hours and duties towards their companies. They will be allowed to earn credits by opting for
startup related activities in place of the courses under the category of Employability
Enhancement Courses (EEC). It is recommended that such teams are to be formed from
various disciplines rather than a single discipline.

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship expert committee constituted by the Principal will review
the startup/ innovation proposals submitted by students and give approval for credit
conversion. At the end of the designated semester, the student teams are expected to make a
presentation on the progress to the I& E expert committee which will then recommend grades
based on the level of attainment of the stated objectives. Students will be evaluated for
evidence of this learning experience as per the scheme of evaluation given in section 8 (vii) j”
and will be awarded grades based on absolute grading system listed in 8(iii) (j) infra.
(x) Course Enrollment and Registration
a) Each student, on admission shall be assigned to a Tutor who shall advise and counsel the
student about the details of the academic programme and the choice of courses considering
the student’s academic background and career objectives.

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b) Each student on admission shall register for all the courses prescribed in the curriculum in
the student’s first and second semester of study. In the case of lateral entry students, they
shall register for all the courses prescribed in the curriculum in the third semester of study.
c) From third semester onwards, (fourth semester in the case of lateral entry students)a student
has the option to drop a maximum of two theory courses except Professional Core Courses
in a semester. A student has the option to study two additional theory courses in a semester
from third semester onwards. These courses can be open electives in third and fourth
semesters and/ or professional electives from fifth semester onwards. The maximum number
of credits the student can register in a particular semester cannot exceed 30 credits including
courses for which the student has registered for redoing (section 5, iii (a)).
d) In case of a student dropping a course of study (other than professional core courses)in one
semester, he/she shall register for that course in the next given opportunity and earn
necessary attendance in that course exclusively to become eligible to appear for the
semester examination in that course.
e) The courses to be offered in a semester for candidates who need to reappear (as per 5 (iii)
infra) or having attendance shortage etc., will be decided by HoD.
f) After registering for a course, a student shall attend the classes, satisfy the attendance
requirements, earn Continuous Assessment marks and appear for the semester end
The enrollment for all the courses of the Semester II will commence 10 working days prior to
the last working day of Semester I. The student shall confirm the enrollment by registering
for the courses within the first five working days after the commencement of the Semester II.
The enrollment for the courses of the Semesters III to VIII will commence 10 working days
prior to the last working day of the preceding semester. The student shall enroll for the
courses with the guidance of the Tutor. If the student wishes, the student may drop or add
courses subject to eligibility within five working days after the commencement of the
concerned semester and complete the registration process duly authorized by the Tutor.
(xi) Credit assignment: Each course is assigned certain number of credits based on the
Contact Period per week Credits
One Lecture Period 1
One Tutorial Period 1
TwoPractical Periods (Laboratory 1
/ Project Work/ etc.)
The Contact Periods per week for Practicals shall be in multiples of 2.The exact number of
credits assigned to the different courses is shown in section 13.
(xii) Minimum credits: The minimum number of credits to be earned through successful
completion of the courses of study in the respective branch listed in section 13 infra, by a
student to qualify for the award of degree is provided below.

Minimum number of credits to be earned through

successful completion of the courses of study of the
respective branch listed in section 13 infra, for the
Branch of Study
award of degree
for lateral entry at
for entry at first semester
third semester
BE Sandwich Programmes
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 164 127
Mechanical Engineering 164 125
Production Engineering 164 126

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(xiii)Entrepreneurship and Innovation Start-ups:

Student entrepreneurs may earn academic credits for their efforts in working on innovative
prototypes/business models with an intent of setting up a start-up from the beginning of their
6th semester onwards. Students are free to dedicate any time outside their regular academic
hours and duties towards their companies. They will be allowed to earn credits by opting for
startup related activities in place of the courses under the category of Employability
Enhancement Courses (EEC). It is recommended that such teams are to be formed from
various disciplines rather than a single discipline.

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship expert committee constituted by the Principal will review
the startup/ innovation proposals submitted by students and give approval for credit
conversion. At the end of the designated semester, the student teams are expected to make a
presentation on the progress to the I & E expert committee which will then recommend grades
based on the level of attainment of the stated objectives. Students will be evaluated for
evidence of this learning experience as per the scheme of evaluation given in section 8 (vii) j”
and will be awarded grades based on absolute grading system listed in 8(iii) (j) infra.

Students can avail exemption from joining the courses at the beginning of 5th, 6th and 7th
semesters for a maximum duration of 15 days in each semester. This exemption period can
be used for entrepreneurship related activities like attending entrepreneurship/innovation
training programmes conducted by premier institutes, working with startups etc. The
exemption can be availed by getting prior approval before the beginning of the semester from
a committee constituted by the Head of the Department/Institute and the students should
demonstrate their utilization of this exemption through a presentation/viva voce to the
committee after the end of the exemption period.

(xiv) Medium of instruction: English is the medium of instruction for examinations, project report
etc. other than elective language courses.


i. A student will be qualified to appear for semester end examinations in a particular course of a
semester only if
a) he / she has satisfied the attendance requirements as per the norms given below:

 Shall secure not less than 75% attendance in that course

 If a student secures attendance 65% or more but less than 75% in any course in the
current semester due to medical reasons (hospitalization / accident / specific illness)
or due to participation in the College / University / State / National / International
level Sports events with prior permission from the Chairman, Sports Board and
Head of the Department concerned, the student shall be given exemption from the
prescribed attendance requirement and the student shall be permitted to appear for
the semester end examinations of that course.
b) his / her progress has been satisfactory and
c) his / her conduct has been satisfactory.
ii. A student shall normally be permitted to appear for Semester end examinations of the course
if the student has satisfied the attendance requirements (vide Clause 5(i) supra) and has
registered for examination in those courses of that semester by paying the prescribed fee.

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iii. a) Students who do not satisfy clause 5(i) supra will not be permitted to appear for the
Semester End Examinations / Evaluation of that course. The student has to register and redo
that course in a subsequent semester when it is offered next, earn necessary attendance and
CA mark and appear for semester end examinations.
b) If the total number of “Redo” courses (except mandatory courses) at the end of any
semester is more than TWO, the student will not be eligible to register for next immediate
semester courses.
Such students will be permitted to register for those courses only when offered next, subject
to fulfillment of the above condition.
c) If a student with more than TWO “Redo” courses (except mandatory courses) is in the last
batch of his/her current regulations, then he/she has to redo two equivalent courses from
the next regulations when it is offered. If such equivalent courses are not available in the
next regulations, he/she has to complete the redo courses in a self study mode following the
guidelines given in 4 (vi) supra.
iv. A student who has already appeared for a course in a semester and passed the examination
is not entitled to reappear in the same course for improvement of letter grades / marks.
v. In respect of students who complete a part of the academic programme either one or two
semesters under the student exchange scheme in approved foreign Universities, the transfer
of credits of equivalent courses completed by them in the foreign university will be approved;
and in the case of the remaining courses of the respective semester(s) which they have not
studied in the respective regulation, they shall register for those courses within the next two
or subsequent semesters on a self-study basis. Such an appearance of the student in those
courses will be treated as first appearance for the purpose of classification. (Vide sections
infra 10 (A,B,C &D))
i) Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behavior both inside and
outside the college and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige
of the college. The Head of the Institution shall constitute a disciplinary committee to enquire
into acts of indiscipline and notify the punishment
ii) If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the examinations, he / she shall be liable for
punitive action as decided by the Board of Examiners.


A student who desires to rejoin the programme after a period of discontinuance or who upon
his/her own request is permitted by the authorities to repeat the study of any semester, may join
the semester which he/she is eligible or permitted to join, only at the time of its normal
commencement for a regular batch of students and after obtaining the approval from the
Commissioner of Technical Education and the University. No student will however be enrolled in
more than one semester at any time.


i) Assessment: The assessment will comprise of Final Examination (FE) and /or Continuous
Assessment (CA), carrying marks as specified in the scheme in section 13 infra. The CA
marks will be awarded on assessing the student continuously during the semester as per
guidelines 8(vii) infra. The assessment for all the courses will be done on relative grading
system. If the student’s strength is less than or equal to 30 for a particular course they will be
assessed by absolute grading system. However, for the purpose of reporting the performance
of a student, letter grades and grade points will be awarded as per section 8(iii)

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ii) Semester End Examinations: Semester end examinations will normally be conducted
during October / November and during March / April of each year. Reappearance
examinations may be conducted at such times as may be decided by the college.
A student will be permitted to appear for the final semester examination in a course only if
he/she has completed the study of that course.
iii) Grade and Grade Point: Each student, based on his / her performance, will be awarded a
final grade and grade point as given below for each course at the end of each semester by
following relative grading system and absolute grading system.
a. Relative Grading System
In this system, the grades are awarded to the students based on their performance relative to
others in Theory courses having Continuous Assessment (CA) and Final Examination (FE)

For each theory course, the total mark M [ie., the sum of Continuous Assessment marks (CA)
and Final examination marks (FE)] is computed for every candidate.
The students who secure a mark as detailed below are declared as fail (RA) in a theory

Marks scored in FE is less than 45% Grade :

(or) RA
M less than 50% of total marks

 “RA” denotes reappearance in a course
After omitting the marks (M) of all failed students, if the number of students who have
passed the course is more than 30, the marks obtained by all the students in that course
(having the same course code) will be normalized using the BOX-COX transformation
method. The grade range for each course will be computed based on the procedure given by
Anna University, Chennai and the grades will be awarded for each student in a particular
course. This procedure will be followed for all the courses offered under this regulation.
Then letter grade and grade point to each student are awarded as given in the table below.

Letter Grade Grade Points

O (Outstanding) 10
A +(Excellent) 9
A (VeryGood) 8
B +(Good) 7
B (Average) 6
C (Satisfactory) 5
RA(Re-appearance) 0
SA (Shortage of Attendance) 0
W(Withdrawal) 0

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b. Absolute Grading System

If the number of students registered for a particular course or if the number of students
who have passed a particular course is less than or equal to 30, absolute grading system
will be followed. The letter grade and mark range are given in table below.

Letter Grade Mark Range Grade

Point, g
O 91 - 100 10
A+ 81 - 90 9
A 71 - 80 8
B+ 61 - 70 7
B 56 - 60 6
C 50 – 55 5
RA < 50 0
W(Withdrawal) 0 0
SA (Shortage of
0 0
 "RA" denotes Reappearance in a course.
The grades RA and SA will not figure in the grade sheet.

c. For online courses the following grading pattern is applicable in case of credit transfer
and CGPA calculations.

Letter Grade Mark Range Grade

Point, g
O 91 - 100 10
A+ 81 - 90 9
A 71 - 80 8
B+ 61 - 70 7
B 56 - 60 6
C 50 – 55 5
RA < 50 0
W(Withdrawal) 0 0
SA (Shortage of
0 0

iv) a) Cumulative Grade Point Average:

After the completion of the programme, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from
the semester in which the student has joined first (first semester for regular & third semester
for lateral entry students) to the final semester is calculated using the relationship:

 g *C
i i

C i

where, gi is Grade point secured for ith course.

Ci is Credit allotted for the ithcourse.

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b) Training Grade Point Average (TGPA):

The Industrial Training courses I – IX will be evaluated independently and a separate Training
Cumulative Grade Point Average (TGPA) will be computed using the above formula, based on
the grade points earned by the students in the Industrial Training Courses.
v) Passing a course:
a. A student shall be deemed to have passed a theory course with CA and FE components.
i) he/she secures at least 45% of the total marks in the final examination and
ii) he/she secures not less than 50% of total marks [CA and FE put together]
prescribed for the course shall be declared to have passed the course and acquired
the relevant number of credits.
A student is deemed to have passed in any other course like Laboratory Course, Summer
term Course, Industry Visit, Inplant Training, Mini Project and Project Work I & II etc. with
CA and FE components (except theory course with CA and FE components) or in any
course carrying only Continuous Assessment marks if the total mark secured by him/her is
at least 50% of total marks.
b. A student who is absent or has failed in the semester end examinations in any theory
course has to register for the subsequent examination in that theory course when it is
offered next time, either by retaining or by not retaining the CA marks already earned.

I. A student who chooses to register as retaining CA may continue to appear for further
appearances in that option or at any time can switch over to the option not retaining CA.

II. A student who chooses the option as not retaining CA shall have to continue to register
for further appearances in that option only till he/she obtains a pass. In such case, the
maximum grade that will be awarded to the students who appear in the Reappearance
Examination will be capped at “A”.

III. For students who chooses the option of not retaining CA, the following grading pattern
is applicable

Range of percentage of total marks Letter grade

71 to 100 A
61 to 70 B+
56 to 60 B
50 to 55 C
0 to 49
or less than 45% in final examination

c. A student who after having earned necessary attendance, is absent for semester end
examination or has failed in any other course like Laboratory Course, Summer term
Course, Industry Visit, Inplant Training, Mini Project and Project Work I etc. with CA and
FE components (except theory course with CA and FE components) or in any course
carrying only Continuous Assessment marks will register for the examinations when it is
conducted next time and will be solely assessed in the final examinations carrying the
entire marks of that course.
d. A student who has earned necessary attendance in the course Project work II but does
not submit the report on Project Work II on or before the date specified by the college /
department, he/she shall be deemed to have failed in the Project work II and awarded
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grade RA and will have to register for the same at the beginning of the subsequent
semester, redo and submit the project report at the end of that semester and appear for
the final examination, the CA mark earned afresh.
e. A student who has earned necessary attendance in the course Project work II but whose
project report is not accepted for reasons of incompleteness or other serious deficiencies
will be treated as ‘absent’ and will have to register for the same at the beginning of the
subsequent semester, redo and submit the project report at the end of that semester and
appear for the final examination, the CA mark earned afresh.

f. A student who has submitted the report on Project Work II, but could not appear for the
semester end examination on the scheduled date, shall be deemed to have failed in the
Project work II and awarded grade RA and will have to register for the same at the
beginning of the subsequent semester, Redo and submit the project report at the end of
that semester and appear for the final examinations, the CA mark earned afresh. The
same shall be applicable also to candidates who fail in the Project work.
g. If a student is absent or has failed in an elective course, he/she may register for the same
course as detailed in v (b) above or for any other elective in the subsequent semester by
registering afresh.
h. A student who is not eligible to write the semester end examination in any course due to
lack of attendance, will be awarded grade SA and the student has to register for that
course again, when offered next, attend the classes and fulfill the attendance
requirements as per section 5 supra. If the course, in which the student has lack of
attendance, is a Professional Elective or an Open Elective, the student may register for
the same or any other Professional Elective or Open Elective course respectively in the
subsequent semesters.
i. A student after registering for a course may withdraw his / her registration between first &
second CA Test on valid reasons.
j. Out of the required six Professional Electives to be studied, a student has to study a
minimum of three Professional Electives from the list of Professional electives prescribed
in their scheme of courses of study / those courses approved by the department
committee with the Head of the Department as the Chairman (in case of credit transfer
while undergoing programme in other Universities/Institutions as approved by the head of
the Institution). The remaining three Professional electives can be studied either from the
list of electives prescribed in the scheme of study of the department of the student/other
departments or as online courses / special courses (vide clause 4.(v) supra) by obtaining
equivalence or by studying required number of One / Two Credit Courses etc.

If a student has studied more than six professional electives totally, three Professional
Electives with highest grade among all Professional Electives prescribed in the scheme
and the three courses with next highest grade among all remaining courses will be
considered for calculation of CGPA; however the grades obtained in all other remaining
courses will also appear in the grade sheet.

k. If a student has studied more than two open elective courses, then two open elective
courses with higher grades alone will be considered for CGPA calculation. The grades
obtained in other elective courses will also appear in the grade sheet.
l. If a student does not clear an one credit course it will be treated as a course ‘withdrawn’
by a student; One credit courses will be evaluated by the course instructor / department
faculty concerned and will carry a total of 100 marks for continuous assessment; out of
which 75 marks will be for final test to be scheduled by the course instructor / department
faculty concerned.

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m. A student who is absent in the semester end examination of a course after registering
for the same will be considered to have appeared and failed in that examination and
awarded grade RA.
vi) Reappearance Examinations:
For Reappearance Examinations/ Examinations in any course under REDO category,
absolute grading will be followed irrespective of whether the grading was originally under
Relative Grading System or Absolute Grading System

vii) Scheme of Evaluation

a. Theory Courses with Tutorial Component (CA: 50% + FE: 50%)
Total: 100 Marks
CA Distribution:
(i) Assignment Presentation 10 Marks
(ii) Assessment Tutorial I 05 Marks
(iii) Assessment Tutorial II 05 Marks
(iv) Internal Tests (Best 2 out of 3): 30 Marks
 Test I ( conducted for 50 marks)30 Marks
 Test II ( conducted for 50 marks) 30 Marks
 Test III ( conducted for 35 marks)30 Marks

Final Examination (FE) 50 Marks

1. a) Theory courses with tutorial component- Separate tutorial note books/files are to be
maintained by the students for regular class room tutorials and two assessment
tutorials have to be conducted and marks entered in e-assessment.

b) Assessment Tutorial I is of open book type, to be conducted as per schedule in the

allotted halls.
c) Assessment Tutorial II is of surprise type. The 5 marks allotted must be the best out
of a minimum of two surprise Tutorials to be conducted by the faculty concerned.
d) During tutorial sessions, if requested the students may be guided by faculty to
solve problems.
2. Assignment Presentation for the first and final year students shall be conducted by
the faculty concerned as per his/her own schedule. For others it shall be conducted
by the faculty concerned as per the schedule prescribed in academic calendar.

b. Theory Courses with no Tutorial Component (CA: 50% + FE: 50%)

Total: 100 Marks
CA Distribution:
(i) Assignment Presentation 10 Marks
(ii) Objective Tests I (Surprise type) 05 Marks
(iii) Objective Tests II (Surprise type) 05 Marks
(iv) Internal Tests (Best 2 out of 3): 30 Marks
 Test I ( conducted for 50 marks) 30 Marks
 Test II ( conducted for 50 marks) 30 Marks
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 Test III ( conducted for 35 marks) 30 Marks

Final Examination (FE) 50 Marks
1. Theory courses with no tutorial component- Objective Type Tests I and II- The 5
marks allotted for Objective Type Test I must be the best out of a minimum of two
surprise tests to be conducted by the faculty concerned. A similar procedure is to be
adopted for the award of the 5 marks allotted for the objective Type Test II.
2. Assignment Presentation for the first and final year students shall be conducted by
the faculty concerned as per his/her own schedule. For others it shall be
conducted by the faculty concerned as per the schedule prescribed in academic

c. Summer Term Courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks
 CA Distribution
(i) Presentation - I 25 Marks
(At the middle of II week)
(ii) Presentation - II 25 Marks
(At the end of III week)
 Final Examination
a) Report 30 Marks
b) Viva voce 20 Marks

d. Laboratory Courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) I Cycle
 Pre-laboratory Reports
& Observations 10 Marks
 Individual Report 15 Marks
(ii) II Cycle
 Pre-laboratory Reports
& Observations 10 Marks
 Individual Report 15 Marks
 Final Examination
a) Lab examination 30 Marks
b) Viva Voce* 20 Marks

e. Industry Visit and Lecture / Industry Visit (CA : 100%) Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution:
(i) Presentation / Report 80 Marks
 Presentation I /Report I 25 Marks
Viva Voce I 15 Marks
 Presentation II /Report II 25 Marks
Viva Voce II 15 Marks
(ii) Viva Voce* 20 Marks
 Minimum of 2 Industry Visits, at least one shall be associated with PSG II / PSG Foundry Division
 Minimum of 2 Lectures by External Experts

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f. Inplant Training (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Record / Report 50 Marks
(ii) Final Examination / Presentation 30 Marks
(iii) Viva Voce* 20 Marks

g. Industrial Training (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Test / Viva Voce 50 Marks
 Test I 10 Marks
 Viva Voce I
(based on daily observation) 15 Marks
 Test II 10 Marks
 Viva Voce II
(based on daily observation) 15 Marks
 Final Examination 50 Marks
 Final Examination / Mini Project 25 Marks
 Viva Voce# 25 Marks
h. Mini Project (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution:
(i) Presentation - I 20 Marks
 Guide 10 Marks
 Committee 10 Marks

(ii) Presentation – II 30 Marks

 Guide 15 Marks
 Committee 15 Marks

 Final Examination 50 Marks

Project Report Evaluation & Viva Voce
 Guide 25 Marks
 Committee 25 Marks

i.Project Work I (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Review - I 20 Marks
 Guide 10 Marks
 Committee$ 10 Marks
(ii) Review – II 30 Marks
 Guide 15 Marks
 Committee$ 15 Marks

(iii) Final Examination

Project Report Evaluation & Viva Voce 50 Marks
 Guide 25 Marks
 Committee$ 25 Marks

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j. Project Work II (CA : 50% + FE : 50%) Total : 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Review - I 20 Marks
 Guide 10 Marks
 Committee$ 10 Marks
(ii) Review - II 30 Marks
 Guide 15 Marks
 Committee$ 15 Marks
 Final Examination (FE) 50
 External 25 Marks
 Thesis Evaluation 10 Marks
 Presentation & Viva Voce 15 Marks
 Internal 25 Marks
 Thesis Evaluation 10 Marks
 Presentation & Viva Voce 15 Marks

k. Mandatory Course/AICTE Activity Point Programme (CA: 100%)Total: 100 Marks

(i) Assessment - I 50 Marks

(ii) Assessment – II 50 Marks

l. Soft Skills Development/Business and Managerial Communications/

Quantitative and Reasoning Skills (CA: 100%) Total: 100 Marks

(i) Basic Test 50 Marks

(ii) Advanced Test 50 Marks

m. Online courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks

CA Distribution:
For courses with one credit
(i) Internal Tests (to be conducted within the institute)
Test 1 (to be conducted at the end of the course) 50 Marks

For courses with two/three credits

(i) Internal Tests (to be conducted within the institute)
(ii) Average of two tests 50 Marks
Test I (conducted for 50 marks) 50 marks
Test II (conducted for 50 marks) 50 Marks

Final Examination (FE)

(to be conducted within the institute) 50 Marks

n. Self Directed Learning Courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks
CA Distribution:
(i) Internal Tests
Average of two tests 20 Marks
 Test I 20 Marks
 Test II 20 Marks
(ii) Three presentations scheduled periodically to check for evidence of learning, each
carrying 10 marks 30 Marks
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Final Examination (FE)

Final presentation 50 Marks
(i) Report 15 Marks
(ii) Viva voce examination 25 Marks
(iii) New inferences/interpretations 10 Marks

o. Innovation Practices (CA: 50% + FE: 50%)

Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution

i) Identification of Innovative idea / problem & justification (IPR status on this idea)
20 Marks
 Presentation and Viva Voce I 10 Marks
 Report 10 Marks

ii) Development of the idea & the resulting process / product / solution 30 Marks
 Presentation and Viva Voce II 15 Marks
 Report 15 Marks

iii) Final Examination 50 Marks

 Final Presentation & Viva Voce 30 Marks
 Report including preparation of IPR documents as prescribed
by Indian Patent Office 20 Marks

*- by external examiner
#- by internal & external examiner
$ - In respect of Project Work I & II carried out and reviewed in the departments, the review committee shall comprise of
at least three senior faculty nominated by the HoD.
However, in respect of Project Work II carried out in industry, the committee nominated for the second review at
industry includes one faculty deputed by the department and one mentor from respective industry.


A student shall be declared to have qualified for the award of the BE/BTech Degree provided
i) the student has successfully completed the course requirements and has passed all the
prescribed courses of study of the respective programme listed in section13 within the
duration specified insection 2 and
ii) no disciplinary action is pending against the student.


Classification of a student while awarding the degree will not be affected if the student has to
REDO courses which are Mandatory in nature (i.e. having no credit but whose completion is
compulsory for the award of degree)
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class with Distinction.
* Should have passed the end semester examination in all the courses of all the 10 semesters
(8 semesters in the case of Lateral Entry) in his/her First appearance within 6 years (5
years in the case of Lateral Entry), which includes authorized break of study of one year.
Withdrawal from examination (vide clause 11) will not be considered as an appearance.
* Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.

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* One year authorized break of study (if availed of) is included in the 6 years (5 years in the
case of lateral entry) for award of First class with Distinction.
* Should not have been prevented from writing semester end examination due to lack of
attendance in any of the courses.

A student who satisfies the following condition shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First Class.
* Should have passed the examination in all the courses of all ten semesters (8 semesters in
the case of Lateral Entry) within 6 years. (5 years in the case of Lateral Entry).

* One year authorized break of study (if availed of) or prevention from writing the End
Semester examination due to lack of attendance (if applicable) is included in the duration
of 6 years (5 years in the case of lateral entry) for award of First class.

* Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 6.5.

All other students (not covered in clauses A and B) who qualify for the award of the degree
shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second class.
A student shall be eligible for award of ranking only if he/she has passed the examination in
first class with distinction or first class in having passed all the courses in first attempt. Those
who have availed the provision of break of study / withdrawal will not be eligible for rank.


i) A student may, for valid reasons, be granted permission to withdraw from appearing for the
examination in any course or courses of only one semester if he/she does not have any
history of reappearance courses at the time of request for withdrawal. Prior permission for
withdrawal from semester examinations is to be obtained from Principal. Also, only one
application for withdrawal is permitted for that semester examination in which withdrawal is
sought. Withdrawal may be granted only once during one semester examination throughout
the period of study what so ever the reasons may be.
ii) Withdrawal application shall be valid only if the student is otherwise eligible to write the
examination and if it is made prior to the commencement of the examination in that course or
courses and also recommended by the Head of the Department.


i) A student is not normally permitted to temporarily break the study. However, if a student
intends to temporarily discontinue the programme in the middle for valid reasons (such as
accident or hospitalization due to prolonged ill health) and to rejoin the programme in a later
respective semester, he/she shall apply to the Principal through the Head of the Department
and stating the reasons therefore.
ii) A student is permitted to rejoin the programme at the respective semester as and when it is
offered after the break subject to the approval of Commissioner of Technical Education and
Anna University, Chennai, and shall be governed by rules and regulations in force at the time
of rejoining.
iii) The duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification (vide
sections 10 supra) shall be increased by the period of such break of study permitted.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

iv) The total period for completion of the programme reckoned from the commencement of the
semester to which the student was first admitted shall not exceed the maximum period
specified in section2 (ii) supra irrespective of the period of break of study in order that he/she
may be qualified for the award of the degree.
v) If any student is detained for want of requisite attendance, progress and conduct, the period
spent in that semester shall not be considered as permitted 'Break of Study' and section 12
(iii) supra is not applicable for such cases.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13.Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Electrical Engineering
2 23E102 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23E103 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Basics of Mechanical
4 23E104 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 ES
Engineering Practices
5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
6 23E110 Basics Science Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS
7 23E111 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
8 23E100 Industrial Training I 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
9 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 - - - MC
Total 25 hrs 14 4 8+10 22+5 320+60 420 700+100

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Complex Variables and
1 23E201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23E202 Electric Circuits and Networks 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
3 23E203 Electromagnetic Theory 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
4 23E204 Semiconductor Devices 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
5 23G__ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS
Circuits and Devices
6 23E211 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23E200 Industrial Training II 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
Foundations of Problem
8 23Q213 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC
9 23E215 Activity Point Programme -1 - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 25 hrs 12 3 10+10 19+5 340+60 400 700+100

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks CA

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total T

Matrix Theory and Numerical
1 23E301 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23O302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
DC Machines and
3 23E304 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
4 23E305 Electronic Circuits 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

5 23E310 DC Machines and 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Transformers Laboratory
6 23E311 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Building Communication
7 23Q313 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
8 23E300 Industrial Training III 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
9 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 50 50 100 MC
10 23E315 Activity Point Programme - 2 - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 28 hrs 14 3 10+10 20+5 390+60 450 800+100

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Probability, Stochastic
1 23E401 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Processes and Statistics
2 23E403 Digital Electronics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
3 23E404 Linear Integrated Circuits 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Induction and Synchronous
4 23E405 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
5 23E205 Programming in C Language 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
Digital Electronics and LIC
6 23E411 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23E400 Industrial Training IV 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
8 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC
9 23E415 Activity Point Programme - 3 - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 25hrs 14 3 8+10 20+5 260+60 380 700

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E501 Control Systems 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Microprocessor and
2 23E503 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23E504 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Measurements and
4 23E303 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

5 23E410 Induction and Synchronous 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Machines Laboratory
Microprocessor and
6 23E511 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Microcontrollers Laboratory
Instrumentation and Control
7 23E512 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
9 23E500 Industrial Training V 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
10 23E515 Activity Point Programme * - 4 - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 26 hrs 12 2 12+10 20+5 400+60 440 800+100

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Power Electronics and
1 23E502 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Generation, Transmission,
2 23E402 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
and Distribution
3 23O___ Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
4 23E702 Electrical Machine Design 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Power Electronics and
5 23E510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Applications Laboratory
6 23E620 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
7 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
8 23E600 Industrial Training VI 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
9 23E615 Activity Point Programme - 5 - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 22hrs 12 2 8+10 18+5 340+60 400 700+100

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E601 Power System Analysis 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
2 23E602 Electric Drives and Control 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
3 23E603 Data Structures using C++ 2 2 0 4 40 60 100 EEC
Electric Drives and Control
4 23E610 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
5 23E700 Industrial Training VII 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
Total 13hrs 8 3 2+10 12+5 180+60 260 400+100

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E____ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
2 23E___ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Power System Protection
3 23E701 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
and Switchgear
4 23O____ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE
5 23E710 Power System Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
6 23E800 Industrial Training VIII 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
7 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code
Total 17hrs 12 1 4+10 15+5 280+60 360 600+100

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E____ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
2 23E____ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
3 23E_____ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
4 23E720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
5 23E800 Industrial Training IX 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 EEC
Total 13hrs 9 0 4+10 11+5 180+60 260 400+100

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23E____ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
2 23E820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC
Total 11hrs 3 0 8 7 100 100 200

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Credits Per Semester

Course Total
S. No
Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 HS 4 2 4 - - - - - - - 10

2 BS 12 7 4 4 - - - - - - 27

3 ES 6 10 6 3 3 - - - - - 28

4 PC - - 5 13 16 13 8 5 - - 60

5 PE - - - - - - - 6 9 3 18

6 OE - - - - - 3 - 3 - - 6

7 EEC 5$ 5$ 1+5$ 5$ 1+5$ 2+5$ 4+5$ 1+5$ 2+5$ 4 15+45$

8 MC - - - - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 21 +5$ 19+ 5$ 21+5$ 19+5$ 21+5$ 18+5$ 12+5$ 15+5$ 11+5$ 7 164+45$

Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation

67th ACM 30.07.2022


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT AND PRACTICES: Definition of industry, types of industry -
product, process, hybrid; Different scales of operations - large, medium, small, tiny; Industry definitions and examples;
Organizational structure and various departments, functions within an industry; Equipment and personal industrial safety
(general and electrical) and discipline outside industries. [10]

MODULE 2 - FAMILIARIZATION OF MECHANICAL HAND TOOLS: Screw drivers, spanners, pliers, hammers, chisels and
wrenches; Dismantling and assembly - CPU, pump, etc. [10]

MODULE 3 - FAMILIARIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS TOOLS: Tester, clamp meter, multi meter, crimper,
wire cutter, Philip screw drivers-Simple exercises - checking the fuse, Residential wiring, Staircase wiring, Fluorescent lamp
wiring, Godown Wiring, Ceiling fan connection (Regulator & Dimmer), Calling bell connection wiring, junction box wiring, One
lamp controlled by one switch & Two lamps controlled by single switch, crimping of wires. [20]

MODULE 4 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CARPENTRY HAND TOOLS: Chisel, mallets, jack planes, mortise gauge, hand saw,
etc; Simple exercises - sawing and planning, nailing a wooden box, making of different type of joints, making a table /wooden
box/ models. [10]

MODULE 5 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FITTING TOOLS: Files, hacksaw, tri-square, rulers, punches, chisel, etc; Simple
exercises - filing, marking, cutting, fitting, forming. [10]

micrometer, calipers, bore-dial, gauges, anemometer, hygrometer/sling psychrometer, thermo-couples, pyranometer, etc;
Measurement of various pump components, wind speed, humidity, temperature, and radiation. [10]

MODULE 7 - FAMILIARIZATION OF PLUMBING TOOLS: Pipe wrench, threading die, etc; Simple exercises - threading of
pipes, construction of water line using GI and PVC fittings etc. [10]

MODULE 8 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FOUNDRY TOOLS: Moulding boxes, board, trowels, riser and sprue pins, vent wires,
strike bar, bellows, rammers, etc; Simple exercises - moulding of solid pattern, split pattern, core making, gate , runner and
riser cutting, casting of simple component with aluminum etc. [20]

MODULE 9 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CIVIL TOOLS: Trowels, plumb block, water level, spirit level, etc; Simple exercises -
making of small model with cement mortar, stacking of bricks as a wall, fabrication of reinforcement structures in MS, etc. [20]

MODULE 10 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE I: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and Chemistry
– Boyle’s Law, Inverse square law, Hooke’s law, conservation of mechanical energy – applications in industry. [20]

MODULE 11 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Motor and pump manufacturing, engineering machinery manufacturing and foundry. [10]

Total: P: 150

1. Module-wise “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL SAFETY: Procedure, equipment, safety programme, safety standards,
OSHA act, first aid and safety symbols. [10]

MODULE 2- DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES - Wet grinder, mixie, electric iron box, fan, etc.

Construction, types, working of A.C meters (analog & digital). [20]

MODULE 4 – STUDY OF MCB, CONTACTOR, RELAY: Construction, types, working – applications in industry. [10]

MODULE 5 - DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY OF HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS - Water taps, flush tanks, hand pump and
gear pump, valves, etc. [20]


Assembly, inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining. [10]

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Winding, inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining etc. [10]

MODULE 8 - HANDS ON EXERCISES – BASIC FOUNDRY PRACTICES – Understanding of fundamental Foundry

processes and practices – melting, pouring, pattern-making, machining, testing and inspection. [10]

MODULE 9 - HANDS ON EXERCISES - BASIC LATHE ASSEMBLY – Headstock, tailstock, apron and feedbox, gearbox
assembly. [10]

MODULE 10 – CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE II: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and
Chemistry – Newton’s Laws, specific heat, Lenz’ law, Faraday’s law – applications in industry. [20]


Total: P: 150

1. Module-wise “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCES- 3: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Engineering: Human
Arm Model, Bridge set, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Wireless Co2 sensor, Spirometer- applications in industry. [30]

MODULE 2 – PCB: PCB design considerations, types of PCB’S, PCB layout rules & parameters - applications in industry. [30]

MODULE 3 - WELDING: Introduction- types of welding- arc welding- MIG and TIG welding -gas welding- working principle –
types of welding joints and their applications. [10]

MODULE 4 – MECHANISMS: Hands-on exercises on building replica of machines, mechanisms, bridges, and vehicles using
miniature assembly kits, foam, wood, etc. [10]

MODULE 5 - CNC MACHINES : CNC - Open and closed loop Systems - Motion Control systems -Elements of CNC systems -
Input devices – CPU / Machine Control unit - Machine tool driving systems - Types of motors used in CNC – feedback devices –
Display unit machine axes – Machine programming -advantages and disadvantages- Industrial applications. [20]

MODULE 6 – SHEETMETAL WORKING: Familiarization of sheet metal tools and processes; Making of simple sheet metal
objects like dust pan, measuring jar, coin bank, taking into consideration aesthetic, safety and ergonomic design aspects.[20]

MODULE 7 – POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS I: Exposure to different modes of power transmission using V–belt and flat
belt, rope, chain and sprocket, etc.; Development of schematic diagrams and models for typical applications. [10]

MODULE 8 – METROLOGY: Measurement of geometrical parameters such as straightness, flatness, angularity and
perpendicularity; Measurement of surface roughness; Calibration of instruments using slip gauges. [10]

MODULE 9 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visits to Industry specific to the topics within the other modules, and submission of a report
on Industrial applications of these topics. [10]

Total: P: 150
1. Sharma PC, “Machine Tools and Tool Design”, S. Chand & Company, 2004.
2. Sawhney AK, ”Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai& Sons Company,2004.
3. Parmar RS , ”Welding, Turning Process & Technology”, Khanna Publisher,2011.
4. Naidu MS, Kamaraju V, Wadhwa CL,”High Voltage Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Education-Europe ,2006.


0 0 10 5*

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 1 – ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS IN MACHINING OPERATIONS - Electrical characteristics and control

mechanisms in Drilling, Milling, Boring, Broaching and Vertical Turret Lathe. [10
]MODULE 2 - PCB LAYOUT & FABRICATION - Designing and Layout of PCB’s – applications of PCB’s in different types of
Industries - Trouble shooting and Testing. [20]

MODULE 3 - ELECTRICAL MOTOR AND PUMP ASSEMBLY II - Types of Winding, Slots, Insulation - Testing -Megger Test,
High Voltage and Resistance testing. [30]

MODULE 4 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE- 4 – Magnetic field of coils, Work energy theorem, Wireless heart rate,
Ballistic pendulum- applications in industry. [30]

MODULE 5 – AUTOMOTIVE WIRING - Types of automotive wiring in 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers - Battery types – Alternator –
Relays and other protection devices. [30]

MODULE 6 – TRANSFORMERS – Types of transformers - function – working principle - windings-advantages and

disadvantages – Industrial applications. [20]

MODULE 7 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visits to Industry specific to the topics within the other modules, and submission of a report
on Industrial applications of these topics. [10]

Total: P: 150

1. Dasgupta Indrajit,”Design of Transformers”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,2002.
2. Singh Ravindra P.,”Power system switchgear and protection”, PHI Learing Pvt.Ltd., 2009.
3. Volk Michael ,”Electrical motor & Pump Assembly”, Taylor &Francis, 2008.
4. Khandpur RS ,”PCB Design, fabrication, Assembly & testing”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT I - Ongoing in-campus projects - Project formulation and definition of scope and
objectives – Project Charter and Plan – Project methodology and status monitoring and reporting – tracking milestones –
managing resources, risks and variances. [40]


MODULE 3 – INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION - Hands-on exercises in advanced Industrial Automation Laboratories relating to
Electro-hydraulics, Electro-pneumatics, Mechatronics, Drives and Controls, Industry 4.0 kits. [60]

MODULE 4 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT – Visit to an Industry specific to the topics within the other modules, and submission of a
report on Industrial applications of these topics. [20]

Total: P: 150

1. Walter RB, ”Hydraulic & electric hydraulic control system”,1991.
2. Obodovski, Daniel ,” The silent Intelligence : The internet of things”, Elsevier Science,2013.
3. Asfakhi C.Ray & Rieske, David W,” Industrial safety and health management 6th edition”,Pearsons Education, 2009.
4. Schwab, Klaus ,”The fourth industrial revolution”, Penguin Books Ltd, 2016.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT II - Ongoing in-campus projects - Data analytics and project dashboard preparation –
project financial planning. [40]

MODULE 2 - HARDWARE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT: Prototype model development-Testing-Demonstration. [50]

MODULE 3 – INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION - Hands-on exercises in advanced Industrial Automation Laboratories relating to
Electro-hydraulics, Electro-pneumatics, Mechatronics, Drives and Controls, Industry 4.0 kits. [40]

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 4 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT – Visit to an Industry specific to the topics within the other modules, and submission of a
report on Industrial applications of these topics. [20]

Total: P: 150

1. Obodovski ,Daniel ,”The silent Intelligence : The internet of things”, Elsevier Science , 2013.
2. Asfakhi C.Ray & Rieske, David W,” Industrial safety and health management 6th edition , Pearsons Education ,”2009.
3. Klaus Schwab ,”The fourth industrial revolution”, Penguin Books Ltd, 2016.
4. Krishnan R“ Electric motor drives : modeling, analysis and control”, Prentice Hall ,2015.


0 0 10 5*

EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP –Internship at a suitable manufacturing industry and / or university within India or overseas as per
the timeline indicated in the scheme of syllabus. (150)

Norms and guidelines for internship:

The students of seventh semester will undergo Internship as detailed below.
No. of working hours - 8 hours per day or as instructed by the industry; students will strictly follow the industry norms and
During the course of internship, students will study the following with respect to the industry, with specific emphasis on work
allocation as provided by the Industry supervisor:Industry profile, product range, catalogue, infrastructure, turnover, labor force,
industrial structure, location, layout, ISO9000 and other standards, product development, manufacturing and material handling
systems, and quality systems.
Evaluation of students’ performance during the internship will be carried out through faculty visit to industry, presentation, viva-
voce and technical report.
Students will identify the scope for future assignments which could be extended as projects.

Total: P: 150

As this is an industry-oriented course, students will be governed by the regulations of the industry they are assigned to, and
hence no specific reference books are prescribed.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – INDUSTRIAL STATUTES AND GOVERNANCE : Governance aspects of an Industry - Wages and salary
administration, Welfare Benefits – ESI, PF, Bonus, Incentive schemes - Statutes and Labour Laws. Standing Orders -
Disciplinary action and domestic enquiry - Negotiations with unions on wages and Bonus - Representation before Tribunals,
Labour Court - Training and Development – career planning and performance appraisals - Rewards and Incentive schemes -
Counselling and attrition planning – exit interviews - Pollution norms and Workmen’s Compensation Act. [50]

MODULE 2 – INDUSTRY OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL INDICES – Industry Operational parameters and indices, Financial
performance indicators, Assets and Capital Management - Balance sheets and annual reports , Pollution compliance reports.

MODULE 3 – TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT – TQM Evolution, Quality Gurus, Deming’s 14 points, Customer Satisfaction,
5S, Six Sigma, CMM, Quality Management Tools – ISO standards and processes - Industrial Safety and standards - Indian
Standards relating to Manufacturing and Electrical Engineering. [40]

Total: P: 150

1. R.K.Jain, Sunil S.Rao, “Industrial Safety, Health and Environment Management Systems”, Khanna Publishers, 2000
2. Taxmann, Labour Laws, Taxmann’s Store, 2019
3. James Riggs, David Bedworth, Sabah Randhawa, “Engineering Economics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
4. Nandan H., “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” , Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2013


0 0 10 5*

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 1 – ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL IMPACT OF INDUSTRY : Corporate Social Responsibility relevant to an
Industry – societal and environmental issues relating to Industry and their possible solutions – regional, state, national and
global statistics relating to Manufacturing and Industry – Professional Ethics and Human values. [50]

MODULE 2 – PREPARATION OF INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT – Factors and parameters relating to various aspects of
Industry, and preparation of an Industry Annual Report. [100]
Total: P: 150

1. R.K.Jain, Sunil S.Rao, “Industrial Safety, Health and Environment Management Systems”, Khanna Publishers, 2000
2. Taxmann, Labour Laws, Taxmann’s Store, 2019
3. James Riggs, David Bedworth, Sabah Randhawa, “Engineering Economics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
4. Nandan H., “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” , Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2013

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13.Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164+45)
Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23M101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23M102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23M103 Chemistry of Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
Basics of Electrical and Electronics
4 23M104 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
6 23M110 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS
7 23M111 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
8 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 - - - MC
23M100 Industrial Training - I 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC
Total 17 + 8+10 hrs 15 2 8+10 21+5 380 420 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M201 Complex Variables and Transforms 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23M202 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

3 23M203 Manufacturing Processes I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23M204 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

5 23M205 Industrial Metallurgy 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
6 23M210 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Engineering Laboratory
7 23M211 Engineering Practices Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

8 23___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS


9 23M215 Activity Point Programme -1 - - - Grade - - - MC

10 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC


23M200 Industrial Training - II 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 18 + 10 +10 hrs 15 3 10+10 22+5 500 500 1000

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M301 Computational Mathematics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23M302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS

3 23M303 Mechanics of Materials 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

4 23M304 Kinematics of Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23M305 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

Metallurgy and Mechanics of
6 23M310 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Materials Laboratory
Manufacturing Processes
7 23M311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
8 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

10 23M315 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC


23M300 Industrial Training - III 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 21 + 10+10 hrs 17 4 10+10 24+5 440 460 900

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M401 Probability and Statistics 2 1 0 3 40 60 100 BS

2 23M402 Manufacturing Processes II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23M403 Dynamics of Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

4 23M404 Thermal Engineering I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

5 23M405 Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE


6 23M410 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23M411 Python Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

8 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


9 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

10 23M415 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC


23M400 Industrial Training - IV 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 18 + 10 +10 hrs 16 2 10+10 21+5 440 460 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M501 Design of Machine Elements 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23M502 Thermal Engineering II 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23M503 Operations Research 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23M504 Turbomachinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
5 23M510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
6 23M511 Thermal Engineering Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC


8 23M515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC


23M500 Industrial Training V 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 15 + 10+10 hrs 12 3 10+10 20+5 400 400 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M601 Mechanical System Design 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23M602 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Design for Manufacture and
3 23M603 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
4 23___ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE


5 23M610 Heat Transfer Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Dynamics and Metrology
6 23M611 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23M612 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
8 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Ability with Code

9 23M615 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC


23M600 Industrial Training VI 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 15 + 12+10 hrs 12 3 12+10 21+5 460 440 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M505 Metrology and Instrumentation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23M__ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23M__ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Industrial Training VII
23M700 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC
( 3 to 6 Months Internship)
Total 9+10 hrs 9 0 10 9+5 180 220 400

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M701 Finite Element Analysis 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23M__ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23M__ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Finite Element Analysis
4 23M710 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

23M800 Industrial Training VIII 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 9 + 2+10 hrs 9 0 2+10 10+5 240 260 500

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M702 Manufacturing Automation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 EEC

2 23M___ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23M___ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Manufacturing Automation
4 23M711 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
5 23M720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC


23M900 Industrial Training IX 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 9 + 6 +10hrs 9 0 6+10 12+5 300 300 600

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 8 hrs 0 0 8 4 60 40 100

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course

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Credits per semester

Course Total
S.No Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

2 BS 12 8 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 27

3 ES 5 9 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 27

4 PC 0+5* 3+5* 6+5* 12+5* 17+5* 16+5* 3+5* 3+5* 0+5* 0 60

5 PE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 18

6 OE 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 6

7 EEC 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 6 4 16

8 MC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 21+5* 22+5* 24+5* 21+5* 20+5* 21+5* 9+5* 10+5* 12+5* 4 164

* Industrial Training = 45 credits

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0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT AND PRACTICES: Definition of industry, types of industry -
product, process, hybrid; Different scales of operations - large, medium, small, tiny; Industry definitions and examples;
Organizational structure and various departments, functions within an industry; Equipment and personal industrial safety
(general and electrical) and discipline outside industries. [10]

MODULE 2 - FAMILIARIZATION OF MECHANICAL HAND TOOLS: Screw drivers, spanners, pliers, hammers, chisels and
wrenches; Dismantling and assembly - CPU, pump, etc. [10]

MODULE 3 - FAMILIARIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS TOOLS: Tester, clamp meter, multi meter, crimper,
wire cutter, Philip screw drivers-Simple exercises - checking the fuse, Residential wiring, Staircase wiring, Fluorescent lamp
wiring, Godown Wiring, Ceiling fan connection (Regulator & Dimmer), Calling bell connection wiring, junction box wiring, One
lamp controlled by one switch & Two lamps controlled by single switch, crimping of wires. [20]

MODULE 4 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CARPENTRY HAND TOOLS: Chisel, mallets, jack planes, mortise gauge, hand saw,
etc; Simple exercises - sawing and planning, nailing a wooden box, making of different type of joints, making a table /wooden
box/ models. [10]

MODULE 5 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FITTING TOOLS: Files, hacksaw, tri-square, rulers, punches, chisel, etc; Simple
exercises - filing, marking, cutting, fitting, forming. [10]

micrometer, calipers, bore-dial, gauges, anemometer, hygrometer/sling psychrometer, thermo-couples, pyranometer, etc;
Measurement of various pump components, wind speed, humidity, temperature, and radiation. [10]

MODULE 7 - FAMILIARIZATION OF PLUMBING TOOLS: Pipe wrench, threading die, etc; Simple exercises - threading of
pipes, construction of water line using GI and PVC fittings etc. [10]

MODULE 8 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FOUNDRY TOOLS: Moulding boxes, board, trowels, riser and sprue pins, vent wires,
strike bar, bellows, rammers, etc; Simple exercises - moulding of solid pattern, split pattern, core making, gate , runner and
riser cutting, casting of simple component with aluminum etc. [20]

MODULE 9 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CIVIL TOOLS: Trowels, plumb block, water level, spirit level, etc; Simple exercises -
making of small model with cement mortar, stacking of bricks as a wall, fabrication of reinforcement structures in MS, etc. [20]

MODULE 10 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE I: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and Chemistry
– Boyle’s Law, Inverse square law, Hooke’s law, conservation of mechanical energy – applications in industry. [20]

MODULE 11 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Motor and pump manufacturing, engineering machinery manufacturing and foundry. [10]

Total: P: 150

1. Module-wise “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL SAFETY: Procedure, equipment, safety programme, safety standards,
OSHA act, first aid and safety symbols. [10]

MODULE 2- DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES - Wet grinder, mixie, electric iron box, fan, etc.

Construction, types, working of A.C meters (analog & digital). [20]

MODULE 4 – STUDY OF MCB, CONTACTOR, RELAY: Construction, types, working – applications in industry. [10]

MODULE 5 - DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY OF HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS - Water taps, flush tanks, hand pump and
gear pump, valves, etc. [20]

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Assembly, inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining. [10]

Winding, inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining etc. [10]

MODULE 8 - HANDS ON EXERCISES – BASIC FOUNDRY PRACTICES – Understanding of fundamental Foundry

processes and practices – melting, pouring, pattern-making, machining, testing and inspection. [10]

MODULE 9 - HANDS ON EXERCISES - BASIC LATHE ASSEMBLY – Headstock, tailstock, apron and feedbox, gearbox
assembly. [10]

MODULE 10 – CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE II: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and
Chemistry – Newton’s Laws, specific heat, Lenz’ law, Faraday’s law – applications in industry. [20]


Total: P: 150

1. Module-wise “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS I: Exposure to different modes of power transmission using V–belt and flat
belt, rope, chain and sprocket, etc.; Development of schematic diagrams and models for typical applications. (10)

MODULE 2 – POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS II: Familiarization of gear drive systemscomprisingspur gears, helical
gears, bevel gears, worm and worm wheel and rack and pinion; Development of schematic diagrams and models for typical
applications such as speedometer, wall clock mechanism, etc. (20)

MODULE 3 – MECHANISMS: Hands-on exercises on building replica of machines, mechanisms, bridges, andvehicles using
miniature assembly kits, foam, wood, etc. (10)

MODULE 4 –SHEETMETAL WORKING: Familiarization of sheet metal tools and processes; Making of simple sheet metal
objects like dust pan, measuring jar, coin bank, etc.,taking into consideration aesthetic, safety and ergonomic design aspects

MODULE 5 – WELDING I: Familiarization of welding tools and welded joints; Fabrication of simple objects like letter shapes,
desk stand, window frame, ladder, etc. (20)

MODULE 6 – MACHINING: Hands-on exercises onmachining of industrial components using operations like facing, plain
turning, step turning, taper turning, chamfering, grooving, drilling, reaming, tapping, counter boring, countersinking, etc. (20)

MODULE 7 – METROLOGY: Measurement of geometrical parameters such as straightness, flatness, angularity and
perpendicularity; Measurement of surface roughness; Calibration of instruments using slip gauges. (10)

MODULE 8 – ELECTRONIC CIRCUITSII: Assembly of simple electronic systems like electronic doorbell, digital clock,
electronic horn, water level indicator, etc. (20)

MODULE 9 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE III: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Engineering – human
arm model, bridge set, zeroth law of thermodynamics, centripetal force – applications in industry. (20)

MODULE 10 –INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visit to various process industries associated with food, milk, textiles etc. (10)

Total: P: 150
2. Sharma PC, “Machine Tools and Tool Design”, S. Chand & Company, 2004.
3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, “Design Data”,KalaikathirAchchagam, 2012
4. HMT, “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill Ltd.,2009
5. Daniel E Puncochar Ken Evans, “Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing”, Industrial Press, 2011.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


0 0 10 5*

MODULE1 – PREPARATION OF PROCESS CHART: Interpretation of production drawings, identification of part features and
their corresponding manufacturing processes, tooling and inspection gauges; preparation of process chart. (10)

MODULE 2 – PREPARATION OF PRODUCTION DRAWING I: Creation of geometric models based on 2D drawings;

Assigning limits, fits and tolerances, and surface finish based on the specified functional requirements; Preparation of
production drawing using modeling software. (20)

MODULE3 – MACHINING USING SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINES: Introduction to jigs, fixtures, work and tool holding
equipment;Hands-on exercises on machining typical engineering components using milling, grinding and shaping operations.

MODULE4 –CNC PART PROGRAMMING I:Generation of CNC codes for a given part using manual programming and
automated programming using CAM software, and cycle time estimation. (10)

MODULE5 – ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES: Building prototype models using additive manufacturing
techniques. (10)

MODULE6 –WELDING II: Familiarization of MIG and TIG welding techniques, fabrication of components and assemblies. (10)

MODULE7 – DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY I: Dismantling and assembly of machine sub-assemblies like headstock,
tailstock, apron box, thread and feed gear box. (10)

MODULE8– DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY II: Dismantling and assembly of automotive vehicles-two wheeler and BAJA
vehicles. (20)

MODULE9–METALLURGICAL AND NON–DESTRUCTIVE TESTING: Microstructure study on spheroidal graphite and steel
castings; Hardness testing of various materials such as mild steel, cast iron, aluminium, brass,bronze, rubber and plastics;
Ultrasonic, magnetic particle and die penetrant testing on shafts. (10)

MODULE10 – CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE IV: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Engineering –
wireless CO2 sensor, magnetic field of coils, work energy theorem, spirometer – applications in industry (20)

MODULE 11–INDUSTRIAL VISITS:Visit to various process industries such as cement, paper, automated foundries, dyeing
industries. (10)

Total: P: 150
1. Daniel E Puncochar, Ken Evans, “Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing” Industrial Press,2011.
2. Hoffman EG, “Jigs and Fixtures Design”, Thomson Learning,2005.
3. Pham D T, Dimov SS, “Rapid manufacturing”, The technologies and applications of rapid prototyping”, Springer-
4. Little R L, “Welding and Welding Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 –DEVELOPMENT OF FREE HAND DRAWINGS:Free hand sketching of orthographic views and sectional views of
the parts of a typical assembly like pump assembly;Dimensioning the sketches after measurement of size of the features of the
part and assembly. (10)

MODULE 2 – DEVELOPMENT OF GEOMETRIC MODELS:Conversion of free hand sketches of the selected assembly into
geometricmodels using any solid modeling software; Preparation of bill of materials. (20)

MODULE 3 –PREPARATION OF PRODUCTION DRAWING II: Identification of fits and tolerancesbased on the application of
the selected assembly;Determination ofdimensionaland geometrical tolerances, and surface finish for the part features. (10)

MODULE 4 – PROCESS PLANNING AND COST ESTIMATION:Identification of suitable manufacturing processes for various
parts of the selected assembly; Preparation of process plans that highlight necessary tooling, spindle speeds and feeds; Cost
estimation of parts and assembly. (20)

MODULE 5 –MACHINING TIME CALCULATION – Estimation of machining time for various parts of the selected assembly;
Preparation of PERT/CPM charts. (10)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 6 – CNC PART PROGRAMMING II –Manual part programming for simple parts;Generation of part programsfor
complex parts of the selected assembly using CAM software; Cycle time analysis. (10)

MODULE 7 –SHEET METAL MODELING– Basics of sheet metal fabrication; Introduction to any one sheet metal modeling
software;Design and modeling of sheet metal components for automotive, aerospace and naval applications. (20)

MODULE 8 – FAMILIARIZATION OF SENSORS AND IOT: Familiarization of types of sensors,signal amplifiers, A/D and D/A
converters used in engineering applications; Measurement and control of parameters of equipment such as fan, motor, air-
conditioner, etc.,through mobile phone/internet. (20)

MODULE9–eLEARNING USING DIGITAL RESOURCE: Learning and assessment through on–line manufacturing engineering
related certification modules on metal forming, polymer processing, Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing. (20)

MODULE10– INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visit to industries such as foundries with modern equipment, industries with automated
production lines, etc. (10)

Total: P: 150

1. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development”,
Pearson education, 2006.
2. James D Meadows,” Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing”, Marcel Dekkar, 2010.
3. Peter Smid, “CNC Programming Handbook”, Industrial Press, Inc, 2007
4. ASME, “Manufacturing Planning and Estimation – Hand book”, McGraw Hill, New York


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 –MATERIAL PROCUREMENT: Procurement of raw materials as per the bill of materials prepared for the selected
assembly during Industrial Training V (10)

MODULE 2–MANUFACTURE OF PARTS: Manufacture of the parts as per the process plans for the selected assembly using
conventional and CNC machines. (80)

MODULE 3 –ASSEMBLY OF PARTS: Assembly of mechanical, electrical and electronic parts;Inspection of the assembly to
ascertain the fits and tolerances; Painting / coating of parts. (30)

MODULE4– PERFORMANCE TESTING: Testing of the completed assemblyto evaluate the performance. (10)

MODULE5–eLEARNING USING DIGITAL RESOURCE: Learning and assessment through on-line manufacturing engineering
related certification moduleson engine, compressor, axles, bearing and oil seal, brake, tire, mechanical power transmission.(10)

MODULE6 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT: Visit to industries involved in the manufacture of agricultural equipment, stone crusher, etc.

Total: P: 150

1. Harry Peck, “Designing for manufacturing”, Pitman Publications, 1983.
2. Igor Karassik, Joseph Messina, Paul Cooper, Charles Heald, “Pump Handbook”, McGraw Hill Professional, 2000.
3. Robert Matousek,“Engineering Design”, London Blackie & Son (India) Ltd., 1974
4. K.C. John,“Machine Drawing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009


0 0 10 5*
EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP –Internship at a suitable manufacturing industry and / or university within India or overseas as per
the timeline indicated in the scheme of syllabus. (150)

Norms and guidelines for internship:

The students of seventh semester will undergo Internship as detailed below.
No. of working hours - 8 hours per day or as instructed by the industry; students will strictly follow the industry norms and
During the course of internship, students will study the following with respect to the industry, with specific emphasis on work
allocation as provided by the Industry supervisor:Industry profile, product range, catalogue, infrastructure, turnover, labor force,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

industrial structure, location, layout, ISO9000 and other standards, product development, manufacturing and material handling
systems, and quality systems.
Evaluation of students’ performance during the internship will be carried out through faculty visit to industry, presentation, viva-
voce and technical report.
Students will identify the scope for future assignments which could be extended as projects.

Total: P: 150

As this is an industry-oriented course, students will be governed by the regulations of the industry they are assigned to, and
hence no specific reference books are prescribed.


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 –OVERVIEW OF NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (NPD):Overview of NPD process structure, NPD models,
fuzzy front-end (FFE), product design, product implementation, fuzzy back-end, Intellectual property rights. (10)

MODULE 2–CONCEPTUALIZATION OF NOVEL IDEA/PRODUCT: Conceptual design, performing design sensitivity

analysis,idea screening and evaluation, SWOT analysis; Conceptualization of a novel idea/product. (10)

MODULE 3–DETAILED DESIGN: Design of the product/system–development of geometrical models of parts/assemblies,

calculation of mechanical loads, loads on individual parts using free body diagrams, material selection, functional simulation of
product/assembly, design for sustainability,ergonomicsand aesthetics, development of production drawing. (60)

MODULE 4– FABRICATION AND TESTING: Fabrication of the product / assembly, testing and refinements. (60)

MODULE 5–INDUSTRIAL VISIT: Visit toindustries involved in non-traditional machining, sheet metal process, composite
material product manufacturing,etc. (10)
Concept to tried and demonstrated at the end of the semester
Total: P: 150
1. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, " Product Design: Techniques in reverse engineering and new product development”, Pearson
education, 2006.
2. Karl T.Ulrich, Steven D.Eppinger, “Product Design and Development”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2016
3. Michael Asbhy “Material selection in Mechanical Design” Butterworth-Heinemann,2016
4. Kenneth B. Kahn, “The PDMA handbook of New product development”, John Wiley & sons, Inc, 2013


0 0 10 5*

MODULE 1 – ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL IMPACT OF INDUSTRY: Corporate social responsibility relevant to an
industry, societal and environmental issues relating to industry and their possible solutions; regional, state, national and global
statistics relating to manufacturing and industry – Professional ethics and human values (20)

MODULE 2 – PREPARATION OF INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT:Factors and parameters relating to various aspects of
industry, and preparation of an industry annual report. (10)

MODULE 3 – INDUSTRIAL STATUTES AND GOVERNANCE: Governance aspects of an industry, wages and salary
administration, welfare benefits - ESI, PF, bonus, incentive schemes; statutes and labor law, standing orders, disciplinary action
and domestic enquiry, negotiations with unions on wages and bonus, representation before tribunals, labor court; training and
development, career planning and performance appraisals, rewards and incentive schemes, counselling and attrition planning,
exit interviews, pollution norms and workmen’s compensation act. (20)

MODULE 4 – INDUSTRY OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL INDICES:Industry operational parameters and indices, financial
performance indicators, assets and capital management, balance sheets and annual reports, pollution compliance reports. (10)

MODULE 5–ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILL: Entrepreneurial competencies, creative and idea generation, out of the box
thinking, spin-off and knowledge transfer, fund generation, government norms and support for entrepreneurs, Intellectual
property rights. (20)

MODULE 6 – SALES: Identification of prospective buyers, handling objections, competition management sales forecasting,
planning and analysis– on field sales of products in campus and nearby. (20)

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MODULE 7 – MARKETING: Preparation of brochures and promotional materials, online marketing of a product, lead
generation for sales team. (10)

MODULE 8 – INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Design of experiments, statistical data analysis and hypothesis testing, inventory
analysis, manufacturing systems simulation, line balancing of systems, poka–yoke, radio frequency identification techniques.

MODULE 9 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT:Visit to specific theme oriented industry, sales and marketing departments in industries. (10)

Total: P: 150
1. R.K.Jain, Sunil S.Rao, “Industrial Safety, Health and Environment Management Systems”, Khanna Publishers, 2000
2. Taxmann, Labour Laws, Taxmann’s Store, 2019
3. James Riggs, David Bedworth, Sabah Randhawa, “Engineering Economics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
4. Nandan H., “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” , Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2013

67th ACM 30.07.2022

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum Credits to be earned: 164)
S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks
Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

1 23P101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23P102 Physics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

Chemistry of Engineering
3 23P103 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Engineering Materials and
4 23P104 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
5 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


6 23P110 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS

7 23P111 Engineering Practices Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

8 23P100 Industrial Training I 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC


9 23IP15 Induction Programme** 0 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 25 periods 15 4 6 + 10 22 + 5 380 420 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
Complex Variables and
1 23P201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23P203 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
Basics of Electrical and
3 23P204 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
Electronics Engineering

4 23G___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS

5 23P210 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
6 23P211 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Engineering Laboratory
7 23P200 Industrial Training II 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC


8 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 60 40 100 MC

9 23P215 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 23 periods 9 2 12 + 10 16 + 5 420 380 800

** As per norms
* Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation
# As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade : Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
Matrix Theory and Numerical
1 23P301 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23P302 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

3 23O____ Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS


4 23P310 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Metallurgy and Strength of
5 23P311 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Materials Laboratory
6 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
7 23P300 Industrial Training III 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 PC


8 23K312 Environmental Science** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

9 23P315 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 22 periods 11 3 8 + 10 16 + 5 360 340 700

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

1 23P202 Casting Technology 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23P303 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

3 23P401 Probability and Statistical Methods 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

4 23P402 Thermal Engineering 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

Thermal Engineering and Fluid
5 23P410 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Machinery Laboratory
6 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

7 23P400 Industrial Training IV 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC


8 23O412 Indian Constitution** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

9 23P415 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 22 periods 14 4 4 + 10 18 + 5* 340 360 700

* Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation

# As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P304 Welding Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23P403 Mechanics of Machines 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23P405 Machining Technology 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23P503 Metrology and Quality Control 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Manufacturing Processes
5 23P411 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 PC
Laboratory - I
6 23P412 Python Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

7 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

8 23P500 Industrial Training V 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 PC


9 23P515 Activity Point Programme# - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 22 periods 12 2 8 + 10 18 + 5* 400 400 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P404 Design of Machine Elements 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23P501 CNC Machines and Robotics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Process Planning and Cost
3 23P502 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
4 23P602 Metal Forming Processes 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

Manufacturing Processes
5 23P510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Laboratory - II
6 23P511 Metrology Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Enhancing Problem Solving Ability
7 23Q613 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
with Code
8 23P600 Industrial Training VI 0 0 10 5 60 40 100 PC


9 23P615 Activity Point Programme# - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 23 periods 12 1 10 + 10 18 + 5* 400 400 800

At the end of 6thSemester, the students are required to earn the minimum number of activity points from the AICTE mandated
ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME to qualify for the award of BE/BTech degree (Refer Section 4 (vii) (c) of 2023 Regulations)

* Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation

# As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not Completed; Not Counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P____ Professional Elective – 1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 23P____ Professional Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23PO__ Open Elective-1 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE


4 23P700 Industrial Training VII*** 0 0 10@ 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 09 periods 9 0 0 + 10@ 9 + 5* 180 220 400

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
No. Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT


1 23P504 Production Tooling 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23P505 Fluid Power Automation 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Quantitative Methods in
3 23P601 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Design for Manufacture and
4 23P603 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

5 23P611 CAD, CAM ,CAE Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

6 23P711 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

7 23P800 Industrial Training VIII 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 22 periods 12 4 6 + 10 19 + 5* 340 360 700

* Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation

*** Students will undergo training in an industry immediately after the 6th semester examinations for a period of 3 months
@ Minimum number of periods in the industry
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences;PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
Production and Operations
1 23P701 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
2 23P____ Professional Elective -3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23P____ Professional Elective - 4 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23PO___ Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Fluid Power Automation
5 23P610 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
6 23P710 Industrial Engineering Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23P720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC

8 23P900 Industrial Training IX 0 0 10 5* 60 40 100 PC

Total 24 periods 12 0 12 + 10 18 + 5 400 400 800

S. Course Periods / week Maximum Marks

Course Title
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

1 23P____ Professional Elective - 5 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

2 23P____ Professional Elective -6 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


3 23P820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 14 periods 6 0 8 10 140 160 300

* Will be counted for TGPA (Training Grade Point Average) computation

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Summary of Credit Distribution


Course Credits Per Semester Total

S. No.
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Credits

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
2 BS 14 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
3 ES 4 10 5 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 30
4 PC 0+5* 0+5* 2+5* 4+5* 15+5* 17+5* 0+5* 16+5* 7+5* 0 61
5 PE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 18
6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 6
7 EEC 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 4 13
8 MC - - - - - - - - - - 0

TOTAL 22+5* 16+5* 16+5* 18+5* 18+5* 18+5* 9+5* 19+5* 18+5* 10 164

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC -
Mandatory Course.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT AND PRACTICES: Definition of industry, types of industry -
product, process, hybrid; Different scales of operations - large, medium, small, tiny; Industry definitions and examples;
Organizational structure and various departments, functions within an industry; Equipment and personal industrial safety
(general and electrical) and discipline outside industries. (10)

MODULE 2 - FAMILIARIZATION OF MECHANICAL HAND TOOLS: Screw drivers, spanners, pliers, hammers, chisels and
wrenches; Dismantling and assembly - CPU, pump, etc. (10)

MODULE 3 - FAMILIARIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS TOOLS: Tester, clamp meter, multi meter, crimper,
wire cutter, Philip screw drivers-Simple exercises - checking the fuse, Residential wiring, Staircase wiring, Fluorescent lamp
wiring, Godown Wiring, Ceiling fan connection (Regulator & Dimmer), Calling bell connection wiring, junction box wiring, One
lamp controlled by one switch & Two lamps controlled by single switch, crimping of wires. (20)

MODULE 4 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CARPENTRY HAND TOOLS: Chisel, mallets, jack planes, mortise gauge, hand saw,
etc; Simple exercises - sawing and planning, nailing a wooden box, making of different type of joints, making a table /wooden
box/ models. (10)

MODULE 5 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FITTING TOOLS: Files, hacksaw, tri-square, rulers, punches, chisel, etc; Simple
exercises - filing, marking, cutting, fitting, forming. (10)

micrometer, calipers, bore-dial, gauges, anemometer, hygrometer/sling psychrometer, thermo-couples, pyranometer, etc;
Measurement of various pump components, wind speed, humidity, temperature, and radiation. (10)

MODULE 7 - FAMILIARIZATION OF PLUMBING TOOLS: Pipe wrench, threading die, etc; Simple exercises - threading of
pipes, construction of water line using GI and PVC fittings etc. (10)

MODULE 8 - FAMILIARIZATION OF FOUNDRY TOOLS: Moulding boxes, board, trowels, riser and sprue pins, vent wires,
strike bar, bellows, rammers, etc; Simple exercises - moulding of solid pattern, split pattern, core making, gate , runner and
riser cutting, casting of simple component with aluminum etc. (20)

MODULE 9 - FAMILIARIZATION OF CIVIL TOOLS: Trowels, plumb block, water level, spirit level, etc; Simple exercises -
making of small model with cement mortar, stacking of bricks as a wall, fabrication of reinforcement structures in MS, etc. (20)

MODULE 10 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE I: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and Chemistry
– Boyle’s Law, Inverse square law, Hooke’s law, conservation of mechanical energy – applications in industry. (20)

MODULE 11 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Motor and pump manufacturing, engineering machinery manufacturing and foundry. (10)

Total P: 150
1. Module-Wise, “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 - INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL SAFETY: Procedure, equipment, safety programme, safety standards, OSHA
act, first aid and safety symbols. (10)

MODULE 2 - DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES - Wet grinder, mixie, electric iron box, fan, etc.
Construction, types, working of A.C meters (analog & digital). (20)

MODULE 4 - STUDY OF MCB, CONTACTOR, RELAY: Construction, types, working – applications in industry. (10)

gear pump, valves, etc. (20)

inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining. (10)

Winding, inspection, painting, testing, balancing, and machining etc. (10)

MODULE 8 - HANDS ON EXERCISES – BASIC FOUNDRY PRACTICES: Understanding of fundamental Foundry processes
and practices – melting, pouring, pattern-making, machining, testing and inspection. (10)

MODULE 9 - HANDS ON EXERCISES - BASIC LATHE ASSEMBLY – Headstock, tailstock, apron and feedbox, gearbox
assembly. [10]

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 10 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE II: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Physics and
Chemistry - Newton’s Laws, specific heat, Lenz’ law, Faraday’s law – applications in industry. (20)


Total P: 150
1. Module-wise “Industrial Training Manual” prepared by Training Department, PSG Industrial Institute.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 - POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS I: Exposure to different modes of power transmission using V – belt and flat
belt, rope, chain and sprocket, etc.; Development of schematic diagrams and models for typical applications. (10)

MODULE 2 - POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS II: Familiarization of gear drive systems comprising spur gears, helical
gears, bevel gears, worm and worm wheel and rack and pinion; Development of schematic diagrams and models for typical
applications such as speedometer, wall clock mechanism, etc. (20)

MODULE 3 - MECHANISMS: Hands-on exercises on building replica of machines, mechanisms, bridges, and vehicles using
miniature assembly kits, foam, wood, etc. (10)

MODULE 4 - SHEETMETAL WORKING: Familiarization of sheet metal tools and processes; Making of simple sheet metal
objects like dust pan, measuring jar, coin bank, etc., taking into consideration aesthetic, safety and ergonomic design aspects.
MODULE 5 - WELDING I: Familiarization of welding tools and welded joints; Fabrication of simple objects like letter shapes,
desk stand, window frame, ladder, etc. (20)

MODULE 6 - MACHINING: Hands-on exercises on machining of industrial components using operations like facing, plain
turning, step turning, taper turning, chamfering, grooving, drilling, reaming, tapping, counter boring, countersinking, etc. (20)

MODULE 7 - METROLOGY: Measurement of geometrical parameters such as straightness, flatness, angularity and
perpendicularity; Measurement of surface roughness; Calibration of instruments using slip gauges. (10)

MODULE 8 - ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS II: Assembly of simple electronic systems like electronic doorbell, digital clock,
electronic horn, water level indicator, etc. (20)

MODULE 9 - CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE III: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Engineering – human
arm model, bridge set, zeroth law of thermodynamics, centripetal force – applications in industry. (20)

MODULE 10 - INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visit to various process industries associated with food, milk, textiles etc. (10)

Total P: 150
1. Sharma PC, “Machine Tools and Tool Design”, S. Chand & Company, 2004.
2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, “Design Data”, Kalaikathir Achchagam, 2012.
3. HMT, “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd., 2009.
4. Daniel E Puncochar Ken Evans, “Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing”, Industrial Press, 2011.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE1 – PREPARATION OF PROCESS CHART: Interpretation of production drawings, identification of part features and
their corresponding manufacturing processes, tooling and inspection gauges; preparation of process chart. (10)

MODULE 2 – PREPARATION OF PRODUCTION DRAWING I: Creation of geometric models based on 2D drawings;

Assigning limits, fits and tolerances, and surface finish based on the specified functional requirements; Preparation of
production drawing using modeling software. (20)

MODULE3 – MACHINING USING SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINES: Introduction to jigs, fixtures, work and tool holding
equipment; Hands-on exercises on machining typical engineering components using milling, grinding and shaping operations.
MODULE4 – CNC PART PROGRAMMING I: Generation of CNC codes for a given part using manual programming and
automated programming using CAM software, and cycle time estimation. (10)

MODULE5 – ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES: Building prototype models using additive manufacturing
techniques. (10)

MODULE6 – WELDING II: Familiarization of MIG and TIG welding techniques, fabrication of components and assemblies. (10)

MODULE7 – DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY I: Dismantling and assembly of machine sub-assemblies like headstock,
tailstock, apron box, thread and feed gear box. (10)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE8 – DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLY II: Dismantling and assembly of automotive vehicles-two wheeler and BAJA
vehicles. (20)

MODULE9 – METALLURGICAL AND NON–DESTRUCTIVE TESTING: Microstructure study on spheroidal graphite and steel
castings; Hardness testing of various materials such as mild steel, cast iron, aluminium, brass, bronze, rubber and plastics;
Ultrasonic, magnetic particle and die penetrant testing on shafts. (10)

MODULE10 – CONCEPTS OF BASIC SCIENCE IV: Hands-on experiments relating to concepts of Basic Engineering –
wireless CO2 sensor, magnetic field of coils, work energy theorem, spirometer – applications in industry (20)

MODULE 11 – INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visit to various process industries such as cement, paper, automated foundries, dyeing
industries. (10)

Total P: 150
1. Daniel E Puncochar, Ken Evans, “Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing” Industrial Press, 2011.
2. Hoffman EG, “Jigs and Fixtures Design”, Thomson Learning, 2005.
3. Pham D T, Dimov SS, “Rapid Manufacturing”, The Technologies and Applications of Rapid Prototyping”, Springer-Verlag,
4. Little R L, “Welding and Welding Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – DEVELOPMENT OF FREE HAND DRAWINGS: Free hand sketching of orthographic views and sectional views
of the parts of a typical assembly like pump assembly; Dimensioning the sketches after measurement of size of the features of
the part and assembly. (10)

MODULE 2 – DEVELOPMENT OF GEOMETRIC MODELS: Conversion of free hand sketches of the selected assembly into
geometric models using any solid modeling software; Preparation of bill of materials. (20)

MODULE 3 – PREPARATION OF PRODUCTION DRAWING II: Identification of fits and tolerances based on the application of
the selected assembly; Determination of dimensional and geometrical tolerances, and surface finish for the part features. (10)

MODULE 4 – PROCESS PLANNING AND COST ESTIMATION: Identification of suitable manufacturing processes for various
parts of the selected assembly; Preparation of process plans that highlight necessary tooling, spindle speeds and feeds; Cost
estimation of parts and assembly. (20)

MODULE 5 – MACHINING TIME CALCULATION: Estimation of machining time for various parts of the selected assembly;
Preparation of PERT/CPM charts. (10)

MODULE 6 – CNC PART PROGRAMMING II: Manual part programming for simple parts; Generation of part programs for
complex parts of the selected assembly using CAM software; Cycle time analysis. (10)

MODULE 7 – SHEET METAL MODELING: Basics of sheet metal fabrication; Introduction to any one sheet metal modeling
software; Design and modeling of sheet metal components for automotive, aerospace and naval applications. (20)

MODULE 8 – FAMILIARIZATION OF SENSORS AND IOT: Familiarization of types of sensors, signal amplifiers, A/D and D/A
converters used in engineering applications; Measurement and control of parameters of equipment such as fan, motor, air-
conditioner, etc., through mobile phone/internet. (20)

MODULE9 – eLEARNING USING DIGITAL RESOURCE: Learning and assessment through on–line manufacturing
engineering related certification modules on metal forming, polymer processing, Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing. (20)

MODULE10 – INDUSTRIAL VISITS: Visit to industries such as foundries with modern equipment, industries with automated
production lines, etc. (10)

Total P: 150
1. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development”, Pearson
education, 2006.
2. James D Meadows,” Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing”, Marcel Dekkar, 2010.
3. Peter Smid, “CNC Programming Handbook”, Industrial Press, Inc, 2007
4. ASME, “Manufacturing Planning and Estimation – Hand book”, McGraw Hill, New York


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – MATERIAL PROCUREMENT: Procurement of raw materials as per the bill of materials prepared for the selected
assembly during Industrial Training V. (10)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

MODULE 2 – MANUFACTURE OF PARTS: Manufacture of the parts as per the process plans for the selected assembly using
conventional and CNC machines. (80)

MODULE 3 – ASSEMBLY OF PARTS: Assembly of mechanical, electrical and electronic parts; Inspection of the assembly to
ascertain the fits and tolerances; Painting / coating of parts. (30)

MODULE4 – PERFORMANCE TESTING: Testing of the completed assembly to evaluate the performance. (10)

MODULE5 – eLEARNING USING DIGITAL RESOURCE: Learning and assessment through on-line manufacturing
engineering related certification moduleson engine, compressor, axles, bearing and oil seal, brake, tire, mechanical power
transmission. (10)

MODULE6 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT: Visit to industries involved in the manufacture of agricultural equipment, stone crusher, etc.

Total P: 150
1. Harry Peck, “Designing for Manufacturing”, Pitman Publications, 1983.
2. Igor Karassik, Joseph Messina, Paul Cooper, Charles Heald, “Pump Handbook”, McGraw Hill Professional, 2000.
3. Robert Matousek, “Engineering Design”, London Blackie & Son (India) Ltd., 1974
4. K.C. John, “Machine Drawing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009


0 0 10 5*
EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP: Internship at a suitable manufacturing industry and / or university within India or overseas as per
the timeline indicated in the scheme of syllabus. (150)


The students of seventh semester will undergo Internship as detailed below.

No. of working hours - 8 hours per day or as instructed by the industry; students will strictly follow the industry norms and
During the course of internship, students will study the following with respect to the industry, with specific emphasis on work
allocation as provided by the Industry supervisor: Industry profile, product range, catalogue, infrastructure, turnover, labor force,
industrial structure, location, layout, ISO9000 and other standards, product development, manufacturing and material handling
systems, and quality systems.
Evaluation of students’ performance during the internship will be carried out through faculty visit to industry, presentation, viva-
voce and technical report.
Students will identify the scope for future assignments which could be extended as projects.

Total P: 150
As this is an industry-oriented course, students will be governed by the regulations of the industry they are assigned to, and
hence no specific reference books are prescribed.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – OVERVIEW OF NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (NPD): Overview of NPD process structure, NPD models,
fuzzy front-end (FFE), product design, product implementation, fuzzy back-end, Intellectual property rights. (10)

MODULE 2 – CONCEPTUALIZATION OF NOVEL IDEA/PRODUCT: Conceptual design, performing design sensitivity

analysis, idea screening and evaluation, SWOT analysis; Conceptualization of a novel idea/product. (10)

MODULE 3 – DETAILED DESIGN: Design of the product/system–development of geometrical models of parts/assemblies,

calculation of mechanical loads, loads on individual parts using free body diagrams, material selection, functional simulation of
product/assembly, design for sustainability, ergonomics and aesthetics, development of production drawing.
MODULE 4 – FABRICATION AND TESTING: Fabrication of the product / assembly, testing and refinements. (60)

MODULE 5 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT: Visit to industries involved in non-traditional machining, sheet metal process, composite
material product manufacturing, etc. (10)

Concept to tried and demonstrated at the end of the semester

Total: P: 150

1. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development”, Pearson
Education, 2006.
2. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, “Product Design and Development”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2016.
3. Michael Asbhy, “Material Selection in Mechanical Design”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2016.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

4. Kenneth B Kahn, “The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2013.


0 0 10 5*
MODULE 1 – ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL IMPACT OF INDUSTRY: Corporate social responsibility relevant to an
industry, societal and environmental issues relating to industry and their possible solutions; regional, state, national and global
statistics relating to manufacturing and industry – Professional ethics and human values (20)

MODULE 2 – PREPARATION OF INDUSTRY ANNUAL REPORT: Factors and parameters relating to various aspects of
industry, and preparation of an industry annual report. (10)

MODULE 3 – INDUSTRIAL STATUTES AND GOVERNANCE: Governance aspects of an industry, wages and salary
administration, welfare benefits - ESI, PF, bonus, incentive schemes; statutes and labor law, standing orders, disciplinary action
and domestic enquiry, negotiations with unions on wages and bonus, representation before tribunals, labor court; training and
development, career planning and performance appraisals, rewards and incentive schemes, counselling and attrition planning,
exit interviews, pollution norms and workmen’s compensation act. (20)

MODULE 4 – INDUSTRY OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL INDICES: Industry operational parameters and indices, financial
performance indicators, assets and capital management, balance sheets and annual reports, pollution compliance reports. (10)

MODULE 5 – ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILL: Entrepreneurial competencies, creative and idea generation, out of the box
thinking, spin-off and knowledge transfer, fund generation, government norms and support for entrepreneurs, Intellectual
property rights. (20)

MODULE 6 – SALES: Identification of prospective buyers, handling objections, competition management sales forecasting,
planning and analysis– on field sales of products in campus and nearby. (20)

MODULE 7 – MARKETING: Preparation of brochures and promotional materials, online marketing of a product, lead
generation for sales team. (10)

MODULE 8 – INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Design of experiments, statistical data analysis and hypothesis testing, inventory
analysis, manufacturing systems simulation, line balancing of systems, poka–yoke, radio frequency identification techniques.
MODULE 9 – INDUSTRIAL VISIT: Visit to specific theme oriented industry, sales and marketing departments in industries. (10)

Total: P: 150
1. R K Jain, Sunil S Rao, “Industrial Safety, Health and Environment Management Systems”, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
2. Taxmann, “Labour Laws”, Taxmann’s Store, 2019.
3. James Riggs, David Bedworth, Sabah Randhawa, “Engineering Economics”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
4. Nandan H, “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” , Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 2013.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Language Electives



COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS: Process of Communication – Inter and Intrapersonal Communication – Essentials for
effectiveness (9)

ORAL COMMUNICATION: Oral presentations with visual aids and Group discussions. (16)

FOCUS ON SOFT SKILLS: Etiquette – Work Place etiquette – Telephone etiquette- Body Language – Critical Reasoning and
Conflict Management based on Case Studies – Group Communication- Meetings -Interview Techniques (14)

TECHNICAL WRITING: Technical Writing Principles - Style and Mechanics - Technical Definitions – Physical, Functional and
Process Descriptions -– Technical Report Writing – Preparing Instructions – Interpretation of Technical Data (14)

BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: Writing Emails, Preparing Resumes. (7)

Total: 60

Text book:
Course materials prepared by the Faculty, Department of English.

1.Jeff Butterfield, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2020.
2.Sabina Pillai and Agna Fernandez, “Soft skills and Employability Skills”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.
3.Prashant Sharma, “Soft Skills Personality Development for Life Success”, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 2021.
4.Shoba K N and Praveen Sam D, “Technical English”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2020



Guten Tag! - Learning: To greet, learn numbers till 20, practice telephone numbers & e mail address, learn alphabet, speak
about countries & languages ; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: W – Questions, Verbs & Personal pronouns I. (10)

Freunde, Kollegen und ich - Learning: To speak about hobbies, jobs, learn numbers from 20; Vocabulary: related to the topic;
Grammar: Articles, Verbs & Personal pronouns II, sein & haben verbs, ja/nein Frage, singular/plural. (10 )

In der Stadt – Learning: To know places, buildings, question, know transport systems, understand international words;
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Definite & indefinite articles, Negotiation, Imperative with Sie. (12)

Guten Appetit! – Learning: To speak about food, shop, converse; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Sentence
position, Accusative, Accusative with verbs. (13)

Tag fϋr Tag and Zeit mit Freunden – Learning: To learn time related expressions, speak about family, ask excuse, fix
appointments on phone, birthdays, understand & write invitations, converse in the restaurant ; Vocabulary: related to the topic;
Grammar: Preposition – am, im, um, von…bis, Possessive articles, Modalverbs. (15)

Total : (60)

Text Book: Dengler, Stefanie et al.,, Netzwerk A1.1, Klett-Langenscheidt Gmbh, München, 2013.

1. Dengler, Stefanie et al., Netzwerk A1,Klett-Langenscheidt Gmbh, München, 2013.
2. Sandra Evans,Angela Pude, Franz Specht-Menschen A1–Hueber Verlag ,2012.
3. Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke Demme, Studio d A1 , Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd ,2009.
4. Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Eduard von Jan, Til Schönherr, Tangram Aktuell 1 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) , Max Hueber
Verlag ,2004.



Unité 1: inviter et répondre à une invitation, Pronoms sujets, L'article définis, l'article indéfinis, Conjugation : présent, adjectifs
possessifs, interrogation, décrire les personnes. La vie de quatre parisiens de profession différentes (15 )

Unité 2: Exprimer l'ordre et l'obligation demander et commander, l'adjectif possessifs, l'articles partitif, l'article démonstratif,
négation ne....pas, l'article contracté, verbe pronominaux, prépositions. (15 )

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Unité 3: Raconter et reporter-donner son avis, Futur simple, pronom complètement d'objet direct, passé composé, plusieurs
région de France, imparfait, pronom y/en, imparfait (15 )
Unité 4: Demander l'autorisation-passé récent, futur proche,La vie administrativé et régionale, Pluriel des noms, moyens de
transport (15 )

Total : 60
Text book :
1.Christine Andant étal, À propos (livre de l'élève), LANGER, NEW DELHI, 2012.

1. Dondo Modern French Course ---Mathurin Dondo
2. Modern French Grammar---Margaret Lang and Isabelle Perez.


Course contents :

Orientation Session, Geographic & Socio, economic perspective to Japan, Japanese people and culture and Basic greetings and
responses (3)

Basic script, Method of writing hiragana and katakana, and Combination sounds and simple words (3)

Topic marker “wa”, Desu / dewa arimasen cupolas, Interrogative particle “ka”, Grammar particles “mo”, “no”, ‘’
Introducing some one: “Kochira wa ~“ and Self introductions: Hajimemashite” (3)

Demonstratives “Kore”, “Sore”, “Are”, Demonstrative “Kono”, “Sono”, “Ano” , Possessive noun particle “no” and
Japanese apartments: Greeting your neighbour (3)

Place marakers “Koko”, “Soko”, “Asoko”, Direction markers “Kochira”, “Sochira”, “Achira” and Japanese department
stores: Asking for and buying something (3)

Asking for and telling the time, Paticle “ni (at)” for time, kara (from) ~ made (until), Particle “to (and)”, Time periods:
Days of the week, months, time of day, Verbs (Present / future and past tense) and Telephone enquiry: Asking for a
phone no. And business hours (3)

Destination particle “e”, Particles “de (mode of transportation)” and “to (with) and Japanese train station: Asking for
Fare and track no. / types of trains (3)

Direct object particle “o”, Particle “de (place of action)” , Verbs (“~masen ka”, “~mashou”) and “Ohanami” Cherry
blossom viewing (3)

Particle “de (by means of)” , Particle “ni (to)”, ,Aaemasu (give) and Moraimasu (receive) and Visiting a Japanese
house (3)

Adjectives (“i” and “na” type), Adjectives (Positive and negative useage), Particle “ga (however, but), “Dore which?)” and Leaving
a room, thanking someone for hospitality (3)

Likes and dislikes, Potential verbs (wakarimasu and dekimasu), “Kara ( ~ because)”, Adverbs and Asking someone out over
the phone (3)

Verbs denoting presence: “Imasu” and “arimasu”, Particle “ni (in)”, “Dare (who?)” , Adverbs (“Chikaku ni ~“),
Particle “dare mo (negative ~ no one)” , Dare ka (anyone), dare ga (who) , Nani ka (anything) , nani ga (what) - ~ya
(and) ~ nado (etc.) and Asking for directions (3)

Counters and Counting suffixes (3)

Introduction to Adjectives (na and ii type), Different usages of adjectives, Comparison, Likes and dislikes and Going to a trip (3)

Need and desire (ga hoshii), Wanting to … (Tabeti desu), Going for a certain purpose (mi –ni ikimasu) and Choosing from a menu

Verb groups, I, II and III and Exercises to group verbs (3)

Please do (te kudasai), Present continuous tenses (te imasu), Shall I? ( ~ mashou ka) and Describing a natural
phenomenon (It is raining) (3)

To grant permission (~te mo ii desu), Asking for permission ( ~ te mo ii desu ka) and Should not do ( ~ te wa ikemasen) (3)

Describing a continuing state and Describing a habitual action (2)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Roleplays in Japanese (2)

A demonstration on usage of chopsticks and Japanese tea party (2)

Total: 60
Minna no nohongo – Romaji ban (first 10 lessons of this book)

Minna no Nihongo I Honsatsu Roma – ji ban (Main Textbook Romanized Version). International publisher – 3A Corporation,
Tokyo, Indian distributor – Goyal Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.

APPENDIX III (a) & (b)

Department of
Biomedical Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Biomedical Engineering
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION: Modern optical science and technology- Diffraction limit –Breaking through the diffraction limit –
Nanophotonics and its true nature- Principles of operations of nanophotonic devices using optical near fields – Principles of
nanofabrication using optical near fields. (9)

NANOPHOTONIC DEVICES: Excitation energy transfer – Device operation: nanophotonic AND gate & OR gate –
Interconnection with photonic devices– Room temperature operation. (9)

NANOPHOTONIC FABRICATION: Adiabatic nanofabrication – Non adiabatic nanofabrications– Self assembling method via
optical near field interactions – Regulating the size and position of nanoparticles using size dependent resonance – Size
controlled, position controlled and separation controlled alignment of nanoparticles. (9)

INTERCONNECTION OF NANOPHOTONIC SYSTEMS: Optical excitation transfer and system fundamentals –Parallel
architecture using optical excitation transfer – Interconnections for nanophotonics – Signal transfer and environment – tamper
resistance. (9)

NANO-BIOPHOTONICS: Classical contrast mechanisms: bright field, dark field, phase contrast– Fluorescence contrast
mechanism – Nonlinear microscopy based on second harmonic generation and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering - 4Pi
microscopy. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Valery V Tuchin, “Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2019.
2. MotoichiOhtsu, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tadashi Kawazoe,TakashiYatsui and Makoto Naruse, “Principles of Nanophotonics”.CRC
Press-Taylor &Francis Group, New York, USA, 2012.

1. Mool C Gupta, John Ballato, “The Handbook of Photonics”, CRC Press, London, 2010.
2. Hiroshi Masuhara, Satoshi Kawata and FumioTokunaga, “Nano Biophotonics: Science and Technology”, Elsevier, Oxford,
UK, 2007.
3. HerveRigneault, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Claude Delalande and Ariel Levenson, “Nanophotonics”, ISTE Ltd., London, UK,
4. Paras. N. Prasad, “Nanophotonics”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New Jersey, USA,2004


INTRODUCTION TO INDIAN REGULATORY SYSTEM: Overview of Indian Regulatory System, Overview of Drugs and
Cosmetics Act and Rules, Preclinical data requirements, Rules governing Clinical Trials, Phases of Clinical Trials, Forms and
Fees, Regulatory pathway and Data requirements for NDCT. (9)

GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCTING CLINICAL TRIALS: BA (Bioavailability)/ BE (Bioequivalence) Study and study centres,
BA/BE guidelines, EC registration /Re-Registration: BA/BE Study and Study Centres Legal Provisions, Guidelines to Conduct
BA/ BE Studies, Ethics Committee Registration and Re-Registration. (9)

ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Requirements for import /manufacture of new drug or IND (Investigational New Drug) for
conducting clinical trials in India, Requirements for import/manufacture of new drugs or IND for sale/distribution and
unapproved new drug for patients. (9)

MARKET ANALYSIS: Special concern- Approval procedure for Medical device, Biologicals, Phytopharmaceuticals, r-DNA
derived products, Clinical trial related Guidelines- NDCT rules & Guidelines issued by CDSCO, Content of proposed protocol,
Content of CT(Clinical Trials) report, Post marketing assessment and clinical trial compensation. (9)

OBSERVATIONS, INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION: Common observations during submission of CT/BA/BE protocol and
Observations during CT /BA/BE centre inspection, Salient feature of NDCT- Case studies related to clinical trials of biomedical
devices. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Liao, Susan, Ramakrishna, Seeram, Teo, Wee Eong, Tian, Lingling, Wang and Charlene, “Medical Devices: Regulations,
Standards and Practices”, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials, United Kingdom, 2015.
2. Shein-Chung Chow and Jen-Pei Liu, “Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies”, Wiley
Publications, New Jersey, 2014.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


1. Douglas J. Pisano and David S. Mantus, “FDA Regulatory Affairs: AGuide for Prescription Drugs, Medical Devices, and
Biologics” Informa Healthcare USA, Inc., 2008.
2. Salah Abdel-aleem, “Design, Execution, and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Publication, New Jersey, 2009.
3. Lyn Denend and Christine Q. Kurihara,” Biodesign- The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies”, Cambridge
University Press, UK,2015.
4. William Myers and Paola Antonelli,” Bio Design -Nature, Science, Creativity”, Thames& Hudson,2018.


Department of
Civil Engineering

Professional Elective Courses


ME Structural Engineering (Part Time)

Degree Programme

2018 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


MICROSTRUCTURE AND MATERIAL BEHAVIOUR: Introduction to the physics and chemistry of materials, Focusing on
chemical bonding, crystal structure, mechanical properties, phase transformation, Energy in building materials and building,
Green and climate responsive buildings (11)

STRUCTURAL MATERIALS: Criteria for selection of structural materials:Ceramics andGlass,Metals, Polymers, Fibre
reinforced polymers, Fire proofing materials, Bituminous materials, Typical agro waste and other biomass resources. (11)

NON-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS: Criteria for selection of non construction materials: PVC, EPOXY, Thermocole, Geotextile,
Acoustics, Thermal and sound insulation materials, Green building materials, special paints for Road marking. Construction
chemicals – sealants, engineering grouts, mortars, admixtures and adhesives. (11)

SPECIAL CONCRETE: High strength and high-performance concrete - FRP - Fibre reinforced polymer composite - Lightweight
concrete - vacuum concrete - silica fume concrete – ferrocement andferro concrete – concrete for off shore structure, Bacterial
concrete, self curing and self healing concrete: Non destructive testing methods for concrete. Scope, type and application of
Smart and Intelligent materials in buildings. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Shan Somayaji, “Civil Engineering Materials”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 2001.
2. Mamlouk M.S, Zaniewski J.P., “Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers”, Prentice Hall Inc., 1999.
3. Aitkens, “High Performance Concrete”, McGraw Hill, 1999.
4. Neveille A.M and Brooks J J., “Concrete Technology”, Longman, 1999.
5. Metha P.K and Montreil P.J.M., “Concrete Microstructure Properties and Materials”, Indian Concrete Institute, 1997.
6. EdwarNawy E G., “Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook”, CRC press, New York, 1997.


REMOTE SENSING SYSTEM: Elements of EMR - wavelength regions – energy interaction in atmosphere – scattering -
atmospheric windows – terrestrial interaction – spectral reflectance curves – Planck‘s blackbody law – displacement law and
emissivity effects - heat capacity, thermal property of objects – Radar interaction with Earth surface and vegetation, Surface
scattering theory - active and passive remote sensing - platforms. Sensors used in remote sensing - types of resolutions (11)

interpretation, Radar principles and applications – SRTM and its application -Types of data product - software and hardware
requirement for data processing - Elements of visual image interpretation - Digital Image processing techniques, Landuse /
landcover classification. (11)
RADARSAT and other currently available satellites. (12)

REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS: Urban land use planning – urban sprawl - cadastral mapping - site selection for various
infrastructure projects - resource management - mapping of infrastructure facilities and planning - integration of satellite
imageries in GIS (11)

Total L: 45

1. Lillisand T, Kiefer R. W and Chipman J., “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2015.
2. Jensen, John R., “Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective”, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 2007.
3. Sabins F F, "Remote Sensing - Principles and Interpretation", 3rd Edition, Waveland Press Inc., 2007.
4. James B. Campbell, “Introduction to Remote Sensing”, Taylor & Francis, London, 1996.
5. “American Society of Photogrammetry, Manual of Remote Sensing”, 2nd Edition, American Society of Photogrammetry,
Falls Church, Virginia, 1983.


Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Electrical and Electronics

Engineering (Reg & SW)
Degree Programmes

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022



INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Fundamentals of Electrical safety-Electric Shock- physiological effects of electric
current - Safety requirements –Hazards of electricity- Arc - Blast- Causes for electrical failure. (9)

SAFETY COMPONENTS: Introduction to conductors and insulators- voltage classification -safety against over voltages- safety
against static electricity-Electrical safety equipments - Fire extinguishers for electrical safety. (9)

GROUNDING: General requirements for grounding and bonding- Definitions- System grounding-Equipment grounding - The
Earth - Earthing practices- Determining safe approach distance-Determining arc hazard category. (9)

SAFETY PRACTICES: General first aid- Safety in handling hand held electrical appliances tools- Electrical safety in train
stations-swimming pools, external lighting installations, medical locations-Case studies. (9)

STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Electricity Acts- Rules & regulations- Electrical standards-NFPA 70 E-OSHA
standards-IEEE standards-National Electrical Code 2005 – National Electric Safety code NESC-Statutory requirements from
electrical inspectorate (9)

Total L : 45 hours

1. Massimo A.G.Mitolo, “Electrical Safety of Low-Voltage Systems”, McGraw Hill, USA, 2009.
2. Fordham Cooper, W., “Electrical Safety Engineering”, Butterworth and Company, London, 3rd edition 22 October 2013.

1. Kenneth G.Mastrullo, Ray A. Jones, “The Electrical Safety Program Book”, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, London,
2nd Edition, 2011.
2. Palmer Hickman, “Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices”, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 3rd edition 2013.
3. Kimberley Keller. Electric Safety Code Manual : A plain language guide to National Electrical Code OSHA and NFPA 70 E
“Butterworth Heinmann imprint of Elsevier”, 2010.
4. John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, Dennis K. Neitzel, “Electrical Safety Hand book, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA,
4th edition, 2012.
5. Mohamed A. El- Sharkawi, Electic Safety: “Practice and Standards”, CRC Press, 1st edition 20 November 2013



INTRODUCTION: Understanding Design thinking - Design Thinking as problem-solving tool - Human Centric Design Process -
Theory and practice in Design thinking - Design Thinking Process - DT Activity with case studies. (9)

EMPATHISE WITH USERS: Empathy for design – Five Whys - Needs of user - Types of user research - Interviewing (Stories,
Anecdotes) - Customer Journey Mapping - Observational Research - Ergonomics and Human Factors - Affinity analysis -
Empathy map – Persona. (9)

PROTOTYPING: Ideas to presentable concepts – Concept Selection - Storyboards - Developing mock-ups, models and
Prototypes - Quick and Dirty Prototyping - Scenario based Prototyping – Testing prototypes – Feedback to refine - Usability
and ergonomic testing - Rapid prototyping. (9)

PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN:Designing for Tangible and Intangibles ‐ Digital touchpoints ‐ Product Design ‐ Interaction Design
‐ Service Design ‐ Communication Design ‐ Ergonomics & Human Factors ‐ Transportation Design. (9)

DESIGN AND INNOVATION: DT For strategic innovations - Growth Predictability - Strategic Foresight - Change - Sense
Making - Value redefinition - Extreme Competition - Experience design - Standardization -Humanization - Creative Culture. (9)

Total L : 45
1. Bala Ramadurai, "Karmic Design Thinking", 2020.
2. Christian Mueller-Roterberg, “Handbook of Design thinking”, Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2018.

1. Tim Brown, “Change by Design”, Harper Business Publisher, 2019
2. Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer, "Design Thinking: Understand – Improve – Apply", Springer, 2011
3. Idris Mootee, "Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can't Teach You at Business or Design School", John
Wiley & Sons 2013.


Department of
Metallurgical Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Metallurgical Engineering
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


MODELLING WITH LINEAR PROGRAMMING : Objective function – Two variable LP model - Graphical LP – Selected LP
applications: Blending and refining & manpower management- Simplex method – Artificial starting solution – Special cases in
simplex method – sensitivity analysis. (9)

DUALITY AND POST OPTIMAL ANALYSIS: Definition of dual problem – prime dual relationship – economic interpretation of
duality –dual simplex method – generalized simplex method –post optimal analysis. (9)

ADVANCED LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Revised simplex method: Development of the Optimality and Feasibility Conditions -
Revised Simplex Algorithm - Bounded-Variables Algorithm – duality – parametric linear programming – goal programming. (9)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Introduction and formulation of models, Classical optimization methods, equality and inequality
constraints, Lagrange multipliers and Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic forms, quadratic programming problem, Wolfe’s method.

INTEGRATED LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : Branch & bound algorithm – Cutting plane algorithm
– Illustrations: capital budgeting and Either-Or and If-Then Constraints -Recursive Nature of Computations in DP - Knapsack/Fly-
Away models - Equipment Replacement Model. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Hamdy A. Taha, Operation research an introduction ,Pearson, eight edition, 2007
2. J.C. Pant, Introduction to Operations Research, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 2008.
3.Ramamurthi.P, ”Operations Research”, Newage International publishers, second edition, 2007.

1. N.S.Kambo, Mathematical Programming Techniques, East-West Pub., Delhi, 1991.
2. G.Srinivasan, Operations Research – Principles and applications , PHI, second edition,2010


SDG FRAMEWORK AND AGENDA 2030: The "5 P's" of the SDGs – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership. No Poverty,
End poverty in all its forms everywhere - Zero Hunger, End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture - Good Health and Well-Being. (9)

TRANSFORMATION PATHWAYS : Quality Education, Promote lifelong learning opportunities for all - Gender Equality, Achieve
gender equality and empower all girls and women - Clean Water and Sanitation - Affordable and Clean Energy, Ensure access to
affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all - Decent Work and Economic Growth. (9)

BUSINESS SECTOR AND SDGS: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation - Reduced Inequalities - Sustainable Cities and Communities - Responsible Consumption and
Production, Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATIONS: Climate Action, Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts - Life
below Water, Conserve and sustainably use our oceans, seas and marine resources - Life on Land, Sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. (9)

GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Government and the SDGs, Planning and Back-casting, Organizing
Government for the SDGs, SDG Policy Instruments, SDG Pathways: The Case of Deep Decarbonisation, Industrial Policies and the
SDGs, Development financing for the SDGs. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Nikhil Seth, Felix Dodds, David Donoghue, Ambassador, David Donoghue, Jimena LeivaRoesch, Negotiating the Sustainable
Development Goals, Taylor & Francis, 2016.
2. YacineAet Kaci, The Sustainable Development Goals By: United Nations, Department of Public Information, United Nations,
3. Stephen Browne, Sustainable Development Goals, Routledge, 2017.
4. Korbla P. Puplampu, Kobena, Hanson,Timothy, Shaw From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals,
Taylor & Francis, 2017.

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Online resources:
2. UNESCO: https://en.unesco.org/themes/education/sdgs/material
3. UNICEF: https://www.unicef.org/sdgs/resources 4. 4.


Department of
Metallurgical Engineering

Open Elective Courses


ME Industrial Metallurgy
Degree Programme

2021 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022



INTRODUCTION : Big data-Volume, Velocity,Variety, Veracity - Business Intelligence, Data Science- - Types of Analytics –
Descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive analytics, Data Analytics Lifecycle Overview – Discovery – Preparation – Model
Planning. Introduction to R and python, basic programming. (11)

EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS : Data collection, Data preprocessing – understanding the data, basic visualization - dealing
with outliers - dealing with null value- data standardization - scaling of data, Correlation, Multi collinearity - diagnostics, treatment,
dimensionality reduction techniques, principle component analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis – applications. (10)

MACHINE LEARNING: Introduction, types of machine learning algorithms, model building – unsupervised learning algorithms –
Association rule mining, conjoint analysis, clustering, K means clustering, supervised learning algorithms - - types, linear and logistic
regression analysis, Decision tree, classification and regression techniques, random forest, KNN, Naviebayes, LDA, support vector
machines, Artificial Neural network, ensemble methods, applications in metallurgical and materials science data. (13)

TEXT ANALYTICS, TIME SERIES FORECASTING AND WEB SCRAPPING - Text analytics - word cloud, sentiment analysis, web
and social media analysis, time series data, components, stationery of the data, exponential smoothing model, Holt-winters model,
ARIMA model – applications, web scrapping – introduction and applications. (11)

Total: 45

1. EMC Education Services, “Data Science and Big data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Preserving Data”,
Wiley, USA, 2015.
2. Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellapan, “Big Data and Analytics”, Wiley, USA,2015.
3. Mohammed Guller, “Big Data Analytics with Spark”, Apress, USA, 2015.
4. Bart Baesens, “Analytics in a Big Data World: The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications”, Wiley, USA, 2014.
5. Peter Zadrozny and Raghu Kodali, “Big Data Analytics using Splunk”, USA, 2013.


MODELLING WITH LINEAR PROGRAMMING : Objective function – Two variable LP model - Graphical LP – Selected LP
applications: Blending and refining & manpower management- Simplex method – Artificial starting solution – Special cases in
simplex method – sensitivity analysis- Duality and post optimal analysis: Definition of dual problem – prime dual relationship –
economic interpretation of duality –dual simplex method – generalized simplex method –post optimal analysis (12)

ADVANCED LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Revised simplex method: Development of the Optimality and Feasibility Conditions -
Revised Simplex Algorithm - Bounded-Variables Algorithm – duality – parametric linear programming – goal programming (11)

INTEGRATED LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : Branch & bound algorithm – Cutting plane algorithm
– Illustrations: capital budgeting and Either-Or and If-Then Constraints -Recursive Nature of Computations in DP - Knapsack/Fly-
Away models - Equipment Replacement Model (11)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Introduction and formulation of models, Classical optimization methods, equality and inequality
constraints, Lagrange multipliers and Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic forms, quadratic programming problem, Wolfe’s method.

Total L : 45
1. Hamdy A. Taha, Operation research an introduction ,Pearson, eight edition, 2007
2. Kanti Swarup, Man Mohan and P.K.Gupta, Introduction to Operations Research, S.Chand & Co., 2006
3. J.C. Pant, Introduction to Operations Research, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 2008.
4. N.S.Kambo, Mathematical Programming Techniques, East-West Pub., Delhi, 1991.
5. G.Srinivasan, Operations Research – Principles and applications , PHI, second edition,2010
6. .Ramamurthi.P, ”Operations Research”, Newage International publishers, second edition, 2007.


Department of
Production Engineering

Open Elective Course


BE Production Engineering
(Reg & SW)
Degree Programmes

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


INDUSTRIAL INTERNET:Industrial revolutions - IoT vs IIoT - Key IIoT technologies - the need for industrial internet - catalysts
and precursors of the IIoT - innovation and the IIoT - intelligent devices - key opportunities and benefits – industrialinternetuse-
cases - technicaland businessinnovators ofthe industrialinternet – miniaturization, cyber-physical systems (CPS), wireless
technology, IP mobility, network functionality virtualization (NFV), network virtualization, smartphones, the cloud and fog, big
data and analytics, M2M learning and artificial intelligence, augmented reality, 3D printing, people versus automation - IIoT
reference architecture – IIC and IIAF. (10)

DESIGNING INDUSTRIAL INTERNET SYSTEMS: The concept of the IIoT- the proximity network - WSN edge node - legacy
industrial protocols - modern communication protocols - wireless communication technologies - proximity network
communication protocols - IPv6 subnets - gateways - the access network - ethernet, VLANs, IP routing - access networks
connecting remote edgenetworks. (10)

IIOT MIDDLEWARE: Examining the middleware transport protocols - TCP/IP, UDP, reliable transport protocol (RTP), the
constrained application protocol (CoAP) - middlewaresoftwarepatterns - publish/subscribe pattern - MQTT, XMPP, AMQP, DDS
- delay tolerant networks (DTN) - software designconcepts - API (application programming interface) - application,
programming, interface, technical perspective and web services –middlewareplatforms - need of IIoT middleware, middleware
architecture and functions. (10)

IIoT WAN TECHNOLOGIES AND PROTOCOLS:Requirements - WAN technology for industrial internet connectivity – ISDN,
frame relay, ATM, xDSL, SDH/Sonnet, MPLS-IP/MPLS, 3G/4G/LTE, DWDM, FTTx, cable modem, free-space optics, WiMax,
VSAT -IIoT device low-power WAN optimized technologies for M2M– SigFox, LoRaWAN, nWave, Dash7, Ingénue RPMA, Low
Power Wi-Fi, LTE Category-M, Weightless, Millimeter Radio - Securing the Industrial Internet. (8)

INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SMART FACTORIES: Defining industry 4.0 –the need for industry 4.0 - four main characteristics of
industry 4.0 - the value chain -design principles - building blocks of industry 4.0 - smart manufacturing - smart factories in
action-the importance ofsmart manufacturing - case studies of real-world smart factories-a roadmap for digital transformation.

Total L: 45

1. Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2018.
2. Alasdair Gilchrist, “Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things”, Apress, 2019.

1. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick and Omar Elloumi, “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols”, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2012.
2. David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi and Olivierhersent, “M2M Communications: A Systems Approach”, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd, 2012.
3. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison and Florian Michahelles, “Architecting the Internet of Things”, Springer, 2011.
4. Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecer andHoubing Song, “Industrial Internet of Things: Cybermanufacturing Systems”,
Springer, 2017.


Department of
Production Engineering

Professional Elective Course


BE Production Engineering
(Reg & SW)
Degree Programmes

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


Productivity: Concept and importance of productivity – work-study and productivity - Taylor’s scientific management -
Gilbreths’s contributions to work measurement –Types - measurement of productivity – models of productivity – scope of
motion and time study – working conditions – OSHA - occupational safety – accidents –work methods design. (10)

Method study: Steps in method study - the movement of workers and material - string diagram, flow process chart, multiple
activity chart, travel chart - principles of motion economy - classification of movements - two-handed process chart, micromotion
study, THERBLIGS, cyclegraph and Chrono cyclegraph, SIMO chart.c (10)

Work measurement I: Purpose - uses -basic procedure - techniques of work measurement -steps involved in time study - time
study equipment - stopwatch time study - performance rating - allowances - computation of standard time - case studies. (10)

Work measurement II: Work sampling and group timing technique, predetermined motion time system (PMTS), methods time
measurements (MTM), Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST). (7)

Ergonomics: Industrial ergonomics – anthropometry – man-machine system –layout of equipment – organization and methods
– work analysis - job evaluation – merit rating – incentive schemes and wage administration. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, “Work Study and Ergonomics”, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. International Labour Office (ILO), “Introduction to Work Study”, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd INDIA, 2015.

1. Barnes R M, “Motion and Time Study, Design and measurement of work”, John Wiley Sons (Asia), Seventh edition,
2. Benjamin W. Niebel and AndrisFreivalds, “Methods, standards and Work Design”, McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.
3. Bridger R S “Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics”, CRC Press, 2017.
4. MartandTelsang, “Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, S. Chand and Company Ltd, 2006.


Department of
Robotics and Automation Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Robotics and Automation

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022


ROBOT SAFETY: Safety basics and features, need for safety and the role of engineers with respect to safety, methods for
performing safety analysis of robot systems, roles of robot manufacturers and users in robot safety, safety considerations in
robot design, installation and operations, robot safeguard approaches, workplace safety (10)

ROBOT SYSTEM RELIABILITY: Reliability basics and configurations, methods for performing reliability analysis of Robot
Systems, Classifications of Robot failures and their causes and corrective measures, Robot Effectiveness Dictating Factors,
Robot-related reliability measures, Robot reliability analysis (8)

ROBOETHICS: Roboethics and levels of Robomorality, Ethics fundamental elements and theories, Top-Down and bottom-up
Roboethics Approach, Ethics in Human-Robot Symbiosis, Robot Rights, Socialized Roboethics, Ethical Issues of Socialized
Robots, Case Studies, Additional Roboethics Issues (9)

ROBOT STANDARDS: The concept of standard and standardization,characteristics and benefits of standardisation,
standardisation bodies, standard-setting, Robot Standards: Electrical interfaces on robots for industrial environments- End-
effector, Manipulating industrial robots — Mechanical interfaces, safety requirements for robotics in industrial environment,
Safety design for industrial robot systems, Connectors for electronic equipment. Safety of machinery, Performance criteria and
related test methods for service robots, Coordinate systems and motion nomenclatures (10)

ROBOT TESTING: Robot performance testing methods: Test-Robot program method, Ford method, IPA- Stuttgard method,
National Bureau of Standards method, Robot reliability testing, Robot testing and start-up safety-related factors, Testing
equipments and procedures-Test reports (8)

Total L: 45

1. B. S. Dhillon, Robot System Reliability and Safety: A modern Approach, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
2. Spyros G, Taffetas, Roboethics: A Navigating Overview, 1st Edition, Springer, 2016.

1. Paolo Barattini, Federico Vicentini, Human-Robot Interaction: Safety, Standardization, and Benchmarking, CRC Press,
2. Abney, Keith, Bekey, George A, Lin, Patrick, Robot Ethics : The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics, The MIT
Press, 2012.
3. ISO/TC 299, Robotics, ISO, 2018.
4. SumitBisht, Robot Framework Test Automation, PACKT Publishing, 2013.


INTRODUCTION: Attributes of a good decision, rational and emotional decisions, Prospective and retrospective decisions,
personal and business decisions – individual and group decision making – leadership and decision-making dilemmas – case
studies (9)

CRITICAL THINKING: Critical thinking skills – root cause analysis – critical thinking in decision making– Role of Influencers in
decision making, Negotiation strategies, creative decisions – case studies (9)

TRADITIONAL AND CRITICAL APPROACHES: A hierarchy of decision making – learning from ignorance – perspectives on
decisions: rational economic, bureaucratic, social, behavioural and political views - case studies (9)

ETHICAL DECISION MAKING: Ethical theories: consequentialist theory, non-consequentialist theory and agent centered
theory - Framework for ethical decision making. Risk and uncertainty – risky decision theory- case studies (9)

FRAMING AND COMMUNICATING DECISIONS: Developing the information for others, the importance of words, framing the
right sentences to convey the decisions, approvals before the announcement of decisions, medium of communication. impact
of implementation on how the decision is viewed, post-audit decisions- case studies (9)

Total L: 45

1. Vincent A. W. J. Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen & Steven W. Popper “Decision Making under Deep
Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice”, 1st Edition, Springer Verlog publishers, 2019.
2. Annie Duke, “How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices”, Imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2020.

1. Paul C. Nutt, David C. Wilson, “Handbook of Decision Making”, Wiley-Blackwell publishers, 2010.
2. Goktug Morcol, “Handbook of Decision Making”, Taylor & Francis, 2006.
3. Gerard P. Hodgkinson and William H. Starbuck, “Handbook of Organizational Decision Making”, The Oxford publication,

67th ACM 30.07.2022


INTRODUCTION: Engineering design - Aspirations, Competency, Engagement, Iceberg model of competency, Functional
competency, Behavioral Competency, Traits & Motives of a Design Engineer (9)

INNOVATION AND INVENTION SERIES: Creative mechanism - development concepts, examples, Concept Evaluation, Mind
Maps, TRIZ, problem solving techniques (9)

CREATIVE DESIGN: Creativity and Problem Solving – Product Design Specifications– Conceptual design – Decision Theory –
Decision Tree – Embodiment Design – Detail Design (9)

KINETIC ART: Introduction – Mechanization - Latching devices - Trigger devices - clamping devices - Indexing devices -
Flipping mechanisms - Vibrating mechanism - Prototypes (9)

KARAKURI AUTOMATION: Introduction - Low cost intelligent automation system – JIT – JIDOKA – Kaizen - Case study –
Karakuri automation for Robots, parts handling systems and manufacturing of conveyors (9)

Total L: 45

1. Keisuke Saka, “Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move”, St. Martin's Griffin publishers, 2010.
2. Rodney Frost, “Creative Kinetics”, Echo Point Books & Media, 2019.

1. Myszka, DH, "Machines and Mechanisms: Applied kinematic analysis", 4thEdition, 2012.
2. Shigley J E, Uicker J J, "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", McGraw -Hill Inc., New Delhi, 2003.
3. Allen Strickland Hall, Alfred R. Holowenko, Herman G. Laughlin,” Schaum’s Outline of Machine Design”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Jacob, Golden Berg, David Mazursky, “Creativity in Product Innovation”, Cambridge University Press, 2002.


INTRODUCTION: System, environment, input and output variables, State variables, Static and Dynamic systems; Hierarchy of
knowledge about a system and Modeling Strategy- Physical Modeling- Dimensions analysis, Dimensionless grouping of input
and output variables of find empirical relations, similarity criteria and their application to physical models (8)

MODELING OF SYSTEM WITH KNOWN STRUCTURE: Review of conservation laws and the governing equation for heat,
mass and momentum transfer, Deterministic model-(a) distributed parameter models in terms of partial identification and their
solutions and (b) lumped parameter models in terms of differential and difference equations, state space model, transfer
functions block diagram and sub systems, stability of transfer functions, modelling for control (10)

SYSTEM SIMULATION: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Experimental nature of simulation, Numerical
computation techniques, Continuous system models, Analog and Hybrid simulation, Feedback systems, System Dynamics-
Growth and Decay models, Logistic curves, System dynamics diagrams (11)

CONCEPTS IN SIMULATION: Stochastic variables, discrete and continuous probability functions, Random numbers,
Generation of Random numbers, Variance reduction techniques, Determination of length of simulation runs (6)

translational and rotational mechanical systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems, Introduction to hybrid electric vehicles -
Mathematical model- Transfer function, State space - Closed loop control model- PID controller and PWM control - Model for
electric motor (BLDC), battery and glider model (10)

Total L: 45

1. Zeigler B.P. Praehofer. H. and Kim I.G. "Theory of modeling and simulation", 3rd Edition Academic press, 2018.
2. Ogata K " Modern control Engineering" 3rd Edition. Prentice hall of India, 2015.

1. Jose L. Fernandez, "Practical Model-Based Systems Engineering", 1stEdition, Artech House, 2019.
2. Jang Shannon, R. E., “System Simulation: The Art and Science”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1990.
3. A.Wayne Wymore, "Model-Based Systems Engineering", 1stEdition, CRC Press, 2018.
4. David A. Long, Zane Scott, "A Primer for Model-based Systems Engineering", 2ndEdition, Vitech Corporation, 2012.


Department of
Robotics and Automation Engineering

One Credit Course


BE Robotics and Automation

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022



CLASSIFICATION OF CABLES: Classification by Voltage level - Classification by Insulation level - Classification by

Application–Cross sectional view of Cable (3)

MATERIALS FOR CABLES: Types and Properties of different elements in the cable: Electrical – Mechanical - Polymers -
Characteristics of Cable Insulation - Supporting Elements for Cables – Sheath and Shielding (3)

TECHNOLOGY FOR CABLES: Different types of Technology used in Cables, Types of Twisting, Different Layers in Cables
and its Uses (2)

CABLING SYSTEM AND ITS ACCESSORIES: Cabling System – Connectors – Cable Trays – Moving Membrane Support
System for Various IP Conditions - Flexible Marking Systems (2)

POWER AND DATA CABLES: Selection procedure for different types of standards- Applications (2)

CABLE FAULTS & TESTING: Classification of Cable Fault and Symptoms - Detection and Diagnosis of Fault Conditions- Best
Practices to minimize Cable and Accessories Failures- Conductor Resistance Tests - Insulation Resistance Tests - HV Tests -
Hands-On Practical Exercises (3)

Total L: 15

1. Manuals for Cable Technology by Lapp India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Monograph prepared by PSG-LAPP CoE for Cable Technology


Department of
Information Technology

Open Elective Course


MTech Information Technology

ME Biometrics and Cyber Security
Degree Programmes

2021 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022

21NN92 / 21NB92 Green Information Technology

Introduction: Environmental Impacts of IT, Holistic Approach to Greening IT, Green IT Standards and Eco-Labeling, Enterprise
Green IT Strategy, Hardware: Life Cycle of a Device or Hardware, Reuse, Recycle and Dispose. Software: Energy- Saving
Software Techniques, Evaluating and Measuring Software Impact to Platform Power. (9)

Sustainable Software Design and Data Centers: Software Sustainability Attributes, Software Sustainability Metrics,
Sustainable Software Methodology, Evaluating sustainability effects, Sustainability and the Product Lifecycle, Runtime Energy
Consumption Basics, Analyzing the energy consumption, Energy Consumption Reduction strategies, Optimizing Energy –
Compiler Techniques, Runtime Approaches, Probabilistic Approaches, Indirect Effects: Sustainability and Production, Data
Centers and Associated Energy Challenges, Data Centre IT Infrastructure, Data Centre Facility Infrastructure: Implications for
Energy Efficiency, IT Infrastructure Management, Green Data Centre Metrics. (9)

Green ITmetrics, services and roles:Green IT Strategies, Multilevel Sustainable Information, Sustainability Hierarchy Models,
Product Level Information, Individual Level Information, Functional Level Information, Organizational Level Information,
Regional/City Level Information, Measuring the Maturity of Sustainable ICT,Sustainable IT Services (SITS), SITS Strategic
Framework, Sustainable IT Roadmap, Organizational and Enterprise Greening, Information Systems in Greening Enterprises,
Greening the Enterprise: IT Usage and Hardware, Inter-organizational Enterprise Activities and Green Issues, Enablers and
Making the Case for IT and the Green Enterprise. (9)

Managing and regulating Green IT: Strategizing Green Initiatives, Implementation of Green IT, Information Assurance,
Communication and Social Media, The Regulatory Environment and IT Manufacturers, Nonregulatory Government Initiatives,
Industry Associations and Standards Bodies, Green Building Standards, Green Data Centres, Social Movements and
Greenpeace. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mohammad Dastbaz Colin Pattinson Babak Akhgar, “Green Information Technology A Sustainable Approach”, Elsevier,
USA, 2015.
2. San Murugesan, G. R. Gangadharan, “Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices”, John Wiley and Sons, UK, 2012.
3. Mark O'Neil, “Green IT for Sustainable Business Practice: An ISEB Foundation Guide”, British Informatics Society Limited
(BISL), UK, 2010.
4. Jae H. Kim, Myung J. Lee “Green IT: Technologies and Applications”, Springer, USA, 2011.
5. Pedro Isaias, Theodora Issa, TomayessIssa “Sustainability Awareness and Green Information Technologies”,Springer
International Publishing, USA, 2021


Department of Management Sciences

Audit Course


Degree Programme

2021 Regulations
67th ACM 30.07.2022



Understanding Value Education ‐ Self‐exploration as the Process for Value Education, Sharing about Oneself
‐ Continuous Happiness and Prosperity – The Basic Human Aspirations ‐Right Understanding, Relationship
and Physical Facility, Exploring Human Consciousness ‐ Happiness and Prosperity – Current Scenario ‐ Method
to fulfil the Basic Human Aspirations, Exploring Natural Acceptance
Understanding Human Being as the Co‐existence of the Self and the Body ‐ Distinguishing between the Needs
of the Self and the Body ‐ The Body as an Instrument of the Self ‐ Harmony of the Self with the Body ‐
Programme to ensure self‐regulation and Health
Harmony in the Family – the Basic Unit of Human Interaction ‐ Values in Human‐to‐Human Relationship ‐
'Trust' – the Foundational Value in Relationship ‐ 'Respect' – as the Right Evaluation ‐ Understanding Harmony
in the Society ‐ Vision for the Universal Human Order
Understanding Harmony in the Nature ‐ Interconnectedness, self‐regulation and Mutual Fulfilment among
the Four Orders of Nature ‐ Realizing Existence as Co‐existence at all Levels ‐ The Holistic Perception of
Harmony in Existence
Natural Acceptance of Human Values ‐ Definitiveness of (Ethical) Human Conduct ‐ A Basis for Humanistic
Education, Humanistic Constitution and Universal Human Order ‐ Professional Ethics and Right Understanding
‐ Competence in Professional Ethics ‐ Strategies for Transition towards Value‐based Life and Profession
Total 30 Hours

Reference Books:
1. R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, “A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional
Ethics”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2nd Revised Edition, 2019.
2. R. S. Naagarazan, "A text book on Professional Ethics and Human Values", New Age
International Ltd, 2020.
3. Tanu Shukla, Anupam Yadav, Gajendra Singh Chauhan, “Human Values and Professional
Ethics, Cengage India Private Limited, 1st Edition, 2017.
4. Jayshree Suresh and B. S. Raghavan, “Human Values and Professional Ethics: Values and Ethics
of Profession” S. Chand Publishing, 4th Edition 2012.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


0 0 6 3
● To empower students with overall Professional and Technical skills required to solve a
real world problem.
● To mentor the students to approach a solution through various stages of Ideation,
Research, Design Thinking, workflows, architecture and building a prototype in keeping
with the end-user and client needs.
● To provide experiential learning to enhance the Entrepreneurship and employability skills
of the students.
This course is a four months immersive program to keep up with the industry demand and to have
critical thinking, team based project experience and timely delivery of modules in a project that
solves world problems using emerging technologies.

To prepare the students with digital skills for the future, the Experiential Project Based Learning
is introduced to give them hands-on experience using digital technologies on open-source
platforms with an end-to-end journey to solve a problem. By the end of this course, the student
understands the approach to solve a problem with team collaboration with mentoring from
Industry and faculties. This is an EEC category course offered as an elective, under the type,
“Experiential Project Based Learning”.

Highlights of this course:

● Students undergo training on emerging technologies

● Students develop solutions for real-world use cases
● Students work with mentors to learn and use industry best practices
● Students access and use Self-Learning courses on various technologies, approaches
and methodologies.
● Collaborate in teams with other students working on the same topic
● Have a dedicated mentor to guide


On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

● Upskill in emerging technologies and apply to real industry-level use cases

● Understand agile development process
● Develop career readiness competencies, Team Skills / Leadership qualities
● Develop Time management, Project management skills and Communication Skills
● Use Critical Thinking for Innovative Problem Solving
● Develop entrepreneurship skills to independently work on products

The course will involve 40-50 hours of technical training, and 40-50 hours of project development.
The activities involved in the project along with duration are given in Table 1.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


Activity Name Activity Description Time (weeks)

Choosing a Project Selecting a project from the list of projects

categorized various technologies & business 2
Team Formation Students shall form a team of 4 Members before
enrolling to a project. Team members shall
distribute the project activities among 1
Hands on Training Students will be provided with hands-on training
on selected technology in which they are going 2
to develop the project.
Project Development Project shall be developed in agile mode. The
status of the project shall be updated to the 6
mentors via appropriate platform
Code submission, Project Project deliverables must include the working
Doc and Demo code, project document and demonstration
video. All the project deliverables are to be 3
uploaded to cloud based repository such as
Mentor Review and Approval Mentor will be reviewing the project deliverables
as per the milestone schedule and the feedback 1
will be provided to the team.
Evaluation and scoring Evaluators will be assigned to the team to
evaluate the project deliverables, and the
scoring will be provided based on the evaluation 1

Essentially, it involves 15 weeks of learning and doing, and one week for evaluation. The
evaluation will be carried out to assess technical and soft skills as given in Table 2.

67th ACM 30.07.2022




Technical Skills Soft Skills

Criteria Weightage Criteria Weightage

Project Design using Design

10 Teamwork 5

Innovation & Problem Solving 10 Time Management 10

Requirements Analysis using

10 Attendance and Punctuality 5
Critical Thinking
Project Planning using Agile
5 Project Documentation 5
Technology Stack (APIs, tools,
5 Project Demonstration 5

Coding & Solutioning 15

User Acceptance Testing 5

Performance of Product /

Technical Training & Assignments 5

Total 70 Total 30

Total Weightage 100

Passing Requirement 50

Continuous Assessment Only



(FOR THE PERIOD 2021-2022)

67th ACM 30.07.2022



S.No. Name of the Member Role

1. Dr K Prakasan Chairman & Principal

Dr AR Upadhya,
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM,
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University),
2. Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk,
Bangalore Rural District – 562 112

Prof Kannan M. Moudgalya, Education Expert

Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
3. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai – 400 076,
(Maharashtra), India

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni,
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
M/s. CityMandi
4. 1700, 19th Main Road, Sector 2, HSR Layout, Industry Expert
Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 102

Mr Bhuvan Anandakrishnan,
5. M/s.Caterpillar Inc., Industry Expert

Dr M Meenakshi,
Department of Electronics and Communication
6. CEG Campus,
Anna university,
Chennai – 600 025.

Dr M Arulmozhi, University Nominees

Department of Petrochemical Technology
7. University College of Engineering Bharathidasan
Institute of Technology (BIT) Campus,
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.

Dr P Kalyani,
Department of Information Technology,
8. Government Engineering College (IRTT),
Vasavi College Post – 638 316. Erode

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Dr V Lakshmi Prabha
Academic Consultant,
9. PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore- 641004
Dr V Jayabalan Special Invitee
Director (Examinations)
10. PSG Institutions,
11. Mr V C Thangavel Controller of Examinations
HoD, Dept. of Automobile
12. Dr S Neelakrishnan
HoD, Dept. of Biomedical
13. Dr R Vidhyapriya
14. Dr M Palanikumar
Dept. of Civil Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Computer
15. Dr G Sudha Sadasivam
Science and Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electrical and
16. Dr J Kanagaraj
Electronics Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electronics and
17. Dr V Krishnaveni
Communication Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Instrumentation
18. Dr J Arunshankar and Control Systems
HoD, Dept. of Mechanical
19. Dr P R Thyla
HoD, Dept. of Metallurgical
20. Dr J Krishnamoorthi
HoD, Dept. of Production
21. Dr M Senthilkumar
Head In-charge,
22. Dr B Vinod Dept. of Robotics &
Automation Engineering
23. Dr M Ananthasubramanian HoD, Dept. of Biotechnology
24. Dr P Kandhavadivu
Dept. of Fashion Technology
HoD, Dept. of Information
25. Dr K Umamaheswari
HoD, Dept. of Textile
26. Dr G Thilagavathi
HoD, Dept. of Apparel &
27. Dr D Vijayalakshmi
Fashion Design
HoD, Dept. of Applied
28. Dr R Nadarajan Mathematics & Computational
29. Dr S C Murugavel HoD, Dept. of Applied Science
HoD In-Charge,
30. Dr C Theivarasu
Dept. of Chemistry
31. Dr A Chitra
Dept. of Computer Applications
32. Dr G Menaka HoD, Dept. of English

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Head In-Charge,
33. Dr V Santhi
Dept. of Humanities
34. Dr V Srividya Director In-charge, PSGIM
35. Dr C Porkodi
Dept. of Mathematics
36. Dr M D Kannan HoD, Dept. of Physics

37. Dr J V Ramasamy Dean – Academic

38. Prof R Ragupathy Dean – Administration

39. Dr K Natarajan Dean – Student Affairs

Dean – Networking and
40. Dr P Narayanasamy
41. Dr R Engels Associate Dean - Placement

42. Dr R Ramachandran Deputy Controller, CoE

HoD In-charge,
43. Dr G R Karpagam GRD Memorial Library
Associate Dean – Students
44. Dr D Karthika Renuka
45. Dr S Saravanan Member Secretary
Dr A Kandaswamy
46. Dean – Industrial Research and Development
Dr R Arumuganathan
47. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr. D Muralidhar
48. Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr G Subashini
49. Professor, Special Invitees
Dept. of Robotics & Automation Engineering
Dr J Kanchana
50. Professor, Department of Mechanical
Dr R Murugan
51. Associate Professor,
Department of Textile Technology
Dr V Prabhu Raja
52. Professor (CAS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr K Vaideki
53. Associate Professor
Department of Applied Science Four teachers of the college
Dr S Kanthalakshmi representing different
Professor, categories of the teaching staff
54. Department of Electrical and Electronics
Dr R Latha
Assistant Professor (Sel Gr),
55. Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences
Mr G Abishek (19M105)
56. Student Representative – UG
BE Mechanical Engineering (G1)

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Ms K Kaarthika (19C117)
57. Student Representative – UG
BE Civil Engineering
Mr G Nishanth (19PT15)
MSc Theoretical Computer Science Student Representative – PG
58. Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
Computational Sciences




(FOR THE PERIOD 2021-2022)

67th ACM 30.07.2022


FOR THE PERIOD 2021-2022

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr.Deepak Sharma
Dr.C.S.Shankar Ram Associate Professor
Associate Professor Room no: C-104,
Department of Engineering Design Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Chennai 600036 Guwahati-781039, Assam, India.
Ph : 04422574705 Phone: +91 361 258 2661,
Fax: +91-44-22574732 E-mail: dsharma@iitg.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr.G. Sriram Mr.P.Srinivasan
Director Technical (India) Architect
Anti Vibration & Belt Drive System (ABS) Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions
Hutchinson Industrial Rubber Products Private Limited (RBEI),
Limited Keeranatham Village
B 600 SKCL Indospace Industrial Park Coimbatore -641035
Oragadam – Wallajabad Road , Panrutti Email: Pannerselvamsrinivasan2@in.bosch.com
Kanchipuram Dist , Tamilnadu , India Ph:9500533927
Mob: +91 97 90 09 86 15
mail: sriram@hutchinsonindia.com
University Nominee
Dr R A Alagu Raja,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai - 625 015.
Ph: 9442088815
Email: alaguraja@tce.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Aravind Kumar Rengan M.B.B.S, M.Tech,
Dr. N. Sujatha Ph.D,MRSC
Professor DST- INSPIRE Awardee, DBT- IYBA Fellow,
Biomedical Engineering Group, Department of Assistant Professor,
Applied Mechanics , Plasmonic Nanospace Lab
IIT Madras, Chennai - 36. Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Email: nsujatha@iitm.ac.in Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Ph: +91 044 2257 4067 Email: aravind@bme.iith.ac.in
Ph: +91-40-2301 – 6143

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Industry Expert Alumni

Dr. Roy Joseph Mr. Hemasai Kumar
Scientist 'G' Analog Design Engineer
Division of Polymeric Medical Devices ST Microelectronics,
Biomedical Technology Wing Greater Noida, UP
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences (MTech @ IITDelhi)
and Technology, Email: hemasai1996@gmail.com
Thiruvananthapuram, Ph: 9600467824
Kerala – 695012
Email :rjoseph@sctimst.ac.in
Ph: 0471-2520275 (O)
9447000987 (Cell)
University Nominee
Dr D Padmini,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Thadagam Road,
Coimbatore - 641 013.
e-mail: drdpadmini@gct.ac.in
Cell : 9442548932
Academic Experts Dr K KRISHNAMURTHY
Professor Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology, Calicut,
STR 403, Structural Engineering Laboratory NIT Campus, Kozhikode-673 601
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – e-mail: kk@nitc.ac.in
600 036 mobile: 9567382944
e-mail: aruls@iitm.ac.in 0495-2286208
mobile: 9600096075
Phone: 044-22574292
Industry Experts Alumni
Deputy General Manager Engineering Manager
L & T Constructions, Building & Factories, TC 2 L & T Constructions
Building, First Floor, D Wing, Mount Poonamallee TC3 Tower A, 5th Floor
Road Manapakkam, Chennai – 600 089 Mount Poonamalle High Road
mobile: 9944343431 Manapakkam, Chennai – 600 089
e-mail: drks@lntecc.com e-mail: kaarthikeyanv@gmail.com
siva.kandasami@gmail.com cell : 9715261080


University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Academic Experts Dr.Vineeth N Balasubramanian

Mr.K. V. Raghavan Associate Professor
Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science and Automation Indian Institute of Technology - Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Science Kandi, Sangareddy 502285
Bangalore 560012 Phone: no: +91 40 2301 6357
Phone: no: +91-80-2293-2772 Email:vineetnnb@cse.iith.ac.in

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. Dharmendra Mr.Sai Kiran Sarvepalli
R&D section head Business Analyst
Hewlett Packard Enterprise IBM India Pvt. Ltd
Bangalore Urban, D4 Block, Manyata Tech Park,
Karnataka Nagawara Outer ring road,
Email:dharmendra@hpe.com Bangalore - 560045
Phone: no: 9880014320 Phone: no: 9916480026


University Nominee
Dr J Suganthi,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli - 627 007.
Ph: 9842180770
E-mail: suganthi_shyam@rediffmail.com
Academic Experts Dr. Srirama Srinivas
Dr.B.Venkatesaperumal, Professor
Professor, Dept. of EEE, # ESB-208A,
NIT, Surathkal, Dept. of Electrical Engg.
Mangalore – 525 075, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Mobile : 9980861389, Chennai-600 036,
Email : bvperumal@gmail.com, Ph: +91 44 22574447 (O)
bvperumal@nitk.edu.in Fax: +91 44 22574402
E-mail: srsrini12@ee.iitm.ac.in,
Mob: 9445576447
Industry Experts Alumni
Dr. B. Vaidyanathan Mr R. Raja
Technical Director, Interface Design Associates Manager - Engineering
Pvt. Ltd. Control Valves Division
R722, MIDC Rabale, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Behind Alfa Laval, Mount Towers,
Navi Mumbai 400 701. Mount Poonamalle road
Tel.: 022 2789 3070/ 3072, Fax:022 2789 1599 Chennai 600089
Mobile : 09869441194, Mobile : +91 98947 44285
E-mail: vaidi@idapl.in E-mail: raja.r@hitachi-powergrids.com

67th ACM 30.07.2022


University Nominee
Dr R A Alagu Raja,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai - 625 015.
Ph: 9442088815
Email: alaguraja@tce.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Shanmuganathan Raman
Dr. Devendra Jalihal Associate Professor
Professor Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer
Department of Electrical Engineering Science and Engineering
IIT, Madras IIT Gandhinagar
Mobile : 9444923861 Mobile :9442940144
Email: dj@ee.iitm.ac.in Email: shanmuga@iitgn.ac.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr. S. Ranjith Kumar Mr. S. Aravind kumar
SoC Design Engineer Graphics Hardware Engineer
Intel Corporation, Bangalore INTEL India pvt Ltd
9945071863 Mobile :8867743830
Email: srkumar81@gmail.com Email: aravind.kumar@intel.com


University Nominee
Dr J Suganthi,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli - 627 007.
Ph: 9842180770
E-mail: suganthi_shyam@rediffmail.com
Academic Experts Dr. Babji Srinivasan
Dr. Boby George, Associate Professor
Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics,
Department of Electrical Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
India Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – 600 036.
Chennai – 600 036. Email: babji.srinivasan@iitm.ac.in
Email: boby@ee.iitm.ac.in, Ph: 044-2257-4085
E-mail: boby@iitm.ac.in
Mobile: 9444397342
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr. P. Anand Rajkumar, Mr. C. R. Narayanan,
Regional Service Manager, South India, R & D Engineer,
Customer Service Division, ABB Robotics Dept.,
Yokogawa India Limited, ABB Ability Innovation Centre,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 Whitefield Main Road,
E.Mail: anand.rajkumar@in.yokogawa.com Bangalore – 560048
Mobile: +91- 9841466669 Email: narayanan.cr@in.abb.com
Mobile: 7411759475

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Special Invitee
Mr. Jaihari Prasad. P. G
Manager 2 – Engineering,
Caterpillar India Pvt Ltd,
Innovation &amp; Technology Development
Division, 3rd Floor,
1A, RMZ Millenia Business Park Phase 1,
Dr. MGR Road, Kandanchavady,
Chennai – 600 090
Mobile : 9894056705
E.Mail : pg_jaihariprasad@cat.com

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr. K. Arul Prakash
Dr. C Rajendran, Professor
Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics
Department of Management IIT Madras, Sardar Patel Road,
Studies, Chennai – 600036
IIT Madras, Sardar Patel Road, Email: arulk@iitm.ac.in
Chennai – 600036 Ph: 044 2257 4066
Email: craj@iitm.ac.in
Phone: 044 22574559
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr.S. Muthuvel Dr.P.Subramani,
Deputy Manager, Associate General Manager,
Technology Specialist Engineer- Renault Nissan,
Siemens Gamesa Chennai - 600089
Renewables India , Email: subramani.sellamani@rntbci.com
Email: muthuvelmett@gmail.com Phone: 044 37199999

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr.Kantesh Balani
Prof. Nurni N. Viswanathan Professor
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai Indian Institute of Technology
Mumbai - 400-076 Kanpur 208016
Email: vichu@iitb.ac.in, Email: kbalani@iitk.ac.in,
Phone: 9869438524 Phone: 9198228798

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Industry Experts Alumni

Dr.G.Balachandran Dr. Krishnan Sivaraman
Vice-president ( R&D) Senior DGM (Manufacturing Technology &
Jindal Steel Limited Digitalisation) )
Vidyanagar, Toranagallu Larsen & Toubro Limited
Bellary, Karnataka 583275 Heavy Engineering, Powai
Email: g.balachandran@jsw.in Mumbai 400072
Phone: 9789755522 Email: krishnan.sivaraman@larsentoubro.com
Phone: 9920735865


University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr. Santhakumar Mohan,
Dr. Prashant P. Date Associate Professor,
Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Dean, Industry Collaboration and Sponsored
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, #122, Indian Institute of
Powai, Mumbai 400 076. Technology Palakkad,
Phone: (+91) 22 - 2576 7501 Ahalia Integrated Campus,
Email: ppdate@iitb.ac.in Palakkad, Kerala 678 557
Mobile: +91-8602-972799
Email id: santhakumar@iitpkd.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr. Amol Gadre, Mr. Harish Kavimani
Deputy General Manager, Creator- Building General Motors Technical Center
Manufacturing Services, India P LTD,
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Whitefield,
Precision Machining Centre, Bangalore – 560066.
E2-C, L&T Bypass Road, Ph: 9663098743
Malumichampati, Email.: harizzzz@gmail.com
Coimbatore 641 050.
Phone: 90477 33859
Email: Amol.Gadre@larsentoubro.com
University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Academic Experts Mr. S.Joseph Winston

Dr. AsokanThondiyath M.Tech
Professor Scientific Officer - G
Dept. of Engineering Design, Head, Steam Generator Inspection Devices
IIT-Madras, Section (SGIDS)
Chennai – 600 036 Remote Handling, Irradiation Experiments &
E-Mail: asok@iitm.ac.in Robotics Division (RIRD)
Cell:9940031066 Indra Gandhi Center for Atomic Research
E-Mail: winston@igcar.gov.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr. M. Vasanthakumar Ms. Amrita Krishnaraj
Technical Lead Co –Founder at Verge
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Pvt. Ltd. Social Robotics Lead
Wafer Handling Division Van Robotics
5th Floor Gamma Block 6 GD street, Race Course
SSPDL Alpha City, Navalur Coimbatore- 641018
Chennai E-Mail: amritakrishnaraj@gmail.com
E-Mail: Vasanth.kumar@kri-us.com Cell: 9751800011
University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Suraish Kumar
Dr. D. Sundar Professor
Institute Chair Professor Biotechnology
Head, Department of Biochemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
and Biotechnology Chennai 600 036
Coordinator, DAILAB (DBT-AIST International Email :gk@iitmꞏacꞏn
Lab for Advanced Biomedicine) Phone: +91-4422574105
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110 016, INDIA
Tel : +91-11-26591066 (Direct),
Email :sundar@dbeb.iitd.ac.in, sundar@jhu.edu
Industry Expert Alumni
Dr K.Anand Kumar MuthukumaranVenkatachalapathy, PhD
Managing Director Senior Scientific Writer and Project Lead
Indian Immunologicals LtdRoad No. 44, Jubilee Novartis (Medical Communications) | Fulbright
Hills HyderabadRangareddi TG 500033 Postdoctoral Scholar (UChicago) | DAAD Siemens PhD
anandkumar@indimmune.com Fellow (MPI Dortmund)
Mob: 91-96666339987 Hyderabad, Telangana
Phone: 8870180756
(B. Tech. Biotechnology Alumnus 2005-2009 Batch)

67th ACM 30.07.2022


University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr. H. L. Vijaya Kumar
Dr.Deepti Gupta Principal / Director
Professor Vogue Institute of Art & Design
Indian Institute of Technology No. 4, Anand Towers, III Floor, Opp. To PF
Delhi Hauz Khas, Building,Rajaram Mohan Roy Road, Richmond Circle,
New Delhi 110 016 Bangalore, Karnataka – 560025
Ph : 91-11-2659 1417 Mobile no: 9448372421
E mail: deepti@textile.iitd.ernet.in, Email: hlvijaykumar@rediffmail.com
Special Invitee Alumni
Mr.Sandeep M.Tech Mr.M.Rajasekar
Director Manager Merchandising
M/s. Conquest Quality Systems services Pvt.Ltd., M/s.Gokaldas exports Ltd
SF No.183 / I A, Vanjipalayam, No.25,2nd cross, 3rd main, Industrial suburb
Tirupur, Bangalore 560 022
Mobile No.: 9842270178 Ph:9900043576
University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071
Academic Experts Dr Sumantra Dutta Roy
Dr R Dhanalakshmi Professor,
Associate Professor&HoD Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Indian Institute of Information Technology –Trichy Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi, Hauz Khas, New
Trichy –620012 Delhi – 110 016, India,
Phone: 9894366200 Phone : 9968406340,
Email:dhanalakshmir@iiitt.ac.in Email : sumantra@ee.iitd.ac.in, sumnatra@iitd.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Ms.SudhaVelusamy Dr ShyaamPrasadh
Architect Credit risk modeler
Vision Intelligence Team Ford motor company
Samsung R&D Institute Arugambakkam
Bangalore-560093 Chennai- 600106
Phone: 9611755448 Phone: 9566785249
Email: sudha.v@samsung.com Email: rshyaamp@ford.com

67th ACM 30.07.2022


University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Expert Dr.R.S.Rengasamy
Dr.R.Alagirusamy, Professor & Head
Professor Dept. of Textile Technology
Dept. of Textile Technology Indian Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Haus Khaz, New Delhi – 110 016.
Haus Khaz, Email: rsr@textile.iitd.ernet.in
New Delhi – 110 016. Mobile No:9891470890
Email: alagiru@gmail.com Phone No: 0112659 141
Mobile No: 09818133350
Phone No: 01126591419
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr.V.Vasudevan Mr.S.Balakumar
Executive Director, Technical resource manager
Manufacturing Operations, South Asia , Middle East and Africa
Himatsingka Seide Ltd, 10/24, Huntsman International (India) Pvt. Ltd
Kumarakrupa road, High #33, Ram Nagar, First street,
Grounds, Bengaluru – 560001 Avinashi Road, Tirupur 641602
Email Id: vasudevan@himatsingka.com Email Id:s_balakumar@hutsman.com
Mobile no: 9900033546 Mobile No: 9585539080 / 0421 – 4214332207
University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071
Academic Experts Dr. R RAJESH,Associate
Dr.ARUN RAJKUMAR Professor & Head
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Central University of Kerala
Engineering Tejaswini Hills, Peryia P.O.,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Kasaragod -671316, Kerala
Chennai – 600036 E-Mail:rajeshr@cukerala.ac.in
Email ID:arunr@cse.iitm .ac.in Mobile: +91-9894850299
Contact_No:9986744842 Tel Ph:Office: +91-467-2233369

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. JAGANNATH BHARADWAJ Mr.Rajesh Kalyanaraman
Vice President and Global Delivery head Technical Architect & Head, JC
enterprise integration and Automation, & Innovation Labs,
Cognizant STG Infotech (India),
Chennai, 801 A North, 8th Floor
Tamil Nadu, India TIDEL Park, No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani
Email: Jagannath.bharadwaj@cognizant.com Chennai, TAMIL NADU 600113
Mobile Number: 9840713642 Email: rajesh.kalyanaraman@gmail.com
University Nominees Dr.M.Chandrasekar
Dr S Sendhil Nathan, Professor
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics, CEG Campus
University College of Engineering, Anna University
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701. Chennai – 600 025.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com Phone:9444929475
sendhil29@yahoo.co.in Email: mchandru@annauniv.edu
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr.Venkatesh Raman
Dr. N.S. Narayanasamy Professor
Professor Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and 220, New Building
Engineering The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Madras CIT Campus, Tharamani
Chennai 600 036, India. Chennai – 600 113.
Contact No : 22574369 Phone: 91- 44- 22543220
22576369 EMail : vraman@imsc.res.in
EMail : swamy@cse.iitm.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Dr. Balaji Vasan Srinivasan Ms. Harini Seshadri
Senior Research Scientist Executive Director
Adobe Systems Morgan Stanley
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Bangalore – 560 103
Phone : 8105212382 Phone: 9945685852
Email: balsrini@adobe.com Email: harini.seshadri@gmailcom
University Nominee
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Prof.Y V S S Sanyasiraju
Prof.K.C.Sivakumar, Professor
Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai – 600 036. Chennai – 600 036
Office: 044-22574622, Mobile:9444671028 Office:044-22574621, Mobile:9444603225
Email:kcskumar@iitm.ac.in Email: sryedida@iitm.ac.in

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr.D.Karthick Mr.A.S. Gunassekaran
Engineer Software Development Engineer
M/s. Qualcomm Amazon Development Center
L Building Zone, Whitefield, Bangalore – 560 066 SP Infocity, East Coast Road
Karnataka MGR Nagar, Kandancavadi Perungudi, Chennai -
Mobile: 9944652857 600096
Email: d.karthickdamodaran@gmail.com Tamil Nadu
Ph: 044-30883088
Mob No: +91-9597883884
E-mail: asgunassekaran@gmail.com
University Nominee
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr N. Ponpandian,
Dr.K.Sethupathi, Professor and Head
Professor, Dept of. Nanoscience and Technology
Department of Physics, Bharathiar University
I. I.T. Madras, Coimabtore -641046
Gunidy, Ph: 9443552271
Chennai -25
Ph: 9940144875

Industry Expert Alumni

Dr.John Joseph Mr. N. Sethupathi
Head-Talent Acquisition, CMI BG, Managing Director
Tata Consultancy Services, Sky Structures
The Willows, Kannampallil House, No.30, Srinidhi Gardens
Tharapoika, Kariavattom, Near CODISSIA
Trivandrum, Kerala Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004
695581 Email: skystructures@gmail.com
Email:john.joseph@tcs.com Phone: 0422 2510653
Johnaug28@gmail.com Mobile: 9443132653
Mobile:9249167055, 9846696950
University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Academic Experts Dr.G.Unni Krishnan

Dr.R.Kothandaraman Professor
Professor Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry National Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Calicut – 673 601
Chennai Mobile No.: 9846764238
Mobile: 90251 11262 unnig@nitc.ac.in
Industry Experts
Dr.M.Anbu Kulandainathan
Senior Principal Scientist
Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Karaikudi – 630 003.
Mobile No.: 94434 92420
University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr. Rupagunaseelan
Dr. P. Saravanan Director and Professor
Professor Bharathiar School of Management and
Department of Finance and Accounting Entrepreneurship Development
IIM, Pudukkottai Main Road, Chinna Sooriyur Bharithiar University
Village Coimbatore – 641 046
Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 E-mail: rupaguna@gmail.com
E-mail: psn@iimtrichy.ac.in Mobile No.: 9488166255
Mobile No.: 8974002055
Dr. Vinod Balakrishnan Dr. Nagendra Kumar
Professor in English Professor in English
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
National Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Tiruchirapalli Mobile: 94101 64867
Ph: 043 2503694 Email:nagendra.kumar@hs.iitr.ac.in
Email: vinod@nitt.edu
Industry Expert Ms. Sujana Arul Selvi Alaguraj
Mr. D. P. Sudhakar Principal Product Manager ThoughtWorks
Managing Director 1st Floor, KCT Tech Park Thudiyalur Rd,
Coimbatore Paper Ltd., Saravanampatti Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641049
No. 10B, Head Post Office Road, Near Head Mobile: 80569 78838
Post Office, Coimbatore – 641 001 Email:sujanaa@thoughtworks.com
E-mail: skoolzonee@yahoo.com sujanaalaguraj@thoughtworks.com
Mobile No.: 9443207711

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Alumni Mr. Vinod. A

Mr. Benon Batch of 2015
Senior Hardware Engineer Department of Metallurgy
Valeo India Private Limited Senior Manager- Strategy
Chennai – 603 103 Ninjacart,Bengaluru
E-mail: benonazariah@gmail.com Mobile: 89032 72042
Mobile No. 9629166042 Email: a.vinodh94@gmail.com
University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr. R.Sakthivel
Dr. P. Sakthivel Professor
Professor Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University
Bharathiar University Coimbatore
Coimbatore phone (Office) : 0422-2428622 Mobile: +91-
Telephone: Mobile: +91-9677560890 8870199957
E-mail: sakthivel.p@buc.edu.in E-mail: krsakthivel@buc.edu.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Dr.V.Saravanan Dr.N.Prabavathy
Joint Director, Assistant Manager
Materials Technology Division Centre for Innovation and Technology Excellence
Centre Power Research Institute Material Science Division
Bengaluru -560 080 Titan Company Limited(Jewelry Division)
Mobile:8861098390 Hosur.
saran_cpri@cpri.in Phone:95664 38280
University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr.Sandhya Ravi
Mr. Kaustav SenGupta Professor & Principal
Associate Professor NITTE School of Fashion Technology and Interior
National Institute of Fashion Technology Design
(Govt. of India) 6429, NMIT Campus, Yelahanka
NIFT Campus, Rajiv Gandhi salai Bangalore – 560064 Karnataka
Taramani, Chennai: 600113 Contact No: 9625230009
Contact No: 9176655090 Email: principalnsftid@nitte.edu.in
Email: kaustavsengupta@yahoo.com

67th ACM 30.07.2022

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. Dharmender Khanna Ms. Anne S
Head of Brand and Digital Transformation Business Head
SSIPL Retail Limited Team Workaholic
C-763, Sushant Lok 1 Advanced Clothing Concepts
Gurgaon, Haryana 122009 No.312, Opposite Tirupur Textiles,
Contact no: 9868106230 Avinashi Road, Peelamedu
Email: idharmenderkhanna@gmail.com Coimbatore – 641004
dharmender.khanna@ssipl.in Contact no: 9677889732
Email: anne@advancedclothingconcepts.com
University Nominee
Dr Kasilingam,
Department of Management Studies,
Pondicherry University,
Pondicherry - 605 014
Email: kasimeena@gmail.com
Ph: 9840179939, 8072208493
Academic Experts Professor Madhu Veeraraghavan
Dr.L.S.Murty Director and T.A. Pai Chair Professor of Finance
Professor P.B. No.9, Manipal – 576104
Indian Institute of Management Karnataka
Bangalore madhuveeraraghavan@tapmi.edu.in
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, India director@tapmi.edu.in
Pin Code: 560 076 Ph. +91-820-2701020
Ph: 9742221318
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr.Jayanth Bagare Mr.Anand Chandrasekaran
Head University Alliances program, Deputy Vice President - Sustainable Development
SAP Labs Goals
Bangalore Indusind Bank
jayanth.bagare@sap.com Chennai,
Ph: 9739902121 Ph: 9840995508, 9940648092




04th FEBRUARY 2023


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department Name Programmes Page. No
Agenda i - xxxv
BE/BTech (Regular and Sandwich) Electives
Automobile Engineering 1
Biomedical Engineering 17
Civil Engineering 29
Computer Science and Engineering 47
Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) 61
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 74
Electronics and Communication Engineering 99
I Instrumentation and Control Engineering 125
Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 140
Metallurgical Engineering 166
Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 184
Robotics and Automation 209
Biotechnology 241
Fashion Technology 254
Information Technology 272
Textile Technology 297
II Automobile Engineering Open Elective Courses 337
III Biomedical Engineering Open Elective Courses 338
IV Electrical and Electronics Engineering Open Elective Courses 340
V (a) Open Elective Courses 342
V (b) Mechanical Engineering One Credit Courses 344
V (c) Sandwich Scheme 346
VI (a) Metallurgical Engineering One Credit Course 352
VII Production Engineering Open Elective Course 353
VIII (a) Professional Elective Courses 354
VIII (b) Robotics and Automation Engineering Open Elective Courses 356
VIII (c) One Credit Courses 359
IX (a) Biotechnology Open Elective Courses 360
X (a) Professional Elective Course 361
Fashion Technology
X (b) Open Elective Course 362
XI Apparel and Fashion Design Open Elective Courses 363
Applied Mathematics and
XII Open Elective Course 364
Computational Sciences
XIII Management Sciences Elective Course 365
XIV Members of the Academic Council for the Period 2022-2023 366
List of External Members of Various Boards of Studies for the Period
XV 370

68th Meeting of the Academic Council Meeting

Venue: F203 Date: 04.02.2023 Time: 9.30 am


1. Welcome and Introductory remarks by the Chairman.

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
Professional and Open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and Sandwich
degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based Credit System

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla will move

(i) that the professional and open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and
Sandwich degree programmes of 2023 regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix I (Pages 1 - 336) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

3. The Board of Studies in Automobile Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr S Neelakrishnan will move

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21AE91 Management Concepts and Organizational Methods

21AE92 Managing Technological Innovation

for ME Automotive Engineering Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix II (Page 337) be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

4. The Board of Studies in Biomedical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr R Vidhyapriya will move

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19DO06 Healthcare Information Systems

19DO07 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
19DO08 Biometric Systems

for BE Biomedical Engineering Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix III (Page 338 - 339) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

5. The Board of Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering recommended the

following :
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr J Kanakaraj will move
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19EO03 Waste to Energy

19EO04 Biology for Engineers

for BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree

Programme of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix IV (Pages 340 - 341)
be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

6. The Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21MD94 / 21MN94 / 21MC94 / 21SE94 Design Thinking for Innovation

21MD95 / 21MN95 / 21MC95 / 21SE95 Foundation Skills in Integrated
Product Development

for ME Engineering Design, ME Industrial Engineering, ME Computer

Integrated Manufacturing, ME Energy Engineering Degree Programmes of
2021 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix V (a) (Page 342 - 343) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit courses namely

21MK01 Digital Transformation

21MK02 Industrial Automation
21MK03 Industry 4.0 and Its Components

for ME Engineering Design, ME Industrial Engineering, ME Computer

Integrated Manufacturing, ME Energy Engineering Degree Programmes of
2021 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix V (b) (Pages 344 - 345) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

c. (i) that the courses of study and scheme of assessment for BE Mechanical
Engineering (Sandwich) degree programme of 2023 regulations namely

BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix V (c) (Pages 346 - 351) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2023-2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

7. The Board of Studies in Metallurgical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr J Krishnamoorthi will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit course namely

19YF03 Advanced Steel Making and Steel Products

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VI (a) (Page 352) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

b. (i) that the change in CA, FE of the following courses namely

Existing Modified
S.No. Course Title



1. 23Y___ Professional Elective V 60 40 40 60

2. 23Y___ Professional Elective VI 60 40 40 60


3 23Y820 Project Work II 40 60 60 40

Total 160 140 140 160

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2023 regulations be


(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024
and subsequently under 2023 regulations

8. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar will move
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO08 Battery Technology

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme of

2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (Page 353) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich degree programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

9. The Board of Studies in Robotics and Automation Engineering recommended the

following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr B Vinod will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective courses namely

19R009 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

19R038 Virtual and Augmented Reality
19R048 Smart Materials

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (a) (Pages 354 - 355) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19RO06 Optimization Techniques

19RO07 Programming in Python
19RO08 Autotronics
19RO09 Database Management System
19RO10 Robotic Process Automation

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (b) (Pages 356 - 358) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

c. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit courses namely

19RF17 Embedded Programming

19RF18 Inertial Navigation Systems

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (c) (Page 359) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

10. The Board of Studies in Biotechnology recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Ananthasubramanian will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21BT92 Introduction to Forensic Science

21BT93 Introduction to Critical Thinking & Higher Order

for MTech Biotechnology Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with syllabi

as in Appendix IX (a) (Pages 360) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

b. (i) that the following SWAYAM based online courses for PhD degree programme be
ratified as under

Course Code
S.No Subject Code Course Title Credits Department
(PSG Tech)
Genome Editing and
1. noc22-bt35 21Q001 3 Biotechnology
Learning Analytics
2. noc22-ge26 21Q002 3 Biotechnology

11. The Board of Studies in Fashion Technology recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P Kandha Vadivu will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective course namely

19H013 Sustainability and Green Concepts

for BTech Fashion Technology Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix X (a) (Page 361) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19HO08 Strategic Management

for BTech Fashion Technology Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix X (b) (Page 362) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

12. The Board of Studies in Apparel and Fashion Design recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr D Vijayalakshmi will move

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

18FOD7 / 20FOD7 UI/UX Design

18FOD8 / 20FOD8 Artificial Intelligence for Fashion

for 5 year Integrated MSc Fashion Design and Merchandising Degree

Programme of 2018 and 2020 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix XI (Page 363)
be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2018 2019 and
subsequently under 2018 regulations and students admitted in 2020 2021 and
subsequently 2020 regulations

13. The Board of Studies in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr Shina Sheen will move

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

18XWOC / 20XWO8 Data Visualization

for Five year MSc Software Systems Degree Programme of 2018 and 2020
regulations with syllabus as in Appendix XII (Page 364) be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2018 2019 and
subsequently under 2018 regulations and 2020 2021 subsequently under 2020

14. The Board of Studies in Management Sciences recommended the following :

a. The Standing Committee recommends and Dr V Srividya will move

(i) that the introduction of the following elective course namely

21GA13 Financial Modeling

for MBA Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix XIII
(Page 365) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

b. (i) that the modification of clause 4 (iii) in 2021 regulations of MBA and MBA (Waste
Management and Social Entrepreneurship) Degree programmes be ratified as under

Existing Modified
4. iii) Core Courses: Every student shall 4. iii) Core Courses: Every student shall
undergo professional core courses, undergo professional core courses,
professional elective courses and professional elective courses and
employability enhancement courses as given employability enhancement courses as
in section 13 infra. Every student shall opt for given in section 13 infra. Every student
electives from the list of electives relating to shall opt for electives from the list of
his/her degree programme as given in electives relating to his/her degree
section 13 in consultation with the Tutor, programme as given in section 13 in
Programme Coordinator and the HoD. consultation with the Tutor, Programme
Coordinator and the HoD. However, a
student may be permitted to take a
maximum of two professional electives
from the list of professional elective
courses of the other MBA degree
programme with specific permission from
the Head of Department.

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 22 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations.

15. The standing committee recommends and Dr S Saravanan will move
a. (i) that the modification of clause 8 (i) relating to assessment for all UG / PG degree
programmes be ratified as under

Existing Modified
Assessment: The assessment will comprise Assessment: The assessment will comprise of Final
of either Final Examination (FE) for 50 marks Examination (FE) and /or Continuous Assessment
and Continuous Assessment (CA) for 50 (CA), carrying marks as specified in the scheme in
marks OR Continuous Assessment for 100 section 13 infra. The CA marks will be awarded on
marks as specified in the scheme in section assessing the student continuously during the
13 infra. The Continuous Assessment (CA) semester as per guidelines 8(vii) infra. The
marks will be awarded on assessing the assessment for theory courses carrying CA and FE
student continuously during the semester as components will be done on relative grading system.
per guidelines 8(vii) infra. For Theory courses,
the CA marks will be scaled down from 50 to equal to 30 for a particular course they will be
40 marks and the Final Examination (FE), assessed by absolute grading system. Other
which will be conducted for 100 marks, will be courses (Laboratory Course, Summer term Course,
scaled down to 60 marks and the total being Industry Visit and Lecture, Industry Visit, Inplant
100 marks (CA 40 + FE 60). For Laboratory Training, Industrial Training, Mini Project, One Credit
courses including Project work, the courses, Project Work I and II, etc) will be assessed
Continuous Assessment (CA) marks will be by absolute grading system. However, for the
scaled up from 50 to 60 marks and the Final purpose of reporting the performance of a student,
Examination (FE) marks which will be letter grades and grade points will be awarded as
conducted for 50 marks will be scaled down to specified in the corresponding section
40 marks. The award of grades for a course
will be done on Relative Grading System or on
Absolute Grading System as specified in the
corresponding section

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under the corresponding regulations of UG / PG degree programmes.

b. (i) that the modification of clause 4 (vi) (b) in 2019 regulations relating to
for all 2019 regulations of BE / BTech degree programmes be ratified
as under

Existing Modified
4 (vi) (b) 4 (vi) (b) These
These courses are not text book based courses are not text book based courses but are
courses but are based on various attempts based on various attempts made by researchers to
made by researchers to solve a specific solve a specific problem as available in quality
problem as available in quality journals. These journals. These courses will not have specific course
courses will not have specific course titles. titles. These courses will have 3 credits.
These courses will have 3 credits.
Individual students who are motivated, aspire to
Individual students who are motivated, aspire acquire additional knowledge through self direction
to acquire additional knowledge through self and are willing to experience a new way of problem
direction and are willing to experience a new solving are permitted to opt for these courses.
way of problem solving are permitted to opt for Individual students can opt for self directed courses
these courses. Individual students can opt for based on the recommendation by department
self directed courses based on the committee consisting of HoD, Programme
recommendation by department committee Coordinator, Tutor and Subject Expert and approval
consisting of HoD, Programme Coordinator, by the Head of the Institution. Students should
Tutor and Subject Expert and approval by the choose a specific problem addressed by an author
Head of the Institution. Students should or authors having good citations and published in a
choose a specific problem addressed by an peer reviewed journals having a good impact factor
author or authors having good citations and for this course. Students can solve the problem
published in a peer reviewed journals having a using the framework used by the author or by using
good impact factor for this course. Students a new approach. The proposed work by the student
can solve the problem using the framework should have adequate scientific content, scope for
used by the author or by using a new further exploration and should involve good
approach. The proposed work by the student mathematical modeling and solution using
should have adequate scientific content, programming/software. The adequacy of this
scope for further exploration and should proposed work is to be ensured by the department
involve good mathematical modeling and committee before recommending the same for the
solution using programming/software. The approval of the Head of the Institution. The students
adequacy of this proposed work is to be will be mentored by a faculty who have successfully
ensured by the department committee before guided PhD scholars and have published papers or
recommending the same for the approval of completed sponsored projects involving unstructured
the Head of the Institution. The students will problems. Students will be evaluated for evidence of
be mentored by a faculty who have this learning experience as per the scheme of
successfully guided PhD scholars and have
published papers or completed sponsored
projects involving unstructured problems. If a student wishes to avail exemption of professional
Students will be evaluated for evidence of this electives, he/she can do so by exercising his/her
learning experience as per the scheme of option in writing to the respective Head of the
Department and Head of the Institution during the
beginning of the prefinal year / final year (i.e.,
semester 5, 6, 7 or 8) by following the equivalence
norm that one professional elective is equivalent to
one self directed learning course completed by the

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under the 2019 regulations of BE / BTech degree programmes.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Venue: Hall F 203 04.02.2023 Time: 9.30 am
Minutes of the 68th Meeting of the Academic Council held at 9.30 am on Saturday,
February 04th, 2023. The following members were present.

S.No. Name of the Member Role

1. Dr K Prakasan Chairman & Principal

Dr AR Upadhya,
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM,
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University),
2. Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk,
Bangalore Rural District 562 112

Prof Kannan M. Moudgalya, Education Expert

Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
3. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
(Maharashtra), India

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni,
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
M/s. CityMandi,
4. 1700, 19th Main Road, Sector 2, HSR Layout, Industry Expert
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 102

Dr M Meenakshi,
Department of Electronics and Communication
5. CEG Campus,
Anna university,
Chennai 600 025.

Dr M Arulmozhi,
University Nominees
Department of Petrochemical Technology
University College of Engineering
6. Bharathidasan Institute of Technology (BIT)
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024.

Dr P Kalyani,
Department of Information Technology,
7. Government Engineering College (IRTT),
Vasavi College Post 638 316. Erode

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Dr V Lakshmi Prabha
Academic Consultant,
8. PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
Dr V Jayabalan Special Invitee
Secretary - Institutional Interface,
9. TQM Council, PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
10. Mr V C Thangavel Controller of Examinations
HoD, Dept. of Automobile
11. Dr S Neelakrishnan
HoD, Dept. of Biomedical
12. Dr R Vidhyapriya
HoD, Dept. of Computer Science
13. Dr G Sudha Sadasivam
and Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electrical and
14. Dr J Kanagaraj
Electronics Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electronics and
15. Dr V Krishnaveni
Communication Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Instrumentation
16. Dr J Arunshankar and Control Systems
HoD, Dept. of Mechanical
17. Dr P R Thyla
HoD, Dept. of Metallurgical
18. Dr J Krishnamoorthi
HoD, Dept. of Production
19. Dr M Senthilkumar
Head In-charge,
20. Dr B Vinod Dept. of Robotics & Automation
21. Dr M Ananthasubramanian HoD, Dept. of Biotechnology
22. Dr P Kandhavadivu
Dept. of Fashion Technology
HoD, Dept. of Information
23. Dr K Umamaheswari
HoD, Dept. of Textile
24. Dr G Thilagavathi
HoD, Dept. of Apparel &
25. Dr D Vijayalakshmi
Fashion Design
HoD, Dept. of Applied
26. Dr Shina Sheen Mathematics & Computational
HoD In-Charge,
27. Dr C Theivarasu
Dept. of Chemistry
28. Dr A Chitra
Dept. of Computer Applications
29. Dr G Menaka HoD, Dept. of English
Head In-Charge,
30. Dr V Santhi
Dept. of Humanities
31. Dr C Porkodi HoD, Dept. of Mathematics

68th ACM 04.02.2023

32. Dr M D Kannan HoD, Dept. of Physics

33. Dr J V Ramasamy Dean Academic

34. Prof R Ragupathy Dean Administration

35. Dr K Natarajan Dean Student Affairs

36. Dr R Nadarajan Dean Placement & Training

37. Dr M Haridass Deputy Controller, CoE

HoD In-charge,
38. Dr G R Karpagam GRD Memorial Library
Associate Dean Students
39. Dr D Karthika Renuka
40. Dr S Saravanan Member Secretary
Dr A Kandaswamy
41. Dean Industrial Research and Development
Dr R Arumuganathan
42. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr D Muralidhar
43. Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr J Kanchana
44. Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Special Invitees
Dr R Murugan
45. Associate Professor,
Department of Textile Technology
Dr M Karthikeyan
46. Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),
Department of Automobile Engineering
Dr Suresh Balusamy
47. Head of Operations
PSG Software Technologies
Dr V Prabhu Raja
48. Professor (CAS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr K Vaideki Four teachers of the college
49. Professor, Department of Applied Science representing different categories
Dr R Latha of the teaching staff
Associate Professor,
50. Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences
Ms K Kaarthika (19C117)
51. Student Representative UG
BE Civil Engineering
Mr G Nishanth (19PT15)
MSc Theoretical Computer Science, Student Representative PG
52. Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
Computational Sciences

68th ACM 04.02.2023

The following member expressed their inability to attend the meeting due to their

S.No Name of the Member Role

Mr Bhuvan Anandakrishnan,
1 Industry Expert
M/s.Caterpillar Inc.,
2 Dr M Palanikumar
Dept. of Civil Engineering
3 Dr S C Murugavel
Dept. of Applied Science
Director In-charge,
4 Dr V Srividya
Dr G Subashini
5 Professor, Special Invitees
Dept. of Robotics & Automation Engineering
Dr S Kanthalakshmi
Four teachers of the college
6 representing different categories of
Department of Electrical and Electronics
the teaching staff
Mr G Abishek (19M105)
7 Student Representative UG
BE Mechanical Engineering (G1)

68th ACM 04.02.2023


1. The Chairman, Academic Council extended a warm welcome to the external members
who have joined the Council Meeting through online mode (MS Team) and all other
internal members of the Academic Council.

He informed the members about the introduction of new UG programme BE CSE

(AI&ML) during the academic year 2023-2024. He briefed about the following to the
Government schemes for which PSG Tech is identified as nodal center
Phase I & II of the academic audit process
Alumni support
Research activities in the campus and Library facilities
Placement details pertaining to the year 2022 -2023
Significance of outcome-based education

Dr AR Upadhya appreciated the academic and research activities prevailing in the

campus. He also appreciated the large number of programmes offered in the campus,
assessment patterns, collective efforts put forth by the faculty members, staff and
students towards the progress of the institution. He requested the chairman to take
steps towards implementing NEP in the campus in a phased manner. He also
appreciated the wide range of professional electives, open electives and skill
enhancement courses offered across various programmes. He suggested to offer
elective courses under the following verticals:
a. AI as appropriate to respective engineering programmes
b. Environmental impact by specific engineering streams and suitable green
c. Autonomous systems with AI and robotics
d. Renewable energy
e. Biomimetics
f. Multifunctional materials

Dr Kannan Moudgalya mentioned that both students and faculty should be encouraged
to use open-source software for their theory and laboratory classes were possible. He
also pointed out the importance of enlightening students about public service and to
encourage them to take up projects that will help the society and public. He gave some
examples of such activities carried out at IIT Bombay. He appreciated the work of
various Boards of studies of the college.

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni pointed out, that courses like Design thinking and Innovation
can be included in all the programmes.

Dean Autonomous presented the norms pertaining to the implementation of BE/BTech

(Hons) Specialization in the same discipline, BE/BTech (Hons) and BE/BTech minor in
other discipline.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
Professional and Open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and Sandwich
degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based Credit System

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla moved

(i) that the professional and open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and
Sandwich degree programmes of 2023 regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix I (Pages 1 - 336) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

Dr R Vidhyapriya seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

3. The Board of Studies in Automobile Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr S Neelakrishnan moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21AE91 Management Concepts and Organizational Methods

21AE92 Managing Technological Innovation

for ME Automotive Engineering Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix II (Page 337) be ratified

68th ACM 04.02.2023

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

Dr P R Thyla seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

4. The Board of Studies in Biomedical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr R Vidhyapriya moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19DO06 Healthcare Information Systems

19DO07 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
19DO08 Biometric Systems

for BE Biomedical Engineering Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix III (Page 338 - 339) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

Dr J Kanakaraj seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

5. The Board of Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering recommended the

following :
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr J Kanakaraj moved
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19EO03 Waste to Energy

19EO04 Biology for Engineers

for BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree

Programme of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix IV (Pages 340 - 341)
be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr J Krishnamoorthi seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

6. The Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21MD94 / 21MN94 / 21MC94 / 21SE94 Design Thinking for Innovation

21MD95 / 21MN95 / 21MC95 / 21SE95 Foundation Skills in Integrated
Product Development

for ME Engineering Design, ME Industrial Engineering, ME Computer

Integrated Manufacturing, ME Energy Engineering Degree Programmes of
2021 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix V (a) (Page 342 - 343) be approved

68th ACM 04.02.2023

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit courses namely

21MK01 Digital Transformation

21MK02 Industrial Automation
21MK03 Industry 4.0 and Its Components

for ME Engineering Design, ME Industrial Engineering, ME Computer

Integrated Manufacturing, ME Energy Engineering Degree Programmes of
2021 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix V (b) (Pages 344 - 345) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

c. (i) that the courses of study and scheme of assessment for BE Mechanical
Engineering (Sandwich) degree programme of 2023 regulations namely

BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix V (c) (Pages 346 - 351) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2023-2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

Dr M Senthilkumar seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

7. The Board of Studies in Metallurgical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr J Krishnamoorthi moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit course namely

19YF03 Advanced Steel Making and Steel Products

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VI (a) (Page 352) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

68th ACM 04.02.2023

b. (i) that the change in CA, FE of the following courses namely

Existing Modified
S.No. Course Title



1. 23Y___ Professional Elective V 60 40 40 60

2. 23Y___ Professional Elective VI 60 40 40 60


3 23Y820 Project Work II 40 60 60 40

Total 160 140 140 160

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2023 regulations be


(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024
and subsequently under 2023 regulations

Dr B Vinod seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

8. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar moved
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO08 Battery Technology

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme of

2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (Page 353) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich degree programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr M Ananthasubramanian seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and

68th ACM 04.02.2023

9. The Board of Studies in Robotics and Automation Engineering recommended the

following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr B Vinod moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective courses namely

19R009 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

19R038 Virtual and Augmented Reality
19R048 Smart Materials

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (a) (Pages 354 - 355) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19RO06 Optimization Techniques

19RO07 Programming in Python
19RO08 Autotronics
19RO09 Database Management System
19RO10 Robotic Process Automation

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (b) (Pages 356 - 358) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

c. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit courses namely

19RF17 Embedded Programming

19RF18 Inertial Navigation Systems

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (c) (Page 359) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

Dr P Kandha Vadivu seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

10. The Board of Studies in Biotechnology recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Ananthasubramanian moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21BT92 Introduction to Forensic Science

21BT93 Introduction to Critical Thinking & Higher Order

68th ACM 04.02.2023

for MTech Biotechnology Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with syllabi

as in Appendix IX (a) (Pages 360) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

b. (i) that the following SWAYAM based online courses for PhD degree programme be
ratified as under

Course Code
S.No Subject Code Course Title Credits Department
(PSG Tech)
Genome Editing and
1. noc22-bt35 21Q001 3 Biotechnology
Learning Analytics
2. noc22-ge26 21Q002 3 Biotechnology

Dr D Vijayalakshmi seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

11. The Board of Studies in Fashion Technology recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P Kandha Vadivu moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective course namely

19H013 Sustainability and Green Concepts

for BTech Fashion Technology Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix X (a) (Page 361) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

b. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19HO08 Strategic Management

for BTech Fashion Technology Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix X (b) (Page 362) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

Dr Shina Sheen seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

12. The Board of Studies in Apparel and Fashion Design recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr D Vijayalakshmi moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

18FOD7 / 20FOD7 UI/UX Design

18FOD8 / 20FOD8 Artificial Intelligence for Fashion

for 5 year Integrated MSc Fashion Design and Merchandising Degree

Programme of 2018 and 2020 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix XI (Page 363)
be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2018 2019 and
subsequently under 2018 regulations and students admitted in 2020 2021 and
subsequently 2020 regulations

Dr V Krishnaveni seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

13. The Board of Studies in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences

recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr Shina Sheen moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

18XWOC / 20XWO8 Data Visualization

for Five year MSc Software Systems Degree Programme of 2018 and 2020
regulations with syllabus as in Appendix XII (Page 364) be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2018 2019 and
subsequently under 2018 regulations and 2020 2021 subsequently under 2020

Dr G Sudha Sadasivam seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

14. The Board of Studies in Management Sciences recommended the following :

a. The Standing Committee recommends and Dr V Srividya moved

(i) that the introduction of the following elective course namely

21GA13 Financial Modeling

for MBA Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix XIII
(Page 365) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

68th ACM 04.02.2023

b. (i) that the modification of clause 4 (iii) in 2021 regulations of MBA and MBA (Waste
Management and Social Entrepreneurship) Degree programmes be ratified as under

Existing Modified
4. iii) Core Courses: Every student shall undergo 4. iii) Core Courses: Every student shall
professional core courses, professional elective undergo professional core courses,
courses and employability enhancement courses professional elective courses and employability
as given in section 13 infra. Every student shall opt enhancement courses as given in section 13
for electives from the list of electives relating to infra. Every student shall opt for electives from
his/her degree programme as given in section 13 in the list of electives relating to his/her degree
consultation with the Tutor, Programme programme as given in section 13 in
Coordinator and the HoD. consultation with the Tutor, Programme
Coordinator and the HoD. However, a student
may be permitted to take a maximum of two
professional electives from the list of
professional elective courses of the other MBA
degree programme with specific permission
from the Head of Department.

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 22 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations.

Dr V Santhi seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

15. The standing committee recommends and Dr S Saravanan moved

a. (i) that the modification of clause 8 (i) relating to assessment for all UG / PG degree
programmes be ratified as under

Existing Modified
Assessment: The assessment will comprise Assessment: The assessment will comprise of Final
of either Final Examination (FE) for 50 marks Examination (FE) and /or Continuous Assessment
and Continuous Assessment (CA) for 50 (CA), carrying marks as specified in the scheme in
marks OR Continuous Assessment for 100 section 13 infra. The CA marks will be awarded on
marks as specified in the scheme in section assessing the student continuously during the
13 infra. The Continuous Assessment (CA) semester as per guidelines 8(vii) infra. The
marks will be awarded on assessing the assessment for theory courses carrying CA and FE
student continuously during the semester as components will be done on relative grading system.
per guidelines 8(vii) infra. For Theory courses,
the CA marks will be scaled down from 50 to equal to 30 for a particular course they will be
40 marks and the Final Examination (FE), assessed by absolute grading system. Other
which will be conducted for 100 marks, will be courses (Laboratory Course, Summer term Course,
scaled down to 60 marks and the total being Industry Visit and Lecture, Industry Visit, Inplant
100 marks (CA 40 + FE 60). For Laboratory Training, Industrial Training, Mini Project, One Credit
courses including Project work, the courses, Project Work I and II, etc) will be assessed
Continuous Assessment (CA) marks will be by absolute grading system. However, for the
scaled up from 50 to 60 marks and the Final purpose of reporting the performance of a student,
Examination (FE) marks which will be letter grades and grade points will be awarded as
conducted for 50 marks will be scaled down to specified in the corresponding section
40 marks. The award of grades for a course
will be done on Relative Grading System or on
Absolute Grading System as specified in the
corresponding section

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under the corresponding regulations of UG / PG degree programmes.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

b. (i) that the modification of clause 4 (vi) (b) in 2019 regulations relating to
for all 2019 regulations of BE / BTech degree programmes be ratified
as under

Existing Modified
4 (vi) (b) 4 (vi) (b) These
These courses are not text book based courses are not text book based courses but are
courses but are based on various attempts based on various attempts made by researchers to
made by researchers to solve a specific solve a specific problem as available in quality
problem as available in quality journals. These journals. These courses will not have specific course
courses will not have specific course titles. titles. These courses will have 3 credits.
These courses will have 3 credits.
Individual students who are motivated, aspire to
Individual students who are motivated, aspire acquire additional knowledge through self direction
to acquire additional knowledge through self and are willing to experience a new way of problem
direction and are willing to experience a new solving are permitted to opt for these courses.
way of problem solving are permitted to opt for Individual students can opt for self directed courses
these courses. Individual students can opt for based on the recommendation by department
self directed courses based on the committee consisting of HoD, Programme
recommendation by department committee Coordinator, Tutor and Subject Expert and approval
consisting of HoD, Programme Coordinator, by the Head of the Institution. Students should
Tutor and Subject Expert and approval by the choose a specific problem addressed by an author
Head of the Institution. Students should or authors having good citations and published in a
choose a specific problem addressed by an peer reviewed journals having a good impact factor
author or authors having good citations and for this course. Students can solve the problem
published in a peer reviewed journals having a using the framework used by the author or by using
good impact factor for this course. Students a new approach. The proposed work by the student
can solve the problem using the framework should have adequate scientific content, scope for
used by the author or by using a new further exploration and should involve good
approach. The proposed work by the student mathematical modeling and solution using
should have adequate scientific content, programming/software. The adequacy of this
scope for further exploration and should proposed work is to be ensured by the department
involve good mathematical modeling and committee before recommending the same for the
solution using programming/software. The approval of the Head of the Institution. The students
adequacy of this proposed work is to be will be mentored by a faculty who have successfully
ensured by the department committee before guided PhD scholars and have published papers or
recommending the same for the approval of completed sponsored projects involving unstructured
the Head of the Institution. The students will problems. Students will be evaluated for evidence of
be mentored by a faculty who have this learning experience as per the scheme of
successfully guided PhD scholars and have
published papers or completed sponsored
projects involving unstructured problems. If a student wishes to avail exemption of professional
Students will be evaluated for evidence of this electives, he/she can do so by exercising his/her
learning experience as per the scheme of option in writing to the respective Head of the
Department and Head of the Institution during the
beginning of the prefinal year / final year (i.e.,
semester 5, 6, 7 or 8) by following the equivalence
norm that one professional elective is equivalent to
one self directed learning course completed by the

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under the 2019 regulations of BE / BTech degree programmes.

Dr G Thilagavathi seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.


Professional and Open elective courses


all BE/BTech (Regular and Sandwich)

Degree Programmes

2023 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

Design Engineering Stream
23A001 Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles
23A002 Automatic Transmission
23A003 Vehicle Concept Styling and Design
23A004 Automotive Product Development Strategies
23A005 Vibration And Noise Engineering
23A006 Mathematical Modelling of Automotive Systems
23A007 Vehicle Visualization and Design
23A008 Automotive Styling
23A009 Automotive Product Life Cycle Management
23A010 Vehicle Development Process

Electric Vehicle Design Stream

23A012 Electric Vehicle Design
23A013 Electric and Hybrid Power Train Design
23A014 Power Electronics and Drives

Thermal Engineering Stream

23A015 Fuels And Lubricants
23A016 Advanced Theory of Internal Combustion Engines

Automotive Safety Stream

23A018 Automotive Testing
23A020 Automotive Safety

Automotive Electrical and Electronics Stream

23A021 Vehicle Communication Systems
23A022 Automotive Mechatronics
23A023 Automotive Electronics
23A024 Automotive Embedded System

Manufacturing Engineering Stream

23A026 Materials for Automobile Industry
23A027 Advanced Production Processes for Automotive Components
23A029 Composite Materials

23 AO01 Solar Vehicles
23 AO02 Computational Fluid Dynamics
23 AO03 Mobility and Infrastructure
23 AO04 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
23 AO05 Flexible Manufacturing Systems

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Design Engineering Stream


INTRODUCTION: Scope, historical developments, Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, flow phenomenon related to vehicles,
external and internal flows. (6)

AERODYNAMIC DRAG OF CARS: Cars as a bluff body, flow field around car, air flow to passenger compartment, drag force,
types of drag force, analysis of aerodynamic drag, drag coefficient of cars, strategies for aerodynamic development, low drag
profiles. (9)

SHAPE OPTIMIZATION OF CARS: Front end shape modifications, front and rear wind shield angle, A and C pillar, front and
rear spoilers, Roof modifications, rear end shape modifications - boat tailing, hatch back, fast back and square back, dust flow
patterns at the rear, effects of gap configuration, effect of fasteners. (9)

VEHICLE HANDLING: Origin of forces and moments on a vehicle, lateral stability, methods to calculate forces and moments -
vehicle dynamics under side force and winds, steady and cornering effect - steering angle and slip angle, under steer and
over steer gradient, suspension effects on cornering, roll moments on front and rear axles, dirt accumulation on the vehicle,
wind noise. (12)

WIND TUNNELS FOR AUTOMOTIVE AERODYNAMICS: Introduction, principle of wind tunnel technology, limitation of
simulation, stress with scale models, full scale wind tunnels, measurement techniques, equipment and transducers, road
testing methods, numericalmethods. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Hucho W of Road vehicles ", Butterworth Co. Ltd. 2nd edition, 2015
2. Pope A, Tunnel Testing ", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2016

1. Road Vehicle Aerodynamics, SP-1145, SAE, 1996.
3. ernational , 2016
4. John J.P,Simpson G.H, Aerodynamics MGH Published, 2012


INTRODUCTION : Principles of automatic transmission, advantages, limitations, types - Mechanical, hydrodynamic, hydro
mechanical, hydro static and electric. : Principle of centrifugal clutches, comparison between conventional and centrifugal
clutches, centrifugal clutche s used in two wheelers, over drives Principle, operation, types, advantages and limitations. (9)

HYDRODYNAMIC DRIVES: Principle of fluid coupling, construction, operation and characteristics, fluid coupling with
conventional gear boxes. Introduction to torque converters, comparison between fluid coupling and torque converters,
performance characteristics, slip, principles of torque multiplication, types of torque converters. (9)

HYDRO-MECHANICAL DRIVES: Major components, principle of planetary gear trains, actuating mechanism, controls
system Types - Manual, governor, throttle and hydraulic control systems. Principle of automatic gear shifting. Typical
automatic transmissions. (9)

HYDROSTATIC DRIVES: Principles of hydrostatic drives, different systems of hydrostatic drives, fixed displacement pump
and fixed displacement motor, variable displacement pump and fixed displacement motor, fixeddisplacement pump and
variable displacement motor, variable displacement pump and variable displacement motor, applications, plunger type pump
and plunger type motor, advantages and limitations, typical hydrostatic drives. (9)

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION APPLICATIONS: Need for automatic transmission, Four speed longitudinally mounted
automatic transmission Chevrolet Turboglide Transmission, Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Types Operations
of a typical CVT. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Third edition , Delmar Publishers 3rd edition,2015.
2. Heinz Heisler, Vehicle SAE, 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Company Ltd, 2012.
3. Mathias F.B, Prentice Hall, 2011


INTRODUCTION: Drawing in product design, mass production, geometric versus naturalistic drawing, modernist design. basic
drawing skills, perspectives, metric projections, spherical projections, orthographic projections, sections and scrap views, tools
and materials. (9)

COMPUTER SYSTEMS: The computer processor, system software, display, input devices, hardcopy output, 3D output
devices, concept design, evaluating the design, 3D modeling concepts, hybrid approach, commercial computer solutions,
drawing in space, creating organicforms. (9)

PRESENTATION DRAWING AND VISUALS: From watercolor washes to markers, painting by numbers, the art of design,
visual tricks, making marker drawing, 2D computer programs: paint and vector, 3D computer aided styling (CAS), creating
virtual reality, shadinga computer model, ray tracing and radiosity, adding texture, fractals and commercial modelers. (9)

FROM GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS DRAWING TO PRODUCTION: Technical production documentation, the

general arrangement drawing, drafting standards, computer aided drafting, geometric constructions, controlling curves,
parametric design, CAD data - Exchange standards and all change in the CAD market. (9)

TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION: Art of technical illustration, techniques of technical illustration, thick and thin lines, sections,
cutaways and ghosting, photo-tracing, annotation andlabelling, computer aided illustration, interactive technical illustration and
commercial solutions. (9)

Total L: 45

a. Alan Pipes, for Laurence King Publishing, 2017
b. Erik Olofsson, KlaraSjölén, Keeos Design Books AB, 2nd edition ,2014

1. 2010
2. -Point: The Fundamentals of Design Studio
Press, 2014
3. Thom Taylor, to Draw Cars Like a Motor Books International, 2012
4. Jordon Meadows, Taylor and Francis , 2018


INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCT DESIGN: Introduction, principles of new product development, success and failure in new
products, risk management, funnel and its stages, quality control of product development and meeting targets, the principles
of product styling- virtual perception of product style, attractiveness and product styling process. (9)

PRODUCT PLANNING: Product planning process, aim and opportunities in product planning, competing product analysis,
style planning, factors of contextual styling and Intrinsicstyling. (9)

GLOBAL PRODUCTS AND ITS PROBLEMS: Importance, challenges and opportunities of global products, changes and
complexity in global products, global product problems, multiple causes and its effects, root cause and network of causes and
measures, everyday product problems and action. (9)

PLM ENABLING GLOBAL PRODUCTS: Product lifecycle management (PLM), key characteristics and functions, benefits of
PLM, metrics and targets of PLM, PLM applications and data/document management, part/product management,
process/workflow management, program/project management. (9)

CHANGES FOR GLOBAL PRODUCTS: Changing roles of product organizations, increased regulation of product, better
managed product, multiple of new products, breakthrough computer aided product development (9)

Total L: 45

1. John Stark, Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2nd edition ,2017.
2. Mike Baxter, Stanley Thornes Publishers Ltd., UK, 2015

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. - Hill Publication, 2013.
2. David L. Rainey, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
3. Butterworth-Heinemann
Publications, 2008.
4. Publishing House, 2008.


VIBRATION FUNDAMENTALS AND INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES: Introduction- elements of vibration-source of
vibration types of vibration - DOF Vibration transducers - FFT analyser. (8)

VIBRATION ANALYISIS: Engine vibration-transmissibility-design of engine mounts resonance and determination of

natural frequencies and modes shapes- gearbox and propeller shaft vibration- suspension system -quarter car model -
half car model- full car model analysis. (8)

NOISE FUNDAMENTALS AND INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES: Sound propagation quantification of sound-

frequency and wavelength-sound pressure level-sound intensity level-vehicle noise specifications & standards- Noise induced
hearing losses. Exterior noise sources - Interior noise sources. Microphones &c alibrators- Excitationdevices- frequency
analysis-sound pressure measurement- sound intensity measurement sound intensity probes-data acquisition system-digital
signal processing- semi-anechoice room. (12)

NOISE ANALYSIS AND CONTROL METHODS: Transfer Path Analysis: single sources structure-borne noise
transmission path analysis multiple reference transmission path analysis Impedance modelling modal analysis:
definition of modal properties - modalanalysis theory - passive noise control methods: ducts & mufflers types of mufflers-
performance parameters acoustics and backpressure-reactive and absorptive silencers- Helmholtz resonators and side
branch resonators. (10)

DESIGN OF SOUND ABSORBERS: Introduction- different noise control material- Impedance tube testing Delany Bazely
method Transfer matrix method to determine TL-Green material used for sound absorption. (7)

Total L :45

1. Mathew Refinement: Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Edition, USA:SAE
International, 2004.
2. Munjal of Ducts and Third Edition , UK:JohnWiley, 2011

1. Rajesh Rajamani, Dynamics and Second Edition,Springer,2011.
2. XuWang, Noise and Vibration Edition, Wood HeadPublishing, 2012.
3. Anton Fuchs and Eugen Nimus NVH Springer, 2015
4. Ambekar. A.G., Vibrations and Noise Prentice Hall of India ,2014


PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING: Introduction-Mathematical Modeling- Bars Under Axial Vibration- Bars Under
Torsional Vibration Beams Under Flexural Vibration- Systems Governed by Second-Order PDEs- Properties of the Laplace
Transform- Time Response via the Laplace Transform- The Inverse Laplace Transform- The Final- and the Initial-Value
Theorems. (9)

VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF TWO-DOF SYSTEMS: Constitutive Equations of Mechanical Elements- springs and dashpots
series and parallel arrays Hysteric Damping- Coulomb damping-Introduction-The Derivation of the Governing Equations-
Equilibrium States-Linearization of the Governing Equations- Lagrange Equations of Linear Mechanical Systems. Introduction,
Natural Frequencies and the Natural Modes- The Zero-Input Response of Two-DoF Systems. (9)

STEERING SYSTEM AND ROAD MODELING: Steering system forces and moments calculation- EPS motor torque
requirement and influence different parameters parking torqueestimation- dynamics of rack and pinion steering concept of
road modeling - Deterministic Profiles . (9)

SUSPENSION AND TIRE MODELING: Quarter car model - Kinematics of a Double Wishbone Suspension - Modeling
Aspects - Constraint Equations - Spring Damper in Series tire modeling- Pacejaka magic formula- brush and Dugoff model-
Introduction to full car model -16 DoF. (9)

HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM MODELING : Introduction deceleration modeling master cylinder and brake booster
modeling ABS model (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Road vehicle dynamics- Fundamentals and modeling Georg Rill- CRC press- 2013
2. Vehicle dynamics :Thoery and application- Reza. N. Nazar- Springer 2015

1. Rajesh Rajamani, Dynamics and Second Edition,Springer,2011.
2. Peterson S , System Edition, Wood Head Publishing,2010.
3. Francois Axisa and Jose Antunes, of Mechanical Systems; Ist edition Elsevier 2011
4. Vladimir Rhyzov and Peruma V , Modeling and Simulation of Complex DynamicalSystems, Springer 2012


INTRODUCTION: Drawing in product design, mass production, geometric versus naturalistic drawing, modernist design. basic
drawing skills, perspectives, metric projections, spherical projections, orthographic projections, sections and scrap views, tools
and materials. (9)

COMPUTER SYSTEMS: The computer processor, system software, display, input devices, hardcopy output, 3D output
devices, concept design, evaluating the design, 3D modeling concepts, hybrid approach, commercial computer solutions,
drawing in space, creating organicforms. (9)

PRESENTATION DRAWING AND VISUALS: From watercolor washes to markers, painting by numbers, the art of design,
visual tricks, making marker drawing, 2D computer programs: paint and vector, 3D computer aided styling (CAS), creating
virtual reality, shadinga computer model, ray tracing and radiosity, adding texture, fractals and commercial modelers. (9)

FROM GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS DRAWING TO PRODUCTION: Technical production documentation, the

general arrangement drawing, drafting standards, computer aided drafting, geometric constructions, controlling curves,
parametric design, CAD data - Exchange standards and all change in the CAD market. (9)

TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION: Art of technical illustration, techniques of technical illustration, thick and thin lines, sections,
cutaways and ghosting, photo-tracing, annotation andlabelling, computer aided illustration, interactive technical illustration and
commercial solutions. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Alan Pipes, for Laurence King Publishing, 2007
2. Erik Olofsson, KlaraSjölén, Keeos Design Books AB, 2005

1. Tony Lewin, Ryan Borroff, to Design Cars Like a Motor Books International,2010
2. Stuart Macey, Geoff Wardle, Ralph Gilles, Freeman Thomas, Gordon Murray, -Point:The Fundamentals of Car
Design Design Studio Press, 2014
3. Thom Taylor, to Draw Cars Like a Motor Books International, 2010
4. Hoopla digital. Hallett, Lisa; Taylor, Thom, to draw cars like a ,Motor BooksInternational, 2006.


VISION: Identifying opportunity, defining a vision, setting targets, opportunities in portfolio, research examples of personal,
design manifesto and design movements, spreading the word and generating a mission statement, understanding the interplay
between brand and design brief,creating a design brief. (9)

IDEATE: Explore various vehicle packages and technical solutions based on the needs of target customer and market
opportunity, structure and a framework for vehicle architecture, explore unique visual DNA for a vehicle based on objectives,
begin to explore surface language, selecting key directions and identifying themes, understanding segmentation and
competitive benchmarking. (9)

DEVELOP:Character development and processing imagery, establishing an architectural and visual foundation, design
development in full-size, refining proposals and making a final selection, creating an initial design prototype, final theme
selection. (9)

MODEL:Virtual 3D and thedigital design process, digital sketch modeling, 3Ddata development, rapid validation mockups. (9)

BUILD AND LAUNCH: Vetting an idea, engineering, processing, market research,early-stage vetting for designers, presenting
to clients management and key stakeholders, pitching to prospective users, selling new viewers on an idea,launching a
vehicle. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. & Francis Group, 2018
2. 2010

1. Thom Taylor, to Draw Cars Like a Motor Books International, 2006
2. Stuart Macey, Geoff Wardle, Ralph Gilles, Freeman Thomas, Gordon Murray, -Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design &
Design Studio Press, 2014
3. Erik Olofsson, KlaraSjölén, Keeos Design Books AB, 2005
4. Giampiero Mastinu, Massimiliano Gobbi, Carlo Miano, Design of Complex Mechanical Systems With Applications
to Vehicle Springer, 2010


MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION: E-commerce, B to B, B to C forms of business, extended enterprise, concepts in PDM
- product life cycle , business objects, work flows, versions, views, product structure, change processes, work list, information
flow model in product development, engineering bill of materials and manufacturing bill of materials (9)

COMPONENTS OF PLM SOLUTIONS: Object oriented approach in product development solutions, phase gate process in
product design - disparate databases and connectivity, use of EAI technology (middleware) - cases for preparation of
combined BOM and other reports. Component supplier management and sourcing. (9)

PRODUCT VISUALISATION: CAD neutral environment and visualization of products, standard software, use of visualization
in several stages of lifecycle, reviews, mark up - case studies. (9)

ROLE OF PLM IN INDUSTRIES: Automotive sectors, ten step approach to PLM, Digitaltwin, Digital thread (9)

DETAILS OF MODULE: Details of modules in a PDM/PLM software, basics on customization and implementation of
automotive PDM/PLM software. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Stark John, Lifecycle Management (Volume Springer InternationalPublishing, 2016
2. Stark John, Lifecycle Management (Volume Springer InternationalPublishing, 2019.

1. WangLihui and Andrew Y C N, Design and Planning for Digital Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 2009.
2. StarkJohn, Product: Strategy, Product Lifecycle Management and the BillionCustomer
Publisher, 2007.
3. Grieves Michael, Life Cycle Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
4. The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation,
and Retail Oxford University Press,2012.


VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: Categories of vehicle development projects, platforms and model lines, the product
evolution process, vehicle project management, aspects of international development projects, cars that topped and cars that
flopped, factors of success. (9)

VIRTUAL CAR PROCESS: Building virtual cars, geometric integration, further functional geometry evaluation, virtual build
groups, E/E system development: from machinery to E/E systems, systems engineering processes. (9)

management, release and change management and quality management. (9)

CUSTOMER RELEVANT COMPLETE VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS: Registrability, total vehicle costs, design appeal,
cabin comfort, infotainment, passive safety. (9)

SECONDARY COMPLETE VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS: Production integration, service integration. Typical case
studies with commercial products (9)

Total L: 45
1. Weber Julian, Development Processes", Springer, 2012.
2. Daniel Sörensen, "The Automotive Development Process", Springer, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. John Stark, Product: Strategy, Product Lifecycle Management and the BillionCustomer
Publisher, 2007.
2. Tony Lewin, Ryan Borroff, to Design Cars Like a Motor Books International,2010.
3. Stuart Macey, Geoff Wardle, Ralph Gilles, Freeman Thomas, Gordon Murray, -Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design
and Design Studio Press, 2014.
4. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, Manufacturing Technologies: RapidPrototyping to Direct Digital
Springer US,2010



BEV DYNAMICS, POWERTRAIN COMPONENT MODELING: Battery electric vehicle (BEV) powertrain - Vehicle dynamics -
Transmission - auxiliary loads - Electric Vehicle Chassis and Body Design - Body/Chassis Requirements - Layout - Strength,
Rigidity and Crash Resistance - Designing for Stability - Suspension for Electric Vehicles - Chassis used in Modern
Battery and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (12)

DRIVE DESIGN FOR EVs : Different drives - induction machines - BLDC SRM motors - constant power - constant torque
regions - Number of phases - Frequency - Rated output in kW - Type of duty - Voltage connections - Temperature rise - Speed
- Pullout torque - Startingtorque - Starting current - Power factor - Efficiency/losses - Class of insulation (10)

ELECTRIC MOTOR AND DRIVE TRAIN CONTROLLER DESIGN : Brushless motor design considerations innovative
drive scheme - motor cooling - efficiency - size and mass improving motor efficiency (8)

ENERGY STORAGE MODELLING : Purpose of Battery Modelling - Equivalent Circuit - Modelling Battery Capacity - Simulating
a Battery at a Set Power - Calculating the Peukert Coefficient - Approximate Battery Sizing Battery Swapping (7)

DESIGN OF ANCILLARY SYSTEMS : Heating and Cooling Systems - Design of the Controls - Power Steering - Choice of
Tyres - Wing Mirrors, Aerials and Luggage Rack (8)

Total L: 45

1. Vancouver: John Wiley &
Sons, 2012.
2. Hayes.G and Goodarzi, Powertrain- Energy systems, power electronics and Sussex: John
Wiley, 2018.

1. Mi Chris and Masur Abul. electric Edition , John Wiley, 2018.
2. Liu We . to Hybrid vehicle systems Modelling and , John Wiley, 2017.
3. Butterworth-Heinemann,2001.
4. -in Hybrid Vehicle Networks:


300 3
CONCEPT OF ELECTRIFICATION : Constituents of a conventional vehicle - Vehicle and propulsion load - drive cycles and
drive terrain - constituents of a PHEV - vehicle model EV power train component sizing electrically peaking hybrid concept
- gradability Requirement (9)

ARCHITECTURES AND DYNAMICS OF HEV POWERTRAIN: Principle of Planetary Gears - Operating Principle of
the Two Mode Powertrain - Gear Shift Schedule - DCT Based Hybrid Powertrain - Regenerative Braking Mode -
Electric CVT Mode (9)

PLUGIN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES : Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicles - Blended PHEVs - Equivalent Electric Range of
Blended PHEVs - Utility Factor - Power Management of PHEVs - Component Sizing of EREVs (9)

Modeling - Hybrid Powertrain Modeling - Modeling of Vehicle Dynamics - Bond Graph Modeling Techniques - Consideration
of Numerical Integration Methods. (9)

HEV COMPONENT SIZING AND DESIGN OPTIMIZATION : Algorithm Description - Flow Chart - Operators and Selection
Method - Particle Swarm Optim ization - Model in the Loop Design Optim ization Proces s - Genetic Algorithm modeling

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Mi Chris and Masur Hybrid Electric Edition , Heidelberg: JohnWiley, 2018.
2. Liu Wei , Hybrid vehicle systems Modelling and Zurich: JohnWiley, 2018.

1. Emadi A, Electric Drive , New York: Taylor & Francis, 2015.
2. Liu We . to Hybrid vehicle systems Modelling and , John Wiley, 2017.
3. John Fenton, Ron Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.


300 3
INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES : Speed control of 3 phase Induction Motors - Stator control -PWM &V/f control - rotor control:
Rotor resistance control - Static control of rotor resistance using DC chopper - Static Krammer and Scherbius drives -
Introduction to Vector Controlled Induction MotorDrives (9)

SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR AND BLDC MOTOR DRIVES : Speed control of 3 phase Synchronous Motors - True synchronous
and self-controlled modes of operation - PMSM: principle-flux density distribution-Types - BLDC motor : Principle-drive
scheme - converter topologies (9)

RELUCTANCE MOTOR DRIVES : DC servo drives -principle of operation - AC servo drives- principle of operation -Stepper
motor principle of operation - SRM drives - principleof operation - drives - Introduction to synchronous RM drives. (9)

DIGITAL CONTROL AND DRIVE APPLICATIONS : Digital techniques in speed control - Advantages and limitations -
icroprocessor/Microcontroller and PLC based control of drives networking of drives - Selection of drives and control schemes
for Steel rolling mills - Papermills - Cement mills - Machine tools - Lifts and Cranes. Solar and battery powered drives.(9)

ADVANCED MOTOR DRIVES : Magnetic gear drive- Converted magnetic gears - field modulated magnetic gears
MMachines- Principle- Modeling- Inverters-MG motor control - Vernier Permanent Magnetic motor- principle - modelling-
inverters- PM motor control -Advanced Magnetless motor drives - Platenary-geared electric variable
transmission system - double rotor electric variable transmission system (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dubey G K Fundamentals of Electrical Narosa Publishers 2013
2. K.T.Chau Electric Vehicle Machines And John Wiley, .2012

1. Krishnan R . Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control , Prentice Hall of India,2009 .
2. Vedam Subramanyam. Drives: Concepts and , Tata McGraw-Hill,.2011
3. Mi Chris and Masur Abul. electric Edition , John Wiley, 2018.
4. Liu We . Introduction to Hybrid vehicle systems Modelling and , John Wiley,2017.



300 3
MANUFACTURE OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS: Fuels, Structure of petroleum, refining process, thermal catalytic cracking,
products of refining process, manufacture of lubricatingoil base stocks and finished automotive lubricants. (9)

IC ENGINE FUELS: Types of Fuels, Liquid and gaseous fuels, heating value of fuels, higher and lower heating values, chemical
structure of hydro-carbons SI Engine fuels, Volatilitycharacteristics, desirable characteristics of SI Engine fuels, knock rating and
additives, alternatefuels for SI engines. CI engine fuels, desirable characteristics, cetane rating, alternate fuels for CI engines,
biodiesels. (9)

COMBUSTION OF FUEL : Stoichiometry - calculation of theoretically correct air requiredfor combustion of liquid and gaseous
fuels, volumetric and gravimetric analysis of the dry products of combustion, mass of dry gas per kg of fuel burnt, mass of
carbon in the exhaust gas, mass of carbon burnt to carbon-monoxide per kg of fuel, heat loss due to incomplete combustion,
exhaust gas analysis by Orsat apparatus. (9)

THEORY OF LUBRICATION: Engine friction: introduction, total engine friction, effect of engine variables- on friction,
hydrodynamic lubrication, elasto hydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, Hydrostatic lubrication bearing lubrication,
functions of the lubrication system. (9)

LUBRICANTS: Specific requirements for automotive lubricants, oxidation deterioration and degradation of lubricants, additives

68th ACM 04.02.2023

and additive mechanism, synthetic lubricants, classification of lubricating oils, properties of lubricating oils, tests on lubricants.
Grease, classification properties, testing of grease . (9)

Total L: 45
1. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi,2015
2. Publications, 5th Edition 2012

1. Brame, J.S.S. and King, J.G. Solids, Liquids, Springer .2003
2. Francis, W and Vol. I & II , John Wiley 2007
3. Hobson, G.D. & Pohl.W- Petroleum , Shanghai Publishers 2011
4. Wilfrid Francis and Martin C. Manual, Pergamon Press,2013


300 3
COMBUSTION OF FUELS: Chemical composition and molecular structure of hydrocarbon fuels. Combustion Stoichiometry of
hydrocarbon fuels Chemical energy and heat of reaction calculations Chemical equilibrium and adiabatic flame
temperature calculation. Theory of SI and CI engine combustion Flame velocity and area of flame front. Fuel spray
characteristics droplet size, depth of penetration and atomization. (11)

ENGINE CYCLE ANALYSIS: Ideal air, fuel air cycle and actual cycle analysis. Progressivecombustion analysis in SI engines.
Parametric studies on work output, efficiency and other engine performance (7)

COMBUSTION MODELING: Basic concepts of engine simulation Governing equations, Classification of engine models.
Thermodynamic models for Intake and exhaust flow process Quasi steady flow - Filling and emptying - Gas dynamic
Models. Thermodynamic based incylinder models for SI engine and CI engines. (9)

NON-CONVENTIONAL IC ENGINES: Concept of LHR. engine and its recent developments. Variable compression ratio
engine and its use in engine research. Wankel rotary combustion engine. Dual fuel engine concept for multi fuel usage in CI
engines - performancestudies on dual fuel engine. Free piston engine-stratified charge and lean burn engines (9)

COMBUSTION ANALYSIS IN IC ENGINES: Photographic studies of combustion processes Analysis of Pressure

crank angle diagrams in SI and CI engines. Knock study forPressure crank angle histories. Apparent heat release rate and
law analysis for combustion. Calculation of Ignition delay and combustion duration. Hot wire and laser
Doppler anemometry and velocimetry for flow and combustion analysis in IC engines. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ganesan, V., "Internal combustion engines", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.,2014.
2. Ganesan. V. "Computer Simulation of spark ignition engine process", Universities Press (I)Ltd, Hyderabad, 2016

1. Benson, R.S., Whitehouse, N.D., "Internal Combustion Engines", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 2009.
2. John, B., Heywood, "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", McGraw Hill PublishingCo., New York, 2010.
3. Willard W. Pulkrabek, "Engineering Fundamentals of the IC Hall, 2014.



WIND TUNNEL TEST: Test requirements ground boundary simulation-wind tunnel selection and Reynolds number
capability, model requirements, model details, model mounting, test procedure. Crash test and types. (9)

RIDE VIBRATION AND BODY TEST: Vibration measurement instrument accelerometer and signal conditioning, graphical
presentation. Dynamic simulation sled testing, methodology, vehicle acceleration measurement and documentation. Dolly roll
over test, dolly role over fixture, photographic/video coverage, instrumentation. Vehicle roof strength test test procedure
and test measurements. Door system crush test procedure and measurement. (9)

SUSPENSION AND STABILITY FOR DIRECTIONAL CONTROL: Measurement of dimensional and geometric
characteristics, measurement of centre of gravity position, measurement of moments and products of inertia,
measurement of suspension kinematic characteristics, measurement of suspension elastic and coulomb friction
characteristics, measurement of shock absorber characteristics (9)

STEERING CONTROL SYSTEM DIRECTIONAL CONTROL TEST: Analysis of constant radius test, constant steer
angle test, constant speed variable radius test, constant speedvariable steer angle test, response gain test. (9)

WHEELS AND BRAKING PERFORMANCE TEST: Dynamic cornering fatigue, dynamic radial fatigue tests procedure,
bending moment and radial load calculations. Impact test road hazard impact test for wheel and tyre assemblies, test

68th ACM 04.02.2023

procedures, failure criteria and performance criteria. Bumpers - types of tests, pendulum test, fixed collision barrier test,
procedure, performance criteria. Air and hydraulic brake test, air brake actuator, valves test, performance requirements. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Crouse W.H. and Anglin D.L., Tata McGraw Hill PublishingCompany, 2014.
2. Rangan, Mani and Sharma, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, NewDelhi,2013.

1. SAE Hand book, Vol. 3, SAE Publications, 2000.
2. Jain R K. and Industrial Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2019.
3. Tim Gilles, Delmar Publishers, 1998.
4. Beckwith TG. and Buck N L., Addition Wesley PublishingCompany Limited, 2009.


INTRODUCTION: Active and passive safety, characteristics of vehicle structures, Optimization of vehicle structures for crash
worthiness - Types of crash / roll over - Tests, Regulatory requirements for crash testing - Instrumentation, high speed
photography, Image analysis. (9)

SAFETY CONCEPTS and PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: Driving safety, conditional safety, perceptibility safety, operating safety,
passive safety: exterior safety, interior safety, deformation behavior of vehicle body, speed and acceleration characteristics of
passenger compartment on impact (9)

SAFETY SYSTEMS: Active and passive safety, airbags, seat belt tightening system, forward collision warning systems, Radar
monitoring system, Ultrasonic sensor, child lock, Anti lock braking systems, EBD, ESP, traction control system and lane
departure warning system. (9)

NEW CAR ASSESSMENT PROGRAM: Body parts shell for safety NCAP and Global Norms, Frontal and offset frontal
Crash requirements, Safety for seating and seat belt anchorages; Head impact and Injury prevention. (9)

SAFETY STANDARDS: Introduction Functional safety (IS26262)- . Details of ISO 26262- ASIL determination-IS26262 work
products-sotwre unit implementation standards (9)

Total L: 45

1. Najamuz Zaman Electronics Design first edition, Springer 2015.
2. Hüseyin Abut, John H.L. Hansen, Kazuya Takeda, Pinar Boyraz Signal Processingfor In-Vehicle Systems and

1. Ulrich Seiffert, Mark Gonter Automotive Safety Society ofAutomotive Engineers 2014
2. Markus Maurer, Hermann Winner Systems Springer 2013.
3. Nicholas Navit . Automotive Embedded System Handbook , CRC Press Publications, 2008.
4. Beckwith TG. and Buck N L., Addition Wesley PublishingCompany Limited, 1995.



INTRODUCTION: Cross system functions- Requirement for Bus systems- classification of bus systems- applications in
vehicle-Multiplex application- Multimedia networking- vehicle toX communications (9)

CAN BUS: Application-topology-Data transmission systems-CAN protocol- Hardware requirements-Data transfer sequence-
standardisation-characteristics (9)

LIN BUS: Overview- Application-Data transmission systems-Bus Access- LIN protocol- Network management- Case study-
Automotive HVAC systems (9)

MOST BUS: Features of the MOST Bus-Data transfer- administrative functions- MOST application layer Overview of
Bluetooth connected devices, FlexRay - Areas of application- Topology- Hardware requirements- Protocol-Communication
cycle- clock control-Frame format- standardization (9)

MODELLING AND SIMULATION : Elements of Network- Simulation Models The line driver /Transceiver-communication
line- EMC Filtering dual inductors- Simulation for- Asymmetric delay- propagation delay- signal integrity- truncation and EMC

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Robert Bosch, Automotive Electrics and Automotive Springer Vieweg,5th Edition, 2009.
2. Paret Dominique, and its First Edition, Jhon Wiley, Paris, 2012.

1. Marc Emmelmann, Bernd Bochow and C. Christopher Kellum, John Wiley, 2010.
2. Nicolas Navet and Françoise Simonot-Lion, Embedded Systems CRC Press, Florida, 2009.
3. Nitaigour, principles, concept and Second Edition Tata- McGraw 2013.
4. Rajesh Rajamani, Dynamics and Second Edition,Springer, 2011


INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS SYSTEM: Definition of mechatronics introduction to mechatronics systems- Need
and applications role of Mechatronics in automation, manufacturing ,products and design-elements of Mechatronics -open
loop and closed loop control introduction to sample data, digital control and multivariable Control systems- mathematical
model for mechanical and electrical systems, transfer function (12)

TRANSDUCERS AND SENSORS: Importance of sensors in mechatronics -static and dynamic characteristics of
sensors-Classification transducers for measurement of displacement- strain-position-velocity-flow- pressure-temperature-
humidity-vibration-liquid level and light sensors. (8)

CONTROL ELEMENTS AND ACTUATORS: Control elements- ON/OFF push buttons- control relays-contactors-selector
switches-microswitches and solidstate switches . Actuators- solenoids-AC and DC motors-servo-Stepper and linear motors.
Hydraulic and Pneumatic controls-control valves-cylinders and hydromotors. (8)

MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER INTERFACING: Microprocessors introduction, 8085 architecture

development of simple programs -8051 Microcontroller architecture -applications-temperature control and stepper motor
speed control - Basic concepts of I/O- I/O mapping and memory mapping-8255 block-diagram- portsstructure. Applications
seven segment display interface , keyboard interface (8)

MEMS: Introduction- MEMS and micro-system products application of Microsystems in the automotive industry-working
principles of microsystems microsensors -microactuation- MEMS with micro-actuators and micro-accelerometers (9)

Total L: 45
1. HMT, Edition TataMcGraw Hill 2011.
2. Devadas System Second Edition, Cl-Engineering, 2015.

1. Nitaigour, principles, concept and Second Edition Tata-McGraw 2013.
2. Rajesh Rajamani, Dynamics and Second Edition,Springer, 2011.
3. Marc Emmelmann, Bernd Bochow and C. Christopher Kellum, John Wiley, 2010.
4. Nicolas Navet and Françoise Simonot-Lion, Embedded Systems CRC Press, Florida, 2009.


ELECTRONICS IN AUTOMOBILE : Introduction- Body and convenience electronics: vehicle power supply controllers and
lighting modules - door control modules - Safety electronics: active safety systems: ABS - ASR - ESP passive safety systems:
Restraint systems and their associated sensors in an automobile. Infotainment electronics: Dashboard/instrument cluster - car
audio - telematics systems - navigation systems - multimedia systems. (9)

ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROLS : Concept of an electronic engine control system - electronic fuel injection - Throttle
body fuel injection - multi point fuel injection - gasoline direct injection - common rail direct injection - electronic ignition control
- engine mapping - on-board diagnostics - L- Jetronic Fuel Injection Systems. (9)

SENSORS AND ACTUATORS : Classification of sensors - sensor for speed - throttle position - exhaust oxygen level -
manifold pressure - crankshaft position - Accelerometer NOx sensor- coolant temperature - exhaust temperature -air
mass flow for engine application. Solenoids and stepper motors. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO RTOS : Comparison of conventional OS with RTOS. Tasks & task states (Pre-emptive &Nonpre-
emptive - scheduler - interrupt - Interrupt latency and context switch latency) - Task - multi-tasking - task synchronization -
inter-task communication - shared data problem and its prevention - Features of a typical embedded RTOS -II). (9)

COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS : Introduction to control networking - Communication protocols in embedded systems - SPI
- I2C - USB. Vehicle communication protocols -Introduction to CAN - LIN - Flexray - MOST - AutoSar. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Denton T . Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems , Elsevier Jordan Hill, 2015.
2. Bosch . Automotive Handbook , Massachusetts Avenue, London,: Bentley Publications,2010.

1. Knowles . Automotive Electronic and Computer Controlled Ignition Systems , Prentice HallPublications, 2009.
2. Thomas Zurawka, Joergschaeuffle . Automotive Software Engineering Principles,Processes, Methods and Tools ,
SAE. International Publication, 2005.
3. Ronald K.J . Automotive Electronics Handbook , McGraw Hill Publications, 2009.
4. Nicholas Navit . Automotive Embedded System Handbook , CRC Press Publications, 2008.


INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Embedded Systems Definition - Components of embedded systems -

Hardware Module - Microprocessor, microcontrollers, on - chip peripherals - Program memory(PM), Data memory (DM),
parallel port structures, timer, input capture & output compare units, ADC, PWM. Embedded system programming - Up -
loaders, ISP, ROM emulators, incircuit emulators. Debug Interfaces - BDM and JTAG 19A0063 (10)

HARDWARE MODULES : 16 - bit microcontrollers - architectural overview of C166 family- memory organization,
fundamental CPU concepts and optimization measures, on - chip system resources, peripheral event controller (PEC) ad
interrupt control, external bus interface, parallel ports, general purpose timers(GPT), watchdog timer, serial channels,
capture/compare units, pulse width modulation unit, analog to digital converter, real time clock, on - chip I2C bus module,
universal serial bus (USB) interface (10).

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: : Introduction to Integrated development environment (IDE), creating new project,
creating new file, adding files to project, options for target, compile and building project, simulation and debugging, set
breakpoints, monitor on -chip peripherals using simulators, study of example programs. (9)

INTEGRATION OF HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE: Introduction to microcontroller development kit (easy kit), developing
project using IDE software, downloading embedded software into target system, introduction to on - chip debugging resources
(JTAG), debugging target system using on - chip debugging support (OCDS). (7)

DRIVE-BY-WIRE: Challenges and opportunities of X - by- wire system and design requirements, steer - by- wire, brake - by-
wire, electronic throttle including adaptive cruise control, shift - by- wire. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Nicolas Navet and Françoise Simonot- CRC press, 2017.
2. James K Peckol . Systems A contemporary Design Too , John Wiley, 2018.

1. Arnold Berger . Embedded System Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, andTechniques , CMP Book, ,
2. David E Simon . Embedded Software Prime , Pearson Asia, 2001.
3. Wayne Wolf . as Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2018.
4. Wayne Wolf . as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Elseiver, 2018.



INTRODUCTION: Classification and characteristics of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. (7)

IRON AND STEELS: Cast iron Austempered ductile iron, compacted graphite iron, steels -Plain carbon steels, low alloy
steels, HSLA steels, IF steels, bake hardening steels, TRIP steels, ultra high strength steels, stainless steels - production,
properties and applications. (10)

NON-FERROUS ALLOYS: Aluminium alloys Cast alloys, wrought alloys, age hardenable alloys, working and heat treatment,
applications in automobiles, Magnesium alloys Cast and wrought alloys, working and heat treatment, applications. Titanium
alloys. (10)

POLYMERS AND CERAMICS: Processing of polymers, brief description of equipment and process details of extrusion, injection
moulding, thermoforming, blow moulding, concept of polymer design, and selection criteria. Preparation and forming of
ceramics, applications. (9)

COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Production of composite materials and products, moulding andforming of composites, machining and
joining of composites, application of composites in automobiles, metal matrix composites, polymer matrix composites and
ceramic matrix composites, applications. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Balram Gupta, Vol. 1.2 and 3, Chand & Co., New Delhi 2016.
2. Dieter G.E, McGraw Hill,Vol: 3 2014.

1. Geoffrey Davies, 'Materials for Automobile Bodies', Butterworth-Heinemann, NewYork 2014,
2. Radhakantha Rana, 'Automotive Steels-Design, Metallurgy, Processing and Applications'-Woodhead Publishing, 2017
3. Jason Rowe. "Advanced Materials in automotive Engineering "Woodhead Publishing- London 2015


ENGINE COMPONENTS: Casting of engine block - conventional and expendable pattern, machining of engine blocks in
machining center. Preparation of casting for cylinder heads, forging of crank shaft, connecting rod and gudgeon pins, machining
and heat treatment, casting of piston by gravity casting, squeeze casting, machining and finishing, upset forging of valves, heat
treatment and surface improvement, cylinder liners and piston ring manufacturing. (12)

TRANSMISSION COMPONENTS: Manufacturing of friction plates using conventional blanking and fine blanking. Manufacture
of composite friction lining, Casting of gear box casing, precision forging of gears, gear hobbing, shaping, powder metallurgy,
heat treatment and finishing. Continuous casting of propeller shaft, extrusion of propeller shaft, extrusion dies, heat treatment
and surface hardening of propeller shaft, composite propeller shaft manufacturing. Forging of rear axles, casting of rear axle
casing, wheels, brake drum, tyre manufacturing. (9)

BODY COMPONENTS: Introduction, thermoforming and hydro forming, press forming, welding of body panels, resistance
welding, friction stir welding and other welding processes. Introduction, principle of injection moulding, injection molding of
instrument panel, moulding of bumpers, reinforced reaction injection molding, tooling and tooling requirements, manufacture of
metal/polymer/metal panels. (9)

SURFACE COATINGS: Chemical vapour deposition, physical vapour deposition, surface preparation before painting, powder
coating, spray painting, plating and paining- Adhesives and sealants, leaf spring manufacturing, composite leaf springs, wrap
forming of coil springs. (8)

ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: Starter motor, alternator, regulator, battery, lamps, controlswitches, electronic gauges. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven Schmid . Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, EightEdition, Pearson, 2020.
2. John A Schey . Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, Third edition , Newyork: Mcgraw-Hill,Inc, 2012

1. Ricard W Heine, Carl R Loper, Phillip C Rosenthal . Principles of Metal Casting , NewDelhi: Tata McGraw- Hill,
2. Suresh G. Advani, E. Murat Sozer, Modeling in Composites Press,2008
3. Grzegorz M. Królczyk (editor), W. Maruda (editor), Szymon Wojciechowski Hard-to-Cut
Materials: Manufacturing, Properties, Process Mechanics andEvaluation of Surface 2020


INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Definitions: Composite material, Fiber, Matrix. Types of fibers and Matrix,
Prepegs, Fillers and other Additives- classification of composites- Advantages of Composite Materials and Structures.
Applications. (9)

MICROMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE: Properties of typical composite materials-Volume and Weight Fractions-
Longitudinal Strength and Stiffness. Transverse Modulus. In-plane shear Modulus. ratio- Stress-strain relationships.
Evaluation of strength and moduli. Tsai Wu and Tsai- Hill Failure Criterion. (9)

MACROMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED COMPOSITES: Introduction -Basic Assumptions- CLT-different types of

laminates-, Strain-Displacement Relationship, Stress-Strain Relationships, Equilibrium Equations, Laminate Stiffness, ABD
Matrices- Determination of Lamina Stresses and Strains, Types of Laminate Configuration, Balanced Laminate, Anti-symmetric
Laminate, (12)

BIO-COMPOSITES AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS: Introduction- green reinforcement fibers - PLA resin-
manufacturing methods RTM- compression molding- Fabrication automotive panels characterization methods and design of
bio- composites (8)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

DESIGN OF AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS: Introduction design of CNG and fuel cell composite pressure vessels. (7)

Total L:45

1. Ronald F. Gibson, of Composite Materials McGraw-Hill Series, 2016.
2. Richard M. Christensen, of Composite Dover Publications,2014.

1. -composites-Design andManufacturing Mc Graw Hill 2010
2. Agarwal and Broutman 2005Butterworth Heimann Publishers
3. V.V. Vasiliev, E. Morozov , and Analysis of Composite



300 3
INTRODUCTION : Solar constant - solar time - angle of incidence - design of method - isotropic - transmittance - diffuse
radiation - solar radiation - Measuring Sunlight - Sunlight Emulation - collecting sunlight (9)

PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS : Photoelectric effect - metals, semiconductors, insulators - absorption of light - doping - drift
current - diffusion current - semiconductor resistivity - semiconductor fundamental equations - the equation -
continuity equation - Photoelectric effect - metals, semiconductors, insulators - absorption of light - doping - drift current -
diffusion current - semiconductor resistivity - semiconductor fundamental equations (9)

DESIGN AND CONTROL OF DC AC INVERTERS : Boost converters - MPPT - perturband observe algorithm - incremental
conductance - neutral point clamp - multi level inverter - active and reactive power control - multi level inverter. Solar
electric drive losses (9)

SMART-GRID INTERACTION WITH ELECTRIC VEHICLES : Electric Vehicle Integration with a Smart Grid Electric
Vehicle Integration with Renewable Energy - V2G:Impact, Potential, and Challenges. (9)

SOLAR VEHICLE INSTRUMENTATION : Current - voltage - temperature - speed - battery charge - radiation - instrument
panel - telemetry - solar Racer concept generation and selection (9)

Total L: 45

1. Eric Fosta Thacher A Solar Car Primer : A guide to Design and Construction Springer,2016
2. Gary B, Erickson J, Eugene L, Robinson and Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles: A

1. Seba T . Solar Trillions ,Beta edition , Cincinatti: Tony Seba, 2014.
2. Hayes.G and Goodarzi . - Energy systems, power electronics and Wiley,
3. Bose B.,Modern Electronics and AC Prentice Hall PTR,2001.
4. &Francis,2001.


INTRODUCTION: Application areas of CFD, Basic concepts of fluid flow - governing equations, conservation of mass,
momentum and energy Navier-stokes and energy equation for Newtonian fluid, Mathematical classification of flow -
hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic and mixed flow types. (8)

DISCRETISATION: Finite difference method - forward, backward and central difference schemes, Explicit and implicit methods:
Numerical solution for heat transfer and fluid flow problems for steady state and transient conditions, Stability analysis and error
estimation (9)

GRID GENERATION: Choice of grid, grid oriented velocity components, cartesian velocity components, staggered and
collocated arrangements. (8)

CFD TECHNIQUES: Lax - Wendroff technique - ation technique. ADI technique, Pressure
correction technique, SIMPLE algorithm. Fluid flow and convection problems: Upwind scheme, Stability criteria. (9)

TURBULENCE MODELING AND CASE STUDIES: Turbulence energy equation- one- equation model, the k- -
flow and automobile components using CFD packages. (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. John The Basics with McGraw Hill, , New York, 2012.
2. Publications, New Delhi,

1. Chung T J, Fluid Cambridge University Press, London, 2012.
2. David C Wilcox, Modeling for DCW Industries, Inc., 2015
3. Springer , 2018, NewYork


MOBILITY: Need for sustainable personal mobility, combination of transformative ideas,implementation. (9)

MOBILITY TRENDS: The evolution of the automobile and its DNA, emerging problems and opportunities, synergies between
electrification and connectivity, the emerging personal mobility revolution. (9)

THE MOBILITY INTERNET: Networked computing and control, trip times and congestion, dedicated smart vehicle lanes, new
driving and riding experiences. (9)

REINVENTING THE AUTOMOBILEFOR URBAN USE: Limitations of existing vehicle designs for urban use, the simplicity
of battery-electric vehicles, emerging vehicle concepts,personal urban mobility and accessibility, affordability. (9)

CLEAN, SMART ENERGY SUPPLY: New energy supply chains for automobiles, the complementary nature of
electricity and hydrogen, the effects of energy density, the opportunityof evolving battery technology, design requirements for
a charging infrastructure, potentialelectrification of roadways. (9)

Total L: 45

1. William J. Mitchell, Bruce E. Hainley and Lawrence D. Burns, the Automobile Personal Urban Mobility for the
21st MIT Pres, 2015.
2. Frank P. Incropera, Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, David P. DeWitt, of Modern
John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, 2011.

1. VenkatSumantran, Charles Fine and David Gonsalvez, Smarter, Greener - TheFuture of the Car and Urban
MIT Press, 2017.
2. Nicholas Navit . Automotive Embedded System Handbook , CRC Press Publications, 2008.
3. Nicolas Navet and Françoise Simonot-Lion, Embedded Systems CRC Press, Florida, 2009.
4. Ulrich Seiffert, Mark Gonter Automotive Safety H Society ofAutomotive Engineers 2014


INTELLIGENT AGENTS : Agents and environments; Structure of agents: Goal-based agents, utility-based agents; Problem
solving agents; Formulating problems; Infrastructure forsearch algorithms; Measuring problem-solving performance. (6)

SEARCH ALGORITHMS : General tree-search and graph-search algorithms; Uninformed search strategies: Breadth-first
search, uniform-cost search, depth-first search, bidirectional search; Informed search strategies; Types: Greedy best-first
search, graph-search algorithm; Case studies. (10)

META-HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS : Types: Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ant colony optimization, particle swarm
optimization, bee algorithms; Case studies. (8)

MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES : Supervised learning: Classification, support vector machines, linear discriminate
analysis, naive bayes, k-nearest neighbor; Regression analysis; Unsupervised learning: k-Means clustering, hierarchical
clustering; (9)

DEEP LEARNING WITH NEURAL NETWORKS : Nodes and layers of neural network, training of single layer neural
networks, training of multi-layer networks, architectures of deepnetworks, building deep networks; Case studies. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Omid Bozorg-Haddad, Mohammad Solgi, Hugo A. Loáiciga , "Meta-heuristic andEvolutionary Algorithms for

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Engineering Optimization", 1 st Edition, Wiley,2017.

2. Phil Kim , "MATLAB Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks andArtificial Intelligence", 1 st
Edition, Apress, 2017.

1. Josh Patterson , "Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach", 1 st Edition, O'Reilly, 2017.
2. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig , "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", 3 rd Edition, Pearson Education Limited, England,
3. Ethem Alpaydm , "Introduction to Machine Learning", MIT Press, 2014.
4. Peter Harrington , "Machine Learning in Action", Manning Publications Co, 2012


GROUP TECHNOLOGY: Introduction, objectives, part families, algorithms and models for G.T. - Rank order clustering, Bond
energy, mathematical model for machine component cell formation. Design and manufacturing attributes. Parts classification
and coding, concept of composite job machine group, cell group tooling, design rationalization. (11)

COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS PLANNING: Generative and variant types, backward and forward approach, feature based
and CAD based CAPP. Introduction to FMS - concepts, advantages, components of FMS and their integration in the data
processing systems, FMS scheduling - examples of FMS installations. (11)

DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING IN FMS: DBMS and their applications in CAD/CAM and FMS distributed systems in
FMS Integration of CAD and CAM, Part programming in FMS, tool data base - Clamping devices and fixtures data base (9)

MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS: Conveyors - AGVs industrial robots in materialhandling - AS/RS.-fork lift trucks (7)

INTERFACING OF COMPUTERS: Machine tool controllers and handling systems: communications standards -
programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) Interfacing Computeraided Project planning dynamic part scheduling. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Shivanand H.K., Benal MM, Koti V, Manufacturing New ageinternational (P) Limited, New
Delhi, 2006
2. Philip and Carter T, Manufacturing Tchnologies John Wiley & Sons, NewYork, 2012.

1. Mikell P. Groover Production Systems and Computer IntegratedManufacturing", PHI, 2008.
2. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R Schmid, Engineering and Technology ",Pearson, Noida. 2014.
3. Eiji Arai, Eindhoven University of Technology, Fumihiko Kimura, Keiichi , Knowledge and Skill Chains in
Engineering and

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

23D001 Rehabilitation Engineering
23D002 Medical Robotics
23D003 Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics


23D011 Hospital Management System
23D012 Database Management Systems
23D013 Artificial Intelligence

23D021 Bioanalytical Techniques
23D022 Drug Delivery Systems
23D023 Engineering of Nanomaterials
23D024 Biofluidics and Thermodynamics

23D031 Wearable Technologies
23D032 Modeling of Physiological Systems
23D033 BioMEMS and Nanotechnology
23D034 Brain Computer Interface

23DO01 Nanophotonics
23DO02 Healthcare Information Systems
23DO03 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
23DO04 Biometric Systems
23DO05 Security for Medical Devices

68th ACM 04.02.2023




INTRODUCTION: Rehabilitation concepts, Engineering concepts in sensory rehabilitation, Motor rehabilitation, Communication
disorders, Examples of rehabilitation engineering - Sensory augmentation and substitution - Visual system, Auditory system,
Tactual system. (6)

SENSORY REHABILITATION: Rehabilitation for the blind - Reading aids, Tactile vision, Aids for the deaf, Audiometry and
speech therapy aids, Automatic speech synthesis and voice recognition. (9)

MOTOR REHABILITATION: Orthopedic prosthetics and orthotics in rehabilitation: Fundamentals, Applications, Computer
aided engineering in customized component design, Intelligent prosthetic knee, Hierarchically controlled prosthetic hand, Self-
aligning orthotic knee joint, Externally powered and controlled orthotics and prosthetics, FES systems: Restoration of hand
function, Restoration of standing and walking, Hybrid Assistive Systems (HAS), Active prostheses: Active above knee
prosthesis, Myoelectric hand and arm prostheses, Intelligent hand prosthesis. (12)

WHEELCHAIR ENGINEERING: Wheeled mobility - Categories of wheelchair - Wheelchair structure & component design -
Ergonomics of wheelchair propulsion - Power wheelchair electrical system - Personal transportation. (9)

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN REHABILITATION: Augmentative communication, Control and computer access, AAC: User
interface, Outputs, Acceleration techniques, Cost-effectiveness of high Vs low, Technology approaches, Intervention and other
issues, Rehabilitation robots: Upper limb exoskeleton, Lower limb exoskeleton system, Environmental control and access. (9)

Total L: 45


1. Alex Mihalidis,
2. Randall L Braddom,
3. Horia-
York, 2001.
Health Sciences, Missouri, 2012.


INTRODUCTION : Robots and robotics, Classification, Components, Degrees of freedom(DOF), Common kinematic
arrangements, Robot joints, Coordinates and frames, Characteristics, Workspace, Languages (8)

KINEMATICS: Robot mechanism, Conventions, Matrix Representations, Representation of transformations, Forward and
inverse kinematics: Orientation Position, Denavit-Hartenberg representation, Differential relationship, Degeneracy and
dexterity, Differential motions of a frame, Design projects 3 DOF Robot, (10)

TRAJECTORY PLANNING: Path Vs Trajectory, Joint space Vs Cartesian trajectories, Trajectory Planning, Joint space
trajectory planning, Cartesian space trajectories, Geometric problems with Cartesian paths, Differential relationship, Differential
changes between frames. (9)

ROBOTIC SURGERY: Motion Tracking, Visual servoing, Tracking: Surgical instruments - Organs, Minimally invasive robotic
surgery, Automated laparoscope guidance: Image processing, Robot controller, Color representation, Robot assisted cardiac
surgery: Stabilization of organs - Motion Compensation and tracking. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Robot assisted laparoscopic surgery, Image guided robotic systems for surgical applications, daVinci
surgical robotic system, Telerobotic surgery, Assistive robotics in bone fracture reduction, Robots for rehabilitation of
limbs, Neurorehabilitation robots. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Saeed B. Niku, "Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications", John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Vanja Bozovic, "Medical Robotics", IntechOpen, New Delhi, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Mark W Spong, M Vidyasagar, "Robot Dynamics & Control", John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani, "Robotics: Modeling, Planning and Control", Springer-Verlag, New York,
3. Daniel R. Faust, "Medical Robots", The Rosen Publishing Group, New York, 2016.
4. Jocelyne Troccaz, "Medical Robotics", Wiley-ISTE, USA, 2015.


INTRODUCTION: Definition of occupational biomechanics, Ergonomic design, Principles of human centered design, Models of

HUMAN SYSTEM AND DESIGN TO FIT: Anthropometry, Body movement, Sensory subsystem, Support subsystem,
Ergonomic design principles- Analysis of task and jobs. (9)

ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN OF PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Cleanliness, Clutter and disorder, Temperature and humidity,
Lighting and illumination: Luminous environment and measurement - Lighting methods - Principles of lighting design, Noise:
Health effect of noise- Annoyance - Noise control strategies - Hearing protection. (9)

DESIGN OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS: Design of seating, Hands and handedness,Techniques for determining hand tool
adequacy, Power tools- Point of operation hazards, Protective equipment for the operator, Accommodation strategy for
physically challenged. (9)

ERGONOMICS OF PRODUCT QUALITY AND USABILITY: Quality management and customer driven design: Identifying
customer requirements - Specifying design requirements - Prototyping and Testing, Designed experiments: Independent
variable - Dependent variable- Basic experimental designs ,Usability analysis and testing : Task analysis method- Expert
evaluation. (9)

Total L: 45

Jersey, 2021.
2. Mark R L




HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION: Role of hospitals: Classifications, Primary health care, Medical staff and hospital organization,
Health system performance, Health and national economy, Distinction between hospital and industry, Challenges in hospital
administration : Hospital planning, Equipment planning, Functional planning. (9)

ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR : Concept and definition of organization, Management of human resources in health care
environment , Principles and methods of work: Employee recruitment, Selection, Retention, Training, Evaluation, Wage and
salary administration ,Communication, Psychology and human relationship in hospital -Roles and responsibilities of district
- Medical and health officer. (9)

MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: Operations, Finance and cost, Human resource, Materials, Current issues in hospital
management - Case studies. Biomedical Waste Management : Types of wastes, Major and minor sources of biomedical waste,
Categories and classification of biomedical waste, Hazards of biomedical waste, Need for disposal of biomedical waste, Waste
minimization, Waste segregation and labeling, Waste handling and disposal techniques. (9)

SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Clinical services: Clinical lab services, Radiology and imaging services , Information services:
Management decisions and related information requirement, Medical information services, Administrative services: Medical
records, Central sterilization and supply , Pharmacy, Food and laundry services. (9)

QUALITY AND SAFETY ASPECTS : Quality system : Elements, Implementation, Documentation, Quality auditing ,
International standards : ISO and its features : ISO 9001 , ISO 9004, ISO 14000 , Quality control :Six sigma, NABH and levels
,NABA,JCI,NABL , Security: Loss, Prevention, Fire safety, Alarm system, Hazard and safety rules in a hospital, Health
insurance, Health policy, Hospital laws: Doctor and consumer protection act, Act related to manufacture and sale of drugs. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45
1. Sharma D. K, Goyal R.C , "Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management", Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi, 2017.
2. Ramani K.V , "Hospital Administration -Text and Cases", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Kunders G.D , "Hospitals Facilities Planning and Management", Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishers, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Goyal R.C , "Handbook of Hospital Personal Management", Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2012
3. Goel S.L , "Hospital Administration and Management: Theory and Practice", Deep and Deep Publications, Chennai,2010.
4. Malhotra A.K , "Hospital Management - An Evaluation", Global India Publications, New Delhi, 2010.


CONCEPTUAL AND RELATIONAL MODELING: Databases and database users, Data abstraction, Instances and schemas,
Data models, Database architecture, Challenges in building a DBMS, Components, E/R Model, Conceptual data modeling,
Motivation, Entities, Entity types, Attributes, Relationships, Relationship types, E/R diagram notation, Keys. (9)


Dependencies, Fourth NF, Join Dependencies, and Fifth NF. Structure of SQL Queries: DDL- DML- Set operations- Aggregate
functions - Nested Sub queries Views - Triggers. (9)

DATA STORAGE AND INDEXING: File organization, Clustered index, Primary and secondary indexes, Multi-level indexes,
Index data structures: Hash based indexing, Tree based indexing. (9)

TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT: Transaction concepts, Concurrency control, ACID property, Schedules, Serializability of
transactions, Two-phase commit/locking protocol, Log-based recovery, Deadlock, Database recovery. (9)

NOSQL: Overview, Types of NoSQL database, BASE transactions, CAP theorem, Persistent data, Impedance mismatch,
Application integration, Comparison of relational databases to MongoDB and Cassandra. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, England, 2017.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth, Sudharshan S ,Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2021.

1. Sadalage, P
New Delhi, 2019.
Mumbai, 2018.
3. Raghu Ramakrishnan,


INTRODUCTION: History - Difference between Machine Learning and AI - Intelligent agents - Agent based system -Structure
of Agents - Problem Formulation. (8)

SEARCH STRATEGIES : Breadth-First Search - Uniform Cost Search - Depth-First Search - Depth-Limited Search Iterative
Deepening Search - Bidirectional Search - Heuristic Search Techniques - A* Search - AO* Algorithm. (9)

KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING: Knowledge representation: Logics, First order logic, Inference in first
order logic, Higher order logic - Reasoning with Default Information: Truth Maintenance Systems, Acting under Uncertainty,
Certainty Factors and Rule Based Systems: MYCIN, Internsit-1, PUFF - Dempster-Shafer Theory. (9)

PLANNING: Classical planning, Planning with state space search: Forward, Backward, Heuristics state space search, Partial
Order Planning - Planning Graphs - Analysis of Planning Approaches - Planning and Acting in the Real World: Time, Schedules
and Resources, Conditional Planning, Continuous Planning, MultiAgent Planning. (10)

NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Phases: Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic
Processing - Learning: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforced learning. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig , "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight , "Artificial Intelligence", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2019.

1. Richard E. Neapolitan, Xia Jiang , "Artificial Intelligence with an Introduction to Machine Learning", CRC Press, Florida,
2. Springer, India, 2013.
3. David Pool, Alan Mackworth , "Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents", Cambridge University, New
Delhi, 2017.
4. Eugene Charniak, Drew McDermott, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2010.



CENTRIFUGATION AND ELECTROPHORETIC TECHNIQUES: Biomolecules: Amino acids - Peptides - Proteins and Nucleic
acids, Quantitative Biochemical Measurements, Modern approaches in Bioanalysis and Bioassays, Centrifugation,
Electrophoresis: Principle - Paper electrophoresis - Gel electrophoresis - Electrophoresis of proteins - Electrophoresis of
nucleic acids - Capillary electrophoresis. (12)

CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES: Principle, Chromatographic performance parameters, Types: HPLC - Adsorption -

Partition - Ion-exchange - Size exclusion - Affinity and Gas chromatography. (8)

MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES : Light microscope, Fluorescence microscope, Electron microscope, Application of

microscope in analyzing biological samples, Imaging live cells and tissues, Measuring cellular dynamics. (8)

SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES I : UV-Vis spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Luminometry, Circular Dichroism

spectroscopy , Light scattering , Atomic spectroscopy, Thermal analysis, Differential scanning calorimetry (9)

SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES II : Infrared and Raman spectroscopy , Surface Plasmon spectroscopy , X-ray
diffraction spectroscopy , Mass spectroscopy. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Andreas Hofmann, Samuel Clokie , "Wilson and Walker's Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology", Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
2. Victor A. Gault, Neville H. McClenaghan , "Understanding Bioanalytical Chemistry: Principles and Applications", John Wiley
& Sons, Oxford, 2013.

1. Friedrich Lottspeich, Joachim W. Engels , "Bioanalytics: Analytical Methods and Concepts in Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology", John Wiley & Sons, Germany, 2018.
2. Shourie A , "Bioanalytical Techniques", The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, 2015.
3. Manz A, Pamme N, Lossifidis D , "Bioanalytical Chemistry", World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2015.
4. Wilson K, Walker J , "Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", Cambridge University Press,
NewYork, 2010.


PHARMACOKINETICS AND DYNAMICS: Introduction-Bioavailability - Drug Absorption - Pharmacokinetic and
Pharmacodynamic processes, Timing for optimal therapy , Terminology of drug delivery and targeting , Routes of
administration, Strategies to increase drug absorption, Prodrugs- Bioconjugation- Rate controlled release-Sustained and
Controlled delivery of prodrugs. (9)

POLYMERS AS DRUG CARRIERS : Polymers for controlled release, Osmotic pumps, Pulsatile drug delivery systems, Drug
polymer conjugates, Gels and Hydrogels, Nano and Microparticles - Synthetic hydrogels, Nano and Microcapsules ,
Polymers used in the formulation of nano and microspheres, Smart Polymers, pH and Temperature sensitive hydrogels,
Capsosomes and Dendrimers. (9)

TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY: Transdermal, Nasal, Pulmonary, Vaginal, Ophthalmic, Targeting to Central Nervous system,
Cell and Gene delivery- Delivery of Vaccines. (8)

NANOPARTICLES FOR CANCER THERAPY: Cancer Markers, Folate receptors, Targeting through angiogenesis - Tumor
specific targeting, Combination therapy, Neutron capture therapy, Targeting tumor vasculature for imaging, Delivery of specific
anticancer agents- Paclitaxel - Doxorubicin -Fluorouracil. (9)

NANOMEDICINE: Properties of nanocarriers, Drug delivery systems used in nanomedicine, Nanoparticles targeting-
Theranostic Nanoshells, Nanoporous microsystems for islet cell replacement, Transdermal drug delivery using low frequency

68th ACM 04.02.2023

sonophoresis, Nanoporous implants for controlled drug delivery, Enhanced Permeability and Retention effect, Health
and environmental impacts of Nanotechnology. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Raphael M Ottenbrite, Sung Wan Kim, "Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems", CRC Press, London, 2019.
2. Chandra P Sharma, "Drug Delivery Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications", Elsevier, Netherlands, 2018.

1. Rakesh K. Tekade , "Basic Fundamentals of Drug Delivery", Academic Press, Oxford, 2018.
2. Anya M Hillery, Kinam Park, "Drug Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications", CRC Press, Florida, 2016.
3. Shiro Kobayashi, Klaus Mullen, "Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials ", Springer, 2021.
4. Sabyasachi Maiti, Kalyan Kumar Sen, "Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery Approaches", CRC Press, New York, 2016.


NANO SCALE MATERIALS: Introduction - Classification of nanostructures - Nanoscale architecture - Effects of the nanometer
length scale - Changes to the system total energy - Changes to the system structures - Effect of nanoscale dimensions on
various properties: Structural, Thermal, Chemical, Mechanical, Magnetic, Optical and Electronic properties. (9)

SYNTHESIS METHODS: Fabrication methods - Top-down processes: Milling, Lithography and Machining process - Bottom-up
process: Vapour phase deposition methods, Plasma-assisted deposition process, Colloidal and sol-gel methods - Methods
for templating the growth of nanomaterials - Ordering of nanosystems - Self-assembly and Self-organization. (9)

CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES: General classification of characterization methods - Analytical and imaging techniques
- Microscopy techniques: Electron microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, Atomic
force microscopy - Diffraction techniques - Spectroscopy techniques: X-ray spectroscopy. (9)

INORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES: Quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures - Quantum

wells - Quantum wires - Quantum dots - Super lattices - Fabrication techniques - Epitaxial growth - Electrostatically induced
dots and wires - Quantum well width fluctuations - Thermally annealed quantum wells. (9)


Excitons-Optimization, Organic photovoltaic cells, Carbon nanotubes: Structure, Synthesis, Electronic properties, Applications,
Fuel cells, Nanorobots, Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Drug Delivery. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dinesh C Agrawal, "Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanomaterials", World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore,
2. Pradeep T, "NANO: The Essentials: Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", McGraw Hill Education, Bengaluru,

1. Michael Kohler, Wolfgang Fritzsche, "Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques", Wiley- VCH,
Weinheim, 2017.
2. William Goddard, Donald W Brenner, "Handbook of Nano Science Engineering and Technology", CRC Press, Boca Raton,
3. B Wang, "Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications", Wiley Interscience, New Jersey, 2016.
4. Robert W Kelsall, Ian W Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, "Nanoscale Science and Technology", John Wiley and Sons, West
Sussex, 2005.


FLUID KINEMATICS: Basic concepts: Control volume - Velocity field - Flow rate - Acceleration - Streamlines - Stream tubes
and Streak lines, Conservation relations and boundary conditions, Conservation of mass - Momentum balances, Forces and
boundary conditions. (9)

FLUID STATICS: Static equilibrium Force-balance equation, Dimensionless numbers, Laminar and turbulent flow, Slip and
No- y, Non-Newtonian rheology , Time-dependant
viscoelastic behavior, Applications: Flow induced by a sliding plate - Pressure driven flow through a rectangular and
cylindrical channel. (10)

RHEOLOGY OF BIOFLUIDS: Composition of blood - Rheology of blood- Rheological models of biofluids, Blood flow in small
tubes- Fahraeus-Lindquist effect, Oscillating fluid flow , Flow in curved vessels , Flow in Branched vessels , Flow in arteries ,
Turbulent flow in heart valves. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

THERMODYNAMICS : Introduction - Energy - Entropy - Reversible and Irreversible processes, Thermodynamic laws-
Balance equation , Principle of mass transfer- Diffusion and convection. (8)

THERMAL TRANSPORT IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Heat transfer and temperature variation within the human body,
Thermoregulation- Constitutive equation for understanding thermoregulation, Blood perfusion through capillaries in tissues
- Interaction between the human skin surface and surroundings, Therapeutic applications of
bioheat transfer, Thermal injuries. (9)

Total L: 45

1. George A. Truskey, Fan Yuan, David F. Katz, "Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems", Prentice Hall, New York,
2. Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach", Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New
York, 2015.

1. Mustafa Ozilgen, Esra Sorguven Oner, "Biothermodynamics: Principles and Applications", CRC Press, New York, 2016.
2. Y. C. Fung, "Biodynamics: Circulation", Springer Science & Business Media, New York, 2013.
3. John Enderle, Joseph Bronzino, "Introduction to Biomedical Engineering", Academic Press, Oxford, 2012.
4. Ali Ostadfar, "Biofluid Mechanics: Principles and Applications", Academic Press, London, 2016.



INTRODUCTION: Attributes of wearables, Meta-wearable, Challenges and opportunities, Future of wearables - Social aspects
of wearability and interaction: Social interpretation of Aesthetics - Case study: Google glass, Wearable haptics: Need for
wearable haptic devices - Categories of wearable haptic and tactile display - Wearable sensorimotor enhancer. (9)

WEARABLE SENSORS : Chemical and Biochemical sensors, System design, Challenges in chemical biochemical sensing,
Application areas - Inertia sensors, Parameters from inertia sensors - Applications for wearable motion sensors -
Measurement of energy expenditure by body worn heat flow sensors. (9)

FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS: Introduction, Thin-film transistors: Materials and Technologies, Review of semiconductors in
flexible electronics - Low-power Integrated Circuit Design for biopotential sensing: Analog circuit design techniques - Low power
design for ADCs - Digital circuit design techniques - Architectural design for low power bio potential acquisition, Practical
considerations. (9)

ENERGY HARVESTING SYSTEMS: Energy harvesting from human body: Temperature gradient, Foot motion - Wireless
energy transmission - Energy harvesting from light and RF energy - Energy and power consumption issues, Future
considerations. (9)

MONITORING PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS: Wearable sensors for physiological signal
measurement - Physical measurement: Cardiovascular diseases, Neurological diseases, Gastrointestinal diseases - Wearable
and non-invasive assistive technologies: Assistive devices for individuals with severe paralysis, Sensor signal-processing
algorithm, Wearable tongue drive system, Dual-mode tongue drive system, Need for wireless monitoring, Body area network in
Healthcare. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edward Sazonov, Michael R Neuman, "Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications", Academic
Press, USA, 2020.
2. Tom Bruno, "Wearable Technology: Smart Watches to Google Glass for Libraries", Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Lanham, Maryland, 2016.

1. Raymond Tong, "Wearable Technology in Medicine and Health Care", Academic Press, USA, 2018.
2. Haider Raad, "The Wearable Technology Handbook", United Scholars Publication, USA, 2017.
3. Annalisa Bonfiglio, Danilo De Rossi, "Wearable Monitoring Systems", Springer Science, USA, 2014.
4. Röcker, Carsten, "Smart Healthcare Applications and Services: Developments and Practices: Developments and
Practices", IGI Global, USA, 2011.


INTRODUCTION : Physiological processes and principles of their control, Control mechanism, Blood flow, Gas exchange,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Ultra-filtration, Biochemical reactions, Pneumatic transport, Digestion, Energy utilization and waste disposal, Linear and
Nonlinear control systems, Principles of open loop and feedback systems, Techniques for system response characterization. (8)

PRINCIPLES OF MODELING : Mathematical approach, Electrical analogues, Modeling and regulation of Cardiac output,
Blood pressure, Respiratory rate, Blood-glucose regulation, Electrical model of neural control mechanism. (9)

THERMAL REGULATORY SYSTEM : Parameters involved, Control system model, Biochemistry of digestion, Types of heat
loss from body, Models of heat transfer between subsystems of human body, Systems within body and environment. (8)

RESPIRATORY AND ULTRA FILTRATION SYSTEM : Modeling of oxygen uptake by RBC and pulmonary capillaries, Mass
balancing by lungs, Gas transport mechanisms of lungs, Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in blood and tissues, Transport
through cells and tubules, Diffusion, Facilitated diffusion and active transports, Methods of waste removal, Counter

MUSCULO-SKELETAL SYSTEM: Mechanical properties of bones, Tissues, Modeling of bones, Stress propagation in bones,
Hills model of muscle mechanism, Computer aided modeling. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Michal CK Khoo, "Physiological Control Systems: Analysis Simulation and Estimation", Wiley-IEEE Press, New York, 2018.
2. Ewart Carson, Claudio Cobelli, "Modelling Methodology for Physiology and Medicine", Elsevier insights, New York, 2018.

1. Michael Chappell, Stephen Payne , "Physiology for Engineers: Applying Engineering Methods to Physiological Systems",
Springer, New York, 2016.
2. Sherwood L, "Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems", Thomson Learning, Singapore, 2015.
3. John Enderle, Susan Blanchard, Joseph Bronzino, "Introduction to Biomedical Engineering", Academic Press, New
4. Willem van Meurs, "Modeling and Simulation in Biomedical Engineering", McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi, 2011.


INTRODUCTION TO MEMS: Evolution, MEMS and Microsystems products , Microsystems and Microelectronics, Scaling
laws in miniaturization, MEMS challenges, Materials for MEMS: Substrates and wafers - Silicon and its compounds - Gallium
arsenide - Quartz - Piezoelectric Crystals and Polymers. (9)

MICRO AND NANOFABRICATION: Bottom-up and Top-down Approach: Photolithography Soft lithography - Ion implantation
- Doping and Diffusion of elements, Material deposition techniques: Chemical and physical vapor deposition, Etching,
Micromachining- Bulk and surface micromachining - LIGA Process. (9)

PRINCIPLES OF MICROSYSTEMS: Microsensors:Acoustic wave sensors- Biosensors- Chemical sensors- Optical sensors
Pressure sensors- Thermal sensors, Microactuation: Actuation using Thermal forces Shape memory effect- Piezoelectric
effect- Electrostatic forces, MEMS with Microactuators: Microgrippers- Micromotors, Microactuators with mechanical inertia:
Micro Accelerometers, Micro Gyroscopes. (10)

MICROFLUIDICS: Introduction to fluids and fluid properties, Microscale behavior of fluids, Microchannels - Laminar flow in
microchannels and circular conduits, Fluid actuation methods :Electrohydrodynamics of Microsystems -Electro osmosis-
Electrophoresis- Dielectrophoresis , Microfluid dispenser - Microneedles - Micropumps Micromixers. (9)

APPLICATIONS: CAD for MEMS, Micro Total Analysis system, Lab-on-Chip devices , Nanoscale Drug Delivery Systems ,
DNA Microarrays , Implantable Microelectrodes , Microtools for surgery. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Hsu, Tai- Wiley, United States, 2020.
2. Albert Folch , "Introduction to BioMEMS", CRC Press, New York, 2019.

2. Stephen D Senturia, "Microsystem Design", Springer, New York, 2013.
3. Ellis Meng, "Biomedical Microsystems", CRC Press, New York, 2011.
4. Steven Saliterman, "Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices", Wiley, United Kingdom, 2006.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Components of Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Basics of Neuroscience: Neurons-Synapse-Synaptic
plasticity-Brain organization: Anatomy and function, Recording and stimulating the brain-Invasive and Non-invasive techniques.

SIGNAL PROCESSING: Spike sorting, Frequency domain analysis - FFT and DFT, Wavelet Analysis, Time domain analysis -
Hjorth Parameters-Fractal Dimension, Autoregressive Modeling , Bayesian Filtering, Kalman Filtering, Spatial filtering, Artifact
reduction techniques. (9)

MACHINE LEARNING: Classification Techniques:Binary - Ensemble - Multiclass, Performance evaluation, Regression

Techniques: Linear - Neural networks and Back propagation, Radial basis function networks, Gaussian processes. (9)

TYPES OF BCI: Building a BCI, Invasive BCI - Case studies : Lower limb control-Prosthetic hand and arm control Cursor and
robotic control , Cognitive BCI, Semi Invasive BCI: Electrocorticographic BCI , Non-Invasive BCI Electroencephalographic
BCI, Other Non-invasive BCI. (9)

APPLICATIONS AND ETHICS: Medical Applications: Sensory restoration Motor restoration Cognitive restoration-
Rehabilitation, Non-medical Applications: Lie detection Educational learning, Ethics of BCI, Medical health and safety issues,
BCI security and privacy. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rao, - Cambridge University Press, India, 2019.
Press, USA, 2012.

1. José Del R. Millán, Nick F. Ramsey - Elsevier Science, Netherlands, 2020.
2. Ella -
Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.
3. Fabien Lotte, Anton Nijholt, Chang S. Nam Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical
United States, 2018.
4. Bernhard Graimann, Brendan Allison, GertPfurtscheller, "Brain-Computer Interfaces: Revolutionizing Human-Computer
Interaction", Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.



INTRODUCTION: Modern optical science and technology, Diffraction limit , Breaking through the diffraction limit ,
Nanophotonics and its true nature, Principles of operations of nanophotonic devices using optical near fields , Principles of
nanofabrication using optical near fields. (9)

NANOPHOTONIC DEVICES: Excitation energy transfer, Device operation: Nanophotonic AND gate, OR gate, Interconnection
with photonic devices, Room temperature operation. (9)

NANOPHOTONIC FABRICATION: Adiabatic nanofabrication , Non adiabatic nanofabrications, Self assembling method via
optical near field interactions , Regulating the size and position of nanoparticles using size dependent resonance, Size
controlled - position controlled and separation controlled alignment of nanoparticles. (9)

NANOPHOTONIC SYSTEMS: Optical excitation transfer and system fundamentals, Parallel architecture using optical
excitation transfer, Interconnections for nanophotonics, Signal transfer and environment, Tamper resistance. (9)

CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES: Microscopic techniques for biological specimens, Classical contrast
mechanisms: Bright field - Dark field - Phase contrast, Fluorescence contrast mechanism , Nonlinear microscopy based on
second harmonic generation and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering , 4Pi microscopy. (9)

Total L :45

CRC Press, New York, 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Herve Rigneault, Jean-
3. Hir


INTRODUCTION: Evolution, Healthcare reforms and the growth of Health Information Systems (HIS), Health Care Data: Data
Vs Information, Sources, Uses, Quality. (7)

INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Electronic Health Record Systems: Purpose, Content, Functions, Benefits of Electronic Health
Record (EHR), Personal Health Records: Requirements for Licensures, Patient Records as Legal Documents, National Quality
Improvement Initiatives. (9)

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT: System acquisition, Development life cycle, Project management tools,
Managing change during the system implementation process, Factors considered throughout the implementation phases,
System support and optimisation. (10)

LAWS, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: Privacy and Security: Legal Protection of Health Information, Threats to
Healthcare Information, Measuring Quality of Care, Federal Quality improvement initiative, Healthcare Information System
Standards: Standards Development Process, Health Information Technology (IT) standards, Data Exchange and Messaging
Standards, Health record content and functional standards. (10)

IT IN HEALTHCARE: IT alignment and strategic planning, IT governance and management, Healthcare IT leadership case

Total L: 45

1. Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Healthcare

1. Adrian Stavert- -
2. Reinhold Haux, Alfred Winter, Elske Ammenwerth, Birgit Brigl
New York, 2013.
3. Adi Armoni
Group Publishing, UK, 2001.


VR technology, Classic components of a VR system, VR Development Process: Geometric modeling - Kinematics modeling -
Physical modeling - Behavior modeling - Model management. (9)

I/O INTERFACE IN VR: Human factors: Eye, Ear and somatic senses, Hardware: Introduction- Sensor hardware Head
coupled displays - Acoustic hardware - Integrated VR systems, Input Devices (Trackers, Navigation and Gesture Interfaces):
Three dimensional position trackers - Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces - Gesture interfaces, Output Devices: Graphic
displays - Sound displays - Haptic feedback. (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY: Introduction- Key aspects, Relationship between Augmented Reality and Other Technologies: Media-
Technologies, Augmented Reality Concepts: Major Components, Ingredients of Augmented Reality Experience, Major
Hardware Components: Sensors- Processors- Displays, Major Software Components. (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM: Tracking, Calibration and Registration: Coordinate Systems, Characteristics of Tracking
Technology, Stationary Tracking Systems, Mobile Sensors, Optical Tracking, Sensor Fusion. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Medical applications, Virtual Anatomy, Triage and Diagnostic, Surgery, Rehabilitation, Flight and Driving
Simulators, Surgery Simulators, Design and Visualization, Telepresence and Teleoperation, Augmented Reality, Motor
Rehabilitation, Psychotherapy, Military applications, Robotics applications, information Visualization. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Grigore , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2017
2. Dieter Schmalstieg &
States, 2016.

1. .
2. Steve
-Wesley Professional, United States, 2016.
Kaufmann, United States, 2009.


BIOMETRIC FUNDAMENTALS : Key Biometric terms and Processes, Definitions, Verification and Identification, Performance
Metrics, Derived metrics, Biometric Authentication Systems. (7)

PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS: Face, Ear, Retina, Iris, Finger, Automated fingerprint identification system, Palm print, Hand
vascular geometry analysis, Knuckle, DNA, Dental, Cognitive Biometrics. (9)

BEHAVIOURAL TRAITS: Signature, Keystroke, Voice, Gait, Gesture recognition, Video face, Mapping the body technology,
Case Study. (9)

FACE AND VOICE RECOGNITION : Understanding facial features, Acquiring facial image, Extracting facial features, Face
Detection, Face Recognition, Representation and Classification. Understanding voice recognition, Enrolling and matching,
Voice recognition and classification. (12)

MULTIMODAL BIOMETRIC SYSTEM: Introduction, Information sources, Information Fusion, Developmental issues,
Applications of Multimodal biometrics in healthcare. (8)

Total L : 45


2. Ruud M. Bolle, Jonathan H. Connell, Sharath Pankanti, Nalini
Springer, New York, 2013.
3. , IGI
Global, Pennsylvania, 2013.
4. Samir Nanavati, Michael
and Sons, New Delhi, 2012


INFORMATION SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS: Overview of security principles, Threats, Attacks, Vulnerabilities, Classical
cryptosystem, Symmetric key and public key cryptosystem, Data Integrity: Sources of threats - Attack vectors - Data breach
Hacking Malware, Overview of Health IT System: Impact of Health IT Components on Patient Safety, Risk management:
Factors Important to Medical Device Risk Assessment. (9)

Hardware and Physical Interface Security, Network Architecture, Network Security, Security at the Transport Layer: SSL and
TLS Protocol, Host Intrusion detection and prevention systems, Firewalls, Security Management tools. (9)

SECURITY STANDARDS IN HEALTHCARE: Medical Device QMS ISO 13485, Risk management of medical devices ISO
14971, IEC 62304 Software development life cycle process, UL-2900-1 Cybersecurity Standard for Medical Devices, Secure
Exchange of Electronic Health Records , Medical Devices Directive : In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device and Directive
Regulation (IVDR), Medical Device and Directive Regulation (MDR), Medical Ethics in Cybersecurity. (9)

SECURITY IN WIRELESS DEVICES: Wireless Implantable Devices, Security issues in Implantable Devices, Attack Model,
Patient Access Pattern based defence scheme, Performance Evaluation, Wireless patient monitoring, Building secure 802.11
Wireless LAN networks. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SECURITY IN INTERNET OF THINGS: Cyber Security versus IoT security, IoT attacks and Countermeasures, Common IoT
attack types, Attack trees, Fault trees and CPS Attacks, Wireless reconnaissance and mapping, Security Protocol attacks,
Physical security attacks, Application security attacks - Security Engineering for IoT Development. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Axel Wirth, Christopher Gates, Jason Smith, " Medical Device Cybersecurity: A Guide for Engineers and Manufacturers",
Artech House, Massachusetts, 2020.
2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, UK, 2017.

1. USA, 2017.
2. XialiHei, Xiaojiang Du, "Security in Wireless Implantable Devices", Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag,
New York, 2013.
3. Chryssanthou Anargyros, Apostolakis Ioannis, Varlamis Iraklis (Eds.), "Certification and Security in Health-Related Web
Applications: Concepts and Solutions", Medical Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania, 2010.
4. Richard Fries, "Reliable Design of Medical Devices", CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2006.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese


Course Code Course Title

23C001 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
23C002 Advanced Steel Design
23C003 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Resistant Design
23C004 Bridge Engineering
23C005 Design of Energy Efficient Buildings
23C006 Disaster Management and Mitigation
23C007 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
23C008 Industrial Structures
23C009 Prestressed Concrete Structures
23C010 Finite Element Analysis
23C011 Prefabricated Structures
23C015 Groundwater Engineering
23C016 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
23C017 Irrigation Engineering
23C021 Air Pollution and Control Engineering
23C022 Environmental Impact Assessment
23C023 Industrial Waste Management
23C024 Solid Waste Management
23C026 Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering
23C027 Ground Improvement Techniques
23C028 Pavement Engineering
23C031 Airport Docks and Harbour Engineering
23C032 Housing Planning and Management
23C033 Traffic Engineering, Safety and Management
23C036 Cartography
23C037 Geographic Information Systems
23C038 Remote Sensing Techniques and Applications

23CO01 Statistics for Engineering Applications
23CO02 Optimization Techniques
23CO03 Safety in Construction Industry
23CO04 Psychology for Engineers

68th ACM 04.02.2023



SPECIAL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND DUCTILE DETAILING: Flat slabs direct design method and detailing - ribbed hollow
block slabs - waffle slabs - deep beams and walls - design of corbels - concepts of ductility, factors influencing ductility,
design principles and codal provisions. (11)

YIELD LINE THEORY : Yield line theory for slabs of square, rectangular and circular shapes with different boundary conditions
- subjected to UDL by virtual work method - concept of segmental equilibrium method - corner lever effects - lower
bound solution - Introduction to Hiller Borg's strip method. (9)

RETAINING STRUCTURES AND SHEAR WALLS : Design and detailing of cantilever and counterfort retaining walls - design
and detailing of tanks resting on the ground, underground and elevated water tanks with staging as per IS 3370. -
Classification and loads in shear walls - moment of resistance of rectangular walls - ductile design of shear walls (9)

BUNKERS AND SILOS: Design of a square bunker as per IS 4995 design of a circular silo - theory - principle of
(no derivation or problems). (9)

CHIMNEYS: Design of RC chimneys as per IS 4998 for combined effect of self-load - wind load and temperature (7)

Total L: 45

1. Varghese P.C, Reinforced Concrete Design", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Krishna Raju N , "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2010

1. Punmia B.C Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain , " Comprehensive RCC Designs", Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, 2005.
2. Winter, Nilson A H, "Design of Concrete Structures", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Unnikrishnan Pillai S and Devdas Menon , "Reinforced Concrete Design", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi,
4. Subramanian N, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures , Oxford University Press, 2014.


DESIGN OF COMPOSITE BEAMS: Design for composite construction - encased beam - types of shear connectors
- degree of shear connection - partial and complete shear connection. (6)

DESIGN OF COMPOSITE COLUMNS AND BEAM-COLUMNS: Design for composite construction of columns and beam
columns - design of in-filled and encased columns - square, circular and rectangular cross sections. (9)

DESIGN OF COMPOSITE SLABS : Design of slabs using decking profile - resistance to longitudinal shear - resistance to
vertical shear - bending resistance of composite slab - profile sheeting - parallel and perpendicular to beams.

LIGHT GAUGE SECTIONS : Light gauge sections - types of sections, material - local buckling of thin elements - stiffened,
unstiffened and multiple stiffened elements - compression members - laterally supported and unsupported
flexural members - connections - design of cold formed steel purlins. (9)

INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Design of simple and rigid frames gable frames knee bents - long span roofs - pre-
engineered buildings. (15)

Total L: 45

1. Ramchandra and Vivendra Gehlot, "Design of Steel Structures", Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, 2007.
2. Subramanian N, "Design of Steel Structures-Limit States Method", Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Johnson R.P, "Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete", Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, India, 2019.
2. Jayagopal L S, Tensing D, "Design of Steel Structures", Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.
3. Charles G Salmon & John E Johnson, "Steel Structures Design & Behaviour", Harper Collins Publishers,
4. Robert Englekirk, "Steel Structures, Controlling Behaviour through Design", John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2003.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


BASIC CONCEPTS IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS : Single and Two degrees of freedom system - linear systems - equation of
motion - components of vibration system - natural frequency - viscous damping - response to undamped & damped free
and forced vibration - response to support motion - principle of accelerometers and displacement meters. (15)

STRUCTURES MODELED AS SHEAR BUILDINGS: Free vibration of a shear building - forced vibration of a shear
building - reduction of dynamic matrices. (6)

ELEMENTS OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING : Elements of Engineering Seismology - Indian Seismicity - faults - seismic
waves - earthquake intensity and magnitude - earthquake ground motion - behaviour of structures in the past earthquakes
- basic terminology. (5)

EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE: Linear systems: Earthquake ground motion - response spectrum - response history analysis
- IS codal provisions for the determination of lateral loads - modal analysis. (9)

DESIGN CONCEPTS: Seismic Design Concepts - design spectrum - Earthquake Resistant Design of simple framed
structures - IS 1893 codal provisions - ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete frames as per IS 13920. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Anil K Chopra, "Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering", Prentice Hall of India (P)
Ltd, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Pankaj Agarwal & Manish Shrikhande, "Earthquake Resistant Design and Structures", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,

1. Clough R W and Penzein, "Dynamics of Structures", McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Paz Mario, William Leigh, "Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation", Springer, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Craig, R.R, and Andrew J.K, "Structural Dynamics - An Introduction to computer Methods", John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
4. Manickaselvam, V.K, "Elementary Structural Dynamics", Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2001.


INVESTIGATIONS AND PLANNING: Need for investigation- selection of bridge site - preliminary data collection and preliminary
drawings - determination of design discharge - linear waterway - economic span - afflux-scour depth - choice of bridge type -
importance of investigation. Standard specifications for road bridges and railway bridges - general design considerations. (9)

SUBSTRUCTURES AND BEARINGS: Piers and abutments - function - aesthetics - materials; wing walls construction
aspects - Bearings - types - design of rocker and roller bearings. (9)

REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGES: Design of T beam and Slab Bridge - design principles of RC balanced cantilever bridge
and articulation - Super structure - types - choice of materials - Ultra High Performance Concrete with and without fibres - design
principles, considerations and criteria of pipe culverts, slab culvert, box culvert, and causeways. (9)

DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF STEEL BRIDGE: Design concepts of rigid frame bridges, Suspension bridges - Components and design
procedure of Plate Girder Bridge and cable stayed bridges. (9)


prestressing force, eccentricity, design of cables, end blocks - Bridge superstructure construction - supports and centering for
RC bridges - erection of precast RC girders and steel girder bridges - maintenance of bridges, strengthening of bridges. (9)

Total L: 45

1. D. Johnson Victor, "Essentials of Bridge Engineering", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2007.
2. Krishna Raju N, "Design of bridges", Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2017.

1. Jagadeesh. T.R, Jayaram M.A, "Design of Bridge Structures", PHI Learning Private Limited, 2010.
2. Ponnuswamy S, "Bridge Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2017.
3. Raina V K, Concrete Bridge practices Analysis, design & economics, New Delhi, Shroff Publishers, 2007.
4. Wai- Engineering Handbook:

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE: Introduction to the concept of climate - components of climate - characteristics of climatic types.
Effect of climate on habitat, shelter, and environment. Study of climatic zones and their effect on building design. Design
guidelines for various climatic zone- Need for energy-efficient building. Passive and active cooling techniques. Passive and
Active heating systems. Relevant case studies on buildings designed with passive and active heating techniques. (9)

SOLAR ENERGY AND HEAT FLOW THROUGH MATERIALS: Solar geometry and built form-Heat transmission through
building sections. solar shading design of shading devices Orientation of buildings- green building methods and techniques,
green building rating system ECBC, LEED, GRIHA, IGBC & BEE (9)

THERMAL COMFORT AND NATURAL VENTILATION: Concepts of thermal comfort, human body heat balance, human comfort,
physiological comfort the sensation of the heat comfort zone. Exercise on the establishment of effective temperature and
comfort zone. Thermal design of building, Influence of design parameter. Mechanical control. Natural Ventilation: elements of
air and their effect on human beings- Wind movement in general, airflow pattern within and around buildings. Ventilation
techniques Energy conservation in ventilation system. Design of building for natural ventilation. (9)

DAYLIGHTING AND ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING: Day Lighting-Principles of daylighting analysis and design - design of fenestration
in buildings of various types the quality of daylighting - Design and analysis of daylighting - Artificial lighting design
Supplementing artificial lighting design. Different types of Lamps characteristics & Applications. Basic concept of light colour-
The modern theory of light and colour. (9)

ACOUSTICS, SOUND INSULATION, AND NOISE CONTROL: Introduction to architectural acoustics and building physics. Room
acoustics and reverberation. Acoustical criteria of space design, auditorium design. Characteristics of audible sound the
behavior of sound and its effect - acoustical defects - Sound absorption, Sound insulation of building: Building Noise-
Characteristics, effect and types, Noise control. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Koenigsberger O.H, Ingersoll T.G, "Manual of Tropical Housing and Building - Climatic Design", University Press,
Hyderabad, 2015.
2. Punmia B C, Ashok K Jain, "Building Construction Engineering", Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Integrated Green Design for Urban & Rural Buildings in Hot-Dry Climate Zone, Central Public Works Department, 101 A,
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110011, 2013.
2. Majumdar M, "Energy Efficient Buildings in India", TERI Library, 2000.
3. Sage Russel Nine Print Media, 2012
4. SP: 41 (1987), "Handbook on Functional Requirements of Buildings (other than Industrial Buildings)", 1987.


NATURAL DISASTERS: Cyclones - Floods - Drought and Desertification - Earthquake - Tsunami - Volcanoes - Landslides and
Avalanche (9)

MAN MADE DISASTERS : Chemical industrial hazards - Major power breakdowns - Traffic accidents - Fire, Forest Fire, Oil
fire - War - Atom bombs - Nuclear disaster Accident in Mines (9)

GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY : Remote sensing - GIS and GPS applications in real time disaster monitoring, prevention
and rehabilitation Disaster mapping (9)

RISK ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION : Hazards, Risks and Vulnerabilities - Disasters in India - Assessment of Disaster
Vulnerability of a location and vulnerable groups - Preparedness and Mitigation measures for various Disasters - Mitigation
through capacity building - Preparation of Disaster Management Plans (9)

DISASTER MANAGEMENT : Legislative responsibilities of disaster management - SOPs for Disasters- Disaster management
act 2005 Post disaster recovery and rehabilitation, Relief & Logistics Management - Disaster related infrastructure
development - Post Disaster, Emergency Support Functions and their coordination mechanism (9)

Total L: 45
1. Mrinalini Pandey, Disaster Management , Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2014
2. Singhal J P, Disaster Management , Laxmi Publications, 2019

1. Gupta Anil K, Sreeja S, Nair, Environmental Knowledge for Disaster Risk Management , NIDM, New Delhi,2011
2. Bell, F.G. Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation E &F.N SPON Routledge, London, 2012.
3. Tushar Bhattacharya, Disaster Science and Management , McGraw Hill India Education Pvt. Ltd, 2012

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Singh B.K. Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques & Guidelines , Rajat Publication, 2008.


BUILDING MAINTENANCE, CRACKS & DAMPNESS : maintenance classification structural appraisal building
maintenance - Building cracks - Principal sources of crack formation diagnosis of cracks - Sources of
dampness moisture movement from ground reasons for ineffective DPC - leakage in slab Ferrocement
overlay technique (13)

REPAIR MATERIAL: Epoxy polymer & latex acrylicpolymers polyesterresins application of repair
chemicals concrete repair chemicals examples of concrete chemicals for repair (6)

CONCRETE STRUCTURE : Types and causes of deterioration diagnosis of deterioration - Corrosion of steel in
reinforced concrete - Treatment against carbonation induced and chloride induced corrosion-cracks in RCC structural
elements and their prevention (8)

MASONRY STRUCTURE: Causes and treatment of cracks cracks in load bearing walls-masonry partition
walls- Remedial measures cracks in plastering and rendering surface cracks corner cracks cracks in
building due to swelling of soil (9)

STRENGTHENING OF EXISTING STRUCTURES: General principles relieving loads strengthening super

structure plating conversion to composite construction poststressing jacketing bonded overlays
section enlargement and addition of reinforcement-strengthening of substructure components of structural health
monitoring- demolition of structure. (9)

Total L: 45

1. P C Varghese, "Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation and Minor works of Buildings", PHI Pvt. Ltd, 2014.
2. B L Gupta & Amit Gupta, "Maintenance and Repair of Civil Structures", Standard Publishers distributors, 2007.

3. Macdonald S, "Concrete Building Pathology", Blackwell Science Limited, 2003.
4. Denison Campbell, Allen, Harold Roper, "Concrete structures, Materials, Maintenance and Repair", Longman Scientific and
Technical, 1991.


PLANNING AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Planning and layout of low-rise buildings for different functions - Lighting
and Ventilation - Fire Safety - Protection against noise and vibration - Guidelines from factories act. (9)

DESIGN OF FRAMES : Design of simple and rigid frames as per IS 800 - Gable frames - Knee bents - Pre Engineered
Buildings. (9)

DESIGN OF CHIMNEYS AND TOWERS: Self-supporting Chimneys - IS 6533 provisions - Guyed Chimneys Design of
towers - Design of Masts. (9)

INDUSTRIAL ROOFING STRUCTURES : Planning and Design of industrial sheds and Trusses - Bracing of roofs and Vertical
bracing of buildings - Design of purlins - Design of gantry girder and gantry columns. (9)

BUNKERS AND SILOS: Pressure on side walls of bunkers and silos - Janssen's and Airy's theories - Design of rectangular and
square bunkers Bunkers with sloping bottom and design of staging - Design of Silos including their supporting structures and
foundation. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Shiyekar M R Private imited, New Delhi, 2017.
2. University Press, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Karuna
3. Jayagopal L S & Tensing D, "Design of Steel Structures", Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


PRINCIPLES, ANALYSIS AND LOSSES : Principles - types of prestressing - materials definition of Type I, Type II and Type
III structures - requirements - behaviour of PSC elements - force transmitted by pretensioned and post tensioned systems-
analysis - service loads - ultimate strength. - Losses due to deformation and slip of anchorage units - elastic shortening, frictional
losses - shrinkage and creep of concrete, relaxation of steel - as per IS 1343:2012. (13)

DESIGN FOR FLEXURE: Philosophy - limit states - concepts - collapse and serviceability - service load basic requirements-
stress range approach-Lin's approach - Magnel's approach-cable layouts (7)

DESIGN FOR SHEAR AND TORSION: Shear and principal stresses - limit state shearing resistance of cracked and uncracked
sections design of shear reinforcement by limit state approach - Behaviour under torsion - modes of failure design for
combined torsion shear and bending as per IS 1343:2012. (7)

DEFLECTION AND TRANSFER OF PRESTRESS : Transmission of prestressing force by bond in pretensioned members
- Transmission length - Factors affecting transmission length - check for transmission length - transverse tensile stresses
- end zone reinforcement. - Anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned members - Magnel's method - Calculation of bearing
stress and bursting tensile forces - code provisions - Reinforcement in anchorage zone. - Deflection - short and long-term
deflection of uncracked and cracked members as per IS 1343:2012 (7)

tanks - analysis for stresses - design of tank. Methods of achieving continuity - assumptions in elastic analysis - pressure line -
linear transformation - concordant cables - Guyon's theorem - analysis and design of continuous beams. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Krishna Raju, "Prestressed Concrete", Tata McGraw hill publishers, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Rajagopalan N, "Prestressed Concrete", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.

2. Prestressed Concrete Design", Pearson, 2013.
4. Lin T Y , Wiley & Sons, 1981.


DIRECT STIFFNESS FOR PIN JOINTED FRAMES: Structural Mechanics Concept, Matrix Displacement Method of Analysis
Stiffness matrix, Principle of superposition - Basic Theory of Finite Element Method, Application of Finite Element Method -
Advantages and Disadvantages - Concept of direct stiffness, Element Stiffness - Element Assembly to Global Stiffness Matrix,
Boundary Condition - Plane truss - displacement of joints, forces in members - Space truss, numerical examples

DIRECT STIFFNESS METHOD FOR BEAMS AND PLANE RIGID FRAMES: Direct Stiffness for Beams and Frames - stiffness matrix
foe beam element, principle of superposition - Continuous beams, assembly of element stiffness matrices - application of
boundary conditions, consistent load vector - evaluation of displacements at nodes, element end forces -shear force and
bending moment diagrams - plane rigid frame element, global and local coordinate systems - transformation matrix, element
assemble, stiffness matrix - analysis of plane rigid frames, axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams (9)

CONCEPTS OF ELASTICITY AND TWO DIMENSIONAL STRESS ANALYSIS : Introduction to Elasticity theory, Basic concepts
Constitutive law, plane stress, plane strain problems - Equilibrium equations, compatibility equations, transformation - Saint
- Idealisation, Triangular Element - Constant Strain Triangle, strain displacement matrix - Element
Stiffness, Assembly of Element Stiffness - Application to simple problems - Introduction to Isoparametric elements, basic
concepts only. (9)

METHOD OF WEIGHTED RESIDUAL AND VARIATIONAL FORMULATION : Trial function, residue, weight concepts - methods
of weighted residual and applications - collocation method and over determined collocation method - subdomain method,
Galerkin's method - method of least squares - calculus of variations, E uler Lagrange equation functional, Rayleigh Ritz
method concept - application to deflection of beams - application to buckling load of columns (9)

SOLUTION TECHNIQUES FOR STATIC AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS : Linear system of equations, storage schemes, band form
of storage - Gaussian elimination method - Cholesky decomposition method - application to static analysis, evaluation of
displacements - Eigen value problems, stress analysis, stability problems - mass matrix, lumped mass, consistent mass -
Jacobi method for Eigen value problems - evaluation of maximum Eigen value by forward iteration - evaluation of minimum
Eigen value by inverse iteration. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, "Computational Structural Mechanics", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2001.
2. Rajasekaran S, "Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design", S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 2003.

1. C S Krishnamoorthy, "Finite element analysis - Theory and programming", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, New Delhi,
2. Robert D. Cook David S. Malkus Michael E. Plesha, "Concepts and Applications of Finite Element analysis", John Wilesy
& Sons(Asia), Singapore, 2007
3. Chandrapatla and Belegundu, "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014.


DESIGN PRINCIPLES : Need for industrialized methods in building construction - Historical perspective of precast construction
in India - Specific requirements for planning and layout of prefabrication plant - Modular Coordination - Standardization -
Mechanization - Disuniting of Prefabricates - Types of prefabrication - Prefabrication systems - Material Properties - Moulds -
Manufacture of prefabricated components - Transport and Erection of structural components - Finishing and Fitting up
operations - Dimensional deviation and Tolerance - Principles of structural design of prefabricated components - IS code
Specifications (10)

FLOORS AND ROOFS : Types of floor slabs - Flooring arrangements - Behaviour - Analysis and design of voided slab floor
elements and composite plank floor - Design of Horizontal Floor diaphragms Types of Roof Slab and its behaviour - Design
considerations of shell roofs for industrial sheds - Cylindrical, Folded plate and hyper- prefabricated shells - Erection and
jointing techniques (9)

WALLS: Types of wall panels - Blocks and large panels, Sandwich wall Panels, Curtain, Partition and load bearing walls
- behaviour - Load transfer path - Stability of wall panels - Location of shear wall in buildings - Design of shear walls
- Leak prevention, joint sealants and Expansion joints (8)

PRECAST RC FRAME COMPONENTS: Precast Frame Analysis - Analysis and Design of Beams, Columns and corbel-
Structural integrity - Design for Progressive collapse (9)

JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS : Basic force transfer mechanisms - Design Philosophy - Types of joints - Compression, Tension,
shear, Flexural and Torsional joints - Structural Connections - Connection Materials - Methods of Connection analysis
- Connection between various structural precast elements (9)

Total L: 45
1. Handbook on Precast Concrete Buildings, Indian Concrete Institute, 2016.
2. edition, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), London, 2016.

1. 3.
2. PCI Design Handbook, Precast/Prestressed Institute, Eighth Edition, 2015.
3. PCI Connections Manual for Precast & Prestressed Concrete Construction, First Edition, 2008.
4. fib 43 -Structural connections for Precast concrete buildings, International federation for structural concrete, first edition, 2008


FUNDAMENTALS OF GROUNDWATER : Introduction - Occurrence of groundwater -- hydro geological cycle - movement of
groundwater - classification of aquifers - distribution of groundwater - groundwater column - Permeability - Darcy's Law
- laboratory permeability test - types of aquifers - water level fluctuations. (9)

HYDRAULICS OF GROUNDWATER FLOW: Storage coefficient - specific yield - heterogeneity and anisotropy -transmissivity -
governing equations of groundwater flow-steady state flow Dupuit Forchheimer assumptions-Velocity potential - Flow nets. (9)

ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS: Transmissivity and Storativity - Pumping test unsteady state flow Thiess method- Jacob
method Image well theory - effect of partial penetrations of wells. (10)

GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENT, SURFACE INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER : Infiltration gallery - collector wells - conjunctive
use - artificial recharge -safe yield -yield test - Selection of pumps - Geophysical methods of groundwater investigation, electrical
resistivity method, seismic refraction method, gravity and magnetic method, remote sensing techniques. (9)

GROUNDWATER QUALITY: Groundwater chemistry - Origin, movement and quality - water quality standards - saltwater intrusion
- Environmental concern. - Control of groundwater contamination Groundwater Modeling. (8)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Raghunath H M, "Ground Water", Fourth edition, New Age International Private Limited, 2021.
2. David K. Todd &, Larry W. Mays, "Groundwater Hydrology", Wiley student Edition, 2014.

1. Applied Hydrogeology Waveland Press Inc., 2022
2. Jacob Bear, "Hydraulics of Groundwater", McGraw Hill Education (I) P LTD, 2014.
3. Franklin W. Schwartz &, Hubao Zhang, "Fundamentals of Groundwater", Student Edition, Wiley, 2003.
4. Ramakrishnan S, "Ground Water", Second edition, SciTech publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2011.


PRECIPITATION: Hydrologic cycle Types of precipitation Forms of precipitation Measurement of Rainfall Spatial
measurement methods Temporal measurement methods Frequency analysis of point rainfall Intensity, duration, frequency
relationship Probable maximum precipitation. (10)

ABSTRACTION FROM PRECIPITATION: Losses from precipitation Evaporation process Reservoir evaporation Infiltration
process Infiltration capacity Measurement of infiltration Infiltration indices Effective rainfall. (9)

HYDROGRAPHS: Factors affecting Hydrograph Base flow separation Unit hydrograph Derivation of unit hydrograph S
curve hydrograph Unit hydrograph of different deviations Synthetic unit hydrograph. (10)

FLOODS AND FLOOD ROUTING: Flood frequency studies Recurrence interval flood routing Reservoir
flood routing Flood control. (9)

GROUND WATER HYDROLOGY: Types of aquifers Confined Aquifer Unconfined

aquifer Recuperation test Transmissibility Specific capacity Pumping test Steady flow analysis only. (7)

Total L: 45


1. Chow V T and Maidment

PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2010


NEED FOR IRRIGATION : Advantages and disadvantages - Types of irrigation - soil formation - functions and properties of soils
- types of soil moisture - suitability of soil for crops - suitability of water for irrigation standards for irrigation water (7)

REQUIREMENTS OF WATER: Duty and delta of a crop - factors affecting duty - crop seasons - Techniques of water distribution
- optimum utilization - irrigation efficiency - consumptive use and its estimation (7)

IRRIGATION CANAL AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT: Alluvial and non-alluvial canals - Alignment of canals -Distribution
system - command area - intensity of irrigation - Channel losses - Estimation of required canal capacity - Design of stable
channels - Kennedy's and Lacey's theories - cross section of irrigation channels in cutting and embankment - problems and
maintenance of irrigation channels (11)

LINING OF CANALS AND WATER LOGGING: Need and justification for lining of canals - Design of lined canals - cross-
section - types of lining drainage - Causes of water logging - methods of reclaiming a water logged area (10)

RIVER TRAINING AND TANK IRRIGATION: Behaviour of rivers - need for controlling their behaviors - River training works- Tanks
in isolation and series capacity of water spread-estimation of inflow- principal elements of an irrigation tank (10)

Total L: 45

1. Santhosh Kumar Garg, "Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Punmia BC, Pande B B Lal, "Irrigation and Water Power Engineering", 17th Edition, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Sahasra Budhe S R, "Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures", Katson Publishing House, Ludhiana, 2012.
2. Asawa G L, "Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering", New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Sharma R K, Sharma T K , "Irrigation Engineering", S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
4. Raghunath


INTRODUCTION AND EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION: Structure and composition of Atmosphere Definition, Scope and
Scales of Air Pollution Sources and classification of air pollutants and their effect on human health, vegetation, animals,
property, aesthetic value and visibility- Ambient Air Quality and Emission standards Ambient and stack sampling and Analysis
of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants. (7)

METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION: Effects of meteorology on Air Pollution - Fundamentals, Atmospheric
stability, Inversion, Wind profiles and stack plume patterns- Atmospheric Diffusion Theories Dispersion models, Plume rise. (6)

CONTROL OF PARTICULATES: Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment Gas Particle Interaction Working principle,
Design and performance equations of Gravity Separators, Centrifugal separators Fabric filters, Particulate Scrubbers,
Electrostatic Precipitators Operational Considerations. (11)

CONTROL OF GASEOUS POLUTANTS: Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment Working principle, Design and
performance equations of absorption, Adsorption, condensation, Incineration, Bio scrubbers, Bio filters Process control and
Monitoring - Operational Considerations. (11)

INDOOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Sources, types and control of indoor air pollutants, sick building syndrome and Building
related illness- Sources and Effects of Noise Pollution Measurement Standards Control and Preventive measures. (10)

Total L: 45

I) Private Limited, 2017.
2. rs & Distributors, New Delhi, 2016

., 2017.



Assessment (EIA) Objectives - Environmental Impact statement (EIS) - EIA capability and limitations - Legal provisions on EIA -
Impact of development projects under Civil Engineering on environment - Methods of EIA - Checklists - Matrices - Networks -
Cost-benefit analysis. (9)

PREDICTION AND ASSESSMENT: Analysis of alternatives - case studies - Impact prediction, assessment and monitoring on
Socio-economic, Soil, Water and Air quality, Noise, Transport, Ecology - Mathematical models - public participation - Rapid EIA.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on environment - options for mitigation of impact
on water - air and land - flora and fauna; addressing the issues related to the project affected people- Remote sensing and GIS
in EIA - ISO 14000. (9)

EIA IN INDIA: Procedure for environmental clearance - Flow chart EIA Notifications - Environmental guidance for Thermal
power plants - Mining projects - River valley development projects - Legislation and Institutional support - International co-
operation - Guidance for industrial licensing. (8)

CASE STUDIES: EIA for infrastructure projects - Bridges - Stadium - Highways Airports - Dams - Multi-storey Buildings - water
supply and drainage projects. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Larry Canter, Impact assessment ", McGraw Hill Inc, 2014.
2. Discovery Publishing House New
Delhi, 2017

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Peter Morris, Riki Therivel, "Methods of Environmental Impact assessment", Span Press, 2001.
2. Anji Reddy, "Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice", BS Publications, 2014.
3. Barthwal R R
4. Judith Petts, of Environmental Impact Assessment Vol. I & II", Wiley-Blackwell, 1999.


INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION: Types of industries and industrial pollution - characteristics of industrial wastes - Population equivalent
- Bioassay studies - effects of industrial effluents on streams - sewer - land - sewage treatment plants and human health -
Environmental legislation related to prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous wastes - Common effluent
treatment plants. (9)

WASTE MANAGEMENT: Waste management Approach - Environmental Auditing - ISO 14000 - Basics and Approaches - Volume
and strength reduction - Material and process modifications - Waste minimization Recycle reuse and byproduct recovery -
Applications. (9)

TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Equalization - Neutralization - removal of suspended and dissolved organic solids Chemical
oxidation - Adsorption - Removal of dissolved inorganic solids - Combined treatment of industrial and municipal wastes -
Common Effluent Treatment methods - Residue management - Dewatering- Disposal. (10)

POLLUTION CONTROL FROM AGRO BASED INDUSTRIES: Sources - characteristics - waste treatment flow sheets for
selected industries such as Textiles - Tanneries - dairy - Sugar - Paper Distilleries (9)

POLLUTION CONTROL FROM OTHER MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Sources - characteristics - waste treatment flow sheets for
Pharmaceuticals - Electroplating industries - Steel plants - Refineries - Fertilizer - Thermal power plants - Wastewater reclamation
concepts. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Rao M N, Dutta A K, "Wastewater Treatment", Oxford IBH Publication, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2018.
2. Eckenfelder W W Jr, "Industrial Water Pollution Control", McGraw Hill Book Company, 2000.

1. Nemerrow N L, "Industrial waste treatment", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
2. Metcalf & -McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2017
3. Bishop, P.L., "Pollution Prevention: Fundamental & Practice", McGraw Hill, 2000.
4. Patwardhan A HI Learning Pvt. Ltd New Delhi, 2017


SOURCES AND TYPES: Sources and types of solid wastes - Quantity - factors affecting generation of solid wastes; characteristics
- methods of sampling and characterization; Effects of improper disposal of solid wastes - public health effects. Principle of
solid waste management - social & economic aspects; Public awareness; Role of NGOs - Legislation. (10)

ON-SITE STORAGE & PROCESSING: On-site storage methods - materials used for containers - on-site segregation of solid
wastes - public health & economic aspects of storage - options under Indian conditions - Critical Evaluation of Options. (8)

COLLECTION AND TRANSFER: Methods of collection t y p e s of vehicles M a n p o we r requirement collection

routes - transfer stations - selection of location - operation & maintenance - options under Indian conditions. (8)

TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL: Processing techniques and Equipment; Resource recovery from solid wastes - composting -
incineration - pyrolysis - options under Indian conditions - Dumping of solid waste - sanitary landfills site selection design and
operation of sanitary landfills - Leachate collection and treatment. (11)

wastes - Physico Chemical treatment - solidification - incineration - secured landfills - Construction & Demolition Waste
Management Rules 2016 processing recovery, recycle and reuse of waste. (8)

Total L: 45

1. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel Vigil, "Integrated Solid Waste Management", McGraw Hill Publishers,
2. William A Worrell

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. CPHEEO, "Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management", CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, 2000.
Publications, Hyderabad, 2011
3. Nicholas P of Solid Waste Management a
Oxford, 2003.
4. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B, "Solid Waste Collection, Processing and Disposal", First, Authors, Nagpur, 2001


OVERVIEW OF GEOSYNTHETICS AND DESIGN PRINCIPLE: Overview of Geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes,
geosynthetic clay liners, geopipes and geocomposites - their current applications for various functions, Mechanism of
reinforced soil - Factors influencing behaviour and performance, Soil-reinforcement interaction. (9)

USE OF GEOSYNTHETICSIN ROADS: Applications, Role of subgrade conditions - Design - The Giroud and Noiray approach -
Geotextile serviceability, Application in pavement overlays. (8)

DESIGN OF REINFORCED SOIL RETAINING WALLS: Components of reinforced soil walls - Principles of design
Internal and external stability-Design examples. (9)

IMPROVEMENT OF BEARING CAPACITY: Modes of failure in reinforced earth, Determination of force induced in reinforcement
- Guidelines on the use of geogrids, Bearing capacity improvement in soft soils. (8)

of reinforcement extensibility, deformation in foundation - Overall stability with respect to bearing.-Applications, Geotextile filter
requirements, boundary conditions - drain and filter properties, design criteria. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Sivakumar Babu G L, "Introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics", Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009.
2. Robert M Koerner, "Designing with Geosynthetics", Xlibris Corporation, USA, 2012.

1. Mandal J N , "Geosynthetics World", New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi,2007.
2. Braja M Das, "Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity and Settlement", CRC Press, New York, 1999.
3. Jones C J F P, "Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures", Thomas Telford Publishing, 1996.
4. Shukla S K and Yin J-


INTRODUCTION: Role of ground improvement in foundation engineering - Methods of ground improvement - Geotechnical
problems in alluvial and black cotton soils - Selection of suitable ground improvement techniques based on soil condition. (9)

DRAINAGE AND DEWATERING: Drainage techniques-well points - vacuum and electroosmotic methods - Seepage analysis for
two-dimensional flow - Fully and partially penetrating slots in homogeneous deposits (Simple cases only). (9)

INSITU TREATMENT OF COHESIONLESS AND COHESIVE SOILS : In-situ densification of cohesionless and consolidation
of cohesive soils-Dynamic compaction and consolidation - vibrofloatation - Sand compaction pile - Preloading with sand drains
and fabric drains - Stone columns - Lime piles-Installation techniques only - Relative merits of various methods and their
limitations. (9)

EARTH REINFORCEMENT: Concept of reinforcement - Types of reinforcement material - Applications of reinforced earth
Use of Geotextiles for filtration - drainage and separation in road and o t h e r works. (9)

GROUT TECHNIQUES: Types of grouts - Grouting equipment and machinery - Injection methods - Grout monitoring -
Stabilization with cement - lime and chemicals - Stabilization of expansive soils. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Purushothama Raj, "Ground Improvement Techniques", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Satyendra Mittal, "An Introduction to Ground Improvement Engineering", Scientific International Private Limited, New Delhi,

1. Robert M Koerner, "Design with Geosynthetics", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Braja M Das, "Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering", Cengage Learning, 2013.

3. Joyanta Maity, Bikash Chandra Chattopadhyay, "Ground Improvement Techniques", PHI Learning Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2017.
4. Kenneth D Weaver, Donald A Bruce, "Dam Foundation Grouting", ASCE Press, Virgina, 2007.


PRINCIPLES OF PAVEMENT DESIGN : Types of pavement - flexible and rigid - Components of pavement and their functions -
Provisions of IRC Guidelines for each component - Comparison between highway and airport pavements - Factors influencing
pavement stability: Vehicle and traffic factors - ESWL and Wheel Load Factor - Moisture and climate - soil - CBR - Hveem
stabilometer method - Plate Bearing method for finding modulus of subgrade reaction and North Dakota Cone method - stress
distribution factor - Boussinesq and Burmister theories. (9)

DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT : Empirical method based on arbitrary strength-CBR method-Provisions of IRC 37- Plate
Bearing method (US Navy method for airfields) - Theoretical and semi-theoretical methods-Kansas and Texas triaxial methods
- IRC guidelines for design of flexible rural roads. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) method for Airports (Recommended
by International Civil Aviation Organization) (9)

STRESSES IN RIGID PAVEMENT : Stresses in rigid pavement due to wheel load - Westergaard - Older - Bradbury and
Kelly theories- Stresses due to change in temperature - warping stress - theory by Bradbury - Stress due to subgrade
restraint - Critical combination of stresses. (5)

DESIGN OF RIGID PAVEMENT: Modulus of Rupture of concrete - Design of airport pavement - Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) method (Recommended by International Civil Aviation Organization) - Design of rigid highway pavement- IRC 58 method
- Types of joints - Types of rigid pavement based on reinforcement - Design of reinforcement in longitudinal and transverse
direction - tie bars a n d dowel bars. (10)

rigid pavements - condition surveys - Types of roughness - present serviceability index - skid resistance - structural evaluation
- Benkelman deflection method - Design of overlays both for highway and airport pavements - flexible overlay over flexible
pavement - rigid overlay over rigid pavement - flexible overlay over rigid pavements - Methods suggested by IRC - FAA and
Asphalt Institute - Stabilization with special reference to highway pavements Chemical and mechanical stabilization - Use of
Geosynthetics (geotextiles and geogrids) in roads. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Kadiyali, Lal, "Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering", Khanna Tech Publications, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Sandiappan Goswami, "Pavement Engineering", PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2022.

1. Yoder E. J. and Witezak M. W., "Principles of Pavement Design", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2011.
2. IRC: 37-2018, "Guidelines for the Design of Flexible pavements", Indian Road Congress, New Delhi, 2018.
3. IRC: 58-2015, "Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements for Highways", Indian Road Congress, New Delhi, 2015.
4. IRC SP: 20-2002


INTRODUCTION: Air transportation in India Components of airport and aeroplane - Aircraft characteristics National airport
Standards-National plan of integrated Airport System-comprehensive view of Metro Airports in India - The role of government
in Aviation - National Civil Aviation policy-2016 -Key developers in India. (9)

AIRPORT PLANNING AND DESIGN: Objects and Types of surveys Airport zoning - Clearance over highways and railways
Airport layouts - Apron Hangars - Terminal buildings - Airport buildings - Passenger flow Passenger facilities. (8)

RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY DESIGN AND AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL: Basic runway length - Balanced field concept-
Comparison of runway patterns - Orientation of Runway- Taxiway design - Separation distances Design speed -
Corrections to basic runway length- - Drainage - Visual aids Runway and taxiway markings - Runway and Taxiway
lightings - Wind direction indicators - Air traffic control network - Helipads Service equipment. (10)

DOCKS AND HARBOURS : Definition of terms Classification of Harbours - Ports, Docks Tides Waves and
waves dynamics - Littoral drift Hydrographic survey and Topographic Survey - Sounding line, satellite ports -
Classification of harbours Site selection and investigation - Harbour layout - Dry and wet docks, Locks
Navigational aids - Light houses Mooring accessories Dredging classification and types - Current Scenario.(9)

COASTAL STRUCTURES: Port structures - ship characteristics - Piers - Slipways - Breakwaters - Wharves - Jetties - Dolphins,
Quays , Spring fenders - Coastal shipping - Inland water transport - Container transportation Pipe ways - Rope ways - Major
port profiles- Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Mumbai, Cochin - inter port comparison. Role of government in coastal zone

68th ACM 04.02.2023

management. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rangwala , "Airport Engineering", Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Anand Gujarat, 2018.
2. Hasmukh P. Oza and Gutam H. Oza. , "Docks and Harbour Engineering", Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Anand,
Gujarat, 2017.

1. S.K. Khanna, M.G. Arora, S.S.Jain, "Airport Planning & Design", Nem Chand & Brothers, Roorkee, 2017.
2. Bindra.S.P, "Docks and Harbour Engineering", Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Horonjeff R and Mackelvey F.X., Planning and Design of Airports , McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi, 2010
4. IS:4651 (1) 1974 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbour, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi


INTRODUCTION TO HOUSING: Introduction to housing, housing need Psychological, physical, Social. Social and economic
factors influencing housing affordability. Basic definitions of terms. Types of the house, Economics of housing - housing demand
and supply, quantifying and estimating housing need, housing process, Housing classification, Housing in present-day context
relation to human settlement pattern. (8)

HOUSING POLICY AND PROGRAMME: Housing situation, policy, and public interventions. Institutions for Housing at National,
State, and Local Levels. Urban reform, legal and institutional frame for housing. Housing Laws at the State and central level,
National Housing Policy, Housing schemes and policies - IAJ, RAY, PMAY, affordable housing policy, and strategy, Site and
services scheme, Rental housing policy, Slum rehabilitation policy and program at the state and central levels. Informal housing
approaches in improving slum, squatter, and pavement dwellers. (10)

HOUSING STANDARD: Study methodology of formulating standards, UDPFI guidelines, standards and regulations, DCR
performance standards for housing, model housing law, TCPO, and other agencies for housing development and standards -
Census, NSSO, HUDCO, State housing board, and NBO. Zoning, model inclusionary zoning, CRZ rules, and notifications.
Housing standards, Layout, and real estate regulations. BMTPC, prefabrication techniques for housing. Energy codes and rating
system for housing TERI, GRIHA, LEED, IGBC, ECBC, and NBC. (9)

SITE PLANNING AND HOUSING DESIGN: Planning concepts related to city beautiful movement, Redburn theory, and
Neighbourhood planning. Site planning, design process and landscaping. Planning housing for - Condominiums, Cooperative
housing, Affordable housing, rural housing, group housing, and plotted housing. Types of informal housing with relevance to the
Indian context. Community architectural housing, institutional and rental housing and disaster-resistant housing. (10)

HOUSING FINANCE AND PROJECT APPRAISAL: Formulation of Housing Projects. Design of Housing Units (Design
Problems), Housing infrastructure (physical and urban), and services. Housing and Real estate development. Appraisal of
Housing Projects Housing Finance housing finance system India, types, and importance of microfinance system. Cost Recovery
Cash Flow Analysis, Subsidy, and Cross Subsidy, Pricing of Housing Units, Rents, Recovery Pattern, Housing finance
Institutions. Project delivery model including PPP (8)

Total L: 45

1. Chandra Sekar. K, Karthikeyan.N, "Housing Planning & Management Revised", CGS Publishers & Distributors, Tamil Nadu,
2. Meera Mehta and Dinesh Mehta, "Metropolitan Housing Markets", Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2010.

1. Richard Kintermann and Robert, "Small Site Planning for Cluster Housing", Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Jondon/New
York, 1977.
2. HUDCO Publications, "Housing for Low Income, Sector Model", Energy Research Institute, 2016
3. Wiley-


INTRODUCTION: Elements of Traffic Engineering: significance and scope of traffic engineering - Characteristics of Vehicles
and Road Users - Skid Resistance and Braking Efficiency. Design speed, volume. Highway capacity and levels of service -
capacity of urban and rural roads - PCU concept and its limitations - Road user facilities - Pedestrian facilities. (9)

TRAFFIC SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS: Surveys and Analysis - Volume - Capacity - Speed and Delays Origin and Destination
- Parking - Pedestrian St udies - Accident Studies and Safety Level of Services- Problems. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

TRAFFIC REGULATION AND CONTROL: Motor Vehicles Act - statutory provision for road transport and connected organizations
Traffic signs - Road markings - Design of Traffic signals and Signal co-ordination (Problems) Traffic control aids and Street
furniture - Street Lighting Traffic regulations, road accident, Traffic safety Principles and Practice-Road Safety Audit. (8)

GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF INTERSECTIONS: Control of Traffic Movements through Time Sharing and Space Sharing Concepts;
Conflicts at Intersections - Classification of Intersections at AT-Grade - Chanellised and Unchanellised Intersection -
Grade Separators (Concepts only) - Principles of Intersection Design - Elements of Intersection Design - Chanellisation
and Rotary design (Problems) -Crossings including provision for safe crossing of Pedestrians and Cyclists; Grade Separated
Intersections, their Warrants and Design Features; Bus Stop Location and Bus Bay Design, Design of Road Lighting (10)

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Nature of traffic problem in cities. Traffic Management- Traffic System Management (TSM) and
Travel Demand Management (TDM) Traffic congestion-Traffic Forecasting techniques - Restrictions on turning movements
- One-way Streets - Traffic Segregation - Traffic Calming Tidal flow operations Road pricing, Exclusive Depots and
Terminals - Principles and types of layout, Depot location, Twin depot concept, Crew facilities. Bus terminal, bus stops and
bus bays & bus lanes - Introduction to Intelligence Transport System (ITS). (9)

Total L: 45

1. Kadiyali. L.R, "Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning", Khanna Book Publishing Co ltd, 2017.
2. Khanna. K, Justo C.E.G, "Highway Engineering", Khanna Publishers, 2011.

1. Papacpstas. C.S, Prevendouros. P.D, "Transportation Engineering and Planning", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2002.
2. O Flaherty.C.A. , "Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering", Butterworth-Elsevier, Oxford, 2006
3. Wolfgang.S, Homburger, Louis E Keefer, William. R. Mcrath, "Transportation and Traffic Engineering Hand Book",
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1982.
4. SP:43-1994, IRC Specification, "Guidelines on Low-cost


INTRODUCTION: Cartography today - Nature of Cartography - History of Cartography - Graticules Cartometry - Map Scales
and Contents. (9)

EARTH : Earth-Map Relations - Basic Geodesy - Map Projections - Reference and Coordinate system - Transformation -
Basic Transformation - Affine Transformation. (9)

SOURCES OF DATA: Ground Survey and Positioning -Remote Sensing data collection - Census and sampling - data - Models
for digital cartographic information Map digitizing. (9)

PERCEPTION AND DESIGN: Cartographic design - Color theory and models - Color and pattern creation and specification, Color
and pattern - Typography and lettering the map - Map compilation. (9)

CARTOGRAPHY ABSTRACTION: Selection and Generalisation Principles, Symbolisation, Topographic and thematic maps
- Map production and Reproduction - Map series. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Arthur H. Robinson, Joel L. Morrison, Phillip C. Muehrcke, A.Jon Kimerling and Stephen C. Guptill, "Elements of
Cartography", Wiley India Pvt. Limited, 2009.
2. Edition, WM.C Brown Publishers, 2004.

1. William Cartwright , Multimedia Cartography,, Springer, 2006
2. Mishra R P, Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing Company, 2014
3. Menno-Jan Kraak and Ferjan Ormeling, Cartography: Visualization of Geospatial Data, 4th edition, CRC Press, 2020
4. Kenneth Field, Cartography , ESRI Press, 2018


GIS TECHNIQUE AND DATA INPUT: Map Types of Maps Map projections, Development of GIS Components of GIS
Hardware, software, organisation Types of data - Spatial and non-spatial data Sources of data-Point, Line, and Polygon
Vector and Raster data Database structures Vector and Raster data structures - Important GIS softwares and their
relevance. (9)

DATA ANALYSIS AND MODELLING: Data Retrieval Query Simple Analysis Spatial Analysis Overlay Vector Data
Analysis Raster Data Analysis Modelling using GIS Digital Elevation Model Cost and path analysis Expert Systems

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Artificial Intelligence Integration with GIS. (9)

DATA OUTPUT AND ERROR ANALYSIS: Data Output Types Devices used Raster and Vector Display Devices Printers
Plotters Devices Sources of Errors Types of Errors Elimination Accuracies - GIS Standards - Open Source GIS,
Internet GIS (9)

GIS APPLICATIONS IN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Fields of Applications Natural Resources Agriculture Soil - Water
Resources Site Selection for civil Engineering Projects, Wasteland Management - Social Resources - Cadastral Records
LIS (9)

ADVANCED GIS APPLICATION :AM/FM Utility Network Management Integration with Remote Sensing Knowledge based
techniques Multicriteria Techniques Introduction to Object Oriented Database Models (9)

Total L: 45

1. Burrough P A, "Principles of GIS for Land Resources Assessment", Oxford Publication, 2000.
2. Elangovan K, "GIS: Fundamentals, Applications and Implementations", New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Kang-tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems , McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.
2. Lo, C.P. and Yeung, Albert K.W., Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems , Pearson, 2016
3. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius and Steve Carver, An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems , Pearson
Education, 2012.
4. Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild , David J. Maguire and David W. Rhind, Geographic Information Science and
Systems , John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2015


PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS : Definition - Historical Background - Components of Remote Sensing- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Visible - Infra Rd - NIR - Thermal IR - Microwave - Radiation Principle and Energy equations- - Active and Passive Remote
Sensing- - platforms-Aerial and Space Platforms-Balloons-Helicopters - Aircrafts and satellites - Significance of Remote
Sensing Limitations (9)

Atmospheric interference - Scattering of EMR-Rayleigh - Mie and Non Selective Scattering - Absorption-Atmospheric Windows -
Spectral Signature- interaction of EMR with atmosphere - earth surface - soils - water and vegetation. (9)

REMOTE SENSING SATELLITES AND DATA INTERPRETATION : Satellites-Types-Based on Orbits and Purpose- Sun Synchronous
and Geostationary Satellites- Characteristics of Satellites-Landsat - SPOT - IRS - IKONOS - Quick bird - MODIS Sea Wifs
and other currently available Satellites- visual image interpretations and digital image interpretations (9)

WATER RESOURCES AND LAND USE STUDIES : Aerial assessment of surface water bodies - Capacity survey of water bodies
- mapping of snow-covered areas - flood risk zone mapping - identification of groundwater potential zones - recharge areas -
droughts - definition - drought assessment and management.-Definition of land use - land use / Land cover classification -
schemes and levels of classification systems with RS data - land use mapping - change detection - urban land use planning -
site suitability analysis -transportation planning. (9)

AGRICULTURE, SOIL, FORESTRY AND EARTH SCIENCE : Crop inventory mapping- production estimation - command area
monitoring - soil mapping - crop stress detection - estimation of soil erosion - forest types and density mapping - forest fire
risk zone mapping- Lithology - lithological mapping - structural mapping - Geomorphology - nature and type of landforms -
identification - use of remote sensing data for landslides - targeting mineral resources - Engineering geology and
Environmental geology. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jensen J R, "Remote sensing of the environment", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Floyd F. Sabins Jr. and James M. Ellis, Remote Sensing: Principles, Interpretation, and Applications , Waveland Press,

1. George Joseph and Jeganathan C , "Fundamentals of Remote Sensing", University Press, 2018
2. Lillesand T.M., and Kiefer, R.W. Remote Sensing and Image interpretation , John Wiley & Sons, 2015
3. John A. Richards, Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis Springer Verlag, 2012
4. Richards, Remote sensing digital Image Analysis - An Introduction , Springer Verlag, 2012

68th ACM 04.02.2023



DATA AND ITS MEASUREMENT: Data Types of data Grouping and displaying data Measures of central tendency
Measures of dispersion Population and sample Introduction to R programming Data handling in R (9)

PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION: Probability Discrete and continuous distributions Binomial distribution

Poisson distribution Normal distribution Regression Method of least squares Probability functions in R Regression
analysis using R (10)

HYPOTHESIS TESTING: Hypothesis testing One sample test Two sample test ANOVA Single factor ANOVA Multiple
comparisons in ANOVA Hypothesis testing and ANOVA using R (8)

DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS: Experimental design Guidelines for designing experiments Randomized blocks Latin Squares
Factorial design Full factorial design Fractional factorial design DoE using R (9)

STATISTICS FOR QUALITY CONTROL: Quality control and improvement Quality improvement tools Control charts and
their types Control charts for variables Control chart for attributes Sampling plan Control charts using R (9)

Total L: 45

2. S. M. Ross

1. Brooks Cole Publishing Company, Monterey,
California, 2010.
3. W. J. Decoursey
MA, USA, 2003.
4. D. C. Montgomery


CONCEPTS OF OPTIMIZATION ANDLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Introduction Engineering applications of optimization
Statement of an optimization problem- Classification of optimization problems. Standard form of a Linear Programming Problem
Characteristics Canonical form of a Linear Programming Problem -Plastic design of frames Graphical method Simplex
method Basic solution Computation maximization and minimization. Duality in Linear Programming General Primal
Dual relations Dual simplex method Transportation problem Assignment method. (12)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING CLASSICAL APPROACH: Introduction Single variable function Multi variable function
without constraints necessary condition sufficiency condition Multi variable function with equality constraints Legrangian
multiplier method - Multi variable function with inequality constraints Kuhn Tucker conditions. (8)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES: One-dimensional minimization methods Dichotomous search,

Fibonacci method and Golden section method. Unconstrained optimization techniques Classification Direct search, Pattern
method. (8)

DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: - Multistage decision processes Representation and types

Concept of sub optimization problems using Classical and Tabular methods Conversion of a final value problem into an initial
value problem Linear Programming as a case of dynamic programming. (9)

GENETIC ALGORITHM: Introduction Representation of design variables, objective function and constraints Choice of
population Encoding of variables - Genetic operators Survival of the fittest generation generation history applications.(8)

Total L: 45

2. Fox

1. Ashok D. Belagundu and Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla,
University Press, 2019.
2. Iyengar
3. J

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Rajasekaran S. and Vijayalakshmi Pai G. A., "Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms", Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2013.


ACCIDENTS IN CONSTRUCTION: Accidents: Types and their causes Human factors in accidents Accident investigation
and reporting Records of accidents Role of the safety committee. (8)

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES & HAZARDS: Excavation, Trenches, and shafts Scaffolding Erection of structural framework
Tunnelling Demolition work Contamination at sites High-rise building Construction machinery. (11)

CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: Safety-related clauses in construction contracts Construction regulations Cost of accidents
and its compensation Workman compensation act Building and other construction workers act 1996 Introduction to OSHA
standards. (9)

OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS: Workplace risk factors Noise, chemicals,

radiation, heat Psychosocial factors Ergonomics Health and workability - Personal protective equipment. (8)

SAFETY AUDIT AND SAFETY EDUCATION: Components of safety audit Audit method Non-conformity report Audit
checklist and report Implementation of audit indication; Importance of safety training Training methods: Programmes,
seminars, conferences Safety culture Role of government and private agencies in safety training Safety campaign. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Holt, A. S. J. Principles of Construction Safety, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, MA, USA, 2005.
2. Bhattacharjee, S.K. Safety Management in Construction, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.

1. Lingard, H. and Wakefield, R. Integrating Work Health and Safety into Construction Project Management, Wiley Blackwell,
NJ, USA, 2019.
2. Reese, C. D, and Edison, J. V. Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health, CRC Press; 2006
3. Ridley, J. and Channing, J. Safety at Work, Butterworth and Co., London, 2008
4. Li, R. Y. M. and Poon, S. W. Construction Safety, Springer Science and Business Media, Berlin, Germany, 2013.


INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: Concept, definition and Scope of Psychology; Psychology as a scientific discipline, Key
Perspectives in Psychology - Behavioural, Cognitive, Humanistic, Psychodynamic, and Socio-cultural, Self-motivation. (8)

COGNITIVE WORK: Learning, memory & study skills, principles of reinforcement, techniques for improving study skills,
Mnemonics. Attention & Perception. Judgment and decision-making. Intelligence- concept, Psychometric and cognitive
approaches to intelligence, emotion and emotional intelligence. (9)

CREATIVITY AND APTITUDE: Thinking and reasoning - process, concepts, categories and prototypes, decision-making,
Inductive and deductive reasoning. Problem solving - strategies, and steps in problem solving. Creativity and innovations.
Adolescence and its characteristics. Nature, concept, characteristics and types of aptitude. Personality types and measurement.

SOCIAL INTERACTION AND INFLUENCE: Importance of sociology for engineers, social motives, attitudes and learning in
social contexts. Group process, social influence, social changes, prosocial and antisocial behavior, Social Problems. (9)

INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL PROCESS & COMMITMENT: Introduction to Industrial Psychology- scientific management and human
relations school Hawthorne experiments. Motivation, job satisfaction, and job involvement. Stress management in the workplace,
well-being and self-development. Work environment & engineering psychology. I-O psychology, the design of physical work
including anthropometry, human-robot interaction. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Engineering Psychology , Penn State University Libraries. 2002
2. Robbins, S.P, Timothy, A.J. and

1. Robert A. Baron, Girishwar Misra, , New Delhi, 2018
2. Aswathappa , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2015
3. Science of Mind and Behavior Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Learning about Yourself

Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd, Panchasila, Bhubaneswar, 2004.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese





68th ACM 04.02.2023




AMORTIZED ANALYSIS AND SETS :Amortization - Methods - Applications. DISJOINT SETS : Equivalence Relations Dynamic
Equivalence Problem Basic Data Structure Smart Union Algorithms Path Compression. (9)

HEAP STRUCTURES: Min - Max Heaps - Deaps - Leftist Heaps - Binomial Heaps - Fibonacci Heaps. (8)

SEARCH TREES :Red-Black Tree - AA Tree - Interval Tree - Splay Trees. (7)

MULTIDIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES :K - D Trees - Point Quad Trees - MX- Quad Trees - R - Trees - TV Trees. (9)

GRAPH ALGORITHMS :Network Flow Problems Biconnectivity Euler circuits, RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS ; Random number
generators Skip lists primality testing. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Mark Allen Weiss , "Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", 6th edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Dinesh Mehta , "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++", University Press, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Peter Brass , "Advanced Data Structures", Cambridge University Press, USA, 2014.
2. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", MIT Press,,
Massachusetts 2009.
3. Subrahmanian V S , "Principles of Multimedia Database Systems", Morgan Kaufman, USA, 2001.
4. Peter Sanders, Kurt Mehlhorn, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Roman Dementiev, "sequential and parallel algorithms and data structures
" , Springer, 2019


INTRODUCTION: Overview-data science- big data characteristics architecture of big data systems challenges usecases data
analytics lifecycle. (4)

NOT ONLYSQL: Data modeling CAP theorem Key value stores Column family datastores Document DataStore Graph
datastores-Study of recent NoSQL databases Case studies (10)

PARALLEL PROGRAMMING: HDFS architecture - MapReduce Architecture: Loading data into HDFS - MapReduce Programs -
Creation and execution of MapReduce Programs examples, Basic statics using MapReduce. Stream Data Model and SPARK
Architecture RDD Transformations Parallel programming - Data Frames and Spark SQL- Spark examples (10)

THEORY AND METHODS: MapReduce Implementation of PCA MapReduce implementation of clustering approaches Kmeans,
Kmedoids MapReduce implementation of classification approaches Regression, KNN, SVM-Time series analysis Autocorrelation,
Autoregression, Moving average, ARMA, ARIMA (12)

TEXT AND STREAM ANALYTICS: Process of text analytics Bloom Filters - Collecting raw text, representing text, TFIDF,
categorization using topics, LSA, LDA, NMF, determining sentiments Case study Architecture for mining data streams
Processing Sampling, filtering real time analytics platform case study. (9)

Total L: 45

1. of Massive Cambridge University Press,3rd Edition,
2. EMC Educational Series , "Data Science and Big Data Analytics", Wiley, New Delhi, 2015.

1. David Stevenson, "Big Data Demystified", Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Pramod J. Sadalage, "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence", Addison Wesley, New
Delhi, 2012.
3. G. Sudha Sadasivam,R. Thirumahal, "Big Data Analytics",Oxford University Press,2020.
4. U Dinesh Kumar, "Business Analytics The Science of Data Driven Decision Making", Wiley, India, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Distributed System, P2P system, Distributed Hash Table, Distributed Ledger Technology- Private, public and
permissioned ledgers - Cryptographic primitives- public key cryptography- Digital Signature Algorithm -Hashing- Blockchain evolution-
Structure of Blockchain Life of Blockchain application - consensus Byzantine General problem and Fault Tolerance (11)

BLOCKCHAIN 1.0 - BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY :Block Hash - structure of Block syntax , structures, and validation -
Transaction life cycle- Transaction types Hash computation and Merkle Hash Tree -Bit coin and importance- Creation of coins
Bitcoin P2P Network-, Bitcoin protocols - Mining strategy and rewards PoW and PoS Difficulty, Hash rate Wallets- Double
spending forking- Token, Coinbase. (12)

BLOCKCHAIN 2.0 - ETHEREUM : Distributed applications (Dapps), Smart contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machines, Ethereum high
level design, Ethereum addresses, Ethereum accounts, Transactions, Currency, Gas, Tokens, Decentralized Autonomous
Organizations(DAOs), Bitcoin vs Ethereum Trie- Solidity programming writing smart contracts remix IDE TestNet- sample
exercises - issues in solidity programming (12)

BLOCKCHAIN 3.0 HYPERLEDGER: Fabric- Architecture, Identities and Policies, Membership and Access Control, Channels,
Transaction Validation, Writing smart contract using Hyperledger Fabric. (5)

APPLICATIONS: Know Your Customer (KYC), Food Security, Mortgage over Block chain, Block chain enabled Trade , Cross border
payments (5)

Total L: 45

1. Bina Ramamurthy, Blockchain in Action , Manning Publications, 1st Edition, 2020.
2. Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, and Steven Goldfeder
Technologies: A

1. Josh Thompson,
Create Space Independent Publishing platform, 2017.
2. Apress, 2017.
Th Mango Media , 2018.
4. -


INTRODUCTION TO CLOUD COMPUTING: The Vision of Cloud Computing - Defining a Cloud - A Cloud Computing Reference
Model - Characteristics and Benefits - Challenges Ahead - Historical Developments - Building Cloud Computing Environments - Study
of Cloud computing platforms and Technologies Case Study - Google Cloud, AWS. (9)

VIRTUALIZATION: Introduction - Hypervisors - Main Categories of Virtualization - Application Server - Application Network - Storage
Service - Benefits of Virtualization - Cost of Virtualization Case study: Creation of Virtual machines in Google Cloud, AWS. (9)

CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE AND CLOUD SERVICES: Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture - Cloud Reference
Model - Storage as a Service - Database as a Service - Information as a Service - Process as a Service - Application as a Service -
Platform as a Service - Integration as a Service - Security as a Service - Management as a Service - Testing as a Service -
Infrastructure as a Service - Case Study - Google Cloud, AWS. (10)

CLOUD APPLICATIONS: Scientific Applications - Gene Expression Data Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis - Business and Consumer
Applications - Social Networking - Media Applications. (8)

CLOUD COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE: Introduction to Dockers Deploying, maintaining and scaling containerized applications
using cloud infrastructure - Cloud storage Identity Access Management Cloud monitoring - Case Study: Google Cloud, AWS. (9)

Total L:45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Rajkumar Buyya , Christian Vecchiola, Thamarai
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2017.
2. st edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2013
1. Shailendra S edition, Oxford University Press, 2018.
2. Sandee edition, Cambridge University Press, July 2017.
3. edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning Publisher, 2022.
4. Priyanka Ver ences for Cloud Engineers & Architects: 101 Illustrated
References for Cl edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 2022.


IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES: Introduction to vision challenges - Classical filtering operations: mode, median, rank order
filters - Gaussian filters Thresholding techniques: Region-Growing methods - Adaptive thresholding - Edge detection techniques:
Template matching - Canny, Laplacian operators Corner and Interest point detection: Harris Interest point operator - Local Invariant
Feature Detectors and Descriptors. (9)

SHAPES AND REGIONS :Binary shape analysis object labeling and counting size filtering distance functions skeletons and
thinning deformable shape analysis boundary tracking procedures active contours shape models and shape recognition
centroidal profiles handling occlusion boundary length measures boundary descriptors. (9)

LINE, CIRCLE AND ELLIPSE DETECTION:Line detection Hough Transform (HT) for line detection foot-of-normal method line
localization line fitting RANSAC for straight line detection HT based circular object detection accurate center location speed
problem ellipse detection Case study: Human Iris location - hole detection. (9)

3D VISION: Methods for 3D vision projection schemes shape from shading photometric stereo shape from texture shape from
focus active range finding surface representations point-based representation volumetric representations 3D object
recognition (9)

3D MOTION:3D reconstruction - introduction to motion - triangulation - bundle adjustment translational alignment parametric
motion -spline-based motion -optical flow -layered motion. Application: Photo album - Face detection-Face recognition-OpenCV. (9)

Total L: 45

1. th Edition, Academic Press, 2012.
2. R. Szeliski , "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications", 2nd Edition, Springer, 2022

2. Simon J. D. Prince , "Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference", Cambridge University Press, 2012
3. Martin Goerner, Ryan Gillard, Valliappa Lakshmanan -to-End Machine
O'Reilly Media, 2021.
4. Jan Erik Solem , "Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images", O'Reilly Media, 2012.


DEEP LEARNING FUNDAMENTALS: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning - Need for Deep Learning - Data
Representations for Neural Networks - Tensor Operations - Computational Graph - Error Functions - Optimization Techniques -
Activation functions -Initialization Techniques (10)

CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS: Convolution Operation - Layers in CNN architecture CNN Features - ReLu and the variants -
Feature Map - Pretrained Models - Object Detection - Image segmentation - Model Evaluation (7)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SEQUENCE MODELING: Recurrent Neural Networks Architecture -Backpropagation through time (BPTT)- Vanishing and Exploding
Gradients Bidirectional RNN - Truncated BPTT GRU- LSTMs - Recursive Neural Network - Word Embedding - Encoder Decoder
Architecture - Attention Mechanism - Transformer Architecture - Beam Search - CTC Loss - Pretrained Models - Applications of RNN

AUTOENCODER, RESTRICTED BOLTZMANN MACHINE: Features of autoencoders Vanilla autoencoder Convolutional

autoencoder Regularized autoencoders - Denoising autoencoder - Sparse Autoencoders - Contractive Autoencoder Variational
autoencoders - Applications of autoencoder. (6)

GENERATIVE, BAYESIAN, REINFORCEMENT DEEP LEARNING: RBM Deep Belief Networks - Generative Modeling Generative
Adversarial Networks Bayesian Deep Learning Deep Reinforcement Learning (8)

Total L: 45

1. 2019.
2. Francois Chollet, "Deep Learning with Python", Manning Publications, New York, 2018.

1. Thomas Farth , "Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners", Atlantic Publishers, 2019.
2. David Foster, "Generative Deep Learning", O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.
3. Eugene Charniak , "Introduction to Deep Learning", MIT Press, London, 2018.
4. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, "Deep Learning", MIT Press, 2016.


INTRODUCTION: Dev vs Ops Practices - Adopting DevOps - Identifying the Target State - Assessing the Current State - Choosing
the Transformation Plays - Adopting the Transformation Plays - Business Case for a DevOps Transformation- DevOps plays for
optimizing delivery pipeline. DevOps process Best practices - Maturity Life Cycle - Maturity Map - Progression Framework -
Readiness Model - Maturity Checklists - Agile Framework. Source code management (Git): Version controlling with SVN and Git,
Branching Workflows in SVN & GitHub Flow (9)

CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION AND DELIVERY: Best Practices for CI/CD - Jenkins overview -Jenkins Master, Node, Agent and
Git (SCM) Integration with Jenkins - Integrating GitHub with Jenkins - Maven (Build) Tool Integration with Jenkins - Building Jobs with
Jenkins - Source Code Review Gerrit - Repository Management - Testing with Jenkins - Setting up Unit Testing - Automated Test
Suite - Continuous Delivery- Build Pipeline - Jenkins Features - Security in Jenkins Case study : Building CI/CD pipeline for Android,
iOS, Angular, .Net, Python and NodeJs platforms (9)

CONTINUOUS DEPLOYMENT: Chef : Chef Landscape Components - Chef Server Features of Chef Server - Extended Features
of Chef - Chef Automate Workflow - Compliance - Ansible: Prominent Features - Benefits of Ansible - Ansible Terminology, Key
Concepts, Workflow, and Usage - Testing Strategies with Ansible - Monitoring - Splunk - Nagios Monitoring Tool for Infrastructure
Artifact management: Nexus, JFrog containerization using Kubernetes (OPENSHIFT): Kubernetes Namespace & Resources. AWS &
AZURE CLOUD: Introduction to AWS & Azure Clouds, Pipeline of AWS & Azure Clouds (9)

DEVSECOPS: DevOps to DevSecOps - Types of attacks - Adversaries and their weapons DevSecOps - Security implied in
DevOps - Points of contention between DevOps and security teams - A layered approach to effective DevSecOps - Three layers
overview - Security Education - Secure By Design - Security Automation - DevSecOps Lifecycle DevSecOps Methodologies
DevSecOps Tools Container Platforms: Docker Podman Kubernetes Docker Security principles and best practices Docker
capabilities content trust registry - Host Security images security Kubernetes Security (9)

MLOPS: Overview People - Key Features - MLOps Lifecycle - Developing Models - Preparing for Production - Monitoring and
Feedback Loop Model Governance - MLOps in Practice (9)

Total L: 45

1. Sanjeev Sharma The DevOps Adoption Playbook: A Guide to Adopting DevOps in a Multi-Speed IT Enterprise , John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., IBM Press, 2017.
2. -class Agility, Reliability and
, 2016.

1. Noah Gift, Alfredo Deza , Practical MLOps , O'Reilly Media, Inc.2021.
2. Mark Treveil, Nicolas Omont, Clément Stenac, Kenji Lefevre, Du Phan, Joachim Zentici, Adrien Lavoillotte, Makoto Miyazaki,
Lynn Heidmann Introducing MLOps , O'Reilly Media, Inc, 2020
3. Sricharan Vadapalli, DevOps - Continuous Delivery, Integration, and Deployment with DevOps , Packt Publishing, 2018

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Ankita Patil, Mitesh Soni, Hands-on Pipeline as Code with Jenkins CI/CD Implementation for Mobile, Web, and Hybrid
Applications Using Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins , BPB publications, 2021.


INTRODUCTION:The Human: I/O channels Memory Reasoning and problem solving; The Computer: Devices Memory
processing and networks; Interaction: Models frameworks Ergonomics styles elements interactivity- Paradigms. - Case
Studies (9)

DESIGN AND PROCESS:Interactive Design: Basics process scenarios navigation screen design Iteration and prototyping.
HCI in software process: Software life cycle usability engineering Prototyping in practice design rationale. Design rules:
principles, standards, guidelines, rules. Evaluation Techniques Universal Design (9)

MODELS AND THEORIES:HCI Models: Cognitive models- Socio-Organizational issues and stakeholder requirements
Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext, Multimedia and WWW. (9)

MOBILE HCI:Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks- Types of Mobile Applications: Widgets, Applications, Games-
Mobile Information Architecture, Mobile 2.0, Mobile Design: Elements of Mobile Design, Tools. - Case Studies (9)

WEB INTERFACE DESIGN:Designing Web Interfaces Drag & Drop, Direct Selection, Contextual Tools, Overlays, Inlays and Virtual
Pages, Process Flow - Case Studies (9)

Total L: 45

1. interface : strategies for effective human- 6th edition,
Pearson; 2016.
2. -Computer Interaction: 1st Edition , Elsevier, 2012

1. Bill Scott and Theresa Neil,
3. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer In 5th Edition, Wiley,2019.
4. 2019.


INTRODUCTION : Boolean retrieval - IR problem - Inverted index - Processing Boolean queries - Extended Boolean model and
ranked retrieval - Document delineation - Determining vocabulary of terms - Skip pointers Search structures for dictionaries -
Wildcard queries - Spelling and phonetic correction (9)

INDEX CONSTRUCTION :Blocked sort-based indexing - Single-pass in-memory indexing - Distributed indexing -Dynamic indexing
-Statistical properties of terms in IR -Dictionary compression -Postings file compression (9)

VECTOR SPACE MODEL AND EVALUATION :Term frequency and weighting - Vector space model - Queries as vectors -
Computing vector scores - IR system evaluation - Standard text collections - Evaluation of unranked and ranked retrieval sets (9)

PROBABILISTIC AND LANGUAGE MODELS :Probability ranking principle - Binary independence model - Appraisal of
probabilistic models - Language models - Query likelihood models - Merits and demerits of language models (9)

WEB SEARCH :Web characteristics - Search user experience - Index size and estimation - Near-duplicates and shingling - Web
crawler features and architecture - URL frontier - Link analysis - Web as a graph - PageRank algorithm - Hubs and authorities (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto , "Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology behind
Search", Addison Wesley, USA, 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Bruce Croft W, Metzler D, StrohmanT , "Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice", Addison Wesley, USA,2013.
2. Gerald K , "Information Retrieval Architecture and Algorithms", Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.
3. Hang Li , "Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing", 2nd Edition, Morgan & Claypool
Publishers, USA, 2014.
4. Stefan Büttcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack , "Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search
Engines", MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, 2016.


THE FUNDAMENTALS OF AN IOT ECOSYSTEM: Introduction: Definitions and Functional Requirements - IoT Architecture - Basics
of Sensors and Actuators - Analog Sensors - Digital Sensors - Actuators. IoT Connectivity Protocols: IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee
Architecture 6LOWPAN LoRA-COAP MQTT (9)

IOT ARCHITECTURE FOR ENTERPRISES: Enterprise IoT Technology Stack-Middle ware layer Micro service Vs Monolithic
Architecture. Moving Intelligence To The Edge: The integration of IoT and Cloud- Limitations of centralized IoT data processing The
Need for Edge Analytics - Edge Analytics Architecture - Capabilities needed at Edge Devices - Running Data Analytics at Edge
Devices (9)

ELECTRONIC PROTOTYPING: Prototypes and Production - Open Source versus Closed Source - Prototyping Embedded Devices-
Prototyping IoT Projects with Arduino - Prototyping IOT Projects with Raspberry PI (9)

BUSINESS MODELS FOR IOT PROJECTS: Design Thinking Principles- Basic building blocks of a business model - The
- Lean business model - Business model for IoT based startups- Pitching an idea - Funding
opportunities for startups (9)

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ENTERPRISE IOT SOLUTIONS: Enterprise IoT development Platforms - Case studies:
Connected Vehicles - Connected Healthcare - Smart Grid - Industry 4.0 (9)

Total L: 45

1. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Rob Barton and Jerome Henry, IoT Fundamentals: Networking
Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for Internet of Things , Cisco Press, 2017
2. Arshdeep Bagha, Vijay Madisetti , "Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach", VPT Publishers, 2014

1. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison and Florian Michahelles , "Architecting the Internet of Things", Springer, 2011.
2. Oliver Hershent, David Boswarthick , "The Internet of Things - Key applications and Protocols", Wiley,, 2012.
3. David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, Olivier Hersent , "M2M Communications: A Systems Approach", Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK, 2012.
Springer, 2020


WORDS: Introduction - Mathematical Foundations Linguistic Essentials - Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit Distance
- Finite State Transducers - Language Modeling with N-grams - Naive Bayes Classification and Sentiment - Neural Nets and Neural
Language Models - Hidden Markov Models - Part-of-Speech Tagging. (10)

SYNTAX:Formal Grammars of English - Syntactic Parsing Ambiguity Cocke Kasami Younger (CKY) algorithm PCFG Inside
and Outside probabilities Dependency Grammar Transition based parsing MST based Dependency parsing. (8)

SEMANTICS: Vector Semantics - Semantics with Dense Vectors - Word Senses: WSD and WordNet - Lexicons for Sentiment and
Affect Extraction - Representation of Sentence Meaning - Computational Semantics - Information Extraction Named Entity
Recognition - Semantic Role Labeling and Argument Structure - Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking. (9)

PRAGMATICS AND APPLICATIONS: Discourse Coherence Neural Sequence modeling: RNN, LSTM Text Summarization -
Topic Modelling - Question Answering. (9)

NATURAL LANGUAGE GENERATION: Architecture of NLG Systems- Generation Tasks and Representations Application of NLG.
Machine Translation: Language similarities and differences The transfer metaphor Direct translation Statistical translation -
Translation involving Indian Languages. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. -Hall, Inc., 2017

Technologies, April 2017.
2. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper - Analyzing Text with the Natural

3. Li Deng and Yang Liu, "Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing", Springer, Germany. 2018
4. - A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing , Apress, 2019


NETWORK DESIGN: Overview of Analysis, Architecture, and Design Processes - A Systems Methodology -System and Service
Description - Performance Characteristics. Requirement Analysis: User, Application, Device, Network Requirements. (9)

NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: Component Architectures - Reference Architecture - Architectural Models - Addressing and Routing
Architecture - Network Management Architecture - Performance Architecture - Security and Privacy Architecture. (9)

LOGICAL NETWORK DESIGN I: Hierarchical Network Design - Redundant Network Design Topologies -Modular Network Design -
Designing the Enterprise Edge Topology - Secure Network Design Topologies Designing models for addressing and Numbering.(9)

LOGICAL NETWORK DESIGN II: Selecting Switching and Routing protocols Developing Network Security Strategies: Network
Security Design Security Mechanisms - Modularizing Security Design Developing Network management Strategies: Network
Management Design - Selecting Network Management Tools and Protocols. (9)

PHYSICAL NETWORK DESIGN: Selecting Technologies and Devices for Campus Networks: LAN Cabling Plant Design - Selecting
Internetworking Devices for a Campus Network Design - Selecting Technologies and Devices for Enterprise Networks: Remote-
Access Technologies - Selecting Remote-Access Devices for an Enterprise Network Design. (9)

Total L: 45

1. P. Oppenheimer, "Top-Down Network Design," Cisco Press, 2010
2. Michel Thomatis, 2nd Edition, Lulu.com Publisher, 2019

1. Marwan Al-shawi, Andre Laurent, " Designing for Cisco Network Service Architectures, 4th edition, ," Cisco Press, 2017
2. J. McCabe, "Practical Computer Network -- Analysis and Design," Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 1998
3. T. Quinn-Andry and K. Haller, "Designing Campus Networks," Cisco Press, 1998
4. Teresa C Piliouras Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives," CRC Publisher, 1988


OPEN-SOURCE PRINCIPLES AND METHODOLOGY: Need and Principles of OSS - Open-Source Standards - OSS success - Free
vs. Proprietary Software vs. Open-Source Software - Proprietary vs. Open-Source Licensing Model - History: BSD, The Free Software
Foundation and the GNU Project Challenges in Open Source - Open Source Initiatives, Open Standards Principles, Methodologies,
Philosophy, Software freedom, Open-Source Software Development. (9)

LICENSING: Creating Licenses, Important FOSS Licenses (Apache, BSD, PL, LGPL), copyrights and copy lefts, Patent - Zero
marginal cost, Income-generation Opportunities, Internationalization. (9)

OPEN-SOURCE PROJECTS: Starting and maintaining own Open-Source Project, Open-Source Hardware, Open-Source Design,
Open-source Teaching, Opens source media. Collaboration: Community and Communication, Contributing to Open Source Projects
GitHub: interacting with the community on GitHub, Communication and etiquette, testing open-source code, Wikipedia: contributing
to Wikipedia or contributing to any prominent open-source project of choice. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

OPEN-SOURCE ETHICS, SOCIAL IMPACT AND ECOSYSTEM: Open source vs. closed source, Ethics of Open-source, Social and
Financial impacts of open-source technology, Shared software, Shared source, Open Source as a Business Strategy - Open-Source
Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, Android, Free BSD, Open Solaris. Open-Source Hardware. (9)

DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND CASE STUDIES: IDEs, Debuggers, Programming languages, LAMP, Open-Source Database
technologies - Contributing to Open Source as a Beginner, Different Roles In a Typical Open Source Project, Choosing Open Source
Projects - Overview of Python open-source projects - Apache Web server, BSD, GNU/Linux - Android, Mozilla (Firefox), Wikipedia,
Drupal, WordPress, Git, GCC, GDB, GitHub, Open Office, LibreOffice , Understanding the developmental models, licensing, mode of
funding, commercial/non-commercial use. (9)

Total L: 45

1. VM Brasseur, Forge Your Future with Open Source: Build Your Skills. Build Your Network. Build the Future of Technology,
Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1st edition, 2018.
publications, 2017.

2. Kailash Vadera & - Press, Laxmi Publications, 2016.
publications, 2018.
4. M. N. Rao, "Fundamentals of Open Source Software", Eastern Economy Edition, PHI Learning, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Soft computing vs. hard computing - Various types of soft computing techniques - Basic tools of soft computing
Artificial Neural networks: Introduction - Evolution of neural networks - Scope of neural networks, characteristics- Gradient descent
technique - Supervised learning network unsupervised learning networks Applications (9)

GENETIC ALGORITHM: Introduction Basic concepts, Genetic modeling Encoding- Genetic operators Genetic programming
Multilevel optimization Real life case studies- Advances in GA. (9)

FUZZY LOGIC: Introduction to Fuzzy logic - Fuzzy sets and membership functions - Operations on Fuzzy sets - Fuzzy relations, rules,
propositions, implications and inferences - Defuzzification techniques - Fuzzy logic controller design -Some applications of Fuzzy
logic. (9)

NEURO-FUZZY MODELING: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy inference systems Coactive Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Classification and
Regression Data Clustering Algorithms - Rule base structure identification - Neuro-Fuzzy Control (8)

HYBRID SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES & APPLICATIONS: Introduction to hybrid systems Genetic neuro hybrid systems
Genetic fuzzy hybrid and fuzzy genetic hybrid systems Applications: A fusion approach of multispectral images with SAR,
optimization problems using genetic algorithm approach. Inference and Decision Support Systems: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Learning
algorithms: Non linear Hebbian Learning Data driven NHL - Hybrid learning (10)

Total L: 45

1. Samir Roy ,Udit Chakraborty, "Introduction to Soft Computing: Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithms", 1st Edition, Pearson
Education, 2013
2. S.Rajasekaran, G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai , "Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithm: Synthesis &
Applications", 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2017

1. James M. Keller, Derong Liu, David B. Fogel
Systems, and Evolutionary Comput - IEEE press, 2016
2. ,Pearson Education,2015
3. 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2015.
4. S.N.Sivanandam, S.N.Deepa , "Principles of Soft Computing", 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2018.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS MANAGEMENT: The Management Spectrum - The People - The Product TheProcess - The Project
- Process Improvement - CMM and its variants. (9)

PROJECT PLANNING, SCHEDULING AND TRACKING: The Project Planning Process - Software Scope and Feasibility - Basic
concepts in Project scheduling - Defining a Task Set for the Software Project - Defining a Task Network - Scheduling - Earned Value
Analysis. (9)

RISK MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT: Reactive Vs Proactive Risk Strategies - Software Risks - Risk Identification
- Risk Projection - Risk Mitigation - Monitoring - Management - RMMM Plan - Introduction - Types of Contracts - Stages in Contract
Management - Typical terms of a Contract - Contract Management - Acceptance. (9)

SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE: Maintenance Processes - Problem Reporting - Problem Resolution - Software Quality Assurance
activities for Maintenance - People issues in maintenance and support Software maintenance from customer perspective - Global
Maintenance teams. (9)

PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Understanding Organizational Behavior - Selecting the Right Person for the Job - Motivation - Working in
Groups - Becoming a Team - Decision Making - Leadership - Organizational Structures. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mike Cotterell, Bob Hughes , "Software Project Management", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.
2. Gopalaswamy Ramesh , "Managing Global Software Projects", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017.

1. Robert K Wysocki, Robert Beck Jr, David B Crane , "Effective Project Management, Traditional, Agile, Extreme", John Wiley
& Sons Inc, 2011.
2. Walker Royce , "Software Project Management : A Unified Framework", PEARSON Education, 2021.
3. Pressman R S , "Software Engineering - th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2014.
4. Ian Sommerville , "Software Engineering", Pearson Addison Wesley, Boston, 2017.


TESTING FUNDAMENTALS: Objectives and Principles - Fundamental Test Process - Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) V Model
- Cost of defect repair - Risk of inadequate testing - Developing Risk Matrix. (9)

TESTING TECHNIQUES: Dynamic Testing: Black Box Testing - White box testing - Grey box testing. Functional Testing: GUI Testing
- Compatibility Testing, Security testing, Portability testing, Configuration Testing, Recovery testing. Performance testing: Load testing,
Stress testing, Soak testing, Spike testing, Scalability testing, Volume testing. (9)

TEST MANAGEMENT: People and organizational issues in testing Organization structures for testing teams testing services
Test Planning Test Plan Components Test Plan Attachments Locating Test Items test management test process Reporting
Test Results Introducing the test specialist Skills needed by a test specialist Building a Testing Group- The Structure of Testing
Group. (9)

TEST AUTOMATION: Software test automation skills needed for automation scope of automation design and architecture for
automation requirements for a test tool challenges in automation Test metrics and measurements project, progress and
productivity metrics Case Study on Test Tools: Junit, Selenium (9)

SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE: Views of Quality- Quality Control vs Quality Assurance- Cost of Quality- Quality Assurance
Group Software Quality Challenges - SQA Activities- Formal Technical Reviews- SQA plan. Models and standards: ISO Standards-
Role of CMM- TMM. (9)

Total L: 45


Delhi, 2017.

1. Naresh Chauhan,Naresh Chauhan, Software Testing: Principles and Practices, OUP India, 2010

68th ACM 04.02.2023

cal Software Testing: A Process -


BASICS OF STORAGE SYSTEMS: Information Storage - Evolution of Storage Technology and Architecture - Data Center
Infrastructure - Key Challenges in managing Information - Information Life cycle - Case Study - Data Center Environment: - Application
- DBMS - H o s t - Connectivity - Storage Media - RAID: - Implementation - Array Components - Techniques - Levels - RAID
Comparison - Hot Spares - Intelligent Storage System: - Components of an Intelligent Storage System Types of Intelligent Storage
Systems (9)

STORAGE NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES: Introduction to DAS and SCSI - SAN: - Evolution - Components Connectivity Options
- Ports - FC Architecture - Fabric Services - Switched Fabric Login Types - Zoning - FC Topologies - SAN Based Virtualization: - Block
Level - VSAN - IP SAN: - ISCSI - Introduction to FCIP - FCIP Protocol Stack - FCIP Topology FCIP Performance and Security -
FCOE: - I/O Consolidation Using FCoE - Components - Benefits (9)

NAS, OBJECT BASED STORAGE AND CAS: NAS: - Benefits - File Systems and Network File Sharing - Components - I/O
Operations - Implementations - File Sharing Protocols - Factors Affecting NAS Performance - File Level Virtualization - Object Based
Storage: - Object-Based Storage Architecture - Components of OSD - Object Storage and Retrieval in OSD -Benefits - Common Use
Cases for Object-Based Storage - CAS: - Fixed Content and Archives - Types of Archives Features and Benefits of CAS - CAS
Architecture - Object Storage and Retrieval in CAS - Examples - Unified Storage: - Components of Unified Storage - Data Access
from Unified Storage (10)


Terminology - Planning Life cycle - Failure Analysis - Business Impact Analysis - Technology Solutions - Backup and Restore: -
Purposes - Methods - Architecture - Operations - Topologies - Targets - De-Duplication - Local Replication: - Terminology - Uses of
Local Replicas - Replica Consistency - Local Replication Technologies - Restore and Restart Considerations - Remote Replication: -
Modes - Technologies - Three Site Replication (10)

STORAGE SECURITY: Information Security Framework - Risk Triad - Security Domains - Security Implementations in SAN - Security
Implementations in NAS - Security Implementations in IP SAN (7)

Total L: 45

1. Somasundaram G, Alok Shrivastava , "ISM - Storing, Managing and Protecting Digital Information in classic virtualized and cloud
environment", EMC Education Services, John Wiley & Sons, India, 2015.
2. Pankaj Sharma , "Information Storage & Management", 2nd Edition, S.K. Kataria and Sons, India, 2012

1. MeetaGupta , "Storage Area Network Fundamentals", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Gerald J Kowalski, Mark T Maybury , "Information Storage and Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation", BS Publications,
New Delhi, 2009.
3. Marc Farley Osborne , "Building Storage Networks", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Robert Spalding , "Storage Networks: The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.


WEBSERVICES: Architecture - Messaging - Service Description - Service Discovery - Service Transport Security. (9)

IMPLEMENTATION OF WEB SERVICES: Messaging-Service Description-Service Discovery-Service Transport Security-SOAP

Protocol-WSDL-UDDI-Web Service Clients and Service Invocation-WS* Standards (9)

MICROSERVICES: Role of Web services, Web services protocol stack ,Communication model, Micro services - Architectural Benefits,
Deriving Business Value, Define and Apply Goal oriented Layered Approach, Design Process, Docker and Microservices, Role of
Service Discovery, Applications of Microservices. (9)

REST BASED SERVICES: Principles-Comparison with SOAP-XML Based Web Services-Design and Implementation of REST
services-Resource Oriented Architecture-best practices (9)

WS SECURITY: WS overarching concern, Core concepts, Challenges, Threats and remedies, Securing the communication layer,
Message level security, OAUTH2.2 ,WS security framework, WS security policy, WS trust, WSsecure conversation, Data level security

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Greg Lomow and Eric Newcomer, "Understanding SOA with Web Services", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Sanjay Patni, "Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate with REST, JSON, XML and JAX-RS", Springer, USA, 2017.

1. Eric Newcomer, "Django RESTful Web Services", PACKT Publishing, Birmingham, UK, 2018.
2. Irakli Nadareishvili
Media, New Delhi, 2016.
3. Jobinesh Purushothaman, "RESTful Java Web Services", PACKT Publishing, Birmingham, UK, 2015.
4. Mike Rosen, Boris Lublinsky, Kevin T. Smith and Marc. J. Balcer, "Applied SOA: Service Oriented Architecture and Design
Strategies", 2nd Edition, Wiley, Indianapolis, USA, 2012.


WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS: Introduction to Wireless LANs - WLAN Equipment - Topologies - Technologies - IEEE
802.11 WLAN - Architecture and Services - Physical Layer - MAC Sub Layer - MAC Management Sub Layer. (9)

WIRELESS WIDE AREA NETWORKS: First Generation Analog - Second Generation TDMA-GSM - Network Architecture - Short
Messaging Service in GSM - Second Generation CDMA- IS95 - GPRS - Third Generation Systems - WCDMA/CDMA 2000- SDWAN

ADHOC WIRELESS NETWORKS: Characteristics of Adhoc Networks - Classifications of MAC Protocols - Table Driven and Source
Initiated On-Demand Routing Protocols - OLSR - Hierarchical Routing Protocols - CBRP - FSR - TCP over Adhoc Wireless Networks.

WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS: Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks - Single Node Architecture - Hardware Components -
Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes - Singlehop versus Multihop Networks - Sensor Network Applications. (9)

SATELLITE COMMUNICATION AND GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM: Introduction to Satellite Communication - Satellite
Parameters and Configuration - Communication with a Satellite - Different Types of Satellite - Design and Principle of Operation of
GPS - Satellite Segment - Control Segment - User Segment. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Vijay.K. Garg , "Wireless Communication and Networking", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2017
2. st Edition, John wiley publication,

1. Cory Beard, William Stallings , "Wireless Communications & Networks An Interactive Approach", 1st Edition, Pearson Education
Limited, 2015.
2. T L Singal , "Wireless Communications ", Mcgraw Hill Education, 2016.
3. Siva Ram Murthy C, Manoj B S , "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols", Prentice Hall, 2017.
4. Dennis Roddy , "Satellite Communications", Fourth, McGraw Hill, 2017.



INTRODUCTION: Scope, applications and limitations of Bioinformatics- Biological Databases and information retrieval FASTA &
BLAST Protein Structure - Amino Acid, Peptide Formation, Dihedral Angles, Secondary Structures, Tertiary Structures,
Determination of Protein Three-Dimensional Structure, Protein Structure Database, Visualisation. (9)

SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT: Pairwise sequence alignment- sequence similarity, homology, identity scoring matrices Multiple
sequence alignment exhaustive and heuristic approaches scoring Protein Motifs and Domain Prediction (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

MOTIFS: Protein Motifs and Domain Prediction Identification of Motifs and Domains in Multiple Sequence - Alignment - Motif and
Domain Databases Using Regular Expressions - Motif and Domain Databases Using Statistical Models - Protein Family Databases-
Motif Discovery in Unaligned Sequences (9)

PHYLOGENETICS: Molecular Evolution and Molecular Phylogenetics - Gene Phylogeny versus Species Phylogeny - Forms of Tree
Representation - Procedure - Phylogenetic Tree Construction Methods - Distance-Based Methods, Character-Based Methods
Evaluation (9)

STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction - Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Methods,
Homology modelling, Threading and fold recognition, AbInitio Protein Structural Prediction Drug discovery (9)

Total L: 45

2. edition, Oxford University Press, 2019.

2. Perambur S. Neelakanta , -theoretic perspectives of bioengineering and

3. May 2020.
4. Xiong, J.,


INTRODUCTION: Understanding Design thinking - Design Thinking as problem solving tool - Human Centric Design Process -
Principles of Design Thinking - Design Thinking Process - Problems Best suited for Design Thinking - Case Study: Problem
Identification. (9)

EMPATHISE WITH USERS: Empathy for design Five Whys - Needs of user - Types of user research - Interviewing (Stories,
Anecdotes) - Mind Mapping Tool - Observational Research - Ergonomics and Human Factors - Affinity analysis - Empathy map
Persona. (9)

PROTOTYPING: Ideas to presentable concepts Concept Selection - Storyboards - Tasks in Prototyping Prototyping techniques
High-Fidelity and Low-Fidelity Prototyping. prototyping used in the software industry Rapid - Evolutionary - Incremental Extreme.
Case Study: Design prototypes using Prototyping tools. (9)

DESIGN AND TESTING AND EVALUATION: Designing for Tangible and Intangibles Digital touchpoints - Product Design
Interaction Design Service Design Transportation Design - Communication Design - Testing Prototypes. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Design Thinking for strategic innovations - Artificial Intelligent Application - HealthCare and Science Education-
Transportation - Finance Technology (9)

Total L: 45

1. Andrew Pressman, "Design Thinking A Guide to Creative Problem Solving for Everyone", Routledge Publication, 2019.
2. Christian Mueller- - KDP Print US, 2018.

1. Muller-Roterberg "Design thinking for dummies" John Wiley & Sons,2020.
3. Alyssa Gallagher and Kami Thordarson, "Design Thinking in Play: An Action Guide for Educators", ASCD Book, 2020
4. Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer, "Design Thinking: Understand Improve Apply", Springer, 2011


PATENTABLE ENGINEERING INVENTIONS: What are inventions? Commercial implications of patent protecting an invention.
Introduction To Patents - Requirements For Patentability Novelty, Inventive step, Industrial Application - Types of Patent Applications
- Provisional And Complete Specification - Structure of Provisional And Complete Specifications - Sections And Rules of the Indian
Patent Act Non patentable Inventions (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

TYPES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, Geographical Indication (GI), Trade
Secrets, Integrated Circuit Layout Designs (SICLDR) (9)

PROCESS OF PATENTING AND PATENTABILITY SEARCHING: Patenting Process - Procedure for grant of patent - International
Patenting through PCT route - What is patentability search Patent information and databases- outcome of search Limitations of
patentability search Patent search report Practical Exercises: Prior art Searching and Reporting using open source and commercial
tools Disclosing an Invention- Comparing inventions with their closest prior arts (9)

PATENT DRAFTING: Title of the invention - Field of the invention - Background art - Objects of the invention Patent citations and
prior art in the background of the invention- Patent of addition - Divisional application - Introduction to claims - Types of claims -
Significance and scope of claims Structure of claims Drafting and interpretation of claims (9)

LICENSING OF IPR: Scope of patent rights, licensing and transfer of technology, New developments in IPR: Administration of patent
system, IPR of computer software (9)

Total L: 45

2. Patent IPR Licensing- Technology Commercialization Innovation Marketing: Guide Book for Researchers, Innovators , Indian
Innovators Association, 2017.

1. I , PHI, 2014


GRAPH THEORY IN NETWORK ANALYSIS: Representing Networks - Graphs and Networks - Paths and Cycles - Components and
Connected subgraphs - Neighborhood - Degree and Network Density - Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues - Degree Distributions -
Cliquishness, Cohesiveness, and Clustering Centrality. (7)

NETWORK DYNAMICS: The Small-World Phenomenon: Six Degrees of Separation - Decentralized Search- Power Laws - Rich-Get
-Richer Models - The Long Tail - The Problem of Ranking - Link Analysis Using Hubs and Authorities PageRank (8)

SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS: Triadic Closure - The Strength of Weak Ties - Homophily- Affiliation - Betweenness Measures and
Graph Partitioning- Communities and Blocks - Methods for Identifying Community Structures - Stochastic Block Models and
Communities - Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Communities (10)

CASCADING BEHAVIOR IN NETWORKS: Introduction to game theory - Best Responses and Dominant Strategies - Nash
Equilibrium - Multiple Equilibria: Coordination Games - Diffusion in Networks Epidemics - The SIR Epidemic Model - The SIS
Epidemic Model. (10)

ECONOMIC NETWORK ANALYSIS AUCTIONS: Types of Auctions - Second-Price Auctions - Matching Markets: Bipartite Graphs
and Perfect Matching - Sponsored Search Markets: Advertising Tied to Search Behavior - Advertising as a Matching Market The
VCG principle - Equilibria of the Generalized Second-Price Auction. (10)

Total L: 45

1. David Easley, Jon Kleinberg Networks, Crowds and Markets , Cambridge University Press, USA, 2016.
2. Matthew O. Jackson Social and Economic Networks , Princeton University Press, New York, 2015.

1. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman, , Mining of Massive Datasets , Cambridge University Press, USA, 2014.
2. Charu C Agarwal, Social Networks Data Analytics , Springer, USA, 2011.
3. John Scott, Peter J. Carrington, Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis , SAGE Publications, New York 2011
4. Valente, Thomas, Social Networks and Health: Models, Methods and Applications Oxford University Press, New York,

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese






68th ACM 04.02.2023




AMORTIZED ANALYSIS AND SETS: Amortization - Methods - Applications. DISJOINT SETS : Equivalence Relations
Dynamic Equivalence Problem Basic Data Structure Smart Union Algorithms Path Compression. (9)

HEAP STRUCTURES: Min - Max Heaps - Deaps - Leftist Heaps - Binomial Heaps - Fibonacci Heaps. (8)

SEARCH TREES: Red-Black Tree - AA Tree - Interval Tree - Splay Trees. (7)

MULTIDIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES: K - D Trees - Point Quad Trees - MX- Quad Trees - R - Trees - TV Trees. (9)

GRAPH ALGORITHMS: Network Flow Problems Biconnectivity Euler circuits, RANDOMIZED ALGORITHMS ; Random
number generators Skip lists primality testing. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Mark Allen Weiss , "Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", 6th edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Dinesh Mehta , "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++", University Press, New Delhi,

1. Peter Brass , "Advanced Data Structures", Cambridge University Press, USA, 2014.
2. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", MIT Press,,
Massachusetts 2009.
3. Subrahmanian V S , "Principles of Multimedia Database Systems", Morgan Kaufman, USA, 2001.
4. Peter Sanders, Kurt Mehlhorn, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Roman Dementiev, "sequential and parallel algorithms and data
structures " , Springer, 2019


INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL REALITY: Basic features of VR systems -
technology and the five classic components of a VR system - VR Input hardware: Tracking systems, motion capture systems
and gesture interfaces- VR Output hardware: visual displays- sound displays & haptic feedback - Content creation
considerations for VR - VR health and safety issues - cyber sickness - side effects of exposures to VR environment (9)

VR DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: Geometric Modeling Virtual Object Shape Object Visual Appearance -Kinematics
Modeling Transformation Matrices Object Position Transformation Invariants Object Hierarchies Viewing The 3D
World Physical Modeling Collision Detection Surface Deformation Force Computation Force Smoothing And Mapping
-Behavior Modeling Model Management. (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY: System structure of Augmented Reality - Key technologies in AR - Marker-less tracking for
Augmented Reality - Enhancing interactivity in AR environment - General solution for calculating geometric & illumination
consistency in the augmented environment - Evaluating AR systems. (9)

AUGMENTED AND MIXED REALITY: Taxonomy, technology and features of augmented reality - difference between AR
and VR - Challenges with AR - AR systems and functionality - Augmented Reality methods - Visualization techniques for
Augmented Reality (9)

METAVERSE: Introduction to Metaverse and immersive experience - Metaverse value chain with 7 layers - AR, VR and MR
in Metaverse - Blockchain adoption in Metaverse - Need of decentralization in Metaverse - Understanding Tokens, NFTs -
NFT Token Standards - Use Cases: Gaming, Virtual Learning - Social Interaction - Personalized Avatars - Digital Identity in
Metaverse (9)

Total L:45

1. C. Burdea Inc., 2013

Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc, New Jersey, United States, 2016
-Wesley Professional; 1st edition, 2016

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Kaufmann, 2008


INTRODUCTION: Distributed System, P2P system, Distributed Hash Table, Distributed Ledger Technology- Private, public and
permissioned ledgers - Cryptographic primitives- public key cryptography- Digital Signature Algorithm -Hashing- Blockchain
evolution- Structure of Blockchain Life of Blockchain application - consensus Byzantine General problem and Fault Tolerance

BLOCKCHAIN 1.0 - BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY: Block Hash - structure of Block syntax , structures, and validation
- Transaction life cycle- Transaction types Hash computation and Merkle Hash Tree -Bit coin and importance- Creation of
coins Bitcoin P2P Network-, Bitcoin protocols - Mining strategy and rewards PoW and PoS Difficulty, hash rate Wallets-
Double spending forking- Token, Coinbase. (12)

BLOCKCHAIN 2.0 - ETHEREUM: Distributed applications (Dapps), Smart contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machines, Ethereum high
level design, Ethereum addresses, Ethereum accounts, Transactions, Currency, Gas, Tokens, Decentralized Autonomous
Organizations(DAOs), Bitcoin vs Ethereum Trie- Solidity programming writing smart contracts remix IDE TestNet- sample
exercises - issues in solidity programming (12)

BLOCKCHAIN 3.0 HYPERLEDGER: Fabric- Architecture, Identities and Policies, Membership and Access Control, Channels,
Transaction Validation, Writing smart contract using Hyperledger Fabric. (5)

APPLICATIONS: Know Your Customer (KYC), Food Security, Mortgage over Block chain, Block chain enabled Trade , Cross
border payments (5)

Total L: 45

1. Bina Ramamurthy, Blockchain in Action , Manning Publications, 1st Edition, 2020.

1. Blockchain: The Blockchain for Beginnings, Guide to Blockchain Technology and Blockchain

3. Antony
Mango Media , 2018.
4. Fabric In-



INTRODUCTION TO CLOUD COMPUTING: The Vision of Cloud Computing - Defining a Cloud - A Cloud Computing
Reference Model - Characteristics and Benefits - Challenges Ahead - Historical Developments - Building Cloud Computing
Environments - Study of Cloud computing platforms and Technologies Case Study - Google Cloud, AWS. (9)

VIRTUALIZATION: Introduction - Hypervisors - Main Categories of Virtualization - Application Server - Application Network
- Storage Service - Benefits of Virtualization - Cost of Virtualization Case study: Creation of Virtual machines in Google
Cloud, AWS. (9)

CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE AND CLOUD SERVICES: Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture - Cloud
Reference Model - Storage as a Service - Database as a Service - Information as a Service - Process as a Service -
Application as a Service - Platform as a Service - Integration as a Service - Security as a Service - Management as a Service
- Testing as a Service - Infrastructure as a Service - Case Study - Google Cloud, AWS. (10)

CLOUD APPLICATIONS: Scientific Applications - Gene Expression Data Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis - Business and
Consumer Applications - Social Networking - Media Applications. (8)

CLOUD COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE: Introduction to Dockers Deploying, maintaining and scaling containerized
applications using cloud infrastructure - Cloud storage Identity Access Management Cloud monitoring - Case Study:
Google Cloud, AWS. (9)

Total L:45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Private Limited, New Delhi, 2017.
Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
1. edition, Oxford University Press, 2018.
2. edition, Cambridge University Press, July 2017.
3. edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning Publisher, 2022.
Illustrated References for edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, May 2022.


INTRODUCTION TO COMPILERS: Translators - Compilation and Interpretation - The Phases of Compiler Errors
Encountered in Different Phases - The Grouping of Phases - Compiler Construction Tools. (7)

LEXICAL ANALYSIS: Need and Role of Lexical Analyzer - Input Buffering - Lexical Errors - Expressing Tokens by Regular
Expression - Finite Automata: NFA- DFA - Converting NFA to DFA - Minimization of DFA- Converting Regular Expression to
DFA. LEX Tool: Structure of LEX Program Predefined Variables Library routines Design of Lexical Analyzer for a Sample
Language. (9)

SYNTAX ANALYSIS : Need and Role of the Parser - Context Free Grammars - Top Down Parsing: Recursive Descent Parser
- Predictive Parser. Bottom Up Parsers: Shift Reduce Parser - LR Parser - LR (0) Item - Construction Of SLR Parsing Table -
CLR Parser - LALR Parser. Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer YACC Tool: Structure of YACC Program
Communication between LEX and YACC - Design of a Syntax Analyzer for a Sample Language. (10)

INTERMEDIATE CODE GENERATION: Benefits- Intermediate Languages - Generation of Three Address Code -
Declarations - Assignment Statements - Arrays - Boolean Expressions - Backpatching - Flow of Control Statements
Procedure calls. (9)

- Storage Allocation - Symbol Tables. Principal Sources of Optimization - Optimization of Basic Blocks - Global Optimization
- Global Data Flow Analysis - Issues in Design of A Code Generator - A Simple Code Generator Algorithm. (10)

Total L:45

1. -
Essex Pearson, Harlow, 2014.
2. V Raghavan , "Principles Of Compiler Design", Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2016.

Sons, USA, 2000.
2. w Delhi, 1997.
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1985.


IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES: Introduction to vision challenges - Classical filtering operations: mode, median, rank
order filters - Gaussian filters Thresholding techniques: Region-Growing methods - Adaptive thresholding - Edge detection
techniques: Template matching - Canny, Laplacian operators Corner and Interest point detection: Harris Interest point operator
- Local Invariant Feature Detectors and Descriptors. (9)

SHAPES AND REGIONS: Binary shape analysis object labeling and counting size filtering distance functions skeletons
and thinning deformable shape analysis boundary tracking procedures active contours shape models and shape
recognition centroidal profiles handling occlusion boundary length measures boundary descriptors. (9)

LINE, CIRCLE AND ELLIPSE DETECTION: Line detection Hough Transform (HT) for line detection foot-of-normal method
line localization line fitting RANSAC for straight line detection HT based circular object detection accurate center
location speed problem ellipse detection Case study: Human Iris location - hole detection. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3D VISION: Methods for 3D vision projection schemes shape from shading photometric stereo shape from texture shape
from focus active range finding surface representations point-based representation volumetric representations 3D
object recognition (9)

3D MOTION: 3D reconstruction - introduction to motion - triangulation - bundle adjustment translational alignment parametric
motion -spline-based motion -optical flow -layered motion. Application: Photo album - Face detection-Face recognition-OpenCV.

Total L: 45

1. Computer & Machine Vision , 4th Edition, Academic Press, 2012.
2. R. Szeliski , "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications", 2nd Edition, Springer, 2022

2. Simon J. D. Prince , "Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference", Cambridge University Press, 2012
3. Martin Goerner, Ryan Gillard, Valliappa Lakshmanan, -to-End

4. Jan Erik Solem , "Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images", O'Reilly Media,


INTRODUCTION: Dev vs Ops Practices - Adopting DevOps - Identifying the Target State - Assessing the Current State -
Choosing the Transformation Plays - Adopting the Transformation Plays - Business Case for a DevOps Transformation- DevOps
plays for optimizing delivery pipeline. DevOps process Best practices - Maturity Life Cycle - Maturity Map - Progression
Framework - Readiness Model - Maturity Checklists - Agile Framework. Source code management (Git): Version controlling with
SVN and Git, Branching Workflows in SVN & GitHub Flow (9)

CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION AND DELIVERY: Best Practices for CI/CD - Jenkins overview -Jenkins Master, Node, Agent
and Git (SCM) Integration with Jenkins - Integrating GitHub with Jenkins - Maven (Build) Tool Integration with Jenkins - Building
Jobs with Jenkins - Source Code Review Gerrit - Repository Management - Testing with Jenkins - Setting up Unit Testing -
Automated Test Suite - Continuous Delivery- Build Pipeline - Jenkins Features - Security in Jenkins Case study : Building CI/CD
pipeline for Android, iOS, Angular, .Net, Python and NodeJs platforms (9)

CONTINUOUS DEPLOYMENT: Chef : Chef Landscape Components - Chef Server Features of Chef Server - Extended
Features of Chef - Chef Automate Workflow - Compliance - Ansible: Prominent Features - Benefits of Ansible - Ansible
Terminology, Key Concepts, Workflow, and Usage - Testing Strategies with Ansible - Monitoring - Splunk - Nagios Monitoring
Tool for Infrastructure Artifact management: Nexus, JFrog containerization using Kubernetes (OPENSHIFT): Kubernetes
Namespace & Resources. AWS & AZURE CLOUD: Introduction to AWS & Azure Clouds, Pipeline of AWS & Azure Clouds

DEVSECOPS: DevOps to DevSecOps - Types of attacks - Adversaries and their weapons DevSecOps - Security implied in
DevOps - Points of contention between DevOps and security teams - A layered approach to effective DevSecOps - Three layers
overview - Security Education - Secure By Design - Security Automation - DevSecOps Lifecycle DevSecOps Methodologies
DevSecOps Tools Container Platforms: Docker Podman Kubernetes Docker Security principles and best practices
Docker capabilities content trust registry - Host Security images security Kubernetes Security (9)

MLOPS: Overview People - Key Features - MLOps Lifecycle - Developing Models - Preparing for Production - Monitoring and
Feedback Loop Model Governance - MLOps in Practice (9)

Total L: 45

1. Sanjeev Sharma The DevOps Adoption Playbook: A Guide to Adopting DevOps in a Multi-Speed IT Enterprise , John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., IBM Press, 2017.
2. Gene Kim, John Willis, Patrick Debois -class Agility, Reliability
, 2016.

1. Noah Gift, Alfredo Deza , Practical MLOps , O'Reilly Media, Inc.2021.
2. Mark Treveil, Nicolas Omont, Clément Stenac, Kenji Lefevre, Du Phan, Joachim Zentici, Adrien Lavoillotte, Makoto
Miyazaki, Lynn Heidmann Introducing MLOps , O'Reilly Media, Inc, 2020
3. Sricharan Vadapalli - Continuous Delivery, Integration, and Deployment with DevOp
4. -on Pipeline as Code with Jenkins CI/CD Implementation for Mobile, Web, and Hybrid

68th ACM 04.02.2023


HEURISTIC AND META HEURISTIC APPROACHES: Challenges in Solving Complex Problems - Evolutionary Algorithms:
Principles, Historical Development, Features, Classification and Components, Advantages, Applications. Heuristic Search: Hill
Climbing: Principles, Local and Global maxima, Ridges, Plateau - Steepest Ascent - Simulated Annealing: Annealing schedule,
Parameter Selection (9)

GENETIC ALGORITHM: Biological Background - Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) - Representation types - Recombination
Types - Mutation Types - GA Algorithm - Schema Theorem - Variations of GA: Adaptive GA, Real Coded GA (7)

DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION: Principles, Mutation, Crossover, Selection. SWARM INTELLIGENCE: Particle Swarm
Optimization: Swarms, Operating principles, PSO Algorithm, Neighborhood Topologies - Variations of PSO: Binary, weighted

ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION: Ant Foraging Behavior, Theoretical Considerations, ACO Algorithm, Variations of ACO: Elitist
Ant System (EAS), Min Max Ant System (MMAS) and Rank Based Ant Colony System (RANKAS) (7)


Challenges - Evolutionary algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization - Multimodal Function Optimization - Non-Dominated
Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA): Non-Elitist, Elitist - Controlled Elitism in NSGA . (12)

Total L: 45

2. - Wiley-Blackwell, USA, 2011.


2. Xin- -Inspired Computation and Swarm Intelligence: Algorithms, Theory and Applicatio
Science, United Kingdom, 2020.
3. Aboul Ella Hassanien and EidEmary, Swarm Intelligence: Principles, Advances, and Applications , CRC Press, New York,
4. Kenneth A. De Jong,


INTRODUCTION: The Human: I/O channels Memory Reasoning and problem solving; The Computer: Devices Memory
processing and networks; Interaction: Models frameworks Ergonomics styles elements interactivity- Paradigms. - Case
Studies (9)

DESIGN AND PROCESS: Interactive Design: Basics process scenarios navigation screen design Iteration and
prototyping. HCI in software process: Software life cycle usability engineering Prototyping in practice design rationale.
Design rules: principles, standards, guidelines, rules. Evaluation Techniques Universal Design (9)

MODELS AND THEORIES: HCI Models: Cognitive models- Socio-Organizational issues and stakeholder requirements
Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext, Multimedia and WWW. (9)

MOBILE HCI: Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks- Types of Mobile Applications: Widgets, Applications,
Games- Mobile Information Architecture, Mobile 2.0, Mobile Design: Elements of Mobile Design, Tools. - Case Studies (9)

WEB INTERFACE DESIGN: Designing Web Interfaces Drag & Drop, Direct Selection, Contextual Tools, Overlays, Inlays and
Virtual Pages, Process Flow - Case Studies (9)

Total L: 45

1. - 6th edition,
Pearson; 2016.
2. -Computer Interaction: 1st Edition , Elsevier, 2012

Education, 2004
3. Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers , Interaction Design: Beyond Human- 5th Edition,
4. 2019.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION : Boolean retrieval - IR problem - Inverted index - Processing Boolean queries - Extended Boolean model
and ranked retrieval - Document delineation - Determining vocabulary of terms - Skip pointers Search structures for
dictionaries - Wildcard queries - Spelling and phonetic correction (9)

INDEX CONSTRUCTION : Blocked sort-based indexing - Single-pass in-memory indexing - Distributed indexing -Dynamic
indexing -Statistical properties of terms in IR -Dictionary compression -Postings file compression (9)

VECTOR SPACE MODEL AND EVALUATION: Term frequency and weighting - Vector space model - Queries as vectors -
Computing vector scores - IR system evaluation - Standard text collections - Evaluation of unranked and ranked retrieval sets

PROBABILISTIC AND LANGUAGE MODELS: Probability ranking principle - Binary independence model - Appraisal of
probabilistic models - Language models - Query likelihood models - Merits and demerits of language models (9)

WEB SEARCH : Web characteristics - Search user experience - Index size and estimation - Near-duplicates and shingling -
Web crawler features and architecture - URL frontier - Link analysis - Web as a graph - PageRank algorithm - Hubs and
authorities. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto , "Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology behind
Search", Addison Wesley, USA, 2012.
2. David A. Grossman and O

1. Bruce Croft W, Metzler D, StrohmanT , "Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice", Addison
Wesley, USA,2013.
2. Gerald K , "Information Retrieval Architecture and Algorithms", Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.
3. Hang Li , "Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing", 2nd Edition, Morgan
& Claypool Publishers, USA, 2014.
4. Stefan Büttcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack , "Information Retrieval: Implementing and
Evaluating Search Engines", MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, 2016


INTRODUCTION: History - Critical Characteristics of Information - NSTISSC Security Model - Components of an Information
System - Securing the Components - Balancing Security and Access - The SDLC - The Security SDL (9)

SECURITY INVESTIGATION: Need for Security - Business Needs - Threats - Attacks - Legal - Ethical and Professional
Issues in Information Security (9)

RISK MANAGEMENT: Risk Identification - Risk Assessment - Risk Control Strategies - Selecting a Risk Control Strategy (9)

STANDARDS AND PRACTICES: Blueprint for Security - Information Security Policy - Standards and Practices -
ISO17799/BS 7799 - NIST Models - Design of Security Architecture - Continuity Strategies (9)

PHYSICAL DESIGN: Security Technology - IDS - Scanning and Analysis Tools - Cryptographic Algorithms and Tools -
Physical Security - Implementing Information Security - security and Personnel - Information Security Maintenance - Digital
Forensics (9)

Total L: 45

1. Michael E Whitman, Herbert J Mattord , "Principles of Information Security", 6th Edition, Cengage Learning Inc,
United States,2017.
2. Micki Krause, Harold F Tipton , "Handbook of Information Security Management,Volume 1-3", CRC Press LLC,

1. Matt Bishop , "Computer Security Art and Science", Pearson/PHI, 2003.
2. William Stallings , "Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice", 7th Edition, Prentice Hall of India,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
3. V. K. Pachghare , "Cryptography and Information Security", 2nd Edition, PHI Learning, Private Limited, 2015.
4. Ritendra Goel, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Surya Prakash Tripathi , "Introduction to Information Security and Cyber
Laws", Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, 2014.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


NETWORK DESIGN: Overview of Analysis, Architecture, and Design Processes - A Systems Methodology -System and Service
Description - Performance Characteristics. Requirement Analysis: User, Application, Device, Network Requirements. (9)

NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: Component Architectures - Reference Architecture - Architectural Models - Addressing and
Routing Architecture - Network Management Architecture - Performance Architecture - Security and Privacy Architecture. (9)

LOGICAL NETWORK DESIGN I: Hierarchical Network Design - Redundant Network Design Topologies -Modular Network
Design -Designing the Enterprise Edge Topology - Secure Network Design Topologies Designing models for addressing and
Numbering. (9)

LOGICAL NETWORK DESIGN II: Selecting Switching and Routing protocols Developing Network Security Strategies: Network
Security Design Security Mechanisms - Modularizing Security Design Developing Network management Strategies: Network
Management Design - Selecting Network Management Tools and Protocols. (9)

PHYSICAL NETWORK DESIGN: Selecting Technologies and Devices for Campus Networks: LAN Cabling Plant Design -
Selecting Internetworking Devices for a Campus Network Design - Selecting Technologies and Devices for Enterprise Networks:
Remote-Access Technologies - Selecting Remote-Access Devices for an Enterprise Network Design. (9)

Total L: 45

1. P. Oppenheimer, "Top-Down Network Design," Cisco Press, 2010
2. Michel Thomatis

1. Marwan Al-shawi, Andre Laurent, " Designing for Cisco Network Service Architectures, 4th edition, ," Cisco Press, 2017
2. J. McCabe, "Practical Computer Network -- Analysis and Design," Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 1998
3. T. Quinn-Andry and K. Haller, "Designing Campus Networks," Cisco Press, 1998
4. Management and Technical Perspectives," CRC Publisher, 1988


OPEN-SOURCE PRINCIPLES AND METHODOLOGY: Need and Principles of OSS - Open-Source Standards - OSS success -
Free vs. Proprietary Software vs. Open-Source Software - Proprietary vs. Open-Source Licensing Model - History: BSD, The
Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project Challenges in Open Source - Open Source Initiatives, Open Standards
Principles, Methodologies, Philosophy, Software freedom, Open-Source Software Development. (9)

LICENSING: Creating Licenses, Important FOSS Licenses (Apache, BSD, PL, LGPL), copyrights and copy lefts, Patent - Zero
marginal cost, Income-generation Opportunities, Internationalization. (9)

OPEN-SOURCE PROJECTS: Starting and maintaining own Open-Source Project, Open-Source Hardware, Open-Source
Design, Open-source Teaching, Opens source media. Collaboration: Community and Communication, Contributing to Open
Source Projects GitHub: interacting with the community on GitHub, Communication and etiquette, testing open-source code,
Wikipedia: contributing to Wikipedia or contributing to any prominent open-source project of choice. (9)

OPEN-SOURCE ETHICS, SOCIAL IMPACT AND ECOSYSTEM: Open source vs. closed source, Ethics of Open-source, Social
and Financial impacts of open-source technology, Shared software, Shared source, Open Source as a Business Strategy - Open-
Source Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, Android, Free BSD, Open Solaris. Open-Source Hardware, Virtualization Technologies,
Containerization Technologies: Docker. (9)

DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND CASE STUDIES: IDEs, Debuggers, Programming languages, LAMP, Open-Source Database
technologies - Contributing to Open Source as a Beginner, Different Roles In a Typical Open Source Project, Choosing Open
Source Projects - Overview of Python open-source projects - Apache Web server, BSD, GNU/Linux - Android, Mozilla (Firefox),
Wikipedia, Drupal, WordPress, Git, GCC, GDB, GitHub, Open Office, LibreOffice , Understanding the developmental models,
licensing, mode of funding, commercial/non-commercial use. (9)

Total L: 45

1. VM Brasseur, Forge Your Future with Open Source: Build Your Skills. Build Your Network. Build the Future of Technology
Pragmatic Bookshelf, 1st edition, 2018.

2. - ty Science Press, Laxmi Publications, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

APRESS publications, 2018.
4. M. N. Rao, "Fundamentals of Open Source Software", Eastern Economy Edition, PHI Learning, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Recommender system functions- Understanding user ratings - Applications of recommendation systems-
Issues with recommender systems Recommender Systems as a Multi-Disciplinary Field. (9)

RECOMMENDATION TECHNIQUES: Matrix Factorization - Collaborative Filtering: User-based nearest neighbor

recommendation, Item- based nearest neighbor recommendation, Model Based Techniques- Content-based recommendation -
Knowledge based recommendation: Knowledge representation and reasoning Overspecialization. (10)

HYBRID RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM: Opportunities for hybridization- Monolithic hybridization design- Parallelized
hybridization design- Pipelined hybridization design-Feature weighted linear stacking. (10)

EVALUATING RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS: General Properties of evaluation evaluation design Evaluation on historical
dataset Alternate evaluation designs. (8)

SECURITY ISSUES IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS: Attack dimensions Attack types Evaluation of effectiveness and
countermeasures Privacy aspects Case study: Personalized recommendations on the mobile internet. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Jannach D., Zanker M. and FelFering A., Recommender Systems: An Introduction , Cambridge University Press,
2. Michael D. Ekstrand, John T. Riedl, and Joseph A. Konstan
Publishers Inc, 2011.

1. Ricci F., Rokach L., Shapira D., Kantor B.P., Recommender Systems Handbook, Springer, 2011.
2. Manouselis N., Drachsler H., Verbert K., Duval E., Recommender Systems For Learning, Springer, 2013.
4. -Based


SEMANTIC WEB VISION AND STRUCTURED WEB DOCUMENTS: Introduction to Semantic web - Evolution of web-Semantic
Web Technologies - Recommended Layered Architectures. Structured web documents- The XML Language: Structuring -
Namespaces - Addressing and Querying XML Documents - Processing. (9)

DESCRIBING WEB RESOURCES : Introduction - RDF: Basic Ideas - `-Based Syntax. RDF Schema: Basic Ideas - RDF and
RDF Schema IN RDF Schema - An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema Querying in SPARQL (9)

ONTOLOGY ENGINEERING AND OWL: Introduction - Constructing Ontologies Manually - Reusing Existing Ontologies - Using
Semiautomatic Methods - On-to-Knowledge Semantic Web Architecture OWL Language Ontology Examples- OWL In OWL -
Future Extensions. (9)

LOGIC AND INFERENCE: Rules - Monotonic Rules: Syntax - Semantics - Representing Family Relationships. Non monotonic
Rules: Syntax - Brokered Trade as an Example - Monotonic and Non monotonic Rule Markup Case Study. (9)

TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS: Development tools for semantic web- Jena Framework- Semantic Wikis-Semantic web service,
Horizontal Information Products at Elsevier - Data Integration at Audi - Skill Finding at Swiss Life. (9)

Total L: 45

1. 14.
Wiley, USA, 2015.

1. -based

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. and Andrew Perez- 2nd Edition,

Wiley, 2014.
4. st Edition, 2011.



INTRODUCTION: Scope, applications and limitations of Bioinformatics- Biological Databases and information retrieval FASTA
& BLAST Protein Structure - Amino Acid, Peptide Formation, Dihedral Angles, Secondary Structures, Tertiary Structures,
Determination of Protein Three-Dimensional Structure, Protein Structure Database, Visualisation (9)

SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT: Pairwise sequence alignment- sequence similarity, homology, identity scoring matrices Multiple
sequence alignment exhaustive and heuristic approaches scoring (9)

MOTIFS: Protein Motifs and Domain Prediction - Identification of Motifs and Domains in Multiple Sequence - Alignment - Motif
and Domain Databases Using Regular Expressions - Motif and Domain Databases Using Statistical Models - Protein Family
Databases- Motif Discovery in Unaligned Sequences (9)

PHYLOGENETICS: Molecular Evolution and Molecular Phylogenetics - Gene Phylogeny versus Species Phylogeny - Forms of
Tree Representation - Procedure - Phylogenetic Tree Construction Methods - Distance-Based Methods, Character-Based
Methods Evaluation (9)

STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction - Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Methods,
Homology modeling, Threading and fold recognition, AbInitio Protein Structural Prediction Drug discovery (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dev Bukhsh

1. iley Interscience, 2009.
2. -theoretic perspectives of bioengineering and

3. May 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Understanding Design thinking - Design Thinking as problem solving tool - Human Centric Design Process -
Principles of Design Thinking - Design Thinking Process - Problems Best suited for Design Thinking - Case Study: Problem
Identification. (9)

EMPATHISE WITH USERS: Empathy for design Five Whys - Needs of user - Types of user research - Interviewing (Stories,
Anecdotes) - Mind Mapping Tool - Observational Research - Ergonomics and Human Factors - Affinity analysis - Empathy map
Persona. (9)

PROTOTYPING: Ideas to presentable concepts Concept Selection - Storyboards - Tasks in Prototyping Prototyping
techniques High-Fidelity and Low-Fidelity Prototyping. prototyping used in the software industry Rapid - Evolutionary -
Incremental Extreme. Case Study: Design prototypes using Prototyping tools. (9)

DESIGN AND TESTING AND EVALUATION: Designing for Tangible and Intangibles Digital touchpoints - Product Design
Interaction Design Service Design Transportation Design - Communication Design - Testing Prototypes. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Design Thinking for strategic innovations - Artificial Intelligent Application - HealthCare and Science
Education- Transportation - Finance Technology (9)

Total L: 45

1. Andrew Pressman "Design Thinking A Guide to Creative Problem Solving for Everyone", Routledge Publication, 2019.
2. Christian Mueller- - KDP Print US, 2018.

1. Muller-Roterberg "Design thinking for dummies" John Wiley & Sons,2020.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Alyssa Gallagher and Kami Thordarson, "Design Thinking in Play: An Action Guide for Educators", ASCD Book, 2020
4. Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer, "Design Thinking: Understand Improve Apply", Springer, 2011


INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS OF AI: Overview of Narrow AI, General AI and Responsible AI - Laws and Regulation Ethics of
the Ethics of AI- Ethical Issues and relationship with artificial entities- Exploring the Ethical Considerations in Indian context.
Frameworks and Modes: AI Governance by Human rights- Incompatible incentives of private sector AI - Normative Modes:
Codes and Standards- Professional Norms in the Governance of AI -Legal and Regulatory Approaches for Managing AI Systems
in India (9)

CONCEPTS AND ISSUES: Justice in Artificial Intelligence: Limits, Failings, and Ethics of Fairness - Accountability in computer
Systems- Transparency-Responsibility and AI- Ethical Analysis and design- The future of work in the age of AI- Sentiment AIs -
Autonomy Algorithmic Governance and Law. (9)

PERSPECTIVES AND APPROACHES: Perspectives and Approaches of computer science- Social Failure modes in technology
- Human centred Approach to AI Ethics: perspective from Cognitive science - Integrating ethical and economic values- Fairness
through the lens of Directed Acyclic Graphs: a Statistical Modelling Perspective Designing for other worlds- Perspectives and
Approaches AI in ethics: East Asia Middle East- Policy framework for trustworthy AI. (9)

ADDRESSING ETHICAL ISSUEIN AI: Ethical theories - purpose of AI- Ethical principles of AI Options at the policy and
organisational levels- guidance mechanisms AI ethics stakeholders -Principles for Responsible Management of AI Systems in
India (9)

NEAR FUTURE OF AI: Mass Unemployment- autonomous Weapons Ethical Matrix Ethics of Artificial Lover-Long term impact
of super intelligence: Alignment of advanced machine learning systems- moral machines-Designing AI with Rights,
Consciousness, Self-Respect, and Freedom. Applications: Transport, Defence, Healthcare, Law, Education, Robot Teaching,
Social organization of work, Smart City. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Markus D. Dubber, Frank Pasquale, Sunit Das, The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI , Oxford University Press, USA, 2020.
2. Bernd Carsten Stahl, Artificial intelligence for a better future: An Ecosystem Perspective on the ethics of AI and Emerging
digital Technologies , Springer, UK, 2021.

1. S. Matthew Liao, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence , Oxford UniversityPress, USA, 2020.
2. Steven John Thompson, Machine Law, Ethics, and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence , IGI Global, USA, 2021.
3. Christoph Bartneck, Christoph Lütge, Alan Wagner, Sean Welsh, An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI , First
edition, Springer, Switzerland, 2021.
4. Niti Aayog


INTRODUCTION: Review on Definition and Basic Terminologies of Graphs Representations of Graphs Walks in Graphs and
Digraphs- Subgraphs-Vertex Degrees - Path and Cycles - Regular and Bipartite Graphs- Representations of graphs adjacency
and incidence lists adjacency and incidence matrices -Graph Traversals-Applications: Four Cubes Problem- Social Networks.

EULERIAN AND HAMILTONIAN GRAPHS: Exploring and Travelling Eulerian Graphs Konigsberg bridge problem -
Hamiltonian Graphs Applications: Dominoes Chinese Postman Problem - Travelling salesman problem (8)

PATHS AND CONNECTIVITY: Connected Graphs and Digraphs- or Graphs-Applications:Reliable

Telecommunication Networks. Network flows and applications- Flows and cuts in Networks, Maximum-flow problem, flows and
connectivity applications (10)

VERTEX-COLORING: Vertex-coloring - chromatic number of a graph, vertex coloring algorithms sequential vertex coloring,
largest degree first algorithm, applications - scheduling problem, fast register allocation for computer programming. (10)



Total L: 45


ll, New Delhi, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. - An Introductory Approach, Springer-
York, 2014.
3. Reinhard Diestel, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.


PATENTABLE ENGINEERING INVENTIONS: What are inventions? Commercial implications of patent protecting an invention.
Introduction To Patents - Requirements For Patentability Novelty, Inventive step, Industrial Application - Types of Patent
Applications - Provisional And Complete Specification - Structure of Provisional And Complete Specifications - Sections And
Rules of the Indian Patent Act Non patentable Inventions (9)

TYPES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, Geographical Indication (GI),
Trade Secrets, Integrated Circuit Layout Designs (SICLDR) (9)

PROCESS OF PATENTING AND PATENTABILITY SEARCHING: Patenting Process - Procedure for grant of patent -
International Patenting through PCT route -What is patentability search Patent information and databases- outcome of search
Limitations of patentability search Patent search report Practical Exercises: Prior art Searching and Reporting using open
source and commercial tools Disclosing an Invention- Comparing inventions with their closest prior arts (9)

PATENT DRAFTING: Title of the invention - Field of the invention - Background art - Objects of the invention Patent citations
and prior art in the background of the invention- Patent of addition - Divisional application, Introduction to claims - Types of claims
- Significance and scope of claims Structure of claims Drafting and interpretation of claims (9)

Administration of patent system, IPR of computer software (9)

Total L: 45

1. 2016.
2. Patent IPR Licensing- Technology Commercialization Innovation Marketing: Guide Book for Researchers,
Innovators , Indian Innovators Association, 2017.

1. I , PHI, 2014
2. Halbert,


GRAPH THEORY IN NETWORK ANALYSIS: Representing Networks - Graphs and Networks - Paths and Cycles - Components
and Connected subgraphs - Neighborhood - Degree and Network Density - Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues - Degree Distributions
- Cliquishness, Cohesiveness, and Clustering Centrality. (7)

NETWORK DYNAMICS: The Small-World Phenomenon: Six Degrees of Separation - Decentralized Search- Power Laws - Rich-
Get-Richer Models - The Long Tail - The Problem of Ranking - Link Analysis Using Hubs and Authorities PageRank (8)

SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS: Triadic Closure - The Strength of Weak Ties - Homophily- Affiliation - Betweenness Measures
and Graph Partitioning- Communities and Blocks - Methods for Identifying Community Structures - Stochastic Block Models and
Communities - Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Communities (10)

CASCADING BEHAVIOR IN NETWORKS: Introduction to game theory - Best Responses and Dominant Strategies - Nash
Equilibrium - Multiple Equilibria: Coordination Games - Diffusion in Networks Epidemics - The SIR Epidemic Model - The SIS
Epidemic Model. (10)

ECONOMIC NETWORK ANALYSIS AUCTIONS: Types of Auctions - Second-Price Auctions - Matching Markets: Bipartite
Graphs and Perfect Matching - Sponsored Search Markets: Advertising Tied to Search Behavior - Advertising as a Matching
Market The VCG principle - Equilibria of the Generalized Second-Price Auction. (10)

Total L: 45

1. University Press, USA, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


1. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman,
2. Char

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Group A : Electrical Systems & Control
23E001 Advanced Control Systems
23E002 Digital Control Systems
23E003 Utilization and Conservation of Electrical Energy
23E004 Design of Permanent and Reluctance Machines
23E005 Industrial Automation
23E006 Total Quality Management

Group B : Power Systems

23E007 Renewable Energy Sources
23E008 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
23E009 Smart Grid
23E010 HVDC Transmission
23E011 Power Quality Management
23E012 Power System Operation and Control
23E013 High Voltage Engineering

Group C : Electric Mobility Systems

23E014 Automotive Electrical and Electronics Systems
23E015 Electric Vehicles
23E016 EV Charging Technologies
23E017 Energy Storage Technology
23E018 Special Machines and Controllers
23E019 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

Group D : VLSI & Embedded Systems

23E020 VLSI Design
23E021 System Design using FPGA
23E022 Electronic Product Design
23E023 Embedded Systems and Internet of Things
23E024 Wearable Electronics
23E025 Mixed Signal VLSI Design

Group E: Software Systems & Programming

23E026 Virtual Instrumentation
23E027 Java Programming
23E028 Relational Database Management Systems
23E029 Operating Systems
23E030 Linux Architecture
23E031 Advanced Data Structures
23E032 Software Project Management and Quality Assurance

Group G : Computer & Communications

23E033 Communication Systems
23E034 Computer Architecture
23E035 Advanced Computer Architecture
23E036 Internetworking and Applications
23E037 Cyber Security for Electrical Utilities
23E038 Digital Image Processing
23E039 Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems


23EO01 Electrical Safety Practices and Standards

23EO02 Design Thinking
23EO03 Waste to Energy
23EO04 Biology for Engineers

68th ACM 04.02.2023



DESIGN OF COMPENSATOR AND CONTROLLERS :Compensator Design-Lead, Lag, Lag-Lead compensation - Realisation
of compensator using Electrical Networks - Frequency Response of Compensator- Design using Bode Plot. Controller Design:
P, PI, PID Controllers - Transfer function Design Tuning of PID Controller: Ziegler-Nichols tuning, Cohen Coon tuning
Method. (9)

STATE SPACE ANALYSIS :Concept of State, State Variables and State Model - State Space representation using Physical,
Phase and Canonical variables - State Transition Matrix Solution of State equation Controllability and Observability -
Controller design using state feedback Observer design using Ackermann`s formula (9)

PHASE PLANE ANALYSIS :Features Non-Linear systems - Common physical Non-Linearities Methods of linearizing Non-
Linear systems - Concept of Phase Portraits Singular points Construction of Phase Plane Isocline method Existence of
Limit cycles. (9)

DESCRIBING FUNCTION :Describing Function Fundamentals -Describing functions of common Non-Linearities Describing
function analysis of Non-Linear systems:- Limit Cycles - Dual input describing function for typical Non- Linearities: Relay,
Hysteresis and Polynomial type Non-Linearity. (9)

STABILITY ANALYSIS :Introduction Concept of Stability Equilibrium points- -

direct method for LTI systems -Linear systems - (9)

Total L: 45

1. Katsuhiko Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering", 5thEdition, Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Ltd, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Zoran Vukic, LjubomirKuljaca, Dali Donlagic, SejidTesnjak, "Nonlinear Control Systems", 1st Edition, Taylor & Francis Inc,
United Kingdom, 2003.

1. Gopal M, "Digital Control and State Variable Methods", 4th Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Benjamin Kuo, "Automatic Control Systems", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Horacio J Marquez, "Nonlinear Control Systems: Analysis and Design", 1stEdition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, United States,
4. Bandyopadhyay, M.N, "Control Engineering: Theory and Practice", 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.


INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL CONTROL :Block Schematic, Examples, Signal Forms, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Digital Control, Data Conversion and Quantization, Sampling Process. Reconstruction of Original Signals from Sampled
Signals - Sampling Theorem, Ideal Low Pass Filter. Impulse Sampling and Data Hold-Transfer Function of Zero - Order
Hold and First-Order Hold, Frequency Response Characteristics (9)

MODELLING AND ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE TIME SYSTEM : - Transform Method for Solving Difference Equations. The
Pulse Transfer Function (PTF) PTFs of Closed - Loop Systems, Digital Controllers, Digital PID Controller and Digital Control
Systems. Mapping Between The S Plane and Z Plane - Primary and Complementary Strips. Stability Analysis Jury Test,
Bilinear Transformation and Routh Criterion, Lyapunov Method for LTI Discrete time systems. Design based on the Frequency
Response Method and Bilinear Transformation. (9)

STATE SPACE REPRESENTATIONS OF DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS:Solution of The Time - Invariant Discrete- Time State
Equation, State Transition Matrix, Z-Transform Approach to The Solution of State Equation , Discretization of Continuous- Time
State- Space Equations , Controllability and Observability of Discrete- Time Systems, Conditions, Principle of Duality. (9)


Formula, Dead Beat Response, Design of Dead-Beat Controllers. State Observers Necessary and Sufficient Condition for
State Observation. Full Order State Observer, Error Dynamics of The Full Order State Observer, Design of Prediction
Observers - State Feedback Control System with Minimum- Order Observer (9)

OPTIMAL CONTROL :Basics of optimal control, performance indices, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design, Case studies:
design digital control for renewable energy system, Electric Vehicle. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Katsuhiko Ogat -

68th ACM 04.02.2023

is-Kagle Press, 2006
2. M.Gopal, Digital Control and State Variable Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2009.


ELECTRIC TRACTION : Requirements of traction system - Systems of traction - Systems of track electrification - Speed-Time
curves - Tractive effort - Power of traction motor - Specific energy consumption Block Diagram of Modern Locomotive Main
and Auxiliary Power supply circuits Current Collection Systems -Motors for traction -Starting and speed control - Electric
braking Case Study Metro Rail System. (12)

ELECTRIC HEATING AND WELDING : Advantages of electric heating Types of Heating - Resistance heating - Temperature
control, Induction heating induction furnace - Dielectric heating - Choice of voltage and frequencies for Dielectric heating.
Equipments for Welding - Resistance welding - Arc welding - Laser welding Ultrasonic Welding (8)

ILLUMINATION : Nature of light - Luminous intensity - Illumination - Brightness - Lamp efficiency - Luminous efficiency - Laws
of illumination - Electrical sources of light - Fluorescent lamp CFL LED Lighting systems - Polar curves - Calculation of
illumination - Indoor and outdoor Lighting schemes LED Driver topologies, color index , data sheet interpretation (8)

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING : Refrigeration Systems Refrigerants Types of Refrigeration Systems
Electrical Circuit of a Domestic Refrigerator Trouble shooting of Refrigerator. Air Conditioning Systems Types-Electrical
circuit of window and Central Air Conditioning Systems. (7)

ENERGY MANAGEMENT : Demand side Management Peak clipping Peak shifting valley filling - Use of off peak energy -
Trends in Conservation : Green Buildings. Introduction to Energy conservation and Energy auditing - Case studies on Energy
efficiency in thermal & electrical utilities- solar energy for domestic applications- Configurations -V2G Introduction. (10)
Total L: 45

1. Edition, Reprint 2022.
2. Rajput R K, "Utilisation of Electrical Power ", Laxmi Publication Mumbai, 2nd Edition, 2017.

1. Wadhwa C L, "Generation, Distribution and Utilisation of Electrical Energy", New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,
3rd Edition, 2014.
2. Garg G C, "Utilisation of Electric Power and Electric Traction", Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New Delhi,1st Edition,2006.
3. Openshaw Taylor E, "Utilisation of Electric Energy in SI Units", Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2012
4. Abbi Y P, Shashank Jain, "Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management", Teri Press, New Delhi, 2006.


BRUSHLESS PERMANENT MAGNET MOTOR : Brushless PM motor operation principle- BLDC/PMSM Rotor Design
SPM, IPM topology Number of Phases Number of Slot/Poles Permanent Magnet Technical Parameters B-H Curve
Load line plot Demagnetization Winding Design Distributed, Concentrated Fractional slot winding machines Thermal
Considerations (10)

SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTOR : Machine Configuration Principle of Torque production Phasor diagram in dq
axes Rotor geometry flux barriers flux carriers Maximizing Saliency ratio Number of turns and wire size, slot fill, Multi-
layer design, Mechanical limits Manufacturing. (10)
SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR : Machine Configuration Energy conversion diagram Choosing poles & phases
Rotor geometry pole shapes Inductance profile Commutation stage practical winding slot fill (10)

HYBRID STEPPER MOTOR : Variable reluctance motor Permanent magnet stepping motor operation principle,
construction Static torque Dynamic torque micro-stepping Analysis of a Hybrid Stepper Motor Detent torque, Stiffness
torque. (10)

NEXT GENERATION ELECTRIC MOTOR : Extreme Environment electric motor High temperature Environments High
temperature wires, Magnets, Vanadium cobalt iron alloys steel Introduction to superconducting machines Magnetic gear,
Bearing-less motors. (5)

Total L : 45

1. -

68th ACM 04.02.2023


2. Riazollah Firo
3. Yoseph Bar- .
Press, New York, 2019.


INTRODUCTION: History and developments in Industrial Automation - Vertical Integration of Industrial Automation - Control
elements in Industrial Automation Safety standards - PLC Introduction - Basics of PLC - Advantages - Capabilities of PLC -
Architecture of PLC - Scan cycle - Types of PLC - Types of I/O modules - Configuring a PLC - PLC wiring (8)

PROGRAMMING OF PLC: Introduction to state machine theory -Types of Programming - Process Control Programs using
Relay Ladder Logic - PLC arithmetic functions - Timers and counters - data transfer, compare and manipulation instructions -
PID instructions - PTO / PWM generation (11)

HMI SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: Need and Role of HMI in Industrial Automation - Types of HMI panels: Text display -
operator panels - Touch panels - Panel PCs - Integrated displays - HMI Programming - Interfacing PLC to HMI - UX Design -
Case studies - Machine automation - Industrial automation - Process Automation (9)

NETWORKING OF PLCs: Industrial Networking Buses (Flow Diagram Only) - Comparison of Industrial Buses - Protocols -
Field bus - Process bus - Modbus - ProfiNet - ControlNet DeviceNet - Ethernet - EtherCAT - BACnet - CAN bus protocol -
Networking using Modbus and Profibus (8)

SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) :SCADA overview - Developer and runtime packages -
Architecture - Tools - Tag - Internal & External graphics - Alarm logging - Tag logging - Trends - History - Report generation.
Communication Protocols of SCADA - Proprietary and Open Protocols - OLE/OPC - DDE - Server/Client - Interfacing of
SCADA with PLC and other field devices (9)

Total L: 45

1. th
Edition, Prentice Hall
India, 2013.
2. th
Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.

1. th
Edition, Newnes Publication, 2009.
2. rd
Edition, Dogwood Valley Press, 2016.
3. Edition, Newnes, Burlington, 2003.

4. -


EVOLUTION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT : History of quality, Definition of quality, Dimensions of quality, Quality Planning,
Principles of TQM, Contributions of Quality Gurus: Deming Juran Crosby, Cost of Quality. (9)

TQM PRINCIPLES :Customer satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer feedback, Teams, Quality Circles, Continuous Process
Improvement, Juran Trilogy, (9)

QUALITY STANDARDS AND MODELS: ISO standards: overview clauses - advantages, Quality management systems,
Energy Management System: ISO 50000 Series, Standards and Requirements , Six Sigma: evolution DMAIC DFSS,
Kaizen, 5S, Quality circle. (9)

SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE :QMS in Software Organization, Software Product Quality and Process Quality,
Software Measurement and Metrics, CMMi, PCMM: Structure - Process areas - Characteristics of maturity levels (9)

TQM TOOLS :Benchmarking Reasons and Process, Quality function deployment, House of Quality, Failure mode effect
analysis (FMEA), Seven QC tools, Management tools. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dale H.Besterfield, Carol Besterfield, Geln and Mary, "Total Quality Management", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Nina S Godbole, "Software Quality Assurance: Principles and Practice", Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Logothetics, "Managing for Total Quality - From Deming to Taguchi and SPC", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Subburaj Ramasamy, "Total Quality Management", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Juran J.M, and Gryna F.M, "Quality Planning and Analysis - From Product Development Through Use", Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2017.
4. Deming W.E, "Out of the Crisis", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2019.



INTRODUCTION: Energy sources and their availability Yield Energy ratio: Classification of Energy sources, Trends in
energy consumption - Energy Scenario in India, Sector-wise Energy Consumption in India - potential for renewable energy -
Need for Renewable Energy Sources. (7)

SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS: Introduction to solar radiation- Solar Thermal Systems: Principle and operation Low, medium
and high temperature systems. Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Solar cells and their characteristics - Influence of insolation and
temperature - PV arrays Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms Grid Connected PV System - Concentrated Solar PV
systems - Stand alone PV system. (10)

WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS : Nature and Power in the wind - Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) - Components and
Classification of a WECS - Wind Turbines - Types - Horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines - Yaw and Pitch Control - Betz
model - Generators for WECS - Types - Selection of Generators - Operation and Control of Grid-connected and Self-
excited Induction Generator - Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators - Schemes for Fixed and Variable Speed Wind
Turbines. (10)

ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS : Fuel Cells - Principle and operation, Types - Alkaline, Direct Methanol, Molten Carbonate,
SOFC, PEMFC - Efficiency - Effect of Polarization on Efficiency - Hydrogen Production and Storage: Reforming types - Solid
state, Gas phase, Cryogenic Liquid phase hydrogen storage - Batteries for Renewable energy applications - Types - Lead
acid and Lithium ion batteries - Sizing of Batteries Ultra Capacitors - Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) (10)

MISCELLANEOUS ENERGY SOURCES :Energy from Ocean Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion Systems - Geo-thermal Energy Systems - Magneto Hydro Dynamic Systems Energy from Biomass Waste to
Energy. (8)

Total L: 45

1. - 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 2016,


4. F. A. Farret, M. Edition, Wiley , 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Fundamentals of AC power transmission, transmission problems and needs, emergence of FACTS-FACTS
control considerations, FACTS controllers. (6)

SHUNT COMPENSATORS : Need for shunt controllers - Principle and operation of SVC- transient stability improvement-power
oscillation damping-applications. Methods of controllable VAR generation- types - Variable Impedance type & switching
converter type Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) - configuration, characteristics and control-applications. (12)

SERIES COMPENSATOR: Principles of operation- types - static series compensation using GCSC, TCSC and TSSC, Static
Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) characteristics and control-applications. (9)

VOLTAGE REGULATORS AND PHASE SHIFTERS: Principles of operation-types -Steady state model and characteristics of
a static voltage regulators and phase shifters- power circuit configurations-applications. (9)

UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLER: Principles of operation characteristics - independent active and reactive power
flow control -applications. Comparison of UPFC with the controlled series compensators and phase shifters. (9)

Total L : 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. -
New York, 2000.

1. Singh, Bhim, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad. Power quality: problems and mitigation techniques. John Wiley &
Sons, 2014.
2. R . - IEEE
press, Wiley Inter science, 2002.
3. P. Kundur. Power system stability and control. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994.
4. Hirofumi Akagi, Edson Hirokazu
Conditioning, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2017


INTRODUCTION TO SMART GRID :Need for Smart Grid Difference between conventional & smart grid Overview of
enabling technologies Smart Grid Architecture Functional Characteristics Role of Renewable Energy in Grid Reliability
Distributed Generation and Microgrids Grid Integration issues. Smart Grid deployment: International status - Smart Grid road
map for India. Smart grid Standards. (9)

SENSING AND MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART GRID: Smart Sensor Functionalities and Classification.
Wide Area Monitoring System: Phasor Measuring Unit (PMU) - Estimation of phasors using DFT, DCT Walsh function and LES
technique; Estimation of frequency. Wide Area Protection: Adaptive Protection for Tr. Lines, PMU based System Integrity
Protection Schemes. Wide Area Control: Framework for Wide-Area Damping Control. Blackout analysis - Case studies on
Indian Grid. (9)

SMART GRID APPLICATIONS: IEDs - Digital Substation Architecture IEC 61850 SCL and GOOSE Messaging
Substation and Feeder Automation System FLISR schemes. Smart Meters: Smart Meters construction categories
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Demand response TOD Pricing - Outage and PQ management. Volt/VAR control,
V2G and G2V Strategies. Energy storage and Ancillary support systems. (9)

ICT FOR SMART GRIDS: Communication architecture - HAN, FAN, NAN and WAN networks. Wired communication (PLCC,
Ethernet, OFC), Wireless Communication (WiFi, Zigbee, GSM/GPRS), Smart Meter Communications - IoT applications in
Smart Grid. Role of Big Data in Smart Grid Analytics Smart Grid Information Model - Characterization of Smart Grid Data. (9)

TRANSACTIVE ENERGY MARKETS AND CYBER SECURITY : Transactive Energy scheme for renewable market
participants. Transactive Energy Techniques: Transmission/distribution capacity auction, Market-clearing and pricing. Cyber
Security: Cyber Security requirements. Security threats in Distribution Automation and AMI. Approach to assessment of cyber
security risks. Protection against FDI and DoS attacks. Case studies of cyber attack on power plants. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Stuart Borlase, "Smart Grids: Infrastructure, Technology and Solutions", 1 st Edition, CRC Press Publication, England, 2017
Engineering Series, 2017.


4. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, "Smart Grid Primer", 1st Edition, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited,
Bangalore, India, 2013.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction of DC power transmission technology, Comparison of AC and DC Transmission, Different
Voltage Levels - Classification of HVDC links, Components, Configurations, Choice of converter configuration, Line
Commutated Converter and Voltage Source Converter based systems. (9)

CONTROL OF HVDC CONVERTERS AND SYSTEMS: Converter Control: Basic philosophy- Individual phase control -
Equidistant firing control Constant current loop - Inverter extinction-angle control - Transition from extinction-angle to current
control- Bidirectional multilevel converter for integration. DC System Control: Basic philosophy - Characteristics and direction

68th ACM 04.02.2023

of DC-power flow - Tap-changer control - Reversal of power flow- Modifications to the basic characteristics - Operational non
minimum margin angle- Power-flow control - Frequency control - Power/frequency control. (9)

FAULT BEHAVIOR AND PROTECTION OF HVDC SYSTEM: Smoothing reactors Transient over voltages in DC line,
Protection of DC line, DC breakers, Monopolar operation, Effects of proximity of AC and DC transmission lines - Valve
Protection Functions - Protective Action of an HVDC System - Protection by Control Actions - Fault Analysis. (9)

HARMONICS AND FILTERS: Transformer as source of harmonics - Harmonics due to Converters, Characteristic converter
harmonics - Non-characteristic harmonics- Harmonic elimination: Design of AC and DC filter - Determination of Resulting
Harmonic Impedance - Active Power Filter. (9)

MULTITERMINAL DC(MTDC) SYSTEMS: Potential applications of MTDC systems, Types of MTDC systems, Introduction,
Types of Multi-terminal HVDC System, Parallel Operation of HVDC, Control of Power in MTDC, New concepts in HVDC
converters and systems: Advanced devices - New concepts for thyristor converters - GTO-based voltage-source converters -
DC cable developments - HVDC application - Case study. (9)

Total L: 45

IET, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London, 2012.
2. Chan-Ki Kim, Vijay K. Sood, Gil-Soo Jang, Seong-Joo Lim, Seok-Jin Lee, "HVDC Transmission: Power Conversion
Applications in Power Systems", John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2015.

1. Kimbark E W, "Direct Current Transmission", Wiley, New York, 1971.
2. S. Kamakshaiah, V. Kamaraju, "HVDC Transmission", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Padiyar K R, "HVDC Transmission Systems", New Age International Publishers Ltd, New Delhi, 2017.
4. Dragan Jovc
& Sons, 2019.



INTRODUCTION: Definition of power quality Power quality- Voltage quality. Terms and definitions: General Classes of Power
Quality Problems- Concepts of transients short duration voltage variations - long duration voltage variation. Voltage
imbalance - waveform distortion- voltage fluctuation power frequency variation- power quality terms - International standards
of power quality - IEEE- IEC and Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Associations (CBEMA) curve. (8)

VOLTAGE SAGS AND INTERRUPTIONS: Sources of sags and interruptions - Estimating voltage sag performance.
- analysis and calculation of various faulted condition. Voltage sag due to induction motor
starting. Estimation of the sag severity - mitigation of voltage sags, active series compensators. Static transfer switches and fast
transfer switches. (8)

OVER VOLTAGES: Sources of over voltages - Capacitor switching lightning - ferro resonance. Mitigation of voltage swells -
surge arresters - low pass filters - power conditioners. Lightning protection shielding line arresters - protection of
transformers and cables. An introduction to computer analysis tools for transients. (8)

REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION AND HARMONICS: Effect of load pattern on reactive power and power factor
correction-Harmonic distortion- voltage and current distortion- Harmonics versus Transients. Power System Quantities under
Non-sinusoidal Conditions. Harmonicindices. Harmonic sources from commercial and industrial loads. Locating harmonic
sources. Power system response characteristics. Effect of harmonics. Inter-harmonics resonance. Harmonic distortion
evaluation - devices for controlling harmonic distortion passive and active filters. (12)

DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AND POWER QUALITY MONITORING : Introduction to distributed generation - Interface to the
Utility System - Power Quality Issues - Operating Conflicts. Interconnection Standards- Industry standards efforts,
Interconnection requirements, simple interconnection and complex interconnection.Monitoring considerations. Power quality
measurement equipment - harmonic / spectrum analyzer - flicker meters disturbance analyzer. Applications of expert systems
for power quality monitoring. (9)
Total L: 45

1. Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty, Power Systems McGraw
Hill, 2012.
2. Sankaran.C, "Power Quality", CRC Press, Washington, D.C., 2002

1. Math H.J.Bollen, "Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions", IEEE Press, New York, 2000.
2. Arrillaga.J, Watson.N.R and Chen.S, "Power System Quality Assessment", John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England, 2000.
3. -Hill, New York, 2000.
4. Singh, Bhim, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad. Power quality: problems and mitigation techniques. John Wiley &
Sons, 2014.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION :Overview of system operation and Control - Load forecasting- techniques-, Indian power sector Past and
present status: Recent growth of power sector in India necessity of voltage and frequency regulation National and Regional
load dispatching centers- Basic control loops - Operating states Load characteristics - Load curves and load-duration curve
Load factor Diversity factor (9)

ACTIVE POWER FREQUENCY CONTROL :Basics of speed governing mechanism and modelling Speed-load
characteristics - Control area concept LFC control of a single-area system - Static and dynamic analysis of uncontrolled and
controlled cases Two-area system Modelling - Static analysis of uncontrolled case Tie line with frequency bias control
State variable model (9)

REACTIVE POWER VOLTAGE CONTROL :Generation and absorption of reactive power System voltage and Reactive
power - Excitation control AVR and its modelling - Static and dynamic performance analysis Methods of voltage control:
tap-changing transformer, SVC (TCR + TSC) and STATCOM - Secondary voltage control (9)

COMPUTER CONTROL OF POWER SYSTEMS :Concept of energy control centre Functions System monitoring Data
acquisition and control - System hardware configuration SCADA and EMS functions - Network topology State estimation
WLSE Contingency Analysis - State transition diagram showing various state transitions and control strategies (9)

system Electricity market entities and model Benefits of Deregulation - Basic terminologies Deregulation International
scenario Milestones of deregulation in the world - Indian power sector Past and present status Growth of power sector in
India (9)

Total L: 45

1. Allen. J. Wood, Bruce F. Wollenberg and Gerald B.Sheble, "Power Generation, Operation and Control", 3 rd Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore, 2013.
2. S.K.Gupta, "Power System Operation Control & Restructuring", I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2015.

1. P S R Murthy, "Operation and control in Power Systems", 2ndEdition, CRC press, Delhi, 2011.
2. SunitaHalder, AbhijitChakrabarti, "Power System Analysis Operation and Control", Third Edition, PHI learning Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2010.
3. Kundur P, "Power System Stability and Control", 10thEdition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
4. K. Uma Rao, "Power System: Operation & Control", 1st Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.


DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN :: Breakdown Mechanisms- breakdown of gaseous dielectrics: Streamer theory -
Corona discharges Vacuum breakdown Breakdown of Liquid dielectrics : Suspended Particle Mechanism - Cavitation and
Bubble Mechanism - Stressed Oil Volume Mechanism - Maintenance of oil Quality Breakdown in solid and composite
dielectrics : intrinsic breakdown - electromechanical breakdown -failure due to treeing and tracking - thermal breakdown (10)

GENERATION OF HIGH VOLTAGES AND HIGH CURRENTS : Generation of high DC voltage - Voltage Multiplier
Circuits - Van de Graaff Generators - Generation of Power Frequency high voltage: Cascade Transformers - Resonant
transformer - Generation of impulse voltages : Marx Circuit - Generation of Switching Surges - Impulse current generator -
Triggering and control of impulse voltage generators. (9)

MEASUREMENT OF HIGH VOLTAGES AND HIGH CURRENTS :DC voltages measurement: Generating voltmeter - High
Resistance with series ammeter Measurement of high ac and impulse voltages: Capacitance Potential Dividers - Capacitance
Voltage Transformers - Sphere Gap Measurements - Measurement of High Direct Currents: Hall Generators Measurement of
High Frequency and Impulse Currents - High current shunts - Rogowski Coils (9)

NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING :Measurement of direct current resistivity - dielectric loss and capacitance measurements:
High-Voltage Schering-Bridge - Partial discharge (PD) measurements: Straight Detectors - Balanced Detection Method (8)

HIGH-VOLTAGE TESTING AND APPLICATION :Testing of Insulators and bushings - Testing of Isolators and circuit breakers
- Testing of cables - Testing of Transformers - Testing of surge arresters - Application of high voltage engineering in food
processing and biomedical industry safety and electrical hazard. (9)

Total L: 45

1. S.Naidu, V. Kamaraju, &quot;High Voltage Engineering&quot; 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Peter Kuffel, W. S. Zaengl, &quot;High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals&quot;, Revised Edition, Elsevier India,
New Delhi, 2014.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Andreas Kuchler, &quot;High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals Technology - Applications&quot;, SpringerVieweg,
3. Mazen Abdel-Salam, &quot;High-Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice&quot;, 2nd Edition, CRC Press,
4. Wadhwa. C.L, &quot;High Voltage Engineering&quot;, 3rd Edition, New age International Publishers Ltd,New Delhi, 2014.



INTRODUCTION :Current trends in modern automobiles Drive by wire Systems -Vehicle functional domains and their
requirements - Components of an Automobile Electronic system and their functions: Sensors, Actuators, Control Units and
Software structure of Control units. (6)

AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS : Basic Electrical Components in an automobile - Starting system
(Battery, Ignition Switch, Solenoid, Starter, Neutral Safety Switch), Charging system (Alternator Drive Belt, Alternator, Voltage
Regulator), Fuses. Overview of Vehicle Electronic system - Driver - Vehicle - Environment system (Control and monitoring
systems, Electronic systems of the vehicle and the environment) -General instrumentation block diagram - Typical
instrumentation cluster lay out. (10)

EMBEDDED SYSTEM IN AUTOMOTIVE CONTEXT :Embedded systems in typical modern automobile - Distributed systems,
Embedded components -- Engine Management system - Diesel / Gasoline system, Components, System architecture
(H/W, S/W) - Body electronics systems, - Infotainment systems Navigation, Car radio Introduction to AUTOSAR. (10)

ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNITS (ECUS) :ECUs and vehicle subsystems - Electronic systems of Power train subsystem,
Electronic systems of Chassis subsystem, Electronic systems of Body subsystems (Comfort and Passive safety), Multimedia
subsystems. Automobile sensors and actuators, Engine management system, Vehicle safety systems, Environmental
legislation (Pollution Norms - Euro / Bharat standards). (10)

DIAGNOSTICS AND AUTOMOTIVE NETWORKING PROTOCOLS :Diagnostics procedure: Introduction Diagnostics theory
on board and off board diagnostics Diagnostics Link Connector (DLC) - CAN bus topology Data transmission CAN
protocol Over view of CAN controller - LIN bus: overview Data transmission system - LIN protocol. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Tom Denton, "Automobile Electrical and Electronics systems", Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York,
2. Nicolas Navet and Francoise Simonot-Lion, "Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook", CRC Press, USA, 2013.

1. Michel Parent &FurnioHarshima, Ljubovlacic, "Intelligent Vehicle Technologies: Theory and Applications", 1 st Edition,
Butterworth-Heinemann publications, New Delhi, 2001.
2. Ronald k.J, "Automotive Electronics Handbook", 2ndEdition, McGraw Hill Publications, Columbus, 2009.
3. Norman P. Mansour, William Ribbens, "Understanding of Automotive Electronics", 5 th Edition, Butterworth- Heinemann,
United Kingdom, 2014.
4. Robert Bosch , "Automotive Electrics Automotive Electronics", 5th Edition, Springer, Germany, 2010.


VEHICLE FUNDAMENTALS: Vehicle movement - Vehicle resistance - Dynamic equation - Power train tractive effort and
vehicle speed - Vehicle power plant and transmission characteristics - Vehicle performance - Operating fuel economy -
Braking performance. (9)

ELECTRIC VEHICLES :History - Environmental impact - Basic concept of electric traction, introduction to various electric drive
train topologies, power flow control in electric drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis (9)

HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES : Social and environmental importance of hybrid vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on
energy supplies. Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction, introduction to various hybrid Drive-train
topologies, power flow control in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis. (9)

ELECTRIC PROPULSION SYSTEMS :Principle of operation and performance of DC motor drives - Induction motor drives -
Permanent Magnetic Brushless DC Motor Drives - Switched Reluctance Motor Drives - Electric drive train design - Case study

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS :Electrochemical batteries - Ultra capacitors - Ultrahigh-speed flywheels Hybrid sources -
Storage system design aspects Battery charging concepts - Protocols (9)

Total L: 45

1. MehrdadEhsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E. Gay and Ali Emadi, "Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles:
Fundamentals, Theory and Design", CRC Press, New York, 2018.
2. Iqbal Husain, "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals", CRC Press, New York, 2021.

1. Ali Emadi, "Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Corp, New York, 2015.
2. Chris Mi, M. AbulMasrur, David Wenzhong Gao, Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and Applications with Practical
Perspectives, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , 2011
4. -


BATTERY BASICS: Battery parameters- Cell and Battery Voltages, Charge (or Amp hour) Capacity, Energy Stored, Specific
Energy, Energy Density, Specific Power, Amp hour (or Charge) Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Self-discharge Rates, Battery
Geometry, Battery Temperature, Heating and Cooling Needs 35 3.2.12 Battery Life and Number of Deep Cycles Types of
batteries- lead-acid, nickel based sodium based, lithium batteries, metal-air batteries. (9)

BATTERY MODELING: The Purpose of Battery Modelling, Electrochemical model, black box model, equivalent circuit model -
Battery Equivalent Circuit, Modelling Battery Capacity, Simulating a Battery at a Set Power, Calculating the Peukert Coefficient,
Approximate Battery Sizing, Battery state of charge estimation. (9)

CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE: EV supply equipment, charging standards, classification of charging infrastructure,

connecting EVs to the electricity grid, regulatory framework for EV charging connections, communication protocols for smart
charging, Battery Management System. (9)

BATTERY CHARGING TECHNIQUES: Basic Terms for Evaluating Charging Performances, Charging Algorithms for Li Ion
Batteries, Optimal Charging Current Profiles for Lithium Ion battery, Lithium Titanate Oxide Battery with Extreme Fast Charging
Capability. (9)

POWER ELECTRONICS IN EV CHARGING: Active front end rectifiers - Forward converters, half and full bridge DC-DC
converters, power factor correction converters, decreasing impact on the grid and switches, bidirectional battery chargers,
wireless charging. (9)

Total L : 45

1. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley, 2012.
2. RuiXiong, Weixiang Shen, Advanced Battery management Technologies for Electric Vehicle, Wiley, 2018

1. Handbook of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Implementation, NITI Aayog, Government of India.
2. Chris Mi, M. AbulMasrur, Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and Applications with Practical Perspectives, Wiley, 2017
3. Bruno Scrosati, JurgenGarche, Werner Tillmetz, Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles, Woodhead
Publishing Series in Energy, 2015
4. Sheldon S. Williamson , Energy Management Strategies for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Springer, 2013


BATTERIES: Types-battery characteristics - voltage, current, capacity, volumetric energy density, specific energy density,
charge rate, cycle life, internal resistance, energy efficiency, shelf life, battery management system, SoC, SoH estimation
techniques. Testing of batteries, battery charging method, Factors affecting the battery performance. (9)

PRIMARY BATTERIES: Fabrication, performance aspects, packing and rating of alkaline manganese, silver oxide cells.
Lithium primary batteries-Lithium/Manganese Dioxide, Lithium/Carbon Monofluoride, Lithium/Thionylchloride, Lithium/Sulfur
Dioxide, Lithium/Iodine, Lithium-Aluminum/Iron Disulfide. (9)

ADVANCED BATTERIES: Advanced Lead Acid Battery -design, performance aspects, Pb-Acid batteries for transportation,
nickel-metal hydride batteries, zinc- alkaline batteries, ZEBRA Battery (Na/NiCl2) -NaS Battery-Lithium-Ion Battery-Lithium-
Polymer Battery, Li-air batteries, Li-S batteries, Sodium-ion batteries. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

STORAGE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS: Solar energy, Wind energy, pumped hydro energy, Energy storage in
Micro-grid and Smart grid. Energy Management with storage systems, Battery SCADA, Increase of energy conversion
efficiencies by introducing energy storage. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), charging methodologies,
Photogalvanic cells, semiconductor solar batteries (SC-SB), thermo-ionic converters, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). (9)

SUPERCAPACITORS: Fundamentals of electrochemical Supercapacitors, electrode and electrolyte interfaces and their
capacitances, charge-discharge characteristics, energy/power density, design, fabrication, operation and evaluation, thermal
management. Supercapacitors for transportation applications-aqueous and organic based supercapacitors, Pseudo and
asymmetric supercapacitors. Advance battery-supercap hybrids for auto, space and marine applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dell, Ronald
2. Vladimir

3. Press, 2006.
4. A.G.Ter- nology (IET) Publication,
UK, 2011.


STEPPER MOTORS: Types - Constructional features principle of operation variable reluctance motor, single and Multi-
stack configurations, Permanent Magnet Stepper motor, Hybrid stepper motor. Different modes of Excitation - theory of torque
predictions Speed-Torque Characteristics - Drive systems and circuit for open-loop and closed-loop control of stepper motor.
Integrated Driver for stepper motor (9)

SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTORS: Constructional features and configurations principle of operation Inductance Profile
- Torque Equation - Power Converters for SR Motor Rotor Sensing Mechanism Sensorless Control of SR motor -
Applications. (8)

SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS (SynRM): Construction - Principle of operation Rotor Configurations -Phasor
diagram and torque equation PM Assisted SynRM - Control system for SynRM Drive- Applications of SynRM. (7)

Magnetic circuit analysis EMF and torque equations Power controllers Applications.
PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: Principle of operation, EMF, power input and torque expressions,
Phasor diagram, Power Controllers, Torque speed characteristics, Self-control Applications. (10)

LINEAR MOTORS AND SERVO MOTORS: Linear Induction Motor (LIM) classification construction Principle of operation
DC Linear Motor (DCLM) types control applications Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) Types and Applications.
Servomotor Types Constructional features, principle of operation Servo Drives. (11)

Total L : 45

1. rendon Press London, 2003.

1. Wilfried Voss, "A Comprehensible Guide to Servo Motor Sizing", Copperhill Media, 2007.
2. Naser
3. J. R. Hendershot, Timothy John Eastham Miller -
4. Berker Biglin, jamesWeisheng Jiang, Ali Ema
Press, New York, 2019.


BASIC THEORY: Intra and inter system EMI, Elements of Interference: Conducted and Radiated EMI emission and
susceptibility, EMC Engineering Application. (4)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

COUPLING MECHANISM: Coupling paths, Coupling via the supply network, Common mode coupling, Differential mode
coupling, Impedance coupling, Radiative coupling, Ground loop coupling, Cable related emissions and coupling, Transient
sources, Automotive transients. Categorization of the electromagnetic interference: emission, susceptibility, transients,
crosstalk, shielding and compatibility, signal integrity. (12)

MITIGATION TECHNIQUES, STANDARDS AND REGULATION: Working principle of Shielding, LF Magnetic shielding,
Apertures and shielding effectiveness, Choice of Materials for H, E, and free space fields, Gasketting and sealing, PCB Level
shielding, Principle of Grounding; Need for Standards, EMI Standardizing for different application. IEC, ANSI, FCC, AS/NZS,

EMI TEST METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION: Fundamental considerations, EMI Shielding effectiveness tests, Open field
test, TEM cell for immunity test, Shielded chamber , Shielded anechoic chamber, EMI test receivers, Spectrum analyzer, EMI
test wave simulators, EMI coupling networks, Line impedance stabilization networks, Feed through capacitors, Antennas,
Current probes. (12)

BASICS OF BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF EM WAVES: Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Theoretic and diagnostic use of EM
waves. Measurement techniques of EM radiation. Protective design techniques. (5)

Total L : 45

Technology Books, 2002.

1. edition, Wiley (2010).
Interscience Series) 1997.
4. edition, Pearson Education, (2009).




Architectural design - Logical design - Physical design - Layout styles Full-custom Semi-custom approaches- Basic
Electrical Properties of CMOS Circuits : MOS Transistor Threshold voltage - Pass transistor - Transmission gate - Basic DC
equations - Second order effects - MOS modules - Small signal AC characteristics - CMOS inverter - DC characteristics -
Inverter delay Power consumption in CMOS gates Static dissipation Dynamic dissipation. (10)

VLSI FABRICATION TECHNIQUES :An overview of wafer fabrication - Wafer processing - Oxidation - Patterning - Diffusion -
Ion implantation - Deposition - CMOS processes Nwell - Pwell - Twintub - Silicon on Insulator CMOS process
enhancements - Interconnect - Circuit elements - Latchup - Latchup prevention techniques. (8)

LAYOUT DESIGN RULES & PARAMETERS ESTIMATION :Layer representations - Stick diagrams-CMOS design style -
Design rules - Need for design rules - Mead Conway design rules - CMOS n-well / p-well lambda based design rules - Simple
layout examples. Sheet resistance - Resistance estimation - Capacitance estimation - Driving large capacitive loads. (8)

circuits- Pseudo nMOS- Cascode voltage switch Logic-Dynamic circuits; Domino Logic-Pass transistor circuits- CMOS
Transmission gates-Structured design - Simple combinational logic design examples - Parity generator Multiplexers.
Sequential logic design: Clocked sequential circuits Single phase clocking -Max-delay Constraints- Min-delay Constraints -
Two-phase clocking - Charge storage - clock skew- Clocked CMOS - Logic-CMOS Dynamic register element -Dynamic shift
register Semi-static register CMOS Latches- D- flip-flop. (10)

SUBSYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS :General arrangement of a 4-bit arithmetic processor - Design of a 4-bit shifter - Design of
an ALU subsystem - Implementation of ALU functions with an adder - Carry look ahead adder Multipliers Serial-parallel
multipliers - Pipelined multiplier array. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Douglas A Pucknell, and Kamran Eshraghian, "Basic VLSI design", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Neil H E Weste, David Harris, "CMOS VLSI design: Circuits and System Perspective", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Jan M Rabaey, Chandrakasan A, Nikolic B, "Digital Integrated Circuits", PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Amar Mukherjee, "Introduction to nMOS and CMOS VLSI System Design", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1986.
3. Wayne Wolf, "Modern VLSI Design: Systems on Chip Design", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. John P. Uyemura, "Chip Design for Submicron VLSI Design: CMOS Layout and Simulation", Cengage Learning, New Delhi,


SYSTEM DESIGN USING PLDs AND CPLDs: Structure of PLDs PAL16L8, PAL16R6 - Complex PLDs (CPLDs) Altera Max
7000 series PLD design process Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs Adder Sequence detector
counters - shift register - Design of state machines using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) chart as a design tool. (9)

Programming techniques -Lookup table based FPGA- Multiplexer based FPGA Xilinx Spartan II series Logic Cell Array
(LCA) Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) Input/output Blocks (IOB) Programmable Interconnection Points (PIP)
Introduction to ACT 2 family - FPGA Design examples. (9)

VERILOG HDL-1: Digital Design with VerilogHDL Identifiers - compiler directives - Modules and ports -data types - operands
and operators - gate level modeling User Defined Primitives- data flow modeling - behavioral modeling - structural modeling
switch level modeling. (9)

VERILOG HDL-2:Function and Task Timing and Delays Test benches Design of combinational and Sequential circuits
using Verilog Verilog HDL synthesis Verilog HDL constructs for logic synthesis logic synthesis design flow RTL to gates.

TESTING IN DIGITAL CIRCUITS AND DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY: Fault Models Fault detection Test vector generation-
Fault simulation - Detection of faults in combinational logic circuits Stuck-at-fault model Boolean Difference Path
Sensitising method Design for testability Adhoc techniques Scan path Boundary Scan - Built-in-self test. (9)

Total L: 45

2. Nelson V P, Nagale H T, Carroll B D, and Irwin J D, "Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design", Prentice Hall International,
New Jersey, 2021.

2. Pearson Education India, 2017.



INTRODUCTION: The basic product development process- Product planning- Design and engineering- Identifying Customer
needs, Design Thinking, Product life cycle, Types of Design, Time to Market and Reliability. (9)

SYSTEM DESIGN :Top down design-Product concept-Innovation and Creativity - Validation -Communication-Product
requirements-System architecture development- Trade-off analysis- Cost modeling-Circuit design-Physical and mechanical
design-Tolerance. (9)

ELECTRONIC PACKAGING: :Different Types of PCBs - Layout Rules and Parameters - IC packaging: Leaded package,
TABITCP package-COB, flip-chip, BGA, CSP- Electromagnetic fields and human health EMC - Laws and Regulators EMC
Design: Grounding and shielding EMI and EMC Testing - EMI shielding -Thermal management: High level thermal analysis,
thermal issues in devices (9)

MECHANICAL DESIGN AND QUALITY :Design for manufacturability (DFM)-Design for testability (DFT) - Design for circuit
reliability- Aesthetics and Ergonomics-DFMA analysis - quality in the design process: Quality control -quality assurance-
quality functional deployment-Quality in the design process-Concurrent design-Risk analysis-Quality in production. (9)

DESIGN STANDARDS: User friendly design Design for environment - Green Design Design standards -Standards used for
PCB Design and fabrication -RFI and Safety Standards - CE marking, ROHS compliance - Tolerance Design - Design
margins- Safety and Risk analysis Patent and IPR. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Tony Ward and James Angus, "Electronic Product Design", 1stEdition, Chapman and Hall Publications, UK, 1996.
2. Bert Haskell, "Portable Electronics Product Design and Development: For Cellular Phones, PDAs, Digital Cameras,
Personal Electronics and More", McGraw-HILL, Newyork, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Tim Williams, "EMC for Product Designers", 5thEdition, Newnes, UK, 2017.
2. Nigel Cross, "Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design", 4 thEdition, Wiley, UK, 2008.
3. Kevin N Otto, Kristin L Wood, "Product design : techniques in reverse engineering and new product development",
4thEdition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Jordan P. W, "Designing Pleasurable Products: An Introduction to the New Human Factors", 1 stEdition, Taylor and Francis,
London, 2002.


FUNDAMENTALS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS :Basic Terminologies Classification, Characteristics and Quality Attributes of
Embedded Systems Components of Embedded System - Hardware and Software Codesign - Challenges in Embedded
System Design - Applications (8)

HARDWARE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: Design challenges - Design flow -Specifications and modeling - Design model -
Product design life cycle - Wired and wireless communication protocols - ARM7TDMI: Architecture overview - Processor modes
General purpose I/O - System clock -Watch dog timer Interrupts. (10)

REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS :Real-Time Operating Systems: Definition, Characteristics and Structure Task
Management: Classification-Multiprocessing and Multitasking Structure, States, and Scheduling Task Synchronization
Inter-task Communication Device Drivers. (10)

INTERNET OF THINGS : Physical and Logical Design of IoT IoT Levels and Deployment Templates IoT Design
Methodology Physical Devices and Endpoints Servers and Cloud storage. (8)

IOT PROTOCOLS : Physical and Data Link Layer Protocols: RFID: NFC, FFC, ZigBEE, Bluetooth Low Energy, Z- Wave, Wi-Fi,
Wireless HART - Network Layer Protocols: IPv4, IPv6, TCP & UDP, 6LoWPAN - Application Layer Protocols: COAP, MQTT
Security Issues-IoT Applications: Health Care, Connected Vehicles, Smart Grid, Smart Home, and Smart
City (9)

Total L: 45

1. K V Shibu, "Introduction to Embedded Systems", 2ndEdition, McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited, India, 2017.
2. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, "The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols", 2 nd Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, United Kingdom, 2012.

1. David A. Simon, "An Embedded Software Primer", 1stEdition, Pearson Education, India, 2002.
2. Qing Li, "Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems", 1stEdition, CRC Press, US, 2003.
3. Wayne Wolf, "Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer Systems Design", Reed Elsevier
Publications, Gurgaon, Haryana, 2009.
4. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, "Designing the Internet of Things", John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK, 2014.


INTRODUCTION :Drawbacks of Conventional Systems for Wearable Monitoring, Applications of Wearable Systems,
Recent developments Global and Indian Scenario, Types of Wearable Systems, Components of wearable Systems,
Physiological Parameters commonly monitored in wearable applications, Smart textiles, & textiles sensors, Wearable Systems
for Disaster management, Home Health care, Astronauts, Soldiers in battle field, athletes, SIDS, Sleep Apnea Monitoring (8)

SMART SENSORS AND VITAL PARAMETERS :Vital parameters monitored and their significances, Bio-potential signal
recordings (ECG, EEG, EMG), Dry Electrodes design and fabrication methods, Smart Sensors textile electrodes, polymer
electrodes, non-contact electrodes, MEMS and Nano Electrode Arrays, Cuff-less Blood Pressure Measurement, PPG, Galvanic
Skin Response (GSR), Body Temperature Measurements, Activity Monitoring for Energy Expenditure, Respiratory parameters.

WEARABLE COMPUTERS :Flexible Electronics, Signal Processors, Signal Conditioning circuits design, Power Requirements,
Wearable Systems Packaging, Batteries and charging, Wireless Communication Technologies and Protocols, Receiver
Systems, Mobile Applications based devices. Data processing and validation Signal Processing Algorithms in wearable
Applications (10)

WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORKS: Wireless Body Area Networks Introduction, Personal Area Networks (PAN),
Application in Vital Physiological Parameter monitoring, Design of Sensor & Sink Nodes, Architecture, Communication &
Routing Protocols, Security, Power and Energy Harvesting. (8)

ELECTRONIC TEXTILES :Concepts and development of electronic textile. Conductive Polymers and Fibers - Textile Fibres
Used for Wearable Electronic Applications. Interfacing Circuits and Garments - Designing of Wearable fabrics integrated with

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Electronic materials and circuits. Design of Heat-Generating Circuit for Nichrome Fabric, Design of Communication Circuit for
Copper Core Conductive Fabric. Design of Signal-Transferring Circuit form Optical Core Conductive Fabric. Design of
Bullet Wound Intimation Circuit for Tele-intimation Fabric. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Xiao ming Tao, "Wearable Electronics and Photonics", 1st Edition, CRC press, Manchester, 2005.
2. Ashok Kumar L, C Vigneswaran, Electronics in Textiles and Clothing: Design, Products and Applications, CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 2015 Edition.

1. Kate Hartman, "Wearable Electronics: Design, Prototype and wear your own interactive garments, Maker Media", 1 st
Edition, Maker Media, Inc, USA, 2014.
2. Elijah Hunter, "Wearable Technology", 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, USA, 2015.
3. GuangZhong Yang, "Body Sensor Networks", 1 st Edition, Springer, UK, 2014.
4. Micheal R Neuman, Edward Sazonov, "Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications",1st Edition,
Elseiver, USA, 2014.


ANALOG CIRCUIT BUILDING BLOCKS :Switches- Active Resistors-Current Sources and Sinks-Current Mirrors Simple
Wilson Cascode - Folded Cascode. Voltage and Current References General biasing circuits for analog design Supply
Independent biasing-Temperature independent biasing- Band gap voltage references Comparators- Multipliers (11)

CMOS AMPLIFIERS :MOS inverting amplifier - Improving the performance of inverting amplifier - Single stage MOS amplifiers.
T- CS stage - CG stage - Source Follower- Frequency response of amplifiers. Cascode and Folded cascode stage -Current
amplifiers - output amplifiers - Differential amplifiers (10)

CMOS OP-AMPS :CMOS operational amplifiers - Uncompensated and compensated Op Amps Noise performance of Op-
Amps - Design techniques with examples - High performance CMOS Op-Amps (7)

SWITCHED CAPACITOR CIRCUITS AND PHASE LOCKED LOOPS :Switched capacitor resistors - Switched capacitor
amplifier- Switched capacitor integrators.- Basic Architecture of Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) Charge Pump PLLs-
Applications. (8)

DATA CONVERTERS : Data Converter fundamentals, DAC Architectures: Current Switched - Resistive - charge redistribution
Hybrid - Segmented D/A Converters. ADC architectures Flash - Pipeline Integrating - Successive Approximation and
folding A/D Converters (9)
Total L: 45

1. Phillip Allen, Douglas Holdberg , "CMOS Analog Circuit Design", Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2014.
2. David A Johns, Ken Martin, "Analog Integrated Circuit Design", second, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2013.

1. BehzadRazav, "Design of CMOS Integrated Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Roubik Gregorian, Gabor C. Temes, "Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing", John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 2013.
3. Randall L Geiger, Phillip E Allen and Noel R Strader, "VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits", McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 1990.
4. Jacob Baker R, Lee H W and Boyce D E, "CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,



VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION :Concept& Architecture - Role of Hardware and Software in Virtual Instrumentation -
Advantages of Virtual instruments over Conventional Instruments.
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW :Graphical Programming-Advantages- LabVIEW environment: Front panel - Controls palette -
Controls and Indicators - Block diagram - Functions palette - Functions and Libraries - Data flow programming - Creating
simple Virtual Instruments - Editing - Debugging and Running a Virtual Instrument - Creating SUBVIs. (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PROGRAMMING STRUCTURES :Control Structures: FOR loops - WHILE loops - Creation of Local and Global variables -
Selection structures: CASE structure - Sequence structures - Flat and Stacked structures - Arrays: Initializing and array
operations - Clusters: Initializing and cluster operations - Waveform graphs and charts - String functions and File I/O functions.

DATA ACQUISITION AND I/O FUNCTIONS :DAQ architecture - connecting signal to DAQ boards - DAQ Assistant and I/O
functions in LabVIEW - Measurement and Automation Explorer. (8)

I/O INTERFACE :GPIB Hardware & Software specifications - Serial Communication - RS232 - RS 485 standards - PXI /
PCI: Controller and Chassis Configuration - Configuration using VISA. (8)

APPLICATIONS OF VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION :Image Acquisition - Machine vision system - Machine Vision Hardware
and Software - Introduction to IMAQ and IMAQ Vision - Sound I/O - Motion Control: Components of a motion control
system - Software configuration - Prototyping and Development - General Applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Sanjay Gupta, Joseph John, "Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Jovitha Jerome, "Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2011.

1. National Instruments, "LabVIEW: Basics I & II Manual", National Instruments, Bengaluru, 2005.
2. Richard Jennings, Fabiola De la Cueva "LabVIEW Graphical Programming", Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, USA,
3. Jeffrey Travis, Jim Kring, "LabVIEW for Everyone: Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun", 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall
of India Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Rick Bitter, TaqiMohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki, "LabView: Advanced Programming Techniques", 2 nd Edition, CRC Press, USA,
2007, (ebook-2017, Taylor & Francis Group).


OBJECT ORIENTATION IN JAVA :Introduction - Data Types - Operators - Declarations - Control Structures - Arrays and
Strings - Input/output.-Java Classes - Fundamentals - Methods - Constructors - Scope rules - this keyword - object-based Vs
object-oriented programming .- -Inheritance-Reusability - Composing class - Abstract classes - Abstract Functions - Method
Overloading and Method Overriding- Wrapper Classes. (9)

PACKAGES AND INTERFACES :Packages - Access protection - Importing packages - Interface - Defining and Implementing
Interface - Applying Interface - Variables in Interfaces. (6)

EXCEPTION HANDLING :Fundamentals - Exception types - Uncaught Exception - Using Try and Catch Multiple catch
clauses - Nested Try statements - Throw - Throws - Java Built-in Exception - Creating the subclasses. (4)

MULTI THREADED PROGRAMMING :Java thread model - Priorities - Synchronization - Messaging - Thread class and
runnable Interface - Main thread - Creating the Thread - Synchronization - Inter-thread Communication - Deadlock. (4)

I/O, APPLETS :I/O basics - Stream - Stream Classes - Predefined stream - Reading/Writing console input Applet
fundamentals - Native methods.- GUI Components - Applets - Java Scripts - AWT / Swings. (12)

NETWORK AND DATABASE PROGRAMMING :Fundamentals - Internet Addresses - Internet Protocols - DNS - Internet
Services - Socket programming - U D P - TCP. JDBC - Database Connection and Table Creation - Execution of
Embedded SQL Statements - ResultSet and ResultSetMetaData - Examples. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt, "JAVA - The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Deitel and Deitel, "JAVA - How to Program", Prentice Hall International, New Delhi, 2012.

1. KennathLitwak, "Pure Java 2: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference", Tech Media Publications, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Cay S Horstmann, Gary Cornell, "Core Java Volume I & 2", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Herbert Schildt, "JAVA - The Complete Reference", Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
4. Walter Slavic, "Absolute Java", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION : Purpose of Database System Conventional file Processing Database System Architecture- Data Modeling:
ER model: Entities, Attributes, relationships Weak and strong entity types Design of Entity Relationship data models, EER
Model - Conversion of EER to Relational Model. (9)

RELATIONAL DATA MODEL: Relational data model basics - properties of Relations- Domains and Key concept Enforcing
data integrity constraints - Relational algebra operations.Functional dependencies - Normal forms Normalization: 1NF to 5NF-
Domain Key Normal Form losses join and dependency preserving decomposition. (9)

RELATIONAL DATABASE DESIGN: Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) SQL commands for defining
database Manipulations on database Basic data retrieval operations - aggregate function- order by/group by clause- sub
queries-in-any-all-views in SQL. (9)

DATA STORAGE: File Organization-Indexing and Hashing-Ordered Indices B+ tree Index file-B tree index file Static
Hashing Dynamic Hashing-RAID Query Processing Stages Optimization. (9)

Concurrency control Locking Protocols- Deadlock. Advanced Topics in Databases: Spatial and temporal database Mobile
database - Multimedia and Web database NoSQL database. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Abraham, Siberschatz, Henry.F.Korth, Sudharshan.S, "Database System Concepts", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2022.
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navethe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2022.

1. Sumathi.S, Essakirajan.S, "Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems", Springer, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg, "Database system: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management",
Pearson Education, England, 2014.
4. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, HeikkiTopi, "Modern database Management Systems", Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2016.


INTRODUCTION :Operating system structure Function Evolutions of Operating Systems - Serial processing, Batch
Processing, Multiprocessing, Time-sharing operating systems- Distributed OS - Multiprocessor OS Real- time OS
Introduction to system calls- operating System Structures- Traditional UNIX structure Structure ofMobile operating systems.

PROCESS MANAGEMENT :Introduction to processes Threads - Scheduling objectives - Scheduling Criteria - Types of
scheduling algorithms Performance comparison Inter-process communications - Synchronization Semaphores Deadlock
- Prevention, Recovery, Detection Avoidance. (10)

MEMORY MANAGEMENT :Single contiguous allocation Partitioned allocation Paging Virtual memory concepts
Swapping Demand paging Page replacement algorithms Segmentation Segmentation with paging. (9)

DEVICE AND FILE MANAGEMENT :Principles of I/O hardware I/O software Disks Disk Scheduling Algorithms File
Systems Files-Directories- File system implementation Allocation methods Security Protection mechanisms. (9)

CASE STUDIES: LINUX : History Design Principles Kernel modules Process Management Scheduling Memory
Management File Systems Input and Output.
WINDOWS 7 : Design Principles System Components File Systems Volume management and fault tolerance- Networking.(9)

Total L: 45

1. Silberschatz A., Galvin P. B., Gagne G, "Operating System Concepts", 9thEdition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Deitel H. M., Deitel P.J., Choffnes D. R, "An Introduction to Operating Systems", 3 rdEdition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,

1. William Stallings, "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", 9thEdition, Pearson Education Inc, New Delhi,
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull, "Operating Systems: Design and Implementation", 3 rdEdition, Pearson
Education Inc.,, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. Shivaratis, "Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill Education

68th ACM 04.02.2023

(India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2017.

4. Dhamdhere D. M, "Operating Systems: A Concept - based Approach", 3rdEdition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.


INTRODUCTION :Evolution of Linux OS Main characteristics of Linux Typical Linux distributions Linux directory structure
User and super/root users Access rights Home directory Overview of shell and GUI. (9)

LINUX KERENAL ARCHITECTURE :Layer diagram of OS - Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Memory manager
Scheduler File system I/O subsystem Networking subsystem IPC User space. (9)

LINUX FILE SYSTEM :Layers of Linux file system Structure of inode Process file system System programming concepts
API & ABIs C library and compiler (9)

DEVICE DRIVER :PC I/O architecture Classification of Linux devices: character and block devices Port I/O PCI and ISA
bus Polling, interrupt, and waiting queue Device Files - Device driver Registration Device driver initialization I/O
operation - Typical Linux driver Dynamic and static drivers (10)

SYSTEM START UP : System start up (Booting) Methods - Kernel modules Linking and unlinking of modules On Demand
modules linking. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Michael beck, Haraldbohme, Mirkodziadzka, Ulrich Kunitz, "Linux Kernel Programming", 3 rdEdition, Pearson Education,
New Delhi, 2017.
2. Robert Love, "LINUX system programming", 3rdEdition, Publishers &Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2017.

1. P.Raghavan, Amol Lad, Sriram Neelakandan, "Embedded Linux system design and development", Auerbach Publishers,
2. Daniel P.Bovet, Marco Cesati, "Understanding the Linux kernel", 3 rd Edition, Shroff publishers& distributors Pvt Ltd.,
Mumbai, 2014.
3. M.Tim Jones, "GNU/Linux Application Programming", Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd,, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubin, Greg Kroah-Hartman, "Linux Device Drivers", 3rdEdition, Shroff Publishers, Mumbai,


INTRODUCTION :Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms Best Case and Worst Case complexities - Amortized time complexity
- Complexity for bubble sort, quick sort.- Introduction to Divide and Conquer Algorithms, Greedy Algorithms, Non-
deterministic Algorithms. (8)

SEARCHING, HASHING AND AVL TREES : SEARCHING: Introduction to Linear Search, Binary Search, and Binary Search
trees - HASHING: Hash function separate chaining open addressing linear probing quadratic probing double hashing -
rehashing - AVL TREES: Definition Height Searching insertion and deletion of elements, AVL rotations Analysis (13)

MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES : Indexed Sequential Access m-way search trees B-Tree Searching, insertion and deletion
- B+ trees Tries - Red-Black trees. (8)

BINOMIAL HEAP AND FIBONACCI HEAP : Binomial trees and binomial heaps Operations on binomial heap Structure of
Fibonacci heaps merge heap operations, decreasing a key and deleting a node Bounding the maximum degree. (8)

GRAPHS : Definition Representations (Adjacency matrix, packed adjacency list and linked adjacency list) Network
representation Shortest path algorithm - Graph search methods (Breadth First and Depth First Traversals) Minimum
spanning tree. (8)

Total L: 45

1. YedidyahLangsam, Moshe J Augenstein, Aaron M Tenenbaum, "Data Structures using C and C++", 2ndEdition, Pearson
Education Inc., 2022.
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest, "Introduction to Algorithms", 3 rd Edition, PHI Learning,
New Delhi, 2021.

1. Mark Allen Weiss , "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C", 2ndEdition, Pearson Education Inc., 2022.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, and Susan Anderson - Freed , "Fundamentals of Data structures in C", 2ndEdition, Universities
Press India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 2020.
3. Adam Drozdek , "Data Structures and Algorithms in C++", 4thEdition, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2014.
4. PuntambekarA , "Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming in C++ ", Technical Publications, Pune, 2011.


project, Stakeholders in software project, Software product, process, resources, quality, and cost; Objectives, issues, and
problems relating to software projects. Project Planning - Steps in project planning, Alternatives in planning. (9)

PROJECT EVALUATION & EFFORT ESTIMATION: Strategic assessment, technical assessment, Cost-benefit analysis, Cash
flow forecasting, Cost-benefit evaluation techniques, Break-even analysis, and Risk evaluation. Project Approach - Choosing
development technology and methodology, Choice of process model, Prototyping, Incremental delivery. Effort Estimation -
Problems in software estimation, Effort estimation techniques, Expert judgment, Estimation by analogy, Delphi technique,
Algorithmic methods, Top-down and bottom-up estimation, Function point analysis, Object points, COCOMO model. (9)

ACTIVITY PLANNING &RESOURCE ALLOCATION: Sequencing and scheduling projects, Network Planning models-
Precedence network Critical Path, Shortening project duration. Nature of project resources, identifying resource requirement
of activities, Allocating and scheduling resources, cost of resources, Standard, planned, and actual cost, Cost variance, time
cost trade-off. (9)

CONTRACT AND RISK MANAGEMENT: Outsourcing of products and services, Types of contracts, Stages in contract
placement, Terms of contract, Contract monitoring and Acceptance testing. Managing People- Organizational behavior,
Recruitment and placement, Motivation, Group behavior, Individual and group decision making, Leadership and leadership
styles, forms of organizational structures. Risk Analysis and Management - Nature and categories of risk in software
development, risk Identification, Risk assessment, Risk mitigation, monitoring and management, Evaluating schedule risk
using PERT. (9)

process quality management, Procedural and quantitative approaches, Defect analysis and prevention, Statistical process
control, Pareto analysis, Causal analysis, Quality standards, ISO 9000, Capability Maturity Model, Quality audit. Configuration
Management - Configuration management process, Software configuration items, Version control, change control,
Configuration audit, Status reporting. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell, "Software Project Management", 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, London, 2011.
2. Pankaj Jalote, "Software Project Management in Practice", Pearson Education, London, 2002.

1. Rog GüntherRuhe, ClaesWohlin, "Software Project Management in a Changing World", Springer, London, 2014.
2. Stefan Wagner, "Software Product Quality Control", Springer, Berlin, 2013.
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2014.
4. Ramesh Gopalaswamy, "Managing Global Software Projects", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.



AM SYSTEM :Introduction to communication systems - Amplitude modulation theory - Frequency Spectrum - Representation -
Power relation - AM Generation - Class C power Amplifier - DSB-SC, SSB - Balanced Modulator - Advantages of SSB
Transmission - AM transmitter - AM receiver - AM envelope detector - Superheterodyne receiver. (9)

FM SYSTEM :Frequency Modulation - Phase Modulation - Representation and Frequency spectrum of FM wave - Effects of
noise on carrier- Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis -FM Generation : Direct method - Stabilized reactance modulator - FM
Transmitter - FM Receiver - Comparison of Wide band and Narrow band FM. (9)

DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM :Advantages of Digital Data transmission - Sampling - Pulse Code Modulation -
Multiplexing - Source codes-Error control codes -Line codes. (9)

DIGITAL MODULATION SCHEMES :Amplitude Shift Keying - Frequency Shift Keying and Phase Shift Keying - BPSK and
QPSK- FSK transmitter and receiver. (9)

FIBRE OPTIC SYSTEM :History of fibre optics-Optical fibres versus Metallic cables-Optical fibre communication system-Light
propagation through optical fibres-Fibre configurations-Acceptance angle and Acceptance cone- Losses in optical fibre cables
- Light sources - Light detectors - Lasers.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS :Cellular Telephone System - Spread Spectrum System Multiple Access
Techniques - Satellite Communication system - Introduction to 5 G. (9)

Total L: 45

1. George Kennedy, Bernard Davis, "Electronic Communication systems", 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Wayne Tomasi, "Advanced Electronic Communication Systems", 5thEdition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.

1. B.P.Lathi, "Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems", 4th Edition, Oxford Publications, New York, 2017.
2. Theodore S Rappaport, "Wireless Communication", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
3. Simon Haykin, "Communication Systems", 5thEdition, Wiley Publications, Singapore, 2017.
4. Singal T L, "Wireless Communications", 1stEdition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.


REGISTER TRANSFER LANGUAGE AND MICRO-OPERATIONS : Register transfer language Register, bus and memory
transfers Arithmetic, logic and shift micro-operations control functions. (3)

BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATION : Instruction codes Instructions Timing and Control Instruction Cycle : Fetch and
Decode , Execution Typical register and memory reference instructions Input / Output operations and Interrupt Design
stages. (7)

CENTRAL PROCESSOR ORGANISATION : General register organization Stack organisation Instruction formats
Addressing modes Data transfer and manipulation Program control Hard-wired and Micro-programmed Control
Implementation Data path structures Design Examples - CISC characteristics, RISC Characteristics RISC pipeline. (10)

ARITHMETIC PROCESSING : Introduction Binary operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division algorithms
Algorithms for Floating point Arithmetic operations Algorithms for BCD Arithmetic operations. (8)

MEMORY AND INPUT/OUTPUT ORGANISATION : Basic concepts Memory Hierarchy Main memory Auxiliary memory
Associative memory - Cache Memory Basic cache structure Direct, fully associative and set associative mapping
Replacement policies - Virtual memory paging- Input /Output interface Modes of data transfer: Programmed I/O and
Interrupt driven data transfer Direct Memory Access Asynchronous Data transfer I/O processor. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO PARALLEL PROCESSING : Parallelism in uniprocessor systems

MISD, MIMD schemes Principles of Pipelining Pipeline hazards Array Processing Introduction to multiprocessors -
Typical Applications. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Morris Mano M, Rajib Mall , "Computer System Architecture,", 3 rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky , "Computer Organization,", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (I) P,
New Delhi, 2018.

1. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance", 9 th Edition, Pearson Education,
New Delhi, 2018.
2. Hwang K, and Briggs F A, "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing", 1 st Edition, McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd,
New Delhi, 2017.
3. John Hennessy, David Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A quantitative Approach", 5 th Edition, Elsevier, India, 2017.
4. David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris, "Digital Design and Computer Architecture", 2 nd Edition, Elsevier, USA, 2013.


MEMORY AND INPUT/OUTPUT SUBSYSTEMS: Hierarchical Memory Structure: Memory hierarchy Addressing schemes for
main memory Multiple module memories Memory interleaving Virtual memory - Cache memory - Performance
evaluation and enhancement Input Output Subsystems: Characteristics Interrupt Mechanisms and Special Hardware I/O
Processors and I/O Channels. (12)

PIPELINING AND VECTOR PROCESSING: Introduction - Computer architectural classifica Data

flow versus Control flow computers Parallelism in uniprocessor systems - Principles of pipelining Instruction and Arithmetic
pipelines Instruction prefetch and branch handling Data buffering and Busing structures Internal forwarding and Register
tagging Hazard detection and resolution Job sequencing and Collision prevention Vector Processing: Characteristics
Pipelined Vector Processing methods Vectorization and Optimization methods. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ARRAY PROCESSING: SIMD Array Processors - Masking and data routing mechanisms - Inter PE communications
Interconnection networks Parallel Algorithms for Array Processors Associative Array Processing-Systolic array processing.

MULTIPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE: Functional structures: Loosely coupled multiprocessors Tightly coupled

multiprocessors Processor characteristics for multiprocessing Multiprocessor scheduling strategies Interconnection
networks Parallel memory organization Parallel Algorithms for Multiprocessors (8)

PRINCIPLES OF PARALLEL ALGORITHM DESIGN: Design approaches-Design issues-Performance measures and analysis-
Complexities-Anomalies in parallel algorithms - Pseudo code conventions for parallel algorithms- Comparison of SIMD and
MIMD algorithms.
Total L: 45

1. Hwang K, and Briggs F A, "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Stallings W, "Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance", Pearson Education, Chennai, 2018.

1. David Patterson and John L Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface", Elsevier,
Waltham, 2014.
2. Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, "Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability and Programmability", Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Sima D, Fountain T, Kacsuk P, "Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space Approach", Addison Wesley, United
States, 2019.
4. Seyed Roosta, "Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms", Springer Series, 2012.



INTERNETWORKING: Overview of Internetworking, Underlying networking technologies, Concept and ISO/OSI & TCP/IP
Architectural model, Protocol layering LAN Fundamentals Wired LANS Connecting Devices (Switches, Access points,
POE), SCSI (9)

NETWORK LAYER PROTOCOLS: IPv4 Datagram Format, IPv4 Addresses, Forwarding IP packets, Functions of Routers -
Subnetting -ICMPv4 DHCP -Next Generation IP, SSL/TLS (9)
TRANSPORT AND APPLICTAION LAYER PROTOCOLS: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)- Connection Establishment
and closing- Data transfer- Sliding window protocol User Datagram Protocols (UDP), DNS-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) World Wide Web and HTTP FTP - Remote login : Telnet, Electronic
Mail. (9)
NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND NETWORK SECURITY: -Areas of Network Management SNMP Confidentiality
Message Integrity - Message Authentication - Digital Signature HTTPS- Entry Authentication - Key management Internet
Security Firewall, VPN- Email Security (9)
MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS and MOBILE NETWORKS: Multimedia Networking Applications, Streaming stored video,
Voice over IP, Protocols for real-time conversational applications, network support for multimedia.Cellular Networks - Evolution
of Mobile Networks-1G, 2G,3G,4G,5G and 6G. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Douglas E Comer, "Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architecture", 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi, 2019
2. Behraouz A Forouzan, "TCP/IP Protocol Suite", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Chennai, 2018.

1. Andrew S. TanenBaum, David T.Wetherall, "Computer Networks", Pearson Education, United Kingdom, 2022.
2. A.S.Godbole, Atulkahate, "Web Technologies: TCP/IP Architecture and Java Programming", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3. Jochen Schiller,
4. Fred Halsall


INTRODUCTION: Cybercrime against Individual, Property and Nation, Cyber stalking, Illegal data access, Illegal data
acquisition, Cyber warfare, Ransomware, Dark Web. Security Concepts: Threats, Vulnerabilities, Controls, Identification
and Authentication, Case studies. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

CYBER WEAPONS: Logical weapons - Access and privilege escalation tool, Physical weapons - Electromagnetic
attacks, Psychological Weapons - social engineering attack, Defense mechanisms. (9)

INDUSTRIAL NETWORK SECURITY: Introduction-Threats in networks, Network security controls, Protocols,

Vulnerability and risk assessment, Establishing Secure Enclaves, Exception, Anomaly and threat detection. Common
pitfalls and mistakes (9)

SMART GRID SECURITY: Smart Grid Network Architecture Hacking the Smart Grid Privacy Concerns Security Models
for SCADA, ICS and Smart grid Securing the Smart grid. (9)

CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY: Critical Infrastructures: Energy and Electrical grid system - Telecommunication
and Transportation Protection strategies and operations, Cyberspace attacks and Vectors, Vulnerabilities in electrical power
Industry (9)

Total L: 45

1. James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Olson, "Cyber Security Essentials", Auerbach Publications, USA, 2016

2. -Graw Hill, United States,
3. rity A Threat/Vulnerability Countermeasure



DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS & IMAGE TRANSFORMS: Introduction Elements of visual perception Image sampling
and Quantization Basic relationships between pixels -Image Transforms: DFT properties DWT properties. (9)

IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Intensity transformation functions Histogram processing - Spatial filtering: Correlation and
convolution Smoothing filters Sharpening filters. (9)

IMAGE RESTORATION: Noise models Restoration in the presence of noise only: spatial filtering Linear, position-invariant
degradation estimating the degradation function Inverse filtering Wiener filtering. (9)

IMAGE SEGMENTATION: Point detection- line detection - Edge detection - Thresholding - Region based segmentation:
Region growing by pixel aggregation - Region splitting and merging. (9)

IMAGE COMPRESSION: Image compression model Redundancy-Lossless compression Run-length coding Huffman
coding Lossy compression predictive coding JPEG standards of Image Compression. Applications? (9)

Total L: 45

1. Gonzalez R.C, Woods R.E, "Digital Image Processing", 4th Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Jayaraman S, Esakkirajan S, Veerakumar T, "Digital Image Processing", MCGraw Hill Education (I), Chennai, 2020.

1. Jain A.K, "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Pearson, Chennai, 2021.
2. Sridhar S, "Digital Image Processing", Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2018.
3. William K Pratt, "Digital Image Processing", CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2014.
4. Castleman K, "Digital Image Processing", Pearson, New Delhi, 2013.


INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS :Fundamentals Concepts, Basic Models, Important Terminologies, McCulloch -
Pitts Neuron, Linear Separability, Hebb Network, Perceptron, Adaline, Madaline - Architecture and algorithm (9)

Association - Hebb rule and Delta rule, Hetero-associative and Auto-associative Net, Bidirectional Associative Memory -
Architecture, Algorithm and Simple Applications., Backpropagation - Architecture, Algorithm and Applications. Unsupervised

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Learning - Kohonen Self-Organising Maps, Counter Propagation (9)

FUZZY LOGIC :Introduction, Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Properties and Operations, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations - Cardinality,
Properties and Operations, Composition, Tolerance and Equivalence Relations, Simple Problems. (9)

MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS :Features of membership function, Standard forms and Boundaries, fuzzification, membership
value assignments, Fuzzy to Crisp Conversions, Lambda Cuts for fuzzy sets and relations, Defuzzification methods.

APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGIC :Applications of Neural Networks: Pattern Recognition -
Image compression Communication - Control systems - Applications of Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Process Control -Fuzzy
Optimization - Fuzzy Logic Controllers. (9)

Total L: 45

1. LaureneFausett , "Fundamentals of Neural Networks", Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Timothy Ross , "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", Mc Graw-Hill, Singapore, 2011.

1. Zimmermann H J , "Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications", Allied Publisher, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Sivanandam S N, Deepa S N , "Principles of Soft Computing", Wiley India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Sivanandam S N, Sumathi S, Deepa S N, "Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB", Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg,
4. Sivanandam S N, Sumathi S, Deepa S N, "Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0", Tata McGraw- Hill, New
Delhi, 2017




INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Fundamentals of Electrical safety-Electric Shock- physiological effects of electric
current - Safety requirements Hazards of electricity- Arc - Blast- Causes for electrical failure. (9)

SAFETY COMPONENTS: Introduction to conductors and insulators- voltage classification -safety against over voltages- safety
against static electricity-Electrical safety equipments - Fire extinguishers for electrical safety. (9)

GROUNDING: General requirements for grounding and bonding- Definitions- System grounding-Equipment grounding - The
Earth - Earthing practices- Determining safe approach distance-Determining arc hazard category. (9)

SAFETY PRACTICES: General first aid- Safety in handling hand held electrical appliances tools- Electrical safety in train
stations-swimming pools, external lighting installations, medical locations-Case studies. (9)

STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Electricity Acts- Rules & regulations- Electrical standards-NFPA 70 E-OSHA
standards-IEEE standards-National Electrical Code 2005 National Electric Safety code NESC-Statutory requirements from
electrical inspectorate (9)

Total L : 45

1. ectrical Safety of Low-
2. Mohamed El- -
1. Publishers, London,
2nd Edition, 2011.
2. - 009.
4. John Cadick, Mary Capelli- -Hill, New York, USA,
4th edition, 2012.


INTRODUCTION :Understanding Design thinking - Design Thinking as problem-solving tool - Human Centric Design Process -
Theory and practice in Design thinking - Design Thinking Process - DT Activity with case studies. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

EMPATHISE WITH USERS: Empathy for design Five Whys - Needs of user - Types of user research - Interviewing (Stories,
Anecdotes) - Customer Journey Mapping - Observational Research - Ergonomics and Human Factors - Affinity analysis -
Empathy map Persona. (9)

PROTOTYPING: Ideas to presentable concepts Concept Selection - Storyboards - Developing mock-ups, models and
Prototypes - Quick and Dirty Prototyping - Scenario based Prototyping Testing prototypes Feedback to refine - Usability
and ergonomic testing - Rapid prototyping. (9)

PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN: Designing for Tangible and Intangibles - Digital touchpoints - Product Design - Interaction
Design - Service Design - Communication Design - Ergonomics & Human Factors - Transportation Design. (9)

DESIGN AND INNOVATION: DT For strategic innovations - Growth Predictability - Strategic Foresight - Change - Sense
Making - Value redefinition - Extreme Competition - Experience design - Standardization -Humanization - Creative Culture. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Bala Ramadurai, "Karmic Design Thinking", 2020.
2. Christian Mueller- - KDP Print US, 2018.

1. Business Publisher, 2019
2. Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer, "Design Thinking: Understand Improve Apply", Springer, 2011
3. Idris Mootee, "Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can't Teach You at Business or Design School", John
Wiley & Sons 2013.



CHARACTERIZATION OF WASTES : agricultural residues and wastes including animal wastes; industrial wastes; municipal
solid wastes. Waste processing types and composition of various types of wastes; Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste,
Industrial waste and Biomedical Waste, waste collection and transportation; waste processing-size reduction, separation; waste
management hierarchy, waste minimization and recycling of Municipal solid waste. (9)

THERMO CHEMICAL CONVERSION: incineration, pyrolysis, gasification of waste using gasifiers, environmental and health
impacts of incineration; strategies for reducing environmental impacts. Energy production from wastes through incineration,
energy production through gasification of wastes. Energy production through pyrolysis and gasification of wastes, syngas
utilization. (9)

BIO-CHEMICAL CONVERSION: Anaerobic digestion of sewage and municipal wastes, direct combustion of MSW-refuse
derived solid fuel, industrial waste, agro residues, anaerobic digestion biogas production, and present status of technologies for
conversion of waste into energy, design of waste to energy plants for cities, small townships and villages. Energy production
from wastes through fermentation and trans esterification. Cultivation of algal biomass from wastewater and energy production
from algae. Energy production from organic wastes through anaerobic digestion and fermentation. (9)

efficiency, energy waste, waste heat recovery classification, advantages and applications, commercially viable waste heat
recovery devices. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH IMPACTS-CASE STUDIES: Environmental and health impacts of waste to energy
conversion, Industrial waste management Hazardous waste management E-waste management -EV Batteries Mobile
Chargers - case studies of commercial waste to energy plants, waste to energy- potentials and constraints in India, eco-
technological alternatives for waste to energy conversions. (9)

Total L : 45

2. - amp; II, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.

1. Robert C. Brown, (2019). Thermo-chemical Processing of Biomass: Conversion into Fuels, Chemicals and Power, John
Wiley and Sons, USA.
2. Sergio Capareda, (2013). Introduction to Biomass Energy Conversions, CRC Press, USA.
3. Krzysztof J Ptasinski, (2016). Efficiency of Biomass Energy: An Exergy Approach to Biofuels, Power, and Biorefineries,
John Wiley & Sons, USA.
4. Vesilind, P.A., and Worrell W. A. (2016) Solid Waste Engineering, 2nd Ed., Cengage India.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY : Origin of life and Evolution, Cells - Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Biochemical nuts and bolts -
water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, DNA, RNA and enzymes, Introduction to metabolism, Mendelian genetics, Chromatin,
DNA structure, replication, transcription and translation. Human system - skeletal structure, types of connective tissues,
structure of joints, muscle and organ structure and function, cardiac physiology, blood properties and flow, nervous system. (8)

APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES IN ENGINEERING: Biological functions for Camera for imaging, image
recognition, visual information processing, Information and Communication Technologies, memristor, optoelectronic, speech
recognition, smart sensing, sensorimotorics, neuromorphic and artificial intelligence. Biology in biomimicry Sharkskin inspired
swimsuits, Burr inspired Velcro, Whale fin inspired wind turbine blades, cooling fans, airplane wings and propellers, lotus
inspired paintbrushes, Stenocara shell inspired water collection, skeleton structure of blowfish inspired designing of vehicles,
termites and Scyliorhinuscanicular inspired architecture and natural colour inspired nanophotonic crystal. (11)

BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED PRODUCTS : Case study on workload ergonomics, system ergonomics and information
ergonomics, Ultrasound imaging, X-Ray and PET scanning, Bioelectromagnetism - Touch Screen Technology, Force and
torque sensor, inertial sensing technology and motion capture systems, Human-in-the-loop process. (8)

BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED PROCESS, AND MATTERS :Bioactuators, Biocybernetics, Biotelemetry, Bionic (rehabilitation),
Bioreactor, Bioremediation, Biofertilizer, Bioenergy, Biosensors, Biopolymers, Biofilters, Biochips, Bioengineering (Production of
Artificial Limbs, joints and other parts of body)Microbial fuel cells in vehicles. Biotechnological reliance in space, agriculture and
nuclear energy. (8)

IMPACT OF MACHINE/DEVICES ON HUMAN AND REGULATIONS : Biological effects Somatic and genetic effect,
Exposure and health effects microwaves, radiation, radiofrequency and electronic gadgets, Man-made and Technological
hazards, Impact on ecosystem - Chemical, nuclear, radiological, transportation and e-waste hazards - International and
National regulatory bodies - Radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, Electronic devices, Cell phones, Smart meters, Medical
use of radiation and Nuclear power plants. (10)

Total L : 45

1. Johnson, A. T. Biology for engineers. CRC Press, 2011.
2. Khandpur, R. S. Biomedical instrumentation: Technology and applications (Vol. 1). New York: Mcgraw-hill, 2005.

1. Yoseph Bar
2. Subrahmanyam, S. A Textbook Of Human Physiology. S. Chand Limited, 1987.
3. Kindt, T. J., Goldsby, R. A., Osborne, B. A., &Kuby, J. Kuby immunology. Macmillan, 2007
4. Salvendy, G. (Ed.). Handbook of human factors and ergonomics. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

23L001 Wireless Communication
23L002 Satellite Communication
23L003 Digital Switching Systems
23L004 Fiber Optic Communication
23L005 Radar Communication
23L006 Digital Communication receivers


23L007 Advanced Computer Architecture
23L008 Embedded Linux
23L009 Operating Systems
23L010 Relational Database Management Systems
23L011 Soft Computing Techniques
23L012 Computer and Machine Vision
23L013 Deep Learning


23L014 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits
23L015 Computational Electromagnetics
23L016 Modern Antenna Systems
23L017 Smart Antennas
23L018 EMC Test and Measurements

23L019 Speech Signal Processing
23L020 Multimedia Compression Techniques
23L021 Wavelets and its Applications
23L022 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
23L023 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
23L024 Digital Signal Processing System Design
23L025 Digital Image Processing

23L026 Wireless Systems and Standards
23L027 Wireless Sensor Networks
23L028 Wireless Networking
23L029 Cryptography and Network Security
23L030 Software Defined Networking
23L031 Long Term Evolution Technologies

23L032 FPGA Based System Design
23L033 Vehicular Systems and Networks
23L034 Real time systems
23L035 Advanced Embedded Systems

23L036 Analog VLSI Circuits
23L037 Low Power VLSI Design
23L038 Nano Electronics
23L039 Device Modeling
23L040 System-on-Chip Design
23L041 VLSI Physical Design

23LO01 Nano Technology and its applications
23LO02 Internet of things
23LO03 Virtual Reality
23LO04 Systems Engineering
23LO05 Universal Human Values 2: Understanding Harmony
23LO06 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
23LO07 Measurements and Instrumentation

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Cellular concept- system design fundamentals Handoff Strategies- Interference and system capacity,
Improving Coverage and Capacity. (9)

WIRELESS CHANNEL MODELING : Free space propagation model, Reflection- Diffraction Scattering - Log-normal
shadowing. Small-scale multipath propagation, Types of small scale fading, Rayleigh and Ricean distribution, Input /output
model of the wireless channel - Time and frequency coherence - Statistical channel models. (9)

Frequency diversity, Time diversity, Code diversity, Antenna diversity RAKE Receiver - SIMO, MISO, MIMO, MIMO-OFDM
Technique. (9)

CAPACITY OF WIRELESS CHANNELS : AWGN channel capacity capacity of flat fading channels , Frequency- selective
fading channels, Multiuser capacity, Downlink channel capacity, Uplink channel capacity, Outage capacity. (9)

NETWORK (5GCN)- 6G Technologies, Wireless LAN Technologies. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Theodore S. Rappaport , "Wireless Communications", Pearson Education, 2017.
2. Andrea Goldsmith , "Wireless Communications", Cambridge University Press, 2012.

1. David Tse, Pramod Viswanath , "Fundamentals of Wireless Communication", Cambridge University Press, 2015.
2. ons, Ltd, 2015.
3. Kamilo Feher , "Wireless Digital Communications, Modulation & Spread Spectrum Applications", PHI, 2015.
4. Andreas F. Molisch , "Wireless Communications", Wiley, 2011.


Communications - Satellite systems, Types of satellites, Transmission and Multiplexing-Modulation-Multiple access-advent of
Digital satellite communications. The Equations of the Orbit - Locating the Satellite in the Orbit - Orbital elements - Look angle -
Elevation and Azimuth calculations - Geostationary orbit - Visibility - Orbital perturbations - Orbital effects in Communication
system performance. (12)

EXPANDABLE LAUNCH VEHICLE: Space Transportation System (STS) - The mechanics of Launching a Synchronous
satellite - The rocket equation - Powered flight - Injection into final orbit and orbital manoeuvres - Mission possibilities - Low
thrust variations. (8)

SPACE CRAFT: Space craft subsystems - Altitude and Orbit Control System - Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) -
Power systems - Description of communication system - Transponder - Implementations Transmission Impairments - Space
Craft Antennas - Equipment reliability. (8)

SATELLITE LINK: Basic Transmission Theory - System noise temperature and G/T ratio - Calculation of system noise
temperature - Noise figure - Downlinks and Uplinks - Limits on link performance - Design of Satellite links for specified (C/N) -
Rain attenuation model, Modulation and Multiplexing techniques. (8)

INTELSAT service, INMART SAT service, VSAT service, Satellite Navigation and the Global positioning system, Chandrayaan,
Mangalyan, Earth station design for Low system noise temperature. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Tri T Ha , "Digital Satellite Communications", Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.
2. Timothy Pratt, Charles W Bostian, Jeremy Allnutt , "Satellite Communications", John Wiley and Sons, 2015.

1. Richaria M , "Satellite Communication Systems Design Principles", McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Coolen M , "Satellite Communication", IEEE Publication, 2010.
3. Dennis Roddy , "Satellite Communications", Fourth, McGraw Hill, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


DIGITAL SWITCHING : Functions of a switching system- Classification-Message, packet and circuit switching Electronic
switching-Reed electronic systems - Switching networks- Single stage networks - cross point switches - gradings- forms of
grading - Link systems-2, 3 and 4 stage networks -Space and Time switching - time division switching networks PBX
switches. (13)

SWITCHING SYSTEMS CONTROL AND SIGNALLING METHODS : Introduction-digital switching system fundamentals and
evolution - call processing functions-common control-stored program control - Processor- Distributed processing - software-The
5ESS switching system - Review of dc signaling over audio frequency lines FDM carrier systems-Out-band and in band
signaling-PCM signaling - Inter register signaling- common channel signaling- Digital customer line signaling. (13)

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING : Introduction to traffic and queuing Theory - Network Traffic Load and Parameters Grade of
Service Blocking Probability - Incoming traffic and service time characterization. (7)

TELEPHONE NETWORK ORGANISATION : Analog and Digital networks - Subscriber Loop System Switching Hierarchy
and Routing - Transmission Plan and Transmission Systems - Numbering, Charging. (6)

MOBILE SWITCHING : The cellular concept - analog and digital network elements - channels-initialization- signaling - channel
assignment-handoff digital cells.-fading and path loss - digital cells-fading and path loss. (6)

Total L: 45

1. Flood J E , "Telecommunications switching, Traffic and Networks", Pearson Education Ltd., 2011.
2. Viswanathan T , "Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks ", Prentice Hall of India, 2015.

2. StephenW Gibson , "Cellular Mobile Radio Telephones", Prentice Hall of India, 2015.
3. John Ronayne , "An Introduction to Digital Communications switching", Wheeler publishing, 2012.
4. David J Goodman , "Wireless Personal Communication Systems", Addison Wesley Inc, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Evolution of fiber optical system -Elements of optical Fiber Systems - Optical Fiber structure and parameters
classification of fibers- ray and mode theory of light propagation in optical fibers-Fiber manufacturing. (9)

FIBER PROPERTIES: Optical signal attenuation- Optical signal distortion Dispersion - Principles of fiber nonlinearities. (8)

OPTICAL SOURCES- Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)- Laser Diodes types - Light Source, Linearity Reliability, noise, direct
and external modulation. (8)

OPTICAL RECEIVER: Photo detectors-Photodiodes - Avalanche photo diodes- Comparisons of photo detector- Receiver
Noise and sensitivity-Digital Receiver Performance-BER Calculation-Eye Diagrams. (10)

SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS AND FSO: Optical link design - System Design considerations - Optical amplifiers - EDFA -
Multiplexing strategies - Wavelength division multiplexing. Free space optics - Overview of FSO Optical Transmitters
Receivers Subsystems. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Keiser G , "Optical Fiber Communications", McGraw Hill, 2016.
2. HemaniKaushal, V.K. Jain, SubratKar, "Free Space Optical Communication", Springer India, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Rajiv Ramasami Kumar and Sivarajan N , "Optical Networks A Practical Perspective", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
2. John M. Senior , "Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice", PHI, 2016.
3. G.P. Agrawal , "Fiber optic Communication Systems", John Wiley and sons, 2012.
4. K. Mynbaev and Lowell L Scheiner, "Fiber Optic Communication Technology", Prentice Hall, 2001.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO RADAR: Basics of radar, EM Waves & properties- applications of radar, radar frequencies- radar block
diagram, Radar Coordinates, Radar equation for hard targets and the SNR-radar cross section of targets, Radar Resolution
Elements, Pulse, CW and FMCW Radars configurations, transmitter power- pulse repetition frequency, Duty Ratio, Pulse
Compression, Coding. (9)

DETECTION OF SIGNALS IN NOISE AND RADAR WAVEFORMS: probability density functions probabilities of detection
and false alarm-matched filter receiver-detection criteria integration of radar pulses - constant-false alarm rate receivers -
Radar Waveforms, Pulse Compression, Ambiguity Diagram. (9)

RADAR TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER: Introduction- Types of Transmitters - linear-beam power tubes- solid-state RF
power sources- magnetron- Klystron, crossed-filed amplifier- radar receiver- receiver noise figure- super heterodyne receiver,
Digital Receivers, duplexers and receiver protectors- radar displays-Human Machine Interface(HMI). (9)

RADAR ANTENNA : Functions of radar antenna- antenna parameters- antenna radiation pattern and aperture illumination -
reflector antennas- electronically steered phased array antennas- phase shifters frequency - scan arrays-- architectures for
phased arrays , radiators for phased arrays- mechanically steered planar array antennas- radiation pattern synthesis -effect of
errors on radiation patterns - low side lobes antennas. (9)

MTI AND PULSE DOPPLER RADAR : Introduction to Doppler and MTI radar- delay line cancellers- staggered pulse
repetition frequencies- doppler filter banks- digital MTI processing - Moving target detector- limitations to MTI performance-
pulse Doppler radar-MTD, Tracking radar- monopulse tracking- conical scan and sequential lobing- comparison of trackers.
tracking accuracy- low-angle tracking- Atmospheric & Weather Radars: Precipitation Radars, Doppler Weather Radar,
Polarimetric Radar, Clear Air Radars. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Merril I Skolnik , "Introduction to Radar Systems", Mc Graw-Hill, 2017.
2. Peebles P Z , "Radar Principles", Wiley, 2016.

1. Richard J Doviak , Dusan S Zrnic , "Doppler Radar and Weather Observations", Academic Press, 2014.
2. Bringi V N, Chandrasekar V , "Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar", Cambridge University Press, 2012.
3. Richards M A, Scheer J A and Holm W A , "Principles of Modern Radar", Scitech Publishing, 2014.
4. Levanon N , "Radar Signals", Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012.


BASEBAND COMMUNICATION: Baseband PAM, Clock Synchronizers - Error tracking and spectral line generating
synchronizers, Squaring synchronizers, Mueller and Muller synchronizers. (9)

OPTIMUM RECEIVERS FOR AWGN CHANNEL: Correlation demodulator, matched filter , maximum likelihood sequence
detector, optimum receiver for CPM signals, M-ary orthogonal signals, envelope detectors for M-ary and correlated
binary signals. (9)

RECEIVERS FOR FADING CHANNELS: Characterization of fading multiple channels, statistical models, flat and frequency
selective fading, diversity technique, Optimal receivers for data detection and synchronization parameter estimation, coded
waveform for fading channel. (9)

SYNCHRONIZATION TECHNIQUES: Carrier and signal synchronization, carrier phase estimation-PLL, Decision directed
loops, symbol timing estimation, maximum likelihood and non-decision directed timing estimation, joint estimation. (9)

ADAPTIVE EQUALIZATION: Zero forcing algorithm, LMS algorithm, adaptive decision-feedback equalizer and Equalization
of Trellis-coded signals, Kalman algorithm, blind equalizers and stochastic gradient algorithm. (9)

Total L: 45

1. H.Meyer, M. Moeneclaey, S. A. Fechtel , "Digital Communication Receivers", Wiley, 2015.
2. Proakis J G, Salehi M , "Digital communications", Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 2018.

1. U.Mengali, A.N.D.Andrea , "Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers", Kluwer, 2014
2. Rohde U L, Whitaker J C, Zahnd H , "Communications Receivers", McGraw-Hill, 2017.
3. Bernard Sklar , "Digital Communications- Fundamentals and applications", Prentice Hall, 2017.
4. Michael Rice,Digital Communications: A Discrete-Time Approach" Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


COMPUTER ABSTRACTIONS AND TECHNOLOGY: Introduction - Concepts in Computer Architecture - Hardware and
Software Interface - Components of Computer Organization - Technologies for Building Processors and Memory - Performance
- The Power Wall - The Switch from Uniprocessors to Multiprocessors - Case study : Benchmarking the Intel Core i7 (8)

THE RISC-V INSTRUCTIONS: Operations of the Computer Hardware - Operands of the Computer Hardware - Signed and
Unsigned Numbers - Representing Instructions in the Computer - Logical Operations - Instructions for Making Decisions -
RISC-V Addressing for Wide Immediates and Addresses - Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization - Translating and
Starting a Program - MIPS Instructions - RISC-V Instruction Set. (8)

THE RISC-V PROCESSOR: Introduction - Logic Design Conventions - Building a Datapath - A Simple Implementation Scheme
- An Overview of Pipelining - Pipelined Datapath and Control - Data Hazards: Forwarding versus Stalling - Control Hazards -
Exceptions - Parallelism via Instructions - Case study : The ARM Cortex-A53 and Intel Core i7 Pipelines. (9)

MEMORY HIERARCHY: Memory Technologies - The Basics of Caches - Measuring and Improving Cache Performance -
Dependable Memory Hierarchy - Virtual Machines - Virtual Memory - A Common Framework for Memory Hierarchy - Using a
Finite-State Machine to Control a Simple Cache - Parallelism and Memory Hierarchy: Cache Coherence, Redundant Arrays of
Inexpensive Disks - Case study: The ARM Cortex-A53 and Intel Core i7 Memory Hierarchies. (10)

PARALLEL PROCESSORS: The Difficulty of Creating Parallel Processing Programs - SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD, and Vector
- Hardware Multithreading - Multicore and Other Shared Memory Multiprocessors - Introduction to Graphics Processing Units -
Clusters, Warehouse Scale Computers, and Other Message Passing Multiprocessors - Introduction to Multiprocessor Network
Topologies - Communicating to the Outside World: Cluster Networking - Multiprocessor Benchmarks and Performance Models -
Case study: Benchmarking and Rooflines of the Intel Core i7 960 and the NVIDIA Tesla GPU 540. (10)

Total L: 45

1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design The Hardware/Software Interface: RISC-V
Edition", Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2018.
2. Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, "Advanced Computer Architecture - Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability", Tata McGraw
Hill, 2020.

2. Organisation and Architecture
3. Smruti Ranjan Sarangi,"Computer Organisation and Architecture", McGraw Hill Education, 2015.
4. Mano M.M, "Computer System Architecture", Pearson Publishers, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Embedded Linux - Real Time Linux - Types of Embedded Linux - Reason for choosing Linux - Design and
Implementation methodology - Types of Host/Target Development setup - Types of hosts/Target Debug setup. (9)

ARCHITECTURE OF EMBEDDED LINUX: Generic architecture of an Embedded Linux System - System Startup - Types of
Boot configuration - Selecting the kernel - Configuring the kernel - Compiling the kernel - Installing the kernel. (9)

DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: GNU Cross-platform development tool chain - debugging - tracing & profiling tools - binary utilities -
kernel debugging - debugging in Embedded Linux applications. (9)

REALTIME LINUX: Real-Time Operating System - Interrupt latency - ISR duration - Scheduler latency - Scheduler duration -
User space Real Time - Real-Time programming in Linux. (9)

PORTING APPLICATIONS: Introduction to Beagle bone - Porting of Embedded Linux prebuilt images - Communicating with
boards Controlling the Beagle board Bone script. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Karim Yaghmour, Jon Masters, Gilad Ben-
Inc, 2008.


68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Holt A, Huang CY. Embedded operating systems. Springer-Verlag, London; 2018.

Publishing, 2022.


INTRODUCTION: Operating system - Functions - Evolution of Operating Systems - Structure of operating system - Monolithic
and Micro Kernel structures System Calls Types of System Calls System programs System boot. (8)

PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Introduction to processes - Scheduling objectives - Scheduling Criteria - Types of scheduling
algorithms - Performance comparison - Inter-process communications - Synchronization - Semaphores - Deadlock -
Prevention, Recovery, Detection and Avoidance - Classical problems in concurrency - Threads, Thread models -
Multithreading. (12)

MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Introduction - Contiguous allocation - Buddy System - Paging - Structure of Page Table - Swapping
- Segmentation - Segmentation with paging - Virtual Memory concepts - Demand Paging - Page Replacement Algorithms. (8)

FILE MANAGEMENT: File Systems - Files - Directories - File System Implementation - Allocation methods - Free Space
management - Security - Protection mechanisms, Disk structure - Disk Scheduling Algorithms - RAID Levels. (8)

LINUX: Linux Architecture - Kernel - Shell Programming - Process Management - Memory Management - File Systems - Input
and Output - Inter-process Communication. (9)

Total L: 45


1. Ann Mclver,
2. -Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
4. - -Hill Professional, 2018.


BASIC CONCEPTS: Introduction to databases Characteristics of database approach Advantages of using DBMS
Database concept and architecture Data Abstraction Data Models Instances and Schema Data Independence
Schema Architecture The Database System Environment: Components of a DBMS Database Languages Database
Administrator Database Users. (8)

DATA MODELING: Introduction Conceptual modeling: Entities, attributes, relationships associations- roles and structural
constraints Weak and Strong entity types Design of Entity Relationship data models (ERD) Enhanced ER model:
Specialization and Generalization constraints-Aggregation Applications. (9)

RELATIONAL MODEL: Introduction to Relational Data Model Basic concepts Enforcing data Integrity constraints
Relational Algebra: Unary Relational Operations, S e t theory Operations Binary relational operations-additional operations-
Queries using relational algebra. File organization: Storage device characteristics Operations on file Serial files
Sequential files Index sequential files Direct files Indexing . (8)

SQL PROGRAMMING: Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) datatypes- Data definition Language- ,
Constructing database, Manipulations on database Basic data retrieval operations Advanced Queries in SQL Functions in
SQL Aggregation Categorization Updates in SQL Views in SQL. (10)

DATA BASE DESIGN THEORY: Data base design process Relational Database Design Relation Schema Anomalies in a
database Functional dependencies Axioms Normal forms based on primary keys Second Normal form, Third Normal
form, Boyce Codd Normal form Examples Conversion of ERD into tables. Database Security, Integrity Control: Security
and Integrity threats Defense mechanisms Transaction and concurrency control mechanisms. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Silberschatz A, Korth H , Sudarshan S , "Database System Concepts", 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Elmasri R , Navathe S B , "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2016.

1. Date C J, Kannan A, Swamynathan S , "An Introduction to Database Systems", 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Raghu Ramakrishnan , Johannes Gehrke , "Database Management System", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
3. Bob bryla, Kevin Loney , "Oracle 12c: The Complete Reference", Oracle press, 2014.
4. Shefali Naik, "Concepts of Database Management Systems"Pearson India, 2014.


NEURAL NETWORKS: Basic concepts - Neural Network Architectures - Characteristics - Learning methods -Linear
Separability -Hebb network - Perceptron networks -Adaptive Linear Neuron- Multiple adaptive linear neuron- Back Propagation
Networks - Radial Basis Function Networks, -Associative memory networks - Hopfield networks- Kohonen self-organizing
feature maps. (10)

FUZZY SYSTEMS: Features - Fuzzy sets - Fuzzy relations - Fuzzification and its methods - Defuzzification and its methods -
Fuzzy arithmetic and Fuzzy measure- Fuzzy integrals -Fuzzy rule base and approximate reasoning - Fuzzy propositions -
formation of rules - decomposition of rules - aggregation of fuzzy rules- fuzzy reasoning-fuzzy inference systems- fuzzy expert
system-fuzzy decision making. (10)

GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Survival of the fittest - Search space Operators - Crossover and its types - Mutation and its types -
Selection methods - Fitness Computation - Generational cycle -stopping condition constraints Real time problem solving
using Genetic Algorithms. (8)

HYBRID SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES: Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems -Genetic neuro hybrid systems - Genetic fuzzy
hybrid, Fuzzy genetic hybrid systems -Simplified fuzzy ARTMAP Applications of Soft Computing. (8)

MACHINE LEARNING BASICS: Learning algorithms - Capacity, Overfitting and Underfitting -Hyperparameters and Validation
Sets - Estimators, Bias and Variance - Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms - Building a Machine
Learning Algorithm - Challenges in Machine Learning.

Total L: 45
1. Timothy J Ross , "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010.
2. Sivanandam S N, Deepa S , "Principles of Soft Computing", 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2018.

1. Rajasekaran S , Vijayalakshmi Pai G A , "Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms: Synthesis and
Applications", 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India , 2017.
2. Jang J.S.R, Sun C T, Mizutani E , "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
3. Laurene V Fausett , "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications", Prentice Hall, 2008.
4. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, "Deep Learning", MIT Press, USA, 2016.


IMAGE ACQUISITION: Introduction Illumination Lenses Cameras Camera-Computer interfaces 3D Image
Acquisition Devices. (7)

MACHINE VISION ALGORITHMS: Fundamentals Data Structures Image Enhancement Geometric Transformations
image Segmentation Feature Extraction Morphology Edge Extraction Segmentation and Fitting of Geometric primitives
Camera calibration Stereo Reconstruction Template matching Optical Character Recognition. (12)

MACHINE VISION APPLICATIONS: Reading of Serial numbers Inspection of Ball Grid Arrays Pose verification of
resistors 3D Pick and Place. (10)

COMPUTER VISION IMPLEMENTATION: Setting up OpenCV Handling files, Cameras and GUIs Processing Images with
OpenCV Depth Estimation and Segmentation. (7)

HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION: Working with images using OpenCV Drawing geometric shapes with OpenCv and
Numpy Working with a USB webcam - Capturing images and videos using Rpi camera Arithmetic operations on images
Creating a negative of an image. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Steger, Carsten, Markus Ulrich, and Christian Wiedemann. Machine vision algorithms and applications. John Wiley & Sons,
2. Bradski, Gary, and Adrian Kaehler. Learning OpenCV: Computer vision with the OpenCV library. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.",

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Howse, Joseph, and Joe Minichino. Learning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python 3: Get to grips with tools, techniques,
and algorithms for computer vision and machine learning. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2020.
2. Solem, Jan Erik. Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images. " O'Reilly Media,
Inc.", 2018.
3. Pajankar, Ashwin. Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming: Design and implement computer vision applications with
Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Motivation for deep learning - Machine learning Basics: Learning algorithms - Overfitting - Underfitting -
Hyper parameters Estimators - Validation - Maximum Likelihood estimation - Bayesian Statistics - Challenges in Machine
Learning. (6)

DEEP LEARNING NETWORKS: Gradient based learning - Hidden Units - Architectural design - Back - propagation for MLP -
Regularization - Parameter Regularization - Data Augmentation - Dropout - Optimization algorithms - Adaptive learning
rates. (8)

CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK: Architecture - Pooling - Convolution and its variants - CNN for Image Recognition.

SEQUENCE MODELING: Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) - Bi - directional RNN, Encoder Decoder Architecture - Recursive
Nets - LSTM - Gated RNN - RNN for Sentiment Analysis. (11)

DEEP LEARNING MODELS: Autoencoders - Deep Boltzmann Machine - Deep Belief Networks - Architecture - Greedy
Learning Speech Processing and Recognition using DBN-predefined models-ResNet. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, "Deep Learning", MIT Press, USA, 2016.
2. Adam Gibson, Josh Patterson, "Deep Learning A practitioner's approach", O'Reilly, USA, 2016.

1. Yusuke Sugomori, "Deep Learning: Practical Neural Networks with Java", Packt Publisher, New York, 2016.
2. Jeff Heaton, "Artificial Intelligence for Humans: Deep Learning and Neural Networks", Lightning Source Inc, Tennessee,
3. David Foster, "Generative Deep Learning", O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2019.
4. Eugene Charniak, "Introduction to Deep Learning", MIT Press, London, 2018.


BASIC OF RF ELECTRONICS AND ISSUES IN RFIC DESIGN: Lumped element concept at RF - lumped and distributed
regions lower frequency analog design - microwave design versus radio frequency integrated circuit design - Impedance levels
for microwave and low-frequency analog design - noise - linearity and distortion in RF Circuits. (7)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE MODELING OF TECHNOLOGY: Basic operation and characteristic of bipolar junction transistor -
Small -signal model of bipolar transistor - high frequency effects - noise in bipolar transistors - base shot noise-noise sources in
the transistor model - bipolar transistor design considerations-CMOS transistor. (8)


technologies - sheet resistance and skin effect -parasitic capacitance and inductance - current handling in metal lines design
of inductors and transformers - characterization of inductor-layout of spiral inductors. (8)

LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER: Basic amplifiers - amplifiers with feedback - noise in amplifiers - linearity in amplifiers differential
amplifiers - low-voltage topologies for LNAs and the use of on-chip transformers - DC bias networks - temperature effects -
broad band LNA design. (11)

MIXERS AND VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED OSCILLATORS: Nonlinearity -controlled transconductance mixer - double- balanced
mixer - mixer with switching of upper quad - analysis of switching modulator - mixer noise - linearity - improving isolation -
image reject - single -sideband mixers -Analysis of an oscillator as a feedback system - phase noise - VCO automatic -
amplitude control circuits. (11)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. John Rogers , Calvin Plett , "Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design", Artech House, 2011.
2. Radmanesh M M , " Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics, ", Asia, 2011.

1. Less Besser , Rowan Gllmore , " Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems,", Artech House, 2011.
2. Stephan A Mass , "Non-Linear Microwave and RF circuits", Artech House, 2008.
3. Ferri Losee , "RF Systems, Components and Circuits handbook", Artech house, 2018.
4. Larson L E , "RF and Microwave Circuit for Wireless Applications", Artech House, 2015.


300 3
FINITE DIFFERENCE METHODS: Finite difference schemes; Forward difference - backward difference - central difference.
Laplace Equation- Poisson Equation. Accuracy and stability analysis examples. (9)

FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN: Maxwell's Partial derivative equation system - Maxwell's finite
difference time domain system- Maxwell's finite difference frequency domain system- Introduction to boundary conditions-
Absorbing boundary conditions. (9)

VARIATIONAL METHODS: Operators in linear space- calculus of variations- Rayleigh-Ritz method - method of weighted
residuals-Collocation method- Galerkin method. (9)

FINITE ELEMENT METHOD: Motivation and background- Finite element method from weighted residuals. Formulation- basis
function- mapping. Poisson equation - time domain finite element method- Analysis of examples. (9)

METHOD OF MOMENTS: Galerkin method integral equation - Integral equation to matrix form. Pocklington integral - Hallen
integral convergence comparison - Antenna example-Simulation exercises. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mathew. N.O. Sadiku, "Computational Electromagnetics with Matlab", CRC Press, 2019.
2. David B. Davidson, "Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering", Cambridge university press, 2014.

1. Walton C Gibson , "The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics", CRC Press, 2014.
2. Peterson, Scott L Ray and Raj Mittra , "Computational Methods for Electromagnetics", IEEE Press Series on
Electromagnetic Wave Theory, 1998.
3. Roger F Harrington , "Field Computation by Moment Methods", IEEE Press, 1993.
4. Mathew. N.O. Sadiku, "Nemerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with Matlab", CRC Press, 2009.


RADIATION FROM APERTURES : Field equivalence principle - Radiation from Rectangular and Circular apertures - Uniform
aperture distribution on an infinite ground plane- Babinet's principle and complementary antennas- Slot antenna- Biconical
antenna- Discone and conical skirt monopole antennas. (9)

ARRAY ANTENNAS : Uniform array-Phased array - beam scanning - grating lobes - feed network - Linear array synthesis
techniques - Super Directivity - Planar array- stacked array -Circular array - Design problems. (9)

FREQUENCY INDEPENDENT ANTENNAS: Condition for frequency independence - general analysis-equiangular spiral
antennas-planar-conical-lens antennas-types-non metallic dielectric lens-Feed systems. (9)

RADIO DIRECTION FINDING ANTENNA: Loop antenna - Transmitting loop antenna-equivalence to loop antenna- Far fields-
radiation resistance, directivity- square loop-ferrite rod antenna-whip antenna. (9)

RFID TAG ANTENNAS: UHF RFID Tags- RFID back scatter. Passive, active and semi passive RFID Tags-Types of Antennas
for RFID Tags-Regulation and standards- Chipless RFID Tags-active antennas. (9)

Total L: 45

1. K.D. Prasad, "Antenna and Wave propagation" 4th edition, Satya Prakashan publication, 2020.
2. Balanis A , "Antenna Theory Analysis and Design", Second, John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, Reprint 2018.

1. John D krauss , "Antennas", 3rd Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc, New York, 2018.
2. Stutzman W L , Thiele G A , "Antenna Theory and Design", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Singapore, 2014.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. S. Drabowitch, A. Papiernik, J. Encinas, H. Griffiths, "Modern Antennas", Springer US, 2013.

4. Mohammod Ali, "Reconfigurable Antenna Design and Analysis" Artech House, 2021.


INTRODUCTION: Antenna gain, Phased array antenna, Power pattern, Beam steering, Degree of freedom, Optimal antenna,
Adaptive antennas, Smart antenna - Key benefits of smart antenna technology, Wide band smart antennas. (9)

NARROW BAND PROCESSING: Signal model, Conventional beamformer, Null steering beamformer, Optimal beamformer,
Optimization using reference signal, Beam space processing. (8)

ADAPTIVE PROCESSING: Sample matrix inversion algorithm, Least Mean Square(LMS) algorithm, Perturbation algorithms,
Neural network approach, Adaptive beam space processing. (9)

BROADBAND PROCESSING: Tapped delay line structure, Partitioned realization, Derivative constrained processor, Digital
beam forming, Broad band processing using DFT method. (9)

DIRECTION OF ARRIVAL(DOA) ESTIMATION METHODS: Spectral estimation methods, linear prediction method, Maximum
entropy method, Maximum likelihood method, Eigen structure methods, MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm. diversity
combining: Spatial diversity selection combiner, Switched diversity combiner, Equal gain combiner, Maximum ratio combiner,
Optimal combiner. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Lal Chand Godara, Smart Antennas, CRC press, 2018.
2. Constantine A. Balanis, Panayiotis I. Ioannides, Introduction to Smart Antennas, Morgan & Claypool, 2014.

1. Frank Gross, Smart Antennas with MATLAB, McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
2. Robert A Monzingo, Introduction to Adaptive Arrays: 2nd Edition, Yesdee, 2012.
3. Joseph C Liberti.Jr and Theodore S Rappaport, Smart Antennas for Wireless Communication: IS- 95 and Third Generation
CDMA Applications, Prentice Hall, 1999.
4. Paul R.P. Hoole,"Smart Antennas and Electromagnetic Signal Processing in Advanced Wireless Technology", CRC Press,


NATURE AND ORIGINS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY: Introduction Visualising the EMI problem - Source of
EMI EMI coupling to victim equipments - Intersystem and Intrasystem EMI Historical background - Technical disciplines and
Knowledge areas within EMC - Electrical engineering Physics Mathematical modeling Limited chemical knowledge -
System engineering Legal aspects of EMC. (9)

EMC STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS : The need for standards and specifications The need to meet EMC standards -
Derivation of military standards Derivation of commercial standards - Outline of EMC testing - Types of EMC testing
Preconformance test measurements - Implication of repeatability of EMC measurements - Introduction to EMC test sensor -
Conduction and Induction couplers Radiative coupling - EMC antennas. (9)

MEASUREMENT DEVICES FOR CONDUCTED EMI : Introduction Measurement by direct connection - Inductively coupled
devices - EMC antennas Basic antenna parameters - Antennas for radiated emission testing Wideband antennas -
Magnetic field antennas Use of antennas for radiated susceptibility testing - Type of antennas used in susceptibility testing
Standards requiring immunity tests. (9)

RECEIVERS, ANALYSERS AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT : EMI receiver - Spectrum Analyzers - RF power meter
Frequency meters - Instrumentation for susceptibility testing Automatic EMC tests - Electromagnetic transient testing
Transient types Continuous and transient signal - ESD-electrostatic discharge. (9)

DESIGNING TO AVOID EMC PROBLEMS : Intrasystem and Intrasystem EMC - Design for formal EMC compliance
Achieving product EMC :checklists for product development and testing - Introduction Developing an approach to EMC
design - Process flow chart, - EMC strategy Self certification. (9)

Total L: 45

1. David Morgan , "A Handbook for EMC Testing and Measurement", IET Electrical Measurement, 2012.
2. Tim Williams , "EMC for Product Designers", 5th Edition, Newnes Elsevier, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Clayton R. Paul , "Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility", Wiley Press, 2014.
2. C.Christopoulos, Principles and techniques of electromagnetic compatibility, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2018.
3. Prasad V K, Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility Principles, Technologies and Computer Models, 2nd ed. BSP
Books, 2010.
4. Press 2005.


SPEECH SIGNAL MODELLING : Speech signal characteristics and classifications - Speech production mechanism - Acoustic
Theory of speech production - Source - Filter model - Lossless Tube Models - Digital Model of speech signals. (9)

SPEECH SIGNAL ANALYSIS : Time domain Analysis for speech processing - Short time energy and magnitude - short time
average zero crossing - Speech vs silence discrimination - Pitch period estimation using autocorrelation function - Short time
Fourier analysis- Definition and properties - Design of digital filter banks - Pitch detection - Analysis and synthesis-Machine
Learning Methods for Speech Signal Processing. (12)

SPEECH CODING IN TIME DOMAIN: Linear predictive coding (LPC) - principle - solution of LPC equation Cholesky
decomposition method - Durbin's method - Lattice formulation. (6)

SPEECH CODING IN FREQUENCY DOMAIN: Frequency domain interpretation of LPC - LPC Applications - CELP - Subband
coding - Transform coding - Vocoders and cepstral vocoders - Vector quantiser coders. (6)

SPEECH RECOGNITION: Problems in ASR - Dynamic Time warping - Isolated word recognition - pattern matching Speaker
independent recognition- Pattern classification Connected word recognition Speaker identification/Verification - Hidden
Markov model. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Rabiner L R , Schaffer R W , "Digital Processing of Speech Signals", Pearson Education - India, 2015.
2. Thomas F Quatieri , "Discrete Time Speech Signal Processing", Pearson Education - India, 2015.

1. Owens FJ , "Signal Processing of Speech", Macmillan, 2015.
2. Rabiner L R , K Juang B H , "Fundamentals of speech Recognition", Pearson Education - India, 2015.
3. John R Deller Jr, John H L Hansen, John G Proakis , "Discrete Time Processing of Speech Signal", IEEE press, 2015.
Music, Wiley, 2016.


INTRODUCTION : Compression Techniques - Overview of information theory - lossless and lossy coding Multimedia
components and their characteristics -Text, sound, images, graphics, animation, video- Huffman coding Non-Binary Huffman
codes adaptive Huffman coding. (8)

ARITHMETIC CODING AND DICTIONARY TECHNIQUES : Introduction- coding a sequence generating deciphering the tag-
Generating a binary code Static and Adaptive dictionary LZ77, LZ78, LZW approach Applications - Facsimile encoding
run length coding MH, MR, MMR and JBIG. Scalar and Vector Quantization. (10)

AUDIO COMPRESSION : Audio compression techniques - frequency domain and filtering - basic sub-band coding - application
to speech coding - G.722 - application to audio coding - MPEG audio - silence suppression speech compression techniques
Vocoders. (10)

IMAGE COMPRESSION : Predictive techniques - DPCM, DM - DCT,JPEG, Wavelet based compression: quad-trees, EZW,
SPIHT, JPEG-2000. (9)

VIDEO COMPRESSION : Video signal representation Motion compensation MPEG standards - Motion estimation
techniques - H.261 family of standards - VP9 standards-Motion video compression. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Sayood Khaleed , "Introduction to data compression", 5th Edition, Morgan Kauffman, 2017.
2. Yun Q. Shi, Huifang Sun , "Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and
Standards", third Edition, CRC Press, 2019.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Salomon D, "Data Compression The Complete Reference", Springer, 2014.
2. SalomonD, "A Guide to Data Compression Methods", Springer, 2012.


FOURIER ANALYSIS : Fourier basis & Fourier Transform failure of Fourier Transform Need for Time-Frequency Analysis
Short time Fourier transform (STFT)- short comings of STFT- Need for Wavelets. (9)

CWT AND MRA: Wavelet basis Continuous time Wavelet Transform (CWT) need for scaling function Multi- Resolution
Analysis (MRA) important wavelets: Haar, Mexican hat, Meyer, Shannon, Daubachies. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO MULTIRATE SYSTEMS : Decimation and Interpolation in Time domain - Decimation and Interpolation in
Frequency domain Multi rate systems for a rational factor. (9)

FILTER BANKS AND DWT : Two channel filter bank Perfect Reconstruction (PR) condition relationship between filter
banks and wavelet basis DWT Filter banks for Daubachies wavelet function. (9)

ADVANCED TOPICS AND APPLICATIONS: Introduction to Multiwavelets, Multidimensional wavelets wavelet packet
transform, wavelet frame transform- Feature extraction using wavelet coefficients, Image compression, Wavelet based
denoising. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jaideva C Goswami, Andrew K Chan, "Fundamentals of Wavelets Theory, Algorithms and Applications", John Wiley &
Sons, Singapore, 2011.
2. Soman K P, Ramachandran K I , "Insight into wavelets from Theory to practice", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Sidney Burrus C, "Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelets Transforms", Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Stephane G Mallat, "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing", Academic Press, India, 2009.
3. Raghuveer M Rao, Ajit S Bopardikar, "Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to Theory & Applications", New Delhi, 2003.
4. Mani Mehra, "Wavelets Theory and Its Applications: A F 1st edition, 2018.


INTRODUCTION : DT signals and DT systems - DTFT - Random variables and random process Autocorrelation function -
Power spectral density. (5)

MULTIRATE SIGNAL PROCESSING : Down sampling - Up sampling - Noble identities - cascading sampling rate convertors -
Decimation with transversal filters - interpolation with transversal filters - decimation with polyphase filters interpolation with
polyphase filters - decimation and interpolation with rational sampling factors - multistage implementation of sampling rate
convertors. (10)

POWER SPECTRUM ESTIMATION : Non parametric methods - Periodogram - Modified Periodogram - Bartlett - Welch &
Blackman Tukey methods - Performance comparison - Parametric methods - Auto Regressive spectrum estimation -
Relationship between autocorrelation and model parameters - Moving Average and Auto Regressive Moving Average spectrum
estimation. (10)

ADAPTIVE FILTERS : Introduction to Wiener Filter - Adaptive Filter Applications - System identification - Inverse modeling -
Prediction - Interference Cancellation - Adaptive linear combiner - Performance function - Gradient and Minimum Mean Square
error - Gradient search by steepest descent method - LMS algorithm - Convergence of LMS algorithm Learning curve -
Introduction to RLS algorithm. (10)

WAVELET TRANSFORMS : Need for Time Frequency Analysis - Short time Fourier transform - short comings of STFT Need
for Wavelets - Continuous time Wavelet Transform - Multi Resolution Analysis - Haar and Daubechies wavelet functions -
Introduction to Discrete Wavelet Transform. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Monson H.Hayes , "Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling", John Wiley and Sons, 2015.
2. Ifeachor E C, Jervis B. W. , "Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach", Prentice Hall, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. K.P.Soman, K.I.Ramach, N.G.Resmi , "Insight into Wavelets from Theory to Practice", Third Edition, PHI, 2015.
2. Jaideva C Goswami , Andrew K Chan , "Fundamentals of Wavelets Theory, Algorithms and Applications", John Wiley and
Sons, 2015.


PATTERN CLASSIFIER : Pattern recognition overview-Feature extraction-Statistical Pattern Recognition-Supervised
&Unsupervised Learning; Bayes decision Theory, Linear discriminant functions, Pattern classification by distance functions
Minimum distance pattern classifier. (9)

STRUCTURAL PATTERN RECOGNITION: Elements of formal grammars String generation as pattern description
Recognition of syntactic description Parsing Stochastic grammars and applications Graph based structural representation.

COMPUTATIONAL LEARNING THEORY: Basics , Types of Learning - Designing a learning system concept learning -Find-s
Candidate Elimination - PAC Learnabilty- Sample complexity for finite and Infinite hypothesis spaces-VC Dimension. (9)

LINEAR MODELS: Linear Models For Regression Linear Regression Models, Maximum Likelihood Estimation Least
Squares, The Bias-Variance Decomposition, Bayesian Linear Regression, Linear Models for Classification, Linear Discriminant
Analysis. (9)

NEURAL NETWORKS AND KERNEL METHODS: Neural Networks - Feed-forward Networks - Network Training Delta Rule-
Gradient Descent - Error Backpropagation - Constructing Kernels - Radial Basis Function Networks- Gaussian Processes -
Maximum Margin Classifiers SVM. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Christopher Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning", Springer-Verlag, New York, 2016.
2. Narasimha Murty, Susheela Devi V , "Pattern Recognition: An Algorithmic Approach", Pattern Recognition: An Algorithmic
Approach, India, 2011.

1. Friedman, Menahem, and Abraham Kandel. Introduction to pattern recognition: statistical, structural, neural and fuzzy logic
approaches. Vol. 32. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2022.
2. Singh, Himanshu. Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing: For Facial Recognition, Object Detection, and Pattern
Recognition Using Python. Apress, 2019.
3. Yin, Peng-Yeng, ed. Pattern Recognition: Techniques, Technology and Applications. BoD Books on Demand, 2017.
4. Sergios T, Konstantinos K , "Pattern Recognition", 4th Edition, Academic Press, 2008.


COMPUTATIONAL ACCURACY IN DSP IMPLEMENTATIONS: Number Formats for Signals and Coefficients in DSP
systems: Fixed Point Format, Double Precision Fixed Point Format, Floating Point Format, Block Floating Point Format.
Dynamic Range and Precision - Sources of Error in DSP Implementations - A/D Conversion Errors DSP Computational Errors
- D/A Conversion Errors. (9)

ARCHITECTURES FOR PROGRAMMABLE DSP DEVICES: Basic Architectural Features-DSP Computational Building
Blocks: Hardware Multiplier, Barrel Shifter, MAC Unit-Bus Architecture and Memory-Data Addressing Capabilities- Address
Generation Unit- Speed Issues: Hardware Architecture - Parallelism Pipelining System level Parallelism and Pipelining-
Architecture of TMS320C6748 Processors. (9)

DEVELOPMENT TOOLS FOR DSP IMPLEMENTATIONS: Introduction to Code Composer Studio (CCS) DSP Software
Development using CCS- Implementation of Basic DSP Algorithms: Q-notation, Convolution, FIR Filters, IIR Filters, Decimation
Filters, PID Controller, Adaptive Filters 2D Signal Processing: Matrix Multiplication. (9)

IMPLEMENTATION OF FFT ALGORITHMS: FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation- Butterfly Computation Overflow & Scaling
Bit Reversed Index Generation-8-point FFT Implementation on DSP processor- Computation of the Signal Spectrum. (9)


Buffered Serial Port (McBSP)-McBSP Programming-CODEC Interface-CODEC Programming- CODEC, DSP Interface. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Julien Osmalskyj, Jean-Jacques Embrechts, "Digital Signal Processing Application on the Texas Instrument C6748
Processor", Texas Instruments, 2014.
2. John G Proakis, Dimitris G Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing", Prentice Hall India, 2013.

1. Venkataramani B, Bhaskar M, "Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming & Applications", Tata McGraw
2. TI , "Technical Reference Manuals for TMS320C6748", Texas Instruments, 2016.
3. Oppenheim A V , "Discrete Time Signal Processing", Prentice Hall India, 2014.
4. Mitra S K , "Digital Signal Processing A Computer based Approach", Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.


DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS: Two dimensional signals and systems - Mathematical preliminaries, Image sensing and
acquisition-CCD, CMOS, X-Ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, SAR, IR, Thermal-Imaging, Image processing system- Image formation-
Sampling and Quantization - Neighbours of pixel Distance measures, Color models. (8)

IMAGE TRANSFORMS: Discrete Fourier transform - properties Discrete Cosine Transform - Properties - KL Transform and
SVD. (8)

IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Point Operations - Histogram Equalization technique - Spatial Filtering Low pass filtering, Median
filtering, Sharpening Filters - frequency domain Homomorphic filtering, Color Image enhancement. Case Study: Image
enhancement, noise removal operations in an image. (10)

IMAGE COMPRESSION: Image Compressions models - Variable length coding - Bit plane coding - Predictive coding JPEG,
MPEG-2 Case Study: JPEG image compression using DCT coding. (9)

IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND REPRESENTATION: Discontinuity detection: Point, Line and Edge , Gradient operators
,combined detection - Thresholding Region based segmentation - Representation schemes: chain codes Boundary
descriptors: Simple, Shapes , Texture Morphology : dilation and erosion, opening and closing. Case Study: Image Analysis:
License plate detection, CT image analysis, crack detection, Missing component detection. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, "Digital Image Processing", 4th Edition, Pearson, India, 2018.
2. Anil K Jain, "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1995.

1. Jayaraman S, Esakkirajan S, Veerakumar T, "Digital Image Processing", 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E.woods, Steven L. Eddins, "Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB", Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2010.
3. Al.Bovik , "The Essential Guide to Image Processing", Academic Press, India, 2009.


CELLULAR STANDARDS AND WIRELESS SYSTEMS: Introduction to 2G GSM - Advanced Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS) -
Global System for Mobile Communication - Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS).and 3G - Standardization
process in 3GPP-Technologies for LTE - Network Architecture - Core Network- Access Network EPS bearers- Network
Interfaces- Control Plane and User Plane Protocols LTE Advanced Performance of LTE and LTE Advanced. (10)

5G: Building blocks for 5G 5G Use Cases and System Concept 5G Architecture 5G Radio Access Technologies -
Simulation Methodology. (8)

THE IEEE 802.11 WLAN STANDARD: Introduction to IEEE 802.11 - General Description - Medium Access Control (MAC) -
Physical Layer for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs; Radio systems - IR Systems Applications. (9)

THE IEEE 802.16 WIMAX STANDARD: Introduction to IEEE 802.16 - General Description - Medium Access Control (MAC) -
Radio systems - Physical Layer- Evolution to 802.16m - Bluetooth Zigbee. (9)

WIFI6: PPDU Formats Single user and multiuser operation Security WiFi 6E - Deployment Beyond WiFi 6. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Assuncion Santamaria, Francisco Lopez-Hern, ez , "Wireless LAN Standards and Applications", Artech House, 2001.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Afif Osseiran, Jose F. Monserrat and Patrick Mars

University Press, 2016.

1. Wei Xiang, Kan Zheng, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, - 5G Mobile Communications, Springer, 2017.
2. Tamal
3. -
4. LTE, LTE-
Wiley, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Challenges and constraints - Comparison of sensor network with Adhoc network - WSN Applications - case
studies related to Structural monitoring - Healthcare, Precision Agriculture - Underground mining. (9)

ARCHITECTURE: Single node architecture - sensing subsystem - processing subsystem - communication interfaces -
Operating systems - Network architecture - Sensor network scenarios - Design principles Gateway Concepts. (9)

MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL: MAC protocols - MAC low duty cycle protocols and wake up concepts - contention-
based protocols - SMAC, IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. (9)

ROUTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS: Energy-efficient unicast - Broadcast and multicast - Data centric Routing
protocols in WSNs - Data Aggregation, Hierarchical Routing protocols Location based routing protocols. (9)

NODE AND NETWORK MANAGEMENT: Power Management - Local Power Management Aspects - Time Synchronization in
Wireless Sensor Networks - Ranging techniques - Range based Localization - range free localization. (9)

Total L: 45

1. HolgerKarl, Andreas willig, "Protocol and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks", John wiley publication, 2007.
2. Waltenegus Dargie, Christian Poellabauer, "Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice", Wiley,

1. FeiHu, Xiaojun Cao, "Wireless Sensor Networks, Principles and Practice", CRC Press, 2010.
2. Sudip Misra, Isaac Woungang, Subhas Chandra Misra, "Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks", Springer, 2009.
3. KazemSohraby, Daniel Minoli, TaiebZnati, "Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols, and Applications", John Wiley
& Sons, 2007.
4. Ian Akyildiz, Mehmet Can Vuran, "Wireless Sensor Networks", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2010.


WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK: Introduction to Wireless LAN s Topologies, IEEE 802.11 WLAN Architecture and
Services, Physical Layer- MAC SubLayer MAC Management SubLayer , Other IEEE 802.11 Standards - HIPERLAN,
WiMAX. (9)

ADHOC WIRELESS NETWORKS: Characteristics of Adhoc Networks, MAC Protocols Routing Protocol - TCP Over Ad
Hoc Wireless Networks. (9)

WIRELESS PERSONAL AREA NETWORKS: Introduction to Bluetooth - Architecture, Protocol Stack, Topology, Application.
Wireless Sensor Network Architecture, Data Dissemination and Gathering. Zigbee Technology Components,
Network topologies and architecture. (9)

MOBILE NETWORK AND TRANSPORT LAYER: TCP Enhancements for Wireless Networks Implementation of
Wireless TCP Mobile IP and Session Initiation Protocol. (8)

6G NETWORKS: Beyond 5G 6G Requirements 6G Performance Metrics 6G Usecases 6G Enabling

Technologies 6G CloudNet - Role of Open-Source in 6G Wireless Networks. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Vijay.K. Garg, "Wireless Communication and Networking", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2017.
2. Siva Ram Murthy C, Manoj B S , "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols", Prentice Hall, 2017.

1. T L singal , "Wireless communciations ", Mcgraw Hill Education, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. PahalavanK, Krishnamurthy P, "Principles of Wireless Networks - A Unified Approach", Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. William Stallings, "Wireless Communications and Networks", 2nd Edition, Pearson/ Prentice Hall India, 2007.
4. Yulei Wu, Sukhdeep


SECURITY PROBLEM: Security Problem in Computing-Security services - Attacks-Mechanisms-Points of security
vulnerability- Methods of defense-Controls-Effectiveness of control -Introduction to cryptography and steganography - Plan of
attack on encryption Security Standards. (9)

SYMMETRIC CRYPTOGRAPHY: Encryption and Decryption-substitution-transposition - Block ciphers-Data Encryption

Standard- -advance Encryption Standard-Triple DES-RC5,Stream cipher- RC4 - Block Cipher modes - Differential & Linear
Cryptanalysis. (9)

PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION: Number Theory basics - RSA-key management-Diffie-Hellman key exchange - Elliptic curve
cryptography. (9)

MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION: Requirements of authentication - HASH functions SHA algorithm-MD5 - HMAC- Digital
signature standards. (9)

NETWORK AND SYSTEM SECURITY: Secure Socket layer- Transport Layer Security-E-mail Security - IP Security Worms-
Viruses-Intrusion detection system-Firewalls. (9)

Total L: 45

1. William Stallings, "Cryptography & Network Security: Principles & Practices", Eighth Edition, Pearson Education Limited,
2. Behrouz A.Forouzan, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, "Cryptography & Network Security", Tata McGraw Hill, 2018.

1. Charles P Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Jonathan Margulies, "Security in Computing", Pearson, 2018.
2. -Hill, 2013.
3. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner,
Learning Private Limited, 2012.
4. Tyler Wr -Hill, 2012.


Centralized/Distributed Control and Data Planes Fundamental Characteristics of SDN - SDN Operation, Devices
Network Virtualization: Concepts, Applications, Existing Network Virtualization Frameworks. (9)

SDN IMPLEMENTATION AND OPENFLOW: SDN design - Separation of the control and data planes - Edge- oriented
networking - Telecommunication SDN attributes Telecommunication services Realisation of SDN using software
OpenFlow: Overview, Channel, Controller Modes, Configuration and management protocol. (9)

SDN CONTROLLERS: Introduction - General Concepts Different controllers: NOX, POX, Ryu, Trema, Floodlight and
OpenDaylight - Realisation of Controllers using software. (9)

SDN DEVELOPMENT: Existing network limitations - Programmable networks Network and application information - Legacy
to SDN Protocols in the context of SDN Additional SDN Protocol Models - Additional SDN Controller Models -
AdditionalApplication Models. (9)

SDN APPLICATIONS AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTS: Application Types: Reactive and Proactive applications, Internal and
External applications - Wide Area Networks - Service Provider and Carrier Networks Campus Networks - Mobile Networks -
Optical Networks. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Patricia A. Morreale, James M. Anderson, "Software Defined Networking: Design and Deployment", 1st Edition, CRC Press,
2. Paul Goransson, Chuck Black, Timothy Culve, "Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach", 2nd Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


2. Rajesh Kumar , "Software Defined Networking a definitive guide", Smash words Edition, 2013.
3. Thomas D. Nadeau, Ken Gray , "SDN: Software Defined Networks: An Authoritative Review of Network Programmability



LTE INTRODUCTION AND NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: Motivation to LTE - Evolution of Architecture Standardization
process in 3GPP - Technologies for LTE - Network Architecture - Core Network - Access Network - Roaming Architecture -
Protocol Architecture - Quality of service and EPS Bearers - S1 and X2 E-UTRAN Network Interfaces. (9)

CONTROL PLANE AND USER PLANE PROTOCOLS: Radio Resource Control - PLMN and Cell Selection - Paging User
Plane Protocol Stack - Packet Data Convergence Protocol - Radio Link Control - Medium Access Control. (8)

OFDM- OFDMA - Parameter Dimensioning. Fundamentals of Multiple antenna theory - MIMO Signal Model Single User
MIMO - Multi User MIMO - MIMO Schemes in LTE. (9)

PHYSICAL LAYER FOR DOWNLINK: Transmission Resource Structure - Signal Structure - Downlink operation.
Synchronization and Cell Search - Synchronization sequences and cell search in LTE - Coherent versus Non-Coherent
Detection. (9)

PHYSICAL LAYER FOR UPLINK : Uplink Physical Layer Design - SC- FDMA Principle - SC-FDMA Design in LTE. Uplink
Physical channel structure - Physical uplink shared Data channel Structure - Uplink control channel Design - Multiplexing of
control signaling - ACK/NACK Reception - Uplink transmission procedures- Timing Control - Power control. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Stefania Sesia, Issam Toufik , Matthew Baker, "LTE The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice", John
Wiley & Sons, 2011.
2. Christopher Cox, "An introduction to LTE LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE, VoLTE and 4G Mobile Communications", John Wiley
& Sons, 2014.

1. Moray Rumney, "LTE and Evolution to 4G Wireless: Design and Measurement Challenges", Agilent Technologies, 2013.
Engineering and Emerging Technologies, 2010
3. -
4. -
edition Wiley, 2017.


FPGA DESIGN FLOW AND ARCHITECTURES: Digital IC design flow-The role of FPGAs in digital design Goals and
techniques Hierarchical design-CAD Tools. FPGA architectures Configurable logic blocks-configurable I/O blocks
Programmable interconnect clock circuitry Xilinx FPGA architecture Programming Technologies: Antifuse, SRAM,

VERILOG HDL: HDL overview-Modules and ports-compiler directives-data types-operands and operators-gate level
modeling-data flow modeling-behavioral modeling-structural modeling primitives-Tasks and functions- Writing test bench. (9)

ARCHITECTING SPEED AND TIMING ISSUES: High Throughput - Low Latency - Timing - Add Register Layers, Parallel
Structures, Flatten Logic Structures, Register Balancing, reorder Paths. CLOCKING AND METASTABILITY: Set up time hold
time setup time hold time violations-critical path-calculation of maximum clock frequency metastability - synchronizers-
design examples. (9)

ARCHITECTING AREA AND POWER: Architecting Area - Rolling Up the PipelinE - Control-Based Logic Reuse - Resource
Sharing - Impact of Reset on Area - Resources Without Reset, Resources Without Set, Resources Without Asynchronous
Reset, Resetting RAM, Utilizing Set/Reset Flip-Flop Pins. Architecting Power - Clock Control, Clock Skew, Managing Skew,
Input Control, Reducing the Voltage Supply, Dual-Edge Triggered Flip- Flops, Modifying Terminations. (9)

EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN WITH FPGA : Processors - Interfaces - Zynq System-on-chip Development - IP based Design
Hardware-Software Co-design for Zynq - Software Development Tools - Real-time Applications. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL", Second Edition, Pearson, 2011.
2. Steve Kilts, "Advanced FPGA Design Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization", First Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Hoboken, New Jersey, 2007.

1. Crockett H. Louise, Ross A. Elliot, Martin A. Enderwitz, "The Zynq Book Embedded Processing with the ARM Cortex-A9 on
the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC", First Edition, Strathclyde Academic Media, 2014.
2. Charlet H. Roth, Lizy Kurian John, Byeong Kil Lee , "Digital Systems Design using Verilog", Cengage Learning, 2016.
3. Zainalabedin Navabi, "Verilog Digital System Design", Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
4. Ming-Bo Lin, "Digital System Designs and Practices: Using Verilog HDL and FPGAs", First Edition, Wiley, 2008.


BODY AND CONVENIENCE ELECTRONICS: Electronics in automotive , central body control module system - Lighting and
Indicators - external lights, head light reflectors, lighting circuits - Gas discharge and LED lighting - Advanced lighting
technology, new developments - Body electrical and electronics systems - washers, wipers, horns - Obstacle avoidance -
Cruise control, seats, mirrors - Passenger compartment climate control - Ac unit design and operation - Climate control
systems - Comfort and convenience system in door and roof. (12)

VEHICLE SAFETY SYSTEMS: Basic security - Top of the range security - Security coded ECU - Air bags and belt tensioners -
Other security and control systems - Obstacle avoidance RADAR - Tire Pressure warning - Noise control. (6)

POWER TRAIN SYSTEM: Engine Management system - Combined ignition and fuel management Exhaust emission
control for diesel emissions - complete vehicle control system - Electric vehicles - Hybrid vehicles. (9)

AUTOMOTIVE NETWORKING: Bus systems - Technical principles - Buses for motor vehicles : CAN, FLEXRAY, LIN, MOST,
ETHERNET, PS15 - Introduction to AUTOSAR. (8)

VEHICULAR ADHOC NETWORKS: Special Characteristics, Technical Challenges - DSRC spectrum and applications for
VANET - IEEE Standards for MAC Protocols - Cluster based and Distributed MAC Protocols - Requirements for routing
protocols and classifications - Network Mobility problems - NEMO basic support protocol. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Tom Denton, "Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems", 3rd Edition, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, Newyork,
2. Bosch, "Automotive Handbook", 8th Edition, Wiley Eastern, Germany, 2011.

1. Nicholas Navet, Francois Simonot-Lion, "Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook", New York 2009, 2009.
2. Dominique Paret, "Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Safe", England, 2008.
3. Tom Denton, "Automobile Mechanical and Electrical systems", 2nd Edition, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New york,
4. Hassnaa Moustafa, Yan Zhang , "Vehicular Networks - Techniques, Standards and applications", CRC Press, 2009.


HARDWARE FOR REAL TIME SYSTEMS: Basic Real-Time system concepts Design challenges Basic Processor
Architecture Memory Technologies Architectural Advancements Peripheral Interfacing Distributed Real-Time
Architectures. (9)

REALTIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: Foundations of Scheduling System services for Application Programs Memory
Management issues Selecting Real-Time Operating Systems. (8)

PROGRAMMING REAL TIME SYSTEMS: Coding of Real-Time Software - Assembly Language Procedural Languages
Object-Oriented Languages Overview of Programming Languages Automatic Code Generation Compiler Optimizations of
code. (7)

ENGINEERING AND SOFTWARE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Formats methods and Semi-Formal methods in Software
specification Requirements Document Software Engineering Principles Procedural Design Approach Object-Oriented
Design Approach Life Cycle models. (11)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION: Application of Queuing Theory - I/O Performance Analysis of Memory
Requirements Metrics in Software Design for Fault Tolerance Performance Optimization Techniques. (10)

Total L : 45

1. Philip A. Laplante, "Real Time Systems Design and Analysis-An Engineers Handbook", II Edition, IEEE Computer Society
Press, 2008.
2. -

1. -Time Systems -
2. -
3. Xiaocong Fan, "Real-Time Embedded Systems Design Principles and Engineering Practices", Elsevier Science, 2015.
4. Arnold S. Berger, "Debugging Embedded and Real-Time Systems" Elsevier Science, 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Hardware Components of Embedded Systems-ARM Architecture: Basic Architecture of ARM7core-
Registers-CPSR-Operating States-Operating Modes-Programming Model-Interrupt and Exception Handling-ARM Instruction
Set-Migration to Cortex Series-ARM Architecture v7 Profile-ARMv7-M Architecture-CMSIS. TIVA Microcontroller. (9)

Embedded Software-Getting Embedded Software into the Target System-Programming Tiva C Series-System Peripheral and
Memory Address-Programming GPIO in Tiva Launch pad-DMA-Timers-Interrupts-WDT-Low Power Modes-ADC-PWM-QEI. (9)

Protocols: UART-Programming UART on TIVA Platform-I2C,SPI,CAN & USB. (9)

REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: Introduction-Task States-Semaphores and Shared Data-Message Queues-Mail Boxes-
Pipes-Timer Functions-Events-Memory Management Functions-Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment-Basic Design using
RTOS. (9)

EMBEDDED NETWORKING AND INTERNET OF THINGS: Embedded Networking Fundamentals and Ethernet-TCP/IP
Introduction-IoT Architecture & Overview-IPV6-Architecture of IoT-Applications of IoT-Challenges of IoT. Wireless Sensor
Network: Wireless Connectivity in Embedded Networks-Wireless Protocols and Applications: NFC, Zigbee, Bluetooth & WiFi.(9)

Total L: 45

2. -

1. Rajkamal,
4. Web Reference: Embedded System Design using TIVA


ANALOG CIRCUIT BUILDING BLOCKS: Switches - Active resistors - Current sources and sinks - Current mirrors Simple
Cascode and Wilson Current Mirrors - Voltage and current references - Analog multiplier. (9)

AMPLIFIERS: MOS amplifiers Common Source , Common Drain, Common Gate, MOS inverting amplifier - Improving
performance of inverting amplifier - CMOS differential amplifiers Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. (9)

CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Characterization of Op-Amp - Design of two stage op-amp Feedback and opamp
Compensation Folded Cascode op-amp, Transconductance Amplifier-Noise and Distortion in Amplifiers. (9)

D/A AND A/D CONVERTERS: Analog signal processing -Parallel D/A converter: Current scaling , Voltage scaling and Charge
scaling - Serial D/A converters - A/D converters: Serial A/D converters, Parallel A/D converters - Oversampling Converters. (9)

PHASE LOCKED LOOPS: Phase Detector-Voltage Controlled Oscillator-Loop Filter. Non-linear analog blocks: Comparators,
Charge-pump circuits, and Multipliers, Analog Testing methods. FILTERS: Active RC Filters - Low pass filters - High pass filters
- Bandpass filters - Switched capacitor filters. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Jacob Baker Lee H W and Boyce D E , "CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation", Fourth, John Wiley & Sons, New
Jersey, 2019.
2. David A Johns and Ken Martin, "Analog Integrated Circuit Design", Second, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2013.

1. Phillip Allen and Douglas R Holberg, "CMOS Analog Circuit Design", Third, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013.
2. Behzad Razavi, "Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits", Second-Indain, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Randall L Geiger Phillip E Allen and Noel R. Strader , "VLSI Design techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits", McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
4. Sedra and Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", Seventh Edition, Oxford University Press, NY,USA, 2017.


PRINCIPLES OF LOW POWER VLSI DESIGN: Need for Low power VLSI chips - Sources of Power Dissipation Dynamic
Power Dissipation - Charging and Discharging of Capacitance Short Circuit Current in CMOS Circuits - CMOS Leakage
current Static Current - Basic Principles of Low Power VLSI Design. (9)

POWER ANALYSIS: Simulation power Analysis - Gate-Level Analysis - Architecture level Analysis Data Correlation Analysis
Monte Carlo Simulation - Probabilistic Power Analysis Techniques. (9)

POWER REDUCTION AT THE CIRCUIT LEVEL: Transistor and Gate Sizing Equivalent Pin Ordering Network
Restructuring and Reorganization Special Latches and Flip Flops Low Power Digital Cell Library Adjustable Device
Threshold Voltage. (9)

POWER REDUCTION AT THE LOGIC LEVEL: Gate Reorganization Signal Gating Logic Encoding State Machine
Encoding Precomputation Logic. (7)

POWER REDUCTION AT THE ARCHITECTURE AND SYSTEM LEVEL: Power and Performance management Switching
Activity Reduction Parallel Architecture with Voltage Reduction Flow Graph Transformation - Advanced Techniques:
Adiabatic Computation - Pass Transistor Logic Synthesis - Power Reduction in Clock Networks - CMOS Floating Node Low
Power Bus-Software power estimation and optimization techniques. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Gary K Yeap, "Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design", Kluwer academic publishers, 2012.
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharat C. Prasad, "Low Power CMOS VLSI circuit Design", John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

1. Kuo J B , Lou J H , "Low Voltage CMOS VLSI Circuits", John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. AP Chandrakasan, RW Brodersen, "Low Power Digital CMOS Design", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995
3. Abdelatif Belaouar, Mohamed l Elmasry, "Low-Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems, Kluwer Academic Press,
4. Sasan Iman, Massoud Pedram, "Logic Synthesis for Low Power VLSI Designs" Kluwer Academic publishers, 1998.


NANO ELECTRONICS AND SCALING: Introduction to Nanoelectronics Classical and quantum systems Current CMOS
device technology- International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor projections Scaling principles General scaling,
Characteristic scale length Limits to scaling Quantum mechanics, Atomistic effects, Thermodynamic Effects, Practical
considerations Power constrained scaling limits. (9)

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NANO SCALE STRUCTURES: Energy subbands and Density of States in nanoscale structures
Electron transport in a Two Dimensional electron gas Resistance of a ballistic semiconductor Landauer formula
Transmission probability calculation Resonant tunnelling effect Coulomb blockade Quantization of thermal conductance in
ballistic nanostructures. (9)

SINGLE ELECTRON, SESO AND CNT DEVICES: Introduction Quantum Dot transistor structure and fabrication
Quantum Cellular Automata Single Electron and Single Hole Quantum Dot transistor Artificial atom Single Electron MOS
Memory structure and fabrication - SESO Transistor SESO Memory CNT transistor CNT based Field Emission devices.

SPINTRONICS AND MOLECULAR NANODEVICES: Introduction Spin filters Spin diodes Spin transistors Spin based
optoelectronic devices Electrical conduction of molecules Manipulation of single molecules Molecular motors Molecular
nanoactuators Molecular electronic devices Molecular based optic devices. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

FABRICATION TECHNIQUES: Optical lithography Electron beam lithography X Ray lithography - Focussed Ion beam
lithography Nanoimprint lithography Pulsed laser deposition Sputter deposition Chemical Vapour Deposition Wet and
dry etching techniques Chemical Mechanical Polishing. (9)

Total L:45

2. 2019.


Delhi, 2011.
VCH, Germany, 2012.
4. Delhi, 2012.


Dirac Distribution-Carrier Concentration Energy band Modelling - Continuity equation - Poisson equation, Junction and
Schottky diodes in monolithic technologies- static and dynamic behaviour - small and large signal models - SPICE models.

INTEGRATED MOS CAPACITANCE : Band diagram flat band condition and flat band voltage - surface accumulation,
surface depletion - threshold condition and threshold voltage, charge versus gate voltage,MOS C - Characteristics, PolySi gate
depletion effective Increase In Tox. (6)

INTEGRATED MOS TRANSISTOR : Review of MOSFETs- MOS models SPICE model, EKV Model, BSIM Model. Technology
scaling for cost, speed and power consumption, Substhershold Current Subthreshold Swing, Threshold voltage Roll Off -
Short Channel Leakage, reducing gate insulator electrical thickness And Tunneling Leakage, Short Channel Effects. (10)

Compact Model for Circuit Simulation using Verilog. (8)

SPINTRONICS: Electron Spins in Quantum Dots as Qubits- Quantum Computing - Quantum Communication - Requirements
for Quantum Computing - Coupled Quantum Dots as Quantum Gates - Single-Spin Rotations - Read-Out of a Single Spin .
Quantum Computing wth spins- The quantum inverter - NAND without energy dissipation - Universal reversible gate: Toffoli-
Fredkin gate - Universal quantum gates. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Chenming C.Hu , "Modern Semiconductors for Integrated Circuits Prentice Hall", First Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010.
2. Tyagi M S , "Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices", John Wiley, 2014.

1. Richard S. Muller, Theodore I. Kamins , "Device Electronics for Integrated circuits", John Wiley, Third Edition, 2018.
2. Neil Weste and David Harris , "CMOS VLSI DESIGN: A Circuits and Systems Perspective", Pearson, Edition 4, 2015.
3. 7, 2018.


SOC INTRODUCTION: Driving Forces for SoC- Components - Generic template- Design flow- Hardware/Software nature-
Design Trade-Offs-Major Applications-SYSTEM-LEVEL DESIGN: Processor selection-Concepts in Processor Architecture:
Instruction set architecture (ISA) -Robust processors: Vector processor, VLIW, Superscalar, CISC, RISC Processor Evolution:
Soft and Firm processors, Custom-Designed processors-IP based design- on-chip memory. (10)

SYSTEM-LEVEL INTERCONNECTION: On-chip Buses: basic architecture, topologies, arbitration and protocols, Bus
standards: AMBA, Core Connect, Wishbone, Avalon-Network-on-chip: Architecture-topologies-switching strategies- routing
algorithms-flow control, quality-of-service-Reconfigurability in communication architectures. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

CO-DESIGN CONCEPTS : Nature of hardware & software- quest for energy efficiency- driving factors for hardware- software
codesign- Codesign space-Dualism of Hardware design and Software design-Modeling Abstraction Level-Concurrency and
Parallelism- Hardware Software tradeoffs- Introducing Dataflow modelling. (9)

SOC IMPLEMENTATION : Study of Microblaze RISC processor - Real-time operating system, peripheral interface and
components, High-density FPGAs-Introduction to tools used for SOC design: Xilinx SoC based development kit. (12)

SOC TESTING : Manufacturing test of SoC: Core layer, system layer, application layer-P1500 Wrapper Standardization-SoC
Test Automation. (5)

Total L: 45

1. Michael J.Flynn, Wayne Luk , "Computer system Design: System-on-Chip", Wiley-India, 2012.
2. Sudeep Pasricha, Nikil Dutt , "On Chip Communication Architectures: System on Chip Interconnect", Morghan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2008.

1. W.H.Wolf , "Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design", Elsevier, 2008.
2. Patrick Schaumont , "A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Co-design", 2nd Edition, Springer, 2012.
3. Lin, Youn-Long Steve , "Essential issues in SOC design: designing complex systems-on-chip", Springer, 2006.


INTRODUCTION TO VLSI DESIGN AUTOMATION: Algorithmic Graph Theory, Computational Complexity and ROBDD;
Partitioning and Placement: KL algorithm, FM algorithm, Group-migration algorithm, Simulated Annealing and Evolution, use of
VLSI CAD tools (Open source). (9)

Timing driven placement, Routing: Global Routing, detailed routing, Graph models, Line Search, Maze Routing, Channel
Routing, Steiner Tree based Algorithms, ILP base approaches, DRC methods. (9)

PERFORMANCE ISSUES IN CIRCUIT LAYOUT: delay models, timing driven placements, timing driven routing, Via
Minimization, Over the Cell Routing Single layer and two layer routing, Clock and Power Routing. (9)

COMPACTION: Problem formulation, One Dimension compaction, Two Dimension compaction, Hierarchical Compaction,
Compaction Algorithms. Physical Design Automation in FPGAs. (9)

SCHEDULING: constrained and unconstrained scheduling, ASAP, ALAP, List scheduling, Force directed Scheduling, operator
binding, Static Timing Analyses: Delay models, setup time, hold time, cycle time, critical paths, Topological mvs. Logical timing
analysis, False paths, Arrival time (AT), Required arrival Time (RAT), Slacks. (9)

Total L:45

1. Sherwani, N., Algorithms for VLSI Physicsl Design Automation, Springer, 3rd edition, 2007.
2. Gerez S.H., Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, John Wiley, 2008.

1. Sarrafzadeh, M. and Wong, C. K., An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw Hill, 2015.
2. Trimberger, S. M., An Introduction to CAD for VLSI, Kluwer, 1987.
3. Sait, S. M. and Youssef, Habib, VLSI Physical Design Automation Theory and Practice, World Scientific, 2004.
4. Andrew B. Kahng , Jens



NANO CONCEPTS AND MATERIALS: Scientific Revolution - Nanosized Effects Surface to Volume Ratio
Size Dependent Properties of Nanomaterials. Quantum Confinement Effects Classifications of nanosystems-0D, 1D, & 2D.
Challenges and future prospects of Nanoscience. (9)

PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION: Top down approach-bottom up approach. Mechanical alloying and Milling, Self
assembly, biomimmetic approach. Characterization: electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling
microscopy, particle size analyzer. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

NANOTECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE: Material characteristics for healthcare industry, Drug delivery, molecular imaging,
diagnostic tools, implant coatings, implantable medical devices, nanosensors for point of care diagnostic devices. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL NANOTECHNOLOGY: Air purification, water purification, nano biosensors for pesticide detection, nano
biosensor for plant pathogen detection, pesticide degradation, soil structure and remediation, metal and CNT based adsorbents
for waste water treatment. (9)

NANO IN TEXTILE AND FOOD INDUSTRY: Self cleaning textiles-superhydrophobicity, smart textiles-wearable electronics,
shape memory polymers. Food packaging, beverage industry, milk and derivative processing using nanotechnology. (9)

Total L:45

2. Design, Fabrication and .

2. M. H. Fulekar, Bhawana Pathak, Environmental Nanotechnology, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2017
3. Jenny Stanford
Publishing, Singapore, 2020
4. Abdullah Mohamed Asiri et.al, Food Applications of Nanotechnology, CRC Press, 2019


SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE: Characteristics IoT Stack Enabling Technologies Challenges IoT Architecture - M2M
Communication Network Layers and Design Standards Communication Technologies: Wired and Wireless. (9)

PROTOCOLS: Application Layer Protocols: HTTP CoAP MQTT XMPP AMQP Transport Layer: TCP UDP
Network Layer: IPv6 6LoWPAN Link Layer: Bluetooth BLE- ZigBee WiFi LoRaWAN. (10)

CLOUD COMPUTING: Internet Connectivity: IP and Non IP based Data Acquisition Need for cloud computing - Models of
Cloud computing Cloud Services: Thing Speak AdaFruit IO. (10)

APPLICATION BUILDING: IFTTT- Programming Raspberry Pi for IoT System WiFi based IoT system Bluetooth based IoT
system LoRa Communication based IoT System. (10)

CASE STUDY: Home Automation, Connected Cars, Agriculture Education System. (6)

Total: 45

1. Raj Kamal, Internet of Things: Architecture and Design Principles, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2017.

1. James, Alice, Avishkar Seth, and Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay. "IoT System Design A Project Based Approach." In IoT
System Design, pp. 9-33. Springer, Cham, 2022.
2. Lea, Perry. IoT and Edge Computing for Architects: Implementing edge and IoT systems from sensors to clouds with
communication systems, analytics, and security. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2020.
3. Cirani, Simone, Gianluigi Ferrari, Marco Picone, and Luca Veltri. Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols and Standards.
John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
4. Tsiatsis, Vlasios, Stamatis Karnouskos, Jan Holler, David Boyle, and Catherine Mulligan. Internet of Things: technologies
and applications for a new age of intelligence. Academic Press, 2018.


INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL REALITY: Virtual reality Hardware and software VR Input Devices Game Engines-VR
Applications- Sports- News and Documentary Films- Scientific Data Visualization- Medical Training- Physical Rehabilitation and
Psychotherapy-Human physiology-Challenges in Virtual Reality. (9)

3D MODELS FOR VIRTUAL REALITY: Geometric models Changing position and orientation-viewing and chaining
transformations - 3DGraphics VRGraphics Introduction to OpenGL programming. (9)

VISUAL PERCEPTION AND AUDIO: Perception of depth, motion and color, Visual Rendering -Ray Tracing and Shading
Models, Improving Latency and Frame Rates, Auditory Perception, Auditory Rendering. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3D INTERACTION DESIGN: VR Interaction Theory Locomotion, Manipulation Moving around in VR Virtual Navigation
Interacting with objects in VR-User Interfaces in VR. (9)

BEYOND VR: Augmented Reality Differences between VR and AR-Content Creation in VR and AR - Mixed Reality
Extended Reality - Social VR Virtual characters Body animation- Case studies. (9)



1. lley &sons, Second Edition ,2014.
2. Foundations of Effective

3. .


examples; Systems engg as a profession Power of systems engineering and examples; Systems engineering viewpoint,
perspectives, domains; Systems engineering fields, approaches, activities, and products- Complex system structure-building
blocks, hierarchy, interfaces; Complex system structure-environment, interfaces and interactions, complexity in modern
systems. . (9)

evolutionary characteristics; Systems engineering method; Systems testing throughout development- Managing systems
development, risks, work breakdown structure , systems engineering management plan - Systems risk management,
organizing for systems engineering- Need analysis originating, operations, functional, and feasibility Need validation, systems
operations requirement; System requirements development, performance requirements. (9)

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND DECISION ANALYSIS : Implementing concept exploration, validating requirements;
Concept definition selection and validation, functional analysis and allocation ; Systems architecture, system modeling
languages, Model-Based Systems engineering- Decision making, modeling for decisions; Simulation, Trade-off analysis
engineering development stage program risk reduction, prototype development for risk mitigation. (9)

risk reduction, prototype development for risk mitigation - Development testing, risk reduction- functional analysis and
design- Engineering design implementing system building blocks, component design; Design validation, change
management- coping with complexity and abstraction -nature of software development - life cycle models- concept
development: analysis and design - coding and unit test - Integration and Test software engineering management. (9)

INTEGRATION, EVALUATION AN D S UP P O RT: Integration, testing and evaluating total system; Test planning and
preparation, system integration -Developmental and operational test and evaluation; Engineering for production, transition from
development to production -Production operations - Production operations - Installation, maintenance and upgrading;
Installation testing; In-service support Upgrades and modernization. (9)

Total: 45

Wiley, New Jersey, 2011.
2. Robert J. Cloutier, version 2.2, The InternationalCouncil on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE) IEEE, Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), Computer Society (IEEE CS), South
Alabama, 2019.

Basel Publishers, Basel, Switzerland, 2019.
New Jersey, 2015.
Jersey, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



Need for Value Education: Self-Exploration as the process for self-

exploration, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- basic Human Aspirations, . Right understanding, Relationship and Physical
Facility - the basic requirements for fulfillment of aspirations, understanding and living in harmony. (6+3)

Understanding Harmony in the Human Being: Understanding human being as a co-

- happiness and physical facility, Understanding the Body as

Understanding the harmony of I with the Body; correct appraisal of Physical needs . (6+3)

Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society: Understanding values in human-human relationship; Justice (nine
universal values in relationships) and program for its fulfillment to ensure mutual happiness; Trust and Respect as the
foundational values of relationship Understanding the harmony in the society Resolution, Prosperity, fearlessness (trust) and
co-existence as comprehensive Human Goals, Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society- Undivided Society,
Universal Order- from family to world family. Gratitude as a universal value in relationships. (6+3)

Understanding Harmony in the Nature: Understanding the harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment
among the four orders of nature- recyclability and self-regulation in nature, Understanding Existence as Co-existence of
mutually interacting units in all- Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence. (4+2)

Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics: Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct, Basis for Humanistic
Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order, Competence in professional ethics-. Ability to utilize the
professional competence for augmenting universal human order-. Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people -
friendly and eco-friendly production systems- Ability to identify and develop appropriate technologies and management patterns
for above production systems. Case studies of typical holistic technologies, management models and production systems,
Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal Human Order:- At the level of individual: as socially and ecologically
responsible engineers, technologists and managers-. At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and
organizations. (8+4)

Total L: 30 + T:15=45

Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010 .

1. Tanu Shukla , Anupam Yadav ,Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Human Values and Professional Ethics , Cengage India,2017
Human Values and Professional Ethics S.Chand & company, 2010.


KNOWLEDGE IN AI: History of AI Representing Knowledge Metrics for accessing knowledge representations Logic
representations Procedural representations Network representations Structural representations General Knowledge.(7)

REASONING AND SEARCH: Overview Forward and Backward reasoning Reasoning with uncertainty Exhaustive search
and simple pruning Heuristic search Knowledge rich search. (7)

SUPERVISED AND UNSUPERVISED LEARNING: Linear regression Logical regression Multilayer perceptron KL
divergence Generalized linear models Nonlinear ensembles Evaluation metrics k-means clustering EM algorithm. (11)

REGRESSION ANALYSIS: Linear regression Cost functions Gradient descent Polynomial regression Regularization
Evaluating a machine learning model. (9)

EDGE AI AND IMPLEMENTATION: Embedded ML and Edge AI Technology of Edge AI Understand and Framing
problems - Building an AI expert system using PyTorch in Raspberry PI. (11)

Total: 45

1. Finlay, Janet, and Alan Dix. An introduction to artificial intelligence. Crc Press, 2020.
2. Pandey, Rajiv, Sunil Kumar Khatri, Neeraj Kumar Singh, and Parul Verma, eds. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
for EDGE Computing. Elsevier, 2022.

1. Norris, Donald J. Beginning artificial intelligence with the Raspberry Pi. Apress, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Ertel, Wolfgang. Introduction to artificial intelligence. Springer, 2018.
4. Tang, Jeff. Intelligent Mobile Projects with TensorFlow: Build 10+ Artificial Intelligence Apps Using TensorFlow Mobile and
Lite for IOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.


MEASUREMENTS : Significance and methods of measurements Standards and their classification. calibration functional
elements of a measurement system - errors in measurements Types of errors- statistical analysis of errors probability of
errors-limiting errors Introduction to VI software. (6)

INDICATING INSTRUMENTS : PMMC Mechanism - - DC Ammeters and voltmeters -Measurement of

resistance, inductance and capacitance using dc and ac bridges Wheatstone, Kelvin, Maxwell, Hay and Schering Bridges- AC
voltmeters using rectifiers - digital voltmeters Multimeter - VSWR meter - Frequency meter. (9)

SIGNAL SOURCES AND ANALYSERS : Function generator and pulse generators-functions and applications- Oscilloscopes
DSO and MSO, Harmonic Distortion and spectrum Analyzers-Applications- Digital Recorders and printers, 3D printing -
Realization of signal sources and analyzers. (10)

TRANSDUCERS : Classification and selection of Transducers - Resistive, capacitive and inductive Transducers
Piezoelectric, Hall effect, optical and digital transducers Microphone and speakers - Smart sensors and MEMS - Interfacing of
transducers. (10)

DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS : Block Diagram Specifications, various components and Applications of DAS -Realization
of DAS. (10)

Total L : 45

1. Albert D Helfrick, Cooper. W.D , "Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques", Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2012.
2. Sawhney A K , "A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation", 19th Edition, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
(P) Ltd, New Delhi, Reprint 2019.

1. Joseph J Carr , "Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Nakra B C, Choudhury K.K , "Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Jovitha Jerome , "Virtual Instrumentation Using LabView", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

Course code Course Title

23U001 Analytical Instrumentation

23U002 Biomedical Instrumentation
23U003 Virtual Instrumentation
23U004 Fiber Optics and Laser Instrumentation
23U005 Instrumentation and Control in Petro Chemical Industries
23U006 Power Plant Instrumentation
23U007 Industrial Chemical Processes
23U008 Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
23U009 VLSI Design
23U010 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
23U011 Digital Image Processing
23U012 Computer Architecture
23U013 Operating Systems
23U014 Power Electronics and Drives
23U015 Robotics and Automation
23U016 Fundamentals of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
23U017 Safety Instrumented Systems
23U018 Smart Sensors and Actuators
23U019 Optimal and Adaptive Control Systems
23U020 Non Linear Systems Theory
23U021 System Identification
23U022 Product Design and Development


Course code Course Title

23UO01 Final Control Elements

23UO02 Energy Harvesting Techniques
23UO03 Industrial Communication Protocols
23UO04 Non Conventional Energy Systems
23UO05 Biology for Engineers

68th ACM 04.02.2023



INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY: UV-Visible Spectroscopy - Electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter -
Absorption spectroscopy - Absorption laws - Types of electronic transitions - Radiation sources - Monochromators - Filters -
Prisms - Diffraction gratings - Detectors - Choice of solvents for UV -Visible spectrometers - single-beam and double-beam
instruments. (9)

INFRA-RED SPECTROSCOPY: Basic principles - Hooks law - Calculation of wave numbers - Degrees of freedom - Types of
vibrations - IR sources - Cells - Detectors - Sample preparation. Analysis using Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) - Atomic
absorption spectrometry (AAS) - Wavelength choice - Sources - Cells - Detectors. Flame emission spectrometry. Atomic
fluorescence spectrometry. (9)

NMR AND X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY: Nuclear magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy - Basic principles -The NMR
phenomenon - Magnetic moments - Number of signals - Chemical shift - Continuous wave NMR spectrometer - Pulsed Fourier
Transform NMR spectrometer - NMR applications. X-ray absorption methods - X-ray fluorescence methods - X-ray diffraction.
Radioactive measurement - Units of radioactivity - Application of radio nuclides in analysis - Radioactivity detectors. (9)

CHROMATOGRAPHY: Basic principles of chromatography - Types of Chromatography - Gas chromatography - Column

details - Detectors for chromatography - Thermal conductivity detector - Flame ionization detector - Flame photometric detector
- Electron capture detector - Effect of temperature programming - High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Mass
spectroscopy - Instrumentation - Base peak - Molecular ion peak - Metastable peak - Isotopic peaks - Applications. (9)

SAMPLING AND ELECTROCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES: Sample collection for gas, liquid and solid analysis. Ion selective
electrodes - Glass and reference electrodes - pH measurement - pH meter and its calibration. Electrical conductivity
measurement - Measuring circuit. Flue gas analysis for pollution control - Measurement of Oxygen, Carbon monoxide, Carbon
dioxide, NOX and SOX, dust and smoke measurement, Continuous Emission Monitoring system. (9)

Total L:45

Delhi, 7th Edition, 1996.
-Hill, New York, 5th Edition, 2013.

2nd Edition, 2019.
2. Skoog D A, James Holler F and Stanley R 7th
Edition, 2018.
5th Edition,
-Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, 5th Edition, 2018.


BIOELECTRIC POTENTIALS AND ELECTRODES: Cells and their structures - Transport of ions through cell membrane -
Electrode-electrolyte interface, electrode skin Interface - Origin of bio potential and its propagation - action and resting
potential - Bioelectric potential - Bio potential electrodes Types of electrodes: surface, needle and microelectrodes. (12)

CARDIO SYSTEM AND MEASUREMENTS: Heart and cardiovascular system ECG 12 lead system - principle of vector
cardiography - blood pressure and its measurement Measurements of heart sounds PCG - Defibrillator: principle and types
-pacemakers: principle and types. (9)

NERVOUS SYSTEM AND MEASUREMENTS: Central and peripheral nervous system - parts of human brain- Action potential
of brain - brain wave EEG- 10-20 electrode system Nerve stimulator (8)

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND MEASUREMENTS: Physiology of respiratory system - Principle of pneumograph - Spirometer
- ventilators: principle and types. (8)

MEDICAL IMAGING: X-ray imaging - Computed Tomography (CT) - Ultrasonic Scanner- Magnetic Resonance Imaging -
Positron Emission Tomography (PET). (8)

Total L: 45

1. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, "Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements", Pearson Education,
India, 2nd Edition, 2018.
2. Khandpur R S, "Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation", McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, 5th Edition, 2018.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. John G Webster, "Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design", John Wiley and Sons, 5 th Edition, 2020.
2. Joseph J Carr, John M Brown, "Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology", Pearson Education, India, 4 th Edition,
3. L.A.Geddes, L.E. Baker, "Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation", John Wiley and Sons, 3 rd Edition, 2009.
4. Richard Aston, "Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement", Merril Publishing Company, New York,1 St
Edition, 1990.


INTRODUCTION: Graphical System Design (GSD) model, Virtual Instrumentation (VI) model, virtual instruments and traditional
instruments, hardware and software in virtual instrumentation, virtual instrumentation for test, control and design, graphical
programming and textual programming. (9)

VI PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES: Software environment, modular programming, repetition and loops, arrays, clusters,
structures, plotting data, strings and file I/O. (9)

DATA ACQUISITION: DAQ system, Signal conditioning, DAQ hardware configuration- analog I/O, digital I/O, counter/timer,
DAQ software architecture, grounding technique. (9)

APPLICATION MODULES AND TOOLKITS: Machine vision, motion control, data logging and supervisory control, control
design and simulation tools control design tool, system identification and simulation interface tool. (9)

INTERFACE STANDARDS: Serial and Parallel communication, RS232, RS422, RS485, GPIB, Firewire, Communication
protocol overview - Industrial Ethernet, CAN. (9)

Total L:45


1. Gary Johnson and Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010.
4. Edition, 1999.


OPTICAL FIBERS AND THEIR PROPERTIES:Characteristics of optical radiation, luminescence - Fiber materials and their
characteristics - Principles of light propagation through a fiber - Types of optical fibers - Properties - Transmission
characteristics - Absorption losses - Scattering losses - Dispersion - Fibers splicing, connector and couplers Optocouplers
Optrodes (9)

OPTICAL SOURCES AND DETECTORS :LED LED power and efficiency - Structures, planar, dome, ELED, SLED, super
luminescent LEDS, characteristics and applications - General characteristics of photodetectors - Photodiode - Junction
photodiodes - Heterojunction diode and PIN diode - APD - Special detectors Schottky barrier diode - Photo- transistor
and photo-thyristor -Solar cells (9)

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF OPTICAL FIBERS:Fiber optic sensors - Fiber optic instrumentation system - Application in
instrumentation: interferometric method of measurement of length - Moiré fringes - Measurement of pressure,
temperature, current, voltage, liquid level and strain - Fiber optic gyroscope - Cavity dumping Polarization
maintaining fibers (9)

LASERFUNDAMENTALS: Characteristics of lasers Three level and four level lasers Properties of laser - Laser
modes-Resonator configuration Q switching and mode locking Cavity dumping Types of lasers : gas lasers,
solid lasers, liquid lasers, semiconductor lasers (9)

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF LASER : Laser for measurement of distance, length, velocity, acceleration, current, voltage
and atmospheric effect - Material processing: laser heating, welding, melting, scribing, splicing and trimming of materials,
removal and vaporization - Hologram: Principle of holography Methods and holographic components - Holographic
interferometry and applications, holography for nondestructive testing - Medical applications of lasers: laser and tissue

68th ACM 04.02.2023

interaction Laser instruments for brain surgery, plastic surgery and oncology (9)

Total L:45

1. John M Senior, "Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice", Prentice Hall, 2010.
2. Khare R P, "Fibre Optics and Optoelectronics", Oxford Press, 1st Edition, 2004.

1. Wilson, Hawkes J F B, "Introduction to Opto Electronics", Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
2. Nambiar K R, "Laser: Principles, Types and Applications", New Age International, 2010.
3. S.C. Gupta, "Opto Electronic Devices and Systems", Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
4. Donald A, Sterling Jr, "Technicians Guide to Fiber Optics", Vikas Publishing House, 2009.


PETROLEUM PROCESSING: Petroleum exploration - Recovery techniques - Refining of crude oil - Constituents of Crude Oil -
Refining Capacity in India - Consumption of Petroleum products in India. (9)

CONTROL OF DISTILLATION COLUMN: P and I diagram of petroleum refinery - Atmospheric Distillation of Crude oil -
Vacuum Distillation process - Control of Distillation Column - Temperature Control -Feed Control - Reflux Control - Reboiler
Control. (9)

CONTROL OF CHEMICAL REACTORS AND DRYERS: Temperature and Pressure Control of chemical reactors - Control of
Dryers - Batch Dryers - Continuous Dryers. (9)

CONTROL OF HEAT EXCHANGERS AND EVAPORATORS: Variables and Degrees of freedom - Liquid to Liquid Heat
Exchangers - Steam Heaters - Condensers - Reboilers and Vaporizers-Types of Evaporators. (9)

CONTROL OF PUMPS: Centrifugal pump: On-Off Level control - Pressure control - Flow control - Rotary pumps: On-Off Level
control. Reciprocating Pumps: On-Off control. Effluent and Water Treatment Control: Chemical Oxidation - Chemical Reduction
- Neutralization - Precipitation - Biological control. (9)

Total L:45

1. Edition, 2018.
2. Wiley & Sons, 3 Edition, 1973.

2. Edition, 2017.
3. Houghton Mifflincom, Houston, 3rd Edition,


OVERVIEW OF POWER GENERATION: Methods of power generation: Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear, Solar and Wind power,
Ocean Energy System, Geothermal Energy, Biomass Energy, Fuel cells. Building Blocks of Thermal power plant Subcritical
and Supercritical boilers Operating Pressure and Temperature ranges Overview of Instrumentation System in
Thermal power plant (11)

MEASUREMENTS IN POWER PLANTS: Measurement of feed water flow, Fuel flow, Airflow and Steam flow with correction
factor - Steam pressure and temperature measurement-Turbine speed and vibration measurement. (8)

ANALYZERS IN POWER PLANTS: Analysis of impurities in feed water and steam: Dissolved oxygen analyzer
Chromatography- pH meter - Fuel analyser Flue gas oxygen analyser - Pollution monitoring instruments SOX and NOX
measurements. (8)

CONTROL LOOPS IN BOILER: Boiler drum level control Deaerator level control - Main steam and reheat steam
temperature control Super heater steam temperature control - Steam bus pressure control - Combustion control Air/fuel
ratio control Furnace draft control Distributed control system in power plants Interlocks in boiler operation (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

NUCLEAR POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION: Different types of Nuclear power plant, Nuclear reactor control loops,
Reactor dynamics, Control and Safety instrumentation, Reliability aspects. (8)

Total L: 45

1. David Lindsley, "Power Plant Control and Instrumentation", Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2000.
2. Sam G Dukelow, "The Control of Boilers", Instrument Society of America, 2nd Edition, 1991.

1. Jain R K, "Mechanical and Industrial Measurements", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Bela G Liptak, "Process Measurement and Analysis", CRC press, Vol. 1, 2003.

4. -Hill Education, 3rd edition, 2007.


UNIT OPERATIONS: Unit operations - Transport of liquids, solids and gases adjusting particle size of bulk solids Mixing
processes Separation processes Chemicals from petroleum products. (9)

COMBUSTION PROCESSES: Combustion processes Heat exchangers Energy balance - Material balance Evaporators
Crystallization. (9)

OTHER OPERATIONS: Drying Distillation Refrigeration process Chemical reactions. (9)

CASE STUDY I: Operations in the manufacture of paper and pulp Operations in steel industry. (9)

CASE STUDY II: Operations in thermal power plant Operations in pharmaceutical industry and leather industry. (9)

Total L:45

1. New York,
2. Edition, 1973.

1. Edition, 2017.
2. Liptak Edition, 2003.
3rd Edition, 1967.
4. hemical Process Industries McGraw Hill Education, Moscow, 1967.


BASIC CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS: System, property, state and equilibrium, process and cycle, work, heat and
other forms of energy. Zeroth law and application, first law - statement, applications to closed and open systems, statements -
Heat engine, refrigerator and heat pump, reversibility and irreversibility, Carnot cycle and Carnot theorem, second law, entropy
- Thermo Dynamic Cycles: Air standard cycles - Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Brayton cycle. Rankine cycle (12)

BASIC CONCEPT OF FLUID MECHANICS : Introduction Classification Types of fluids Properties Laws of pressure
Atmospheric, gauge, absolute pressure, pressure measurement Manometers Mechanical gauges - Flow of fluids:
Introduction Types of fluid flow Velocity Rate equation of continuity Energy of a liquid in motion Head of a liquid (9)

FLOW THROUGH CIRCULAR PIPES: Pipes in series and parallel. Reynolds number, Darcy-Weisbach equation, minor
losses-Sudden expansion, sudden contraction and losses in pipe fittings (9)

HYDRAULIC TURBINES AND PUMPS: Impulse type, Pelton wheel, reaction type, Francis, Kaplan and Propeller Principle of
operation, performance of turbines, draft tube. Hydraulic pumps: Classification - Reciprocating and centrifugal pumps -
Performance studies, fluid coupling and torque converter (9)

COMPRESSORS: Classification, reciprocating and centrifugal compressors, applications, characteristics, surging and stalling

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Nag P K , "Engineering Thermodynamics", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2008.
2. Frank M White , "Fluid Mechanics", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Reprint, 2011.

1. Kothandaraman C P and Rudramoorthy R , "Basic Fluid Mechanics", New age International Publishers, Chennai, Reprint,
2. Kumar D S , "Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering", Kataria S K and Sons, New Delhi, 9th Edition, 2018.
3. Holman J P , "Thermodynamics", McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 4th Edition, 1988.
4. Yunus A Cengel , Michael A Boles , "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach", Tata McGraw Hill, Reprint, 2006.


VLSI DESIGN METHODOLOGY: VLSI design process - Layout styles: Full-custom - Semi-custom approaches. Electrical
Properties of MOS and CMOS Circuits: MOS Transistor - Threshold voltage - Basic DC equations - Second order effects
Small signal AC characteristics. nMOS and CMOS inverters - Inverter delay Power consumption in CMOS gates: Static
dissipation - Dynamic Dissipation. Pass transistor - Transmission gate. (10)

VLSI FABRICATION TECHNIQUES: CMOS processes - n well - p well - Twin tub - Silicon on insulator. Design rules Mead
Conway design rules for the silicon gate nMOS - CMOS process - CMOS. Sheet resistance - Resistance estimation -
Capacitance estimation - Driving large capacitive loads. Layer representations - Stick diagrams - nMOS design style - CMOS
design style - Simple layout examples. (8)

LOGIC DESIGN: Switch logic- Pass transistor and transmission gate. Other forms of CMOS logic: Dynamic CMOS logic
Clocked CMOS logic - Precharged domino CMOS logic - Combinational logic design examples. Clocked sequential circuits -
Two phase clocking - Charge storage - Dynamic register element - nMOS and CMOS Dynamic shift register - JK flip flop. (8)

SUBSYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS: General arrangement of a 4-bit arithmetic processor - Design of a 4-bit shifter - Design of
an ALU subsystem - Implementation of ALU functions with an adder - Carry look ahead adder - Multipliers: Serial parallel
multipliers - Pipelined multiplier array. (9)

VHDL : Introduction-identifiers-data objects- data types - operators- structural modeling - dataflow modeling- behavioral
modeling- hardware modeling examples: encoder - clock divider - pulse shifter - adder - multiplexer - demultiplexer decoder -
parity generator and checker. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Douglas A Pucknell, and Kamran, Eshraghian , "Basic VLSI design", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,3rd Edition, 2015.
2. Bhasker J, "VHDL Primer", Pearson Education, Noida, 3rd Edition, 2018.

1. Jan M Rabaey, A Chandrakasan and Nikolic B, "Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective", Pearson Education,
Noida, 3rd Edition 2017.
2. James D. Plummer, Michael D. Deal and Peter B. Griffin, "Silicon VLSI Technology:Fundametals Practice and Modeling",
Pearson Education, 2017.
3. Neil H E Weste, David Money Harris, "CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective", Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 4th Edition, 2017.
4. Wayne Wolf, "Modern VLSI Design: System on Chip Design", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2015.


MULTIRATE SIGNAL PROCESSING: Review of discrete time system - Decimation- Interpolation time-domain
characterization-frequency-domain characterization- Multirate identities Polyphase representations. (9)

FILTERBANK: Two channel filter bank Perfect Reconstruction Criterion Polyphase representation M-channel filter bank
Modulated filter bank. Applications of filterbank in subband coding of speech and image signal. (9)

TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS: Fourier Transform Limitation of Fourier Transform Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT)
Properties of STFT Limitations of STFT. (9)

TIME SCALE ANALYSIS: Introduction to Wavelets Continuous Wavelet Transform Properties Discrete Wavelet
Transform Relation between Wavelet and Filter bank Applications of Wavelets. (9)

ADAPTIVE FILTER : Need for Adaptive filter - Wiener filter - limitations - Gradient Descent algorithm - LMS algorithm - variants
of LMS algorithm - introduction to RLS algorithm - Applications of adaptive filter (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. VaidyanathanP.P, "Multirate Systems and Filter Banks", Pearson Education, 3rd Edition ,2023.
2. Edition ,2017.

1. Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny , "Adaptive Filters: Theory and Applications", Wiley, 2rd Edition, 2013.
2. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, HaitoGuo , "Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer", Prentice
Hall, 2rd Edition, 2005.
3rd Edition, 2018.
4. Simon H Edition 2014


DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS: Pixel-Relationship between pixels - Gray level - resolution - image sampling and
quantization - - Image sensors - elements of image processing system. (9)

IMAGE TRANSFORM: Need for image transform - Fourier transform - Discrete Cosine Transform - KL transform - Singular
Value Decomposition -Introduction to Wavelet transform. (9)

IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: Gray level transformation - histogram equalization - spatial domain filtering: smoothing, sharpening
filters - frequency domain filters. (9)

IMAGE DENOISING: Types of noise in digital image - Methods to minimize impulse noise: Median filter and its variants -
Spatial domain and frequency domain approach to minimize speckle noise - methods to minimize periodic noise. (9)

IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND COMPRESSION: Point, line and edge detection - Different edge detection operators -
thresholding approach - region based segmentation - Watershed algorithm lossless and lossy compression transform based
image compression- image compression standard. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rafael C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, "Digital Image Processing", Pearson, New York,4th Edition, 2018.
2. Anil K Jain, "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Pearson Education Ltd, 4th Edition, 2019.

1. Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, "Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision", Springer New York, 1 St
Edition, 2013.
2. Alan C Bovik, "Handbook of Image and Video Processing", Elsevier,3rd Edition, 2010.
3. John W. Woods, "Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding", Academic Press, 2 rd Edition 2011.
4. Kenneth R Castleman, "Digital Image Processing", Pearson, 2rd Edition, 2011.


BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATION: Classification of Architectures: CISC and RISC Instructions Timing and Control
Instruction Cycle Fetch and Decode Execution Processor clock- Measuring computer system performance (9)

CENTRAL PROCESSOR ORGANISATION: Introduction to CPU design-Hard wired control-Micro-programmed control-General

register organization Stack organization Instruction formats Addressing modes Data transfer and manipulation
Program control Address sequencer Data path structure. (9)

ARITHMETIC PROCESSING: Number system and representation- IEEE 754 representation Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and division Algorithms-Role of Flag register- Fixed -point and Floating point Arithmetic operations Design of
Arithmetic units (9)

MEMORY AND INPUT/OUTPUT ORGANISATION: Basic concepts Memory Hierarchy Main memory Auxiliary memory
Associative memory Cache and Virtual memory concepts Performance considerations Input Output interface Modes of
transfer : Asynchronous Data transfer Direct memory access. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO PARALLEL PROCESSING: Parallelism in uniprocessor systems- Pipeline execution- Instruction level
parallelization Parallel Computer architecture classifications Data level parallelization - Graphical Processing Unit
Typical applications. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. David A. Patterson, John L.Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface", Elsevier,
Boston, 4th Edition, 2009.
2. Morris Mano.M , "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi ,3rd Edition, 2008.

1. 1.John P Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 8 th Edition, 2002.
2. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
11th Edition, 2019.
3. Behrouz Parhami , "Computer Architecture from up to Super Computer", Oxford press, Kolkata, Reprinted, 2014.
4. Carl Hamachar, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat zaky , " Computer Organization and Embedded Systems ", Tata McGraw-Hill,
New York, 6th Edition, 2012


INTRODUCTION: Operating system objectives and functionalities - Types of Operating System - Structure of Operating system
- Computer architecture support to operating systems: - Instruction execution, Interrupts, Memory hierarchy, - Cache memory,
Direct Memory Access - Multiprocessor and Multicore organization Time sharing - system programs and calls (8)

MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Single contiguous allocation - Partitioned allocation - Paging - Virtual memory concepts - Swapping
- Demand paging - Page replacement algorithms - Segmentation - Segmentation with paging. (8)

PROCESS MANAGEMENT : Introduction to processes - Scheduling objectives - Scheduling Criteria - Types of scheduling
algorithms - Performance comparison - Inter- process communications - Synchronization - Semaphores - Types of
Semaphores - Deadlock: - Principles of Deadlock - Deadlock Prevention Deadlock Avoidance - Deadlock Detection and
Recovery (12)

DEVICE INPUT OUTPUT AND FILE MANAGEMENT : Principles of I/O hardware and software - Device controllers - Device
drivers - Interrupt driven device management - Interaction between operating system, - drivers and devices, File Systems -
Files-Directories - File system implementation - Allocation methods - Security - Protection mechanisms. (8)

REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS : Characteristics of real-time operating systems - classification of real-time systems, -
architectures of real-time systems, - micro-kernels, Memory management schemes - scheduling in RTOS - rate monotonic
scheduling, - Inter-task communication, Shared data problem, - priority inversion - Selection of RTOS - Design and
implementation of a multitasking application using RTOS (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dhamdhere D M , "Operating Systems: A Concept-based Approach", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition,2011.
2. William Stallings , "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", Pearson, Noida, 2nd edition, 2018.

1. Silberschatz A, Galvin P and Gagne G , "Operating Systems Concepts", 6th edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2010.
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum , "Modern Operating System", Pearson, Noida, 3rd edition, 2018.
3. Jane W S Liu , "Real Time Systems", Pearson, Noida, 3rd edition, 2016.
4. Deitel H M , "Operating Systems", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 3rd edition ,2009


REVIEW OF POWER ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Power diodes and transistors. Thyristors, GTO, IGBT, other devices in
thyristor family. Thyristor protection circuits Thyristor triggering circuits series and parallel operation of thyristors,
commutation techniques. (9)

CONVERTERS: Principle of phase-controlled rectifier operation. Single phase thyristor converters with R, RL loads and
freewheeling diode. Three phase thyristor converters with R and RL loads. Dual converters. Introduction to cycloconverters and
AC voltage regulators. (9)

CHOPPER AND INVERTER: Choppers - Chopper classification - step up and step down choppers. Single phase Voltage
Source Inverter Harmonics- Three phase bridge inverters - voltage control in single phase inverters - Current source inverters
- Series and Parallel inverters. (9)

DC AND AC DRIVES: Basic characteristics of DC motor - Control of DC motor - Regenerative and dynamic braking Closed
loop control scheme - Speed torque characteristic of induction motor - stator voltage control Sensor less vector control Flux

68th ACM 04.02.2023

vector control- Static rotor resistance control - Slip power recovery scheme - Self control of synchronous motor. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Switched mode power supplies, Uninterrupted power supplies, High Voltage DC transmission control of
HVDC converters, Solid state relays, Static circuit breakers. Introduction to FACTS controllers Introduction to electric vehicle
chargers and systems for electric vehicles. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rashid M H , "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications,", Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 4th Edition,
2. Dubey G.K , "Fundamentals of Electric Drives", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2011.

1. Bimal K Bose , "Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education India, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Dubey G.K., Doradla S R, Joshi A, Sinha RMK , "Thyristorised Power Controllers", New Age International New Delhi, 2009.
3. Vedam Subramaniam , "Electrical Drives Concepts and Applications", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Bimbhra P.S , "Power Electronics", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2015.


INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTIC SYSTEMS: Structure of a Robot, Classification of Robots: Cartesian, Cylindrical,
Spherical,Articulated, SCARA - Accuracy, Resolution and Repeatability of Robots, Degrees of Freedom of Serial and Parallel
Manipulators, Robot Application in Manufacturing: Material Transfers - Machine Loading and Unloading - Processing
Operations Assembly and Inspection. (9)

TRANSFORMATIONS AND KINEMATICS: Homogeneous Coordinates, Coordinate Reference Frames, Homogeneous

Transformations for the Manipulator, D-H Representation, Forward and Inverse Problem of Manipulator Kinematics (9)

DRIVES AND SENSORS: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems, Mechanical Power Drive, Rotary to Linear Motion Conversion
Mechanisms, electric drive systems: DC Motor, Servo Motor and Stepper Motor, Internal and External State Sensors, Touch
and Tactile Sensors, Force and Torque Sensors, Proximity and Range Sensors, Vision Systems, Robot End Effectors, Gripper
Force Analysis. (9)

DYNAMICS AND CONTROL: Differential Motion of Manipulators, Trajectory Planning, Manipulator Dynamics, Jacobian in
terms of D-H Matrices, Manipulator Control, Controller Architecture, Robot Programming. (9)

COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING APPROACHES : Robot Interface, Networking and Bus Standards, Flexible
Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - Role of Robots in FMS and CIM Case Studies.

Total L: 45

1. Saeed B. Niku , "An Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems and Applications", Wiley India, New Delhi, 3 rd Edition,
2. Nagrath I J, Mittal R K , "Robotics and Control", Tata McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, 2016.

1. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N. Nagel and Nicholas G. Odrey , "Industrial Robotics", McGraw-Hill Education (I)
P Ltd, Chennai, 2nd Edition, 2019.
2. Richard D Klafter, Michael Negin , "Robotics Engineering: An Integrated Approach", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2009.
3. S K Saha , "Introduction to Robotics", McGraw-Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, 2nd Edition, 2017.
4. Mikell P. Groover , "Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing", Pearson Education,
Chennai, 4th Edition, 2020.


INTRODUCTION TOPNEUMATIC CONTROL: Characteristics of compressed air - Elements of pneumatic control system -
Pneumatic Actuators: Linear and rotary types - End position cushioning, sealing (6)

PNEUMATIC VALVES: Symbolic representation as per ISO 1219 and ISO 5599 - Direct and indirect actuation pneumatic
cylinders - Use of memory valve - Flow control valves and speed control of cylinders supply air throttling and exhaust air
throttling - Use of quick exhaust valve - Signal Processing Elements - Use of Logic gates OR and AND gates - Pressure
dependent controls: types - Time dependent controls : principle, construction Introduction to hydro pneumatics (12)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

INTRODUCTION TO HYDRAULIC POWER : Elements of hydraulic system - Source of hydraulic power: Pumping theory -
Classification of pumps - Gear pumps, vane pumps and piston pumps - Performance of pumps - Selection of pumps (9)

HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS AND VALVES: Linear hydraulic actuators - Hydraulic motors: gear motors, vane motors, piston
motors - Control valves: Directional control valves, Constructional features and working principle Pressure control valves:
Direct and pilot operated types - Flow control valves (9)

HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: Control of single and double acting hydraulic cylinders - Speed control of
hydraulic actuators - Regenerative circuit - Pump unloading circuit- cylinder synchronizing circuits (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, 2020.
2. Andrew Parr , "Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A technician's and engineer's guide", Butterworth Heinemann, 3rd Edition,

1. Anthony Esposito , "Fluid Power with applications", , Pearson education, 7th Edition, 2013.
2. Majumdar, S.R , "Pneumatic Systems Principles and Maintenance", Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 2017.
3. Srinivasan. R , "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control", Tata McGraw - Hill Education, 2nd Edition, 2012.
4. Ilango SIvaraman, "Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics", Prentice Hall India Pvt. Limited, 1 st Edition, 2017.



INSTRUMENTATION STANDARDS: Significance of codes and standards Overview of various types of codes and standards
- Introduction of various instrumentation standards review, interpretation and significance of specific standards - Examples:
Usage of standards on specific applications. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY INSTRUMENTATION: Hazards and Risk Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) Safety Life Cycle
- Allocation of safety functions to protective layers - SIS design and engineering. (9)

PROTECTION LAYERS: Process plant design - Process control system - Alarm systems - Physical protection. Mitigation
layers:- Containment system - Scrubbers and flares - Fire and gas systems - Evacuation procedure. (9)

SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL: SIL determination methods - ALARP - Risk matrix - Risk graph - LOPA - Examples for design of
SIL. (9)

SELECTION OF TECHNOLOGY: Relay systems - Solid-state systems - Microprocessor based systems - PLC based
systems - Safety PLCs - Safety system complexity - Communication with other systems. (9)

Total L: 45

1. PaulGruhn, Harry Cheddie , "Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification", ISA, 2nd Edition, 2006.
2. GlisenteLandrini, Basilio Abbamonte, Tino Vandecapelle , "Safety Instrumented System", GM International, 5th Edition,

1. W.M.Goble, Harry Cheddie , "Safety Instrumented Systems Verification: Practical Probabilistic Calculations", ISA, 2005.
2. LawrenceD.Goettsche , "Maintenance of Instruments and Systems", ISA, 2nd Edition, 2005.
3. SwapanBasu , "Safety Instrumentation Systems", Academic Press, 2017.
4. Bela G. Liptak , "Instrument Engineers' Handbook", CRC Press, 4th Edition, 2003.


SENSORSYSTEMS IN ENGINEERING: Role of sensors and sensor systems Innovative sensor Technologies Application
scenarios - Instrumentation Process Instrumentation Steps Application examples. Smart sensor basics - General sensing
system Classical sensor Model Smart sensor model Monolithic integrated smart sensor - Hybrid integrated smart sensor

SIGNAL CONDITIONING FOR SMART SENSORS: Instrumentation Amplifier Step mode operational amplifier Rail to
rail Op-Amp Switched Capacitor Amplifier 4 to 20 mA Signal Transmitter Inherent power supply rejection Separate
Versus Integrated Signal Conditioning Digital Conversion. (9)

INTEGRATED SMART SENSORS: Monolithic sensor interface DSP for sensor interface

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Techniques and system considerations: Linearization PWM Control Auto-zero and Auto range Diagnostics. Software tools
and support Sensor integration Alternative views of smart sensing. (9)

MICRO MACHINED ACTUATORS:Micro valves Micro motors Micro Pumps Micro dynamometer Micro steam engines
Actuators in other semiconductor materials Various Micromachined structures: Cooling channels Micro optical actuator
Micro grippers. (8)

COMMUNICATION AND STANDARDS FOR SMART SENSORS: Automotive Protocols: SAEJ 1850 CAN protocol Industrial
networks. Industrial usage of CAN Protocols in Silicon: MI-Bus. IEEE 1451 family of standards Extending the system to
network. (10)

Total L:45

1. Randy Frank, "Understanding Smart Sensors", Artech House, 3 rd Edition, 2013.
2. Ananthasuresh G K, Vinoy K J, Gopalakrishnan S, Bhat K N, Aatre V K ,"Micro and Smart Systems", Wiley Publishers,

1. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, "Smart Sensors, measurement and Instrumentation", Springer Heidelberg, New
York, 2013.
2. Clarence W de Silva, "Sensors and Actuators: Control Systems Instrumentation", CRC Press, New York, 2 nd Edition,
3. Tai Ran Hsu, "MEMS and Microsystems: Design and Manufacture", Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2017.
4. Gerord C M Meijer, "Smart Sensor Wiley and Sons, 2008.


OPTIMAL CONTROL: Statement of optimal control problem - Problem formulation and types of optimal control Selection of
performance measure, cost function and norms Hamilton Jacobi Equation - State inequality
constraints Necessary conditions for optimality optimal control problems by Transfer function approach and State variable
approach. (10)

LINEAR QUADRATIC CONTROL PROBLEMS: Choice of weighting matrices- LQG control Matrix Ricatti equation and
solution methods of state regulator and discrete systems Optimal control law - Optimal estimation. (8)

IDENTIFICATION METHODS: Conventional techniques of identification Identifications of systems with dead time Discrete
systems ARMA process Discrete state model Least squares techniques Recursive Least Squares algorithms
Minimum variance method. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO ADAPTIVE CONTROL: Development of adaptive control problem-The role of Index performance (IP) in
adaptive systems- Development of IP measurement process model. Pole placement design - Self tuning controller Minimum
variance controller. (8)

ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF DETERMINISTIC SYSTEMS : Gain scheduling controller Model reference adaptive control
Adaptive predictive control The MIT rule Determination of adaptation gain - Minimum prediction error adaptive controls
Adaptive control of time varying systems. BIBO Stability Model free adaptive control - Applications of adaptive control. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Donald E. Kirk, "Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction", Dover Publications, New York, 2004.
2. Karl J Astrom, Bjorn Wittenmark , "Adaptive Control, Dover Publications, New York, 2nd Edition, 2013.

1. DesineniSubbaramNaidu, "Optimal Control Systems", CRC Press, 2009.
2. Arun K. Tangirala, "Principles of System Identification: Theory and Practice", CRC Press, 1st Edition,2014.
3. Nagrath I J, Gopal M , "Control Systems Engineering", New Age International Pvt Ltd, 6th Edition, 2018.
4. LjungL, "System Identification: Theory for the User", Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1999.


NONLINEAR SYSTEMS: State space representation of nonlinear systems - Autonomy - Basic characteristics of nonlinear
systems - Bifurcation - Chaos - Limit cycles -Types of nonlinear elements (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND: Manifolds - Tangent and cotangent Spaces - Vector fields and flows - Lie bracket and Lie
derivatives - Distributions and co distributions - Frobenius theorem (9)

PHASE PLANE ANALYSIS: Concepts of phase plane analysis - Phase portraits - Construction of phase portrait - Isocline and
delta methods - Singular points - Phase plane analysis of linear system and nonlinear system - Existence of limit cycles

DESCRIBING FUNCTION: ANALYSIS: Describing function fundamentals - Computing describing functions for common
nonlinearities in control systems - Describing functions analysis of nonlinear systems - Stability analysis (9)

STABILITY ANALYSIS: Linearization method - Stability analysis based on Lyapu - -

Variable gradient method (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jean-Jacques E. Slotine , "Applied Nonlinear Control", Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1991.
2. Khalil, H.K , "Nonlinear Systems", Pearson Education, India, 3rd edition, 2014.

1. 1.Vidyasagar.M , "Nonlinear System Analysis", Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1978.
2. Strogatz, S. H , "Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos, with Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Engineering",
Westview Press, 2nd Edition, 2014.
3. Harry G. KwatnyGilmer L. Blankenship, "Nonlinear Control & Analytical Mechanics: a Computational Approach", Springer,
4. M.Gopal , "Digital Control and State Variable Methods", McGraw Hill Education, 4th Edition, 2017.


INTRODUCTION TO IDENTIFICATION AND MODELS : System Identification Procedure - Identifiability - Signal to Noise ratio
- Over fitting - Models: Definition of a model, Classification of models - Models for discrete time linear time invariant Systems -
Models for time varying systems and nonlinear systems (9)

GOODNESS OF ESTIMATORS: Types of estimation problems - Fisher information, Bias, Variance, Efficiency, Sufficiency,
- Asymptotic bias, Mean square error, Consistency (9)

ESTIMATION METHODS:Method of moments estimators - Least squares estimators - Nonlinear least squares -
Maximum likelihood estimators - Bayesian estimators (9)


Parametric Input Output Models:- Impulse response estimation - Step response estimation - Estimation of frequency response
function - Identification of Parametric Input Output Models: - Prediction error minimization (PEM) methods - Properties of
the PEM estimator (9)

STATISTICAL ELEMENTS OF MODEL BUILDING: Informative Data - Input design for identification Data preprocessing -
Model development (9)

Total L: 45

1. Arun K Tangirala, "Principles of System Identification: Theory and Practice", CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1st Edition, 2014.
2. Lennart Ljung , "System Identification: Theory for the User", Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 2 nd Edition, 1999.

1. Michel Verhaegen, Vincent Verdult , "Filtering and System Identification: A Least Squares Approach", Cambridge University
Press, 2007.
2. Johan Schoukens, Rik Pintelon, Yves Rolain , "Mastering System Identification in 100 Exercises", Wiley-IEEE Press, 1st
Edition, 2012.
3. Thomas Kailath, Ali H Sayed, Babak Hassibi , "Linear Estimation", Pearson, 1st Edition, 2000.
4. Jer Nan Juang , "Applied System Identification", Pearson, 1994.


INTRODUCTION: Product Development- Successful Product Development-Duration and Cost- Challenges. Product Planning:
Planning Process- Identifying Customer Needs. (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Establishing Target Specification- Setting the Final specification. Concept Generation: The
Activity of Concept Generation. Concept Selection: Concept Screening-Concept Scoring- Concept Testing. (8)

PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE: Implications-Establishment- Delayed Differentiation - Platform Planning - Related System Level
Design Issues. Industrial Design: Assessing the Need-The Impact-The Industrial Design Process-Management and
Assessment. Design for Manufacturing. Prototyping Basics Principles - Prototyping Technologies - Planning. Robust
Design. (10)

PATENTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Formulate a Strategy and Plan- Study Prior Inventions- Outline Claims- Write
the Description of the Invention- Refine Claims- Pursue Application- Reflect on the Results and the Process. (7)

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS: Elements of Economic Analysis - Build a Base - Case Financial Model- Perform
Sensitivity Analysis- Use Sensitivity Analysis to Understand- Consider the influence of the Qualitative Factors on Project
Success- Carrying out Qualitative Analysis. Managing Projects: Understanding and Representing Tasks-Baseline Project
Planning-Project Execution-Postmortem-Project Evaluation - Certification. (10)

Total L:45

1. McGraw Hill, 7th Edition, 2020.
2. Edition, 2013.

1. Edition, 2018.
2. A C Chitale an th Edition, 2014.
3. st Edition, 1997.
Francis, 3rd Edition, 2010.



PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS: Need for fluid power systems - limitations - comparison between hydraulics
and pneumatics - Linear actuators - symbols, types, construction and working principle - rotary actuators - symbols, types,
construction and working principle Filter regulator lubricator unit - Sequence valve (9)

CONTROL VALVES: Direction control valves: Types, valve symbols - Pressure control valves - Process control valves: Valve
body types and plugs, ISA 75.01 standard flow equations for process control valve sizing, Valve stiction: modeling and
detection, Control valve selection criteria Smart valves and digital positioner. (9)

ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS: Mechanical switches Solid state switches Solenoids Motors - Electromagnetic energy
conversion - Construction and working principle of smart linear electric actuator, Rotary electric regulating type actuator High
precision actuators: Voice-coil actuator (9)

VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES: Variable frequency driver component blocks: CPU, Human machine interface, Input and
output interfaces, power stage, switching control VFD functions - Variable frequency drive sizing Basic procedure for VFD
selection VFD selection according to the type of loads Load Torque Characteristics - VFD applications: Flow regulation,
Ventilation. (9)

MICRO ACTUATORS: Miniaturization: Principles, Scaling effects, Design considerations - Electromagnetic micro actuators -
Electrostatic micro actuators - Piezoelectric micro actuators - Magnetostrictive micro actuators - Shape Memory Alloy micro
actuators - Nano positioning technique: Fundamentals, Challenges (9)


India, 6th Edition, 2015
2. Ghosh,

1. 7th Edition, 2013.
2. A.Bhatia,
3. -Hill, 3rd Edition, 2011.
4. Claiton Moro

68th ACM 04.02.2023


ENERGY HARVESTING BASICS: Analysis of ambient energy- Vibration, shock, wind, Thermal, RF, energy transducers
electromagnet, photovoltaic, piezoelectric and other smart materials- working principle, equivalent circuit models. (9)

VIBRATIONAL ENERGY HARVESTING:-Electromechanical Modelling of Cantilevered Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for

Persistent Base Motion - lumped parameter model, correction factors, coupled distributed parameter model, modelling
assumptions, closed form solution for unimorph and bimorph configuration, harvesting techniques for broadband excitation (9)

PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTINGCIRCUITS: low power rectifier circuits with resistive, linear and nonlinear reactive
input impedance, piezoelectric pre biasing, self-tuning, DC-DC switch mode converters, impedance matching circuits for
maximum output power Energy storage (9)

ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY HARVESTING- Wire wound coil properties, micro fabricated coils, magnetic materials, scaling
of electromagnetic vibration generators and damping, maximizing power from an electromagnetic generator, micro and macro
scale implementation. (9)

THERMOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTING- Harvesting Heat, thermoelectric theory, thermoelectric generators and its
efficiency, matched thermal resistance, Heat flux, design consideration, optimization for maximum output, Matching
thermoelectric to heat exchangers- thin film devices. (9)


1. Edition, 2015.
2. Shashank Priya and Daniel J.Inman, -Verlag New York, Inc., 2009.

9th Edition, 2012.
2. Yen Khang Tan, "Energy Harvesting Autonomous Boca Raton, 1st Edition, 2017.
3. Edition,2011.
4. Tom J.Kazmiershi, Steve Beeby, "Energy Harvesting Systems: Principles, Mod
York, 2011.


DATA NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction to Networking: Network Communication and Components-Connecting
Devices- Network Models- Network Topologies Transmission Media- Open System Interconnection model of ISO - Media
Access Protocols: CSMA, CSMA/CD. (9)

INTERFACE STANDARDS: RS 232, RS 485 standard - Industrial ETHERNET-10 Mbps Ethernet- 100 Mbps Ethernet-
Actuator Sensor (AS) interface - CAN Protocol-LIN Protocol. (9)

HART AND FIELD BUS: Introduction - Evolution of signal standard - HART communication protocol - HART networks HART
commands - HART applications - Fieldbus - Introduction - General Fieldbus architecture - Basic requirements of Fieldbus
standard - Fieldbus topology - Interoperability - Interchangeability - Introduction to OLE for process control (OPC). (9)

MODBUS AND PROFIBUS: MODBUS protocol structure - function codes troubleshooting Profibus, Introduction, Profibus
protocol stack, Profibus communication model - communication objects - system operation - troubleshooting - review of
foundation fieldbus - Data Highway. (9)

WIRELESS COMMUNICATION: Introduction Wireless sensor networks - Hardware components energy consumption of
sensor nodes Network architecture sensor network scenario. Wireless MAC Standards IEEE 802.11- IEEE 802.15.4
ZigBee, Wireless HART ISA100. (9)


1. Steve Mackay, Edwin Wrijut, Deon Reynders, John Park, Practical Industrial Data Networks Design, Installation and
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014.

1. A. Behrouz Forouzan ,Data Communications & Networking, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 4th , Edition,2017.
2. of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi,
5th Edition,2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Theodore S Rappaport, Wireless Communication: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi,
2nd Edition, 2001.
4. William Stallings, Wireless Communication & Networks, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005.


BACKGROUND OF ENERGY SCENARIO: Energy Demand Scenario in India - Energy resources in India and its sustainability
- Types of conventional energy resources - Limitation of fossil fuels Consequences of energy consumption - Industrial and
transport emissions (7)

SOLAR POWER: Methods of solar power generation - Solar radiation and its measurement Solar flat plate collectors - Solar
cells, construction and characteristics, Solar PV module - Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithms (9)

WIND POWER: Components of Wind Energy Conversion Systems - Classification of wind turbines - aerodynamic operation of
wind turbine, extraction of wind turbine power, wind turbine power curve, horizontal axis wind turbine generator - modes of wind
power generation (9)

FUEL CELL SYSTEM AND HYBRID ENERGY SYSTEMS: Principle of operation of fuel cell, Type of fuel cells - Advantages of
fuel cell power plants, energy output, efficiency and emf of fuel cell - operating characteristics, applications - Hybrid energy
systems: Need for hybrid systems, types, configuration and coordination, electrical interface - PV-Diesel, Wind-diesel, wind-PV,
wind-PV-fuel cell (11)

BIOMASS AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY RESOURCES: Biomass conversion Technologies - Feedstock pre-processing and
treatment methods- Geothermal Energy resources: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Tidal Energy (9)

Total L: 45

1. Boyle G , "Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future", Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2012.
2. B H Khan , "Non-Conventional Energy Resources", The McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2010.

1. G D Rai , "Non-conventional Energy sources", Khanna Publishers, 5th Edition, 2014.
2. D P Kothari, K C Singal and Rakesh Ranjan , "Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies", PHI Learning, 2nd
Edition, 2012.
3. C S Solanki , "Solar Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications", PHI Learning., 2nd Edition, 2011
4. Gilbert M. Masters , "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2003.


CELL BIOLOGY: Discovery of cells, Sizes of cell and their components, Basic properties of cell, Cell cycle, Different classes of
cell: Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell. Structure of human organs heart, brain and spinal cord (9)
BIO MOLECULES: Origin of biomolecules, General classification, Functions of carbohydrates, lipids, Nucleic acid, proteins,
vitamins and enzymes. (9)
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Introduction to human physiology, Elementary study of respiratory, circulatory and central nervous
systems and their functions. (9)
GENETICS: Introduction to genetics, Unit of inheritance, Physical carriers of the genes, Prokaryotic gene and Eukaryotic gene
structure, Gene replication. (9)
BIOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Brief introduction to Production of vaccines, Enzymes, antibodies, cloning in microbes,
plants and animals, Basics of biosensors, biochips, Bio fuels. (9)


1. Edition, 2021.
2. Khandpur R S, "Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation", McGraw Hill Education (I) P Ltd, Chennai, 5th Edition, 2018.

1. Suraishkumar GK, Edition, 2019.
2. Thomas D Pollard, William C. Earnshaw, Jennifer Lippincott-
Edition, 2023.
3. Gillian Pocock, Christopher D. Richards and
4. Electrochemical Edition, 2019.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese
Design Stream
23M001 Geometric Modeling
23M002 Advanced Strength of Materials
23M003 Failure Analysis and Design
23M004 Mechanical Vibrations
23M005 Mechanical Design of CNC Machine Tools
23M006 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
23M007 Mechanics of Composite Materials
23M008 Aircrafts and Aircraft Systems
23M009 System Modeling and Control
23M010 Automobile Engineering

Manufacturing Stream
23M016 Manufacture and Inspection of Gears
23M017 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems
23M018 Non-Traditional Machining
23M019 Additive Manufacturing
23M020 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
23M021 Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
23M022 Solid State Joining Processes
23M023 Internet of Things for Mechanical Applications
23M024 Production Tooling
23M025 Sustainable Manufacturing

Industrial Engineering Stream

23M031 Lean Manufacturing
23M032 Supply Chain Management
23M033 Quality Engineering
23M034 Engineering Economics
23M035 Enterprise Resource Planning
23M036 Lean Six Sigma in Manufacture and Service
23M037 Process Data Analytics

Thermal Stream
23M046 Computational Fluid Dynamics
23M047 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
23M048 Renewable Energy
23M049 Power Plant Engineering
23M050 Energy Conservation and Management


23MO01 Six Sigma Project Methodology

23MO02 Intellectual Property Rights
23MO03 Energy Resources, Economics and Environment
23MO04 Entrepreneurship Essentials
23MO05 Business Analytics
23MO06 Design Thinking
23MO07 Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development

23MF01 Corrosion Science and Engineering
23MF02 Simulators for Integrated Products
23MF03 Digital Transformation
23MF04 Challenges in Implementing Lean Manufacturing
23MF05 Industrial Automation
23MF06 Industry 4.0 and Its Components

23OFA1 Export Import Practices
23OFA2 Insurance - Concepts and Practices
23OFA3 Public Finance
23OFA4 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

68th ACM 04.02.2023

23GF01 Interpersonal and Organizational Communication
23GF02 Human Values Through Literature


300 3

OVERVIEW OF CAD SYSTEMS AND GRAPHICS TRANSFORMATION : Conventional and computer aided design
processes, Subsystems of CAD-CAD hardware and software, graphics packages, CAD workstations, Networking of CAD
systems, Generative, cognitive and image processing graphics, static and dynamic data graphics, Transport of graphics
data, graphic standards, generation of graphic primitives, display and viewing, transformations customizing
graphics software. (9)

MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF CURVES AND SURFACES: Wireframe modeling and its limitations, Parametric
representation of analytic curves, parametric representation of synthetic curves - Cubic spline, Bezier, B-spline, NURBS, curve
manipulation; Surface models: Types of surfaces, parametric representation of surfaces, design examples. (11)

MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF SOLIDS: Fundamentals of solid modeling: Boundary representation, constructive

solid geometry, solid manipulations, solid modeling based applications. (9)

VISUAL REALISM AND COMPUTER ANIMATION: Model cleanup - hidden line removal algorithms, Shading algorithms,
Computer animation- animation systems, design applications. (8)

MASS PROPERTY CALCULATIONS: Introduction, geometrical property formulation, mass property formulation; Design and
engineering applications. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Ibrahim Zeid, "CAD/CAM Theory and Practice", McGraw Hill Inc, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyan S and Raju V,"CAD/CAM/CIM", New Age International, 2012.

1. Radhakrishnan P and Kothandaraman C, "Computer Graphics and Design", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2015.
2. Rogers D F, Adams, J. A, "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics", 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi, 2002.
3. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, 5th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2013.
4. Donald D. Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Warren Carithers, Graphics with 4th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.


CURVED BEAMS AND BEAMS ON ELASTIC SUPPORTS: Circumferential stress at a point in a curved beam, correction of
circumferential stresses in curved beams, deflection of curved Beams, Winkler-Bach flexural formula, curved beam with
restrained ends; Closed ring subjected to a concentrated load and uniform loads: Beam with a concentrated load; Principle of
superposition: beams supported on equally spaced separate elastic supports; UDL over part of the beam, semi-infinite beam
subjected to loads at its end with concentrated load near its end. (10)

FLAT PLATES IN BENDING: Stresses in a circular plate with UDL, simply supported and fixed edges-concentrated load;
Stresses in square and rectangular plates with UDL, concentrated load at center, buckling of plates, strain energy of a plates.

ROTATING DISKS: Solid disk, disk with a central hole with external and internal pressures, disks of uniform strength, plastic
collapse of rotating disks; Rotating cylinders (circular); Disk of varying thickness (8)

TORSION OF NON-CIRCULAR SECTIONS : Torsion of rectangular cross section , theory, soap

film (Membrane) analogy, thin wall torsion members with restrained ends, elastic torsion of a circular cross section. (8)

THICK WALLED CYLINDERS: solution for principal stresses, maximum stresses, radial deflection, failure theories,
applications, methods of increasing the elastic strength by pre-stressing, analysis of effects of stresses of shrinking a hollow
cylinder made of thin walled laminations, auto frettage, stress components and radial displacements for constant
temperature. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Boresi A P and Sidebottom O M, mechanics of John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Srinath L mechanics of Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Ghosh D, Advanced strength of Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Pachauri and Simant, strength of Pragati Prakashan , India, 2008.
3. Cook R D and Young, mechanics of John Wiley Co., New Delhi, 1998.
4. Den Hartog, strength of McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1987.


300 3
MATERIALS AND DESIGN : Factors affecting the behavior of materials in components, effect of component geometry and
shape factors on design, designing with high strength and low toughness materials, designing for hostile environments,
design process; Materials selection in design; Processes and their influence on design, systematic process
selection. (10)

CONCEPTS OF FRACTURE MECHANICS : Ductile fracture, brittle fracture, cleavage-fractography, ductile-brittle transition,
fracture mechanics approach to design-energy criterion, stress intensity approach; Time dependent crack growth and damage;
Linear elastic fracture mechanics: Griffith theory, energy release rate, instability and R-curve, stress analysis of cracks-
stress intensity factor, K-threshold, crack growth instability analysis, crack tip stress analysis; Elastic plastic fracture
mechanics: Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), J-integral, relationship between J and CTOD. (10)

DYNAMIC FRACTURE AND FRACTURE TOUGHNESS TESTING: Dynamic fracture and crack arrest - rapid loading of a
stationary crack, rapid crack propagation and arrest, dynamic contour integrals, creep crack growth using the C Integral,
viscoelastic fracture mechanics, viscoelastic J integral; Fracture toughness testing: Experimental determination of plane strain
fracture toughness, K- R curve testing, J measurement, CTOD testing. (9)

WEAR FAILURES : Types of wear, different methods of wear measurement, analysis of wear failures, wear at elevated
temperatures, wear of different materials, role of friction on wear, stick slip friction, creep, stress rupture, elevated temperature
fatigue, environment induced failure. (8)

FAILURE ANALYSIS TOOLS : Reliability concept and hazard function, life prediction, life extension, application of Poisson,
exponential and Weibull distributions for reliability, bath tub curve, parallel and series systems, MTBF, MTTR, FMEA-design
FMEA, process FMEA, analysis of causes of failure modes, ranks of failure modes; Fault tree analysis; Industrial case
studies on FMEA and fatigue failure. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Anderson T L , "Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications", 4th Edition, Taylor and Francis, 2017.
2. Michael F Ashby , "Materials Selection in Mechanical Design", 3rd Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 2016.

1. ASM Metals Handbook Volume 11 , "Failure Analysis and Prevention", 10th Edition, ASM International, 2002.
2. Shigley and Mische , "Mechanical Engineering Design", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011.
3. John M Barsoom and Stanley T Rolte , "Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures", 3rd Edition, American Society For
Testing & Materials, 1999.
4. Balbir S. Dhillon , "Applied Reliability and Quality: Fundamentals, Methods and Procedures", 1st Edition, Springer Series in
Reliability Engineering, 2010.


VIBRATION CONCEPTS AND SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Relevance of and need for vibrational analysis;
Mathematical modeling of vibrating systems: Discrete and continuous systems, longitudinal and torsional vibratory
systems; Single degree of freedom systems; Free and forced vibrations; Various damping models. (9)

TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Generalized co-ordinates, principal co-ordinates: Equations of motion for two
degrees of freedom systems, co-ordinate coupling, (9)

MULTI DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Equations of motion, influence coefficients, orthogonality principle; Natural
frequencies by Rayleigh, Stodala, Dunkerley, Holzer and matrix iteration methods; Branched systems, geared systems. (9)

TRANSIENT VIBRATION: Impulse and arbitrary excitation periodic and non-periodic forces, base excitation -
convolution integral, Laplace transform formulation, response spectrum. (9)

VIBRATION AND NOISE - MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL: Free and forced vibration tests; Vibration control: Excitation
reduction at source, balancing of masses, material damping, vibration absorbers, viscous dampers, vibration isolation;
Noise: Measurement of sound, sound level meter, sound isolation machine enclosures, silencers and mufflers.(9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Thomson W T, "Theory of Vibration with Applications", 5th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Singiresu S. Rao, "Mechanical Vibrations", 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2018.

1. Tse, Morse and Hinkle, "Mechanical Vibration Theory and Applications", CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2018.
2. Grover G K, "Mechanical Vibrations", New Chand and Brothers, Roorkee, 2009.
3. S Graham Kelly, "Mechanical Vibrations, Schaum's Outline Series", McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 1996.
4. A.G. Ambekar, "Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Engineering", 2nd Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2013.


DESIGN OF MACHINE TOOL STRUCTURES: Concepts of CNC machine tools, types of CNC machine tools; Design criteria
for machine tool structures: Stiffness and rigidity of the separate constructional elements and their combined behavior under
static and dynamic loads; Basic design procedure for machine tool structures: Bed, column and housing. (10)

DESIGN OF SPINDLES: Types of spindles - belt driven spindles, gear driven spindles, direct drive spindles and integral rotor
spindles, functions and requirements of spindles, spindle materials, design of spindles and selection of spindle bearings. (8)

DESIGN OF GUIDEWAYS AND SELECTION OF DRIVE ELEMENTS: Guideways: Functions and requirements, types, design;
Drive elements: selection of ball screws, sizing of servomotor and linear motor. (8)

MACHINE TOOL PERFORMANCE AND PRECISION: Accuracy, repeatability and resolution, errors in machine tools, thermal
errors, CNC interpolation errors, calibration of CNC machines, error compensation, overview of ISO and Indian standards for
calibration of machine tools. (9)

PROTOTYPE TESTING AND EVALUATION: Purpose of machine tool testing Static and dynamic measurements,
Experimental modal analysis, frequency response function measurement, modal curve fitting and modal parameter extraction,
geometrical checks on machine tools, laser assisted alignment testing and inspection. (10)

Total: L: 45

1. Mehta N K, Tool Design and Numerical Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 3rd edition,
2. Lopez de Lacalle L N and Lamikiz A, Tools for High Performance Springer-Verlag London
Limited, 1st edition, 2009

1. Basu S K and Pai D K, Machine Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 6th edition, 2009.
2. Radhakrishnan Numerical Control New Central Book Agency (P) Limited, 1st edition,2013
3. Sen G C and of Machine Central Book Agency (P) Limited, Kolkatta, 2nd edition,
4. Koenigsberger F, Principles of Metal-Cutting Machine Pergamon press, 1st edition, 2013


300 3
CONCEPTS OF STRESS AND STRAIN: Stress at a point, stress tensor, stress transformations, principal stresses, octahedral
stresses, equations of equilibrium; Strain tensor, principal strains, strain-displacement relations, compatibility conditions;
Strain gages and rosettes. (9)

CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS: lasticity; constitutive equations

for plane stress and plane strain conditions. (8)

ELASTICITY PROBLEMS: Formulation of general elasticity problem, boundary conditions, two dimensional problems in
rectangular and polar coordinates; stress function and relations. (8)

CONCEPTS OF PLASTICITY: Plastic flow: Microscopic and macroscopic descriptions, stress-strain curves of real materials,
definition of yields criterion, and concept of a yield surface in principal stress space; Yield criteria - Tresca and von Mises
criteria. (10)

PLASTIC STRAIN ANALYSIS: Prandtl-Reuss and Levy-Mises equations; Deformation in plane stress - yielding of thin sheet in
uniaxial/biaxial tension; Plane strain deformation: Stress tensor, hydrostatic and deviatoric components, plastic potential,
plastic instability, effect of strain rates and temperature on flow stress; Introduction to slip line field theory. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Timoshenko S P, Goodier J N. T, " Theory of Elasticity", Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Chakrabarthy J, "Theory of Plasticity", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012.

1. Durelli A J, Phillips E A and Tsao C H, "Introduction to Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Stress and Strain", 1st
Edition, McGraw Hill Publications, 1958.
2. Martin H Sadd, "Elasticity: Theory, Applications and Numerics", 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2014.
3. Dieter G E , "Mechanical Metallurgy", McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. Calledine C R, "Plasticity for Engineers Theory and Applications", 2nd Edition, Woodhead publishing series, 2000.


INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Modern materials in design, metals, polymers, ceramics, composite;
Matrices, functions, classification, properties of thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, applications; Reinforcements, role in
composite, principal types of fibers, characteristics, manufacturing methods, applications. (8)

MANUFACTURING METHODS OF COMPOSITE: Manufacture of polymer matrix composite, Layup and curing, open and
closed moulding, bag moulding, filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming, thermoforming; Manufacture of metal matrix
composite; Manufacture of ceramic matrix composite; Characteristics and applications of polymer matrix, metal matrix and
ceramic matrix composites. (9)

MICRO-MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF LAMINA: Mechanics terminology; Volume and mass fractions, density and void
content; Evaluation of elastic moduli, semi empirical models; Ultimate strengths of a unidirectional lamina, failure behavior of
lamina; Coefficients of thermal and moisture expansions. (8)

MACRO-MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF LAMINA: Stress-strain relationships, generalized law for different types of
materials, stiffness and compliance matrices of unidirectional lamina; Two dimensional unidirectional and angular lamina, co-
ordinate transformation, material symmetry; Evaluation of elastic moduli, engineering constants of angular lamina; Failure
theories of angular lamina. (10)

MACRO-MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF LAMINATE: Classical laminate theory, laminate code, stress - strain relationship in
a laminate, resultant forces and moments in a laminate, interlaminar stresses in laminates; Special cases of laminates;
Overview of design of composite structures. (10)

Total : L: 45

1. Bhagwan D. Agarwal, Lawrence J. Broutman, Chandrashekhara K lysis and Performance of Fiber John
Wiley & Sons, United States, 2017.
2. Autar K. Kaw, "Mechanics of Composite Materials", CRC Press, United States, 2007.

1. Valery V. Vasiliev, Evgeny V. Morozov, Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structural
Elsevier Ltd, 2018.
2. Mallick P.K, -Reinforced Composites-Materials, Manufacturing, and CRC Press, United States, 2007.
3. George Z. Voyiadjis, Peter I. Kattan, of Composite Materials with Springer, 2014.
4. Robert M. Jones, of composite materials", CRC Press, United States, 2018.


INTRODUCTION TO AIRCRAFTS : Evolution and history of flight; Basic components of an aircraft: Structural members,
aircraft axis system, aircraft motions, control surfaces and high lift devices; Types of aircrafts: Conventional design
configurations based on power plant location, wing location, intake location, tail unit arrangements, landing gear arrangements.

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT : Significance of speed of sound, air speed and ground speed, properties of atmosphere,
n of
lift and drag, pitching moments, types of drag, lift curve, drag curve, lift/drag ratio curve, factors affecting lift and drag. (9)

AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS : Environmental control systems(ECS), pneumatic systems, hydraulic systems, fuel systems, landing
gear systems, engine control systems, ice and rain protection systems, cabin pressurization and air conditioning systems,
steering and brakes systems, auxiliary power unit; Electrical and electronic systems: Avionics, flight controls, autopilot and flight
management systems, navigation systems, communication, information systems, radar system. (10)

AEROFOIL STABILITY AND CONTROL: Aerofoil nomenclature, types of aerofoil, center of pressure and its effects; Wing
section: Aerodynamic center, aspect ratio, effects of speed, air density on lift and drag; Degree of stability: Lateral, longitudinal
and directional stability and controls of aircraft; Effects of flaps and slats and lift coefficients, control tables, stalling, landing,
gliding turning, speed of sound, mach number, shock waves. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE AND MANEUVRES: Power curves, maximum and minimum speeds of horizontal flight, effects of
changes of engine power, effects of altitude on power curves, forces acting on an aeroplane during a turn, loads during
a turn, correct and incorrect angles of bank. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Kermode A C , "Flight without Formulae", Pearson Education, Singapore, 2008.
2. Kermode A C, D. R. Philpott, R. H. Barnard , "Mechanics of Flight", Prentice Hall, 2006.

1. Anderson John D. Jr , "Introduction to Flight", McGraw Hill Publishers, 2007.
2. Kermode A C, D. R. Philpott, R. H. Barnard , "Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems
Integration", John Wiley, 2008.
3. Houghton, E. L., & Carpenter, P. W , "Aerodynamics for engineering students", Elsevier, 2003.
4. Shevell , "Fundamentals of Flight", Pearson Education, 1989.


300 3
CONTROL SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS : Basic elements of control systems: Open loop and closed loop control, elements of
closed loop control system, SISO, MIMO systems, sampled data, digital control systems; Mathematical foundation:
Matrix theory, differential equations and Laplace transform. (9)


gain formula; Transfer function: Translational and rotational mechanical transfer function, electrical and electro-
mechanical system transfer functions, DC motor transfer function. (9)

BASIC CONTROL THEORY : Poles and zeros: First order systems, second order systems, more than 2 poles and zeros;
Nonlinearities and linearization; PID controllers. (9)

TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS : Stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, stability analysis, steady state error analysis; Root locus -
Introduction, design of transient response, positive feedback, system design; Error compensation: Steady state error
compensation, transient error compensation, transient and steady state error compensation; Feedback
compensation and its physical realization, feedback design. (9)

FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Frequency response: Bode plots, gain margin and phase margin; Design using the
frequency response: Lead, lag, lead-lag compensators; State-space representation: Solving the state equations in the
time and space domains, state equation examples, stability and steady-state error in state space. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, John Wiley, 2019.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata , "Modern Control Engineering", 5 Edition, Pearson, India, 2015.

1. Benjamin C Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi , "Automatic Control Systems", 1st Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2018.
2. Gopal M , "Control systems: Principles and Design", 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill education,2012.
3. William J Palm III , "System Dynamics", 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill education, 2021.
4. Katsuhiko Ogata , "System Dynamics", 4th Edition, Pearson, 2014.


AUTOMOBILE ARCHITECTURE - FRAME AND POWER TRAIN: Conventional automobiles with IC engines - Types of frame
and power train; Electric vehicles Layout; Hybrid electric vehicles: Architecture - series hybrid, parallel hybrid, series and
parallel hybrid, complex hybrid, advantages and disadvantages. (8)

PROPULSION SYSTEMS: IC Engines: Types, fuel injection systems - MPFI and CRDI, superchargers and turbochargers,
digital engine control; Electric vehicles Construction and characteristics of the different types of electric motor with an
overview of control systems. (8)

STEERING, SUSPENSION AND BRAKING SYSTEMS: Wheel geometry Caster, camber, Toe-in, Toe-out; Steering
systems - principle, types mechanical, hydraulic and electric power steering; Suspension systems General
characteristics, rigid axle, independent suspension, stabilizer bar, air suspension; Braking systems: Design of braking
systems, features of anti-lock braking system; Applicability of the above systems for conventional and electric vehicles. (8)

ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM AND EV DESIGN PACKAGES: Batteries Types, range, life and recycling, flywheels,
super- capacitors; Charging Standards, infrastructure, methods, modes, wireless power transfer, solar charging; EV

68th ACM 04.02.2023

design packages - Battery car conversion technology, electric van and truck design, HEV Design, lightweight construction
materials and techniques. (10)

AUTOMOTIVE BODY STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: Body nomenclature, body structural requirements, design of automotive
beam- section, thin-walled beam section design, overview of automotive body panels. (11)

Total L: 45

1. David A Crolla, "Automotive Engineering: Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle 1st Edition Butterworth-
Heinemann, USA, 2009.
2. Richard Stone, Jeffrey K Ball, Engineering SAE International, USA, 2004.

1. Heinz Heisler, "Vehicle and Engine SAE International, 2008.
2. Ron Hodkinson and John Fenton, Electric/ Hybrid Vehicle Butterworth and Heinemann Ltd., 2001.
3. Jack Erjavec and Jeff Arias, and Fuel Cell nd Edition, Cengage Learning, 2013.
4. Donald E.Malen, of Automobile Body Structure SAE International, USA,2011.


PRODUCTION OF CYLINDRICAL GEARS : Types of cylindrical gears and applications, blank preparation, overview of gear
production methods, procedure for cutting gears and attainable quality in hobbing and gear shaping, cutter selection, work
holding methods and setting calculations; Rack type gear shaping machine-description and applications; Internal gear cutting
methods, CNC gear hobbing and gear shaping machines; Gear skiving: concept, cutting process and applications. (9)

PRODUCTION OF CONICAL GEARS : Types of conical gears and applications; Production methods for straight bevel gears:
Bevel gear generator, Duplex rotary cutter method; Production methods for spiral bevel and hypoid bevel gears: Gleason spiral
bevel generator, Klingelnberg method, machine description, cutter and machine setting. (9)

GEAR MATERIAL SELECTION AND HARDENING METHODS : Properties of gear materials; Non-metallic, non-ferrous and
plastic gears; Selection of material for power transmission and high speed applications; Selection of materials for worm and
wheel; Hardening methods: Through hardening, case hardening; Carburizing-liquid and gas carburizing, low pressure
carburizing; High pressure quenching, nitriding, induction hardening, flame hardening; Hardening defects. (9)

GEAR FINISHING AND INSPECTION : Gear finishing: Advantages, finishing of gears by grinding, shaving, lapping and honing
methods-process, machine, cutters and setting of process parameters; Gear inspection: Types of error in gears, gear
quality standards and allowable limits, tooth thickness and base tangent length measurement, pitch error, radial run out,
involute profile error, composite error measurement; Computerized gear inspection; Gear failure reasons and remedies.

MASS PRODUCTION METHODS AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS: Mass production methods: Gear production by stamping, die
casting, powder metallurgy process, injection and compression moulding of plastic gears, cold and hot rolling, gear
broaching; Gear production systems: Batch production, gear production cells, lean and agile production practices; Automobile
gear and gear boxes; Production of heavy engineering gears. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Watson , "Modern Gear Production", 3rd Edition, Pergamon Press, US, 2013.
2. HMT , "Production Technology", 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.

1. SAE , "Gear Design Manufacturing Inspection Manual", SAE,1990.
2. Weck M. , "Hand Book of Machine Tools", Technology & Sons, 1984.
3. Faydor L. Litvin, Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar, Ignacio Gonzãlez-Perez, , Kenichi Hayasaka , "Noncircular Gears: Design and
Generation", Cambridge University Press, 2009.
4. Darle W Dudley, Gear handbook: the design, manufacture, and application of gears, McGraw-Hill , Year: 1962


FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID POWER SYSTEMS: Concepts of fluid power, properties of hydraulic fluid and air, comparison
between hydraulics and pneumatics; Air Filter, Lubricators and Regulators; Actuators: Types and constructional details;
Pressure, flow and directional control valves: Types and constructional details. (9)

PNEUMATIC SYSTEM DESIGN : Design of sequential multi-actuator circuits: Intuitive, cascade and step counter methods;
Integration of start selection, start restriction and emergency stop modules. (9)


68th ACM 04.02.2023

Karnaugh Veitch map method; PLC: Construction, programming methods, timers and counters; Programming using
ladder logic diagrams. (9)

conduits, actuators, valves and accumulators; Heat generation and estimation of losses; Industrial reliability and noise control;
Deceleration circuit, meter in meter out circuits, regenerative circuits, high-low circuits, sequencing circuits, synchronizing
circuits and fail-safe circuits. (10)

ADVANCEMENTS IN FLUID POWER ENGINEERING : Servo and proportional valves: Construction, types and applications;
Overview of hydro pneumatics; control and diagnostics of systems for fluid power applications. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Anthony Esposito, " Fluid Power with Application", 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
2. Srinivasan R , "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls", 2nd Edition, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Majumdar, S.R , "Oil Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Maintenance", 28th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2017.
2. Werner Deppert, Kurt Stoll , "Pneumatic Controls : An Introduction to Principles", Vogel-Druck Wurzburg, 1975.
3. Peter Rohner , "Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design Analysis, Design Method and Worked Examples", Macmillan Press,
4. Brayden Moss, Hydraulics and - kaufman Press, 2022


MECHANICAL ENERGY BASED MACHINING PROCESSES : Overview of Non-Traditional Machining (NTM): Need, comparison
between traditional and non-traditional machining, classification, performance constraints and selection of NTM process;
Ultrasonic machining: Mechanics of machining and working principle; Abrasive jet, water jet and abrasive water jet machining,
modeling of mixing process of abrasives and water jet; Process parameters, process capabilities, material removal rate;
Limitations and applications. (10)

THERMAL ENERGY BASED MACHINING PROCESSES : Laser beam machining: Types of lasers, laser characteristics,
working principle; Plasma arc machining: Working principle, various plasma arc torches, comparison with oxy fuel cutting;
Electron beam machining: Working principle, electron beam gun, vacuum systems; Components of system and their functions,
process parameters, process capabilities; Limitations and applications. (8)

ELECTRICAL ENERGY BASED MACHINING PROCESSES : Electrical discharge machining (EDM): Working principle, di-electric
fluid flushing techniques, material removal rate; Electrical discharge wire cutting; Focused ion beam machining: Working
Principle, machining system; Process parameters; Limitations and applications. (9)

machining and Electro chemical machining (ECM): Working principle, components and their functions, process parameters,
material removal rate; Hybrid processes: Electro chemical and electro chemical discharge grinding, vibration assisted EDM,
ultrasonic assisted ECM and wire electrical discharge grinding; Limitations and applications. (9)

MICROMACHINING PROCESSES : Abrasive jet micromachining, electrochemical micromachining, electrical discharge

micromachining; Micro finishing processes: Abrasive flow finishing, magnetic abrasive finishing, magneto rheological abrasive
flow finishing; Applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jain V K , "Advanced Machining Processes", 2nd revised edition, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2021.
2. Helmi Youssef and Hassan El-Hofy, "Non-Traditional and Advanced Machining Technologies ", CRC Press, 2021.

1. -traditional Micromachining Processes , Springer International
Publishing, 2017.
2. Gary F Benidict , "Non Traditional Manufacturing Process", 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2019.
3. Hong Hocheng , "Advanced Analysis of Nontraditional Machining", Kindle Edition, 2013.
4. Pandey P C , "Modern Machining Processes", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


CONCEPTS AND CLASSIFICATION OF AM : Definition, terminology, generic AM process chain, difference between AM and
subtractive processes; Application levels: Direct and indirect processes; New AM classification scheme, development of AM
technology. (8)

AM PROCESSES FOR POLYMERS : Vat photopolymerization processes: Vector scan, mask projection, two-photon approach,
materials, scan patterns; Sheet lamination processes: Bond-Then-Form processes, Form-Then-Bond processes, materials;
Fused deposition modeling: Process parameters, influence of process parameters on mechanical properties of the
prototype. (10)

METAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING : Ultrasonic additive manufacturing: Working principle, process parameters,
microstructures and mechanical properties; Powder bed fusion processes: Electron beam melting, selective laser melting,
selective laser sintering, binder jetting process for metals; Directed energy deposition processes (DED): Laser-based and
electron beam- based DED processes, process parameters, materials and microstructures. (10)

AM PROCESS SELECTION AND APPLICATIONS: Selection methods for a part: Decision theory, approaches to determining
feasibility, challenges in selection; Applications: Automotive industries, aerospace industries, foundry and casting technologies,
mold and die making applications, medical applications; Case studies on Do-It-Yourself (DIY) 3D printers (8)

POST-PROCESSING AND SOFTWARE FOR AM : Post-processing: Support material removal, surface texture improvements,
aesthetic improvements, property enhancement using thermal and non-thermal techniques; Design for additive
manufacturing; Software for AM and case studies using AM software. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ian Gibson, David Rosen, Brent Stucker, Mahyar Khorasani, "Additive Manufacturing Technologies", 3rd Edition,
Springer, 2021.
2. Andreas Gebhardt, Jan-Steffen Hötter, " Additive Manufacturing: 3D Printing for Prototyping and Manufacturing ",
Hanser, 2016.

1. John O Milewski , "Additive Manufacturing of Metals: From Fundamental Technology to Rocket Nozzles, Medical
Implants, and Custom Jewelery", Springer, 2017.
2. Pham D T and Dimov S S , "Rapid Manufacturing: The Technologies and Applications of Rapid Prototyping and Rapid
Tooling", Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
3. Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong, " 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Principles and Applications ", World Scientific,
4. Srivatsan T S and Sudarshan T S , "Additive Manufacturing: Innovations, Advances, and Applications", CRC Press,


PRODUCTION SYSTEMS: Types of production: Job shop, batch and mass production; Functions in manufacturing; Plant
layouts: Process, product, fixed position, cellular layouts; Automated production systems; Automation principles and strategies,
automated assembly lines. (8)

FMS IMPLEMENTATION: Characteristics, types, equipments and its functions; Types of flexibility and performance measures;
Planning phases, integration, system configuration; FMS layouts, simulation, FMS project development steps; Project
management: Equipment development, host system development, functions of FMS host computer, FMS host and area
controller function distribution, hardware and software development. (10)

GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS PLANNING: Group technology: Formation of part families-part classification, coding
system, OPITZ and multi class coding systems; Production flow analysis-machine cell design, clustering methods, modern
algorithms, benefits of GT, system planning; Process planning- approaches to automated process planning, study of a typical
process plan; Manufacturing planning and control. (10)

AUTOMATED MATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE: Automated material handling: Functions, types, analysis of material
handling equipment; Design of conveyor and AGV systems; AS/RS; Storage: System performance, carousel storage system, WIP
storage system; Interfacing material handling and storage with manufacturing. (8)

MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF FMS: Simulation and petrinet modeling techniques; Lean and agile manufacturing concepts:
JIT, Kanban, Poke Yoke. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mikell P Groover, "Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing", 4th Edition, Pearson

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Shivanand H K, Benal M M, Koti V , "Flexible Manufacturing System", 1st Edition, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 2021.

1. Parrish D J , "Flexible Manufacturing", Butter Worth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, 2015.
2. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyan S, Raju V , "CAD/CAM/CIM", 4th Edition, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.,2020.
3. Black J T , "The Design of the Factory with a Future", McGraw-Hill, 2009.
4. Joshi S B and Smith J S , "Computer Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems", Springer, 2018.


INTELLIGENT AGENTS: Agents and environments; Structure of agents: Goal-based agents, utility-based agents; Problem
solving agents;Formulating problems. (5)

SEARCH ALGORITHMS: Search data structures; Uninformed Search Strategies: Best-first search, Breadth-first search, Depth-
first search, Bidirectional search; Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies: Greedy best-first search, A* search; Case studies. (10)

META-HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS : Types: Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ant colony optimization, particle swarm
optimization; Case studies. (8)

MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES: Supervised learning: Classification, support vector machines, linear discriminant
analysis, naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbor; Regression analysis; Unsupervised learning: k-Means clustering, hierarchical
clustering; Case studies. (10)

DEEP LEARNING WITH NEURAL NETWORKS: Nodes and layers of the neural network, training of single-layer neural
networks, training of multi-layer networks, architectures of deep networks, building deep networks; Case studies. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Josh Patterson and Adam Gibson, "Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach", 1st Edition, O'Reilly, 2017.
2. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig , "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Pearson Education, 4th edition, 2022.

1. Ethem Alpaydin , "Introduction to Machine Learning", 4th edition, MIT Press, 2020.
2. Peter Harrington , "Machine Learning in Action", Manning Publications Co, 2012.
3. Andreas Muller, "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists", O'Reilly, 2016
4. Aurélien Géron, "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques
to Build Intelligent Systems, Third Edition", O'Reilly, 2022


OVERVIEW OF JOINING PROCESSES: Fundamental principles and classifications of fusion and solid-state joining processes,
ultrasonic welding, ultrasonic spot welding, explosion welding process, Magnetically Impelled Arc Butt (MIAB) welding.
Electrical welding, Resistance welding processes: spot welding, seam welding, projection welding, high-frequency resistance
welding, resistance butt welding, flash butt welding, Brazing, Adhesive bonding, Clinching, self-pierce riveting. Visit to
labs/industries. (8)

DIFFUSION JOINING PROCESSES: Diffusion joining, principles, applications. diffusion brazing; braze welding, diffusion
welding; Diffusion Bonding Metals to Ceramics; solid-state deposition welding processes. Pressure non-fusion welding
processes: cold welding processes, electromagnetic pulse welding, pressure gas welding process, hot pressure welding, forge
welding process; Roll bonding. Visit to labs/industries. (7)

FRICTION WELDING PROCESS: Friction welding (FW) process, Process parameters, applications, metallurgical, mechanical
and tribological characterizations. Spin welding, Rotary drive FW (continuous drive), Inertia welding, Friction taper stitch
welding, Radial FW, Friction plunge welding, Third-body FW. Friction seam welding, Linear and angular FW, Orbital FW,
Friction brazing, Friction seam welding and Friction Stud Welding, study of friction welds and joint quality of FW. Visit to
labs/industries. (10)

FRICTION STIR WELDING: Fundamentals of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process; Taxonomy of FSW. Materials used with
FSW; Heat generation, during FSW, metallurgical and mechanical characterizations, inspection. Material Flow in FSW, Material
Changes during Solid-State Joining and Its Impact, environmental and energy benefits, micro FSW, and its applications.
Friction Stir Riveting, Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW), process parameters, Hybrid FSW, Underwater FSW, Ultrasonic
assisted FSW, and electrically assisted FSW. Friction Stir Diffusion Welding, Thermal Stir Welding; Weld defects in FSW;
Robotic FSW; Visit to labs/industries. (10)

TOOL MATERIALS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: FSW Tools, Commonly used tool materials-Tool steels, PCBN tools,
W based tools, other tools; Tool materials selection, Tool geometry, properties of common tool materials, Pin geometry, Load
bearing ability, Tool wear, deformation and failure, tool cost. Tools for ultrasonic welding. FSW of aluminum alloys, magnesium
alloys, titanium, steels. Dissimilar metal FSW. Welding of plastics and welding of non-metals. Industrial Applications-

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Shipbuilding, automotive, aerospace, railways, and other industry sectors. Visit to labs/industries. (10)

Total: L: 45

1. R.S. Parmar, Processes and Khanna Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2010.
2. Daniela Lohwasser and Zhan Chen, stir welding from basics to Woodhead Publishing, 2010.

SpringerInternational Publishing, 2014.
2. Bekir Sami Yilbas, Ahmet Z. Sahin, Welding: Thermal and Metallurgical Springer Science, 2014.
3. P. Asadi and M.-K. Besharati-Givi, in Friction-Stir Welding and Woodhead Publishing, 2014.
4. Nilesh Kumar, Rajiv S. Mishra, Wei Yuan, Stir Welding of Dissimilar Alloys and Elsevier, 2015.


CONCEPTS OF IoT: Basics of Internet; OSI Model vs TCP/IP Model; comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 Datagram; IoT:
Characteristics, applications, enablers; IoT network configurations; Structure of IoT systems; Comparison between IoT, M2M,
WoT and IIoT; Interoperability and reliability issues. (10)

DATA COLLECTION : Sensing: Sensors, transducers, sensor resolution, types of sensors; Actuation: Actuator, types of
actuators; Communication protocols and protocol stacks for the edge devices: Mode of data transfer & routing algorithms;
802.15.4, ZigBee, 6lowpan, RFID, NFC, Bluetooth; Embedded systems - Arduino,Raspberry Pi, and TI CC3200. (10)

DATAPROCESSING AND DATA HANDLING: Data processing: MQTT, MQTT components and methods; Data handling: Big
data, types of data, flow of data; Cloud computing: Recent trends, service models, managing data in the cloud. (9)

DATA ANALYTICS AND DATA SECURITY : Data analytics: Types, lifecycle- discovery, preparation, model planning, model
building; Data collection; Streaming data analytics; Data security: Data protection, challenges. (8)

MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS : Manufacturing: Machine diagnostics, robotics and autonomous vehicles and part tracing;
Energy: Smart grids, waste management; Safety and security: Indoor air quality monitoring, noise level monitoring, smoke/gas
detections, structural health monitoring; Smart home automation; structural health monitoring. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Alasdair Gilchrist , "Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things", 1st Edition, Apress, 2016.
2. Ulrich Sendler , "The Internet of Things: Industrie 4.0 Unleashed", 1st Edition, Springer, New York, 2019.

1. Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecher, Houbing Song, Dana B. Rawat , "Industrial Internet of Things: Cyber- manufacturing
Systems", Springer, 2016.
2. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Florian Michahelles , "Architecting the Internet of Things", Springer, New York, 2011.
3. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, "Designing the Internet of Things", John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK, 2014.
4. Doukas, Charalampos, " Building internet of things with the Arduino. V1.1", CreateSpace, 2012.


300 3
SINGLE POINT CUTTING TOOLS : Materials and their properties, classification, selection, insert and coated tools, tool wear
and tool life; Recent developments in cutting tool technology; Nomenclature, types and styles, design and manufacture
of HSS and carbide insert type tools for turning, boring, shaping, and slotting operations; Design of form tools;
Tools and holders for CNC applications. (8)

MULTIPOINT CUTTING TOOLS : Nomenclature, classification and selection, construction methods, cutter setting, design and
manufacture of drills, reamers, milling cutters, broaches and gear hobs; Grinding-wheel specification and selection. (8)

JIGS AND FIXTURES : Degrees of freedom, principles of location and clamping, principles of jig design, fool proofing,
elements of jigs, classification of jigs, design of jigs for drilling and reaming; Principles of fixture design, locators and different
types of clamps, elements of fixtures, provision for tool setting, design of fixtures for milling, turning, boring and grinding
operations; Fixtures for turning centers and machining centers; Modular fixturing-concepts and applications. (10)

PRESS TOOLS : Design of sheet metal press tool parts, Design and manufacture of die sets for sheet metal components-
Simple, compound and progressive dies for punching and blanking operations; Dies for drawing and bending operations;
Selection of press tools. (10)

DESIGN OF DIE CASTING DIES AND INJECTION MOULDING DIES : Design of two plate mould, runner and gate design,mould
cooling and ejection (7)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

LIMIT GAUGES: Design of plug, ring and snap gauges. (2)

Total L: 45

1. Cyril Donaldson, George H. LeCain, V. C. Goold and Joyjeet Ghose, , "Tool Design", Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Bhattacharyya.A , "Metal Cutting Theory and Practice", New Central Books Agency (P) Limited, Calcutta, 2012.

1. Arshinov.V, Alekseev.G , "Metal cutting Theory and Cutting Tool Design", MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1976.
2. Kempster , "Introduction to Jig and Tool Design", VIVABooks, New Delhi, 1998.
3. Cracknell.P.C, Dyson.R.W , "Handbook of Thermoplastics Injection Mould Design", Chapman and Hall,1993.
4. Paquin.J.R, Crowley , "Die Design Fundamentals", Industrial Press, Newyork, 2006.


SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING AND POLICIES: Introduction to sustainable manufacturing, Origins of sustainable
manufacturing, Sustainable manufacturing concepts, Indian/European/US environmental policies, Legislative, cultural, societal
and political issues; Sustainable quality systems; Emissionless manufacturing, Comparison between green, eco-manufacturing,
eco- machining, clean manufacturing and sustainable manufacturing. (9)

SUSTAINABILE MANUFACTURING BEST PRACTICES: Introduction to best practices of sustainability manufacturing,

Manufacturability issues in sustainable product design, Environmentally conscious design/manufacturing processes, Societal
impact, Product functionality, serviceability, maintainability, upgradability, Innovative product/process designs for sustainability,
Preservation of sustainable development. (9)

LEAN MANUFACTURING AND GREEN ENERGY: Introduction to lean Manufacturing, Lean manufacturing tools, Comparison
of conventional manufacturing and lean Manufacturing, Advantages and Limitations of lean Manufacturing. Introduction to
green energy concepts, Greenhouse effect, Global warming, Climate change, Environmental degradation, Environmental
pollution, Pollution due to manufacturing industries, Remedies. (9)

SUSTAINABLE MACHINERY AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION: Selection of appropriate machine, materials, energy, resource
utilization for sustainability manufacturing, Performance evaluation of different machinery and its components in terms of
energy consumption, Causes for inefficient operations of machinery, Scope for energy conservation, World energy
consumption, Determination of power demand and consumption, Comparison of power generation cost using renewable and
non- renewable sources. (9)

HAZARDOUS MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLABILITY: Introduction to hazardous management in industries, Need for
hazardous waste management, Appropriate method of collection, storage, transport and disposal of hazardous waste,
Hazardous waste prevention and Life cycle assessment, Advantages and limitations of hazardous management, Recyclability,
Recycling of batteries, recharging, disassembly, recovery, remanufacturing, End of-life and product take-back issues, Training
of next generation workforces for sustainable manufacturing. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rainer Stark, Günth Sustainable Manufacturing Challenges, Solutions and Implementation


1. td.,
United States, 2007.
Elsevier, 2015.
4. Dornfield Dav


LEAN MANUFACTURING CONCEPTS :Origins and objectives of lean manufacturing : Ford and Toyota production
systems,lean process, 3M concept, key principles and implications; Characteristics of traditional manufacturing and lean
manufacturing, lean building blocks, road map for lean implementation, lean benefits, value creation and waste elimination,
seven types of waste; Pull production : Models, kanban, continuous flow, single piece flow, kaizen. (9)

GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND CELLULAR LAYOUT :Part families, production flow analysis, composite part concept,machine

68th ACM 04.02.2023

cell design, quantitative analysis, case studies. (9)

VALUE STREAM MAPPING :Value stream, benefits, mapping process; Current state map, mapping icons, mapping steps, takt
time calculations; VSM case studies. (8)

LEAN MANUFACTURING TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES :Standardized work, standard work sequence, timing and work in
progress; Quality at source, autonomation / Jidoka, visual management system, mistake proofing / Poka-yoke; 5S technique:
Elements and waste elimination through 5S, advantages and benefits, 5S audit; Visual control aids forimprovement. (10)

TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE :Goals and benefits, hidden factory, the six big losses, types of maintenance, overall
equipment effectiveness, pillars of TPM and implementation; Changeover and setup time reduction techniques, temple of
quality, OEE calculations. (9)

Total L: 45

1. MichealWader , "Lean Tools: A Pocket guide to Implementing Lean Practices", 2ndEdition,Productivity and Quality
Publishing, 2013.
2. Lonnie Wilson , "How to Implement Lean Manufacturing", 2ndEdition, McGraw Hill Education, 2015.

1. Gopalakrishnan N , "Simplified Lean Manufacture : Elements, Rules, Tools and Implementation", PHI Learning Pvt Ltd,
2. Taiichi Onhno , "Toyota Production Systems; Beyond Large Scale Production", Productivity Press, 1992.
3. S R Devadasan, V. Sivakumar , "Lean and Agile Manufacturing; Theoretical, Practical and Research Futurities", PHI, 2012.
4. Askin R G, Goldberg J B , "Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2007


SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK DESIGN: Definition, global optimization, objectives of SCM, drivers of supply chain; Logistics
networks: Datacollection, model and data evaluation,solution techniques. (8)

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND FORECASTING : Introduction to inventory and multi order opportunities, inventory policy;
Periodic review, continuous review, effect of demand uncertainty; Risk pooling, centralized and decentralized system,
managing inventory in the supply chain; Forecasting: Role of forecasting in a supply chain, risk management in
forecasting; Case studies. (10)

SIGNIFICANCE OF INFORMATION IN SC : Bullwhip effect, information and supply chain technology; Supply chain integration:
Push, pull and push-pull systems; Demand driven strategies, impact of internet on SCM, distribution strategies. (9)

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AND SUSTAINABILITY IN SUPPLY CHAIN: Framework for strategic alliance, third party logistics,
retailer - supplier partnership, distributor- integration, procurement and out sourcing strategies, role of sustainability in a supply
chain, key pillars of sustainability, closed-loop supply chain, Green supply chain, flexibility, Supply chain resilience-time to
survive and time to recovery. (10)

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN GLOBAL SCM : Role of IT in supply chain, IT framework, internal supply chain
management, supplier relationship management, future of IT in the supply chain, risk management in IT, supply chain IT in
practice, DSS for supply chain management; Overview of application of block chain and IoT in supply chain. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Simchi Levi Davi, Kaminsky Philip and Simchi-Levi , "Designing and Managing the Supply Chain Concepts Strategies
and Case Studies", 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, US, 2019.
2. Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl and DharamVirKalra , "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation", 3
Edition,Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.

1. Erik Hofmann, Nicola Bosia and Urs Magnus Strewe , "Supply Chain Finance and Blockchain Technology -The Case of
Reverse Securitisation", Springer International Publishing AG, 2018.
2. Roberta S Russell, Bernard W Taylor III , "Operations and Supply Chain Management", Wiley India pvt Ltd, 2017.
3. Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson , "Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management",
Pearson, 2017.
4. Hsiao Fan Wang, Surendra M Gupta , "Green Supply Chain Management: Product Life Cycle Approach", Mc Graw hill,

68th ACM 04.02.2023


CONCEPT OF QUALITY ENGINEERING : Quality value and engineering, overall quality system, quality engineering in:
product design, design of production processes, production and service. (8)

LOSS FUNCTION : Loss function for products and system - derivation, improvements and justification, loss function and
inspection, quality evaluations and tolerances; Types of tolerances - S type, L type. (8)

ON-LINE QUALITY CONTROL : Online feedback quality control : Variable characteristics, control with measurement interval,
one unit, multiple units control systems - lot and batch production; Online process parameter control : Variable characteristics,
tolerances, feedback control systems, measurement error. (10)

QUALITY ATTRIBUTES AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT METHODS : Checking intervals, frequency of process diagnosis;
Production. (10)

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE : Preventive maintenance schedule: Functional characteristics , large scale systems; Quality
tools, fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, failure mode and effect analysis quality systems. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Joseph A. Defeo, " Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence ", 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill,
US, 2016.
2. Pyzdek T and Berger R W, "Quality Engineering Handbook", 2nd Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2000.

1. Evelyn Tan, " 360 Quality Engineering Towards Zero Defect Product in Manufacturing Process ", NLM, 2020.
2. Sarah E. Burke, Rachel T. Silvestrini, " The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook", 4th Edition, ASQ, 2017.
3. Taguchi G, Elsayed E A and Hsiang., T.C , "Quality Engineering in Production Systems", 1st Edition, Mc-Graw- Hill, 1989.
4. Dale. H. Besterfield , "Total Quality Management", 4th Edition, Pearson Publications, 2017.


INTEREST AND TIME VALUE OF MONEY: Reasons for interest, simple interest, compound interest, time-value equivalence,
compound interest factors, nominal and effective interest rates, use of interest tables, continuous compounding, calculation of
time-value equivalents for single and multiple-payment cash flows involving uniform continuous payment and uniform gradient.

COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES: Present worth comparisons: Situations for present-worth comparisons - equal, unequal
lived assets, study period, assets with infinite life, bond valuation; Equivalent uniform annual-worth comparison method:
Situations for EUAC, asset life, unequal life, perpetual life, sinking fund; Rate of return comparisons: IRR, MARR.(10)

REPLACEMENT ANALYSIS: Items deteriorating with time and items that fail completely, replacement with and without time
value of money, replacement policy for new and old machines with infinite horizon, groupreplacement. (8)

DEPRECIATION AND BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS: Depreciation: Reasons, depreciation methods; Break-even analysis: Cost
and competitiveness, breakeven comparisons, breakeven charts, linear and non-linear breakeven analysis, breakeven
analysis with time value of money, multi product breakeven analysis. (9)

PROJECT FEASIBILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: Project feasibility: Marketing, technical, financial feasibilities; Riskanalysis:
Risk, decision trees, formulation of discounted decision trees. (8)

Total L:45

1. James L. Riggs, David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa, "Engineering Economics", 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
NewDelhi, 2017.
2. Leland T.Blank, Anthony Tarquin, "Engineering Economy", 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi, 2019

1. Chan S. Park, "Contemporary Engineering Economics", 6th Edition, Pearson, Chennai, 2015.
2. William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, C. Patrick Koelling, "Engineering Economy", 16th Edition, Pearson, New Delhi,
3. Gerald J. Thuesen, W.J. Fabrycky, "Engineering Economy", 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Chan S. Park, "Fundamentals of Engineering Economics", 4th Edition, Pearson, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


FUNDAMENTALS OF ERP SYSTEMS: ERP an overview, enterprise an overview, ERP as integrated management information
system; Evolution of ERP, benefits of ERP, ERP vs. traditional information systems; MRPI; MRP II model. (8)

BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING (BPR) SYSTEM: Need and challenges, management concerns about BPR, BPR to
build the business; Model for ERP, basic constituents of ERP, selection criteria for ERP packages; Procurement Systematic
way for ERP package, features of various modules of ERP. (10)

BUSINESS MODULES IN ERP: Accounts, production planning, human resources, plant maintenance, materials management,
quality management, sales and distribution, ware house and supply chain. (10)

ERP IMPLEMENTATION: ERP implementation, lifecycle, implementation methodology, hidden costs in implementation,
organizing the implementation, vendors, consultants and users, project management and monitoring, issues in customizing
ERP systems for organizations, need for training. (8)

ERP PACKAGES AND CASE STUDIES: Comparison between different ERP packages; Survey of Indian ERP packages
regarding their coverage, performance and cost top management concerns and ERP systems extended ERP (ERP II) -
Advance planning optimization through Internet of Thing Cloud computing with various ERP Packages for various production
processes. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Alexis Leon, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2014.
2. Mary Sumner, Resource 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.

2. Vinod Kumar Garg and Venkitakrishnan N K, Resource Planning-Concepts and Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, 2003.Bahadur P. and Sastry N.V., of Polymer Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,
3. David L Olson, Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2008.
4. Rahul V Wide Resource Planning Theory and Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004.


INTRODUCTION TO LEAN AND SIX SIGMA: Introduction to Lean- Definition, Purpose, Features of Lean; Top seven wastes,
Need for Lean management, The philosophy of lean management, Creating a lean enterprise, Elements of Lean, Lean
principles, the lean metric, Hidden time traps. Introduction to quality, Definition of six sigma, the origin of six sigma, Six sigma
concept and Critical success factors for six sigma. (9)

INTEGRATION OF LEAN AND SIX SIGMA: Evolution of lean six sigma, the synergy of Lean and six sigma, Definition of lean
six sigma, the principles of lean six sigma, Scope for lean six sigma, Features of lean six sigma. The laws of lean six sigma,
Key elements of LSS, the LSS model and the benefits of lean six sigma. Initiation - Top management commitment
Infrastructure and deployment planning, Process focus, organizational structures, Measures Rewards and recognition,
Infrastructure tools, structure of transforming event and Launch preparation (9)

PROJECT SELECTION AND TEAM BUILDING: Resource and project selection, Selection of Black belts, Training of
Black belts and Champions, Identification of potential projects, top-down (Balanced score card) and Bottom-up approach
Methods of selecting projects Benefit/Effort graph, Process mapping, value stream mapping, Predicting and improving team
performance, Nine team roles and Team leadership. (9)

THE DMAIC PROCESS AND TOOLS: The DMAIC process Tollgate reviews; The DMAIC tools; Define tools Project
definition form, SIPOC diagram; Measure tools Process mapping, Lead time/cycle time, Cause and Effect matrix, Idea
generating and organizing tools Brainstorming, Nominal group technique and Multi-voting; Data collection and accuracy tools-
Check sheet, Gauge R&R; Understanding and eliminating variation- run charts; Analyze tools - Scatter plots, ANOVA,
Regression analysis, Time trap analysis; Improve tools Mistake proofing, Set up time reduction (SMED) and the pull
system; Control tools statistical process control (9)

INSTITUTIONALIZING AND DESIGN FOR LSS: Institutionalizing lean six sigma improving design velocity, creating cycle
time baseline, valuing projects, gating the projects, reducing product line complexity, Design for lean six sigma, QFD, Theory of
Inventive Problem solving (TRIZ), Robust design; Case study presentations. (9)

1. Michael L. George, Lean Six Sigma , McGraw-Hill., 2002.
2. Terra Vanzant Stern, Leaner Six Sigma: Making Lean Six Sigma Easier and Adaptable to Current Workplaces ,
Productivity Press, Year: 2019

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking, Free Press Business., 2003.
2. Ronald G.Askin and Jeffrey B.Goldberg, Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems, John Wiley & Sons., 2003.
3. Salman Taghizadegan, Essentials of Lean Six Sigma, Elsevier., 2010.
4. Bob Sproull, The Secret to Maximizing Profitability: A Business Novel on How to Successfully Combine The Theory of
Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma to Drive Profit Margins to New Levels, CRC Press, Year: 2019


300 3
STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL: Definition of quality and its evolution, causes of variation in quality, statistics and
parameters, variables and attributes, frequency distribution; Histogram: Construction and interpretation, use of software;
Control charts: Statistical basis, anatomy of control charts, selection and implementation, charts for variables and attributes,
case studies, use of software. (10)

PROCESS CAPABILITY ANALYSIS: Process capability: Definition, assumptions, metrics, methodology of process capability
assessment, case studies, use of software. (6)

REGRESSION : Definition and need; Simple linear probabilistic model: Assumptions, method of least squares, ANOVA for
linear regression, coefficient of determination; Multiple regression: General linear model, assumptions, ANOVA for multiple
regression; Non- Linear Regression: Quadratic and polynomial regression; limitations of regression, case studies, use of
software. (11)

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Classical design of experiments: Single and multi-factor experiments, analysis of experimental
results; Taguchi design of experiments: Phases, analysis and interpretation, case studies, use of software. (9)

RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY : Response surfaces, two-level factorial designs, addition of centre points, method
of steepest ascent, Central Composite and Box-Behnken designs, analysis of first a n d s e c o n d order response surfaces,
case studies, use of software. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Douglas C. Montgomery, "Introduction to Statistical Quality Control", John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2020.
2. Douglas C. Montgomery, "Design and Analysis of Experiments", John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2020.

1. Myers R.H., Montgomery D.C. and Anderson-Cook, "Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product Optimization
using Designed Experiments", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2016.
2. Philip J. Ross, "Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Hahn G. J. and Shapiro S. S., "Statistical Models in Engineering", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
4. Box G. E. P and Norman R Draper,


GOVERNING EQUATIONS OF FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER: Derivation of governing equations of fluid flow:
Conservation of mass, momentum and energy, relationship between mathematical terms and characteristics of fluid flow;
Mathematical classification of flow: Hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic and mixed flow. (9)

DISCRETIZATION SCHEMES AND METHODS OF FLUID FLOW ANALYSIS: Choice of grid, finite difference method, finite
volume method, forward, backward and central difference schemes, explicit and implicit methods, properties of numerical
solution methods, stability analysis, error estimation. (9)

SOLUTION TECHNIQUES IN CFD ANALYSIS: Impact of non-conservation terms over the solution, artificial viscosity, up- wind
schemes, cell Reynolds number, Courant number, Lax Wendroff technique, technique, relaxation technique,
ADI technique. (9)

CFD ANALYSIS OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOWS: Checker board distribution, staggered grid, pressure correction technique,
SIMPLE algorithm. (9)

APPLICATIONS : 2D steady and unsteady heat transfer and fluid flow problems, solving case study problems using numerical
software (9)

Total L:45

1. John D Anderson ,"Computational Fluid dynamics The Basics with Applications", TATA McGraw Hill, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Versteeg H K, Malalasekara W ,"An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite VolumeMethod",

1. Jiri Blazek ,"Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications", 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015.
2. Muralidhar K, Sundararajan T ,"Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", NarosaPublications, 2014.
3. ChungTJ, "Computational Fluid Dynamics", 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
4. Joel FrezigerH, Milovan Peric ,"Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics", 4th Edition, Springer, International Publishing,


VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION : Creation of low temperature: Methods and application; Refrigerants: Properties
, selection of refrigerants, alternative refrigerants; Aircraft refrigeration, single stage cycle, performance analysis for various
operating conditions, use of P-h chart, multi stage cycle, multi compressor, multi evaporator and cascade system. (9)

VAPOUR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION: Ammonia-water system, lithium bromide-water system, use of P-x-T and h-x-T
chart, performance calculation, steam jet refrigeration and solar refrigeration systems. (9)

AIR CONDITIONING: Psychrometry for air conditioning processes, bypass factor, apparatus dew point, grand and room
sensible heat factor, selection of inside and outside design conditions, effective temperature; Psychrometric calculation for
cooling loads. (9)

DUCT DESIGN AND AIR DISTRIBUTION :Dynamic and frictional pressure drop in ducts, fan total pressure, methods of duct
design, fan characteristics in duct systems, air conditioning systems control. (9)

BALANCING OF COMPONENTS: Condensers: Air cooled, water cooled and evaporative condensers and
selection;Evaporator: Flooded, dry expansion, shell and tube and double pipe; Compressors: Reciprocating, rotary and
centrifugal types, expansion devices; Cooling towers; Sensors used in R&AC systems. (9)

Total L:45

1. Stoecker W F, Jones J W , "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning", McGraw-Hill India, 2014.
2. Manohar Prasad , "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning", New Age International Publishers, 2015.

1. Arora C P , "Refrigeration and Airconditioning", Tata McGraw Hill, 2021.
2. Carter Stanfield, David Skaves , "Fundamentals of HVACR", Pearson, 2016.
3. Roy J Dossat, Thomas J Moran , "Principles of Refrigeration", Pearson, 2014.
4. Jones W P , "Air Conditioning Engineering", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2020.


SOLAR ENERGY :Basic concepts on solar radiation, potential of solar energy; Solar collectors: Flat plate collectors, evacuated
tubes, concentrators; Solar plant configurations, photovoltaic systems, environmental aspects of solar energy. (9)

WIND ENERGY :Principles of wind power, wind turbine operation, site characteristics, horizontal and vertical axis types,
aerodynamics of wind turbine, performance analysis, design principles of wind turbine blades, tower design, small and
large machines, storage systems. (9)

BIO-ENERGY :Concepts and systems, biomass production, energy plantations, biomass resources and processing,
environmental factors; Pyrolysis, gasification and liquefaction, types of gasifiers; Bioconversion: Biogas, fermentation and
wet processes. (9)

OCEAN ENERGY: Wave energy: Offshore and shoreline energy systems, tidal energy, types of OTEC power plants, design
and performance evaluation. (9)

OTHER ENERGY SOURCES :Geothermal energy, magneto hydrodynamic system (MHD), thermionic and thermos- electric
generator, micro-hydel systems, hybrid systems and applications; Fuel cells: Classification, reactions and performance;
Hydrogen production and storage methods. (9)

Total L:45

1. Aldo Vieira da Rosa ,"Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes", 3rd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2012.
2. Rai G D , "Non-Conventional Sources of Energy", 6th Edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Bent Sorensen , "Renewable Energy", 5th Edition, Academic Press, 2017.
2. Kothari P, SingalK C, Rakesh Ranjan ,"Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies", 2nd Edition, PHI Learning,
3. SukhatmeS P, Nayak J K , "Solar Energy - Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw
4. Abbasi S A, Naseema Abbasi ,"Renewable Energy Sources and their Environmental Impact", Prentice-Hall of India,2004.


CONVENTIONAL POWER PLANTS: Layouts of steam, diesel, hydroelectric, gas turbine and nuclear power plants;
Hydroelectric power plant: Runoff river plants, pumped storage plants, underground stations; Hydel plant auxiliaries and plant
operation; Nuclear power plant: Nuclear fuels, elements and types of nuclear reactor, radiation hazards, radioactive waste
disposal. (9)

INDUSTRIAL POWER PLANTS: Gas and steam power cycles, super critical and ultra-super critical cycle, combined
cycle, binary cycles, cogeneration, tri-generation. (9)

COMBUSTION AND HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT: Types of combustion equipment, fuel and ash handling equipment,
selection of fans; Emission control: Flue gas, particulate and gaseous emission; Draft: Forced, induced and balanced; Heat
recovery equipment: Economizers, air preheaters and re-heaters, superheaters and de-superheaters. (9)

STEAM GENERATOR AND CONDENSER : Steam generators: Natural circulation, forced circulation, high pressure boilers
and super critical boilers, fluidized bed boiler, boiler accessories and mountings, boiler testing, process flow diagram;
Condensers: Types, design factors, air removal, performance calculation; Cooling towers: Natural and mechanical systems.

RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND PLANT ECONOMICS: Concentrating collectors, photovoltaic cell, horizontal and
vertical types of wind turbines, geothermal plants, tidal power plant, biomass and biogas plants, OTEC plants; Power plant
economics: Plant load factor, utilization factor, tariff rates, demand charges, load distributions, energy conservation and audit.

Total L: 45

1. Nag P K , "Power Plant Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2016.
2. El-Wakil M M , "Power Plant Technology", McGraw Hill Book Company Inc, 2017.

1. Rajput R K , "Power Plant Engineering", Laxmi Publications (p) Ltd, 2016.
2. Rudramoorthy R , "Thermal Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. Arora S C and Domkundwar S , "Power Plant Engineering", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2013.
4. Ashok V Desai , "Non-Conventional Energy", Wiley Eastern Limited, 2011.


ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Scope of energy audit, types of energy audit, energy audit methodology, role of energy managers;
Energy management system (EnMS): ISO standards, implementing energy efficiency measures, detailed project report, energy
monitoring and targeting, identification of energy conservation measures / technologies, economic and cost benefit
analysis, energy service companies (ESCOS). (9)

MECHANICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS: Energy sources, classification, fuel supply and demand, energy conversion efficiencies;
Mechanical energy conversion: Hydraulic, steam and gas turbines-performance characteristics and evaluation. (9)

ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THERMAL UTILITIES: Steam engineering in thermal and cogeneration plants; Efficient utilization of
steam: Piping, traps, flashing, condensate recovery, pinch analysis; Boiler: Losses and efficiency calculation methods, controls;
Furnaces: Heat balance and efficiency calculations, energy conservation opportunities, insulation and refractories. (9)

ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN ELECTRICAL UTILITIES: Electrical system efficiency improvements: Motor, diesel generator,
centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers, lighting systems; Air compressor: Line loss, leakage test, optimum pressure. (9)

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT: Industrial case studies: Assessment of energy generation/consumption in thermal station,
steel industry, cement industry, textile industry. (9)
Total L: 45

1. Alan P R, Beth P J , "Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries", Wiley Publications,, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Abbi Y P, Shashank , "Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management", The Energy and Resources Institute,

1. Energy Audit Manual The Guide , EMC-Kerala and NPC 2017.
2. Bureau of Energy Efficiency - Energy Management Series, 2006.
3. 1990.
4. Openshaw Taylor E, "Utilisation of Electric Energy", Orient Longman Ltd, 2003.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Overview, six sigma defined background, Methodology: DMAIC, DMADV phases, common terms,
transactional vs. Manufacturing six sigma projects, Five laws of lean-six sigma. (6)

PREPARATION PHASE: Assessing organizational readiness Pre-requisites for Six sigma implementation, internal
communication strategy and tactics, Formal launch, organizational structure, six sigma training plan, team stages,
characteristics of effective teams. Project selection (9)

DEFINE PHASE: Voice of the customer, CTQ, High level process map Cost of quality, Cost of poor quality DPMO
Sigma level calculation - Project charter. (9)

MEASURE AND ANALYSE PHASES: Overview types of measures introduction to statistical methods data collection
and analysis using 7QC tools Introduction to other measure tools QFD measurement system analysis process capability
analysis. Analyze phase overview Selection and application of hypothesis testing for normal data (12)

IMPROVE AND CONTROL PHASE: Overview Creativity techniques - Brainstorming - generation & selection of
improvement alternatives TRIZ PUGH Matrix. Introduction to failure mode and effects analysis - ROI analysis. Process
redesign principles; Control phase overview selection of control charts Visual controls - control plan. Challenges in Six
sigma Implementation, Common Pitfalls. (9)

Total: L: 45

1. Betsiharris Ehrlich, Six Sigma and Lean St. Lucia Press, 2002.
2. Donald W Benbow and Kubiak T M, Six Sigma Black Belt Pearson Education, 2018.

1. Jay Arthur, Six Sigma Tata McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 2012.
2. James Evans and William Lindsay, Introduction to Six Sigma and Process South-Western College,
3. Paul Keller, Sigma McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
Practitionersand Pearson FT Press, 2015


INTRODUCTION TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: Concept and theories of intellectual properties; history of
intellectual property rights; kinds of intellectual property rights; economic analysis - the intangible economy, need of private
rights versus public rights, national conventions and filing IPR aboard; ethics in intellectual property; advantages and
disadvantages of intellectual property rights. (13)

COPYRIGHTS: concept and principles; historical background and development of copyright law; steps in copyrights;
ownership of copyrights; emerging copyrights issues and challenges; industrial copyrights case studies. (7)

PATENTS: kinds of patents; elements of patentability - novelty, non-obviousness; steps in patenting, preparation of patent
application; ownership of patent rights; emerging patent issues and challenges; industrial patent application case studies.(12)

TRADEMARKS: kinds of trademarks; procedure in registration of trademark; ownership of trademarks; emerging

trademarks issues and challenges; industrial trademarks case studies. (7)


development; entrepreneurship skills, qualities of entrepreneur; how IPR impacts economic development; evidences and case
studies; Mini- project. (6)

Total L: 45

1. Peter S Menell, Mark A Lemley, Robert P Merges, Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Property in New
Technological Age: 2022 Volume I: Perspectives, Trade Secrets and Clause 8 Publishing, 2022.
2. Pandey Neeraj, Dharni Khusdeep, "Intellectual Property Rights", PHI learning Private Limited, 2014.

1. Keith E Maskus, "Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy", Institute for International Economics, USA, 2020.
2. Ramakrishna B, Anil Kumar H.S, "Fundamental of Intellectual Property Rights for Students, Industrialist andPatent
lawyers", Notion Press, 2017.
3. Ahuja, V K., "Law relating to Intellectual Property Rights", Lexis Nexis, 2017.
4. World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), "Intellectual property Handbook", WIPO, 2004.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


ENERGY OUTLOOK: Energy and growth, country energy balance; India and World - Disaggregation by supply, end use;
Energy and Quality of Life; Energy and Equity; Energy and Environment; Kaya Identity, resources & reserves, growth
rates in consumption, estimates of duration of fossil fuels, McKelvey diagram, peak oil
assessment and cost benefit analysis. (9)

SUSTAINABILITY: Economics of natural resources scarcity, non-

sustainability, population, ecosystems, water and agriculture; Sustainable development: Millennium development goals
(MDGs) and sustainable development goals (SDGs); impact assessment, cost benefit analysis; Pollution from energy use
reduction and control. (9)

ENERGY ECONOMICS: Simple payback period, time value of money, IRR, NPV, life cycle costing, cost of saved energy,
and cost of energy generated, energy chain, primary energy analysis, net energy analysis (9)

CLIMATE CHANGE: Carbon emissions and greenhouse effect: Sources, trends, warming potential of gases, impacts
of global warming, life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, climate change modelling and general
circulation models, positive and negative feedback loops. (9)

CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION: Carbon neutral and carbon negative cycles, emission reduction and its impacts,
carbon sequestration and geo-engineering technologies, solar radiation management (SRM), carbon dioxide
removal (CDR), IPCC, geopolitics of GHG control, CDM.

Total L: 45

1. Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, World energy assessment, UNDP New York, 2004.
2. Erach Bharucha, Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, Orient BlackSwan, 2013

1. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Arnulf Grubler and Alan McDonald energy Cambridge University Press,
2. AKN Reddy, RH
NationsPublications, New York, 1997.
3. Fowler, J.M ., and the McGraw Hill,1984.
4. Robert Ristirer, and Jack P. Kraushaar., and the Willey,2015.


CONCEPT AND FUNCTION: Entrepreneurship - concepts, functions, need and importance, myths about entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurial competencies, process of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurs, intrapreneur importance, self-
assessment of qualities, skills, resources and dreams; Ethics, values and social responsibility. (9)

ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGY: Approach to problem solving, opportunity assessment in service and manufacturing
sectors, generation of ideas, feasibility study, Introduction to business plan; Role of society and family in the growth of an
entrepreneur, challenges faced by an entrepreneur; Strategies for firm growth - internal and external growth strategies. (9)

CONCEPT OF MARKET: Market - traditional and e-commerce, concept and role. Types of business: manufacturing, trading
and services. Industry Analysis competitor analysis; Market Research for the new venture, defining the purpose or
objectives, gathering data from secondary and primary sources, result analysis and interpretation. (9)

BUSINESS FINANCE: Types of costs start up, variable and fixed; Pricing Methods; Financial statements P&L statement,
balance sheet; Break even analysis for single product or service; Introduction to taxes and legal aspects of business in India.

SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Support structure in India for promoting entrepreneurship, Government schemes for domestic and
export oriented startups, privileges for women entrepreneurs; Investors for startups - types, characteristics; IPR: Types of
copyright, ownership and duration of copyright, patenting process. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters and Dean Shepherd, Tata McGraw Hill, Noida, 2018
2. Prasanna Chandra, of Financial Tata McGraw Hill, Noida, 2014

1. Ramachandran, McGraw Hill, 2008
2. Aayush Arora, 1st Edition, Notion Press, 2020
3. Fayolle A, and new value Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Lee A and Innovation Open Press, 2017


INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ANALYTICS: Business analytics definition; Decision making; Framework for data-driven
decision making; Challenges in data-driven; Business Analytics Process; Relationship of Business Analytics Process and
organization; Competitive advantages of Business Analytics; Categorization of analytical methods and models. (9)

OVERVIEW OF STATISTICAL TOOLS AND VISUALIZATION: Data types and scales, types of data measurement scales,
population and sample, measures of central tendency, measures of variation, measures of shapes; Data visualization -
exploring and discovering data using various types of graphs, tables and dashboards; Use of software (R and Python). (10)

CURVE FITTING AND REGRESSION ANALYSIS: Data modeling; Types - simple linear regression, least square method,
multiple regression models; Model fitting and prediction with regression models; Use of software (R and Python). (8)

FORECASTING TECHNIQUES: Types of forecasting; Forecasting techniques and forecasting accuracy; Types of Time
Series models; Techniques to selecting appropriate forecasting models; Use of software (R and Python). (10)

OTHER TOOLS OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS: Use of embedded and collaborative business intelligence; Six sigma; DMAIC
methodology; Data Mining; Data Mining Methodologies; Mini-project. (8)

Total L: 45

1. U. Dinesh Kumar, "Business Analytics: The Science of Data - Driven Decision Making", 2nd edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Ohlmann, Jeffrey W, Anderson, David R, "Business Analytics" 4th edition, Cengage Learning, USA, 2022.

1. Marc J. Schniederjans, Dara G. Schniederjans, Christopher M. Starkey, "Business Analytics Principles, Concepts, and
Applications: What, Why, and How", Pearson FT Press, 2014.
2. James Evans, "Business Analytics", Pearson Education, 2020.
3. R N Prasad, Seema Acharya., "Fundamentals of Business Analytics" - 2nd Edition, Wiley India, 2016.
4. Jeffrey D Camm, James J Cochran, Michael J Fry, Jeffrey W Ohlmann, David R Anderson, Dennis J Sweeney,
Thomas AWiiliams, "Essentials of Business Analytics", Cengage, USA, 2015.


EMPATHIZE: Problem statement, observing real users, mindset, 5-whys, interview for empathy, inspiring stories,
building empathy with analogies, engaging with extreme users, bodystorm. (9)

DEFINE: Personas, empathy Map, customer journey map, experience map, affinity map, point-of-view, AEIOU,
storytelling, context mapping, vision cone. (9)

IDEATE: brainstorming, 2x2 Matrix, Dot voting, mind mapping, role-playing, concept sketching, 6-3-5 method, idea
mapping, analogies, benchmarking, NABC. (9)

PROTOTYPE: Need, sketching, paper interfaces, storyboards, Lego prototypes, visualizations, proof-of-concept, physical
models, wizard of Oz prototypes, user-driven prototypes, best practices. (9)

TEST: Concept testing, user testing, usability testing, functional testing, experience testing, surveys, tree testing, card
sorting, A/B testing, solution interview, testing sheet, and best practices. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Roger L.
HarperCollins books, 2009

1. Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, and Larry Leifer, "The Design Thinking Toolbox: A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular
andValuable Innovation Methods", Wiley, 1st edition, April 2020.
2. Falk Uebernickel, Li Jiang, Walter Brenner, Britta Pukall, Therese Naef and Bernhard Schindlholzer, "Design
Thinking:The Handbook", Ws Professional, 2020.
3. Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris, "Design Thinking", Bloomsbury Publishing India Private Limited, 2009.
4. Christian Muller-Roterberg, "Design Thinking For Dummies", Wiley, 2021

68th ACM 04.02.2023


CONCEPTS OF INTEGRATED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Importance of global requirements and its products and
services; Types of product development; Product development process of 21st Century involving PESTEL and SWOT, the
need for multi- disciplinary approach; Introduction to different product development methodologies; Product life-cycle and its
phases, End-of- product lifecycle (EoL); Intellectual property rights. (10)

REQUIREMENT ENGINEERING AND PROTOTYPE SELECTION: Importance of requirement engineering, Types of

requirements; Traceability matrix and analysis; Requirement management, Data collection; Introduction to concept
generation techniques: Concept screening and evaluation, Prototype: Types of prototypes; Introduction to rapid
prototyping and rapid manufacturing; Design specification. (10)

SYSTEM DESIGN AND MODELING: Expand prototype to a physical product; Introduction to system modelling, system
optimization, system specification, sub-system design; industrial design and user interface design, detailed design.
component design and verification. (8)

SYSTEM INTEGRATION: Integration of mechanical, controls, embedded, and software systems, High-level design/Low-
level design of software program; hardware schematic; component design, layout; challenges in the integration of
engineering disciplines. (9)

TESTING, CERTIFICATION, DOCUMENTATION AND EoL SUPPORT: Introduction to product verification processes and
stages; Introduction to product validation processes and stages; product testing standards and certification; product
documentation; sustenance; maintenance and repair, enhancements; product EoL, obsolescence management;
configuration management; EoL disposal; software testing; hardware testing. (8)

Total Credit: 45

1. Karl T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger, Design Tata McGraw Hill, 7th edition, India, 2020.
2. John W Newstorm, "Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work", Tata McGraw Hill Education, 12th
edition, India, 2017.

1. Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel, "Creating Breakthrough Products: Revealing the Secrets that Drive Global
Innovation (2nd Edition)", Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Hiriyappa B, Managing the Authorhouse, USA, 2013.
3. Vinod Kumar Garg and Venkitakrishnan N K, Resource Planning Concepts and Prentice
HallIndia, 2004.
4. Mark S Sanders and Ernest J McCormick, "Human Factors in Engineering and Design", McGraw Hill Education, 7th
edition, India, 1992.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



BASIC ASPECTS OF CORROSION : Introduction, classification, economics, EMF series, Galvanic series. Corrosion theories
: Derivation of potential current relationships of activation controlled and diffusion controlled corrosion processes; Potential
pH diagrams Fe-H2O system, application and limitations; Passivation. (5)

FORMS OF CORROSION : Definition, factors and control methods of various forms of corrosion : Uniform, galvanic, pitting,
inter granular, crevice, dezincification, stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement. (5)

CORROSION CONTROL METHODS : Atmospheric corrosion classification, factors influencing atmospheric

corrosion,temporary corrosion preventive methods ; Organic coating, corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection, anodic protection.

Total L: 15

1. E.E. Stansbury, R.A. Buchanan , "Fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion", ASM International, 2000.
2. M.G.Fontana, N.D. Greene , "Corrosion Engineering", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2005.
3. S.N.Banerjee , "An Introduction to Science of Corrosion and its Inhibition", Oxonian Press, New Delhi, 1985.
4. Zaki Ahmad , "Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control", Butterworth Heinemann, London, 2006


SIMULATOR COMPONENTS: Introduction to simulator; definition, objectives of the simulator, elements of a simulator; Types
of simulators - product simulator, process simulator, functional simulator, training simulator (4)

DESIGN AND INTEGRATION OF SIMULATOR: Design principles of a simulator; Tools; Hardware and software; Resources;
Integrated product development approach; interfaces - mechanical, electrical, electronic, and software; Configuring a
simulator to a specific application; Testing; Troubleshooting. (5)

APPLICATIONS OF SIMULATOR: Importance, advantages, cost reduction in various areas viz, training, operations, testing;
Safety and entertainment; Environmental simulation; Use in academic, research, and defense fields case studies.

Total L: 15
1. Annalisa Milella Donato Di Paola, Grazia Cicirelli , "Mechatronic Systems: Simulation Modeling and
Control", InTech, 2010.
2. Sankar Sengupta , "System Simulation and Modeling", Pearson Education India, 2014.
3. Klee Harold , "Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Matlab and Simulink", CRC Press Inc, New York, 2007.
4. Peter A. Hancock, Dennis A. Vincenzi, John A. Wise, Mustapha Mouloua , "Human Factors in Simulation and
Training", CRC Press, New York, 2008.


HISTORY AND INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Industry 4.0, history, Building blocks of Industry 4.0,
Product development phase, Simulation vs Digital Twin, Closed-loop manufacturing with digital twin for product development,
manufacturing process, and product performance management, Closed Loop Quality data management, defect identification,
Digital SPC in Production processes, IIOT, Machine vision, introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality and its role in product
design, marketing and training, Traceability, Supply chain & other blockchain use-cases with an introduction & demo of
Blockchain platform, Data analytics & optimization AI, Machine learning - Industry 4.0 maturity model. (6)

TECHNOLOGY ENABLERS: Introduction to Mobile App & Web App building activity, Introduction to 3D, VR & AR Low code
platform blender & Verge 3D, Introduction to Image analytics with an activity, Data capturing using apps, IIOT devices and
electronic forms and activity in Microsoft Power BI to understand low code tools for data handling and analytics, introduction
to Robotic process automation, Introduction to Cyber and data security. (9)

Total : 15

1. George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee, "Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business
Transformation", Harvard Business Edition, 2014.
2. Alasdair Gilchrist, "Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things", Apress, 2019.
3. Tom Taulli, "The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems", Apress; 1st ed.
edition 2020

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Shyam Varan Nath and Pieter van Schalkwyk, "Building Industrial Digital Twins: Design, develop, and deploy digital twin
solutions for real-world industries using Azure Digital Twins", Packt Publishing Limited, 2021


VALUE STREAM MAPPING: Sections of VSM - symbols of VSM- application of VSM for an industrial process. (2)

CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT (KAIZEN): Understanding the current status of the industry -establish metrics - identifying the
wastes - applying lean principles (PDCA) - measure productivity. (2)

FMEA: Applying the principles of FMEA- understand severity, detection and occurrence - develop FMEA based on process
flow-prioritize the activities to reduce RPN (4)

CONTROL PLAN: Applying the principles of control plan (CP)- understand sections of CP - establish parameters driven by
product and process- verification needed before start of process- constant monitoring for stability of process- reaction plan. (4)

ERROR PROOFING (POKA-YOKE) - Understanding error proofing Vs mistake proofing (MP) - when EP and MP should be
applied-develop EP and MP for a process- cost implications (3)

Total = L: 15

1. Ruffa, Stephen Lean: How the Best Companies Apply Lean Manufacturing AMACOM, A division of
American Association, Broadway, New York, 1995.
2. APQP Manual, Automotive Industry Action Group 2008
3. Hanser Pub
Inc, 2004.
Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated 2019


AUTOMATION OF ASSEMBLY LINES: High-cost, and low-cost automation examples, benefits, skills required;
Automation Principles and Strategies, Levels of Automation, Automation of Assembly Lines SPM, AGV productivity,
quality, and cost. (2)

AUTOMATION USING PNEUMATIC, ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, AND ROBOTS: Integration of logic elements in pneumatic
circuits, troubleshooting of pneumatics; Classification of sensors and transducers, basics; 8085 Microprocessors
programming, integration of microprocessors into servo systems; and flip-flops; Discrete Process Control. Robot Control
System, robotics circuits, application in industry, casestudy .(7)

ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION AND FMS: Fundamentals of Automated Production System, Methods of delivering works at the
workstations Introduction and classification, feeding devices general principles, vibratory devices - construction and
working, application in industries, non-vibratory devices construction and working, application in industries, automated
assembly customized part design, casestudy. Alternative Approaches to Flexible Manufacturing System, Case Study (6)

Total L: 15

1. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-integrated Manufacturing , Pearson Education,Fourth
edition, 2016.
2. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician's and Engineer's Guide , Butterworth-Heinemann; 3rd edition,
3. Bolton W., Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd,1997.
4. Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers, McGraw Hill, Fifth edition, 2019


INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRY 4.0: Need and benefits, fundamentals, and the current state of the factory, functional
elements of the smart factory Introduction of each functional element of MES .(4)

SIMULATION: IIOT, PLM, Digital Thread, Digital Twin, AR/VR; Simulation for factory, plant simulation, process simulation, IT
OT cyber security for Industry 4.0; Digital twin, digital thread, Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ), digitization of
workplace, digital operators, digital assets, industrial IoT, data, sensors, gateway, data processing, IIOT platforms, additive

68th ACM 04.02.2023

manufacturing. (7)

AI AND ML IN INDUSTRY 4.0: AR/VR/MR/Haptics, Examples of Industry 4.0 Implementations across the industry; Software
OEMs Platforms and solutions, technologies for Industry 4.0. (4)

Total L : 15

1. S. Misra, C. Roy, and A. Mukherjee, Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things, CRC Press, 1st
edition, 2020.
2. Ulrich Sendler, The Internet of Things: Industry 4.0 Unleashed, Springer Vieweg, 1st edition, 2018.
3. B.K. Tripathy, J. Anuradha, Internet of Things (IoT): Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Solutions, CRC
Press; 1st edition, 2017.
4. Alasdair Gilchrist, Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, Apress, 1st edition, 2019.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23Y001 Metallurgy of Steels and Nonferrous Alloys

23Y002 Metallurgy of Tool Materials
23Y003 Superalloys and High Entropy Materials
23Y004 Structure and Properties of Polymers
23Y005 Ceramics and Composites
23Y006 Battery Materials Engineering
23Y007 Nanomaterials Technology
23Y008 Biomaterials Engineering
23Y009 Kinetics in Metallurgical Processes
23Y010 Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue and Creep
23Y011 High Temperature Deformation
23Y012 Secondary Steel Making and Continuous Casting
23Y013 Metallurgy of Castings
23Y014 Welding Metallurgy
23Y015 Welding Procedures and Qualifications
23Y016 Finite Element Analysis of Welding Processes
23Y017 Metal Additive Manufacturing
23Y018 Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation
23Y019 Material Design and Selection
23Y020 Metallurgical Failure Analysis
23Y021 Mathematical Modelling in Metallurgical Engineering
23Y022 Microstructural Simulation
23Y023 Industrial Automation


23YO01 Archaeometallurgy
23YO02 Industrial Safety and Energy Management
23YO03 Operations Research
23YO04 Sustainable Manufacturing


23YF01 Blast Furnace Design and Cast House Practice

23YF02 Advanced Cast Irons and Foundry Management
23YF03 Corrosion Of Metals and Alloys: Industrial Preliminaries
23YF04 Advanced Steel Making and Steel Products

68th ACM 04.02.2023



LOW ALLOY STEELS: Introduction to carbon steels - effect of alloying elements - standards and specifications of steels.
HSLA steels - melting, heat treatment, the effect of microalloy additions in HSLA steels. Thermo Mechanically Controlled
Processed (TMCP) steels. Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) - DP steels, MP/CP steels, TRIP steels, TWIP steels, MBIP
steels. Steel for high temperature applications - C-Mo steels, Cr-Mo steels, Cr-Mo-V steels and Modified Cr-Mo-V steels,
standards and specifications. (9)

SPECIAL STEELS: Maraging steels - manufacture, structure and properties - heat treatment and applications of maraging
steels. Silicon steels - composition, structure, properties and applications. High manganese steels - composition, structure,
properties and applications. Low density Fe-Al-Mn steels for automotive structural applications. (9)

STAINLESS STEELS: Types of stainless steels: ferritic, martensitic, austenitic, precipitation hardening, duplex and heat
resisting steels - structure, properties and applications - Nickel free stainless steels, High Nitrogen Stainless Steels -
manufacture, structure, properties and applications. Powder Metallurgy of stainless steels and High Nitrogen Stainless Steels -
Sensitization in austenitic stainless steel and remedial measures. (9)

LIGHT METAL ALLOYS: ALUMINIUM alloys - Classification of aluminium alloys: wrought and cast alloys - heat treatable and
non-heat treatable alloys - physical metallurgy of Al alloys - strengthening mechanisms in non-heat treatable alloys and heat
treatable alloys. MAGNESIUM alloys: Properties and applications of magnesium and magnesium alloys - influence of alloying
elements: Al, Mn, Zn, Si, Ag, Th and Zr - classification - cast alloys and wrought alloys. TITANIUM alloys - Introduction: effect of
alloying elements - alpha stabilizers and beta stabilizers; alpha, beta, and alpha - beta titanium alloys; structure - property
correlations - melting, casting and welding of titanium alloys - applications of commercial titanium and titanium alloys. (9)

COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS: Properties and applications of pure copper - influence of alloying elements. Cu-Zn alloys
(brasses). Types of bronzes - tin bronze, phosphor bronze, Al bronze and Be bronze - compositions, properties and uses -
copper - nickel alloys; properties and applications. NICKEL alloys: Metallurgy of nickel base alloys - alloying elements and their
effects - nickel base super alloys - composition; melting, forging - solid solution alloys and precipitation hardenable alloys -
nickel - iron base alloys: heat treatment, properties and applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Angelo P C, Ravisankar B, Introduction to Steel - .
2. Balram Gupta, "Aerospace Materials", Vol.1, 2 and 3, S Chand and Co., New Delhi, 1996.

1. Edgar C Bain, Paxton H
2. Clark D S, Varney W R , CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2004.
4. , Kindle Edition, 2018.


CLASSIFICATION OF TOOL STEELS: AISI system - selection of tool steels - Properties of tool steels. Testing of tool steels:
Mechanical properties of tool steels, strength, hardness and toughness. Properties at elevated temperatures - microstructure -
distribution of carbides - coating thickness - Micro hardness - adhesive stress and crack resistance. (9)

METALLIC TOOL MATERIALS: Production techniques - problems in melting - refining methods: VAR, ESR and EBM. Powder
Metallurgy processing and forming of tool steels. Properties and applications of high carbon tool steels, high alloyed tool steels
and maraging steels. (9)

HEAT TREATMENT OF TOOL STEELS: Selection of quenching and tempering. Parameters-precautions - effect or retained
austenitic - multiple tempering, sub zero treatment and cyno treatment surface treatment - defects in tool steels - over heated
and burnt structure - decarburization. (9)

CERAMIC TOOL MATERIALS: Sintered tungsten carbide tools - ISO classification - applications of P, M, K grade, cermet -
ceramides. Mixed and reinforced grades. Cubic Boron Nitride - Poly Crystalline Diamond. (9)

coating by PVD coating of carbide tools - mono and multilayer coatings - TiC, TiN, Alumina & DLC by PVD and CVD
processing, Plasma Nitriding, Ti and face coating. Surfacings. (9)

Total L: 45


68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Rafael A. Mesquita, Tool Steels Properties

1. Wilson R , Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Tools Steels McGraw-Hill , London, 1975.
ASM Specialty Handbook: , Material Park, OH ASM Publications, 1998


ALLOY DESIGN FOR SUPERALLOYS: Brief history of superalloys - Definition and applications of superalloys. Types of
Superalloys: Fe-based Super alloys, Co-based Super Alloys and Nickel based superalloys. Physical Metallurgy of Superalloys:
Alloy design and compositional effects: Alloy design parameters for new advanced super alloys (9)

ALLOY DESIGN FOR HIGH ENTROPY ALLOYS: Brief history of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) - Definition and types of HEAs:
Single phase HEAS and Dual phase HEAs - Four Core Effects in HEAs - High Entropy effects - Severe lattice distortion effects
- Sluggish Diffusion effects and cocktail effects, Thermodynamic parameters to predict the formation of solid solution HEAs -
Parametric approach to predict solid solution, intermetallics, quasi crystals and metallic glass. (9)

PROCESSING METHODOLOGY: Casting Methods: Electric arc furnace and Vacuum Induction melting and Thin strip casting.
Solid State Processing Methods: Mechanical Milling, Spark Plasma Sintering Coating Methods. Physical Vapor Deposition,
Chemical Vapor Deposition and Laser cladding methods. Additive Manufacturing Techniques: Selective Laser Melting, Direct
Metal Deposition - Selective electron beam melting and Wire-arc additive manufacturing - Processing challenges and possible
remedies. (9)

STRUCTURE - PROPERTY RELATION: Mechanical Properties: strengthening mechanisms in Super alloys - fracture
behavior and creep behavior of Super alloys - Fracture and fatigue behavior of High Entropy Alloys - corrosion behavior and
electrochemical properties. Functional Properties: thermoelectric, magnetic, Super conducting and hydrogen storage
properties. (9)

MATERIAL SELECTION: Consideration in the selection of super alloys: environmental resistance, formability, castability and
machinability - Single - Crystal super alloys for Turbine blade applications, Super alloys for Thermal power plant applications,
High Entropy Alloys for structural applications, High Entropy Alloys for refractory applications - High Entropy Alloys for
thermoelectric applications. (9)

Total L : 45

1. , Cambridge University Press, 2006.
2. Murty B S, Yeh J W, Ranganathan S, Bhattacharjee P, "High-Entropy Alloys", Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.

1. International, Materials Park, Ohio, USA.
2. Srivatsan T S aylor and Francis Group,
CRC Press, New York, USA, 2020.
3. national, Materials Park, Ohio,
4. -


INTRODUCTION TO POLYMERS: Polymers-thermoplastics and thermosets - examples, structure, properties and applications
of important engineering plastics (PolyEthylene, PolyPropylene, PolyStyrene, PolyVinylChloride, PolyTetraFluoroEthylene,
PolyOxyMethylene, PolyPhenyleneOxide, PolyEtherKetone, PolyUrethane and PolyMethylMethacrylate). Elastomers:
engineering rubber, natural rubber - styrene-butadiene rubber, nitrile rubbers, silicones - structure, properties and application

BONDING IN POLYMERS: Basic concepts of macromolecules-Monomers-Functionality-Classification and nomenclature of

polymers. Step growth polymerization - Chain length and Degree of Polymerisation- simple problems. (6)

STRUCTURE - PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP: Structure and properties of polymers - Linear, branched, cross linked, and
network polymers - Homochain and hetero atomic chain polymers - Copolymers and its types - Linear and cyclic
arrangement - Polymer properties estimation techniques, topological techniques - Volumetric properties - molar volume,
density, Van der Waals volume - Coefficient of linear thermal expansion and volumetric thermal expansion - Pressure
Volume Temperature.(PVT) relationship. (11)

BEHAVIOUR OF POLYMERS: Transition temperature in polymers: Glass transition (Tg) and melt transition (Tm),
relationship between Tg and Tm - visco elasticity: concept of creep and stress relaxation in polymers. Introduction to yielding
and fracture of polymers - crazing of polymers. Brief idea of fracture mechanics - problems. (6)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PROPERTIES OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS: Mechanical properties - Stress-strain curve for different classes of polymers
- Effect of polymer structure on modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, yield strength,
fracture toughness- Optical properties - Effect of polymer structure on optical properties - clarity, transparency, haze,
transmittance, absorbance, reflectance, and gloss - Chemical Properties - Cohesive energy, cohesive energy density,
solubility parameter, determination of solubility parameter of polymers - Prediction of solubility parameter, Biodegradability
of polymers Applications of Polymers-General, engineering, aerospace, biomedical sports and aggressive environments.

Total L: 45
1. Brent A Strong, "Plastics: Materials and Processing", Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Callister W D, "Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction", John Wiley and Sons, 2018.

1. Carraher C E, "Polymer Chemistry", Marcked Deckker, New York, 2005.
2. Charles A Harper, "Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers and Composites", McGraw Hill, USA, 2002.
3. Mc Crum N G, Buckley C P, Bucknall C B , "Principles of Polymer Engineering", Oxford University Press, 1997.


INTRODUCTION TO CERAMIC STRUCTURES AND DEFECTS: Crystal Structures in Ceramics - Sodium chloride, cesium
chloride, alumina, spinel and fluorite structures - examples. problems on crystal systems (Pauling's Rules), structure of covalent
structures - Structures of Glasses and properties - brief idea of silicon structures. Simple problems involving Packing Fraction,
critical radius ratio and density. Defects in Ceramics - Problems. (9)

MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF CERAMICS: Elasticity and brittle fracture- Toughening Mechanism - Glasses - Mechanical
behaviour of glass, Weibull Statistics and Design for brittle failure. ENGINEERING CERAMICS: Ceramics for Mechanical,
Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic functions - examples and applications. FORMING OF CERAMICS: Brief description of slip
and slurry casting, hot pressing, Hot Isostatic Pressing, liquid phase sintering - applications. (9)

INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITES: Classification - Introduction to PMC, CMC, MMCs - properties & applications - FIBER
COMPOSITES: Constituents-functions of fiber and matrix- properties of fibers-critical fiber length-aligned and random fiber
composites. property prediction-rule of mixtures-problems. Concept of interfaces and interfacial reactions in fiber composites.
PARTICULATE COMPOSITES: Types-true particulate and dispersion strengthened composites - function and examples of
dispersoids - particle size - interparticle spacing, applications- examples of particulate composites - numerical problems.
Carbon - Carbon composites and hybrid composites. (9)

LAMINAR COMPOSITES: Types - layered and honeycomb structures-examples manufacture and applications .Laminates-
Assumptions, Strains, Stress Resultants, Plate Stiffness and Compliance, Computation of Stresses, Types of Laminates -
Symmetric Laminates, Antisymmetric Laminate, Balanced Laminate, Quasi - isotropic Laminates, Cross - ply Laminate, Angle -
ply Laminate. Orthotropic Laminate. (9)

PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES: Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs), Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) and Ceramic Matrix
Composites (CMCs) - Directionally Solidified Eutectics (DSE's) - production. Production of Fiber Reinforced -
metallic, polymer and ceramic matrix composites. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Barry Carter C, Grant Norton M, Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering, Springer New York, 2013.
2. Kingery W D, Bowen H K, Uhlmann D R Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.2016.

1. Chawla K K, "Composite Materials - Science and Engineering", Springer, Newyork, 2012.
2. Michael Barsoum, "Fundamentals of Ceramics", McGraw Hill Inc, Newyork, 2000.
3. An introduction to Composite Materials", Cambridge University Press 2011.


ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF BATTERIES : Chemical and Electrochemical reactions - components of electrochemical cells -
operation of a Cell - Self-Discharge - Theoretical Cell Voltage, Capacity, and Energy, Specific Energy and Energy Density of
batteries - Thermodynamic Background - variation in the Voltage with discharging and recharging - Cycling Behaviour. (9)

DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRODES: Negative Electrodes - Lead electrode, Aluminium and Magnesium electrode, Zinc and
Cadmium Electrode in aqueous systems - Metal Hydride Electrodes - Negative Electrodes in Lithium Cells, Positive Electrodes:
Manganese Dioxide lectrode Electrodes in aqueous systems. (9)

DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTROLYTES : Liquid Electrolytes - general considerations on stability of electrolytes Vs - alkali

68th ACM 04.02.2023

metals - elevated temperature electrolytes for alkali Metals - electrolyte stability windows and their extension - composite
structures for stability regimes - Solid electrolytes. (9)

TYPES OF BATTERIES: Primary Batteries: voltaic pile, Daniell cell, Zinc - carbon Batteries - alkaline - Manganese Dioxide
Batteries. Secondary Batteries: Lead - Acid, Nickel - Iron, Nickel Cadmium, Nickel - Zinc, Nickel - Hydrogen, Nickel - Metal
Hydride and Lithium - Ion Batteries. (9)

BATTERY DESIGN: Battery Characteristics - performance, design, selection & standardization. General characteristics and
factors affecting battery performance. Battery Design and Construction - Selection and application of batteries - battery
standardization. (9)

Total L : 45
: Materials Science Springer, 2009.
2. Elsevier, 2018

-Hill Companies, 2002


GmbH, 1999.


STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS: Definition - classification of nano materials - structure of nano
materials - comparison with conventional materials. Basic concepts - relationship between grain size and properties - physical
properties: color, conductivity - Thomson effect, optical properties - surface plasmon effect - chemical properties - reactivity -
mechanical properties - strength and hardness of nano particles. (9)

SYNTHESIS OF NANOMATERIALS: Basic approaches - top down and bottom up approaches - various methods for producing
nano materials - zero, one, two and three dimensional materials. Solid state (mechanical) methods: Mechanical Alloying (MA)
and Mechanical Milling (MM), Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) - Chemical synthesis: sol-gel method, combustion synthesis
and co-precipitation techniques, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) - Physical methods: electrolysis, microwave and plasma
synthesis, condensation, Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and thermal spray processing. (9)

CHARACTERISATION OF NANOMATERIALS: Importance of nano materials characterisation and techniques - X-Ray

Diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) - Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) / STM - Thermal methods:
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), spectroscopy analysis - Nano indentation
technique. (9)

CONSOLIDATION AND SPECIFIC NANOMATERIALS: Problems in consolidation - FAST process variables - examples; High
pressure shock consolidation - explosive forming. Nano coatings - dip, plasma and spray coating assembly of nano structures.
Processing of semi conducting, metallic and magnetic nano particles, fullerenes, nano tubes, Quantum dots, GaN wires, nano
TiO2, nano ZnO - properties, applications and advantages. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Structural and continuous coatings for corrosive environments, electronic and optical applications - thin and
multi layer capacitors, sensors and quantum dots, energy storage devices - inorganic membranes for gas separation, fuel cells,
catalysts, solar cells and efficient micro batteries - biomedical - valves for artificial hearts and internal drug release devices. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Murthy B S, Shankar P 6.

1. Charles P Poole and Frank J Owens,
2. Michael Wilson, Kamali Chapman
and Hall, New York, 2002.
3. McGraw Hill Professional, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Ying J Y


INTRODUCTION TO BIOMATERIALS: Need for biomaterials - composition and properties: biocompatibley, bioactive, bioinert,
corrosion resistance, strength and weight. Metallic biomaterials: stainless steels, cobalt - chromium alloys, titanium alloys and

68th ACM 04.02.2023

noble metals - merits and demerits. Ceramic biomaterials: calcium phosphates and their forms, alumina, zirconia, titania -
Polymeric biomaterials: methacrylates, lactic acid derivatives and silicone rubber (9)

SYNTHESIS OF BIOMATERIALS: Physical methods: Electrophoretic, Chemical methods: Sol-gel, combustion synthesis,
cathodic deposition, anodization and precipitation methods. Mechanical methods: Mechanical Alloying - characteristics - Effect
of alloying elements like Na, Mg, Sr, Ag, Carbonates on biocompatibility. (9)

BIOMATERIAL COATINGS & PROPERTIES: Biomimetic, plasma spraying, sol-gel, electrochemical methods, LASER and
Ion-implantation. Coating charactaerisation: roughness, adhesion strength, wettability and contact angle measurements. (9)

CHARACTERISATION: Important characterisation techniques - XRD, SEM / EDS, TEM, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) /
STM, and XPS, FTIR and UV Spectroscopy, Inductively coupled plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP - AES)
technique Texture studies. (9)

BIOLOGICAL STUDIES: Corrosion: leaching studies in SBF, Polarization, Impedance, Open Circuit Potential measurements.
In vitro cell culture: Cell seeding, cyto toxicity, MTT assay, protein quantity measurements - In vivo studies: Surgical procedure,
removal torque measurement, pathological studies. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ratner BD, Hoffman A S, Schoen F J, Lemons J E Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine
Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
2. Sujatha

1. Ed: Balani K, Verma V, Agarwal A, Narayan Biosurfaces: A Material Science and Engineering Perspective Wiley, 2015.
2. Masoud Mazafari, Elsevier, 2020.
3. sevier, 2020.
4. 2019.


CHEMICAL KINETICS: Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics - types of processes - kinetics at high temperatures -
kinetics of heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions. Variation of reaction rate with concentration and temperature - theory of
absolute reaction rate - problems. Gas - solid and gas - liquid interfacial reactions. (9)

DIFFUSION AND ITS APPLICATIONS: - generalized diffusion equation - steady state, pseudo steady state and
unsteady state diffusion - one dimensional case - diffusion coefficient. Examples of pseudo steady state and unstudy state
diffusion. (9)

TRANSPORT PHENOMENA: Mass transfer under laminar flow and turbulent flow - turbulence and mixing - boundary layer and
mass transfer coefficient. Convective mass transfer, momentum - heat - mass transfer analogy - application in pyrometallurgy,
mass transfer between two fluids - surface renewal theory. (9)

POROUS SOLID REACTIONS WITH GASES: Diffusion of gases through porous solids reduction kinetics of oxides by gases
- kinetics of gasification of carbon by carbon dioxide - kinetics and mechanism of reduction of iron oxides by carbon. Numerical
problems. (9)

PHASE TRANSFORMATION KINETICS: Thermodynamics of transformations - types and kinetics of phase transformation -
thermally activated growth - overall transformation kinetics - transformations by athermal growth - solidification kinetics for one
component liquid. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ahindra Ghosh & Sudip to New Delhi, 2014.
2. Hem Shanker Ray, Sarad Metal series, Springer
Publications, 2018.

1. Metallurgie Extractive Quebec; Canada, 1999.
2. - Inc., 2015.
3. Mo Pvt Ltd, 2009.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO FRACTURE MECHANICS: Brief history of metallic failures, Prediction of Theoretical Strength in
materials, Introduction to LEFM and EPFM - Fracture criteria: Griffith theory of fracture, Inglish Theory of fracture and
theory of fracture, Energy release rate and stress intensity factor - relation between G and K - Different modes of Fracture. (9)

FRACTURE TOUGHNESS TESTING: Determination of plane strain fracture toughness, standard sample preparation, CTOD
and R curve. Notch sensitivity Testing, J - controlled Fracture: Introduction to J-Integral and Dugdale model and experimental
evaluation of J-Integral - Failure Assessment Diagram - Mixed mode fracture - crack initiation and life estimation under static
loading - Crack arrest and repair methodologies. (9)

FATIGUE: Types of fatigue, S - N Curve, Low Cycle Fatigue - Coffin - Manson law. High Cycle fatigue - Basquin's law. Fatigue
testing, instrumentation and data analysis. Factors affecting fatigue behavior (surface finish, surface strength reducers, residual
stresses, stress concentration, temperature and frequency). (9)

FATIGUE LIFE PREDICTION MODELS: Fracture mechanics approach - Paris law. Cumulative damage and fatigue life
prediction models - - stages in fatigue crack growth. Methods to improve fatigue life of engineering components:
Case hardening, shot peening, surface texturing and coating methods. (9)

CREEP: Creep curve, Creep mechanism, Fatigue - creep interactions. Creep, Fracture, stress corrosion cracking and
Hydrogen Induced Cracking, Fractographic analysis: Identification of fracture and fatigue failure modes, Fatigue behavior of
ferrous and non - ferrous alloys, Fatigue behavior of ceramics and composite materials. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Meyers M A, Chawla K K, "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials", Prentice Hall Inc, New York, 2017.
2. Richard W. Hertzberg, Richard P. Vinci, Jason L. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering
Materials", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.

1. George E Dieter, "Mechanical Metallurgy", McGraw Hill Education; 2017.
2. Broek D, "Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986.
3. Ed Lampman R S, "ASM Handbook, Volume 19 - Fatigue and Fracture", ASM International, 2012.


CREEP: Introduction to creep deformation, creep curve and phenomenological models - Creep testing methods, creep
mechanisms, Effects of stress and temperature - Creep rate equation - steady-state creep parameter, Creep resistant alloys,
Importance, design and development of creep resistant alloys - Creep Life Prediction models based on creep curve and stress
rupture data. (9)

DEFORMATION MECHANISMS: Deformation mechanisms: Power Law creep by Glide, Power Law Creep by Glide and
Climb; Harper - Dorn Creep, Power - Law Breakdown and Diffusional Creep. Creep Rate equations, Construction of
deformation mechanism maps - Deformation mechanisms maps for BCC, FCC and HCP metals, Deformation mechanism
maps for Nickel based super alloys and ceramics. (9)

SUPERPLASTICITY: Introduction to Superplasticity -Types of superplastic materials - Superplasticity model, Superplasticity

forming methods: Severe Plastic Deformation Techniques: Equi - Channel Angular Extrusion, High-Pressure Torsion and
Accumulative Roll bonding. Superplastic forming techniques: blow forming, vacuum forming and thermo-forming. (9)

PROCESSING & DEFORMATION MAPS: Introduction to processing maps, Dynamic Material Models, Power dissipation map,
Instability map - Processing maps of Commercially Important materials: Stainless steel, Nickel-based super alloys, Titanium
alloys and Aluminum alloys. Application of Deformation Mechanism Maps: Multiaxial Stress and Strain Rates, procedure for
applying the Maps, Case Studies: Creep of Super Alloy Turbine Blade, Creep of Tungsten Filament Bulb and Creep of 316
Stainless Steel for Nuclear Reactors (9)

FAILURE ANALYSIS & PREVENTION: Creep failures: Source of failures and protective methods, Case studies: Failure
analysis of jet nozzle casing of aeroengine - Failure analysis of turbine blades and boiler tubes.
High Temperature oxidation: Types and mechanisms/kinetics of oxidation - factors affecting oxidation and protection methods.
Case studies: failure analysis on bearings of aeroengine and failure analysis of super heater tube in thermal power station. (9)

Total L: 45

1. George E -Hill Publication, 2014.
2. Harold J Frost, Michael F -
Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 1982.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Prasad Y V R K
Ohio, USA 2015.
3. Woodhead Publishing
Limited, United Kingdom, 2011.


STEEL QUALITY: Concept of steel quality - typical examples of common defects - present quality demands scenario -
application - specific requirements of residuals and non - metallic inclusions limitations of primary steelmaking - importance of
different secondary refining processes. (9)

SECONDARY STEELMAKING PROCESSES: Secondary refining processes: types, heating, stirring and homogenization -
composition control and alloy selection - use of ladle furnace - vacuum degassing operations (9)

SECONDARY STEELMAKING REFINING REACTIONS: Decarburization, deoxidation, desulphurization - injection of calcium -

degassing - vacuum degassing. (9)

CONTINUOUS CASTING: Equipment, different routes and temperature control - nature and distribution of entrapments in
casting - sources of exogenous entrapments - effect of vertical vis-a-vis curved mould , quality of cast product - role of concast
process - caster design and steel grade - primary cooling in caster mould - heat transfer in mould - cast structure and dendrite
size in blooms and slabs. (9)

QUALITY CONTROL IN CONTINUOUS CASTING: factors affecting continuous casting - role of mould oscillation - role of steel
chemistry, deleterious effect of phosphorus - role of segregation. Strength of Solidifying strand - brittle zone near solidus,
strength and toughness of solid shell - role of steel chemistry on solidification behavior: sticking vis-a-vis depression behaviour
and bulging or depression tendency - effect of cast grain size - brittle temperature regions . (9)

Total: 45


Publishers Private Limited, 2005.

1. Irwing W R, Continuous Casting of Steel , The Institute of Materials, London, 1993.
2. Fruehan R The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel , AISE Steel Foundation, 1999.


SOLIDIFICATION OF METALS AND ALLOYS: Solidification of castings - Effect of composition on freezing pattern. Effect of
moulding materials and cooling rate on freezing pattern. Shrinkage of casting and directional solidification of castings. (9)

CAST IRONS: Graphitization: effect of normal elements and alloying elements in cast Irons. Types and sizes of graphite for
Grey Cast Iron and S.G.Iron. Production, compositional, properties and microstructure. Properties of austenitic cast irons, high
silicon cast irons, high chrome cast Irons. Ni - Hard cast irons. Grey cast iron, S.G.Iron, Austempered S.G.Iron. C.G.Iron and
Malleable cast irons: composition control for cast irons - simple problems in composition control. Specifications IS, BS, EN and
ASTM standards - different inoculants and inoculation techniques. (9)

STEELS: Effect of normal elements and alloying elements in steels. Compositional aspects and properties of alloy steels.
Melting procedure and composition control for carbon steels, low alloy steels and stainless steels. Simple problems in
composition control - slag - metal reactions - desulphurization dephosphorisation. Specifications for carbon steels, low alloy
steels and stainless steels as per ASTM, BS, EN and standards - modification and grain refinement of steels. (9)

NON-FERROUS CAST ALLOYS: Specifications, composition, properties and phase diagrams of Copper, Aluminium,
Magnesium, Zinc and Nickel base alloys. Melting procedure and composition control for Al alloys, Mg alloys, Nickel alloys,
Zinc alloys and copper alloys - modification and grain refinement of Al alloys - problems in composition control. Specifications
IS, BS, EN and ASTM standards. (9)

GASES IN METALS: Various degassing techniques for metals and alloys. FLUIDITY: Definition, factors affecting and
measurement of fluidity. RESIDUAL STRESSES: Origin, effects and stress relieving operations. DEFECTS IN CASTINGS:
Identification, their causes and remedies - fish bone diagram, FMEA and WHY analysis. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Heine R W, Loper C R Rosenthal P C, "Principles of Metal Casting", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Hasse Fredriksson, Ulla Åkerlind , "Materials Processing During Casting", John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

1. Ed Moosbrugger, Ed De Guire E, "ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting", ASM International, 2013.
2. Beeley P R, "Foundry Technology", Butterworth - Heinemann, London, 2001.


WELDING METALLURGY FUNDAMENTALS : Weld solidification: Absorption of gases, liquid metal reactions - solid
state transformations in weldments - strengthening mechanisms in weld metals - heat affected zones. Heat Flow,
temperature distribution, cooling rate, weld thermal cycle. Weldability: Factors affecting weldability - Weldability tests: cold
cracking tests, hot cracking tests. Mechanical tests - Weld tension and bend tests. (9)

WELDING OF CARBON STEELS AND LOW ALLOY STEELS: Phase transformations - Hydrogen Induced Cracking, carbon
equivalent - preheating and post heating - solidification cracking, lamellar cracking and reheat cracking. Welding of Cast
Irons: Weld metal and HAZ microstructures -Defects and remedies - filler metal selection (9)

WELDING OF STAINLESS STEELS: Welding of austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, duplex and precipitation hardenable stainless
steels. General Welding characteristics - Weld microstructures. Weld cracking and other metallurgical problems, Use of
Constitution diagrams (Schaeffler, Delong, WRC-1992). Filler metal selection. Dissimilar welds with stainless steels. (9)

WELDING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS: Oxide formation, Hydrogen solubility, Difficulties due to electrical and thermal
characteristics, sensitivity to weld cracking. Filler metal selection. Weldability of heat treatable and non-heat- treatable
aluminium alloys (9)

WELDING OF NICKEL ALLOYS: Metallurgical Difficulties, Solidification Cracking, Slag Detachability Problem, Porosity
Issues. Welding of Titanium Alloys: Reactivity of Titanium, Embrittlement Cracking, Hydrogen Induced Cracking, Soft Zone
Formation, Effect of Process Parameters, Material Parameters, Filler Metal Selection (9)

Total L:45

1. Sindo Kou, "Welding Metallurgy", John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
2. John C Lippold, "Welding Metallurgy and Weldability", John Wiley and Sons, 2015.

1. American Welding Society, Welding Handbook Volumes , ASM International, 2003.
2. Lancaster J F, "Metallurgy of Welding", Woodhead Publishing Series, Elsevier, 1999.
3. - Heinmann, 1992


& SAW. Welding power source, equipment, filler metals, classifications as per AWS specifications, Introduction to QW 401,QW
405,QW 408,QW 410 as per ASME code, EN ISO standards for welding. (10)

WELDING METALLURGY: Review of material weldability: HIC, IGCC, solidification cracking - Concept of P number for steels
and Al alloys & Ti alloys, F number and A number for consumable, preheat, interpass and post heat treatment determination
for different materials. (8)

CODES AND TESTING: Familiarization of codes: ASME Sec IX, its evolution and applications for welding and brazing. Sec IIC
on welding filler metals, Structural welding code AWS D1.1, Essential, non-essential and supplementary essential variables.
Weldment test requirements: bend, tensile, hardness, fillet break test, micro and macro examination. (9)

WPS OF CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEEL: Steps in establishment of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS),Procedure
Qualification Records (PQR), Welding Performance Qualification. Writing of WPS of Carbon steel plates of 10 mm with SMAW
& TIG, WPS of low alloy steel plate with MIG /FCAW, Writing of WPS for heavy thickness plates using SAW process. (9)

WPS AND WPQ OF STAINLESS STEEL AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS: WPS preparation of ferritic stainless steel, austenitic
stainless steel and martensitic steel tubes/pipes and castings, WPS for weld overlaying of stainless steel over low alloy steel,
WPS preparation of Al alloys: essential variables for WPQ in SMAW and GTAW - preparation of WPQ for various positions of
welding in pipes up to 6G using SMAW and GTAW process for up to 100 mm thickness. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Sindo Kou, "Welding Metallurgy", John Wiley and Sons, 2003.

1. ASME, ection IX - Welding, 2021.
2. ASME - Material - Part -


INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS: Basic concepts of FEA - General procedure for FEA: discretization &
types of elements, Initial and boundary conditions - Formulation of element. stiffness matrices and load vectors for one
dimensional solid mechanics including thermal stresses and heat transfer - FEA of solidification. (9)

HEAT SOURCE MODELLING: Modes of heat source in fusion welding process - Characteristic of heat source. Mathematical
model of distributed heat source on the surface: Gaussian Model - Nature of volumetric heat source. Conduction mode and
Keyhole mode - Selection of heat source parameters: disc, elliptical, double elliptical, conical, & hybrid - Introduction to heat
source model for solid state welding process (9)

HEAT TRANSFER AND PHASE TRANSFORMATION DURING WELDING: Fundamentals of heat transfer during welding,
Incorporation of heat source model - Initial and boundary conditions. Basic equations of heat transfer in welding - Thermal
material characteristics values - Finite element formulation: stiffness matrices and load vectors for thermal analysis in welding -
Fundamentals of phase transformation analysis during welding - Formulation of mathematical model for phase transformation in
steels: Leblond equation, Koistinen - Marburger equation. (9)

HEAT FLOW ANALYSIS IN WELDING: Application of FEA to fusion welding process - Transport phenomena in welding -
Tracking of solid - liquid interface region - Weld thermal cycle & Weld Isotherms; Heat transfer and fluid flow in fusion welding,
laser welding & dissimilar welding; Introduction to general procedure for thermal model development (9)

ELASTIC- PLASTIC ANALYSIS IN WELDING: Fundamentals of elastic plastic models - Basic equations of thermo mechanics.
Thermo mechanical material characteristics values - thermal strain, yield criteria & hardening rule - Thermo mechanical model -
Finite element formulation stiffness matrices and load vectors for elastic plastic analysis - Analysis of stress and strain in
welding - Solution strategy of residual stress and distortion analysis using FEM . (9)

Total L: 45


-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


1. Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla and Ashok D tional Edition,
Pearson Education Limited, 2014.
2. Ravichandran G, Finite Element Analysis of Weld Thermal Cycles Using ANSYS , Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press,


INTRODUCTION TO METAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Evaluation of additive manufacturing, Forms of Metals: Metal
Powder, Wire and Electrodes, Recycled Metal, Recycling and Reuse of metal powders. Design and Applications: Medical,
Aerospace, Automotive, Remanufacture and Repair, Scanning and Reverse Engineering - Hybrid Additive/Subtractive
Systems. (9)

CAD MODELLING AND HEAT SOURCES: Digitization techniques data processing - CAD model preparation, part orientation,
support generation, model slicing and tool path generation. Molten Pool, Laser sources, Electron Beams, Electric and Plasma
Arc and arc systems, Hybrid Heat Sources. Stereo lithography(SLA),Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Fused Deposition
Modelling (FDM). (10)

ADVANCED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING METAL PROCESSES :Additive Manufacturing with Laser Beams : Powder Bed
Fusion Systems , Directed Energy Deposition Systems - Additive Manufacturing with Electron Beams : Powder Bed Fusion
Systems, Directed Energy Deposition Systems,3D Metal Printing with Arc Welding Systems, Binder Jet Technology, Cold
Spray Technology- Nano and Micro Scale Methods. (10)

DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND METAL DESIGN CONSTRAINTS: Elements of Design: Material Selection and Process
Selection - Additional Design requirements: Support Structure Design, Design of Fixtures, Jigs, and Tooling - Test Specimen
Design, Prototype Design and Hybrid Design Cost Analysis, Design considerations and Design constraints.. (8)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PROCESSING AND INSPECTION OF METALS: Building and Post Processing - Bulk Deposit Defects, Dimensional
Accuracy, Shrinkage, and Distortion, Inspection, Quality, and Testing of AM Metal Parts: Nondestructive Test Methods -
Destructive Test Methods - Proof Testing - Standards and Certification. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Milewski, John O, Additive Manufacturing of Metals - From Fundamental Technology to Rocket Nozzles , Medical Implants,
and Custom Jewelry- Springer US, 2017.
2. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen and Brent Stucker, Additive Manufacturing Technologies- Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital
Manufacturing-Springer US, 2010.

1. ASTM Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies , Vols.F2792-12a. West Conshohocken, P A: ASTM
International, 2012.
2. Ready J F, Farson Handbook of Laser Materials Processing . Orlando F L: Laser Institute of America, Magnolia
Publishing Inc. 2001.


IMPORTANCE OF ADVANCED NDT TECHNIQUES: Global frame work: New and high critical applications - Product safety
and reliability: In-line diagnostics and Security monitoring. Driving forces for advancements in NDT. Positive Material
Identification (PMI): Introduction, Principle, Typical methods: X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Optical Emission Spectrometry
(OES), relative merits, limitations and applications. Laser Shearography Testing (LST): Principle, Speckle pattern and fringe
patterns, Applications. (9)

ALTERNATIVE CURRENT FIELD MEASUREMENT (ACFM) : Principle, procedure and applications. Magnetic Flux Leakage
(MFL): Principle, instrumentation and applications. Remote Field Testing (RFT): Principle, instrumentation and applications.
Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR): Principle and applications heat exchanger tube inspection. (9)

MICROWAVE TESTING (MWT): Principle, instrumentation and applications. Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT):
Principle, wave sweeping, focusing, and steering. Phase array probes, Scanning and display, Result interpretation, Potential
applications. Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD): Principles of operation, flaw size determination, applications, reliability. (9)

GUIDED WAVE ULTRASONIC TESTING (GWUT): Principle, procedure, advantages and applications. Laser Ultrasonic
Testing (LUT): Principle, procedure, advantages and applications. (9)

DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY TESTING (DRT): Computed Radiography (CR), Direct Radiography (DR), Real Time Radiography
(RTR), Industrial Computed Radiography (ICT), X-Ray Back Scatter Technique (BSRT). Neutron radiography (NRT): Principle,
Neutron sources, Neutron beam and collimation, detection of image, advantages and applications. Infrared thermography
(IRT): Principle, Image capturing, active and passive sources, detector types, applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Songling Huang, Shen Wang, "New Technologies in Electromagnetic Non-destructive Testing", Springer Series in
Measurement Science and Technology, 2016.
2. Ed Lampman R S, Ed Zorc B T, "ASM Handbook, Volume 17 - Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control", ASM
International, 2014.

1. Zoughi R, "Microwave Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Principles - Volume 4", Springer, Netherlands, 2011.
2. Advanced Practical NDT Series, "Introduction to Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology Applications", Olympus, USA, 2004


INTRODUCTION: Need for optimum selection of materials and manufacturing processes, Forces and factors controlling the
selection process, Performance driven and cost driven approaches, Benefits of appropriate selection and consequences of
poor selection. (9)

FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: Development of functional specifications for a component - Effects of under and over
specifications. Qualitative and quantitative approaches: Objectives, constraints and free variables in the function specifications
- Individual and interaction requirements of components in a system or product. (9)

MATERIAL AND PROCESS ATTRIBUTES: Technical, functional and commercial attributes of materials and fabrications
methods. Material and process data charts - Typical applications and usage of some strategically important materials and
processes. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SELECTION PROCEDURE: Intuitive and systematic selection approaches - Steps in systematic material and process
selection procedure - Product Analysis: Product functional specifications and development - Development of material or
performance indices - Screening, Ranking, Subset of materials and processes, Local conditions analysis - Final selection,
validation and confirmation. (9)

and products, Materials selection using Materials selection softwares (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dieter George E, Engineering Design , Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2012.
2. Michael F Ashby Materials Selection In Mechanical Design , Elsevier India P Ltd, New Delhi, 2016

1. Charles J A, Crane F A, Selection and Use of Engineering Materials , Elsevier, 2013.
2. Mangonan P L, The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineering Design , Prentice Hall, 1999.
3. Mahmoud M Farag, Materials and Process Selection for Engineering Design , CRC Press, 2013


FAILURE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY: Need and scope of failure analysis - Engineering disasters and understanding failures
-Fundamental sources of failures: Deficiency in design, manufacturing defects, overload and environmental factors; ROOT
CAUSE ANALYSIS: Pareto diagram and Fishbone diagrams - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Fault tree analysis,
Event Tree Analysis and Reliability analysis. METALLURGICAL FAILURE ANALYSIS: Types of failures, Stages in failure
analysis, Background information and sample collection , preservation, cleaning and sectioning of samples - Macroexamination
and SEM of fracture surfaces - Metallography of failed parts. (9)

FAILURE OF CASTINGS AND HEATTREATED COMPONENTS: CASTINGS: Failures due to improper cast design, casting
defects and remedies in iron and steel castings. Case studies; HEAT TREATMENT: effects of quenching, tempering and
isothermal heat treatment, failure of carburized and nitride components, - case studies. (9)

FAILURE OF WELDED AND FORMED COMPONENTS : WELDING: Effects of discontinuities, residual stress, hot cracking,
and stress concentration. Welding defects and remedies, Case studies; FORMING: Causes and prevention of failures in forged
/rolled components and extrusion tool dies. Case studies. (9)

CREEP AND FATIGUE FAILURES : CREEP: creep mechanisms, prediction of creep life time of a component, Elevated
temperature failures: failure analysis of jet nozzle casing of aeroengine, turbine blades and boiler tubes. FATIGUE: Types of
fatigue failures, metallurgical factors affecting fatigue, Causes and prevention of fatigue failures - determination of fatigue life of
a component - failure of shafts, gears and wheels - failure analysis of wheel hub of aircraft and rotor shaft of aeroengine. (9)

CORROSION AND WEAR FAILURES: CORROSION: Types and mechanisms of corrosion, environmental factors affecting
corrosion - examples of corrosion failures and their prevention. Mechanism of stress corrosion cracking and case studies on
stress corrosion cracking, failure analysis of condenser tubes and fuel pipe line in thermal power station. WEAR: Types and
mechanisms of wear - factors affecting wear - failure analysis on bearings of aeroengine and super heater tube in thermal
power station. (9)

Total: 45

1. Colangelo V J, Heiser F.A , "Analysis of Metallurgical Failures", Wiley Publisher, 1985.
2. McEvily A J , "Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

1. Becker W T, Shipley R J , "ASM Metals Hand Book: Failure Analysis and Prevention - Vol.11", ASM International, 2002.
2. Balan K P , "Metallurgical Failure Analysis", Elsevier, 2018.
3. Das A K , "Metallurgy of Failure Analysis", McGraw-Hill Professional, 1997.


NUMERICAL METHODS FOR METALLURGICAL MODELLING: Solving system of linear and non linear equations- Numerical
Solving ordinary differential equations, Euler method, Runge Kutta 2nd and 4th order methods, and Predictor & corrector
methods. Solving partial differential equations. (9)

DISCRETIZATION TECHNIQUES IN METALLURGY: Fundamentals of finite difference, explicit, implicit schemes, stability

68th ACM 04.02.2023

criteria, Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA), finite volume method - fundamentals, convergence, numerical schemes in FVM,
pressure velocity coupling. Applications to Metallurgical processes / systems like heat treatment, reheating furnace, carburizing,
precipitation and dissolution kinetics, quenching, liquid degassing, casting and welding. (9)

MATERIALS MODELLING FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES: Many - body Schrodinger equation - Density functional theory. Total
energy of the electronic ground state. Kohn-Sham equations. Local density approximation. Self-consistent calculations.
Equilibrium structures of materials: Adiabatic approximation, Atomic forces, Calculating atomic forces using classical
electrostatics. Equilibrium configuration using calculated forces - Structure of crystals, Reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones.

MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION OF MATERIALS: Introduction to classical statistical mechanics. Ergodicity,

Ensembles and Interatomic potentials. Force calculation - Integration algorithms, boundary conditions - Viral Theorem and
Equipartition Principle. Properties from equipartition principle: Caloric Curve , cohesive energy, bulk modulus and thermal
expansion coefficient - Structural information: Radial Distribution Function, Defect properties, Auto-correlation functions,
Velocity Auto correlation function, Green-Kubo Equations and Mean Square displacement. (9)

MONTE CARLO METHODS: Importance of Sampling - Random Number generation, Metropolis algorithm, Glauber Dynamics
Exchange Monte Carlo Monte -Kawasaki dynamics - Kinetic Monte Carlo - Gillespie algorithm. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Materials Modeling using Density Functional Theory, Oxford University Press, 2014.
2. Computational Materials Science an Introduction , CRC Press, 2012.

computational mathematics, 2003.
2. ASM Handbook Vol 22A. Fundamentals of Modeling for Metals Processing . ASM International, Ohio.2009.
3. Shlomo Mark, Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering , In Tech, 2011.
4. Sidney Yip, Hand Book of Materials Modeling and Methods , Part A & B, Springer,2005.


SOLUTION MODELS AND DIFFUSION EQUATION: Solution models introduction, G vs X diagrams , phase diagrams, bond
breaking model, chemical potential, Spinodal decomposition, stability, diffusion and mobility, chemical potential, diffusion
equation for up-hill and down-hill diffusion. Non-dimensionalisation of diffusion equation: analytical solutions; error function
solution and Fourier series solutions. (8)

NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS: Review of programming in high level languages such as Python and Octave. Numerical solutions
Ideal solution model, regular solution model, construction of phase diagrams, plotting spinodal, numerical solution for diffusion
equation finite difference method, implicit and explicit methods, Periodic boundary condition and spectral techniques.
Application of linear algebra towards solution to a system of linear and non-linear equations - Numerical integration: Numerical
solution of diffusion equation. (8)

DATA VISUALISATION TOOLS: Use of VTK library to store multi - dimensional data, using Python to read and write files in
different formats. Fitting and visualization of multidimensional data; Quantification of experimental microstructures using
programs as well as software tools. (8)

MICROSTRUCTURE SIMULATION TOOLS: Computational techniques such as Phase Field method, Diffusion limited
aggregation, cellular automata and Monte Carlo towards evolution of microstructure. Programming cycle of problem statement
and numerical implementation - initial and boundary conditions. Time evolution of microstructure and storing output files in
different formats. (11)

PHASE FIELD SIMULATIONS: Introduction to symmetry group theory -

Introduction to variational calculus, variational derivative, free energy functional, Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations -
numerical solutions. Calculation of model parameters from physical parameters. 2D microstructure simulations - spinodal
decomposition, Order-disorder Transformation, Gibbs-Thomson effect, Grain growth & Precipitate Growth. (11)

Total L: 45

2. Riley R F, Hobson M P, Bence S J, M 2012

1. Richard Lesar, Introduction to Computational Materials Science , Cambridge University Press, 2013.
2. Quarteroni and Saleri, Scientific computing using Matlab and Octave , Springer 2014.
3. Biner, Bulent S Programming Phase-Field Modeling . Springer, 2017.
4. Integrative Computational Materials Engineering: Concepts and Applications of a Modular
Simulation Platform , Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2012

68th ACM 04.02.2023


SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS: Requirements of a sensor - principles and applications of position sensors, piezo electric
sensor, LVDT, resolvers, optical encoders, pneumatic position sensors, range sensors - analogue to digital conversion -
introduction to microcontroller - basics elements and functions, data acquisition system for industrial process. (9)

INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS: Robot definition - need for robots - law of robotics - robot anatomy - work envelope - types and
classification specifications - joint notation scheme - robot parts and their functions - end effector - applications. (9)

EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Overview of embedded systems - embedded system design process, challenges - common design
metrics and optimization - hardware - software codesign embedded product development -real time operating systems
architecture - concepts, microcontroller - basic block diagram and its advantage in data acquisition system. (9)

INDUSTRY 4.0 : The various industrial revolutions - Industry 4.0 technologies - drivers and enablers of Industry 4.0 -
conceptual framework for Industry 4.0 - basic principles and technologies of a smart factory - digitalization and the networked
economy - comparison of Industry 4.0 factory and today s factory - trends of industrial big data and predictive analytics for
smart business transformation. (9)

INTERNET OF THINGS: Functional blocks and architecture - communications models - IoT enabling technologies - design
methodology and IoT levels - applications of IoT in industry - threats and requirement to ensure security and privacy in IoT. (9)

Total L: 45

1 Embedded Software Primer - Wesley, Indian Edition Reprint 2009.


Springer, 2019.



INTRODUCTION: Initial research on the use of metals - Concept of archaeometallurgy - developments in global
archaeometallurgical activities: Neolithic age, Chalcolithic age, Bronze age and Iron Age, Prehistoric evidences - locations of
archeological metal artifacts - Ancient ore deposits in India. (8)

ANCIENT PROCESSING METHODS: Evolution of ore reduction techniques - basic physical - chemical principles of ancient
metallurgy, firing conditions and archaeometallurgical slags - types and phases - ancient metals and alloys - metal making
processes: smelting, and surface treatments - Global ethnographic and artisanal metal production - Use of furnaces and
crucibles in ancient metallurgy, nano materials technology in olden days. (10)

ARTIFACT AND MATERIAL ANALYSIS: Conservation of artifacts and archaeological sites - macro and microstructural study
of metallic artifacts, analysis by colour - radiography and computed tomography, carbon dating, chemical and isotopic analysis,
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Trace element analysis - Case studies. (9)
METALLURGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN BRONZE AGE: Bronze casting technology - lost wax process, bronze sculptures in
medieval period - craftsmanship for castings - High-tin bronzes. Ancient traditions of making mirrors, lamps, bells, vessels,
cymbals and gongs, cast-bronze cannons and composite cannons - Case studies. (8)

MARVELS OF IRON AND STEEL: Pillars and beam - Dhar pillar: manufacturing methodology and erection - Delhi Iron pillar,
Design, rust characterisation and Non-Destructive analysis. Cannons - Design and construction of wrought iron cannons and
forge-welded cannons. Wootz steel production methods - thermo-mechanical processing - applications - Damascus swords,
Armours and musical strings - Case studies. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Balasubramaniam R
2. -

1. Anupama Mallik, Santanu Chaudhury, Vijay Chandru, Sharada Srinivasan,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Benjamin W Roberts, Christopher P

Springer, New York, 2014.
3. Sharada Srinivasan and Srinivas


OCCUPATION, SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT: Occupational safety, health and environmental safety management -
Principles and practices, Role of management in industrial safety. Organization behavior, human factors contributing to
accidents. Planning for safety: Definition, purpose, nature, scope and procedure. Management by objectives and its role in
safety - Health, and environmental management. Safety norms in metal working industries, BIS Standards on Safety and
Health: 14489 1998 and 15001 2000, ILO and EPA Standards. (9)

INDUSTRIAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE: Introduction - classification of health hazards. Hazardous properties of chemicals,
dust, gases, fume, mists, vapors, smoke and aerosols and their effects on health. Effects of noise pollution, routes of human
entry system, recognition, evolution and control of basic hazards. Bio chemical action of toxic substance and toxicity, type and
degrees of toxic effects, Threshold Limit Value of exposure (TLV), STEL, IDLH and Ld/LC. Physiology of work and occupational
diseases. (9)

HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES: Definition, Hazards and risk assessment, Hazards, Risk and detection
techniques - Hazards and risk progression chart. Risk analysis assessment and management - Preliminary Hazard Analysis
(PHA) and Hazard Analysis (HAZAN), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Hazards and Operability (HZOP) study - Fault
Tree Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis (ETA). (9)

ENERGY SCENARIO AND AUDIT: Introduction - supply and demand. Energy intensive industries - industrial use of energy.
Importance of energy in industrial promotion and employment. Energy auditing: definition, need and objectives - types of
energy audit - basic components of energy audit: preparing for audit - energy audit instruments - data collection - safety
considerations. Methodologies of conducting energy audit; Preliminary questionnaire - review of previous records - walk
through audit - energy flow diagram (Shankey diagram). (9)

ENERGY CONSERVATION: Scope and potential for energy conservation - good housekeeping practice - thermal insulation,
efficiency improvement in boilers, furnaces and heat recovery techniques - energy conservation in HVAC systems. Electrical
energy conservation: analysis of motor and pumps. Process integration as a measure of energy conservation. Optimization of
steam system and energy saving opportunities with compressed air systems and cooling towers. (9)

Total L: 45

Publishers & Distributors, 2007.

2. Barney L, Energy M The Fairmont Press, 2008.


MODELLING WITH LINEAR PROGRAMMING : Objective function - Two variable LP model - Graphical LP - Selected LP
applications: Blending and refining & manpower management - Simplex method - Artificial starting solution - Special cases in
simplex method sensitivity analysis. (9)

DUALITY AND POST OPTIMAL ANALYSIS: Definition of dual problem - prime dual relationship - economic interpretation of
duality dual simplex method - generalized simplex method post optimal analysis. (9)

ADVANCED LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Revised simplex method: Development of the Optimality and Feasibility Conditions -
Revised Simplex Algorithm - Bounded-Variables Algorithm - duality - parametric linear programming goal programming. (9)

NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING: Introduction and formulation of models, Classical optimization methods, equality and inequality
constraints, Lagrange multipliers and Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic forms, quadratic programming problem -
method. (9)

INTEGER LINEAR PROGRAMMING AND DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : Branch & bound algorithm - Cutting plane algorithm -
Illustrations: capital budgeting and Either-Or and If-Then Constraints -Recursive Nature of Computations in DP - Knapsack/Fly-
Away models - Equipment Replacement Model. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Hamdy A Taha, Operation Research - An Introduction , Pearson Education, New Delhi 2008.
to Operations Research McGraw
Hill, 2021

1. Kambo N S, Mathematical Programming Techniques , East-West Press New Delhi, 2012.
2. Srinivasan G, Operations Research - Principles and Applications , PHI Learning Pvt Limited, New Delhi 2017.


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: The 5 P's of SDGs - People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and
e management
of forests, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and conserving biodiversity. (9)

SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING: Concept of sustainability, manufacturing processes, operations-green technologies,

processes, and practices. Resources in Sustainable Manufacturing. Life Cycle Assessment: Fundamentals, various phases -
Life Cycle Cost Analysis. (9)

TRENDS IN SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS: Principles of sustainable operations - Life Cycle Assessment of manufacturing
and service activities - Influence of product design on operations - Process analysis - Capacity management - Quality
management - Inventory management - Just-In-Time systems - Resource efficient design (9)

WASTE MANGEMENT OF MATERIALS: Recycling - Overview and growth - Characterization of waste streams - Processing
facilities for recyclable materials. Recycling of aluminium cans, scrap metals and steel cans - ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals
recycling (9)

APPLICATION TO INDUSTRIES: Production process and energy requirements - Social and environmental assessment -
Aspects for sustainable development of mineral industry: environment, social, resource conservation and community health,
Life Cycle Assessment, environmental audit and R-R-R approach for sustainability. (9)

Total L: 45

International Publishing., United States, 2016.

1. Gradel T E and Allenby B R, Industrial Ecology Prentice Hall, 2010.
2. Micheal D Lagega, Philip L Buckingham, Jeffrey E. Evans, Hazardous waste management , Waveland press, 2010.
3. Donald L Stewart, James C Daley, Robert L. Stephens, ecycling of Metals and Engineered Materials , Wiley, 2013.



DESIGN OF BLAST FURNACE: Furnace proper, bustle pipe, tuyere and tap hole - hearth cooling - masses and compounds
for tap hole, ladles and cast house runners. (5)

CHARGE CALCULATIONS AND ANALYSIS: Sinter chemistry calculations - charge calculations for steel making
requirements - top gas analysis, peripheral and skin temperatures analysis - calculations for oxygen enrichment and fuel
injection. (3)

FURNACE ACCESSORIES: Pump house, cooling system, blower, hot metal transport and utilization - water and gases
requirements - man power requirements - concept of automation. (3)

CAST HOUSE PRACTICE: Capital repairs - category 1, 2 and 3 modifications during repair- cast house equipment, runner
design, runner making and maintenance, logistics - cast house related problems and remedies. (4)

Total L: 15


68th ACM 04.02.2023


SYSTEMATIC DEVELOPMENT OF CASTINGS: Understanding casting drawings - review of technical requirements - costing
aspects - process design and control. Gating and risering design through simulation techniques - validation of process and
casting quality. (4)

standards - design requirements - raw material selection- process design - gating system design - process controls and testing
requirements as per standards. (3)

SPECIAL CAST IRONS : Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI): international standards - different types and properties - production
process - austempering heat treatment process - applications - Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI): international standards -
properties - production process, applications - casting suitable for sub-zero applications: design requirements - material
selection - microstructure and mechanical property requirements - process design, process controls and test requirements. (4)

AUTOMATION AND MODERNIZATION OF FOUNDRY PROCESSES: Advanced foundry processes and casting inspection
techniques - application of IoT - Foundry 4.0: need, concepts & benefits - challenges in foundry industry - special moulding
techniques: shell moulding, lost-wax process, lost-foam process, vacuum moulding process, foundry waste management -
waste disposal and waste recycling methods. (4)

Total L: 15

1. -Heinemann, 2015.
3. Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.


INTRODUCTION: Importance - Cost to the nation-spontaneous nature - basic principles, environmental and metallurgical
factors affecting corrosion of steel in water. Classification of corrosion. Brief description of eight forms of corrosion, their causes
and remedial measures. (4)

PREVENTIVE METHODS OF CORROSION: Painting, coating, materials selection, environmental treatment, inhibitor addition.
water treatment, cathodic protection . CORROSION BY SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTS: Water, sea water, steam, air, marine,
soil, acids, alkalies, gases O2, CO2, H2S, Cl2. (5)

CORROSION IN SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES WITH CASE STUDIES : Oil & gas, oil refineries, fertilisers, chemical plants,
petrochemicals, sugar, pulp and paper, general engineering, automobiles, aircrafts, boiler circuits, cooling water circuits,
nuclear power stations. (3)

CORROSION MONITORING AND ASSESSING TECHNIQUES: Weight loss coupons - electrical resistance probes - linear
polarization probes - ultrasonic testing, eddy current testing radiography and liquid penetrant testing. (3)

Total L: 15

1. Fontana M G and Greene N D,


INTRODUCTION TO STEELS AND STEEL MILLS: Steel making: Indian and Global scenario - integrated steel mills and mini
steel mills. Structure - property correlation in steels, forms of steel and production methods , specifications of steels (5)

ADVANCED STEEL MAKING: Overview of primary and secondary steel making processes - advanced steel making -
vacuum induction Melting, Vacuum Arc Remelting, Electroslag Remelting, Plasma Arc melting; Quality assessment in steel
products - inhomogeneity in steels, Segregation, surface defects, non-metallic inclusions, Core discontinuities; total quality
management principles (5)

STEEL PRODUCTS FOR DIFFERENT MARKET SEGMENTS: Structural steels - long products, Flat Products; tool steels,
steels for oil refineries, OCTB steels, rail steels, Structural steels for ship hull and decks, Steels in turbines, valves, boilers, fire
side steels, steels for solar panels, steels for farming and harvesting equipment, soil treatment plants, steel for Ginning ,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

spinning , Knitting equipment and garment machinery, steel-reinforced cables, steel fasteners, wear resistant steels for
excavators, crushers, drill rigs, Stainless steels in chemical and food processing equipment, Steels for implants. Medical
instrumentations (5)

Total L:15

1. Llewellyn D T, Hudd R C -Heinemann, 2000.
2. De Cooman B C, Speer J G .

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

23P001 Additive Manufacturing
23P002 Automated Assembly System Design
23P003 Composite Materials Processing
23P004 Computational Fluid Dynamics
23P005 Computer Aided Design and Analysis
23P006 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
23P007 Design and Manufacture of Gears
23P008 Enterprise Resource Planning
23P009 Environment Conscious Manufacturing
23P010 Factory Automation
23P011 Finite Element Applications in Manufacturing
23P012 Industrial Ergonomics
23P013 Lean Manufacturing
23P014 Maintenance and Safety Engineering
23P015 Manufacture of Automotive Components
23P016 Material Handling Systems
23P017 Measurement Systems
23P018 Mechanical Vibrations
23P019 Mechatronics
23P020 Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems
23P021 Non -Traditional Machining Techniques
23P022 PLC Programming and Applications
23P023 Precision Manufacturing
23P024 Product Development Strategies
23P025 Product Lifecycle Management
23P026 Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing
23P027 Sensors for Condition Monitoring
23P028 Six Sigma
23P029 Statistical Quality Control
23P030 Supply Chain Management
23P031 Surface Engineering and Tribology
23P032 Sustainable Mobility and Logistics
23P033 Work System Design

23PO01 Battery Technology
23PO02 Digital Marketing for Engineers
23PO03 Financial Management
23PO04 Industrial Internet of Things
23PO05 Innovation and Leadership Management
23PO06 Professional Ethics
23PO07 Sustainable Development Goals for Manufacturing Industries
23PO08 Virtual Reality Systems and Applications


23PF01 Advanced Materials for Armour Applications

23PF02 Introduction to Design and manufacture of Armour Systems
23PF03 Non Destructive Testing of Aircraft Structures
23PF04 Precision Machining

68th ACM 04.02.2023



BASICS AND CLASSIFICATION OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Fundamentals of additive manufacturing - historical
development of additive manufacturing - classifications of additive manufacturing systems - information workflow in additive
manufacturing - impact of additive manufacturing on product development - reverse engineering - digitization techniques, model
construction. (9)

DATA PROCESSING FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Additive manufacturing data formats - STL format, STL file
problems, consequences of building a valid and invalid tessellated model, STL file repair - other translators, newly proposed
formats - standard for representing layered manufacturing objects. (9)

SOLID AND LIQUID BASED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Principle, details of processes, process variables,
types, products, materials, advantages and applications - fused deposition modeling - laminated object manufacturing -
stereolithography - solid ground curing - shape deposition manufacturing - JP - system 5 - polyjet printing. (9)

POWDER BASED AND OTHER ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Principle, details of processes, process variables,
types, products, materials, advantages and applications - selective laser sintering - selective laser melting - electron beam
melting - powder based beam deposition processes - printing processes - three dimensional printing - droplet formation
technology, printing process modeling. (9)

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING APPLICATIONS AND RAPID TOOLING: Applications of additive manufacturing in aerospace
industry, automotive manufacturing industry, biomedical field - magics software rapid tooling - direct and indirect tooling, soft
tooling vs hard tooling - process optimization - factors influencing accuracy- data preparation errors, part building errors, errors
in finishing, influence of part build orientation. (9)

Total L: 45


1. Chu Edition, World Scientific
Publishers, 2010.
3. Majumdar J D and I -
4. -Verlag, 2011.


AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY: Assembly process - historical perspective - why and when automated assembly - choice of
assembly method - parts of the automated assembly system. (9)

PART FEEDING AND ORIENTING: Vibratory and mechanical feeder - mechanics and design parameters - feed rate
considerations - design of orientor - performance analysis of the orienting system. (9)

FEED TRACK, ESCAPEMENT AND PLACEMENT: Selection and design analysis of feed tracks - types of escapements and
placing mechanisms - robots in assembly. (9)

PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMICS OF ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS: Quantitative analysis of assembly systems with
synchronous transfer and free transfer - the economics of automated assembly. (9)

DESIGN FOR ASSEMBLY: Manual assembly design for part handling, insertion and fastening - handling time considerations -
automated assembly design - design rules for automated assembly and robot assembly. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, "Assembly Automation and Product Design", CRC Press, 2005.
2. Mikell P Groover, "Automation, Production Systems and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing", Prentice-Hall, New Delhi,

1. Edwin H Zimmerman, "Getting Factory Automation Right (the First Time)", Manufacturing Engineers, 2001.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst, Winston A Knight, "Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly", CRC Press,
3. James A Rehg, "Introduction to Robotics in CIM Systems", Prentice-Hall of India, 2002.
4. - Integrated Design a


POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES: Need for composite development, classification of composite materials, green and
biocompatible composites, advantages - types and role of reinforcement, natural and synthetic fibres - characteristics of PMC,
matrix materials, rule of mixtures - processing methods - open and closed mold processes, special processes. (9)

MECHANICS OF POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES: Evaluation of elastic moduli, strength of unidirectional lamina and
strength of unidirectional laminate. (10)

METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES: Characteristics of MMC, matrix materials, processing methods - solid state, liquid state,
vapour deposition, applications - introduction to metal matrix nanocomposites - introduction to strengthening mechanism of
MMCs. (9)

CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES: Characteristics of CMC, matrix materials, processing methods - solid, liquid and vapour
deposition methods, applications. (8)

SECONDARY OPERATIONS - COMPOSITE FABRICATION AND JOINING: Cutting, machining and drilling to fabricate
composite parts, adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening methods - challenges involved in secondary joining of
composites. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, CRC Press, New York, 2012.

Springer Verlag, London, 2010.
4. Singapore, 2019.


BASICS OF FLUID FLOW: Derivation of fluid flow governing equations - conservation of mass, momentum and energy -
relationship between mathematical terms and characteristics of fluid flow, mathematical classification of flow, hyperbolic,
parabolic, elliptic and mixed flow types. (9)

DISCRETISATION: Choice of grid - finite difference method - finite volume method- forward, backward and central difference
schemes, explicit and implicit methods - properties of numerical solution methods, stability analysis, error estimation. (9)

NEED FOR CFD TECHNIQUES: Impact of non-conservation terms over the solution, artificial viscosity, upwind schemes,
CellReynolds number, Courant number- Lax -
technique. (9)

CFD TECHNIQUE FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW: Checker board distribution, staggered grid - pressure correction
technique, SIMPLE algorithm. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Heat transfer and fluid flow problems - flow through pipes and centrifugal pumps, heat transfer applications in
casting. (9)

Total L: 45

1. John D Anderson, "Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Basics with Applications", McGraw Hill, New York, 2010.
2. Versteeg H K, Malalasekara W, "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics - The Finite Volume Method", 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education India, 2011.

1. Chung T J, "Computational Fluid Dynamics", 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Joel H Ferziger, Milovan Peric, Robert L Street, "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics", 4 thEdition, Cham,
Switzerland Springer, 2020.
3. Muralidhar K, Sundararajan T, "Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer", 2 nd Edition, Alpha Science International,
Oxford, U.K, 2003.


BASICS OF CAD: Product cycle - design process - sequential and concurrent engineering - computer aided design - CAD
system architecture - computer graphics - co-ordinate systems - 2D and 3D transformations - homogeneous coordinates - line
drawing - clipping - viewing transformation. (9)

GEOMETRIC MODELING: Representation of curves - Hermite cubic spline curve, Bezier curve, B-spline curves, surface
modeling - surface entities, representation of surface, Bezier surface, B-spline surface and Coons surface - solid modeling -
solid entities, solid representation, Boundary Representation (BRep), sweeps representation, Constructive Solid Geometry
(CSG). (9)

BASIC PROCEDURE OF FEM: Discretization of the domain, basic element shapes, discretization process, node numbering
scheme, assemblage of element equations and incorporation of boundary conditions - polynomial form of interpolation
functions, selection of the order of the interpolation polynomial, simplex, complex and multiplex elements, coordinate
transformation. (9)

STATIC ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS: Analysis of bar, space truss, beam, plates - triangular membrane, rectangular,
isoparametric formulation and axisymmetric formulation, case studies. (9)

DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS: Dynamic equations of motion, consistent and lumped mass matrices, free vibration
analysis, dynamic response using finite element method, case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

2. Rao Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 2018.

2. Hall, Inc, 1992.
3. Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2018.


AN OVERVIEW OF A MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE: Design and manufacturing: a historical perspective - systems
approach to computer integrated design and manufacturing - CIM - architecture and enterprise modelling methods - general
implementation methods - applications of CIM - benefits gained from CIM implementations - development trends for CIM. (9)

MANUFACTURING SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Product design, CAD, CAM, CAD/CAM, CIM, quality function deployment in the
production system - CAPP - concurrent engineering - design for manufacturing - advanced manufacturing planning - production
planning and control systems. (9)

GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND CELLULAR MANUFACTURING: Introduction to group technology - part families and machine
groups - cellular manufacturing - applications of group technology in manufacturing and product design - analysis of cellular
manufacturing. (9)

FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING CELLS (FMC) AND SYSTEMS: Introduction to a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) -
flexibility and types of FMS - FMC/FMS components - FMS applications, planning and implementation issues and benefits -
analysis of flexible manufacturing systems - alternative approaches to flexible manufacturing. (9)

ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION: Introduction to enterprise-wide integration - network communications - database management

systems - levels of database linkages - the framework for enterprise-wide integration - illustration of integration concepts - case
studies of CIM. (9)

Total L: 45

1. ems and Computer
Services, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. -

1. rinciples, Practice and
Education Services, 2005.
3. 018.


GEAR TERMINOLOGIES AND LAW OF GEARING: Types of gears, classification, application of gears, gear boxes, gear
drawing - review of gear fundamentals - law of gearing, nomenclature, interference, minimum number of teeth, gear correction -
So - and S; gear tooth forces. (8)

GEAR DESIGN: Design of spur gears, design of helical gears, design of worm and worm wheel, design of bevel gears. (10)

GEAR MATERIAL SELECTION AND HARDENING METHODS: Properties of gear materials, non-metallic, non ferrous and
plastic gears, selection of material for power transmission, high speed application, hardening by through hardening, case
hardening, induction hardening, flame hardening, nitriding and tuftriding, hardening defects. (7)

PRODUCTION AND FINISHING OF CYLINDRICAL AND CONICAL GEARS: Gear hobbing and gear shaping - rack type gear
shaping - internal gear cutting methods. CNC gear hobbing and gear shaping machines - production of straight bevel gears by
bevel gear generator, duplex rotary cutter method - Gleason reva cycle method - bevel gear generation, Gleason Tri-AC, gear
finishing - finishing of gears by grinding, shaving, lapping and honing methods, cold rolling of gears. (10)

OTHER PRODUCTION METHODS AND GEAR INSPECTION: Gear production by stamping, die casting, powder metallurgical
process, injection and compression moulding of plastic gears, cold and hot rolling - mass production methods - type of gear
errors, tooth thickness - composite error measurement, computerized gear inspection - CNC gear CMM, gear failure reasons
and remedies. (10)

Total L: 45


3. -
Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
4. DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2012.


AN OVERVIEW OF ENTERPRISE: Business processes - introduction to enterprise resource planning (ERP) - basic ERP
concepts - justifying ERP investments - risks of ERP - benefits of ERP - business modules of an ERP package - functional
modules of ERP software - ERP marketplace and marketplace dynamics - ERP vendors. (9)

ERP AND TECHNOLOGY: ERP and related technologies - BI and BA - e-commerce and e-business - BPR - data warehousing
and data mining - OLAP - PLM - SCM - CRM - GIS - advanced technology and ERP security - integration of ERP, supply chain
and customer relationship applications. (9)

ERP IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation challenges - ERP implementation strategies - ERP deployment methods - ERP
package selection - ERP project teams - training and education - data migration - project management and monitoring - post-
implementation activities - success and failure factors of an ERP implementation. (9)

ERP IN ACTION: After ERP implementation - operation and maintenance of the ERP system - measuring the performance of
the ERP system - maximizing the ERP system - turbo charge the ERP system - EAI - ERP and e-business - ERP, internet and
www - ERP II - ERP and total quality management - future directions and trends in ERP. (9)

ERP FOR INDUSTRIES: ERPs for different manufacturing industries - petroleum, oil and gas companies, auto industry,
pharma, CPG, mining industry - ERPs for different service industries - retail, healthcare, educational institutions, telecom,
banks, insurance companies, utility companies - case studies of ERP and enterprise application. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. -

2. Chuck C
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.
3. Rahul V Altekar,
4. Vinod Kumar Garg, Venkitakrishnan N K,


ENVIRONMENT: The human population and the environment, t
global warming, greenhouse effect and major greenhouse gases. (9)

MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Levels of manufacturing systems, environmentally conscious manufacturing - components,

system effects - examples. (9)

WATER POLLUTION AND ITS PREVENTION: Metalworking fluids - environmental and health impact, heavy metals in water,
MWF pollution prevention through process planning, process modification and in process recycling, water footprint analysis.

AIR AND SOLID POLLUTION AND THEIR PREVENTION: Origin of airborne particles in manufacturing, traditional and
modern particulates mitigation/elimination techniques - CO emission and their control - industrial solid and hazardous waste
management, carbon footprint analysis. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Ecolabeling - design for the environment, life cycle assessment, steps, design
for environment guidelines - ISO 14001 - concepts and implementation steps in ISO 14001 - benefits - case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Daniel B Botkin and Edward A Keller, Environmental Science , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2010.
2. Madu C N, Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing , Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2022.

1. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development , Pearson,
2. Kutz, M, Environmentally Conscious Mechanical Design , John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
3. Milton P Dentch, The ISO 14001 : 2015 Implementation Handbook: Using the Process Approach to Build an
Environmental Management System , ASQ Quality Press, 2015.
4. Rao C S, "Environmental Pollution Control Engineering , New Age International Publishers, 2018.


MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION: Introduction to CIM - fundamental concepts in manufacturing and automation - automation
principles and strategies, types and levels of automation - manufacturing operations - manufacturing industries and products,
manufacturing operations, production facilities, product/production relationships - production performance metrics and
manufacturing costs. (9)

AUTOMATED PRODUCTION LINES: Fundamentals of automated production lines - system configurations, methods of work
transport systems, storage buffers, control of the production line - quantitative analysis of automated production lines - with and
without storage buffers, upper bound and lower bound approach of workstation breakdown analysis - applications. (9)

AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS: Fundamentals of automated assembly systems - system configurations, elements of
the parts delivery system and applications - quantitative analysis of automated assembly systems - parts delivery system at
workstations, multi-station assembly machines, single-station assembly machines and partial automation. (9)

AUTOMATED MATERIALS HANDLING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS: Materials handling - principles and types of equipment -
AGVs - components, types, guidance systems, steering control, routing, control systems, interface with other subsystems, load
transfer and design features - AS/RS - functions, components, terminology, types and design of an AS/RS - interfacing
handling and storage for manufacturing system. (9)

AUTOMATED INSPECTION AND MODULAR PRODUCTION SYSTEMS: Automated inspection - online and offline inspection,
sensor technology for manufacturing process monitoring and inspection, case studies - modular production systems -
introduction, elements, need, benefits and case studies. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45
Services, 2016.
2. - Integrated Design and

2. -Hall, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Sabrie


BASIC CONCEPTS: Background study on Finite Element Method (FEM), need for application of FEM in various engineering
domains, transforming physical model in to mathematical model, strong and weak form of 1D physical problems, approximation
using interpolation or trial functions, solving 1D structural and thermal problem, approach to solve 2D and 3D models. (9)

DISCRETIZATION: Introduction, concept of elements, 1D, 2D and 3D elements, plane stress and plane strain models, shape
functions, direct stiffness approach, stiffness matrix, element assembly, solving for unknowns, global and natural coordinate
systems and Jacobian for transformations. (9)

GOVERNING EQUATIONS: Mathematical modeling of manufacturing processes - metal casting, metal cutting, metal forming,
welding, heat treatment and injection molding, use of partial differential equations, interpretation of boundary conditions and
initial conditions. (9)

FEA OF METAL FORMING PROCESSES: Review of theory of plasticity applied to metal forming processes, flow curve,
models for friction and heat transfer, modeling of simple forging operations, plane strain upsetting, computer implementation,
modeling of rolling and extrusion processes. (9)

FEA OF METAL CASTING AND WELDING PROCESSES: Overview of transport phenomena in metal casting, simple case
studies on sand mold casting using CAE software, introduction to computer aided design and analysis of injection molded
components using CAE software, model for manual metal arc welding, FEA analysis of welding distortion and residual stress
using CAE software. (9)

Total L: 45

1. .
2. - Verlag London Limited,
UK, 2008.

New Delhi, 1989.


INPUT MODALITIES: Ergonomics for productivity, safety, health and comfort, history of ergonomics, multi-disciplinary
engineering, human machine system - characteristics, information theory, coding, compatibility, memory, decision making,
attention, text, graphics, symbols, selection of display modality - visual and auditory display, representational display, tactual
and olfactory display, design of controls. (9)

ANTHROPOMETRY: Need for anthropometry, sources of human variability, data collection methodology, measuring
procedures and tools, statistical analysis of measured data - percentile calculation, principles of applied anthropometry,
ergonomic design guidelines for products, equipment and accessories, applications of anthropometry. (9)

WORK ERGONOMICS: Work station design for standing and seated workers, manual material handling, design of hand tools,
muscles, structure, function and capacity, physical work capacity, measurement of physiological work, stress and fatigue, work
related musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic interventions to prevent injuries, human thermoregulation, measurement,
protection and thermal comfort. (9)

ILLUMINATION, NOISE AND VIBRATION: Vision and the eye, measurement of light, lighting design, visual fatigue, eyestrain,
psychological aspects of indoor lighting, the ear, measurement of sound, ear protection, design of acoustic environment,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

industrial noise control, auditory environment outdoors, effects of noise on task performance and health, vibration, human error,
safety and equipment design. (9)

VIRTUAL ERGONOMICS: Digital Human Modeling (DHM), anthropometric models, models for production design,
biomechanical and anatomical models, DHM packages - selection strategies and functionalities, virtual ergonomics evaluation
techniques - Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), field of vision, reach envelopes, accessibility and clearance analysis,
discomfort analysis, applications of DHM. (9)

Total L: 45

1. .

Ahmedabad, 1997.
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
4. M


ORIGIN AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAN PRODUCTION: Craft production - mass production - ford system - growing
dysfunction - origin and history of lean production - necessity of lean production - systems and systems thinking - construction
of lean production - lean image and lean activities - muda and its types - mura - muri. (8)

STABILITY AND STANDARDIZED WORK: Standards in lean system - visual management - 5S - total productive maintenance
- key measures - six big losses - hidden losses - machine loss pyramid - small group activity - comparison of methods
engineering and lean thinking - elements to be managed - necessity and prerequisites of standardized work - charts - kaizen -
common layouts. (12)

JUST IN TIME (JIT): Definition - principles of JIT - continuous flow - pull - JIT system - kanban - six kanban rules - expanded
role of conveyance - production levelling - three types of pull systems - value stream mapping - symbols - current state VSM
and future state VSM. (10)

JIDOKA: Development and necessity - poke yoke - common errors - inspection system and zone control - using poke jokes -
jidoka implementation. (7)

LEAN INVOLVEMENT AND CULTURE: Necessity of involvement - waste of humanity - activities supporting
involvement - kaizen circle activity - practical kaizen training - key factors in practical kaizen training - lean culture -
analysis. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Dennis P, "Lean Production Simplified: A Plain Language Guide to the World's Most Powerful Production System",
Productivity Press, 2007.
2. Devadasan S R, Mohan Sivakumar V, Murugesh R, Shalij P R, "Lean and Agile Manufacturing: Theoretical, Practical and
Research Futurities", Prentice Hall of India Learning Limited, 2012.

1. Bill Carreira, "Lean Manufacturing that Works: Powerful Tools for Dramatically Reducing Wastes and Maximizing Profits",
Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Limited, 2007.
2. Don Tapping, Tom Luyster, Tom Shuker, "Value Stream Management: Eight Steps to Planning, Mapping and Sustaining
Lean Improvements", Productivity Press, 2002.
3. Gopalakrishnan N, "Simplified Lean Manufacture: Elements, Rules, Tools and Implementation", Prentice Hall of India
Learning Private Limited, 2010.
4. James P Womack, Daniel T Jones, Daniel Roos, "The Machine That Changed the World", 1 st Edition, Free Press, New
York, 2007.


MAINTENANCE: Types of maintenance - run-to-failure, preventive, corrective, predictive - condition based and statistical
based, maintenance prevention, reliability centered maintenance - MTBF, MTTR - elements of preventive maintenance -
checklist, schedule, procedure. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE: Principles - eight pillars of TPM - stages of TPM implementation - TPM organization
structure, TPM policies and goals, master plan, overall equipment effectiveness, small group activities, autonomous
maintenance, planned maintenance, education and training, early equipment management, office TPM. (10)

SAFETY SYSTEMS ANALYSIS: Introduction of safety systems, industrial safety engineering, job safety analysis, OSHA
regulations, design for safety, lock out / tag out system, work permit system, safety in foundry, forging, welding, hot and cold
working, power press, cranes and boiler operations. (10)

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: Chemistry of fire - classes of fire - water sprinkler - fire hydrant - alarm and detection system -
fire suppression system - CO2 system, foam system, dry chemical powder system, halon system, portable extinguisher. (8)

SAFETY AND LAW: Provisions in factory act for safety - explosive act - workmen compensation act - compensation
calculations - boiler act and pollution control act. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Charles J Robinson, Andrew P Ginder, Alan Robinson, "Implementing TPM: The North American Experience", Productivity
Press, Portland, Oregon, 2020.
2. John Ridley, John Channing, "Safety at Work", 8th Edition, Routledge, UK, 2013.

1. Dhillon B S, "Maintainability, Maintenance and Reliability for Engineers", Taylor and Francis, London, 2006.
2. Gary R Krieger, John F Montgomery, "Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations", 11 th Edition, National Safety
Council, Chicago, 1997.
3. Heinrich H W, "Industrial Accident Prevention", National Safety Council, Chicago, 1998.
4. Patrick A Michaud, "Accident Prevention and OSHA Compliance", CRC Press, USA, 1995.


ENGINE PARTS: Casting of engine block - conventional and expendable pattern, machining of engine blocks - casting of
cylinder heads, forging of crankshaft, connecting rod and gudgeon pins, machining and heat treatment, casting of piston by
gravity casting, squeeze casting, forging of valves, heat treatment and surface improvement, cylinder liners and piston ring
manufacturing. (9)

POWER TRANSMISSION COMPONENTS: Principles and types of transmission, friction lining materials, requirements and its
manufacturing - casting of gear box casing, precision forging of gears, gear hobbing, shaping, powder metallurgy, orbital
forming of gears, heat treatment and finishing - propeller shaft - casting of propeller shaft, extrusion of propeller shaft, extrusion
dies and its materials, heat treatment and surface hardening of propeller shaft. (9)

AXLES AND SPRINGS: Forging of front and rear axles, casting of rear axle casing - leaf spring materials and its requirements,
manufacturing of leaf springs. (9)

AUTOMOTIVE BODY: Forming of body panels, principles of hydroforming, welding of body panels, resistance welding and
other welding processes - principle of injection moulding, injection moulding of instrument panel, moulding of bumpers, tooling
and tooling requirements and manufacture of metal panels - painting, painting booth. (9)

TYRE AND TUBE MANUFACTURING: Classification of tyres, specifications, materials and its requirements, manufacturing
process, tyre retreading. (9)

Total L: 45


2. & II, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
Publisher, New York, 2010.
Publications, New Delhi, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


MATERIALS HANDLING: Definition and scope - the importance of materials handling - systems concept - characteristics and
classification of materials - principles of materials handling - unit load concept - alternative methods of handling - packaging for
materials handling - classification of materials handling equipment. (12)

TRUCKS AND CONVEYORS: Classification of industrial trucks/vehicles - different classes of conveyors: definition, general
characteristics, types, parts and design aspects - pneumatic and hydraulic conveyors - definition, advantages and
disadvantages, types, selection and parts - design considerations. (12)

HOIST AND WINCHES: Parts of hoisting equipment: chain and chain sprockets, steel wire ropes and drums, pulleys and
pulley systems, arresting gears and breaks, load handling attachments - hoists - definition, characteristics, uses, constructional
features and specifications - winches - definition, uses and constructional features. (9)

ELEVATORS: Bucket elevators - definition, specification and uses - types of bucket elevators - selection of bucket elevators -
design of buckets for bucket elevators - skip hoists - freight elevators/lifts. (6)

CRANES: Definition - basic principle - classification of cranes - definition, descriptive specifications, characteristics, features,
uses and design variations of the different types of cranes - derricks. (6)

Total L: 45

1. Charles D Reese, "Material Handling Systems", Taylor and Francis, New York, 2000.
2. Siddhartha Ray, "Introduction to Materials Handling", New Age International Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Alexandrov M, "Materials Handling Equipments", MIR Publishers, 1982.
2. Chowdary R B, Tagore G R N, "Materials Handling Equipment", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Rudenko N, "Materials Handling Equipment", MIR Publishers, 1970.
4. Spivakovsky A O, Dyachkov V K, "Conveying Machines Volume I & II", MIR Publishers, 1985.


PRINCIPLES OF MEASUREMENT: Measurement systems: need and applications - generalized configuration and functional
descriptions of measuring instruments with examples - generalized performance characteristics of instruments: static and
dynamic performance characteristics, sources of error, classification and elimination of error. (9)

MOTION MEASUREMENT: Introduction - fundamental standards - resistive potentiometers - resistance strain gauge - linear
variable differential transformer - variable inductance and variable reluctance pickups - capacitance pickups - eddy current non
contacting transducers - piezoelectric transducers - ultrasonic transducers - linear and rotary encoders - linear and angular
velocity measurements - piezoelectric accelerometers. (9)

FORCE AND TORQUE MEASUREMENT: Measuring methods - elastic transducers - strain gauge load cells - differential -
transformer transducers - piezoelectric load cells - hydraulic and pneumatic systems - torque measurement by mechanical,
hydraulic and electric dynamometers - transmission dynamometers. (9)

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT: Liquid-in-glass thermometers - bi-metal temperature sensing elements - thermistors - RTD
and thermopiles - thermocouples - pyrometry - optical and total radiation pyrometer - infrared thermography - calibration of
temperature measuring devices. (9)

FLOW AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENT: Variable area meter - turbine type meter - magnetic flow meter - pulse producing
methods - pressure probes - anemometry - static and dynamic pressures - elastic transducers - secondary transducers used
with elastic transducers - strain gauge pressure cells - high-pressure measurement gauges - low-pressure measurement. (9+3)

Total L: 45

1. 20.
2. 19.

1. 11.
2. ork, 2019.
3. 16.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Relevance of and need for vibrational analysis - mathematical modelling of
vibrating systems - discrete and continuous systems - single degree of freedom systems - free and forced vibrations -
longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrating systems, various damping models. (11)

TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Generalized co-ordinates, principal co-ordinates, derivation of equation of motion,
co- equation, dynamic vibration absorbers. (9)

MULTI DEGREES OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Derivation of equations of motion, influence coefficients, orthogonality principle,
calculation of natural frequencies by matrix, Rayleigh, Stodala, Dunkerley and Holzer methods. (10)

TRANSIENT VIBRATION: Impulse and arbitrary excitation, base excitation, Laplace transform formulation, response spectrum.

VIBRATION MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL: Tests and measurements of vibration, modal analysis - FFT analyzer,
vibration measuring sensors and exciters, methods of vibration control - excitation reduction at source, balancing of rigid,
flexible and variable mass rotors - viscoelastic polymers - condition monitoring of machines. (9)

Total L: 45

2. Edition, CRC Press, 2017.

1. -West Press Private Limited, New Delhi, 1990.
3. ons", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.


MECHATRONICS SYSTEM: Key elements - mechatronics design process - types of design - traditional and mechatronics
designs - advanced approaches in mechatronics - man-machine interface, industrial design and ergonomics - safety. (9)

REAL-TIME INTERFACING: Introduction - elements of data acquisition and control - overview of i/o process: analog signals,
discrete signals and frequency signals - over framing. (9)

CASE STUDIES ON DATA ACQUISITION: Introduction - cantilever beam force measurement system - testing of
transportation bridge surface materials - transducer calibration system for automotive applications - strain gauge weighing
system - rotary optical encoder - controlling temperature of a hot/cold reservoir - pick and place robot. (9)

CASE STUDIES ON DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL: Introduction - thermal cycle fatigue of a ceramic plate - PH control
system - dicing temperature control system - skip control of a CD player - autofocus camera: exposure control - motion control
using D.C motor and solenoids - car engine management systems. (9)

ADVANCED APPLICATIONS IN MECHATRONICS: Sensors for condition monitoring - mechatronic control in automated
manufacturing - artificial intelligence in mechatronics - fuzzy logic in mechatronics - microsensors in mechatronics. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Dev Edition, Cengage Learning, 2010.
2. Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.

1. Appuu Kuttan K K, "Introduction to Mechatronics", Oxford Higher Education, 2007.
Hall, London, 1993.
3. Edition, Pearson, 2010.
4. -
International Edition, 1995.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


CONTROL SYSTEMS: Introduction - need for control systems - open-loop and closed-loop systems - components of feedback
control systems - effect of feedback control - types of feedback control systems - transfer function - block diagram reduction -
signal flow graphs. (8)

MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: Mechanical translational and rotational systems - fluid and thermal
systems - D.C. generator and motor, transportation lag systems. (8)

TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Typical inputs - time domain specifications - first and second order systems - steady state errors -
stability - concept of stability - necessary and sufficient conditions of stability - Routh Hurwitz Criterion - lead - lag - lag-lead
compensation using time domain analysis. (11)

FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Bode plot - polar plot - Nyquist stability criterion - stability analysis - control system design using
frequency domain analysis - lead - lag - lag-lead compensation. (12)

CASE STUDIES: Servo motor - mathematical modelling of servo motor - analysis of servo motor system using Routh Hurwitz
criterion - root locus - Bode plot - polar plot and stability analysis - implementation of P - PI - PD and PID controllers for servo
motor and analysis. (6)

Total L: 45

1. Benjamin C Kuo, "Automatic Control Systems", 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2018.
2. Ogata K, "Modern Control Engineering", Pearson Education, 2015.

1. J Nagrath, M Gopal, "Control System Engineering", New Age International Publishers, 2018.
2. M Nakamura, S Goto and N Kyura, "Mechatronic Servo System Control", Springer, 2009.
3. Norman S Nise, "Control Systems Engineering", Wiley, United Kingdom, 6th Edition, 2018.
4. Richard C Dorf, Robert H Bishop, "Modern Control Systems", Addison - Wesley, 2015.


MECHANICAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Need, types of non-traditional machining processes, hybrid processes, applications.
Ultrasonic Machining (USM): Process description, equipments, mechanics of cutting - hammering and throwing model, typical
problems, factors affecting material removal rate, dimensional accuracy and surface quality and applications. (9)

ABRASIVE MACHINING PROCESSES: Introduction, description, equipment, nozzles, modeling of material removal,
problems, parametric analysis, process capabilities and applications of abrasive jet machining, water jet machining and
abrasive water jet machining, typical problems. (9)

THERMAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Electron Beam Machining (EBM) - principle, equipments, vacuum system, process
parameters, characteristics and applications - Laser Beam Machining (LBM) - types of lasers, characteristics, material removal
mechanism, process characteristics, applications, three dimensional machining and advantages - Plasma Arc Machining (PAM)
- generation of plasma, elements, torch design types and its characteristics, effect of process parameters, applications. (9)

ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING: Introduction, mechanism of material removal, description, electrodes, dielectric
fluids, different types of flushing, material removal rate, process characteristics and applications - Wire - Electric Discharge
Machining (Wire-EDM) - equipments, process variables, process capabilities and applications in die making. (9)

CHEMICAL ENERGY PROCESSES: Electro Chemical Machining (ECM) - principle of electrolysis, theory of ECM, description
of the equipment, electrolytes, modeling of material removal rate, accuracy and surface finish, advantages and limitations -
various applications - electro chemical grinding, electro chemical deburring, chemical etching process and its applications.

Total L: 45

2. Hassan A, El-
York, 2005.

1. Edition, Allied Publications, New Delhi, 2016.
2. .
3. Edition, Chapman and Hall, New York, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (PLCs): Introduction - principles of operation - parts of PLC - hardware
components, I/O sections, CPU, memory module, programming devices - PLC sizes - internal architecture - JIC and IEC
standards - serial and parallel communications - standards and protocols - distributed control - network standards. (10)

I/O COMPONENTS AND PLC PROGRAMMING: Switches and sensors - manually operated, mechanically operated, proximity
and other types - output control devices - electromagnetic control relays, motor starters, latching relays - relay ladder diagram -
simple instructions - programming EXAMINE ON and EXAMINE OFF instructions - PLC ladder diagram - converting simple
relay ladder diagram in to PLC relay ladder diagram. (10)

TIMER AND COUNTER INSTRUCTIONS: Timer instructions - on-delay and off-delay timers, retentive timer - counter
instructions - up counter, down counter and up/down counter - applications - program control instructions - data manipulating
instructions - math instructions. (9)

DESIGNING PLC SYSTEMS: Program development - safety systems - commissioning - fault detection - documentation. (7)

APPLICATIONS OF PLC: Material handling applications - automatic control of warehouse door - automatic lubricating oil
supplier - conveyor belt motor control - bottle label detection - process control application - industrial case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, 2019.
2. Edition, Elsevier, 2015.

1. Edition, Jaico Publishing House, 2007.
3. John R. Hackworth, Frederick D. Hackworth, "Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Methods", Prentice Hall,


PRECISION ENGINEERING: Introduction, accuracy and precision, need for precision, general concept of machine tool
accuracy, four classes of achievable machining accuracy - examples, spindle rotation accuracy, influence of geometric
accuracy of machine tools, applications, case study examples. (9)

PRECISION MACHINING AND CUTTING TOOL MATERIALS: Introduction, concepts of precision machining - micro turning,
micro drilling, micro milling, honing and lapping, examples - cutting tool materials - classification, carbides, ceramic, cubic boron
nitride and diamond, unique characteristics, applications, examples. (9)

PRECISION MACHINE ELEMENTS: Introduction - guide ways, types, requirements, drive systems, classification - linear motor
drive, spindle drive, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic bearings, pneumatic bearings, characteristics, examples. (9)

MICRO-MANUFACTURING: Bulk micro machining, surface micro machining, LIGA process, advances in lithography, thin film
technology-CVD and PVD techniques, diamond turning, case study examples. (9)

PRECISION MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: Classification of measuring system, laser based system, interference methods,
surface profilers, scanning tunneling microscope, atomic force microscope and on line measurement of dimensional features,
examples. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Murthy R L, New Age International Publications, New Delhi, 2009.

1. Edition, Varosha Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
2. , 2001.
3. Mar Edition, CRC Press, New York. 2011.
4. Richard L, Stuart T Smith, Basics of 1st Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2018.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


ESTABLISHING PRODUCT FUNCTION: Introduction to product design - modern product development process - product
development planning - S-curve - business case analysis - understanding customer needs - establishing product function -
functional analysis and system technique, creating function structure and black box - quality function deployment - product tear
down and experimentation - tear down process and methods - post tear down reporting, applications of product tear down. (9)

CONCEPT AND EMBODIMENT DESIGN: Product architecture types and examples - product modularity - types of modularity
- concept generation process - information gathering and brainstorming - advanced methods - morphological analysis - concept
selection process - basic and advanced methods - concept embodiment design - general process of product embodiment,
FMEA, fault tree analysis. (9)

DESIGN FOR ENVIRONMENT: Environmental objectives - global issues - regional and local issues - design for environment
guidelines - life cycle assessment - weighted sum assessment method, life cycle assessment method - techniques to reduce
environmental impact - design to minimise material usage, design for disassembly, design for recyclability, design for
remanufacturing, design for high-impact material reduction, design for energy efficiency, design to regulation and standards. (9)

PROTOTYPING AND EXPERIMENTATION: Physical prototypes - prototyping essentials, types of prototypes, uses of
prototypes, prototyping processes, rapid prototyping techniques - dimensional analysis and similitude - testing of prototypes -
design of experiments - basics of designed experiments, two factorial experiments, fractional experiments - statistical analysis
of experiments - product applications of physical modeling. (9)

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: Visual aesthetics in industrial design - visual effects of
line, form and color, aesthetic concepts - styling and design studio - human factors design - human physical effort, sensory
input, anthropometric data - intellectual property rights - patent search and application, patent ownership and transfer, patent
infringement - new developments and international patent law. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, Maria C Yang, "Product Design and Development", 7th Edition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2020.
2. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design", 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2013.

1. A K Chitale, R C Gupta, "Product Design and Manufacturing", 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2014.
2. - Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
3. Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
4. George E Dieter, Linda C Schmidt, "Engineering Design", 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.


INTERNET AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Data driven product development process, present market constraints,
collaborative product development - advancements in the internet technology and data transfer technologies - End of Life
(EOL) management - General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). (9)

PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT (PLM) ARCHITECTURE: Steps in implementing PLM - customizing PLM application,
application workflow - applications of PLM in the aerospace, automobile, Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) and
research facilities. (9)

CONSTITUENTS OF PLM: PDM functions, document management tools - system administration - access control and security
- Model Based Definition (MBD) - middleware - product structure, product configuration, bill of material management and
change management. (9)

VISUALIZATION TOOLS IN PLM: CAD, data standards - digital mockups - Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and
Mixed Reality (MR), virtual design validation and testing. (9)

FUTURE OF PLM: Building PLM on digital twin, 5G, cloud, edge computing, metaverse - data analytics and artificial
intelligence, carbon footprint. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Springer, 2008.
2. Edition, McGraw Hill,

1. Edition,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Springer, 2009.
2. Edition,
Springer, 2007.
st rd
3. Edition,
Springer, 2015.
4. Edition, Springer, 2019.


SENSORS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS: Classification of control processes - photoelectric sensors - proximity sensors -
inductive proximity sensors, capacitive proximity sensors, limit switches, inductive and capacitive sensors in manufacturing -
microwave sensing applications - the infrared spectrum - laser sensors - fiber optics in sensors and control systems. (9)

INDUSTRIAL SENSORS AND CONTROL: Sensors in manufacturing - process control sensors - temperature, pressure,
displacement, acceleration, liquid flow - crack detection sensors - laser Doppler velocity sensor - ultrasonic/laser non-
destructive evaluation sensor - image transmission sensor - sensor network architecture in manufacturing. (9)

in a flexible system, meantime between operator interventions, yield, mean processing time - the network of sensors detecting
machinery faults - computer communications - networks in manufacturing - manufacturing automation protocol - universal
memory network. (9)

ADVANCED SENSOR TECHNOLOGY IN PRECISION MANUFACTURING: Identification of manufactured components -

detecting faults in dynamic machine parts - vibration measurement of a structure - tracking targets on a structure - force and
optical sensors controlling robotic gripper - ultrasonic stress sensor - predictive monitoring sensors serving CIM strategy -
reflective strip imaging camera sensor - optical sensor. (9)

SENSORS AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY IN CIM: Design of CIM with sensors and control systems - decision support
system - analysis and design - data acquisition for sensors and control systems in CIM environment - developing CIM strategy

Total L: 45

1. - -VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001.
2. Sabrie Hill Companies, 2010.

1. Oxford Book Company, 2019.
2. Sabrie Hill Companies, 2010.
3. , Elsevier India Private Limited, 2011.
4. Stoyan Nihtianov and Antonio Luque,


FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction to sensors, basic classification and types - roles of sensors in manufacturing and condition
monitoring systems - signal processing and decision making - objectives of sensing - requirements for sensors and sensing
systems - communication and transmission techniques - human-machine interfaces. (9)

SENSORS FOR WORKPIECE MONITORING: Measuring methods - mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, optoelectronic,
optical and pneumatic - sensors for physical properties - sensors for tools - sensors for work pieces - eddy current and micro
magnetic sensors. (9)

SENSORS FOR MACHINE TOOLS AND ROBOTS: Position measurement - sensors for orientation - calibration of machine
tools and robots - collision detection - machine tool monitoring and diagnosis. (9)

SENSORS FOR PROCESS MONITORING: Sensors for casting and powder metallurgy, punching process, sheet metal
forming process, forging process, cutting processes, abrasive processes, laser processing, electrical discharge machining,
welding, coating processes and heat treatment - sensors for peripheral systems - adaptive control system - intelligent systems
for machining processes. (9)

ADVANCED SENSORS: Optical and machine vision sensors - smart and intelligent sensors - integrated sensors - robot
sensors - micro sensors - nano sensors - applications and case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. - -VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001.
2. Sabrie Hill Companies, 2010.

1. Oxford Book Company, 2019.
2. -Verlag London
Limited, 2006.
3. Sabrie Hill Companies, 2010.
4. Stoyan Nihtianov and Antonio Luque,


MODELS AND PRINCIPLES: Six Sigma definition - DMAIC and DMADV deployment models - success stories - the sigma
level - Six Sigma framework - project reporting - project records - Six Sigma teams - team membership - stages in group
development - Six Sigma member roles and responsibilities - facilitation technique - voice of customer. (9)

DEFINE PHASE: Project charter - project decomposition - work breakdown structure - pareto analysis - deliverables - critical to
quality metrics - critical to schedule metrics - critical to cost metrics - financial evaluation - project scheduling - Gantt charts -
PERT - CPM. (9)

MEASURE AND ANALYSE PHASES: Process definition - flowcharts - SIPOC - metric definition - capability analysis - SPC
techniques - control chart selection - control chart interpretation - distributions - measurement system analysis - gage R&R -
analysing the source of variation - cause and effect diagram - box plots - statistical interference - regression - correlation -
Design of Experiments (DOE). (9)

IMPROVE: Improvement decisions - category importance weights - optimization using simulation - risk assessment tools -
design review - fault - tree analysis - safety analysis - benchmarking - brainstorming - error-proofing - FMEA. (9)

CONTROL PHASES AND DESIGN FOR SIX SIGMA (DFSS): Business process control planning - maintaining gains - tools
and techniques useful for control planning - preparing the process control plan - process control planning for short and small
runs - process audits - selecting process control elements - DFSS quality - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - TRIZ. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Antony, Jiju, Chad Laux and Eliza
Emerald Group Publishing, 2019.
2. Thomas Pyzdek, Paul Keller, "Six Sigma Handbook: Complete Guide for Greenbelts, Blackbelts and Managers at All
Levels", Tata McGraw Hill Companies Inc, 2014.

1. Brook, Quentin, "Lean Six Sigma & Minitab: The Complete Toolbox Guide for Business Improvement," (2017), OPEX
Resources Limited, 2020.
2. h and Beyond", The McGraw Hill
Companies, 2004.
3. Kai Yang, Basem El-Haik, "Design for Six Sigma", McGraw Hill, New York, 2004.


BASIC STATISTICS FOR QUALITY CONTROL: Introduction to quality - definition of quality - basic and modern - seven
quality tools, measures of location and dispersion, statistics and parameters, causes of variation and their characteristics,
constant and variable system of chance causes, patterns of variation. (9)

CONTROL CHART FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS: Variables and attributes - defects and defectives - statistical
basis of the control chart - purpose of control charting, anatomy of a control chart, two types of errors, rational sub grouping,
sensitizing rules, guidelines for implementing control charts, types of control chart. (9)

ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING: Single sampling - double sampling - multiple sampling - sequential sampling - use of Dodge-
Romig tables in sampling inspection. (9)

REGRESSION: Definition - need for regression - simple linear probabilistic model for regression, assumptions, method of least
squares, estimation of constants - ANOVA for linear regression - testing the usefulness of the model, coefficient of
determination, checking the assumptions - multiple regression - general linear model and assumptions, ANOVA for multiple
regression, interpretation of results - polynomial regression - limitations of regression. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS: Classical design of experiments - single factor experiment - multiple factor
experiment - randomized block design, latin square design, analysis of experimental results - Taguchi design of experiments -
planning, analysis and conducting phases, analysis and interpretation of experimental results. (9)

Total L : 45

2. Montgo

2. t Rai & Co Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.


SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND INVENTORY CONTROL: Meaning and definition - development chain - key issues in
Supply Chain Management (SCM) - introduction to inventory control - single stage inventory control - single period models -
initial inventory - multiple order opportunities - risk pooling - centralized and decentralized systems - managing inventory in the
supply chain - forecasting. (8)

VALUE OF INFORMATION: Introduction - bullwhip effect - information sharing and incentives - information for coordination of
systems - information and supply chain trade-offs - supply chain integration - push, pull and push-pull systems - demand driven
strategies - impact of internet on supply chain strategies - E-business - E-commerce - impact of internet on fulfillment
strategies. (12)

LOGISTICS AND INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Framework for strategic alliance - third-party logistics
- retailer supplier partnerships - distributor integration - benefits and risks of outsourcing - Kraljic's supply matrix - supplier
footprint - e-procurement - managing global risks - requirements for global strategy implementation - issues in international
supply chain management. (10)

COORDINATED PRODUCT AND SUPPLY CHAIN DESIGN: General framework - design for logistics - reverse logistics-
supplier integration into the new product development - mass customization - value-added services - differential pricing -
dynamic pricing. (7)

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR SCM: Goals of supply chain information technology - block chain technology - Internet of
Things (IoT) - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - point-of-sale data - benefits - supply chain efficiency through RFID. (8)

Total L: 45

1. David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, Edith Simchi-Levi, "Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies
and Case Studies", McGraw Hill, India, Fourth Edition, 2022.
2. Sunil Chopra, "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation", 7 th Edition, Pearson Education Limited,
London, 2019.

1. David Blanchard, "Supply Chain Management Best Practices", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2012.
Education Asia Ltd., 2015.
2. Michael H Hugos, "Essentials of Supply Chain Management", 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New Jersey, 2018.
3. Robert Jacobs F, William Berry, Clay Whybark D, "Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management",
Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.


SURFACE ENGINEERING: Fundamentals of surface engineering - nature of surfaces contact - surface energy - surface
topography - surface texture evaluation techniques - surface integrity - instruments and techniques for surface analysis -
surface zone layers - properties of superficial layer obtained by manufacturing processes - surface modification techniques.

SURFACE COATINGS: Structure of coatings - classification of coatings - need for technical and technological coatings -
techniques for producing surface layers - thermal spraying techniques - electron beam technology - laser-based technology -
electroplating and electroless plating - ion implantation techniques - CVD methods and PVD techniques. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SURFACE HARDENING: Surface hardening by flame and induction hardening, carburizing and nitriding - plasma carburizing
and plasma nitriding - laser and electron beam hardening - selection and applications - surface diffusion process -
carbonitriding - aluminizing - siliconizing - chromizing - sursulf - selection of diffusion process. (9)

TRIBOLOGY: Scope of tribology - tribology in metal working - surface effects on tribology - mechanism and effects of
lubrication - film parameter - liquid and solid lubricants - selection criteria for lubricants - basics of hydrodynamic - elasto
hydrodynamic - boundary and extreme pressure lubrication - tribological components - bearings - gears and piston rings -
introduction to nanotribology. (9)

FRICTION AND WEAR: Laws of dry friction - mechanism of friction - sliding friction of metals and polymers - stick slips in
machine tool slides - frictional heating and contact temperature - wear mechanisms - adhesive, abrasive, erosive and cavitation
wear - effects of adhesion between wearing surfaces - seizure and scuffing - corrosive wear and fatigue wear - wear analysis
and measurement. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Bharat Bhushan, "Principles and Applications of Tribology", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2013.
2. Tadeusz Burakowski, Tadeusz W, " Surface Engineering of Metals: Principles, Equipment, Technologies", 1 st Edition CRC
Press, 1998.

1. Bharat Bhushan, "Nano-Tribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction", 4th Edition, Springer, 2018.
2. Ernest Rabinowicz, "Friction and Wear of Materials", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2008.
3. Rajan, Sharma, "Heat Treatment Principals and Techniques", 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
4. Sengupta S N, Ahuja D B, Basu S K, "Fundamentals of Tribology", 1st Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.


EVOLUTION OF MOBILITY AND LOGISTICS: Need for sustainability in mobility and logistics, multidisciplinary approach -
traffic and transport system, accessibility - travel behavior and travel resistance, evolution of Indian road and rail network,
significance of metro and mono rails in mobility, role of ship, rail and air cargo in logistics, loading and unloading of goods, E-
commerce: authenticity and related policies. (9)

MOBILITY DETERMINANTS: Travel needs and demands, demographical, spatial and economic factors, Brever law, growth
rate of sustainable mobility, calibration of green technologies, ECO score, model choice determinants, traffic simulation models.

LOGISTICS AND TRENDS: Requirement, general framework - trends, determinants, indicators, pre and post liberalization in
India, globalization and interdependency of economy, centralization and rationalization of production and distribution, changes
in consumption patterns, technological innovations (9)

INDICATORS: Link between GDP and transport, competition between traffic modes, growth rate of sustainable logistics,
transported weight, transport performance, vehicle kilometer. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Environmental impacts, contribution of vehicles to environmental stresses, external costs,
importance of vehicle emission norms, alternate vehicle technologies, life cycle assessment of vehicles (9)

Total L: 45

1. ell Publications, 2012.

1. -Everyday and Leisure- nited
Kingdom, 2007.
4. - Economics -
Springer, New York, 1999.


PRODUCTIVITY: Concept and importance of productivity - work-study and productivity - -
- types - measurement of productivity - models of productivity - scope of motion
and time study - working conditions - OSHA - occupational safety - accidents - work methods design. (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

METHOD STUDY: Steps in method study - movement of workers and material - string diagram, flow process chart, multiple
activity chart, travel chart - principles of motion economy - classification of movements - two-handed process chart, micromotion
study, THERBLIGS, cyclegraph and chronocyclegraph, SIMO chart. (10)

WORK MEASUREMENT I: Purpose - uses - basic procedure - techniques of work measurement - steps involved in time study
- time study equipments - stop watch time study - performance rating - allowances - computation of standard time - case
studies. (10)

WORK MEASUREMENT II: Work sampling and group timing technique, predetermined motion time system (PMTS), methods
time measurements (MTM), Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST). (7)

ERGONOMICS: Industrial ergonomics - anthropometry - man-machine system - layout of equipment - organization and
methods - work analysis - job evaluation - merit rating - incentive schemes and wage administration. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, 2009.
2. ibutors Pvt. Ltd. India, 2015.




BATTERY PARAMETERS: Cell and battery voltages, charge (or amphour) capacity, energy stored, energy density, specific
power, amphour (or charge) efficiency, energy efficiency, self-discharge rates, battery geometry, battery temperature, heating
and cooling needs, battery life and number of deep cycles, factors affecting the battery performance. (9)

ADVANCED BATTERIES: Lead acid batteries - lead acid battery basics, special characteristics of lead acid batteries, battery
life and maintenance, battery charging nickel-based batteries - nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride batteries, sodium-based
batteries- sodium sulphur batteries, sodium metal chloride (Zebra) batteries, lithium batteries- lithium polymer battery, lithium-
ion battery.metal air batteries - introduction, aluminium air battery, zinc air battery. (9)

BATTERY PACK AND BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : Selection of battery for EVs & HEVs, traction battery pack
design, requirement of battery monitoring, battery state of charge estimation methods, battery cell equalization problem,
thermal control, protection interface, SOC estimation, energy & power estimation, battery thermal management system, battery
management system - definition, parts - power module, battery, DC/DC converter, load, communication channel, battery pack
safety, battery standards & tests. (9)

BATTERY MODELLING: General approach to modelling batteries, simulation model of a rechargeable Li-ion battery,
simulation model of a rechargeable NiCd battery, parameterization of the NiCd battery model, simulation examples. (9)

BATTERY TESTING, DISPOSAL & RECYCLING : Chemical & structure material properties for cell safety and battery design,
battery testing, limitations for transport and storage of cells and batteries, recycling, disposal and second use of batteries,
battery leakage - gas generation in batteries, leakage path, leakage rates, ruptures - mechanical stress and pressure
tolerance of cells, safety vents, explosions - causes of battery explosions, explosive process, thermal runway - high discharge
rates, short circuits, charging and discharging, environment and human health impact assessments of batteries, (9)

Total L: 45 hours

1. Dell, Ronald M. Rand and Davi
2. Vladimir

2. Beard, K.W., 2019. Linden's handbook of batteries. McGraw-Hill Education.
4. A.G.Ter-
(IET) Publication, UK, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL MARKETING: Introduction to digital marketing (DM) and its significance - traditional marketing
versus digital marketing - marketing principles - AIDA, purchase cycle, moments of truth - 4Ps in web marketing - need for DM -
need for framing DM strategies - foundations of an effective DM strategy - fundamental strategies in DM - aligning of internet
with business objectives - the case of FK distribution - user behaviour and navigation - developing a digital plan. (9)

WEBSITE PLANNING AND CREATION: Types of websites - understanding domain and webhosting - Content Management
System (CMS) - choosing a niche for website - choosing a domain name for business - hosting setup - word press applications
- creating posts and pages - SEO plugins, use and installation - website speed optimization techniques - graphic designing for
business - graphic design principles. (9)

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: Introduction to search engine optimization - how search engines works - basics of SEO -
on-page SEO techniques - off - page SEO techniques - meta tags creation - content optimization - header tags - image
optimization - urloptimization - robots.txt - sitemap.html - sitemap.xml - off-page SEO - link building strategies - Google
business listing - blogging - setup, design and marketing - open source resources. (9)

SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING: Understand and create customer journey - keyword research - keyword planner tools - email
marketing - introduction and importance of email marketing - effective content writing for customer emails - designing e-mail
marketing campaigns - building e-mail list and signup forms 18: email marketing strategy and monitoring email - atomization -
online reputation management - freelancing career. (9)

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: Introduction and significance - need for social media marketing - understanding social media
audience - social media content creation - ROI for content programs - content promotion - Facebook marketing - introduction
types of various Ad formats - working with Facebook pixel - Twitter marketing - basics - introduction to LinkedIn marketing -
mobile marketing - Whatsapp marketing - introduction to pay per click advertising - Google Adword - Google analytics. (9)

Total L: 45

1. and Measurable Online
Edition, 2016.
2. Edition, 2020.

2. Kotler Philip, Hermawan K
Sons, 2016.


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Meaning, scope, objective, functions of finance manager and importance of financial
management - basic concepts of industrial finance - time value of money - compounding techniques, annual compounding
techniques - present value of cash flow techniques. (9)

FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS: Types and techniques of financial statement analysis - comparative statement analysis,
profit and loss account analysis, balance sheet analysis, trend analysis, common size analysis - fund flow statement, cash flow
statement, ratio analysis - liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, activity ratio, profitability ratio, DuPont analysis - case studies involving
annual reports. (9)

CAPITAL BUDGETING: Capital budgeting process and evaluation - pay-back method, average rate of return, net present
value method, internal rate of return method, profitability index method - case studies - using built-in financial functions in basic
office software packages. (9)

ENGINEERING ECONOMY AND COSTING: Sources of finance for an organization - factors determining working capital
requirements - techniques for evaluation of capital investments - case studies - types of costing - preparing cost sheets -
product / process costing. (9)

WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND STOCK MARKET: Sources of finance - financial and operational aspects of
inventory management - operating cycle analysis - safety stock, economic order quantity, selective inventory control - Indian
stock market - share market terminology and new issues in the stock exchange - Indian finance model and regulatory bodies -
international aspects of financial management. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

3. 2017.
4. Edition, Ane Books, 2016.


INDUSTRIAL INTERNET: Industrial revolutions - IoT vs IIoT - key IIoT technologies - the need for industrial internet - catalysts
and precursors of the IIoT - innovation and the IIoT - intelligent devices - key opportunities and benefits - industrial internet use
- cases - technical and business innovators of the industrial internet - IIoT reference architecture - IIC and IIAF. (9)

DESIGNING INDUSTRIAL INTERNET SYSTEMS: The concept of the IIoT - the proximity network - WSN edge node - legacy
industrial protocols - modern communication protocols - wireless communication technologies - proximity network
communication protocols - IPv6 subnets - gateways - the access network - ethernet, VLANs, IP routing - access networks
connecting remote edge networks. (9)

IIOT MIDDLEWARE: Examining the middleware transport protocols - TCP/IP, UDP, reliable transport protocol (RTP), the
constrained application protocol (CoAP) - middleware software patterns - publish/subscribe pattern - MQTT, XMPP, AMQP,
DDS - delay tolerant networks (DTN) - software design concepts - API (application programming interface) - middleware
platforms - need of IIoT middleware, middleware architecture and functions. (9)

IIoT WAN TECHNOLOGIES AND PROTOCOLS: Requirements - WAN technology for industrial internet connectivity - ISDN,
frame relay, ATM, xDSL, SDH/Sonnet, MPLS-IP/MPLS, 3G/4G/LTE, DWDM, FTTx, cable modem, free-space optics, WiMax,
VSAT - IIoT device low-power WAN optimized technologies for M2M - SigFox, LoRaWAN, nWave, Dash7, Ingénue RPMA, low
power Wi-Fi, LTE category-M, weightless, millimeter radio - securing the industrial internet. (9)

INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SMART FACTORIES: Defining industry 4.0 - the need for industry 4.0 - four main characteristics of
industry 4.0 - the value chain - design principles - building blocks of industry 4.0 - smart manufacturing - smart factories in
action - the importance of smart manufacturing - case studies of real-world smart factories - a roadmap for digital
transformation. (9)

Total L: 45


Ltd, 2012.
Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2012.
4. Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecer and
Springer, 2017.


INNOVATION: Invention and innovation - need for innovation - sustainable innovation - frugal innovation - New Product
Development (NPD) - additive manufacturing - virtual reality - artificial intelligence - technology lifecycle. (9)

LEADERSHIP: Ancient literatures and leadership styles, traits of leader - integrity, communication, conflict resolution,
transparency, clarity, emotional intelligence and behaviour. (9)

LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES: Critical leadership competencies - decision making - change management - role of followers
- team building - quality management - ethics. (9)

STRATEGY: Strategic management - strategic alliances and partnership - intellectual property - negotiation - strategic
acquisitions - strategic pricing - game theory - free trade. (9)

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - capacity building - value creation - circular economy -
sustainable trade policies - United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Edition, Thomson South-Western, 2018 .

1. 1st Edition, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2011.
2. Edition, McGraw Hill, 2022.
3. Edition, Sage Publications, 2018.
4. Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014.


CONCEPT OF VALUES AND ETHICS: Meaning and significance - sources of individual values - value crisis in the
contemporary Indian Society - types of moral and ethical values, integrity, courage, value-based decision making. (9)

APPLICATION OF VALUES: Personal values and social values - role of codes - relevance of values in profession - formation
and application of values for engineers - industry and corporate values and their application - case studies. (9)

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: Professional ethics, need, issues, challenges - ethical leadership - ethical dilemma - case study -
application of personal core values in professional ethics - consensus and controversy - gender-based ethics -
on ethics for care and ethics for justice. (9)

SHARED VALUES IN THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS IMPACT: Need to identify and construct shared values - promotion of
shared values and challenges - impact of shared values in organization - code of conduct and legal framework. (9)

SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION AND GLOBAL ISSUES: Engineers as managers - impact of culture and learning from the past
- consultant and leaders - multinational corporations - environmental ethics - computer and Information technology based ethics
- corporate social responsibility. (9)

Total L: 45


3. Subramania
4. -


ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: The Paris agreement, carbon tax, energy life cycle - energy cost analysis, financial and
environmental, energy audit - small modular nuclear reactors and energy storage technologies. (9)

REINVENTING WORK: Principles of United Nations Global Compact - employment, rights at work - social security, social
dialogue - decent work performance indicators and patterns. (9)

GENDER EQUALITY AT WORKPLACE: Systems of inequality, policy framework, political strategies - sexual harassment laws
- lack of women in leadership. (9)

PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Introduction to Public-Private Partnership (PPP), global

implementation practices - factors contributing to the success of PPP projects - management of unsolicited PPP Projects - risk
assessment and conflict management. (9)

INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SUSTAINABILITY: Guidelines, design for sustainability - sustainable waste management - circular
economy, sustainable manufacturing and environmental performance indicators. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Robert Osei- -Private Partnership: Insights from
Edition, Springer, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Trev Edition, Elsevier Science
Limited, 2020.

1. Edition, 2006.
2. Edition, Routledge, 2015.
3. Edition, 2021.
4. or Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in
Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2021.


HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF VIRTUAL REALITY (VR): Advancements in graphics, data transfer and real-time
computing technologies - display devices - interaction devices - tracking devices - immersion and 3D User Interfaces (UI). (9)

DEVELOPING VR APPLICATIONS: Storyboard technique - virtual objects - Level of Detail (LOD) management, collision
detection, lights, VR Application Programming Interface (API). (9)

VR IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Virtual Prototyping, design, assembly and validation - virtual ergonomic - VR flight
simulator. (9)

VR IN HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION INDUSTRY: Virtual learning and training - disability studies and virtual rehabilitations
- VR in military training. (9)

VR IN TOURISM AND ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY: Immersive movies - VR games - virtual tours. (9)

Total L: 45

Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009.
2. Edition, Wiley, 2003.

Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2017.
2. Edition, Springer, 2005.
3. Edition, Springer, 2004.
4. Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.




INTRODUCTION: Basic concepts, early applications of armour, fundamentals of materials and structures. (3)

MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR: Static and dynamic behaviour of materials, projectile materials and behaviour. (3)

METALLIC ARMOUR MATERIALS: Processing and properties of steel, aluminium, Mg and Ti. (3)

CERAMIC ARMOUR MATERIALS: Processing and properties. (3)

COMPOSITES ARMOUR MATERIALS: Processing and properties, hybrid armour materials. (3)

Total L: 15

1. Autar K Kaw, "Mechanics of Composite Materials", 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2005.
2. Balakrishna Bhat T, Vemuri Madhu, "Composite Armour Materials and Modules", DRDO Monographs/Special Publications
Series, 2017.
3. Ian Crouch, "The Science of Armour Materials", 1st Edition, Woodhead Publishing, 2016.
4. Paul J Hazell, "Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design", 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Historical perspective, basic concepts of armour systems. (3)

MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR: Dynamic behaviour of materials, dynamic impact testing, projectile characteristics. (3)

MECHANICS: Penetration mechanics, stress waves and shock behaviour. (3)

ARMOUR MATERIALS: Metallic armour, ceramic armour, composite armour, hybrid systems, personnel armour - design and
testing. (3)

ARMOUR FOR VEHICLES: Design and testing, reactive armour systems, blast and ballistic testing. (3)

Total L: 15

Publications Series, 2017.
2. Edition, Woodhead Publishing, 2016.
3. Edition, CRC Press, 2015.


INTRODUCTION TO NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING: Liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particles testing, ultrasonic testing,
eddy current testing, radiography, thermography, working principle, procedure of testing and analysis. (6)

RECENT TRENDS IN NDT: Vibration monitoring, holography and speckle methods, acoustic emission technique, other
emerging methods, working principle and procedure of testing. (4)

NDT OF COMPOSITES: Various methods of testing, procedure and results, case studies. (2)

NDT IN MANUFACTURING AND MAINTENANCE: Importance of aircraft maintenance, procedure, critical issues and case
studies. (2)

NDT AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE PHILOSOPHY: Importance of damage tolerant design and case studies. (1)

Total L: 15

1. Dowling N E, "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials", Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Grandt Jr A F, "Fundamentals of Structural Integrity: Damage Tolerant Design and Nondestructive Evaluation", Wileys,
October 2003.
3. Halmshaw R, "Non-destructive Testing", Edward Arnold, London, 1987. Published in nine volumes by the American
Society for Non-Destructive Testing.


CNC TURNING: Principles, types, machines, tools. (2)

CNC MILLING: Basic principles of milling, concepts of 3/4/5 axes, high speed milling, machine and controller types. (2)

ELECTRIC DISCHARGE MACHING (EDM): Wire and sinking EDM, principles, application. (1)

WORK AND TOOL HOLDING: Types, applications. (1)

COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM): Principles, software, examples. (2)

METROLOGY: Principles, measurements, examples. (1)


QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Principles, purpose, ISO, process orientation, non-quality dispositions. (1)

CONVENTIONAL PRECISION MANUFACTURING METHODS: For jig boring, jig milling, jig surface and cylindrical grinding.(2)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT: Types, measurement, overall equipment effectiveness/total effective equipment

performance OEE/TEEP measurements, machine utilization - shop visit. (2)

Total L: 15

1. David A Dornfeld and Dae-Eun Lee, "Precision Manufacturing", Springer, 2007.
2. Murty R L, "Precision Engineering in Manufacturing", New Age International, 2005.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

23R001 Underwater Robotics
23R002 Robotic Control Systems
23R003 Industrial Robotics and Material Handling Systems
23R004 Microrobotics
23R005 Cognitive Robotics
23R006 Cloud Robotics
23R007 Medical Robotics
23R008 Robotic Welding Technology
23R009 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
23R010 Robot Operating System


23R021 Electrical Machines for Automation
23R022 Industrial Networking
23R023 Sensor Networks
23R024 Digital Control Systems
23R025 Assembly Automation
23R026 Farm Automation
23R027 Advanced Control Systems
23R028 Industry 4.0

23R041 Speech Recognition
23R042 Digital Signal Processing
23R043 Virtual and Augmented Reality
23R044 Internet of Things
23R045 Computer Architecture
23R046 Embedded and Real-Time Systems
23R047 Big Data Analytics
23R048 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
23R049 Artificial Intelligence


23R061 Additive Manufacturing
23R062 Supply Chain Management
23R063 Process Planning and Cost Estimation
23R064 Maintenance and Safety Engineering
23R065 Industrial Design and Applied Ergonomics
23R066 Product Design and Development
23R067 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
23R068 Lean Manufacturing
23R069 Design of Automation Systems
23R070 Smart Materials



23RO01 Robot Safety and Standards
23RO02 Decision Making
23RO03 Creative Kinetics
23RO04 Modeling and Simulation
23RO05 Optimization Techniques
23RO06 Virtual Instrumentation Systems
23RO07 Renewable Energy Systems
23RO08 Autotronics
23RO09 Database Management System
23RO10 Software Project Management and Quality Assurance
23RO11 Internet Tools and Java Programming
23RO12 Robotic Process Automation

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23RF01 CAD Tools for Industrial Automation
23RF02 Design Concepts and Realization
23RF03 Dynamic Modeling Simulations and Control of Robots
23RF04 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Using Adams
23RF05 Digital Technology for Automation Drives
23RF06 PC Based Industrial Automation
23RF07 Robot Simulation Using Open-Source Tools
23RF08 Introduction to Haptic Interface Design
23RF09 Open PLC
23RF10 Applied Robotics
23RF11 Cable Technology
23RF12 Embedded Programming
23RF13 Inertial Navigation Systems



UNDERWATER VEHICLES: Introduction Types of Underwater Vehicles - History of Undersea Technology Modern Day
Uses of Underwater Vehicles and Technology Work Class ROVs (7)

MODELLING AND DESIGN: Common Design Challenges Design Methodology for Underwater Vehicles Rigid-Body
Position Rigid Body Dynamics - Hydrodynamic Effects Gravity and Buoyancy (10)

STRUCTURE AND MATERIALS: Structural Overview Structural Performance Criteria Structural Design Considerations
Structural Materials Metal Corrosion (8)

MOVING AND MANEUVERING: Basics of Moving a Vehicle through Water Estimating Thrust Requirements Introduction
to Electric Motors and Propellers Thruster Construction and Placement Vehicle Power Choices Transmission and
Distribution of Electric Power (10)

CONTROL AND NAVIGATION: Introduction to Control Systems Open Loop and Closed Loop Control Human Role in
Underwater Vehicle Control Systems Navigation: Specifying Position, Navigational Instruments Basic Control and Navigation
System Advanced Control Options (10)

Total L: 45

Advanced Education Technology Centre, 2010.
2. Gianluca Antonelli, "Underwater Robots", Springer, 2014.

press, 2011.
2. Robert D. Christ, Robert L.
second edition, 2014.
Theses, 2020.


OVERVIEW OF ROBOTIC SYSTEMS AND THEIR DYNAMICS: Forward and Inverse Dynamics - Properties of the Dynamic
Model - Nonlinear Systems and Control Schemes (8)

SYSTEM STABILITY AND TYPES OF STABILITY: Lyapunov Stability Analysis - Direct and Indirect Methods - Lemmas and
Theorems Related to Stability Analysis (8)

JOINT SPACE AND TASK SPACE CONTROL SCHEMES: Position Control - Velocity Control - Trajectory Control - Force
Control (8)

NONLINEAR CONTROL SCHEMES: Proportional and Derivative Control with Gravity Compensation - Computed Torque
Control - Sliding Mode Control - Adaptive Control - Observer Based Control - Robust Control - Optimal Control (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

NONLINEAR OBSERVER SCHEMES: Design Based on Acceleration - Velocity and Position Feedback - Numerical
Simulations using Software Packages (12)

Total L: 45

1. R Kelly, D. Santibanez, LP Victor, Julio Antonio, "Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space", Springer, 2005.
2. A. Sabanovic, K Ohnishi, "Motion Control Systems", John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2011.

1. R M Murray, Z. Li, SS Sastry, "A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation", CRC Press, 1994.
2. J J Craig, "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control", Prentice Hall, 2004.
3. J J E Slotine, W Li, "Applied Nonlinear Control", Prentice Hall, 1991.
4. Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, "Probabilistic Robotics", MIT Press, 2005.


INTRODUCTION: Classification of Industrial Robots, Structures of Robots Cartesian, SCARA, Articulated, Parallel,
Cylindrical, Gantry Robots, Delta and Polar Robots - Introduction to Cobots (9)

COMPONENTS OF ROBOTS: Links, Joints, Motion Control Systems Servo Motors, Belt and Pulley Mechanism, Harmonic
Gears, Cycloidal Gears, End Effectors Grippers: Mechanical Grippers, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Grippers, Magnetic Grippers,
Vacuum Grippers, RCC Grippers Two and Three Fingered Grippers Internal and External Grippers Selection
Considerations, Gripper Force Analysis and Design of Drive System for Grippers (9)

APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTS: Implementation of Robots in Industries Use of Simulation Tools, Machine Loading/Unloading
- Processing Operation, Assembly and Inspection, Application of Robots in Continuous Arc Welding, Spot Welding, Spray
Painting - Selection of Robot - Factors Influencing the Choice of a Robot, Robot Performance Testing, Economics of
Robotization - Impact of Robot on Industry and Society (9)

ROBOT PROGRAMMING AND LANGUAGES: Methods of Robot Programming - Lead through Programming- Joint Linear
Circular Motion Instructions Program Instructions Capabilities and Limitations of Lead through Methods - Robot Languages -
the Textual Robot Languages - Generations of Robot Programming Languages - Robot Language Structure - Motion Commands
- End Effector and Sensor Commands - Computations and Operations - Program Control and Subroutines - Communications
and Data Processing - Monitor Mode Commands (9)

MATERIAL HANDLING: Concepts of Material Handling, Principles and Considerations in Material Handling Systems Design,
Industrial Trucks, Monorails, Rail Guided Vehicles, Conveyor Systems, Cranes and Hoists, Advanced Material Handling
Systems, Autonomous Mobile Robots, Automated Guided Vehicle Systems, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS),
Barcode Technology, Radio Frequency Identification Technology (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, McGraw
Hill Education, 2012.
2. Edition, John Wiley &
sons, Inc, 2007.

1. Deb S R, "Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
2. Edition, 2017.
3. Siciliano, Bruno, and Oussama Khatib, "Robotics and the Handbook" In Springer Handbook of Robotics, Springer, Cham,


INTRODUCTION: Micro System Technology (MST) - Micromachining - Working Principles of Microsystems - Applications of
Microsystems - Definition of Micro- Robots: Task Specific, Size and Fabrication Technology, Mobility and Functional (10)

SCALING LAWS AND MATERIALS FOR MEMS: Introduction - Scaling Laws - Scaling Effect on Physical and Electrical
Properties - Physics of Adhesion - Silicon - Compatible Material System - Shape Memory Alloys - Material Properties - Piezo
Resistivity, Piezoelectricity and Thermoelectricity (10)

FLEXURES, ACTUATORS AND SENSORS: Elemental Flexures - Flexure Systems - Mathematical Formalism for Flexures -
Electrostatic Actuators - Piezo-Electric Actuators Magneto-strictive Actuators - Electromagnetic Sensors - Optical-Based
Displacement Sensors - Motion Tracking with Microscopes (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

IMPLEMENTATION OF MICROROBOTS: Arrayed Actuator Principles for Micro-Robotic Applications - Micro-Robotic Actuators
- Design of Locomotive Micro-Robot Devices Based on Arrayed Actuators - Micro-Robotics Devices - Micro- Grippers and Other
Micro-Tools - Micro-Conveyors - Walking MEMS Micro-Robots - Applications of MEMS Based Micro-Robots - Multi-Robot
System: Micro-Robot Powering, Micro-Robot Communication (10)

MICROFABRICATION AND MICROASSEMBLY: Micro-Fabrication Principles-Design Selection Criteria for Micromachining -

Packaging and Integration Aspects - Micro-Assembly Platforms and Manipulators (5)

Total L: 45

1. Yves Bellouard, "Microrobotics Methods and Applications", CRC Press, Massachusetts, 2011.
2. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, "The MEMS Handbook", CRC Press, New York, 2002.

1. Nadim Maluf and Kirt Williams, "An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering", Artech House, MA,
2. Julian W Gardner, "Microsensors: Principles and Applications", John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
3. Metin Sitti, "Mobile Microrobotics", MIT Press, 2017.
4. Nicolas Chaillet, Stephane Regnier, "Microrobotics for Micromanipulation", John Wiley & Sons, 2013.


CYBERNETIC VIEW OF ROBOT COGNITION AND PERCEPTION: Introduction to The Model Cognition Visual Perception -
Visual Recognition - Machine Learning - Soft Computing Tools and Robot Cognition (6)

MAP BUILDING: Introduction - Constructing A 2D World Map - Data Structure for Map Building - Explanation of the Algorithm
- An Illustration of Procedure Traverse Boundary - An Illustration of Procedure Map Building Robot Simulation - Execution of
The Map Building Program (12)

RANDOMIZED PATH PLANNING: Introduction - Representation of The Robot's Environment - Review of Configuration Spaces
- Visibility Graphs - Voronoi Diagrams - Potential Fields and Cell Decomposition - Planning with Moving Obstacles - Probabilistic
Roadmaps - Rapidly Exploring Random Trees - Execution of The Quadtree- Based Path Planner Program (9)

SIMULTANEOUS LOCALIZATION AND MAPPING (SLAM): Problem Definition - Mathematical Basis - Example: SLAM in
Landmark Worlds - Taxonomy of the SLAM Problem - Extended Kalman Filter - Graph-Based Optimization Techniques - Particle
Methods Relation of Paradigms (12)

ROBOT PROGRAMMING PACKAGES: Robot Parameter Display - Program for Botspeak - Program for Sonar Reading Display
- Program for Wandering within the Workspace - Program for Tele-Operation - Complete Program for Autonomous Navigation

Total L: 45

1. Angelo Cangelosi
2. Patnaik, Srikanta, "Robot Cognition and Navigation: An Experiment with Mobile Robots", Springer-Verlag Berlin and
Heidelberg, 2007.

1. Hooman Samani, "Cognitive Robotics", CRC Press, 2020.
2. Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, "Probabilistic Robotics", MIT Press, 2005.
3. Margaret E. Jefferies, Wai-Kiang Yeap, "Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping", Springer- Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2008.
4. Laxmidhar Behera, Indrani Kar, "Intelligent Systems and Control Principles and Applications", Oxford University Press,


INTRODUCTION: Networked Robotics to Cloud Robotics System Architecture Communication Architecture - Computing
and Communication Challenges (8)

CLOUD AND EDGE PLATFORM: Cloud Characteristics Deployment models Service Models Challenges Virtualization
Edge Computing Role - Edge Computing Hardware Architectures, Edge Platforms, Communication Models - Edge, Fog, M2M
and M2C - Challenges (10)

CLOUD AND EDGE ANALYTICS: Edge to Cloud Protocols Edge Analytics: Servers, Gateways, Devices and Management
Cloud Services: Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

TELEROBOTICS: Overview and Background - Brief history - Properties of Networked Telerobotics - Building a Networked
Telerobotic System - State Command Presentation - Command Execution/State Generation - Collaborative
Control (9)

ONLINE ROBOTS: Robot Manipulators - Teleoperation - Teleoperation on a Local Network - Teleoperation via a Constrained
Link - Mobile Robots Controlled through Web: Software Architecture and Design - Interface Design (9)

Total L: 45

1. .
2. An Introduction to .

1. .
2. Edition,
Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
3. Edition, Wiley, 2000.
Press, 2021.


INTRODUCTION: Types of Medical Robots - Navigation - Motion Replication - Imaging - Rehabilitation and Prosthetics - State
of Art of Robotics in the Field of Healthcare - DICOM (7)

LOCALIZATION AND TRACKING: Position sensors requirements - Tracking - Mechanical linkages - Optical - Sound based
Electromagnetic - Impedance-based - In-bore MRI tracking - Video Matching - Fiber Optic Tracking Systems - Hybrid Systems

SURGICAL ROBOTICS: Minimally Invasive Surgery and Robotic Integration - Surgical Robotic Sub-systems - Synergistic
Control - Control Modes - Radiosurgery - Orthopedic Surgery - Urologic Surgery and Robotic Imaging - Cardiac Surgery
Neurosurgery - Case Studies (10)

REHABILITATION: Rehabilitation for Limbs - Brain-Machine Interfaces - Steerable Needles - Case Studies (6)

ROBOTS IN MEDICAL CARE: Assistive Robots Types - Case Studies (6)

DESIGN OF MEDICAL ROBOTS: Characterization of Gestures to the Design of Robots - Design Methodologies - Technological
Choices Security (8)

Total L: 45

1. Achim Schweikard, Floris Ernst, "Medical Robotics", Springer, 2015.
2. Paula Gomes, "Medical Robotics Minimally Invasive Surgery", Woodhead, 2012.

1. Jaydev P Desai, Rajni V Patel, "The Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics", World Scientific Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, 2018.
2. Jocelyne Troccaz, "Medical Robotics", Wiley-ISTE, 2012.
3. Vanja Bonzovic, "Medical Robotics", I-tech Education Publishing, Austria, 2008.
4. Farid Gharagozloo, Farzad Najam, "Robotic Surgery", 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.


WELDING AUTOMATION: Concept of Manual, Automatic and Automated Welding - Need for Welding Automation Merits and
Limitations - Arc and Work Motion Devices, Robotic Part-Holding Positioners - Adaptive Control - Flexible Automation of Arc
Welding (6)

WELDING PROCESS: GTAW, GMAW, Welding Power Sources, Electrodes, Shielding Gases, Process Parameters - Synergic
GMAW, CMT, LBW, Solid State Lasers, Gas Lasers, Process Parameters RSW, Power Sources, Electrodes, Process
Variables - Robotic FSW - Equipment, Process Parameters (11)

WELDING ROBOTS: Types of Welding Robots Features of Welding Robot Specifying the Welding Robot - Controllers-
Major Components, Functions- Interfacing Welding Power Source with Robotic Controller Welding Control System Electrical
Isolation of Robotic Control System (6)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ROBOTIC WELDING PROGRAMMING: Robotic Welding System, Programmable and Flexible Control Facility Introduction
Types - Flex Pendant - Lead through Programming, Coordinate Systems of Robot, Operating Mode of Robot, Jogging-Types,
Programming for Robotic Welding, Welding Sequences, Profile Welding (11)

APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTS IN WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES: Application of Robot in Production: Exploration of

Microelectronic Welding and Soldering - Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process - Applications in Nuclear, Aerospace and
Shipbuilding - Case Studies (11)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Springer,
2. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York,1995.

1. Parmar, .
2. Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2013.
3. John A. Piotrowski, William T. Randolph, ng:
Division, Robotics International of SME, 1987.
4. Robotic Welding, Jack D Lane, IFS Publication, 1987.


INTRODUCTION: Aviation History and Overview of UAV systems - Definitions and Terminology - Classes and Missions of UAVs
Expendable UAVs - Examples of UAV systems (8)

BASIC AERODYNAMICS AND PERFORMANCE: Aerodynamic Equations Aircraft Polar - Induced Drag The Boundary
Layer Flapping Wings Total Air Vehicle Drag - Performance: Overview Climbing Flight Range and Endurance Gliding
Flight (9)

STABILITY AND CONTROL: Overview Stability - Longitudinal and Lateral - Dynamic Stability - Aerodynamics Control - Pitch
Control - Lateral Control Autopilots Sensors, Controllers and Actuators - Airframe Control - Inner and Outer Loops Flight -
Control Classification - Modes of Operation (10)

PROPULSION AND STRUCTURES: Propulsion Overview -Thrust Generation - Powered Lift - Sources of Power - Loads and
Structures: Overview, Loads, Dynamic Loads, Materials, Construction Techniques (8)

MISSION PLANNING AND CONTROL: Air Vehicle and Payload Control - Modes of control Piloting the Air Vehicle
Controlling payloads - Controlling the Mission Autonomy Payloads: Surveillance Payloads, Weapon Payloads, Other
Payloads - Data-Link Functions and Attributes, Data-Link Margin, Data-Rate Reduction - Launch Systems - Recovery Systems
- Launch and Recovery Tradeoffs (10)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Wiley Publication, John Wiley
& Sons Ltd., 2012.
2. Edition, John Wiley & Sons,

1. Valavanis, K., Vachtsevanos, George J., .
Springer, 2022.
3. C Press / Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
4. .


ROS ESSENTIALS: Introduction to ROS Framework - Architecture and Concepts - File System Level: The workspace,
Packages, Metapackages - Computation Graph Level: Understanding ROS Nodes, Messages, Topics, Services, Bags ROS
Master, ROS Parameter- Community Level: Creating and Maintaining ROS Packages Troubleshooting - Introduction to ROS
2.0 (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ROBOTS AND SIMULATORS: ROS Packages for Robot Modeling - Create Robot Modeling using URDF Visualizing the
Robot 3D Model using Rviz - Robot Modeling using Xacro Conversion of Xacro to URDF Robot Description for Seven DOF
Robot Arm Robot Model for Differential Drive Mobile Robot Simulating Robot Arm using Gazebo and ROS (9)

MANIPULATION AND NAVIGATION: Using the ROS MoveIt - Generating MoveIt Configuration Package - Motion Planning of
Robot - Collision Checking with a Robot Arm using MoveIt - Understanding ROS Navigation Stack - Building a Map
Autonomous Navigation - Case Studies (9)

IMAGE PROCESSING AND NAVIGATION STACK: Interfacing USB Webcams - Depth Camera Camera Calibration - Image
Processing using ROS and OpenCV - Working with Point Cloud Data - Working with AR Marker Detection for Object Pose
Estimation (9)

ROS INTERFACES: Interfacing ROS to Open Source Microcontroller Boards - Understanding the rosserial Package Using
Joystick Laser Range Finder Kinect Sensors - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - IMU GPS - Interfacing Dynamixel Actuators
to ROS (9)

Total L: 45

1. .
2. A Concise Introduction to Robot Programming with ROS2 , 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2023.

Packt Publishing, 2015.
2. ng Robots with ROS: A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating
3. YoonSeok Pyo, .
4. Anis Koubaa, Hachemi Bennaceur, Imen Chaari, Sahar Trigui, Adel Ammar, Mohamed-Foued Sriti, Maram Alajlan, Omar
Springer 2018.


STEPPER MOTORS: Constructional Features - Principle of Operation - Types: Variable Reluctance Motor - Single and Multi-
Stack Configurations - Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor - Hybrid Stepper Motor. Modes of Excitation - Static and Dynamic
Characteristics of Stepper Motors - Drive Systems - Open Loop and Closed Loop Control of Stepper Motor - Sizing of Stepper
Motors Applications (12)

SERVOMOTORS: Types - Constructional Feature - Principle of Operation - Feedback System-Sizing of Servomotors -

Applications (8)

BRUSHLESS DC MOTORS: Principle of Operation - Types: Square Wave and Sine Wave - Magnetic Circuit Analysis - EMF
and Torque Equations - Torque Speed Characteristics - Control of BLDC Motors- Applications (9)

PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: Principle of Operation - EMF - Input Power and Torque Expression-
Steady State Phasor Diagram - Torque Speed Characteristics - Control of PMSM Motors Applications (8)

LINEAR MOTORS: Linear Induction Motor Classification - Construction - Principle of Operation - DC Linear Motor (DCLM)
Types - Circuit Equation - DCLM Control Applications - Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) - Types Applications (8)

Total L: 45

1. Kenjo T, "Stepping Motors and their Microprocessor Controls", Clarendon Press, 2003.
2. J. R. Hendershot, Timothy John Eastham Miller, "Design of Brushless Permanent-magnet Machines", Motor Design Books,

1. Jacek F. Gieras, Zbigniew J. Piech, Bronislaw Tomczuk, "Linear Synchronous Motors: Transportation and Automation
Systems", CRC Press.New York, 2011.
2. Bonfiglioli Riduttori, "Gear Motor Handbook", Springer, 1995.
3. Wilfried Voss, "A Comprehensible Guide to Servomotor Sizing", Copperhill Media, 2007.
4. Theodore Wildi, "Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems", Pearson, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Modern Instrumentation and Control Systems - Terminology - Topology - Mechanisms - Protocols - Standards
- Common Problems and Solutions - Grounding/Shielding and Noise - EIA-232 and EIA-485 Interface Standards - Current Loop

68th ACM 04.02.2023

and EIA-485 Converters - Fibre Optic Cable Components and Parameters - Basic Cable Types - Connection Fibers
Troubleshooting (10)

COMMUNICATION BUS PROTOCOLS: Overview - Protocol Structure - Function Codes - Modbus Plus Protocol - Data
Highway - AS interface (AS-I) - DeviceNet: Physical Layer - Topology - Device Taps - Profibus PA/DP/FMS: Protocol Stack -
System Operation - CAN Protocol: Concepts of Bus Access and Arbitration, Errors, Properties, Detection and Processing -
Introduction to CAN 2.0B, LIN Protocol and Telenet (10)

ETHERNET SYSTEMS: IEEE 802.3 - Physical Layer - Medium Access Control - Collisions - Ethernet Design Rules - Fast and
Gigabit Ethernet Systems - Design Considerations - Internet Layer Protocol - UDP - TCP/IP - ProfiNet LAN System
Components - Structured Cabling - Industrial Ethernet - Troubleshooting Ethernet - Introduction to
EtherCAT (10)

WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: Radio Spectrum - Frequency Allocation - Radio Modem - Intermodulation - Implementing A
Radio Link - RFID: Basic Principles of Radio Frequency Identification - Transponders - Interrogators - Wireless HART
Introduction to 5G (8)

APPLICATIONS: Automotive Communication Technologies - Design of Automotive X-By-Wire Systems - The IEC/IEEE Train
Communication Network - Case Studies (7)

Total L: 45

1. Steve Mackay, Edwin Wright, Deon Reynders and John Park, "Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and
Troubleshooting", Newnes (Elsevier), 2004.
2. Dominique Paret, "Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems", John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

1. Richard Zurawski, "The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook", Taylor and Francis, 2005.
2. Deon Reynders and Edwin Wright, "Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking", IDC Technologies, 2006.
3. James Powell, Henry Vandelinde, "Catching the Process Fieldbus an Introduction to PROFIBUS for Process Automation",
Momentum Press, 2013.
4. Albert Lozano-Nieto, "RFID Design Fundamentals and Applications", CRC Press, 2011.


INTRODUCTION: Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks - Comparison of Sensor Network with Ad-Hoc Network. Sensor
Localization - Clock Synchronization - Power Management - Special WSNs - WSN Applications (9)

ARCHITECTURE: Single Node Architecture - Hardware Components - Sensor Mote Architecture and Design - Mica Mote
Design - Telos Mote - Network Architecture - Sensor Network Scenarios - Design Principles Gateway Concepts (9)

NETWORKING SENSORS: MAC Protocols - MAC Low Duty Cycle Protocols and Wakeup Concepts - Contention-Based
Protocols -Schedule-Based Protocols (9)

ROUTING IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS: Energy-Efficient Unicast - Broadcast and Multicast - Data Centric Routing
Protocols in WSNs - Hierarchical Routing Protocols Location Based Routing Protocols and Multipath Routing (9)

SENSOR NETWORK PLATFORMS: Programming Challenges - Node-Level Software Platforms - Node- Level Simulators -
TinyOS - Component Model - Main Features - ContikiOS Protothreads (9)

Total L: 45

1. HolgerKarl, "Protocol and Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks", John Wiley publication, 2007.
2. FeiHu, Xiaojun Cao, "Wireless Sensor Networks, Principles and Practice", CRC Press, 2010.

1. WaltenegusDargie, Christian Poellabauer, "Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice", Wiley, 2010.
2. KazemSohraby, Daniel Minoli, TaiebZnati, "Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols, and Applications", Wiley
Inter science, 2007.
3. Ian Akyildiz, "Wireless Sensor Networks", John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
4. Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary, S. Ramakrishnan, "Wireless Sensor Networks: From Theory to Applications", CRC Press, 2013.


Z TRANSFORM: Sampled Data Theory Sampling Process Sampling Theorem - Signal Reconstruction Sample and Hold
Circuits - Z Transform Theorems on Z Transforms - Inverse Z Transforms (6)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SAMPLED DATA SYSTEMS: Pulse Transfer Function - Response of Sampled Data System to Step and Ramp Inputs - Mapping
Between S-Plane Z - Plane: Primary Strips and Complementary Strips (8)

STATE SPACE ANALYSIS: State Space Representation of Discrete Time Systems - Solving Discrete Time- State- Space
Equations - Pulse Transfer Function Matrix - Discretization of Continuous Time State Space Equations (11)

STABILITY ANALYSIS: Stability Analysis of Closed Loop Systems in the Z-Plane - Jury Stability Test - Stability Analysis by
use of the Bilinear Transformation and Routh Stability Criterion - Stability Analysis using Lyapunov Theorems (11)

POLE PLACEMENT AND OBSERVER DESIGN: Controllability, Observability - Useful Transformations in State- Space
Analysis and Design - Design Via Pole Placement - State Observers - Servo Systems (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ogata K, "Discrete-Time Control systems", 2nd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
2. Kuo B.C, "Digital Control Systems", 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007.

1. Gopal M, "Modern Control Systems Theory", 3rd Edition, New Age International Publications, 2014.
2. Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, "Modern Control Systems", 12th Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. C. L. Philips, Troy Nagle, Aranya Chakrabortty, "Digital Control System Analysis and Design", Prentice-Hall, 2014.
4. M. Gopal, "Digital Control and State Variable Methods", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.


INTRODUCTION: Manual Assembly Lines - Line Balancing Problem - Methods of Line Balancing - Flexible Manual Assembly
Lines - Effect of Part Symmetry on Handling Time - Effect of Part Orientation on Handling Time - Effect of Part weight on
Handling Time (7)

PART FEEDERS: Introduction Gravity Feeders Bowl Feeders, Types and Application Bladed Wheel Hopper Feeder
Rotary Centerboard Hopper Feeder Magnetic Disc Feeder Reciprocating Fork Hopper Feeder Elevating Hopper Feeder
Linear Feeder (9)

ANALYSIS OF ORIENTING SYSTEM: Mechanics of Vibratory Conveying Effect of Vibrational Frequency Effect of Track
Acceleration Effect of Vibration Angle Effect of Track Angle Effect of Co - Efficient of Friction Effect of Active Orienting
Devices on Feed Rate Analysis for Soft Surfaces Analysis for Hard Surface (10)

AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY TRANSFER SYSTEMS: Continuous Transfer, Intermittent Transfer, Indexing Mechanisms
Feeding and Orienting Devices, Types and Applications - Feed Tracks, Escapements, Parts-Placement Mechanisms and
Robots (9)

DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY: Design of Parts for High-Speed Feeding and Orienting, Feeding
Difficulties Markov Chain Analysis Network Analysis Additional Feeding Difficulties (10)

Total L: 45

1. Geoffrey Boothroyd., .
2. Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst, Winston A. Knight

1. Boothroyd, G, Heartz .
Stone Publisher, USA, 2005.
3. .


INTRODUCTION TO FARM AUTOMATION: History of Mechanized Agriculture - Farming Operations and Related Machines -
Tillage, Planting, Cultivation, and Harvesting - Agricultural Automation Need of Agricultural Automation Agriculture
Automation Systems (9)

PRECISION AGRICULTURE: Global Positioning System (GPS) - Geographic Information System - Wireless Communication
Modules and Topology, Zig-bee, Bluetooth, LORA Sensors - Optical Sensor, Electrochemical Sensor, Mechanical Soil Sensor,
Dielectric Moisture Sensor, Location Sensor, Airflow Sensor (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

AGRICULTURAL VEHICLE ROBOT: Introduction to Agricultural Vehicle Robot - Overview of a Robot Farming System -
Navigation Sensors - Autonomous Navigation Control - Agricultural Robot Vehicles - Obstacle Sensor - Robot Management
System - Intelligent Robot Vision (9)

AUTOMATION IN IRRIGATION AND PESTICIDE SPRAYING: Automation in Pressurized Irrigation Systems - Automation with
Soil Sensing - Automation with Site Specific Irrigation - IoT in irrigation - Pesticide Spraying Machines - Pesticide Spraying
Drones (9)

ADVANCEMENTS IN FARMING AND CASE STUDIES: Vertical Farming Hydroponics Aeroponics Case study Fruit
Plucking Robot, On Farm Irrigation Systems, Potato Cultivation Automation (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ajit K. Srivastava, Carroll E. Goering, Roger P. Rohrbach, Dennis R. Buckmaster, "Engineering Principles of Agricultural
Machines", ASAE Publication, 2006.
2. Qin Zhang, Francis J. Pierce, "Agricultural Automation Fundamentals and Practices", CRC Press, 2013.

1. Myer Kutz, "Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery Engineering", Academic Press, 2013.
2. Stephen L. Young, Francis J. Pierce, "Automation: The Future of Weed Control in Cropping Systems", Springer,
Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, 2014.
4. Guangnan Chen, "Advances in Agricultural Machinery and Technologies", 1 st Edition, CRC Press, 2018.


CONTROLLER DESIGN: Design and Performance Analysis of P, PI, PID Controllers - Ziegler-Nichols Tuning of PID Controller,
Cohen Coon Tuning Method, Universal PID Design Tool (10)

COMPENSATOR DESIGN: Classical Design, Examples - Realization of Compensating Networks - Lead, Lag, Lag- Lead
Networks - Lead Compensation, Lag Compensation, Lag Lead Compensation - Network Compensation Root Locus Approach

SAMPLED DATA SYSTEM: Sampling Process Sample and Hold - Reconstruction of Sampled Signals Hold Circuits Zero
and First Order Hold - Z Inverse Z Transform - Pulse Transfer Function -Step Response (7)

NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS: Introduction Properties of Non-Linear Systems - Describing Function for Simple Non- Linearities
Like On-Off Relay, Dead Zone, Saturation and Relay with Hysteresis - Basic Concepts Singular Points Construction of
Phase Plane Trajectory for Linear and Nonlinear Second Order System Isocline Method Stability Evaluation and Limit Cycle

STATE VARIABLE DESIGN: Introduction to State Model- Effect of State Feedback on Controllability and Observability - Pole
Placement by State Feedback - Pole Placement Design - Design of State Observers- Full Order Observer - Separation Principle,
Reduced Order Observer (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ogata K, "Modern Control Engineering", Pearson/Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Gopal M, "Modern Control Systems Theory", New Age International Publishers, 2011.

1. Gopal M, "Control Systems Principles and Design", Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Norman S. Nise, "Control System Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
3. Aggarwal K K, "Control Systems Analysis and Design", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Benjamin C Kuo, "Automatic Control Systems", John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

23R028 INDUSTRY 4.0

INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRY 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Sustainability Assessment of Manufacturing - Lean
Production System - Smart and Connected Business Perspective - Smart Factories - Cyber Physical Systems - Collaboration
Platform and Product Life Cycle - Augmented and Virtual Reality (10)

BASICS OF INDUSTRIAL IOT: Introduction- Industrial Internet Systems - Industrial Sensing and Actuation-Industrial Processes
Business Models and Reference Architecture for IIoT (7)

KEY ENABLERS OF INDUSTRIAL IOT: IoT Sensing - IoT Connectivity - IoT Networking - Process Control Visualization:
HMI Mobile Apps IIoT Communication Protocols (8)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

IIOT ANALYTICS AND DATA MANAGEMENT: Introduction - Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning - Cloud / Edge
Computing - Fog Computing in IIoT - Data Management with Data Center Networks - Big Data Analysis - Advanced
Technologies: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Introduction to OPC-UA - Security in IIoT Cyber Security (10)

IIOT APPLICATIONS: Factories and Assembly Line - Manufacturing Industry - Food Industry - Power Plants -Healthcare -
Inventory Management and Quality Control - Plant Security and Safety - Facility Management (10)

Total L: 45

1. Alasdair Gilchrist, "Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things", Apress, 2016.
2. Lane Thames, Dirk Schaefer, "Cyber Security for Industry 4.0", Springer, 2017.

1. Bartodziej, Christoph Jan, "The Concept Industry 4.0: An Empirical Analysis of Technologies and Applications in Production
Logistics", Springer Gabler, 2017.
2. Elena G. Popkova, Yulia V. Ragulina, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, "Industry 4.0: Industrial Revolution of the 21st
3. Giacomo Veneri, Antonio Capasso, "Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things", Packt Publishing Limited, 2018.
4. Jerker Desling, "IoT Automation", CRC Press, 2017.


BASIC CONCEPTS: Speech Fundamentals: Articulatory Phonetics Production and Classification of Speech Sounds; Acoustic
Phonetics Acoustics of Speech Production; Review of Digital Signal Processing Concepts; Short-Time Fourier Transform,
Filter-Bank and LPC Methods (9)

SPEECH ANALYSIS: Features, Feature Extraction and Pattern Comparison Techniques: Speech Distortion Measures
Mathematical and Perceptual Log Spectral Distance, Cepstral Distances, Weighted Cepstral Distances and Filtering,
Likelihood Distortions, Spectral Distortion using a Warped Frequency Scale, LPC, PLP and MFCC Coefficients, Time Alignment
and Normalization Dynamic Time Warping, Multiple Time Alignment Paths (9)

SPEECH MODELING: Hidden Markov Models: Markov Processes, HMMs Evaluation, Optimal State Sequence Viterbi
Search, Baum-Welch Parameter Re-estimation - Implementation Issues (9)

SPEECH RECOGNITION: Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition: Architecture of a Large Vocabulary Continuous
Speech Recognition System Acoustics and Language Models N-grams, Context Dependent Sub-word Units Text-to-
Speech Synthesis (12)

APPLICATIONS: Verification - Voice Biometrics - Music Processing - Issues - Representation - Pitch Melody - Timbre - Music
Features - Singer Identification - Instrument Identification (6)

Total L: 45

1. Lawrence Rabiner and Biing-
2. An Introduction to Natural Language Processing,
Computational Li , 2013.

Wiley, 2006.
3. , 1998.
4. Claudio Becchetti


DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS: Need and benefits of Digital Signal Processing - Sampling and Quantization of
Analog Signals - Signal Classification and Basic Operations LTI System Impulse response - Convolution Sum and
Correlation - I/O Relationship - Determination of Impulse Response and Step Response using Z transformation - A Typical DSP
System (9)

DISCRETE TRANSFORMS: Fourier Series and Fourier Transform - Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Properties - DFT
Frequency Axis DIT - FFT and DIF - FFT radix2 Algorithms - Linear Filtering via Circular Convolution - Inverse FFT (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

DESIGN OF IIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Characteristics and Applications of IIR Filters - Design Techniques for Analog Filters -
Frequency Transformation - Digital IIR Filter Design: Impulse Invariant and Bilinear Transform Methods Canonical Forms of
Realization: Direct, Cascade, and Parallel forms (9)

DESIGN OF FIR FILTERS: Characteristics and Applications of FIR Filters - FIR Filter Design using Window Functions -
Canonical Forms of Realization (8)

GENERAL PURPOSE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS: Introduction to Digital Signal Processors - Architecture of
TMS320C6748 - Device Characteristics Memory Mapping Peripherals - Finite Word Length Effects in IIR Filters and FFT
Algorithms (10)

Total L: 45

2. Emmanuel C Barrie W Jervis, "Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Approach", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2015.

1. John G Proakis, "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Sanjit K Mitra, "Digital Signal Processing, A Computer based Approach", McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
3. B.Venkatramani, M.Bhaskar, "Digital Signal Processor Architecture, Programming and Application", McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition
4. Tl Team, "TMS320C6748 Technical Reference Manual", September 2016.


INTRODUCTION: Taxonomy, Technology and Features of Augmented Reality, Difference between AR, VR and MR,
Challenges with AR, AR Systems and Functionality, Augmented Reality Methods, Visualization Techniques for Augmented
Reality (8)

AR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Introduction to AR Tools - Camera Parameters and Calibration, Marker-Based Augmented
Reality AR Toolkit (8)

VR SYSTEMS: Basic Features and Architecture - VR Input Hardware: Tracking Systems, Motion Capture Systems, Data
Gloves, VR Output Hardware: Visual Displays (9)

3D INTERACTION TECHNIQUES: 3D Manipulation Tasks, Manipulation Techniques and Input Devices, Interaction Techniques
for 3D Manipulation (10)

APPLICATION: Medical Applications - Educational Applications - Public Safety and Military Applications, Case Studies: AR
Assisted Robot Programming System for Industrial Applications, AR Based Mobile Robot Tele Operation, AR for Human Robot
Communication - AR and Cobots (10)

Total L: 45

1. Paul Mealy, John Wiley and Sons, 2018.
2. Tony Virtual Reality: Developing Immersive
Reilly, 2015.

1. Alan B. Craig, Augmented Reality: Concepts and Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
2. Alan Craig, William Sherman and Jeffrey Will, Virtual
Morgan Kaufmann, 2009
-Wesley Publisher, 1st Edition, 2016.
4. Edition, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2017.


GENESIS OF IOT: Things in IoT - Sensors- Actuators- Smart Objects, Sensor Networks, - Communication Criteria for
Connecting Smart Objects - Communication Models and APIs - IoT Levels and Deployment Templates IoT Challenges,
Emerging IoT Flavours (8)

IOT ARCHITECTURES AND PROTOCOLS: A Simplified IoT Architecture - Core IoT Functional Stack - Architecture for IoT
using Mobile Technologies - Mobile Technologies for Supporting IoT Ecosystem - Low Power Wide Area Networking
Technologies - Infrastructure and Service Discovery Protocols - Device Integration Protocols (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

IOT PLATFORMS AND PROGRAMMING: Embedded Computing Basics Microcontrollers - System on Chips Arduino,
pcDuino, Beagle Bone Black, CubieBoard, Electric Imp - Raspberry Pi: About the Board, Interfaces - Programming with Python
- Developing Code for Writing to Actuators, Blinking LED, Reading from Sensors, Light Switch - Frameworks - Data Standards
- IoT Information Security Challenges (10)

DATA ANALYTICS AND CLOUD: An Introduction to Data Analytics for IoT - Role of Machine Learning - Big Data Analytics
Tools and Technology - Edge Streaming Analytics and Network Analytics - Cloud technology, IoT and Cloud Inspired Smarter
Environments - Special Purpose Clouds - Case Studies: Smart and Connected Cities, Healthcare, Agriculture (10)

INDUSTRIAL IOT AND APPLICATIONS: Introduction to Industrial IoT - Understanding the Industrial IoT Process - Industrial
Data Flow and Devices - Security Management of an IoT Ecosystem - Case Studies: Manufacturing - Oil and Gas - Power Utility
Industry (8)

Total L: 45

1. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", Universities Pess, 2014.
2. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Rob Barton, Jerome Henry, "IoT Fundamentals: Networking
Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for Internet of Things", Cisco Press, 2017.

1. Pethuru Raj, Anupama C. Raman, "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases", CRC, 2017.
2. Giacomo Veneri, Antonio Capasso, "Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things: Create a Powerful Industrial IoT Infrastructure
using Industry 4.0", Packt, 2018.
3. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, "The Internet of Things Key Applications and Protocols", John Wiley and Sons, UK,
4. Ovidiu Vermesan, Peter Friess, "Internet of Things-Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated
Ecosystems", River, Denmark, 2013.


INTRODUCTION: Register Transfer Language - Register - Bus and Memory Transfers - Arithmetic - Logic and Shift Micro
Operations (4)

BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATION: Instruction Codes - Instructions - Timing and Control - Instruction Cycle - Fetch and
Decode - Execution - Memory Reference Instructions - Input/ Output and Interrupt (7)

CENTRAL PROCESSOR ORGANISATION: General Register Organization - Stack Organization - Instruction Formats -
Addressing Modes - Data Transfer and Manipulation - Program Control - Control Memory - Address Sequencer - Data Path
Structure - CISC Characteristics - RISC Characteristics - RISC Pipeline (9)

ARITHMETIC PROCESSING: Introduction - Addition - Subtraction - Multiplication and Division Algorithms Floating Point
Arithmetic Operations (9)

MEMORY AND INPUT/OUTPUT ORGANIZATION: Basic Concepts - Memory Hierarchy - Main Memory - Auxiliary Memory -
Associative Memory - Basic Principle of Cache and Virtual Memory - Input - Output Interface - Modes of Transfer (8)

PIPELINE AND VECTOR PROCESSING: Parallel Processing - Pipelining - RISC Pipelining - Vector Processing (8)

Total L: 45

1. Morris Mano M, "Computer System Architecture", Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Carl Hamacher V, Vranesic Z G, Zaky S G, "Computer Organization", McGraw Hill, New York, 2002.

1. Kai Hwang, Briggs F A, "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing", McGraw Hill, New York, 1985.
2. David A Patterson and John L Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface", 5th
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2014.
3. John P.Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. Nicholas P Carter, Raj Kamal, "Computer Architecture and Organisation", 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Functional Building Blocks - Characteristics - Challenges in Embedded System Design - Embedded System
Design Processes Embedded Firmware Design and Development Assembly, Linking and Loading, Basic Compilation
Techniques - Quality Assurance (6)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

EMBEDDED SYSTEM COMPONENTS: CPUs Bus Based Computer Systems: CPU Bus, Memory Management: Dynamic
Memory Allocation and Fixed-size Memory Allocation - I/O Subsystems - Exceptions and Interrupts (11)

REAL-TIME SYSTEM CONCEPTS: Processes - Threads and Tasks Task States - Multi-tasking - Context Switch Kernel
Scheduler - Pre-emptive RTOS Priority Based Scheduling - Power Management and Optimization for Processes Program
Optimization (11)

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND INTER-TASK COMMUNICATION: Critical Sections Semaphores: Binary, Counting and
MUTEX Common Design Problems: Premature Task Deletion and Deadlocks - Inter-task Communication: Shared Memory
Technique, Mailbox and Message Queues (9)

APPLICATIONS: Real-Time Embedded Systems in Healthcare: Health Monitoring Gadgets Automotive: Adaptive Cruise
Control System Automation: Smart Elevator System - Consumer Electronics: Digital Camera (8)

Total L: 45

1. Wayne Wolf, "Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer Systems Design", Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
2. Jean J Labrosse, "Embedded Systems Building Blocks", 2nd Edition, R & D Books, 2000.

1. Giorgio C. Buttazzo, -
2. -
Information, New Delhi, 2016.


BIG DATA: Big Data Overview, Evolution of Big Data, Definition of Big Data, Challenges with Big Data - State of Practice in
Analytics - Big Data Analytics in Industry Verticals - Data Analytics Lifecycle: Discovery Data Preparation Model Planning
Model Building Communicating Results Deployment (8)

DATA ANALYTICS: Theory and Methods - Supervised Learning: Linear / Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes -
Unsupervised Learning: K - Means Clustering, Association Rules (10)

BIG DATA TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS: Hadoop - Component of Hadoop - Analysing Data with Hadoop - HDFS - Mapreduce:
Mapreduce Programming Model, Developing a Map Reduce Application - Data Processing Operators in Pig - Hive
Services - Fundamentals of Hbase and Zookeeper (10)

STREAM COMPUTING: Introduction to Streams Concepts - Stream Data Model and Architecture - Stream Computing -
Sampling Data in a Stream - Filtering Streams Counting Distinct Elements in a Stream - Estimating Moments - Counting
Oneness in a Window Decaying Window - Real Time Analytics Platform (RTAP) Applications (9)

DATA MANAGEMENT AND VISUALIZATION: NoSQL Data Management for Big Data Schema - Less Model - Aggregate
Data Models - Graph Analytics for Big Data - Visualization Techniques Case Studies using Python Libraries (8)

Total L: 45

1. EMC Education Services, "Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data",
John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", O`Reilly Publishers, USA, 2015.

1. David Loshin, "Big Data Analytics: From Strategic Planning to Enterprise Integration with Tools, Techniques, NoSQL, and
Graph", Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2013.
2. Bill Franks, "Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics", John
Wiley and Sons, 2012.
3. Bart Baesens, "Analytics in a Big Data World: The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications", Wiley, USA, 2014.
4. Chris Eaton, Dirk DeRoos, Tom Deutsch, George Lapis, Paul Zikopoulos, "Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise
Class Hadoop and Streaming Data", McGraw Hill, 2012.


INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORKS: Differences Between Biological and Artificial Neural Networks - Typical
Architecture - Common Activation Functions - Mcculloch - Pitts Neuron - Case Study: Modeling the Perception of Hot and Cold
- Simple Neural Nets for Pattern Classification - Linear Separability - Hebb Net - Perceptron - Architecture - Algorithm - Case
Study: Character Recognition (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PATTERN ASSOCIATION: Training Algorithms for Pattern Association - Hebb Rule and Delta Rule - Heteroassociative -
Autoassociative and Iterative Auto Associative Net - Bidirectional Associative Memory - Architecture - Algorithm - Simple
Applications - Case Study: Character Recognition (9)

COMPETITION AND BACKPROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORKS: Kohonen Self Organising Maps - Architecture - Algorithm
and Applications - Standard Backpropagation Architecture - Architecture of Boltzmann Machine Learning (9)

SETS AND RELATIONS: Properties and Operations on Classical and Fuzzy Sets - Crisp and Fuzzy Relations Cardinality -
Properties and Operations - Composition - Tolerance and Equivalence Relations - Simple Problems (6)

MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS: Features of Membership Function - Various Forms - Fuzzification - Defuzzification to Crisp Sets
- Lambda Cuts for Fuzzy Relations Defuzzification to Scalars (7)

APPLICATIONS: Neural Networks: Robotics - Image Compression - Control Systems - Fuzzy Logic: Mobile Robot Navigation
- Autotuning a PID Controller (5)

Total L: 45

1. Laurene Fausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications", Pearson Education,
2. Timothy Ross, "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", Mc Graw Hill, 2002.

1. Sivanandam S N, Sumathi S, Deepa S N, " Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0,", New Delhi, 2006.
2. Nikola K. Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering", Marcel Alencar, 1996.
3. Laxmidhar Behera, Indrani Kar, "Intelligent Systems and Control: Principles and Applications", OUP India, 2009.
4. Bart Kosko, "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence", Prentice-Hall
International, 1992.


INTRODUCTION TO AI AND INTELLIGENT AGENTS: Foundations, History - Intelligent agents, Agents and Environments -
Nature of Environments, Structure of Agents Problem Solving Agents - Problem Formulation - State Space, Search Space
Problem Reduction (9)

PROBLEM SOLVING BY SEARCHING: Searching for Solutions: Uninformed Search Strategies Informed Search Strategies
Classical Search - Adversarial Search Constraint Satisfaction Problems (10)

PLANNING: Classical Planning Algorithms for Planning as State Space Search Planning Graphs Hierarchical Planning
Multi Agent Planning Analysis of Planning Approaches (9)

ROBOTIC ARCHITECTURES: Overview of the Three Paradigms - Hierarchical Paradigm: Attributes Representative
Architectures - Reactive Paradigm: Attributes - Subsumption Architecture - Potential Field Methodologies - Designing a Reactive
Behavioral System - The Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Paradigm (9)

AI IN ROBOTICS: Perception Planning to Move Planning Uncertain Movements - Moving-Path Planning - Localization and
MAP Making Applications of Robots (8)

Total L: 45

1. Start Russell, Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach", Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. Robin R. Murphy, "Introduction to AI Robotics", MIT Press, 2000.

1. Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich and Shivashankar B Nair, "Artificial Intelligence", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Francis X. Govers, "Artificial Intelligence for Robotics", Packt, 2018.
3. Edition, Pearson, 2021.
4. Prad -based


INTRODUCTION TO ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Prototype Fundamentals Evolution of AM - Distinction between AM and
CNC Machining - Classification of AM Processes - Materials Used for AM - Benefits and Limitations of AM Process Chain (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

CAD AND REVERSE ENGINEERING: Reverse engineering - Digitization Techniques CAD Model Preparation STL Format
- STL File Problems - Consequences of Building a Valid and Invalid Tessellated Model - STL File Repair - Part Orientation and
Support Generation Model Slicing Tool Path Generation Software for Additive Manufacturing Technology: MIMICS,

Parameters, Benefits, Drawbacks and Applications Fused Deposition Modelling: Principle, Process, Parameters, Benefits,
Drawbacks and Applications - Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing: Principle, Process, Parameters, Benefits, Drawbacks and
Applications - Case studies (9)

POWDER BASED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Selective Laser Sintering: Principle, Process, Parameters,
Benefits, Drawbacks and Applications - Laser Engineered Net Shaping: Principle, Process, Parameters, Benefits, Drawbacks
and Applications - Electron Beam Melting: Principle, Process, Parameters, Benefits, Drawbacks and Applications - Case Studies

APPLICATIONS OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING: Direct Digital Manufacturing - Biomedical Applications Computer Aided
Tissue Engineering (CATE) - Aerospace and Automotive Applications Tooling - Architectural applications - Food and
Consumer Applications - Art, Fashion, Jewellery, Toys and Other Applications Case Studies (9)

Total L: 45

Scientific Publishing Company, 2017.
2. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, "Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital
Manufacturing", Springer, 2010.

1. Liou F. W, "Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A Tool Box for Prototype Development", 2 nd Edition, CRC
Press, 2019.
2. Kamrani A.K, Nasr E.A, "Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice", Springer, 2006.
3. Gebhardt A, "Rapid Prototyping", Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
4. Hilton P.D., Jacobs P.F, "Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications", CRC Press, 2000.


INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Definition Concepts and Key Issues - Logistics Network
Configuration - Data Collection - Model and Data Validation - Solution Techniques (8)

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Introduction Inventory Management and Risk Pooling Various Inventory Scenarios -
Economic lot Size Model - Effect of Demand Uncertainty, Risk Pooling - Inventory Systems - Centralized and Decentralized
System - Managing Inventory in the Supply Chain - Forecasting (9)

VALUE OF INFORMATION: Bullwhip Effect Concept, Measuring and Managing - Other Impact of Information in SC -
Forecasts, Lead Time Reduction, Coordination and Integration of Supply Chain - IT for SCM: Goals and Standardization, IT
Infrastructure SCM System Components Integrating SC - IT Systems - Distribution Strategies - Central vs. Decentral Control,
Push vs. Pull Systems (10)

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: Framework for Strategic Alliance, Third Party Logistics: Concepts, Issues and Implementation -
Retailer Supplier Relationships, Types, Requirements and Implementation - Distributor Integration, Types and Issues (9)

INTERNATIONAL ISSUES IN SCM: Global Forces: Market, Cost, Technology, Political and Social - Risks and Advantages of
Internationalizing - Issues, Regional Differences - Coordination in Product and SC Design- Design for Logistics - Supplier
Integration Mass Customization- Customer Value- Dimensions and Measures (9)

Total L: 45

1. Simchi Levi Davi, Kaminsky Philip, Simchi-Levi Edith, "Designing and Managing the Supply Chain", Tata Mc. Graw- Hill,
2. Chopra S, Meindl P, "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation", Prentice Hall India, 2007.

1. Sahay B S, "Supply Chain Management", Macmillan, 2000.
2. David Brunt, David Taylor, "Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Lean Approach", Vikas
Publishing House, 2001.
3. Hartmud Stadler, Christoph Kilger, "Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software",
Springer-Verlag, 2000.
4. David F Ross, "Introduction to E-Supply Chain Management", CRC Press, 2003.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS PLANNING: Methods of Process Planning - Drawing Interpretation- Material Evaluation
Steps in Process Selection - Production Equipment and Tooling Selection (10)

PROCESS PLANNING ACTIVITIES: Process Parameter Calculation for Various Production Processes Selection of Jigs and
Fixtures - Selection of Quality Assurance Methods - Documents for Process Planning - Economics of Process Planning - Case
Studies (10)

INTRODUCTION TO COST ESTIMATION: Importance of Costing and Estimation Methods of Costing - Elements of Cost
Estimation Types of Estimates Estimating Procedure: Estimation of Labor Cost, Material Cost, Allocation of Over-Head
Charges, Calculation of Depreciation Cost (8)

PRODUCTION COST ESTIMATION: Estimation of Different Types of Jobs: Forging Shop, Welding Shop, Foundry Shop (8)

MACHINING TIME CALCULATION: Estimation of Machining Time - Importance of Machine Time Calculation - Calculation of
Machining Time: Lathe, Drilling, Boring, Milling, Shaping, Planning and Grinding (9)

Total L: 45

1. Peter Scalon, "Process planning, Design / Manufacture Interface", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
2. Kesavan R, "Process Planning and Cost Estimation", New Age International, Chennai, 2005.

1. Ostwalal P F, Munez J, "Manufacturing Processes and systems", 9th Edition, John Wiley, 1998.
2. Russell R S, Tailor B.W, "Operations Management", 4th Edition, PHI, 2003.
3. Chitale A.V, Gupta R.C, "Product Design and Manufacturing", 2nd Edition, PHI, 2002.
4. Ken Hurst, "Engineering Design Principles", Elsevier Limited, 2006.


ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF MAINTENANCE FUNCTION: Scope of Responsibilities, Organization, Manpower
Requirements, Selection and Training Maintenance vs. Reliability Engineering Operating Policies of Effective Maintenance
Reliability Based Maintenance TPM Concepts, Metrics, Benefits, Implementation, Common Barriers, Success Factors and
Enablers (9)

MAINTENANCE BEST PRACTICES: Key Performance Indicators Fundamental Requirements of Preventive Maintenance
Sustaining Maintenance: Preventive Maintenance, Periodic Replacement, Corrective Maintenance, Overhauls and Upgrades,
Breakdown Maintenance Computerized Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Repair and Operations Storeroom
Excellence (9)

PREDICTIVE MAINTENECE BEST PRACTICES: Definition, Total Plant Maintenance, Techniques Vibration Monitoring and
Analysis: For Predictive Maintenance, Other Uses of Vibration Analysis, Causes, Characteristics, Parameters, Common Failure
Modes, Instruments for Measurement Introduction to Thermography, Tribology, Ultrasonic (9)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Fault-Tree Analysis Cause and Effect Analysis
Sequence of the Events Analysis The Why-Why / Root Cause Analysis Statistical Analysis Tools Failure Mode Criticality
and Risk Assessment (10)

INDUSTRIAL HAZARDS AND SAFETY: Hazards: Types Physical, Chemical, Biological, Ergonomical, Electrical - Fire:
Chemistry of Fire, Detection and Suppression Systems Safety Acts: Factories Act 1948, Environment Act 1986, OSHA,
HASAWA, ISO Related to Safety (8)

Total L: 45

1. Keith Mobley, "Maintenance Engineering Handbook", McGraw Hill Education, 2014.
2. Robinson C J, Ginder A P, "Implementing TPM", Productivity Press, 1995.

1. Dhillon B S, "Maintainability, Maintenance and Reliability for Engineers", CRC Press, 2006.
2. Heinrich H W, "Industrial Accident Prevention", National Safety Council, 1998.
3. "Personal Protective Equipment", National Safety Council, 1998.
4. "Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations", National Safety Council, 1995.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING: Definition - Human Technological System - Multidisciplinary
Engineering Approach - Human - Machine System: Manual, Mechanical and Automated System - Human System Reliability -
Conceptual Design - Advanced Development - Detailed Design and Development (9)

INFORMATION INPUT: Input and Processing - Text - Graphics - Symbols - Codes - Visual Display of Dynamic Information -
Auditory - Tactual - Olfactory Displays - Speech Communications (9)

HUMAN OUTPUT AND CONTROL: Physical Work - Manual Material Handling - Motor Skill - Human Control of Systems -
Controls and Data Entry Devices - Hand Tools and Devices (9)

WORKPLACE DESIGN: Applied Anthropometry - Workspace Design and Seating - Arrangement of Components within a
Physical Space - Interpersonal Aspects of Work Place Design - Design of Repetitive Task - Design of Manual Handling Task -
Work Capacity - Stress and Fatigue Environmental Conditions: Illumination, Climate, Noise, Motion, Sound, Vibration, Color
and Aesthetic Concepts (10)

HUMAN FACTORS APPLICATIONS: Human Error - Accidents - Human Factors and the Automobile Organizational and
Social Aspects - ISO / DIS6385 - Virtual Environments (8)

Total L: 45

1. Chandler Allen Phillips, "Human Factors Engineering", John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
2. Edition, CRC Press,

1. Bridger R S, "Introduction to Ergonomics", Taylor and Francis, 2003.
2. Mayall W H, "Industrial Design for Engineers", London ILIFFE Books Ltd., 1998.
3. Martin Helander, "A Guide to Human Factors and Ergonomics", 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2005.
4. Mark Lehto, Steven J. Landry, "Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers", 2 nd Edition, CRC Press,


INTRODUCTION: Product Development: Characteristics, Importance, Societies, Customers, Business, Challenges,
Organizations - Development Process: Processes, Process Flow - Product Planning: Identifying Opportunities, Prioritization,
Resource Allocation and Pre-Project Planning (8)

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT: Customer Needs Data Gathering - Organizing Needs - Product and Target Specification -
Concept Generation Process - Concept Selection Process - Screening Scoring - Concept Testing: Purpose and Process,
Survey, Response and Interpretation (10)

DESIGN PROCESS: Product Architecture Modular- Integrated Design Models: Shighley, Paul and Beitz, Ohsuga and Earle
Models - Platform Planning - System Level Design Issues - Embodiment Design: Size and Strength, Scheme Drawing - Form
Design - Provisional Material and Process Determination - Design or Assembly and Manufacture - Industrial Design Process

PLANNING FOR MANUFACTURE AND MANAGEMENT: Detail Design: Factor of Safety, Selection Procedure for Bought out
Components, Material Selection - Robust Design, Experimental Plan, Design Management: Management of Design for Quality,
Project Planning and Control, Production Design Specification (PDS) - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Design Review,
Value Analysis - Prototype: Uses and Types, Testing and Refinement - Production Ramp-up (10)

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND PROJECT ECONOMICS: Intellectual Property Rights: Introduction, Types, Write
the Description of the Invention, Refine Claims, Pursue Application - Economics and Management Financial Model, Project
Trade Off, Accelerating Projects - Project Execution (7)

Total L: 45

1. T Karl, Ulrich and D Steven, Eppinger, "Product Design and Development", McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Dieter G E, "Engineering Design", McGraw Hill, 2009.

1. Ken Hurst, "Engineering Design Principles", Elsevier Science and Technology Books, 2006.
2. E Deborah, Bouchoux, "Intellectual Property Rights", Cengage Learning, 2008.
3. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, "Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development", Pearson
Education Limited, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Peter Scalon, "Process Planning, Design / Manufacture Interface", Elsevier Science Technology Books, 2002.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to CAD and CAM Manufacturing Planning - Manufacturing Control- Introduction to CAD/CAM
Sequential and Concurrent Engineering - CIM Concepts Computerized Elements of CIM System Types of Production -
Basic Elements of an Automated System Levels of Automation CIM Wheel (9)

PRODUCT DESIGN: Needs of the Market - Design Process - Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Benefits of CAD - Geometric
Modeling: Wire Frame, Surface and Solid Modeling Three-Dimensional Capabilities: Principles of Curve Generation,
Representation of 3D Surfaces - CAD/CAM Workstations - Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Finite Element Method (11)

PRODUCTION PLANNING: Introduction - Production Planning and Control MRP I, MRP II and ERP - History of Group
Technology (GT) Role of GT in CAD/CAM Integration Part Families - Classification and Coding: DCLASS, MICLASS and
OPTIZ Coding Systems Benefits of GT Cellular Manufacturing - Process Planning: Role of Process - Planning in CAD/CAM
Integration Approaches to Computer Aided Process Planning Variant and Generative Approaches (9)

FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM (FMS): Introduction to CNC Machine Tool, Types of Flexibility FMS: Components,
Application and Benefits, Planning and Control - Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS): Application and Benefits (8)

INTEGRATED PART HANDLING SYSTEMS: Assembly - Automatic Identification and Data Capture - AGVs Application
Vehicle Guidance Technology Vehicle Management and Safety - Role of Management and Engineers in CIM (8)

Total L: 45

1. Kant Vajpayee S, "Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing", PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Mikell P Groover, "Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing", Pearson Education, 2016.

1. Mikell P Groover and Emory Zimmers Jr, "CAD/CAM", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 1998.
2. Rao P N, "CAD/CAM Principles and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2007.
3. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyam S and Raju V, "CAD/CAM/CIM", New Age International, 2008.


INTRODUCTION: Origins and Outcome of Lean Manufacturing Lean Process- 3M Concept - Key Principles and Implications
Traditional Vs. Lean Manufacturing Characteristics Roadmap for Lean Implementation and Lean Benefits - Study of Ford
and Toyota Production Systems - JIT Manufacturing - Lean Building Blocks (9)

LEAN MANUFACTURING CONCEPTS: Value Creation and Waste Elimination Seven Types of Waste Pull Production:
Models of Pull Production - Kanban System: Continuous Flow, Design of Kanban Quantities, Leveled Production Kaizen:
Worker Involvement, Tools for Continuous Improvement (9)

VALUE STREAM MAPPING: Benefits - Mapping Process: Current State Map, Mapping Icons, Mapping Steps - VSM Exercises
- Takt Time Calculations (9)

LEAN MANUFACTURING TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES: Standard Work Sequence Timing, Working Progress,
Automation / Jidoka, Visual Management System, Mistake Proofing / Poke-Yoke, Quality at Source - 5S Technique: Elements
and Waste Elimination through 5S, Advantages and Benefits (9)

TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE: Goals and Benefits Pillars of TPM and Implementation - Temple of Quality - Hidden
Factory: Six Big Losses, Types of Maintenance - Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Calculations, Change Over and Setup
Time Reduction Techniques (9)

Total L: 45
1. Michael Wader, "Lean Tools: A Pocket Guide to Implementing Lean Practices", Productivity and Quality Publishing, 2002.
2. William M Feld, "Lean Manufacturing: Tools, Techniques and How to use them", APICS, 2001.

1. Richard B Chase, "Production and Operations Management", McGraw-Hill, 2003.
2. Taiichi Ohno, "Toyoto Production Systems: Beyond Large Scale Production", Productivity Press, 1988.
3. Askin R G, Goldberg J B, "Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
4. Mahadevan B, "Operations Management", Pearson, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS AUTOMATION: Process Automation for Paper Industry, Packaging Industry, Food Processing
Industry - Integrated Design Issues in Automation Systems - Mechatronics Design Process and Benefits - Modeling of
Electromechanical Systems - Bond Graph Technique - Automation Migration Strategy - Building Blocks of Automation Systems

SELECTION OF LM GUIDEWAYS: Need of LM Guideways - Guideway Geometries Sliding and Rolling Contact Linear Motion
Bearings Collision Loads on LM Guideways Preload Factor Gothic Arch - Circular Arch Offset Gothic Arch Grooves
Selection Procedure Basic Load Rating Safety Factor Nominal Life Service Life Time (11)

SELECTION OF BALL SCREWS: Factors: Driving Torque, Axial Forces, Buckling Load, Static Load Rating, Dynamic Load
Rating Life Factor Selection Procedure s (9)

SELECTION OF SERVOMOTOR: Introduction to CNC Servo System Sizing Factors Motion Profile Inertia Speed
Acceleration Torque Speed Torque Characteristics Selection Procedure Applications (9)

SYSTEM INTEGRATION: Issues - Systematic Approaches - Design and Simulation using CIROS Software - Case studies -
Economics of Automation Systems Design Implementation (8)

Total L: 45

1. Mikell P Groover, "Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing", Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2016.
2. Devadas Shetty, "Mechatronics System Design", PWS Publishing Company, USA, 2010.

1. Wilfried Voss, "A Comprehensible Guide to Servomotor Sizing", Copperhill Technologies Corporation, Massachusetts,
2. Geoffery Boothroyd, "Assembly Automation and Product Design", CRC Press, USA, 2016.


INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: Classes of Materials and their Usage Evaluation of Materials Science
Structural Material Functional Materials Polyfunctional Materials Generation of Smart Materials Diverse Areas of
Intelligent Materials Primitive Functions of Intelligent Materials Technological Applications of Intelligent Materials

ELECTRO RHEOLOGICAL AND MAGNETO RHEOLOGICAL FLUIDS: Mechanisms and Properties, Characteristics, Fluid
Composition and Behaviour, Discovery and Early Developments, Summary of Material Properties, Applications of ER and MR
Fluids (9)

SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS (SMA): Introduction, Properties of Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory Effects, Pseudo-
elasticity in SMA, Design of Shape Memory Actuator, Selection of Materials, Smart Actuation and Control, Applications of SMA
in Robotics (9)

PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS: Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Materials, Constitutive Equations of Piezoelectric Materials,
Piezoelectric Actuator Types, Control of Piezoelectric Actuators, Applications of Piezoelectric Actuators for Precise Positioning
and Scanning (9)

LIGHT WEIGHT MATERIALS: Need of Lightweight Materials in Robotics Selection Guidelines for Lightweight Materials -
Material Properties, Manufacturing and Applications of Magnesium - based Alloys, Carbon Fiber Composites, Glass Fiber
Composites, Aluminum Alloys, Titanium Alloys (9)

Total L: 45

1. D.J. Leo, Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems, Wiley 2007.

3. Brain Borton London, 2004.

68th ACM 04.02.2023




ROBOT SAFETY: Safety Basics and Features, Need for Safety and the Role of Engineers Respect to Safety, Methods for
Performing Safety Analysis of Robot Systems, Roles of Robot Manufacturers and Users in Robot Safety, Safety Considerations
in Robot Design, Installation and Operations, Robot Safeguard Approaches, Workplace Safety (10)

ROBOT SYSTEM RELIABILITY: Reliability Basics and Configurations, Methods for Performing Reliability Analysis of Robot
Systems, Classifications of Robot Failures and their Causes and Corrective Measures, Robot Effectiveness Dictating Factors,
Robot-Related Reliability Measures, Robot Reliability Analysis (8)

ROBOETHICS: Roboethics and Levels of Robomorality, Ethics Fundamental Elements and Theories, Top-Down and Bottom-
Up Roboethics Approach, Ethics in Human-Robot Symbiosis, Robot Rights, Socialized Roboethics, Ethical Issues of Socialized
Robots, Case Studies, Additional Roboethics Issues (9)

ROBOT STANDARDS: The Concept of Standard and Standardization, Characteristics and Benefits of Standardisation,
Standardisation Bodies, Standard-Setting, Robot Standards: Electrical Interfaces on Robots for Industrial Environments- End-
Effector, Manipulating Industrial Robots Mechanical Interfaces, Safety Requirements for Robotics in Industrial Environment,
Safety Design for Industrial Robot Systems, Connectors for Electronic Equipment. Safety of Machinery, Performance Criteria
and Related Test Methods for Service Robots, Coordinate Systems and Motion Nomenclatures (10)

ROBOT TESTING: Robot Performance Testing Methods: Test-Robot Program Method, Ford Method, IPA- Stuttgard Method,
National Bureau of Standards Method, Robot Reliability Testing, Robot Testing and Start-Up Safety-Related Factors, Testing
Equipments and Procedures-Test Reports (8)

Total L: 45

1. B
2. Edition, Springer, 2016.

1. Paolo Barattini, -
2. Abney, Keith, Bekey, George A,
3. ISO/TC 299, Robotics, ISO, 2018.


INTRODUCTION: Attributes of a Good Decision - Types of Decisions: Tactical and Strategic, Programmed and Non-
programmed, Basic and Routine, Organisational and Personal, Planned and Off-the-cuff, Policy, Administrative and Executive,
Individual and Group Decisions Case studies (9)

PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES: Problem Solving in Decision Making Context Characteristics of a Problem Barriers to
Problem Solving Problem Solving Strategies: Abstraction, Brainstorming, Hypothesis Testing, Lateral Thinking, Mean End
Analysis, Analogy, Trial and Error Problem Solving Cycle Case Studies (10)

CRITICAL THINKING: Critical thinking and Intelligence Aspects of Critical Thinking Applying Critical Thinking to Everyday
Problems Critical Thinking Tool: Root Cause Analysis Case Studies - Improving Decision Making Skills Benefits of
Improving Thinking Capacity and Decision Making - Negotiation Strategies and Approaches Case Studies

ETHICAL DECISION MAKING: Ethical Theories: Consequentialist, Non-consequentialist and Agent Centered Theory -
Framework for Ethical Decision Making - Case Studies (8)

FRAMING AND COMMUNICATING DECISIONS: Developing Information for Others - Importance of Words: Framing the Right
Sentences to Convey the Decisions, Approvals before the Announcement of Decisions, Medium of Communication - Case
Studies. Impact of Implementation of Decisions (8)

Total L: 45


68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Vincent A. W. J. Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen &

Edition, Springer Verlog Publishers, 2019.

1. -Blackwell publishers, 2010.
2. Goktug Morcol,
4. l Thinking and
Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.


INTRODUCTION: Engineering Design - Aspirations, Engagement, Competency: Iceberg Model of Competency, Functional
Competency, Behavioral Competency - Traits and Motives of a Design Engineer (9)

INNOVATION AND INVENTION SERIES: Creative Mechanism - Development of Concepts Examples - Concept Evaluation
- Mind Maps TRIZ - Problem Solving Techniques (9)

CREATIVE DESIGN: Creativity and Problem Solving Product Design Specifications Conceptual Design Decision Theory
Decision Tree Embodiment Design Detail Design (9)

KINETIC ART: Introduction Mechanization - Latching Devices - Trigger Devices - Clamping Devices - Indexing Devices -
Flipping Mechanisms - Vibrating Mechanism - Prototypes (9)

KARAKURI AUTOMATION: Introduction - Low Cost Intelligent Automation System JIT JIDOKA Kaizen - Case Study
Karakuri Automation for Robots - Parts Handling Systems and Manufacturing of Conveyors (9)

Total L: 45


1. Myszka, DH, "Machines and Mechanisms: Applied kinematic analysis", 4th Edition, 2012.
2. Shigley J E, Uicker J J, "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", McGraw -Hill Inc., New Delhi, 2003.
3. -Hill
Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.


INTRODUCTION: Systems Functions of Mechatronic Systems Operating Properties Information Processing Types
Design Procedures for Mechatronic Systems (6)

SYSTEM MODELING: Theoretical and Experimental Modeling - Process Elements: Classification, Fundamental Equations for
Energy and Matter Flows - Energy Balance Equations - Analogies between Mechanical and Electrical Systems - Dynamics of
Mechanical Systems: Newton's Laws of Kinetics, Principles of Mechanics - Mechanical Elements - Electrical Drives (10)

SYSTEM MODELS: Overview: Transfer function approach, State space approach, Transient Domain Approach, Frequency
Domain Approach - Relating the Time, Frequency and State Space Domain Feedback Systems (9)

SYSTEM SIMULATION: Building and Simulation of Simple Electric Circuits Interfacing with Electrical Circuits - Block Diagram
Simulation: Diode Circuits and Rectifiers Converter- Inverter Battery Charger Script File Approach to Model and Simulate
Circuits (10)

SYSTEM MODELLING AND DESIGN: Building of Simulation Models System Simulation: Translational and Rotational,
Hydraulic - Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Closed Loop Control Model, PID and PWM Controller Modeling: BLDC
Motor, Battery and Glider (10)

Total L: 45

1. Jack W. Lewis, "Modeling Engineering Systems PC-Based Techniques and Design Tools", 1 st Edition, High Text, 2000.
2. Edition, Wiley, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011.
2. th Edition, Wiley, 2019.
3. Ogata K, " Modern Control Engineering" 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2015.
4. Edition, Springer, 2007.


LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Formulation of Linear Programming Graphical Method, Simplex Algorithm- Phase I and Phase II
of Simplex Method - Simplex Multipliers - Revised Simplex Method - Dual and Primal- Dual Simplex Method (9)

NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Unconstrained Optimization: Introduction Uni variate method Simplex method Gradient
of a function steepest descent method Conjugate gradient method- Constrained Optimization: Introduction Characteristics
of the problem Random search methods Complex method (11)

PERT/CPM: Network Construction-Computation of Earliest Start Time, Latest Start Time, Total, Free and Independent Float
Time -Crashing Computation of Optimistic, Most Likely, Pessimistic and Expected Time- Resource Analysis in Network
Scheduling (7)

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Classical Design Experiments, Single Factor and Multi-Factor Experiments, Analysis of
Experimental Results; Taguchi Design of Experiments - Phases, Analysis and Interpretation; Response Surface Methodology -
Response Surfaces, Two-Level Factorial Designs - Case Studies - Use of Statistical Software (9)

NON TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES: Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization and Neural
Networks (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Edition, Pearson Education, 2016.

1. Frederick S, Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman, "Introduction to Operations Research", 10 th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016.
2. Edition, New Age International, 2013.
3. Ross P J, "Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
4. Myers R H, Montgomery D C and Anderson-Cook, "Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product Optimization
using Designed Experiments", 4th Edition, Wiley, 2016.


INTRODUCTION: Definition and Architecture of Virtual Instrumentation - Virtual Instruments vs. Traditional Instruments -
Conventional Virtual Instrumentation - Virtual Instruments using LabVIEW - Virtual Instrumentation in the Engineering Process

VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW: Virtual Instrumentation System Environment- Front Panel and Block
Diagram - Tools Palette - Data Flow Programming - 'G' Programming - Data Types and Conversion - Representation and
Precision Creating and Saving VIs - Writing - Editing - Debugging and Running a VI - Creating subVIs (8)

PROGRAMMING STRUCTURES: FOR Loop - WHILE Loop - Shift Register - Feedback Node - CASE Structure - Sequence
Structures - Formula Nodes - Arrays - Array Operations - Clusters - Cluster Functions - Waveform Graphs and Waveform
Charts- Strings - String Functions - File I/O - File I/O Functions - Attribute Modes: Local Global Variables (9)

HARDWARES AND INTERFACES: Components of Measuring System - Classification of Signals - Transducers and Sensors
- Signal Conditioning Functions - Signal Grounding - Digital I/O Techniques - Data Acquisition using VI - Components of DAQ -
DAQ Assistant - Measurement and Automation Explorer - DAQ Hardware and Software Factory I/O - Drivers and
Communication Standards - RS232 - GPIB: Types of GPIB Messages - Physical Bus Structure - VISA Programming - VISA
Attributes - USB: Architecture - Electrical Specifications Functions (15)

APPLICATIONS OF VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION: Developing Remote Front Panel VI Applications - Client Server
Applications in VI - Machine Vision System - Introduction to Image Processing Modules - Motion Control: Components of a
Motion Control System - Software for Configuration - Prototyping and Development Virtual Commissioning (8)

Total L: 45

1. Sumathi S., P Surekha, "LabVIEW based Advanced Instrumentation Systems", Springer, 2007.
2. Jeffrey Travis, Jim Kring, "LabVIEW for Everyone", Prentice Hall, 2009.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Jovitha Jerome, "Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW", Prentice Hall of India, 2011.
2. Christopher G Relf, "Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW", CRC Press, 2004.
3. Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki, "LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques", CRC Press, 2006.
4. Robert H. Bishop, "Learning with LabVIEW", 1 st Edition, Pearson, 2014.


PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR RADIATION: World Energy Status, Current Energy Scenario in India - Environmental Aspects of
Energy Utilization - Role and Potential of New and Renewable Source, Physics of The Sun, The Solar Constant - Extraterrestrial
and Terrestrial Solar Radiation - Solar Radiation on Titled Surface - Instruments for Measuring Solar Radiation Sun
Shine, Solar Radiation Data (9)

SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTION, STORAGE AND APPLICATIONS: Solar Thermal Collectors Flat Plate Collectors,
Concentrating Collectors, Classification of Concentrating Collectors - Different Methods of Solar Energy Storage - Sensible,
Latent Heat and Stratified Storage, Solar Ponds - Solar Applications - Solar Heating and Cooling Techniques Solar Distillation
and Drying - Solar Photo Voltaic Conversion Solar Cells Sizing of Solar PV Systems (10)

WIND ENERGY: Sources and Potentials, Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Site Characteristics - Wind Turbines Types
Horizontal and Vertical Axis - Performance Characteristics, And Betz Criteria - Wind Energy Applications Hybrid Systems -
Wind Energy Storage, Safety and Environmental Aspects (8)

BIOMASS ENERGY: Energy from Biomass - Biomass as Renewable Energy Source - Types Bio Mass Fuels - Solid, Liquid
and Gas - Biomass Conversion Techniques- Wet Process, Dry Process-Photosynthesis - Biogas Generation - Factors Affecting
Bio- Digestion - Classification of Bio Gas Plant - Continuous, Batch and Fixed Dome Types - Advantages and Disadvantages

TIDAL, OTEC, HYDEL AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: Tidal Energy: Tide Spring Tide, Neap Tide Tidal Range Tidal
Power - Types of Tidal Power Plant Single and Dual Basin Schemes - Requirements in Tidal Power Plant - Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion (OTEC): Principle - Open and Closed OTEC Cycles - Energy and Power from The Waves, Wave Energy
Conversion Devices - Hydel Energy: Mini and Micro Hydro - Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Energy Sources- Types of Wells,
Methods of Harnessing The Energy (9)

Total L: 45

1. GD Rai, "Non-Conventional Energy Sources", 4th Edition, Khanna publishers, 2009.
2. RK Rajput, "Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Utilization", S.Chand & Company Ltd, 2012.

1. John Twidell, Tony Weir, "Renewable Energy Resources", CRC Press, 2006.
2. Tiwari, Ghosal, "Renewable Energy Resources", 1st Edition, Narosa Publications, 2007.
3. Ramesh, Kumar, "Renewable Energy Technologies", Narosa Publishing House, 2004.
4. Chetan Singh Solanki, "Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals Technologies and Applications", 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd., Delhi, 2015.


OVERVIEW OF VEHICLE ELECTRONICS: Need for Electronics in Automotive Systems Overview of Vehicle Electronic
Systems, Power Train Subsystem - Starting Systems, Charging Systems, Ignition Systems, Electronic Fuel Control, Chassis
Subsystem ABS, TCS and ESP Comfort and Safety Subsystems Night Vision, Airbags, Seatbelt Tensioners, Cruise
Control, Lane-departure Warning- Alternators in Vehicles (11)

ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROLS: Concept of an Electronic Engine Control System, Electronic Fuel Injection Throttle Body
Fuel Injection, Multi-point Fuel, Gasoline Direct Injection, Common Rail Direct Injection, Electronic Ignition Control - Engine
Mapping, On-board Diagnostics Engine Control Module and Power Train Module (10)

AUTOMOTIVE SENSORS AND ACTUATORS: Concept of Sensors, Analog and Digital Systems, Basic Measurement
Systems, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Sensor Characteristics, Sensor Response, Sensor Error, Redundancy of Errors
in ECUs, Types of Sensors Accelerometers, Engine Speed, Steering Wheel Angle, Vehicle Speed, Throttle Position,
Crankshaft Angular Position / RPM, Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) (8)

AUTOMOTIVE ACTUATORS: Solenoids - Types of Electric Motors - Piezoelectric Force Generators - Introduction to Electric
Vehicles - Self Driving Cars (6)

COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS: Introduction to Control Networking Communication Protocols in Embedded Systems

SPI, I2C, USB - Vehicle Communication Protocols Introduction to CAN, LIN, FLEXRAY, MOST, KWP2000 (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

Edition, Springer View 2014.
2. Edition, Springer 2015.

1. Edition, Nelson Thrones, 2007.
Oxford, 2014.
3. Haldeman, James D,


INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE: Purpose of Database System - Views of Data - Data Models - Specialty Databases - System
Architecture - Introduction to Relational Databases - Relational Model Keys - Relational Algebra - SQL (9)

DATABASE DESIGN: Entity-Relationship Model - E-R Diagrams - Enhanced-ER Model - ER-to-Relational Mapping - Traps -
Functional Dependencies - Non-loss Decomposition - First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Dependency Preservation -
Boyce/Codd Normal Form - Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form

DATA STORAGE AND QUERYING: RAID - File Organization - Organization of Records in Files - Indexing and Hashing
Ordered Indices - B+ tree Index Files - B tree Index Files - Static Hashing - Dynamic Hashing (9)

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES: Query Processing, Query Optimization, Transaction Management: Transaction
- Concurrency Control - Recovery System (9)

NON RELATIONAL DATABASES: Need for NOSQL Databases, Types, MongoDB - Data Types, Creating, Updating and
Deleting Documents, Querying the Database (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 7 th Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2017.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth and Sudharshan S, "Database System Concepts", 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2021.

1. Atul Kahate, "Introduction to Database Management Systems", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Jeffrey. A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi, "Modern Database Management", 12th Edition, Pearson, New Delhi,
4. Thomas M Connolly Z Carolyn E, "Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management",
6th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2019.


INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The Management Spectrum - The People - The Product - The
Process - The Project - The W5HH Principle - Importance of Software Projects Problems with Software Projects (8)

PROJECT PLANNING AND ESTIMATION: Steps in Project Planning, Software Scope and Feasibility - Decomposition
Techniques - Project Estimates - Preparation of Estimates - COCOMO Model - Function Point Analysis - Cost Estimation
Techniques Resource Estimation Techniques (9)

PROJECT SCHEDULING AND RISK MANAGEMENT: Project Schedules - Sequencing and Scheduling Projects - Network
Planning Models - Shortening Project Duration - Nature and Categories of Risk - Risk Identification Risk Projection - Risk
Refinement - Risk Mitigation - Monitoring Management (10)

MANAGING CONTRACTS AND PEOPLE: Types of Contracts - Stages in Contract Placement - Typical Terms of a Contract -
Contract Management - Acceptance - Managing People: Understanding Behavior - Organizational Behavior: Selecting the Right
Person for the Job - Motivation - Working in the Groups - Becoming a Team - Decision Making - Leadership - Organizational
Structures (9)

Environment, Software Quality Concepts and Definitions - Causes of Software Errors - Statistical Process Control, Pareto

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Analysis, Causal Analysis, - Quality Standards: ISO 9000, Capability Maturity Model, Quality Audit - Configuration Management
- Configuration Management Process, Software Configuration Items - Version Control, Change Control, Configuration Audit,
Status Reporting (9)

Total L: 45

1. Mike Cotterel, Bob Hughes, "Software Project Management", Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Nina S Godbole, "Software Quality Assurace: Principles and Practice", Alpha Science International Ltd, 2016.

1. Robert K Wysocki, Robert Beck Jr, David B Crane, "Effective Project Management, Traditional, Agile, Extreme", John
Wiley and Sons, 2011.
2. Gopalaswamy Ramesh, "Managing Global Software Projects", Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2003.
3. Ashfaque Ahmed, "Software Project Management A Process Driven Approach", CRC Press, 2012.
4. Milind Limaye, "Software Quality Assurance", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.


INTERNET SERVICES AND PROTOCOLS: Fundamentals - Internet Addresses - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) HTTP - HTTPS
- SMTP- DNS - Net Telephony - Internet Relay Chat - Newsgroups - Remote Login - Telnet - UDP TCP (6)

OBJECT ORIENTED CONCEPTS: Introduction - Data Types - Operators - Declarations - Control Structures - Arrays and
Strings - Input / Output-Java Classes - Fundamentals - Methods - Constructors - Scope rules - this keyword - object based vs.
oriented programming- Inheritance-Reusability - Composing class - Abstract classes Abstract Functions - Method Overloading
and Method Overriding- Wrapper Classes (9)

PACKAGES, INTERFACES AND MULTITHREADING: Packages - Access Protection - Importing Packages - Interface -
Defining and Implementing Interface - Applying Interface - Variables in Interfaces. - Multi Threaded Programming: Java Thread
Model - Priorities - Synchronization - Messaging - Thread Class and Runnable Interface Inter-Thread Communication (9)

INPUT/OUTPUT AND USER INTERFACE: Stream Classes Byte Streams Character Streams Serialization - AWT-Swing
Classes - Components - Labels, Buttons, Check Boxes, Combo Box- Controls Menus Frames Event Delegation Model
Listener and Listener Methods Event Classes- Applets (9)

EXCEPTION HANDLING AND DATABASE CONNECTIVITY: Exception types - Uncaught Exception - Using Try and Catch -
Multiple catch clauses - Nested Try statements - Throw - Throws - Java Built-in Exception - Creating user defined exceptions -
JDBC AND SOCKET: Java Database Connectivity: Driver loading, Connection establishment Query execution Result Set
Sockets Introduction to JavaScript (12)

Total L: 45

1. Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt, "Java 2 - The Complete Reference", McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2015.
2. James K L, "The Internet: A User's Guide", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.

1. Deitel and Deitel, "JAVA - How to Program", Prentice Hall International, 2013.
2. Cay S Horstmann, Gary Cornell, "Core Java", Pearson Education, 2013.
3. Walter Slavic, "Absolute Java", Pearson Education, 2013.


INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION: Scope and Techniques of Automation- Robotic Process
Automation: Benefits of RPA, Components of RPA, The Future of Automation- History of Automation - RPA vs Automation -
Processes and Flowcharts - Programming Constructs in RPA - Processes - Types of Bots - Workloads - RPA Advanced
Concepts - Standardization of Processes - RPA Development Methodologies - Difference from SDLC - Robotic Control Flow
Architecture - RPA Business Case - RPA Team - Process Design Document/Solution Design Document - Industries Best Suited
for RPA - Risks and Challenges with RPA (10)

RPA PLATFORMS: UiPath - Record and Play: UiPath Stack- Downloading and Installing UiPath Studio - Learning UiPath
Studio - Task Recorder - Step-by Step Examples using the Recorder (8)

RPA TOOL INTRODUCTION AND BASICS: Introduction to RPA Tool - The User Interface - Variables- Managing Variables -
Naming Best Practices - The Variables Panel - Types of Variables: Generic Value Variables, Text Variables, True or False
Variables, Number Variables, Array Variables, Date and Time Variables, Data Table Variables -Arguments: Managing
Arguments, Naming Best Practices, The Arguments Panel, Using Arguments - Importing New Namespaces- Sequences -
Flowcharts - Control Flow: Activities, various types of loops, and decision making-- Data Manipulation (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES: Recording Introduction - Basic and Desktop Recording - Web
Recording - Input/output Methods - Screen Scraping - Selectors - RPA Challenge -Image and Text Automation - Citrix
Automation - Keyboard Based Automation - Information Retrieval - Advanced Citrix Automation Challenges - Using tab for
Images - Starting Apps - Excel Data Tables and PDF - Data Tables in RPA - Excel and Data Table Basics - Data Manipulation
in Excel Extracting Data from PDF - Extracting a Single Piece of Data - Anchors - Using Anchors in PD (10)

EXCEPTION HANDLING: Exception Handling - Logging and Taking Screenshots - Debugging Techniques - Collecting Crash
Dumps - Error Reporting - Future of RPA (7)

Total L: 45


Institute of Robotic Process Automation,1 st Edition, 2015.
2. Software Robots, Automate Repetitive Tasks & Become
st Edition, 2018.
Consulting Opportunity Holdings LLC, 1st Edition, 2018.
Edition, 2018.




COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM ENGINEERING: System Engineering Process, Software Product Development Life Cycle
Software Processes, Software Development Project Management, Software Prototyping (5)

EPLAN: Familiarization of Software, Design of Electrical Power, Control and Signal Circuits - Control Panel Layout, Selection
of Components, Routing of Cables- Generating Bill of Materials (6)

LAB SESSION: Creation of Control Panel Layout - Creation of Automation Components Layout - Report Creation and
Generation of Bill of Materials (4)

Total L: 15

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "CAD Lab Manual", 2015.
2. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "EPlan Manual", 2018.


INTRODUCTION: Design Briefing or Product Brief Statement, Product Design Specification (PDS) and Constraints vs. Limits

SKILL SETS EVALUATION: Sketching Skills and Other Skill Sets Evaluation, Design (1)

CONCEPT DESIGN: Definition, Concept Design, Concept Generation and Evaluation (4)

DETAILED DESIGN: Design Factors Manufacture, Sales, Purchase, Cost, Transport and Disposal (2)


DESIGN PROCESS: Material Selection, Manufacture, Marketing and Evaluation of the Final Design (5)

Total L: 15

1. Mike Ashby, Kara Johnson, "Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design",
Butterworth Heinemann, 2009.
2. A K Chitale, R C Gupta, "Product Design and Manufacturing", Prentice Hall of India, 2009.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. G K Lal, Vijay Gupta, N Venkata Reddy, "Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing", Narosa Publishers, 2010.


INTRODUCTION TO ROBOT DYNAMICS AND KINEMATICS: Forward Dynamics and Inverse Dynamics Importance
Spatial Description and Transformations Different Types of Dynamic Formulation Schemes Lagrangian Formulation for
Equation of Motion for Robots and Manipulators (5)

DYNAMIC MODELING AND SIMULATION: Modeling of Motion of Robots and Manipulators using Newton Euler Equations
State Space Representation of Equation of Motion and System Properties Importance of Simulation and Its Types Numeric
Integration Solvers and Their Role in Numeric Simulation - Numeric Simulation of Robots and Manipulators using MATLAB /
Simulink Module (5)

INTRODUCTION TO ROBOT CONTROL: Need and Types of Control Schemes for Robots Joint Space Control Schemes with
An Example Task Space Control Schemes with an Example (5)

Total L: 15

1. R Kelly, V Santibanez, A Loria, "Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space", Springer, 2005.
2. Devendra K Chaturvedi, "Modeling and Simulation of Systems using MATLAB and Simulink", CRC Press, 2010.


INTRODUCTION TO ADAMS: Introduction Importance Model Hierarchy Interface Overview and Functional Blocks of
Adams Creating and Modifying Parts Constraints and Joints Force and Motion to Models (2)

KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS MODELING: Kinematic Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical and Robotic Systems Forward
Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics Jacobian and Velocity Analysis Dynamic/ Kinetic Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical
and Robotic Systems Forward Dynamics, Statics and Performance Analysis (6)

KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS CONTROLLING: System Control of Mechanical / Robotic Systems using Adams Inverse
Dynamics, Regulatory Control and Tracking Control (5)

INTERFACING WITH OTHER PACKAGES: Interfacing with Other Packages Namely MATLAB, SIMULINK and Easy Forward
Dynamic and Inverse Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (2)

Total L: 15
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "ADAMS Control Manual: Getting Started using ADAMS/Controls",


INTRODUCTION: Construction and Principle of Operation of PMSM And Synrm - AC Drive Hardware Blocks Control Blocks
- Automatic Motor Adaptation Parameterization of Drives (Local and Remote) (3)

CONFIGURATIONS OF DIFFERENT I/O CONTROL: Digital Input and Output Analog Input and Output Control-Word Access
- Motion Control - Sequential Logic Control (SLC) - Parameterization for Different Communication Protocol: RS485 MODBUS-


PRACTICAL: Performance Characterization of PMSM and Synrm - Conveyor Control Cascaded Pump Control -
Synchronization of Drives with Master Slave Control (4)

Total L: 15

1. Danfoss, "Programming Guide for FC Drives by Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd", 2018
2. Danfoss, "Monograph Prepared by PSG-Danfoss CoE for Climate and Energy.", 2018

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: PC Based Automation: TwinCAT Introduction and Licensing - TC3 Workbench - Source Control - Project
Compare Tool - System I/O Variable - ADS Setting-Global Data Types - EtherCAT - Hardware Configuration - EPC and IPC -
Introduction to Basic Components - Editors - Library Management - Visualization - Programming References - Library Creation

TC3 FUNCTIONS: Measurement Control - Motion - Motion Axis Configuration - NC PTP - NCI - Twincat Kinematic
Transformation-Stepper Motor and Drive Terminal Configuration - C/C++ Matlab/ Labview/ Simulink - I/O - Safety PLC (3)

CONNECTIVITY: Serial Communication - RS232, RS485/RS42 - MODBUS RTU, Canopen, Profibus, Devicenet - Database
Server - SMS/SMTP - TCP/IP (3)

BUILDING AUTOMATION: Introduction - Hardware Requirements - BA PLC Libraries - HVAC - BACnet IP - EIB - TwinCAT
Diagnostics (2)

LAB SESSION: TwinCAT Software and Hardware - NC PTP Programming - Motion Control Programming with Kinematic
Transformation - Communication Programming - Building Automation System Integration (4)

Total L: 15

1. Bechkoff, "EtherCAT System Documentation Manual", 2018.
2. Joel Thomas Langill, Eric D.Knapp , "Industrial Network Security", 2 nd Edition, Syngress, 2016.


V-REP: Introduction - Need for V-REP - User Interface - Scenes and Models - Modeling of Environment - Entities: Shapes -
Joints - Dummies - Sensors - Lights Camera (3)

V-REP CALCULATION MODULES: Distance - Collision - Forward - Inverse - Path/Motion - Geometric Constraint Solvers (2)

V-REP SCRIPTS: Main and Child Scripts - Call Back Scripts - Simulation: Line Following of Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot
- Serial Manipulator Hexapod (3)

GAZEBO: Introduction - Need for Gazebo - Core Concepts - Elements in Simulation: World - Models - Links Joints - Sensors
- Visual Objects - Collision Objects - Plug-Ins - Element Hierarchy and Types (3)

GAZEBO ANIMATIONS AND DYNAMICS CONTROL: Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot Modeling and Controlling -
Environment Modeling - ROS Integration (4)

Total L: 15

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "V-REP User M
2. Lentin Joseph, "Learning Robotics using Python", Packt Publishing, May 2015.
3. Anis Koubaa, "Robot Operating System The complete reference V1", Springer International Publishing, 2016.
4. Anis Koubaa, "Robot Operating System The complete reference V2", Springer International Publishing, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Haptic Interfaces - Definitions and Types - Existing Haptic Systems and Applications (3)

HUMAN HAPTICS: Human Haptic Perception - Psychophysical Tests and Haptic Illusions - User Perception and User
Performance (4)

MACHINE HAPTICS: Haptic Device Taxonomy - Design Considerations for Haptic Systems - Tactile and Kinesthetic Haptic
Systems - Process of Design and Implementation of Haptic Interfaces - Synthesis of Haptic Control Systems (4)

COMPUTER HAPTICS: Basic Haptic Algorithms - Virtual wall and Virtual Cube (4)

Total L: 15

1. Christian Hatzfeld, Thorsten A. Kern, "Engineering Haptic Devices: A Beginner's Guide", Springer-Verlag London, 2014.
2. Martin Grunwald, "Human Haptic Perception: Basics and Applications", Springer-Verlag London, 2008.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Ming C. Lin and Miguel Otaduy, "Haptic Rendering: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications", CRC, 2008.
2. AEl Saddik A, Orozco M, Eid M, "Haptics Technologies: Bringing Touch to Multimedia", Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,
3. Hiroyuki Kajimoto, Ki-Uk Kyung, Hideyuki Ando, "Haptic Interaction, Perception, Devices and Applications", Springer, 2015.
4. Dangxiao Wang, Jing Xiao, Yuru Zhang, "Haptic Rendering for Simulation of Fine Manipulation", Springer, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to PLC, Proprietary vs. OpenPLC - Various industrial PLC, Introduction to OpenPLC OpenPLC
- Software, Hardware and Manufacturer Compliance (1)

INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS : Overview of Industrial Standards IEC, Various Modules of IEC, IEC Sec.1 - General Information,
IEC Sec.2 - Equipment Requirements and Tests - IEC Sec.3 - Programming Languages, IEC Sec.4 - User Guidelines - IEC
Sec.5 - Communications, IEC Sec.6 - Functional Safety - IEC Sec.7 - Fuzzy Control Programming, IEC Sec.8 - Guidelines for
the Application and Implementation of Programming Languages - IEC Sec.9 - Single-drop Digital Communication Interface
for Small Sensors and Actuators - IEC Sec.10 - XML Exchange Formats for Programs (2)

PROGRAMMING USING IEC-61131-3: Basics - Variables, Data types with Structures and Arrays, Tasks, Timing, I/O
Configuration, Functions, User Define Functions - IEC Programing - Ladder Diagram, Function Block Diagram, Structured Text
- Instruction List, Sequential Function Charts, (Basic Functions of IEC programming Advantages and Disadvantages, Major
Operators Block Libraries) (4)

OPENPLC FOR MOTION CONTROL: Function Blocks for Motion Control, Basic Set of FBs for Single Axis Multi-axes Motion
Control - Extensions, User Guidelines, Coordinated Motor Enabling and Power ON - Absolute Motion, Relative Motion, Group
Motion, Compliance Rules and Statement - Homing Procedures, Fluid Power Extensions, Advanced Interpolated Motion (4)

CASE STUDY: Modelling a Two-Axis Manipulator - Jacobian Matrix - Forward Kinematics and Inverse Kinematic Algorithm -
Distributed Motion Control Architecture for Manipulator Control Coding the Algorithm in Structured Code Format (IEC 61131-3)
- Using the standard FBDs to Fetch Joint Axis Encoder Values - Using Motor Control FBDs to Actuate the Motors - Using
the Motion Control FBDs to Create Relative Motion and Absolute Motion Advance Motion Control FBDs like Interpolated
Motion (Cubic, Quantic Interpolation) and Path Move for Path Planning (4)

Total L: 15

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Course Material", 2018.


INTRODUCTION: Basic transformation - Vector and Matrix Ways of Representing Rotations and Translation - Properties of
Rotation Matrices - Quaternion Representation of Rotations (3)

INVERSE KINEMATIC ALGORITHM: Development of Inverse Kinematic Algorithm - Understanding Singularity Configuration
of the Manipulator - Avoiding Numerical Singularity Problems - Damped Least Squares Inverse Kinematic (DLSIK) Algorithm

SINGULARITY AND MANUPULABILITY OF TWO AXIS MANIPULATOR: Understanding the Problems Related to - Singularity
- Sudden Motor Jerks - Motor Trips due to Over Current - High Dynamic Forces in the Manipulator - Defining Manipulability of
the System - Velocity Manipulability - Force Manipulability - Estimation of tracking Error of a Serial Robot, Optimizing the
Damping Parameter used in the DLSIK (2)

DESIGN OF A TWO AXIS ROBOTIC MANIPULATOR : Robot Calibration - Direct and Indirect Referencing - Estimation of
Rigid Body Parameters using the Singular Value Decomposition of the Correlation Matrix - Novel Method used in Steam
Generator Robotic System Calibration - Task Space and Joint Axes Interpolation to Reduce Motor Jerks and Trips - Design of
Cable Pusher Module for Inspection Probe Insertion and Retrieval in the Steam Generator Tubes - Design of Inspection Probes
for Better Flexibility and Integrity for Tube Inspections (3)

SERVO MANIPULATOR WITH HIGHER DOF: Managing Higher DOF Manipulators DH-Parameters - Transformation Matrix
- Forward Kinematics - IK for Higher DOF Robots, Kinematic Decoupling, Pseudo Inverse of Matrices for Non-Square Jacobian
Matrix - Jacobian Matrix, Jacobian Generating Vectors - Force Sensing Methods - Direct Sensing using Force-Torque (FT)
Sensors, In-Direct Sensing using Manipulator Jacobian to Convert Joint Axis Motor Currents (3)

Master-Slave Manipulators: Networking of Servo Drives and Controlling through a Master Motion Controller, Manipulator Work
Done at Joint Axes and Task Space - Electrically Looped Master Slave Vs Mechanically Looped Master-Slave Manipulators
Concepts of Force Feedback Manipulators (2)

Total L: 15

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Course Material", 2018.


CLASSIFICATION OF CABLES: Classification by Voltage Level - Classification by Insulation Level - Classification by
Application Cross Sectional View of Cable (3)

MATERIALS FOR CABLES: Types and Properties of Different Elements in The Cable: Electrical Mechanical - Polymers -
Characteristics of Cable Insulation - Supporting Elements for Cables Sheath and Shielding (3)

TECHNOLOGY FOR CABLES: Different Types of Technology Used in Cables, Types of Twisting, Different Layers in Cables
and its Uses (2)

CABLING SYSTEM AND ITS ACCESSORIES: Cabling System Connectors Cable Trays Moving Membrane Support
System for Various IP Conditions - Flexible Marking Systems (2)

POWER AND DATA CABLES: Selection Procedure for Different Types of Standards- Applications (2)

CABLE FAULTS & TESTING: Classification of Cable Fault and Symptoms - Detection and Diagnosis of Fault Conditions- Best
Practices to minimize Cable and Accessories Failures- Conductor Resistance Tests - Insulation Resistance Tests - HV Tests -
Hands-On Practical Exercises (3)

Total L: 15

1. Manuals for Cable Technology by Lapp India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Monograph prepared by PSG-LAPP CoE for Cable Technology


INTRODUCTION: Embedded Systems Development - Real Time Systems - Bare Metal vs RTOS - C Programming Language
- C Standards (2)

DATA, MEMORY AND CONDITIONING: Data Representation Data Manipulation Memory Handling Accessing Memory
Memory Manipulation Structures Typical usage of Addressing Instruction Sequencing Procedure Call and Return
Parameter Passing and Retrieving (5)

MODELS AND ARCHITECTURES: Representation of Design Case Study on Design State Oriented Model Activity
Oriented Model Structure Oriented Model Data Oriented Model Heterogeneous Model Case Studies (5)

PERFORMANCE METRICS: Code Efficiency - Optimizing Compilers - Reducing Memory Usage - Latency - Power-Saving
Techniques (3)

Total L: 15


INTRODUCTION: Sensors - Multi Sensor Fused Sensor Smart Sensor Connected Sensor Intelligent Sensors Inertial
Sensors Sensor Quality Performance Metrics Trade Offs - Inertial System Strap Down - Accelerometer Gyroscopes

NAVIGATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Data Environment Performance System Reaction Time Physical
Characteristics Error Estimation Calibration Testing Compensation System Interface and Alignment (7)

Total L: 15

1. Edition, 2004.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Dialogue 53-03, 2019.
4. Bob Scannell, Product Marketing Manager, Aerospace, Defense and RF Product

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese



23B001 Biopharmaceutical Technology
23B002 Animal Biotechnology
23B003 Medical Genetics
23B004 Introduction to Cancer Biology
23B005 Molecular Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
23B006 Developmental Biology
23B007 Immunotechnology


23B008 Plant Biotechnology
23B009 Food Science and Technology

23B010 Environmental Biotechnology
23B011 Protein Engineering
23B012 Biofuel Technology
23B013 Introduction to Biopolymers
23B014 Biotransformation in Drug Synthesis
23B015 Bioprocess Equipment and Plant Design

23B016 Advances in Genomics
23B017 Foundations of Systems Biology
23B018 Microbial Ecogenomics
23B019 Synthetic Biology


23BO01 Sports and Exercise Biochemistry

23BO02 Smart Farming and Precision Agriculture
23BO03 Water Resource Management

68th ACM 04.02.2023




INTRODUCTION TO BIOPHARMACEUTICS: History of biologics, Basic definitions: Biogenerics, Biosimilars, Reference drugs,
Small molecules, Complexity of biologics, Drug discovery and development phases of biologics and small molecules., Different
therapeutic classes of biologics (Recombinant proteins, Monoclonal Antibodies, Vaccines, Immunomodulators, cytokines,
Interferons, Erythropoiesis stimulating factors), Approval process of generic drug and biosimiliar. (8)

PHARMACOLOGY OF THERAPEUTIC PROTEINS: Pharmacokinetics - ADME, factors affecting ADME, Pharmacodynamics

- mode of transport, drug receptors, Clinical Pharmacology of therapeutic proteins, PKPD analyses (Special population trials for
biologics, drug- drug interaction studies, Bio equivalence studies, Bioavailability) (10)

BIOLOGIC MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Expression hosts for producing biologics, Selection and characterization of high
yielding strains and cell lines (WCB and MCB generation). Media selection and optimization. Stages of process development
for biologics, Different types of bioreactors for mAb production. Stages of biologic product purification (10)

CHARACTERIZATION OF BIOGENERICS AND BIOSIMILARS: Structural characteristics of biologics, Characterization of

biosimiliars (LC- MS/MS and affinity capture techniques), Problems in characterization of biologics (peptides, Non-glycosylated
proteins, Glycosylated proteins, Monoclonal antibodies) Post translational modifications, protein aggregates, Equivalence
issues (9)

(CDSCO regulation, FDA regulation). cGMP practices in the manufacture of biologics. - Case studies on different biologic
products: Insulin and its analogues, Trantuzumab, cetuximab, Infliximab, L-Asparaginase, Streptokinase. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Lachman L Lieberman, HA, Kanig, J, "Theory and Practice of Industrial pharmacy", Varghese Publishing & Co, 2009.
2. Sarfaraz K. Niazi, "Handbook of Biogeneric Therapeutic Proteins: Regulatory, Manufacturing, Testing, and Patent Issues",
2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2006.

1. Wei Wang, Manmohan Singh, "Biological Drug Products: Development and Strategies", 1st Edition, Wiley, 2013.
2. 11th Edition, Mc GrawHill Medical Publishing
Division, 2006.
3. Rodney J Y Ho, Milo gibaldi, "Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals transforming proteins and genes into drugs", 1st
Edition, Wiley Liss, 2003.
4. Gunter Jagashies Eva Lindskog, Karol Lacki, Parrish Galliher,
st Edition, Wiley Publishers, 2017.


ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES: Hormones in animal development - superovulation Artificial insemination
- invitro fertilization, embryo manipulation - embryo splitting and sexing. (9)

GENETIC MODIFICATION: Transgenic mice - generation and applications of oncomice - knock out mice - cattle & other farm
animals - transgenic fish- methodology & application. Production of spider silk - improvement of wool quality, Genome editing
tools. (8)

GENE THERAPY: - ex vivo gene therapy - in vivo gene therapy - viral gene delivery systems - nonviral gene delivery systems
- Pros and cons of the various methods (8)

ANIMAL DISEASES DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY: Bacterial and viral diseases in animals; monoclonal antibodies and their
use in diagnosis; molecular diagnostic techniques like PCR, in-situ hybridization; northern and southern blotting; RFLP.
Recombinant cytokines and their use in the treatment of animal infections; monoclonal antibodies in therapy; vaccines and their
applications in animal infections; gene therapy for animal diseases. (12)

PRODUCTS FROM ANIMAL CELL CULTURE: Commercially viable products from mammalian cell culture: Selected examples
in monoclonal antibodies, (Humira, Mylotarg) vaccines (Hepatitis vaccine) and therapeutics (blood clotting factors, cytokines,
hormones). Synthetic meat, Quality control practices and safety for cell culture-based products (8)

Total L: 45

1. Glick and Pasternak, "Molecular Biotechnology", ASM Press, Washington DC, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Freshney IR, "Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique", Wiley-Liss Inc., New York, 2000.

1. Primrose S B and Twyman R, "Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2013.
2. Alcamo, "DNA Technology the awesome skill", Wm, C, Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa, 2000.
4. Ranga M.M. Animal Biotechnology. Agrobios India Limited, 2002.


INHERITANCE PATTERN - mitochondrial - genetic
expressivity - penetrance - pleiotropy - anticipation - genomic imprinting. (10)

POPULATION GENETICS: Hardy-Weinberg principle - mutation - migration - gene flow - genetic drift, Linkage gene mapping
in eukaryotes - QTL mapping. (9)

CYTOGENETICS AND CHROMOSOMAL DISORDERS: Karyotyping - ideogram for G-banding - FISH - C C G Aneuploidy
and Deletions - Translocation - Mosaicism and Chimerism. (9)

MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF DISEASES: Triplet-Repeat Diseases - Tay Sachs disease - cystic fibrosis -Thalassemia DMD

DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY OF GENETIC DISORDERS: Genetic diseases in prenatal - the neonatal period -childhood and
adulthood - screening of diseases - gene therapy. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Lynn B, C Carey, "Medical Genetics", 5th Edition, Mosby publications, 2019.
2. Human genetics - Problems and Approaches" Fourth
Edition, Springer publications, 2010

1. Micheal J Simmons, Eldon John Gardener, "Principles of Genetics", 8th Edition, John-Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005.
2. Edward S. Tobias, Michael Connor, Malcolm Ferguson-Smith "Essential Medical Genetics Sixth edition, Wiley Blackwell
publications, 2011.
3. Klug WS, Cummings MR, "Concepts of Genetics", 10th Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey, 2011.
4. Benjamin A. Pierce "Genetics: a conceptual approach" 5th edition, 2016.


INTRODUCTION: Molecular Biology -Cancer overview. Cell cycle: Mitotic spindle; MPF and cell cycle control; yeast model;
complex genetic diseases; cyclins and kinases. (11)

SIGNALS AND REGULATION: TGF-; CiP1; G2 cyclins; differentiation and reversal; disease mechanisms in acute promyelocytic
leukemia. (8)

APOPTOSIS: c-rel and cell death; Bcl2 interactions in cell survival; DNA replication control; growth factor dependence and
apoptosis suppression. (7)

ONCOGENES AND TUMORIGENESIS: ATC - Tcf-4 --catenins and c-myc; Waf1 and p53; phosphatase 2A. Anticancer agents
and p53; dosage effects of tumor suppressor; colon cancer; breast cancer metastasis (10)

CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY: Biochemical assays; Tumor markers; Molecular tools for early diagnosis of cancer;
Prediction of aggressiveness of cancer; Different forms of therapy stem cell therapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy and
Immunotherapy. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Rudden RW, "Cancer Biology", Oxford University Press, 2007.
2. Weinberg, R. The biology of cancer. Garland science, 2013.

1. Fauci, A. S. (Ed.). Harrison's principles of internal medicine (Vol. 2, pp. 1888-1889). New York: McGraw-Hill publishers, 2008
2. Thomas, G. Medicinal chemistry: an introduction. John Wiley & Sons, 2011
3. Pelengaris, S., & Khan, M. (Eds.). The molecular biology of cancer: A bridge from bench to bedside. John Wiley & Sons,
Edition, 2005.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


PATHOGENESIS: Bacterial flora of humans; Endogenous and Exogenous infection, Noninvasive and invasive pathogens (9)

VIRULENCE: Virulence factors, toxins; Genetic basis of virulence; virulence genes and their regulation. Virulence protein
secretion pathways. Microbial evasion strategies of host defense; Regulation of virulence associated genes. (12)

PARADIGMS OF PATHOGENESIS: E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida, SARS CoV2, Plasmodium (10)

EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON HOST-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS: Virulence assays: adherence, invasion, cytopathic,

cytotoxic effects. Criteria & tests in identifying virulence factors, attenuated mutants. (8)

THERAPEUTIC CHALLENGES: Antibiotic resistance-molecular mechanisms, transposon mediation. Vaccine development in

Malaria (6)

Total L: 45

1. Wilson, B. A., Winkler, M., Ho, B. T. Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach. United States: Wiley 2020
2. -Liss, Berlin 2002

1. Saylers - A Molecular approach, ASM Press, Washington DC, 2010
2. -
University press 2002


INTRODUCTION TO DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY: Development among unicellular eukaryotes. Development pattern among
the metazoans. Differential cell affinity. (5)

PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT: Gametogenesis, Fertilization, Cleavage, Gastrulation, Neurulation and the ectoderm, Axonal
specificity, Mesoderm and endoderm (10)

MECHANISM OF CELLULAR DIFFERENTIATION: Transcription factors activation of specific promoters, chromatin. Control
of development by differential RNA processing and translation. (6)

SPECIFICATION OF CELL FATE AND THE EMBRYONIC AXES: Autonomous, conditional and syncytial specification;
Genetics of axis specification in Drosophila, Specificity of cell fate by progressive cell- cell interactions, Establishment of body
axes in mammals and birds. (10)

CELLULAR INTERACTION DURING ORGAN FORMATION: Proximate tissue interaction, Development of the tetrapod limb.
Cell interaction at a distance: Hormones as mediators of development. Sex determination. Environmental regulation of animal
development. Metamorphosis, Developmental mechanisms of evolutionary change (14)

Total = L: 45

2. -Blackwell; 2021

1. Wolpert L., Tickle C and Arias A.
3. Paul Wassarman - Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume

4. Bruce M. Carlson Sixth Edition. Elsevier. 2019.


ANTIGENS AND EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL MODELS: Antigens: Epitopes - B cell & T cell epitopes - Types of antigens - factors
affecting immunogenecity - Haptens - preparation of antigens for raising antibodies - adjuvants and their mode of action. Handling

68th ACM 04.02.2023

experimental animals - Inbred strains - SCID mice - Nude mice - knock out mice . (8)

ANTIBODIES & IMMUNODIAGNOSIS: Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies - their production and characterization - western
blot analysis - SDS - PAGE - precipitation and agglutination reactions - immunoelectrophoresis - ELISA- principle and applications
- radio immuno assay (RIA) - principle and applications non isotopic assay methods for the detection of antigens- enhanced
chemiluminescence assay. (8)

ASSESMENT OF CELL MEDIATED IMMUNITY: Identification of lymphocytes and their subsets in blood - T cell activation
parameters - estimation of cytokines - macrophages activation - macrophage microbicidal assays - in- vitro experimentation
application of the above technology to understand the pathogenesis of infectious disease. (9)

IMMUNOPATHOLOGY: Preparation and storage of tissues - identification of various cell types and antigens in tissues - isolation
and chracterisation of cell types from inflammatory sites and infected tissues - functional studies on isolated cells -
Immunocytochemistry- immunofluoresecence - immunoenzymatic and immunoferritin techniques - immunoelectron microscopy.

MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY: Preparation of vaccines - recombinant vector vaccines - application of recombinant DNA
technology for the study of immune systems - Antibody engineering - antiidiotypic antibodies catalytic antibodies. (11)

Total L: 45

1. Richard A, Goldsby R A, Kindt T J, Kuby J, Osborne B A, "Immunology", W.H. Freeman and Company, 2006.
2. Chakravarty A K, "Immunology and Immunotechnology", Oxford University Press, 2006

1. Talwar G P, Gupta S K , "A handbook of practical and clinical immunology", Vol 1 & 2, 2005.
2. Burakoff J S, Frank Austen K, "Therapeutic Immunology", Blackwell Publications, 2001.
3. edition, 2006.
edition 1995.



INTRODUCTION: Plant evolution and breeding - Marker Assisted selection - Organization and expression of Plant Genes -
Mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes - plant molecular genetics of photosynthesis and development. (8)

PLANT TISSUE CULTURE: methods - types - application - secondary metabolite production Agrobacterium rhizogenes and
hairy root induction. (6)

GENOME EDITING TECHNIQUES: CRISPR/CAS9, TALEN, ZFN Agrobacterium mediated transformation - protoplast fusion -
direct gene delivery methods - Plant viruses as vectors and chloroplast transformation. (6)

STRATEGIES FOR PLANT MODIFICATIONS: introducing biotic and abiotic stress resistance/tolerance - phytoremediation -
herbicide resistance. (13)

APPLICATIONS: Molecular farming/pharming - symbiotic microorganism and their role in enhancing plant growth -
cyanobacterial and algal modifications. Growing of GM crops - their regulations - Case studies pertinent to Indian scenario. (12)

Total L: 45

1. Slater A, Scott N, Fowler M, "Plant biotechnology- the genetic manipulation of plants", Oxford press, 2008.
2. Kirakosyan A, Kaufman P, Cseke L, "Recent advances in plant biotechnology", Springer, 2009.

1. Trigiano, R N, Gray J D, "Plant Tissue Culture, Development and Biotechnology", CRC Press, 2010.
Publishers, 2016.
3. Bishun Deo Prasad Sangita Sahni, P
st Edition, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2018.
4. Oksman, Caldente, "Plant biotechnology and transgenic plants", Marcel Dekker, 2002.


INTRODUCTION TO FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Dimension of food science - food processing industry- current
status. Major classes of food components. Food categorization & composition. Probiotics and prebiotics, Nutraceutical

68th ACM 04.02.2023

compounds-scope and future prospects, Human nutrition and food. (9)

FOOD CHEMISTRY: Functional groups and properties - Water and acids - Carbohydrates - lipids - Proteins - color -flavor &
texture - food additives. (8)

FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION: Food preservation - Manufacturing or processing in Dairy products -egg - meat -
sugar - fat & oils - Beverages - cereal grains - fruits and vegetables., SCP, Functional Foods-Vegan meat (8)

MICROBIOLOGY AND FERMENTED FOODS: Factors affecting microbial growth - food borne microorganism, food borne illness
- food spoilage quality control; preservation techniques. Fermented Foods - Food safety Food toxicology. (8)

FOOD ENGINEERING AND FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY: Food material science - food micro structure - Psychometrics -Rheology
- Extrusion technology, improving plant products, Animal products, Food processing aids through biotechnology, Safety in
Biotechnology derived foods. Major concerns. (12)

Total L:45

1. Murano PS, "Understanding Food Science and Technology", Thomson wads worth, 2009.
2. James MJ, "Modern Food Microbiology", CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Campbell -patt Edited, "Food Science and Technology", Blackwell publishing Ltd, 2019.
2. Cristóbal Noé Aguilar, Elizabeth Carvajal-Millan "Applied Food Science and Engineering with Industrial Applications" Taylor
and Francis, 2019
3. Ghasem Najafpour, Ghasem Najafpour "Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology" 1st Edition Elsevier publications,
4. Y.H.Yui, "Handbook of food science, technology, and engineering" Volume 1, Taylor and Francis,2006



STATUS OF THE ENVIRONMENT: Global environmental issues challenges to sustainability; anthropogenic activities and their
environmental impacts; climate change; feeding a growing population. (5)

BIOFUELS: Current energy scenario and its impacts; biofuel from biomass, biogas, algae; hydrogen from bacteria; biochemical
engineering in biofuels production - engineering cellulolytic organisms, metabolic engineering of fatty acid metabolism in single
cellular algae. (12)

BIOREMEDIATION: Ecological principles; capability of microbial process for pollutant management. Bioremediation processes;
Factors affecting the bioremediation processes; In situ and ex-situ bioremediation; Microbial degradation of contaminants in gas
phase; biofiltration, biotrickling filtration, bioscrubbers; Phytoremediation of organic, metals and inorganic contaminants;
transgenics in bioremediation. (15)

BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CONSERVATION: Biodiversity analysis: molecular methods to analyse biodiversity gene
sequencing, phylogenetic trees, ISSR, RAPDs, isozymes. DNA Barcoding, Metagenomics, Conservation of endangered species:
micropropagation, cryopreservation, ART, DNA and tissue banking. (5)

BIOFERTILIZERS AND BIOPESTICIDES: Nitrogen fixers, phosphorous solubilising bacteria, phosphorous mobilizing bacteria,
plant growth promoting microorganisms, Baculoviruses, entomopathogenic fungi, Bacillus thuringiensis (8)

Total L: 45

Education. 2020.

2. Khosla Kojo Press. 2017
Springer Nature. 2022.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


PROTEIN STRUCTURE ANALYSIS: Level of Protein structure, methods for analysing different level of protein structures -
Protein sequencing - Circular dichroism - X ray crystallography, Protein folding and stability methods for the measuring protein
stability. (9)

glycosylation, phosphorylation and other PTMs, Click chemistry and protein conjugates (9)

PROTEIN STRUCTURE FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP: DNA binding proteins- lac repressor; membrane proteins,
bacteriorhodopsin, hormones receptors - estrogen receptors; serine proteases, Protease inhibitors - HIV protease, Protein -
protein interaction. (9)

PROTEIN ENGINEERING METHODS: Site directed and random mutagenesis, approaches for Protein Engineering Cell free
systems and combinatorial methods, rational design and directed evolution. (9)

ENGINEERED PROTEINS: de novo protein design, Engineering thermal stability and other properties; Antibody engineering,
Humanized antibody, Therapeutic insulin; Engineering Subtilisin, Non-natural amino acids. (9)

Total L: 45

2. Huimin Zhao, Sang Yup Lee, Jens Nielsen,
publishers, 2021.

3. Masayori Inouye, Raghupathy S Application in science,
Company, 2000.


INTRODUCTION: Current energy scenario and the need for alternative fuels - overview of biofuel - bioenergy and biorefinery
concepts - Biomass sources and classification - Physical and chemical characteristics and potential of different biomass materials
- First - second and third generation biofuels. (7)

BIODIESEL: Transesterification reaction mechanism - Basics and chemistry of fats and oil - Oil resources and feedstock -
Methods for biodiesel production - Types of catalysts employed; heterogeneous catalyst- preparation and characterization,
enzyme-based biodiesel. (9)

BIOETHANOL: Different feedstock for Bioethanol production - Fermentation process - Sugarcane molasses and other sources
for fermentation process. - Lignocellulosic pretreatment methods - Hydrolysis - Hydration Lignin upgradation - Economics of
bioethanol production (10)

BIO-OIL AND BIOHYDROGEN: Thermo-chemical conversion of lignocellulose biomass - Biomass processing for liquid fuel
introduction - Biohydrogen production process: Chemical & Biological method; Factors affecting biohydrogen production;
Microbial fuel cell & Electrolysis cell - Thermo chemical gasification principles and its application for different biomass treatment.

BIOGAS TECHNOLOGY: Feedstock for biogas production - Aqueous wastes containing biodegradable organic matter - animal
residues; Microbial and biochemical aspects; Operating parameters for biogas production - Kinetics and mechanism - Dry and
wet fermentation (9)

Total L: 45

1. Caye M Drapcho, Nhuan Phu Nghiem, Terry Walker, "Biofuels Engineering Process Technology", McGraw Hill Professional,
2. David M Mousdale, "Introduction to Biofuels", CRC Press, 2010.

1. Rezaiyan. N. P. Cheremisinoff, "Gasification Technologies, A Primer for Engineers and Scientists & Francis, 2005.
2. Chakraverty, "Biotechnology and Alternative Technologies for Utilization of Biomass or Agricultural Wastes", Oxford & IBH
publishing Co, 1989.
ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Classification of biopolymers (natural and mineral origin), Structure and dimensions, Biopolymers of
commercial value (Polysaccharides, Poly-esters, Polynucleotides), Bottlenecks of synthetic polymers, Bio refinery perspective of
Biopolymer Production (4)

PROPERTIES AND POLYMERIZATION TECHNIQUES: Physicochemical Properties (Solubility and Viscosity, Emulsifying
Properties, Molecular Association, Pharmacological Action, Antioxidant Properties, Antimicrobial action, Surface Functional
Properties, Hydrodynamic Properties; Types of Polymerization - Step-Growth, Free Radical, Chain Co-polymerization, Ionic
Chain, Coordination Addition (10)

PRODUCTION AND MECHANISM OF DEGRADATION: Methods of Production (Coacervation, Interfacial Crosslinking

Polymerization, Spray Drying), Types of Sources (Bacteria, Fungi, Algae, Agricultural Waste), Types of Fermentation, Factors
affecting fermentation, Pathway of Synthesis, Commercially Viable Types: Starch, Gum Arabica, Gluten, Natural Rubber;
Mechanism of Degradation for naturally occurring polymers (12)

CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES: Physical and Structural X-Ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, transmission
Electron Microscopy, Thermogravimetry, Viscometry, Turbidometry; Electrical Properties Zeta Potential Analyzer; Elemental -
Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Functional - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Purification and Molecular Weight
Analysis - Chromatography (7)

APPLICATION AND REGULATORY ASSAYS: Areas of Applications: Drug Delivery, Fuel Cell Applications, Biocontrol of Plant
diseases, Tissue Engineering, Biomedical Applications, Wastewater Treatment, Textile Finishing, Green Synthesis of
nanoparticles; Regulatory assays: Biodegradation Assays (Die-Away Test, CO2 Evolution Test, Modified M1T1 Test, Closed
Bottle Test, Modified OECD Screening Test, Manometric Respirometry Test) (12)

Total L: 45

1. Steinbuchel A Matsummura S, "Biopolymers: Miscellaneous Biopolymers and Biodegradation of Polymers ", Wiley-VCH
Verlog GMBH, 2003 New York, 2003.
2. Michael Niaounakis, "Biopolymers: Processing and Products (Plastics Design Library)", 1 st Edition, William Andrew, Norwich,
1. Schmidtchen F P, "Implementation and Redesign of Catalytic Function in Biopolymers", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.
2. Steven T Case, "Structure, Cellular Synthesis and Assembly of Biopolymers", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992
3. Casparus Johannes Rein


SCOPE OF ENZYMES IN BIOTRANSFORMATION: Biocatalysts versus chemical catalysis; Understanding when to use a
biocatalyst for a chemical problem; Advantages/disadvantages of biocatalysts compared to traditional chemical reactions and
heterogeneous/ homogeneous catalysis; Mild reaction conditions, excellent stereo- chemo- and regio- selectivity versus substrate
specificity, product inhibition, cofactor recycling; Isolated enzyme systems and whole cell systems; Cell free extract system.

TYPES OF BIOTRANSFORMATION REACTIONS: Types of microbial and enzymatic biotransformation reactions: Oxidation,
Reduction, Hydrolysis, Condensation, Isomerization, Formation of New C-C Bonds, Synthesis of Chiral Compounds and Reversal
of Hydrolytic Reactions. (8)

BIOTRANSFORMATION OF VITAMINS: Microbial and Enzymatic biotransformation of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H and K by various

reaction mechanisms. (9)

BIOTRANSFORMATION OF STERIODS: Microbial and Enzymatic biotransformation of steroids by various reaction

mechanisms. (8)

BIOTRANSFORMATION OF ANTIBIOTICS AND XENOBIOTICS: Xenobiotic biotransformation by phase I enzymes -

Biotransformation of drugs. Activation of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450. P450 knockout mice. Inhibition of cytochrome P450.
Induction of cytochrome P450. Phase II enzyme reactions. (13)

Total L: 45

1. Klaus Buchholz, Volker Kasche, Uwe Theo Bornscheuer, "Biocatalysts and Enzyme technology", 2nd Edition, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2012.
2. Kurt Faber, "Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry", 6th Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Faber and Kurt, "Biotransformations in organic chemistry: A Textbook", Springer, 2008.
2. Drauz K, Groger H and May O, "Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis", 3rd Edition, Willey-VCH, 2012.
3. Wolf dieter Fessner and Thorleif Anthonsen, "Modern Biocatalysis: Stereoselective and environmentally friendly reactions",
Wiley-VCH, 2009.



INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS & DESIGN: Flow sheeting: Process flow diagram computer aided flow sheeting for production
of enzymes, antibiotics, solvents, recombinant products; P&I Diagrams: Symbols and layout. Introduction to general process
design considerations and optimal design. (8)

MECHANICAL DESIGN OF VESSELS: Construction materials properties, common materials used for bioprocess equipment
construction. Pressure vessel: Pressure vessel codes and standards, mechanical design of pressure vessels, pressure vessel
supports, Design of storage vessels. Heads and closures, Design of tall vertical tanks. (9)

MECHANICAL DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT AND PIPINGS: Design of heat exchangers, mechanically agitated fermenter,
nonmechanically agitated fermenter. Design of sparger, perforated plate. Design of piping system-strategy to maintain sterility in
process stream and equipments. Design of nozzles, gaskets, flanges, support systems. (12)

TISSUE CULTURE SYSTEM DESIGN: Engineering aspects for design of plant tissue culture system, components of plant tissue
culture system HEPA filter, Incubator, Illumination; Air flow and operational area; Movement materials; Field area, hardening
facilities; (8)

BIOWASTE DEACTIVATION SYSTEM DESIGN: Aerobic and anaerobic biological waste treatment systems, holdup and
discharge area; design of biological waste water treatment system Dairy industry as a case study. (8)

Total L: 45

1. -
Pvt Ltd, 2010.
2. Mahajani VV and Umarji

1. Brownell L E and Young E H, "Process Equipment Design", Student Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2009.
2. Max Peters, Klaus Timmerh
Edition, McGraw-Hill Education (2003).
3rd Edition, Butterworth Heinemann series, 2021.
Oxford University Press, 2015.



GENOME SEQUENCING TECHNIQUES: Next Generation Sequencing, Re and deep sequencing, analysis of deep sequencing
data for SNP and miRNA identification and differential expression (7)

METAGENOMICS: Techniques and Strategies for metagenomics analysis, use of metagenomic analysis for agriculture,
environment and clinical applications -case studies (8)

EPIGENETICS AND EPIGENOMICS: Epigenetic and Epigenomic regulation - Techniques used in Epigenomic analysis, ChIP,
ChIP on chip,ChIP sequence, ChIP- PCR, bisulfate sequencing, enzyme based methods, NGS based sequencing of the
epigenome. Epigenome systems - Human epigenome, epigenomics in plants, fungi, Applications of Epigenomics (12)

PHARMACOGENOMICS: Polymorphisms in metabolizers, transporters and receptors and their consequences in drug efficacy
and drug discovery - case studies (9)

CLINICAL GENOMICS: Databases of diseases namely cancer and Alzheimer s diseases and workflow approaches for data
analysis (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Diana Marco, "Metagenomics: Theory, methods, and applications", 1st Edition, Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK, 2010.
2. Nessa Carey, "The epigenetic regulation", 1st Edition, Columbia University Press, UK, 2011.

1. Robert A Myers, "Epigenetic regulation and epigenomics", Wiley- Blackwell, 2012.
2. Allen, "Pharmacogenomics: Applications to Patient Care", American College of Clinical Pharmacy, USA, 2004.
3. Jonathan c - Liss Inc, 1st Edition, 2003.
Press, 1st Edition, 2007.



INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: Biological Systems, Processes and Techniques - Models and Modelling what is
Systems Biology? - Basic concepts -Applications - Scope and Future. (3)

MODELLING THEORY: Model building - Parameter Estimation - Model testing and Selection - Local & Global Sensitivity Analysis
- Model Reduction - Model Combination - Optimisation of Model Output and Structure (10)

graph theory - Properties and types of Network Structural/Stoichiometric analysis of biochemical systems: Construction of
stoichiometric matrices, Flux Balance Analysis, Constraint based models (14)

- Construction, simulation and Analysis of ODE Models using rate equations Case Studies. Other modeling techniques:
Stochastic models - Rule based models Statistical models. (14)

Biology Markup Language - BioPAX Systems Biology Graphical Notation Other standards Simulation Tools and Software.

Total L: 45

1. Wolfram Lieber meister, Christoph Wierling, Axel Kowald, Edda Klipp, "Systems Biology: A Text Book", Wiley- Blackwell
Publishing, 2016.
2. Eberhard Voit, "A First Course in Systems Biology", Garland Science, 2012.

1. Brian P Ingalls, "Mathematical Modelling in Systems Biology", MIT press, 2013.
2. Urion Alon, "Introduction to Systems Biology Design Principles of Biological Systems", CRC press, 2003.
Edition, 2005.
4. Pengchen Edition, 2009.


INTRODUCTION TO ECOSYSTEMS: Ecosystems components, organization and interactions; Factors affecting ecosystems
environmental, physical and chemical; energy flow in ecosystem; Microbial ecology role of microbes in ecosystems;
Interactions of microbes with other organisms and within (6)

APPLICATION OF GENOMIC TOOLS IN ECOGENOMICS: Culturable and non-culturable approaches in studying microbial
diversity; molecular fingerprinting techniques ARISA, T-RFLP, DGGE; DNA microarrays Phylochip, Geochip; next generation
sequencing techniques (8)

ECOGENOMICS OF MARINE ECOSYSTEMS: Drivers and patterns of marine microbial diversity; Marine food web; Life
strategies and adaptation mechanisms of marine microbes environmental conditions, spatial heterogeneity and nutrient
concentrations; Microbial networks in sea; Screening, production and enhancement of bioactive compounds of microbial origin
from marine ecosystems (10)

ECOGENOMICS OF HUMAN GUT MICROBIOME: Hologenome concept Microbiota of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants;
Transmission of holobionts; Community structure of microbiota in GI; Influence of gut microbiome on human health; Manipulation
of human gut microbiota Prebiotics, Probiotics and Symbionts (9)

ECOGENOMICS OF EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS: Extreme environments and their characteristics; Physiology, metabolism
and adaptations of extremophilic microorganisms; Case studies on the nucleic acids and thermolabile metabolites in
thermophiles, membrane adaptations in psychrophiles, genome and proteome level adaptations in halophiles and bioenergetic
adaptations in alkaliphiles and acidophiles; Commercial production of extremolytes Compatible solutes, exopolysaccharides
and enzymes (12)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Diana Marco, "Metagenomics: Current Innovations and Future Trends", 1st Edition, Caister Academic Press, London, 2011.
2. Lucas J Stal, Mariana S Cretoiu, "The Marine Microbiome; An Untapped Source of Biodiversity and Biotechnological
Potential", 1st Edition, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.

1. David N Fredricks, "The Human Microbiota", 1st Edition, Wiley Blackwell, New Jersey, 2013.
2. Charles Gerday, Nicolas Glansdorff, "Physiology and Biochemistry of Extremophiles", 1st Edition, ASM Press, Washington,
3. Larry L Barton, Diana E Northup, "Microbial Ecology", 1st Edition, Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2011.


INTRODUCTION TO SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY: Structure, expression and regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems.
Recombinant DNA Technology. Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics (6)

COMPONENTS OF SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY: Design - build test. Design - Engineering biological components, metabolic
engineering - pathway design, phenotype engineering, Xeno biology Build DNA, Oligonucleotides, genes, genetic systems,
gene/genome editing. Test High throughput screening. Designing and encoding models for synthetic biology (12)

BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS AND CIRCUITS: bacterial chemotaxis, noise in development, Circadian oscillation, RNA and Protein
circuits, autoregulatory feedback, cascades, Gene circuit design and engineering: Biobricks/BioFAB and designing software,
Synthetic circuits beyond bacteria: Phage, virus, and eukaryotes. In vitro/cell-free systems. (12)

APPLICATIONS OF SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY: Bio-remediation and microbial biotechnology, Plant and marine biotechnology, Animal
biotechnology, Biomedicine and Biomaterials, Biofuels, Medical biotechnology and gene therapy (8)

REGULATIONS, ETHICS AND IP: Governance, risk culture, transparency, biosafety, machine metaphors, manipulation Vs creation,
Biocontainment IP -economic viability, legal frame work, iGEM (7)

Total 45

1. Primrose and Twymann, Principles of Gene manipulation and Genomics, 7th Edition, Wiley-Blackwel, 2006
2. Freemont, P. S and Kitney, R.I. Synthetic Biology a Primer. World Scientific Publishing Co pvt Ltd., 2012

1. Church, G and Regis, E, Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. Basic Books, 2012.
2. Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology; Board on Life Sciences; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Academies
of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology, The National Academies Press, 2018.
3. Edition, 2016.



BASIC MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY: Energy sources for muscular activity, skeletal muscle structure and function, muscle contractions
(Eccentric, concentric, isotonic), muscle fiber types and distribution, Fundamental of sport and exercise biochemistry. (6)

Biodegradation of amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, purines and pyrimidines. Glycolysis, TCA cycle, pentose phosphate pathway
Principles of metabolic regulation, Hormones in metabolic regulation Peptide hormones, neurotransmitters and steroids, allosteric
effectors, Exercise and its effects on central nervous system - Plasma Beta Endorphins. (9)

energy recourses and metabolic regulation in high-intensity exercise, Effect of exercise duration, training, nutritional status in high-
intensity exercise, Mechanisms of fatigue in high-intensity exercise (9)

ENDURANCE EXERCISE AND INTERMITTENT EXERCISE: Definition and models of Endurance exercise, Energy production,
energy recourses and metabolic regulation in endurance exercise, Effect of exercise duration, training status and nutritional status
on carbohydrate and fat metabolism in endurance exercise. Overview of energy production and regulation in intermittent exercise,
Effects of manipulating work-rest intensity and ratio, Effects of nutritional status, Muscle adaptations to interval training (HIIT,
TABATA), Mechanisms of fatigue in intermittent exercise. (12)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SPORTS NUTRITION: Introduction to Sports Nutrition- definition and scope of Sports Nutrition - Diet and Performance , Effect of
Intensity and duration of exercise/sport - Measuring energy expenditure - Measuring Physical activity - METs Metabolic Equivalent
Fatigue, the glycemic index and glycemic load, Carbohydrates in sports - during training, during different phases of Preparation,
Type of exercise and Protein requirements in sport , Fats in sports - during training, during different phases of Preparation, General
preparatory phase, Specific preparatory phase, Competition phase, Transition phase , Injury and rehabilitation phase Energy intake
and energy expenditure - thermogenesis - body fat and dietary fat - Weight loss. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Maclaren D and Morton J, Biochemistry for Sport and Exercise Metabolism, Wiley Blackwell, 2012.
2. Jeukendrup and Gleeson M., Sport Nutrition, Human Kinetics 3rd Edition, 2018.

1. Manughan RJ and Gleeson M, Biochemical basis of Sports Performance, Oxford University press, 2010.
2. Mougios V Exercise Biochemistry, second edition, Human Kinetics 2020
3. Kenney WL, Wilmore J and Costill DL., Physiology of Sport and Exercise, 6th Edition, Human kinetics, 2015.



INTRODUCTION ON DATA DRIVEN AGRICULTURE: Concepts in digital Farming and financial performance-data analysis and
ground-truth validation, proximal sensing, Exploration of aerial and terrestrial data (6)

INTERNET OF THINGS: Sensors and other devices to measure elements and action involved in farming into data. Advanced
sensing technologies- for information on soil, crop status and environmental conditions -IoT for high yield and low cost. (12)


advanced farming, Software platforms for sensors, satellites, aircraft systems. Proximal sensing, ground autonomous sensing,
decision making- variable rate technology, Site-specific crop management (12)

ROBOTICS AND AI: Unmanned operations, autonomous decision support systems, workforce shortage- agricultural robots
integrating AI features, Robots for increased productivity with reduced operating costs, Drone technologies and GPS: Maps, GIS,
FIMS (8)

FARM AUTOMATION: miniaturized machines farm operations seeding, automatic irrigation management systems fertilizer
applicator plant health monitoring systems weather forewarning detection of invasive pests and diseases, Case studies. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Precision Agriculture Basics, Editor(s): D. Kent Shannon, David E. Clay and Newell R. Kitchen. John Wiley & Sons, 2020
2. Internet of Things and Analytics for Agriculture, Volume 2 (Studies in Big Data Book 67) Editor(s) Prasant Kumar
Pattnaik , Raghvendra Kumar, Souvik Pal. Springer 2020

1. Agriculture for improved nutrition: seizing the momentum Edition, 2019.
2. Verónica Saiz-Rubio and Francisco Rovira-M, From Smart Farming towards Agriculture 5.0: A Review on Crop Data
Management, Agronomy 2020.
3. Jayaraman, P.P.; Yavari, A.; Georgakopoulos, D.; Morshed, A.; Zaslavsky, A. Internet of Things Platform for Smart Farming:
Experiences and Lessons Learnt. Sensors 2016, 16, 1884.


INTRODUCTION: Water resources, hydrological cycles, consumption patterns; challenges, water resource sustainability and
challenges; Water budget (5)

WATER AND WASTEWATER QUALITY: Parameters used for analysing drinking water quality physico-chemical and biological
parameters. Influence of nature and human activities on potable water quality; Wastewater domestic and industrial wastewaters
and parameters used for analysing wastewater characteristics. Standards and regulatory bodies. (10)

WATER QUALITY AND HEALTH: Waterborne diseases cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis A, amoebiasis. Water pollution and
health cancer, endocrine-disrupting chemicals; Water as a media for antimicrobial resisance development (5)

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROCESSES: Screening and comminution, equalization, grit removal. sedimentation, floatation,
filtration, membrane processes; Chemical processes - Coagulation, flocculation; filtration; disinfections; aeration and gas transfer;
precipitation; softening; adsorption and ion exchange (10)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES: Aerobic suspended growth processes activated sludge process and its modifications, biofilm
processes -Tricking filters and Rotating biological contactors; Anaerobic processes suspended growth, attached growth, fluidizedbed
and sludge blanket systems; nitrification, denitrification; Phosphorus removal; Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems - Ponds and
Lagoons; Wetlands. SLUDGE TREATMENT: Thickening; Digestion; Dewatering; Sludge drying; Composting (12)

WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DESIGN & LAYOUT: Sequencing of unit operations, plant layout and
hydraulic considerations. (3)

Total L: 45

1. International, 2008
, Earthscan Publishing, London, 2009
3. -Hill
Education: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney,
Toronto, 2020

1. John-Wiley & Sons Inc. London, 2011
3. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Education:
New York, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese


23H001 Functional Apparels and Clothing
23H002 Home Textiles
23H003 Ergonomics for Clothing Industry
23H004 Leather Apparel Technology
23H005 Denim Garment Manufacturing
23H006 Lean Manufacturing of Apparels
23H007 Apparel Size and Fit Analysis
23H008 Apparel Merchandising
23H009 Sustainability and Green Concepts
23H010 Automation, AI & IoT Applications in Apparel Industry

23H021 Fashion Styling
23H022 Fashion Portfolio Development
23H023 Garment Trims and Accessories
23H024 Fashion Draping
23H025 Traditional Indian Textiles and Costume
23H026 Visual Merchandising
23H027 Interior Designing
23H028 Fashion Photography


23H041 Apparel Entrepreneurship
23H042 Digital Fashion Marketing
23H043 Brand Management and Advertising
23H044 Apparel Logistics and Supply Chain Management


23HO01 Appreciation of Indian Art

23HO02 Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking
23HO03 Strategic Management
23HO04 Human Resource Management


23HF01 Plant Layout and Facility Planning

23HF02 Computer Aided Designing for Home Textiles
23HF03 Computerized Machine Embroidery
23HF04 Seamless Garments

68th ACM 04.02.2023


SMART APPARELS: Functional design of textiles, Properties structural, aesthetic, functional and their advantages, comfort
and fit, Smart manufactured fibres: properties, production techniques and application of smart fibres in textiles and apparels,
phase change materials and shape memory polymers. Body sensor: moisture management, heat and moisture transfer
properties, heat and pressure receptors. Design requirements of smart clothing for therapeutic, bio-sensing, emergency care
and rehabilitation activities (9)

PROTECTIVE WEAR: Protection against rain, heat, hazardous chemicals, cold, snow, wind and insect: material selection,
finishing treatments. Clothing requirements for soldiers, fire service personnel. Protection against knives and other weapons,
Clothing requirements for ballistic protection. Design requirements, factors and norms influencing protective gloves, masks,
helmet, respiratory devices, eye glasses and shoes. Garment construction: Method of construction of garments according to
various protective end use; use of accessories for protective garment, ergonomics of protective clothing (9)

MEDICAL WEAR: Classification of Medical textiles and their functions, Characteristics of fibre/ yarn / fabric used for used for
implants and non-implants, Design and development of Healthcare and Hygiene products .Specific requirements and
application of bio compatible materials, composites and non-woven hygienic products used in hospital sectors. Different
application of Medical textiles: Compression garments, Surgical gowns, Sutures, Surgical Dressing, Tissue engineering.
Specialty and Functional finishing treatments given for various medical garments, (9)

SPORTS WEAR: Current sportswear market, sustainable key features in sportswear design, clothing requirements, functional
fibers, yarns and fabrics suitable for performance sportswear, properties and application, principle of aero-dynamics and body
movements in the design of sportswear, specific clothing requirements for the development of active-wear like yoga, gym,
trekking and running. Biomechanical engineering of sports bra & compression stockings (9)

FUNCTIONAL DESIGN OF SPORTS WEAR: Comfort and fit requirements influencing sportswear, Design of moisture
management fabrics for sports application, Application of heat and moisture vapour transmission characteristics through
multilayered fabric ensembles, Specialty fabrics used for sports application, accessories used in sports clothing, clothing
requirements and functional design of sport footwear, application of composites in sports, Quality standards and evaluation
methods. (9)



2. Anand S.C., Kennedy J.F. Miraftab M. and Rajend

Publishing Ltd. England, 2006


T New Delhi, 2000.

England, 2001.
d, England, 2005.


TEXTILE FURNISHINGS: Definition. Classification, Types of furnishings materials Woven, non-woven, knitting weft and
warp knitting. Manufacturing concepts damask, brocade, organdy, oxford, tapestry. Basics of textile surface design
techniques. (9)

FLOOR COVERINGS: Types hard floor, resilient floor and soft floor. Soft floor coverings carpets and rugs. carpet types,
properties, laying procedure; rugs-oriental rug, accent rug and scatter rugs. Maintenance and care. Manufacturing: handmade -
Turkish, Persian; machine made cut pile, Wilton carpet. Factors affecting selection of floor covering. (9)

WINDOW DRESSINGS: Types of doors and windows. Window treatment classification, Draperies choice of fabrics, Curtains
types of curtains-design, fabric selection. calculating the amount of material required. Valence and swag. Method of finishing
draperies Tucks and pleats. Types of rod. Factors affecting selection of fabric for window treatments. (9)

KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM FURNISHINGS: Types quality requirements. Fabric selection - dish cloth, hand towels,
aprons, mittens. Pot holder. Dining Furnishings: types, fabric selection & design concept - table cloth, skirt, runners, napkins.(9)

LIVING ROOM FURNISHINGS: Types. Fabric selection & design concept- wall hangers, cushion- covers, upholsteries- cover,
bolster- covers. BED ROOM FURNISHINGS: Types. Fabric selection & design concept - sheets , blankets - cover, comforts -
covers, bed spreads, bed skirts, duvets, mattress covers and pillows - covers. BATH ROOM FURNISHINGS: Types - quality
requirements. Fabric selection - towels, robes, bath rugs. Maintenance and care. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Delhi, India, 2005.


2. Charles Randall and Sharon Templeaton, "Dream Windows", Randall International Orange, California, 2003.


ERGONOMICS: Definition, history, standards, categories, types, micro-ergonomics and macro - ergonomics. Ergonomic
conditions of work - Physiological, psycho-sociological, anthropometric and ecological conditions. (9)

ERGONOMIC PRINCIPLES: Ergonomic principles in designing: Workplace, handling material and tools, environment and
determining working time. (9)

WORKPLACE DESIGN: Definition, human technological system, multidisciplinary engineering approach, human machine
system, manual, mechanical, automated system, human system reliability, conceptual design, advanced development, detailed
design and development. (9)

ERGONOMICS IN WORKPLACE DESIGN: Applied anthropometry, workspace design and seating, arrangement of
components within a physical space, interpersonal aspects of work place design and design of repetitive task, design of manual
handling task, work capacity, stress and fatigue. (9)

ERGONOMIC DESIGN OF WORKPLACE IN GARMENT INDUSTRY: Ergonomics work place in garment manufacture -
Storage of textile materials, preparation, cutting room, sewing room, finishing room, garment warehouse and distribution,
clothing store and maintenance workplaces. Common ergonomic problems and solutions in the clothing industry. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Gordona Colovic, "Ergonomics in the garment industry", Wood head publishing India Ltd, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Bridger R S, "Introduction to Ergonomics", Taylor and Francis, London,2003.

1. Parker S, Wal T, "Job and Work Design, Organizing Work to Promote Well-Being and Effectiveness", Sage Publications,
California, 1998.
2. Mark S Sanders , "Human Factors in Engineering and Design", McGraw Hil, New York, 1993.
3. Stefan Trzcielinski, Waldemar Karwowski, "Advances in Ergonomics in Manufacturing", Taylor & Francis, US, 2012.
trades, Industrial and Textile Employees, the Institute for
Work & Health, and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, Inc. 2001.


LEATHER TANNAGES: Leather, hide, skin, types, components and structure. preservation techniques, pre tanning
processes: soaking, liming, deliming, bating, and pickling. Types of tannages: vegetable, synthetic. Post tanning operations:
neutralisation, fatliquoring, bleaching, dyeing and drying of leathers, combination tanned leather. (9)

TYPES OF LEATHER: Special features and applications of different types of leather - E.I tanned leather, sole leather, wet blue
leather, full chrome upper leathers, upholstery leathers, chamois leather, fashion garment leathers, utility glove leathers, picking
band leathers, light, heavy and Industrial leathers, lining leathers, harness, belting and saddlery leathers, football, hockey ball,
cricket ball and other sports goods leathers . (9)

MACHINERIES, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS: Machineries used in leather processing: drum, sammying machine, shaving
machine, splitting machine, setting machine, spray dyeing machine, embossing, ironing and measuring machines, Tools and
equipments used in leather garment preparatory and manufacturing processes : gimping scissors, wooden & iron hammer,
stone slabs, skiving and spitting machines, cloth cutting machines, industrial sewing machines, button hole & button stitching
machines, ironing process, types of sewing needles and sewing threads. (9)

DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF LEATHER GARMENTS: Special care during pattern making, cutting and construction
of leather garments. Fabrication of leather garments- principle of cutting components, type of stitching and attachment,
sequence of operation for assembly of components, accessories used. Preparation of sectional patterns, pattern sets,
arrangements of patterns to minimize wastage of leathers. Types of leather garments, Leather jackets pattern and
construction sequence, Shoe: parts, selection of leather, designing and fabrication of shoes, machineries. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITY CONTROL OF LEATHER GARMENTS: General properties of leather such as feel,
texture, strength, elongation, comfort, rub resistance, uniformity of shades, defects in skin, types of tests carried out, testing
instruments and methods. In process and final process control of leather garments. Impact of leather processing on
environment and remedial measures. (9)

Total L:45

1. Dutta, sociation, Calcutta,

1. Sandy Scrivano,
2. Sarkar, practice of leather manufacture, Macmillan India Press, Madras.1997.


YARNS AND FABRICS FOR DENIM: Overview of denim production, market potential, product varieties and ranges,
manufacturers & brands, Yarn: characteristics, pre-requisites, quality requirements and trouble-shooting. spinning, yarn dyeing
and sizing. Lycra: properties, yarn parameters influencing denim manufacturing. Fabric: characteristics, types, fabric
parameters, factors influencing denim manufacturing, fabric faults, manufacture of lycra denim, knit denims (9)

DENIM PROCESSING: Dyes: properties and characteristics, conditions, requirements for dyeing & chemistry of dyeing,
machineries: Types of machines, process variables and parameters, factors influencing dyeing. Precautions & developments,
assessment of dyed fabrics, Finishing: permanent press, preshrinking, integrated finishing and shrinking range, sanforizing,
pre-drying, ammoniation & skewing, specialty finishes and machineries used for creating novel effects, sustainable routes for
denim processing (9)

parameters, machineries used, special attachments, specification of sewing threads and factors influencing the thread cost in
denim manufacturing, seam & stitch parameters, trims, accessories, size & fit requirements, care labeling, fastening, pressing
and inspection (9)

DENIM WASHING: Process conditions, machineries, chemicals used for special effects - pumice stones, acid and enzyme
wash, denim bleaching, biopolishing & biostoning, sand blasting, PP spray, grinding, whiskering, ozone and laser fading,
Tinted denim, over dyed denim, reverse denim, pseudo denim, stretch denim, peach skin effect, quick wash denim, vintage
wash, enzyme- soda wash, dextrose-
inspection (9)

ADVANCES IN DENIMS: Future scope and challenges, novel denims, sustainable practices adopted by leading denim brands
in their supply chain; use of circular economy in denim manufacturing; energy conservation techniques used in denim
manufacturing, coating and embossing techniques applied on denims, 3D effects using resins, staining effects, patch and repair


2. , CRC Press, 2005.

1. -

3. Emily Cu -


LEAN MANUFACTURE: Objectives, key principles and implications, traditional manufacturing Vs lean manufacturing, benefits.
Concepts - Value creation and elimination of waste; pull production, continuous improvement, and standard work. Group
Technology: Production flow analysis, cellular manufacturing system. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

TOOLS & METHODOLOGIES: Visual controls, 5S principles, total quality management (TQM) , total productive maintenance
(TPM), preventive maintenance, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), mistake proofing, root cause analysis fishbone
-up time reduction, line balancing, kanban, lean six
sigma. Case studies. (9)

VALUE STREAM MAPPING: Definition, purpose, symbols, current state map, and the future state map, steps involved in
implementation process goal setting, team formation, selection of process, data collection and current state map, analysis of
current state map, mapping future state, creation of action plan and deployment, measurement of benefits. Case studies. (9)

JIT MANUFACTURING & LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: JIT manufacturing: Concept, history and philosophy, main
elements, characteristics, JIT-Demand pull logic, traditional systems vs. JIT, benefits, steps involved in implementation process
Case studies. Lean principles application in logistics, warehousing distribution and e-commerce. (9)

IMPLEMENTATION : Road map, senior management involvement, barriers, challenges, strategies, lean implementation
process cultural change, evaluation of the present state, educational evaluation, documentation of current conditions, redesign
to reduce wastes, determination of goals, kaizen implementation and evaluation, best practices in apparel industry -case
studies. (9)

Total L: 45

Edition, 2021.
2. Micheal Wader , "Lean Tools: A Pocket guide to Implementing Lean Practices", Productivity and Quality Publishing Pvt Ltd,
Chennai, 2002.

1. Joseph A De Feo, William W Bearnard , "Juran Inst - Hill, New
Delhi, 2004.
2. Colovic.G , "Management of technology systems in garment industry", Woodhead Publishing, India, Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi, 2010.
3. John.W.Davis , "Lean manufacturing: implementation strategies that work: a roadmap to quick and lasting success",
Industrial Press Inc, New York, 2009.
4. Askin R G and Goldberg J B , "Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems", John Wiley and Sons Inc, US, 2003


HUMAN ANTHROPOMETRICS: Ergonomics in design of clothing, Anthropometry-,selection of anthropometric data for clothing
design, errors and variability in anthropometric data, selection of anthropometric design approach, Anthropometric methods -
Traditional and 3 dimensional methods, international standards, land marking, body measurement devices and techniques,
Body scanning operations, applications (9)

ANALYSIS OF SIZING AND SHAPE REQUIREMENTS: Body shape analysis, classification of body shapes, characteristic
differences among figures, posture types, figure types- vertical, horizontal, Sizing and shape requirements of children, male,
female, old age, pregnant and intimate wears (9)

SIZING SYSTEMS AND SIZE STANDARDISATION: Existing sizing systems- strength and weakness, size categories in
ment- importance, size and shape surveys, anthropometric
analysis, size analysis, key or control measurements, developing and validating sizing system, statistics used in sizing system
development, apparel size designation and labeling (9)

TESTING AND EVALUATION OF FIT: Fit -Definition, Importance, standards, influences of clothing fit, Methods of testing fit- fit
models, fitting futures, measured methods, pinned pattern / tissue methods, trial garment, guide to fitting problems. Evaluating
fit: subjective, objective, rating scales, subjective fitting guide, Objective method- moiré optics, algebraic evaluation of clothing
fit, clothing waveform, pressure evaluation of clothing fit , 3D modeling of pressure fit. Alternative methods for evaluating fit-
using structural line, grain line, wrinkles, pinch test, inside measurement. (9)

INFLUENCE OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENT ON FIT: Human performance in clothing system, Wearing comfort
interaction between body motion and clothing as a shell, fit and allowance for comfort and wearability, thermal aspects of fit,
Effect of materials on fit and sizing, non stretch materials, stretch materials, fit assessment. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Deepti gupta, Norsaadah Zakaria, "Anthropometry, sizing and design", Wood head Publishing Limited, England, 2019.
2. FanJ, Yu W, Hunter L, "Clothing Appearance and Fit", Wood head Publishing Limited, England,2004.

1. Lynn Macintyre, MaryTilton, "Easy Guide to sewing", Taunton press, USA, 2009.
2. Sandra Betzina, "Fast Fit-Easy pattern alterations for every figure", The Taunton Press, Singapore, 2003.
3. Ashdown S P, "Sizing in Clothing-Developing effective sizing system for ready to wear", Wood head Publishing Limited,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

England, 2007.
4. Elizabeth Liechty, Judith Rasband, Della Pottberg-Steineckert , "Fitting & pattern alteration - a multi method approach to the
art of style selection, fitting and alteration", II, Fairchild books, New York, 2010.


MERCHANDISING: Role of merchandising department, Responsibilities of a merchandiser, Steps involved in receiving an
order, technical specification sheet interpretation, Sampling procedure, Merchandising interface with other departments in an
apparel organization, terminologies used in merchandising department (9)

ROLE OF MERCHANDISER: Line planning Introduction, concept of fashion forecasting, apparel line and seasons. Steps in
fashion forecasting. Line Planning: Fashion forecasting techniques - Market research, consumer research, product research,
Fashion research - Trend research, colour research. Line Development - Fabric and trims selection, prototyping, pre-costing,
final product development. Line presentation, Line Adoption, Apparel analysis, market/customer profiling, product analysis and
development (9)

PLANNING AND ORDER EXECUTION: Elements of planning, calendar planning/time and action planning, activities of time
and action planning, order scheduling methods, yarn consumption, fabric consumption, GSM calculation, sewing thread
consumption. Cut quantity estimation size wise and colour wise, capacity planning and calculation, Operator efficiency and
operation bulletin development for a sewing line / order, line efficiency calculation. Developing a production schedule for a
given order. ERP systems used in merchandising planning and execution. (9)

SOURCING FOR MERCHANDISER: Types of Sourcing, role of merchandiser in sourcing, sourcing process. Factors affecting
the sourcing of fabric and trims, Sourcing centers- International and domestic. Sourcing lead time, supplier types, vendor
COMMUNICATION FOR MERCHANDISER: Importance of communication, objectives
of communication, types of communication in apparel industry, communication barrier for merchandiser. Documents for
merchandisers Intra factory communication. export and import documents Commercial Principle and auxiliary documents,
regulatory documents. (9)

COSTING FOR MERCHANDISER : Cost calculation for yarn processing and pre treatment, cost calculation for knitting/
weaving, processing and dyeing, printing and surface ornamentation. Estimation of cutting, sewing, trimming, checking, packing
and shipment cost. costing of different styles of apparels. (9)

Total L:45


2. h Edition. Prentice Hall, 2004.




SUSTAINABILITY: Sustainability: Significance and need, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Initiatives, factors
influencing sustainability, Impact of ecology, economy and culture. Sustainability concepts: linear and circular consumption,
history, Impact of linear and circular system on environment, barriers in implementation. (9)

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN: Sustainable design using low impact materials, energy efficient resources, reuse, recycling and up-
cycling. Sustainable fibres: organic cotton recycled polyester, alternative sustainable fibers. Product Life Cycle Assessment
(PLA) models, Sustainable economic and rental models: types and advantages, second-hand models: classification, online and
offline models, benefits and pitfalls. Brands in economic models, case studies. (9)

SUSTAINABLE PROCESSING: Bio-processing, eco-friendly coloration and finishing, raw material, plant and machinery,
human and financial resource, application of alternative energy source, reuse and recycle of energy. Eco-labeling, Eco-
standards, Eco-auditing procedures, Reduction of carbon footprints, problematic dyestuffs/chemicals and green alternatives,
cleaner production, guidelines for textile industry to comply with eco-regulations, ecological considerations, application of
natural dyes (9)

SUSTAINABLE APPAREL MANUFACTURE: Concepts and Principles: Sourcing, Design, Manufacturing and Use. Apparel
Production methods in circular fashion, Technologies used in sustainable fashion, Fashion brands in circular path Case
studies, Countries moving towards circular economy, Role of consumer on sustainable fashion: Consumer Behavior on
sustainable products, consumer preferences, Purchase behavior: drivers and barriers, post- purchase behavior, Case studies.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

SUSTAINABILITY STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATIONS: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHAS),
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), Social Accountability (SA 8000), Global Organic Textile Standard
(GOTS), Oeko-Tex, STeP and REACH standards, Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Higg FEM, CSR and LEED certifications ,
GRS and certifications (9)

Total L:45



3. Lewis, H. and Gertsakis, J. Design and Environment: A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods, Greenleaf Publishing,
Sheffield, 2001.


AUTOMATION IN APPARELS: Introduction, Automation in garment production: Process control and online monitoring:
spreading, cutting, sewing and material handling, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Automation, Pneumatic controls and
application of robots in apparel industry (9)

CONCEPTS OF AI & IOT: IoT: Definition, Components and protocols, need and scope of IoT in apparel industry. Building
blocks of Internet of Things: IoT devices, interfacing tools, sensing, actuation and communication, networking components,
internet protocols, Data capturing systems, IoT application layers. Artificial Intelligence: Definition, AI Block Chain and
Architecture, Types, Importance of AI Fashion industry, Prediction analysis, Ethics in AI. (9)

IOT APPLICATIONS IN APPARELS: Virtual sampling tools for apparel product development, Digital and 3D printing, E-
commerce, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Challenges and Opportunities, Sustainable and flexible industrial human machine
interfaces, IoT based smart wearable garments (9)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI) FOR TEXTILE MANUFACTURING: 3D fibre-yarn models, AI based fabric pattern inspection
systems, Defect identification systems for yarns and fabrics: weaving, knitting, braiding, finishing and printing, AI tolerance for
fabric color matching, AI P/F procedure for dyed samples, novel method of fabric wrinkle measurement based on image
processing, future trends (9)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR APPAREL INDUSTRY: AI algorithms for analyzing design, patterns based on styles, AI in
fashion designing and fashion forecasting, ANN for conceptualization, design development, PPC, spreading, cutting, bundling,
sewing, pressing and packaging. AI in fashion manufacturing, supply chain & fashion Store, AI in fashion retailing, AI in fast
fashion, AI Fashion Stylist, Visual search model and AI for customized applications (9)

Total L: 45

1. -
2. Edition, 2017.

1. Artificial Intelligence on fashion and Textiles, Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textiles (AIFT)
Conference 2018, Hong Kong, July 2018
Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for Internet of Things, Cisco Press, 2017.
4. - Springer Nature,
NY, 2018.



FASHION STYLIST: Qualities and roles of fashion stylist, Responsibilities and scope of celebrity styling, personal styling,
editorial styling, commercial styling, newspaper styling, freelance styling and styling for shoot. Art and science of first
impression, Art of dressing: importance and benefits. Technical skills- elements and principles of design, dominant and
subordinate elements, advancing and receding elements. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

COLOR AND LINE IN STYLING: Color: wardrobe neutral colors, accent colors, color selection strategy, psycho-physical
effects of the dimensions of color, psychology of color, optical Illusions in color, personal color evaluation: hair color, eye color,
skin color, clothing color selection based on personal coloring, clothing color selection based on life style and personal style,
color combination and coordination. Line: functions of line, types of lines, line directions, psychological and physical effects of
line type and line direction, arrangement of lines, psychology of line, selection of lines appropriate for lifestyle, personal style
and fabric. (9)

FABRIC, FABRIC PATTERNS AND SHAPE IN STYLING: Fabric: All-season fabrics, fabrics for season, psychology of fabric,
optical Illusions in fabric and texture, fabric and the principles of design, layering and its benefits, fabric selection criteria based
on lifestyle, personal style and clothing style, combining fabrics and textures, dominant and subordinate textures. Fabric
patterns: Classic patterns, trendy patterns, types of pattern motifs, arrangement of motifs on fabric, psychology of pattern,
optical Illusions in patterns, combining patterns, dominant/subordinate patterns, Shape: Types of garment shapes, psychology
of shape, optical Illusions in line and shape, recommended style lines & shapes for figure/body type. (9)

FIGURE TYPES: Body and its features-rules of proportions, Figure types: ideal, triangular, inverted triangular, rectangular,
hourglass, diamond, tubular, rounded, figure variations, figure type evaluation-horizontal, vertical. Style recommendations to
create illusion of ideal figure- countering technique. FACE SHAPES: Types oval, oblong, rectangle, square, triangle,
diamond, trapezoid, combination. Recommendations: necklines, accessories, hairstyles and hat. (9)

STYLES OF GARMENTS: Types of outfit, basic styles, classic styles, basic classics, trendy styles, costume styles, fads,
separates suitability and benefits, psychology of tailored and untailored looking clothes, personal/professional style scale,
- dresses for women, selection of suitable outfit for different occasion and profession, hairstyle, make-up,
- dresses for men, selection of suitable outfit for different occasion and
- dresses for kids, selection of outfit based on age and
occasion. Consultation process: client analysis, creating mood board/story board, telling a story, styling recommendations,
photo shoot. (9)

Total L: 45


2. -Atlantic Publications, UK, 1999.

1. Marilyn Revell Delo

ntice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.



INSPIRATION, IDENTIFICATION AND CONCEPTUALISATION: Research, choosing a theme or concept, sources of
inspiration, compiling the research: sketchbook, drawing, collage, juxtaposition, deconstruction, cross-referencing, analysis of
research, conceptualizing the collection: mood board, story board and concept boards, the layout and composition, target
market, trend analysis, silhouette, colour and texture (9)

EXPLORATION: Researching Textiles, Designing Textiles, Textiles into production, Materials - fibres and yarns, fabric
construction weave, knit and other forms of construction, non-fabric textiles, future fabrics, dyeing, finishing methods, surface
treatments print, embroidery and fabric manipulation, embellishments, colour and trend prediction, creating own fabric,
designing custom textiles, tradeshows. (9)

DEFINITION/MODELING: Developing a collection genre, line planning and range building - collections and their
influences,types of collection, sketching and design drawing - Drawing media for fashion, layout and composition,
understanding the fashion figure, technical drawings, fashion rendering, CAD for fashion. (9)

CONCEPT TO PROTOTYPE: Sizing and measurements, pattern making, draping, Construction tools, equipments and
techniques; The toile, fittings and finishing, prototype sample, costing and pricing, fashion studio (9)

COMMUNICATION: Fashion portfolio: Introduction to portfolio building for fashion designers, idea storage bank, focused
portfolios, specialized portfolios, Digital and web-based portfolio, professional practice and presentation techniques. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Karl Aspelund, "The Design Process", 3rd Edition, Fairchild Books, 2015.
2. Erin Cadigan, "Sourcing and Selecting Textiles for Fashion,", Fairchild books, 2013.

1. Simon Seivewright , "Basics Fashion Design 01: Research and Design", Fairchild Books, 2007.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. John Hopkins "Fashion Design: The Complete Guide", Fairchild Books, 2012.
3. Suzanne G arshall, Hazel O Jackson, "Individuality in Clothing and Personal Appearance", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
4. Harold Carr, John Pomeroy, "Fashion Design and Product Development", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1992.


DECORATIVE TRIMS: Importance and classification. Criteria and factors affecting choice of trims and accessories. Decorative
trims- Types, Functions, material, Industry trends, Cost, Manufacturers and suppliers- Appliques, laces, ribbons, tapes,
webbings and cords, garment labels. (9)

CLOSURE TRIMS: Closure trims- Types, Functions, material, Industry trends, Cost, Manufacturers and suppliers- Buttons,
buckles, clips, elastics, grommets, hook and eye, hook and loop, eyelets, frogs, rivets, snaps, velcro and zippers Manufacturing
techniques- Synthetic buttons, zippers , Velcro. (9)

SUPPORT TRIMS: Support trims- Types, Functions, material, Industry trends, Cost, Manufacturers and suppliers- Collar stays,
corsets, interfacing, interlining, linings, shoulder pads, sleeve heads, suspenders, underwire and waistbands (9)

CASUAL WEAR ACCESSORIES: Footwear, Belt, Handbag types, styles, brands & cost, materials, component parts,
concept to construction, judging the fit, care instruction and industry trends. Jewellery Types of jewellery from different states,
cost, styles, Stone settings - types, production techniques. (9)

FUNCTIONAL ACCESSORIES: Eyewear styles and materials of frames and lens, cost. Scarves Material, styles, cost.
Gloves - component parts, construction, types. Hats styles, material, basic hat construction. Hosiery material, types,
application. (9)

Total L:45.




DRAPING COMPONENTS AND SEPERATES: Preparation of dummies and muslin for draping, padding, taping, balanced
draping, COWLS: Cowl tops, deep cowl with bustier, pleated cowls, draped cowls from style lines, armhole cowls, back cowls.
SKIRTS: Circular skirt with offset circle, wrapped skirt with asymmetric drape, side cowl skirt. PANTS: Basic trouser, baggy
pant, jump suit, leotard. SLEEVES: Basic sleeve, kimono, raglon sleeve, drop shoulder sleeve, yoke in one with sleeve,
princess in one with sleeve. (9)

DRESS FOUNDATION AND DESIGNS: Draping and construction of sheath, shift, empire line dresses, princess dress,
princess slip dress, panel dress, basic tent foundation, tent with added flare. Bias cut dresses: Bias dress, slip dress, bias dress
with a twist top, knot tie, criss cross bias dress,. Halter style lines- halter with V neck line, torso halter. Surplice, off shoulder
designs. (9)

STRAPLESS DRESS FOUNDATIONS: Principles of contour draping, draping and construction of strapless princess bodice,
bustier designs, gathered overlays, empire bra top torso, support for strapless garments. Under garment construction:
bustier/corset / waspie foundations, gown with radiating drapery. (9)

TAILORED GARMENTS: Preparation of dress form, draping and construction of basic shirt, basic jacket, princess jacket,
classic notched lapel jacket, double breasted jacket, jacket with shawl collar. DRAPING OF KNITS: Draping and construction of
basic knit bodice, knit halter, knit leotard, knit body suit, knit panties. (9)

DRAPED STYLES: Twists, peplum styles, cascade styles, Styles developed from extension beyond outer edges, slashing and
lowering the grain, slashing and gathering, tying extensions into knots and bows, draping using geometric shapes, draped tops,
wrap and drape styles, draped party wears. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Joseph- for Fashion 2000.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


2. Shaeffer, Cl -Hall Inc., New Jersey, 2001.

rentice Hall, USA, 2012.


TRADITIONAL SARIS: Historical significance, colours and motifs, manufacturing techniques Kota, Banaras Brocades ,
Baluchari Saris , Jamdani Saris , Paithani Saris ,Kanjeevaram Saris ,Chanderi Saris , Maheshwari Saris. (9)

TRADITIONAL EMBROIDERIES: Embroidery form gujarat Kutch, Sindhi & Kathiawar, Phulkari of Punjab, Kantha of Bengal,
Kasuti of Karnataka, Kashida of Kashmir, Chamba Rumal of Himachala Pradesh, Chikankari of Uttar Pradesh, with their
traditional influence, techniques, types of stitches, fabrics, threads, motif and colour. (9)

TRADITIONAL DYEING & PRINTING TECHNIQUES : Historical significance, styles, colour, motif and process involved in
resist dyeing of yarn- Patola, Bandhas, Pochampalli: Resist dyeing of fabric- Tie and dyeing process involved in Bandhani of
Gujarat and Lehariya of Rajasthan Printed textiles Batik printing, Block printing-Sanganer and Bagru prints. (9)

TRADITIONAL PAINTING TECHNIQUES & SHAWLS: Historical significance, styles, colour, motif and process involved in
traditional fabric painting Kalamkari, Madhubani. Traditional shawls: Kashmir Shawls - Pashmina, Do-salla, Nammda and
Gubba, Kullu shawls of Himachal Pradesh. (9)

TRADITIONAL COSTUMES OF INDIA: Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, North-East,
Maharashtra, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Parul Bhatnaga

1 Lynton Linda, " The Sari", Thames & Hadson,2002
2. Traditional Indian Textiles by Gillow, J and Barnard N

Publications Division Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, India, 2017.


FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING: Evolution of Visual Merchandising, Definition, purpose of visual
merchandising, designing a customer experience, role of a merchandiser, visual merchandising - department store, multiple
chain stores, retail outlets, Visual merchandising of different brands (9)

ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN IN VISUAL MERCHANDISE: design elements- line, color, texture, shape and
form Concept and application in visual merchandising -. Principles - balance, emphasis, proportion, rhythm, repetition
Application in visual merchandising, virtual visual merchandising. (9)

STORE DESIGNS importance, factors influencing and making strategies for customer attraction, planning the store layout
counter store, forced path layout, grid layout, free form layout, boutique layout, star layout, arena layout, Merchandise
placement shelf zones; Store orientation signage systems, colour coding, directional signs, in-store displays, trend areas,
point of purchase, add-on sales, ; Store atmosphere; fixtures, wall fixtures, product handling,Mannequins types, dressing and
grouping, Lighting types, impact and lighting chart. (9)

WINDOW SETTINGS: Planning a window display, themes and schemes, budgeting, props, Designing a window display
types, colour, window prepping, lighting, signage, window calendar, window standards and maintenance Types of window in
store front - the angled front, the arcade front, the corner, display, closed back, open-back, island, shadow boxes, elevated,
deep, tall. (9)

RESEARCH AND FUTURE OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING: visual design development, model making and experimentation,
concept development, presentation and communication of design development, Future of visual merchandising shopping
trends and innovations, technology and digital visual merchandising, sustainability, Internationalisation. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Sarah Bailey and Jonathan Baker, "1. Visual Merchandising for Fashion", Fairchild Books, London, 2014.
2. Tony Morgan, Laurence, "Visual Merchandising - Window and in-store displays for retail", King Publishing, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Diamond, "Contemporary visual merchandising and environmental design", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006.
2. Gini Stephen Frings, "Fashion Concept to Consumer", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
3. Laine stone, Jean Samples, "Fashion Merchandising An Introduction", Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New york, 2001. 4. Diamond
J, "Fashion Retailing - A Multi Channel Approach", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.


BASICS OF INTERIOR DESIGN: Factors influencing Interior Design; Elements of Art Line, form, texture, colour --- types and
their effect on interiors; Principles of Design Proportion, Balance, Emphasis, Harmony, Rhythm and their applications on
interiors; Types of Design Structural and Decorative and their importance in interiors. (9)

COLOUR: Types, qualities of Colour, advancing & receding colours/ cool & warm colours; colour Interactions; psychological
impact of colour and its effect on interiors and suitability to different rooms. Effect of light on colours & textures. (9)

INTERIOR ACCESSORIES AND DESIGN: classification functional, decorative, both: selection, collection. Accessories -
fixtures types, selection, mounting, framing, hanging; antiques definition, procurement process; plants, flowers. DESIGN:
Paraline and perspective drawing- perspective basics one point perspective, two-point perspective, three point perspective
drawings. CAD application. (9)

FURNITURE ARRANGEMENT: factors influencing selection of furniture, Furnishings types, selection & care of different
types of furnishing materials - upholstery fabrics, draperies, curtains and slip covers materials used, their general
characteristics and suitability. ERGONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Definition, application of ergonomic principles in interiors;
anthropometrics; Space needs for the interior elements of objects. (9)

FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS: Importance, types, components of flower arrangement, basic principles-line, line mass, mass
arrangement, basic shapes, styles; Ikebana - history, materials required, general rules and basic styles of ikebana; dry
arrangement; preservation of plant materials, foliage and flowers. (9)

Total L: 45


Rockport Publishers, USA, 2001.


ica llc, USA, 2010.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Camera - history, parts and types. Photography tools - lens, filters, monopods, tripods, light meter, flash,
power packs, camera bag, digital storage and other accessories. Camera modes; Manual settings - aperture, shutter speed
and ISO; Rule of thirds, compositions in photography, angle of view, shooting modes, white balance, depth of the field,
Panning techniques. (9)

LIGHTING: Lighting- direction and behaviours front, side, back and top lights. Light control techniques. lighting types of
sources, type of lights - Key light, fill light, rim light, hair light, back light., light direction and control techniques- Direct light,
diffused light, reflected lights. Tools in lighting Diffuser, Umbrellas, soft boxes, Snoots, barn doors, grids, flags, beauty dish,
cobos and gels. Hard and soft lights. lighting ratio and its effects. Lighting styles Split light, catch light, loop light, Rembrandt
lighting, Butterfly, broad, short, high and low key lighting. (9)

INDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY & OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY: techniques and equipments; shooting; Light set ups - single light,
Two, three, four and five point lights. Studio fashion shoots with models. Outdoor fashion shoot - technical issues. Outdoor
photography: techniques and equipments: Types and uses of sun lights- with natural light, available light, methods of light
modification on location. Shooting in Direct Sunlight, Shooting in Open Shade, Deep shade, Use of flash in outdoors - technical
issues. (9)

PHOTO MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES: Types - technical retouching, creative retouching; Photo editing software - tools and
their applications. Removal of Skin Blemishes, Removal of Wrinkles, Skin smoothening, Eye Colour change, hair colour
change, teeth whitening, Object colour change, Background change, (9)

PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLES: High dynamic range photography, phoneography, panatography, vintage photography, light
painting, macro photography; Landscape photography, Abstract photography, Street photography, Interior photography, Still life

68th ACM 04.02.2023

photography, Night and long exposure photography, Food photography, Photo journalism. Importance of face shapes, body
shapes. Posing and styling - Body Language of Women Versus Men, Taking up Space. Standing Poses, Sitting Poses, Lying
Poses. Styling for fashion photography, Styling difficult features, Lighting for fashion photography. (9)

Total L: 45


2. Jeff Rojas, Photographing Women - posing, lighting, and shooting techniques for portrait and fashion photograph, Rocky
Nook Inc., CA 9490, USA 2016.

1. Brad Hinkel Color management in digital photography: ten easy steps to true colors in Santa Barbara, CA:
Rocky Nook, California, 2007.
2. Eugénie Shinkle Palgrave Macmillan, England, 2008.
& Company, New York, USA, 2007.
4. Olivier Gerval Firefly Books, USA, 2010.



ENTREPRENEURSHIP - CONCEPT AND FUNCTION: Entrepreneurship - concepts, functions, need and importance, myths
about entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competencies, process of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurs, intrapreneur
importance. Ethics, values and social responsibility ethics and business decisions (9)

ENTREPRENEURIAL JOURNEY : Self assessment of qualities, skills, resources and dreams, generation of ideas , feasibility
study, opportunity assessment in fashion and related fields, business plan preparation for starting a boutique /garment
manufacturing unit , role of society and family in the growth of an entrepreneur, challenges faced by women in entrepreneurship
. (9)

CONCEPT OF MARKET: Market - traditional and e-commerce, concept and role. Types of business: manufacturing, trading
and services. Industry Analysis competitor analysis. Marketing Research for the new venture, defining the purpose or
objectives, gathering data from secondary and primary sources , result analysis and interpretation. Managing growth of new
ventures: Challenges of growth , strategies for firm growth - internal and external growth strategies. (9)

BUSINESS FINANCE: Record keeping, unit of sale, unit price and unit cost for single product or service, types of costs start
up, variable and fixed, financial statements P&L, balance sheet, fund flow. break even analysis for single product or service,
ratio analysis, taxes. (9)

INNOVATION AND PROBLEM SOLVING: Approach to problem solving, social entrepreneurship-concept and importance, risk
taking -concept ; types of business risks, barriers to entrepreneurship, support structure for promoting entrepreneurship. IPR:
Types of copyright, ownership and duration of copyright, design right, registered designs, topography rights, patenting process
. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters and Dean Shepherd
2.Prasanna Chandra, "Fundamental Financial Management", Tata McGRaw Hill Publications, India, 2005.

1. Vasant Desai, "Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management", Himalaya Publication House, 2001.
2. Bruee R Barringer and Duane Ireland, "Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Ventures", Pearson Prentice Hall,
India, 2006.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2014.


INTRODUCTION TO E-MARKETING : E-marketing objectives, introduction to e-strategy, digital marketing platforms,
approaches to marketing mix: 4Ps. 5Is, 4Cs and 7 Ps. Adding digital value to product, QR codes, new pricing approaches,
pricing under pressure. (9)

E MODELS AND E CUSTOMERS : Introduction to e models, online revenue models, attribution, communication model,
customer information processing model, customer buying model, social media models. Introduction to e customers,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

motivations, fears and phobias, online information processing, online buying process, online relationship and
loyalty, researching online customers. (9)

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING : Importance, media platforms, review business goals for social media, strategy for managing
social media, social media optimisation. Site design - Objectives , online value proposition, different aspects of aesthetic
design- graphics , colour, style, layout and typography, navigation and structure, mobile site design. (9)

TRAFFIC BUILDING & E-CRM : Key aspects of traffic building, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), pay per click search
marketing, managing Pay Per Click (PPC), Online partnerships, interactive advertising, viral marketing. E- CRM: Introduction to
relationship marketing, database marketing, profiling,- approaches to profiling, control issues in E CRM. (9)

MANAGING DIGITAL MARKETING : Budgeting for digital marketing, selecting the best communications mix, selecting the
right suppliers for digital marketing, change management for digital transformation, measuring and optimizing digital marketing
with digital analytics, E-business security. (9)

Total L: 45

1.Dave Chaffey and PR Smith, "E marketing Excellence - Planning and optimizing your digital marketing", Taylor & Francis,
London, 2013.
2.Will Rowan , "Digital Marketing: Using New Technologies to Get Closer to Your Customers", Kogan Page Limited, UK,, 2002..

1.Damian Ryan and Calvin Jones, "The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World", Kogan Page Limited, UK, 2011..
2.Rick Mathieson, "The On-Demand Brand", American Management Association, New York, USA, 2010.
3. C


BRAND ELEMENTS AND BRAND BUILDING: Elements of branding Brand identity, brand image, brand personality, brand
communication, brand awareness, brand positioning and brand equity. Building brand - Product vs Brand, steps in building
brands, consumer based brand equity pyramid, corporate brand building and retail brand building. Case studies on high profile
Indian brands (9)

BRAND STRATEGY AND CONCEPTS: Functional brands, symbolic brands, experiential brands, product branding, line
branding and umbrella branding. Concepts - brand extension, brand revitalisation, brand repositioning, brand recall and brand
elimination. Case studies on branding strategies. (9)

GLOBAL BRANDING AND LATEST TRENDS: Global Brands, sources of opportunities for global brand, consumers and
globalization, barriers to globalization, global brand leadership, Scope of glocalization. Case studies on managing global
brands. Fast fashion branding and luxury branding - Scope, Customer behaviour, Disruptive branding. Case studies on fast
fashion and luxury branding. (9)

ADVERTISING BUSINESS: Nature and role of advertising in modern business world. Advertising and marketing mix -
advertising objectives, benefits, economic aspects and ethics in advertising. Role of advertising manager, agency, advertising
plan, organisation of advertising agency, basic principles, agency compensation and public relations. Case studies on
advertising. (9)

ADVERTISING BUDGET, MEDIA AND APPEALS: Budget - methods of advertisement budgeting and administering the
budget. Media overview types of media, media selection and media scheduling. Appeals - Basis for appeals, buying motives,
appeals and advertising message, types of appeals, essentials of an advertisement appeal. (9)

Total L:45.


house, Mumbai, 2009.

publishers, Canada, 1995.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Logistics - Scope, elements, need, activities, logistics and competitive
performance, interface of logistics with manufacturing and marketing. Supply chain management: Evolution, need, customer
focus - customer service, supply chain management issues, efficient consumer response (ECR), quick and accurate consumer
response. Inbound and outbound logistics. Pull, push and push-pull strategy. (9)

supplier quality management, supply chain re-engineering. Organising for global markets: Globalisation - Stages to global
SCM, global tendering and criticalities. Distribution planning - Factors influencing distribution network design, Location strategy
plant location, distribution problem, ware house location, retail facility location, Vessel booking. (9)

logistics cost, importance of accurate cost data, customer profitability analysis. Benchmarking importance, role and
methodology, challenges in implementation. Performance measurement systems. Demand management. Bull whip effect (9)

INFORMATION SERVICES IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN: Importance, applications, information requirements.
Intelligence information system materials requirement planning, manufacturing resource planning and enterprise resource
planning, electronic data Interchange, SCM software packages - tools for managing SCM. (9)

EMERGING TRENDS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Collaborative strategies, vendor managed inventory (VMI), third
and fourth party logistics, green supply chain, reverse logistics,proximity sourcing, IoT and Artificial intelligence. Case studies
and discussion on leading apparel supply chains. Introduction to decision making techniqies and usage in SCM, Usage of
supply chain analytics. (9)

Total L:45

Jersey, 2007.




lor & Francis, UK, 2018.



INTRODUCTION TO ART APPRECIATION: Concept of art, Awareness, Creativity and Communication of art; Principles of
design in art: balance, rhythm, movement, contrast, emphasis, unity; Art criticism and Formal analysis. (9)

ELEMENTS AND TECHNIQUES OF ART: Elements of design in art: line, shape, form, value, color, space and texture - types
and application; Art making techniques: drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography-materials and methods. (9)

PAINTINGS: History of Indian painting: Prehistoric rock art, murals & miniatures; Early modern period paintings: cave
Paintings, madhubani Painting, warli painting, kalighat paintings, miniature Painting, mughal Painting, mysore Paintings,
pichwai paintings, gond paintings, mural painting, pahari Paintings, rajput Painting, tanjore Paintings, Modern Indian painting:
abstract, landscape and figurative paintings. (9)

SCULPTURES &ARCHITECTURE: Indus Valley Period: metal sculptures and terracotta figurines, Mauryan Period: Ashokan
pillars, Shunga Period: Jain, Hindu and Buddhist art, Satvahana Period: Cave temple, Amaravathi art, Kushana Period:
Buddhist art, Gupta Period: Ajanta and elepahant caves, Dynasties of South India: Pallava art: Mamallapuram and
Kanchipuram, Chalukyas, Cholas and Hoysalas, Early Modern period, British Colonial period, Post-Independence period. (9)

POTTERY: Mesolithic pottery, Sothi-Siswal culture, Ahar-Banas culture, Indus Valley Civilization: Rangpur culture, Jhukar and
Jhangar Phase; Vedic pottery: Ochre Coloured Pottery culture , Northern Black Polished Ware, Red Polished Ware, Malwa
culture, Jorwe culture, Rang Mahal culture, Turko-Mughal period; Styles of pottery: Unglazed pottery, Glazed pottery,
Terracotta. (9)

Total L:45

1. Anil Rao Sandhya Ketkar, Jyotsna Prakashan Jyotsna Prakashan, India, 2017.
2. Gayatri Sinha, - Rupa & Company, India, 2003.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Swarajya prakash gupta, Shasi Asthana, Indraprastha
Museum of Art and Archaeology, 2007.
2. Madhu rani,
3. E. B. Havell, Read Books, 2007


CREATIVITY: Understanding creativity, creative tools, vertical thinking, lateral thinking, using creative tools, observing,
imagining and abstracting, forming patterns, analogizing, body thinking, empathizing, dimensional thinking, modeling, playing,
transforming, synthesizing, measuring creativity. (9)

CREATIVITY IN DESIGN PROCESS AND INDUSTRY: Design process: holistic approach, phase approach, creative problem
solving approach, Creativity in Industry: Design portfolio, professional presentations, Design in context, creative collaborations,
ethical designing (9)

INNOVATION: Perspectives on innovation, sources of innovation, Innovation types and product classes- categories of
innovation, innovation matrix, simplified classifications, product classifications, product platforms. Genesis of innovation top
down innovation, bottom up innovation, innovation in the start-up, independent innovators, role of teams in innovation.
Innovation process process considerations, process models. Innovative process design. (9)

DESIGN THINKING: understanding design thinking, Design thinking as problem solving tools, The design thinking process
define, research, ideate, prototype, select, implement, learn. Research and idea generation: Research identifying drivers,
information gathering, target groups; Idea Generation: Basic design directions, themes of thinking, inspiration and references,
brainstorming, value, inclusion, sketching, presentation ideas. (9)

REFINEMENT, PROTOTYPING AND IMPLEMENTATION: Thinking in images, thinking in signs, appropriation, humor,
personification, visual metaphors, modificatio
in proportions, thinking in colour; Prototyping - Developing designs, types of prototype. Implementation format, materials,
finishing, media, scale, series, continuity. (9)

Total L:45


2. Ga




NATURE AND SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Meaning and need of HRM, objectives and functions of
HRM, models of HRM, HRM in a changing environment, human resource management in globalization era. (9)

TRAINING AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION: Principles of learning, objectives, types and training methods. Management
development: Meaning, scope and objectives. Salary administration - Principles and techniques of wage fixation, job
evaluation, incentive schemes. (9)

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION: Process, methods, factors affecting appraisal, methods to
improve performance, role of performance in the performance management process, performance appraisal vs. potential
appraisal, latest appraisal methods. Employee motivation - Importance of moral and motivation, ways to enhance employee
morale. Case studies on latest performance appraisal methods and employee motivation methods. (9)

affecting empowerment, process, benefits. Work conditions - Fatigue and its reasons, safety measures, accident prevention
measures. Factories Act of 1948 and pollution legislations Scope, benefits. Other prevalent labour laws Scope, benefits.
Labour law reforms in India. (9)

INTERNATIONAL HRM AND TRENDS IN HR PRACTICES: IHRM model, local vs. international HRM approaches, linking
HRM to international expansion strategies. Trends in HR practices - HR outsourcing, HRIS, management of turnover and

68th ACM 04.02.2023

retention workforce rationalisation, managing separation and rightsizing. Case studies on trends in employee engagement
and retention. (9)

Total L: 45


man Resource and Personnel Management



STRATEGY AND ITS ANALYSIS: Strategy - Nature and essence. Strategy Vs policies and tactics, levels of strategy. Process
of strategy steps. Strategic analysis: Environmental analysis
nment. Competitive forces
Resources, critical success factor (CSF), quantitative and qualitative assessments, SWOT analysis and bench marking. (9)

BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGY: Cost analysis causes and effects of high costs, influence of market conditions on cost,
Experience curve: causes of experience curve effect, experience curve and competitive strategy and limitations of experience
curve. Differentiation and focus strategies. (9)

CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY: Growth strategies Expansion: Expansion through intensification and integration,
international expansion. Diversification concentric, conglomerate, altemate routes of diversification: mergers and acquisitions
strategic partnering. (9)

STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION: Structural dimensions matching organisation structure to strategy, determinants of

organisation structure. Forms of organizations, strategy related benefits and limitations. Behavioural dimensions role of
leadership, functions of leadership, leadership styles. (9)

STRATEGY CONTROL AND EVALUATION: Strategic control and evaluation types, techniques and process, business port
folio analysis (9)

Total L:45


2. Ghosh

-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004.

House. Mumbai, 2009.



PLANT LAYOUT: Objectives, Principles, types of plant layout used in apparel industry - merits and demerits, flow patterns.

FACILITY PLANNING: Steps in facility design Nature of apparel manufacturing business, product analysis, manufacturing
system used in apparel manufacture, level of technology, location. (2)

SPACE DETERMINATION AND AREA ALLOCATION: Space norms compliance, factors for consideration in space planning:
Receiving, storage, production- spreading, cutting, bundling, sewing, pressing, packing; shipping, other auxiliary service
actions. Establishing total space requirement, area allocation factors to be considered, expansion, flexibility, aisles column and
area allocation procedure. (6)

COMPUTER AIDED LAYOUT PLANNING: Computer aided layout planning AutoCAD software tools and their application.
Method of constructing the layout using AutoCAD for apparel industry. Evaluation of layout, implementing layout. (5)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 15

1. Thompkins. J A and White, J. A , "Facilities Planning", John Wiley& Sons Inc, US, 2010.
2. Francis, R.L., Leon F.McGinnis, Jr, White, J.A , "Facility layout and Location An analytical approach", Phi learning, New
Delhi, 2006.
3. Sunderesh Heragu , "Facilities Design", PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997.
4. James M Apple , "Plant Layout and Material handling", John, Wiely and Sons, Newyork, 1977.
5. James M Moore , "Plant Layout Design", Mac Millon Co, New York, 1962.


COMPUTER AIDED HOME TEXTILES DESIGNING: Software and tools used in computer aided designing for home textile
products. (3)

DEVELOPMENT OF HOME TEXTILE DESIGNS: Trend forecast analysis of home textiles for seasons. Development of woven
fabric designs: Engineered stripe and checked effects, motif selection and pattern development, spot figuring, dobby designs,
jacquard designs. Print designs for home textile products. (12)

DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACE ORNAMENTATION EFFECTS: Embroidery designs Procedure for the development of
computer aided embroidery design effects in home textiles. (6)

TEXTURE MAPPING & LAYOUT PLANNING: Concept of texture mapping, texture mapping of home textile products.
Computer aided layout planning for home Interiors with home textile products. Tech pack development. (9)

Total L: 30

- Butterworth and Co, London, 2005.
- Butterworth and Co, London, 2005.
3. Brian, D Colemen , "Luxurious Home Interiors", Gibbs Smith Publication, Hong Kong, 2004.
4. Premavathy Seetharaman and Parveen Pannu , "Interior Design and Decoration", CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
5. Jan Beaney and Jean Little John , "Complete Guide to Creative Embroidery: Design, Textures, Stitches", London, 2005.




1. Computerized embroidery machine parts, functions, threading, and fabric preparation (3)

2. Computerized embroidery machine-Mechanism and settings (6)

3. Wilcom embroidery software. (6)

4. Design punching. (8)

5. Embroidery fabric sample development . (7)

Total P:30




KNITTING AND KNIT CAD: Analysis of important knitted structures, knit CAD, seamless and 3D knitting technology. (5)

SEAMLESS KNITTING: Basic concept mechanism in seamless knitting, advantages & limitations. (3)

SEAMLESS KNITTING MACHINERY: Seamless knitting machines: single jersey, double jersey and warp seamless (sock
Machine / hosiery machinery /panty hose /seamless machinery) for the production of underwear, outwear, nightwear,
swimwear, beach wear, sanitary garment, and sportswear - electronic circular knitting machines for Seamless wear. (7)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L:15

1. David J. Spencer. Knitting Technology - A comprehensive handbook and practical guide Third edition Oxford: Pergamon
Bros. , 2001.
2. Sadhan Chandra Ray. Fundamentals and Advances in Knitting Technology Second Edition New Delhi, India: Woodhead
Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., , 2012.

1 .Ajgaonkar D B. Knitting Technology Mumbai: Universal publishing corporation , 1998.
2 Anbumani N. Knitting Fundamentals, Machines Structures and Developments India: New age International publishers ,

68th ACM 04.02.2023


23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers
23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

Software Systems
23I011 Advanced Data Structures
23I012 Compiler Design
23I013 Linux Internals
23I014 Modeling and Simulation
23I015 Software Process Management
23I016 Swarm Intelligence

Network and Security

23I031 5G Networks
23I032 Blockchain Technologies
23I033 Cyber Security
23I034 Distributed Computing
23I035 Network Security
23I036 Secure Coding
23I037 TCP / IP and Socket Programming

23I051 Computer Vision
23I052 Deep Learning
23I053 Geo Database and Information Systems
23I054 Healthcare Informatics
23I055 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
23I056 Machine Learning
23I057 Soft Computing

23I071 Full Stack Development
23I072 Gpu Programming
23I073 Human Computer Interaction
23I074 Multimedia Technologies
23I075 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
23I076 Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture

Information Systems
23I091 Cyber Physical Systems
23I092 Information Ethics
23I093 Information Retrieval
23I094 Natural Language Processing
23I095 Operation Research

23IO01 Information Technology in Biological Science
23IO02 Storage Technologies
23IO03 Green Computing
23IO04 Enterprise Resource Planning
23IO05 Technologies for Sustainable Systems
23IO06 Information Technology Management
23IO07 Total Quality Assurance
23IO08 Web Design and Development
23IO09 Information Systems
23IO10 E-Commerce
23IO11 Digital Marketing


23IF01 Cyber Forensics
23IF02 System Automation
23IF03 Machine To Machine Communication
23IF04 Tiled-Chip Multi-Core Processors

68th ACM 04.02.2023



BALANCED SEARCH TREES: Tree terminologies, Red Black Tree, B Tree, Splay Tree - Amortized Complexity, Tries,
Ternary Search Tree - Applications: Indexing, Auto corrector and Spell checker. (9)

SKIP LISTS AND HASHING: Skip list representation: Ideal case - Insertion - Deletion - Assigning levels - Hash table
representation - Ideal hashing - Hash functions and tables - Open addressing - Separate chaining - Performance
evaluation - Applications: Database indexing. (9)

PRIORITY QUEUES: Heaps, Heap sort, Leftist trees, Binomial Queues Fibonacci Heap Skew Heap - Applications. (9)

STRING MATCHING TECHNIQUES: Naïve string matching algorithm, Rabin Karp algorithm, String matching with finite
automata, Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm - Applications: Search engines. (9)

GRAPHS: Directed and undirected graphs, Topological sort, Minimum spanning tree, Biconnectivity, Euler circuits, Hamiltonian
cycles, Isomorphism, Finding strong components - Applications: Connections/relations in social networking sites, Routing.

Total L: 45

Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2018.
Hyderabad, Second Edition, 2018.

1. Edition, Chennai 2018.
Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2018.
3. Hill Education, New Delhi, 2016.
Education, Chennai, 2nd Edition, 2017.


INTRODUCTION TO COMPILERS: Structure of a compiler Lexical Analysis Role of Lexical Analyzer Specification of
Tokens Recognition of Tokens Lex Finite Automata Regular Expressions to Automata Minimizing DFA, Assembler,
Loader, Linker. (9)

SYNTAX ANALYSIS: Role of Parser Grammars Error Handling Context-free grammars Writing a grammar Top Down
Parsing - General Strategies Recursive Descent Parser Predictive Parser-LL(1) Parser-Shift Reduce Parser-LR Parser-LR
(0)Item Construction of SLR Parsing Table - Introduction to LALR Parser - Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer-
YACC. (12)

INTERMEDIATE CODE GENERATION: Syntax-directed Translation schemes, Implementation of Syntax directed Translators,
Intermediate code, postfix notation, Parse trees & syntax trees, three address code, quadruple & triples, translation of
assignment statements, Boolean expressions, statements that alter the flow of control, postfix translation, translation with a top
down parser, array references in arithmetic expressions, procedures call, declaration sand case statements. (8)

RUN-TIME ENVIRONMENT AND CODE GENERATION: Storage Organization, Stack Allocation Space, Access to Non-local
Data on the Stack, Heap Management - Issues in Code Generation - Design of a simple Code Generator - Optimal Code
Generation for Expressions Dynamic Programming Code Generation. (8)

CODE OPTIMIZATION: Principal Sources of Optimization Peep-hole optimization DAG - Optimization of Basic Blocks
Global Data Flow Analysis - Efficient Data Flow Algorithm - Parallelizing Matrix Multiplication Iteration Spaces Affine Array
Indexes (8)

Total L: 45

1. Edition,
Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Publishers, Elsevier Science, 2012.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. - Elsevier Science,
India, Indian Reprint 2003.
Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.
4. -Hall Of India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, 2006.



INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Linux OS, Versions of Linux, Obtaining the kernel source, Kernel source tree, Building the
kernel, No libc or Standard Headers, GNU C, Synchronization and Concurrency, Importance of portability, Boot
Loaders.. (9)

PROCESS SCHEDULING AND MANAGEMENT: Process, Process descriptor and task structure, Process Creation,
Implementation of threads, Process Termination, Process Scheduler, Policy, Scheduling Algorithm, Scheduling
implementation. (9)

MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Pages, Zones, Getting Pages, kmalloc, vmalloc, Slub layer, Page cache and page writeback -
Linux page cache, Buffer cache. (9)

USER KERNEL INTERFACING AND EXECUTION CONTEXTS: Syscalls, System call handler, System call implementation,
System call context, Interrupts, Interrupts handler, Top Halves vs Bottom Halves, Registering - Writing-Implementing
an interrupt handler, /proc interrupts, Interrupt control, Bottom Halves, Softriqs. (9)

LINUX FILE SYSTEM AND NETWORKING: Virtual file system, Block I/O Layer - Anatomy of a block device, Buffer and
buffer heads, I/O scheduling, Device and Modules-Device Types, Modules, Device model, Secure file system, Linux TCP/IP
Stack. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Robert Love, "Linux Kernel Development", 3 Edition, Pearson Education Inc, Indiana, USA, 2018.

2. Daniel P.Bovot and Marco Cesati, "Understanding the Linux Kernel", 3rd

1. Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini and Greg Kroah-Hartman, "Linux Device Drivers", 3 rd
CA,USA, 2009.
2. Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2017
3. K.C.Wang, "Systems Programming in Unix/Linux", Springer, Switzerland, 2018.
4. Mohn Lal Jangir, "Linux Kernel and Device Driver Programming: A Simpler Approach to Linux Kernel", University
Science Press, New Delhi, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: System and Models, System study, System simulation, Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation -
Applications - System environment - Components of a System - Discrete and continuous system simulation - Model of a
system, Types of models - Steps in a simulation study, Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queuing Systems - Simulation of
Inventory Systems. (9)

MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL MODELS: Statistical Models in simulation: Terminology and Concepts - Discrete
Distribution - Continuous Distribution - Poisson Process, Estimation of statistical parameters, Queuing Models:
Characteristics - Queuing Notation - Long run measures of performance of queuing system - Steady State Behavior of Infinite
Population Markovian Models - Steady State Behavior of Finite Population Models. (9)

RANDOM NUMBER: Random Number Generation: Properties of Random Numbers - Generation of Pseudo Random Numbers
- Techniques for Generating Random Numbers - Tests for Random Numbers, Random Variate Generation: Inverse-Transform
Technique - Acceptance-Rejection Technique - Special Properties. (9)

ANALYSIS OF SIMULATION DATA: Input Modeling: Estimation of parameters - Fit tests of distributions - Data collection -
Identifying the Distribution with Data - Multivariate and Time Series Input Models, Experimental Design for Sensitivity Analysis,
Comparing Systems via Simulation - Optimization of Simulation Models Calibration Verification Validation -Testing. (9)

SIMULATION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS: Simulation Language, High level computer system simulation, CPU
simulation, Memory Simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, Simulation softwares: MATLAB & SimuLink - GNU Octave -
NS3 - OpenSim - SageMath - Tortuga, Simulation in testing. (9)

Total L : 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Jerry Banks and John Carson, "Discrete Event System Simulation", PHI, USA, 4 th Edition, 2017.
2. Pushpa Singh and Narendra Singh, "Modeling and Simulation", S.K.Kataria and sons, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Geoffrey Gordon, "System Simulation", PHI, USA, 2nd Edition, 2012.
2. Frank L. Severance, "System Modeling and Simulation", Wiley, England, 2005.
3. Averill M. Law and W.David Kelton, "Simulation Modeling and Analysis", McGraw Hill, New York, 3 rd Edition, 2011.
4. Jerry Banks, "Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications and Practice", Wiley
Interscience, USA, 2015.


INTRODUCTION: Software Measurement, Scope of Software Metrics, Basics of Measurement - Measurement and Models -
Scales and Scale Types, Classifying Software Measures. (9)

DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Goal - Question - Metric Paradigm, Defining Good data, Quality Terminologies: Fault -
Failure - Defect, Data collection Forms and Tools, Data Analysis Techniques - Box Plots, Bar charts, Control Charts, Scatter
plots. (9)

Intermediate COCOMO - Detailed COCOMO - Cost estimation techniques - Resource Estimation techniques, Risk
management - Causes of risks, Risk Categories, Risk Analysis. (9)

PROCESS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL: Framework for Management and control - Collection of data Project termination
- Visualizing progress - Cost monitoring - Earned Value Analysis- Project tracking - Change control - Software Configuration
Management - Managing contracts - Contract Management. (9)

SOFTWARE TESTING: Problems with traditional development model - Verification and Validation - Test strategy and planning
- Test Automation - Test Reporting - Test Artifacts. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ashfaque Ahmed, "Software Project Management A Process driven approach", CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group,
USA, 2015.
2. Norman Fenton and James Bieman, "Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach", CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, USA, 2014.

1. Walker Royce, "Software Project Management", 6th Edition, Addison-Wesley, USA, 1998.
2. Gopalaswamy Ramesh, "Managing Global Software Projects", 14th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2015.
3. Jurgen Munch, Ove Armbrust and Martin Soto, "Software Process Definition and Management", Springer Publication,
Berlin, 2012.
4. Robert K. Wysocki, "Effective Software Project Management", Wiley Publication, USA, 2014.


INTRODUCTION: Fundamentals of problems Optimization - Modeling - Simulation, Search problems, NP problems, Sources of
Inspiration: Swarm Intelligence algorithms - Non Swarm Intelligence algorithms, Biological foundations of Swarm Intelligence.

CLASSICAL COMPUTING ALGORITHMS: Particle Swarm Optimization: Swarms - Operating Principles - Algorithm -
Neighborhood Topologies, Variations, Ant Colony Optimization: Ant Foraging Behavior - Theoretical Considerations - Algorithm
- Variations, Introduction to Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Applications: N-Queens problem - Knapsack problem. (9)

RECENT COMPUTING ALGORITHMS: Whale optimization algorithm, Grasshopper optimization algorithm, Ant Lion
optimization, Butterfly optimization algorithm, Applications: Scheduling, Shortest path. (9)

LOCAL SEARCH AND HYBRID ALGORITHMS: Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Cuckoo Search: Cuckoo Search
Algorithm - Cuckoo search variants, Hybrid algorithms, Application: Minimum spanning tree problem Traveling Salesman
Problem. (9)

MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION: Principles of multi objective optimization, Dominance and Pareto Optimality, Methods:
Non- Elitist multi objective Algorithms, Elitist multi objective algorithms. (9)
Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1.Xin- -Inspired Computation
Science, United Kingdom, 2020.
2.Modestus O. Okwu, Lagouge K. Tartibu -Inspired Algorithms Swarm and Computational
Springer International Publishing,Switzerland,2021

1.Aboul Ella Hassanien and Eid Emary, "Swarm Intelligence: Principles, Advances, and Applications", CRS Press, Boca Raton,
2. Satchidananda Dehuri, Alok Kumar Jagadev and Mrutyunjaya Panda, "Multi-objective Swarm Intelligence: Theoretical
Advance and Applications", Springer, New York, 2015.
3. Kalyanmoy Deb, "Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms", John Wiley & Sons, USA,2011.
4. Eiben A.E and Smith J.E, "Introduction to Evolutionary Computing", 2nd Edition, Springer, New York, 2015


INTRODUCTION: Wireless Communication technologies evolution, LTE Advanced pro, 5G Roadmap and Use Cases, Pillars of
5G, Allocation of New Spectrum for 5G, Spectrum Sharing, 5G Infrastructure PPP, 5G Innovation Centre. (8)

ARCHITECTURE: Evolution of 5G, Need for 5G-5G RAN (Radio Access Network), Key features of 5G, Architecture: Key
elements of 5G-3GPP standards for 5G radio and core. (9)

5G SYSTEM AND SECURITY: Telco Cloud and Network Function Virtualization, 5G Core and RAN virtualization, Internet of
Things and Context Awareness, Networking Reconfiguration and Virtualization Support, Mobility, Network Resource
Provisioning, Emerging Approach for Resource Over Provisioning, Security for 5G Communications. (10)

5G RADIO AND COOPERATION: 5G NR QoS architecture, QoS attribute and QoS flow, Drivers to increase network capacity
and coverage, Self-Organizing Network(SON),Small Cells, Capacity Limits and Achievable Gains with Densification,
Cooperative Diversity and Relaying Strategies (9)

KEY TECHNOLOGIES: Cognitive Radio Technology in 5G Wireless, Spectrum Optimization using Cognitive Radio, Relevant
Spectrum optimization literature in 5G, Cognitive Radio and Carrier Aggregation Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio Technology,
Key Requirements and Challenges for 5G Cognitive Terminals, Distributed Massive MIMO. (9)

Total L: 45

UniversityPress, UK, 2016
1. Anwer Al-Dulaimi, Xianbin Wang and Chih-Lin I, "5G Networks: Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and
Operations Management", Wiley-IEEE Press, USA, 2018.
2. Hrishikesh Venkataraman and Ramona Trestian, "5g Radio Access Networks: Centralized Ran, Cloud Ran, And
Virtualization of Small Cells", CRC PRESS, India, 2017.
3. Patrick Architectural and


CURRENCY AND CONTRACTS: Blockchain, Protocol, Currency, Blockchain Data structure - Hash chain, Distributed
database, Index structure, Double-spend and Byzantine Computing problem, Working of Cryptocurrency, Contracts: Financial
Services, Crowd funding, Bitcoin Prediction Markets, Smart property, Smart Contracts. (9)

BLOCKCHAIN ARCHITECTURE: Advantages over conventional distributed database, Blockchain Network, Mining
Mechanism, Distributed Consensus, Merkle Patricia Tree, Gas Limit, Transactions and Fee, Anonymity, Reward, Chain Policy,
Life of Blockchain application, Hashes, Transactions, Asymmetric-Key Cryptography, Addresses and Address Derivation,
Private Key Storage, Ledgers, Blocks, Chaining Blocks, Private and Public blockchain. (9)

DISTRIBUTED CONSENSUS: Nakamoto Consensus, Paxos, Raft, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Proof of Work, Proof
of Stake, Proof of Burn, Proof of Elapsed Time, Proof of Activity, Proof of Importance, Proof of Capacity, Proof of Weight,
Difficulty Level, Sybil Attack, Energy utilization. (9)

BLOCKCHAIN IMPLEMENTATION AND PLATFORMS: Forking - Soft Forks, Hard Forks, Cryptographic Changes and Forks,
Smart contract programming, Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin - Litecoin Grid Coin - Folding coin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Ripple. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

APPLICATIONS: Blockchain Learning, Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain for Payment, Blockchain for
Enterprise, Case Study: Voting, Land Registry, Healthcare, Smart Appliances, Supply Chains, Charity Donations, Genomics.

Total L : 45

1. Melanie Swan, "Blockchain -
2. Lorne Lantz and Daniel


2. Narayanan, J. Bonneau, E. Felten, A. Miller and S. Goldfeder, "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive
Introduction", Princeton University Press, USA, 2016.
4. Andreas M. Edition, Shroff Publishers and
Distributors, Mumbai, 2018.


CYBER SECURITY: Computer Security - Threats - Vulnerabilities - Controls - Authentication - Access Control - Cryptography
Malicious code - Web: User Side - Browser Attacks - Web Attacks Targeting Users - Obtaining User or Website Data - Email
Attacks (9)

SECURITY IN OPERATING SYSTEM & NETWORKS: Security in Operating Systems and OS Design Rootkit - Network
security attacks - Threats to Network Communications - Wireless Network Security - Denial of Service - Distributed Denial of
Service. (9)

DEFENCES: SECURITY COUNTER MEASURES: Cryptography in Network Security - Firewalls - Intrusion Detection and
Prevention Systems - Network Management Databases - Security Requirements of Databases - Reliability and Integrity -
Database Disclosure. (9)

PRIVACY IN CYBERSPACE: Privacy Concepts -Privacy Principles and Policies -Authentication and Privacy - Data Mining -
Privacy on the Web - Email Security - Impacts of Emerging Technologies Internet of Things. (9)

MANAGEMENT AND INCIDENTS: Security Planning - Business Continuity Planning - Handling Incidents - Risk Analysis -
Dealing with Disaster - Emerging Technologies - Cyber Warfare - Cyberspace and the Law - International Laws Case
Studies: Internet of Things - Electronic Voting - Cyber-crime - Cyber Warfare and Home Land Security. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Charles P. Pfleeger Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Jonathan Margulies, Security in Computing, 5th Edition , Pearson Education ,
2. Martti Lehto, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Cyber Security: Analytics, Technology and Automation edited, Springer International
Publishing Switzerland , 2015

1. George K.Kostopoulous, Cyber Space and Cyber Security, Auerbach Publications, 2017.
2. Paul E Proctor, "The Practical Intrusion Detection Handbook", Prentice Hall, USA, 2007.
3. Edward G Amoroso, "Cyber Security", Silicon Press, USA, 2006.
4. Ankit Fadia and Manu Zacharia, "Network Intrusion Alert: An Ethical Hacking Guide to Intrusion Detection", Thomson
Course Technology, USA, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Definition, Characterization of distributed systems, Examples, Types of distributed systems, System models:
Architectural models Fundamental models, Distributed Computing Environment. (9)

COMMUNICATION IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT: Inter process communication, Application Program Interface for the
Internet protocols, External data representation and marshaling, Client/server communication, Group communication, Remote
invocation. (9)

DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS AND FILE SYSTEM: Clocks, Event and Process states, Clock synchronization, Event ordering,
Logical time and logical clocks, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Election algorithms, Consensus problems, Distributed file
systems: Introduction-Features- Examples: Dropbox-Google file system -Hadoop distributed file system. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTIONS: Flat and nested distributed transactions, Concurrency control, Actor model, Distributed
deadlocks, Replication, Fault tolerance, Case Study: Apache Spark- Google Spanner-Amazon Aurora- Block Chain Systems.

DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS TECHNOLOGY: Distributed objects and remote invocation, Directory and discovery services, Case
study: Synchronous and Asynchronous Remote Procedure Call - Common Object Request Broker Architecture JAVA Remote
Method Invocation - Component Object Model/Distributed Component Object Model - Simple Object Access Protocol - Java
Enterprise Edition and Enterprise Computing, RESTful Application Program Interface, Service-Oriented Architecture and Cloud
Computing. (9)

Total L: 45

1. George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore, "Distributed Systems Concept and Design", 5th Edition, Pearson Education,
England, 2017.
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum and Marteen van steen, "Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms", Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2017.

1. Tanenbaum A S and Van Steen M, "Distributed Systems", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, England, 2017.
2. Maarten van Steen and Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Distributed Systems", Create space Independent Publishing Platform,
USA, 2017.
3. Ajay D Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal, "Distributed computing: principles, algorithms, and systems", 2 nd Edition,
Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2011.


NETWORK SECURITY: Threats in networks, Network security controls, Intrusion detection, Password management, Malicious
software, Firewalls: Need - Characteristics - Types - Firewall basing - Firewall location and configurations. (9)

AUTHENTICATION AND IP SECURITY: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service, Public Key Infrastructure, IP security
overview, IP security policy, Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Combining security associations, Key Management, VPN.

WEB SECURITY: Web security considerations, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), HTTPS, Secure
Shell (SSH), Secure DNS, Phishing. (9)

ELECTRONIC MAIL SECURITY: Store and forward, Security services, Establishing keys, Privacy, Authentication of the
source, Message integrity, Non-Repudiation, Proof of submission and delivery, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP),
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME), Email spamming. (9)

WIRELESS NETWORK SECURITY: IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN overview, IEEE 802.11i wireless LAN security, Wireless
Application Protocol (WAP), Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS), WAP end-to-end security. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Firouz Mosharra -Hill Education, 5th edition, 2017.

1. Edition, 2018.
2. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2017.
3. Charles P Fleeger, Shari Lawrence P Fleeger, Jonathan Margulies, Security in Computing, Prentice Hall, 5th Edition, 2018.
4. Bernard L Menezes, Ravinder Kumar, Cryptography, Network Security, and Cyber Laws, Cengage Learning India, 2018.


CODING VULNERABILITIES: Security Concepts, Common String Manipulation Errors and Vulnerabilities - Stack overflow,
Heap overflow - Off-by-one vulnerabilities , Integer Vulnerabilities , Memory management errors - Format string vulnerabilities -
Concurrency and File I/O - Race conditions , Coding Standards - SEI CERT C and CERT Java coding Standards - Code
obfuscation, Meltdown and Spectre attack. (9)

THREAT MODELLING: Identifying the threats, Attack trees, STRIDE approach, Rating Threads - DREAD, Defense in depth
and principle of least privilege - Compiler security features, Static Analysis. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

DATABASE AND WEB APPLICATION SECURITY: OWASP top 10 flaws, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and its types- persistent
and non-persistent attack, XSS Countermeasures, Injection flaws and remedies, CSRF, Clickjacking - Mitigation Techniques,
Web application hacker's methodology, Socket Security. (9)

SECURE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES: Secure Software Development Cycle (S-SDLC) - Security
Requirements Engineering- Use/Misuse case, Secure by design, default and deployment (SD3) Practices,
DevSecOps. (9)

TESTING SECURE APPLICATIONS: Security code overview, Secure software installation, Building the Security Test Plan,
Software Assurance overview, - Testing threat categories, Assessing Risk, Secure Testing Methodologies - Attacking
Dependencies, Attacking through the User Interface, Attacking Design, Attacking Implementation. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Robert C. Seaford, "Secure Coding in C and C++", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Inc., USA, 2016.
2. Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, "Writing Secure Code", Microsoft Press, USA, 2015.

1. Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto, "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws",
2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2011.
2. John Viega and Matt Messier, "Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++", O'Reilly Media, USA, 2003.
3. Mark G Graff and Kenneth R Van Wyk, "Secure Coding: Principles and Practices", O'Reilly Media, USA, 2003.
4. Wenliang Du, Computer Security A hands-on Approach, First Edition, Createspace Independent Pub, 2017


INTERNETWORKING: Concepts, Architecture, Internet addresses: Subnetting Variable Length Subnetting - Supernetting -
Subnet mask, CIDR, ARP, RARP, Migrating from IPv4 to IPv6, Features of IPv6, IPv6 header format. (10)

NETWORK MANAGEMENT OVER TCP: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Management Information Base
(MIB), Agent, Manager, Traps. (9)

ROUTING PROTOCOLS: Unicast Routing Protocols - Open Shortest Path First Protocol, Path Vector Routing, Border
Gateway Protocol, Multicast Routing Protocols: Internet Group Message Protocol, Multicast routing protocols-Multicast link
state routing - Multicast distance vector routing - Core Based Tree -Protocol Independent Multicast. (9)

SECURITY MANAGEMENT: Network Layer Security - IP Security - Virtual Private Network, Transport Layer Security - Secure
Socket Layer, Application Layer Security - PGP - S/MIME, Firewalls. (9)

SOCKET PROGRAMMING APPLICATIONS: Socket Programing - TCP echo client server, UDP echo client server, Remote
Login: TELNET, SSH File Transfer Protocols (8)

Total L : 45

1. Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
2. - Principles, Protocols Edition, 2013.

1. edition,2014.
2. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, ey, 3rd
Edition, 2006.
4. Michael W Lucas, "Networking for Systems Administrators (IT Mastery)", Tilted Windmill Press, 2019.


IMAGE FORMATION: Geometric Camera Models, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters, Geometric Camera Calibration - Linear
and Non - linear approach, Light and Shading - Inference from shading, Modelling Interreflection, Human Color
Perception. (9)
EARLY VISION: Linear Filters - Convolution, Fourier Transforms, Sampling and Aliasing, Filters as Templates, Correlation,
Local Image Features - Computing the Image Gradient, Gradient - Based Edge Detectors, Orientations, Texture - Local
Texture Representations using Filters, Shape from Texture. (9)

MID-LEVEL VISION: Segmentation by Clustering: Basic Clustering Methods - The Watershed Algorithm - Segmentation Using
K-means, Grouping and Model Fitting - Fitting Lines with Hough Transform, Fitting Curved Structures, Tracking - Tracking by

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Detection, Tracking Translations by Matching, Tracking Linear Dynamical Models with Kalman
Filters. (9)

HIGH-LEVEL VISION: Registration, Registering Rigid and Deformable Objects, Smooth Surfaces and their Outlines -
etation Trees and Spin
Images, Classification, Error and Loss. (9)

OBJECT DETECTION AND RECOGNITION: Detecting Objects in Images - The Sliding Window Method, Face
Detection, Detecting Humans, Boundaries and Deformable Objects, Object Recognition - Categorization, Selection,
Applications - Tracking People, Activity Recognition. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Szeliski and Richard, "Computer vision: algorithms and applications", 2 nd edition, Springer Science & Business, Media,
New York, 2022.
2. Forsyth and Jean Ponce David A, "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach", 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education Limited,
London, 2015.

2. Hau and Chen Chi, "Handbook of pattern recognition and computer vision", 6th Edition, World Scientific, Singapore, 2020.
Technologies", IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2020.


INTRODUCTION: Motivation for deep learning, Machine learning Basics: Learning algorithms - Overfitting - Underfitting
Hyperparameters - Estimators - Validation - Maximum Likelihood Estimation - Bayesian Statistics - Challenges in Machine
Learning. (9)

DEEP FEEDFORWARD NETWORKS: Gradient based learning - Hidden Units - Architectural design - Back-propagation for
MLP - Regularization: Parameter Regularization - Data Augmentation - Dropout - Optimization algorithms - Adaptive learning
rates. (9)

CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK: CNN: Architecture - Pooling - Convolution and its variants -Transfer Learning - CNN
for Object Recognition and Computer Vison. (9)

SEQUENCE MODELING: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) - bi-directional RNN, Encoder Decoder Architecture - Recursive
Nets - LSTM - Gated RNN, Attention Transformers, Case study: RNN for sentiment analysis, BERT for NLP, Attention for
Speech Processing , Computer Vision. (9)

UNSUPERVISED MODELS: Autoencoders - Deep Boltzmann Machine - Deep Belief Networks - Architecture - Greedy
Learning Speech Processing and Recognition using DBN, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), Semi-supervised
Learning. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, "Deep Learning", MIT Press, 2017.
2. François Chollet, "Deep Learning with Python", Manning Publications, 2017.

1. Wei Qi Yan, "Computational Methods for Deep Learning: Theory, Practice and Applications", Springer, 2021.
2 Josh Patterson, Adam Gibson, "Deep Learning: A practitioner's approach", O'Reilly, 2017.
3. Jeff Heaton, "Artificial Intelligence for Humans : Deep Learning and Neural Networks", Lightning Source Inc., 2015.
4. N D Lewis, "Deep Learning made easy with R: A Gentle Introduction for Data Science", Create space dependent Publishing
Platform, New Delhi 2016.


SPATIAL DATA MODELS AND DATA ANALYSIS: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) - GIS and
Information Systems - Components of a GIS. Spatial Data Models: Basic spatial concepts - Raster Data Structures - Raster
Data Compression - Vector Data Structures - TIN and GRID data models. Data Analysis: Vector Data Analysis tools - 3D data
collection and utilization. (9)

SPATIAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SDBMS): Spatial Storage and Indexing: indexing - Spatial Indexing - Grid
files - R Tree - Concurrency support - Spatial Join index - Database recovery techniques. Design And Development of Spatial

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Data Base System (SDBMS): Exploring Spatial Geometry - Organizing spatial data - Spatial data relationships and
functionalities - Tools. (9)

SPATIAL DATABASE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND DISEASE MAPPING: Health Datasets, Disease Registries - Geolocating
Health Data - Data Security and Privacy Issues. Disease Mapping: Spatial patterns of disease - endemic and epidemic
zonation - tests for spatial clustering and fragmentation - Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in disease mapping. (9)

LOCATION AND ALLOCATION STRATEGIES: Location of health centres and service areas: P-median scenarios - Network
analysis and services - emergency services and alternative locations - allocation of health resources - allocation of service
areas and optimality - improving access to socio economic and geographical contexts Case study . (9)

WEB-GIS AND APPLICATIONS: Sharing disease data and web - Ontology requirements and applications - Open source
service environments - methods of XML aid OGC services - Natural Resource Management - Navigation Management -
Vehicle tracking and fleet management - Marketing and Business applications. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ian
Education, United Kingdom, 2011

1. Goodchild, M. F., Maguire, D. J., Rhind, D. W. and Longley, P.
United States, 2015.
2. Kang - McGraw-Hill Education, United Kingdom, 2018.
3. Voisard, A., Rigaux, P. and Scholl, M. Elsevier Science, United Kingdom, 2002.
4. 2nd Edition, Guilford Publications, United Kingdom, 2012.



INTRODUCTION: Health information technology and health informatics, Language of biomedical informatics: data - information
& knowledge; standards and vocabularies, Information systems and Applications for the delivery of Healthcare, Role of IT,
Infrastructure challenges, TeleHealth, Medical Sensors. (9)

ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS: Evidence based Practice Models, Practice based Evidence: Features and Challenges,
Relationship of EBP and PBE, Knowledge transformation, Knowledge discovery, Knowledge building, EHR Component Model,
System Integration and Interoperability, Networking Systems, EHR Benefits, Key Issues. (9)

CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Mathematical foundations of Decision Support Systems, Decision support types,
Impact, Clinical Decision Support Standards, Design and Implementation Issues, Decision Rules and Expressions, Guidelines
and Workflow Models. (9)

DATA SCIENCE AND ANALYTICS: Data science in Healthcare, Characteristics of Big Data, Benefits of Data Science for
Clinical Research, Approached to Analyses, Knowledge discovery and Mining: Dataset Retrieval, Preprocessing clinical, text
and structured data, Sampling and Partitioning, Model Evaluation, Model Deployment. (9)

ETHICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH INFORMATICS: Legal Issues, Federal Regulations and Accreditation, Billing Issues related to
EHR use, Importance of Information Security, Current Security Vulnerabilities and Challenges: Internal, External Events,
Managing Security Risks: Administrative, Technical, Physical Control. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Hoyt R.E., Yoshihashi A.K. and Bailey N.J, "Medical informatics: A practical guide for healthcare and informatics
technology professionals", 6th Edition, Lulu.com, North Carolina, 2014.
2. Nelson, Ramona and Nancy Staggers, "Health Informatics : An Interprofessional Approach",2 nd Edition, Elsevier Health
Sciences, China, 2016.

1. Shortliffe E. H. and Cimino, J. J, "Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine", 4th
Edition, Health Informatics, New York, 2014
2. Greenes Robert A., "Clinical decision support: the road to broad adoption", 2nd Edition, Academic Press, Cambridge,

CRC Press, NewYork, 2016.

4. Gordon D. Brown, Timothy B. Patrick and Kalyan Pasupathy, "Health Informatics: A Systems Perspective",
Health Administration Press, Chicago, 2013.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Knowledge bases systems, Need for reasoning, Role of logic, Facts, Entailments, Skolemization,
Computational Intractability: Herbrand theorem, Propositional case, Implications, SAT solvers. (9)

REASONING: Resolution with Horn clauses, SLD resolution, SLD Derivations: Backward chaining - Forward chaining First-
order case, Production Systems: Basic operation, Production rules, Conflict resolution. (10)

STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION: Description language, Truth in interpretations, Normalization, Structure matching,

Subsumption, Applications, Epistemic Logic and Default Reasoning:Circumscription, Minimal models, Event calculus, Default
Reasoning: Default logic, Autoepistemic logic, Epistemic logic. (9)

ONTOLOGIES:Semantic Web, Semantic modeling, RDF, OWL, Formal Semantics, Semantic Web application architecture,
Inferencing, semantic relation in SKOS, uncertainty modeling, Data Integration. (9)

LINKED DATA: Principle, Open data to linked open data, publishing LOD, Consuming LOD, Applications. (8)

Total L: 45

2. Franz Baader, Deborah L. McGuinness, Daniele Nardi and Peter F. Patel-

1. Michael
University Press, USA, 2014.
York, 2010
4. Bruce Porter, Frank van Harm , 2008.


MATHEMATICAL BASICS: Definition of learning systems, Goals and applications of machine learning, Statistical decision
theory, Learning versus design, Feasibility of learning, Training versus testing, Labeled versus unlabeled dataset, Error, Noise,
Theory of generalization, Hypothesis class, Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension, Bias, Variance, Learning curve, Under-fitting
and over-fitting. (11)

SUPERVISED LEARNING: Learning a class from examples, Learning multiple classes, Dimensions of a supervised machine
learning algorithm, Discriminant functions, Probabilistic discriminative models, Logistic regression, Linear regression,
Perceptron Learning Algorithm. (11)

UNSUPERVISED LEARNING: Clustering, Expectation maximization (EM) for soft clustering, Semi-supervised learning with EM
using labeled and unlabeled data. (8)

REINFORCEMENT LEARNING: Model-free reinforcement learning: Q Learning, Algorithm for learning Q, Convergence,
Updating sequences strategies, Model based learning: Value iteration-Policy iteration, K-Armed bandit elements. (8)

ADVANCED LEARNING APPROACHES: Ensemble learning: Stacking, Boosting, Bagging, Bayesian Networks, Sampling
methods, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Probabilistic generative models. (7)

Total L : 45


2. Edition, 2015.
Edition, 2009.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


NEURAL NETWORKS: Introduction, Architectures, Basic models of ANN, Supervised learning network: Perceptron networks,
ADALINE, MADALINE, Back propagation methods. (9)

ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY AND ART: Autoencoders, Hetero correlators, Exponential BAM, Adaptive resonance theory: ART1,
ART2 and its Applications. (9)

FUZZY LOGIC: Fuzzy set theory, Crisp Sets, Fuzzy sets, Crisp relations and Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy systems: Crisp logic,
Predicate logic, Fuzzy logic, Rule based system, Defuzzification methods. (9)

GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Genetic operators: Selection Crossover Reproduction Mutation, Fitness function, Genetic
Programming, Applications. (9)

EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS: Basic concepts, Single and multi-objective optimization, Evolutionary strategies and
programming, Multi-modal function optimization, Applications. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Laurene Fausette, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications", Pearson
Education England, 2019.
2. Kalyanmoy Deb, "Multi-objective optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms", John-Wiley and Sons, USA, 2009.

1. S.N.Sivanandam and S.N.Deepa, "Principles of Soft Computing", 3rd Edition, Wiley-India, New Delhi, 2019.
2. Eiji Mizutani, Chuen Tsai Sun and Jyh Shing Roger Jang, "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to
Learning and Machine Intelligence", Pearson Education, England, 2012.
3. Bart Kosko, "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems - A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence", PHI Learning,
4. Samir Roy , "Introduction to Soft Computing: Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithms", 1st Edition, PHI / Pearson Education,


INTRODUCTION: Raise of Web, Mobile Web, HTML State, Application Vs Websites, Work plan: Identify the requirements,
Define the work, Track the work, Kanban, Continuous Improvement, Prioritization & Estimation, Managing Bugs, Continuous
Delivery, User Experience: Information Architecture, user experience right and Polish, Implementing user experience. (8)

DESIGN SYSTEM: System Architecture, Identify user interactions, Handling Commonalities, Working with legacy and external
dependencies, Component interactions, Applications Vs Modules, cross-functional requirements, caching, Designing of failure,
Design Modules, Refactoring, tools, changing the architecture. (8)

TESTING & ACCESSIBILITY: Test-Driven Development, Test Pyramid, Behavior-Driven Development, Three Amigos, Manual
Testing, Visual Testing, Cross-Functional Testing, Accessible from the start, Working with Assistive Technologies, Dealing with
Interactive UI, Testing for Accessibility, Avoiding Common Mistakes. (8)

APIS AND STORING DATA: API Responsibilities, Designing REST API, Securing API, Event-Based APIs, Discovering APIs,
Using APIs, Jenkins Pipeline flow, Types of Databases, SQL or NoSQL, store data, Access data from App, Manage the data,
Protect the Data. (10)

SECURITY AND DEPLOYMENT: Trust and Secrets, Responding to incidents, The Golden Rule, Threats, Security Checklists:
Injection- Broken Authentication and Session Management- Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) -Insecure Misconfiguration-Sensitive
Data Exposure- Missing Functional Level Access Control, Cross-site Request Forgery(CSRF), Two Factor App ,Gitlab (11)

Total : 45

1. ack Developer Your Essential Guide to the Everyday Skills Expected of a Modern Full Stack

2. -Stack Development: Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, and Docker , Apress, 2020 .


68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Artificial Intelligence (AI vs ML vs DL), Fundamentals of deep learning, CPU vs GPU computing
(Understanding the GPU computing), Nvidia NGC and Docker to train and deploy models in GPUs. (9)

HPC ARCHITECTURE: Basic architecture and organization, Memory hierarchy, Shared and Distributed memory architectures,
Multiprocessor architecture, Introduction to thread level parallelism, Accelerators (GPU, Xeon-phi), Performance prediction and
evaluation. (9)

PARALLEL PROGRAMMING: Parallel programming/computing, Introduction to MPI/ openMP, Basics of CUDA programming,
optimizing cluster operation - Running jobs in HPC environment, Job scheduler, Cluster level load balancing. (9)

GPU ARCHITECTURE & CUDA: Introduction to Accelerated Data Science, RAPIDS, Introduction to Machine Learning
Algorithms, Solving and Benchmarking End to End Data Science Problem using RAPIDS. (9)

NVIDIA CUDA-X PLATFORM: Accelerated Computing for Deep Neural Networks, Accelerating and Scaling Deep Neural
Networks using DALI, Mixed Precision and Multi-GPU Scaling Optimizing and Deployment of Neural Networks using TensorRT
& Triton Inference Server. (9)

Total L : 45

2. and Practice of Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language

1. Chao Wang, Chapman and Hall CRC, 2018,
2. -
Addison-Wesley Professional, July 2010.
3. Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach; David Kirk, Wen-mei Hwu; Morgan Kaufman; 2010
4. N D Lewis, "Deep Learning made easy with R: A Gentle Introduction for Data Science", Create space dependent Publishing
Platform, New Delhi 2016.


HUMANS IN HCI: Perceptual - Motor Interaction: Implications for Human - Computer Interaction, Human Information
Processing: An Overview for Human - Computer Interaction, Mental Models in Human - Computer Interaction, Task Loading
and Stress in Human - Computer Interaction, Choices and Decisions of Computer Users. (9)

COMPUTERS IN HCI: Input Technologies and Techniques, Sensor and Recognition - Based Input for Interaction, Visual
Displays, Haptic Interface, Non-speech Auditory and Cross modal Output, Network-Based Interaction, Wearable Computers,
Design of Fixed, Portable, and Mobile Information Devices. (9)

REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION: User Experience Requirements Analysis within the Usability Engineering Lifecycle, Task
Analysis, Contextual Design, Grounded Theory Method in Human-Computer Interaction and Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work, An Ethnographic Approach to Design Module. (9)

DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: Putting Personas to Work, Prototyping Tools and Techniques, Scenario-Based Design,
Participatory Design. (9)

APPLICATION / DOMAIN SPECIFIC DESIGN: Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care, Motor Vehicle-Driver Interfaces,
Human - Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Human-Computer Interaction for Kids Module, Emerging Phenomena in HCI:
Augmenting Cognition in HCI, Social Networks and Social Media. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Andrew sears, Julie A Jacko and Lawrence Erlbaum, "The Human Computer Interaction Hand Book: Fundamentals,
Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications", CRC Press, USA, 2009.
2. John Helen Sharp, Yvanno Rogers and Jenny preece, "Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction", Wiley,
USA, 2011.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Ben Shneiderman, "Designing the User Interfaces Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction , New
Delhi, 2009.
2. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D Abowd and Russell Beale, "Human Computer Interaction", Pearson, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Jan Noyes and Chris Baber, "User Centered Design of Systems", Springer, Germany, 2013.
4. Don Norman, "The Design of Everyday Things", Perseus Books Group, New York, 2013.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Multimedia, Characteristics of Multimedia Presentation, Multimedia Components, Promotion
of Multimedia Based Components, Digital Representation,, Media and Data Streams, Multimedia Architecture, Multimedia
Documents, Visual Display System (7)

ELEMENTS OF MULTIMEDIA: Text: Types, Font, Unicode Standard, Text Compression, Image: Types, Image Processing,
Standards, Specification, Device Independent Color Models, Gamma Correction, Video: Video Signal Transmission, Signal
Formats, Broadcasting Standards, Digital Video Standards, PC Video, Audio: Acoustics, Characteristics of Sound, Elements of
Audio System: Microphone, Amplifier, Loudspeaker, Audio Mixer, Digital Audio, MIDI , Graphics: Components of Graphics
System, Co-ordinate System, Plotter: Introduction to 2D and 3D Graphics, Surface Characteristics and Texture, Illumination
Models: Animation: Key Frames and Tweening Techniques, 2D and 3D Animation. (12)

MULTIMEDIA TOOLS: Authoring Tools, Features and Types, Card and Page Based Tools, Icon and Object Based Tools,
Time Based Tools, Cross Platform Authoring Tools, Editing Tools, Painting and Drawing Tools, 3D Modeling and Animation
Tools, Image Editing Tools, Sound Editing Tools, Digital Movie Tools. (8)

DATA COMPRESSION: Source entropy and hybrid coding, JPEG: Image preparation Lossy sequential DCT based mode
Expanded lossy DCT based mode Lossless mode Hierarchical mode, MPEG: Video encoding Audio encoding Data
stream, H.261: Image Preparation Data stream, DVI, Data Optimization. (9)

MULTIMEDIA OPERATING SYSTEMS: Real time OS, Resource management, Process management, File systems, Database
systems: Multimedia Database Management System (MDBMS) Characteristics of an MDBMS Data analysis Data
structure Operations on data Integration in a database model. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Edition, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2014.

2. Edition, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi, 2020.
4. John


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Augmented-Virtual and Mixed Reality, Taxonomy, technology and features of augmented
reality, difference between AR ,VR and MR, Challenges with AR, AR systems and functionality, Augmented reality methods,
visualization techniques for augmented reality. (9)

VR SYSTEMS: VR as a discipline, Basic features of VR systems, Architecture of VR systems, VR hardware : VR input

hardware: tracking systems, motion capture systems, data gloves, VR output hardware: visual displays. (9)
VR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Challenges in VR software development, Master/slave and Client/server architectures,
Cluster rendering, Game Engines and available SDK to develop VR applications for different hardware (HTC VIVE, Oculus,
Google VR). (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY: Augmented Reality System Structure, Key Technology in AR, General solution for calculating
geometric & illumination consistency in the augmented environment, AR software, Camera parameters and camera calibration,
Marker-based augmented reality, AR Toolkit. (9)

APPLICATION OF VR IN DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT: VR Technology in Film & TV Production. VR Technology in Physical

Exercises and Games. Demonstration of Digital Entertainment by VR. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L : 45

1. Edition, Gregory, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2017
2. Jason Jerald, - - Morgan & Claypool Publishers, New
York, NY, USA.,2015

1. Addison-
Wesley Educational Publishers Inc, New Jersey, United States, 2016.
-Wesley Professional, 2016.
3. Robe




SOA INTRODUCTION: Common Characteristics and principles of SOA, Comparison of SOA with client server and Distributed
architectures, Technical and business benefits of SOA, Service Layers, Applications using SOA. (9)

RESTFUL SERVICES: REST Architectural principles, SOAP Vs REST, RESTful Key elements, RESTful Methods, Java
RESTful Web Services API, REST Implementation: Building Web Service using JAX - RS, Django RESTful Web
Services. (9)

SOAP COMMUNICATION: XML SOAP Building Blocks, SOAP Message Structure, SOAP Envelope Element, SOAP
Attachments, UDDI, WSDL, SOAP Implementation: Building Web Service using JAX - WS, SOAP, UI Testing (9)

WEB SERVICES AND MICROSERVICES: Role of Web services, Web services protocol stack ,Communication model, Micro
services -Adopting Micro services in SOA, Architectural Benefits, Deriving Business Value, Define and Apply
Goal oriented Layered Approach, Design Process, Docker and Microservices, Role of Service Discovery, Applications of
Microservices. (9)

WS SECURITY: WS overarching concern, Core concepts, Challenges, Threats and remedies, Securing the communication
layer, Message level security, OAUTH2.2,WS security framework, WS security policy, WS trust, WS secure conversation, Data
level security, XML encryption, XML signature. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Greg Lomow and Eric Newcomer, "Understanding SOA with Web Services", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Sanjay Patni, "Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate with REST, JSON, XML and JAX-RS", Springer, USA,

1. IrakliNadareishvili, Ronnie Mitra and Matt McLart, "Microservice Architecture: Aligning Principles, Practices,and Culture",
Media, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Mike Rosen, Boris Lublinsky, Kevin T. Smith and Marc. J. Balcer, "Applied SOA: Service Oriented Architecture and Design
Strategies", 2nd Edition, Wiley, Indianapolis,USA, 2012.
4. Sam N


CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEM: Characterization, Analysis- Distributed consensus control for wireless systems Energy
Harvesting Low Power Devices - Machine -Type Communications Over 5G Systems - Data Reliability Challenge (9)

NETWORKED CPS: Network Wide Programming - Virtualization On The Edge And Network Issues - Wireless Rechargeable
Sensor Networks - Charging Model - Classic Charging Schemes (9)

SOCIAL NETWORK SIGNAL PROCESSING: Social Signal - Feature Space - Event Detection- Localization - Tracking -
Veracity Of Media Posts - Security And Privacy with Examples - Approaches To Secure CPS (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

GREEN CPS: Role Of Green CPS - Recent Advances - Energy-Harvesting Low-Power Devices RF Energy Harvesting In
Wireless Sensor Networks - Direct RF Energy Harvesting - Relayed RF Energy Harvesting -integrating renewable energy
resources in smart grid (9)

ADAPTIVE CPS DESIGN: Design For Fair Human-Machine Interaction And Decision Processes Use Cases And Application:
Agriculture CPS Energy management in micro-grids - cloud-based approach for advanced condition monitoring (9)

Total L : 45

1. Song, Houbing, Danda B. Rawat, Sabina Jeschke, and Christian Brecher, eds. Cyber-physical systems: foundations,
principles and applications. Morgan Kaufmann, ELSEVIER, USA, 2016.
2. Song Guo,Deze -

1. -
2. Rajeev Alur , Principles of
3. -
4. - ringer, Germany, 2015.


ETHICAL THEORIES AND CONCEPTS: Definition of ethics, Ethics in business world: Corporate social responsibility
Improving corporate ethics Creating an ethical work environment, Ethical considerations in decision making, Ethics in
information technology. Ethical Theories: Utilitarianism, Intrinsic and instrumental value, Acts Vs. rules, Critique of utilitarianism,
Deontological theory, Rights, Rights and social contract theory, Virtue ethics, Analogical reasoning in computer ethics. (9)

PRIVACY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Key privacy and anonymity issues: Data breaches Electronic discovery
Consumer profiling Workplace monitoring Advanced surveillance technology. Intellectual Property: Copyrights, patents,
Trade secrets, Key intellectual issues, Ethics of IT organizations: Key ethical issues for organization - Contingent workers
Outsourcing Whistle blowing. (9)

COMPUTER AND INTERNET CRIME: IT security incidents: Types of exploits Types of perpetrators Federal laws for
prosecuting computer attacks, Implementing trustworthy computing: Risk assessment Establishing a security policy
Educating employees and contract workers Prevention Detection Response. (9)

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN COMPUTING: Scenarios, Sorting out computing: Mastery knowledge Formal organization
Autonomy Codes of ethics The culture of computing, Professional relationships: Employer-employee Client-professional
Other stakeholders-professional Professional-professional Conflicting responsibilities, A legal perspective on
professionalism in computing: Licensing Selling software. (9)

NEW FRONTIERS FOR INFORMATION ETHICS: Federal laws for prosecuting computer attacks, Implementing trustworthy
computing: Risk assessment - Establishing a security policy Educating employees and contract workers Prevention -
Detection- Response Automation and Employment, workplace changes, globalization, The Digital Divide, Artificial Intelligence
and Ethics, Virtual Reality and Ethics, Cyberspace and Ethics, Cyberbullying. (9)

Total L: 45

1. states, 2019.

3. Michael J. Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age, 7th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2017.
4. -A Brief Introduction", CRC Press, United States, 2021.


INTRODUCTION: History of IR - Components of IR - Issues - Open source Search engine frameworks - The impact of the web
on IR - The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR - IR vs Web search - Components of a search engine -Characterizing the web.

MODEL EVALUATION: Boolean and vector-space retrieval models - Term weighting - TF-IDF weighting - Cosine similarity -
Preprocessing - Inverted indices - Sparse vectors - Language Model based IR - Probabilistic IR - Latent Semantic Indexing -
Relevance feedback and query expansion. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

WEB SEARCH ENGINE: Web search overview, Web structure, Web size measurement - Search engine optimization/spam -
Web Search Architectures - Crawling - Meta crawlers- Focused crawling - Web indexes Near duplicate detection - Index
compression - XML retrieval. (9)

WEB SEARCH ANALYSIS: Link Analysis - Hubs and authorities - Page Rank and HITS algorithms - Searching and Ranking -
Relevance scoring and ranking for web - Similarity - Hadoop & Map Reduce - Evaluation - Personalized search - Collaborative
filtering and content-based recommendation of documents and products - Handling invisible web - Snippet generation,
Summarization, Question Answering, Cross-Lingual Retrieval. (9)

TEXT MINING: Information filtering, Relevance feedback - Text Mining - Text classification and clustering - Categorization
algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision tree; Nearest neighbor - Clustering algorithms: Agglomerative clustering, K-means;
Expectation maximization (EM). (9)

Total L: 45

1. C. Manning, P. Raghavan and H. Schutze, "Introduction to Information Retrieval", Cambridge University Press, UK, 2008.
2. Ricardo Baeza - Yates and Berthier Ribeiro Neto, "Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology
behind Search", ACMPress Books, England, 2011.

1. Stefan Buettcher, Charles L. A. Clarke and Gordon V. Cormack, "Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating
Search Engines", The MIT Press, USA, 2010.
2. Manu Konchady, "Building Search Applications: Lucene, Ling Pipe", Gate Mustru Publishing, USA, 2008.
3. Bruce Croft, Donald Metzler and Trevor Strohman, "Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice", Addison Wesley,
USA, 2009.
4. Mark Levene, "An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation", 2nd Edition, Wiley, UK, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Origin of NLP - Language - Grammar - Processing Indian Languages - NLP Applications - Information
Retrieval -Grammar-based Language Models - Statistical Language Model. Language Modeling with N-grams - Neural Nets
and Neural Language Models (9)

MORPHOLOGY AND PART OF SPEECH TAGGING: Linguistic essentials, Lexical syntax, Morphology and Finite State
Transducers, Part of speech Tagging, Rule-Based Part of Speech Tagging, Markov Models: Hidden Markov models,
Transformation based Models, Maximum Entropy Models, Neural Sequence Modeling: RNNs and LSTMs. (9)

SYNTAX PARSING: Syntax Parsing, Grammar formalisms and tree banks, Parsing with Context Free Grammars, Features
and Unification, Statistical parsing and probabilistic CFGs (PCFGs) - Lexicalized
PCFGs. (9)

SEMANTIC ANALYSIS: Semantic Analysis, Lexical semantics, Word-sense disambiguation, Supervised and Unsupervised
Approaches, Compositional semantics Semantic Role Labeling and Semantic Parsing, Discourse Analysis. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Named entity recognition and relation extraction - Sequence To Sequence Models and Machine Translation,
Summarization, Question Answering. (9)

Total L: 45

2. Daniel Jurafsky and James H Martin, "Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, USA, 2017.

Technologies, April 2017.
Series, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010.
3. Bharati A., Sangal R and Chaitanya V, "Natural language processing: a Paninian perspective", PHI, New Delhi, 2000.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Origin of Operation Research, Historical Standpoint, Methodology, Different Phases, Characteristics, Scope
and Application of Operations Research, Operations research and decision-making, types of mathematical models and
constructing the model. Role of computers in operations research (9)

LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES - Mathematical formulation, graphical method of solution, simplex method, Duality in
linear programming problems, dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis, transportation and assignment problems, Traveling
salesman Problem, Formulation of linear programming problem, applications and limitations, The Big M method, the two
phase method, dual problems. (9)

GAME THEORY: Introduction, two-person zero-sum games, some basic terms, the maxmini minimax principle, games without
saddle points-Mixed Strategies, graphic solution of 2 * n and m*2 games, dominance property. CPM & PERT- project
scheduling, critical path calculations, Crashing, Unity. (9)

QUEUEING THEORY: Basic structure of queuing systems, roles of the Poisson and exponential distributions, classification of
queues basic results of M/M/1: FIFO systems, extension to multi-server queues. (9)

SIMULATION: simulation concepts, simulation of a queuing system using event list,pseudo random numbers, multiplication
congruential algorithm, inverse transformation method, basic ideas of Monte-Carlo simulation. (9)

Total L: 45

1. -Hill, 2017.

2. s Research
3. s
Springer, Singapore,2020



INTRODUCTION: Introductory Biology: Diversity of living organisms - Classification of the living organisms - Systematics and
binomial System of nomenclature. Inheritance Biology: genomic imprinting, linkage and crossing over, extra chromosomal
inheritance, microbial genetics, mutations, recombination, structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes. Computational
Neuroscience: Basic Neurobiology-Neural Encoding Models-Neural Decoding-Information Theory and Neural Coding- brain
function based on sparse coding and predictive coding-Learning from Supervision and Rewards. (9)

COMPUTATIONAL MODEL: Search Algorithms: Random walk-Hill climbing-simulated annealing. Genetic Algorithm: Basic
Concepts-Reproduction-Cross over-Mutation-Fitness Value, Optimization using GAs. Hidden Markov Model, Support Vector
Machine, Bayesian Network, Back Propagation Algorithm. (9)

BIOLOGICAL DATABASE: Relational Database to Nucleotide Sequence Databases, Protein Sequence Database, Protein
Structure Databases, Protein function and Pathway Databases, Genome and Micro array databases, Protein to protein
interactions. (9)

NETWORK BIOLOGY: Topological and Network Evolution Models, Types of Biological Networks, Data Processing and
Identifying Differently Expressed Genes, Gene Set Enrichment and Network Analyses, Deep Sequencing Data Processing and
Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Self-Organizing Maps. (9)

PROGRAMMING FOR LIFE SCIENCE: BioJava: Basic Sequence Manipulation-Translation-Proteomics-Sequence I/O-

Locations and Features-BLAST- Counts and Distributions- Weight Matrices-User Interfaces. Bioperl: Architectures-Bioperl
Classes-Sequence Manipulation-Features and Location Classes-Extracting CDS, Alignments AlignIO-Analysis. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Edition, New Delhi, Pearson Education, 2019.
2. Hiroaki Kitano Edition, MIT Press, 2012.

2. 2018.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. LAP LAMBERT Academic,2012.



STORAGE SYSTEM: Digital data and its types - Information storage - Key characteristics of data center - Evolution of
computing platforms, Third platform technologies: Cloud computing and its essential characteristics - deployment models - Big
data analytics - Imperatives for third platform transformation, Data Center Environment: Building blocks of a data center -
Software-defined data center, Intelligent Storage Systems: Components - Types - Scale-up and scale-out storage architecture,
RAID. (9)

STORAGE NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES: Block-based Storage System: Storage provisioning and storage tiering, File-
based Storage System: Components and architecture of NAS - NAS file sharing methods, Object - based and Unified Storage:
Key features of OSD - Storage and retrieval process in OSD system, Software-defined Storage: Attributes of software-defined
storage- Architecture. (9)

SAN BASED TECHNOLOGY: Fibre Channel SAN: Software-defined networking - FC SAN components and architecture - FC
SAN topologies - Zoning - Virtualization in FC SAN environment, Internet Protocol SAN: iSCSI protocol - Switch aggregation -
VLAN - FCIP protocol - Connectivity and configuration, Fibre Channel over Ethernet SAN: FCoE SAN connectivity - Converged
Enhanced Ethernet - FCoE architecture. (9)

BACKUP, ARCHIVE AND REPLICATION: Introduction to Business Continuity: Impact of information unavailability Business
continuity planning lifecycle - Application resiliency, Backup and Archive: Backup architecture - Backup targets and methods -
Data deduplication - Cloud-based and mobile device backup, Replication: Uses of replication and its characteristics - Compute-
based, storage-based and network-based replication - Data migration - Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). (9)

SECURING AND MANAGING STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE: Securing the Storage Infrastructure: Information security goals
- Storage security domains - Security controls to protect a storage infrastructure, Managing the Storage Infrastructure:
Management functions - Management processes. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Somasundaram G and Alok Shrivastava, "ISM - Storing, Managing and Protecting Digital Information", 3rd Edition, EMC
Education Services, Wiley, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Robert Spalding, "Storage Networks: The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Meeta Gupta, "Storage Area Network Fundamentals", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Gerald J Kowalski and Mark T Maybury "Information Storage and Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation",
BS Publications., New Delhi, 2009.
3. Gerardus Blokdyk, "Storage and Data Management Services", 3rd Edition, 5 Star Cooks, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Jamie Watters and Janet Watters, "Disaster Recovery, Crisis Response, and Business Continuity", Apress, London, 2014.


GREEN IT FUNDAMENTALS: Business, IT, and the Environment Green computing: carbon footprint, scoop on power
Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions, and Goals Environmentally Responsible Business: Policies, Practices, and Metrics.

GREEN ASSETS AND MODELING: Buildings, Data Centers, Networks, and Devices - Green Business Process Management:
Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration - Green Enterprise Architecture - Environmental Intelligence - Green Supply Chains -
Green Information Systems: Design and Development Models. (9)

GRID FRAMEWORK: Virtualization of IT systems - Role of electric utilities, Telecommuting, teleconferencing and teleporting
Materials recycling Best ways for Green PC Green Data center - Green Grid framework. (9)

GREEN COMPLIANCE: Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT Green Enterprise Transformation Roadmap Green
Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits Emergent Carbon Issues: Technologies and Future. (9)

CASE STUDIES: The Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies (ERBS) Case Study Scenarios for Trial Runs Case
Studies Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home, Hospital, Packaging Industry and Telecom Sector, Google
data center. (9)

Total L: 45

1. -
2. Wu

68th ACM 04.02.2023

International Publishing, Switzerland, 2020.
3. -
Science Research, USA, 2012.


ERP OVERVIEW: Origin, Evolution and Structure of ERP, concepts of ERP, Business Process Modeling, Integrated Data
Model and Management Information, Feasibility issues, Benefits of ERP, Failure of ERP implementation. (9)

RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Business Intelligence (BI), Data Warehousing and
Mining, On-Line Analytical processing (OLAP), Supply Chain Management (SCM). (9)

ERP - IMPLEMENTATION LIFECYCLE: Pre-evaluation screening, Package Evaluation, Project Planning phase, Gap
analysis, Re-Engineering, Customization Implementation team training, Testing, Going Live, End user Training. (9)

ERP IN ACTION: Measuring the performance, Success and failure factors, Case Studies Bottling Plant, Logistics Service,
Carbon brush manufacturing and Chemical Industry. (9)

ERP FUTURE DIRECTIONS : New Markets, New Channels, ERP-Extended ERP-ERP II, Faster Implementation
Methodologies, Application Platforms, SOA Factor, New Business Segments, Web Enabling and Snapshot. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Alexis Leon, "Enterprise Resource Planning", 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2020.

1. Carlo Caserio and Sara Trucco, "Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence Systems for Information Quality
An empirical analysis in the Italian Setting", Springer International Publisher, USA, 2018.
2. Gary A Langen walter, "Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond: Integrating Your Entire Organization", CRC Press,
India, 2016.
Ltd., India 2018
4. Goyal D P, "Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective", Tata Mc-Graw Hill, India, 2019.


INTRODUCTION: Status of environment Environmental, Social and Economic issues Need for sustainability Nine ways to
achieve sustainability population, resources, development and environment. (9)


Factors governing sustainable development Linkages among sustainable development- Environment and poverty
Determinants of sustainable development Case studies on sustainable development Population, income and urbanization
Health care Food, fisheries and agriculture Materials and energy flows. (9)

PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS: Principles of Sustainable Design, Sustainable Engineering, Fundamentals of

Systems Analysis, Types of Feedbacks and Their Effects, Global Sustainability System. (9)

TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND LIFECYCLE ASSESSMENT: Overview, Technology as a part of anthropogenic

environment, Technology readiness levels (TRL), Emerging, converging, disruptive technologies, Life Cycle Assessment. (9)

Metrics for Technology Evaluation: Need for metrics, Environmental Metrics, Economic Metrics, Social Metrics, Sustainability
Index, Metric Balance. (9)

Total L: 45

(Biological Conservation, Restoration &Sustainability), Cambridge University Press, London, 2003.
2. and Francis group, 2001.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. London, 1993.
2. Glen Educational Foundation,
3. Low, N. Global ethics and environment. London: Routledge. 1999.
4. Douglas Muschett, Principles of Sustainable Development, St. Lucie Press, 1997.


Role of Information Systems in Business Today - Perspectives, Information Systems and Strategy: Feautures, Economic
Impacts, Organizational and Behavioral Impacts - Internet and Organizations, Management Issues, Ethical and Social Issues in
Information Systems: Ethics in an Information Society - Moral Dimensions of Information Systems. (9)

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE: Emerging Technologies: Definition - Evolution - Technology Drivers -

Infrastructure Components - Contemporary Hardware and Software Platform Trends, Databases and Information Management:
Database Approach to Data Management - Decision Making - Business Intelligence Infrastructure, Analytical Tools. (9)

SECURING INFORMATION SYSTEMS: System Vulnerability and Abuse, Business Value of Security and Control, Establishing
a Framework for Security and Control, Technologies and Tools for Protecting Information Resources. (9)

KEY SYSTEM APPLICATIONS FOR THE DIGITAL AGE: Enterprise Systems, Supply Chain Management Systems,
Customer Relationship Management Systems, E-commerce and Internet, Managing Knowledge: Important Dimensions of
Knowledge - Types of Knowledge Management Systems, Intelligent Techniques. (9)

BUILDING AND MANAGING SYSTEMS: System Development and Organizational Change, Systems Analysis, Alternative
Systems -Building Approaches, Application Development for the Digital Firm, Managing Projects: Importance of Project
Management - Selecting Projects - Managing Project Risk. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, "Management Information Systems", Pearson Education, England, 2014.
2. Sashikala Parimi, "Management Information Systems", Kogent Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.

1. George M. Marakas and James A. O'Brien, "Introduction to Information Systems", Mc-Graw Hill, UK, 2013.
2. Indrajit Chatterjee, "Management Information Systems", PHI Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Sahil Raj, "Management Information systems", 2nd Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.
5. D P Goyal, "Management information systems - Managerial Perspectives", 2nd Edition, Macmillan, New Delhi, 2012.


EVOLUTION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT: History of quality, Definition of quality, Dimensions of quality, Quality planning,
Assurance and Control, Principles of TQM, Quality gurus: Deming - Juran - Crosby - Watts Humphrey, Cost of quality. 9)

TQM PRINCIPLES: Customers - Internal and external, Customer satisfaction, Service quality, Customer feedback Collection
process, Employee involvement - Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Juran trilogy. (9)

STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: The Need for Statistical Methods, Process capability and measurement, Statistical Seven
tools of Quality - Histogram, Pareto chart, Scatter Plots, Control chart, Check sheet, Cause and Effect Diagram, Stratification.

SOFTWARE SPECIFIC STANDARDS AND MODELS: ISO standards: overview - clauses - advantages, CMMi, Six sigma:
Principles - DMAIC - DFSS - Benefits- Applications - advantages and disadvantages of standards models methodology. (9)

PROCESS IMPROVEMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES: Need for Continuous Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma,
Benchmarking, Value Stream Mapping, PDCA Cycle, Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), Hypothesis Testing, Kaizen, 5S, 5
Whys, POKA YOKE. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Amitava Mitra, "Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement", 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2016.
2. Suresh Patel, "The Tactical Guide to SIX SIGMA Implementation", Productivity Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York,

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Dale H.Besterfield, Carol Besterfield, Geln and Mary "Total Quality Management", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
New Delhi, 2015.
2. Sandra L. Furterer, "Lean Six Sigma in Service", CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, 2014.
3. Mohit Sharma, "8 Steps to Problem Solving - Six Sigma", Ingram short title, New Delhi, 2017.
4. D.R. Kiran, "Total Quality and Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies", Butterworth-Heinemann, Cambridge, USA,


INTRODUCTION: History of Internet - World Wide Web - Web browser - Web server - Web page: Types -Issues, Concepts of
tiers, Web design principles, Planning process, Five golden rules of web designing, Designing navigation bar, Page design,
Home page layout, design concept, Introduction to Full stack. (9)

MARKUP LANGUAGE: Hypertext Markup Language: Origins and evolution - Structure - Basic text formatting Lists -
Hypertext links - Tables - Frames - Images - Forms and controls, Introduction to EXtensible HyperText Markup Language,
HTML 5: Design principles, New structure tags, Working with media tags, New form controls and attributes, Patterns. (9)

CASCADING STYLE SHEETS: Cascading Style Sheets: Concept - Levels of Style Sheets - Style Specification Formats - Style
Classes - Properties and Property Values - Color - Span and div Tags, CSS3: Selectors - Typography and color modes -
Aesthetics with CSS3 - Text shadows - Box shadows - Background Gradients - patterns - Multiple Background images
Transitions - Transformations and Animations Forms with HTML5 and CSS3. (9)

CLIENT SIDE PROGRAMMING: Java Script: Basics - Operations and Expressions - Screen Output - Control Statements -
Object Creation and Modification - Arrays - Functions - Constructors - Events - Form validations, Introduction to jQuery,
JavaScript Object Notation, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, Dynamic HTML. (9)

WEB PUBLISHING OR HOSTING: Web Hosting Basics - Types of Hosting Packages - Creating the Web Site - Saving the site
- working on the web site - Creating web site structure - Creating Titles for web pages - Themes - Registering domains -
Defining Name Servers - Publishing web sites. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Jon Duckett, "HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites", 2ndEdition, Wiley, USA, 2014.
2. John Dean, "Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript", Jones & Bartlett Learning, USA, 2018.

1. Christopher Murphy, Richard Clark, Oliver Studholme and Divya Manian, "Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web
Evolved", 2nd Edition, Apress, New York, 2013.
2. Dan Cederholm, "CSS3 for Web Designers", 2ndEdition, ABook Apart, UK, 2014.
3. Achyut Godbole and Atul Kahate, "Web Technologies: TCP/IP, Web/ Java Programming, and Cloud Computing", 3rd
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2013.
4. Joel Sklar, "Principles of Web Design: The Web Technologies Series", 5th Edition, Course Technology - Cengage Learning,
USA, 2012.


IS/IT GOVERNANCE: IT Alignment - IT Governance- IT Decision making - Principles and Practices - Operating Model and
Enterprise Architecture -Application Silo Stage -Implications of Enterprise Stages- Evaluating Investments -Incorporating Risk
in IT Investment Evaluation - System Implementation Problem Analysis - Incorporating Risk in IT Investment Evaluation - IT
Investment Portfolio - Characteristics of Different IT Asset Classes - Strategic Orientation and Portfolio Management - IT
Chargeback - Change Management - Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Change - Project Management vs. Learning Approach.

ANALYSIS FOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS: Business Process - Business Process Characteristics - SDLC Overview - SDLC
Variance - Role of the Business Analyst-System Request- Feasibility Analysis - Change Management and Organizational
Readiness Project Plan - Analysis Phase to System Proposal - Requirements - Data Flow Diagrams -Decomposing Data
Flow Diagrams - Business Process Model and Notation - Entity Relationship Diagram - OO Inheritance and Unified
Modeling Language- Acquisition Strategies-Architectural Options-Design Develop Test Transition -Maintenance and
Total Cost of Ownership. (9)

ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS: Enterprise Resource Planning Business Process Concept -Business Functions - History of SAP -
Companies and Business Processes - Procurement Process - Production Process - Business Fulfillment Process - Sales
Organization - Master Data Fulfillment Process - ERP Selection Process - Magic Quadrant Tool - ERP Module Possibilities -
Software Selection and Considerations - ERP Implementation Considerations - ERP Implementation Considerations - ERP
Implementation Best Practices - Change Management - Case study. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND EMERGING TRENDS: Cloud Computing - Features of the Cloud -Considerations in Cloud
Adoption - Cloud Computing Realizations - Terminal Services Virtualization - SaaS PaaS IaaS - Public, Private, and Hybrid
Clouds - Data Center - Data Center - Basics of Wireless Communications - Wireless Systems Work - Cellular Networks Work -
Applications of Mobile Technologies - Short Range Communications: Barcodes & QR Codes - RFID, NFC - Local Area
Networks - Long Range Communications - Mobile Marketing. (9)

INFORMATION SECURITY: Threats and Attacks - Cyber Defense - Cyber Defense Systems - Cyber Security Best Practices
-Shared Private Key Encryption - Public Key Encryption - Encryption Benefits - Vulnerability Disclosure Process - Future of
Data Security - Emerging Trends - Blockchain and Bitcoin - Cryptography Behind Bitcoin - Bitcoin Mining - Creating Smart
Contracts with Blockchain - Blockchain Mining. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Helmut Schindlwick IT Governance: How to Reduce Costs and Improve Data Quality through the Implementation of IT
Governance CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
2. Ronald E. Giachetti ss, New Delhi, 2016.

1. Joffre León-Acurio, Angela Díaz Cadena, Práxedes Montiel Díaz ,
Springer International Publishing, New Delhi, 2019.
2. S. Ramakrishnan Cryptographic and Information Security Approaches for Images and Videos CRC Press, 2018.
3. Christopher Hadnagy, Social Engineering The Science of Human Hacking Wiley, 2018.


E-COMMERCE AND ITS TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS: Overview and scope of E commerce, Internet Commerce, Benefits
and limitations of E-Commerce, Generic framework for E-Commerce, Architectural framework of E-Commerce, Web based E
Commerce Architecture. (9)

CONSUMER ORIENTED E COMMERCE: E-Retailing - Traditional retailing and e-Retailing, benefits of e-Retailing, models of
e-Retailing, Features of e-Retailing. E- Services - categories of e-services, Web-enabled services, match making services, e-
entertainment, Auctions and other specialized services. (9)

ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI): EDI- Technology, Communications, Standards, Implementation, Agreements,
Security. Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) - Need Of EPS, Protocols Used. Identify the methods of Payments on the Net
Electronic Cash, Cheques and Credit Cards on the Internet (9)

SECURITY IN E-COMMERCE: Threats in Computer Systems, Virus, Cyber Crime Network Security - Encryption, Protecting
Web server with a Firewall, Firewall and the Security Policy, Network Firewalls and Application Firewalls, Proxy Server. (9)

ISSUES IN E-COMMERCE: Ethical, Social and Political issues in E-Commerce, Privacy and Information Rights - Information
collected at E-Commerce Websites, The Concept of Privacy, Legal protections. Intellectual Property Rights - Types of
Intellectual Property protection, Governance. (9)

Total L: 45

-Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 2020.
2.Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston, "Electronic Commerce-A Manager's guide", Addison-Wesley, New York, 2017.

A Managerial Perspective", Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2018.
- Edition, Pearson Education, New York, 2016.


INTRODUCTION: Types of Digital marketing, Differences in Traditional and digital marketing, Importance and scope, Elements
of marketing, Benefits and opportunities, Content marketing, Digital marketing in business to business(B2B),business to
consumer(B2C) and Not for profit marketing. (9)

for business websites, Role of keywords in SEO,Meta tags, Page optimization, Internal and external link, search volume, cost-
per-click (CPC), customer lifetime value (CLV), Ranking, Advantages and disadvantages of SEO. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

EMAIL MARKETING & CONTENT MARKETING: Introduction,Elements of email marketing and content marketing , Email list
generation, Structure and delivery, Data capture, Create an email campaign, Introduction to digital display advertising,
Overview of Google AdWords. (9)

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING:Different social media channels,Business page setup and profile,Social media contents,Impact
of social media on SEO,Importance of landing page,User generated contents, Multimedia video, audio and image. (9)

DESIGN ESSENTIALS & E-COMMERCE MANAGEMENT: Overview of Design elements,Canva and tools used for
Branding.Introduction to Ecommerce and market places,Design Principles and cultural differences , Marketing Automation,
Influencer & Podcast Marketing. (9)

Total L: 45


1 line

2 -in-One For Dummi

New Jersey, 2021.
3 Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-
4 Vandana Ahu



100 1
COMPUTER FORENSICS: Fundamentals of Computer Forensics, Computer Forensics Technology, Live data collection
from Windows systems, Live data Collection from Unix systems, Data Acquisition of digital evidence from electronic
media, Evidence collection and preservation, Network Forensics, Email Investigations, Mobile device forensics,
Computer Forensics Analysis and Validation, Macro Threats, Information Warfare. (8)

DATA ANALYSIS: Data analysis Techniques: Preparation for Forensic Analysis, Restoring a Forensics Duplicate,
Recovering deleted files on Windows systems, Recovering files from Unallocated space, Free space and Slack
space, Writing Forensic Reports, Report Writing Guidelines. (7)

Total L: 15

1. John R. Vacca , "Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation", 3rd Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning,
LLC, USA, 2010.
2. Chad Steel , "Windows Forensics", Wiley Publishing Inc, Indiana, 2006.
3. Dejey and Murugan , "Cyber Forensics", Oxford University Press, UK, 2018.


100 1
INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION - Automation in Production System, Principles and Strategies of
Automation, Basic Elements of an Automated System, Advanced Automation Functions, Levels of Automations. (3)

EXPERT SYSTEMS : Architecture of expert systems, Roles of expert systems Knowledge Acquisition Meta knowledge,
Heuristics, Typical expert systems MYCIN, DART, XOON. (4)

INDUSTRIAL AI APPLICATIONS AND CASE STUDIES: - Applications of Industrial AI in Monitoring, optimization and control,
AI applications in Industry Automation using NLP, Speech recognition. (4)

EMERGING APPROACHES TO INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION SECURITY : Internet of Things, Security and privacy, Big data
analytics and the Industrial Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Framework, CPS and Cyber security, Critical
Infrastructure security. (4)

Total L: 15

1. Mikell P. - Edition, Pearson
Education, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Edition, International Society of Automation, 2017.

2. Edition, Prentice
Hall Inc., New Jersey, 2019.
4. Edition, Elsevier, UK, 2017.


100 1
INTRODUCTION: Machine to Machine communication, Machine to Machine Market, Machine to Machine History, Early
Machine to Machine, Machine to Machine Requirement. (3)

ARCHITECTURE: High-Level Architectural Principles, ETSI Machine to Machine Service Architecture, Machine to Machine
Optimizations, Public Mobile Networks, Role of IP in Machine to Machine. (6)

DESIGN AND APPLICATION: Machine to Machine Security Issues, Designing Internet of Things, Building Machine to
Machine - Internet of Things systems, M2M Application: Smart Cards. (6)

Total L: 15

1. David B, Omar E and Olivier H, "M2M Communications- A System Approach", John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi,
2. Vojislav B. Misic and Jelena Misic , "Machine to Machine Communications: Architectures, Technology, Standards
and Applications", CRC Press, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, "Designing the Internet of Things", John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi,


100 1
INTRODUCTION: Concept of instruction pipelining, RISC 5 stage pipeline, pipeline hazards, operand forwarding,
branch prediction techniques. (2)

SCHEDULING: MIPS pipeline for handling multi-cycle operations, static and dynamic scheduling of instructions. ( 2)

THREADING: Multithreading - fined grained and coarse grained, super pipelining, hyper threading, superscalar
processors. (2)

CACHE MEMORY: Introduction to cache memory hierarchy in multicore processors, mapping, write strategy and basic
optimizations. (3)

DRAM CONTROLLERS: DRAM controllers - organization and scheduling techniques. (1)

TILED CHIP MULTICORE PROCESSORS: Tiled Chip Multicore Processors (TCMP), Network on Chip interconnection
systems, basic routing and flow control techniques, Application to Core mapping techniques in TCMP. (5)

Total L: 15

1. Hennessey and Patterson, "Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach", 5th Edition, Elsevier, USA, 2012.
2. Bruce Jacob, Spencer W. Ng and David T. Wang, "Memory System-Cache, DRAM and Disk", Elsevier, USA, 2008.
3. William James Dally, Brian Towles, "Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks", Elsevier, USA, 2004.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23G001 Communication Skills for Engineers

23G002 Basic German
23G003 Basic French
23G004 Basic Japanese

23T001 Advanced Knitted Structure and Mechanics
23T002 Analytical Characterization of Textiles
23T003 Braided and Narrow Fabric Technology
23T004 Fabric Structure and Design
23T005 Fancy Yarns and Sewing Threads
23T006 High Performance and Specialty Fibres
23T007 Long and Multi Fibre Spinning
23T008 Process and Quality Control in Spinning
23T009 Process and Quality Control in Weaving
23T010 Specialty Yarns and Fabrics
23T011 Structural Mechanics of Textile Materials
23T012 Waste Management in Textile and Apparel Industries


23T013 Advanced Techniques in Printing and Finishing
23T014 Characterization of Dyes and Auxiliaries
23T015 Colour Science, Measurement and Applications
23T016 Mechanical and Chemical Processing of Man Made Fibres and Blends
23T017 Specialty Finishes
23T018 Sustainable Chemical Processing
23T019 Textile Effluent Treatment and Sludge Management
23T020 Theory of Colouration
23T021 Wetting Wicking and Drying of Textiles


23T022 Apparel Marketing and Merchandising
23T023 Apparel Production Planning and Control
23T024 Apparel Product Engineering
23T025 Clothing Science and Comfort
23T026 Ergonomics in Textile and Garment Industry
23T027 Quality Assurance in Garment Industries
23T028 Selection of Materials for Apparel Manufacturing


23T029 Energy Management in Textile Industry
23T030 Management of Textile and Clothing Industry
23T031 Project Formulation and Appraisal
23T032 Logistics and Supply Chain Management for Textile Industry
23T033 Total Quality Management
23T034 Textile Costing and Cost Control
23T035 Working Capital Management
23T036 Industry 4.0 in Textiles


23T037 Acoustic Textile Products and Characterization
23T038 Automotive Textiles
23T039 Bonded Fabric Structure and Mechanics
23T040 Characterization of Technical Textiles
23T041 Coated and Laminated Textiles
23T042 Filtration Textiles
23T043 Functional Textiles
23T044 Joining Textiles
23T045 Protective Textiles
23T046 Textile Composites
23T047 Textiles in Medical Industry
23T048 Green Composites


23T049 Textiles for Industrial Applications
23T050 Textiles for High Temperature Applications
23T051 Process Control and Evaluation

68th ACM 04.02.2023



23TH01 Characterization of Fibres and Polymers
23TH02 Sound and Thermal Insulation Products and Characterization
23TH03 Technical Textiles in Engineering Applications
23TH04 Electro Active Textiles
23TH05 Filtration Products and Characterization
23TH06 Industrial Textiles
23TH07 Textiles and Fabric care


23TO01 Circular Design and Sustainability
23TO02 Waste Management and Pollution Control
23TO03 Entrepreneurship
23TO04 Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being
23TO05 Colour in Design
23TO06 Design Paradigm
23TO07 System Design for Sustainability



23TF01 Quality Testing of Coloured Textiles
23TF02 Decorative Printing
23TF03 Apparel Merchandising
23TF04 Textile and Apparel Costing
23TF05 Lean Manufacturing for Textile and Apparel Industry
23TF06 Six Sigma for Textile and Apparel Industry
23TF07 Accessories and Allied Machinery Requirements of a Spinning Mill
23TF08 Denim Processing
23TF09 Chemical Processing of Textiles Practical Advancement
23TF10 3D Woven Fabrics
23TF11 3D Knitted Fabrics
23TF12 Digital Printing
23TF13 Oil Spill Clean Up Pads
23TF14 Cold Weather Protective Textiles
23TF15 Fabric Sourcing
23TF16 Recycling of Textile and Polymeric Wastes for Innovative Products Development
23TF17 Carbon Fibre Technology
23TF18 Sustainable Textiles
23TF19 Textile Quality Data Analysis and Standards

68th ACM 04.02.2023

(Electives grouped on specialisation)



SPECIALITY FABRICS AND MACHINES : Definition, shaping of knitted products, Production of fleecy on sinker-top
machines, Fleecy interlock, Plush, The bearded needle sinker wheel machine, Sinker plush knitted on single jersey latch
needle machines, Full density patterned plush, Cut loop, Double sided plush, Sliver in high-pile knitting and Wrap patterning.

SPECIALITY KNIT CONSTRUCTIONS / PATTERNS : 1/2 Cardigan ,Blister, Cable ,Float Jacquard, Full Cardigan ,Full
Fashion, Intarsia, Ladder-back Jacquard, Links and Links ,Plaited Fabric ,Pointelle Jersey, Pointelle Rib ,Rack Stitch ,Rib
Jacquard, Selective Transfer ,Tuck Stitch and Welts. Thick and dense spacer structures, Double and triple lapping bars
structures. (9)

KNITTED FABRICS FOR TECHNICAL TEXTILES: Engineering of knitted fabrics for sound absorption, thermal and acoustic
applications. Seamless knitting in Apparel, upholstery, automotive and medical textiles. Warp knitted technical textiles.
Seamless garments production in V-Bed knitting machine. Garment length - High Pile and Socks Knitting Machines. (11)

PATTERNING AND GEOMETRY IN WEFT KNITTING: Patterning possibilities in weft knitting, machine requirements, Effect of
machine parameters: Yarn tension, cam shape, number of feeders, linear speed on knitting. Fabric Geometry and Properties:
Tightness factor, Loop shape factor, Dimensional constants, Spirality, Relaxation, shrinkage. (7)

WARP KNITTING AND FABRIC GEOMETRY: Tricot & Rachel - Two, Three & Multibar Machines, Pattern Control
Mechanisms: Pattern Wheels and Chain Links. Fashioning (2-D, 3-D) of knitted fabrics. Dimensional characteristics of warp
knits, Warp knitted fabric geometry. Testing and Quality Control of Warp knitted fabrics. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Spencer D J, "Knitting Technology", Pergamon Press, 2001.
2. Raz S, "Warp Knitting Production", Verlag Melliand Textilberchte, Heidelberg, 1987.

1. Au K F, "Advances in knitting technology", Woodhead Publishing, Hong Kong, 2001.
4. A , Bombay, 1998.


MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION: Molecular weight averages - Determination of molecular weight: primary methods end
group analysis - osmometry - light scattering. Secondary methods - viscometry - gel permeation chromatography. (9)

FINE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS: Orientation techniques - optical birefringence - dielectic anisotropy - dichroism - X- ray
diffraction - density gradient measurement - Small angle x-ray scattering. (9)

MORPHOLOGY CHARACTERIZATION: Microscopy analysis - Scanning electron microscopy - Transmission electron

microscopy - Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Contact angle and surface wettability
measurement. (9)

SPECTROSCOPY ANALYSIS: Infrared - NMR - UV-visible - mass and Raman Spectroscopy techniques. (9)

THERMAL CHARACTERIZATION: Characterization of glass transition - crystallization - melting and decomposition

temperatures. Themoanalytical techniques: Differential scanning calorimeter - Differential thermal analysis Thermogravimetry-
Thermo-mechanical analysis - Dynamic mechanical tests. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Kothari V K, Gupta V B, "Manufactured Fibre Technology", Chapman & Hall Pub., 1997.
2. Mukesh Singh and Annika Singh, Characterization of Polymers and Fibers, Elsevier Publishers, 2021.

1. Raheel M, "Modern Textile Characterization Methods", Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 1996.
2. Mukhopadhyay S K, "Advances in Fibre Science", The Textile Institute, 1992.
3. Billmeyer F W, "Textbook of Polymer Science", Wiley Inter Science, 2002.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


BRAIDED FABRICS: Basic principles, Materials used, Braided structures: Types, classification of braids - manufacture of flat,
hollow, 3D and special products. biaxial and triaxial braids, Inlay yarns, 3D braiding, Tubular, bifurcated structures, track and
column braiding processes, Spiral braiding. (9)

BRAIDED STRUCTURES: Diamond braid, Solid braid, over braid, Hercules braid. Maypole braiding. Braid geometry, structure-
property relationship. Cartesian braiding. Braided preforms- Applications of braided fabrics Ropes, laces, cords, preforms. (9)

biaxial braids- Bias-extension test. Deformability of braided fabrics. TAPES: Introduction, Classification: Slide fastener tapes -
Insulating tapes Labeling Tapes Border Tapes Elastic- Pleated lingerie ribbing. Applications. (11)

NARROW FABRICS : Yarn requirements. Preparation for narrow fabric production. Narrow fabric production: Mechanism of
weft insertion and fabric formation, Production of narrow fabrics in various looms. Elastic narrow fabrics and applications. (9)

INDUSTRIAL WEBBINGS : Manufacture of spindle drive webbing Print webbings Webbings for automobile safety belts.
Industrial nets: Knotted netting manufacturing and applications. (7)

Total L: 45

Text Books:
1. Ky

rrow Technical Library, UK, 1988.

3. Sabit Adanur , "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic publishing company Inc., USA, 2017.
4. Buhu, A an
IntechOpen, Rijeka, Croatia, 2017.


ELEMENTARY WEAVES: Weave representations: linear and point paper. Weave plan components: Design, draft and peg
plan. Elementary weaves Plain, Twill, Satin, Sateen and their derivatives constructional details and loom requirements. (9)

COLOUR THEORY AND MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTARY WEAVES: Colour theory: Light, pigment, Tint, Tone, Shade,
Colour Wheel, Harmonious and contrast colours. Colour and weave effects. Honey comb, Huck-a-back and Crepe weaves -
constructional details and loom requirements. (9)

SPECIALITY WEAVES: Backed fabrics, Bed Ford Cords (BFC), Welts and Piques. Leno and Mock Leno. Jacquard designs -
Extra warp and Extra weft figuring, Spot figuring - constructional details and loom requirements. (9)

PILE FABRICS: Warp pile- wire pile, terry pile, loose backed. Weft Pile: plain back, twill back velveteen, Corduroy, Weft plush
constructional details and loom requirements. (9)

DOUBLE CLOTH AND COMMERCIAL FABRIC VISUALIZATION: Classification and types of stitches - self stitched, centre
stitched double cloth constructional details and loom requirements. Overview of Indian traditional textile design. Commercial
Fabric types poplin, voile, sheeting, drill, denim, gabardine, damask, crepe, brocades, etc., and their specifications. (9)

Total L: 45


England, 2004.



3. Goka

68th ACM 04.02.2023


CLASSIFICATION & STRUCTURE OF FANCY YARNS: Fancy Yarns Definition, classification of fancy yarns. Structure and
formation of various types of fancy yarns. Application of fancy yarns. (9)

FANCY YARN PRODUCTION: Yarn production system ring spinning, hollow spindle spinning, doubling system, open-end
spinning system. Plying technique. Production of chennile yarn. Production of fancy yarn design using three-dimensional
computer graphics and visualisation techniques. (9)

SEWING THREADS: Sewing threads property requirements for different applications; characterization of sewing threads-
stress strain behaviour of sewing threads; thermal, friction behaviour of sewing threads; sewability of the thread, seam
efficiency index. (9)

TYPES OF SEWING THREADS: Types of sewing thread spun threads, core spun threads, filament threads; production,
properties and applications. Characteristics and application of high performance sewing threads. Other sewing threads
tencel, acrylic, linen, elastic, soluble; embroidery threads. (9)

TESTING & ANALYSIS OF SEWING THREADS: Physical testing of sewing threads, sewing defects related to sewing threads
assessment and control. (9)



2. Gong RH, Wright RM, Fancy Yarns Their manufacture and applications, Wood head Publishing Limited, Cambridge,
England, 2002.




HIGH STRENGTH HIGH MODULUS FIBRES: Basic concept of high performance fibres. ARAMIDS & CO POLYESTERS:
Fibers formation, Fibre & structure properties, Performance and applications- Bullet proof vest and cut resistant gloves. (9)

POLYETHYLENE FIBERS: Types - UHMWPE, HDPE, Manufacturing process and properties, UHMWPE products in marine
application. CARBON FIBRES: Classification and types, manufacturing processes from polyacrylonitrile (PAN), rayonand pitch
precursors, Properties, Applications of carbon fiber reinforced composites in automotive industry. (9)

THERMAL AND CHEMICAL RESISTANT FIBERS: Properties, Applications, Brief note on synthesis of polybenzimidazole,
PBI, Polybenzoxazoles, PBO, PANOX, Melamine, Novolac, Kynol, Aromatic Polymers, Chlorinated Fibres: PVDC, Fluorinated
Fibres: PTFE, PVF, PVDF and FEP, Poly(phenylene sulphide), PPS, Poly(ether imides), PEI, PEEK. OTHER
PERFORMANCE FIBERS: Elastomeric fibers- Manufacturing processes, Fibre properties, Application and future trends,
Lyocell fibers, absorbent fibers. (9)

INORGANIC FIBERS: Glass fibers- types and composition, Manufacturing processes, Fibre structure and properties,
Applications of Glass wool in thermal and sound insulation, optical fibres. Ceramic fibers- Classification and fibre formation,
Composition, Structure and properties. Applications of ceramic fibers in coated abrasives and the aerospace industry. Metallic
Fibres. Basalt fibers-spin process and fiber properties, Technical properties, Technical applications and composites. (9)

SPECIALTY FIBERS: Smart / functional specialty fibers-Stimuli responsive and smart textiles, Non circular/ hollow Fibres, Bi-
component and other specialty fibers and Electro spun nanofibers. (9)

Total L: 45
1. The Chemistry of Textile Fibres
-Performance Fibres

1. -
2. - A Volume in Textile
Institute Book Series, Wood head Publishing, UK, 2019.
3 Fibres
Publishing, UK, 2018.
4 Structure and Properties of High-Performance Fibers

68th ACM 04.02.2023


LONG STAPLE FIBRES AND WOOL: Introduction - varieties - Fibre extraction - grading. Physical and Chemical properties.
Woollen and Worsted spinning. Preparation Production processes. Properties and Applications. (9)

OTHER HAIR FIBRES: Camel hair - Llama hair - Alpaca hair - Angoara - Mohair - Cashmere wool - Goat hair minor hair
Fibres. Preparation Production processes. Properties and Applications. (9)

BAST FIBRES: Jute - Flax - Hemp and Banana Fibres - Fiber extraction. - Preparation Production processes. Properties and
Applications. (9)

LEAF FIBRES AND FRUIT FIBRES: Sisal - Pineapple - Fibre extraction - Preparation Production processes. Properties and
Applications. (9)

MULTI FIBRE SPINNING: Blending of fibres during staple fibre spinning, Characteristics of manmade fibres and their
spinnability. Blending at draw frame. Processing of manmade fibres and blends on staple fibre spinning system. Properties of
blended yarns. Spinning of dyed fibres. Mélange yarns. Tow to top Conversion. Bulk yarn. (9)

Total L: 45
2. Fibres

1. Sykes A B, Richards R T D, " Woollen Yarn Manufacture", The Textile Institute, UK, 1994.
2. Sharp P, "Flax, Tow and Jute Spinning", Abhishek Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
3. Fibres y and
Sons, Ltd., Publication, UK, 2010.


RAW MATERIAL SELECTION AND CONTROL: Quality definition, tools of quality control. Quality management in spinning
industry. Fibre selection Application of High volume instrument & Spinning consistency Index on fibre selection. Bale
management techniques. (9)

CONTROL OF WASTE, NEPS AND FIBRE RUPTURE: Yarn realization Factors influencing the yarn realization. Control of
waste in blow room, card and comber - Influence of machine and process parameters on waste removal. Assessment of
intensity of opening and cleaning. Control of nep generation and fibre rupture in blow room. Improving the nep removal in
carding and combing machines. (9)

YARN QUALITY ANALYSIS AND CONTROL: Control of count, strength and its variation. Control of yarn hairiness. Control
yarn evenness and imperfections. Principle of autolevellers and their influence on yarn count variation, evenness.
Interpretation and analysis of diagram, spectrogram and V- L curve. Case studies related to control of count variation, yarn
evenness, imperfections and identification of periodic faults using spectrogram. (9)

PROCESS CONTROL IN SPINNING OF SYNTHETIC FIBRES AND BLENDS: Synthetic fibre characteristics, blend proportion
and their influence on yarn quality. Blending of synthetic fibres and blends selection of fibres, methods of blending.
Assessment of homogeneity of fibre blends and its influence on yarn quality. Process parameters and setting for
processing of synthetic fibres and blends in cotton spinning system. Spinning of dyed fibres. Norms for man-made fibre and
blended yarns. (9)

PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS: Productivity indices. Factors affecting the production limits of the spinning machinery. Effect of
R.H, Temperature and condition of machines on productivity. Control of end breaks in ring spinning. Balancing of spinning
machinery. Yarn defects, yarn faults and package faults- classification, assessment, causes and remedies. (9)

Total: 45
Publishing India, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Garde A R and Subramanian T A, "Process Control in Spinning ATIRA, Ahmedabad, 1989.


2. Ratnam T V. and Chellamani. K. P., Quality Control in Spinning, SITRA Coimbatore 1999.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


ELEMENTS OF PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL IN WEAVING: Scope, contribution of yarn and weaving preparatory
operations, methodology, setting norms, schedule of checks, machinery audit. Productivity, Efficiency, Online process controls,
quality control and monitoring. (9)

WINDING AND WARPING: Process parameters, removal of yarn faults, quality of knots and splices, package quality, winding
performance. Control of productivity optimum allocation, efficiency calculation. Minimizing end breaks in warping, Tension
level, warping performance, Control of hard waste, productivity, efficiency calculation. Quality of warping beam. (9)

SIZING: Process parameters, choice of size recipe, preparation of size recipe, control of size pick-up, control of yarn stretch,
control of moisture in sized beams, quality of sized beams, improving weavability of sized yarn, control of productivity, sizing
losses. (9)

PIRN WINDING, DRAWING-IN AND WARP TYEING: Process parameters, Minimising end breaks, Improving pirn build,
control of productivity, efficiency calculation. Selection and care of healds, reeds, drop pins. Control of extra ends, reducing
incidence of cross ends on the weaver's beam. (9)

WEAVING: Control of loom speed, Factors influencing weaving efficiency, Calculation of weaving efficiency, control of loss of
efficiency. Control of loom stops warp breaks, weft breaks, shuttle changes, miscellaneous stops. Loom performance,
Weavers workload, weave room environment, Cost control in weaving. Control of hard waste Quality of weavers beam. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Paliwal M C and Kimothy P D, "Process Control in Weaving", ATIRA, Ahmedabad, 1983.
2. Mukesh Kumar Singh, Industrial practices in weaving preparatory, Woodhead Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 2014

1. Lord P R and M.H. Mohamed, Weaving: Conversion of Yarns to Fabrics, Woodhead Publishing Co., Cambridge, England,
Cambridge, UK, 2012.
3. Balasubramaniyan K, Maintenance Management In Weaving, SITRA Publications, Coimbatore, 2019.


SPECIALTY YARNS: Definition, Yarn quality requirements, Design and manufacturing of Hybrid yarns, High bulk yarns,
Electro-conductive yarns, Coated yarns. Reflective yarns. Elastomeric yarns. Technical sewing threads, characterization and
Applications. (9)

SPECIALTY FABRICS: Structural design, Properties-Performance and applications of specialty fabrics: Denim, Spacer fabrics
- Woven and Knitted, Profiled fabrics, Contour fabrics. Polar fabrics. Spiral fabrics. Multi-functional fabrics, Leno fabric,
Applications. (9)

3D WOVEN AND KNITTED FABRICS: 3D multilayer interlock weave, 3D non crimp weave, 3D dual interlaced weave; hollow
3D woven fabrics, 3D knitting technologies, 3D knitted structures, multi-axial warp knit, fully fashioned 3D fabrics, Jacquard
fabrics. (9)

ADVANCES IN TEXTILES: Development in leno weave fabrics, development in tri-axial woven fabric, interwoven fabrics,
flocked fabric, knotted fabrics, Shell woven textiles, nodal three-dimensional woven textiles. (9)

CARPETS AND HOME TEXTILES: Definition requirements, Non-pile carpet weaves and their looms. Pile surfaced carpet
weaves and their looms. Needle felt floor coverings. Kitchen linen, Bedlinen, Furnishing, Floor coverings, Wall coverings,
Decoration fabrics. (9)

Total L: 45
2. : Properties, Applications and Modelling of Three-
publishing in textiles, Cambridge, 2008.

1. -Weaving and noobing: characterization of interlaced and non-interlaced 3D fabric forming princip
Chalmers, University of Technology, Sweden, 1997.
Delhi, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


GEOMETRY OF TWISTED YARNS: , packing density, and
diameter. Twist factor - twist contraction; Limits of twist. Idealized packing. Yarn mechanics. measurement of yarn diameter,

FIBRE MIGRATION: Ideal migration - tracer fibre technique - characterization of migration behaviour - migration in spun yarns-
mechanisms of migration - effect of various parameters on migration behaviour. (7)

GEOMETRY OF CLOTH STRUCTURE: Basic quantities of woven fabrics, definitions and relations: Crossing of yarns in woven
fabrics, crossing factors, coverings, Model of woven fabric: Peirce - Kemp and Olofsson models; crimp ratio and thread
spacing; Fabric cover and fractional cover. jamming of threads; crimp interchange; balance of crimp. (9)

WOVEN FABRIC MECHANICS: Fabric deformation under tensile stress; prediction of modulus; tensile properties in bias
direction; other fabric deformation - compression - shear - bending and buckling; fabric handle. (9)

KNITTED FABRICS AND NONWOVEN STRUCTURES: Basic quantities and relations of knitted fabrics and basic nonwoven
structures, Load-extension of warp knit fabrics; structure of felts; mechanical behaviour of needle felts. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Goswami B C, Martindale J G and Scardino , "Textile Yarns: Technology, structure and Application", Wiley Interscience,
New York, 2010.
2. head Publishing Ltd, UK, 2004.

Delhi, 2019.
2. Hearle J W S, Grosberg P and Backer S, "Structural Mechanics of Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics", Wiley Interscience, New
York, 1969.
3. Fibre
Noordhoff, 1980.
4. ublishing Ltd, UK, 2005.


FIBRES AND TEXTILES IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Preferred fibres towards sustainable solutions. Recycled and bio-
based synthetic fibres. Fibre blends recycling. A new textiles economy the importance of a global circular economy: Circular
economy principles, Linear versus circular economy: conceptual differences, Rethinking of the global textile system reuse and
recycling of clothing, circular initiatives in the fashion and textile industry. Circular textiles and fashion challenges and barriers.

SPINNING AND WEAVING WASTE MANAGEMENT: Classification of waste. Wastes in spinning. Wastes in weaving.
Recycling of spinning and weaving wastes. Machines for waste management: Willow machine. Trash analyzer. Recycling
waste reopener. Roving stripping and opening machine. Thread extractor. Garnetting machine. Development of textile products
from the spinning and weaving wastes. (9)

WASTE MANAGEMENT IN APPAREL MANUFACTURING: Importance of marker planning and fabric waste management.
Control measures in waste management. Garneting, Web preparation, 3D weaving, Compression molding, Seamless
garments. End life of clothes and their management: Collection of used clothing, Reuse of secondhand clothing, Redesign
and remanufacturing, Recycling, Energy recovery, Disposal to landfill. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF WASTES IN TECHNICAL TEXTILES: Protective clothing: Types and approaches for waste management.
Automotive waste management technologies. Packaging waste and their management technologies. Management of textile
leather waste-Impact of leather waste, Treatment of leather waste, New innovative products from the leather waste. (9)

DENIM WASTE MANAGEMENT: Problem with denim waste. Recovery techniques for denim waste-Industrial denim waste,
Post consumer waste. Recycling of denim waste, Design for recycling denim, Upcycling denim waste. Development of recycled
products- New products from denim waste, Denim from other waste materials. Life cycle assessment of denim fabrics.
Environmental benefits of denim recycling. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Elsevier Publishing, USA,
2. Fibres , Elsevier Publishing, USA, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Baskar C, Ramakrishna S, Baskar S, Sharma R, Chinnappan A, Sehrawat R, Handbook of Solid Waste Management ,
Springer Publishers, Singapore, 2021.
2. Muthu S S, Textiles and Clothing Sustainability, Springer Publishers, Singapore, 2017.
3. Muthu S S,Sustainability in Denim, Elsevier Publishing, USA, 2017.



DIGITAL PRINTING: Introduction. Inkjet printing technology. Continuous and drop on demand technologies. Printer software
Digital encoding and formation of printed images and digital colour management. Digital printing colouration substrate
preparation for ink-jet printing, pigmented ink formulation. Effect of pretreatment on print quality and its measurement, and inkjet
printing of cationized cotton with reactive inks. (9)

CARPET AND FABRIC PRINTING: Historical development of carpet printing, Carpet printing, Printing of carpet tiles,
Treatments before and after printing, Physical factors affecting the quality of printed carpets, Selection of dyes and chemicals
for printing of nylon carpets, Printing of carpets tufted from fibres other than nylon. (9)

SPECIAL PRINTING TECHNIQUES: Developments in photo printing and blast printing with Indigo. Developments in xerox
printing and laser printing for fancy effects. Printing of velvets. Yarn printing (space dyeing). 3D printing and UV printing. (9)

COATING AND LAMINATION OF TEXTILES: Basic principles of coating and laminating processes, Polymeric materials for
coated and laminated products, Textile substrate for coated and laminated products, Preparation for coating. Interaction
between polymers and textile substrates. Sustainability of coated and laminated textile products and their applications. (9)

FINISHING OF SYNTHETIC FABRICS: Heat setting of synthetic fabrics. Various methods of heat setting and mechanism of
heat Setting. Mechanism in the weight reduction of PET by using alkali and enzyme; Production of silk like polyester.
Modification of fabric properties using laser, plasma and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). Foam Finishing. Drawbacks of foam
finishing. (9)

Total L: 45

1. hire, UK, 2003.
4. 2008.


PREPARATORY CHEMICALS: Evaluation of sizing ingredients which includes natural and synthetic adhesives, lubricants and
miscellaneous additives such as deliquescent materials, antiseptics etc. Evaluation of desizing agents, Scouring agents,
Bleaching chemicals, Chelating agents, Stabilizing agents, Enzymes etc. Evaluation of NaoH and liquid ammonia. (9)

DYES: Evaluation of dyestuff, Pigments, Dyestuff precursors: Purity, Colour strength and Characteristics. (9)

DYEING AUXILIARIES: Evaluation of chemicals and auxiliaries used in dyeing such as Dye fixing agents, Dispersing agents,
Exhausting agents, Solubilizing agents, Leveling agents, Antifoaming agents, Carriers and Accelerants and Miscellaneous
chemicals and auxiliaries. (9)

PRINTING CHEMICALS: Evaluation and testing of printing paste ingredients such as thickeners, Humectants, Hygroscopic
agents, Carriers , Accelerators, Swelling agents, Wetting agents, Surface active agents, Solvents, solution aids, Dispersing
agents, Oxidizing agents and Oxygen carriers, Reducing, Resisting, Discharging agents, Cross-linking agents and Catalysts
used in pigment printing and miscellaneous chemicals. (9)

FINISHING CHEMICALS: Evaluation of finishing agents like stiffening/filling agents, Cross linking agents, Fluorescent
brightening agents, Softening agents, Waterproof /water repelling agents, Flame retarding agents, Antistatic agent, Soil
releasing agents, Anti-pilling agents, Rot proofing, Mildew proofing agent. (9)

Total L: 45
1. NPCS Board of Consultants & Engineers, Handbook on Textile Auxiliaries, Dyes and Dye Intermediates Technology, Asia
Pacific Business Press Inc., 2009.
2. N N Mahapatra, Textile Dyes, Woodhead Publishing India, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. .
2. e Publisher inc, New York,
3. Sevak Publication, Mumbai, 1990.
4. Fibres


LIGHT AND COLOUR: Properties of light-reflection, Refraction, Transmission, Absorption and Scattering. Colour Perception:
Nature of colour- Physical basis of colour, Human colour vision system. Hue, Luminosity, Lightness, Saturation, Reducing
power and Opacity. (9)

COLOUR DESCRIPTION: Colour primaries and colour mixing - additive and subtractive colour mixing, Colour
specification,Colour order systems Munsel colour order system and Ostwald colour order system. (8)

COLOUR MEASUREMENT OF SUBSTRATES: Principle. Spectroscopic reflectance measurement. Calculation of K/S value.
Kubelka-Munk Theory, Computation of tristimulus values. Calculation of L*, a*, b*,c* and h values. CIE standard illuminants and
observer. Measurement of fluorescence, whiteness and yellowness indices. (8)

COLOUR MATCHING AND DIFFERENCES: Definition. Manual, Instrumental colour matching, Spectral match, Tristimulus
match. CIELAB and CIELCH colour space. Computation of colour difference. Influence of moisture content on colour matching.
Metamerism in colour matching. (8)

COLOUR MEASUREMENT OF LIQUIDS AND RECIPE PREDICTION: Principle. Measurement of absorption and transmission
value, Calibration graph, Determination of concentration of colourants, Application of Beer-
matching in recipe prediction. Advantages and limitations. (12)

Total L: 45

Cambridge, 2010.



Publications, Ahmedabad, 1990.

Hilger, Bristol, U K, 1983.


PROCESSING OF MAN MADE STAPLE FIBERS: Fiber characteristics and spinnability, General problems - Spin finish,
inadequacies of fiber materials. Static electricity. Blending methods. Spinning machine elements and general settings for
manmade fibers. (9)

SPINNING OF STAPLE FIBERS AND BLENDS: Production of viscose staple, viscose blends, polyester staple, polyester
blends and mélange yarns. Ring spinning systems, rotor spinning systems and Air vortex spinning systems. Process
parameters. (9)

TECHNICAL YARNS AND SEWING THREADS: Technical yarns Types, Manufacturing methods, Properties and
Applications. Sewing threads -basic requirements and characteristics, types, manufacturing of synthetics sewing threads. Core
spun sewing threads. Quality of sewing threads. (9)

WEAVING AND KNITTING OF BLENDED YARNS: Weaving-Warping-creel, control zone and headstock. Sizing-sizing
materials, size recipe, pre-wet sizing and single end sizing, Synthetics and blended yarn characteristics for shuttleless loom.
Size consideration for filament yarns suitable for various shuttleless loom. Weaving-Woven fabric formation in shuttleless loom.
Process parameters. Knitting - yarn quality requirements and characteristics, Process parameters. (9)

CHEMICAL PROCESSING OF BLENDED MATERIALS: Preparatory processes for manmade textile, heat setting of synthetic
fabrics, effects of heat setting on dyeing. Mass colouration of synthetic fibres. Yarn dyeing. Chemical processing of synthetic
yarns. Printing of synthetic and blended fabrics. Functional and easy care finishes on synthetics and blends. (9)

Total L:45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Thomas Weide, "The Rieter Manual of Spinning, Volume.7 Processing of manmade fibers", Rieter Machine Works
Limited, Switzerland,2016.
2. emical processing of Synthetic Fibres

2. 1994.
4. -
New Delhi, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Classification- Chemical and mechanical finishing. Processing methods, Challenge, Importance.
Applications, Concentration relationship, Wet pick up: Low wet pick up methods, factors affecting wet pick up. Calculations: Wet
pick up efficiency, Concentration for padding solution, Solution Flow rate, and Feed flow rate. SOFTENING FINISHES:
Introduction. Mechanisms of the softening effect. Types of Softeners. Compatibility and combinability of softeners. Evaluation
and testing methods. Troubleshooting for softening finishes. (11)

HAND BUILDING FINISHES: Introduction. Hand building effect. Textiles with hand building finishes. Hand builder chemistry.
Types of Hand builders - Natural, Synthetics. Evaluation methods. Trouble shooting for hand building finishes. (7)

NON-SLIP AND ELASTOMERIC FINISHES: Introduction. Mechanisms of non-slip finishes. Chemistry of non-slip finishes.
Application methods and combinability. Evaluation, Trouble shooting for non-slip finishes. Mechanism of elastomeric effect.
Evaluation. Trouble shooting for elastomeric finishes. (9)

PROTECTIVE FINISHES: Introduction. Mechanism of UV protection. Chemistry of UV Protection finishes. Evaluation. Trouble
shooting for UV protection finishes, EMI Shielding. Antimicrobial finish. Mechanisms of antimicrobial finishes. Biological
protection finishes, Evaluation. Trouble shooting for antimicrobial finishes. (9)

NOVEL FINISHES: Introduction. Anti-odour and fragrance finishes. Mosquito repellent finish. Conductive finishing
Microencapsulation technique for finishing of Textiles, Nanofinishing. Enzyme finishing. (9)

Total L : 45
Cambridge, 2004.

2. Fibre


INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLE PROCESSING: Concepts, definition, Importance, Primary goals principles and
dimensions of sustainable production, Circular economy in textiles, Recycling of textiles, Connection between supply, demand
and sustainability, Environmental and social impacts of the textiles and clothing industry. (9)

ADVANCED PROCESSING TECHNIQUES: Principle and advantages of dry processing. Plasma treatment Dyeing, Finishing
and Effluent treatment. Supercritical carbon dioxide processing of textiles, Surface modification by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)
irradiation, Laser modification, Dielectric barrier discharge and Corona discharge. Electrochemical reduction - Ultrasonic
dyeing. Concept of low level application of chemicals. (9)

APPROACH TO ECO-FRIENDLY PROCESSING: Fibre origin, Approach and alternative methods/chemicals in pretreatments,
Eco-friendly dyes and dyeing & printing, Eco-Friendly Finishing formaldehyde free finishing, Halogen free FR finish, Comfort
and hygiene finishing using natural agents. Enzymes in preparatory processes, Printing, Finishing and effluent treatment. (9)

ECO-TESTING OF TEXTILES: Testing of banned chemicals such as free from formaldehyde, Pesticides, Pentachlorophenol,
Heavy metals, Azo dyes containing aromatic amines & benzidine and halogen carriers. Principle of instruments used
Chromatography (HPLC, GC, TLC) and Mass Spectrometry and Atomic Absorption/Emission Spectrometry. (9)

ECO STANDARDS AND ECO-LABELS: Regulations concerning azo dyes- banned amines, Pesticides, Heavy metals,
Formaldehyde and Pentachlorophenol in textiles. Global eco standards and eco-labels. Ecomark scheme of India. Criteria for

68th ACM 04.02.2023

an eco-label based on the life cycle. Eco-Management: Concept of eco-management, eco-audit, certification and labeling of
eco-friendly textiles. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Richard Blackburn, Sustainable Textiles: Life Cycle and Environmental Impact, Wood head Pub.Ltd, 2009
2. Shahid UI-Islam, Bhupendra Singh Butola, The Impact and Prospects of Green Chemistry For Textile, Elsevier, 2018

2. Miraftab
3. Christier M, Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing, Woodhead Pub. Ltd, Cambridge, 2007
4. Charis M Galanakis, Biobased Products and Industries, Elsevier, 2020


EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS AND TREATMENTS: pH, TDS, TSS, COD, BOD, Colour. Sources of effluents from textiles.
Flow chart. Preliminary Treatment - Screening, Shredding, Grit Removal, Preservation, Chemical Addition. Primary Treatments
- Screening sedimentation Equalisation Neutralisation Coagulation Floatation. (9)

Microbial processes - General aspects, Aerobic treatment - Activated sludge process, Fungi, Anaerobic treatment; Enzymatic
processes -General aspects, Oxidative enzyme remediation, Reductive enzymes (9)

TERTIARY TREATMENTS: Adsorption - Activated carbon, Ion-exchange resins, Inorganic, Biomass. Oxidation - Radiation,
Electrochemical, Chemical, Thermal, Corona discharge. Separation - Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration, Reverse osmosis,
Microfiltration. OZONE AND ADVANCED OXIDATION: Decolourisation mechanisms with ozone and ozone-based Advanced
Oxidation Process. Electron beam/O3, UV/O3, UV/H2O2, H2O2/O3, Photo catalytic, Catalytic ozonation, UV/O3/H2O2. (9)

ANALYSIS OF SLUDGE AND REGULATIONS: Characteristics of textile Sludge. Hazardous effect of sludge on the
environment. Problems associated with storage and disposal of sludge. Government Regulations Norms for treated water. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF SLUDGE: Treatment and disposal of sludge Sludge Management: Source reduction Bio-elimination
Solid separation - Incineration. Usage in civil engineering and cement manufacturing industries. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Himanshu Patel and Vashi R T, Characterization and Treatment of Textile Wastewater, Elsevier, 2015.
2. Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu, Advances in Textile Waste Water Treatments, Springer, 2021.

1. Mohd Yusuf, Handbook of Textile Effluent Remediation, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2018.

and Science (BITS), PILANI, Rajasthan, India, 2000.


PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ESSENTIAL TO DYEING THEORY: Laws of Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry Thermodynamics
of solutions. Properties of solutions. Theories of ionization. Law of independent ionic migration. Acidity and alkalinity of aqueous
solutions. Surface chemistry. Adsorption at dye bath Fibre interfaces. Kinetics of chemical reactions. (9)

DYE FIBRE BONDS: Classification of fibres and dyes. Surface energy and Interfacial effect. Intermolecular forces
Hydrophobic interaction. Identification of dye Fibre forces Dyeing mechanisms. Specific dye Fibre bonds. Influence of
Fibre Structure on Dye Uptake: Fibre structure. Classification of dyeing systems. Heat treatment. (9)

THERMODYNAMICS OF DYE SORPTION: Activity of a dye Affinity and Substantivity, Aggregation of dyes. Heat of dyeing.
Dyeing at equilibrium. Donnan membrane effect. Dyeing isotherms. Diffusion and Rates of Dyeing:
- diffusion in anisotropic media, Diffusion in the steady state, Diffusion in non-steady state, Boundary layers in diffusion,
Diffusion in finite baths. Practical dyeing systems. (9)

RESPONSE OF FIBRES TO DYEING PROCESSES: Dyeing phenomena and the molecular organisation of the fibre.
Relationship between temperature and physical properties of man-made fibres. WLF equation. Solubility parameter concept
and dyeing, Swelling of fibres and plasticisation. Practical dyeing systems. Carrier dyeing. Dry heat fixation. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

REACTIVE DYE - FIBRE SYSTEMS: Dye-Fibre reactions- Reactive dyes Structure and classification of reactive dyes,
Mechanism of reaction with textile fibres and water. Efficiency of reactive dyeing. Reactive sites in textile fibres. Methods for
identification of dye- reactive sites. (9)

Total L: 45

1. iety of Dyers and
Colourists, 2010.
2. Colour

2. and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres
3. Hilger, Bristol, U K, 1983.


FUNDAMENTALS ON WETTING: Surface tension of liquids and theories on its measurements; Equilibrium state of a liquid on
a solid; Solid-liquid interaction in immersion, Penetration, Adhesion and Spreading. (9)

WETTING OF TEXTILES AND CHARACTERIZATION: Determination of wetting force and work of adhesion; Wettability
assessment of textiles and measurement of contact angle using goniometry and tensiometry; Critical assessment of the above
techniques; Importance of wetting of fabrics and its assessment. (9)

WICKING IN YARNS AND FABRICS: Fundamentals of wicking; Wicking in yarns and its measurement; Wicking in fabrics from
an infinite and finite reservoirs; Studies on factors affecting wetting and wicking in fibres and fibrous assemblies; Mathematical
models of wetting and wicking. (9)

DRYING OF TEXTILES: Introduction. Types of moisture present in textile materials. Types of Drying Mechanical method,
Thermal method. Drying steps-Constant rate period and falling rate period. Effect of drying rate on uniformity of drying. Energy
aspects in drying. (9)

APPLICATION: Areas of wetting and wicking of fibrous materials; Role of wetting and wicking on comfort behaviour of textiles;
Significance of wetting and wicking in medical and hygiene products; Usefulness of wetting and wicking in industrial and
domestic products. (9)

Total L: 45


Progress, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2006.
mathematics, 2008.
4. CRC Press, 2014.



MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING STRATEGIES: Defining Marketing, Core Marketing Concepts, Marketing
Environment, Company Orientation towards the Market Place, marketing mix, Demand states and marketing tasks. Market
Strategy - Value-delivery process, Strategic planning intensive, integrative and diversification growth strategies. (9)

demand and future demand. Market Research - Scope of Market Research, Marketing research process. Consumer behaviour
- Factors influencing consumer behaviour, buying decision process. (9)

BUILDING BRANDS AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Market Segmentation: Segments of consumer markets, Market
targeting, Brand Positioning developing and establishing brand positioning. Product life cycle marketing strategies. Product
characteristics and classification, Differentiation, Product hierarchy, Product system and mixes. (9)

MERCHANDISING: Dimensions of product change. Nature and timing of merchandising responsibilities line planning, line
development and line presentation. Retail Merchandising Introduction to Retail Merchandising Types of retail merchandising-
Department stores Discounters Off-price retailers Outlet source Close out Warehouse clubs. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

VISUAL AND FASHION MERCHANDISING: Definition Elements of Visual Merchandising Displays -Principles of Displays
Window display Interior Display -Mannequins Department displays Signs Lighting -Fixtures. Fashion merchandising,
Ready to wear (pre-a-porter), Fashion life cycle. (9)

Total L : 45
Delhi, 2016.
2. Ruth E.Glock and
Jersey, 2004.

2. Publication, United Kingdom, 2009.


PRODUCTION CONTROL: Definition - objectives of production control - co ordination of production control department to
manufacturing organizations other departments. Pre production functions - product acceptance - steps from prototype to
production model - order requirements. (9)

PLANNING IN CUTTING DEPARTMENT: Cut order planning - types of spreads - spreading methods marker utilization -
economic cut quantities. Control forms in cutting department. Calculation of marker efficiency. Factors affecting marker
efficiency. (9)

PLANNING IN SEWING DEPARTMENT: Production systems-whole garment production system - progressive bundle system -
unit production system - multiple flow system - modular system. Principles for choosing suitable production system. Evaluation
of garment production systems. FLOW PROCESS GRID: Garment breakdown with machine & attachment details - Flow
process grid construction - flow process grids for production control. Control forms in production department. (9)

PLANT LOADING AND CAPACITY PLANNING: Determination of machinery requirements for a new factory - calculation of
labour requirements, available plant capacity, plant efficiency - application of line balancing techniques - balance control.
Establishing factory capacity - planning for multi style production - preparation of planning board. (9)

PRODUCTION SCHEDULING: Principles of scheduling - scheduling charts - GANTT chart - backlog graph - scheduling control
techniques. Network representations - CPM and PERT. Examples and calculations. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Jacob Solinger, "Apparel Manufacturing Handbook-Analysis, Principles and Practice", Columbia Boblin Media Corp., USA,
2. Rajesh Bheda, "Managing Productivity of Apparel industry", CBI publishers and distributors, New Delhi, 2002.

1. Chuter AJ, "Introduction to clothing production management", Blackwell Publishing, UK, 2004.
2. PattyBrown and Janett Rice, "Ready To Wear Apparel Analysis", Prentice Hall, India, 1998.
3. Glock R E and Kunz G I, "Apparel Manufacturing - Sewn Product Analysis", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
4. David J Tyler, "Materials Management in Clothing Production", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1991.


INTRODUCTION: Textile engineering attributes and concepts. Textile product development basic concepts and critical
factors. Textile product design conceptualization and analysis. Fibre Selection: Structure, characteristics and types of fibre
for textile and apparel product design. Case studies. (9)

YARN SELECTION: Structure and types of yarn for textile and apparel product design. Design-related aspects of yarn
structure. Case studies. (9)

FABRIC SELECTION: Types of fabric for textile product design. Fabric performance characteristics. Fabric attributes
structural, mechanical, hand-related and transfer. Case studies. Finishing Processes: Introduction. Yarn finish. Fabric finish.
Coating and lamination. Criteria for selection of finish for textile and apparel product design. Case studies. (9)

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Development of denim product, sportswear, extreme climate clothing and fire fighter protective
clothing performance characteristics and related attributes. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ANALYSIS OF APPAREL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Role of product analysis -professional garment analysis and methods
of garment analysis. Processes of product analysis product positioning strategy, sizing and fit, materials selection, garment
structure and garment presentation. Professional perspectives on product development. (9)

Ltd., Cambridge, 2009.

1. Mastudaira T, and Suresh M N, "Design Logic of Textile Products", Volume 27, No.3, Textile Progress, Textile
Institute, Manchester, 1997.
3. Apurba Das


CLOTHING CHARACTERISTICS: Clothing science - importance and prospects. Clothing performance characteristics
comfort, durability, handle and tailorability. Physiological Comfort: Aspects of clothing physiological comfort. Tactile comfort
Effects of fabric and garment properties on tactile sensations. Factors influencing garment fit and ease of body movement.
Pressure comfort comfortable range of garment pressure and factors influencing pressure comfort. (9)

THERMOPHYSIOLOGICAL COMFORT: Humans and their thermal environment, heat transfer theories, thermal conductivity of
fibrous materials, steady state measurement techniques for heat transfer, transient heat transfer mechanism: thermal insulation
properties of fabrics and functional clothing, effects of garment design, moisture vapour transmission and liquid water transport
properties of fabrics and clothing. (9)

PSYCHOLOGICAL COMFORT: Introduction. Assessment of psychological comfort. Factors influencing psychological comfort -
colour, surface texture, garment design, size and fit. Aesthetic Properties: Introduction. Influence of fibre, yarn, fabric and
processing parameters on pilling, drape, wrinkle recovery and lustre. (9)

DURABILITY: Introduction. Influence of fibre, yarn, fabric and processing parameters on abrasion resistance, fabric and
garment strength. Dimensional Stability: Introduction. Hygral expansion, relaxation shrinkage, swelling shrinkage and felting
shrinkage. Shrinkage in knitted fabrics. Stretch and recovery properties of fabrics. (9)

HANDLE AND TAILORABILITY: Ideal fabric concept. Low stress mechanical properties of fabrics and tailoring performance.
Fabric buckling and formability-Lindsberg theory. Effects of fibre, yarn and fabric properties, dyeing and finishing treatments on
handle and tailorability. (9)

Total L : 45



ted, Cambridge, 1999.

3. Masaka Niwa, "Clothing Science, its Importance and Prospects", Textile Asia, December, 2001.


physical ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, organizational ergonomics. Suitable examples from textile and apparel industry.

TYPES OF ERGONOMICS: Conceptual ergonomics, system ergonomics, corrective ergonomics, software ergonomics,
hardware ergonomics. Micro-ergonomics and macro-ergonomics. Suitable examples from textile and apparel industry. (9)

ERGONOMIC CONDITIONS OF WORK: Physiological conditions, Psycho-sociological conditions: motivation, fatigue,

monotony and stress. Anthropometric conditions, biomechanics, Ecological conditions. Suitable examples from textile and
apparel industry. (9)

ERGONOMIC PRINCIPLES: Ergonomic principles in designing workplace: analysis of workplace, analysis of movement,
standing workplace, sitting workplace. Designing working processes, determining working time, handling materials and tools,
designing environment. Suitable examples from textile and apparel industry. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

ERGONOMIC DESIGN OF WORK PLACE IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY: Ergonomics in storage of textile materials, ergonomics
workplace in spinning, weaving and garment industries, warehouse and distribution, clothing store, maintenance workplace. (9)

Total L:45
Textiles, 2014.
-Hill, International, New York, 2002.

1. - Wiley & Sons International, New York, 1995.
2. Ergonomics - Work and Healt .
3. .


specifications, Testing and Inspection of raw materials, fabric inspection system - sewing threads-Zippers-Buttons-Interlining.
Spreading - requirements, Properties of fabrics, Plaids and naps, Tension in spreading fabrics. Cutting & Bundling - Quality
factors in cutting and drill- Bundling and ticketing as related to quality. (9)

STITCH AND SEAM QUALITY MEASUREMENT: Stitch size- Stitch tension-Seam elasticity and elongation- Fabric distortions
- Seam size- Seam slippage and Seam strength. Fabric Sewability- Principles for selecting proper stitch and seam types.
Control of sewing, seaming and assembly defects-In process inspection in sewing. (9)

and tolerance- Method of measuring. Pressing - Quality requirement for pressing operation, Packaging - Quality control in
functional package for apparel, Merchandise package, Stock storage, Shipping package, Warehousing. (9)

CARE LABELLING OF APPAREL: American Care labelling System-British Care Labelling System- International
Care Labelling System- Canadian Care Labelling System- Japanese Care labelling System -Symbols and meanings. (9)

STATISTICAL SAMPLING: Acceptable Sampling- Acceptable Quality level (AQL); Single sampling- Double Sampling. AOQL
quality- Seven tools of quality control Flowcharts, Control charts, Cause and Effect diagrams, Pareto charts, Check sheets,
Histogram and scatter diagram. Quality management - ISO series of standards- Introduction to TQM-Concepts of TQM Kaizen
Bench marking techniques. (9)

Total L : 45
1. Solinger Jacob,"Apparel Manufacturing Hand book - Analysis , Principles and Practice", Columbia Boblin Media Corp., 1988.
2. Mehta, Pradip V, "An Introduction to Quality Control for Apparel Industry" ASQC Quality Press,1992.

1. Samuel K H, "Encyclopedia of Management - TQM Vo1 3, Crest Publishing House , India, 1999.


FABRIC PROPERTIES AND PERFORMANCE: Dimensional and physical properties, Mechanical and other miscellaneous
properties, Performance. Garment make-up process and fabric properties: Pattern grading, Laying-up and cutting, Seaming
and sewing, Pressing, Other processes. (9)

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND MAKE-UP PROCESS: Control system: Control chart and its analysis. Fabric tailorability,
buckling and formability. Sewability: Quality parameters for sewability assessment, Seam strength, Seam pucker, Seam
slippage. Sewing thread - characteristics required for different applications in the garment industry; types of sewing thread and
their production method; specifying sewing threads. (9)

FABRIC SOURCING AND SELECTION: Fabric sourcing: Sourcing responsibilities, Sales forecasting, Merchandise planning,
Product specification, Source supplier identification, type of suppliers, Minimum order and limitations, Materials testing, Third
party accreditation. Fabric
system, Four-point system, Ten-point system, Fabric defects. (9)

SELECTING GARMENT ACCESSORIES, TRIMS, AND CLOSURES: Introduction to garment accessories, Types of garment
accessories, Basic accessories, Decorative accessories, finishing accessories, supporting materials: Linings and interlinings,
applications. Wa
evaluation of quality of trims and accessories. (9)

FASHION ACCESSORIES: Footwear, components and styles of footwear, Handbags and small leather goods, Other
accessories: head wear, Gloves, Belts, Neckwear. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total :45

Cambridge, 2015.

1. Gupta and Zakaria, Anthropometry, Apparel Sizing and Design, Woodhead, 2014.
2. Pradip V Mehta , "An Introduction to Quality Control for the Apparel Industry", CRC Press, Newyork,USA,1992.
3. Ruth E Glock, Grace I Kunz , "Apparel manufacturing sewn product analysis", Pearson, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Sinclair, Textiles and Fashion, Woodhead publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2014.



INTRODUCTION: Sources of Energy, Limitations of Natural resources. Types of energy sources used in textile industry.
Unexploited energy sources and problems in their exploitation. Energy exploration from various sources. (9)

ENERGY CONSUMPTION PATTERNS: Present energy consumption trends, Growth and Demand pattern. Energy use in
production processes Fibre production, Spinning, Textured yarn production, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing and Finishing,
Clothing Manufacture. Energy use in Auxillary Machinery Boiler, Humidification plants, compressors. Energy & Material
Balance Diagram. (9)

ENERGY CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Organizational rationalization, Improving the efficient of usage
of Electricity, Fuel and Steam. Utilization of heat exchanger. Case Study: Benefits of energy efficient technologies /
equipments- Fibre to fabric. Economics with payback period. (9)

MODERN CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES IN WET PROCESSING: Applications of Ultrasound, Plasma, RF Waves, Infra
Red, Supercritical fluid, Electrochemical techniques. Economics with payback period. (9)

ENERGY AUDIT AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: Objectives. Types of Audit. Instrumentation and Methodology of
conducting Audit. Analysis of Energy Audit Data. Specific Energy Consumption (UKG), Specific Water Consumption, Specific
Fuel Consumption, Specific Steam Consumption. Cross Country Comparisons of energy usage Developed & Developing
Nations. Benchmarking. Impact on environment. Policy options for promotion of Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sound
Technologies. (9)

Total L : 45
1. Sang Yong Kim, Grady, P Fibre Producing and Textile
Industry, Textile Progress, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1983.
2. Proceedings on Energy Conservation in Textile Industry, UNIDO and MITI, 1992.

1. TERI Energy Data Directory and Yearbook, Tata Energy Research Institute Publication, New Delhi, 1997/98.
2. SITRA Focus: Energy Conservation Measures in Spinning Mills, Vol.16, No.6, SITRA, 1999.
3. Norms for Spinning Mills, SITRA, 2019.
4. Norms for the Textile Industry, NITRA, 1991.


TEXTILE INDUSTRY: Indian Textile and clothing industry scenario, procedure to set up a new textile/apparel unit. Industry
Layout, SWOT analysis of Indian Textile Industry, WTO, Free Trade Agreement, Textile Policy, promotional schemes
announced by central and state Government. Roles of service organization for textile and apparel sector. (9)

PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: Spin plan, Weave plan, Processing Plan, Garmenting Plan, Productivity analysis and its
control in spinning and weaving. PPC, Operational chart, PERT, Inventory control-tools, ERP: Application of ERP in Textile
Industry-SAP. Industrial Engineering: Introduction to work study, techniques of work study-method study and work
measurement with case studies. Principles of motion economy, ergonomics, Materials handling equipments. (9)

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Functions of Personnel Management & time office, Human Resource Planning,
performance appraisal, Training and Development. Job description, Job classification and Job evaluation. Grading the
employee: Rating system, Psychological test, Predictive Index- Myer Bridge Type Indicator. Basics of Labour Legislation, Trade
union and its function. Wage and Salary administration: Wage structure and its components. (9)

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND TEXTILE COSTING: Accounting-branches, functions, rules of accounting, accounting
process, Balance sheet, profit & loss account and financial ratio. Accounting standard-Indian accounting standards &
International accounting standards Financial Management-concept, scope, functions, financial management cycle, sources of

68th ACM 04.02.2023

finance, Textile Costing: Elements of costing. Material cost, Labour cost and expenses. Methods of textile costing. Cost system,
costing of yarn, cloth and garment. (9)

MANAGEMENT TOOLS: Concept of Total quality Management-5 S, Business Process Reengineering, Quality circle, Quality
Management System, Environmental management system, Total Productive Maintenance. Kaizen, Management Information
System, Supply Chain Management. Applications of management tools in textile and apparel industry. (9)

Total L :45
, 2017.


NewDelhi, 2012.


INDUSTRIAL OWNERSHIPS: Proprietor/Single ownership, Partnership (General and Limited), Joint Stock Companies (Private
Limited and Public Limited), Public Sector Undertakings, Cooperative Societies. (9)

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: Financial statements, Projections or forecasting, Cash flow [Initial outlay, operational cash flow,
Technical cash flow, Time value of money, cost of financial analysis. (9)

PROJECT ANALYSIS: Feasibility study, generation and screening of project ideas, product life cycle, market analysis, market
planning, market survey and characterisation of markets, demand analysis, demand forecasting, technical analysis, project
rating index, resource allocation framework, project charts and layouts. (9)

APPRAISAL CRITERIA: net present value, benefit cost ratio, internal rate of return, payback period, analysis of risk and social
cost benefit analysis. (9)

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Network techniques, PERT and CPM; Examples and calculations. Project Review and
Administration. (9)

Total L : 45
1. Ke , CBS Publishers and distributors, Delhi, 1987.
2. Prasana C, Projects- Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review 6th Ed., Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.

1 Ed., Kalyani publishers, N Delhi, 2000.
3. Joy PK, Total Project management- The Indian Context, Macmillan India Ltd, 1992.


BASIC PRINCIPLES: Supply chain management and logistics, supply chain models, supply chain for volatile market; supply
chain drivers and metrics in apparel industries; role of supply chain in the textile and apparel industries. (9)

ECONOMICS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND : Planning supply and demand in apparel production house, managing economies
of scale, supply cycle and inventory levels; managing uncertainty in supply chain, safety pricing, inventory- price, availability
and lead time ; make vs buy decision, make vs hire decision; geographical identification of suppliers, supplier evaluation and
selection, contract negotiations and finalization. (9)

DISTRIBUTION NETWORK: Design for global textile and apparel products, models of distribution facility location and
allocation of capacity, uncertainty on design and network optimization; the role of transportation in supply chain, modes of
transportation, characteristics of transportation, transport design options for global textile and apparel network, trade-off in
transport design, risk management in transportation, transport decision in practice for textile and apparel industries. (9)

COORDINATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN: Bullwhip effect, forecasting, obstacles to coordination in supply chain; supply chain
management for apparel retail stores, high fashion fad; supply chain in e-business and b2b practices. (9)

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN EXIM: Import - export management, documentation, insurance, packing and foreign
exchange; methods of payments domestic, international, commercial terms; dispute handling modes and channels; supply
chain and Information system. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L:45

1. David Simchi-Levi., Philip Kaminsky., and Edith Simchi-Levi.
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012.

1. nagement
2. -
Pearson Education, 2010.
4. Al -


CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Definitions of the terms - quality, inspection, quality
control, quality assurance,quality planning, quality management, Total Quality Management (TQM). Consequences of total
quality. Principles of quality management. TQM road map. Quality dimensions for sustained success. Quality and strategic
planning. Cost of quality. (9)


methodology, Six Sigma methodology, Quality function deployment, Failure modes and effects analysis. Applications of TQM
tools in textile and apparel industry. Benchmarking types with steps. (9)


TQM EXCELLENCE: 5-S practice, Business process reengineering, quality control cycle, quality management system, Total
productive Maintenance. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award- Criteria for performance excellence, Award criteria
framework. Kaizen-Strategy and practices. Applications of TQM practices in textile and apparel industry. (9)

MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR TQM: ISO 9000 series standards concepts, benefits and classifications. Requirements for
ISO 9001, implementation methodology. ISO 14000 triggers for adopting Environment Management System. Contents of
ISO 14001 standard. Case study of quality and environmental audit in textile and apparel industry. (9)

Total L: 45

1. oida, 2019
2. Subburaj


2. Joseph A.Defeo

4. Juran J M and Gryna, F M, "Quality Planning and Analysis - From Product Development through Use", Tata MC Graw Hill
Publishing Limited, New Delhi, 1995.


FUNDAMENTALS OF COSTING : Elements of cost, Classification of Cost, Cost Centre, Cost Allocation, Cost Apportionment,
Cost Absorption, Methods of costing, Cost Sheet preparation, Costing Procedure. (9)

CVP ANALYSIS AND BUDGETING: Cost volume profit and Breakeven Analysis, Margin of Safety, Relevant Costs in Decision
Making, Budgetary Control - Function and cash Budget. (9)

YARN COSTING: Mixing Cost, yarn realization, Clean Cotton Cost, revenue from wastes, Labour, power and overhead
expenses. Conversion cost, Blended Yarn Costing, Spinning mill cost sheet, Cost control and cost reduction in spinning. (9)

FABRIC AND PROCESSING COSTING: Calculation of yarn requirements for weaving and knitting, Cost Sheet- Weaving,
Knitting and processing, center wise conversion Warping, Sizing, Weaving, processing, Cost Control and Cost Reduction in
Weaving, Knitting and processing. (9)

GARMENT COSTING: Cost of process loss in preparatory, cost of printing and dyeing of fabric. Calculation of fabric and
accessories requirement for a garment, Sewing Thread Consumption, CMT charges, Conversion cost- Cutting, Sewing and
Other Expenses. Job order and rush order costing. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Total L: 45

1. Bhave P V, Srinivasan V, "Cost accounting in textile mills", 1st Edition, ATIRA, Ahmedabad, India, 1974.
2. Thukaram Rao M E, "Cost and management accounting", 1st Edition, New Age International, Bangalore, Karnataka, 2004.

1. Shinn William, "Elements of Textile Costing", 1st Edition, School of Textiles,, North Carolina state, 1965.
2. Jain IC, "Cost accounting-An introduction", 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Ratnam T V, "Cost control and costing in spinning mills", 1st Edition, SITRA-Seshan printers, Coimbatore, India, 1992.
4. Varma H K, "Costing in Textile Industry", 1st Edition, Dhanpat Rai publications, New Delhi, 1965.


WORKING CAPITAL: Working capital - Concept - Gross and Net working capital Need. Components of working capital.
Optimum working capital, Factors determining working capital, Techno-financial approach. (9)

FINANCING WORKING CAPITAL: Finance structure, Sources of working capital, Working capital norms for corporate, Types
of working capital lending, case studies on assessment of working capital requirements. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF CASH: Need and objectives of cash management, Motives of holding cash, Cash and marketable
securities, tools of cash planning and control, Techniques of cash management. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF RECEIVABLES: Concept of credit, Concept of receivables, credit policy and procedure of receivable,
Collection policy and procedure for management of account receivables- Bills Discounting Vs Factoring - Case studies. (9)

MANAGEMENT OF INVENTORY: Valuation of inventories, Methods of inventory valuation, Concepts of inventory

management, Tools and techniques of inventory management. (9)

Total L: 45
learning private LTD, New Delhi, 2014.

2. Manika .
MG Graw hill, New york, 1988.
a MC Graw hill, New Delhi, 2019.


INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTY 4.0: Overview of industrial revolution and its role in textile industry, Role of industry 4.0 in
textile sectors, Compression of conventional and today's textile organizations, concept of smart factory, Challenges and need of
smart factories in textiles. Trends of Industrial big Data and Predictive analytics in textiles. (9)

TOOLS FOR INDUSTY 4.0: Internet of things and its application in textiles, Cyber security and its role in textiles, data sharing
and security, smart manufacturing, smart logistics- spinning to garment, benefits of smart material handling, Human interactions
with computers and its use in apparel industry. (9)

TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTY 4.0: Role of automation in textiles, automation systems in textiles, Automation for Fibre
transport, doffing, water and chemical handling systems, digital instruments for fabric analysis, computer based weave pattern
recognition, defect analysis and colour measurement. (9)

DATA SHARING USING INDUSTY 4.0: wireless data transfer systems, RFID based production monitoring, data sharing for
production planning, control and optimization, MIS and its applications, online shopping, 3D body scanning, case studies. (9)

ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN INDUSTY 4.0: Neural networks, fuzzy set theory, intelligent sales forecasting and
cross selling, decision making in supply chain, key supply chain problems, case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

1.JInlian Hu, Computer technology for textiles and apparels , Wood head publications, 2011.
2.Calwin Wong Z X, Optimizing decision making in apparel supply chain using artificial intelligence Wood head publications,

1. Yves Simon, Gloy Industry 4.0 in Textile Production , Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. Sigrun Adler, Industry 4.0 Textile Research in Touch with the Latest Trends , Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V,
3. Deepak Solanki, AI and the Textile Industry 4.0 , Daiso Publishing House, 2023.
4. Jesús Hamilton Ortiz, Industry 4.0 Current Status and Future Trends , IntechOpen, 2020.



FUNDAMENTALS OF ACOUSTICS: Basics of acoustics- Sound generation, Sound wave propagation, Sound Intensity, Sound
Insulation. Sound level and decibels. Perception of sound. Speech, Music and Noise. Noise generation impact, needs and
methods for noise control. (8)

ACOUSTIC TEXTILE STRUCTURE: Types of acoustic materials. Dissipation of Sound energy. Types and mechanism of
sound absorptive materials - Porous absorber, panel Absorber and Helmholtz's resonator absorber. Factors influencing Sound
absorption in textile material-Fiber type, Fiber Size , Airflow Resistance, Porosity, Tortuosity, Thickness, Density, Fiber
compactness, Surface Impedance. (9)

MANUFACTURING METHODS: Nonwoven Production techniques. Non-conventional Textile Structures - Recycled Materials,
Shear Thickening Fluids, Resonance Membrane, Carbon Fibre Felts, Fabric Sleeves. Key technology developments for Sound
Absorption - Textile Composites and Nanofibre technology. Design Challenges. Environmental impact, manufacturing
concerns, recycling of materials and components, sustainable product development. (9)

CHARACTERIZATION: Physical Properties- Areal density, Thickness, Volumetric Density, Porosity, Pore Size Distribution,
Tortuosity, Air flow resistivity. Mechanical Properties- Tensile, Flexural and compression Properties. Acoustic measurement
Impedance tube method, Reverberant Field method, Steady state method. Test analysis of Acoustical Absorption Properties-
Sound absorption coefficient, Noise reduction control, Sound Transmission Loss. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Automotive Interior - Sources of Noise within Vehicles, Interior Vehicle Noise Control, Use of Acoustic
Textiles in Vehicles. Other Means of Transport- Aircraft, Trains, Ships, Spacecraft. Civil Engineering- Sound Insulation
Standards, Acoustic Walls Panels and Floors, Highway Noise Barriers, Highway Noise Mitigation Treatments, Noise
Attenuation in Buildings. Room Acoustic - Auditorium, Home theaters, Listening rooms. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Padhye, Raj
-Hill, New York San Francisco Washington, 2001.

4. Muller Gerhard a


HISTORY, EVOLUTION AND GROWTH PROJECTIONS: Automotive textile industry, history and evolution. Products, market
overview and growth projections. Requirements for automotive textiles. (8)

TEXTILE STRUCTURES IN AUTOMOTIVES: Characteristics of fibres for automotive applications. Yarn characteristics: Staple
fiber yarns, continuous filament yarn, textured yarn and speciality yarns. Woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics- structural
requirements and properties. Applications of 3D woven, knitted and nonwoven materials (8)

TEXTILES IN ROAD TRANSPORTATION: Requirement and design for seat fabric - floor coverings - Headliners - door
casings and parcel shelves - truck and car covers - Seat belt - Airbags - carpets - filters (air and oil) -battery separators .
Methods of production and properties of textiles used in these applications. (10)

TEXTILES IN OTHER TRANSPORTATION: Requirement and properties of textiles used in railway applications: seat
materials, carpets - marine applications: furnishing fabrics, sails and ropes - aircraft: furnishing fabrics, escape chutes,
slide/rafts, inflatable life rafts and life jackets. (9)

ENVIRONMENT IMPACT AND SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Environmental impact, manufacturing concerns,
sustainable development, recycling of materials and components. QUALITY ANALYSIS AND TESTING- Test methods,
standards (ASTM, DIN), norms for raw materials and products. Product specified tests. (10)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Mike Hardcastle, Walter Fung, "Textiles in automotive Engineering", Technomic Publishing Co, Woodhead publishing Ltd,
UK, 2001.
2. Shishoo R, "Textile advances in the automotive industry", Wood head publishing Ltd, UK, 2008.

1. Horne L , "New Product Development in Textiles", Woodhead publishing Ltd, UK, 2012.
3. Horrocks A R and Anand S C, "Handbook of Technical Textiles", Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK, 2001.


STRUCTURE OF NONWOVEN FABRICS: Comparison with other fabric structures. Structural features of webs, Geometrical
arrangement of the Fibres in the web, binding and bonding points. Binding elements Fibres, fibre strands, binding threads. (9)

BONDING STRUCTURES: Segment, agglomerate, point, controlled area and random area structure. Structure -property
relations of nonwoven fabrics. (9)

COMPOSITE NONWOVENS: Multiforming - Multicard, Multiforming box airlay and wetlay , Multibeam spunbond and combined
forming. Multi-bonding- Hydroknit, Hydroentangled. Characteristics and properties of composite nonwovens and specifications.

DIMENSIONAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES: Effect of process variables on the properties of needle punched, hydro
entangled, stitch bonded, chemical bonded and thermal bonded fabrics -Spun bond and melt blown fabrics. (9)

MECHANICS OF BONDED FABRIC: Degree of liberty of fibre movements, Fibre orientation, Deformation mechanism.
Modeling of nonwoven structures - Fabric porosity, pore size and pore size distribution, Tensile strength. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Russel.S, "Handbook of Nonwovens", Textile Institute Publication, UK, 2022.
2. Wilhelm Albrecht, "Nonwoven Fabrics", Wiley VCH, Verlag Gmbh and Company, Germany, 2003.

1. Krcma R, "Manual of Nonwovens", Textile Trade Press, USA,1993.
2. Dipayan Das, Arun Kumar Pradhan, Chattopadhy, ay R and Singh S N , "Composite nonwovens", Vol. 44, No.1, Textile
progress, Textile Institute,, United Kingdom, 2012.
3. Hearle J W S, Grosberg P and Back Fibres, Yarns, Fabrics", Wiley Interscience, New York,
4. Irsak O, "Nonwoven Textiles", Textile Institute, United Kingdom,1999.


SIGNIFICATION OF CHARACTERIZATION: Classification of Technical textiles. Characteristic requirements.
Physical characterization, Constructional characterization, Mechanical characterization and Transmission characterization.
Structural characterization of fibers and textiles using scanning electron microscopic techniques. (9)

MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION: Testing for flex, tear and fatigue properties, Compressive behaviour, Fracture analysis.
Puncture resistance-cone drop test, pyramid puncture resistance and CBR test, Cut resistance- slicing cut and impact cut,
impact properties. (9)

PERMEABILITY CHARACTERIZATION: Pore size and pore structure, Porosity measurement techniques and Filtration
efficiency. Liquid absorption capacity, Water repellency and Water resistance, Evaluation of moisture transport and Weathering
properties. (9)

TRANSMISSION CHARACTERIZATION: Evaluation of thermal and Sound insulation. Assessment of chemical barrier
properties, Assessment of the protective properties of textiles against microorganisms. (9)

SORPTION CHARACTERIZATION: Oil sorption and retention characteristics: Test for sorption capacity. Test for oil sorption
rate. Absorbency test for oil retention. Test for recovery of sorbed oil and reusability of sorbents. Test for water uptake and
buoyancy methods for oil sorbents. Contact angle measurement. Characterization methods for incontinence pads. (9)

Total L: 45
, 1996.

UK, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Irwin M.Hutten, "Hand book of non woven filter media", Elsevier, London, 2007.
2. Padhye R, Nayak R, "Acoustic Textiles", Springer, Singapore, 2016.
3. Sabit Adanur, "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic Publishing Co, USA, 1995.
4. Horrocks A R and Anand S C, "Handbook of Technical Textiles", Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK, 2001.


COATED MATERIALS: General Principles: Rheological behavior of fluids, formulations, hydrodynamic analysis of coating.
Materials-Natural Rubbers, synthetic rubbers, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethanes, acrylic polymers, Polyacrylate Elastomers -
Poly (Tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE).Textile base substrates- Formulations -Additives and Coating Recipes. (8)

COATING TECHNIQUES: Preparation of fabrics: Scouring, heat stabilization. Mechanism of adhesion- Cohesion and Surface
tension (tensiometer) of modified fabric surfaces. Effect of Coating add-on, resin viscosity, Drying and cross-linking of resin.
Techniques: Knife - Roll - Dip - Transfer Coatings and Gravure Coating. Other coating methods. (9)

APPLICATIONS AND CHARACTERIZATION: Design and mechanism of Waterproof Breathable Fabrics, High visibility
Garments, Synthetic Leather - Fluid Containers - Tarpaulins -Smart temperature responsive breathable coatings, Shape
memory coatings. Testing: Physical and mechanical properties, air and water vapour permeability, Flammability Test. (9)

LAMINATED MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS: Basic principles, Materials used, surface tensions of laminating surface:
PTFE and other thermoplastic films. Applications: Lamination of car interior materials, Waterproof breathable protective
clothing, Headliner fabrics, other applications, characterization of laminated products. (9)

LAMINATION TECHNIQUES: Mechanism of various adhesives -Aqueous, Solvent and Hot melt based. surface modifications.
Lamination of fabric based on surface energy. Techniques: Film lamination, Polyurethane lamination, Polyolefin lamination,
Flame lamination, Lamination by nip rollers, Other techniques. Recent developments in laminated breathable fabrics. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Walter Fung, "Coated and laminated textiles", Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2002.
2. Smith W C, "Smart textile coatings and laminates", Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2018.

1. Stevens K, Brown P, "Nanofibers and nanotechnology in t
2. Ashish Kumar Sen, "Coated Textiles: Principles and Applications", Technomic Publishing Co., USA, 2008.
-VCH Verlag, GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006.
4. Giessmann
Business Media, 2012.


FILTRATION PRINCIPLES: Filtration and Separation, Contaminants, Surface and Depth Filtration. Theory and Principles.
Fabric design and selection considerations. Practical implications. (9)

CHARACTERISTICS OF NONWOVEN FILTER MEDIA: Dry Laid Webs, Melt-spun Webs, Flash-spun Webs, Nanofiber Spun
Webs, Wet Laid Webs, Electret Filter Media, Composite Structures, Coalescing Media, Sorption Media, Antimicrobial Media,
Catalytic Media, Membrane Filter Media. (9)

AIR FILTERS: Industrial Air Filtration, Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems, High Efficiency Air Filtration, Gas Turbine
Air Intake Filters, Respirators and Facemasks, Vacuum cleaners, Air purifier. (9)

LIQUID AND OIL FILTRATION: Water filters, Waste Water Treatments, Surface Treatment of Chemicals. Oil and Hydraulic
Systems: Engine filters, Oil-water separators, Oil cleaning and Hydraulic Systems. Gas filtration. Engine Filters, Oil water
Separators, Oil Cleaning, Hydraulic Systems. Nanofibers for coalescing filter media for water diesel separation. (9)

TESTING OF FILTER MEDIA: Basis Weight , Volatile and Moisture Content , Formaldehyde Content, Thickness, Air
Permeability, Density and Bulk, Solidity and Porosity, Pore Size and Pore Structure, Other Techniques for Measuring Porosity,
Pore Size, and Structure, Strength Properties, Water Repellency and Water/Moisture Resistance, Flammability, Colour, Filter
Media Filtration Testing. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Philip Brown, Christopher Cox , "Fibrous Filter Media", Woodhead Publishing Limited, UK, 2016.
2. Irwin M. Hutten, "Handbook of Nonwoven Filter Media", Elsevier, Burlington, 2008.

1. Ken Sutherland, "Filters and Filtration Handbook", Elsevier, Burlington, 2008.
2. Arunangshu Mukopadhyay, "Pulse-jet filtration: An effective way to control industrial pollution Part I: Theory, selection and
design of pulse-jet filter", Taylor and Francis, UK, 2010.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Purchas D and Sutherland K, "Handbook of Filter Media", Second, Elsevier, London, 2002.


SPORTS TEXTILES: Functional textiles- Definition and Classification.Sports wear: design, testing and materials fibers, yarns,
fabrics for temperature control and moisture management. Coated and laminated Textiles: materials, formulations, techniques
and applications (9)

MEDICAL TEXTILES: Classification, types and products, Health and Hygiene Textiles protection against microbes, Wound
management- dressings, suture and bandages, Implants and drug delivery systems. (9)

TEXTILES WITH HIGH PROTECTION: Extreme winter clothing with low heat transmission, heat absorbing, heat storing
systems. Phase change materials, incorporation of PCMs in fibres and fabrics. Breathable textile. (9)

ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE TEXTILES: Shape memory polymers, photochromic and thermochromic (chameleonic)
fabrics, camouflage fabrics, radar shielding fabrics, variable heat absorption surfaces, stimuli sensitive polymers such as
temperature, pH, ionic, magnetic sensitive materials, design and their applications to textile. Recent advances in multifunctional
textiles. (9)

SMART TEXTILES: Classification of smart materials: passive, active, very smart; concept of wearable computing, basic
structure of fabric used for integrating different electronic sensors. Fibres as solar cells, Textile based strain sensors, pressure
sensors, ECG and EEG electrodes. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Richard A. Scott, "Textiles for protection", Woodhead publishing Ltd, UK, 2005.
2. Koncar V, 2016
1. head Publishing Ltd, UK, 2010.
3. 05.



MATERIALS AND JOINING REQUIREMENTS: Characteristics of natural, synthetic and high performance fibres.
Characteristics of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics. Joining fabrics: seams and stitches. Stitching in practice: the case of
high performance fabrics. Alternative methods of joining fabrics: welded seams. (9)

QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF SEWN SEAMS: Seam strength. Seam extensibility and recovery. Seam puckering.
Seam slippage. Drape and bending. Seam grinning/gaping. Barrier properties of seams. Flame retardancy of seams.
Degradation/damage of seams. (9)

ADHESIVE BONDING OF TEXTILES: Introduction to adhesives in the textile industry. Textiles and adhesive joining.
Properties achieved by adhesive joining. Reasons for the success and failure of adhesives. Examples of adhesive use: High-
tech, low-cost and mass production: personal hygiene products, Breathable membranes: (micro fibre) textiles for sport and
outdoor use, Stitchless seams, better performance: awnings, Developments in airbag applications. (9)

HEAT SEALING, HOT AIR AND HOT WEDGE JOINING: Heat sealing of textiles -Equipment for heat sealing, Factors
affecting the quality of heat sealing, Applications of heat sealing in textiles. Hot air wedge and hot wedge welding of textiles-
Equipment for hot air/wedge welding, Factors affecting the quality of hot air/wedge welding, Applications of hot air/wedge
welding in textiles. (9)

ULTRASONIC, DIELECTRIC AND LASER WELDING: Ultrasonic welding-Equipment for ultrasonic welding, Factors affecting
the quality of ultrasonic welding, Applications of ultrasonic welding in textiles. Dielectric welding- Equipment for dielectric
welding, Factors affecting the quality of dielectric welding, Applications of dielectric welding. Laser seaming of fabrics. Textile
materials that can be laser welded. Applications of laser welding. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Jones I, Stylios G K, "Joining Textiles", Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2013.
2. Rajkishore Nayak, R Padhye, Garment Manufacturing Technology, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2015.


2. Solinger Jacob, "Apparel Manufacturing Analysis", Columbia Boblin Media, USA, 2000.
3. Catherine Fairhurst, Advances in Apparel Production, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2008

68th ACM 04.02.2023


BALLISTIC PROTECTION: Protective textiles definition, Classifications, Market potential. Design of protective clothing.
Selection of protective clothing material. Surface treatment for protective textiles. Body armor- high performance ballistic fibers -
fabric structures for body armors -working mechanism - design of ballistic body armors. Design of ballistic helmets. Approaches
to reduce bulk in soft body armours-shear thickening fluid. Standards and testing of ballistic textiles- armor testing - limit testing
- residual velocity testing - ballistic resistance testing. (9)

CHEMICAL PROTECTION: Chemical hazards - Toxic chemical - interaction between chemical and protective textiles. Different
types of chemical protective materials - Fabric design - Structures Finishing and their performance. NBC clothing- Self
detoxification, Super repellency, Electronic textiles, Thermal management. Standards and testing - Chemical and biological
protective textiles. (9)

THERMAL PROTECTION: Fire science - Flame retardant - fibers and textile - inherently flame retardant synthetic fibers. Heat
and fire resistant fibers - aramid and family - polybenzoxazole group - semi carbon. Design issues. Multi layered flame &
thermal resistance fabric for firefighter clothing. Standards and testing- flame retardant textiles. (9)

COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Requirements for cold weather protection, Measurements of clothing performance,
Performance of clothing for cold protection, Specific materials and textiles for cold protection. Recent developments in reflective
cold protective clothing. (9)

OTHER PROTECTIVE TEXTILES: UV protection, High visibility textiles, Protection against radiation- EMI shielding,
Respiratory protection- Materials, Design requirements and Properties. Testing of protection and comfort properties. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Richard A Scott, "Textiles for protection", Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK, 2005.

1. Sabit Adanur, "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic Publishing Co, USA, 1995.
2. Horrocks A R and Anand S C , "Handbook of Technical Textiles",CRC Press, Woodhead publishing Ltd, UK, 2001.
Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, India, 2011


BASIC CONSTITUENTS: Definition of composites, Matrix and reinforcements, Fiber architecture of textiles: non-axial, mono-
axial, biaxial, triaxial and multiaxial structures, Chopped strand, milled Fibres, 3D structures, Non-crimp and Stitched fabrics.
Fibre matrix interface mechanism-Wetting and adhesion, interfacial surface energy, mechanical keying, functional and bonding
fibre surfaces, Fibre pull out test, fragmentation test, contact angle, AFM and SEM analysis. (10)

TEXTILE STRUCTURED PREFORMS AND PREPREGS: Objectives of preforms and property requirements, Preform
development based on various architectures: Weaving, Knitting, Braiding, Nonwovens, extra-light 3D hollow textile structures,
and other forms. Fibre orientation. Prepregs: property requirements, manufacturing techniques, designing of composites,
applications. Auxetic Textile Composites. (7)

COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING: Selection criterion, Mechanism of adhesion - Interaction between matrix and reinforcing
materials, Process parameters and curing mechanism of vacuum bag moulding, compression moulding, resin transfer molding,
filament winding, pultrusion, Injection molding. Self-reinforced composites. Composites from recyclable textile waste, Polymer
nanocomposites. (8)

MECHANICS OF UNIDIRECTIONAL FIBRE COMPOSITES: Rule of mixtures, the synergy effect, Critical fibre length, density
and fibre volume fraction, Void. Evaluation of elastic modulus, Quality evaluation Destructive and nondestructive methods.
Failure theory. (11)

APPLICATION OF TEXTILE COMPOSITES: Fibre types, fibre requirements, blend ratio and fibre architectural design needed
for Automotive, Civil, military load bearing, Rail road, Marine, bridge deck and other applications. Surface modifications needed
on natural and high performance fibres, Textile reinforced concretes. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Mallick P K , "Fibre Reinforced composites, Materials, Manufacturing and Design", CRC Press, New york, USA, 2008.
2. Peters S T, "Handbook of Composites", Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1998.

1. Tong L, Mouritz A P, Bannister M, "3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites", Elsevier, UK, 2002.
2. Autar K Kaw, "Mechanics of Composite Materials", CRC Press, USA, 2005.
3. Long A C, "Design and Manufacture of Textile Composites", Woodhead publishing Ltd, London, UK, 2005.
4. Jang-Kyo Kim, Yiu-Wing Mai, "Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites", Elsevier, UK, 1998.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


FIBRES AND POLYMERS: Natural fibres and Filaments, Synthetic Polymer fibres and Filaments: Commodity Types, Synthetic
Polymer Elastomers, Synthetic Polymer High-Performance fibres and Filament Materials and Other Specialist, Synthetic
Absorbable Polymers (SA Polymers), Super-Absorbent Polymers, Electroactive Polymer fibres. (9)

IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL TEXTILES: Sutures, Classification based on origin, physical configuration and absorbability.
Physical, handling and biological characteristics of sutures. Antimicrobial Sutures. Barbed bidirectional sutures. Vascular
Grafts, Stents, and Valves Implantable Mesh Products. Resorbable Scaffolds for Cell Growth. Testing of Implantable Medical
Textiles. (9)

NON-IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL TEXTILES: Wound dressings- Functional requirements, wound healing mechanism and
factors affecting wound healing, Different types of wound dressings, materials used, design aspects and utility. Antimicrobial
Wound Dressings. Bandages-Different types of bandages and its use. Material characteristics. Textile processes involved in the
formation of dressings and bandages. (9)

HEALTHCARE AND HYGIENE PRODUCTS: Healthcare Equipment- Desirable Properties in Healthcare Equipment, Furniture,
Furnishings, and Coverings Hospital Sheets, Pads, and Pillowcases. Hygiene Products- Desirable Properties in Hygiene
Products, Incontinence Products, Cloths and Wipes, Dental Floss, Reusability and Disposability of Hygiene Products. (9)

PERSONAL AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Desirable Properties in Personal Protective Equipment, Surgical Gowns,
Aprons and Hats, Surgical Gloves, Surgical Masks and Respirators, , Patient
Clothing,Quality evaluation of personal protective products. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Holly Morris and Richard Murray, Medical Textiles, CRC Press, New York, 2021.
2. Yimin Qin, Medical Textile Materials, Wood head publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2015.

1. Anand
Cambridge, UK, 2010.

3. Sabit Adanur, "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic Publishing Co, USA, 1995.
4. Richard A. Scott, "Textiles for protection", Woodhead publishing Ltd, UK, 2005


BASICS: Definition of green composite, Market demands, Environmental footprint of synthetic and green composites.
Requirements of reinforcement and matrix materials., Renewable and recyclable composite materials, Applications. (9)

MATERIALS: Natural reinforcements- Natural and protein based fibres, mineral fibres, recycled fibres, Biodegradable
synthetic fibres, Matrix - starch, latex and other biodegradable matrix. Matrix from recycled materials, Thermoset and
thermoplastic bio polymers. (9)

FIBRE-MATRIX INTERFACE: Importance of interface between fibre and matrix, Methods of interface developments, surface
modifications of natural fibres- chemical, enzyme, plasma and UV treatments, Hydrophobicity in natural fibres for better
adhesion. (9)

MANUFACTURING METHODS: Fibre Preparation - Fibre opening and cleaning, cutting, fibre laying . Composite making by
hand layup, vacuum bag, compression moulding and other methods. Process parameters affecting the composite properties.
Two phase and multiphase green composites. (9)

CHARACTERIZATION: Fibre testing: Length, diameter, thickness and mechanical properties. Assessment of Matrix properties-
Viscosity, MFI, and other testing, Surface characterization: SEM, TEM, XRD, SAX. Tensile, Impact and flexural characteristics.
Case studies. (9)

Total L: 45

Green composites, Springer, Singapore, 2019.
2. Mantia, L F P, Morreale M, "Green composites: A brief review." Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
42(6), 579-588, 2011.

1. Mallick P K , "Fibre Reinforced composites, Materials, Manufacturing and Design", CRC Press, New York, USA, 2008.
2. Peters S T, "Handbook of Composites", Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1998.
3. Tong L, Mouritz A P, Bannister M, "3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites", Elsevier, UK, 2002.
4. Long A C, "Design and Manufacture of Textile Composites", Woodhead publishing Ltd, London, UK, 2005.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



FILTER FABRICS: Effect of fibre denier, blend ratio, fabric type, process parameters on pore size distribution, air permeability
and filtration performance of fabrics. (9)

THERMAL INSULATION: Effect of structure and properties of fibres used, blend ratio, process parameters, calendaring and
layering on GSM, density, porosity and thermal insulation performance of Needle punched nonwovens. (9)

ACOUSTIC INSULATION: Material parameters: Effect of fibre type, cross section, denier, blend ratio on density, porosity, pore
tortuosity, air flow resistivity and acoustic insulation performance. (9)

PROCESS PARAMETERS IN ACOUSTIC INSULATION: Fibre treatment, web formation, layering, compression, thickness,
incident frequency, Back depth cavity, temperature and method of mounting on density, porosity, pore tortuosity, air flow
resistivity and acoustic insulation performance. (9)

OIL SORPTION: Effect of fibre type, denier, blend ratio, process parameters on density, porosity, oil sorption and retention
characteristics of nonwoven. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Irwin M. Hutten, "Handbook of Nonwoven Filter Media", Elsevier, Burlington, 2008.

esearch Journal 78 (7):614 24, 2008.
2. Patnaik A, . Mvubu M waste
69, 2015.
3. vestigation on sound absorption properties for recycled fibrous
-73, 2013.
4. Viju S, Rengasamy RS, Thilagavathi G, Singh CJ punched
nonwoven fa 11, 2021.


TEXTILE PRODUCT DESIGN: Types of flammability. Thermal behavior of fiber. High temperature resistance fabrics -
processes involved in the development of ideas from concept to products. Designing of Insulation of industrial valves, Turbo
protection component, Sealing gaskets for furnaces etc. (9)

PRODUCTION OF TECHNICAL YARNS: Selection of Fibre types Aramid fibres, E-glass fibre, Silica fibre, Ceramic fibre and
Zirconium fibre. Property requirements, machine selection, process parameter and quality testing of technical yarns. (9)

FIRE FIGHTER PROTECTIVE FABRICS: Basic concepts and product design Wire inserted heat resistant fabrics, Coated
heat resistant fabrics, PPE fabrics for extreme heat applications. Designing of conventional products - Coat, pants, boots,
gloves machine selection, process parameters and quality testing of technical fabrics. (9)

DESIGNING OF FLAME RESISTANCE PRODUCTS: Loom state industrial fabrics Filament fiberglass fabrics, Texturised
fiberglass fabrics, Silica-glass fabrics, Ceramelised fiberglass fabrics and Ceramic fibre fabrics. Fibre glass ropes and tapes.
Selection of sewing threads and accessories, pattern making and sewing techniques for designing of flame resistance
products. (9)

FINISHING OF FLAME RESISTANCE FABRICS: Coated, Impregnated and laminated fabrics. Selection of finishing chemicals
and methods. Methods used for coating and lamination processes. Characterization of finished fabrics for thermal applications.

Total L: 45
1. Sabit Adanur, "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles", Technomic Publishing Co, USA, 1995.
2. Horrocks A R and Anand S C , "Handbook of Technical Textiles", The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Woodhead publishing
Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001.

1. Horne L , "New Product Development in Textiles", Woodhead publishing Ltd, UK, 2012.
2. .
Fibres .

68th ACM 04.02.2023


FIBRE SELECTION FOR SPINNING: Fibre selection Application of High volume instrument on fibre selection. Case studies
related to collection of HVI report of various cotton fibres and analyzing the same. Blending of cotton with synthetics fibres
factors to be considered, blending techniques with their merits and demerits. (6)

ANALYSIS OF YARN QUALITY: Yarn realization Factors influencing the yarn realization. Case studies related to collection
of yarn realization report of various mills for different counts and analysis of same. Control of count variation, yarn imperfections
and yarn hairiness. Case studies related to collection of process parameters in various departments in a spinning mill and the
yarn quality results and analyze the influence of process parameters on the same. Case studies related to effect of spacer size,
break draft and spindle speed on yarn quality. (12)

ANALYSIS OF YARN AND FABRIC CHARACTERISTICS: Comparison of yarn and fabric properties of ring, compact and air-
vortex spun yarn fabrics with case studies. Influence of woven and knitted fabric structures on thermal comfort and moisture
management properties. Case studies on effect of loop length, areal density and fabric structure on insulation and moisture
management properties of weft knitted fabrics. (9)

ANALYSIS OF PROCESSED FABRICS: Analysis of scoured, bleached, dyed and finished fabrics. Case studies on analysis of
different stains on fabrics and removal of the same. Case studies on analysis of specialty finishes of fabrics. Analysis of grey,
dyed and printed fabric defects. (9)

ANALYSIS OF GARMENT QUALITY: Analysis of Seam and stitch defects. Calculation of thread consumption for different
stitch types. Production planning for shirt, trouser and jacket lines with case studies. Calculation of SAM for different garment
styles. Study of specification sheet and determination of garment costing for the same. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Chemical processing Tablet IX, The Textile Association (India),
Bombay, 1984.
2. .
3. Limited, New Delhi,
4. E.Glock Ruth and I. Kunz Grace, "Apparel Manufacturing - Sewn Product Analysis", Blackwell Scientific Publications,




MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION: Molecular weight averages, Determination of molecular weight: primary methods end
group analysis, osmometry, light scattering. Secondary methods viscometry, gel permeation chromatography. (9)

FINE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS- Orientation techniques optical birefringence, dielectric anisotropy, dichroism, X-ray
diffraction, density gradient measurement, Small angle x-ray scattering. (9)

MORPHOLOGY CHARACTERIZATION: Microscopy analysis Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission electron

microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Spectroscopy analysis Infrared, NMR, UV-
visible, mass and Raman Spectroscopy techniques. (9)

THERMAL CHARACTERIZATION: Characterization of glass transition, crystallization, melting and decomposition

temperatures. Themoanalytical techniques: Differential scanning calorimeter, Differential thermal analysis, Thermogravimetry,
Thermo-mechanical analysis, Dynamic mechanical tests. (9)

PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION: Fibre fineness, friction, crimp, spin finish content, viscosity, dye uniformity, bulkiness
measurements. (9)

Total L: 45
2. Fibre

1. Fibre
2. .

68th ACM 04.02.2023

3. Mukhopadhyay S K - 85.


INTRODUCTION TO SOUND: Fundamentals of Sound- Sound Levels and the Decibel- Sound in the Free Field- The
Perception of Sound. (6)

TEXTILE STRUCTURES AND SOUND ABSORPTION : Types of Sound Absorptive Materials- Mechanism of Sound
Absorption in Fibrous Materials-Different types of Sound Absorptive Textile structures-Factors influencing Sound absorption;
Fiber type, Fiber Size, Airflow Resistance, Porosity, Tortuosity, Thickness, Density, Fiber compactness, Surface Impedance.
End uses of Sound Absorptive textiles. Reducing noise in automotive interiors . (12)

technology developments in Textile Composites for Sound Absorption - Bicomponent Fiber in Sound Absorbent Production-
nanofibres as Sound absorbants. Technologies for the production of coated textiles for Sound Absorption. (9)

SOUND ABSORPTION TEXTILES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental impact, manufacturing concerns, recycling of
materials and components, sustainable product development. SOUND MEASUREMENTS AND STANDARDS: Impedance
Tube Method- Reverberant Field Method- Steady State Method. Analysis of sound absorptive characteristics of fabrics tested
by these methods. (9)

THERMAL INSULATION PRODUCTS: Need for thermal insulation- Types of thermal insulation materials- Textile structures as
thermal insulators- Factors influencing the thermal insulation characteristics. Requirement and design for thermal insulation
textiles. End uses of thermal insulation textiles. Improving thermal Insulation in automotive interiors. Environmental impact of
thermal insulation textiles. Development of sustainable products for thermal insulation. Test methods and standards for thermal
insulation textiles. (9)

Total L: 45
1. F. Alton Everest, Ken C. Pohlmann, Master Handbook of Acoustics, McGraw-Hill, USA, 2009.
publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2008.

1. Walte
Woodhead publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001.
2. 5.
Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001.


INTRODUCTION: Textile fiber, yarn, fabrics. Textile processes and products. Applications of textiles. Classifications of
Technical Textiles. (6)

AUTOMOTIVE TEXTILES: Definition, products, market overview and growth projections of automotive textiles. Textile
structures in automotives. Requirement and properties of textiles used in railway applications, marine applications, aircraft,
application of composites in transportation. Interior and exterior trims for road transportation-Requirement and design for Seat
fabric, floor coverings , Headliners, door casings and parcel shelves, truck and car covers, Seat belt, Airbags, carpets, filters
(air and oil), battery separators, tyre cords, hoses and belts. Methods of production and properties of textiles used in these
applications. (12)

PROTECTIVE TEXTILES:. Design of protective clothing. Selection of protective clothing material. Thermal protection, Ballistic
protection, chemical protection. Footwear textiles. Medical Textiles. (9)

INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES: Tyres - Tire Cord Yarns and Fabrics - Quality requirements- Fibre properties - Manufacturing
techniques. Belts - Conveyor and power transmission, Composition of belts, Carcass cords, fabrics. Hose fabrics - Definition
and characteristics of hoses, reinforcement, Construction and types. (9)

GEO-TEXTILES: Introduction- Geo textile, Geo synthetics. Property requirements. Fibres and fabrics for geo textiles Functions
- Geotextile materials and manufacturing, Geotextile functions. Geotextile properties and testing. Application of geotextiles. (9)

Total L : 45

2. extile Institute, CRC Press, Woodhead publishing
Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Richard A. Scott, Textiles for protection, The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Woodhead publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK,
Woodhead publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001.
3. Eugene Wilusz, Military textiles, The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Woodhead publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK,2008.


INTRODUCTION: Electrical conductivity-resistance, capacitance; metal conductors, ionic conductors, inherently conducting
polymers-polyaniline, polypyrole. (9)

CONDUCTING TEXTILE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES: Extrusion, solution coating- in-situ polymerization, electro plating,
metallic core yarn- spinning, weaving & knitting, embroidery and printing. Integration of Fibre optic sensors and sensing
networks. Textile antenna. (9)

TESTING & CHARACTERIZATION: Morphological characterisation, Electrical characterization- surface and volume
resistance, Electromechanical characterization- change in resistance with elongation and compression, gauge factor,
impedance value measurement, repeatability study, environmental effects. (9)

EMI SHIELDING - Theory of EMI shielding, evaluation of EMI shielding efficiency, factors influencing EMI shielding. Textile
sensors- Bio-medical sensors- strain sensor- design, characterization, goniometry application; pressure sensor- design,
characterization, breathe rate measurement; communication textiles, display of ornamental applications. (9)

TEXTILE ELECTRODES: Textile electrodes for ECG and EEG measurement- design, characterization and method of
conducting clinical trials. (9)

Total L: 45
1. publishing Ltd., UK, 2006.

2. Koncar V, es and Their Applications, Wood head Publishing Ltd, England, 2016.
3. .
4. .


INTRODUCTION: Definition of filter media, filtration mechanism and theory- types of filtration mechanism, mechanism of
particle capture; woven fabric media- types of weave, finishing process, composite fabrics, properties of woven & non woven
filter media, characteristics of melt blown webs, challenges of non woven filter media. (9)

RAW MATERIALS FOR NONWOVEN FILTER MEDIA: Polymers, fibers, fiber properties for filtration media, specialty fibers,
resins & binders, additives and finishes. Processes for forming nonwoven filter media - Dry formed- air laid, dry laid spun
bonded webs, melt blown webs, electrospun webs, wet lay process, composite structures, pleating types. (9)

TEST METHODS: Density & bulk, airpermeability, pore size and pore structure, porosity measurement techniques liquid
extrusion porosimetry, microscopy, internal bond strength, fold endurance characterization, water repellency and water
resistance, filteration efficiency, arrestance, pressure drop, filter life testing, standards for non-woven filter media. (9)

LIQUID FILTER APPLICATIONS: Non woven filter media for liquid filter applications, filters that use nonwoven filter media-
cartridge filters, wound filter elements, candle filters and bag filters, testing of liquid filters. (9)

AIR FILTER APPLICATIONS : Industrial air filteration, heat ventilation and air conditioning systems, high efficiency air
filtration, respirators, gas masks & face masks, vaccum cleaners, air purifiers and air demisters, Engine filtration. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Ir
2. Purchas D and Sutherland K, Handbook of Filter Media, Elsevier , London,2002.

1. Pushpa B and Sengupta A K , "Industrial Application of Textiles for Filtration and Coated fabrics", Textile progress
3. .
4. Anandjiwala D & Boguslavsky L,Development of Needle-punched Nonwoven Fabrics from Flax Fibers for Air Filtration
Applications,Textile Research Journal Vol. 78(7): 614 624.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Fibre, yarn and fabrics types. Definition of technical textiles, Classification of Technical Textiles. Market
growth and potential, Application of Technical textiles, fiber consumption, fiber requirements and properties. (9)

TEXTILE STRUCTURES IN AUTOMOTIVES: Definition, products, market overview and growth projections of automotive
textiles. Fibers, yarns, knitted, woven, and nonwoven structural requirements and properties. Applications of 3D knitting,
woven and nonwoven materials in automotive industry. (9)

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TRIMS FOR ROAD TRANSPORTATION: Requirement and design for Seat fabric, floor coverings
, Headliners, door casings and parcel shelves, truck and car covers, Seat belt, Airbags, carpets, filters (air and oil), battery
separators, tyre cords, hoses and belts. Methods of production and properties of textiles used in these applications. Textiles in
other transportation. (9)

FILTER FABRICS: Introduction, selection considerations - fiber, fabric, design. Principle, mechanism and types of filtration.
Textiles in dry filtration, wet filtration, Filtration equipment- design consideration. Applications (9)

COATED FABRICS: Textiles commonly used in coated fabrics, coating materials and polymers. Coating methods direct
coating, indirect coating. Lamination methods flame bonding, Adhesive lamination aqueous based and solvent based, heat
lamination, film lamination. Applications of coating textiles. (9)

Total L:45
1. Sabit hing company Inc., USA, 1995
2. Horrocks. A R &

1. ic Publishing Co,
Woodhead publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2001
3. nology, 2007.
4. -Heinemann, Elsevier, Burlington, 2008


INTRODUCTION TO TEXTILES: Definition, Textile products Fibre, yarn, fabric and garment. Classification of fibres, physical
and chemical properties and end uses of natural and man-made fibres cotton, linen, wool, jute, viscose, acrylic, polyester,
nylon and polypropylene. Types of yarn and fabric. Garments types and end use. Psychological and sociological influences
of clothing. (9)

JUDGING THE QUALITY OF TEXTILES: Introduction. Material identification, Fabric pills. Fabric - appearance, handle
properties, type of fibres used, blend proportion, colour fastness, crease recovery and shrinkage. Ready-made garment
overall appearance, type of fabric, stitches and seams, interlining, accessories used, design, fit, brand label, care label, eco
label and price. (9)

CARE OF SILK FABRICS: Physical and chemical properties of Silk, Care of silk sarees and zari. Washing of silk sarees, silk
blouse, dry cleaning, drying methods and ironing. Colour fastness. (9)

LAUNDERING OF TEXTILES: Introduction. Laundry reagents soaps, detergents - cleaning action of soaps, Difference
between soap and detergents, modern and industrial cleaning agents. Washing of linen garments, woolen garments, synthetic
garments etc. Laundry equipments - house hold/industrial washing machine - rotary - swirling - pressure - tumble wash etc. (9)

STAIN REMOVAL : Introduction. Principles stain removal - various solvents for stain removing blood, tea, rust, oil/grease etc.
different methods of stain removal - application of friction by hand rubbing - scribing -tumble wash. General rules and ways of
stain removal. Stiffening and whitening agents - Study of stiffening agents purpose of stiffening-types of stiffening Agents -
natural and commercial starches selection and preparation of starch for use. Whitening agents - blueing and tinting agents
and their application optical whiteners. (9)

Total L : 45

1. Dantyagi S.

1. ications, USA, 1986.
2. -Fibre

68th ACM 04.02.2023




RECYCLING: Importance of textile and apparel recycling process. Linear vs circular economy, Circular economy principles,
Sorting process. Pyramid model. Textile recycling constituents. Life cycle of textile products. Recycling Issues and Technology-
Designing of easily recyclable textile products. (9)

PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY: Mechanical and chemical recycling: Cotton, PET, Nylon 6, Nylon 66, Polypropylene and
other non fibrous polymers, Blend separation technologies, Advanced fibre regeneration. Recycling and reuse of textile
industrial wastes. Recycled products available in the market and their manufacturing process. (9)

PRODUCTS, TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING: Natural fibre composites, Bast and other cellulosic fibres as alternatives,
Utilization of recycled carpet waste fibres for reinforcement of concrete and soil, Use of agricultural waste in packaging, and
Repurposing used textiles for a broad spectrum of applications. Consumer Awareness and Global Status. (9)

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT: Recycling waste water from textile production. Recycling and reuse of textile chemicals.
Conservation of resources like water and chemicals. (9)

SUSTAINABILITY: Importance, Theory, EMS and Eco-Labelling. Life Cycle Assessment, Supply chain -natural and man-made
fibres, Yarn to garment manufacture, Disposal, Reuse and recycling scenarios. (9)

Total L: 45

1. 2006.
2. Marion I. Tobler-Rohr , "Handbook of Sustainable Textile Production", The Textile Institute, Woodhead Publications
Limited, UK, 2011.

1. R.S. Blackburn , "Sustainable Textiles Life Cycle and Environmental Impact", Woodhead Publications Limited, UK,
2. -Textiles-
Publishing Limited, UK, 2007.
3. g, USA, 2021
4. Muthu S S, Textiles and Clothing Sustainability, Springer Publishers, Singapore, 2017


ANALYSIS OF TOXICITY OF EFFLUENT: Toxicity of intermediates, dyes, processing aids- bleaching, dyeing, printing and
finishing auxiliaries etc, Analytical methods for various pollutants, Formaldehydes, Pentachlorophenol, Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen demand (COD). (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Definition & need, Introduction to environmental impact assessment
methodology, Unit process, waste minimization and recycling. (9)

EFFLUENT TREATMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION: Methods of effluent treatment, Disposal of effluents, reuse of water in
a process house, Fibre and polymer waste, recovery and recycling of monomer, Modification of polymer waste & its utilization.
SOURCE OF WATER: Factors contributing water pollution and their effect, water pollution parameters, physical, biological,
chemical standards for quality of treated water, Effluent treatment methods and control, basic principles, Unit Operations
(Sedimentation, precipitation, filtration and incineration), specific pollutants. (9)

POLLUTION OF AIR: Causes, effect, monitoring and control, Source of noise pollution, its effect and control, Legislation salient
provisions of water act, Air act, Environment pollution act, Environment Impact Assessment, basic principles, purpose,
components, methodology and constraints. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Maulin Shah and Susana Rodriguez-Couto, Microbial Wastewater Treatment 1st Edition, Elsevier publications, 2019.
2. Mohd Yusuf, Handbook of Textile Effluent Remediation, Jenny Stanford Publishing, New York, 2018.

1. Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
2. Anji Reddy Mareddy, Environmental Impact Assessment, Butterworth-Heinemann 2017.
3. Muthu S S, Advanced Textile Waste Water Treatments, Springer, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

INTRODUCTION: Myths & Realities about entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial qualities, start-ups. Mission, vision,
entrepreneurial qualities Value proposition, Business Model canvas, Business model generation. Competitive advantage,
Lean start-up, Team and early recruit, Legal forms of business. (9)

MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Marketing management, Market research, Examples, Introduction to financial statements,
Profit & Loss statement, Balance sheet, Cash flow, Examples. Cost-volume-profit & Break-Even analysis, Capital budgeting. (9)

BUSINESS PLAN: Business plan, Pitching, Go-to-market strategies, Do s & Don'ts, innovation, Design Thinking, Design-
Driven Innovation, Systems thinking, Open innovation, TRIZ, Start a start-up. (9)

GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP :Incubation, acceleration, Funding new ventures bootstrapping,
crowdsourcing, angel investors, VCs, debt financing ,due diligence, Legal aspects of business (IPR, GST, Labour law), Margin
of safety and degree of operating leverage, Capital budgeting for comparing projects or opportunities, Product costing, Product
pricing, Funding new ventures bootstrapping, crowdsourcing, Incubation and acceleration, Project cost and Financial Closure.


Negotiation skill. Human Resource management in startups, Pivoting, Entrepreneurial cases, Risk assessment and analysis,
Strategy management for entrepreneurial ventures, Factors driving success and failure of ventures. Case studies. (9)

Total L: 45
1. ng, Risk Management,

2. Prasanna Chandra , "Fundamental Financial Management", Tata McGRaw Hill Publications, India, 2005.

1. Vasant Desai , "Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management", Himalaya Publication House, 2001.
2. Bruee R Barringer and Duane Ireland , "Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Ventures", Pearson Prentice Hall,
3. India, 2006.
4. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters and Dean Shepherd, "Entre Hill, Noida, 2007.


STRESS, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: Overview; Nature and physiology of stress. Mind-body connections; Stress and non-
infectious diseases; Stress and infectious diseases; Stress and psychological disorder. Stress, trauma and posttraumatic
growth; Factors influencing stress tolerance. (9)

COPING PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES: Types of coping strategies; Coping strategies of limited value; Unconscious mind
and defensive coping; Characteristics of constructive coping; physical ways of coping. Mind-body strategies; Mental ways of
coping; Coping with social support and meaning in life; Mindfulness and acceptance. (9)

PSYCHOLOGY OF HAPPINESS: Positive mental health and well-being. Socio-economic factors and happiness; Positive
emotions. Genetic set-point and hedonic adaptation; Sustainable happiness model and intentional activities. (9)

HAPPINESS ACTIVITIES: Expressing gratitude and positive thinking; Love and kindness; Avoiding over thinking and social

MEANING AND PURPOSE IN LIFE: The concept of eudaimonic well-being; Self-determination and motivation. The concept of
meaning in life and logo-therapy; Life goals. (9)

Total L : 45
1. Weiten W Wadsworth
Publishing,USA, 2007.
2. -being: Thri

1. -Hill Education, USA, 2012.
3. Lopez S.J, Pedrotti, JT and Snyde
publications, USA, 2021.

68th ACM 04.02.2023



INTRODUCTION TO COLOUR: Distinct aspect of colour- light, pigment and sensation. Colour Theory - Colour Harmony,
Colour Context, Significance of Colour, Physical Responses. Colour Properties - Hue, Value & Intensity. (9)

COLOUR PRINCIPLES: Primary & Complementary Colours, Tertiary Colours, Analogous Colours. Colour in Art & Design -
Colour Value and Intensity in Product Art & Design, Aesthetics in Design, Modern Art & Design- Readymade, Architecture &
Design, The Bauh
and its effect on Modern Product Design. (10)

COLOUR PERCEPTION - Colour Illusion, Application in Art & Design. Psychological Perception of Colour - dimension, weight,
movement, temperature, identity, old or new, intrinsic value, appealing or repulsive, acceptance or rejection, fashion and
emotional effect. (9)

COLOUR VISIBILITY: Colour stimuli - Effect of Colour in Food & Beverage, Colour and Appetite Relationship. Colour reaction.
2-D and 3-D product design. Colour communication and interaction. Application of visibility parameter. (8)

COLOUR IN SOCIETY AND NATURE : Colour and Society - tradition, culture, beliefs, ethos. Colour in- signaling, Utility and
usage of colour in nature. Colour and Emotion Non functional elements, behavior level, non-functional sensors. (9)

Total L : 45
Colour .

Colour and Culture:Pr

Colour y N.Abrams, 2000.


INTRODUCTION: Design Paradigm, Recognizing Paradigm; Paradigm & Metaphors; Paradigm & Design Relationship, design
paradigm in traditional form. Forms follow function. (8)

DESIGN-NATURE RELATIONSHIOP: Paradigm in nature. Biomimicry and application in product. Wealth of nature design -
Spider web, Lotus Leaf, Butterfly, Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko. Design nature Application in products. (9)

PARADIGM IN HUMAN BODY: Introduction, Human Body, Taller and Shorter, Bending & Flexing, Various Grips, Spring and
Stretching, Arms and legs, Types of Hand Grips, Soft Pressure, Crush Grip, Pinch Grip. (9)

SHAPE PARADIGM: Basic geometrics, Platonic solids, application cuboids and non cuboid packing design. Simple
Paradigms- Ball, Disc, Tube, Pipe, Torus, Coil, Helicoids, Spiral, Spoon, Mobius Strip, Enclosure, Cup, Jar, Bottle, Bubble,
Blister, Skin, Wrap, Coating, Capsule, Cell, Pipe, Net, Pouch. (10)

PARADIGM FOR PRODUCT DESIGN: Bending & Flexing, Bigger & Smaller, Joining, Attaching, Passages, Objects within
Objects, Complex paradigm. (9)

Total L : 45
edition, RIBA publication, 2016.

1.Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Raúl J. Martín- .
n Wiley & Sons, 2000.


SUSTAINABILITY: Sustainable development definition, needs, pathway and system approach to design. Evolution of
sustainability within Design. Diverse approach to design for sustainability. (9)

PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE DESIGN: Methods & Strategies. Relationship between approaches to Design for Sustainability and
the application context, Product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Product LCA using software. Design for product life cycle. (9)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEM DESIGN: Definition and Types. Sustainable Product Definition, Transition Paths, Strategy,
Challenges. Khadi Movement as a precursor to PSS thinking. (9)

METHODS AND TOOLS: Stages of Methodology for system design Strategic analysis, Exploring opportunities, System
concept design, System detail design, Communication. (9)

APPROACHES: Sustainability Tools: Sustainable Product-Service System Design Applied to Distributed Economy. Other
Design for Sustainability Tools Architecture, Agriculture, Carbon Footprint, Cities and communities. (9)

Total L : 45

1. -
Publishing Limited, 2014.
2. Ralph Horne s, Tim Grant s -
Publishing, 2009.

2. Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Keijiro Masui, ugh Innovation in Product
3. Design for Sustainability a step-by-step approach United Nations Environment Programme, 2009.
4. Enrico Benetto, Kilian Gericke, Melanie Gui



INTRODUCTION: Quality tests on dyed / printed textile materials. Importance. (2)

FASTNESS TESTING: Determination of colour fastness to washing, light, perspiration, sea water, saliva, rubbing, hot pressing,
bleaching, dry cleaning and sublimation. Norms and Standards. (4)

COLOUR ASSESSMENT: Introduction. Visual colour assessment. Instrumental colour assessment. Standard illuminant and
observers. (4)

RECIPE PREDICTION: Principle. Procedure. Applications. Advantages. Limitations. Determination of colour difference. (5)

Total L:15
1. Doshi S M and Sh
Bombay, 1984.
Mahajan Publications, Ahmedabad, 1990.


INTRODUCTION : New printing technologies and styles. (1)

Khadi printing white khadi, colour khadi. (1)

Brosso Printing. (1)

Metal Powder Printing. (1)

Flock Printing PE, Cotton, Nylon, (2)

A Zari / Glitter printing-Khadi zari, Rainbow Zari Suppertime zari, Glitter zari. (2)

Mica (pearl) printing. (1)

Raise (Foam) printing. (1)

Plastisol printing Hosiery / knitted goods. (1)

Foil Printing. (1)

Bead Printing. (1)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Dew Drop or Shabnam Printing. (1)

Combo Styles. (1)

Total L:15
1. dge, 2006.


INTRODUCTION: Terminology related to merchandising. Merchandising responsibilities Line planning, line development,
product development and line presentation. (4)

MATERIALS SOURCING: Introduction. Role of sourcing in an apparel industry. Materials sourcing processes. Selection of
fabrics. Predicting aesthetics and performance. Evaluation of fabric quality. (4)

PRODUCTION PLANNING AND SOURCING: Introduction. Production strategies and concepts. Production planning.
Production capacity. Determination of sources of production. Production sourcing priorities and processes selection of
vendor, quality management of sourced goods. Managing production of sourced goods and managing logistics and custom
issues. (4)

COSTING: Elements of cost. Costing procedure. Costing methods. Costing of any one menswear, ladies wear and childre
wear. (3)

Total L:15
1. 2.


YARN COSTING: Determination of Yarn cost carded, combed. Determination of yarn realization. Relation between yarn
realization and yarn cost. Yarn cost with respect to parameters like count, ply and type of material. Yarn cost with respect to
quality parameters and specifications. (5)

FABRIC COSTING: Determination of fabric cost per square meter woven and knit (In grey stage & finished stage). Factors
influencing fabric cost woven and knit. Determination of GSM with respect to count and fabric parameters like ends per inch
and picks per inch (for woven), course per inch, wales per inch and loop length (for knits). Relation between GSM and fabric
cost. Costing of fabric with respect to weave structure. (5)

GARMENT COSTING: Determination of fabric requirement for a single garment. Determination of Garment cost without
accessories and with accessories. Costing for different finishes and accessories. Determination of CM and CMT for a garment.
Factors influencing garment cost. Cost for packaging and transport local and international. Total Costing for an order sheet
with example. Costing for an order with respect to quantity and style. (5)

Total L: 15


INTRODUCTION TO LEAN MANUFACTURING: Need for Lean manufacturing, Lean manufacturing model, systems and
systems thinking, Muda and its types. (4)

LEAN FOR TEXTILE & APPAREL INDUSTRY: Visual Management, 5S, total productive maintenance, Small group activity,
process flow diagram, establishing TAKT, Case studies. (2)

JUST IN TIME (JIT): Definition, Principles of JIT, Continuous Flow, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping, Current State VSM and
Future state VSM, Poke Yake. (5)

LEAN INVOLVEMENT AND CULTURE: Practical Kaizen Training, Key factors in Practical Kaizen Training, Lean Culture,

Total L : 15

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Diagnostic journey - definition and measurements. (4)

Remedial journey - analyze and improve. (5)

Institutionalization and integration control. (2)

Case studies. (4)

Total L: 15
-Heinemann, Burlington, 2003.


HUMIDIFICATION PLANT: Need for Maintaining Humidity. Types of Humidifiers: Localised Humidification Control Air
Handling Units Concept of Total Air Control Humidity and Health. Air Conditioning Units Dehumidification HVAC
Systems. (4)

COMPRESSOR: Types, calculation of compressor capacity, selection of compressor line. (3)

ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Transformer, Switchgears and control panel, Capacitors, Earthing, power cable requirements for
machines, lighting. (3)

Wire mounting and Grinding machines, Spindle oil topping, Cots mounting and buffing, Material handling equipments, Tools
and Gauges. (5)

Total L: 15
1.B. Purushothaman, Humidity and Ventilation Management in Textile Industry , Woodhead Publishing Limited, New Delhi,


Denim Dyeing: Yarn Specifications, Warping, Warp Dyeing Vat and Sulphur dyes, Surface dyeing effect, quality control.
Dyeing and Finishing Machines. (4)

Denim Washing: Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Acid wash, combined washing effects, Special fadings - KMnO4 Spray,
Bleaching agents, laser and ozone fadings, trouble shoot and problem solving, quality control. (4)

Denim Value Addition: Special effects worn out look, Pleats and creases, Patterned effects, Specialty prints, Functional
finishes water and stain repellent, antimicrobial, aroma finishes, and stretch denims. (7)

Total L: 15
1. Roshan Paul, Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications, Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge, 2015.
2. Industry Expert Presentations, One Day National Seminar on Denim Processing, Organized by Department of Textile
Technology, PSG College of Technology, 2013.


Cotton and Protein Fibre Processing: Current industrial practices and comparison and advances in Batch and Continues
preparatory process and dyeing. (4)

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Developments in Machines: Automation, quality, production, effluent reduction, continuous operation, energy consumption
and safety aspects in recent and conventional dyeing, finishing and printing machines. (6)

Effluent Treatments: Current situation of effluent treatment plants - economics, sludge management, health and safety
aspects, scope for future developments in the global scenario. (5)

Total L: 15
1. Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing: Applications of Dyes, Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge, 2011.
2. Schindler W D, Hauser P. J. Chemical Finishing of Textiles, The Textile Institute, 2004.
3. Peter J. Hauser, Advances in Treating Textile Effluent, Janeza Trdine, Rijeka, CroatiaOctober, 2011.
4. Christie, R M, Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing, The Textile Institute, 2007.


STRUCTURE: Structure, Comparison of 2D and 3D fabrics, classification, Multilayer fabrics theory, weaving process. (5)

MANUFACTURING: 3 D orthogonal weaving Design and Manufacturing of Orthogonal panels. (5)

APPLICATIONS :Properties and applications of 3D Woven fabrics. (5)

Total L: 15
1. -D fibrous assemblies: Properties, applications and modelling of three - dimensional textile structur
Woodhead Publishing Ltd.
2. Scardino F, in Textile Structural Composites, edited by T W Chou and F K Ko (Elsevier, Tokyo), 2389, 1-24.
3. N. Khokar. 3D-weaving: Theory and practice. Journal of the Textile Institute, 92(1):233 207, 2001.
4. N. Khokar. 3D fabric-forming process: Distinguishing between 2D-weaving, 3Dweaving and an unspecified non-interlacing
process. Journal of the Textile Institute, 87(1):97 106, 1996.
5. N. Khokar. A classification of shedding methods. Journal of the Textile Institute, 90(4), 1999.


STRUCTURE: Structure, Comparison of 2D and 3D fabrics, classification. (3)

MANUFACTURING: 3 D Knitting Design and Manufacturing of Multiaxial fabrics , Spatial fashioned knitted fabrics,
Sandwich/spacer fabrics. (7)

APPLICATIONS : Properties and applications of 3D Knitted fabrics. (5)

Total L: 15
1. Scardino F, in Textile Structural Composites, edited by T W Chou and F K Ko (Elsevier, Tokyo), 1989, 1-24.
2. Woodhead Publishing, Series
in Textiles No. 89 ,India, 2001.


DIGITAL PRINTING: Printer-Inkjet printing technology. Drop formation and impaction and industrial production printers. Printer
software Digital encoding and formation of printed images and digital colour management. (5)

Digital printing colouration substrate preparation for ink-jet printing, pigmented ink formulation. Formulation of aqueous inkjet
ink. (5)

Effect of pretreatment on print quality and its measurement, and inkjet printing of cationised cotton with reactive inks. (5)

Total L: 15

68th ACM 04.02.2023


STRUCTURED FIBRE ASSEMBLES FOR OIL SORPTION: Oil sorption phenomenon. Fluid flow through fibrous materials.
Methods of oil spill cleanup, Oil sorbents, Characteristics of oil sorbent materials. Oil sorption and retention Characteristics.
Sorption capacity of loose fiber assembly, Fiber materials used for oil sorption and their characteristics -Other materials used
for oil sorption. (8)

STANDARDS AND TEST METHODS: Different oil sorption materials. Test for sorption capacity. Test foroil sorption rate.
Absorbency test for oil retention. Test for recovery of sorped oil and reusability of sorbents. Test for water uptake and buoyancy
methods for oil sorbents. (7)

Total L: 15

ion and Textile Institute, England, 2000.


THERMAL INSULATION CHARACTERISTICS: Human thermoregulation in the cold. Thermal and tactile comfort in the cold.
Yarn/fabric structure and thermal insulation. Predicting heat and moisture transfer in fabrics. Layering the cold weather clothing.
New trends in thermoregulatory textiles for cold protection. (7)

properties of hot melt coated and laminated fabrics. Testing of coated and laminated fabrics. Standards and legislation
governing cold weather textiles-Development of legislation and standards. Directives on personal protective equipment.
European standards for cold protective clothing. Cold protective clothing standards outside Europe. (8)

Total L: 15

Cambridge, UK, 2001


SOURCING: Need for sourcing, sourcing materials, manufacturing resources planning (MRP). Sourcing strategies. Local,
national and international sourcing. Commercially available woven and knitted structures- woven crepe, seersucker. Knitted-
airtex, honeycomb, pique. (8)

SAMPLE DEVELOPMENT: Fabric construction, analysis and sample development and applications. (7)

Total L: 15
1. E.Glock Ruth and I. Kunz Grace, "Apparel Manufacturing - Sewn Product Analysis", Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1996.
2. Course materials prepared by the Industry expert / Department of Textile Technology.2023.



INTRODUCTION: Need, Eco-Concerns and Labeling, Procedures, Types and Life Cycle of Textile and Polymeric Materials. (5)

PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY: Recycling Challenges and Technology, Recycling and reuse of Textile Industrial Wastes. (5)

REUSE, PRODUCTS AND APPLICATIONS: Reuse of Fibrous and Non fibrous PET, Nylon 6, Nylon 66, Polypropylene,
Polyethylene, Acrylic and other non fibrous polymers, Various Recycled Products and their Applications. (5)

Total L: 15
1. mited, Cambridge 2006.
2. -

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Origin, Definition, Classification, Properties. (3)

PRECURSORS: Acrylics, Cellulosics, Pitch, Vapor-Grown Carbon Fibres, CNT. (3)

APPLICATIONS: Established and Special Purpose Applications, Matrices, Carbon Fibre Treatments, Testing, CNT,
Challenges and R&D, Recycling, Structure and State of Carbon Fibre Industry. (9)

Total L: 15
1. Soo- Fibres
stitute, CRC Press, London, 2001.



INTRODUCTION: Importance, Theory, EMS and Eco-Labelling. (3)

SUPPLY CHAIN: Natural and Man-Made Fibres, Yarn to Garment Manufacture, Disposal, Reuse and Recycling Scenarios. (5)

PRODUCTS, TECHNOLOGY, MARKETING: Natural Fibre Composites, Bast and other Cellulosic Fibres as Alternatives, Life
Cycle Assessment, Consumer Awareness and Global Status. (7)

Total L: 15
1. Marion I. Tobler-



QUALITY EVALUATION OF TEXTILES : Need for quality assessment and quality control. Fibre, yarn and fabric quality
parameters- Case studies. (5)

DATA ANALYSIS : Analysis of test results Fibre , yarn and fabric testing. Interpretation of results and standards. Case
studies. (10)

Total L: 15
1. Department of Textile Technology, "Course materials prepared by the Industry expert / faculty of Textile Technology", Textile
Technology, 2019.


Department of
Automobile Engineering

Open Elective Courses


ME Automotive Engineering
Degree Programme

2021 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023



NATURE AND THEORIES OF MANAGEMENT:Evolution of management Thought-Classical, Behavioral and Management

Science Approaches Management- meaning, levels, management as an art or science, Managerial functions and Roles,
Evolution of Management Theory- Classical era- Contribution of F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, NeoClassical-Mayo & Hawthorne
Experiments. Modern era system & contingency approach Managerial Skills. (12)

PLANNING AND ORGANISING PLANNING:Steps in Planning Process - Scope and Limitations - Forecasting and types of
Planning - Characteristics of a sound Plan - Management by Objectives (MBO) - Policies and Strategies - Scope and
Formulation - Decision Making - Types, Techniques and Processes. Organisation Structure and Design - Authority and
Responsibility Relationships - Delegation of Authority and Decentralisation - Interdepartmental Coordination - - Impact of
Technology on Organisational design - Mechanistic vs Adoptive Structures - Formal and Informal Organisation.Control:
meaning, function, Process and types of Control. (11)

INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR& GROUP BEHAVIOUR: Meaning of Organizational behavior, contributing disciplines, importance
of organizational behavior, Perception and Learning - Personality and Individual Differences - Motivation theories and Job
Performance - Values, Attitudes and Beliefs - Communication Types-Process - Barriers - Making Communication Effective,
Organisational Structure - Organisational Climate and Culture, Conflict: concept, sources, Types, Stages of conflict,
Management of conflict Organisational Change and Development. (11)

EMERGING ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: Comparative Management Styles and approaches - Japanese
Management Practices Organizational Creativity and Innovation - Organizational behavior across cultures - Conditions affecting
cross cultural organizational operations, Managing International Workforce, Productivity and cultural contingencies, Cross
cultural communication, Management of Diversity. (11)

Total L : 45

1. Andrew J. Dubrin, Essentials of Management, Thomson Southwestern, 2016.
2. Samuel C. Certo and S.Trevis Certo, Modern Management: Concepts and Skills, Pearson education, 2018.
3. ducation, 2017.
4. McShane, Mary V. Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2017.
5. Robert Konopaske, John M Ivancevich, Michael T Matteson, Oranizational Behavior and Management, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2017.


INTRODUCTION: Innovation types, Process - Economic scale of innovation Innovation system Innovation research &
development - Creativity techniques. (11)

TECHNOLOGY CHANGE: Technology change Organizational issues Entrepreneurs opportunities and Technology
changes Technology change and productivity. (11)

INNOVATION STRATEGY: Importance - innovation strategy in practice types formulating strategy - building innovative
capabilities - returns from innovation strategy - innovation strategy in SMEs. (11)

INNOVATION MANGEMENT: Product and services benefits, failure, role of design. Operations and Process importance,
techniques, lean production, integration - internal, external. Entrepreneurship - Technology based, knowledge spillover in large
and small firms financing - contribution of public entities. (12)

Total L : 45

1. Nelson, Quick, Khandelwal. ORGB An innovative approach to learning and teaching. Cengage learning. 2012
2. Scott Shane, Handbook of Technology and Innovation Management, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
3. Frederick Betz, Managing Technological Innovation, John Wiley &Sons, 2011.
4. McShane, Mary V. Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2017.


Department of
Biomedical Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Biomedical Engineering
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023



INTRODUCTION: Evolution, Healthcare reforms and the growth of Health Information Systems (HIS), Health Care Data: Data Vs
Information, Sources, Uses, Quality. (7)

INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Electronic Health Record Systems: Purpose, Content, Functions, Benefits of Electronic Health Record
(EHR), Personal Health Records: Requirements for Licensures, Patient Records as Legal Documents, National Quality
Improvement Initiatives. (9)

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT: System acquisition, Development life cycle, Project management tools, Managing
change during the system implementation process, Factors considered throughout the implementation phases, System support and
optimisation. (10)

LAWS, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: Privacy and Security: Legal Protection of Health Information, Threats to Healthcare
Information, Measuring Quality of Care, Federal Quality improvement initiative, Healthcare Information System Standards:
Standards Development Process, Health Information Technology (IT) standards, Data Exchange and Messaging Standards, Health
record content and functional standards. (10)

IT IN HEALTHCARE: IT alignment and strategic planning, IT governance and management, Healthcare IT leadership case studies:

Total L: 45
1. Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for
John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2022.

1. Adrian Stavert- -
, New
York, 2013.
3. Adi Armoni



technology, Classic components of a VR system, VR Development Process: Geometric modeling - Kinematics modeling - Physical
modeling - Behavior modeling - Model management. (9)

I/O INTERFACE IN VR: Human factors: Eye, Ear and somatic senses, Hardware: Introduction- Sensor hardware Head coupled
displays - Acoustic hardware - Integrated VR systems, Input Devices (Trackers, Navigation and Gesture Interfaces): Three
dimensional position trackers - Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces - Gesture interfaces, Output Devices: Graphic displays -
Sound displays - Haptic feedback. (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY: Introduction- Key aspects, Relationship between Augmented Reality and Other Technologies: Media-
Technologies, Augmented Reality Concepts: Major Components, Ingredients of Augmented Reality Experience, Major Hardware
Components: Sensors- Processors- Displays, Major Software Components. (9)

AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM: Tracking, Calibration and Registration: Coordinate Systems, Characteristics of Tracking
Technology, Stationary Tracking Systems, Mobile Sensors, Optical Tracking, Sensor Fusion. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Medical applications, Virtual Anatomy, Triage and Diagnostic, Surgery, Rehabilitation, Flight and Driving
Simulators, Surgery Simulators, Design and Visualization, Telepresence and Teleoperation, Augmented Reality, Motor
Rehabilitation, Psychotherapy, Military applications, Robotics applications, information Visualization. (9)

Total L: 45

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2017

1. nn, United States, 2013.
-Wesley Professional, United States, 2016.
United States, 2009.



BIOMETRIC FUNDAMENTALS: Key Biometric terms and Processes, Definitions, Verification and Identification, Performance
Metrics, Derived metrics, Biometric Authentication Systems. (7)

PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS: Face, Ear, Retina, Iris, Finger, Automated fingerprint identification system, Palm print, Hand vascular
geometry analysis, Knuckle, DNA, Dental, Cognitive Biometrics. (9)

BEHAVIOURAL TRAITS: Signature, Keystroke, Voice, Gait, Gesture recognition, Video face, Mapping the body technology, Case
Study. (9)

FACE AND VOICE RECOGNITION: Understanding facial features, Acquiring facial image, Extracting facial features, Face
Detection, Face Recognition, Representation and Classification. Understanding voice recognition, Enrolling and matching, Voice
recognition and classification. (12)

MULTIMODAL BIOMETRIC SYSTEM: Introduction, Information sources, Information Fusion, Developmental issues, Applications of
Multimodal biometrics in healthcare. (8)

Total L : 45
1. Nabil Derbel, Olfa Kanoun (Eds.), Advanced
2. ty Press, UK, 2018.

2. Springer,
New York, 2013.
3. IGI
Global, Pennsylvania, 2013.
4. Identity Ver
Sons, New Delhi, 2012


Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Electrical and Electronics

Engineering (Reg & SW)
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023



CHARACTERIZATION OF WASTES : agricultural residues and wastes including animal wastes; industrial wastes; municipal solid
wastes. Waste processing types and composition of various types of wastes; Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste, Industrial
waste and Biomedical Waste, waste collection and transportation; waste processing-size reduction, separation; waste management
hierarchy, waste minimization and recycling of Municipal solid waste. (9)

THERMO CHEMICAL CONVERSION: incineration, pyrolysis, gasification of waste using gasifiers, environmental and health
impacts of incineration; strategies for reducing environmental impacts. Energy production from wastes through incineration, energy
production through gasification of wastes. Energy production through pyrolysis and gasification of wastes, syngas utilization. (9)

BIO-CHEMICAL CONVERSION: Anaerobic digestion of sewage and municipal wastes, direct combustion of MSW-refuse derived
solid fuel, industrial waste, agro residues, anaerobic digestion biogas production, and present status of technologies for conversion
of waste into energy, design of waste to energy plants for cities, small townships and villages. Energy production from wastes
through fermentation and trans esterification. Cultivation of algal biomass from wastewater and energy production from algae.
Energy production from organic wastes through anaerobic digestion and fermentation. (9)

efficiency, energy waste, waste heat recovery classification, advantages and applications, commercially viable waste heat recovery
devices. (9)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH IMPACTS-CASE STUDIES: Environmental and health impacts of waste to energy conversion,
Industrial waste management Hazardous waste management E-waste management -EV Batteries Mobile Chargers - case
studies of commercial waste to energy plants, waste to energy- potentials and constraints in India, eco-technological alternatives for
waste to energy conversions. (9)

Total L : 45

2. Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book Vol. I & amp; II, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.

1. Robert C. Brown, (2019). Thermo-chemical Processing of Biomass: Conversion into Fuels, Chemicals and Power, John Wiley
and Sons, USA.
2. Sergio Capareda, (2013). Introduction to Biomass Energy Conversions, CRC Press, USA.
3. Krzysztof J Ptasinski, (2016). Efficiency of Biomass Energy: An Exergy Approach to Biofuels, Power, and Biorefineries, John
Wiley & Sons, USA.
4. Vesilind, P.A., and Worrell W. A. (2016) Solid Waste Engineering, 2nd Ed., Cengage India.


INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY : Origin of life and Evolution, Cells - Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Biochemical nuts and bolts -
water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, DNA, RNA and enzymes, Introduction to metabolism, Mendelian genetics, Chromatin, DNA
structure, replication, transcription and translation. Human system - skeletal structure, types of connective tissues, structure of joints,
muscle and organ structure and function, cardiac physiology, blood properties and flow, nervous system. (8)

APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES IN ENGINEERING: Biological functions for Camera for imaging, image recognition,
visual information processing, Information and Communication Technologies, memristor, optoelectronic, speech recognition, smart
sensing, sensorimotorics, neuromorphic and artificial intelligence. Biology in biomimicry Sharkskin inspired swimsuits, Burr
inspired Velcro, Whale fin inspired wind turbine blades, cooling fans, airplane wings and propellers, lotus inspired paintbrushes,
Stenocara shell inspired water collection, skeleton structure of blowfish inspired designing of vehicles, termites and
Scyliorhinuscanicular inspired architecture and natural colour inspired nanophotonic crystal. (11)

BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED PRODUCTS : Case study on workload ergonomics, system ergonomics and information ergonomics,
Ultrasound imaging, X-Ray and PET scanning, Bioelectromagnetism - Touch Screen Technology, Force and torque sensor, inertial
sensing technology and motion capture systems, Human-in-the-loop process. (8)

BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED PROCESS, AND MATTERS :Bioactuators, Biocybernetics, Biotelemetry, Bionic (rehabilitation),
Bioreactor, Bioremediation, Biofertilizer, Bioenergy, Biosensors, Biopolymers, Biofilters, Biochips, Bioengineering (Production of
Artificial Limbs, joints and other parts of body)Microbial fuel cells in vehicles. Biotechnological reliance in space, agriculture and
nuclear energy. (8)

IMPACT OF MACHINE/DEVICES ON HUMAN AND REGULATIONS : Biological effects Somatic and genetic effect, Exposure
and health effects microwaves, radiation, radiofrequency and electronic gadgets, Man-made and Technological hazards, Impact

68th ACM 04.02.2023

on ecosystem - Chemical, nuclear, radiological, transportation and e-waste hazards - International and National regulatory bodies -
Radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, Electronic devices, Cell phones, Smart meters, Medical use of radiation and Nuclear
power plants. (10)

Total L : 45

1. Johnson, A. T. Biology for engineers. CRC Press, 2011.
2. Khandpur, R. S. Biomedical instrumentation: Technology and applications (Vol. 1). New York: Mcgraw-hill, 2005.

1. Yoseph Bar
2. Subrahmanyam, S. A Textbook Of Human Physiology. S. Chand Limited, 1987.
3. Kindt, T. J., Goldsby, R. A., Osborne, B. A., &Kuby, J. Kuby immunology. Macmillan, 2007
4. Salvendy, G. (Ed.). Handbook of human factors and ergonomics. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.


Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Open Elective Courses


ME Engineering Design,
ME Industrial Engineering,
ME Computer Integrated Manufacturing
ME Energy Engineering
Degree Programmes

2021 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


FRAMEWORK: Definition, scope, mindset, inspiring stories, personas, human-centered design, design thinking phases
empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test; double diamond approach. (9)

PROBLEM FRAMING: Empathize- problem statement, observing real users, 5-whys, building empathy with analogies,
bodystorm; Define - empathy map, customer journey map, experience map, affinity map, point-of-view, AEIOU, context
mapping, vision cone. (9)

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT: Ideate - brainstorming, 2x2 Matrix, dot voting, mind mapping, role-playing, concept sketching,
6-3- 5 method, idea mapping, analogies, benchmarking, NABC. (9)

VISUALIZATION: Sketching, paper interfaces, storyboards, Lego prototypes, proof-of-concept, physical models; Test -
concept testing, user testing, usability testing, functional testing, experience testing, tree testing, card sorting, A/B testing,
testing sheet, and best practices. (9)

COPING WITH WICKED PROBLEMS: Definition, wicked problem territory, the creative approach, entrepreneurship and
innovation approaches, systems approach, collaborative approach. (9)

Total L: 45

HarperCollins books, 2009

1. Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, and Larry Leifer, "The Design Thinking Toolbox: A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular
andValuable Innovation Methods", Wiley, 1st edition, April 2020.
2. Falk Uebernickel, Li Jiang, Walter Brenner, Britta Pukall, Therese Naef and Bernhard Schindlholzer, "Design
Thinking:The Handbook", Ws Professional, 2020.
3. Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris, "Design Thinking", Bloomsbury Publishing India Private Limited, 2009.
4. Christian Muller-Roterberg, "Design Thinking For Dummies", Wiley, 2021

21MD95 / 21MN95 / 21MC95 / 21SE95


CONCEPTS OF INTEGRATED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Importance of global requirements and its products and
services; Types of product development; Product development process of 21st Century involving PESTEL and SWOT, the
need for multi- disciplinary approach; Introduction to different product development methodologies; Product life-cycle and its
phases, End-of- product lifecycle (EoL); Intellectual property rights. (10)

REQUIREMENT ENGINEERING AND PROTOTYPE SELECTION: Importance of requirement engineering, Types of

requirements; Traceability matrix and analysis; Requirement management, Data collection; Introduction to concept
generation techniques: Concept screening and evaluation, Prototype: Types of prototypes; Introduction to rapid
prototyping and rapid manufacturing; Design specification. (10)

SYSTEM DESIGN AND MODELING: Expand prototype to a physical product; Introduction to system modelling, system
optimization, system specification, sub-system design; industrial design and user interface design, detailed design.
component design and verification. (8)

SYSTEM INTEGRATION: Integration of mechanical, controls, embedded, and software systems, High-level design/Low-
level design of software program; hardware schematic; component design, layout; challenges in the integration of
engineering disciplines. (9)

TESTING, CERTIFICATION, DOCUMENTATION AND EoL SUPPORT: Introduction to product verification processes and
stages; Introduction to product validation processes and stages; product testing standards and certification; product
documentation; sustenance; maintenance and repair, enhancements; product EoL, obsolescence management;
configuration management; EoL disposal; software testing; hardware testing. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Karl T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger, Design Tata McGraw Hill, 7th edition, India, 2020.
2. John W Newstorm, "Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work", Tata McGraw Hill Education, 12th
edition, India, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel, "Creating Breakthrough Products: Revealing the Secrets that Drive
Global Innovation (2nd Edition)", Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Hiriyappa B, Managing the Authorhouse, USA, 2013.
3. Vinod Kumar Garg and Venkitakrishnan N K, Resource Planning Concepts and
Prentice Hall India, 2004.
4. Mark S Sanders and Ernest J McCormick, "Human Factors in Engineering and Design", McGraw Hill
Education, 7thedition, India, 1992.


Department of
Mechanical Engineering

One Credit Courses


ME Engineering Design,
ME Industrial Engineering,
ME Computer Integrated Manufacturing
ME Energy Engineering
Degree Programmes

2021 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


History and Introduction to Digital Transformation: Industry 4.0 history- Building blocks of Industry 4.0 - Product
development phase - Simulation vs Digital Twin Closed-loop manufacturing with digital twin for product development,
manufacturing process, and product performance management - Closed Loop Quality data management, defect
identification, Digital SPC in Production processes, IIOT, Machine vision introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality and
its role in product design, marketing and training Traceability, Supply chain & other blockchain use-cases with an
introduction & demo of Blockchain platform - Data analytics & optimization AI, Machine learning - Industry 4.0 maturity model

TECHNOLOGY ENABLERS: Introduction to Mobile App & Web App building activity, Introduction to 3D, VR & AR Low code
platform blender & Verge 3D, Introduction to Image analytics with an activity - Data capturing using apps, IIOT devices and
electronic forms and activity in Microsoft Power BI to understand low code tools for data handling and analytics, introduction
to Robotic process automation, Introduction to Cyber and data security. (9)

Total L : 15

1. George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee, "Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business
Transformation", Harvard Business Edition, 2014.
2. Alasdair Gilchrist, "Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things", Apress, 2019.
3. Tom Taulli, "The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems", Apress; 1st ed.
edition 2020
4. Shyam Varan Nath and Pieter van Schalkwyk, "Building Industrial Digital Twins: Design, develop, and deploy digital twin
solutions for real-world industries using Azure Digital Twins", Packt Publishing Limited, 2021


AUTOMATION OF ASSEMBLY LINES: High-cost, and low-cost automation examples, benefits, skills required;
Automation Principles and Strategies, Levels of Automation, Automation of Assembly Lines SPM, AGV productivity,
quality, and cost. (2)

pneumatic circuits, troubleshooting of pneumatics; Classification of sensors and transducers, basics; 8085
Microprocessors programming, integration of microprocessors into servo systems; and flip-flops; Discrete Process
Control. Robot Control System, robotics circuits, application in industry, casestudy. (7)

ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION AND FMS: Fundamentals of Automated Production System, Methods of delivering works at
the workstations Introduction and classification, feeding devices general principles, vibratory devices - construction and
working, application in industries, non-vibratory devices construction and working, application in industries, automated
assembly customized part design, casestudy. Alternative Approaches to Flexible Manufacturing System, Case Study (6)

Total L: 15

1. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education,
Fourth edition, 2016.
2. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician's and Engineer's Guide, Butterworth-Heinemann; 3rdedition,
3. Bolton W., Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd,1997.
4. Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers, McGraw Hill, Fifth edition, 2019


INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRY 4.0: Need and benefits, fundamentals, and the current state of the factory, functional
elements of the smart factory Introduction of each functional element of MES. (4)

SIMULATION: IIOT, PLM, Digital Thread, Digital Twin, AR/VR; Simulation for factory, plant simulation, process simulation,
IT OT cyber security for Industry 4.0; Digital twin, digital thread, Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ), digitization of
workplace, digital operators, digital assets, industrial IoT, data, sensors, gateway, data processing, IIOT platforms, additive
manufacturing. (7)

AI AND ML IN INDUSTRY 4.0: AR/VR/MR/Haptics, Examples of Industry 4.0 Implementations across the industry; Software
OEMs Platforms and solutions, technologies for Industry 4.0. (4)

Total L : 15

68th ACM 04.02.2023

1. S. Misra, C. Roy, and A. Mukherjee, Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things, CRC Press, 1st
edition, 2020.
2. Ulrich Sendler, The Internet of Things: Industry 4.0 Unleashed, Springer Vieweg, 1st edition, 2018.
3. B.K. Tripathy, J. Anuradha, Internet of Things (IoT): Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Solutions, CRC
Press; 1st edition, 2017.
4. Alasdair Gilchrist, Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, Apress, 1st edition, 2019.


Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Sandwich Scheme


BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)

Degree Programme

2023 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023

13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment

(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164+45)
Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
1 23M101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23M102 Physics 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
3 23M103 Chemistry of Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 BS
4 23G105 English Language Proficiency 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS
5 23M110 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 BS
6 23M111 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23IP15 Induction Programme 0 0 0 0 - - - MC
23M100 Industrial Training - I 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC
Total 14 + 8+10 hrs 12 2 8+10 18+5 330 370 700

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

Course CA
S.No Course Title Credits
Code T
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


Basics of Electrical and Electronics
1 23M104 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
2 23M201 Complex Variables and Transforms 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

3 23M202 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

4 23M203 Manufacturing Processes I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

5 23M205 Industrial Metallurgy 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

Electrical and Electronics
6 23M210 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES
Engineering Laboratory
7 23M211 Engineering Practices Laboratory 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 ES

8 23___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 HS


9 23M215 Activity Point Programme -1 - - - Grade - - - MC

10 23Q213 Foundations of Problem Solving 0 0 2 0 - - - MC


23M200 Industrial Training - II 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 17 + 10 +10 hrs 15 2 10+10 21+5 430 470 900

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC
Mandatory Course

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


1 23M301 Computational Mathematics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS

2 23M302 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 HS

3 23M303 Mechanics of Materials 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES

4 23M304 Kinematics of Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Metallurgy and Mechanics of
5 23M310 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
Materials Laboratory
Manufacturing Processes
6 23M311 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23Q313 Building Communication Skills 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC

8 23K314 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

9 23M315 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

23M300 Industrial Training - III 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 17 + 10+10 hrs 14 3 10+10 20+5 430 370 800

Course Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Code Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


1 23M305 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

2 23M401 Probability and Statistics 2 1 0 3 40 60 100 BS

3 23M402 Manufacturing Processes II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23M403 Dynamics of Machinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC


5 23M410 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

6 23M411 Python Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES

7 23Q413 Problem Solving 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC

8 23O414 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

9 23M415 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC

23M400 Industrial Training - IV 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 16 + 10 +10 hrs 13 3 10+10 19+5 430 370 800
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC
Mandatory Course

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M204 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES

2 23M404 Thermal Engineering I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

3 23M405 Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

4 23M501 Design of Machine Elements 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
5 23M510 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
6 23M511 Thermal Engineering Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

7 23Q513 Aptitude Skills 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC


8 23M515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC


23M500 Industrial Training V 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 14 + 10+10 hrs 12 2 10+10 19+5 430 370 800

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M502 Thermal Engineering II 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

2 23M504 Turbomachinery 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

3 23M505 Metrology and Instrumentation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23M601 Mechanical System Design 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Dynamics and Metrology
5 23M611 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
6 23M612 Innovation Practices 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
Enhancing Problem Solving
7 23Q613 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC
Ability with Code

8 23M615 Activity Point Programme - - - Grade - - - MC


23M600 Industrial Training VI 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 15 + 8+10 hrs 12 3 8+10 19+5 430 370 800

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC
Mandatory Course

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M503 Operations Research 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

2 23M__ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23M__ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

4 23___ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 OE

Industrial Training VII
23M700 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC
( 3 months internship)
Total 12+10 hrs 12 0 10 12+5 210 290 500

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M602 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC

Design for Manufacture and
2 23M603 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
3 23M701 Finite Element Analysis 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC

4 23M__ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE


5 23M610 Heat Transfer Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC

Finite Element Analysis
6 23M710 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC

23M800 Industrial Training VIII 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 14 + 6+10 hrs 12 2 6+10 17+5 330 370 700

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC
Mandatory Course

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total



1 23M702 Manufacturing Automation 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 EEC

2 23M__ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

3 23M___ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE

Manufacturing Automation
4 23M711 0 0 2 1 60 40 100 EEC
5 23M720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC


23M900 Industrial Training IX 0 0 10 5* 50 50 100 PC

Total 9 + 6 +10hrs 9 0 6+10 12+5 290 310 600

Hours / Week Maximum Marks

S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total


1 23M___ 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Elective VI

2 23M820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 60 40 100 EEC

Total 3 + 8 hrs 3 0 8 7 100 100 200

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC
Mandatory Course

68th ACM 04.02.2023



Credits per semester

Course Total
S.No Category Credits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

2 BS 12 8 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 27

3 ES 2 8 5 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 27

4 PC 0+5* 3+5* 6+5* 9+5* 9+5* 17+5* 3+5* 13+5* 0+5* 0 60

5 PE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 6 3 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 6

7 EEC 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 6 4 16

8 MC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 18+5* 21+5* 20+5* 19+5* 19+5* 19+5* 12+5* 17+5* 12+5* 7 164

* Industrial Training = 45 credits


Department of
Metallurgical Engineering

One Credit Course


BE Metallurgical Engineering
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


Introduction to steels and steel mills in India and World, integrated steel mills and mini steel mills, structure property correlation
in steels , microstructure and properties in steel, forms of steel and production methods , specifications of steels (5)

Overview of primary and secondary steel making processes, advanced steel making - vacuum induction Melting, Vacuum Arc
Remelting, Electroslag Remelting, Plasma Arc melting; Quality assessment in steel products- inhomogeneity in steels,
Segregation, surface defects, non-metallic inclusions, Core discontinuities; total quality management principles (5)

Steel products for different market segments: structural steels - long products, Flat Products; tool steels, steels for oil refineries,
OCTB steels, rail steels, Structural steels for ship hull and decks, Steels in turbines, valves, boilers, fire side steels, steels for
solar panels, steels for farming and harvesting equipment, soil treatment plants, steel for Ginning , spinning , Knitting
equipment and garment machinery, steel-reinforced cables, steel fasteners, wear resistant steels for excavators, crushers, drill
rigs, Stainless steels in chemical and food processing equipment, Steels for implants. Medical instrumentations (5)

Total L:15

1. Steels: Metallurgy and Applications , Butterworth-Heinemann 1998
2. Publication, 2011


Department of
Production Engineering

Open Elective Course


BE Production Engineering
(Reg & SW)
Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


BATTERY PARAMETERS: Cell and battery voltages, charge (or amphour) capacity, energy stored, energy density, specific
power, amphour (or charge) efficiency, energy efficiency, self-discharge rates, battery geometry, battery temperature, heating
and cooling needs, battery life and number of deep cycles, factors affecting the battery performance. (9)

ADVANCED BATTERIES: Lead acid batteries - lead acid battery basics, special characteristics of lead acid batteries, battery
life and maintenance, battery charging nickel-based batteries - nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride batteries, sodium-based
batteries- sodium sulphur batteries, sodium metal chloride (Zebra) batteries, lithium batteries- lithium polymer battery, lithium-
ion battery.metal air batteries - introduction, aluminium air battery, zinc air battery. (9)

BATTERY PACK AND BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : Selection of battery for EVs & HEVs, traction battery pack
design, requirement of battery monitoring, battery state of charge estimation methods, battery cell equalization problem,
thermal control, protection interface, SOC estimation, energy & power estimation, battery thermal management system, battery
management system - definition, parts - power module, battery, DC/DC converter, load, communication channel, battery pack
safety, battery standards & tests. (9)

BATTERY MODELLING: General approach to modelling batteries, simulation model of a rechargeable Li-ion battery,
simulation model of a rechargeable NiCd battery, parameterization of the NiCd battery model, simulation examples. (9)

BATTERY TESTING, DISPOSAL & RECYCLING : Chemical & structure material properties for cell safety and battery design,
battery testing, limitations for transport and storage of cells and batteries, recycling, disposal and second use of batteries,
battery leakage - gas generation in batteries, leakage path, leakage rates, ruptures - mechanical stress and pressure
tolerance of cells, safety vents, explosions - causes of battery explosions, explosive process, thermal runway - high discharge
rates, short circuits, charging and discharging, environment and human health impact assessments of batteries, (9)

Total L: 45 hours

2. Vladimir fuel cells,

2. Beard, K.W., 2019. Linden's handbook of batteries. McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Expert Verlag, Renningen Malsheim, 2003.
4. A.G.Ter- hnology
(IET) Publication, UK, 2011.


Department of
Robotics and Automation Engineering

Professional Elective Courses


BE Robotics and Automation

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Aviation History and Overview of UAV systems - Definitions and Terminology - Classes and Missions of
UAVs Expendable UAVs - Examples of UAV systems (8)

BASIC AERODYNAMICS AND PERFORMANCE: Aerodynamic equations Aircraft polar - Induced drag The Boundary
layer Flapping wings Total Air Vehicle Drag - Performance: Overview Climbing Flight Range and Endurance Gliding
Flight (9)

STABILITY AND CONTROL: Overview Stability - Longitudinal and Lateral - Dynamic Stability - Aerodynamics Control -
Pitch Control - Lateral Control Autopilots Sensors, Controllers and Actuators - Airframe Control - Inner and Outer Loops
Flight - Control Classification - Modes of Operation (10)

PROPULSION AND STRUCTURES: Propulsion Overview -Thrust Generation - Powered Lift - Sources of Power - Loads
and Structures: Overview, Loads, Dynamic Loads, Materials, Construction Techniques (8)

MISSION PLANNING AND CONTROL: Air Vehicle and Payload Control - Modes of control Piloting the Air Vehicle
Controlling payloads - Controlling the Mission Autonomy Payloads: Surveillance Payloads, Weapon Payloads, Other
Payloads - Data-Link Functions and Attributes, Data-Link Margin, Data-Rate Reduction - Launch Systems - Recovery
Systems - Launch and Recovery Tradeoffs (10)

Total L: 45
1. Edition, Wiley Publication, John Wiley
& Sons Ltd., 2012.
2. Edition, John Wiley & Sons,

Springer, 2022.
3. R. Jha,


INTRODUCTION: Taxonomy, Technology and Features of Augmented Reality, Difference between AR, VR and MR,
Challenges with AR, AR Systems and Functionality, Augmented Reality Methods, Visualization Techniques for Augmented
Reality (8)

AR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Introduction to AR Tools - Camera Parameters and Calibration, Marker-Based

Augmented Reality AR Toolkit (8)

VR SYSTEMS: Basic Features and Architecture - VR Input Hardware: Tracking Systems, Motion Capture Systems, Data
Gloves, VR Output Hardware: Visual Displays (9)

3D INTERACTION TECHNIQUES: 3D Manipulation Tasks, Manipulation Techniques and Input Devices, Interaction
Techniques for 3D Manipulation (10)

APPLICATION: Medical Applications - Educational Applications - Public Safety and Military Applications, Case Studies: AR
Assisted Robot Programming System for Industrial Applications, AR Based Mobile Robot Tele Operation, AR for Human
Robot Communication - AR and Cobots (10)

Total L: 45

1. Paul Mealy, Virtual & Augmented Reality for Dummies John Wiley and Sons, 2018.
2. Tony Virtual Reality: Developing Immersive Experiences and Applications for Desktop, Web, and
Reilly, 2015.

1. Alan B. Craig, Understanding Augmented Reality: Concepts and Applications, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
2. Alan Craig, William Sherman and Jeffrey Will, Developing Virtual Reality Applications: Foundations of Effective Design,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2009.
3. Steve Aukstakal
-Wesley publisher, 1st Edition, 2016.
4. Burdea, G. C. and P. Coffet. Virtual Reality Technology, 2nd Edition, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2017.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: Classes of Materials and their Usage Evaluation of Materials
Science Structural Material Functional Materials Polyfunctional Materials Generation of Smart Materials Diverse
Areas of Intelligent Materials Primitive Functions of Intelligent Materials Technological Applications of Intelligent Materials
ELECTRO RHEOLOGICAL AND MAGNETO RHEOLOGICAL FLUIDS: Mechanisms and Properties, Characteristics, Fluid
Composition and Behaviour, Discovery and Early Developments, Summary of Material Properties, Applications of ER and
MR Fluids (9)

SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS (SMA): Introduction, Properties of Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory Effects, Pseudo-
elasticity in SMA, Design of Shape Memory Actuator, Selection of Materials, Smart Actuation and Control, Applications of
SMA in Robotics (9)

PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS: Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Materials, Constitutive Equations of Piezoelectric

Materials, Piezoelectric Actuator Types, Control of Piezoelectric Actuators, Applications of Piezoelectric Actuators for Precise
Positioning and Scanning (9)

LIGHT WEIGHT MATERIALS: Need of Lightweight Materials in Robotics Selection Guidelines for Lightweight Materials -
Material Properties, Manufacturing and Applications of Magnesium - based Alloys, Carbon Fiber Composites, Glass Fiber
Composites, Aluminum Alloys, Titanium Alloys (9)

Total L: 45
1. D.J. Leo, Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems, Wiley 2007.

1. M
2. D. I. Arun, P.Chakravarthy, R. Arockiakumar, and B. Santhosh, Shape Memory Materials , CRC Press, 2018.
3. Borton London, 2004.


Department of
Robotics and Automation Engineering

Open Elective Courses


BE Robotics and Automation

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Formulation of Linear Programming Graphical Method, Simplex Algorithm- Phase I and Phase
II of Simplex Method - Simplex Multipliers - Revised Simplex Method - Dual and Primal- Dual Simplex Method (9)

NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Unconstrained Optimization: Introduction Uni variate method Simplex method
Gradient of a function steepest descent method Conjugate gradient method- Constrained Optimization: Introduction
Characteristics of the problem Random search methods Complex method (11)

PERT/CPM: Network Construction-Computation of Earliest Start Time, Latest Start Time, Total, Free and Independent Float
Time -Crashing Computation of Optimistic, Most Likely, Pessimistic and Expected Time- Resource Analysis in Network
Scheduling (7)

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Classical Design Experiments, Single Factor and Multi-Factor Experiments, Analysis of
Experimental Results; Taguchi Design of Experiments - Phases, Analysis and Interpretation; Response Surface Methodology
- Response Surfaces, Two-Level Factorial Designs - Case Studies - Use of Statistical Software (9)

NON TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES: Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization and Neural
Networks (9)

Total L: 45

1. Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Edition, Pearson Education, 2016.

1. Frederick S, Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman, "Introduction to Operations Research", 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016.
2. Singiresu. S. 3rd Edition, New Age International, 2013.
3. Ross P J, "Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
4. Myers R H, Montgomery D C and Anderson-Cook, "Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product Optimization
using Designed Experiments", 4th Edition, Wiley, 2016.


INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON: Structure of a Python Program - Elements of Python - Python Interpreter - Using Python as
Calculator Python Shell-Indentation - Atoms-Identifiers and Keywords Literals Strings and Operators - Simple Input and
Output - Comments - Introduction to Anaconda - Jupyter - Spyder IDE (8)

CONTROL STATEMENTS AND FUNCTIONS: Branching and Looping - Break and Continue - Lists Tuples - Sets -
Dictionaries. Python Functions: Defining a Function - Calling a Function, Types of functions - Function Arguments -
Organizing Python Codes using Functions - Mapping Functions in a Dictionary - Lambda function - Recursive Functions
MODULES AND PACKAGES: Standard Modules - OS and SYS modules - User Defined Modules Packages - Data
Analysis with Pandas - Visualization with matplotlib - Database Access - AI/ML Libraries (9)

FILES AND EXCEPTIONS: Reading Data from Keyboard - Opening and Closing File-Reading and Writing Files - Exception
Handling: Introduction to Exception - Exception Handling - User Defined Exceptions - Creating Class and Object - Inheritance
in Python - Method Overriding and Data Abstraction - Encapsulation and Polymorphism (10)

CASE STUDIES: Guess the Movie Sorting and Searching Speech to Text Tic Tac Toe GPS -Track the route - Image
Processing - Sentiment Analysis Browser Automation (8)

Total L: 45
1. -Wesley
Professional, 2009.
2. -Hill, 2001.

1. Charles Dierbach, "Introduction to Computer Science using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus", Wiley,
2. Kenneth Lambert "Fundamentals of Python: First Programs", Course Technology, Cengage Learning., 2016.
3. John V Guttag, "Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python", MIT Press, 2015.

68th ACM 04.02.2023


OVERVIEW OF VEHICLE ELECTRONICS: Need for Electronics in Automotive Systems Overview of Vehicle Electronic
Systems, Power Train Subsystem - Starting Systems, Charging Systems, Ignition Systems, Electronic Fuel Control, Chassis
Subsystem ABS, TCS and ESP Comfort and Safety Subsystems Night Vision, Airbags, Seatbelt Tensioners, Cruise
Control, Lane-departure Warning- Alternators in Vehicles (11)

ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROLS: Concept of an Electronic Engine Control System, Electronic Fuel Injection Throttle
Body Fuel Injection, Multi-point Fuel, Gasoline Direct Injection, Common Rail Direct Injection, Electronic Ignition Control -
Engine Mapping, On-board Diagnostics Engine Control Module and Power Train Module (10)

AUTOMOTIVE SENSORS AND ACTUATORS: Concept of Sensors, Analog and Digital Systems, Basic Measurement
Systems, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Sensor Characteristics, Sensor Response, Sensor Error, Redundancy of
Errors in ECUs, Types of Sensors Accelerometers, Engine Speed, Steering Wheel Angle, Vehicle Speed, Throttle Position,
Crankshaft Angular Position / RPM, Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) (8)

AUTOMOTIVE ACTUATORS: Solenoids - Types of Electric Motors - Piezoelectric Force Generators - Introduction to Electric
Vehicles - Self Driving Cars (6)

COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS: Introduction to Control Networking Communication Protocols in Embedded Systems

SPI, I2C, USB - Vehicle Communication Protocols Introduction to CAN, LIN, FLEXRAY, MOST, KWP2000 (10)

Total L: 45

1. :
Edition, Springer View 2014.
2. Edition, Springer 2015.

1. Edition, Nelson Thrones,
lane, Oxford, 2014.


INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE: Purpose of Database System - Views of Data - Data Models - Specialty Databases -
System Architecture - Introduction to Relational Databases - Relational Model Keys - Relational Algebra - SQL (9)

DATABASE DESIGN: Entity-Relationship Model - E-R Diagrams Enhanced - ER Model - ER-to-Relational Mapping - Traps
- Functional Dependencies - Non-loss Decomposition - First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Dependency Preservation -
Boyce/Codd Normal Form - Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal
Form (9)

DATA STORAGE AND QUERYING: RAID - File Organization - Organization of Records in Files - Indexing and Hashing
Ordered Indices - B+ tree Index Files - B tree Index Files - Static Hashing - Dynamic Hashing (9)

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES: Query Processing, Query Optimization, Transaction Management:

Transaction - Concurrency Control - Recovery System (9)

NON RELATIONAL DATABASES: Need for NOSQL Databases, Types, MongoDB - Data Types, Creating, Updating and
Deleting Documents, Querying the Database (9)

Total L: 45

1. Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 7 th Edition, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2017.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth and Sudharshan S, "Database System Concepts", 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2021.

1. Atul Kahate, "Introduction to Database Management Systems", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3. Jeffrey. A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi, "Modern Database Management", 12 th Edition, Pearson, New
Delhi, 2016.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

4. Thomas M Connolly Z Carolyn E, "Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management", 6th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2019.


INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION: Scope and Techniques of Automation- Robotic Process
Automation: Benefits of RPA, Components of RPA, The Future of Automation- History of Automation - RPA vs Automation -
Processes and Flowcharts - Programming Constructs in RPA - Processes - Types of Bots - Workloads - RPA Advanced
Concepts - Standardization of Processes - RPA Development Methodologies - Difference from SDLC - Robotic Control Flow
Architecture - RPA Business Case - RPA Team - Process Design Document/Solution Design Document - Industries Best
Suited for RPA - Risks and Challenges with RPA (10)

RPA PLATFORMS: UiPath - Record and Play: UiPath Stack- Downloading and Installing UiPath Studio - Learning UiPath
Studio - Task Recorder - Step-by Step Examples using the Recorder (8)

RPA TOOL INTRODUCTION AND BASICS: Introduction to RPA Tool - The User Interface - Variables- Managing Variables
- Naming Best Practices - The Variables Panel - Types of Variables: Generic Value Variables, Text Variables, True or False
Variables, Number Variables, Array Variables, Date and Time Variables, Data Table Variables -Arguments: Managing
Arguments, Naming Best Practices, The Arguments Panel, Using Arguments - Importing New Namespaces- Sequences -
Flowcharts - Control Flow: Activities, various types of loops, and decision making-- Data Manipulation (10)

ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES: Recording Introduction - Basic and Desktop Recording -
Web Recording - Input/output Methods - Screen Scraping - Selectors - RPA Challenge -Image and Text Automation - Citrix
Automation - Keyboard Based Automation - Information Retrieval - Advanced Citrix Automation Challenges - Using tab for
Images - Starting Apps - Excel Data Tables and PDF - Data Tables in RPA - Excel and Data Table Basics - Data Manipulation
in Excel Extracting Data from PDF - Extracting a Single Piece of Data - Anchors - Using Anchors in PDF (10)

EXCEPTION HANDLING: Exception Handling - Logging and Taking Screenshots - Debugging Techniques - Collecting Crash
Dumps - Error Reporting - Future of RPA (7)

Total L: 45
1. Tom Taulli, The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems , Apress, 2020
2. Alok Mani Tripathi, Learning Robotic Process Automation , Packt Publishing, 2018.

1. Frank Casale, Rebecca Dilla, Heidi
Institute of Robotic Process Automation, 1st Edition 2015.
2. Richard Murdoch, Robotic Process Automation: Guide to Building Software Robots, Automate Repetitive Tasks &
Become a Edition, 2018.
3. Benefits: Understanding RPA and
Edition, 2018.
4. Software Robots and Automate
Business Processe Edition, 2018.


Department of
Robotics and Automation Engineering

One Credit Courses


BE Robotics and Automation

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Embedded Systems Development - Real Time Systems - Bare Metal vs RTOS - C Programming Language
- C Standards (2)

DATA, MEMORY AND CONDITIONING: Data Representation Data Manipulation Memory Handling Accessing Memory
Memory Manipulation Structures Typical usage of Addressing Instruction Sequencing Procedure Call and Return
Parameter Passing and Retrieving (5)

MODELS AND ARCHITECTURES: Representation of Design Case Study on Design State Oriented Model Activity
Oriented Model Structure Oriented Model Data Oriented Model Heterogeneous Model Case Studies (5)

PERFORMANCE METRICS: Code Efficiency - Optimizing Compilers - Reducing Memory Usage - Latency - Power-Saving
Techniques (3)

Total L: 15
1. KCS Murti,


INTRODUCTION: Sensors - Multi Sensor Fused Sensor Smart Sensor Connected Sensor Intelligent Sensors
Inertial Sensors Sensor Quality Performance Metrics Trade Offs - Inertial System Strap Down - Accelerometer
Gyroscopes (8)

NAVIGATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Data Environment Performance System Reaction Time Physical
Characteristics Error Estimation Calibration Testing Compensation System Interface and Alignment (7)

Total L: 15

1. Edition, 2004.
3. Joel Li
Dialogue 53-03, 2019.
Inertial Sensing S


Department of Biotechnology

Open Elective Courses


MTech Biotechnology
Degree Programme

2021 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


The Crime Scene & Forensic Death Investigation
Crime Scene Investigation, Guidelines for collecting forensic evidences in poisoning cases at crime scene, Bloodstain Patterns,
Importance of Post mortem examination. Death Investigation, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Entomology (11)

Forensic Chemistry & Biology

Identification of Blood and Body Fluids, DNA Typing, Identification of saliva stains, Identification of Urine stains. Scope &
significance of Forensic Chemistry, Types of cases/exhibits received for analysis. Forensic Toxicology, Seized Drug Analysis,
Arson, Fire, and Explosives, Trap Cases: Collection, and Preliminary analysis of evidence in trap cases. Case studies (11)

Techniques in forensic analysis

Immunoassay screening methods, thin layer chromatography, Liquid chromatography, Gas chromatography, Mass spectroscopy,
AAS, Forensic DNA typing technologies. (11)

Case Studies
Case studies on crime paradigms Scene investigation, sample collection, analysis, interpretation & suspect identification.

Total L: 45

1. 2006.
2. Elsevier Pub. NY,1989.
4. Bell, Suzanne James, Stuart H. Nordby, Jon J; Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques,
Third Edition; CRC Press; 2011
7. Grant, Edward R. Lissitzyn, Christine Beck; Forensic evidence in court: a case study approach; Carolina Academic Press


Propositions and arguments premises, derivation and conclusions; Argument structures; validity & truth. Deductive and
inductive arguments unearthing implicit premises, rules of inferences. (8)

Definitions relation between words and concepts; Predicates & quantifiers; correlation vs causation; Fallacies types of
fallacies. (7)

Nature of premises and modes of reasoning in different domains; argument vs explanation; abduction explanation and
interpretation. (10)

Theory construction: concepts and phenomena; observations and observational generalisation; explaining observations;
Categorization. (10)

Choosing between alternatives; deducing logical consequences and making predictions. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Introduction to Logic. by Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen and Kenneth McMahon Pearson Education 14th Edition
2. The Evolution of Physics by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld The Scientific Book Club 1942 Simon & Schuster edition
3. Princeton University Press 1st Ed, 2006
4. Constructing theories: A case study in geometry, with an extension to biology. KP Mohanan and Tara Mohanan.
5. A Theory of motion. KP Mohanan and Tara Mohanan. https://www.thinq.education/post/a-theory-of-motion
6. Exploring Patterns in Language Structure. Tara Mohanan and KP Mohanan https://sites.google.com/site/eplsmohanans/


Department of
Fashion Technology

Professional Elective Course


BTech Fashion Technology

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


Sustainability: Sustainability: Significance and need, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Initiatives, factors influencing
sustainability, Impact of ecology, economy and culture. Sustainability concepts: linear and circular consumption, history, Impact
of linear and circular system on environment, barriers in implementation (9)

Sustainable Design: Sustainable design using low impact materials, energy efficient resources, reuse, recycling and up-
cycling. Sustainable fibres: organic cotton recycled polyester, alternative sustainable fibers. Product Life Cycle Assessment
(PLA) models, Sustainable economic and rental models: types and advantages, second-hand models: classification, online and
offline models, benefits and pitfalls. Brands in economic models, case studies (9)

Sustainable Processing: Bio-processing, eco-friendly coloration and finishing, raw material, plant and machinery, human and
financial resource, application of alternative energy source, reuse and recycle of energy. Eco-labeling, Eco-standards, Eco-
auditing procedures, Reduction of carbon footprints, problematic dyestuffs/chemicals and green alternatives, cleaner
production, guidelines for textile industry to comply with eco-regulations, ecological considerations, application of natural dyes

Sustainable Apparel Manufacture: Concepts and Principles: Sourcing, Design, Manufacturing and Use. Apparel Production
methods in circular fashion, Technologies used in sustainable fashion, Fashion brands in circular path Case studies,
Countries moving towards circular economy, Role of consumer on sustainable fashion: Consumer Behavior on sustainable
products, consumer preferences, Purchase behavior: drivers and barriers, post- purchase behavior, Case studies. (9)

Sustainability Standards and Certifications: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHAS), Worldwide
Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), Social Accountability (SA 8000), Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Oeko-
Tex, STeP and REACH standards, Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Higg FEM, CSR and LEED certifications , GRS and
certifications (9)

Total L: 45

1. Subramanian Senthilkann tainable Design in Textiles and
Springer Publishing Series, 2021


1. Subramanian Senthilkannan
Production, Process Sustainability, Springer Publishing Series, 2020.
2. Mark Heuer and Carolin Becker- -friendly and Fair-Fast fashion and Consumer Behavio
Francis Publishing Series, 2018.
3. Challenges and

Publishing Series, 2016.


Department of
Fashion Technology

Open Elective Course


BTech Fashion Technology

Degree Programme

2019 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


STRATEGY AND ITS ANALYSIS: Strategy - Nature and essence. Strategy Vs policies and tactics, levels of strategy. Process
of strategy steps. Strategic analysis: Environmental analysis framework,

Resources, critical success factor (CSF), quantitative and qualitative assessments, SWOT analysis and bench marking. (9)

BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGY: Cost analysis causes and effects of high costs, influence of market conditions on cost,
Experience curve: causes of experience curve effect, experience curve and competitive strategy and limitations of experience
curve. Differentiation and focus strategies. (9)

CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY: Growth strategies Expansion: Expansion through intensification and integration,
international expansion. Diversification concentric, conglomerate, altemate routes of diversification: mergers and acquisitions
strategic partnering. (9)

STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION: Structural dimensions matching organisation structure to strategy, determinants of

organisation structure. Forms of organizations, strategy related benefits and limitations. Behavioural dimensions role of
leadership, functions of leadership, leadership styles. (9)

STRATEGIC CONTROL AND EVALUATION: Strategic control and evaluation types, techniques and process, business port
folio analysis (9)

Total L:45

1.John Pearce, Richard Robinson and Amita Mital : Formulation, implementation and control McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2015.
(Text and Cases) ishing House, Mumbai, 2017.

1. .
2. Gordana Colvic Strategic management in the garment industry Woodhead Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
3. Fred R. David and Forest R. David Strategic management: Concepts and cases earson Publishing., Chennai ,2016.

House, Mumbai, 2009.


Department of
Apparel and Fashion Design

Open Elective Courses


5 year Integrated
MSc Fashion Design and
Degree Programme

2018 & 2020 Regulations

68th ACM 04.02.2023


DESIGNING INTERFACES Introduction to UI/UX, patterns, information architecture, application structure, navigation, page
layouts, forms and controls, Visual Style and Aesthetics, mobile user interfaces. (10)

DESIGN PROCESS AND USER BEHAVIOUR Discovery and planning, strategy, research, analysis and design; User
behaviour laws, psychology, user research, interviews, personas, models of behavior change. (12)

VISUAL DESIGN elements of visual design, design principles, wireframes, prototyping, tools. (8)

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION sketching the UI, Front end UI development: Cascading Style Sheets layouts,
preprocessors, postprocessors, methodologies, frameworks. (8)

TESTING AND EVALUATION User feedback, Behavioral UX and usability testing, acceptability testing, Heuristic evaluation,
Internationalization, Color design and typography, and Animation. (7)

Total L:45

1. Elvis Canziba, Hands-On UX Design for Developers: Design, Prototype, and Implement Compelling User Experiences from
Scratch , Packt Publishing, 2018.
2. Jenifer Tidwell, Designing interfaces Patterns for effective interaction design , O'Reilly Media, Incorporated, 2018.
1. Tomlin, W. C., UX Optimization: Combining Behavioral UX and Usability Testing Data to Optimize Websites , Apress, 2018.
2. J. Yablonski., Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services United States: O'Reilly Media. 2020
3. Marcin Treder, UX Design for Start-ups , UXPin Inc.,2013.
4. Allen J., and Chudley J., Smashing UX Design , John Wiley and Sons, NewYork, USA, 2012.


BASICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Importance of AI; introduction to machine learning- machine perception and
language, intelligence, application areas of AI; tools and techniques-neural networks, generative adversarial networks, data
mining. (8)

SHOPPING AND PRODUCT DISCOVERY: Natural language processing and conversational shopping, eliza, chatbots;
conversational commerce-natural language queries, shopping and messaging, personalized shopping experiences, bot-to-bot
interaction, context-based decision making, live chat; machine reading- tokenization, word embeddings, skip grams, part-of-
speech tagging, named entity recognition; natural language understanding, sentiment analysis, relation extraction. (10)

COMPUTER VISION, SMART MIRRORS, IMAGE SEARCH & NEURAL NETWORKS: Retail meltdown; smart mirrors; computer
vision; beyond static and 2d images. Fashion industry images; image search; neural networks- types; adversarial examples. (10)

VIRTUAL STYLE ASSISTANTS AND SIZE RECOMMENDATIONS: Virtual style assistants; image-based reviews; artificial
general intelligence. Predictive analytics; data visualization; data responsibility. (8)


generative models and its implementation. Supply chain- demand forecasting, deep learning, challenges and techniques of
forecasting. (9)

Total L:45
1. Luce, Leanne, Artificial intelligence for fashion: How AI is revolutionizing the fashion industry Apress, 2018.
2. , Artificial Intelligence, Design Law and Fashion Taylor & Francis, 2022.
1. Choi, Tsan-Ming, Chi-Leung Hui, and Yong Yu, eds., Intelligent fashion forecasting systems: models and
applications Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
2. Wong, W. K., Z. X. Guo, Leung S. Y. S., Optimizing decision making in the apparel supply chain using artificial
Intelligence (AI) Woodhead Publishing, 2013.
3. Banerjee, Satya, Sanjay Mohapatra, and M. Bharati, AI in Fashion Industry , Emerald Group Publishing, 2022.
4. Thomassey, Sébastien, and Xianyi Zeng. "Introduction: Artificial intelligence for fashion industry in the big data
era", Springer, Singapore, 2018.


Department of
Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences

Open Elective Course


5 year Integrated
MSc Software Systems
Degree Programme

2018 & 2020 Regulations

68th ACM 04.02.2023


INTRODUCTION: Information visualization - Theoretical foundations - Information visualization types - Design principles -
A framework for producing data visualization. (8)

STATIC DATA VISUALIZATION: Tools working with various data formats. (4)

DYNAMIC DATA DISPLAYS: Introduction to web based visual displays - deep visualization collecting sensor data
visualization D3 framework - Introduction to Many eyes and bubble charts. (10)

MAPS Introduction to building choropleth maps. (3)

TREES Network visualizations Displaying behavior through network graphs. (10)

BIG DATA VISUALIZATION Visualizations to present and explore big data visualization of text data and Protein
sequences. (10)

Note : Explore software like R, Python, Google Vision, Google Refine, and Many Eyes ; Data sets are available on Gap minder,
Flowing data
1. Visualization of static data.
2. Visualization of web data.
3. Visualization of sensor data.
4. Visualization of protein data.
Total L: 45 + T: 30 = 75
2. Kieran Healy. Data Visualization: a practical introduction. Princeton University Press, 2018

1. Fry
2. Knaflic, C. N., Storytelling with data: A data visualization guide for business professionals. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
3. Wilke, C. O., Fundamentals of data visualization: a primer on making informative and compelling figures. O'Reilly Media,


INTRODUCTION: Information visualization -Theoretical foundations -Information visualization types - Design principles -
A framework for producing data visualization. (8)

STATIC DATA VISUALIZATION: Tools - working with various data formats. (4)

DYNAMIC DATA DISPLAYS: Introduction to web based visual displays - deep visualization - collecting sensor data -
visualization - D3 framework - Introduction to Many eyes and bubble charts. (10)

MAPS Introduction to building choropleth maps. (3)

TREES Network visualizations Displaying behavior through network graphs. (10)

BIG DATA VISUALIZATION Visualizations to present and explore big data visualization of text data and Protein
sequences. (10)

Note: Explore software like R, Python, Google Vision, Google Refine, and Many Eyes ; Data sets are available on Gap minder,
Flowing data
1. Visualization of static data.
2. Visualization of web data.
3. Visualization of sensor data.
4. Visualization of protein data.
Total L: 45 + T: 30 = 75

2. Kieran Healy. Data visualization: a practical introduction. Princeton University Press, 2018

2. Knaflic, C. N., Storytelling with data: A data visualization guide for business professionals. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
3. Wilke, C. O., Fundamentals of data visualization: a primer on making informative and compelling figures. O'Reilly Media,


Department of
Management Sciences

Elective Course


MBA Degree Programme

2021 Regulations
68th ACM 04.02.2023


UNIT 1: Forecasting Financial Statements 9 Hours
Building financial statements in spreadsheets financial ratio analysis - forecasting financial statements

UNIT 2: Bond analytics 9 Hours

Spreadsheet models to find Bond price Yield to maturity Duration Two-dimensional data table for bond price
sensitivity analysis - Creating yield curve Bond immunization strategy using solver calculate convexity

UNIT 3: Portfolio Management 9 Hours

Build Covariance matrix Calculate portfolio variance Use data tables to create efficient frontiers Portfolio
optimization using solver

UNIT 4: Option pricing Models 9 Hours

Option Payoff portfolio with options- Binomial option pricing model Black Scholes option price calculator Sensitivity
analysis of factors on option price Option Greeks calculator

UNIT 5: Price Simulations 9 Hours

Monte Carlo methods using data tables simulating stock prices VaR Simulating option prices.

Reference Books:
1. Chandan Sengupta, Financial Analysis and Modeling using Excel and VBA, Wiley Publications, Second Edition, 2011
2. Simon Benninga, Financial Modeling, MIT Press, fifth edition, 2022
3. John S. Tjia, Building Financial Models, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Editon, 2018
4. Michael Rees, Financial Modelling in Practice, Wiley Publications, 2011
5. Wayne Winston, Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Microsoft Press, 2017



(FOR THE PERIOD 2022-2023)

68th ACM 04.02.2023



S.No. Name of the Member Role

1. Dr K Prakasan Chairman & Principal

Dr AR Upadhya,
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM,
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University),
2. Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk,
Bangalore Rural District 562 112

Prof Kannan M. Moudgalya, Education Expert

Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
3. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
(Maharashtra), India

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni,
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
M/s. CityMandi,
4. 1700, 19th Main Road, Sector 2, HSR Layout, Industry Expert
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 102

Mr Bhuvan Anandakrishnan,
5. M/s.Caterpillar Inc., Industry Expert

Dr M Meenakshi,
Department of Electronics and Communication
6. CEG Campus,
Anna university,
Chennai 600 025.

Dr M Arulmozhi,
University Nominees
Department of Petrochemical Technology
University College of Engineering
7. Bharathidasan Institute of Technology (BIT)
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024.

Dr P Kalyani,
Department of Information Technology,
8. Government Engineering College (IRTT),
Vasavi College Post 638 316. Erode

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Dr V Lakshmi Prabha
Academic Consultant,
9. PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
Dr V Jayabalan Special Invitee
Secretary - Institutional Interface,
10. TQM Council, PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
11. Mr V C Thangavel Controller of Examinations
HoD, Dept. of Automobile
12. Dr S Neelakrishnan
HoD, Dept. of Biomedical
13. Dr R Vidhyapriya
14. Dr M Palanikumar HoD, Dept. of Civil Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Computer Science
15. Dr G Sudha Sadasivam
and Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electrical and
16. Dr J Kanagaraj
Electronics Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electronics and
17. Dr V Krishnaveni
Communication Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Instrumentation
18. Dr J Arunshankar and Control Systems
HoD, Dept. of Mechanical
19. Dr P R Thyla
HoD, Dept. of Metallurgical
20. Dr J Krishnamoorthi
HoD, Dept. of Production
21. Dr M Senthilkumar
Head In-charge,
22. Dr B Vinod Dept. of Robotics & Automation
23. Dr M Ananthasubramanian HoD, Dept. of Biotechnology
24. Dr P Kandhavadivu
Dept. of Fashion Technology
HoD, Dept. of Information
25. Dr K Umamaheswari
HoD, Dept. of Textile
26. Dr G Thilagavathi
HoD, Dept. of Apparel &
27. Dr D Vijayalakshmi
Fashion Design
HoD, Dept. of Applied
28. Dr Shina Sheen Mathematics & Computational
29. Dr S C Murugavel HoD, Dept. of Applied Science
HoD In-Charge,
30. Dr C Theivarasu
Dept. of Chemistry
31. Dr A Chitra
Dept. of Computer Applications
32. Dr G Menaka HoD, Dept. of English

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Head In-Charge,
33. Dr V Santhi
Dept. of Humanities
34. Dr V Srividya Director In-charge, PSGIM

35. Dr C Porkodi HoD, Dept. of Mathematics

36. Dr M D Kannan HoD, Dept. of Physics

37. Dr J V Ramasamy Dean Academic

38. Prof R Ragupathy Dean Administration

39. Dr K Natarajan Dean Student Affairs

40. Dr R Nadarajan Dean Placement & Training
41. Dr M Haridass Deputy Controller, CoE
HoD In-charge,
42. Dr G R Karpagam GRD Memorial Library
Associate Dean Students
43. Dr D Karthika Renuka
44. Dr S Saravanan Member Secretary
Dr A Kandaswamy
45. Dean Industrial Research and Development
Dr R Arumuganathan
46. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr D Muralidhar
47. Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr G Subashini
48. Professor,
Dept. of Robotics & Automation Engineering
Dr J Kanchana
49. Professor, Special Invitees
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr R Murugan
50. Associate Professor,
Department of Textile Technology
Dr M Karthikeyan
51. Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),
Department of Automobile Engineering
Dr Suresh Balusamy
52. Head of Operations
PSG Software Technologies
Dr V Prabhu Raja
53. Professor (CAS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr K Vaideki
54. Professor, Department of Applied Science
Dr S Kanthalakshmi Four teachers of the college
Professor, representing different categories
55. Department of Electrical and Electronics of the teaching staff
Dr R Latha
Associate Professor,
56. Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Mr G Abishek (19M105)
57. Student Representative UG
BE Mechanical Engineering (G1)
Ms K Kaarthika (19C117)
58. Student Representative UG
BE Civil Engineering
Mr G Nishanth (19PT15)
MSc Theoretical Computer Science, Student Representative PG
59. Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
Computational Sciences




(FOR THE PERIOD 2022-2023)

68th ACM 04.02.2023


FOR THE PERIOD 2022-2023

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr.Deepak Sharma
Dr.C.S.Shankar Ram Associate Professor
Associate Professor Room no: C-104,
Department of Engineering Design Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Chennai 600036 Guwahati-781039, Assam, India.
Ph : 04422574705 Phone: +91 361 258 2661,
Fax: +91-44-22574732 E-mail: dsharma@iitg.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr.G. Sriram Mr.P.Srinivasan
Director Technical (India) Architect
Anti Vibration & Belt Drive System (ABS) Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions
Hutchinson Industrial Rubber Products Private Limited (RBEI),
Limited Keeranatham Village
B 600 SKCL Indospace Industrial Park Coimbatore -641035
Oragadam Wallajabad Road , Panrutti Email: Pannerselvamsrinivasan2@in.bosch.com
Kanchipuram Dist , Tamilnadu , India Ph:9500533927
Mob: +91 97 90 09 86 15
mail: sriram@hutchinsonindia.com
University Nominee
Dr R A Alagu Raja,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai - 625 015.
Ph: 9442088815
Email: alaguraja@tce.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Aravind Kumar Rengan M.B.B.S, M.Tech,
Dr. N. Sujatha Ph.D,MRSC
Professor DST- INSPIRE Awardee, DBT- IYBA Fellow,
Biomedical Engineering Group, Department of Assistant Professor,
Applied Mechanics , Plasmonic Nanospace Lab
IIT Madras, Chennai - 36. Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Email: nsujatha@iitm.ac.in Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Ph: +91 044 2257 4067 Email: aravind@bme.iith.ac.in
Ph: +91-40-2301 6143

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Industry Expert Alumni

Dr. Roy Joseph Mr. Hemasai Kumar
Scientist 'G' Analog Design Engineer
Division of Polymeric Medical Devices ST Microelectronics,
Biomedical Technology Wing Greater Noida, UP
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences (MTech @ IITDelhi)
and Technology, Email: hemasai1996@gmail.com
Thiruvananthapuram, Ph: 9600467824
Kerala 695012
Email :rjoseph@sctimst.ac.in
Ph: 0471-2520275 (O)
9447000987 (Cell)
University Nominee
Dr D Padmini,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Thadagam Road,
Coimbatore - 641 013.
e-mail: drdpadmini@gct.ac.in
Cell : 9442548932
Academic Experts Dr K KRISHNAMURTHY
Professor Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology, Calicut,
STR 403, Structural Engineering Laboratory NIT Campus, Kozhikode-673 601
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai e-mail: kk@nitc.ac.in
600 036 mobile: 9567382944
e-mail: aruls@iitm.ac.in 0495-2286208
mobile: 9600096075
Phone: 044-22574292
Industry Experts Alumni
Deputy General Manager Engineering Manager
L & T Constructions, Building & Factories, TC 2 L & T Constructions
Building, First Floor, D Wing, Mount Poonamallee TC3 Tower A, 5th Floor
Road Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089 Mount Poonamalle High Road
mobile: 9944343431 Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089
e-mail: drks@lntecc.com e-mail: kaarthikeyanv@gmail.com
siva.kandasami@gmail.com cell : 9715261080


University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Academic Experts Dr.Vineeth N Balasubramanian

Mr.K. V. Raghavan Associate Professor
Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science and Automation Indian Institute of Technology - Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Science Kandi, Sangareddy 502285
Bangalore 560012 Phone: no: +91 40 2301 6357
Phone: no: +91-80-2293-2772 Email:vineetnnb@cse.iith.ac.in

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. Dharmendra Mr.Sai Kiran Sarvepalli
R&D section head Business Analyst
Hewlett Packard Enterprise IBM India Pvt. Ltd
Bangalore Urban, D4 Block, Manyata Tech Park,
Karnataka Nagawara Outer ring road,
Email:dharmendra@hpe.com Bangalore - 560045
Phone: no: 9880014320 Phone: no: 9916480026


University Nominee
Dr J Suganthi,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli - 627 007.
Ph: 9842180770
E-mail: suganthi_shyam@rediffmail.com
Academic Experts Dr. Srirama Srinivas
Dr.B.Venkatesaperumal, Professor
Professor, Dept. of EEE, # ESB-208A,
NIT, Surathkal, Dept. of Electrical Engg.
Mangalore 525 075, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Mobile : 9980861389, Chennai-600 036,
Email : bvperumal@gmail.com, Ph: +91 44 22574447 (O)
bvperumal@nitk.edu.in Fax: +91 44 22574402
E-mail: srsrini12@ee.iitm.ac.in,
Mob: 9445576447
Industry Experts Alumni
Dr. B. Vaidyanathan Mr R. Raja
Technical Director, Interface Design Associates Manager - Engineering
Pvt. Ltd. Control Valves Division
R722, MIDC Rabale, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Behind Alfa Laval, Mount Towers,
Navi Mumbai 400 701. Mount Poonamalle road
Tel.: 022 2789 3070/ 3072, Fax:022 2789 1599 Chennai 600089
Mobile : 09869441194, Mobile : +91 98947 44285
E-mail: vaidi@idapl.in E-mail: raja.r@hitachi-powergrids.com

68th ACM 04.02.2023


University Nominee
Dr R A Alagu Raja,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai - 625 015.
Ph: 9442088815
Email: alaguraja@tce.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Shanmuganathan Raman
Dr. Devendra Jalihal Associate Professor
Professor Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer
Department of Electrical Engineering Science and Engineering
IIT, Madras IIT Gandhinagar
Mobile : 9444923861 Mobile :9442940144
Email: dj@ee.iitm.ac.in Email: shanmuga@iitgn.ac.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr. S. Ranjith Kumar Mr. S. Aravind kumar
SoC Design Engineer Graphics Hardware Engineer
Intel Corporation, Bangalore INTEL India pvt Ltd
9945071863 Mobile :8867743830
Email: srkumar81@gmail.com Email: aravind.kumar@intel.com


University Nominee
Dr J Suganthi,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli - 627 007.
Ph: 9842180770
E-mail: suganthi_shyam@rediffmail.com
Academic Experts Dr. Babji Srinivasan
Dr. Boby George, Associate Professor
Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics,
Department of Electrical Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
India Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036.
Chennai 600 036. Email: babji.srinivasan@iitm.ac.in
Email: boby@ee.iitm.ac.in, Ph: 044-2257-4085
E-mail: boby@iitm.ac.in
Mobile: 9444397342
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr. P. Anand Rajkumar, Mr. C. R. Narayanan,
Regional Service Manager, South India, R & D Engineer,
Customer Service Division, ABB Robotics Dept.,
Yokogawa India Limited, ABB Ability Innovation Centre,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 Whitefield Main Road,
E.Mail: anand.rajkumar@in.yokogawa.com Bangalore 560048
Mobile: +91- 9841466669 Email: narayanan.cr@in.abb.com
Mobile: 7411759475

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Special Invitee
Mr. Jaihari Prasad. P. G
Manager 2 Engineering,
Caterpillar India Pvt Ltd,
Innovation &amp; Technology Development
Division, 3rd Floor,
1A, RMZ Millenia Business Park Phase 1,
Dr. MGR Road, Kandanchavady,
Chennai 600 090
Mobile : 9894056705
E.Mail : pg_jaihariprasad@cat.com

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr. K. Arul Prakash
Dr. C Rajendran, Professor
Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics
Department of Management IIT Madras, Sardar Patel Road,
Studies, Chennai 600036
IIT Madras, Sardar Patel Road, Email: arulk@iitm.ac.in
Chennai 600036 Ph: 044 2257 4066
Email: craj@iitm.ac.in
Phone: 044 22574559
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr.S. Muthuvel Dr.P.Subramani,
Deputy Manager, Associate General Manager,
Technology Specialist Engineer- Renault Nissan,
Siemens Gamesa Chennai - 600089
Renewables India , Email: subramani.sellamani@rntbci.com
Email: muthuvelmett@gmail.com Phone: 044 37199999

University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr.Kantesh Balani
Prof. Nurni N. Viswanathan Professor
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai Indian Institute of Technology
Mumbai - 400-076 Kanpur 208016
Email: vichu@iitb.ac.in, Email: kbalani@iitk.ac.in,
Phone: 9869438524 Phone: 9198228798

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Industry Experts Alumni

Dr.G.Balachandran Dr. Krishnan Sivaraman
Vice-president ( R&D) Senior DGM (Manufacturing Technology &
Jindal Steel Limited Digitalisation) )
Vidyanagar, Toranagallu Larsen & Toubro Limited
Bellary, Karnataka 583275 Heavy Engineering, Powai
Email: g.balachandran@jsw.in Mumbai 400072
Phone: 9789755522 Email: krishnan.sivaraman@larsentoubro.com
Phone: 9920735865


University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668
Academic Experts Dr. Santhakumar Mohan,
Dr. Prashant P. Date Associate Professor,
Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Dean, Industry Collaboration and Sponsored
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, #122, Indian Institute of
Powai, Mumbai 400 076. Technology Palakkad,
Phone: (+91) 22 - 2576 7501 Ahalia Integrated Campus,
Email: ppdate@iitb.ac.in Palakkad, Kerala 678 557
Mobile: +91-8602-972799
Email id: santhakumar@iitpkd.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr. Amol Gadre, Mr. Harish Kavimani
Deputy General Manager, Creator- Building General Motors Technical Center
Manufacturing Services, India P LTD,
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Whitefield,
Precision Machining Centre, Bangalore 560066.
E2-C, L&T Bypass Road, Ph: 9663098743
Malumichampati, Email.: harizzzz@gmail.com
Coimbatore 641 050.
Phone: 90477 33859
Email: Amol.Gadre@larsentoubro.com
University Nominee
Dr. S. Supriya
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government College of Engineering,
Tirunelveli 627 007
Email: supriya@gcetly.ac.in
Ph: 9366766668

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Academic Experts Mr. S.Joseph Winston

Dr. AsokanThondiyath M.Tech
Professor Scientific Officer - G
Dept. of Engineering Design, Head, Steam Generator Inspection Devices
IIT-Madras, Section (SGIDS)
Chennai 600 036 Remote Handling, Irradiation Experiments &
E-Mail: asok@iitm.ac.in Robotics Division (RIRD)
Cell:9940031066 Indra Gandhi Center for Atomic Research
E-Mail: winston@igcar.gov.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr. M. Vasanthakumar Ms. Amrita Krishnaraj
Technical Lead Co Founder at Verge
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Pvt. Ltd. Social Robotics Lead
Wafer Handling Division Van Robotics
5th Floor Gamma Block 6 GD street, Race Course
SSPDL Alpha City, Navalur Coimbatore- 641018
Chennai E-Mail: amritakrishnaraj@gmail.com
E-Mail: Vasanth.kumar@kri-us.com Cell: 9751800011
University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr. Suraish Kumar
Dr. D. Sundar Professor
Institute Chair Professor Biotechnology
Head, Department of Biochemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
and Biotechnology Chennai 600 036
Coordinator, DAILAB (DBT-AIST International Email :gk@iitm·ac·n
Lab for Advanced Biomedicine) Phone: +91-4422574105
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110 016, INDIA
Tel : +91-11-26591066 (Direct),
Email :sundar@dbeb.iitd.ac.in, sundar@jhu.edu
Industry Expert Alumni
Dr K.Anand Kumar MuthukumaranVenkatachalapathy, PhD
Managing Director Senior Scientific Writer and Project Lead
Indian Immunologicals LtdRoad No. 44, Jubilee Novartis (Medical Communications) | Fulbright
Hills HyderabadRangareddi TG 500033 Postdoctoral Scholar (UChicago) | DAAD Siemens PhD
anandkumar@indimmune.com Fellow (MPI Dortmund)
Mob: 91-96666339987 Hyderabad, Telangana
Phone: 8870180756
(B. Tech. Biotechnology Alumnus 2005-2009 Batch)

68th ACM 04.02.2023


University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr. H. L. Vijaya Kumar
Dr.Deepti Gupta Principal / Director
Professor Vogue Institute of Art & Design
Indian Institute of Technology No. 4, Anand Towers, III Floor, Opp. To PF
Delhi Hauz Khas, Building,Rajaram Mohan Roy Road, Richmond Circle,
New Delhi 110 016 Bangalore, Karnataka 560025
Ph : 91-11-2659 1417 Mobile no: 9448372421
E mail: deepti@textile.iitd.ernet.in, Email: hlvijaykumar@rediffmail.com
Special Invitee Alumni
Mr.Sandeep M.Tech Mr.M.Rajasekar
Director Manager Merchandising
M/s. Conquest Quality Systems services Pvt.Ltd., M/s.Gokaldas exports Ltd
SF No.183 / I A, Vanjipalayam, No.25,2nd cross, 3rd main, Industrial suburb
Tirupur, Bangalore 560 022
Mobile No.: 9842270178 Ph:9900043576
University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071
Academic Experts Dr Sumantra Dutta Roy
Dr R Dhanalakshmi Professor,
Associate Professor&HoD Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Indian Institute of Information Technology Trichy Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New
Trichy 620012 Delhi 110 016, India,
Phone: 9894366200 Phone : 9968406340,
Email:dhanalakshmir@iiitt.ac.in Email : sumantra@ee.iitd.ac.in, sumnatra@iitd.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Ms.SudhaVelusamy Dr ShyaamPrasadh
Architect Credit risk modeler
Vision Intelligence Team Ford motor company
Samsung R&D Institute Arugambakkam
Bangalore-560093 Chennai- 600106
Phone: 9611755448 Phone: 9566785249
Email: sudha.v@samsung.com Email: rshyaamp@ford.com

68th ACM 04.02.2023


University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Expert Dr.R.S.Rengasamy
Dr.R.Alagirusamy, Professor & Head
Professor Dept. of Textile Technology
Dept. of Textile Technology Indian Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Haus Khaz, New Delhi 110 016.
Haus Khaz, Email: rsr@textile.iitd.ernet.in
New Delhi 110 016. Mobile No:9891470890
Email: alagiru@gmail.com Phone No: 0112659 141
Mobile No: 09818133350
Phone No: 01126591419
Industry Expert Alumni
Mr.V.Vasudevan Mr.S.Balakumar
Executive Director, Technical resource manager
Manufacturing Operations, South Asia , Middle East and Africa
Himatsingka Seide Ltd, 10/24, Huntsman International (India) Pvt. Ltd
Kumarakrupa road, High #33, Ram Nagar, First street,
Grounds, Bengaluru 560001 Avinashi Road, Tirupur 641602
Email Id: vasudevan@himatsingka.com Email Id:s_balakumar@hutsman.com
Mobile no: 9900033546 Mobile No: 9585539080 / 0421 4214332207
University Nominee
Dr M Sangeetha,
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641 014.
Email: msangeetha@cit.edu.in
Contact No: 9715147143, 914222574071
Academic Experts Dr. R RAJESH,Associate
Dr.ARUN RAJKUMAR Professor & Head
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Central University of Kerala
Engineering Tejaswini Hills, Peryia P.O.,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Kasaragod -671316, Kerala
Chennai 600036 E-Mail:rajeshr@cukerala.ac.in
Email ID:arunr@cse.iitm .ac.in Mobile: +91-9894850299
Contact_No:9986744842 Tel Ph:Office: +91-467-2233369

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. JAGANNATH BHARADWAJ Mr.Rajesh Kalyanaraman
Vice President and Global Delivery head Technical Architect & Head, JC
enterprise integration and Automation, & Innovation Labs,
Cognizant STG Infotech (India),
Chennai, 801 A North, 8th Floor
Tamil Nadu, India TIDEL Park, No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani
Email: Jagannath.bharadwaj@cognizant.com Chennai, TAMIL NADU 600113
Mobile Number: 9840713642 Email: rajesh.kalyanaraman@gmail.com
University Nominees Dr.M.Chandrasekar
Dr S Sendhil Nathan, Professor
Professor, Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics, CEG Campus
University College of Engineering, Anna University
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701. Chennai 600 025.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com Phone:9444929475
sendhil29@yahoo.co.in Email: mchandru@annauniv.edu
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr.Venkatesh Raman
Dr. N.S. Narayanasamy Professor
Professor Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and 220, New Building
Engineering The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Madras CIT Campus, Tharamani
Chennai 600 036, India. Chennai 600 113.
Contact No : 22574369 Phone: 91- 44- 22543220
22576369 EMail : vraman@imsc.res.in
EMail : swamy@cse.iitm.ac.in
Industry Expert Alumni
Dr. Balaji Vasan Srinivasan Ms. Harini Seshadri
Senior Research Scientist Executive Director
Adobe Systems Morgan Stanley
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Bangalore 560 103
Phone : 8105212382 Phone: 9945685852
Email: balsrini@adobe.com Email: harini.seshadri@gmailcom
University Nominee
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Prof.Y V S S Sanyasiraju
Prof.K.C.Sivakumar, Professor
Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai 600 036. Chennai 600 036
Office: 044-22574622, Mobile:9444671028 Office:044-22574621, Mobile:9444603225
Email:kcskumar@iitm.ac.in Email: sryedida@iitm.ac.in

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr.D.Karthick Mr.A.S. Gunassekaran
Engineer Software Development Engineer
M/s. Qualcomm Amazon Development Center
L Building Zone, Whitefield, Bangalore 560 066 SP Infocity, East Coast Road
Karnataka MGR Nagar, Kandancavadi Perungudi, Chennai -
Mobile: 9944652857 600096
Email: d.karthickdamodaran@gmail.com Tamil Nadu
Ph: 044-30883088
Mob No: +91-9597883884
E-mail: asgunassekaran@gmail.com
University Nominee
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr N. Ponpandian,
Dr.K.Sethupathi, Professor and Head
Professor, Dept of. Nanoscience and Technology
Department of Physics, Bharathiar University
I. I.T. Madras, Coimabtore -641046
Gunidy, Ph: 9443552271
Chennai -25
Ph: 9940144875

Industry Expert Alumni

Dr.John Joseph Mr. N. Sethupathi
Head-Talent Acquisition, CMI BG, Managing Director
Tata Consultancy Services, Sky Structures
The Willows, Kannampallil House, No.30, Srinidhi Gardens
Tharapoika, Kariavattom, Near CODISSIA
Trivandrum, Kerala Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004
695581 Email: skystructures@gmail.com
Email:john.joseph@tcs.com Phone: 0422 2510653
Johnaug28@gmail.com Mobile: 9443132653
Mobile:9249167055, 9846696950
University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Academic Experts Dr.G.Unni Krishnan

Dr.R.Kothandaraman Professor
Professor Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry National Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Calicut 673 601
Chennai Mobile No.: 9846764238
Mobile: 90251 11262 unnig@nitc.ac.in
Industry Experts
Senior Principal Scientist
Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Karaikudi 630 003.
Mobile No.: 9442666678
al_mathi@yahoo.com, jmathiyarasu@gmail.com

University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr. Rupagunaseelan
Dr. P. Saravanan Director and Professor
Professor Bharathiar School of Management and
Department of Finance and Accounting Entrepreneurship Development
IIM, Pudukkottai Main Road, Chinna Sooriyur Bharithiar University
Village Coimbatore 641 046
Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 E-mail: rupaguna@gmail.com
E-mail: psn@iimtrichy.ac.in Mobile No.: 9488166255
Mobile No.: 8974002055
Dr. Vinod Balakrishnan Dr. Nagendra Kumar
Professor in English Professor in English
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
National Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Tiruchirapalli Mobile: 94101 64867
Ph: 043 2503694 Email:nagendra.kumar@hs.iitr.ac.in
Email: vinod@nitt.edu
Industry Expert Ms. Sujana Arul Selvi Alaguraj
Mr. D. P. Sudhakar Principal Product Manager ThoughtWorks
Managing Director 1st Floor, KCT Tech Park Thudiyalur Rd,
Coimbatore Paper Ltd., Saravanampatti Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641049
No. 10B, Head Post Office Road, Near Head Mobile: 80569 78838
Post Office, Coimbatore 641 001 Email:sujanaa@thoughtworks.com
E-mail: skoolzonee@yahoo.com sujanaalaguraj@thoughtworks.com
Mobile No.: 9443207711

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Alumni Mr. Vinod. A

Mr. Benon Batch of 2015
Senior Hardware Engineer Department of Metallurgy
Valeo India Private Limited Senior Manager- Strategy
Chennai 603 103 Ninjacart,Bengaluru
E-mail: benonazariah@gmail.com Mobile: 89032 72042
Mobile No. 9629166042 Email: a.vinodh94@gmail.com
University Nominees
Dr S Sendhil Nathan,
Department of Physics,
University College of Engineering,
Pattukkottai, Rajamadam - 614 701.
Email: 8221.zone13@gmail.com sendhil29@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 9843011441, 8637400458
Academic Experts Dr. R.Sakthivel
Dr. P. Sakthivel Professor
Professor Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University
Bharathiar University Coimbatore
Coimbatore phone (Office) : 0422-2428622 Mobile: +91-
Telephone: Mobile: +91-9677560890 8870199957
E-mail: sakthivel.p@buc.edu.in E-mail: krsakthivel@buc.edu.in
Industry Experts Alumni
Dr.V.Saravanan Dr.N.Prabavathy
Joint Director, Assistant Manager
Materials Technology Division Centre for Innovation and Technology Excellence
Centre Power Research Institute Material Science Division
Bengaluru -560 080 Titan Company Limited(Jewelry Division)
Mobile:8861098390 Hosur.
saran_cpri@cpri.in Phone:95664 38280
University Nominee
Dr V R Giridev,
Professor & Head,
Department of Textile Technology,
ACTech Campus, Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025.
Ph : 9486600246
Email : vrgiridev@annauniv.edu
Academic Experts Dr.Sandhya Ravi
Mr. Kaustav SenGupta Professor & Principal
Associate Professor NITTE School of Fashion Technology and Interior
National Institute of Fashion Technology Design
(Govt. of India) 6429, NMIT Campus, Yelahanka
NIFT Campus, Rajiv Gandhi salai Bangalore 560064 Karnataka
Taramani, Chennai: 600113 Contact No: 9625230009
Contact No: 9176655090 Email: principalnsftid@nitte.edu.in
Email: kaustavsengupta@yahoo.com

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Industry Experts Alumni

Mr. Dharmender Khanna Ms. Anne S
Head of Brand and Digital Transformation Business Head
SSIPL Retail Limited Team Workaholic
C-763, Sushant Lok 1 Advanced Clothing Concepts
Gurgaon, Haryana 122009 No.312, Opposite Tirupur Textiles,
Contact no: 9868106230 Avinashi Road, Peelamedu
Email: idharmenderkhanna@gmail.com Coimbatore 641004
dharmender.khanna@ssipl.in Contact no: 9677889732
Email: anne@advancedclothingconcepts.com
University Nominee
Dr Kasilingam,
Department of Management Studies,
Pondicherry University,
Pondicherry - 605 014
Email: kasimeena@gmail.com
Ph: 9840179939, 8072208493
Academic Experts Professor Madhu Veeraraghavan
Dr.L.S.Murty Director and T.A. Pai Chair Professor of Finance
Professor P.B. No.9, Manipal 576104
Indian Institute of Management Karnataka
Bangalore madhuveeraraghavan@tapmi.edu.in
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, India director@tapmi.edu.in
Pin Code: 560 076 Ph. +91-820-2701020
Ph: 9742221318
Industry Experts Alumni
Mr.Jayanth Bagare Mr.Anand Chandrasekaran
Head University Alliances program, Deputy Vice President - Sustainable Development
SAP Labs Goals
Bangalore Indusind Bank
jayanth.bagare@sap.com Chennai,
Ph: 9739902121 Ph: 9840995508, 9940648092




30th JULY 2022

Volume I


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 – 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 – 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Appendix. No Department Name Programmes Page. No
Agenda i - clix
BE/BTech (Regular) Regulations, Courses of Study, Scheme of
Assessment and Syllabi
Automobile Engineering 19
Biomedical Engineering 46
Civil Engineering 73
I Computer Science and Engineering 103
Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) 131
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 160
Electronics and Communication Engineering 188
Instrumentation and Control Engineering 217
Mechanical Engineering 245
Metallurgical Engineering 275
Production Engineering 304
Robotics and Automation 353
I Biotechnology 382
Fashion Technology 412
Information Technology 442
Textile Technology 470
BE (Sandwich) Regulations, Courses of Study, Scheme of
Assessment and Syllabi
II Electrical and Electronics Engineering 517
Mechanical Engineering 528
Production Engineering 540
Language Electives 551
III (a) & (b) Biomedical Engineering Open Elective Courses 554
IV Civil Engineering Professional Elective Course 556
V (a) Electrical and Electronics Engineering Open Elective Courses 557
VI (a) 558
Metallurgical Engineering Open Elective Course
VI (b) 560
VII (a) Open Elective Courses 561
Production Engineering
VII (b) Professional Elective Course 562
VIII (a) Open Elective Courses 563
Robotics and Automation Engineering
VIII (b) One Credit Course 565
IX Information Technology Open Elective Course 566
X Management Sciences Audit Course 567
XI Mandatory Professional Elective Course 568
XII Members of the Academic Council for the Period 2021-2022 571
List of External Members of Various Boards of Studies for the Period
XIII 2021-2022 575

67thMeeting of the Academic Council

Venue: F202 Date: 30.07.2022 Time: 9.30 am


1. Welcome and Introductory remarks by the Chairman.

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
regulations, courses of study, scheme of assessment and syllabi for all semesters
of BE/BTech Regular degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS).

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla will move

(i) that the regulations, courses of study, scheme of assessment and syllabi for all
the semesters of the following BE/BTech Regular degree programmes of 2023
regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology

as in Appendix I (pages 1 – 498) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023–24 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

9. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar will move
a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO07 Industrial Internet of Things

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme

of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (a) (Page 561) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

b. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective course namely

19P026 Work System Design

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme

of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (b) (Page 562) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

10. The Board of Studies in Robotics and Automation Engineering recommended the
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr B Vinod will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19RO02 Robot Safety and Standards

19RO03 Decision Making
19RO04 Creative Kinetics
19RO05 Modeling and Simulation

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations

with syllabi as in Appendix VIII (a) (Page 563 – 564) be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

b. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit course namely

19RF16 Cable Technology

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations

with syllabus as in Appendix VIII (b) (Page 565) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

67th ACM 30.07.2022


Venue: Hall F 202 03.07.2021 Time: 9.30 am
Minutes of the 67th Meeting of the Academic Council held at 9.30 am on Saturday,
July30th, 2022. The following members were present.

S.No. Name of the Member Role

1. Dr K Prakasan Chairman & Principal

Dr AR Upadhya,
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM,
2. JAIN (Deemed-to-be University),
Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk,
Bangalore Rural District – 562 112
Prof Kannan M. Moudgalya, Education Expert
Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
3. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai – 400 076,
(Maharashtra), India
Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni,
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
4. M/s. CityMandi Industry Expert
1700, 19th Main Road, Sector 2, HSR Layout,
Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 102
Dr M Meenakshi,
Department of Electronics and Communication
5. Engineering,
CEG Campus,
Anna university,
Chennai – 600 025.
University Nominees
Dr M Arulmozhi,
Department of Petrochemical Technology
6. University College of Engineering Bharathidasan
Institute of Technology (BIT) Campus,
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.
Dr P Kalyani,
7. Department of Information Technology,
Government Engineering College (IRTT),
Vasavi College Post – 638 316. Erode
Dr V Lakshmi Prabha
Academic Consultant,
8. PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore- 641004
Dr V Jayabalan Special Invitee
Director (Examinations)
9. PSG Institutions,

67th ACM 30.07.2022

10. Mr V C Thangavel Controller of Examinations

HoD, Dept. of Automobile
11. Dr S Neelakrishnan
HoD, Dept. of Biomedical
12. Dr R Vidhyapriya
13. Dr M Palanikumar
Dept. of Civil Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Computer
14. Dr G Sudha Sadasivam
Science and Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electrical and
15. Dr J Kanagaraj
Electronics Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electronics and
16. Dr V Krishnaveni
Communication Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Instrumentation
17. Dr J Arunshankar and Control Systems
HoD, Dept. of Mechanical
18. Dr P R Thyla
HoD, Dept. of Metallurgical
19. Dr J Krishnamoorthi
HoD, Dept. of Production
20. Dr M Senthilkumar
Head In-charge,
21. Dr B Vinod Dept. of Robotics &
Automation Engineering
22. Dr M Ananthasubramanian HoD, Dept. of Biotechnology
23. Dr P Kandhavadivu
Dept. of Fashion Technology
HoD, Dept. of Information
24. Dr K Umamaheswari
HoD, Dept. of Textile
25. Dr G Thilagavathi
HoD, Dept. of Apparel &
26. Dr D Vijayalakshmi
Fashion Design
HoD, Dept. of Applied
27. Dr R Nadarajan Mathematics & Computational
28. Dr S C Murugavel HoD, Dept. of Applied Science
HoD In-Charge,
29. Dr C Theivarasu
Dept. of Chemistry
30. Dr A Chitra
Dept. of Computer Applications
31. Dr G Menaka HoD, Dept. of English
Head In-Charge,
32. Dr V Santhi
Dept. of Humanities
33. Dr V Srividya DirectorIn-charge, PSGIM
34. Dr C Porkodi
Dept. of Mathematics
35. Dr M D Kannan HoD, Dept. of Physics
36. Dr J V Ramasamy Dean – Academic

67th ACM 30.07.2022

37. Prof R Ragupathy Dean – Administration

38. Dr K Natarajan Dean–Student Affairs

Dean– Networking and
39. Dr P Narayanasamy
40. Dr R Engels Associate Dean-Placement

41. Dr R Ramachandran Deputy Controller, CoE

HoD In-charge,
42. Dr G R Karpagam GRD Memorial Library
Associate Dean – Students
43. Dr D Karthika Renuka
44. Dr S Saravanan Member Secretary
Dr A Kandaswamy
45. Dean – Industrial Research and Development
Dr R Arumuganathan
46. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr. D Muralidhar
47. Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr G Subashini
48. Professor, Special Invitees
Dept. of Robotics & Automation Engineering
Dr J Kanchana
49. Professor, Department of Mechanical
Dr R Murugan
50. Associate Professor,
Department of Textile Technology
Dr K Vaideki
51. Associate Professor
Department of Applied Science
Dr S Kanthalakshmi
Professor, Four teachers of the college
52. Department of Electrical and Electronics representing different
Engineering categories of the teaching staff
Dr R Latha
Assistant Professor (Sel Gr),
53. Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences
Mr G Abishek (19M105)
54. Student Representative – UG
BE Mechanical Engineering (G1)
Ms K Kaarthika (19C117)
55. Student Representative – UG
BE Civil Engineering
Mr G Nishanth (19PT15)
MSc Theoretical Computer Science Student Representative – PG
56. Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
Computational Sciences

67th ACM 30.07.2022

The following member expressed their inability to attend the meeting due to their

S.No Name of the Member Role

1 Mr Bhuvan Anandakrishnan,
M/s.Caterpillar Inc., Industry Expert
2 Dr V Prabhu Raja Four teachers of the college
Professor (CAS), representing different
Department of Mechanical Engineering categories of the teaching

10/7/22, 12:cvii PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at
12:07 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Raghu Upadhya <ar.upadhya@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

Dear Dr Saravanan,
I have gone through the MoM. The meeting was held as per the agenda circulated

I hereby approve the Agenda and the Minutes of the 67th Academic Council Meeting
of PSG College of Technology held 30.07.2022.
Dr AR Upadhya
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM, Jain University
Vice Chairman, NALTech
Vice Chairman, INAE Bangalore Chapter
Member(Internal),JPMB, Jain University
Former Member, Academic Council, JSS S&T University
Former Member , Academic Senate , VTU, Karnataka
Member, Academic Council, PSG College of Technology , Coimbatore Member, Promotion and Assessment
Committee, IISc, Bangalore Former PD(ST) & Associate PGD(LCA Navy), ADA, MoD,
Former PGD(NPSM) & Co Chair, B-SMART (NPMASS), DRDO, MoD
Former Director, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, MoST Former Dr Raja Ramanna DRDO Distinguished
Fellow, DDR, MoD
Former Convenor, Tech. Committee, Aeronautical R&D Board, DDR, MoD.

[Quoted text hidden]

f%3A1746009… 1/1

10/7/22, 12:cviii PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at
12:08 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Kannan Moudgalya <kannan@iitb.ac.in> Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

Dear Dr. Saravanan,

The Minutes are ok. You may go ahead with them. Regards,

[Quoted text hidden]

f%3A1746009… 1/1

10/7/22, 12:43 PM PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at
12:08 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Srinivas Padmanabhuni <srinivas@testaing.com> Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>
Cc: Raghu Upadhya <ar.upadhya@gmail.com>, <kannan@iitb.ac.in>, <kalyani.irtt@gmail.com>,
<meena68@annauniv.edu>, <kalyani@irttech.ac.in>, <arulmozhisenthilkumar@gmail.com>,

Approved from my side. Looks comprehensive.

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni
[Quoted text hidden]

f%3A1746009… 1/1

10/7/22, 12:43 PM PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at
12:09 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Dr M Meenakshi <meena68@annauniv.edu> Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2022 at 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

Dear Dr Saravanan,
The minutes document is comprehensive and I give my approval for the same. Warm Regards,

From: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 9:14 AM
To: Raghu Upadhya <ar.upadhya@gmail.com>; kannan@iitb.ac.in <kannan@iitb.ac.in>;
srinivas@testaing.com <srinivas@testaing.com>; kalyani.irtt@gmail.com <kalyani.irtt@gmail.com>; Dr M
Meenakshi <meena68@annauniv.edu>; kalyani@irttech.ac.in <kalyani@irttech.ac.in>;
arulmozhisenthilkumar@gmail.com <arulmozhisenthilkumar@gmail.com>; arulmozhi@aubit.edu.in
Subject: Minutes of the Academic Council Mee ng - reg

You don't often get email from dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in. Learn why this is important
[Quoted text hidden]

f%3A1746009… 1/1

10/7/22, 12:41 PM PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at
12:07 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: M. Arulmozhi <arulmozhisenthilkumar@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

Greetings from Arulmozhi,

I find the minutes to be in order. Kindly proceed. Best Regards,
[Quoted text hidden]

67th ACM.pdf

f%3A1746009… 1/1

10/7/22, 12:39 PM PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg


Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> Fri, Oct 7,
2022 at 12:07 PM To: SUN-AUFN PSG CT <sun.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>

With warm regards

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: <kalyani.irtt@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 11:23
Subject: Re: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg
To: Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in>
Cc: Raghu Upadhya <ar.upadhya@gmail.com>, <kannan@iitb.ac.in>, <srinivas@testaing.com>,
<meena68@annauniv.edu>, <kalyani@irttech.ac.in>, <arulmozhisenthilkumar@gmail.com>,

Dear Dr.Saravanan

Warm regards. I gone through the content of the minutes of the meeting . It is well framed with all
discussions included. Well appreciated. Herewith I approve the minutes of the meeting.
Thank you

Professor and HOD/IT department, Government College of Engineering, Erode 638316.

Sent from my iPhone

On 30-Sep-2022, at 09:14, Dr S Saravanan PSG Tech <dean.aufn@psgtech.ac.in> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

This mail is in continuation with the 67th Academic Council Meeting of our college held 30.07.2022.
Regulatory bodies like UGC and University have requested the autonomous institutions to get the
approval of the external members for the minutes and agenda of the academic council meetings if the
members were not present physically in the meeting.

In this regard, please find attached the minutes of the academic council meeting together with the
agenda. I request you to kindly approve the same through a reply email. We will take a copy of the
reply as a record of approval. If you would like to suggest some changes in the minutes of the
meeting, kindly let us know so that they may be incorporated.

With warm regards

f%3A1746009759492532772&simpl=msg-f%3A1746009… 1/2

10/7/22, 12:39 PM PSG College of Technology Mail - Fwd: Minutes of the Academic Council Meeting - reg

Dr S Saravanan,
Dean - Autonomous Functioning, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Mobile: +919994492787
Office: 0422-4344777 Extn:4492 www.psgtech.edu

67th ACM.pdf

f%3A1746009… 2/2


1. The Chairman, Academic Council extended a warm welcome to the external memberswho
have joined the Council Meeting through online mode (MS Team)and all other internal
members of the Academic Council.

He briefed about the significant changes that are proposed in the forthcoming 2023
regulations, courses of study and scheme of evaluation for all the BE/BTech (Regular and
Sandwich) degree programmes when compared with the previous 2019 regulations.

2. Dr AR Upadhya said that the students should be made aware of the proposed changes by
including student representatives in the statutory bodies framing the regulations and
bringing changes in the courses and curriculum. He emphasized that the elective courses
should be more focused and specialized to a particular program.He also pointed out that it
is the right time to include digital technology contents in the curriculum of all engineering
program so that students get attracted to such programs and to make them employable
when they graduate.
3. Dr Kannan Moudgalyamentioned that both students and faculty should be encouraged to
use open-source software for their theory and laboratory classes were possible. He also
pointed out the importance of enlightening students about public service and to encourage
them to take up projects that will help the society and public. He gave some examples of
such activities carried out at IIT Bombay.
4. Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni pointed out that some professional electives like Computer
Vision can be offered as open electives as the need for such courses is across many
domains/departments. He also reiterated the importance of encouraging students and
faculty to use open-source software in their academics.
5. Dr Meenakshi praised the introduction of a course on Sustainable Development Goals as
an open elective to the students of many UG/PG programs. She also said that Anna
University is planning to introduce courses on AI&ML, Data Analytics, IoT as soft courses
for all the programs in the university departments and the same may be adopted for PSG
Tech as well. She suggested that such courses should be handled by the respective
department faculty members and not by faculty members from CSE or IT departments so
that the faculty members can relate the real-life applications of such courses in their
respective domains.
6. Dr. Arulmozhi suggested that for the BTech Biotechnology programme, a course offered as
a combination of Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer topics in the 2023 regulations
should be offered as these topics are more relevant for Biotechnology. She also suggested
introduction of more chemical processing related subjects as Biotechnology domain needs
information on these and related topics.
7. Dr. Kalyani enquired about the introduction of skill-based courses under NaalayaThiran and
Naan Mudalvan schemes of Govt. of Tamilnadu. Principal clarified that the Professional
Readiness Course under NaalayaThiran is being offered as a compulsory elective for the
7th semester BE, ECE, CSE and BTech IT students. Naan Mudalvan programme is yet to
be launched. She suggested that the innovative solutions/outcomes of some of the live

industry projects given to the students for arriving at a solution as a part of professional
readiness course may be patented in the name of the college/students.

8. After these discussions, the regular agenda for the introduction of 2023 regulations,
courses of study and scheme of evaluation for all the BE/BTech (Regular and Sandwich)
degree programmes, professional electives, open electives, one credit courses and value
added courses were presented by the various Heads of Departments for the UG/PG
programmes offered in their respective departments. All the agendas were approved by the
Academic Council.

9. The meeting concluded with closing remarks by the Chairman on incorporating the
suggestions of experts and the Chairman thanked all the members for their active
participation and contributions towards the framing of curriculum.

Chairman, Academic Council


67thMeeting of the Academic Council

Venue:F202 Date: 30.07.2022 Time: 9.30 am


1. Welcome and Introductory remarks by the Chairman.

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
regulations, courses of study,scheme of assessment and syllabi for all semesters
of BE/BTech Regular degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS).

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla moved

(i) that the regulations, courses of study, scheme of assessment and syllabifor all
the semesters of the following BE/BTech Regular degree programmes of 2023
regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology

as in Appendix I (pages 1 –498) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023–24 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

Dr R Vidhyapriya seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

3. The Boards of Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
and Production Engineering recommended the regulations, courses of study,scheme
of assessment and syllabi for all semesters of BE Sandwich degree programmes
of 2023 regulations under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr K Natarajan moved

(i) that the regulations, courses of study, scheme of assessment and syllabi for all
semesters of the following BE Sandwich degreeprogrammesof 2023 regulations

BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)

BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix II (pages499–550)be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023–24 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

Dr P R Thyla seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

4. The Board of Studies in Biomedical Engineering recommended the following

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr R Vidhyapriyamoved
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19DO04 Nanophotonics
19DO05 Clinical Trial Practices

for BE Biomedical Engineering DegreeProgrammeof 2019 regulations with

syllabus as in Appendix III (Page554-555)be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr J Kanakaraj seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

5. The Board of Studies in Civil Engineering recommended the following

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Palanikumarmoved
(i) that the introduction of the following professional elective courses namely

18CS41 Modern Materials for Construction

18CS42 Remote Sensing
forME Structural Engineering (Part time)Degree Programme of 2018
regulations with syllabi as in Appendix IV(Page 556)be ratified
(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2020 – 21 under 2018

Dr K Natarajan seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

9. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO07 Industrial Internet of Things

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme

of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (a) (Page561)be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

b. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective course namely

19P026 Work System Design

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme

of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (b) (Page562) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr K Umamaheswari seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried

10. The Board of Studies in Robotics and Automation Engineering recommended the
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr B Vinodmoved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19RO02 Robot Safety and Standards

19RO03 Decision Making
19RO04 Creative Kinetics
19RO05 Modeling and Simulation

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations

with syllabi as in Appendix VIII (a) (Page 563 – 564)be ratified

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

b. (i) that the introduction of the following one credit course namely

19RF16 Cable Technology

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations

with syllabus as in Appendix VIII (b) (Page 565)be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 – 20 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr V Krishnaveni seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried



04th FEBRUARY 2023


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department Name Programmes Page. No
Agenda i - xxxv
BE/BTech (Regular and Sandwich) Electives
Automobile Engineering 1
Biomedical Engineering 17
Civil Engineering 29
Computer Science and Engineering 47
Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) 61
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 74
Electronics and Communication Engineering 99
I Instrumentation and Control Engineering 125
Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 140
Metallurgical Engineering 166
Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) 184
Robotics and Automation 209
Biotechnology 241
Fashion Technology 254
Information Technology 272
Textile Technology 297
II Automobile Engineering Open Elective Courses 337
III Biomedical Engineering Open Elective Courses 338
IV Electrical and Electronics Engineering Open Elective Courses 340
V (a) Open Elective Courses 342
V (b) Mechanical Engineering One Credit Courses 344
V (c) Sandwich Scheme 346
VI (a) Metallurgical Engineering One Credit Course 352
VII Production Engineering Open Elective Course 353
VIII (a) Professional Elective Courses 354
VIII (b) Robotics and Automation Engineering Open Elective Courses 356
VIII (c) One Credit Courses 359
IX (a) Biotechnology Open Elective Courses 360
X (a) Professional Elective Course 361
Fashion Technology
X (b) Open Elective Course 362
XI Apparel and Fashion Design Open Elective Courses 363
Applied Mathematics and
XII Open Elective Course 364
Computational Sciences
XIII Management Sciences Elective Course 365
XIV Members of the Academic Council for the Period 2022-2023 366
List of External Members of Various Boards of Studies for the Period
XV 370

68th Meeting of the Academic Council Meeting

Venue: F203 Date: 04.02.2023 Time: 9.30 am


1. Welcome and Introductory remarks by the Chairman.

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
Professional and Open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and Sandwich
degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based Credit System

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla will move

(i) that the professional and open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and
Sandwich degree programmes of 2023 regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix I (Pages 1 - 336) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

b. (i) that the change in CA, FE of the following courses namely

Existing Modified
S.No. Course Title



1. 23Y___ Professional Elective V 60 40 40 60

2. 23Y___ Professional Elective VI 60 40 40 60


3 23Y820 Project Work II 40 60 60 40

Total 160 140 140 160

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2023 regulations be


(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024
and subsequently under 2023 regulations

8. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar will move
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO08 Battery Technology

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme of

2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (Page 353) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich degree programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

9. The Board of Studies in Robotics and Automation Engineering recommended the

following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr B Vinod will move

a. (i) that the introduction of the following professional elective courses namely

19R009 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

19R038 Virtual and Augmented Reality
19R048 Smart Materials

for BE Robotics and Automation Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix VIII (a) (Pages 354 - 355) be approved

68th ACM 04.02.2023


Venue: Hall F 203 04.02.2023 Time: 9.30 am
Minutes of the 68th Meeting of the Academic Council held at 9.30 am on Saturday,
February 04th, 2023. The following members were present.

S.No. Name of the Member Role

1. Dr K Prakasan Chairman & Principal

Dr AR Upadhya,
Distinguished Professor, IIAEM,
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University),
2. Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk,
Bangalore Rural District 562 112

Prof Kannan M. Moudgalya, Education Expert

Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
3. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
(Maharashtra), India

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni,
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
M/s. CityMandi,
4. 1700, 19th Main Road, Sector 2, HSR Layout, Industry Expert
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 102

Dr M Meenakshi,
Department of Electronics and Communication
5. CEG Campus,
Anna university,
Chennai 600 025.

Dr M Arulmozhi,
University Nominees
Department of Petrochemical Technology
University College of Engineering
6. Bharathidasan Institute of Technology (BIT)
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024.

Dr P Kalyani,
Department of Information Technology,
7. Government Engineering College (IRTT),
Vasavi College Post 638 316. Erode

68th ACM 04.02.2023

Dr V Lakshmi Prabha
Academic Consultant,
8. PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
Dr V Jayabalan Special Invitee
Secretary - Institutional Interface,
9. TQM Council, PSG Institutions,
Coimbatore - 641004
10. Mr V C Thangavel Controller of Examinations
HoD, Dept. of Automobile
11. Dr S Neelakrishnan
HoD, Dept. of Biomedical
12. Dr R Vidhyapriya
HoD, Dept. of Computer Science
13. Dr G Sudha Sadasivam
and Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electrical and
14. Dr J Kanagaraj
Electronics Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Electronics and
15. Dr V Krishnaveni
Communication Engineering
HoD, Dept. of Instrumentation
16. Dr J Arunshankar and Control Systems
HoD, Dept. of Mechanical
17. Dr P R Thyla
HoD, Dept. of Metallurgical
18. Dr J Krishnamoorthi
HoD, Dept. of Production
19. Dr M Senthilkumar
Head In-charge,
20. Dr B Vinod Dept. of Robotics & Automation
21. Dr M Ananthasubramanian HoD, Dept. of Biotechnology
22. Dr P Kandhavadivu
Dept. of Fashion Technology
HoD, Dept. of Information
23. Dr K Umamaheswari
HoD, Dept. of Textile
24. Dr G Thilagavathi
HoD, Dept. of Apparel &
25. Dr D Vijayalakshmi
Fashion Design
HoD, Dept. of Applied
26. Dr Shina Sheen Mathematics & Computational
HoD In-Charge,
27. Dr C Theivarasu
Dept. of Chemistry
28. Dr A Chitra
Dept. of Computer Applications
29. Dr G Menaka HoD, Dept. of English
Head In-Charge,
30. Dr V Santhi
Dept. of Humanities
31. Dr C Porkodi HoD, Dept. of Mathematics

68th ACM 04.02.2023

32. Dr M D Kannan HoD, Dept. of Physics

33. Dr J V Ramasamy Dean Academic

34. Prof R Ragupathy Dean Administration

35. Dr K Natarajan Dean Student Affairs

36. Dr R Nadarajan Dean Placement & Training

37. Dr M Haridass Deputy Controller, CoE

HoD In-charge,
38. Dr G R Karpagam GRD Memorial Library
Associate Dean Students
39. Dr D Karthika Renuka
40. Dr S Saravanan Member Secretary
Dr A Kandaswamy
41. Dean Industrial Research and Development
Dr R Arumuganathan
42. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr D Muralidhar
43. Training Manager, PSG Industrial Institute
Dr J Kanchana
44. Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Special Invitees
Dr R Murugan
45. Associate Professor,
Department of Textile Technology
Dr M Karthikeyan
46. Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),
Department of Automobile Engineering
Dr Suresh Balusamy
47. Head of Operations
PSG Software Technologies
Dr V Prabhu Raja
48. Professor (CAS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr K Vaideki Four teachers of the college
49. Professor, Department of Applied Science representing different categories
Dr R Latha of the teaching staff
Associate Professor,
50. Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences
Ms K Kaarthika (19C117)
51. Student Representative UG
BE Civil Engineering
Mr G Nishanth (19PT15)
MSc Theoretical Computer Science, Student Representative PG
52. Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
Computational Sciences

68th ACM 04.02.2023

The following member expressed their inability to attend the meeting due to their

S.No Name of the Member Role

Mr Bhuvan Anandakrishnan,
1 Industry Expert
M/s.Caterpillar Inc.,
2 Dr M Palanikumar
Dept. of Civil Engineering
3 Dr S C Murugavel
Dept. of Applied Science
Director In-charge,
4 Dr V Srividya
Dr G Subashini
5 Professor, Special Invitees
Dept. of Robotics & Automation Engineering
Dr S Kanthalakshmi
Four teachers of the college
6 representing different categories of
Department of Electrical and Electronics
the teaching staff
Mr G Abishek (19M105)
7 Student Representative UG
BE Mechanical Engineering (G1)

68th ACM 04.02.2023


1. The Chairman, Academic Council extended a warm welcome to the external members
who have joined the Council Meeting through online mode (MS Team) and all other
internal members of the Academic Council.

He informed the members about the introduction of new UG programme BE CSE

(AI&ML) during the academic year 2023-2024. He briefed about the following to the
Government schemes for which PSG Tech is identified as nodal center
Phase I & II of the academic audit process
Alumni support
Research activities in the campus and Library facilities
Placement details pertaining to the year 2022 -2023
Significance of outcome-based education

Dr AR Upadhya appreciated the academic and research activities prevailing in the

campus. He also appreciated the large number of programmes offered in the campus,
assessment patterns, collective efforts put forth by the faculty members, staff and
students towards the progress of the institution. He requested the chairman to take
steps towards implementing NEP in the campus in a phased manner. He also
appreciated the wide range of professional electives, open electives and skill
enhancement courses offered across various programmes. He suggested to offer
elective courses under the following verticals:
a. AI as appropriate to respective engineering programmes
b. Environmental impact by specific engineering streams and suitable green
c. Autonomous systems with AI and robotics
d. Renewable energy
e. Biomimetics
f. Multifunctional materials

Dr Kannan Moudgalya mentioned that both students and faculty should be encouraged
to use open-source software for their theory and laboratory classes were possible. He
also pointed out the importance of enlightening students about public service and to
encourage them to take up projects that will help the society and public. He gave some
examples of such activities carried out at IIT Bombay. He appreciated the work of
various Boards of studies of the college.

Dr Srinivas Padmanabhuni pointed out, that courses like Design thinking and Innovation
can be included in all the programmes.

Dean Autonomous presented the norms pertaining to the implementation of BE/BTech

(Hons) Specialization in the same discipline, BE/BTech (Hons) and BE/BTech minor in
other discipline.

68th ACM 04.02.2023

2. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology recommended the
Professional and Open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and Sandwich
degree programmes of 2023 regulations under Choice Based Credit System

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla moved

(i) that the professional and open elective courses for all BE/BTech Regular and
Sandwich degree programmes of 2023 regulations namely

BE Automobile Engineering
BE Biomedical Engineering
BE Civil Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering
BE Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML)
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
BE Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BE Mechanical Engineering
BE Metallurgical Engineering
BE Production Engineering
BE Robotics and Automation
BTech Biotechnology
BTech Fashion Technology
BTech Information Technology
BTech Textile Technology
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
BE Production Engineering (Sandwich)

as in Appendix I (Pages 1 - 336) be approved and

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024 and
subsequently under 2023 regulations.

Dr R Vidhyapriya seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

3. The Board of Studies in Automobile Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr S Neelakrishnan moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21AE91 Management Concepts and Organizational Methods

21AE92 Managing Technological Innovation

for ME Automotive Engineering Degree Programme of 2021 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix II (Page 337) be ratified

68th ACM 04.02.2023

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2021 2022 and
subsequently under 2021 regulations

Dr P R Thyla seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

4. The Board of Studies in Biomedical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr R Vidhyapriya moved

(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19DO06 Healthcare Information Systems

19DO07 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
19DO08 Biometric Systems

for BE Biomedical Engineering Degree Programme of 2019 regulations with

syllabi as in Appendix III (Page 338 - 339) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 and
subsequently under 2019 regulations

Dr J Kanakaraj seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

5. The Board of Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering recommended the

following :
The Standing Committee recommends and Dr J Kanakaraj moved
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

19EO03 Waste to Energy

19EO04 Biology for Engineers

for BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree

Programme of 2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix IV (Pages 340 - 341)
be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr J Krishnamoorthi seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

6. The Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla moved

a. (i) that the introduction of the following open elective courses namely

21MD94 / 21MN94 / 21MC94 / 21SE94 Design Thinking for Innovation

21MD95 / 21MN95 / 21MC95 / 21SE95 Foundation Skills in Integrated
Product Development

for ME Engineering Design, ME Industrial Engineering, ME Computer

Integrated Manufacturing, ME Energy Engineering Degree Programmes of
2021 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix V (a) (Page 342 - 343) be approved

68th ACM 04.02.2023

b. (i) that the change in CA, FE of the following courses namely

Existing Modified
S.No. Course Title



1. 23Y___ Professional Elective V 60 40 40 60

2. 23Y___ Professional Elective VI 60 40 40 60


3 23Y820 Project Work II 40 60 60 40

Total 160 140 140 160

for BE Metallurgical Engineering Degree Programme of 2023 regulations be


(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2023 2024
and subsequently under 2023 regulations

Dr B Vinod seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and carried.

8. The Board of Studies in Production Engineering recommended the following :

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr M Senthilkumar moved
(i) that the introduction of the following open elective course namely

19PO08 Battery Technology

for BE Production Engineering (Regular and Sandwich) Degree Programme of

2019 regulations with syllabus as in Appendix VII (Page 353) be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students admitted in 2019 2020 for regular
and sandwich degree programmes and subsequently under 2019 regulations.

Dr M Ananthasubramanian seconded the motion. The motion was put to vote and






Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 – 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 – 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Department Name Programmes Page. No
Agenda i–xxix
BE CSE (AI and ML) Courses of Study, Scheme of Assessment and
I 1
Computer Science & Engineering AI ML

II BE / BTech layout of the scheme of assessment 43

III Automobile Engineering Open Elective Course 48

IV Civil Engineering Open Elective Course 49

V (a) Professional Elective Courses 50

Computer Science and Engineering
V (b) Professional Elective Course 52

VI Electrical and Electronics Engineering One credit Courses 53

VII Metallurgical Engineering Open Elective Course 54

VIII (a) Open Elective Course 56

Production Engineering
VIII (b) Open Elective Courses 57

IX (a) Open Elective Course 59

IX (b) Professional Elective Course 60

X (a) Professional Elective Courses 61

Information Technology
X (b) Open Elective Course 62

XI Textile Technology Professional Elective Courses 63

XII (a) Professional Elective Course 65

XII (b) Professional Elective Course 66

Applied Mathematics and Computational
XII (c) Professional Elective Course 67

XII (d) Professional Elective Course 69

XIII (a) Professional Elective Courses 71

XIII (b) Apparel & Fashion Design Professional Elective Courses 73

XIII (c) Open Elective Courses 74

XIV (a) Humanities One Credit Course 75


66thMeeting of the Academic Council

Venue: Online Date:05.02.2022 Time: 09.30am


1. Welcome and Introductory remarks by the Chairman.

2. The Board of Studies in Computer Science and Engineering recommended


The Standing Committee recommends and Dr S Sudha Sadasivam will move

(i) that the courses of study, scheme of assessment and syllabi of the following BE
CSE (AI and ML) degree programme of 2019 regulations under Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS)namely

BE CSE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

forBE Computer Science and Engineering (AI and ML) Degree Programme of
2019 regulations with syllabi as in Appendix I [Page 1-42] be approved

(ii) that this takes effect for the batches of students to be admitted in 2022 – 2023 under
2019 regulations.

3. The Boards of Studies in Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production
Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering, Biotechnology, Fashion
Technology, Information Technology and Textile Technology deliberated the courses of
study,scheme of assessmentfor BE/BTech Regular programmes of 2023
regulations under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

The Standing Committee recommends and Dr P R Thyla will move

(i) that the sample layout of thescheme of assessment of all the BE / BTech Regular
degree programmes of 2023 regulations

as in Appendix II [pages 43-47]be taken up for discussion for the forthcoming 2023

66th ACM 05.02.2022


(Minimum credits to be earned:165)
Periods / Week Maximum Marks
______________________________ ______________________
Course Code Course TitleLecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
19N101 Calculus and its 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS
19N102 Electrical and Electronics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES
19N103 Chemistry of Electronic 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 BS
19N104 Computational Thinking 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES
19G105 English Language 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 HS
19N110 Basic Sciences 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 BS
19N111 Engineering Practices 0 0 2 1 50 50 100 ES
19N112 Problem Solving & Python 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 ES
Programing Laboratory
19IP15 Induction Programme ** - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 26 periods 14 2 1021 400 400 800
19N201 Transforms and its 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS
19N202 Materials Science 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 BS
19N203 Industrial Electrochemistry 2 0 0 2 50 50 100 BS
19N204 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N205 Computer Organization 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES
and Architecture
19G___ Language Electives 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 HS
19N210 C Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 ES
19N213 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 ES
19N215 Activity Point Programme* - - - Grade - - - MC
SEMESTER II – Summer Term
19A213 Internship € 0 0 0 2 100 0 100 EEC
Total 27 periods 14 1 12 21 + 2£500 400 900


** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination
€ This course will be conducted prior to the commencement of the third semester for a period of 3 weeks
£ For internship, one credit is equivalent to minimum 40 hours of work as per norms

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

66th ACM 05.02.2022


(Minimum credits to be earned:165)
Periods / Week Maximum Marks
______________________________ _______________________
Course Code Course TitleLecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
19N301 Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS

19N302 Probability, Stochastic 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS

Processes and Statistics
19N303 Data Structures 4 0 0 4 50 50 100 PC
19N304 Software Engineering 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N305 Principles of Programming 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 ES
19O306 Economics for Engineers 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 HS
19N310 Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19N311 Object Oriented 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 ES
Programming Laboratory
using Java
19K312 Environmental Science ** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC
19N315 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 32 periods 21 3 826400 400 800
19N401 Foundations of Optimization 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N402 Design and Analysis of 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N403 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC

19N404 Database Systems 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19N405 Machine Learning -1 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19N410 Database Systems 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19N411 Machine Learning 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19O412 Indian Constitution** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

19Q413 Soft Skills Development 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC

19N415 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC

Total 28 periods 17 1 1021450 350 800

** As per norms
* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

66th ACM 05.02.2022


(Minimum credits to be earned:165)
Periods / Week Maximum Marks
______________________________ ______________________
Course Code Course TitleLecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
19N501 Artificial Intelligence Concepts 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC
19N502 Deep Learning 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N503 Machine Learning -2 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC

19N504 Computer Networks 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC

19____ Open Elective -1 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 OE
19N510 Deep Learning Laboratory 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19N511 Application Development 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 EEC
19Q513 Business and Managerial 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC
19N515 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 28 periods 15 3 1023450 350 800

19N601 Data Privacy and Security 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19N602 Parallel and Distributed 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC
19N603 Big Data and Modern 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
Database Systems
19N604 Natural Language Processing 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19N___ Professional Elective - 1 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE
19N610 Big Data Laboratory 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19Q613 Quantitative and Reasoning 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC
19N620 Innovation Practices 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 EEC
19N615 Activity Point Programme * - - - Grade - - - MC
Total 26 periods 15 1 1021450 350 800

At the end of 6th semester, the students are required to earn the minimum number of activity points from the AICTE mandated
ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME to qualify for the award of BE/BTech degree (Refer Section 4 (vii) (c) of 2019 Regulations)

* As per AICTE Norms; Total 60 hrs; Grade: Completed / Not completed; Not counted for CGPA
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

66th ACM 05.02.2022


(Minimum credits to be earned:165)
Periods / Week Maximum Marks
______________________________ ______________________
Course Code Course TitleLecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT
19N701 Embedded Systems 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC
19____ Open Elective -2 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 OE
19N___ Professional Elective - 2 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE
19N___ Professional Elective - 3 PE
3 0 0 3 50 50 100
19N___ Professional Elective - 4 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE
19N710 Embedded Systems 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 PC
19N720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 50 50 100 EEC

Total 23 periods 15 0 8 19350 350 700


19N___ Professional Elective - 5 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19N___ Professional Elective - 6 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE
19N820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 50 50 100 EEC
Total 14 periods 6 0 8 10 150 150 300

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.



02nd FEBRUARY 2019


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 – 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 – 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University Chennai

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Append Page.
Department Name Programmes
ix No No.
AGENDA i-lxxii
I BE/BTech (Regular) Regulations, Course of Study and Scheme of Assessment 1
II BE (Sandwich) Regulations, Course of Study and Scheme of Assessment 106
III BTech (Part Time) Regulations, Course of Study and Scheme of Assessment 142
IV Scheme of Assessment and Syllabi for B.Sc Applied Science 158
V Scheme of Assessment and Syllabi for MCA 205
VI Automobile Engineering One credit courses for BE Automobile Engineering 228
Open elective course for BE Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (Regular & Sandwich), Electronics and
VII (a) 229
Communication Engineering, Computer Science and
Biomedical Engineering Engineering, BTech Information Technology
VII (b) Open elective course for BTech Biotechnology 230
Open elective course for BE Computer Science and
VII (c) 231
Engineering, BTech Information Technology
One credit courses for BE Computer Science and
VIII (a) 232
Computer Science and Engineering
Engineering One credit course for BE Computer Science and
VIII (b) 232
One credit courses for BE (Regular and Sandwich)
IX (a&b) 233
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
One credit courses for ME Applied Electronics, Power
IX(c) Electronics and Drives, Embedded and Real time 235
Professional Elective Course for BE (Sandwich)
IX (d) Electrical and Electronics 236
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Professional Elective Course for BE (regular and
IX (e) 237
Sandwich) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Professional Elective Course for ME Applied
IX (f) 238
Electronics, Embedded and Real time System
Professional Elective Course for BE (regular and
IX (g) 239
Sandwich) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication One credit courses for BE (Sandwich) Electrical and
X 240
Engineering Electronics Engineering
Professional Elective Course for BE (regular and
XI (a) 241
Sandwich) Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
One credit courses for BE (regular and Sandwich)
XI (b) 244
Mechanical Engineering
Professional Elective Course for BE Metallurgical
XII(a) 245
Metallurgical Engineering Open Elective Courses for BE (Regular and Sandwich)
XII (b) Mechanical Engineering, BE (Regular and Sandwich) 246
Production Engineering, BE Automobile Engineering
One Credit Course for BE (Regular and Sandwich)
XIII Production Engineering 247
Production Engineering
Professional Elective Course for BE Robotics and
XIV (a) Robotics and Automation 248
XIV (b) One Credit Courses for BE Robotics and Automation 249
XV (a) Professional Elective Course for MTech Biotechnology 251
XV (b) One Credit Courses for BTech Biotechnology 252
XVI Computer Applications Professional Elective Courses for MCA 253

Courses of Study and
Scheme of Assessment


BE/BTech (Regular)

2019 Regulations
60th ACM 02.02.2019


(Autonomous college affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


(for the batches of students admitted in 2019 - 2020 and subsequently, under Choice Based Credit System)*

NOTE: The regulations hereunder are subject to amendments as may be made by the Academic Council
of the College from time to time. Any or all such amendments will be effective from such date and to such
batches of students (including those already undergoing the programme) as may be decided by the
Academic Council.


In the following Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires
i) “Programme” means Degree Programme, that is BE / BTech Degree Programme.
ii) “Branch” means specialization or discipline of BE / BTech Degree Programme, like
Civil Engineering, Textile Technology, etc.

iii) “Course” means a theory or practical course that is normally studied in a semester, like
Mathematics, Physics, etc.

iv) “University” means Anna University.


Students for admission to the BE / BTech degree programme will be required to satisfy the
conditions of admission thereto prescribed by the University and Government of Tamil Nadu.


i) Minimum Duration: The programme will extend over a period of four years* leading to the
Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE) / Bachelor of Technology (BTech) of the Anna
University. The four academic years will be divided into eight semesters with two semesters
per year. Each semester shall normally consist of 90 working days including examination

ii) Maximum Duration: The student shall complete all the passing requirements of the BE /
BTech degree programme within a maximum period of 7 years (6 years for lateral entry);
these periods reckoned from the commencement of the semester to which the student was
first admitted to the programme.


The following are the branches of study under BE / BTech degree programme.

BE Automobile Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Instrumentation and Control Engineering

* Provision is made for lateral entry of students in the third semester of the programme in all branches of
study(except part time progarmme) and they will be required to satisfy the conditions of admissions
thereto prescribed by the University and Government of Tamil Nadu.

60th ACM 02.02.2019

Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Production Engineering
Robotics and Automation

BTech Biotechnology
Fashion Technology
Information Technology
Textile Technology

(i) The course work of the odd semesters will normally be conducted in odd semesters
and that of the even semesters in even semesters.

(ii) Curriculum: The curriculum will comprise courses of study as given in section 13 infra in
accordance with the prescribed syllabi. The hours / week listed in section 13 infra for each of
the course refer to periods/week. Each period will be of 50 minutes duration. The curriculum
consists of (a) Basic Sciences, (b) Humanities and Social sciences (c) Engineering
Sciences (d) Professional cores (e) Professional electives (f) Open electives (g)
Employability Enhancement courses (h) Mandatory courses (i) Induction programme and (j)
Activity point programme as per AICTE guidelines.

(iii) Electives: Every student shall opt for electives from the list of electives of the respective
degree programme as given in section 13 in consultation with the Tutor, Programme Co-
ordinator and the HoD. A student shall undergo two open elective courses and six
professional elective courses. Professional electives will be offered from 5th semester to 8th
semester. Minimum number of credits to be earned for open elective courses is 6.
Minimum number of credits to be earned for professional elective courses is 18. Open
electives are the elective courses offered by a department for students of other branches and
professional electives are courses offered by a department to the students of their own
branches only.

(iv) Project Work: Every student shall be required to undertake a suitable project in industry /
research organization / department in consultation with the Head of the Department and the
faculty guide and submit the project report thereon at the end of the semesters in which the
student registered, on dates announced by the College/Department. A student shall register
for the Project Work I in the 7th semester and for Project Work II in the 8th semester or later.

(v) Online Courses: Students can register and earn credits for online courses approved by
department committee consisting of HoD, Programme Coordinator, Tutor and Subject Expert.
Students who complete relevant online courses successfully to a maximum of 6 credits may
obtain exemption from studying two Professional Electives. Similarly, students who complete
relevant online courses successfully to a maximum of 6 credits may obtain exemption from
studying two Open Electives. The list of online courses is to be approved by Chairman
Academic Council on the recommendation of HoD at the beginning of the semester if
necessary, subject to ratification in the subsequent Academic Council meeting. The
Committee will monitor the progress of the student and recommend the grade or evaluate the
candidate in 100% Continuous Assessment (CA) pattern, if necessary. Candidates may do
online courses for exemption from studying professional elective from fifth semester to
seventh semester for regular programmes. However, the relevant online courses for
exemption from open electives can be registered and credits can be earned from third
semester onwards and are to be completed before the pre final semester of the respective

60th ACM 02.02.2019

(vi) Self Study Courses: A student without current arrears can opt one for Self Study course,
which may be either an Open Elective or a Professional Elective by getting prior approval
from the HoD who will nominate a faculty who will be responsible for the periodic monitoring
and evaluation of the course.

(vii)(a) Induction Programme: All students shall undergo induction program in the first semester
as per the guidelines of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). A student
completing the induction programme will be awarded completed grade and only the students
who complete the induction programme shall be considered as eligible for award of degree
subject to satisfying other conditions. A student who does not complete the induction program
in the first semester shall Redo the same in the next immediate semester.


Every student has to earn minimum 14 credits (Recommended credit range 14-20) of
Internship/ Entrepreneurial activities I Project work/ Seminar and Inter/ Intra Institutional
Training as a part of his BE/BTech degree programme. It should be noted that for these
activities, 1 credit is equivalent to minimum 40 hours of work. Various activities as per
AICTE guidelines under internship is provided in the scheme under the category of
Employability Enhancement Courses.


BE/BTech Degree

Every student shall have to earn prescribed number of activity points detailed below relating
to entrepreneurial capabilities and societal commitment from 2nd semester to 6th semester.

Level of entry in degree course Total years for points
1st Year 1st to 4th Year 100
2nd to 4th Year 80
2nd Year (3rd Sem.) through lateral
entry or transfer from other University

The student shall earn 20 points in each semester from 2nd semester (3rd semester for later
entry) to 6th semester the activities shall consists of participation of the student in
NSS/NCC/Sports?Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY). These activities will be coordinated
by the student department and 3 hours of participation in activity will be taken as 1 activity
point these points will not be accounted for CGPA calculation.

The student completing the minimum number of actvivity point in a semester will be awarded
completed grade and only the student who secure completed grade in all specified
semesters shall be considered as eligible for award of degree subject to satisfying other
conditions a students who fails to secure the specified number number of activity points in a
semester shall Redo the same in the next immediate semester

The Details of implementation (semester wise) is provided. One activity point is considered
equivalent to 3 hours of activity.

Semesters Responsibility Supporting agency points

2 Student NSS/NCC/TRAINING & 20
5 20
6 20

60th ACM 02.02.2019

These activities will be coordinated by the student department with the support of NSS /
NCC / Sports / Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY) Coordinator or Training and Placement
Officer (TPO) of the Institute. The student will be provided with a certificate from the
concerned coordinator and Institutional Head. These points will not be accounted for CGPA
calculation. The student may choose any relevant (techno-economic-societal) activity as per
their liking in order to earn the Activity points.

(viii) One-Credit Courses: Students can also opt for one credit industry oriented courses of 15
hours duration which will be offered by experts from industry / other institution / our faculty on
specialized topics. Students can complete such one credit courses during the semesters 3 to
7 as and when these courses are offered by different departments. A student will also be
permitted to register for the one credit courses offered by other departments provided the
student has fulfilled the necessary pre-requisites of the course subject to approval by both the
Heads of Departments. There is no limit on the number of one credit courses a student can
register and successfully complete during the above period. If a student wishes to avail
exemption of professional electives, he/she can do so by exercising his/her option in writing
to the respective Head of the Department during the beginning of the prefinal / final semester
(i.e., semester 7/8) by following the equivalence norm that one professional elective is
equivalent to three one credit courses completed by the student. Out of the three one credit
courses submitted for equivalence to a professional elective, a maximum of one one-credit
course can be from humanities/language. The grades of the students completing the one
credit courses will be finalized based on absolute grading system listed in 8(iii)(b) infra. The
grades earned by the students for the one-credit courses which are not opted for conversion
into an elective, will not be included in the computation of CGPA.

However number of professional electives for which the student seeks exemption in having
studied online courses and/or one credit course shall not exceed two under any

(ix) Course Enrollment and Registration

a) Each student, on admission shall be assigned to a Tutor who shall advise and counsel the
student about the details of the academic programme and the choice of courses considering
the student‟s academic background and career objectives.
b) Each student on admission shall register for all the courses prescribed in the curriculum in
the student‟s first and second semester of study. In the case of lateral entry students, they
shall register for all the courses prescribed in the curriculum in the third semester of study.
c) From third semester onwards, (fourth semester in the case of lateral entry students) a student
has the option to drop a maximum of two theory courses except Professional Core Courses
in a semester and a student has the option to study additionally two theory courses which
shall be open electives or / and professional electives. The maximum number of credits the
student can register in a particular semester cannot exceed 36 credits including courses for
which the student has registered for redoing(section 5, iv(a)).
d) In case of a student dropping a course of study (other than professional core courses) in one
semester, he/she shall register for that course in the next given opportunity and earn
necessary attendance in that course exclusively to become eligible to appear for the
semester examination in that course.
e) The courses to be offered in a semester for candidates who need to reappear(as per 5 (iii)
infra) or having attendance shortage etc., will be decided by HoD.
f) After registering for a course, a student shall attend the classes, satisfy the attendance
requirements, earn Continuous Assessment marks and appear for the semester end

60th ACM 02.02.2019

The enrollment for all the courses of the Semester II will commence 10 working days prior
to the last working day of Semester I. The student shall confirm the enrollment by
registering for the courses within the first five working days after the commencement of the
Semester II.
The enrollment for the courses of the Semesters III to VIII will commence 10 working days
prior to the last working day of the preceding semester. The student shall enroll for the
courses with the guidance of the Tutor. If the student wishes, the student may drop or add
courses subject to eligibility within five working days after the commencement of the
concerned semester and complete the registration process duly authorized by the Tutor.

(x) Credit assignment: Each course is assigned certain number of credits based on the
Contact Period per week Credits
One Lecture Period 1
One Tutorial Period 1
Two Practical Periods (Laboratory 1
/ Project Work/ etc.)

The Contact Periods per week for Practicals shall be in multiples of 2. The exact number of
credits assigned to the different courses is shown in section 13.

(xi) Minimum credits: The minimum number of credits to be earned through successful
completion of the courses of study in the respective branch listed in section 13 infra, by a
student to qualify for the award of degree is provided below.
Minimum number of credits to be earned through
successful completion of the courses of study of the
respective branch listed in section 13 infra, for the
Branch of Study
award of degree
for entry at first for lateral entry at third
semester semester
BE Programmes
Automobile Engineering 165 122
Biomedical Engineering 165 124
Civil Engineering 165 124
Computer Science Engineering 165 120
Electronics and Communication Engineering 165 122
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 165 121
Instrumentation and Control Engineering 165 123
Mechanical Engineering 165 122
Metallurgical Engineering 165 121
Production Engineering 165 122
Robotics and Automation 165 119
BTech Programmes
Biotechnology 165 122
Fashion Technology 165 121
Information Technology 165 120
Textile Technology 165 122

(xii) Medium of instruction: English is the medium of instruction for examinations, project report
etc. other than elective language courses.

60th ACM 02.02.2019


i. A student will be qualified to appear for semester end examinations in a particular course of
a semester only if
a) he / she has satisfied the attendance requirements as per the norms given below:
 Shall secure not less than 75% attendance in that course

 If a student secures attendance 65% or more but less than 75% in any course in the
current semester due to medical reasons (hospitalization / accident / specific illness) or
due to participation in the College / University / State / National / International level
Sports events with prior permission from the Chairman, Sports Board and Head of the
Department concerned, the student shall be given exemption from the prescribed
attendance requirement and the student shall be permitted to appear for the semester
end examination of that course.

b) his / her progress has been satisfactory and

c) his / her conduct has been satisfactory.

ii. A student shall normally be permitted to appear for semester end examination of the course
if the student has satisfied the attendance requirements (vide Clause 5(i) supra) and has
registered for examination in those courses of that semester by paying the prescribed fee.

iii. a) Students who do not satisfy clause 5(i) supra will not be permitted to appear for the
semester end examination / Evaluation of that course. The student has to register and redo
that course in a subsequent semester when it is offered next, earn necessary attendance and
CA mark and appear for semester end examinations.
b) If the total number of “Redo” courses at the end of any even semester is more than ten,
the student will not be eligible to register for the next immediate odd and further semester

Such students will be permitted to register for those semester courses only when offered
next, subject to fulfillment of the above condition.
iv. A student who has already appeared for a course in a semester and passed the examination
is not entitled to reappear in the same course for improvement of letter grades / marks.
v. In respect of students who complete a part of the academic programme either one or two
semesters under the student exchange scheme in approved foreign Universities, the transfer
of credits of equivalent courses completed by them in the foreign university will be approved;
and in the case of the remaining courses of the respective semester(s) which they have not
studied in the respective regulation, they shall register for those courses within the next two
or subsequent semesters on a self-study basis. Such an appearance of the student in those
courses will be treated as first appearance for the purpose of classification. (Vide sections
infra 10 (A,B,C &D))
i) Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behavior both inside and
outside the college and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige
of the college. The Head of the Institution shall constitute a disciplinary committee to enquire
into acts of indiscipline and notify the punishment
ii) If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the examinations, he / she shall be liable for
punitive action as decided by the Board of Examiners.

60th ACM 02.02.2019


A student who desires to rejoin the programme after a period of discontinuance or who upon
his/her own request is permitted by the authorities to repeat the study of any semester, may join
the semester which he/she is eligible or permitted to join, only at the time of its normal
commencement for a regular batch of students and after obtaining the approval from the
Commissioner of Technical Education and the University. No student will however be enrolled in
more than one semester at any time.


i) Assessment: The assessment will comprise of Final Examination (FE) and /or Continuous
Assessment (CA), carrying marks as specified in the scheme in section 13 infra. The CA
marks will be awarded on assessing the student continuously during the semester as per
guidelines 8(vii) infra. The assessment for theory courses carrying CA and FE components
will be done on relative grading system. Other courses will be assessed by absolute grading
system. However, for the purpose of reporting the performance of a student, letter grades
and grade points will be awarded as per section 8(iii)
ii) Semester End Examinations: Semester end examinations will normally be conducted
during October / November and during March / April of each year.
A student will be permitted to appear for the final semester examination in a course only if
he/she has completed the study of that course.
iii) Grade and Grade Point: Each student, based on his / her performance, will be awarded a
final grade and grade point as given below for each course at the end of each semester by
following relative grading system and absolute grading system.

a. Relative Grading System

In this system, the grades are awarded to the students based on their performance relative to
others in Theory courses having Continuous Assessment (CA) and Final Examination (FE)
For each theory course, the total mark M [ie., the sum of Continuous Assessment marks (CA)
and Final examination marks (FE)] is computed for every candidate. The statistical
parameters Mean () and Standard Deviation () of the distribution of marks are arrived at as
given below:
 ( Mj   )
  M j 
j 1

n j 1 n
where, Mj - Total mark of the „j‟ th student in the course
n – Number of students who appeared for the examination in that particular

The students who secure the total mark M as detailed below are first declared as fail (RA) in
a course.

M < minimum of (  – 1.8, 50)

Marks scored is less than 50% in FE for theory RA
60th ACM 02.02.2019

M less than 50% in total marks for theory and

laboratory courses with 100% continuous
assessment component

 “RA” denotes reappearance in a course
After omitting the marks (M) of all failed candidates, revised  and σ are computed for the
marks secured by the remaining candidates (passed), letter grade and grade point to each
student are awarded based on the revised  and σ as detailed below.
Total Mark, M secured by the Grad
student (CA +FE) e
Point, g
M ≥ [ (µ+1.5σ)] O 10
µ+0.52σ ≤ M < µ+1.5σ A+ 9
µ − 0.25σ ≤ M < µ+0.52σ A 8
µ –1.08σ ≤ M < µ−0.25σ B+ 7
M < µ – 1.08σ B 6
Withdrawal from examination W 0
Reappearance RA 0
Shortage of Attendance SA 0
 If the total number of candidates passed is less than 10, the grades shall be awarded as
per Absolute Grading System otherwise Relative Grading System may be followed.
 No „O‟ grade shall be awarded if scored mark is less than 80.
 If the maximum marks awarded in a course is greater than or equal to 95% and if the
number of candidates getting „O‟ Grade is less than 7% of the total number of
candidates, then some candidates with A+ grade may be awarded „O‟ grade. In such a
case some candidates having „A‟ grade may be awarded „A+‟ grade and some
candidates having „B+‟ grade may be awarded „A‟ grade in order to ensure that a
minimum of 23% of the candidates are awarded „A+‟ grade and 30% of the candidates
are awarded „A‟ grade.
 The Performance Analysis Committee chaired by Principal consisting of Controller of
Examinations and all the Heads of the Departments will by collective wisdom, normalize
the marks secured by the students so as to ensure that the clustering, grading decisions
have been made in a reasonable manner for all the courses.
b. Absolute Grading System
In absolute grading system, the letter grade and grade points are awarded to each
student based on the percentage of marks secured by him/her in all courses like
Laboratory Course, Summer term Course, Industry Visit and Lecture, Industry Visit,
Inplant Training, Industrial Training, Mini Project, One Credit courses, Project Work I and
II, etc. except theory courses having CA and FE components, as detailed below.

Range of percentage of total Letter Grade Point g

marks grade
90 to 100 O 10
80 to 89 A+ 9
70 to 79 A 8
60th ACM 02.02.2019

60 to 69 B+ 7
50 to 59 B 6
0 to 49
RA 0
or less than 50% in final examination
Withdrawal from examination W 0
Shortage of Attendance SA 0
 "RA" denotes Reappearance in a course.
The grades RA and SA will not figure in the grade sheet.

c. For online courses the following grading pattern is applicable in case of credit
transfer and CGPA calculations.

Range of percentage of total Letter Grade Point g

marks grade
90 to 100 O 10
76 to 89 A+ 9
60 to 75 A 8
50 to 59 B+ 7
40 to 49 B 6

iv) Cumulative Grade Point Average:

After the completion of the programme, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from
the semester in which the student has joined first (first semester for regular & third semester
for lateral entry students) to the final semester is calculated using the relationship:

 g *Ci i

C i

where, gi is Grade point secured for ith course.

Ci is Credit allotted for the ith course.
v) Passing a course:
a. A student shall be deemed to have passed a theory course with CA and FE components.
i) he/she secures at least 50% of the total mark in the final examination and
ii) the total marks secured by him/her (CA and FE put together) is at least (µ – 1.8 σ) or
50% of total marks, whichever is lower, where µ is the average mark of all students
who appeared or the examination and σ is the corresponding standard deviation.
A student is deemed to have passed in any course other than theory course (like
Laboratory Course, Summer term Course, Industry Visit, Inplant Training, Mini Project and
Project Work I & II etc.) with CA and FE components if the total mark secured by him/her
is at least 50% of total marks
b. A student who is absent or has failed in the semester end examinations in any theory
course has to register for the examination in that theory course when it is offered next time
either by retaining or by not retaining the CA marks already earned.

60th ACM 02.02.2019

I. A student after choosing the option as not retaining CA in second attempt shall have
to continue to register for further appearances in that options only till he/she obtains
a pass
II. A student after choosing the option as retaining CA in second attempt may continue
to appear for further appearances in that option or at any time can switch over to the
option not retaining to CA which shall be final till he/she obtains a pass

c. A student who after having earned necessary attendance, is absent for semester end
examination or has failed in any course other than theory course (like Laboratory Course,
Summer term Course, Industry Visit, Inplant Training, Mini Project and Project Work I & II
etc.) with CA and FE components will register for the examinations when it is conducted
next time and will be solely assessed in the final examinations carrying the entire marks of
that course.
d. A student who has earned necessary attendance in the course Project work II but does
not submit the report on Project Work II on or before the date specified by the college /
department, he/she shall be deemed to have failed in the Project work II and awarded
grade RA and will have to register for the same at the beginning of the subsequent
semester, redo and submit the project report at the end of that semester and appear for
the final examination, the CA mark earned afresh.
e. A student who has earned necessary attendance in the course Project work II but whose
project report is not accepted for reasons of incompleteness or other serious deficiencies
will be treated as „absent‟ and will have to register for the same at the beginning of the
subsequent semester, redo and submit the project report at the end of that semester and
appear for the final examination, the CA mark earned afresh.

f. A student who has submitted the report on Project Work II, but could not appear for the
semester end examination on the scheduled date, shall be deemed to have failed in the
Project work II and awarded grade RA and will have to register for the same at the
beginning of the subsequent semester, Redo and submit the project report at the end of
that semester and appear for the final examinations, the CA mark earned afresh.
g. If a student is absent or has failed in an elective course, he/she may register for the same
course as detailed in v (b) above or for any other elective in the subsequent semester by
registering afresh.
h. A student who is not eligible to write the semester end examination in any course due to
lack of attendance, will be awarded grade SA and the student has to register for that
course again, when offered next, attend the classes and fulfill the attendance
requirements as per section 5 supra. If the course, in which the student has lack of
attendance, is a Professional Elective or an Open Elective, the student may register for
the same or any other Professional Elective or Open Elective course respectively in the
subsequent semesters.
i. A student after registering for a course may withdraw his / her registration between first &
second CA Test on valid reasons.

j. Out of the required six Professional Electives to be studied, a student has to study a
minimum of four Professional Electives from the list of Professional electives prescribed in
their scheme of courses of study / those courses approved by the department committee
with the Head of the Department as the Chairman (in case of credit transfer while
undergoing programme in other universities/institutions as approved by the head of the
Institution). The remaining two Professional electives can be studied either from the list of
electives prescribed in the scheme of courses of study of the department of the
student/other departments or as online courses / special courses by obtaining
equivalence or by studying required number of One / Two Credit Courses etc.
60th ACM 02.02.2019

If a student has studied more than six professional electives totally, four Professional
Electives with highest grade among all Professional Electives studied under the scheme
and the two courses with next highest grade among all remaining courses will be
considered for calculation of CGPA; however the grades obtained in all other remaining
courses will also appear in the grade sheet.

k. If a student has studied more than two open elective courses, then two open elective
courses with higher grades alone will be considered for CGPA calculation. The grades
obtained in other elective courses will also appear in the grade sheet.
l. If a student does not clear a one credit course it will be treated as a course „withdrawn‟ by
a student; One credit courses will be evaluated by the course instructor / department
faculty concerned and will carry a total of 100 marks for continuous assessment; out of
which 75 marks will be for final test to be scheduled by the course instructor / department
faculty concerned.
m. A student who is absent in the semester end examination of a course after registering
for the same will be considered to have appeared and failed in that examination and
awarded grade RA.

vi) Reappearance Examinations:

For reappearance Examinations/ Examinations for any course under REDO category,
absolute grading will be followed irrespective of whether the grading was originally under
Relative Grading System or Absolute Grading System

vii) Scheme of Evaluation

a. Theory Courses with Tutorial Component (CA: 50% + FE: 50%)
Total: 100 Marks
CA Distribution:
(i) Assignment (for 1st semester & final year) 15 Marks
Assignment Presentation (for others) 15 Marks
(ii) Assessment Tutorial I 05 Marks
(iii) Assessment Tutorial II 05 Marks
(iv) Internal Tests: (Best 2 out of 3) 25 Marks
 Test I 25 Marks
 Test II 25 Marks
 Test III 25 Marks
Final Examination (FE) 50 Marks
1. For theory courses with tutorial component, separate tutorial note books/files are to be
maintained by the students for regular class room tutorials and two assessment tutorials
have to be conducted and marks entered in e-assessment.
2. During tutorial sessions, the students are to be guided to solve problems with faculty
3. Assessment tutorials are of open book type, one each to be conducted in allotted halls
and every student should do it individually.

b. Theory Courses with no Tutorial Component (CA: 50% + FE: 50%)

60th ACM 02.02.2019

Total: 100 Marks

CA Distribution:
(i) Assignment (for 1st semester & final year) 15 Marks
Assignment Presentation (for others) 15 Marks
(ii) Objective Test I/Mini Project Assessment I 05 Marks
(iii) Objective Test II/Mini Project Assessment II 05 Marks
(iv) Internal Tests: (Best 2 out of 3) 25 Marks
 Test I 25 Marks
 Test II 25 Marks
 Test III 25 Marks
Final Examination (FE) 50 Marks
Two assessments for objective test/Mini Project are to be conducted and evaluated
as per the deadline.

c. Summer Term Courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks
 CA Distribution
(i) Presentation - I 25 Marks
(At the middle of II week)
(ii) Presentation - II 25 Marks
(At the end of III week)
 Final Examination
a) Report 30 Marks
b) Viva voce 20 Marks

d. Laboratory Courses (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) I Cycle
 Pre-laboratory Reports
& Observations 10 Marks
 Individual Report 15 Marks
(ii) II Cycle
 Pre-laboratory Reports
& Observations 10 Marks
 Individual Report 15 Marks
 Final Examination
a) Lab examination 30 Marks
b) Viva Voce* 20 Marks

e. Industry Visit and Lecture / Industry Visit (CA : 100%) Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution:
(i) Presentation / Report 80 Marks
 Presentation I /Report I 25 Marks
Viva Voce I 15 Marks
 Presentation II /Report II 25 Marks
60th ACM 02.02.2019

Viva Voce II 15 Marks

(ii) Viva Voce* 20 Marks
 Minimum of 2 Industry Visits, at least one shall be associated with PSG II / PSG Foundry Division
 Minimum of 2 Lectures by External Experts
f. Inplant Training (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution:
(i) Record / Report 50 Marks
(ii) Final Examination / Presentation 30 Marks
(iii) Viva Voce* 20 Marks

g. Industrial Training (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Test / Viva Voce 50 Marks
 Test I 10 Marks
 Viva Voce I
(based on daily observation) 15 Marks
 Test II 10 Marks
 Viva Voce II
(based on daily observation) 15 Marks
 Final Examination 50 Marks
 Final Examination / Mini Project 25 Marks
 Viva Voce# 25 Marks
h. Mini Project (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total: 100 Marks
 CA Distribution:
(i) Presentation - I 20 Marks
 Guide
 Committee
(ii) Presentation – II 30 Marks
 Guide
 Committee
 Final Examination 50 Marks
Project Report Evaluation & Viva Voce
 Guide 25 Marks
 Committee 25 Marks

i. Project Work I (CA: 50% + FE: 50%) Total : 100 Marks

 CA Distribution:
(i) Review - I 20 Marks
 Guide 10 Marks
 Committee$ 10 Marks
(ii) Review – II 30 Marks
 Guide 15 Marks
 Committee$ 15 Marks
(iii) Final Examination
Project Report Evaluation & Viva Voce 50 Marks
 Guide 25 Marks
 Committee$ 25 Marks
j. Project Work II (CA : 50% + FE : 50%) Total : 100 Marks
60th ACM 02.02.2019

 CA Distribution:
(i) Review - I 20 Marks
 Guide 10 Marks
 Committee$ 10 Marks
(ii) Review - II 30 Marks
 Guide 15 Marks
 Committee$ 15 Marks
 Final Examination (FE) 50 Marks
 External 25 Marks
 Thesis Evaluation 10 Marks
 Presentation & Viva Voce 15 Marks
 Internal 25 Marks
 Thesis Evaluation 10 Marks
 Presentation & Viva Voce 15 Marks

k. Mandatory Course/AICTE Activity Point Programme (CA: 100%) Total: 100 Marks
(i) Assessment - I 50 Marks

(ii) Assessment – II 50 Marks

l. Soft Skills Development/Business and Managerial Communications/

Quantitative and Reasoning Skills (CA: 100%) Total: 100 Marks

(i) Basic Test 50 Marks

(ii) Advanced Test 50 Marks

*- by external examiner
#- by internal & external examiner
$- In respect of Project Work I & II carried out and reviewed in the departments, the review committee shall comprise of
at least three senior faculty nominated by the HoD.
However, in respect of Project Work II carried out in industry, the committee nominated for the second review at
industry includes one faculty deputed by the department and one mentor from respective industry.


A student shall be declared to have qualified for the award of the BE / BTech Degree provided
i) the student has successfully completed the course requirements and has passed all the
prescribed courses of study of the respective programme listed in section 13 within the
duration specified in section 2 and
ii) no disciplinary action is pending against the student.


A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class with Distinction.
* Should have passed the semester end examination in all the courses of all the eight
semesters in his/her First appearance within 5 years, which includes authorized break of
study of one year. Withdrawal from examination (vide clause 11) will not be considered as
an appearance.
* Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.

60th ACM 02.02.2019

* Should not have been prevented from writing semester end examination due to lack of
attendance in any of the courses.

A student who satisfies the following condition shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First Class.
* Should have passed the semester end examination in all the courses of all eight semesters
within 5 years, which includes one year of authorized break of study (if availed) or
prevention from writing the semester end examination due to lack of attendance (if
* Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 7.
All other students (not covered in clauses A and B) who qualify for the award of the degree
shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second class.
A student shall be eligible for award of ranking only if he/she has passed the examination in
first class with distinction or first class in having passed all the courses in first attempt. Those
who have availed the provision of break of study / withdrawal will not be eligible for rank.
i) A student may, for valid reasons, be granted permission to withdraw from appearing for the
examination in any course or courses of only one semester if he/she does not have any
history of arrears at the time of request for withdrawal. Prior permission for withdrawal from
semester examinations is to be obtained from Principal. Also, only one application for
withdrawal is permitted for that semester examination in which withdrawal is sought.
Withdrawal may be granted only once during one semester examination throughout the
period of study what so ever the reasons may be.
ii) Withdrawal application shall be valid only if the student is otherwise eligible to write the
examination and if it is made prior to the commencement of the examination in that course or
courses and also recommended by the Head of the Department.
i) A student is not normally permitted to temporarily break the study. However, if a student
intends to temporarily discontinue the programme in the middle for valid reasons (such as
accident or hospitalization due to prolonged ill health) and to rejoin the programme in a later
respective semester, he/she shall apply to the Principal through the Head of the Department
and stating the reasons therefore.
ii) A student is permitted to rejoin the programme at the respective semester as and when it is
offered after the break subject to the approval of Commissioner of Technical Education and
Anna University, Chennai, and shall be governed by rules and regulations in force at the time
of rejoining.
iii) The duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification (vide
sections 10 supra) shall be increased by the period of such break of study permitted.
iv) The total period for completion of the programme reckoned from the commencement of the
semester to which the student was first admitted shall not exceed the maximum period
specified in section 2 (ii) supra irrespective of the period of break of study in order that he/she
may be qualified for the award of the degree.
v) If any student is detained for want of requisite attendance, progress and conduct, the period
spent in that semester shall not be considered as permitted 'Break of Study' and section 12
(iii) supra is not applicable for such cases.

(Total Credits to be earned: 165)

Course Course Title Periods / week Maximum Marks

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

19R101 Calculus and its Applications 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS

19R102 Physics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 BS

19R103 Chemistry of Electronic Materials 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 BS

19R104 Introduction to Mechanical Systems 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES

19G105 English Language Proficiency 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 HS

19R110 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 ES

19R111 Basic Sciences Laboratory 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 BS

19R112 C Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 ES

19N115 Induction Programme ** 0 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 28 periods 14 2 12 22 550 250 800

19R201 Complex Variables and Transforms 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS

19R202 Materials Science 2 0 0 2 50 50 100 BS

19R203 Electrical Circuit Theory 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 ES

19R204 Strength of Materials 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES

19R205 Manufacturing Technology 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 ES

19G___ Language Elective 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 HS

19R210 Electric Circuits and Networks 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 ES


19R211 Engineering Practices 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 EEC

Total 28 periods 14 2 12 22 550 250 800

** As per norms
Grade Completed / Not Completed
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

(Total Credits to be earned: 165)

Course Course Title Periods / week Maximum Marks

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

Semester 2- Summer Term

€ £
19R215 Internship 0 0 0 2 100 0 100 EEC

- - - 2 100 0 100

€ This course will be conducted prior to the commencement of the third semester for a period of 3 weeks
£ For internship, one credit is equivalent to minimum 40 hours of work as per norms
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

(Total Credits to be earned: 165)

Course Course Title Periods / week Maximum Marks

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

19R301 Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 BS

19R302 Analog Electronics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R303 Electrical Machines and Power systems 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R304 Theory of Machines 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R305 Data Structures and Algorithms 2 2 0 4 50 50 100 ES

19R310 Analog Electronics Laboratory 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC

19R311 Mechanics & Machines Laboratory 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC

19K312 Environmental Science ** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

19O306 Economics for Engineers 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 HS

Total 26 periods 19 3 4 22 500 300 800

19R401 Probability and Statistics 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 BS

19R402 Automatic Control Systems 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 PC

19R403 Introduction to Robotics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R404 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R405 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R406 PLC and SCADA 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R410 Digital and Control Systems Laboratory 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC

19R411 Hydraulics and Pneumatics Laboratory 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC

19R412 PLC and SCADA Laboratory 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 PC

19Q413 Soft Skills Development 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC

19O412 Indian Constitution ** 2 0 0 0 - - - MC

Total 31 periods 19 2 10 24 700 300 1000

Grade Completed / Not Completed

** As per norms
CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

(Total Credits to be earned: 165)

Course Course Title Periods / week Maximum Marks

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

19R501 CNC Machines 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R502 Dynamics and Control of Manipulators 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R503 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R504 Design of Mechanical Transmission 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 PC


19R___ Professional Elective I 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19R510 CNC and CAD Laboratory 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 PC

19R511 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC


19R512 Robotics Laboratory 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 PC

19Q513 Business and Managerial 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC


Total 25 periods 13 2 10 20 650 250 900

19R601 Power Electronics and Drives 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R602 Automation System Design 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R603 AI for Robotics 3 1 0 4 50 50 100 ES

19R604 Vision Systems 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R605 Sensors & Instrumentation 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19R___ Professional Elective II 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19R610 Power Electronics and Drives 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 PC


19R611 AI and Vision Systems Laboratory 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 ES

19Q613 Quantitative and Reasoning Skills 0 0 2 1 100 0 100 EEC

Total 29 periods 17 2 10 24 600 300 900

At the end of 6th semester, the students are required to earn the minimum number of activity points from the AICTE mandated
ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME to qualify for the award of BE/BTech degree (Refer Section 4 (vii) (c) of 2019 Regulations)

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

(Total Credits to be earned: 165)

Course Course Title Periods / week Maximum Marks

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits CA FE Total CAT

19R701 Mobile Robotics 2 1 0 3 50 50 100 PC

19____ Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 OE

19R___ Professional Elective III 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19R___ Professional Elective IV 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19R710 Innovation Practices 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 EEC

19R720 Project Work I 0 0 4 2 100 0 100 EEC

19R___ Professional Elective V 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

Total 23 periods 14 1 8 19 450 250 700

19R___ Professional Elective VI 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 PE

19____ Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 50 50 100 OE

19R820 Project Work II 0 0 8 4 50 50 100 EEC

Total 14 periods 6 0 8 10 150 150 300

CA Continuous Assessment
FE Final Examination

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.

Summary of Credit Distribution


Credits Per Semester
S. No Course Total
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Credits

1 HS 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 8

2 BS 12 6 4 3 0 0 0 0 25

3 ES 7 12 4 0 0 6 0 0 29

4 PC 0 0 11 20 16 14 3 0 64

5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 9 3 18

6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6
7 EEC 0 2+2 0 1 1 1 4 4 15

8 MC - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 22 22+2 22 24 20 24 19 10 165

£ Summer Term Course(s)

CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC - Professional Core; PE -
Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC – Mandatory Course.



07th DECEMBER 2019

Volume - II


Coimbatore 641004
Phone: 0422 – 2572177, 2572477, 4344777
Fax: 0422 – 2592277
Email: principal@psgtech.ac.in
Website: http://www.psgtech.edu

Government Aided Autonomous College Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department Name Programmes Page. No.
Volume – II
Electronics and Communication Engineering 379
Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering 439
Mechanical Engineering 486
I Metallurgical Engineering 537
Production Engineering 574
Robotics and Automation Engineering 617
Biotechnology 668
62ND ACM 07.12.2019

2) Geometricconstructions
3) Curves –Conic section, Cycloids and Involutes. (10)

1) Principles of orthographic projection-projection of points
2) projection of straight lines
3) projection of planes and solids
4) Orthographic projection of simple engineering components. (15)


1) Introduction to Sections of solids – Prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cone
2) Introduction to development of Surfaces - Prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cone. (10)

1) Principles of pictorial views, isometric view of simple mechanical and robotic engineering components.
2) Orthographic views from given pictorial views
3) Isometric views from given two or three views. (10)


1) Introduction to engineering graphics CAD tools
2) Drawing Orthographic views from Isometric views using CAD tools (15)

Total P: 60
1. Venugopal K, Prabhu Raja V "Engineering Graphics", New Age International Publishers., 2017.
2. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering "Engineering Graphics Manual", 2019.




1) DeterminationofYoung‟sModulusofawoodenbar–Cantilevermethod
2) Determinationoffibrethickness–airwedgemethod
3) Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum using transmissiongrating
4) Measurement of vibration frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork usingMelde‟s apparatus
5) Determinationofvelocityofsound–Helmholtzresonator
6) Determination of Hysteresis loss of a ferromagneticmaterial
7) DeterminationofTemperatureCoefficientofResistanceofmetallicwireusingpostofficebox
8) DeterminationofthermalconductivityofametallicmaterialusingWiedemann–Franzlaw
9) Study of reverse bias characteristics of Germanium diode and determination of its bandgap
10) Thermistor: Measurement of temperature and bandgap
1) Electroplating of nickel &copper and determination of cathode efficiency
2) Anodizing of aluminium and determination of thickness of anodized film
3) Determination of molecular weight of polymers by Ostwald / Ubbelohde Viscometer
4) Examination of different forms of corrosion using Ferroxyl indicator and determination of corrosion rate by
current measurement
5) Conductometric estimation of acid strength of a pickling bath
6) Preparation of chloride ion sensor by anodizing silver and calibration
7) Determination of hardness,TDS, pH and conductivity of awater sample
8) Potentiometric estimation of ferrous ion in an effluent
9) Estimation of ferric ion in a water sample by photocolorimetry
10) Determination of kinematic viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood/ Saybolt viscometer

Total P:60
1. Deparment of Chemistry "Chemistry Laboratory Manual", 2019.
2. Department of Physics "Physics Practicals", 2019.
3. Wilson J. D. and Hernandez C. A. "Physics Laboratory Experiments", 7th Edition, Houghton Miffin Company., New
York, 2009.



62ND ACM 07.12.2019

1) Working with RAPTOR Tool – Flowchart Interpreter

2) Simple programs to understand Operators and expressions.
3) Decision making Statements: simple if, if..else, nested if .. else,elseifladder, switch case
4) Loops: while, do..while, for
5) Implementation of one-dimensional array
6) Implementation of two-dimensional array
7) Working with Strings
8) Functions
9) Recursive functions
10) Structures: Arrays and Structures,Nested Structures
11) Structures and functions
12) Implementation of pointer and pointer arithmetic
13) Types of pointer:const pointer, pointer to a constant, void pointer, null pointer (60)

Total P:60

1. Deitel H. M. and Deitel P. J "C: How To Program", Prentice Hall of India., New Delhi, 2015
2. Ajay Mittal "Programming in C-APractical approach", Pearson., New Delhi, 2010
3. Gottfried B "Programming with C", McGraw Hill Education., New Delhi, 2018
4. Herbert Schildt "C:The Complete Reference", McGraw Hill., New Delhi, 2017


As per AICTE guidelines



3 1 04
COMPLEX DIFFERENTIATION:Complex differentiation - analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, harmonicfunctions,
linear fractional transformations. (9 + 3)

COMPLEX INTEGRATION:Cauchy‟s integral theorem, Cauchy‟s integral formula, Laurent series, singularities andzeros,
residue integration method (Residue integration of complex integrals only). (9 + 3)

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, inverse transform, linearity, s-shifting, transforms of derivatives and integrals,
unit step function, t - shifting, Dirac‟s delta function, periodic functions, method of solving differentialequations by using
Laplace transform technique. (9 + 3)

FOURIER SERIES:Fourier series- convergence and sum of Fourier series, functions of any period 2L, even andodd functions,
half range expansions. (9 + 3)

FOURIER TRANSFORMS:Fourier transform, Fourier cosine and sine transforms, Discrete Fouriertransform, FastFourier
transform – DIT algorithm. (9 + 3)

Total L: 45 +T: 15 =60

1. Erwin Kreyszig "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", John Wiley &Sons., New Delhi, 2015.
2. Wylie C. R. and Barrett L. C "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Tata McGraw-Hill., New Delhi, 2019.

1. Mathews J. H. and Howell R. W "Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering", Narosa Publishing House.,
New Delhi, 2012.
2. Peter V.O Neil "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Cengage., New Delhi, 2016.
3. Dennis G Zill "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Jones & Bartlett India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2017.
4. Dean G Duffy "Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB", CRC., USA, 2017.

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

NON-CONVENTIONAL MACHININGPROCESS:Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) – Wire cut EDM – Laser Jet Machining
– Water Jet Machining and Electron Beam Machining (EBM). Case Study: Development of a specifiedrobot component. (9)

Total L:45

1. P. N. Rao "Manufacturing Technology vol I", Tata-McGraw-Hill Publishing Limited., 2010.
2. HMT- ""Production Technology"", McGraw-Hill Education., 2014.

1. Ghosh A, Mallik A.K "Manufacturing Science", Affiliated East west Press Ltd., 2001.
2. SeropeKalpakjian "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 4th Edition, Pearson India., 2014.
3. HajraChoudhury "Elements of Workshop Technology,Vol. I &II", Media Promotors Pvt Ltd., 2009.
4. Radhakrishnan "Manufacturing Technology I", SciTechPublications Pvt Ltd., 2010.


1) Study of materials used for conducting wires, Wire-gauge measurement and Industrial standards for
insulators and cables.
2) Experimental verifications using Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors: Series - Parallel combination of
resistors, inductors and capacitors; Resistors use in Current limiting circuits, Voltage division and
Wheatstone bridge; Capacitors use in Filtering
3) Verification of Ohm‟s, Kirchhoff‟s laws and Series - Parallel combination of DC Sources – Circulating current.
4) Verification of Thevenin‟s theorem and Norton‟s Theorem
5) Verification of Superposition theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.
6) Measurement of Power factor in RL and RC Circuit.
7) Series and Parallel resonance circuits.
8) Three phase power measurement by two wattmeter method in balanced and unbalanced loads
9) DC and AC circuit analysis using Pspice.
10) Transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuit using Pspice and experimental verification.

Total P:60
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering "Electric Circuits and Networks Laboratory Manual", 2019.


1) Measurements and operations using CRO, DSO, Function Generator and RPS.
2) Soldering, de-soldering and crimping practices.
3) Study and practice of electrical wiring for two-way, three phase selector and fluorescent lamp.
4) Study of single and three phase power system in domestic applications.
5) Measurement of electrical parameters using hand held devices.
1) Welding: Tools, operations and types of joints - Exercises to make “Lapp”, “Butt” and “T” joints.
2) Fitting: Tools, operations and types of joints - Exercises to make “T” and “L” Joints.
3) Sheet metal work: Tools and operations - Exercises to make tray andcone.
4) Lathe: Tools and Holding devices - Exercises on Facing, Turning and Drilling operations.
5) Drilling: Tools and Holding devices - Exercises on Drilling, Reaming and Tapping operations
6) Plumbing: Tools, operations and types of joints

Total P: 60
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering "Engineering Practices Laboratory manual", 1 st Edition, PSG
CT., Coimbatore, 2019.



ROBOTIC KITS: Study of robot components and types of robots.

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

3. Design and testing of Multiplexers/Demultiplexers using gates

4. Design and implementation of counters and shift registers
5. Real time Implementation of A/D conversion (15)

1. Determination of transfer function and speed control of AC servomotor
2. PID tuning in temperature control applications
3. Single axis control and disturbance rejection of BLDC and Inverted pendulum using PID
4. Time domain Response of Quad Copter
5. Frequency response of 1D single axis Robot manipulator, 2D point mass, 3DoF differential drive (15)

Total P: 30

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Digital and Control Systems Laboratory Manual", 2019.



1. Design of simple pneumatic and hydraulic circuits using basic components

2. Construction and testing of multiple pneumatic actuator circuit using Cascade/ KV map method
3. Testing of multiple pneumatic actuator circuit with time delay valve and pneumatic counter
4. Co-ordinated motion of actuators using electro – pneumatic elements
5. Construction and testing of a hydraulic actuator application circuit
6. Co-ordinated motion of actuators using electro – hydraulic elements
7. Design and Simulation of hydraulic circuits using simulation software
8. Design and Simulation of pneumatic circuits using simulation software
9. Design and Testing of two hand safety circuit in a hydraulic punching machine
10. Design and testing of pneumatic grippers

Total P: 30
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, “Hydraulics and Pneumatics Laboratory Manual", 2019.


1. PLC wiring for three phase induction motor starting and direction control
2. Developing Ladder logic diagram for Boolean functions and verification using I/O devices
3. Implementation of Timer, Counter, Compare and Math instructions using PLC
4. Implementation of analog and PWM control using PLC and HMI
5. Tuning of PID based temperature control
6. Speed control of AC servo motor using PLC
7. Design of conveyor automation system using SCADA
8. Design of SCADA based water management system
9. Picture window control in SCADA
10. Control and monitoring of VFD

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, " PLC and SCADA Laboratory Manual", 2019.


1. Body Language and Professionalism
2. Interpersonal skills
3. Goal setting
4. Impression Management
5. Team Building
6. Time Management
7. Stress Management

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

8. Convincing Skills
9. Motivation
10. Change Management
11. Communication Confidence
12. Group discussion basics
13. Personal Interview basics
14. Resume writing

Total P: 30

1. Jeff Butterfield , "Soft Skills for Everyone", 6th Edition, Cengage Learning, Delhi, 2015.
2. Rao M S, "Soft Skills - Enhancing Empolyability", LK International Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011.
INTRODUCTION : Evolution of Indian Constitution; Significance of Constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy. (4)

RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES : Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.

COMPOSITION OF PARLIAMENT AND FEDERALISM : : Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the
Parliament and their functions; Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor, Function of
Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and States.

BILLS AND CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT PROCEDURE : Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power,
Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments made and their significance for India. (6)

JUDICIARY : Supreme Court and High Court; Functions and powers, Judicial Review. (6)

Total L: 30

1. Subash C. Kashyap , "Our Constitution", 5th Edition, NBT, India, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Basu D D , "Indroduction to the Constution of India", 20th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2011.

1. Briji Kishore Sharma , "Intrdouction to the Consitution of India", 8th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2017.
2. Hoshiar Singh , "Indian Adminstration", 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Jain M C , "The Consitution of India", 5th Edition, State Mutual Book & Periodical Service, Limited, New Delhi, 1988.
4. Shukla V N , "Consitution of India", 13th Edition, Eastern Book Company Limited, New Delhi, 2017.



300 3
INTRODUCTION : History - Advantages and disadvantages of CNC, block diagram of CNC - Features available in CNC
systems - Types- Turning centres, machining centres, grinding machines, EDMs, turret punch press, laser and water jet
cutting machines - Constructional details of Turning centres, and machining centres - Machine accessories, Axis
representations, Operator panel - Various modes of operation - Feed selection and MPG (8)

CNC PART PROGRAMMING PROCESS : Basic G and M codes, Structure of part program - Absolute and Incremental
systems - Tooling concepts, Tool offsets, part geometry and writing of tool motion statements - Development of simple
manual part programs for turning operations - Simple part programming for milling - CNC turning and milling part
programming using canned cycles - Post processors - CNC part programming with CAD/CAM systems (9)

CNC SYSTEMS : Functions of CNC, system hardware, CPU, PLC, Servo control, Interfacing with keyboard, monitor, field
inputs, outputs - Contouring control - interpolation, Parameters and diagnosis, compensation for machine accuracies - Open
architecture systems and PC based controllers - Networking of CNC machines – Ethernet, IoT- Interfacing of robot with CNC
DRIVE UNITS : Axis drive arrangements, guide ways, ball screw and nut, bearing arrangements, timing belts and couplings
- sizing of servomotors for axis drives - DC and AC servo drives and servomotors, servo tuning - Selection criteria
- drive optimization and protection - Spindle motors and drives- DC and AC (7)

CONTROL AND FEEDBACK DEVICES : Electrical cabinet and control panel wiring, Electrical standards - Control panel
layout and arrangement of control elements, cables and terminations - Applications of feedback devices in CNC machines-
Absolute and incremental encoders, resolvers, linear scales, Proximity switches, limit switches – Thermal sensors,
pressure and float switches - Hydraulic systems of a CNC lathe (7)

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

1. Addition and Subtraction using 8051 microcontroller

2. Multiplication and Division using 8051 microcontroller
3. Seven-segment display interfacing with 8051 microcontroller
4. Interfacing 8051 with keypad
5. LCD interfacing with 8051 microcontroller
6. Interfacing DAC and ADC with 8051
7. Generating PWM with ARM7 processor and interfacing with power MOSFET
8. Traffic light control using ARM7 processor
9. Sensor interfacing with ARM7
10. Relay and Switch interfacing with ARM7 processor
Total P: 30
1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, "Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Manual", 2019.



1. Forward kinematics of two axis planar articulated robot using analytical and DH algorithm
2. Inverse kinematics of two axis planar articulated robot using geometric approach and DH algorithm
3. Jacobian and induced force-torque analysis of two axis planar articulated robot
4. Implementation of trajectory planning algorithm for straight line motion of two axis planar articulated robot
5. Implementation of trajectory planning algorithm for curved path of two axis planar articulated robot
6. Newton Euler and Lagrangian method to relate force and torque for different configurations
7. Programming of Four-axis Systemantics and Five-axis TAL Brabo industrial robots
8. Programming of Six-axis Universal industrial robots
9. Analysis and Simulation using Fanuc Robo guide software and real time Programming of Fanuc M 710i robot
10. Programming of Kinova Robotic Arm

Total P: 30

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering , "Robotics Laboratory Manual", 2019.



1. Advanced Group discussion

2. Advanced Resume writing
3. Mock Group discussion
4. Advanced Personal Interview
5. Mock Personal Interview
6. Cracking special Interviews
7. Essential Grammar for Placements
8. Vocabulary for Placements
9. Email writing
10. Paragraph writing
11. Essay writing

Total P: 30

1. Priyadarshi Patnaik , "Group Discussion and Interview Skills", Cambridge, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Hari Mohan Prasad, Rajnish Mohan , "How to Prepare for Group Discussion and Interview", 2nd Edition, Tata McGrawhill, New
Delhi, 2009.



POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES : Power diodes - Power transistors - Characteristics of SCR - TRIAC – Power MOSFET
- IGBT - Thyristor protection circuits - Thyristor triggering circuits- Selection of device (9)

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

Total P: 60

1. Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering , "AI and Vision Systems Laboratory Manual", 2019.



1. Number System, Time and Work

2. Percentages , Simple and Compound Interests
3. Time, Speed and Distance
4. Permutation, Combination and Probability
5. Ratio and Proportion
6. Profit, Loss and Partnership
7. Logarithms, Progressions, Geometry and Quadratic Equations
8. Coding and Decoding
9. Series, Analogy and Odd Man Out
10. Visual Reasoning
11. Data Arrangements
12. Blood Relations
13. Clocks, Calendars and Direction Sense
14. Cubes, Logical Connectives and Syllogisms
15. Venn Diagrams, Interpretations and solving

Total P: 30

1. Aggarwal R S , "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations", 3rd Edition, S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. ETHNUS , "Aptimithra", 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 2013.
3. FACE , "Aptipedia Aptitude Encyclopedia", 1st Edition, Wiley Publications, Delhi, 2016.



INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE ROBOTS : Locomotion: Key issues of locomotion - Legged mobile robots- configuration and
stability - Wheeled mobile robot: design space and case studies - Aerial mobile robots: Aircraft configuration-VTOL (IO
control) (4 + 2)

KINEMATICS : Kinematic Models and Constraints: Robot Position - Forward and Inverse Kinematic Models -
Maneuverability - Workspace of differential drive, Omni drive and Aerial vehicles (5 + 3)

PROBABILISTIC ROBOTICS FOR SENSING AND PERCEPTION : Introduction: Uncertainty and need of Probability Theory -
Recursive State Estimation- Bayes filters - Gaussian Filters: Kalman Filter,EKF, UKF, Information Filter - Non parametric
Filters: Particle Filters - Probabilistic Kinematics: Velocity Motion Model and Odometry Motion Model - Mapping : Occupancy
Grid Mapping- Learning Inverse Measurement Models - SLAM: EKF with known and Unknown Correspondence – The
Graph SLAM– Fast SLAM (12 + 5)

PLANNING AND MOTION CONTROL : Introduction-Path planning overview - Global path planning - A* Algorithm - local path
planning - Road map path planning - Cell decomposition path planning-Potential field path planning - Obstacle
avoidance – Path control (5 + 3)

HUMANOIDS : Wheeled and legged, Legged locomotion and balance, Arm movement, Gaze and auditory orientation control
- Facial expression, Hands and manipulation, Sound and speech generation, Motion capture/Learning from
demonstration - Human activity recognition using vision, touch, sound, Vision, Tactile Sensing, Models of emotion
and motivation. Performance, Interaction, Safety and robustness, Applications (4 + 2)

Total L: 30 +T: 15 = 45

1. Roland Siegwart, Illah Reza Nourbakhsh, Davide Scaramuzza , "Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots", Bradford
Company Scituate, USA, 2011.

62ND ACM 07.12.2019

2. Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox , "Probabilistic Robotics", MIT Press, 2005.

1. Riadh Siaer , "The future of Humanoid Robots- Research and applications", Intech Publications, 2012.
2. Karsten Berns, Ewald Von Puttkamer , "Autonomous Land Vehicles Steps towards Service Robots", Vieweg Teubner Springer,
3. Howie Choset, Kevin Lynch Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor, Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki, Sebastian Thrun , "Principles of
Robot Motion-Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation", MIT Press, Cambridge, 2005.
4. Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib , "Springer Hand book of Robotics", springer, 2008.



Students have to design and make a Mechatronic product based on the given topic. It includes
1. Problem Identification
2. Idea generation and concept selection
3. Specification / Block diagram
4. Simulation and Optimization of the design and process
5. Model / Prototype development / Implementation / Testing and Validation
6. Preparation of a detailed report

Total P:60



1. Identification of a real-time problem in thrust areas

2. Review of literature and identification of gaps
3. Finalisation of system requirements and specification
4. Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey
5. Future trends in providing alternate solutions
6. Consolidated report preparation of the above

Total P:60




1. Identification of a problem domain

2. Need for the current study
3. Literature survey and patent/design registration /trademarks search
4. Problem formulation based on the literature survey
5. Objectives and feasibility study
6. Methodology and Time Line of activities
7. Development of software / Hardware Model
8. Detailed analysis and interpretation of results
9. Testing & Validation of the developed system
10. Consolidated report preparation of the above
Total P: 120


19R001 INDUSTRY 4.0

INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRY 4.0 : The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Sustainability Assessment of Manufacturing - Lean
Production System - Smart and Connected Business Perspective - Smart Factories - Cyber -Physical Systems and Next -
Generation -Collaboration Platform and Product Life cycle - Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - Artificial Intelligence
– Big Data and Advanced Analysis - Cyber security (12)

BASICS OF INDUSTRIAL IOT : Introduction- Industrial Internet Systems - Industrial Sensing and Actuation-Industrial
Processes - Business Models and Reference Architecture for IIoT (7)


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