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Section 1:

1. How do you currently prefer to study?

A) Traditional methods (e.g., textbooks, classrooms)

B) Modern methods (e.g., online courses, digital resources)

C) Combination of both

Section 2:

Traditional Study System Experience

2. How would you rate your experience with traditional study systems? (scale: 1-5)

A) 1 (Poor)

B) 2 (Natural)

C) 3 (Good)

D) 4 (Very Good)

E) 5 (Excellent)

3. What do you consider the strengths of traditional study systems?

A) Structured Curriculum

B) Social Interaction

C) Discipline and Routine

D) Guidance from Instructors

E) Established Pedagogical Methods

F) Face-to-Face Communication

G) Extracurricular Activities
4. Do you believe that traditional study systems effectively support to different learning styles?

A) Yes

B) No

Section 3:

Modern Study System Experience

5. How would you rate your experience with modern study systems, including online platforms and AI-
infused tools?

A) 1 (Poor)

B) 2 (Natural)

C) 3 (Good)

D) 4 (Very Good)

E) 5 (Excellent)

6. What do you consider the advantages of modern study systems?

A) Increased Flexibility

B) Enhanced interactivity

C) Personalized learning

D) Access to Advanced technology

E) All of the above

F) Other (Please specify): …………………………

7. Do modern study systems provide a personalized learning experience?

A) Yes

B) No

This provides insights into the effectiveness, challenges, and areas for improvement in contemporary
educational approaches.
Section 4:

Identifying Gaps

8. In your opinion, what are the significant gaps or shortcomings in traditional study systems?

A) Limited flexibility

B) Focus on memorization over understanding

C) Limited feedback

D) Individualized attention

E) Insufficient focus on lifelong learning

9. What gaps or challenges do you observe in modern study systems?

A) Standardized Testing Overemphasis

B) One-Size-Fits-All Approach

C) Insufficient Focus on Practical Skills

D) Limited Emphasis on Creativity

E) Limited Real-World Application

F) Teacher Training and Support

G) Lack of Personalized Learning

10. Do you think there are disparities in student engagement between traditional and modern study

A) Yes

B) No

Identifying gaps in a study system involves recognizing areas where there are deficiencies, shortcomings,
or opportunities for improvement
Section 5

AI-Infused Smart Learning Platforms

11. How often do you engage in online learning or educational activities?

A) Daily

B) Weekly

C) Monthly

D) Rarely

E) Never

12. What devices do you primarily use for online learning?

A) Desktop

B) Laptop

C) Tablet

D) Smartphone

E) Other (please specify)

13. How important is flexibility in accessing learning materials at your own pace?

A) Very important

B) Important

C) Neutral

D) Not very important

E) Not important at all

14. Have you used AI-infused smart learning platforms?

A) Yes

B) No
15. Which AI features do you find most beneficial in smart learning platforms? (Select all that apply)

A) Personalized learning recommendations

B) Adaptive assessments

C) Virtual tutors or chatbots

D) Automated feedback

E) Other: ________

16. How important are the following features in a smart learning platform? (Scale: 1-5)

A) Personalized learning paths

B) Gamified elements

C) Social collaboration tools

D) Real-time feedback

E) Progress tracking

F) Integration with other platforms (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox)

17. Are there any privacy or security concerns you have regarding using a smart learning platform?

A) Yes

B) No

18. Do you believe AI technology can enhance the learning experience?

A) Yes

B) No
19. How would you rate the effectiveness of AI-infused smart learning platforms in comparison to
traditional methods? (Scale: 1-5)

A) 1 (Not effective)

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5 (Very effective)

20. How would you rate your overall experience with existing online learning platforms? (scale: 1-5)

A) 1 (Very poor)

B) 2 (Poor)

C) 3 (Good)

D) 4 (Very good)

E) 5 (Excellent)

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