Research Protocol Format - Temp v3

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Research Title



"Vets for Pets" is a newly developed platform designed to address the growing
demand for digital solutions in the veterinary field. It offers an online appointment
scheduling system tailored for veterinary services. The inspiration behind the platform
is the recognition of challenges faced by pet owners in scheduling and managing
veterinary appointments efficiently. Traditional methods often result in long wait times
and scheduling conflicts. Vets for Pets aims to simplify the appointment scheduling
process by providing a user-friendly interface for pet owners to book appointments
conveniently. The platform also streamlines scheduling for veterinarians, enhancing
the overall experience for both parties.

Objectives of the study

The study aims to develop the challenges encountered by vet clinic owners in
conventional methods of managing their clinics and to develop a web-based system to
solve these problems. Furthermore, it seeks to assess the level of acceptability of the
developed system in terms of functional sustainability, performance efficiency,
compatibility, usability, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine challenges encountered by vet clinic owners in conventional methods of
managing their clinics.
2. Developed a web-based system to solve these problems.
3. Determine the level of acceptability of the developed system, in terms of:
a. Functional Sustainability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Compatibility
d. Usability
e. Reliability
f. Security; and
g. Maintainability

Significance of the study

This study is deemed significant to the following: Vets for Pets Vets holds significant
potential to revolutionize the way veterinary appointments are scheduled and
managed, benefiting both pet owners and veterinary clinics. By leveraging technology
to streamline processes and improve accessibility, the platform aims to enhance the
overall quality of care for pets while reducing administrative burdens for veterinarians.
Ultimately, Vets for Pets seeks to strengthen the bond between pet owners and their

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furry companions by simplifying the veterinary care experience.

Methodology and Procedures

a. Research Design
The study will use Research and Development (R&D) methodology as the nature of the
study will employ the input-process-output (IPO) model. In this study, the researchers
will identify the problems/challenges encountered by Vets for Pets Customer or Pet
owners and will be subjected to analysis. Findings will be the basis for the
development/designing of Webpage. The researchers will identify what webpage may
be developed to address these problems/challenges by conducting a survey. And the
researchers will determine the acceptability of the webpage in terms of convenience,
efficiency, accessibility and communication.

b. Research Instrument
This study will utilize a researcher-made questionnaire composed of two parts: (1)
personal information of the respondents; and (2) problems encountered by the
respondents in booking an appointment to the Vets for Pets. This will serve as the
basis in developing/designing Vets for Pets webpage. In addition, the researchers will
use the ISO/IEC 25010 to identify the acceptability of the product. ISO/IEC 25010:2011
provides the leading models for assessing software products. This is a significant
contribution towards establishing the delivery performance of software processes and
proposed improvements.

c. Population and Sampling

The population of the study will comprise of 5 pet clinic owners & 10 customers. The
researchers will employ random sampling in the selection of respondents

d. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
This study is limited only for Pet Owners of Laoag city above 18 years old. Participants
of the represents are voluntary. In case the respondents are no longer willing to
participate, they can withdraw anytime.
The researcher will verify the data taken from the respondents whether they are a part
of the criteria or not. Any data taken from an excluded respondent will not be counted
in the study.

e. Data Collection Procedures

The research study will begin after obtaining formal permission from the University
Research and Ethics Review Board (URERB) to ensure ethical compliance. Approval will
also be sought from MMSU-CIT and Vets for Pet Clinic. Face-to-face interviews and
surveys will be conducted, with researchers providing guidance. Respondents will have
15-20 minutes to complete the survey at their convenience. After data collection,
thorough analysis and interpretation will follow. Respondents will be given sufficient
time to respond, and the data gathering period will last for 6 months, with strict
adherence to IATF rules.

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f. Statistical analysis plan/Data analysis plan
To collect the information required for the study, researchers will use a researcher-
made survey questionnaire to be verified by the panel. Following data collection, the
researchers will employ weighted means to examine the project’s overall acceptability.
Range Mean Descriptive Interpretation
4.50 – 5.00 Highly Acceptable (HA)
3.50 – 4.49 Very Acceptable (VA)
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Acceptable (MA)
1.50 – 2.49 Slightly Acceptable (SA)
1.00 – 1.49 Not Acceptable (NA)

Ethical Considerations
Prior to the conduct on the validation of the user acceptability test tool, the approval
to conduct will be obtained from the University Research Ethics and Review Board (URERB) of
MMSU to ensure that the study satisfactorily complied with the key ethical consideration in
conducting research.
A signed informed consent will be obtained from the respondents. The informed
consent form will state voluntary participation of the respondents, including their awareness
of the purpose of the study, data collection method and utilization and duration of
participation. For the respondents below 18 years old, their informed consent will be co-
signed by their parents or guardian.
The informed consent form will state voluntary participation of the respondents to
become informants of the study, including their awareness of the purpose of the study: data
collection method and utilization and duration of participation.
Since the participation in the study is completely voluntary, the respondents will not
be receiving any incentives or compensation of any kind but will gain knowledge about user
acceptability of a mobile game-based learning application. Moreover, participants who opted
to participate may withdraw from the participation without penalty and must send an email to
the researcher directly through his email address.
Lastly, all information taken from the study will be used with utmost confidentiality. IP
address will not be collected. The aggregated results of this study may be used in reports,
presentations, and publications but no individual will be identified. The researchers will
maintain a high degree of confidentiality when handling data. Since data will be gathered and
stored online, all files and data will be kept by the researchers in a secure cloud that will
enable only the researchers to access. The raw data gathered and the answered
questionnaires will be securely consolidated and kept by the researcher and be disposed
properly after finishing the study.
The respondents are free to ask questions relevant to the study. In case of grievances
or complaints about the study, the respondent may contact the researcher, 09453619266
(091xxxxxxxx) and the University Research Ethics Review Board (09955503436).

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Name Ethan Jamen A. Mandac

Home Address Brgy. 03, Loing Piddig Ilocos Norte
Date of Birth July 05 2003
Place of Birth Piddig Ilocos Norte
Age 20
Civil Status Single
Father Eirol John T. Mandac
Mother Johanna Marisse A. Ragudo
License/Eligibility N/A
Contact No 09453619266
Email Address


College Level : Bachelor in Science in Computer Technology

Mariano Marcos State University
College of Industrail Technology
Laoag City

Secondary Level : Piddig National High School

Brgy. 06, Tonoton Piddig Ilocos Norte

Elementary Level : Piddig South Central Elementary School

Brgy. 01, Cabaroan Piddig Ilocos Norte


Lorenz Tees Prints and Souvenirs (T-Shirt Factory)
M5 Computer Shop

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Name: Ethan Jamen A. Mandac
a. Education
Name and Address of School Degree Obtained and Field of Month/Year
Attended Specialization From To
Piddig South Central 2009 2015
Elementary School
Piddig National High School 2015 2021
Mariano Marcos States Bachelor of Science and 2021 Present
University College of Industrial
Technology – College of
Technology Industrial Technology
b. Other Studies Conducted (do not include thesis and dissertation)
Subject and Title Place conducted Date Output(s)

c. Publications (Bibliographic entry of all publications)


d. Trainings, Workshops, Technical Seminars Participated in (As regular participant,

resource person, trainer, etc. for the last 3-5 years)
Title of Training, Nature of Participation Date/Venue/Address Organizer
Conference and fora (as a lecturer/resource
person, participant,
coordinator etc.)

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