Sharieff Et Al 2014 The Technique Resources and Costs of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer A Comparison

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Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment

ISSN 1533-0346
Volume 15 Number 1 February 2016
2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print.

The Technique, Resources and Costs of Stereotactic Waseem Sharieff, M.D.,

Body Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer: Ph.D.1-4*
A Comparison of Dose Regimens and Jeffrey N. Greenspoon, M.D.,
Delivery Systems M.Sc.1,2
Ian Dayes, M.D., M.Sc.1,2 Tom Chow, Ph.D.1,2
DOI: 10.7785/tcrt.2012.500431
James Wright, M.Sc., M.D.1,2
Robotic system has been used for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of prostate cancer. Himu Lukka, M.B., Ch.B.1,2
Arc-based and fixed-gantry systems are used for hypofractionated regimens (10-20 ­fractions)
and the standard regimen (39 fractions); they may also be used to deliver SBRT. Studies are
currently underway to compare efficacy and safety of these systems and regimens. Thus, we
Department of Radiation Oncology,
describe the technique and required resources for the provision of robotic SBRT in relation to Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton
the standard regimen and other systems to guide investment decisions. Using administrative
Health Sciences, Hamilton, ON, Canada
data of resource volumes and unit prices, we computed the cost per patient, cost per cure
and cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) of four regimens (5, 12, 20 and 39 fractions)
Department of Oncology, McMaster
and three delivery systems (robotic, arc-based and fixed-gantry) from a payer’s perspective. University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
We performed sensitivity analyses to examine the effects of daily hours of operation and 3
Department of Medicine, Division
in-room treatment delivery times on cost per patient. In addition, we estimated the budget
impact when a robotic system is preferred over an arc-based or fixed-gantry system. Costs of Oncology, Cape Breton Regional
of SBRT were $6333/patient (robotic), $4368/patient (arc-based) and $4443/patient (fixed- Cancer Centre, Sydney, NS, Canada
gantry). When daily hours of operation were varied, the cost of robotic SBRT varied from 4
Department of Radiation Oncology,
$9324/patient (2 hours daily) to $5250/patient (10 hours daily). This was comparable to the
costs of 39 fraction standard regimen which were $5935/patient (arc-based) and $7992/ Dalhousie University, Halifax,
patient (fixed-gantry). In settings of moderate to high patient volume, robotic SBRT is cost NS, Canada
effective compared to the standard regimen. If SBRT can be delivered with equivalent
efficacy and safety, the arc-based system would be the most cost effective system.

Key words: Cost effectiveness; Hypofractionation; Prostate cancer; Stereotactic body



The positive results of dose escalation studies with external beam radiotherapy in
the treatment of low and intermediate risk prostate cancer led to the adoption of
a high dose regimen as the standard (1-3). This regimen usually comprises of a
total dose of 78 Gy delivered in 39 fractions in an 8-week course. ­Radiobiologic
models suggest that tumor control may be further improved by adopting

Abbreviations: 3D: Three Dimensional; bNED: Biochemical Non-evidence of Disease; CT:

Computed Tomography; CTV: Clinical Target Volume; DRR: Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph; *Corresponding author:
FEISTA: Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition; IMRT: Intensity Modulated Radio- Waseem Sharieff, M.D., Ph.D.
therapy; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; OHIP: Ontario Health Insurance Plan; PSA: Prostate Phone: (902) 567 8074
Specific Antigen; PTV: Planning Target Volume; QALY: Quality Adjusted Life Year; SBRT: Stereo- Fax: (902) 567 8075
tactic Body Radiotherapy; T: Tumor Size; T2: Transverse Relaxation Time. E-mail:

172 Sharieff et al.

hypofractionated regimens (4-6). Hypofractionated regimens per fraction in 3-8 fractions. Other fractionation schemes that
deliver higher dose/fraction in a relatively short course (5-20 deliver higher dose per fraction compared to the standard
fractions in 2-4 weeks), compared to the standard regimen. regimen are simply referred to as hypofractionated regimens.
Recently, high precision techniques have become available
that allow safe delivery of hypofractionated regimens. This Robotic SBRT
has resulted in a growing interest in such regimens which
may be delivered by arc-based or fixed-gantry systems; ultra- At our centre, Cyberknife® is used for robotic SBRT. A
hypofractionated regimens (5 fractions) may be better deliv- prostate cancer patient is first referred to an interventional
ered through robotic systems using stereotactic techniques (7). radiologist for the insertion of 4 gold seeds (fiducials)
There are promising short term data on patients’ outcome for into the prostate. Accuray® recommends a minimum of 4
a 5 fraction regimen treated on a robotic system (8, 9). Fur- fiducials to account for fiducial migration. After insertion
ther research is underway in which arc-based and fixed-gantry of these fiducials, the patient is brought back for an MRI of
systems are also being used to deliver ultra-­hypofractionated the prostate. Prostate is examined using slice thickness of
regimen (10). 1 mm. The patient is instructed to come for a CT simulation
with comfortably full bladder and empty rectum. Laxatives
Due to relatively short courses and the use of state-of-the-art may be given to empty the rectum. At the time of simula-
high precision technology, hypofractionated regimens appear tion, Radiation Therapists position the patient supine. Next,
attractive. However, robotic systems are more expensive and they perform a CT simulation with slice thickness of 1 to
they are dedicated to stereotactic treatments only. Thus, they 1.5 mm. After the images are exported to the planning soft-
are available in few centres. They require up to 60 minutes ware, a dosimetrist performs a fusion between simulation CT
for treatment delivery (6). In comparison, arc-based systems and the MRI (T2 FEISTA). The dosimetrist also sets up a
can deliver stereotactic and standard treatments with a rela- reference point called ‘alignment centre’ on the simulation
tively short delivery time. Thus, they are becoming increas- CT (Figure 1A). The Radiation Oncologist delineates the
ingly available. Therefore, we performed an economic
evaluation of robotic system in comparison to arc-based and
fixed-gantry systems for the treatment of prostate cancer to
guide investment decisions in these technologies.



The population comprised of adult male patients with low

risk prostate cancer (T # 2a, Gleason score # 6, prostate
specific antigen (PSA) # 10 ng/ml). Using Monte Carlo
methods, we simulated a cohort of 5000 male patients aged
70  10 years.


We compared 3 delivery systems: (a) Robotic; (b) Arc-based Figure 1: Stereotactic body radiotherapy. (A) The alignment center on an
axial plane for a robotic SBRT plan. (B) Schematically shows a robotic
and (c) Fixed-gantry, in the treatment of prostate cancer radiosurgery unit. The ovals are the cameras located on the ceiling, arrows
using 3 hypofractionation regimens compared to the stan- represent the KV beams intersecting at the imaging center, rectangles at the
dard. The hypofractionation regimens were: (i) 36.25 Gy, bottom are the image detectors located on the floor, rectangle at the center
7.25 Gy/fraction, 5 fractions; (ii) 51.6 Gy, 4.3 Gy/fraction, 12 represents the couch on which the patient is positioned. Note that the align-
fractions and (iii) 60 Gy, 3 Gy/fraction, 20 fractions. We used ment center over the couch is aligned to the imaging center which provides
the external 3D coordinates. (C) and (D) Diagrammatically show arc-based
78 Gy, 2 Gy/fraction, 39 fractions as the reference standard. or fixed-gantry SBRT. (C) Shows the position of prostate (solid) in relation
to the 3D planes (arrows). (D) Shows various cut levels in a cone beam CT
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) scan (upper left); upper right and bottom sub-panels show overlay of cone
beam CT (dotted) on simulation CT (solid) in all 3 planes. Note that the
Stereotaxis refers to a precise three-dimensional (3D) map- seeds shown on simulation CT and external contours of the prostate are
matched to the corresponding seeds and contours on cone beam CT in all 3
ping technique to guide a procedure. SBRT refers to stereo- planes. If an acceptable match is not apparent, the patient is shifted/rotated
tactically guided conformal irradiation of a defined target and cone beam CT images are re-acquired until an acceptable match is
volume (at any site except the brain) with a high dose (.7 Gy) obtained.

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print
Economics of Prostate Radiotherapy 173

clinical target volume (CTV) and organs at risk. CTV com- Fixed-gantry Based SBRT
prises of the entire prostate; organs at risk include the pros-
tatic urethra, bladder, rectum and femoral heads among The set up and treatment delivery is similar to arc-based
others. The dosimetrist geometrically expands CTV by 5 mm SBRT. The only difference is instead of 1-2 arcs for treat-
to planning target volume (PTV); where the CTV is abutting ment delivery, the fixed-gantry SBRT uses 7 coplanar beams.
an organ-at-risk (i.e., the rectum), CTV to PTV expansion
is 3 mm. The dosimetrist generates a plan in which 300-400 Type of Evaluation and Perspective
beams from various directions and path lengths traverse the
PTV. The dose is prescribed to the isodose line that cov- We carried out a cost effectiveness analysis of treating low
ers 95% of the PTV, which is typically $80% isodose line risk prostate cancer with SBRT and hypofractionation regi-
(when the plan is normalized to maximum point dose). This mens compared to the standard using robotic, arc-based
results in .100% of the prescription dose in the centre of the and fixed-gantry systems from a payer’s perspective. This
PTV, and in a steep dose gradient outside the PTV wherein involved calculating cost per patient, cost per cure and cost
the dose rapidly falls off. The dose to the prostatic urethra per quality adjusted life year (QALY) for each regimen and
is constrained to ,107% and the entire CTV is covered by each system, and incremental costs of robotic SBRT com-
100% of the prescription dose. The Physicist reviews the plan pared to the standard regimen with fixed-gantry. In addition,
and the Radiation Oncologist approves it. The planning sys- we calculated the incremental budget impact of acquiring a
tem generates 2 sets of digitally reconstructed radiographs robotic system compared to a fixed-gantry system.
(DRRs) for alignment and for tracking fiducials.
The Model
At the time of treatment delivery, therapists position and
immobilize the patient as before. The alignment centre on the The starting point of the model was a fictitious cohort of
reference DRRs is aligned to the imaging centre. The imag- patients assigned to robotic system, arc-based system, or to
ing centre provides the 3D coordinates for stereotaxis. It is a Fixed-gantry system. With the exception of the robotic sys-
point in space in the treatment unit which is intersected by 2 tem, each system was assigned to one of the four radiation
orthogonal kilovoltage beams from the two cameras located regimens; robotic system was assigned to the 5 fraction regi-
on the ceiling – 2 image detectors located on the opposite men only (Figure 2). The patients underwent initial clinical
side of the floor detect these beams (Figure 1B). These cam- assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery. They
eras continuously take images in real time which are matched were seen in review clinic on a weekly basis during radiation
to the reference DRRs for target localization. The robot on treatment and at six weeks post treatment. Thereupon, they
which the linear accelerator is mounted, corrects for any were seen bi-annually for 5 years with PSA measurements at
misalignment at the time of set up and during the course of each visit. They were then discharged to be followed by their
treatment delivery. family physicians.

Arc-based SBRT Assumptions

Our centre uses a Varian Trilogy® linac. The therapists posi- We assumed that: (1) all systems were equally effective and
tion the patient supine and immobilize the pelvis. The rest of equally safe (11); (2) patients’ average life expectancy was
the planning is similar except that arcs are used for PTV cov- 20 years (min-max: 5-35 years); (3) arc-based and fixed-
erage. MRI acquisition and fusion is not routinely performed gantry systems would operate 10 hours daily for 5 days a
and thus, dose to the entire PTV (including the prostatic week and treat all disease sites (including stereotactic and
urethra) is constrained to ,107% of the prescription dose. standard regimens); (4) robotic system would operate for
6 hours daily for 5 days a week and would only deliver
At the time of treatment delivery, the therapists set up the stereotactic regimens to disease sites including brain, spine,
patient as before. They use a cone beam CT scanner which lung, prostate and pancreas (5) and each system would be
is attached to the linear accelerator to acquire set-up images. acquired through a bank loan at 5% interest rate and an amor-
They match the images by overlaying them on the planning tization period of 10 years.
CT (Figure 1D). If unacceptable, the therapists manually
shift and or rotate the patient to correct the misalignment. Data Sources
They re-acquire the cone beam CT images for matching until
an acceptable match is obtained. The linear accelerator deliv- We compiled a list of resources associated with each sys-
ers radiation to the lesion. Arc-based treatments are planned tem and treatment regimen. One of the authors (WS) directly
and delivered using dynamic conformal multi-leaf collima- observed and estimated mean (and min-max) values for sim-
tors in 1 to 2 arcs. ulation, planning and treatment delivery times. We defined

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print
174 Sharieff et al.

Figure 2: Model comparisons. The model compares four external beam radiotherapy regimens (5, 12, 20 and 39 fractions) and three treatment delivery
systems (robotic, arc-based and fixed-gantry based) for the treatment of low risk prostate cancer in a 70 years old male. Note that robotic system is only used
for ultra-hypofractionation also known as stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT).

Table I
Resource volumes.

Resource volumes Fixed-gantry Arc Robotic

Clinic visit1
Radiation Oncologist 1 1 1
Nurse 1 1 1
  Consultation 1 1 1
  Review Weekly Weekly Weekly
Follow up Bi-annually Bi-annually Bi-annually
Fiducials Yes Yes Yes
MRI 1 1 1
Radiation Therapist(s) 3 3 3
Time (min/patient) 10 10 10
Radiation Oncologist 1 1 1
Physicist 1 1 1
Time (min/patient) 60 60 60
Radiation Therapist(s) 1 1 1
Time (min/patient) 300 300 300
Physicist 1 1 1
Radiation Therapist(s) 3 3 3
  Time (min/patient)
    5 fraction regimen (SBRT) 30 28 45
   12 fraction regimen 25 12 NA
   20 fraction regimen 20 10 NA
   39 fraction regimen 15 8 NA
Physicist 1 1 1
Time (hr/year) 509 509 608
One consultation, one review, and one follow up visit.
Immobilization and CT simulation.
Target volume and organ at risk delineation, beam arrangement, dose computation, revisions and DRR generation.
Total in-room time for stereotactic radiotherapy (set up and alignment, target tracking and treatment, image verification).
QA: quality assurance (12).

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Economics of Prostate Radiotherapy 175

Table II

Unit price Fixed-gantry Arc Robotic Source

Radiation Oncologist fee/consult $152.40 $152.40 $152.40 OHIP (13)

Radiation Oncologist fee/review $37.05 $37.05 $37.05 OHIP (13)
Radiation Oncologist fee/follow up $68.90 $68.90 $68.90 OHIP (13)
Radiation Oncologist fee/plan $811.15 $811.15 $811.15 OHIP (13)
Radiation Therapist salary/hr $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 Sharieff et al. (12)
Physicist salary/hr $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 Sharieff et al. (12)
Nurse salary/hr $50 $50 $50 Sharieff et al. (12)
MRI/plan $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Sharieff et al. (12)
Annual payment1 machine  installation $476,235.84 $476,235.84 $622,191.84 Sharieff et al. (12)
Annual maintenance $8,580 $8,580 $14,400 Sharieff et al. (12)

OHIP: Ontario Health Insurance Plan (13).

Based on 5% interest rate and 10 years amortization period.

in-room treatment times as the time the treatment unit was life expectancy of 20 years, utility of 0.8 post-radiation and
occupied by the patient, and we obtained these times from utility of 0.68 post-recurrence (14). As there are no data to
our centre’s administrative database. In-room time includes suggest that one modality is better than the other in terms of
time for set up, image verification and treatment delivery. toxicity, we did not include any adverse events.
Table I shows resources.
For unit prices of the resources, we used our centre’s purchase
data (12) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) billing First, we calculated cost per patient, cost per cure and cost
codes where applicable (13). Table II shows unit prices. per QALY for all groups. Next, we subtracted respective
outcomes of each group from the reference standard. This
Resource Volumes yielded the incremental cost/patient, incremental cost/cure
and incremental cost/QALY for each system and regimen.
Using means, standard deviations and min-max values for We discounted future costs at 5% rate to the present dollar
continuous data, and proportions for dichotomous data, we value.
generated annual resource volumes of treatment planning and
delivery times. There was some uncertainty in our estimates of daily hours
of operation for the robotic system and in-room treatment
Costs times. This is partly because these parameters are depen-
dent upon volumes of patients – large volume of stereotactic
To capture all costs, i.e., those of the equipment plus those cases would increase the daily hours of operation of the
related to its administration and maintenance, and other costs robotic system – large number of prostate SBRT cases
related to clinical assessment, treatment planning, delivery would enhance efficiency which in turn would reduce in-
and follow up, we included cost items as machine, installa- room treatment times. To account for these uncertainties, we
tion, warranty, physician fees, salaries of nurses, therapists performed sensitivity analyses. We varied daily hours from
and physicists. We did not include costs related to PSA test- 2 hours (low volume setting) to 10 hours (high volume set-
ing, tumor recurrence, loss of productivity from hospitaliza- ting), and we recalculated cost per patient for the robotic
tion, disability or death, and patients’ out-of-pocket expenses. system. Similarly, we varied in-room treatment times from
Finally, we multiplied the unit prices of cost items with 40 to 50 minutes for robotic, 15 to 30 minutes for arc-based,
resource volumes to compute the total costs for all groups. and 25 to 35 minutes for fixed-gantry systems, and we re-
calculated cost per patient for each system. In addition, we
Outcomes performed a probabilistic analysis by using Monte Carlo
simulation on parameters of in-room treatment times, daily
The main outcomes were cost per patient, cost per cure hours of operation, cure rate and life expectancy and com-
and cost per QALY related to each regimen and each sys- puted 95% intervals of the incremental cost/patient. We also
tem. We defined cure as no biochemical evidence of disease graphically compared arc-based and fixed-gantry systems on
(bNED) at 5 years. Using Fowler’s model (4), we computed cost per patient, cost per cure and cost per QALY stratified
bNED for each regimen. We computed QALYs assuming a by regimens.

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print
176 Sharieff et al.

For budget impact of acquiring the robotic system, we took (fixed-gantry). Similar pattern was observed for cost per cure
the difference of annual cost of acquiring the unit (purchase and cost per QALY (Figure 3). Probabilistic analysis favored
and installment) and its maintenance, between robotic and arc-based system over other systems for all regimens (data
arc-based or fixed-gantry systems. We assumed a variation not shown).
of 5% in purchase price, and up to 15% increment in repair
costs depending upon utilization. When SBRT regimen using robotic system was compared to
the standard regimen using fixed-gantry system, the incre-
We reported costs in Canadian dollars (1 Canadian mental cost per patient was $-1658 (95% interval: $-1880,
dollar 5 1.01 US dollar; Dec 2012). $-414), incremental cost per cure was $-12,532 ($-14,283,
$-3135), and incremental cost per QALY was $-2497
Results ($-2846, $-622).

When all regimens and delivery systems were compared cost In setting of low volume (2 hours of daily operation), cost
for SBRT varied from $4368/patient (arc-based) to $6333/ of robotic SBRT was $9363/patient and in setting of high
patient (robotic), cost for 12 fraction varied from $4489/ volume (10 hours of daily operation), it was $5263/patient.
patient (arc-based) to $5664/patient (fixed-gantry), cost
for 20 fraction varied from $4956/patient (arc-based) to When in-room time for SBRT was varied, cost of robotic sys-
$6462/patient (fixed-gantry) and cost for standard ­regimen tem ranged from $5892/patient to $6523/patient, cost of arc-
varied from $5935/patient (arc-based) to $7992/patient based system ranged from $3888/patient to $4453/patient,

Figure 3: Cost effectiveness analyses. (A) shows cost/patient of robotic (checker) compared to arc-based (light grey) and fixed-gantry (grey) systems.
(B) and (C) show cost/cure and cost/quality adjusted life years. Cure was defined as 5 years biochemical relapse free survival.

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print
Economics of Prostate Radiotherapy 177

and cost of fixed-gantry system ranged from $4076/patient potential cost savings from a hypofractionated regimen
to $4642/patient. related to patients’ out of pocket expenses such as commut-
ing, parking and loss of productivity were not captured. In
The budget impact was $151,776/year (95% interval: addition, our cost utility analysis had limitations due to lack
$144,478/year, $159,947/year) for acquiring the robotic sys- of data on quality of life. As long term data from ongoing
tem rather than an arc-based system or a fixed-gantry system. studies become available, further analyses can be carried out
to capture this important dimension. Nevertheless, we carried
Discussion out probabilistic analyses to account for the uncertainty in
parameter estimates.
We evaluated the cost implications of implementing hypo-
fractionated regimens for the treatment of prostate cancer Conclusions
through robotic, arc-based and fixed-gantry-based systems.
When total investment costs were considered, we found In settings of moderate to high volume (6-10 hours of daily
robotic system to be more costly than arc-based and fixed- operation), SBRT with the robotic system is cost effective
gantry systems. When robotic SBRT was compared to the compared to the standard regimen. If SBRT can be delivered
standard (39 fraction) regimen, the cost of robotic SBRT with equivalent efficacy, the arc-based system would be the
($6333/patient) was comparable to the cost of standard most cost effective system; to-date published literature on
regimen which varied from $5935/patient for arc-based to prostate SBRT is limited to robotic system. Given that the
$7992/patient for fixed-gantry. However, when cost per cure robotic system has higher budget impact than arc-based and
and cost per QALY are considered, due to the higher bNED fixed-gantry systems, decision-makers need to judge whether
rates, robotic SBRT appears more cost effective than the there is enough patient volume in their own setting to justify
standard arc-based and fixed-gantry systems. Nonetheless, the purchase of the robotic system.
if arc-based and fixed-gantry systems are used for SBRT,
these systems could deliver treatment at lower costs than Conflict of Interest
the robotic system. To date, published bNED data on
prostate SBRT are limited to the use of robotic system None declared.
(8, 9). Emerging data on other delivery systems appear
promising (11, 15).
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Received: October 5, 2013; Revised: January 11, 2014;

Accepted: January 15, 2014

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2014 April 16. Epub ahead of print

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