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Jam 7.

A : “Hi guys!”
BCDE : “Hi!”
B : “Tumben dateng cepet.”
C : “Iya tumben.”
A : “Aku telat salah, sekarang cepet juga salah (serba salah).”
D : “Maaf, ga maksud gtu, tapi kamu kayak ga biasanya aja gitu.”
E : “Tolong jangan ledek dia, dia cuman pengen berubah jadi lebih baik aja. Tapi iya juga
sih, kenapa kamu dateng pagi banget?”
A : “Ih… sama aja kalian semua. Tadi aku berangkat duluan karena ayah aku bisa
anternya jam segini. Ga ada tumpangan lain.”
BCDE : “Ohhhh…”
D : “Kelas mulai jam berapa? Bosen banget!”
C : “Jam 10.”
D sama B ngomong bareng
D : “Waduh, itu masih lama banget!” B : “Emang sekarang jam berapa?”
E : “Sekarang jam 8.”
B : “Hmm… masih lama.”
E : “Iya masih lama banget.”
A : “Gimana kalo kita main game?”
C : “Game apa?”
A : “Gimana kalo tanya jawab simple aja? Tapi tentang informatika.”
B : “Bentar, hari ini ada kelas apa aja?”
E : “Cuman satu kelas sih, kalo ga salah bahasa pemrograman.”
D : “Parah banget si A nanya ga dijawab.”
C : “Eh iya maaf. Kedengerannya menarik, sambil nunggu kelas mulai.”
B : “Tapi jangan susah-susah pertanyaannya.”
E : “Iya bener banget, aku takut aku yang ga bisa jawab sendiri nanti.”
D : “Tenang, ini bukan penilaian kok.”
A : “Oke mau siapa dulu nih?”
E : “Temanya apa?”
A : “Gimana kalo hardware? Aku udah tau mau nanya apa. Oke? (pada ngangguk setuju)
Dari aku, apa aja macam-macam dari memori?”
C : “Aku!3x setau aku ada RAM, ROM, Flash RAM sama VRAM. Bener kan?”
A : “Oke bener! karena jawabannya bener, next question from C, yang lainnya siap2.”
C : “Oke, pertanyaan aku masih tentang memori, tapi aku mau macam2 dari ukurannya.”
B : “Akuuu… Bit (b), Byte (B), Kilobyte (KB), Megabyte (MB), Gigabyte (GB) dan
Terabyte (TB). Bener, kan?”
C : “Bener banget, yok lanjut!”
B : “Oke, siapa yang bisa sebutin komponen2 komputer?”
E : “Aku! Hardware. Software, Firmware. Brainware sama Infoware.”
B : “Mmm… Betul ga ya?...”
E : “Betul lah! Masa salah?”
B : “Iya, betul banget. Oke lanjut E!”
E : “Oke! Pertanyaanku, coba sebutin jenis2 modem!”
D : “Aku! Kalo berdasarkan koneksinya setau aku ada yang wireless sama ada yang modem
C : “Ada lagi, aku boleh ga?”
A : “Boleh-boleh.”
C : “Kalo aku jenis modem yang aku tau ada DSL, CDMA, 4G LTE sama 5G. Terus setau
aku juga ada NIC. Bener ga?”
D : “Oh iya ya. Bener banget! Aku lupa kalo ada itu semua.”
E : “Oke satu pertanyaan dengan dua jawaban. Dan kalian berdua bener guys.”
D : “Lumayan seru juga ya. Sambil nunggu kelas mulai, kita main game.”
A : “Syukurlah kalo gamenya seru.”
C : “Eh, ada rame2 di grup guys. Coba baca deh! kenapa bisa rame?”
D : “Wow… selamat semuanya buat yang udah nungguuu… (sambil tepuk tangan) ternyata
jadinya online! Padahal udah 1 setengah jam kita nunggu” (sambil ngakak)
A : “Kita dikasih tugas doang jadinya. Aku pulang ya guys! Kalian pulang ga?”
BCDE : “Ga!”
B : “Iya aku ada organisasi.”
C : “Iya aku juga.”
D : “Kujuga.”
E : “sama.”
A : “Oke, aku duluan. Bye…”
7.30 o’clock
A : “Hi guys!”
BCDE : “Hi!”
B : “Wow! I’m surprised you came so early.”
C : “Me too. All I know is that you usually always come late.”
A : “Really? OMG! It feels all wrong.”
D : “Sorry, I didn’t mean that. But, it just don’t look like you usually do.”
E : “Uh! Please don’t tease him/her, guys! He/She just wants to change to be better. But,
actually it’s true, why did you come so early today?”
A : “Ugh! You’re all the same. I came very early today, because my father could only take
me at this time. I don’t have another ride.”
BCDE : “Ohhhh….”
D : “What time does this class start? I’m so bored!”
C : “As I know, at 10 o’clock.”
D and B talking at the same time
D : “Wow, that’s still a long time!” B : “What time is it know?”
E : “It’s 8 o’clock now.”
B : “Okay, this is really a long time coming.”
E : “Yeah, that’s true.”
A : “How about playing games?”
C : “What game will we play?”
A : “What if it’s just a simple question and answer game? But about informatics.”
B : “Wait! What classes do we have today?”
E : “As far as I know, its’s only one class. If I’m not mistaken, a programming language
D : “It’s really bad, that A asked and no one answered.”
C : “Oh, I’m so sorry. I think that sounds good for us to wait for the classes on.”
B : “Me too! But a request from me, please don’t make difficult questions.”
E : “That’s pretty true! I’m afraid that only me can’t answer the question.”
D : “Easy guys! this is not an evaluation.”
A : “Who wants to be the first asker?”
E : “What’s the theme?”
A : “What about hardware? I already know the question. Okay? (all nod in agreement) My
question is, what type of computer memory is it?”
C : “ME!3x As I know is RAM, ROM, Flash RAM and VRAM. Is it correct?”
A : “OK, right! Because the answer is correct, next question from C. Others please get
C : “Okay! My question is still about the computer memory, but I want the type of their
B : “Me… Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and Terabyte. Right?”
C : “Okay, you did it. Next!”
B : “Okay! Who can name the components of a computer?”
E : “Me! Hardware. Software, Firmware. Brainware and Infoware.”
B : “Mmm… Right or wrong?
E : “That is right! Why it be wrong?”
B : “Yaps, that’s absolutely true. OK next, E!
E : “Okay. My question is, who can try to name the type of modem?”
D : “Me! Based on the connection, as far as I know, there are wireless modem and cable
C : “There are more! Can I?”
A : “Of course.”
C : “As I know, the type of modem is DSL, CDMA, 4G LTE and 5G modem. And there is
also a NIC modem. Is that right?”
D : “Oh yeah. That’s it! I forgot at all.”
E : “Okay! One question with two answers. And you’re both right guys.”
D ; “It’s quite exciting too. While waiting for class to start, we played games.”
A : “I’m so grateful, if the game is fun.”
C : “Look guys! Lots of messages from groups. Let’s read! Why is it noise?”
D ; “Wow! Congratulations everyone! for waiting a long time. The class is online! As you
know, we’ve been waiting for an hour and a half.”
A : “We’re just given a task. I’m home, guys! Are you coming home or not?”
BCDE : “No…”
B : “I have organizational activities.”
C : “Yes, me too.”
D : “Me too.”
E : “Same.”
A : “Okay, I’ll go first. Bye…”

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