Some Popular Forms of Content That Are Likely To Generate Backlinks

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some popular forms of content that are

likely to generate backlinks:

1. Comprehensive Guides: In-depth guides on a specific topic that provide immense value to
2. Infographics: Visual representations of data or information that are easy to digest and share.
3. Original Research: Conducting and sharing unique studies or surveys that offer new insights.
4. Listicles: Articles presented in a list format, such as "Top 10 Tips for..." or "5 Best Practices
5. Interactive Content: Quizzes, calculators, or interactive tools that engage users.
6. Case Studies: Detailed analyses of successful projects or experiences.
7. Expert Interviews: Conversations with industry experts sharing valuable insights.
8. Videos: Engaging video content that educates or entertains viewers.
9. Podcasts: Audio content featuring discussions or interviews on relevant topics.
10. Resource Pages: Curated lists of helpful resources for a particular niche.

For examples and inspiration:

- Check out Backlinko's guide on SEO techniques: [Backlinko SEO Techniques
- Avoid common infographic mistakes with this article: [Infographic Mistakes to

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