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1. Question 1 - People who work flexibly are not serious about their career.

Numerous work arrangements are available that are flexible in nature, such as job
sharing, telecommuting, job sharing, compressed workweeks, shift work, part-time
employment, flexitime, remote work, and sabbaticals. Flexible work schedules are
becoming more and more common at a time when mental health problems—aside
from COVID 19—are becoming more and more prevalent in society.

In the Covid-19 era, which began in November 2020 and saw a global outbreak of
influenza. Attending to the office is no longer a requirement of the traditional working
culture. To make sure the illness doesn't spread to every employee, distance is
necessary. Many businesses have chosen flexible work arrangements, such working
from home, in an effort to lower the risk of contagious diseases. But it also has
advantages and disadvantages for the company and employee. Each party bears
the responsibility for their own preparation costs. The employer is expected to
provide support in the form of new equipment and an internet connection, while
employees must acquire new information technology skills.

There is a widespread misperception that those who work flexibly are not serious
about their careers. According to research, there are benefits and drawbacks for
employees who work flexibly, therefore it's critical for companies to foster an
environment that encourages these kinds of arrangements. The benefits of flexible
work arrangements include a decrease in stress and burnout, an increase in
productivity and job satisfaction, a focus on family, a reduction in the cost of
childcare, and the ability to accommodate working parents by offering flexible start
and end times for the workday. However, there are drawbacks to flexible working as
well, such as being excluded from career advancement and decision-making
processes, being more susceptible to layoffs in some companies, and being seen as
less dedicated to one's job.

It's crucial to remember that flexible work schedules can benefit all workers, not
simply women who work. Nonetheless, it's equally critical that staff members attend
regularly and take an active role in their work. Employers must exercise caution
while managing flexible work schedules and make sure that all parties are making
concessions. Additionally, it's critical that businesses refrain from providing "fake
flexibility" and communicate the advantages of flexible work schedules.

2. Question 4: The risk of legal actions makes job descriptions and job
specifications as a necessity.

Job Description is a document that sets out the duties and responsibilities of an
employee whereby it usually details what work is to be performed, how that work is
to be performed, and what are the expected outcomes from that employee. In
essence, the job analysis provides information about the particular job that results in
a description of what the job entails.

Therefore, creating comprehensive, precise, and up-to date job descriptions is a

necessity for several pertinent reasons and one of them is mitigating the risk of legal
action which will be elaborated in-depth in this essay. Emphasizing the significance
of comprehensive, precise, and up-to-date job descriptions for an organization
cannot be overstated. This is because the recent developments have further
amplified the demand for these descriptions. This includes the new and more
stringent legal regulation of employment practices through legislation like Malaysian
Employment Act 1955 and the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights
Act of 1991. Hence, job descriptions are essential for several reasons, and once of
them is mitigating the risk of legal actions.

In Malaysia, job descriptions are considered as a part of the employment contract.

This is further illustrated in a legal case of Asidaz Arockiasamy v The Elements @
Ampang JMB (Case No:22(15)/4-1492/19) wherein the Court decided that since the
Claimant had signed the appointment letter which included the job description, hence
such job description was considered part of the work agreement and had to be
followed by the Claimant.

Having a comprehensive job description helps employees know what is expected of

them. When an employee signs the job description, they confirm understanding and
agree to perform the described duties. This prevents confusion about their
responsibilities and ensures that employees do what is outlined in the job

description. Well-defined job descriptions provide a basis for performance
evaluations. When employees know what's expected of them, it's easier for
managers to provide constructive feedback and conduct fair performance appraisals.
Moreover, having detailed and up-to-date job descriptions can be a valuable defense
in the event of an employment-related lawsuit. They can demonstrate that
employment decisions were made based on legitimate job-related criteria.

In summary, job descriptions serve as a foundational tool for legal compliance,

performance management, and maintaining a fair and transparent employment
relationship. They are essential in reducing the risk of legal action by ensuring that
employment decisions are based on objective and documented criteria.

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