100 Pun Wands

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Wand of Disguise Self: Has one charge of Disguise Self

Wand of Disguise Elf: Disguises the nearest elf as the wielder

Wand of Dis Guy’s Elf: Summons a house elf. Original owner may be annoyed.
Wand of Diss Guys Elf: Summons an elf that criticizes all male characters for 1d4
Wand of Summon Familiar: Summons a small animal familiar for 1d4 hours
Wand of Summon Familia: A family member of the wielder appears
Wand of Some Unfamiliar: A cluster of unfamiliar people and objects appears around
the wielder
Wand of Counterspell: Has one charge of Counterspell
Wand of Counterspell: A loud voice counts all the objects and creatures in the room
Wand of Counterspell: Conjures a large kitchen work surface
Wand of Feather Fall: Has one charge of Feather Fall
Wand of Feather Fall: A single feather falls to the ground
Wand of Unimaginable Power: Makes the wielder unable to imagine powerful things for
1d4 hours
Wand of Unimaginable Power: Makes the wielder able to imagine power they could not
previously imagine for 1d4 hours
Wand of Remove Blind: Removes the Blinded condition
Wand of Remove Blind: Removes all window coverings
Wand of Create Wand of Create Wand: Creates a wand of create wand, which can create
a wand of create wand, which creates a random wand
Wand of Magic Missile: Has one charge of Magic Missile
Wand of Magic Miss Isle: Summons a beautiful half-elf wizard woman wearing a sash
declaring her the winner of this year’s Magic Miss Isle pageant
Wand of Bare Soul: Causes the target to unburden their soul and really open up for
10 minutes
Wand of Bare Sole: Causes the target’s footwear to vanish
Wand of Bear Soul: Summons a spectral bear friendly to the wielder for 10 minutes
Wand of Guise: Allows the wielder to assume the illusory guise of a creature
they’ve seen in the last 4 hours for 1 hour
Wand of Guys: Summons 1d4 guys. They are very confused about how they got there.
Wand of Great Acts: Allows the wielder to perform great acts for 1d4 hours (DM
Wand of Greataxe: Summons a greataxe. Everyone make a Dex save!
Wand of Justice: Has one charge of Zone of Truth
Wand of Just Ice: Conjures a lovely ice sculpture
Wand of Mage Armor: Has one charge of Mage Armor
Wand of Mage Armoire: Conjures a wardrobe full of wizard robes in a variety of
colors and sizes
Wand of Mage Amor: Causes the wielder to flirt with all spellcasters they encounter
for 1d4 hours
Wand of Hex: Has one charge of Hex
Wand of Hecks: The target can only use PG swearwords for 1d4 hours. Oh, fork!
Wand of Wave: Conjures a wave that crashes against the target (must make a Dex save
or take 2d6 bludgeoning dmg and be moved 20ft backward).
Wand of Wave: Conjures a spectral hand that waves enthusiastically at everyone for
1d4 minutes.
Wand of Message: Allows the wielder to send a message of 20 words or less to anyone
within a 50 mile radius
Wand of Massage: The wielder feels relaxed and their tension headache is, like,
totally gone!
Wand of Speak With Plant: Has one charge of Speak With Plants
Wand of Speak With Pants: Exactly the same effect as Speak With Plants. Except it’s
Wand of Fog Cloud: Has one charge of Fog Cloud
Wand of Frog Cloud: You create a mass of airborne frogs in a 20-foot radius
centered on a point of your choosing within range for up to 1 hour.
Wand of Flying: Has one charge of Fly
Wand of Drying: All the wielder’s clothes feel fresh out of the dryer.
Wand of Lying: The wielder is incapable of telling the truth for 1d4 hours.
Wand of Suggestion: Has one charge of Suggestion
Wand of Suggestion: A voice gives the party helpful suggestions about what to do
for 1d4 hours
Wand of Dancing Lights: Has one charge of Dancing Lights
Wand of Dancing Lights: Conjures a disco ball, flashing lights, and music with a
sick beat
Wand of Shocking Grasp: Has one charge of Shocking Grasp
Wand of Shocking Gasp: A chorus of voices gasps dramatically whenever the wielder
takes an action for 1d4 hours
Wand of Color Spray: Has one charge of Color Spray
Wand of Color Spray: Conjures a bottle of wash-out color hairspray (d4 = 1 – hot
pink, 2 – blue, 3 – green, 4 – orange)
Wand of Detect Thoughts: Has one charge of Detect Thoughts
Wand of Detest Thoughts: Target has -1 Int for 1d4 hours and resents smarter
Wand of Security: Locks any doors and windows in the area
Wand of Security: Summons 1d4 security guards who try to throw everyone out of
wherever they are right now
Wand of Clear Thoughts: Target has +2 Intelligence for 1d4 hours
Wand of Clear Thoughts: Target can’t remember what they were about to say for 1d6
Wand of Free Action: You can use this wand to take one additional action on a
single turn.
Wand of Free Action: You’re not a number, you are a free character! Nobody can tell
you what to do!
Wand of Detect Thots: The user knows the location of any promiscuous women within
1d4 miles.
Wand of Cone of Cole – summons 1d2 + 2 people named Cole. They are assembled in a
cone shape, and disappear after 5 min.
Wand of Portable Ram: Conjures a portable battering ram
Wand of Portable Ram: Conjures a pocket-sized adult male sheep. He is adorable.
Wand of Stickiness: Conjures a sticky patch in a 10ft radius around the wielder
that counts as difficult terrain
Wand of Sticky-ness: Wand transforms into an ordinary stick.
Wand of Ultimate Magic: Conjures an item (d4 = 1 – bouquet of flowers, 2 – rabbit,
3 – string of silk scarves, 4 – a scroll that says ‘ABRACADABRA’)
Wand of Disarming: Causes target to drop all weapons
Wand of Disarming: Target’s arm falls off (effect at DM discretion if target does
not technically have arms)
Wand of Prestidigitation: Has one charge of Prestidigitation.
Wand of Pestodigitation: Choose one – create smell of pesto, flavor up to 1 cubic
foot of nonliving material pesto flavor for one hour, or make the recipe for pesto
appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
Wand of the War Mage: You gain +1 to your (spell) attack bonus and ignore half
cover when attacking.
Wand of the Warm Age: Can alter time for a 1′ cube area. When activated (one
charge), a time dilation field is produced. Over the span of one minute, the
interior experiences 3 months of time, and is kept at a uniform 85 degrees F.
Wand of Healing: Restores 2d6 + 2 HP.
Wand of Heeling: charms all canine targets in a 30 foot radius.
Wand of Heal -Ing: restores 4d4 + 4 HP, but only to targets that end in -ing, be it
name or creature (halfling, wyrmling).
Wand of the Jokester: cause glasses and a mustache to appear on a person’s face, as
well as enlarging their nose. Person must talk and act like Groucho Marx for 1d4
minutes while using the wand like a cigar. ‘I’ve hurd of casting a charm spell but
making some as charming as me? Now that’s just unfair.’
Wand of Silence: one charge of Silence
Wand of Silence: Summons Specter Librarian who shushes anyone who speaks. Will
attack anyone talking over a whisper after a few warnings. Librarian will not leave
unless you sign up for a library card.
Wand of Burning Hams: Summons 2d6 flaming hams that are flung at the target. Target
must make a Dex save, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a
successful one.
Wand of Earning Hands: Gives the wielder advantage on Sleight of Hand checks for
1d4 hours.
Wand of Cowhide Boots: Summons a pair of boots that give the wearer +5ft of speed.
Wand of Cow Hide Boots: Cows and cow-like creatures become invisible to the wearer.
Better hope you’re not fighting a minotaur!
Wand of Invisibility: Casts Invisibility… on the wand.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: one charge of Cure Light Wounds.
Wand of Sure Like Wounds: Grants recipient +1 to attack and damage for each 25% of
HP they have lost. Effect lasts one minute
Wand of Find Steed: one charge of Find Steed
Wand of Find Steve: The caster must make a DC 10 Perception check to see a man
named Steve nearby in the shadows. He seems ready to help do what he can. It is
never clear whether Steve was summoned by the spell or just happened to be there at
the right time.
Wand of Hold Person: one charge of Hold Person
Wand of Hold Person: a human man appears before the target, spreads his arms, and
hugs them firmly yet tenderly.
Wand of Old Person: the target ages to a venerable age for their race.
Wand of Fireball: one charge of Fireball
Wand of Fireball: conjures a fifth of spiced liquer
Wand of Turn Undead: 1d4 undead turn 1d4 direction in unison
Wand of Turn Undead: turns the target undead. If already undead, they turn into a
different type of undead creature.
Wand of Knowledge: grants 1 prophetic insight to the wielder
Wand of No Ledge: a random ledge in a 50 foot vicinity disappears.
Wand of Gnoll Edge: summons a snarky gnoll dressed in black leather with spiked
Wand of Cone of Cold: one charge of Cone of Cold
Wand of Crone of Cold: summons any old lady who laughs knowingly before
disappearing in a burst of ice. Anyone within 15 feet must make a Dex save or take
1d6 cold damage.

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