FirstAid JacksonCarter

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10th Grade

First Aid and


Jackson Carter
First Aid Kit 01
In every first aid kit you should have:

● Tweezers ● Hydrocortisone
● Scissors ● Elastic Bands
● Antibiotic Ointment ● Alcohol Wipes
● Emergency Blanket ● CPR Barrier
● Gauze ● First Aid
● Antiseptic wipes ● Triangular Bandage
● Medical Tape ● Bandages
● Cold Compression ● Adhesive Tape
● Gauze Pads ● Antihistamine
● Gloves ● Hand Sanitizer
● Thermometer ● Calamine Lotion
● Instant Cold Packs ● Safety Pins
Emergency Numbers 02
4 numbers you should call in case of an

1.) The Police: 911

2.) Poison Control: (800)-222-1222

3.) Suicide Crisis Line: 988

4.) Disaster Distress Hotline: +1(833)-852-6262

CPR 03
3 Symptoms if someone needs CPR:

1.) Not Breathing

2.) No Pulse
3.) Drowning

3 Treatments for CPR:

1.) Closed Chest Compressions

2.) Endotracheal Intubations
3.) Intravenous access for the
delivery of fluids
Choking 04
3 Symptoms if someone is choking:

1.) The inability to talk

2.) Strained or noisy breathing
3.) Loss of conscious

3 Treatments for a person who is choking:

1.) Encourage the person who is choking to

2.) Bend them forward and give them 5
back blows
3.) Give them 5 abdominal thrust
Severe Allergic 05
3 Symptoms of a Severe Allergic

1.) Skin Rashes

2.) Hives
3.) Swelling of the lips, tongue, or

3 Treatments

1.) Use a epipen

2.) Take PRESCRIBED medicine
3.) Wear a medical alert bracelet
Heat Related 06
3 Symptoms of a Heat-Related Emergency:

1.) High body temperature anything

greater than 103℉
2.) Dizziness
3.) Loss of Conscious

3 Treatments

1.) Have the victim lay down OUT of the

2.) Apply cool compressions
3.) Have them drink lots of fluids
Heat Stroke 07
3 Symptoms

1.) Body temperature above

2.) Fainting
3.) Dry or damp skin

3 Treatments

1.) Soke the victim in cold water

2.) Pack victim with ice and
cooling blankets
3.) Use evaporation cooling
Frostbite 08
3 Symptoms

1.) Cold Skin

2.) Numbness
3.) Skin is pale or a purple blue

3 Treatments

1.) Soke a person in warm water

for about 30 minutes
2.) Cover the ears and nose with a
warm cloth
3.) Drink a warm beverage
Hypothermia 09
3 Symptoms

1.) Slurred Speech

2.) Intense shaking
3.) Drowsiness

3 Treatments

2.) Remove all wet clothes from
the victim
3.) Insulate persons bod from the
cold ground
Broken Bones 10
3 Symptoms of Broken Bones:

1.) A bone that is visibly out of place

2.) Intense pain
3.) Broken skin with bone sticking out

3 Treatments for Broken Bones:

1.) Plaster cast

2.) Surgically inserted metal rods
3.) A brace
How To Be Prepared At Home, In School,
And In the Community

At Home: make and go over a safety plan with you family incase of an emergency. Make
sure every family member knows where the first aid kit is and live a list of emergency phone
numbers on a safe place that every family member can access.

At School: Ask the school to set up safety meetings in order to make the entire school
aware of what to do during an emergency.

In The Community: Hang up fliers about what to do in the event of an emergency. Also
hang up signs that give people emergency numbers.

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