2017 IELTS Listening Travel

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.




VIDEO và LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT chỉ có tại website MOON.VN

[Truy cập tab Tiếng Anh – Khóa: Listening Skill]

Exercise 1
You will hear a conversation between a flight attendant and a passenger completing a landing card
before arriving in the UK. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER for each answer.

Please complete clearly in English and BLOCK CAPITALS
Immigration Act 1971
Nationality: (1) ......................
Family name: LIU
First name(s): (2) .......................
Sex: Female
Date of birth: (3) ........................
Town and country of birth: SHENZHEN CHINA
Occupation: STUDENT
Contact address in the UK (in full): 13 Park Road (4) ..........................
Postcode: (5) .............................

Exercise 2
Listen and Complete these notes with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
Spanish flight arrived at (1) ...............................
Flight CCA1550 from (2)............................. arrived at 6.00
Emirati flight no (3) ......................... delayed.
Flight TAP 1880 due 730 from (4) .................. land at terminal (5)………….

Exercise 3
There are several ways to help you spelled a word. Listen to five short conversations and complete

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn

1. Name: Mr Andrew ___________

2. Address: 63 __________ Road, Birmingham
3. Website address: www. __________.com
4. Meet at the _________ Hotel
5. Registration number: __________

Exercise 4
Listen and complete the information below
1. How much does the woman pay for her room? __________
2. New students need to bring $__________
3. Garage width: _________ m height: __________ m
4. How much does the woman pay for the bus tickets?
a. $25
b. $55
c. $75
5. Party date: ___________

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn


Exercise 1:
1. Chinese
2. Hua Fang
3. 17th December 1994
4. Brighton
5. BN40 4GR
Exercise 2:
1. 4.50
2. China
3. UAE 1880
4. Lisbon
5. 16
Exercise 3
1. Browne
2. Beeton
3. Kickers
4. Rose
5. HLP 528

Exercise 4:
1. £ 95
2. $ 15
3. Width: 3.5
Height: 2.5
4. B
5. 29th July/ 29 July

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn


Exercise 1:

Flight attendant: Have you filled in your landing card?

Hua Fang: No, sorry. I’m having a few problems.

Flight attendant: Can I help you at all?

Hua Fang: Oh, yes please.

Flight attendant: Well, the first question’s very easy. What’s your family name?

Hua Fang: My family name is Liu, L-1- U.

Flight attendant: And your firs t name?

Hua Fang: Well, my English name is Grace, but my Chinese name is Hua Fang.

Flight attendant: Which name do you have in your passport?

Hua Fang: Hua Fang. H-U-A and F-A-N-G. So you should put that one

Flight attendant:. And your date of birth?

Hua Fang: Shall I put the day first or the month?

Flight attendant: See where it says D-D, M-M and Y-Y-Y-Y?

Hua Fang: Yes. What does that mean?

Flight attendant: It means date, month and year.

Hua Fang: Oh OK. So I put seventeen, twelve, nineteen ninety four.

Flight attendant: 17 th December 1994 ?

Hua Fang: Yes, that’s right. And what address is this?

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn

Flight attendant: That would be where you are staying in the UK.

Hua Fang: OK. Let me see ... 13 Park Road. Brighton. B-R-l-G-H-T-O-N. And the postcode. BN40

Flight attendant: Is there anything else you need

help with?

Hua Fang: No, thank you. I understand the other questions. Thank you very much for your help.

Exercise 2

Travel agent: Good morning. Hi Fliers, can I help you?

Taxi driver: Hello, Margaret. This is Dave. I’m at the airport and I want to check the flights of the
passengers I’m meeting.

Travel agent: Oh, OK, Dave. Go ahead.

Taxi driver: Right. The Spanish flight arrived at 04.50 and flight 1550 from China arrived at 6.00.
The 6.50 from the Emirates, has been delayed. That's flight UAE1880 but the Lisbon flight’s already
landed at gate 16. Is that all of them?

Exercise 3

A: And can I have your name, please?
B: Yes, it’s Andrew Browne.
A: Is that spelt the same as the colour?
B: Yes, but with an E at the end.
A: And what’s your address, in case we need to post any information out to you?
B: Oh, OK, I live at 63, Beeton Road. That’s B-double E-T-O-N.
A: Sorry, was that the last letter N or M?
B: N for November.

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn

A: Do you have a website I can go to?
B: Yes, just go to www.kickers.com
A: Is that K-I-C-K-E-R-S?
B: That’s right, all one word and all lower case.
A: Where shall we meet then? Somewhere in the city?
B: That’s a good idea. What about at that hotel on the corner of Queen Street and Mary Street? What’s
it called?
A: Oh, it’s the Rose Hotel, like the flower.
B: Yes, that’s the one, I’ll see you there at seven.
5. A: Right, and can I get your car registration number? Have you got a normal one or is it one of those
specially made ones that’s a word or a name?
B: No, I haven’t got the money for a personalised plate. It’s just three letters and three numbers. It’s H-
L –P 528
Exercise 4
A: I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay with us.
B: Yes, it was lovely, but I had to pay £ 95, which seems a bit expensive. Last time I stayed here, I
only paid £80.
A: Yes, I’m sorry, madam. We had to increase our prices considerably this year. But that is actually a
discounted price as you’re a regular guest. It would normally be £105.
B: Oh!
Now, on Thursday, there will be a special class, which will be given by a wonderful local artist. As this
isn’t included in your fees, you will need to pay for this on the day. We’ve kept the costs low. It’s only
$10 for our regular students here. If you want to bring along anyone else who hasn’t studied with us
before, the cost for them is $15. We charge them an extra $5 for the use of equipment, which old
students have already paid for.

A: Can you tell me how big the garage is? I just want to make sure our cars will fit.
B: Let me have a look. How big are you cars?
A: Mine’s about 1.5 metres wide and my wife’s is almost the same.

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Khóa ‘IELTS – LISTENING SKILL’ 2016 – GV Kim Hạnh Facebook: KimHanhIELTSMoon.vn

B: Hmm, I don’t think it’s wide enough, I’m afraid. It says here that it’s 3.5 metres across, and you
need at least a metre between the cars to be able to open the doors.
A: You’re right. What about the height? Mine’s a van I use for work and I carry a lot of equipment on
B: Let me see. It’s two and a half metres. Would that be tall enough?
A: Oh, not for my big ladders, no. I’d like three metres at least.

A: I’m thinking of taking my children to the Gold Coast in the holidays. Can you tell me how much it
would cost on the bus? I don’t want to drive all that way.
B: Right, you’d qualify for a family ticket, which is the cheapest way to do it. It’ll be $55 altogether,
normally a child’s fare is $25 and an adult is $45.
A: Oh, that’s a good deal!

A: I’m trying to organise a party and I wondered if your hotel had a room we could use?
B: We do have several function rooms, what date did you have in mind for the party? I’ll just warn
you we’re already fully booked for most of June, the first available date I have is 14th July.
A: Oh, that’s not a problem. It’s for my dad’s birthday, which isn’t until the 1st August.
B: That’s a Tuesday.
A: Yes, so I’d like to hold it at the end of July, on the Saturday before.
B: So, that’s the 29th?
A: Yes, that’s right.

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