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I. Give the correct form of word.

1. You should brush your teeth-------------------(regular)
2. We are ----------- about the final exam. (worry)
3. Clean teeth are ------------ teeth. (health)
4. I’m ---------- of hearing the ghost stories. (scare)
II. Give the correct form of verbs. (1pt)
1. She never (stay) up late at night.
2. My mother (plant) flowers in the gardent at the moment.
III. Use the give words to complete the passage:(2pts)
explain ,how ,brush , surgery , kind , children , look , scared
Dr.Lai is a detist. She…………..after peole’s teeth.Dr. Lai’s……………… clean and tidy,and so is her
uniform.Most children are…………………when they come to see Dr.Lai,but she is a……………………..
women. She……………what will happen so they are not afraid.Dr.Lai often gievs……………….advice.
She tells them…………….to look after their teeth. She reminds them to……………..their teeth regularly
and eat sensibly.
IV. Read the letter then answer the questions(2pts)
Dear Mom,
I received your letter two days ago.I am very happy to hear Dad and Mom are well,too.Four days ago,I had a
slight cold.I felt very unpleasant,so I went to a doctor that evening.The doctor gave me some medicines to
releive the sytoms of the cold.Now I feel better.Yesterday I had a medical check-up.The doctor weighed
me,measuered my height,took my temperature listened to my heart and checked my eyes and ears.
Everything was normal.Last year I weighed 42 kilos and my height was one meter 30 centimeters.Now I am
one meter 45centimeters.My weight is 40 kilos.I am losing two kilos.But don’t worry about me,Mom. I
know how to take care of myself.
1. When did Hoa receive her mother’s letter?
2. Did she hae a medical check-up?
3. What was her height last year?
4. How tall is she now?
IV. Rewrite the sentences as requested in parentheses(3pts)
1. She is learning English.I am learning English.(noái caâu duøng “so”).
2. Her sister is 45 kilos.(ñaët caâu hoûi cho töø gaïch döôùi)
3. Nam was absent frm class yesterday because he had an awful stomachache. (ñaët caâu hoûi cho töø
gaïch döôùi)
4. Why don’t Lan go to school yesterday?(tìm vaø söûa loåi sai).
5. drink / did / you / yesterday / eat / what / and? (saép xeáp thaønh caâu hoaøn chænh)
6. he / go / concert / last night (ñaët caâu duøng töø gôïi yù)

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