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Yoga Performance in a Week

1. How many days did you practice yoga this week?

You can give only one answer.

○ 0

○ 1-2

○ 3-4

○ 5-7

2. What types of yoga did you practice?

You can select several answers.

☐ Hatha

☐ Vinyasa

☐ Ashtanga

☐ Yin

☐ Restorative

other, type what

3. What was your primary goal for practicing yoga this week?

4. Rate your overall satisfaction with your yoga practice this week on a scale of 1-5.

Fill symbols.
5. How likely are you to recommend your yoga practice routine to a friend?

Zdecydowanie nie polecę Zdecydowanie polecę

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Rate each aspect of your yoga practice on a scale

You can give only one answer in a row.

Poor Average Good Excellent

○ ○ ○ ○

○ ○ ○ ○

Mental Clarity
○ ○ ○ ○

7. How long was each of your yoga sessions on average?

You can give only one answer.

○ Less than 30 minutes

○ 30-60 minutes

○ More than 60 minutes

8. What time of day did you usually practice yoga?

You can select several answers.

☐ Morning

☐ Afternoon

☐ Evening

☐ Night
9. What challenges did you face during your yoga practice this week?

10. Rate the difficulty level of your yoga practice this week on a scale of 1-5.

Fill symbols.

11. Did you use any online resources or apps for your yoga practice?

You can give only one answer.

○ Yes

○ No

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