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of Chemical Technology
М. Belskiy, Evgenyand Metallurgy,
B. Bobkov, 55, А.
Valery 1, Cherny
2020, 129-133



Sergey М. Belskiy, Evgeny B. Bobkov, Valery А. Cherny

Lipetsk State Technical University Received 05 May 2019

30 Moskovskaya St. 398600, Accepted 27 September 2019
Lipetsk, Russian Federation


“Coil break” is a strip surface defect in the form of rough light transverse strips resulting from sharp breaks in
coiling or uncoiling rolled products due to local stresses exceeding the yield strength of metal. The conditions for this
defect in the inlet of a continuous pickler are determined. A procedure for calculating these conditions is proposed.
Keywords: hot-rolled products, yield strength, stretcher leveler, yield surface, stress, continuous pickler.

INTRODUCTION tions freed from fixation at a constant voltage. In this

way the “coil break” defect appears.
Hot-rolled strips are pickled to remove scale, after
which they are often sent to the consumer bypassing the MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PRO-
stage of cold rolling. The surface of such strips suffers CESS OF UNBENDING HOT STRIP LAYERS
from the “coil break” defect (Fig. 1) [1 - 2]. This defect After installing the hot-rolled coil on the continuous
affects the hot strip surface in eliminating coil curvature pickler uncoiler, the strip begins to move in the line of
during uncoiling and shape defects during strip flatten- the unit. Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate the process of unbending
ing in roller straightening machines in the continuous a hot strip layer when uncoiling a coil from the continu-
pickling line [3 - 8] and depends on the strip stress strain t
ous pickler uncoiler: h - strip thickness;  - length of
state [9 - 10]. 0
the upper side of the layer before unbending; R0 , ϕ 0
The diagram of stretching hot-rolled strips from low-
carbon steel is characterized by the presence of a clearly - the layer’s radius and central angle before unbending;
pronounced intermittent flow area, i.e. the upper (“yield  m0 - length of the layer’s central (neutral) line before
drop”) and the lower yield strength (Fig. 2). t
unbending; 1 - length of the upper side of the layer af-
When longitudinal stresses are applied to a strip
ter unbending; R1 , ϕ1 - the layer’s radius and central
from such steel, the values of which are close to yield m
strength, an intermittent character of yield in closely angle after unbending;  1 - length of the layer’s central
located areas is observed [11]. (neutral) line after unbending.
After the accelerated hot strip cooling on the run- The length of the upper side of the layer before un-
out table, in low-carbon steel iron nitrides begin to
bending is  0 = R0ϕ 0 . The length of the neutral line of
precipitate from the solid solution. The yield drop and
the layer before unbending is  m =  R0 − ϕ . The
surface on the diagram of stretching steel samples are
0  2 0
caused by the fact that dislocations fixed by the precipi- length of the upper side of the layer after unbending is
tated particles of iron nitrides break out of this fixation
when tensile stresses reach yield strength ( σ Ò ). The
drop 1t = R1ϕ1 . The length of the neutral line of the layer
yield surface is caused by the motion of free disloca- after unbending is  m =  R1 − h ϕ :.
1 2 1

Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 55, 1, 2020

Fig. 1. “Coil break” defect.

Fig. 3. Unbending the layer.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of stretching with “yield drop”.

As a result of elementary calculations, the value of

the degree of relative deformation is obtained:
 h
 R0 − ϕ 0 R1
R0ϕ 0 − 
 h  h
 t0 −  1t  R1 −   R0 −  R1
 2  2 h 1 1 
ε= = = 1 −  (1)=  − 
t h  2  R0 R1 
 h  0 R ϕ
0 0  R1 −  R0
 R0 − ϕ 0 R1  2
 h  h
 R1 −   R0 −  R1
2 2 h 1 1 
 = 1−  =  − 
R0ϕ 0  h  2  R 0 R 1 
 R1 −  R0
 2

The stress distribution along the thickness of the Fig. 4. Deformation of the layer.
strip layer is linear with respect to the current strip
h 1 1 
σ = Eε = E  −  , PLASTIC HINGE APPEARS
2  R0 R1  As an example, we calculate the curvature and the
where E is the modulus of elasticity of the strip material. radius of the bend of the coil layer being unbent, whose
The condition of plastic flow σ = σ Ò : radius R0 is 1,000 mm, with thickness strip h = 3.0
mm, width B = 1,500 mm and the upper yield strength
h 1 1 
E  −  = σ Ò . σ Òdrop = 270 MPa, at which a plastic hinge begins to

2  R0 R1 
(2) form in the uncoiled strip. According to the formula (2),

Sergey М. Belskiy, Evgeny B. Bobkov, Valery А. Cherny

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of a five-roller straightening machine.

the radius of the unbent layer is: MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION OF STRIP

1 1 2σ Òdrop 1
R1 R0 E
h 10000 The hot rolled strip is straigntened in a five-roller
At the maximum coil radius R0 = 1,150 mm, the straightening machine as part of a straightening and
curvature radius of the layer is R1 = −32760 mm, withdrawal unit of the continuous pickler (Fig. 5). If
i.e. the layer must be bent in the opposite direction. In we assume that the strip is bent circularly between the
this case, with complete unbending of the layer, condi- rollers, then a five-roller straightening machine provides
tions for the formation of the “coil break” defect are a minimum bend radius of 200 mm. The maximum depth
not created. of the upper rollers before their contact with the lower
At the minimum coil radius R0 = 425 mm, the cur- rollers (Fig. 6) is 2d = 36.4 mm. The distance between
vature radius of the layer is R1 = 688 mm. the contact points of the rollers is 2a = 115 mm.
When the layer’s curvature radius becomes equal to Let us determine the dependence of the strip cur-
10,000 mm at its unbending during uncoiling, a plastic vature radius R on the upper roller depth g (Fig. 7).
hinge will begin to form in the layer. Moreover, because Assuming that the strip curvature radius is much
of the “drop” in the diagram of stretching, the stresses longer than the strip thickness and the roller radius,
in the strip decrease in an abrupt way, which leads to a R , g * and a will be equal to R + r , g and a * ,
sharp plastic strip fracture. The height of the drop, the respectively. Then:
value of the yield strength σ Ò corresponding to the
yield surface, and the radius of the coil on the uncoiler g 2 + 2a 2 (3)
determine the conditions for the “coil break” defect. 2g

Fig. 6. Maximum roller depth. Fig. 7. Dependence of R on g .

Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 55, 1, 2020

Fig. 8. Diagram for calculating the moment.

When the strip passes through the straightening

machine, it experiences pressure from the upper and Ref is the curvature radius ensuring the bend of a flat
lower rollers (Fig. 8). The moment experienced by the strip with the same stress level.
strip in the roller straightening machine at the section a The maximum voltage experienced by the strip is
M = F⋅x (4) determined as follows:
M ( x)
In solving the elastic line equation σ= , (9)
EJ = M ( x) the deflection line equation is
dx 2 , where is the static rectangular moment.
F  x3 a 2 
obtained: y =  − x .
EJ  6 2  Assuming that during the coil break σ = σ Ò ,

the distance between the coil break lines is calculated

At x = a , the arrow of the deflection of the strip as follows:
section is equal to: σ ТdropW
M ( x) = Fx = σ ТdropW => x = (10)
F a3 F
s= (5)
F =3 , J = (6)
a3 12
The force F is equal to: Let us estimate the distance between the coil break
lines obtained in a five-roller straightening machine. The
1 sbh 3 E yield strength, strip thickness and width are the same as
F= (7)
4 a3 in the previous example.
Assuming that the upper roller depth g = 1 mm, then,
Stresses experienced by the strip during unbending:
in accordance with (3), the curvature radius of the layer
h 1 1  h 1 R is 13,225 mm.
σ =E  − =E (8)
2  R0 R  2 Ref The voltage experienced by the strip 3 mm thick
before the first upper roller at the minimum diameter of
where: the coil in accordance with (8) σ = 728 MPa, while
R0 is the radius of the initial curvature of the layer of Ref = 412 mm.
the uncoiled coil, The transformed formula (3) takes the form
R is the curvature radius according to the formula (3), g ef2 − 2 Ref g ef + 2a 2 = 0 .
Sergey М. Belskiy, Evgeny B. Bobkov, Valery А. Cherny

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