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Name: Jamshed

The Garrison Grammar School and acadmy

Biology 11th
Roll No.________ Name: _______________
Time Allowed: Total Marks:

Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Cohesion tension theory: Thomas B. Sacks H. Van Mohl Dixon
2 Cyanosis is a condition in which: Oxygen The skin Blood supply None of the
supply to skin becomes blue to skin is above
is stopped stopped
3 Heart beat involves how many distinct One Four Three Two
4 The discharge of blood from blood Stroke Oedma Hypertension Haemorrhage
vessels is called:
5 The forces of attraction between the Adhesive Cohesive Tensile forces Electrostatic
water molecule and tracheid water are: forces forces forces
6 The upward movement of sap through Ascent of sap Plasmolysis Deplasmolysis Guttation
the xylem is:
7 An inflammatory substance released Interferon Complement Histamine Acetylcholine
during the attack of asthma is: proteins
8 The break down of alveoli is called: Tuberculosis Asthma Emphysema Cancer
9 The special pores involved in gaseous Lenticels Stomata Earthworm Ventilation
10 Which system of the cockroach is very Digestive Photo Respiratory None of the
specialized? respiration above
11 Which type of respiration takes place Cutaneous Buccal Pulmonary None of the
through skin in frog? respiration respiration respiration above
12 Match female mosquito with one of the Macrophagous Fluid feeders Ominivores Herbivores
following groups: feeders
13 Bulimia nerbvosa is an abnormality in A person eats A person does A person None of the
which: too much not eat cannot digest above
14 Enterokinase acts on: Proteins Lip ids Carbohydrates None of above
15 Heart burn is caused due to: Pain in heart Pain in Out flow of None of above
stomach gastric juice
16 Lichens are: Saprophytic Parasitic Symbiotic None of above
17 Liver secretes bile into the: Duodenum Peritoneum Pericardium Zymogen
18 Pepsinogen is activated to pepsin by: HCI Active Gastrin HCl and active
secretin pepsin
19 Some humans consume milk and Milk proteins Glycogen in Lactose in None of the
develop diarrhea due to: milk milk above
20 The function of the mucous of the Digest the Make the food Transport the Break the food
salivary glands is to: food chew food
21 The squeezing of food down along the Circular and Longitudinal Spiral and Circular
alimentary canal is by the contraction of: longitudinal muscles circular muscles
muscles muscles
22 Which of the following enzymes acts on Amylase Lipase Trypsin Enterokinase
23 First action spectrum was obtained by: Calvin Krebs Van Neil Engelmann

Test Paper Generator: App Developer: JAMSHED IQBAL 1

Name: Jamshed

Sr. Questions A B C D
24 Photosystem 1 absorbs which of the 600 nm 680 nm 700 mn 720 nm
following lights?
25 The removal of hydrogen is controlled Hydrogenase Dehydrogenas Oxidase Reductase
by an enzyme called: es
26 Which of the following is the most CO2 Water Light Oxygen
important factor for photosynthesis?
27 Which of the followings is not reactant CO2 Water Light Oxygen
in photosynthesis?
28 Which of the followings is the smallest Chlorophyll Phytol Porphyrin Pyrrole
unit? ring

Solve the following Short Questions

Q.No. 1: What is apoplast pathway?

Q.No. 2: What is pressure potential?
Q.No. 3: How does cohesion differ from adhesion?
Q.No. 4: Name some disorders relating to blood?
Q.No. 5: What is Bursa of Fabricius?
Q.No. 6: What is accent of sap?
Q.No. 7: Define guttation or exudation.
Q.No. 8: Define cuticular transpiration?
Q.No. 9: What is thrombus?
Q.No. 10: Why thalassemia is also called Cooley’s anemia?
Q.No. 11: What are blue babies?
Q.No. 12: Into how many passage ways, the nasal cavity is divided?
Q.No. 13: What is rubisco? Give its functions.
Q.No. 14: What is diaphragm? In which group of animals it is found?
Q.No. 15: What is heart burn?
Q.No. 16: Name enzyme found in saliva?
Q.No. 17: What are nutrients?
Q.No. 18: How we can control obesity?
Q.No. 19: What is botulism? What is its cause?
Q.No. 20: Write down the pH of fresh and stale human saliva?
Q.No. 21: What is food poisoning? Give its symptoms.
Q.No. 22: What is dyspepsia? Give its characteristics.
Q.No. 23: What are piles?
Q.No. 24: How Sundew (Drosera) shows its insectivorous activity?
Q.No. 25: Give the function spectrophotometer.
Q.No. 26: Define alcoholic fermentation. Write its equation.

Solve the following Long Questions

Q.No. 1: Sketch Krebs Cycle, (no description).

Q.No. 2: Differentiate between expiration and inspiration?

Test Paper Generator: App Developer: JAMSHED IQBAL 2

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