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Trig formulas

Trigonometric Ratio Formulas

 sin θ = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse
 cos θ = Base/Hypotenuse
 tan θ = Perpendicular/Base
 sec θ = Hypotenuse/Base
 cosec θ = Hypotenuse/Perpendicular
 cot θ = Base/Perpendicular

Reciprocal Identities

 cosec θ = 1/sin θ; sin θ = 1/cosec θ

 sec θ = 1/cos θ; cos θ = 1/sec θ
 cot θ = 1/tan θ; tan θ = 1/cot θ

Pythagorean Identities

 sin2θ + cos2θ = 1
 sec2θ - tan2θ = 1
 csc2θ - cot2θ = 1

Trigonometric Ratio Table

Unit Circle Formulas

Co-function Identities(in Degrees)

 sin(90° − x) = cos x
 cos(90° − x) = sin x
 tan(90° − x) = cot x
 cot(90° − x) = tan x
 sec(90° − x) = cosec x
 cosec(90° − x) = sec x

Sum and Difference Identities

The sum and difference identities include the trigonometry formulas of sin(x + y), cos(x - y), cot(x + y),

 sin(x + y) = sin(x)cos(y) + cos(x)sin(y)

 cos(x + y) = cos(x)cos(y) - sin(x)sin(y)
 tan(x + y) = (tan x + tan y)/(1 - tan x • tan y)
 sin(x – y) = sin(x)cos(y) - cos(x)sin(y)
 cos(x – y) = cos(x)cos(y) + sin(x)sin(y)
 tan(x − y) = (tan x - tan y)/(1 + tan x • tan y)

Multiple and Sub-Multiple Angles

Trigonometry formulas for multiple and sub-multiple angles can be used to calculate the value of
trigonometric functions for half angle, double angle, triple angle, etc.

Half-Angle Identities

The half angle trigonometric formulas involve x/2 and are as follows.

 sin (x/2) = ±√[(1 - cos x)/2]

 cos (x/2) = ± √[(1 + cos x)/2]
 tan (x/2) = ±√[(1 - cos x)/(1 + cos x)] (or) tan (x/2) = (1 - cos x)/sin x

Double Angle Identities

The double angle trigonometry formulas are used to find the double angle (2x) of trig functions.

 sin (2x) = 2sin(x) • cos(x) = [2tan x/(1 + tan2 x)]

 cos (2x) = cos2(x) - sin2(x) = [(1 - tan2 x)/(1 + tan2 x)] = 2cos2(x) - 1 = 1 - 2sin2(x)
 tan (2x) = [2tan(x)]/ [1 - tan2(x)]
 sec (2x) = sec2 x/(2 - sec2 x)
 cosec (2x) = (sec x • cosec x)/2

Triple Angle Identities

The trip angle (3x) trig formulas are as follows:

 sin 3x = 3sin x - 4sin3x

 cos 3x = 4cos3x - 3cos x
 tan 3x = [3tanx - tan3x]/[1 - 3tan2x]

Sum and Product Identities

Trigonometric formulas for sum or product identities are used to represent the sum of any two
trigonometric functions in their product form, or vice-versa.

Product to Sum Formulas

 sinx⋅ cosy = [sin(x + y) + sin(x − y)]/2

 cosx⋅ cosy = [cos(x + y) + cos(x − y)]/2
 sinx⋅ siny = [cos(x − y) − cos(x + y)]/2

Sum to Product Formulas

The combination of two acute angles A and B can be presented through the trigonometric ratios, in
the below trigonometry formulas.

 sinx + siny = 2[sin((x + y)/2)cos((x − y)/2)]

 sinx − siny = 2[cos((x + y)/2)sin((x − y)/2)]
 cosx + cosy = 2[cos((x + y)/2)cos((x − y)/2)]
 cosx − cosy = −2[sin((x + y)/2)sin((x − y)/2)]

Inverse Trigonometry Formulas

Using the inverse trigonometry formulas, trigonometric ratios are inverted to create the inverse
trigonometric functions, like, sin θ = x and θ = sin −1x. Here x can have values in whole numbers,
decimals, fractions, and exponents.

 sin-1 (-x) = -sin-1 x

 cos-1 (-x) = π - cos-1 x
 tan-1 (-x) = -tan-1 x
 cosec-1 (-x) = -cosec-1 x
 sec-1 (-x) = π - sec-1 x
 cot-1 (-x) = π - cot-1 x

Sine and Cosine Laws

Sine Law: The sine law and the cosine law give a relationship between the sides and angles of a
triangle. The sine law gives the ratio of the sides and the angle opposite to the side. As an example,
the ratio is taken for the side 'a' and its opposite angle 'A'.

(sin A)/a = (sin B)/b = (sin C)/c

Cosine Law: The cosine law helps to find the length of a side, for the given lengths of the other two
sides and the included angle. As an example the length 'a' can be found with the help of the other two
sides 'b' and 'c' and their included angle 'A'.

 a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cosA
 b2 = a2 + c2 - 2ac cosB
 c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cosC

where, a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle, and A, B, C are the angles of the triangle.

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