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The content of this chapter is the fabrication of the circuit trainer of the given research.


As all of the materials needed to make the case have been already bought the researchers

make vigorous calculations and brain storming to maximize the use of the materials.

Figure 2.1 This is the first day of fabrication. First the

preparation of the acrylic glass to be cut into

the parts of the case of the electronic circuit

trainer. As seen the researchers are sketching

out the outline of the parts of the case of the

trainer. The researchers used the already

built sketch plan or diagrams in drawing the

acrylic glass.

Figure 2.2
The use of rulers and other

measuring devices are utilized as

to have an accurate measurement

of the parts of the trainer. The

researchers also used pencil as

for precautionary measure if human error or a mistake is made, so it can be easily redone.

The second day of fabrication, at this time the researchers are making last checking and

the last sketching of the parts of trainer to be cut. Then the parts will be cut and be

temporarily assembled if the parts will complement each other or if it will fit together.

Figure 2.3

Next will be the cutting of the

acrylic glass to its respective

parts. First to be cut is the large

part of the trainer, which is the base to have the basic foundation of the trainer. Figure

Figure 2.5

The cutting of the base, the

researchers chose the most skillful

member to do the cutting as they

have only one chance to do the

cutting right. If a single mishap

happends during the cutting the part

may be misshapened or worse


Figure 2.6

Cut base of the trainer

Figure 2.7
Cutting of the adjacent

sides of the base, the sides

of the trainer.

Figure 2.8
The cut sides of the base of the trainer.

As seen in the picture there are numbers

on the parts, this is to be able to know in

the right part of the trainer. Because the

base and the cover is almost the same in

parts, this is to minimize the confusion.

Assembling the parts if they fit together, the researchers use tape as the temporary fusing

medium. As it can be easily removed without doing anything to the acrylic glass.

Figure 2.9
Buffing of the sides of the trainer to

have a balanced foundation for the

upper part of the trainer, this is very

essential as the upper base will be the

part that holds the movable

components of the trainer . So it must

be balanced out to have a secure, solid

structure for the electrical components.

Figure 2.10
Figure 2.11

The cutting of the upper part of the base, This will support the part of the trainer which

will hold most of electronic parts/components.

The temporarily placement of the base of the circuit trainer. So that the researchers know

if there are missed cut portions of the base.

As the base have already been cut and temporarily placed. The cutting of the upper

portion of the trainer is next as seen in the figure.

Figure 2.12

Figure 2.13

After the cutting of the parts of

the upper portion of the trainer,
the buffing of the sides for
symmetrical purposes.
Figure 2.14

The cut upper

portion of the trainer, this part will hold the movable electronic parts of the trainer.

Figure 2.15

Proper placement /
temporary placement of the
parts is also done to this part
to know if there are
adjustments or missed
problems that is needed to
be corrected. As seen in the
Figure 2.16
Tape is also the medium used
for this part to ensure that the
trainer is not damaged or

Figure 2.17

The cut parts of the cover for the circuit trainer. As seen in the figure there are marking or
numbers for proper placements of the designated parts.

Figure 2.18

The cover of the trainer.

As all of the acrylic glass part of the trainer was already cut and only need to be
permanently joined. The researchers used nuts and bolts as the jointing medium for the
trainer. For the purpose that it is
very easy to dismantle and put

The measuring of
aluminium angle bars for the
designated parts of the trainer.
As seen in the figure.
Figure 2.19

The cutting of the angle

bars, this part the
researchers used grinder
for the cutting. For the
purpose of faster work
and cleaner cut than
other type of cutting.

Next will be the drilling

of holes onto the angle bars and the casing of the circuit trainer itself. Seen in the figure.

Figure 2.20

The researchers all

agreed that the
drilling of the case
and its designated
angle bar be
simultaneous. For the
purpose that the hole
on the casing be
aligned with the angle
Drilling of the upper portion of the trainer.

Figure 2.21

All of this is repeated all throughout the trainer, from the base to the cover of the circuit

The screwing of nuts and bolts is the next step. To hold the parts together in their
proper place.

Figure 2.22
Figure 2.23
The top view of screwed in nuts and bolts with angle bars.

Figure 2.24
Isometric view of the upper part of the trainer, the nuts here is not permanently screwed
as the trainer will still be dismantled to be drilled for its electronic components.

Figure 2.25

Cutting of 45 degrees angle

in angle bar for the trainer.
Figure 2.26
Screwing of nuts and bolts, this part the researcher knew
that there cutting and drilling are aligned as there are no
bulges or any deformation on the trainer.

Figure 2.27

After all of the parts of the trainer is joined. The researchers next do is to draw the
placement of the electronic components of the trainer.

Figure 2.28

Seen in this figure the finished drawing of

the placement of the electronic components,
the scale of the drawings of the components
are the same with the actual. To be able to
see what it may look like in the future.
Figure 2.29

The upper portion of electronic

components to be placed.
Figure 2.30

The cover of the

circuit trainer, this
part of the trainer
will protect the
movable electronic
parts of the trainer.
Figure 2.30

The upper portion of

the trainer, this part
will hold the electronic
parts of the trainer.

Figure 2.31

The case of the circuit trainer.

The installation of electronic

components of the circuit
trainer, first is the drilling of the placement of the electronic components.

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