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Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

What is Racing Life ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 4
.net 6.0 and .net 6.0.4 sdk ............................................................................................................................ 5
Update .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
New Game..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Backstory ............................................................................................................................................... 7
AMS2 Folder .......................................................................................................................................... 7
DLC Tracks Config .................................................................................................................................. 8
Driver´s Dashboard ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Competition Overview ................................................................................................................................ 10
Garage ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Finances ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Car Dealer ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Advance Game ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Credits ......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

What is Racing Life

Racing Life is a Career Mode Companion App for Reiza´s SimRacing title Automobilista 2. We aim to give
the player a realistic career progression, without any pre-made objectives, where its up to the player to
make goals, plan its career and make decision to reach to the top of the Motorsport World.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App


To start the installation, double click on RacingLifeInstaller.msi. Its important to Not install the app
under “Program Files” as we currently lack write permission on that folder and Racing Life wont work
there. Anything from Desktop/Documents or even in a different drive will work

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

.net 6.0 and .net 6.0.4 sdk

If your computer does not have the .net 6.0 framework, the installer will show you the below image and
direct you to a website where you can download it. This is needed to run Racing Life.

Once installed, a Desktop shortcut will be visible, and this is the starting point of the app

If after the installation Racing Life does not run, you might also need to install the .net 6.0.4 sdk. To do
so please go to the link below, download (x64) and install it. Racing Life should now be ready to work.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App


Whenever a new version of Racing Life is available, is it necessary to first uninstall the older version
manually, before proceeding with the installation of the update. A Windows Installer alert will be visible.

Note: Your Career Progression will be kept. It is however necessary to run the DLC Tracks configurator

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

New Game


Allows the user to select the starting point. It will influence the starting fame and money

AMS2 Folder

For the app to be able to import Custom Ai Rosters it is necessary that the usar will specify its
Automobilista 2 installation path. Normally localized C/D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Automobilista 2

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

DLC Tracks Config

Racing Life generated the racing calendar dynamically, means depending on the tracks you have
available, it will consider them for the Career Mode. Whenever starting a new game, you need to specify
which DLC tracks you own so that you can race in them.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Driver´s Dashboard

This is where the user manages its progression, statistics, and sponsor overview

Fame indicates how well known you are in the Motorsport World. More Fame means you will be able to
participate in higher popularity championships.

Experience indicated how experienced the driver is, means its value goes higher with the number of
races that the user drives. Longer races also generate more experience points. Unlike Fame and Money,
every suer will start with 0 experience.

Money shows how much money you have. Currently there is no “Game Over” conditions in Racing Life,
means the driver can have negative money. However, negative money means the user can not perform
various actions such as buying/leasing cars and register to competitions that have registration

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Competition Overview

In the competitions screen the user can see the yearly race calendar. Races that the user is registered to
will have a checkmark on the box on the left of the table. Clicking in a competition will lead to the
competition info.

Competition Info

This screen will give the user more information about the competition, as well indicating if the user can
register or not to the competition.

To be able to register to a competition you need to:

- Have enough Fame. Means the user´s fame needs to be the same or higher than the
competition´s Min Driver Fame
- Enough Money to pay the Registration Fee
- A Car of the competition´s Car Class

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

If all these conditions are met, the Register button will be visible, otherwise it will be disabled

Setup Screen

This screen guides the user on how to setup the Race/Championship within Automobilista 2. Any thing
can be of course modified by the user, as this screen represents only a proposal from Racing Life. This
means if the user what’s a shorter race, then go ahead with it, this is your Career Mode, your Rules!

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

If the competition as a Customer Driver Ai available, the Import Driver Roster will be available.

This will overwrite the AI Drivers for that championship with Real Life drivers. Below example:

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App


Garage is the place to check the cars you currently have and can use for races. Details will give you more
details of the selected car. User can also sell a car or end its leasing

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App


In Finances the user can tracks its earnings/losses. Is it possible to negotiate a loan with the bank, and
get Sponsor offers. Note that is the user has very low fame, he will not get any offer from sponsors.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Car Dealer

Here all available cars in Racing Life can be either bought or leased.

To Buy a car, you just must have enough money to pay for it, otherwise maybe a loan will help!

Leasing a car will always have a One Time Payment that you have to pay on the day you lease, plus a
monthly payment for as long has you have the car on your possession.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Advance Game

Here the user will see if there are any races to be done in this month.

Pressing on the Start button will lead to the Race Screen. This is where the user will do the race in
Automobilista 2 and once Qualification and Race are over, the results can be saved. If the race is the last
race of the championship (or if it a one-off event) the user will also need to indicate its final
Championship Result.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Fame Progression

In Racing Life Fame progresses depending on some aspects. First and obviously, race results. The better
you do on the racetrack, the most fame you will get. Also, by participating in more popular
competitions, the user will earn more fame. This means results are important, mas more important is
the competition that you are in currently. Real life example: a P15 in Formula 1 gets you more fame
than a win in the DTM championship

In Racing Life its worth to fight for that extra place on the race!


In the Options screen the user is also able to configure its Automobilista 2 folder for the Custom AI
Rosters, and set the DLC Tracks he owns, in case during its career he buys more dlc tracks.

Note: If during a season the user sets new DLC tracks to Owned, it will only take effect during the next
year, means only from January of the next in game year.

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App

Cheat Mode is also there for those who want o to use it and allows the user to change its Fame and
Money, but be aware, once turned on, it cannot be turned off for that Driver. Also, a small icon will be
visible in the user Dashboard

Racing Life – Automobilista 2 Career Mode Companion App


Mod Lead
Ricardo Pombeiro – pombeiro#0814

Ricardo Pombeiro – pombeiro#0814
João Aguiar

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