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Suppose someone were to offer me o huge

sum of money for every soul thot I might
eornestly try to leod to Christ, would I

endeovour to leod more souls to Him thon I

qm endeqvouring to do now? ls it possible
thot I would ottempt to do for money whot I
hesitote or shrink from doing now in
obedience fo God's commqnd? How feeble
then is my love for God! Perhops this exploins
why I om not o soul - winner. " Lovest thou me
more thon these? (John 21 :'l 5).
Suppose I were to see o blind mon
unknowingly opprooching the brink of o high
precipice, ond I were to sit by without
showing concern (or moking ony effort) to
v/orn or sove him f rom certoin deoth, would I
not be os guilty of his deoth in God's sight os
though I hod murdered him outright? Whot
obouf fhe preventoble deoth of o soul - for
which God moy hold me responsible? ll my
murder of onother by neglect is on
unspeokoble crime, whot sholl be soid of my
murder by my neglect of onother's soul?
lf thou " givest him not worning,... his blood
will I require qt thine hond" ( Ezekiel 3:17-
Suppose thot "when the roll is colled up
yonder" I om there, but oll through the with only one, ond thot one. I hid "in lhe eorth"
eternql oges I om unqble to find o single (Motthew 25t14-3O) whot then? Hqs not the one
person who is there becouse of my hoving soul - winning tolent God gove fqllen into
Ied him to Christ - how much will heoven disuse? And therefore hqve I not olreody hidden
meon to me? it "in the eorth"? Must I not bewore lest ihe fote
" And mony of them thot sleep in the dust of the unprofitoble servont be my ofe?

of the eorth sholl owoke, some to "Moreover it is required in stewords, fhql o mon
everlosting life, ond some to shome ond be found foithful" (1 Corinfhions 4:21.
everlcsting contempt. And they thot be Sr.lppose I were to be osked how mony persons I
wise sholl shine qs the brightness of the hod persistently tried to win io Christ during the
firmoment; ond they thot turn mony to post months, or even during the posl yeqrs.
righteousness os the stors for ever qnd Whot would my onswer be ? how mony hove I ever spoken to? How mony hove I on my proyer

(Doniel l2:3) list, is if ony wonder thot I om not o soul -winner?
Port of Poul's proyer list: "without ceosing I mqke
Suppose thot os on employee, I were mention of you olwoys in my proyers" (Romons
sposmodic in the kind of service I
rendered - zeolous one week, lukeworm Suppose thot every member of the church to
the second, ond utierly indifferent the which I belong were to dedicote himself or
third, how long would my employer put up
herself todoy to o life of full surrender to the will
with this kind of service? But is this not the
kind of soul winning service I om giving to of God occording to His Word (Romonsl 221 ,2),
God? lf God's love for me were to be os ond were to become henceforth o soul - winner
sposmodic os my love for Him, how would I os exemplified in he life of Pqul.
f ore?
(l Corinthions 9z2O-221. Would nol such o
"Be instont in seoson, out of seoson" (2
Timothy 4:2). revivol follow os this church qnd community hove
Suppose thot when the finol reckoning comes, never seen?
I om not found with ten tolents or even five, but

)ohn 6:37 Will in no wise cost out

Revelotion 22217- Let him thqt is othirst
Romons I 0:l 3 Whosoever sholl coll
John 3:16 - Whosoever believeth
Romons 8:1 Now no condemnotion
Romqns 5:8 -- While v/e ore yet sinners
lsoiqh 43:25 Will not remember thy sins.

John 6:37 Him thot cometh

Romons l0:13-
- Whosoever sholl coll
lsoioh 53:6 we like sheep 2 Corinthions 612- Now is the occeptoble iime
lsqiqh 55:l Hq everyone thot thirsteth Hebrews 4:7 Todoy if ye will heor
Romons 5:6 -All Chrisl died for the ungodly Motlhew 2026,7- The eleventh hour
Motthew |j|-He shqllsove His people Deut.4:29-31
- Thy God is q merciful God
Mork I 214-15 Repent ye, ond believe Revelotion 22217-
- Whosoever will
John l:1! - mony os received Him
Acts 'l 6:31 Believe on the Lord Jesus
John 3:16 -As so loved ihe world
John 5224 fls thot heqreth my word Ezekiel 36226,27- A new heort will I give you
'10:43 believelh
Acfs -God
Romqns 1O:13 sholl coll
Acts 4:12 -Whosoever
None other nqme
John 1:29 Behold the lomb of God
lsoiqh 55:7-
- Let the wicked forsqke
Mork 8:34-38 - Whosoever will sove his life John I 028,29- They sholl never perish
Phil,3:7-9 Whot things were gqin Jude 24 Him thot is oble to keep
2 Cor. 8:9 Though He wos rich...become I Peter l:5 Kept by the power of God
Psqlm 84:1 1 No good ihing. . . Withhold 2 fim.l:12 He is oble to keep
Romons 9.32 - Freely give us oll things I Cor.l0:13 suffer you to be tempted
- 2 peter 2:9--Not
The Lord knoweih how to deliver
Deuteronomy33:25 As thy doys
Philip I:6 He which hoth begun. . .
Golqtions 6:7,8 - Whotsoever q mon soweth lsqiqh 40:3I [hsy thof woit upon the Lord
John 8:36 The Son shqll moke you free -
1 )ohn 2:17 The world posseth owoy
Motthew 1626 - Whot is o mon profited
2 Timothy 3112- All thot will live godly
Moft.5:l O-12 Blessed ore they
Romons 8:.I8 - The sufferings of this present
Acts 5AO,4l - Reioicing. . .counted worthy
Proverbs 29:25 The feor of mon bringeih 2Timothy 2212- lf we suffer, we sholl reign
Luke I 2:4,5 Be not ofroid...thot kill the body Proverbs 29:25 - Jyusf in the Lord. . .Sofe
Mork 8:38- Whosoever...sholl be oshomed -
Mott. 5:l -10 Blessed ore ye

2 Cor...9:8,1O God is oble

Romons I2:1 I beseech thot ye present
Jomes 4:4 Friend of the world. . . enemy of Lukel8:'l - Alwcys ro proy
Proverbs. 13r 20 componion of fools 2:2
1 Peler ps5its the word. ..grow
'l John I:3 Our fellowship is with the fother -
Hebrew l0:25- Not forsoking the ossembling
Psqlrn I z1 ,2 Blessed is the mqn. . .Wolketh not -
- -A

I Tim. 1:.l5.16 This is o foithful soying

I Tim. 1:13 Who wos before o blosphemer Mott. 5:10-12 Blessed...Whichore
)ohn 6:37 - Whosoever will come to me 1 Pet 4212-14 Think it not stronge
2 Peter 3:9 Not willing thot ony should perish I Peter 4:16 Yet if ony mon suffer
Hebrews 7:25 - Able to sove \I I Peter 2221-23 Christ. . . Suffered
Revelotion22:17 The spirit. . .son Come 2 Tim.3:'12 - Allthot will live godly
t Ads 14:22 Through much tribulotion
Rev.2:10 Feor none of these things
Luke I 2:32 Feor not, little flock

2 Cor.129,1O My Groce is sufficient

2 Cor.l0:l 1-13 With the lemptcrtion Hebrews 125-7,1 I Despise nol the choste
Philip.4:13 | con do oll things through I Peter 1:4-7 -
Wherein ye greotly reioice
Jomes l:12 Blessed is the mqn thqt Psolm 46:'l -3 - A very present help
- endureth temptotion I Peter 5$,7 - Costing oll your core upon Him
lsqiqh 40:29-3.| He giveth power io
Mqtthew I l:28-30 Come unfo Me
Heb. 4:15,.l 6 Tempted like qs we Romqns 8:18 -For I reckon the sufferings
2 Peter 2,9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver -
Heb.2:1 8 - He is oble to succour

I John l:9
- lf we confess
John 14:l -3 Be not trouble
'l John 2:l lf ony mon sin
J Mork 6:50 It is l, be not ofroid
I Thess. 4:1 3- 1 8 Comfort one onother
Hebrews 7.25 _ Liveth to moke intercession Philipl:23 To be with Christ
Psolm 't 12.4 He is.......Full of compossion I Cor.l 542-58 - Resurrection of the sqints
- -
I 9
53:6 _
lsoioh All. . . hove gone ostroy
Romons There is,r-on. .ifit"ow
Rom.3:23 _- Allhqve sinned
Mott.22:37,38 _ Luke 9:23 - Tqke up his cross doily
Thou sholt love God
Jomes 2:,I0 yet offend in one point Motthew 16;24- Deny himself... tqke up his cross
John 3:17,18=--=- ls condemnea Proverbs 1 3:15-The woy of lhe tronsgressor
Heb. I 0:28,29 _ Much sorer punishment Proverbs 3:17 -Woys of pleosontness
John 3:1 God so loved the world I john 5:3 - His commqndments - not grievous
lsoioh He hoth borne ow gri.f, Proverbs 4218 - The poth of ihe iust, shining light
Romqns 2:4 Thot the goodness o'f God

Deut. I0:1 2,1 3 Require of thee. . .to keep

Jeremiqh 2.19 Thou host forsoken the Lord lsoioh l:'l 8 - Come, lel us reoson,
Jeremioh 3t12,13 Return, thou bockslider Micoh 6:8 The Lord require. ..iustly
Deut. 4:28-31 _=- lf thou turn to the Lord I Timothy 5:6- But she thoi liveth in pleosure
2 Chronicle 7.14 - lf my people. - . irrUte
I John I :9 - lf we confess our sins
Jeremioh 2z13,l g- Thy bockslidings sholl

1 Kins I t:e- I2$-

The words of the Lord ore pure
"Jr':r* tiri
The Lord Psolm
Amos 4:l I Overthrowi... yet noi ,.trm Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure
2 Peter 2:2A-2O
- The end worse thon Psolm I -
l9:140 Thy word is very pure...
Luke I I .24-26 The lost stofe is *nrr" ,t,on Titus l:15 things qre pure
10 II

Proverbs 1412- There is cl woy which seemeth

Proverbs 12t15- The woy of q fool is right... Romons 3:23 All hove sinned
Proverbs 30:'l 2- There is o generotion thot Golotions 3:10 Under the curse
ore PUre in their own John 3:,I8 Condemned olreody
eYes ond Yet not wqshed Romons 6:23 Woges of sin
2 Kings 5:l -.l4 Noqmqn soid, Behold I thought Revelotion 2'l:8 The second deoth
Mott.7:13,14 - Broqd is the woY John 824 Sholl die in your sins
'l John 4:14 hove seen qnd do testify John 3:3-7 born ogoin
I peter 4217,18- And lf the righteous scorcely
be sqved
Golotions 2216 -By
Romons 3:19,20 - Every mouth siopped
Golotions 3:10 -Of the low...under the curse
Mott.2Z37,38 The greot commondment
'l John 1:,l0 - we soy hove not sinned
Hebrews I l:6
-lfBut ye hove despised...

Luke 16125 ln thY lifetime

I Cor. 6:9,10 - Unrighteous...not inherit
Luke l2:15 Mon's Life consisteth
Luke l2:19-31 Thou fool, rhis night Titus -They deny Him
I Corinthion 15:34 Awqke to righteousness John 3:3 -Except...born ogoin
-- - I Tim. l:9 - The low ... Not for righteous
2 Peler 2:12 Sholl utterlY Perish
Hebrews 1221 6,17- Profone person, os Esou, 1 )ohn 2.29
- Everyone thot doeth righteous
1 John 2229 - A mon is not iustified
Mott.l:21 - Coll His nqme Jesus
Mott.3:l7 - This is My beloved Son
John 426 I thot speok, I qm He
Romons 1:19-22 -They ore Without Excuse -
John I 4:1O.1'l- Believeth rhou not
Psqlm I9:l Heovens declqre His glory
Romqns l:4
Psqlm I4:l -
The fool soid... No God -
1 John 4:1 4 -
Declored to be the Son
- We hove seen ond do festify.

2 Peter 1;19-21- Holy men of God 1 Cor.2:1 4 |r,lsfurql mqn receiveth not
2 Tim. 3:'16 John I :45-49 - Philip ond Norhqniel
- All Scripture
I John 5:10 -The
is given
record thot God gove -
John 20:24-29-Thomos, reoch hither thy finger
Mott. 24:35 - Sholl not poss owoy John 3217-21 This is the condemnqtion
Mott. 5:,l8 - One iot or one title -
Lvke 24227,44 ln oll Scripture
John 3:30,31 But I must decreose
Acts 26:9-23 - Soul's conversotion
)ohn746 - Never mon spoke
Acts 10:36 Lord of oll -
1 Cor.2r7,8 The Lord of Glory
John 20:28,29 My Lord ond my God
John 20:3.| Jesus, the Son of God
Phil. 2:9- I I Every tongue...Conf ess
1 John 5:1,5 Whosoever believeth


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