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Language Arts

Printable Exams
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General instructions

Elementary School. Estimated time: 80 min

First trimester. Percentage given: 20%
Name: - Percentage obtained: -
Date: - Points obtained: -

● Read the instructions carefully..

● Use your pencil.
● Avoid using correction fluid.
● Be clear and neat.
● Check all your answers before turning in your test.
● Use legible handwriting.
● Capitalization, punctuation, spelling and conjugation will be
evaluated throughout.
● This exam has total number of 30 pages.
● Check the test contains the following parts:

Item Points

Selection 0 Points

Short Answer 0 Points

Identification 0 Points

Matching 0 Points

Production 0 Points
A. Parts of speech

Identify the part-of-speech of the underlined word in the sentences.

Sentence Part-Of-Speech
Actually, she and her best friend will ride -
their bikes tomorrow.

Joseph went to the park to water flowers, -

plants, and trees.

The calm woman gently walked across the -

wooden floor.

Would you like to come to the house to -

play with my friends?

The kids laughed when they saw the -

movie on the first day of school.

B. Singular and plural

Write the plural of the word in brackets.

1. The - planned the entire event. (woman)

2. After the party match the - celebrated. (boy)

3. The - they were too heavy for my father to lift. (box)

4. The - grazed on the farm. (cow)

5. My - fell when he was 8 years old. (tooth)

C. Literary elements and devices

Write definitions of literary elements; Know the difference between first

person and third person point of view in literature.

D. Writing

You will write two well-structured paragraphs in response to these

questions about traditional literature ( one paragraph for each question).

● What is traditional literature, and what does it tell about

cultures? Give examples and describe some different types of
traditional literature.

● Why do will still read traditional stories such as folktales and

myths? What purpose do they serve in our lives today?
E. Circle the letter of the correct answer

● Is it actually the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest in

the Solar System?

A. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

B. Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet.
C. Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
D. Mars is actually a cold place.

● Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar

System. What other characteristic does it have?
A. It's full of iron oxide dust.
B. This is where we all live on.
C. It’s terribly hot.
D. It’s the fourth-brightest natural object.

● It is a gas giant and has several rings. Which one is composed

mostly of hydrogen and helium?
A. Mercury.
B. Venus.
C. Earth.
D. Saturn.

● Which one is the farthest planet from the Sun and also the
fourth-largest object by diameter in the Solar System?
A. Jupiter.
B. Saturn.
C. Neptune.
D. Pluto.
F. Put the correct answer

Put the correct answer in the box using the options.

● Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet -

in the Solar System.

● Jupiter is the fourth-brightest object. It was -

named after the Roman god.

● Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings. -

It's composed mostly of hydrogen.

● Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. -

It's also the fourth-largest object.

● Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the -

only one that harbors life.

● Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold -

place. It's full of iron oxide dust.


Poem Baroque

Renaissance Contemporary

Obscurantism Medieval
G. Relates

Match the boxes.

It's the closest planet to the Sun

and the smallest one in the Solar.

Mars is actually a cold place. It's full

Epic Genre
of iron oxide dust.

Venus has a beautiful name and is

the second planet from the Sun.

H. Mark

Mark the correct option.

● The author of works of dramatic genre is called:

Writer Poet Playwright

● Fatal episode in the life of the protagonist:

Tragedy Drama Comedy

● Gender is intended to be publicly represented:

Amphitheater Theater Tragedy

I. Text Analysis

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

smallest one in the Solar System. This planet's name
has nothing to do with the liquid metal, since Mercury
was named after the Roman messenger god.
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet
from the Sun. It’s terribly hot, even hotter than
Mercury, and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous.

Author's name ( publication date ).

● Expose the content of the topic.

● Analyze the formal aspects of the text.

● Comment on the literary production of the author.

● Place the author in his historical-literary context.

● Write a conclusion.
J. Literary figure

Read carefully each sentence and write on the line to which literary
figure it belongs.

1. - Venus has a beautiful name and is the

second planet from the Sun. It’s very hot.

2. - Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

and the smallest one in the Solar System.

3. - Earth is the third planet from the Sun and

the only one that harbors life.

4. - Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold

place. It's full of iron oxide dust.

5. - Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings.

It's composed mostly of hydrogen.

6. - Neptune is the farthest planet from the

Sun. It's also the fourth-largest object.

Complete with literary figure.

A. It's the star at the center. D. Neptune is the farthest plane.

B. It's considered a dwarf planet. E. Jupiter is a gas giant.

C. Earth’s only natural satellite. F. Venus has a beautiful name.

K. Literary figure

Select the steps corresponding to post-writing.

1. It is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System.

2. It has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun.

3. It’s the third planet from the Sun and the only one that harbors life.

4. It is actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust.

5. It is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System.

A. 1, 3, 5.
B. 2, 4, 5.
C. 3, 4.
D. 1, 2, 3.

Select the steps corresponding to pre-writing.

1. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.

2. Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings.

3. Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt

4. The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.

5. It's the fourth-brightest object in the night sky.

A. 2, 4, 5.
B. 1, 3, 4.
C. 3, 5.
D. 2, 3, 5.
L. Literary movement

Please underline the type of literary movement to which each sentence


● Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar

System. It's the fourth-brightest object in the night sky.

a. Modernism. b. Renaissance. c. Neoclassical. d. Baroque.

● Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings. It's composed

mostly of hydrogen and helium.

a. Romanticism. b. Realism. c. Medieval. d. Modernism.

● Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. It's also the
fourth-largest object by diameter in the Solar System.

a. Naturalism. b. Realism. c. Modernism. d. Renaissance.

● Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that
harbors life in the Solar System.

a. Renaissance. b. Modernism. c. Neoclassical. d. Realism.

● Mars is actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust, which
gives the planet its reddish cast.

a. Neoclassical. b. Baroque. c. Medieval. d. Modernism.

M. Literary movement

Please read the group of writers and mark the literary current to which
they belonged.

● Author's name and Author's name.

● Author's name, Author's name and Author's name.

● Author's name, Author's name and Author's name.

● Author's name, Author's name and Author's name.

● Author's name and Author's names.

● Author's name, Author's name and Author's name.

Naturalism Medieval Neoclassical Baroque

Modernism Baroque Romanticism Neoclassical

N. Authors

Choose a work from the optional authors and analyze it.

Author's name Author's name Author's name

Author's name Author's name

● Analysis of the first chosen poem:

Author's name Author's name Author's name

Author's name Author's name

● Analysis of a short story:

● Analysis of the first chapter of a novel:

O. True or False

Answer true or false in the following statements.

Statements T F
Mars is actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust, which
gives the planet its reddish cast.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that
harbors life in the Solar System.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one
in the Solar System.

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. Venus has a

beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun.

It’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury, and its

atmosphere is extremely poisonous.

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. It's also the
fourth-largest object by diameter in the Solar System.

Actually, Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the

Solar System.

Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings. It's composed

mostly of hydrogen and helium.

Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt.

It's a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System.

Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet.

The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.

Actually, It’s the second-brightest natural object in the night

sky after the Moon.
P. Literary figures

Please complete the table with the characteristics of the following

literary figures.

Literary Figures

Thought Anaphora Metaphors Comparison

- - - -

Read the text fragments and complete the corresponding literary figure
in the box.

Neptune is the farthest planet Earth is the third planet from

from the Sun. It's also the the Sun and the only one that
fourth-largest object. harbors life in the Solar System.

- -

Despite being red, Mars is It's full of iron oxide dust, which
actually a cold place. gives the planet its reddish cast.

- -
Q. Literary figures

Fill in the empty boxes in the table.

Figures Definition Example

It has a beautiful name and is the
Metaphor -
second planet from the Sun.

Like a forgotten
Comparison -

It is terribly hot, even hotter than

Hyperbole -

I live without
Antithesis -
living in me

It was named after the Roman god

Pleonasm -
of wealth and agriculture.

There are green

Epithet -
pine trees

It’s the third planet from the Sun

Irony -
and the only one that harbors life.

Of the hall in the

Hyperbaton -
dark angel

It is actually a cold place. It's full of

Periphrasis -
iron oxide dust

He is twenty
Synecdoche -

Despite being red, it is actually

Disturbance -
very cold.
R. Parts of speech

Read the text and underline the speech text

Fill in the box with each underlined word in its correct place.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System. This planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid
metal, since Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god.
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun.
It’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury, and its atmosphere is
extremely poisonous.

Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide
dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast. Jupiter is a gas giant
and the biggest planet in the Solar System. It's the fourth-brightest
object in the night sky. It was named after the Roman god of the
skies and lightning.

Author's name ( publication date ).

Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -
S. Identify nouns, verbs and adjectives

Mark with a tick and cross the correct box of the marked word.

Sentences Noun Verb Adjective

The white cat was so cute.

My dog ate my homework.

My favourite color is green.

Don't forget to brush your teeth.

I love to play the piano.

The silly girl told funny jokes.

My favourite animal is a bear.

Look before you cross the avenue.

Your baby sister is a good person.

The tree fell onto my house.

Complete the sentences.

1. The - was yellow and pink. (noun)

2. The girl - 5 pieces of candy on christmas. (verb)

3. That - was excited to play whit. (adjective)

4. Make sure you - the toy. (verb)

V. Identify nouns, verbs and adjectives

Identifies the part of the speech in the sentences that is in bold.

1. The young girl played. Noun. -

2. The boy cleaned their cars. Verb. -

3. My hat is hurting my forehead. Adjective. -

4. The cat chased me. Noun. -

5. My new ball flew across the room. Verb. -

6. The radio played a sad song. Adjective. -

7. The roses are beautiful. Noun. -

8. The lines were huge today. Noun. -

W. Create your own.

Write a sentence with noun, verb and adjective.

Circle the noun, underline the verb and double underline the





W. Literature terms vocabulary

Put the corresponding letter in the box.

a. Analogy b. Flashback c. Plot

d. Setting e. Conflict f. Climax

g. Dialogue h. Internal Conflict i. Atmosphere

j. Foreshadowing k. Anticlimax l. External Conflict

1. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.

2. Neptune is also the fourth-largest object by diameter.

3. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.

4. Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt.

5. The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.

6. Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt.

7. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one.

8. This planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid metal.

9. Since Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god.

10. Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet.

X. Text types

Complete the chart. -

Narrative Stories

- -

Literary Poetry
In which emotions are
expressed in verse

- Theater Plays

Texts -

Not literary -
Their function is to guide
the procedures in detail
Y. Sentences

Write in the blank, write F for fragment, Ro for run of sentence, and S
for sentence.

1. Standing under an tree.

2. Sophie loves maths, Zach hate it.

3. Pass your toys to the front.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in parenthesis.

1. Is this - house?. (Miss. Juliet)

2. This store has a - department?. (Pet)

3. My - tail is short. (Cat)

Complete the following chart.

Singular Plural
Singular Plural
Possessive Possessive





Z. Usage review

Write the correct word in the blank and complete the sentences.

1. Ana and Juliet ate eaten Their lunch today.

2. Malcolm has grown grew four inches taller this month.

3. May Can I go outside now, Marie?.

● Write a declarative sentence.

● Write a compound sentence punctuated with a semicolon.

● Write an interrogative sentence using the plural possessive form

of the word ox.

● Write a simple sentence with a compound subject and verb.

● Write a sentence in which you shorten the following group of

words by using a possessive noun.
A. Types of sentences

Read the sentence and complete the prompts.

“Is Sophie going to the game.”

● Write the correct ending punctuation.

a. Interrogative b. Imperative c. Exclamatory

● Write the auxiliary verb of the sentence.

● Change the order of words to this a declarative sentence.

● Select the correct word.

a. Alliterative b. Limerick c. Pseudonym d. Anecdote

e. Coined f. Implied g. Fable

Words beginning with the same sound of letter.

Short lively story.

Words made up or invented.

When an author does not wish to use his real name.

Form of humorous verse usually five lines.

B. Types of sentences

Read the sentence and complete the prompts.

● The most important sentence in a paragraph is the___ sentence.

a. Transitional b. Supporting detail c. Topic

● Using the part of the sentence that is italicized, show three

ways this comma-splice could be corrected.

“She scored the winning point, everyone cheered.”

● This section student’s ability to recognize and pronounce the

following words.

- Mercury - Mars - Jupiter

- Earth - Pluto - Mercury

- Jupiter - Ceres - Sun

- Venus - Earth - Saturn

- Ceres - Condescend - Venus

- Earth - Saturn - Neptune

- Moon - Venus - Jupiter

C. Statements

Match these items.

a. Climax 1. A short, lively story.

b. Unity 2. A mark used to indicated pronunciation.

c. Transition 3. Author’s name unknown.

d. Deductive 4. Having one main idea.

e. Anecdote 5. Words beginning with the same sound.

f. Alliterative 6. The high point.

g. Function 7. From the general to the particular.

h. Phonetic 8. Use.

i. Sequence 9. Element that joins parts of logical order.

j. Diacritical 10. Having to do with speech sounds.

Write the letter of the correct answer.

● The correctly spelled word is________.

a. Repetition b. Comulutive c. Meditative d. Athletics

● The correctly spelled word is________.

a. Believe b. Auxiliary c. Lightening d. Tangible

D. Statements

Complete these statements.

1. Mars is actually a cold place. It's full of iron oxide dust:

2. It's also the fourth-largest object by diameter in the Solar System:

3. This is where we all live on:

4. Earth is the third planet from the Sun:

5. Venus is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky:

6. The high point. A sentence is a group of words that:

7. Venus is terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury:

8. Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun:

9. It's also the fourth-largest object by diameter in the Solar System:

10. Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System:

11. Saturn was named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture:
E. Parts of speech

Choose the best words to describe the part of speech in the

sentences below.

I always go to the garden on My brother is very smart. He

the weekends. got an B+ on all of his tests!
A. Noun. A. Noun.
B. Verb. B. Verb.
C. Adjective. C. Adjective.

On cold winter days, I love to Mercury is the Biggest planet in

have a cup of coffee. Solar System.
A. Noun. A. Noun.
B. Verb. B. Verb.
C. Adjective. C. Adjective.

How many pizza did your friend December is my favorite month

eat yesterday? of the year.
A. Noun. A. Noun.
B. Verb. B. Verb.
C. Adjective. C. Adjective.

Roger Bannister finished the Turtles were very large and

mile race very quickly in 1954. they lived millions of years ago.
A. Noun. A. Noun.
B. Verb. B. Verb.
C. Adjective. C. Adjective.

Her mother files to many What language do most people

countries in the world. speak in Venezuela?
A. Noun. A. Noun.
B. Verb. B. Verb.
C. Adjective. C. Adjective.
F. Parts of sentences

Match the part of speech with what is does.Write the letter on the box.

- 1. Describes or modifies nouns. a. Verbs.

- 2. Tells person, place, thing or idea. b. Prepositions.

- 3. Describes, modifies, adjectives, adverbs. c. Adverbs.

- 4. Gives the action or state of being. d. Noun.

- 5. Tells, locations, manner, time. e. Adjectives.

Please tell where each part of speech goes in the sentence.Write the
letter on the box.

1. Neptune is also the fourth-largest object

a. Adjectives. by diameter in the Solar System.

b. Verbs. 2. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

and the smallest planet of them all.
c. Nouns.
3. Actually, Saturn is a gas giant and has
d. Adverbs. several rings.

e. Prepositions. 4. Earth is the planet that harbors life and

the one we all live on.

5. Venus is the second-brightest planet in

the Solar System.
G. Story terms

● The elements of a story are:

A. Mood, theme, beginning, middle, end.

B. Author, reader, book, paper, ink.
C. Plot, setting, characters, conflict, theme, point of view.
D. Mood, characters, conflict, setting, plot.

● In the order what are the parts of a traditional story outline?

A. Introduction, conflict, problem, resolution, ending.

B. Introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion.
C. Drama, comedy, tragedy, action, adventure.
D. Characters, problem, theme, mood, interpretation.

1. The is time and place in a story.

2. The main character of a novel that succeeds things and makes the
story have meaning is:

3. A short story that teaches a lesson and has animals for characters and
is called:

Conflict Setting Characterization Moral

Main man Heroine Prologue Protagonist

Fable Fairy Tale Short story Limerick

H. Story elements

Identify points on the chart to the side. Put the name on the line next
to corresponding letter.

Resolution Characters Climax Setting

Falling action Rising action Action

A. -

B. - A.

C. - B. E.

D. - D. F.
E. -

G. - C. G.

1. Actually it’s the fourth-brightest object in

- a. Allusion.
the night sky.
2. It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in
- b. Setting.
the Solar System.
3. It was named after the Roman god of
- c. Antagonist.
wealth and agriculture.
4. Contrast between what is expected to
- d. Personification.
happen and what actually exists or happens.
5. It’s a gas giant and has several rings. It's
- e. Conflict.
composed mostly of hydrogen.
6. It’s the farthest planet from the Sun. It's
- f. Theme.
also the fourth-largest object.
I. Vocabulary

Complete the literary genres.

A. - fiction-. F. - in verse-.

B. - - fiction-. G. P -

C. - story-. H. F -

D. - biography-. I. F -

E. T - r-. J. F -

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

A. I - to my friends when I saw my brother.

B. While we - dinner, they called me on the phone.

C. When I - school, my sister was studying.

D. The girls drew when - to rain.

Complete the compound nouns.

Best- - Audio -

Computer - School -

Public - Text -

High - Social -
Do you have any questions?
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