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60 mins.
Learning Area: Grade Quarter:
iPlan No.: 8 Code:
English Level: 10 3rd Quarter
Learning Showing Respect for Intellectual Property Rights by
Competency/ies: Acknowledging Citations made in the Critique
(from the Curriculum

Concepts/Understandings Help learners to understand and develop the learning about
to be Developed Intellectual Property Rights

I. Terminal Learning Objectives (TLO)

1. Cognitive Domain
Distinguish the types of Intellectual Property Rights;
2. Psychomotor Domain
Create a summary based on the Given article; and
3. Affective Domain
Appreciate the importance of Intellectual Property Rights by Acknowledging
citations made in the critique.

II. Content: - Definition of Intellectual Property Rights

- Types of Intellectual Property Rights
- Importance of Intellectual Property Rights
- Reasons why countries have laws protecting IP rights.

III. Learning resources - Im’s

- Laptop
- Smart Tv
- Ppt Presentation

IV. Procedures
1. Introductory Activities (5 minutes)
2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendance
2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendance
Classroom management
Checking attendance

2. Classroom Management; and
3. Checking of Attendanc
2. Activity/Strategy (10 minutes).
Direction: Complete the following sentences:
1. If we have a right to take part in political processes, then we have a responsibility to ...
2. If we have a right to work in just conditions, then we have a responsibility to ...
3. If we have a right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, then we have a
responsibility to …
4. If we have a right to be educated, then we have a responsibility to ...
5. If we have a right to benefit from the Earth's resources, then we have a responsibility to ...

3. Analysis (5 minutes).
The teacher will give feedback and ask few questions:

 What will happen if people don't have responsibility?

 Why do you think it is important to have responsibility for yourself?
 How do the rights of Filipinos influence each other?

4. Abstraction (15 minutes).

What is Intellectual Property Rights?

- Intellectual property pertains to any original creation of the human intellect such as
artistic, literary, technical, or scientific creation. IPR refers to the legal rights given to
the inventor or creator to protect his invention or creation for a certain period of time.
- Intellectual Property is a subject of recent origin.
- Refers to the ownership of intangible and non – physical.
- Intellectual property rights are a common type of legal IP protection for those who

Types of Intellectual Rights

1. Patent
A patent is used to prevent an invention from being created, sold, or used by another party
without permission. Patents are the most common type of intellectual property rights that come
to people’s minds when they think of intellectual property rights protection. A patent owner
has every right to commercialize his/her/its patent, including buying and selling the patent or
granting a license to the invention to any third party under mutually agreed terms.

In the U.S., patents can be categorized into three types: utility, design, and plant.

 Utility
A utility patent is what most people think of when they hear the word “patent.” It is also the
most common type of patent that inventors apply for. A utility patent protects the creation of
new or improved products, processes, compositions of matter, or machines that are useful.

In addition, once a utility patent is granted, the patent owner will have the right to exclude
anyone from making, using, or selling this invention for 20 years, starting from the date the
patent application was filed.
An example of utility patent: Method for a driver assistance system of a vehicle US9772626B2

 Design
A design patent only protects the ornamental characteristics and the appearance of a product,
but not the structural and functional features. Since design patents and utility patents provide
completely different areas of intellectual property protection, you can apply for both utility and
design patents for the same product.
Unlike utility patents, design patents have a 15-year term.

An example of design patent: Electric bicycle USD845178S1

 Plant
A plant patent protects new kinds of plants that have been reproduced asexually. This means
that the plant has been reproduced by seeds, cuttings, or other nonsexual means. Also, it
cannot be a tuber-propagated plant or a plant that is still uncultivated.
Plant patents also have a 20-year term.

An example of plant patent: Crapemyrtle plant named ‘JM1’ USPP31585P2

2. Trademark
Trademarks are another familiar type of intellectual property rights protection. A trademark is
a distinctive sign that allows consumers to identify the particular goods or services a company
provides easily. Some examples include McDonald’s golden arch, the Facebook logo, and so
on. A trademark can come in the form of text, a phrase, symbol, sound, smell, or color scheme.
Unlike patents, a trademark can protect a set or class of products or services instead of just one
product or process.

3. Copyright
Copyright does not protect ideas. Instead, it only covers “tangible” forms of creations and
original work–for example, art, music, architectural drawings, or even software codes. The
copyright owner has the exclusive right to sell, publish, and/or reproduce any literary, musical,
dramatic, artistic, or architectural work created by the author.

4. Trade Secret
Trade secrets are the secrets of a business. They are proprietary systems, formulas, strategies,
or other confidential information and are not meant for unauthorized commercial use by
others. This is a critical form of protection that can help businesses gain a competitive

The importance of intellectual property right:

The purpose of intellectual property rights is to encourage new creations, including
technology, artwork, and inventions, that might increase economic growth. Intellectual
property rights increase the incentives for individuals to continue to produce things that further
create job opportunities and new technologies while enabling our world to improve and evolve
even faster.

2 Reasons why countries have laws protecting IP rights.

 To give creators legal rights to their creations and the public the right to access the
 The laws serve as an intentional act of government policy to promote creativity and
the distribution and implementation of its results, as well as encourage fair trading
to facilitate economic and social development.

5. Application (10 minutes)

With a partner, students are instructed to share their understanding about the given

Direction: Create a summary based on the given article.

About SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19

COVID-19 is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. It is part of the coronavirus family,

which include common viruses that cause a variety of diseases from head or chest colds to
more severe (but more rare) diseases like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

Like many other respiratory viruses, coronaviruses spread quickly through droplets that you
project out of your mouth or nose when you breathe, cough, sneeze, or speak.

The word corona means crown and refers to the appearance that coronaviruses nget from the
spike proteins sticking out of them. These spike proteins are important to the biology of this
virus. The spike protein is the part of the virus that attaches to a human cell to infect it,
allowing it to replicate inside of the cell and spread to other cells. Some antibodies can protect
you from SARS-CoV-2 by targeting these spike proteins. Because of the importance of this
specific part of the virus, scientists who sequence the virus for research constantly monitor
mutations causing changes to the spike protein through a process called genomic surveillance.

As genetic changes to the virus happen over time, the SARS-CoV-2 virus begins to form
genetic lineages. Just as a family has a family tree, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be similarly
mapped out. Sometimes branches of that tree have different attributes that change how fast the
virus spreads, or the severity of illness it causes, or the effectiveness of treatments against it.
Scientists call the viruses with these changes “variants”. They are still SARS-CoV-2, but may
act differently.


Criteria Percentage
Originality 3%
Grammar 4%
Content 3%
Total 10%

6. Assessment (10 minutes)

Direction: Create a summary based on the given article below.
1-5. (Opinion article)
ABetter Place
Lea E. Basquiñas
We all return to ashes. However, do we live on? Is there an afterlife, a heaven, a hell, or a
purgatory on the way to our final destination?
Members of faiths that believe in reincarnation agree to the idea that everyone gets a
second chance.
All of us have different religions, different views in life, and different perspectives on
different horizons. But despite the differences, there is one thing sure, and that is we need to
always do good to every individual to achieve peace and harmony in life. We must learn to
respect every living individual because everyone deserves to be respected.
If we believe in this, we may strive to treat others in the best way we can, and to not harm
anyone. And by doing so, we can make this world a better place to live in.

6-10. (Feature article)

My Teacher, My Hero
Lea Basquinas
When I was in Grade 4, I had a favorite teacher just like you. She prepared me for the
future. She taught me beyond the lesson and inculcated in me wisdom and life skills that I
would need in the future. She was wise enough to know what was good and what was bad for
her pupils.
As a teacher, she molded her pupils into better individuals equipped with great values. She
did not only teach us lessons in her subject but some great lessons in life as well. She inspired
us with her wisdom.
She was a second mother to me and to my other classmates. She was not just a teacher but a
mother who loved wholeheartedly and unconditionally, a kind of love that never fails.
Her name is Mrs. Gloria Berango, my teacher, my hero.

Criteria Percentage
Grammar 4%
Content 3%
Originality 3%
Total 10%

7. Assignment (2 minutes).
Direction: Search the internet for your favourite author and list his or her
achievements, when he or she published the article, and give a short feedback.

8. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity Read in advance about Tag Questions

(3minutes) Continue the Word Prompt
1. Today, I learned that _____________
2. After the discussion, I realized that
3. The part of the activity that was
difficult for me was ____________

Created by: Kimberly C. Samorano

Name: Kimberly C. Samorano School: Misamis University Oroquieta
Position/Designation: Student Teacher Division/Office: Oroquieta Division
Contact Number: 09361784796

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