A Summer in One Day - Literature

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Beginning – Shows the intent

How does the story start?

The story started in a school classroom where the children were looking out of the
window while waiting for the rain to stop. It was the day that the scientists predicted that the sun
will shine for a brief period of time after 7 years of full rain in Venus. The children treated this
forecast as a joke except for Margot who believed that it was true. When their teacher went out
for a little while, they decided to lock her in a distant closet, she tried resisting but they
overpowered her.

What is the central event?

The central event of the story was the appearance of the sun after years of raining in
Venus. Out of all the nine-year-old children, only Margot was the only who can recall what the
sun is like while the others have forgotten it already. The class prepared for the day, they read
articles and completed activities such as poems about the sun.

Middle – Growth/Conflict

What is the subtext? What events happened in the past/backstory?

Margot is a thin and pale girl who lived in Ohio until she was five, the reason why she
still remembers many memories of the sun and still longs for it. She transferred to Venus five
years ago from Earth. In her time on Venus, she was in a depressed state and very distant with
the others. On the other hand, the other children have only seen the sun once when they were
only two years old.

Does it influence the central event?

Yes, the central event clearly has a great influence in the backstory of the All Summer in
a Day. The bullying of Margot rooted with her belief and fascination of the sun in which the
other kids were skeptical about it being true. They were cruel and jealous with her memories of
the sun, Margot distanced herself from them.

End – Resolution/Surprise

What kind of ending does the story have?

The rain stopped and the children enjoyed all summer in one day. After 7 years, they
finally had a taste of the sun’s warmth. Margot was forgotten and left inside the closet the entire
time while almost all of them were having fun under the sun. When everything went back to the
cold rainy weather of Venus, they remembered her. They walked towards the closet door and
slowly unlocked it. There was silence, Margot slowly went out.

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