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Q : Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sentences.

The discipline studies the

interpretation of individual words, the construction of sentences and the literal interpretation of text
the way it is written. Proper understanding of semantics relates to all academic disciplines in all
languages, as a clear understanding allows students and teachers to communicate their messages clearly
without fear of misinterpretation.

Comment on the origin of the term semantics. Who used the term for the first time in its modern sense?


Semantic :

Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sentences; at its simplest, it concernsics, semology,
or semasiology, the philosophical and scientific study of meaning in natural and artificial languages.

with the relation of linguistic forms to non - linguistic concepts and mental representations in order to
explain how sentences are understood by the speakers of a language.Semantics, also called semiot The
term is one of a group of English words formed from the various derivatives of the Greek verb sēmainā
(" to mean " or " to signify "). The noun semantics and the adjective semantic are derived from
semantics ' (" significant "); semiotics (adjective and noun) comes from sēmeiōtikos (" pertaining to
signs "); semiology from sēma (" sign ") + logos (" account "); and semasiology from sēmasia ("
signification ") + logos.

Purpose of semantics is to propose exact meanings of words and phrases, and remove purpose which
might lead the readers to believe a word has many possible meanings.confusion which mighty lead the
reader to believe a word has many possible meanings it makes a relationship between a word and the
sentence through their meanings, Semantic is the study of the meaning of words and sentences. The
discipline studies the interpretation of individual words, the construction of sentences and the literal
interpretation of text the way it is written, Proper understanding of semantics relates to all academic
disciplines in all languages, as a clear understanding allows students and teachers to communicate their
messages clearly without fear of misinterpretation.

Scientists gain an understanding of how language is learned through an understanding of semantics.

Because semantics is the study of the meaning of words, the study of this discipline is closely related to
language acquisition. Students learn language at first by the replication of sounds for verbal speech and
images for written. Eventually, however, those sounds and images need to be assigned meaning, which
is the area of semantics. People learn the meaning of words in a basic fashion at first, but then as
facility with a language grows, more complex meanings emerge. Semantics explains the various types of
meaning that exist within a language, granting insight into how a person

builds ability and understanding with that language. Semantics is critical to a language because without
it, there would be no real structure to a language. Without the basic, intrinsic understanding of
semantics that comes along with language acquisition, speakers could string words together in any
order they wanted, and listeners would have a very

hard time deriving meaning from those sentences. Semantics provides speakers a structure to use
when they need to slot words into sentences, creating meaning
Relating to Other Disciplines:

Semantics is critical because of the way it allows scientists and academics to

link language to the other disciplines that it is important in. For instance, the study of the way language
is used is very important in psychology Semantics provides a framework for which to analyze and
understand the use of language even in the context of fields outside the strictly linguistic area of study.

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