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(MSC 85/26 Annex 2)

Responsibilities under the relevant
requirements of the International
Conventions and Codes
Intact Stability berlaku bagi:
kapal dgn LOA >24m
1. Cargo Ships;
2. Cargo Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes;
3. Passenger Ships;
4. Fishing Vessels;
5. Special Purpose Ships;
6. Offshore Supply Vessels;
7. Mobile Offshore Drilling Units;
8. Pontoons; and
9. Cargo Ships Carrying Containers On Deck And
Persyaratan untuk GZ
Area di bawah kurva GZ tidak boleh kurang dari:
O 0.055 metre-radians untuk ϕ >30°
O 0.09 metre-radians untuk ϕ >40°
O Sudut down-flooding ϕf (sudut kemiringan pada lambung
terbuka, superstructure/deck house yang tidak kedap air) jika
sudutnya kurang dari 40°
O Area di bawah GZ curve antara sudut kemiringan 30°-40° atau
antara 30° dan ϕf, jika sudutnya <40°, tidak boleh kurang dari
0.03 metre-radians.
O Nilai GZ minimal=0.2 m ϕ ≥30°
O Nilai GZ maximum harus terjadi pada ϕ >25, atau jika tidak
memungkinkan harus atas persetujuan Admistrasi berwenang
dengan mengacu pada MSC1 (circular Explanatory Note)
O Nilai GMo tidak kurang dari 0.15 m.
Perhitungan Area GZ Curve
O Simson Rule
O Trapezoide Rule
O describes the general precautions to be taken against capsizing
O states the recommended criteria for passenger and cargo ships of all types
O given the initial metacentric height and the GZ curve, determines whether the ship
meets the recommended criteria
O states that stability information should comprise:
O stability characteristics of typical loading conditions
O information to enable the Master to assess the stability of the ship in all loading
conditions differing from the standard ones
O information on the proper use of anti-rolling devices, if fitted
O information enabling the Master to determine GMo by means of a rolling test corrections
to be made to GMo for free surface liquids
O for ships carrying timber deck cargoes information setting out changes in deck cargo
from that shown in the loading conditions, when the permeability of the deck cargo is
significantly different from 25%
O for ships carrying timber deck cargoes, indications of the maximum permissible amount
of deck cargo
O states that criteria are laid down for ships carrying timber deck cargoes
O discusses the use of the weather criterion and how to assess whether a vessel complies
with this
O states the additional criteria recommended for passenger ships
O states that the information includes a curve or table giving, as a function of the draught,
the required initial GM which ensures compliance with the recommendations on intact

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