Mathematics9 Quarter1 Module4 Week4

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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division of Parañaque City
Self-Learning Modules
Mathematics 9 Quarter 1 Week 4



Learning Competency
The learner solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations. (M9AL-Ie-1)

Let’s Recall
Activity 1: FIND MY ROOTS!
Solve for the roots of each of the given equation below.
1 𝑥 3
1) 𝑥(𝑥 − 5) = 0 4) 𝑥 + 2 = 2
2) 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 24 = 0 5) (3𝑥 − 5)(2𝑥 + 1) = 0
3) 2𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 − 7 = 0

Activity 2: Make Me an Equation

Use a variable to represent an unknown quantity and then write an equation in a single
variable based on the given information. Use 𝑥 as the variable.
1) The sum of two numbers is 14. If the product of these numbers is 48, what are
the numbers?
2) The area of a rectangular garden is 56 m 2. If the length of this garden is one
meter longer than its width, what are the dimensions of the garden?
3) Michael works twice as fast as Mario. If it takes 6 hours for the two boys to finish
the job, how long will it take for Michael to do the job alone?
4) The area of a rectangular board is 6 square meters. If its length is one meter
longer than its width, how long is the cardboard?
5) The product of two consecutive even numbers is 224, find the smaller number.

Let’s Understand
The concept of quadratic equations is illustrated in many real-life situations.
Problems that arise from these situations, such as those involving area, work, profits
and many more, can be solved by applying the different mathematics concept and
principles previously studied including quadratic equations and the various ways of
solving them. Let us consider the different problems illustrated below.
Number Problems
1) The sum of two numbers is 31. If the product of these numbers is 240, what are the
Solution: Let 𝑥 be the first number


31 − 𝑥 be the second number (since their sum is 31)

𝑥(31 − 𝑥 ) = 240 The product of two numbers

31𝑥 − 𝑥 2 = 240 Using distributive property
−1(31𝑥 − 𝑥 2 − 240) = (0) − 1 Transposing 240 to the left side then
multiply −1 on both sides of the
𝑥 2 − 31𝑥 + 240 = 0 Express in standard form
(𝑥 − 15)(𝑥 − 16) = 0 Factor the left side of the equation
𝑥 − 15 = 0 or 𝑥 − 16 = 0 Zero Product Property
𝑥 = 15 or 𝑥 = 16
Check: Sum of the two numbers: 15 + 16 = 31
Product of two numbers: 15(16) = 240

2) The product of two consecutive positive odd numbers is 255. What are the
Solution: Let 𝑥 be the first odd number
𝑥 + 2 be the second odd number
(Since they are consecutive odd, the second number is two more
than the first number.)

𝑥(𝑥 + 2) = 255 The product of two numbers

𝑥 + 2𝑥 = 255 Using distributive property
𝑥 + 2𝑥 − 255 = 0 Express in standard form
(𝑥 + 17)(𝑥 − 15) = 0 Factoring the left side
𝑥 + 17 = 0 or 𝑥 − 15 = 0 Zero Product Property
𝑥 = −17 or 𝑥 = 15 Solve for the unknown
Since the numbers being asked is positive, the first acceptable number is 15
and the second is 17.

Geometric Problems
1) A rectangular table has an area of 27 ft2 and a perimeter of 24 ft. What are the
dimensions of the table?
Solution: Let the length = 𝑥
Since 𝑃 = 24 = 2𝐿 + 2𝑊 𝑃 = 2𝐿 + 2𝑊
24 = 2(𝐿 + 𝑊)
12 = 𝐿 + 𝑊
𝑊 = 12 − 𝐿 = 12 − 𝑥
𝐴 = 𝐿𝑊 Formula for the area

27 = 𝑥 (12 − 𝑥 )
27 = 12𝑥 − 𝑥 2 Using distributive property
𝑥 2 − 12𝑥 + 27 = 0 Expressing into standard form

(𝑥 − 3)(𝑥 − 9) = 0 Factoring the left side
𝑥 − 3 = 0 or 𝑥 − 9 = 0 Zero Product Property
𝑥=3& 𝑥=9
Therefore, the dimensions are 3 ft and 9 ft.

2) An amusement park wants to place a new rectangular billboard to inform visitors of

their new attractions. Suppose the length of the billboard to be placed is 4m longer
than its width and the area is 96 m2. What will be the length and the width of the
Solution: Let the width be equal to 𝑥
𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ = 𝑥 + 4
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ

96 = (𝑥 + 4)𝑥
96 = 𝑥 2 + 4𝑥
𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 96 = 0
(𝑥 + 12)(𝑥 − 8) = 0
𝑥 = −12 or 𝑥 = 8
Therefore, the width is 8 m and the length is 12 m.

Work or Rate Related Problems

1) A car travels 20 kph faster than a truck. The car covers 350 km in two hours less
than the time it takes the truck to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the
Vehicle Rate Distance Time
Car 350 𝑥−2
Truck 350 𝑥
𝑅𝑐𝑎𝑟 − 𝑅𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑘 = 20 The car is 20 kph faster than the
350 350
− = 20 Substituting the speed of the two
𝑥−2 𝑥
350 350
(𝑥−2 − = 20) (𝑥)(𝑥 − 2) Multiply both sides by the LCD to
remove denominators
350𝑥 − 350(𝑥 − 2) = 20𝑥(𝑥 − 2) Result of previous step
350𝑥 − 350𝑥 + 700 = 20𝑥 2 − 40𝑥 Using distributive property of
1 1 1
(700 = 20𝑥 2 − 40𝑥) 20 Simplify then multiply by 20
35 = 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 MPE


𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 35 = 0 Expressing in standard form

(𝑥 − 7)(𝑥 + 5) = 0 Factor the left side of the equation
𝑥 − 7 = 0 or 𝑥 + 5 = 0 Zero Product Property
𝑥 = 7 or 𝑥 = −5 Solving for the unknown
Answer: Since the time cannot be a negative one, the only acceptable answer
for time is 7 hours.
Therefore, the rate of the truck is = 50 𝑘𝑝ℎ

2) A motorboat whose speed is 18 kph in still water takes 1 hour more to go 24 kms
upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. What is the speed of the
Given: Let 𝑥 = speed of the stream
18 − 𝑥 = speed of the boat upstream
18 + 𝑥 = speed of the boat downstream

𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 24
Time taken by the boat to go upstream: = 18−𝑥
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 24
Time taken by the boat to go downstream: = 18+𝑥
24 24
− 18+𝑥 = 1 𝑇𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 − 𝑇𝑢𝑝𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 = 1
24 24
(18−𝑥 − 18+𝑥 = 1) (18 − 𝑥 )(18 + 𝑥 )Multiply both sides by
the LCD
24(18 + 𝑥 ) − 24(18 − 𝑥 ) = 324 − 𝑥 Getting rid of the
432 + 24𝑥 − 432 + 24𝑥 = 324 − 𝑥 Using distributive
48𝑥 = 324 − 𝑥 Collecting similar terms
𝑥 + 48𝑥 − 324 = 0 Expressing in standard
(𝑥 − 6)(𝑥 + 54) = 0 Factoring the left side of
the equation
𝑥 − 6 = 0 or 𝑥 + 54 = 0 Zero Product Property
𝑥 = 6 or 𝑥 = −54 Solving for 𝑥
Answer: A speed cannot be negative. The correct answer is 6 kph.

Let’s Apply
Answer each of the following
1) The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 2.5. What is the number?
2) The product of two consecutive positive odd numbers is 63. What is the sum
of these two numbers?
3) The sum of two numbers is 59. If the product of these two numbers is 814. Find
the numbers.

4) A rectangular garden has an area of 112 m 2. If its length is 6m more than its
width, what are the dimensions of the garden?
5) The perimeter of a rectangular table is 18 meters. If its area is 18 m 2, how long
is the table?
6) Suppose a gardener wants to fence three adjacent rectangular gardens of the
same area. If he has 120 meters of fencing materials, and the total area of the
three gardens is 450 m2, find the dimensions of each garden.
7) Jane and Marie can clean the house in 8 hours if they worked together. The
time that Jane takes in cleaning the house alone is 12 hours more than the time
Marie takes in cleaning the same house. How long does it take Jane to clean
the house alone?
8) Pump A can fill the pool in two hours less than the time pump B can. If the two
pipes were left open, the poof can be filled in 2 hours and 24 minutes. How long
will it take pump A can fill the pool alone?
9) An express train is 50 kph faster than the freight train. If it takes 2 hour less for
the express train to travel 600 km as compare to the freight train, how fast is
the express train?
10) If the two boys work together, they can be able to do the job in 4 hours. The
time that Jim takes in doing the job alone is 6 hours longer than the time that
Joe takes in doing the same job. How long will it take Joe to finish the job alone?

Let’s Analyze
Solve each problem below.
1) The product of two positive consecutive integers is 119 more than the next
integers. Find the largest of the three integers.
2) Rex finds a piece of property in the shape of a right triangle. He finds that the
longer leg is 10 m shorter than twice the length of the shorter leg and the
hypotenuse is 20 m longer than the longer leg. Find the lengths of the sides of
the triangular lot.
3) A ladder of length (𝑥 + 10) ft. is positioned x ft from the wall. If the ladder
reaches a height of (𝑥 + 8) ft along the wall, what is the value of 𝑥?
4) Due to the Christmas season, the two boys were forced to work for 24 hours in
order to produce 10 units of printing materials. If one of the boys works two
hours slower than the other one, how many units of printing materials did the
faster boy have done?
5) A car is 75 kph faster than a truck. If a car took two hours less to travel 900 kms
as the truck travel the same distance, how fast is the car?

Let’s Create
Solve each problem below. Show your complete solution and box your final answer. If
possible, make an illustration.
1) The average depth of our rectangular swimming pool is 2 meters. If the pool
holds 520 m3 of water, and the length of one side is 6 meters less than twice
the length of the other side, what are the dimensions of our swimming pool?
2) Rey just put matting around his father’s picture. If the matted picture is 19 by
26 inches, and his father’s picture is 408 in 2, how wide is the mat?

3) A tree perpendicular to the ground is hit by a lightning. The trunk of the tree
breaks, and the top of the tree touches the ground 30 ft from the base of the
tree. If the top part of the tree is twice as long as the bottom part, how tall was
the tree before it was hit by a lightning?
4) Gina is an expert in doing a certain job. Because of holiday season, she needs
to hire an apprentice to finish the job. Both of them working, they can do it in 8
days. If her apprentice can do the job alone, it will take 30 days more than the
time Gina can do it by herself. How long will it take for Gina to do the job alone?
5) Mike is competing in the bicycle race. He rode 64 kms before lunch and 54
kms after lunch. He rode for one hour more after lunch than before lunch, but
his speed after lunch was 2 kph slower. What were his speeds before and
after lunch?

Let’s Evaluate
Solve each problem below. Show your complete solution and box your final answer. If
possible, make an illustration.
1) A 39-hour river cruise goes 24 km upstream and then back again. The river has
a current of 2 km an hour. What is the speed of the boat in still water?
2) The sum of two negative numbers is −81. If their product is 1634, find the larger
3) The product of two positive consecutive integers is 5 more than three times the
bigger number. Find the numbers.
4) The difference between two positive numbers is 3 and the sum of their squares
is 117. Find the numbers.
5) A two-digit number is made of two consecutive digits such that the sum of their
squares is 4 less than the number. Find the two-digit number.

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