Advertising Influences Children

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Advertising Influences Children

It seems many people are still out on the question of whether TV advertising influences children.
After __(1)__ 20 international studies on children as consumers, Adrian Furnham, a professor of
psychology at University College, London, found there was no evidence to support calls for
stricter __(2)__ on the advertising of sweets, toys, and other good __(3)__children. The studies
__(4)__ indicated that children are far more sophisticated consumers than is imagined popularly
and that is no esoteric knowledge which advertisers can employ __(5)__ demands in
children__(6)__, they showed that authoritative parenting style –laying down rules and
expectation, but explaining __(7)__ and valuing the child’s point of view --nurture responsibility
in children. Professor Furnham concluded that it was not advertising that __(8)__ children, but
irresponsible parenting.

1. a. Calculating
b. Estimating
c. Predicting
d. Analyzing
e. Regarding

2. a. Instructions
b. Controls
c. Commands
d. Indicators
e. Information

3. a Aimed at
b. Aiming at
c. Are aimed at
d. Aims at
e. Which aims at

4. a. Analyzed
b. Were analyzed
c. Were analyzing
d. They were analyzed
e. It analyzed

5. a. Created
b. Creation
c. To create
d. Creator
e. Creative

6. a. However
b. Therefore
c. In conclusion
d. Meanwhile
e. Furthermore

7. a. Decisive
b. Decide
c. Decisions
d. Decidedly
e. Decisiveness

8. a. Harmed
b. Is harming
c. Had harmed
d. Was harming
e. Has been harming

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