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Experiment No 6 Refraction


The speed and wavelength of a light wave both change when it passes through the obstacle
between two mediums. Refraction, a phenomenon where there is a change in direction at the
boundary, could result from this. In this experiment, the direction of the light beam as it reflects
or refracts at a boundary is measured to find index of refraction of a clear object.

The following are aims of this experiment:

 To measure the angles of incidence and the refraction angle at a boundary between media
 To observe total internal reflection between media
 To calculate the critical angle of a boundary between medium


Light moves at certain speeds.

However, when the speed
changes, it causes the light to
the bending of light is called
refraction which is quite
apparent in everyday life.
through a prism, the twinkling
of stars, the sun dog effect, or
the illusion of multiple suns are
examples of this phenomenon.
Glass is a perfect everyday
example of light refraction. If a
slab of glass is placed over a
piece of paper, then the words
will look closer to the surface
because of the different angles
the light is bending. The
bending causes the light ray to
at some angle, this is how
Snell's law came into effect.
The law is used in ray tracing to
compute the angles of incidence
or refraction, and in
experimental optics to find the
refractive index. In this
experiment, we can determine
the bending of light rays owing
to the
change in refractive index and
hence verifying the law
Light moves at certain speeds.
However, when the speed
changes, it causes the light to
the bending of light is called
refraction which is quite
apparent in everyday life.
through a prism, the twinkling
of stars, the sun dog effect, or
the illusion of multiple suns are
examples of this phenomenon.
Glass is a perfect everyday
example of light refraction. If a
slab of glass is placed over a
piece of paper, then the words
will look closer to the surface
because of the different angles
the light is bending. The
bending causes the light ray to
at some angle, this is how
Snell's law came into effect.
The law is used in ray tracing to
compute the angles of incidence
or refraction, and in
experimental optics to find the
refractive index. In this
experiment, we can determine
the bending of light rays owing
to the
change in refractive index and
hence verify the law
There are specific speeds for light. On the other hand, light bends when its speed varies; this
phenomenon, known as refraction, is easily observed in daily life. Examples of this phenomena
include dispersion through a prism, stargazing, the sun dog effect, and the appearance of
numerous suns. An excellent example of light refraction in everyday life is glass. The text will
appear closer to the surface if a slab of glass is placed over a piece of paper due to the varying
angles at which the light is bent. Because of the bending, the light ray refracts at an angle, which
is how Snell's law describes [1].
The law is used in experimental optics to determine the refractive index and in ray tracing to
calculate the angles of incidence or refraction. By measuring the bending of light beams due to a
change in refractive index, we can validate the law in this experiment.

Figure 1 Law of Refraction

This property of transparent materials, known as the index of refraction, has been independently
found multiple times. However, it is credited—and bears a legal association—to Willebrord
Snellius. Snell's law expresses mathematically the link between a light beam's angle of incidence
at the intersection of a new transparent material and its angle of refraction upon entering that

According to Snell's law

n1∙ sin θ1 = n2∙ sin θ

where first medium index of refraction is denoted by n1, whereas the second medium index of
refraction is represented by n2. 2, where θ1 is the angle of light beam makes concerning the
medium 1 normal and θ2 is the angle it makes concerning the medium 2 normals.
As demonstrated in equation 6.2, where c = 3.00×108m/s (the recognized the speed of light , a
vi = c/vi
The ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c) to the speed of light in that medium (ni) is the index
of refraction of any given medium. . The refractive index of air is around 1.00.

Refraction through Prism

A transparent optical device with two flat surfaces spaced at an angle is called a prism. When
light passes through the prism, its speed changes and causes the light to bend. The normal,
refractive indices, and angle of incidence all affect how the light bends. The angles of incidence,
emergence, prism, and deviation are the four various kinds of angles that are used in this
experiment. The experiment to follow a light beam through a glass prism is shown here.
Figure 2 Refrection through Prism

µ is the refractive index.
A is the angle of the prism.
δm is the minimum deviation

Calculations and Analysis

1. As in steps 2 and 3, measure the incidence angle and refraction angle at both prism
surfaces. 3. Determine the index of refraction.

Table 1 Calculation and Measurements

Measurement Values in degree

Angle of Incidence (first surface) 45

Refraction Angle (1st surface) 18

Incidence angle (2nd surface) 60

Angle of Refraction (second surface) 14

Critical Angle 43

The angle of minimum deviation 60

(narrow end)
Angle of Prism (wide end) 60

The angle of minimum deviation 30

(wide end)
Angle of Prism (narrow end) 30

The values of the refractive index from the given formula

µ is the refractive index.
A is the angle of the prism.
δm is the minimum deviation

u= sin( (A+d)/2))/sin (A/2)

2. Calculate the critical angle using the procedure step 4 tracing.

From the geometry angle of refraction
fro, snells law
1 x sin I =u sin r
Sin i= u sin45 = u/ √2
But sin θc= 1/u
u= √2
From equation
I = 30

3. Using the method in step 5, determine the prism angle and the angle of minimum
deviation. Compute the index of refraction as well.
For the First Surface with a Wide End of the prism

Incidence angle i=45

The prism angle, A=60

The angle of minimum deviation δ =2i-A=90-60=30

For Narrow End

The angle of incidence i=45

The angle of the prism, A=30

The angle of minimum deviation δ =2i-A=90-30=60

For the second Surface with a wide-end of prism

The angle of incidence i=60

The angle of prism, A=60

The angle of minimum deviation δ =2i-A=120-60=60

For Narrow End

Incidence angle i=60

Prism angle , A=30

The angle of minimum deviation δ =2i-A=120-30=90

The value of the index of refraction is calculated as

1. u= sin( (A+d)/2))/sin (A/2)



2. u= sin( (A+d)/2))/sin (A/2)



1. Find the average mean value for the index of refraction.

The mean of the index of refraction calculated above is
( √2+ √2/2)/2= 1.06
2. Calculate the velocity of light in the prism.
The velocity of light in the prism is calculated as
V=3x 10^8/1.06

This experiment led us to the conclusion that When two media interfaces at the point of
incidence, all three of the incidents—refracted and normal—lie on the same plane. The Incidence
angle divided by the refraction angle sine function may always be found. Light traveling from a
rarer medium to a dense medium bends toward the normal. Thus speed of light also decreases as
compared to air when it enters into a denser medium and in our experiment, the speed of light in
the prism is 2.8x108 .


1. Born and Wolf (1959). Principles of Optics. New York, NY: Pergamon Press INC. p. 37.

2. A. I. Sabra (1981), Theories of Light from Descartes to Newton, Cambridge University Press.

(cf. Pavlos Mihas, Use of History in Developing ideas of refraction, lenses and rainbow, p. 5,

Demokritus University, Thrace, Greece.)

3. Yu, Nanfang; Genevet, Patrice; Kats, Mikhail A.; Aieta, Francesco; Tetienne, Jean-Philippe;

Capasso, Federico; Gaburro, Zeno (October 2011). "Light Propagation with Phase

Discontinuities: Generalized Laws of Reflection and Refraction". Science. 334 (6054): 333–7.

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